Novel Design of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury
Novel Design of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury
Novel Design of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury Prevention Brace Daniel Greenshields, Justin Killewald, Rachel Porter May 7, 2014 Biomedical Engineering Program, Lawrence Technological University, MI 48075 ABSTRACT Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are serious and fairly frequent sports injuries. In the United States alone 200,000 to 300,000 ACL injuries occur annually. More often than not, ACL injuries occur with no contact from another athlete. Common ACL injury mechanisms include: hyperextension, valgus bending, internal rotation of the tibia, anterior shear of the tibia, and axial loading. While there are current knee braces on the market that are worn by athletes to reduce their risk of ACL injury, these knee braces are designed primarily to prevent hyperextension and valgus bending. Another type of knee brace commonly worn is an osteoarthritis (OA) brace. These braces are worn by older patients with OA in one side of the knee. The brace is classified as a unicompartmental offloading brace that reduces the compressive load on the medial compartment of the knee. To redesign the medial hinge mechanism of a prophylactic knee brace used to prevent ACL injuries by shifting the axial compressive knee reaction force from the lateral to medial compartment of the knee. The hinge will serve to reduce the occurrence of ACL injuries by protecting against hyperextension, valgus bending, and axial compressive loading. After obtaining Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for our testing methods, biomechanical human subject testing was conducted on a male and female subject. Three experiments were carried out using both a control brace and the modified brace to validate the hinge design and determine if our brace is successful in shifting the axial compressive force. The human subjects participated in experiments where they completed step-off landings off of a low platform as well as run-stop-jumps onto force plates while wearing motion capture markers. The ground reaction force, segment acceleration, knee angles and kinematics were acquired through 3D motion capture. After analyzing data from both subjects, it was determined that the brace allowed full range of motion for the subjects. It also successfully reduced the compressive load on the lateral compartment of the knee by shifting the axial compressive load from the lateral to the medial compartment. This was indicated by frontal plane kinematics and kinetics. Keywords Knee brace, ACL, osteoarthritis, valgus bending, hyperextension, compression, unicompartmental Table of Contents BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Knee Anatomy .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Knee Injuries ............................................................................................................................................. 5 ACL Injuries ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Epidemiology of ACL............................................................................................................................... 7 Existing ACL Braces ................................................................................................................................ 8 Existing OA Braces................................................................................................................................... 9 IMPLICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 9 DELIVERABLE ......................................................................................................................................... 10 RESEARCH PLAN PROCESS .................................................................................................................. 10 Testing Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 10 IRB Application ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Human Subject Testing ........................................................................................................................... 12 Experimental Set-up................................................................................................................................ 12 Experiments ............................................................................................................................................ 15 HINGE SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 17 Design Goals ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Hinge Design Process ............................................................................................................................. 17 Hinge Design .......................................................................................................................................... 19 Data Analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 19 RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................... 20 Step-Off Landing on Both Legs .............................................................................................................. 20 Step-Off Landing on One Leg ................................................................................................................ 21 Run and Stop-Jump Landing .................................................................................................................. 23 Flexion and Extension Data .................................................................................................................... 25 Valgus and Varus Moment Data ............................................................................................................. 26 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................................. 27 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 30 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................. 