equity research
equity research
EQUITY RESEARCH ESTIMATE CHANGES RECOMMENDATION BUY MAG SILVER CORP. JUNE 25, 2015 12-MONTH TARGET $12.05 TSX: MAG $10.07 Updated Guidance on the Back of Technical Review of "Valdecanas Vein Deep" Salman Partners attended MAG Silver’s analyst meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia on June 24 to review the technical implications associated with recent drill results at Juanicipio. The meeting centered on the extension of high-grade mineralization at depth within the Valdecanas Vein and the implications surrounding the now evolving deposit model. Kevin MacKenzie, P.Geo, MBA Investment Analyst 604-622-5583 [email protected] Dennis Lo, MBA Research Associate 604-622-5298 [email protected] Key Takeaways from Technical Review Drill results indicate the potential for two overlapping vein systems. Evidence for this interpretation is derived from the increasing concentration of chalcopyrite at depth, overprinted by late stage high-grade precious metals bearing veins. As per Buchanan's Epithermal Vein Model, the increasing copper grades at depth are in line with the overall metal zoning seen to date; however, the high-grade precious metals overprint at depth is anomalous and may represent the top of a separate vein system. Management hypothesizes that this is the product of a downward shift in the boiling level, and cites variable boiling level elevations within the Fresnillo District as supporting evidence. Extrapolating the geological interpretation, management speculates on Mine #2. Given the depth of the projected secondary vein system, management has commissioned a study to evaluate the potential installation of a shaft to service Mine #2. Management notes that Mine #1 will proceed as per the design outline in the 2012 preliminary economic assessment. 52-Week Range $6.56 - $11.42 Shares O/S (M) 69.2 Shares FD (M) 73.1 Market Cap (M) $696.6 Cash (US$ M) $86.3 Working Capital (M) $83.5 Working Capital (US$ M) $87.0 Debt (M) $0.0 NAVPS $12.05 Silver Reserves (P&P, M ozs) 0.0 Silver Resources (P&P&M&I, M ozs) 165.9 Silver Resources (all categories, M ozs) 226.9 Valuation Our current valuation of MAG Silver accounts for a 25% increase in the overall 2014 Juanicipio mineral resource estimate. This, based on a US$1.00/AgEq oz multiple, translates to an in-situ exploration credit of US$42.2 million. Based on our back-of-theenvelope analysis of the recent drill results, we derive an associated NAV value of US$28-35 million. This is based on an in-situ contained metals calculation of 6Mt with averaged/ diluted grades across P1 to P4 mineral intercepts (includes 0.5-0.6X exploration multiple). Although our applied exploration credit of US$42.2 million covers the ascribed value of the recent Valdecanas drill results, we do recognize that we are rapidly exhausting said credit, while discounting future exploration upside. To adjust for this, we have amended our exploration credit to reflect a weighted average increase in resource tonnage. We feel that this more accurately reflects the evolving narrative behind a potential stacked epithermal system, while tempering our overall exploration expectations. Two-Year Share Price History MAG Silver Corp. TSX (S&P) COMPOSITE INDEX (SPTSX) $12 $11 $10 $9 $8 $7 $6 $5 $4 JUN-13 FEB-14 OCT-14 Vol (mil.) JUN-15 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Recommendation With adjustments made to our applied Juanicipio exploration credit (US$46.6 million from US$42.2 million), in addition to Salman Partners' revised 2015 FX and commodity price forecasts, our target price for MAG Silver increases to $12.05 per share (previously $11.50 per share). We maintain our BUY recommendation. All figures are in Cdn$ unless otherwise noted Disclaimer Note: In accordance with NASD Rule 2711 and IIROC Rule 3400, Salman Partners Inc. refers the reader to the end of our research report for our firm’s specific disclosures, policies and procedures in respect of research analysts and research reports. This report is distributed in the U.S. by Salman Partners (USA) Inc. and was prepared by its Canadian Broker Dealer affiliate, Salman Partners Inc. Please refer to the end of this report for the disclosure statements, including the Analyst’s Certification. Analysts employed by non-U.S. affiliates are not registered pursuant to NASD