MAY 2014 - Elks Lodge 616


MAY 2014 - Elks Lodge 616
May 2014
Vol. 70 No. 2
The first race day of the Hui Waa 2014 schedule was held on March 29,
2014. Windward Kai was the host for this first pre-season distance race of
the year, held at Ke’ehi Lagoon.
Kumulokahi Elks put together a rag-tag mixed crew together that included Jason Ignacio (steering), Mira Neal, Casey Brown, Connie Sizmore,
Nalani Leonard, and Chris Whitesides. Our paddlers raced hard, and
smart… and ended up not only winning their Open Mixed division, but they
were the first to cross the finish line overall with the time of 1:04:42.71.
Since Elks 616 is the only Lodge in “Elkdom” that has an official canoe
committee built into its by-laws, this news is huge. And since before 1995,
Elks was strictly a fraternal brotherhood . . . this may be the first time in
National Elks history that women have ever paddled
and won a canoe race!!!!
We are still doing our research on the history of
female paddlers. Please contact Mark Moore if you
have any information on the subject.
Mahalo NUI LOA to the Esteemed Board of
Directors, the Exalted Rulers, the Trustees, and the
Lodge members for all of your support! We are
looking forward to many great things as we all paddle
together as Elks into the future with unity & success.
Alika Winter
Committee Chairman
The Canoe Committee
EXALTED RULER ........Augie Rey Fernandez
LEADING KNIGHT ................Hiram Keliipio
LOYAL KNIGHT ..................Andrew Watson
LECTURING KNIGHT........George del Barrio
SECRETARY ..................Keith Williams, PER
TREASURER ....................Jayson Kalani Lum
TILER ............................Glenn U. Beppu, PER
ESQUIRE ..............................................Vacant
CHAPLAIN ........................Delorese Gregoire
INNER GUARD ................Richard Skizewski
ORGANIST ..................................Jackie Burke
1 YEAR TRUSTEE ....................George West
2 YEAR TRUSTEE ..............Deb Knight, PER
3 YEAR TRUSTEE ......................Judy Rubano
4 YEAR TRUSTEE....................John F. Nadler
5 YEAR TRUSTEE ........................Byron Apo
Adrienne King
MEDIATOR ..............................Bradley Coates
Hiram Keliipio
Patrick Keliinui, PER
LODGE HISTORIAN ..............Anita Manning
David C. “Chuck” Minnich, PER
Pearl City #2669
Thomas M. Bentkowski, PER
Pearl City Lodge #2669
Wayne Howard, PSP, Honolulu #616
Vern Ungerecht, PDDGER, Kona #2616
Front Desk ..........................................923-5722
Club Mgr, Club Info. & Reservations. 923-5722
Secretary ............................................923-5525
Membership Information .................. 923-5525
Fax ......................................................923-1726
[email protected]
Contact Lodge Secretary - for info re Elks
Speech Therapy Program - for info re Aloha
Elk ads.
Keith Williams....................................923-5525
Copy Deadline: 10th of month
All submissions are subject to an editing process which may include omissions or revisions.
Mark Moore, Editor
E-mail: [email protected]
The Aloha Elk is published monthly by
A Fraternal/Charitable/Patriotic Organization
Chartered April 15, 1901
2933 Kalakaua Avenue Hono., HI 96815-4643
Aloha! Here we
are, just barely
two weeks into
the new Elk year,
and already I
have exciting
news to sharewith
you. By the time
you read this, it
will be May. Besides getting my feet wet
running my first lodge meeting, (I’ll
admit I was a bit nervous.) our lodge is
off to an incredible start.
Our Kumulokahi paddling team WON
their inaugural Mix-Team, 9-mile race.
Yes, FIRST PLACE! How exciting is
that? If you ever thought you’d like to
paddle, contact Alika Winter and Sheri
de Barrio and sign up now. It is going to
be an exciting paddling season and we
as a lodge are proud to provide this
wonderful benefit to our members. One
of our goals this year is be mindful of
doing all we can for our members and
for 2014-2015
Americanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Russell Motter
Auditing/Accounting . . . . . . .Tom Cabrinha, CPA
By-laws . . . . .Deb Knight, PER / Bud Lush, PER
Drug Awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . .Andrew Watson
Elks National Foundation . . . . . .Andrew Watson
Flag Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Russell Motter
Government Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vacant
Hoop Shoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bob Stenson
House Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John Carroll
Indoctrination . . . . . . . . . . . .Keith Williams, PER
Teru Yasuda, PER
Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Walter Nishioka
Kumulokahi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alika Winter
Lodge Activities . . . . . . . . . . . .George del Barrio
Lodge Newsletter . . . . . . . . . .Mark Moore, PER
Major Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hiram Keliipio
Membership/Lapsation . . . . . .Teru Yasuda, PER
Bud Lush, PER
Elks Memorial Day . . . . . . . . .Delorese Gregoire
Mother’s Day . . . . . . . . . . . . .Delorese Gregoire
National Veterans Service . . . .Mary K. Whitworth
Public Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tracy Larrua
Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Carl Schwarm
Scouting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ron Lockwood
Sickness and Distress . . . . .Keith Williams, PER
Social & Community Welfare . . . .Piilani Kealakai
Standing Relief . . . . . . . . . .Keith Williams, PER
Visiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Deb Knight, PER
Youth Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Charlie Stack
Youth Paddling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Guy Hicks
instill “Pride in Membership.” Exciting
events ahead for Kumulokahi.