33 BACKGROUND Knee Anatomy The human knee joint is regarded as the largest and most complex joint in the body. The knee is comprised of four bones – the femur, tibia, fibula and patella. The distal end of the femur is shaped by the medial and lateral condyles. These condyles contact the medial and lateral plateau of the tibia. The femur and tibia act like a hinge joint, designating flexion and extension as the primary ranges of motion. In addition to the bone structure, the knee is comprised of many ligaments and soft tissue. The function of a ligament is to connect bone to bone, for stabilization purposes and support. The medial collateral ligament and the lateral collateral ligament are located on the exterior portion of the joint. The anterior cruciate ligament and the posterior cruciate ligament are located in the synovial capsule of the knee. The medial meniscus and the lateral meniscus act as shock absorbers for the joint and help disperse forces on the knee. Each anatomical feature of the knee joint is essential to an effectively functioning knee. Figure 1. Knee anatomy [14] Knee Injuries The knee joint is one of the most injured structures in the body, with an increased chance of injury when sports are involved. Knee injuries account for nearly 60% of all sports related injuries. Continuing, ligaments are the most commonly injured constructs (40%) and, of those injuries, 46% of those injuries are to the ACL [3]. Knee joint injuries account for roughly 1923% of all joint related injuries. The medial meniscus, medial collateral ligament, and the anterior cruciate ligament are the most frequently injured components of the knee [10]. Among those structures injured, the anterior cruciate ligament is the most commonly injured construct. ACL Injuries The ACL is responsible for approximately 200,000 – 300,000 injuries annually in the United States [2]. Such a great amount of injuries comes with a price beyond two billion dollars in healthcare related costs [3]. The ACL can be injured in many different ways. Possible mechanisms for injury include: internal rotation of the tibia, valgus bending, anterior shear of the tibia, hyperextension, and axial loading. Internal rotation injuries result when the foot is planted firmly on the ground while the rest of the body twists. Valgus bending injuries typically occur when the foot is planted on the ground and the knee is hit from the lateral side. Anterior shear of the tibia result from a force being applied to the knee from the front. Hyperextension causes ACL tearing due to the extreme amount of tension that is put on the ligament when it’s stretched beyond the normal anatomical range of motion. Axial loading of the knee joint has also been shown to produce injuries to the ACL. In this case, the compressive load of an axial force causes the tibia to slip forward on the lateral side of the knee. The medial compartment of the knee can withstand more force because it sits concavely, providing more stability and support when loads are applied. The lateral compartment of the knee is weaker due to having a steeper and therefore more unstable posterior tibial slope on the lateral verses the medial compartment. The tibial slope on the lateral compartment of the knee can be seen below in Figure 3. As described, it is understood that many ACL injuries occur without contact. With the help of video analyses, it is observed that ACL injuries occur most commonly in low flexion angle and high knee valgus conditions. Figure 2. ACL injury mechanisms. From left to right: hyperextension, valgus bending, internal rotation of the tibia, and axial compressive loading [15, 16, 17]. Figure 3. Tibial slope of lateral compartment Epidemiology of ACL Injury to the anterior cruciate ligament can be sustained from contact, yet injury can also occur in non-contact conditions. In fact, one study found that 70% of ACL injuries occur without contact. The same study examined injuries from high school soccer, basketball, and volleyball players and found that 75% of ACL injuries occurred without contact [4]. In addition, gender plays a vital role in the incidence of ACL injuries. In gender comparable sports such as soccer and basketball women are more likely to damage their ACL. This is most likely due to knee alignment or neuromuscular patterns. As seen in Figure 4, women tend to have wider hips which gives them a wider angle where the femur meets the tibia. This provides a different knee alignment compared to men. One study found that women competing in jumping or cutting sports are four to six times more likely to injure their ACL compared to their male counterparts [5]. Figure 4. Knee alignment in femals vs. males Existing ACL Braces There are two classes of knee braces currently on the market – prophylactic and functional knee braces. Prophylactic knee braces are used to prevent an injury from occurring. On the other hand, functional braces are used in post-injury circumstances. Functional knee braces are designed to substitute for damaged ligaments by providing additional support to the knee joint. A study that reviewed the efficacy of prophylactic knee braces reports decreased peak tension magnitudes and impulse responses on knee ligaments when wearing the brace [6]. The only clinically proven knee brace shown to reduce ACL strain is Donjoy’s Defiance brace. The brace is a prophylactic brace, but can also be used post-injury as well. The brace protects against valgus bending and hyperextension. The main component of the brace is the hinge mechanism. The FourcePoint hinge which is located on the lateral and medial side of the knee joint incorporates a series of resistance arms in the design. The resistance arms engage in the last 25° of extension and essentially make it more difficult to straighten the leg. The most ‘at-risk’ position for ACL tears is 0°-25° of flexion, so this brace reduces the time spent in the vulnerable position, while also allowing other muscles and tendons to help stabilize the knee. Figure 5. Donjoy Defiance Knee Brace [18] Existing OA Braces Osteoarthritis is an articular disorder that affects tens of millions of United States citizens. More specifically, approximately 9.7 million people have symptomatic osteoarthritis in the knee joint [7]. Typically, the medial compartment of the knee joint degenerates before the lateral compartment. This occurs as a progressive varus leg axis develops due to cartilage loss in the knee [8]. To relieve pain in this type of circumstance, the medial compartment needs to be offloaded. Fortunately, knee