rules. MAG SILVER CORP. MATERIALS REVIEW OF DRILL RESULTS Excerpt from Salman Partners April 24th Metals Morning Note: “MAG Silver announced the results of a targeted drill program at the company’s 44% owned Juanicipio project, located in Mexico’s Fresnillo mining district. The results, highlighted below, were from four drill holes which targeted an extension of the Valdecanas Vein at depth. Drill hole spacing was at 150m centers, and along the 500m en-echelon East/West vein overlap. Drilling was successful in extending mineralization an additional 100-200m, in addition to reaffirming the local thickening of the Valdecanas Vein at depth. Note that mineralization remains open at depth and along strike”. Table 1 - Valdecanas Vein Intercepts: Sub-intervals not included Source: MAG Silver news release, 04/23/2015 Highlighted Implications “Results confirm our expectation that the Juanicipio project resource has the potential to expand by at least 25% (as outlined in our initiation report; we ascribe a valuation of US$42.2 million)”. “Increasing vein thickness at depth in association with a late stage precious metals overprint, will aid in the feasibility of potentially extending the mine deeper”. “Metal/alteration zoning – getting deeper within the base metal zone as expected, precious metals overprint may suggest that we are on top of another vein system”. “Executable exploration upside (as opposed to property scale discovery exploration) may peak the interest of 56% project owner/operator Fresnillo plc (FRES – LSE). Beyond takeover conjecture, we will be looking to see if Fresnillo, through the JV entity Minera Juanicipio, commits to a sizable exploration program”. Figure 1 – Valdecanas Vein DDH P1-P4 Pierce Points, Inclined Longitudinal Section Source: MAG Silver Corporate Presentation, 2015 2 MAG SILVER CORP. MATERIALS GEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION In the context of the recent drill results, P1 to P4: Increasing concentrations of copper mineralization, in association with skarn alteration at depth, is consistent with the base of an epithermal system (per Buchanan’s Epithermal Model). The high grade silver and gold overprint, marked by cross-cutting acanthite bearing veins, is anomalous and more accurately reflects a shallower point within an epithermal system. MAG Silver hypothesizes that this discrepancy in metal zoning is the product of a shift in the boiling level. This in theory suggests that below the current elevation of drilling potentially exists another Bonanza Zone. Figure 2 – Epithermal Deposit Model, Illustrating Shifted Boiling Level Source: MAG Silver Corporate Presentation, 2015 MINING IMPLICATIONS Reduction in mining dilution associated with increasing thickness of mineralized intercepts at depth has the potential to reduce mining dilution from 25% (Mine #1) to less than 10% (Mine #2). This would serve to offset the increasing costs associated with mining at increasing depths. Processing synergies. It is expected that mineralization associated with Mine #2 will be of comparable composition to that of Mine #1. As a result, the envisaged Mine #2 would not require a separate processing facility, while increased throughput could be obtained through the installation of additional parallel milling circuits. Note that with an increase in contained copper, a floatation circuit will have to be evaluated. 3 MAG SILVER CORP. MATERIALS WHAT’S NEXT Follow-Up Drill Program MAG Silver reported that the last joint venture meeting with Fesnillo plc, post Valdecanas Vein Deep results, was very productive, and that the group is committed to a follow-up drill program. Management notes that it has recently filed for a 10,000m surface exploration permit, which it expects to receive in the coming months. In preparation for permit approval, MAG Silver has begun drill pad construction at site. Note that a final budget for this drill program has yet to be approved, but management guides to US$120-150/drill meter. Given the increased depth of the targeted holes, it is expected that costs will exceed these estimates. As outlined in Figure 3 below, the next round of surface drilling will target an additional 100-150m step-out at depth. Should this prove successful, management envisages subsequent drill programs to be conducted from underground, a savings of 300-400m per