I hope you were able to attend the ER
Easter Event. The Easter Bunny gave
away treats to all the keiki. I am writing
this before the event, so I can’t report on
it, but the plans were awesome thanks to
our Event Planning Committee headed
by my right hand girl, my wife Bobbe
Next month is Bingo. Again a fun
event you must attend. Can’t say much
about it, as it’s “Mystery Bingo.”
And Mother’s Day is May 11, and I
am sure our Lodge Chaplain Delorese
Gregoire and Chef Robert are planning a
beautiful, delectable brunch as always.
Be sure to bring the Mothers in your life
to this celebrated event.
I want to congratulate Esteemed Loyal
Knight Andy Watson for receiving a
Gratitude Grant from ENF for $2000 to
enable us to provide assistance to
women and children who are victims of
Domestic Violence. Our program is
called “Purple Pillows”. With this grant
we will be providing pillows, linen and
other bedding supplies to the DV
shelters on the Island of Oahu. Again,
another reason to be proud of being an
Elk. We are a Benevolent, Charitable &
Patriotic Organization. Makes me proud
of who we are in the community. Talk to
your friends and neighbors about the
good works that we do. The Charitable
endeavors that drive our compassions
for our fellow man. One of the key
attractions that we offer our members,
both new and old, is the opportunity to
serve their communities. Volunteerism is
the key to helping others and should be
one of our primary goals. Opportunities
to serve the community are a primary
reason why most Elks join our ranks.
We, as individuals, may not have a large
amount of money to help those in need,
but the donation of our time, skills and
talent will be more effective, both for the
volunteer and the recipient. “The true
benefactor counts his store in what is
given, not in what is saved.” This gift of
one’s time can be more beneficial than
the gift of money, which is easily
squandered. We have wonderful
committee chairs to lead us in these
This year we will continue the
programs that have stood the test of
time. Community service is our #1
priority. We must continue to elevate our
image in our communities with visible
Elks participation in our beneficial
community programs. Our new PR
Chairperson Tracy Larrua is here to help
us do just that. We must lead the way to
help our Veterans both in and out of
hospitals and in doing so we will satisfy
our pledge to “never forget them.” We
have been serving our Veterans in need
at the VA hospital with a monthly Bingo
event thanks to 616 member Joanie
Fujishiro. And the past two years our
Mahalo Veterans Luncheon for our 616
Our youth must be shown the way to
solid values, leadership and good
citizenry. We will do this with our youth
programs such as Hoop Shoot and
Scholarships to higher education.
Committee chairs Bob Stenson for Hoop
Shoot and Carl Schwarm for
Scholarships are on the job now. Contact
them for more information.
And we will continue to educate our
youth as to the dangers of illicit drugs
and alcohol. Drug awareness chair is
Esteemed Lecturing Knight George del
Let’s all pitch in to help educate our
members and the general public of these
important programs. The programs are
“who we are.”
“Elks together…
Serving with a heart of Aloha”
Augie Rey
The Lodge members will ballot on
LifeMembership at the regular Lodge
meeting on May 13, 2014, for the
following member:
Aloha From Your Board of Directors!
At the first meeting of your new Board
of Directors on April 1, 2014,
reorganization occurred in
acknowledgment of the mandate
delivered by the Lodge at the election of
officers that was held in February. By
consensus, the Board assigned these
Directors to serve in the leadership
positions of the Board’s Workgroups:
* John Nadler for Facilities
Maintenance and as liaison for the
Master Plan
* George West for Safety, Accident
Prevention and Special Projects
* Byron Apo for Budget
* Judy Rubano for Investments and
* Andy Watson for Human Resources
* George Del Barrio for
Communications and Technology
* Deb Knight for Member Services
In the following months, each Director
will share with you here in the Aloha Elk
the plans they have for our Lodge in
their areas of responsibility. First up will
be George Del Barrio to identify and
explain the methods and modes through
which your Board will be updating and
improving the technologies that we will
be utilizing to communicate with you.
George’s excitement and passion in this
area has energized the Board and we are
certain that he will do the same to you.
Although each Director will be
discussing different topics and concerns,
you will find a common thread among
their messages: your Board will be
boldly moving forward to build a great
Lodge and an exciting Club for all of our
members. We like to use the analogy of
being in a canoe when we speak of our
journey ahead. Your Directors are
pointing us in the right direction; there is
room aboard for all of our 3,000
members. The wind is at our back, the
seas ahead are beckoning. Come and
join us - we are in for a great ride!