braces have been developed for people with this type of disorder. Osteoarthritis braces act to distribute loads more evenly across the knee joint. The knee brace performs this by creating a slightly valgus moment on the knee, reducing the pressure on the medial compartment. This even distribution is known as unicompartmental loading. Unicompartmental loading offloads the medial compartment and loads the lateral compartment to a greater extent in osteoarthritis braces. IMPLICATIONS This knee brace design is novel in its field and has the potential to reduce the number of ACL injured athletes. The brace protects against three injury mechanisms that have been proven to cause ACL injuries, whereas current braces only account for two of those injury mechanisms. The brace will serve to protect against three injury mechanisms: valgus bending, hyperextension, and compressive axial loading. The brace functions to shift the axial compressive force from the lateral compartment to the medial compartment of the knee joint. Additionally, the benefits of this brace will reduce healthcare costs related to ACL knee injuries and will decrease the amount of reconstructive surgeries. Likewise, many professional and recreational athletes can have career ending ACL injuries, so this will aim to increase the length of athletic careers. DELIVERABLE The deliverable obtained from this project is a functional ACL injury prevention knee brace. The target market for the brace include sports related institutions and the athletic industry as a whole. Again, the knee brace will account for three injury mechanisms known to tear the ACL. RESEARCH PLAN PROCESS Testing Parameters Three studies were researched to determine the experimental tests used. The first was a study conducted to identify female athletes with high knee loads that increase the risk of ACL injury. Female basketball and soccer players were recruited to participate in this study. The subjects were instructed to start on a 31cm high box with their feet positioned 35cm apart. They were to drop directly down off the box and immediately perform a maximum vertical jump, raising both arms while jumping. Two force plates were placed 8cm apart so each foot would contact a different platform upon landing. 37 retroreflective markers were placed on each subject, and data was collected using a motion analysis system consisting of ten digital cameras. The most important results collected were peak knee abduction angle, peak knee extensor moment, and knee flexion range of motion [12]. The second study examined the effects of changing the sagittal plane body position during single-leg landings and if that change influences the risk of non-contact ACL injuries. 20 participants performed single-leg drop landings onto a force plate using three different landing styles: self-selected, leaning forward, and upright. Lower extremity muscle activities were recorded using motion analysis and surface electromyography. The participants were recreationally active, and there were 10 men and 10 women, ages 20 to 26. After determining the subjects’ dominant leg, the subjects were instructed to stand on a box on their dominant legs with both arms across their chest. The box was 30 cm high for women and 45 cm high for men. They were instructed to drop off of the box and land in the center of the force plate using their dominant leg. Data was collected for each subject in each of the three landing styles. Some data extracted included peak vertical ground reaction forces (vGRFs), peak plantar flexor moments, peak knee extensor moment, sagittal plane hip and ankle moments, and knee flexion angles [13]. The final study was conducted on one of Donjoy’s knee braces. There were 20 participants - 10 male and 10 female. All participants were recreational athletes. They performed a vertical stop-jump task with and without the knee brace they were testing. Passive reflective markers were placed on each subject. They were instructed to complete an approach run, with up to five steps, and a two-footed landing followed by a two-footed take off for maximum height. Each subject performed five successful trials with and without the brace. Three dimensional videography and force plate data was collected. Upon landing, they determined the knee flexion angle, maximum knee flexion angle, and the peak ground reaction forces [11]. IRB Application The application for approval to conduct research with human participants was submitted to the IRB for approval, along with a participant information sheet and informed consent form. The participant information sheet is necessary because it gathers information on previous or current injuries. It also includes information needed to use Vicon Nexus for 3-dimensional motion capture. IRB approval was granted on January 27, 2014. The male and female test subjects were required to sign the informed consent documents and fill out the participant information sheet. Following the completion of the necessary documents, human subject testing commenced. Human Subject Testing The participants in this study consist of one male and one female athlete, both of which are healthy and not injured. Athletes with previous or current lower extremity injuries, along with athletes under the age of 18, have been excluded. Experimental Set-up The first step in the data collection process is to attach the markers designated by the Plug-In Gait Fullbody marker set. 35 reflective markers were placed on each subject at the right forehead (RFHD), left forehead (LFHD), right back of head (RBHD), left back of head (LBHD), 7th cervical vertebra (C7), right back (RBAK), 10th thoracic vertebra (T10), right shoulder (RSHO), left shoulder (LSHO), right elbow (RELB), left elbow (LELB), right wrist marker A (RWRA), right wrist marker B (RWRB), left wrist marker A (LWRA), left wrist maker B (LWRB), right finger (RFIN), left finger (LFIN), clavicle (CLAV), sternum (STRN), right anterior superior iliac (RASI), left anterior superior iliac (LASI), right posterior superior iliac (RPSI), left posterior superior iliac (LPSI), right thigh (RTHI), left thigh (LTHI), right knee (RKNE), left knee (LKNE), right tibia (RTIB), left tibia (LTIB), right toe (RTOE), left toe (LTOE), right ankle (RANK), left ankle (LANK), right heel (RHEE), and left heel (LHEE). Our female subject wearing this marker set can be seen below in Figure 6. The 35 markers work to create 15 body segment: head, torso, right upper arm, left upper arm, right lower arm, left lower arm, right wrist, left wrist, pelvis, right upper leg, left upper leg, right lower leg, left lower leg, right foot, and left foot. Figure 6. Female subject wearing Full Body Marker Set Additionally, subject parameters such as weight, height, knee width, ankle width, and total leg length, were documented and used for data collection. This portion of the data collection takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. All data is collected in the Experimental Biomechanics Laboratory, which is located in the engineering building at Lawrence Technological University. A Donjoy Armor brace was purchased to be used as the control brace for the experiment. The purchased brace is a size medium and can be worn without harm by both the male and female test subjects. To determine the size of the brace needed, knee width, upper thigh, lower thigh, upper calf, and lower calf were measured for both subjects. The platform used for the experimental tests was positioned 30cm above two force plates. The force plates are responsible for measuring the vertical ground reaction force (vGRF) and can be seen below in Figure 7. Figure 7. Experimental set-up of platform and force plates Vicon Nexus, a 3D motion capture system, was used for this project. The system consists of eight Vicon Bonita cameras placed in the Experimental Biomechanics Laboratory. The position of these cameras relative to the force plates can be seen below in Figure 8. As long as two cameras can see each marker, they can triangulate the markers’ 3D location in space. After the subject has the full body marker set on and the subject parameters have been measured and entered in Vicon Nexus, a static trial of the subject can be completed. Then, each marker is manually labeled to get a calibrated subject model. This model provides inertial properties for each body segment. Figure 8. Experimental set-up of 8 Bonita Nexus cameras and force plates. Experiments Three experimental tests were used to test and validate the fabricated knee brace; step-off landing on both legs, step-off landing on one leg, and run and stop jump. The first experimental test requires the test subject to step off of a platform 30 cm high and land on both legs, one on each force plate. After landing, the subject is instructed to perform a maximum vertical jump. The second experimental test instructs the subject to stand on a 30 cm high platform on the leg with the knee brace and drop down landing with the same leg on the forceplate. The third experimental tests is a run and stop jump. The subject starts by taking three approach steps, starting with the brace leg. The last step should be a push-off from the brace leg followed by a two-footed landing on the force plates. Upon landing the subject performs a vertical jump for maximum height. Figure 9 (below) shows our female subject completing each experiment. Each experimental test was completed with the control brace as well as the modified brace. For each test we ran trials until six trials with good data were acquired. These tests also took place in the Experimental Biomechanics Laboratory. The testing took up about two hours of the subjects’ time. Using a control brace allowed for comparison of the data obtained with the modified brace and the data obtained from Donjoy’s Armor Knee Brace. Figure 9. Experiments (a) step-off landing on both legs, (b) step-off landing on one leg, and (c) run and stop jump The data that will be measured includes the ground reaction force, segment acceleration, knee angles and kinematics. Those values can be used to calculate the joint reaction force and moment about the knee. The data from the three experimental tests with both braces—step-off landings on both legs, step-off landings on one leg, and run and stop jump will be used to determine if our brace is successful in lessening the load to the lateral side of the knee during a jump landing. We will be analyzing the data using Vicon Nexus and Vicon Polygon. From the six trials, the averages and standard deviations will be taken to perform a t-test to determine if our data is statistically significant. While undergoing testing, there were possible risks to the participants due to the nature of the tests. Minor negative effects included fatigue, and there were no injuries to the subjects. To minimize risks to the participants the testing was of short duration and was not strenuous or outside of the normal ranges of motion for the body. If at any time the subject felt pain or discomfort they were strongly encouraged to stop testing immediately. They were jumping from a low height and landed in a self-selected body position. HINGE SPECIFICATIONS Design Goals The immediate goal of the project is create a knee brace that protects the ACL from three injury mechanisms – hyperextension, valgus bending, and compressive axial forces. The goal of the hinge would be to position the knee in a slightly varus bending angle orientation. This would effectively transfer the load from the lateral compartment of the knee to the medial compartment. The vertical ground reaction force is used to create a lateral displacement when the knee is near full extension. This, in turn, will serve to lessen the occurrence and ultimately protect the ACL from serious injury. Hinge Design Process In order to initially devise a solution that incorporates our design goals, a detailed search and comparison of available braces was conducted. Being there is a large selection of available braces already on the market, we felt it would be detrimental if we tried to redesign an entire brace. The determination of altering a hinge design seemed like a more reasonable and feasible option. Through various discussions with both advisors, Dr. Meyer and Professor Cook, and with extensive patent searches we were able to narrow down the scope of our project to just redesigning the medial hinge. The time frame of the project and the budget we were granted was used as justification for our preliminary plan. The brainstorming process began with the notions that the fabrication