This Car Dealer`s Heating System Under Ten Minutes
This Car Dealer`s Heating System Under Ten Minutes
Heating ThisCarDealer's System in DoesZeroto Comfortable UnderTenMinutes Whencustomersvisit the showrooms of Saturnof Turnersvillein southern New Jersey,they look for carswith thesefeatures:high efficiency, economyoverthe long haul, low maintenance andsmoothsilent operation. WhenSaturnof Turnersvillewent shoppingfor a serviceandrepairbay heatingsystem,they lookedfor the sameimportantfeatures.And they foundthemin Solaronicsgasfued infra-redheaters. At Saturnof Turnersvillethe Solaronicssystemin the reception andbay areasis popularwith customersandemployeesalike. In midwinter, servicemanagersin light sweatersgreetcustomerswho drive into warm comfortablesurroundings throughwide openbaydoors.No gustsof arcticair sweepacrossthis space.A mechanicin shortsleeves drivesa customer'scar to the warm bay areawheretwo Solaronics Suntubesmaintainan extremely comfortableworking environment. But customerandemployeecomfort are only part ofthe heatingsystem Irt's go back storyat this dealership. to theplanningstages.Mike Wolfe, Confrollerfor HolmanEnterprises, High Performance, Low OperatingCosts Make Solaronics HeatersA Best Buy! ownersof threeSaturnDealerships, saysthe ownerswantedefficient, economical,virtually maintenancefree heaters.Their first dealership wassaddledwith six inefficientwarm air heatersandall their otherdrawbacks.The architectfor Turnersville specified threeinfra-redSolaronics heatersto do thejob of six warm air unitsthat hadbeeninstalledat their first Saturndealership. Installationcostsfor Solaronicsunits are aboutthe sameasthosefor warm air units.Anotherplusfor Solaronics, however,is that the integrity of an existingroof canbe maintainedwith exhaustpipesthat exit throughthe nearestexteriorwall. And pairs of Solaronicsheaterscanbe vented together.Thereare no pilot lights, only direct sparkigniters,andthe sparkis not exposed.An inspection window in the burner allowsthe sparkto be observedfrom the shop floor. Oncethey're up andrunning,fuel costsaretypically 30-50%lower than conventionalhot air systems.That meansa paybackperiodofjust oneto two years.And thesesavingsare reahzd acrossthe automotiveindustry by dealerships, bodyshops,and muffler andtire retailers. Not only do the Solaronicsunitshave fansthat a.recompact,efficientand silent,they haveno othermoving parts,points out Bill Smithof Parent & Kirkbride,Inc., themanufacturer's rep for Solaronics.Thereareno belts or bearingsto replace.Controller Mike Wolfe hadto buy serviceplans for the six warm air heatersat the otherdealership, but he didn't needto purchaseserviceconfractsduringthe two yearsthe Solaronicsunitshave beenin placein Turnersville.Not a singleservicecall hasbeenneeded. Saturnsgo out, heatstaysin, thanks to Solaronicsinfra-red heaters.Three infra-red heatersbeamwarmth directlyonto people,carsandwork surfaces,in repairandreceptionareas. That fast heat recoveryis appreciated by customersand employees alike. Saturns GoOut... Heat StaysIn! r CASEHISTORYNO.61 HEATERS GASINFRA-RED But what makesgas-firedSolaronics heaterstruly superior?The answeris in theWAY theyprovideheat.Unlike othersystemsthat aredesignedto heat air, infra-redheaterswarm SURFACES - like floors,cars,andmostimportantly,people.Peopleretainheat longer,andbecause the heatis beamed directlyontothemthe openingand closingofbay doorsdoesn'treduce peoplecomfort.In turn, employees' enhanced andconsistentcomfortresults in fewer sick days,moreefficient workers,andwarm-to-the-touch work parts andtools. And, workers surfaces, still feel warm evenafterthe heaters shutoff. The SUNTUBEo vented infra-red heaters includesimple chain mounting, patented rotatable reflectors, and efficient,heavy-dutySUNTUBE@ heat exchangers. Servicewriter ScottShirleyreportsit takesonly five to ten minutesto heat the entireserviceandwrite-up areas, evenon the coldestmornings.Because Solaronicsheatersmaintaina higher comfortlevel at lower settingsthan spaceheaters,thermostatsat Saturnof Turnersvillecanbe setlower