Hiram K. Keliipio
Chairman, Board of Directors
Mother’s Day Buffet 2014
Adults $35.00++
Children $17.50++
Seatings at 10:00am and 2:00pm
*** Cold Station ***
Caesar Salad
Tofu Poke
Broccoli Salad
Potato Macaroni Salad
*** Hot Sides ***
Steamed Rice
Steamed Vegetables
Herb Roasted Potatoes
Bread Rolls with Whipped Butter
*** Entrees ***
Whole Steamed Kona Kampachi
Roasted Chicken Breast
***Action Station***
Omelette Station (10 AM)
Ham, bacon, mushrooms, onions,
spinach, bell peppers
Cheddar, Swiss cheese
*** Pasta Station (2 PM) ***
Penne with Clams and
choice of sauce
Chef Jomar’s Red sauce or
Alfredo sauce
Carved Roast Beef
Au Jus and Creamy Horseradish sauce
*** Desserts ***
Guava Chiffon
Dobash with Haupia
Chef Selected Desserts
Coffee, Tea, De-Caf, or Iced Tea
Lodge ESQUIRE Officer Position VACANT
Have you ever wanted to be an officer of the Lodge?
A great place to start is as the “Lodge Esquire”.
A position of great importance and stature.
Contact: Augie Rey Fernandez, ER @ 226-3400
Or leave a message with the Front Desk: 923-5722
Honolulu Lodge was awarded a
$2,000.00 ENF Gratitude Grant for the
Elk Year 2013-2014 to be used towards
supporting a new charitable program in
the community. This grant is only
awarded to Lodges which meet or
exceed the Elks National Foundation
Grand Exalted Ruler’s per capita
donation goal of $4.60 per member. The
Honolulu Lodge’s contribution will
exceed this years GER’s goal with a per
capita contribution of $10.40 per
everyone for your continued donations
to the ENF Program.
The $2,000.00 will be used to fund a
new program called the “Purple Pillow
Program” which will help purchase and
donate much needed household goods
and supplies to include pillows and linen
for women and children in Domestic
Violence Shelters. We would reach
approximately 500 – 1000 victims of
domestic violence who transition
through the shelters while awaiting a
safe and livable environment. Pillows
are a valued item as many of them
cannot be re-cycled after use by the
victims. It is our mission to provide the
shelters with assistance of goods and
monetary donations.
Our Lodge realizes that domestic
violence is a main stream problem which
affects over 3,000 victims in our local
community. The Honolulu Lodge stands
ready to help those women and children
of domestic violence. As this year’s
Honolulu Lodge ENF Chairperson, I
ask for your continued support and
contributions to the Elks National
Foundation - ELKS CARE, ELKS
Gratias tibi,
Andrew K. Watson
Loyal Knight Lodge #616
2013-2014 Elks National Foundation
Application for Membership
Investigation: May 7, 2014 – Balloting: May 13, 2014
Indoctrination: May 22, 2014 – Initiation: May 27, 2014
Anthony Auyeung
Honolulu, HI 96817
Arnel Dimagiba
Honolulu, HI 96826
Robert E. Fallow
Roger B. Flatt
Debra M. Gray
John A. Kiladis
Kellie Kong
Kailua, HI 96734
Honolulu, HI 96815
Petaluma CA #901
Honolulu, HI 96815
Honolulu, HI 96815
Honolulu, HI 96826
Adam V. La Cagnina
Honolulu, HI 96815
Richard K.F. Li
Honolulu, HI 96816
Pearl City #2669
Stephen D. Openshaw, PhD Honolulu, HI 96825
Neolani Ann Paet
Honolulu, HI 96821
Jonathan H. Parker
Honolulu, HI 96815
Calvin Yim
Honolulu, HI 96816
Hawaiian Airline
Realtor/Certified Appraiser
Tempest Inc
Retired Educator
Gordon Ah Nee
Community Volunteer
Distance Educator
University of Hawaii
Key Acct Manager
Southern Wine & Spirits
Johnson Bro. of Hawaii
Clinical Psychologist
Stephen Openshaw, PhD
Realtor & Fitness Inst.
Hawaii Noa Properties
Parker & Maloney, P.A.
Insurance Agent
Business Ins. Services
Stephen Langham
Michelle J. Manna
Rodney C.Y. Chun
Mark Harris
Donald Spada
Thomas Rivas
Joshua R. Carpenter
Chad Miller
Saralyn Ready
Doug Ellis, Jr
Curt Houston
A. Richard Prinzivalli
Isabelle Wolfe, 8th Grade student at Star of the Sea, was awarded a $250 check by
the Honolulu Elks Lodge 616 for her Americanism essay “What Veterans Day Means
to Me” at the Elks Lodge Membership meeting on 25 March.
Isabelle is shown here in the photo with the Lodge Americanism Chairman
Russell Motter and Exalted Ruler Bud Lush after receiving the award.
The clock of their days has
stopped. Upon its dial the motionless
shadows mark eleven, with us the
golden hour of recollection.
Marie A. Ayres (82)
14 Year Member
Born: March 3, 1932
Initiated: November 20, 2000
Died: March 22, 2014
Michael A.S. Chun (84)
37 Year Life Member
Born: November 6, 1929
Initiated: December 18, 1978
Died: June 6, 2013
Russell A. Fraser (86)
10 Year Member
Born: May 31, 1927
Initiated: May 23, 2005
Died: March 11, 2014
George D. Quillin (86)
20 Year Member
Born: March 20, 1927
Initiated: May 22, 1995
Died: March 11, 2014
Frank B. Shott (82)
14 Year Member
Born: January 9, 1932
Initiated: September 28, 1998
Died: July 7, 2013
Ronald H. Yasui (78)
37 Year Life Member
Born: April 5. 1935
Initiated: May 17, 1976
Died: March 15, 2014
To qualify for the jackpot, you must
be present at the Lodge Meeting and
have purchased a drawing ticket for
that night.