must be possible at LTU. Furthermore, we felt it imperative that the materials being used were durable, but could also be modified if the testing didn’t work as planned. The brainstorm process resulted in four ideas for hinge designs. The four conceptual ideas were a spider gear, wedge pad, four bar linkage, and a leaf spring setup. As a group, the pros and cons of each conceptual design were displayed, and the ultimate decision was made to be the wedge pad option. The wedge pad appeared to be the best due to the relative ease of fabrication. Additionally, we felt that this design would be the most effective at control the amount of lateral displacement. Professor Cook is the largest contributor to the idea and was initially thought of one of the weekly meetings. Multiple rough drawings were created of the hinge design and function. The basic parts and functioning mechanisms were included in the initial sketches. Following, an AutoCAD version of the conceptual hinge was prepared to better represent the hinge and all of the moving parts. The AutoCAD file included all the appropriate dimensions set to scale. Next, a rough hinge prototype was fabricated from steel. Steel was chosen as the material for the rough prototype due to its relative inexpensive cost and just as a method to determine if the functioning mechanisms will work. The final hinge actually used on the brace was fabricated out of aluminum. Aluminum is much more expensive than steel, and thus was not used as the prototype. Aluminum is much easier to machine when compared to steel, and is also considerably lighter, a parameter necessary for a knee brace. To benefit the fabrication process, some of the parts from the original medial hinge were used. Once all fabrication processes were complete, the hinge was attached to the medial side of a right-legged Donjoy Armor knee brace. Figure 10. Hinge design process from left to right: control brace, rough drawing, CAD drawing, steel prototype, aluminum hinge, modified hinge brace Hinge Design The medial hinge is designed to connect to the brace by four rods with eight hardened bolts. The two wedges connect to the rods with bolts/pins that slide through a channel cut into the side of the body of the hinge. The channel has two important functions. First, it does not let the wedges go past a certain point which would lock the wedges under the wedge pad. The other function the channel does is prevent the rods from coming out of the body when the release springs push the rods back to the resting state. The wedges are milled at a 45° angle and push the wedge pad out when a load is applied. The wedge pad is also milled at a 45° angle but has a radius milled in it so when the flexion angle is increased the hinge does not lock up. To prevent hyperextension in the hinge, the polycentric part of the original hinge was welded to the wedge body and a bolt was used to hold the valgus plate and two hinge ends into place. The plate prevents valgus bending and is critical to holding the hinge together and controlling the movement. Correct movement is needed so the hinge moves in sync with the natural joint motion of the knee. The total width of the hinge is 1 ⅛”. This is important as we needed to keep the width as small as possible to prevent the other knee from hitting the brace. Data Analysis Vicon Nexus is the software program used for 3D motion capture. The system consists of 8 infrared cameras that are all synced to a control box. The data is captured and then relayed through the controller and displayed on the computer screen in the Experimental Biomechanics Laboratory. Vicon Nexus is responsible for obtaining the segment model data of the test subject’s motions. Vicon Polygon, a human skeletal model software program, was then used for data retrieval. The program is used mainly for the graphs required for validation. Vicon Polygon is essential because it shows the 3D human skeletal model of the motions. RESULTS Step-Off Landing on Both Legs The main parameter that we want to observe is the valgus and varus knee angle for each trial. The expectation for the results is an increased varus angle (or decreased valgus angle) when comparing the control brace to the modified brace. Figure 11, shown below, represents data obtained from the male control trials. The average varus angle was recorded when the vertical ground reaction force was at a maximum. The average angle observed for the male control trials is 16.7° ± 4.6°. Figure 12, also shown below, is representative of the step-off landing on both legs while wearing the modified brace. The graph represents the male modified trials. The average knee valgus/varus angles were, again, recorded at the maximum vertical ground reaction force. The average value is 33.7° ± 8.6°. When comparing the control to the modified trials for the male test subject, it is observed that the modified brace increased the varus angle by 17°. 16.7° ± 4.6° 33.7° ± 8.6° Figure 11. Male control; Step-off landing on both legs. Figure 12. Male modified; step-off landing on both legs Figure 13, shown below, represents the step-off landing on both legs for the female test subject wearing the control brace. The female subject showed a much larger valgus angle initially compared to the male subject. The average valgus/varus knee angles were taken at the maximum vertical ground reaction force. The average value for this set of data is -6.3° ± 2.4°. The negative value simply refers to the valgus orientation of the knee joint. In Figure 14, below, the data is obtained from the step-off landing on both legs for the female subject wearing the modified brace. The average knee valgus/varus angles were recorded when the vertical ground reaction force is at a maximum. The average angle for the modified brace is 21.3° ± 6.4°. As one can observe, the angle is in the varus portion of the graph, signifying that the modified brace created a varus bending angle at the knee joint. The differences in the valgus/varus angle between the control and modified braces is 27.6° of increased varus angle. This value is over 10° greater than the difference observed in the male trials. -6.3° ± 2.4° 21.3° ± 6.4° Figure 13. Female control; Step-off landing on both legs Figure 14. Female modified; Step-off landing on both legs Step-Off Landing on One Leg The focus of the results for the step-off landing on one leg is the knee valgus/varus angle. Represented in Figure 15 is the data obtained from the male subject wearing the control brace. Similar to the step-off landing on both legs, the average values for the knee valgus/varus angles are 16.0° ± 2.5°. The positive value is representative of a varus angle at the knee joint. Figure 16, shown below, is a graph of the step-off landing on one leg for the male subject wearing the modified brace. The modified brace showed an average knee valgus/varus angle of 23.7° ± 2.2°. In comparison to the control trials, the modified brace showed nearly 8° of additional varus bending at the knee joint. 