hole. Figure 3 – Planned drill program, step-out drill pierce points Source: MAG Silver Corporate Presentation, 2015 4 MAG SILVER CORP. MATERIALS VALUATION Although we share management’s enthusiasm with regards to the recent drill results, we feel that it is too early to be ascribing additional value to Juanicipio in the context of a Mine #2. In this report, we amended our applied exploration credit valuation, from a blanket 25% increase to the project resource, to a weighted average increase in tonnage. This approach yields an effective increase to the current resource of 28%, which increases our applied exploration credit to US$46.6 million from US$42.2 million. We believe that this approach supports our ongoing valuation thesis with regards to Juanicipio’s exploration upside, while setting the stage to more accurately evaluate future exploration results. Table 2 – Weighted Average Resource Expansion 2014 Updated Resource Estimate Resource Category Tonnage Mt Silver Moz Gold koz Lead Mlb Zinc Mlb Indi ca ted 10.1 166 552 423 779 Inferred 5.1 61 328 202 315 Tota l 15.2 227 880 625 1094 Weighted Average Resource Expansion Resource Expansion (%) Probability Tonnage Mt Silver Moz Gold koz Lead Mlb Zinc Mlb 20% 75% 2.3 34 132 94 164 40% 15% 0.9 14 53 38 66 60% 7% 0.6 10 37 26 46 80% 3% 0.4 5 21 15 26 4.2 63 243 173 302 Tota l 100% Source: Salman Partners Estimates RECOMMENDATION With adjustments made to our applied Juanicipio exploration credit (US$46.6 million from US$42.2 million), in addition to Salman Partners’ revised 2015 FX and commodity price forecasts, our target price for MAG Silver increases to $12.05 per share (previously $11.50 per share). We maintain our BUY recommendation. Table 3 – MAG Silver NAV Valuation Interest Multiple 44% 44% 0.9x Juanicipio (NPV5%) Juanicipio Exploration (In-situ) Cinco de Mayo Upper Manto (In-situ) Pozo Seco (In-situ) Salamandra (Assigned) Guigui (Assigned) Mine Assets 100% 100% In-Situ AgEq @ $1.00/oz 2/3 ZnEq @ $0.03/lb 1/3 AgEq @ $0.45/oz 1/3 MoEq @ $0.05/oz 55%1 100% Corporate Adjustments Exploration Expense NAV (US$) NAV (Cdn$) Millions (US$) Per Share (US$) $413.5 $46.6 $5.73 $0.65 $100.7 $1.40 $10.1 $0.14 $20.0 $10.0 $600.9 $0.28 $0.14 $8.33 $76.5 ($4.5) $672.9 $869.2 $1.06 ($0.06) $9.33 $12.05 Salman 12 mo nth fo rward avg. $ Cdn/$ US = 0.7741 1 2015 explo ratio n pro gram to co mplete 55% earn-in co mmitments Source: Salman Partners estimates 5 MAG SILVER CORP. MATERIALS COMPANY SUMMARY & FORECASTS All figure s in Cdn$ unle ss othe rwise note d. Share Pric e Recommendation 69.2 Targe t Pric e (Cdn$) Share s Dilute d (M) 73.1 Pote ntial Re turn Marke t Cap, O/S (M) $696.6 20% 14.1% Toc que ville Asse t Mgmt LP 9.5% Mason Hill Advisors 9.4% - Van Ec k Assoc iate s Corp 5.9% Divide nd Yie ld Working Capital (US M) $83.5 One -Ye ar Avg. Daily Volume NAVPS Major Holders (% of shares O/S): - $86.3 - BUY $12.05 Fre snillo PLC Divide nd Rate Cash (US M, e st.) De bt (M) Share Price Valuation 248,991 Blac kRoc k Inve stme nt Mgmt (US$/share) 5.9% Upcoming C atalysts $12.05 Juanic ipio Valuation (NPV5% *0.9x + In-situ)= $6.38 -Juanic ipio proje c t de ve lopme nt/c onstruc tion de c ision 0.0 Exploration Portfolio (In-situ/Assigne d)= $1.95 -Exploration re sults: Juanic ipio, Salamandra, Guigui Silve r Re sourc e s (P&P&M&I, M ozs) 165.9 Adjustme nts = $1.00 -Cinc o de Mayo land ac c e ss agre e me nt with Ejido Silve r Re sourc e s (all c ate gorie s, M ozs) 226.9 Valuation Me thodology: NAV valuation, base d on: Juanic ipio adjuste d NPV 5% , in-situ/assigne d valuation on e xploration portfolio, asse t/liability adjustme nts Silve r Re se rve s (P&P, M ozs) Source: Salman Partners estimates 6 $10.07 Share s O/S (M) Target Price (C dn$/share) = $12.05 MAG SILVER CORP. MATERIALS COMPANY DESCRIPTION MAG Silver Corp. is a Vancouver-based junior mining company focused on exploration and development in north centralnorthwestern Mexico. The company’s flagship asset, Juanicipio, a world-class silver-lead-zinc epithermal intermediate sulphidation deposit, was discovered by MAG Silver in 2003 and is scheduled to be commissioned in early 2018. MAG Silver holds a 44% interest in the Minera Juanicipio S.A. de C.V., a Mexican incorporated JV which holds 100% of the Juanicipio asset. Fresnillo plc, a London exchange-listed company (FRES – LSE), owns the remaining 56% interest and serves as the project operator. 