The following names were drawn:
March 11, 2014
Raymond Leonard
Fritz Johnson
Guy Fujio
March 25, 2014
Bernard Robinson
David T. Uyeunten
Daisy Y. Osora
Note: Items scheduled in the calendar may change after publication. To check on any Lodge or Club item, please call 923-5722.
MAY 2014
Club Open
7:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Breakfast on the Lanai
7:30 - 11 a.m.
Lounge/Bar Open
11 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Lounge Menu
11 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Dining Room open for
Lunch and Dinner
Dinner Service
5 - 8:00 p.m.
Qi Goong Chinese Exer
9:30 a.m.
Club Open
11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Bridge Club
9-11 a.m.
12:30-3:30 p.m.
Club Open
10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Bridge Club
12:30-3:30 p.m.
Club Open
10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Club Open
10 a.m. - 11 p.m.
7:15 - 8:30 a.m.
Lounge Menu
11a.m. - 9 p.m.
Breakfast on the Lanai
7:30 - 11 a.m.
Morning Exercise Group
8 - 9 a.m
Club Open
10 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Lounge Menu
11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Club Open
11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Joe Dowson Art Club
12 Noon - 2 p.m.
Lounge Menu
11 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Lounge Menu
11 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Lounge Menu
11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sunday, 11 May, Mother’s Day and
Special Mother’s Day Brunch in the Club
Lounge Music
Brian Chang
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Golf- Royal Hawaiian
9:10 a.m.
House Committee Mtg.
6 p.m.
Lounge Music
Tito Berinobis
6 - 10 p.m.
Lounge Music
6 - 10 p.m.
Lounge Music
Kevin Mau
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
Lodge Membership Mtg.
7 p.m.
Mother’s Day Brunch
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Lounge Music
Local Uprising
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Boy Scout Troop
9:00 a.m. - 12 noon
Board of Directors Mtg.
6 p.m.
Elks Hawaiian Singers
10 a.m. - 12 noon
Lounge Music
Brian Chang
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Committee Chairs
5 - 6 p.m.
Lounge Music
Bob Nelson
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Golf- Hawaii Prince
6:52 a.m.
Lounge Music
Taste of Harmony
6 - 10 p.m.
Lounge Music
Kevin Mau
6 - 10 p.m.
Cub Scouts
4-6 p.m.
Lounge Music
Kevin Mau
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Lounge Music
Bob Nelson
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Camacho & Aikane
Hawaiian Music
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Elks Hawaiian Singers
10 a.m. - 12 noon
Camacho & Aikane
Hawaiian Music
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Elks Hawaiian Singers
10 a.m. - 12 noon
Lounge Music
Bob Nelson
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Board of Directors Mtg.
6 p.m
Lounge Music
Kevin Mau
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Boy Scout Troop
9:30 a.m. - 12 noon
Lounge Menu
11:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Dinner Service
5 - 9 p.m.
Dinner Service
5 - 8:00 p.m.
CHEA 2014 Annual Elks Convention:
5/14-5/17 Palm Springs, California
Dinner Service
5 - 9 p.m.
Dinner Service
5 - 8:00 p.m.
Camacho & Aikane
Hawaiian Music
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Golf- New Ewa
7:00 a.m.
Lounge Music
Tito Berinobis
6 - 10 p.m.
Lounge Music
6 - 10 p.m.
PER Meeting
5 - 6:30 p.m.
Scout Committee Mtg.
7 p.m.
Lounge Music
Kevin Mau
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Camacho & Aikane
Hawaiian Music
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Golf-Coral Creek
7:00 a.m.
Lounge Music
6 - 10 p.m.
Lounge Music
Kevin Mau
6 - 10 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
Boy Scout Troop
9:00 a.m. - 12 noon
Officers Call
6 p.m.
Elks Hawaiian Singers
10 a.m. - 12 noon
Lodge Membership Mtg.
7 p.m.
Lounge Music
Bob Nelson
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Lounge Music
Local Uprising
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Lounge Music
Kevin Mau
5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Camacho & Aikane
Hawaiian Music
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Golf- Hoakalei
10 a.m.
Lounge Music
Tito Berinobis
6 - 10 p.m.
Lounge Music
To Be Advised
6 - 10 p.m.
VFW Post 616
10 - 11 a.m.
May 1
Michael A.N. Bickson
Donald A. Caindec
Mary E. Ciacci
William C. Dixon
Troy A. Freitas
Clifford H. Hedrick
Christina M. Hom
Harrison Spiegelberg
May 2
Ernest K. Akana, Jr.