23.7° ± 2.2° 16.0° ± 2.5° Figure 15. Male control; Step-off landing on one leg. one leg Figure 16. Male modified; Step-off landing on The figure below, Figure 17, shows the female subject’s control trials for the step-off landing on one leg. Similar to the female step-off landing on both legs, the control data shows a valgus angle of -8.0° ± 1.6°. The valgus angle seen in this graph is expected based on the anatomical make-up of the female pelvis (wider hips create a larger valgus angle at the knee). The final figure for the step-off landing on one leg is shown below in Figure 18. The data is representative of the female subject wearing the modified brace. The average valgus/varus angle recorded is 2.0° ± 5.8°. There is a difference of 10° from the control to the modified trials, indicating that the brace effectively created a varus angle at the knee joint at the time of the maximum vertical ground reaction force. 2.0° ± 5.8° -8.0° ± 1.6° Figure 17. Female control; Step-off landing on one leg. leg. Figure 18. Female modified; Step-off landing on one Run and Stop-Jump Landing Consistent with the previous two experiments, the valgus/varus knee angles were recorded and observed for run and stop-jump landing trials. The collected data is portrayed by an average valgus/varus angle (colored line), in addition to the standard deviation of the trials (grayed area). The data shown in Figures 19 and 20 represent the male control and male modified trials for the run and stop-jump landing task. The control trials showed an average valgus/varus angle of 18.0° ± 1.7°. The male modified trials recorded conclude a valgus/varus angle of 28.3° ± 2.6°. The varus angle increased by just over 10° when the modified brace was worn by the male test subject. 28.3° ± 2.6° 18.0° ± 1.7° Figure 19. Male control; Run and stop-jump landing. Figure 20. Male modified; Run and stop-jump landing The collected data for the run and stop-jump landing trials for the female test subject are represented below in Figures 21 and 22. Figure 21 displays the average valgus/varus angles for the control trials; the average value was determined to be -9.5° ± 3.6°. The negative value indicates that the initial position of the knee while wearing the control brace is in a valgus orientation. Figure 22 shows the average valgus/varus angles for the modified trials. The average value is 5.8° ± 2.8°. The positive value suggests that the knee position at the maximum vertical ground reaction force for the female subject wearing the modified brace is in varus orientation. The angle difference is 15.3° of varus bending when comparing the control and modified trials. The data found from the experimental tests signifies that the modified brace did in fact orient the knee joint in a slightly varus position. -9.5° ± 3.6° 5.8° ± 2.8° Figure 21. Female control; run and stop-jump landing Figure 22. Female modified; run and stop-jump landing Flexion and Extension Data The flexion and extension angles were recorded at the maximum vertical ground reaction force for both the male and the female test subjects. The purpose of collecting flexion and extension data is to validate that the modified brace prevents against hyperextension of the knee joint. In Figure 23 the results are displayed for the female control trials for the step-off landing on both legs. The average flexion and extension angle throughout the entire motion is represented by the colored line. The standard deviation is shown as the grayed area. Figure 24 shows the average flexion and extension angle for the modified trials of the same experiment. By visually comparing the two sets of data it is understood that the difference between control and modified trials are quite minute. The entirety of the flexion and extension angle data is nearly identical when comparing both the control and modified trials for the male and female test subjects. Figures 23 and 24 are the only figures included in the report that represent the flexion and extension angles. Due to the inherent redundancy of the flexion and extension graphs, the remainder of the graphs can be found in the report’s appendix. The ultimate objective of recording the flexion and extension angles is to ensure that the modified brace prevents hyperextension in the knee. All graphs conclude that the modified brace does indeed serve that purpose. The basis of the decision is that at no point in time did the data show a knee extension angle larger than what is anatomically acceptable. Figure 23. Female control, step-off landing on both legs Figure 24. Female modified, step-off landing on both legs Valgus and Varus Moment Data The valgus and varus moment data is the final parameter recorded to validate the effectiveness of the modified brace. The data shown in Figures 25 and 26 is representative of the six trials used to compute the valgus/varus moments. The trials in both the figures is not averaged like the previous graphs due to unknown complications with force plate data. Still, the general idea can still be observed for the valgus/varus moments for the control and modified trials. The data comes from the female test subject during the step-off landing on both legs experiment. The average valgus/varus moment for the control trials is -1.29 ± 0.22 N/m2. The average value for the modified trials is -1.15 ± 0.23 N/m2. The negative value is indicative of a valgus moment. Therefore it can be construed that the varus moment increased slightly (valgus moment decreased) between the control and modified braces. This slight increase is expected based