at night andduringthe work day. Shirley mentionsthis to a visitor standingjust insidethewrite-upareawith the bay doorswide open.Neitheris wearinga jacket.Both arewarm andcomfortable on a frigid, lateNovemberday. But who is Solaronics, Inc. andwhat makestheir heatersso efficient? is a U.S. basedmanufacturer Solaronics of bothhigh andlow intensitygas-fired infra-redheatersfor usein overallas well asspotandareaheatingof indusnial andcommercialbuildings.The low intensitySolaronicssystemoperates economicallyon naturalor propanegas andis designcertifiedby both the AmericanandCanadian GasAssociations. The systemis availablein straightand U-tubeconfigurationsof from 10to 70 foot lengttrswith inputsrangingfrom 40 to 200,000BTITI{. The reflectors, eachten feet long, utihzea patented designfor optimuminfra-reddispersion.Theyhavereflectionalefficiency of 91.7%. Solaronics infra-red heaters keep Mike Wolfe, Bill Mueller and StevePullaro shirt-sleevecomfortable and productive on cold winter days at Saturn of Turnersville, while the dealership e4joys low energy bills for its serviceand repair areas. Typically, fuel bills are 30Voto 507olower when compared with conventionalhot air heating systems. Adjust reflectorsto direct heatwhereyou want it. SolaronicsGasInfia-RedHeaters SaveEnergyand lmproveEmployeeGomfort in AutomobileSeruicingFacilities The followingis a partiallist of applications similarto this casehistoryin which Solaronics gasinfra-redheatershavebeensuccessfully utilized. Automobile Repair Shops Avis LubeCenter AmocoOil Company Chevron DallasCar Care Center ExxonServiceStation Firestone GreasedLightnin GoodyearTires GeneralTire GreaseMonkevLubeCenter BF GoodrichTires InstantOil Chanoe InterstateBatterf Jiffv Lube MidasMutfler MeinekeDiscountMutflers Mr. Muffler Marathon MobilOil NationalCar Rental Pep Boys Phillios66 Pennzoil QuakerStateMinit-Lube SoeedvLube Siate FarmAutomobile Insurance SoeedeeOil Chanoe SbeedvMutflerKin-q Sheiloil SunocoProducls StandardOil SearsAuto Center TexacoExoressLube TexasOil Tuffy Mutfler Uniroyal,Inc. U. S. Lube Valvoline10-Minute Oil Chanoe WesternAuto Distribution ZeibartRust Proofing State/MunicipalVehicle MaintenanceFacilities Alameda,CA Alamosa,CO Amherst,NH Arlington, TX BellroseVillage,NY Buffalo,NY Big Springs,TX Bloomington, MN BowlinoGreen.VA Bloomiield, lA Columbus,OH Cumberland, MD ColoradoSprings,CO Corvdon.lA Cnit'dress, TX Chicaoo.lL Ctevehnd,Olt Dallas,TX Decatur,GA Farmington, CT Ferndale, Ml Gent,WV Gouverneur, NY Itasca,lL Janesville, Wl Jacksonville, FL Livermore, CA Lompoc,CA Manistee,Ml Mars, PA Montevideo, MN Muscatine, lA Memphis,TN McKinney, TX Norfolk,VA NewportNews,VA Norton,KS Nashville, TN Pentwater,Ml Parkdale, Ml ReeceAFB, TX Rochester, Ml Riggston,lL Saginaw,Ml St. Paul,MN San Francisco,CA Summerfield, FL Tyler,TX Ukiah,CA VirginiaBeach,VA Weston,WV Wausau,Wl Williston, ND, WhiteSandsMissileRange,NM Winston-Salem, NC o S O L A R O N I C S ,l N C . P.0.Box217 Rochester. Ml48308-02 17 ( 8 1 06)5 1 . 0 3 5 7 1 . 8 0 0 . 2 2 3 - 5F3A3X 5 InCanada: 1370Sandhill []rive Ancaster, 0NTCanada L9G4V5 (905)648.3741 FAX(905)648.7766 Quick. Efficient. Silent. Warm. That's how the repair personneldescribethe Solaronicsinfra-red heatersat Saturn of Turnersville. Tools, work surfaces,floors, but most important, people,stay comfortable and produdive. Automobile Dealerships Acura Audi BMW Buick Cadillac Chrysler/Plymouth Chevrolet Dodge Ford Honda Hyundai tsuzu lnfiniti Jeep/Eagle Jaguar Lincoln/Mercury LEXUS Mitsubishi Mazda Nissan Oldsmobile Pontiac Porsche Subaru Saturn Saab Toyota Volvo Volkswagen Police & Fire Stations Aurora,lL Albuquerque, NM Bellingham, WA Bohemia,NY Bothell,WA Columbus,OH Coeurd'Alene,lD Chesterfield,VA Ettrick,VA Fremont,CA Fridley,MN Kileen,TX Lake Crystal,MN Lewiston,ME Lynchburg,VA Merril,Wl Montour,lA New Rome,OH North Royalton,OH Rockville, MD San Antonio,TX Shoreview, MN Spokane,WA St. Mary's,WV Sand Lake,Ml SilverSpring,MD Shelbyville, DE Taylor,Ml Wadsworth,OH WeldonSprings,MO
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