Roland K. Naauao
Carl R. Schwarm
Burnett “Ben” Yee
May 3
Burrelle H. Alamillo
Charles Amell
Robert K. Burns
James Bruce Chapman
Jay A. Hubbell
Carlson E. Kauahi
Michael J. Lewis
Marilyn F. Luipold
Derek J. Sakamaki
Neal N. Tamura
Hokulani Weeks
Malcolm K.O. Yee
Charla Yoshino
Joe F. Konno
Charles Kramer
Craig Y. Matsumura
Teri Orton
Gordon Piianaia
Phillip J. Schmidt
Dorothy D. Sellers
Timothy R. Westfall
Roy S. Yonemitsu
May 8
Jason E. Coleman
Diane M. Conner
Chester A. Dods, Jr.
David J. Dung
Andrew J. Gerakas
Robson K. Hind
Mary Ann Kawakami
Patrick Lavigne
George A. Leigh
Shanelle M. Nakanishi
Denny Ono
Nicole B. Queyrel
May 9
Wayne Bennett
Leinani Keppler Bortles
Frederick B. Giles
Tetsuo Ihara
Linda Jaques
Walter T. Lorraine, Jr.
Naomi Sakamoto
May 4
Clyde Abe
Patrick Caldwell
May 10
Mac Cox
Jay C. Bloom
Gerald Gifford, II
Arthur J. Clarke
Tom Guinan
Cynthia L. Duarte
Carol A. Holt
Christopher J. Farmer
Monika Karlssen-Yarbrough
David Fisher
Brian J. Pactol
Melvin Y.K. Go
Bruce C. Shewalter
Stephanie D. Hoe
Lara Woltag
Mark K. Pacarro
Jonathan Rigney
May 5
Donald M. Seto
Cinco de Mayo
Roger J. Sing
Francine Chang
Eric Van Der Voort
Charles L. Gaty
Katherine J. Wada
Lynn Derek Madanay
Debra Anne Vanover
May 11
Timothy J. Waite
Mother’s Day
Brian W.K. Au Yuen
May 6
Linda A.V. Beechinor
Ivan B. Chan Wa
Harry Huber
Carleton K.L. Ching
Robinson K. Kepaa, Jr.
Norbert K. Enos
Frank M. Martinez
Marie Ann M. Kelly
Michael D. Thomson
Charles J. King
Micah K.A. Wong
Michael T. Moore
Bertram Yasui
Gerard K. Simoes
James Skellington
May 12
Lauren Araki
May 7
Norman L. Kauwe
Jacqueline Brown-Hitomi
Alan N. Masuda
Staci Karasaki
John Pregil
Philip I. Tokunaga
May 13
Robert Kimo Bajet
Jackie Lynne Burke
James T. Ferla
Joseph A. Flores
Peter H. Gaskell
Melvin Roy Hardy
Mary P. Jones
John R. Neff
Pamela Soto
Mahealani G. Thomas
May 14
Catherine Chan-Halbrendt
Robert J.K. Cockett
John W. Crabbe
Brooke Pruder
Issei Watanabe
May 15
Albert O. Holm
Anthony R. Sellitto
Ralph M. Tanaka
Jennifer Sarah Vincent
Keoni Wilcox
May 16
Daniel M. Akiu
Robustiano Alvarez
Donald L. Brooks
James J. Cullen
Lowell W. Cummins
Burl Hudson
John O’Farrell
Troy A. Pennington
M ay 17
Keiki Pua Dancil
Frank Deponte
Pamela Ann Fong
Edward Dion Kaimihana
Yvette C. La Fontaine
Michael W.O. Lum
Brett R. Mau
James “Kimo” Naylon, Jr.
Randall Young
May 18
Nicole K. Cummings
Beverly A. Dwight
Karl Godsey
Michael T. Gorelangton
Sumner Howard
Sidney Wheeler Kaanapu
Kalani Lucas Kekuna
Baldwin “Blue” Makua, Jr.
Kelly A. Mitchell
Gary M. Omori
Arthur Ridolfo
Ernest Bill W. Scheerer
May 19
Emily A. Arneson
Robert R.A. Delorme
Larry Y. Ikei
Paul L.K. Jones
Dorothy “Sue” Mercado
Cindy Olaso
William N. Stutzmann
May 20
Lloyd A. Barclay
Scott L. Hall
Gwenette A. Higa
Millie Sae Morikawa
John F. Richardson, Jr
Dennis R. Sayegusa
Sunshine P.W. Topping
May 21
John P. Emery
Wendell K.S. Foo
Ted L. Haugum
Tanya N.C. Higa
Jason K. Ignacio
Robert W. Stewart
Mitchell K. Stibbard
Daniel Suzuki
May 22
Gary L. Catlin
Russell Hirsch
Wanda S. Lum
Michelle J. Manna
Elizabeth Merrill
Kevin B. Muir
Sherri Lynn Statler
Shelley Weatherwax
May 23
Kaaihaole K. Cobb-Adams
Brice Conquest
Frederick A. Curtice
Joel K. Determan
Debbie Drennen
Damien M.W. Lee
Kahai Logan
Doris Tanguay
Dennis C. Wong
Ryan M. Yamamoto
May 24
William Budd
Donald T. Eovino
Darryl J. Jung
Melvin C. Murakami
James E. Oliveira
Nicole “Nikki” Robinson
Christine K. Saunter
Mark Dillen Stitham
Carie Ann Sugimoto
May 25
Judith Ann Bowman
Joannie S. Carreiro
Ernest Juliusburger
Kent K. Kam
Glenn M. Kaneda
Gordon Lum-Kee
Craig H. Robinson
May 26
Memorial Day
Jerry Ivan Gold
John Eddie Horner
Kina M.L. Jones
Peter Klein
Patrick Langeslay
Clayton Masuda
Douglas Morton
Russell J. Pinho
Brian Stone
May 27
Roger I. Cabral
Calvin J.H. Chun
Phil Fineman
Eugene Kawaguchi
Robin F. Lee
Charles Douglas Lupton
Alan Poepoe
Richard A. Rodrigues
Jeffery Stockton
Bernadette Takahashi
Herbert D.K. Titcomb
May 28
Thomas R. Carmichael
Kurt P. Fey
Joe Pickett II
John Schiman
Douglas Jack K. Uemoto
May 29
Richard J. Anderson
Chris Brenna
Roger Christian Ede
Elizabeth A. Fitzgerald
Suzie Gates-Heidrich
Ralph P. Hanalei
Marissa Maaske
Paul R. Remington
Adam F. Suapaia, Jr.