7 Salman Partners Inc. Disclosure In accordance with NASD Rule 2711 and IIROC Rule 3400, Salman Partners Inc. (“Salman Partners”) refers the reader to our website (www.salmanpartners.com) for our firm’s specific disclosures, policies and procedures in respect of research analysts and research reports. Salman Partners hereby confirms that as of the date of this report: (i) the research analyst(s) referenced herein and any member of the research analyst’s household, or an individual directly involved in the preparation of this report, does not hold a financial interest in the securities of the company in this report; (ii) the Pro Group holdings of the firm, whether long or short, do not exceed 1% of the outstanding securities of any class of securities of the company mentioned in this report; (iii) the research analyst(s) who prepared this report receives compensation that is based, in part, upon the firm’s overall investment banking revenues; (iv) other than what is disclosed above, Salman Partners Inc., including some or all of its officers, directors and employees, have not provided services, including investment banking services to the company/companies herein during the past 24 months and may receive or seek compensation for investment banking services from the company/companies herein within the next 3 months; (v) Salman Partners Inc. does not make a market in the company’s/companies’ securities within the appropriate security laws; (vi) no officer, director, employee or research analyst of the firm or a member of the research analyst’s household is an officer, director or employee of the company/companies, nor does any officer, director, employee or research analyst of the firm or a member of the research analyst’s household serve in any advisory capacity to the company/companies; and (vii) other than what is disclosed above, Salman Partners Inc. is not aware of any actual, material conflicts of interest for the research analyst, of which the research analyst knows or has reason to know in the preparation of this report. (viii) an analyst/associate has visited some or all of the issuers' material operations. Payment or reimbursement has been received, in part or in whole, from the issuer(s) for travel costs in the past 12 months. (ix) Analyst Certification: The views expressed in this report (which includes the rating assigned to the issuer’s shares as well as the analytical substance and tone of the report) accurately reflect the personal views of the analyst(s) covering the subject securities. No part of the analyst’s compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations. For purposes of our research report, our rating system is defined as follows: Top Pick A recommendation to purchase a stock which represents the best risk/reward ratio within an analyst's coverage list. The analyst expects to realize a minimum 12-month return of 10%, and also has positive nearterm catalysts. Buy Hold Sell Speculative Buy Under Review A recommendation to purchase the stock at the current price. A recommendation to maintain one’s current position in the company, given the current share price and the outlook for the company, sector or underlying commodity. A recommendation to reduce one’s share position, either in part or in whole. A recommendation to purchase shares in a company which is considered speculative because of the risk associated with owning shares. This added risk can be attributed to the company’s size, financial stability, liquidity, the outlook for a commodity or commodities or other factors beyond Salman Partners’ control. Suitable for risk-tolerant investors only. Salman Partners is in the process of an update based on recently released information. The analyst’s recommendation and target price may or may not change upon completion of analysis. Ratings Distribution & Investment Banking Disclosure Covered companies in each Category Within the last 12 months, Salman Partners has provided investment banking services for: TOP PICK (TP) 5% TOP PICK (TP) 20% BUY (B) 23% BUY (B) 9% HOLD (H) 14% HOLD (H) 7% SELL (S) 0% SELL (S) 0% SPECULATIVE BUY (SB) 13% SPECULATIVE BUY (SB) 31% UNDER REVIEW (UR) 44% UNDER REVIEW (UR) 2% RESEARCH Terry Salman, B.A., MBA, D. Tech., h.c. 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