on the results obtained from the valgus/varus angles. Similar to the flexion and extension data, the valgus and varus moment data is only represented by the two figures in this section due to redundancy in data. The remainder of the moment graphs can be found in the appendix of the report. Figure 25. Female control, step-off landing on both legs legs Figure 26. Female modified, step-off landing on both DISCUSSION The “New method to identify athletes at high risk of ACL injury using clinic-based measurements and freeware computer analysis” article aimed to determine a prediction algorithm to help identify when an ACL injury may be imminent. The article itself did not actually find any conclusive data in terms of knee angle or knee moment values. The particular study was chosen due to the experiment proposed within the article. The step-off landing on both legs experiment originated from the article. Although no raw data is obtained in the study, the article’s contents are imperative for our senior project. A future experiment that could be completed in regards to the article would be to actually identify numerical values for both male and female subjects. The valgus/varus angle values obtained for the male control and modified trials are 16.7° ± 4.6° and 33.7° ± 8.6°, respectively. The angle difference is 17° of varus bending. The valgus/varus angle values for the female control and modified trials are -6.3° ± 2.4° and 21.3° ± 6.4°, respectively. The angle difference is 27.6° of varus bending. The female control trial initially displayed the knee in a valgus orientation. The best determination for this is based on the notion that women have an anatomically wider pelvis. The increase in pelvis width causes a sharper angle at the knee joint, creating more of a valgus angle, as suggested by the valgus angle. Both the male and female trials showed a great increase in the varus angle, however, the increased value is not consistent for both genders. In the article titled “Changing sagittal plane body position during single-leg landings influences the risk of non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injury” the researchers examined the effects of single-leg landings and their association with ACL injuries. The study conducted included twenty participants performing single-leg landings with various landing styles. The study found that the ACL is most protected when the participant leaned forward at the landing point. This study does record numerical values, however, a majority of the information contains electromyography data pertaining to muscle activation during the landing. The study our group conducted does not include any muscle activation studies. Although no direct comparison can be made between this article and our project, a comparison can still be developed between the male and female subjects of our project. The valgus/varus angles for the male control and modified trials are 16.0° ± 2.5° and 23.7° ± 2.2°, respectively. The angle difference calculated is 7.7° of varus bending. The valgus/varus angles for the female control and modified trials are -8.0° ± 1.6° and 2.0° ± 5.8°, respectively. The angle difference for the female subject is 10° of varus bending. The step-off landing on one leg showed more consistent results in terms of the angle difference when wearing the control and modified braces. Again, the female average initially was in a valgus orientation, most likely due to the larger width of the pelvis. Furthermore, this experimental test is crucial for analysis because the test subject is only landing on the leg with the brace. This type of experiment eliminates any errors that may arise from two-legged landings by focusing all aspects of the jump on solely the right leg. REFERENCES [1] Feucht, Matthias J., Craig S. Mauro, Peter U. Brucker, Andreas B. Imhoff, and Stefan Hinterwimmer. "The Role of the Tibial Slope in Sustaining and Treating Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries." Springer-Verlag (2012): n. pag. Print. [2] Heard, B.J., N.M. Solbak, Y. Achari, M. Chung, D.A. Heart, N.G. Shrive, and C.B. Frank. "Changes of Early Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis in an Ovine Model of Simulated ACL Reconstruction Are Associated with Transient Acute Post-injury Synovial Inflammation and Tissue Catabolism." Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 21 (2013): 1942-949. Print. [3] Teng, Phillis, K.F. Leong, P.Y. Huang, and J. McLaren. "The Effect of a Knee-ankle Restraint on ACL Injury Risk Reduction during Jump-landing." Procedia Engineering 60 (2013): 300-06. Print. [4] Meyer, Eric G., and Roger C. Haut. 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APPENDIX IRB Application APPLICATION TO THE LAWRENCE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD FOR APPROVAL TO CONDUCT RESEARCH WITH HUMAN PARTICIPANTS By checking this box, the submitter of this application is providing a digital signature confirming that she or he: A. has completed the necessary sections of the application and included all required forms as stipulated in the instructions; B. has completed the required online training course in The Protection of Human Research Participants: WHAT IS IRB APPROVAL AND WHO SHOULD USE THIS IRB APPLICATION FORM? The Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Lawrence Technological University is a non-contract interdisciplinary committee comprised of faculty and staff charged with fulfilling the guidelines established by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the institution regarding the rights and welfare of human participants taking part in research conducted at, or sponsored by, LTU, regardless of the source of funding. The IRB is designed to protect the rights and welfare of individuals recruited to participate in research activities conducted under the auspices of the institution, and IRB approval indicates the institution’s official review that the potential risks of the research are outweighed by the potential benefits. Research with human participants refers to systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalized knowledge with living individual(s) about whom an investigator (professional or student) obtains either 1) data through intervention or interaction with the individual, or 