Russell Tongg
Arnold M. Uyeki
Carl D. Wild
May 30
Russell D. Dung
Mark K. Iwasaki
Stan Jacobs
Wallace T. Kaku
Jamy Nakama-Kaneshiro
Todd J. Nicely
Glenn T. Oide
May 31
Thomas Brock
Mary Louise Hata Foley
Russell A. Fraser
M. Kathleen Gaynor
Kelly Goheen
Mark P. Harner
Kaia Anne Hedlund
Michael P. Irish
Dan Kelly
Mark H. Moore, Jr.
Craig N. Yamamoto
Honolulu Lodge No. 616
Benevolent and Protective
Order of Elks
2933 Kalakaua Avenue
Honolulu, Hawaii 96815
U.S. Postage
Honolulu, Hawaii
Permit No. 256
Return Service Requested
Are you and your Ohana Blessed with a Mom or Tutu that you can celebrate Mother’s Day with on May
11? Treat them at the Elks Club for a most excellent BRUNCH prepared by Chef Robert. The food is yummy
and plentiful, the view magnificent and your Lodge officers and I will be gifting your Moms with a rose
and an Elks Mother’s Day tribute. Our Exalted Ruler, Augie Rey, will MC and serenade our precious
Of course, there are many wonderful restaurants to bring your Mom and when you choose your Elks Club
you support all your Elks Ohana and you get to share your Mom and family with people who live the motto:
Elks Care Elks Share.
Surprise chance to go home with a butterfly centerpiece!
Ahui hou. malama pono!
Delorese Gregoire
Elks 616 Chaplain
Aloha Members,
We will be having three special events
this month. Chef Robert will have a
Mexican Special in addition to our
nachos and quesadillas on Monday, May
5. Pair your order with a Corona or
margarita and get in the “Cinco de
Mayo” spirit.
Join us on Sunday, May 11, for our
Mother’s Day buffet. Seatings will be at
10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. We will feature
an omelette bar at the 10:00 a.m. seating
and a pasta station at the 2:00 p.m.
seating. Please call and make your
reservation early.
Memorial Day will be on May 26 and
we will be offering our BBQ plate
specials from 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Come in and enjoy your day at your
We have not had any luck recovering
the banquet reservation book that went
missing. Please call the food and
beverage office if you had a tentative
booking with us through December
2014. All bookings have been lost. We
do not have any record of these bookings
or reservations. Please call and secure
your reservation with the food and
beverage office.
George Moniz
To become a Century Club member,
make a donation of $100 (must be a separate check) or more to the Major
Project. You will receive a certificate of
your membership and a gold “Piggy”
lapel pin from the State President and be
acknowledged in the California-Hawaii
Elks Newsletter. All donated funds goes
to benefit our children with disabilities.
The latest members to join the State
President’s Century Club are:
Wed. Hawaiian Singers
Malcolm L. Barcarse
Ardean A. Bates
S. Kalani Brady
Margaret A. Bukatz
Barbara A. DeWitt
Evelyn Evoniuk
Richard Goodman
Kimie K. Hirabayashi
Mary Ann Kawakami
Patrick K. Keliinui
Euclid D.Y. Lee
Stanley J. Osserman, Jr
Carol Lee Owens
Paul M. Sasaki
Neill A.K. Schoening
Debra Shimabuku
John H. Southworth
Claude S. Thompson
Jason S. Tokunaga
Carl W. Vaicek, Jr
Francis A. Young
(Donations of $52.00 to $99.00)
John D. Baranski
Maile S. Goo
Kenneth J. Kaku
Norman L. Kauwe
David T. Motooka
Herbert S. Nishii
Robert A. Schultz
We are... Ear-Responsible!
Elk’s SPECIAL Member Discounts
Hearing Aids / Repairs
593-2137 D. Kona Smith - 616 Member 41 years
March 1 – 31, 2014
Wednesday Hawaiian Singers
3/19/14 (sent to CHEMPI) $100.00
Cassandra Pinnick-Saturday Yoga
Lodge Meeting
Anonymous-for J. Mills & J. Gomez
Joe Dowson Art Club
AA Happy Hour Group
3/5/14 (Jan & Feb)
Hon. Bridge Club-Karen Lanke
Piggy Banks
Terence M. Every
Brunhilde Manley
Jared G. Nakamoto
A. Richard Prinzivalli
The Elks National Foundation is the
charitable arm of the Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks. Our mission is
to help Elks build stronger communities.
The Foundation is supported through
contributions from Elks, their families
and friends, which are all deposited into
a permanent endowment fund. We only
spend the income earned by this fund.
For further information regarding the
ENF, please contact the Secretary’s
Office: 923-5525
Donations Sent to ENF (Chicago, IL)
Timothy W. Brillande
Malcolm L. Barcarse
Kimie K. Hirabayashi
Euclid D.Y. Lee
Herbert S. Nishii
Carl W. Vaicek, Jr
(To March 8, 2014)
Major Project
(purple pig)
Ernest K. Akana, Jr
Burrelle H. Alamillo
Joe Anthony, Jr
Joyal Stone Arnold
James I. Bailey
Jeanette Barney
W. Bruce Barrett
Linda A.V. Beechinor
Floyd L. Bendickson
Matthew B. Bielik
Jerrold G. Brown
Danny P. Cappo
Dana C. Chandler
Richard G. Chang
Calvert Chipchase, III
Uilani Chong
Wesley Chong
Edmund T. Choy
John K. Collins
Claire K.S. Cooper
Daniel Cordes
Richard W. Dangler
Donald J. Davis
George Davis
James C. Deputy
Donald W. Dias
Blaise J. Domino
Richard J. Erickson
Roger C. Ede
Charles Emery, Jr
Herbert K. Endo
Carlton Y. Eto
Frank P. Farm, Jr
Jody Ferchaud
Paul L. Fereza
Thomas Freitas
Bradley Frye
Thomas Galera
Allan Garner
Anna K. Goo
Mark C. Harris
Tanya N.C. Higa
Matthew Hilton
Jennifer C. Ho
Vivien K. Ho
Elizabeth H. Jackson
Richard M. Jackson
Alfred Joseph
Lloyd J. Josey, Jr
Eleanor Hagedorn
Dennis Hathaway
Edward M. Hayashi
Carl Dean Hayward
Carl F. Hebenstreit
Robson K. Hind
Karen Huston
Rex M. Jakobovits
Ronald K. Jarrett
Rankin K. Kaanoi
Eben Kalaau, Jr
Jacob Kaleikini
Keith H. Kam
Ralph G. Kaspari
Robert L. Kauhane
Rufus U.A. Kaukani, Jr
John S. Kay
George L. Kekuna
Alex V. Kendrick
Earl L. Kidder
Bernard Kilonsky
Sean Kimizuka
Thomas W.C. Koani
Stephen F. Langham
Cindy L. Laporte
Vu Le
Calvin Lee
Charlis Lee
Paul H. Lewis
K. Max Lindsey
Elliot H. Loden
Jadine Y. London
David Loo
Walter T. Lorraine, Jr
Clifford L. Lyons
Robert M. Mandich
George S. Matayoshi
Stanley H. Matsuda
Darrell W. Mattos
Gordon James Mau
Russell Meyer
Myron M. Monte
Millie Sae Morikawa
George Morris
James S. Morrison
Robert Mosteller
Henry K.H. Mow
Leslie P. Murray
Allen D. Napoleon
Matthew Neal
Maurice Nicholson
Thomas Nixt
David J. O’Connor
Todd Okimoto
Chris O’Reilly-Green
Karen A. Oshiro
Glenn T. Oue
F. Peter Paddock
John R. Paine
Robert E. Paine
Sarah Y. Park
Donald R. Perreira
Carl L. Reber
Charles Reindollar
Mary E. Rydell
Warren T. Sakamoto
William I. Samaritano
Phillip E. Sammer
Norris C. Sandvold
David Sarkine
Paul E. Schultz
Leon W. Schumaker
Danny Kanani Sheldon
Howard Jim Shiery, II
Richard Sing
Samuel Souza
Jack Steinfeld
Carie Ann Sugimoto
Donn Takaki
Ralph Tanaka
Robert K. Tanaka
Laura Teramoto
Alfredo Torco
Lester Tsujimura
Timothy Turgeon
George Underwood
Barbara Vasold
Eric Van Der Voort
Kathrine J. Wada
Charles F. Wall
Riley Wallace
Karen Whitehead
Robert Lee Wicks, III
Robert Wilders
Eric R. Wong
$ 8.00
Heidi Malia Wong
Jerry E.M. Wong
Livingston M.F. Wong
Michelle Wong
Thomas C. Woodrow
Gloria N. Wu
Donna H. Yamamoto
Burnett “Ben: Yee
Eugene Bucky Yee
Randall Young
Michael A.P. Zablan
Simone Abbott-Perez
Samuel Aguirre
Raymond Antone
W. Bruce Barrett
Richard G. Chang
Calvert Chipchase, III
John K. Collins
Daniel Cordes
James J. Cullen
Richard W. Dangler
George Davis
Blaise J. Domino
Roger E. Ede
Richard J. Erickson
Wesley F. Fong
Bradley Frye
Mary E. Hammond
Mark C. Harris
Dennis Hathaway
Carl Dean Hayward
Lawrence S. Heim
Jennifer C. Ho
Karen Huston
Elizabeth H. Jackson
Richard M. Jackson
Ronald K. Jarrett
Lloyd J. Josey, Jr
Jacob Kaleikini
Michael R. Kelly, Sr
Bernard Kilonsky
Thomas W.C. Koani
Calvin Lee
Paul H. Lewis
\Kevin Lockette
Elliot H. Loden
Jadine Y. London
Walter T. Lorraine, Jr
Gordon James Mau
George Morris
Henry K.H. Mow
Leslie P. Murray
David J. O’Connor
Chris O’Reilly-Green
Glenn T. Oue
Alvin H. Ozaki
John R. Paine
James R. Pavelle
David Randell
Carl L. Reber
Charles Reindollar
Angela M. Runyan
Mary E. Rydell
Warren T. Sakamoto
Phillip E. Sammer
Norris C. Sandvold
Tony J. Schmidt
Paul E. Schultz
Leon W. Schumaker
Jack Steinfeld
Carie Ann Sugimoto
Ralph Tanaka
Robert K. Tanaka
Alfredo Torco
Timothy Turgeon
George Underwood
Joanne Vierra
Kathrine J. Wada
Riley Wallace
Karen Whitehead
Livingston M.F. Wong
Donna H. Yamamoto
Scholarship Fund
Simone Abbott-Perez
Ernest K. Akana, Jr
Burrelle H. Alamillo
Darius Amjadi
Raymond Antone
Michael Barber
W. Bruce Barrett
Russell Carlson
Janu A. Cassidy
Uilani Chong
Daniel Cordes
George Davis
Roger C. Ede
Richard J. Erickson
Bradley Frye
Mark C. Harris
Tanya N.C. Higa
Eleanor Hagedorn
Carol Ann Hamada
May E. Hammond
G. Bryan Harry
Dennis Hathaway
Jennifer C. Ho
Karen Huston
Rex M. Jakobovits
Ronald K. Jarrett
Richard Kaapuni
Philip K. Kekuewa
Michael R. Kelly, Sr
Alex V. Kendrick
Bernard Kilonsky
William Kim, Jr
Thomas W.C. Koani
Gregory Kurras
Elliot H. Loden
Jadine Y. London
Walter T. Lorraine, Jr
Gordon James Mau
Walter Metzler
John Moore
Mark H. Moore, Jr
Millie Sae Morikawa
Leslie P. Murray
Gertrud Norton
Chris O’Reilly-Green
Alvin H. Ozaki
James R. Pavelle
Donald R. Perreira
Karen O. Porteus
David J. Randell
David A. Randall
Carl L. Reber
Michael J. Rudolph
Angela M. Runyan
Yvonne Pee Wee Ryan
Mary E. Rydell
Warren T. Sakamoto
Phillip E. Sammer
Norris C. Sandvold
Tony J. Schmidt
Paul E. Schultz
Leon W. Schumaker
Frank Shivers
Richard Sing
Samuel Souza
Jack Steinfeld
Carrie Ann Sugimoto
Robert K. Tanaka
Thomas A. Thayer
Joanne Vierra
Richard Wallsgrove
Peter S. Webb
Karen Whitehead
Heidi Malia Wong
Livingston M.F. Wong
Lyle S.B. Wong
Donna H. Yamamoto
Burnett “Ben” Yee
Kerry K. Yoneshige
Parking Structure Fund
Simone Abbott-Perez
Ernest K. Akana, Jr
Raymond Antone
W. Bruce Barrett
Calvert Chipchase, III
Uilani Chong
Claire K.S. Cooper
Daniel Cordes
Donald J. Davis
George Davis
Roger C. Ede
Richard J. Erickson
Charles H. Garner
Mark C. Harris
Mary E. Hammond
Dennis Hathaway
Tanya N.C. Higa
Karen Huston
Ronald K. Jarrett
Laura D. Johnson
Eben Kalaau, Jr
Philip K. Kekuewa
Patrick K. Keliinui
Bernard Kilonsky
Thomas W.C. Koani
Gregory Kurras
Elliot H. Loden
Jadine Y. London
David Loo
Walter T. Lorraine, Jr
George S. Matayoshi
Gordon James Mau
Mark H. Moore, Jr
Gregory B. Morris
James S. Morrison
Robert Morrow
Rozalind Anne Murphy
Leslie P. Murray
Todd Okimoto
Chris O’Reilly-Green
Alvin H. Ozaki
Lionel K. Parker
James R. Pavelle
Donald R. Perreira
Karen O. Porteus
Nicole Radford
David A. Randall
Carl L. Reber
Yvonne Pee Wee Ryan
Paul E. Schultz
Warren T. Sakamoto
Norris C. Sandvold
Phillip E. Sammer
Tony J. Schmidt
Richard Sing
Jack Steinfeld
Carie Ann Sugimoto
Robert K. Tanaka
Alfredo Torco
Scott R. Viola
Karen Whitehead
Livingston M.F. Wong
Donna H. Yamamoto
Kerry K. Yoneshige