2) identifiable private information as noted in the Code of Federal Regulations: All proposed activities that satisfy the criteria for research with human participants, and that are to be conducted at LTU or elsewhere by current LTU faculty, staff, and students, require submission of this IRB application for review and approval by the IRB prior to the initiation of the research and require. The IRB is concerned with the following: • Assuring participation is voluntary and that participants are free to withdraw at any time. • Identifying and managing potential risks to participants and researcher to assure that a balance exists between potential benefits of the research to the participant and/or society and the risk assumed by the participants. The following are not considered research with human participants, and therefore do not require IRB review: • Data collected for internal departmental, school, or other LTU administrative purposes (e.g. teaching evaluations, course evaluations, quality assurance). • Reviews and searches of existing literature and research involving a living individual, such as a biography, that is not generalizable beyond that individual. • Public archival data (e.g. data from public libraries, newspapers) so long as the analysis of the data will not make the data individually identifiable. • Class projects or term papers if all of the following are true: o The project is limited to surveys/questionnaires/interviews/observations of public behavior directly related to topics being studied in an official college course so long as the assessment tools contain no sensitive personal questions or other personal information that could stigmatize an individual (e.g., questions about criminal activity, medical history, drug use, sexual behavior). o No identifying information is recorded to link a person with the data such that it could reasonably harm the individual's reputation, employability, financial standing, or place them at risk for criminal or civil liability. o The participants in the project are not from a vulnerable or special population (e.g., pregnant women, prisoners, children or adolescents under the age of 18, cognitively impaired individuals). o The collected data does not leave the classroom setting, or if the project involves collecting data on an organization, agency or company, the data are shared only with that entity. o No LTU employee or student is receiving financial compensation for collecting, organizing, analyzing, or reporting the data. • Pilot projects/preliminary activities performed to determine if a study is feasible so long as vulnerable populations, methods with more than minimal risk, or sensitive personal questions will not be used. In the case where a project is not subject for review, the instructor/faculty member is responsible to uphold all applicable ethical standards and guidelines in course-related research activities when it comes to the treatment of human participants. Since it is the responsibility of the supervising instructor/faculty member to determine whether projects are subject to review, it is always best to err on the safe side and seek consultation from the IRB committee if a question arises regarding human participants, research and classroom activities. If you are not clear on whether your project is considered research with human participants contact [email protected] for clarification. If the proposed research to be conducted at LTU or elsewhere by current LTU faculty, staff, and students is considered research involving human participants, this IRB application form should be completed and submitted for review. Once the IRB application and all supporting materials have been submitted, the IRB will commence a review according to the following three 3 categories of review: Exempt From Further Review: “Exempt” means that a study does not require extensive regulatory review; it does not mean that the study is exempt from review. Activities involving reviewing of past records and surveys and questionnaires where there is anonymous participation and no risk to human participants may be eligible for an exemption from further review by the IRB Chairperson. According to federal regulations, the IRB (not the researchers themselves) will make final determination if the checklist application meets the exempt criteria. Expedited Review: Activities involving no more than minimal risk to human participants may be eligible for an expedited review by the Chairperson of the IRB. Minimal Risk means that the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research is no greater than what would ordinarily be encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examination or tests ( Full Committee Review: Full Committee Review occurs when there is more than minimal risk to participants or when the identity of participants is at risk of exposure. When the IRB review is complete, you will receive two types of feedback: “approved as is” or “approved with revisions.” The IRB reviewers strive to limit their methodological comments to only those that impact either the risk or benefit level of the study, thus affecting the welfare of participants and stakeholders. IRB approval for proposals that require expedited or full committee review lasts for 1 year and you must submit a continuation application at least six weeks before expiration. Exempt protocols are not subject to annual review. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR STUDENT RESEARCHERS You must obtain IRB approval prior to collecting data from human participants if you plan on using the data in your senior project, master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, plan on presenting the data at an academic conference, or plan on publishing the data in an academic journal. It is your responsibility to make sure that this IRB application has faculty approval and that all supporting materials are submitted to [email protected]. WHEN SHOULD I SUBMIT MY IRB APPLICATION? For students who will conduct human participant research, the IRB application should be submitted after the research proposal has been approved by the dissertation/thesis committee and/or the academic reviewer. It is expected that students will review IRB requirements as they are writing the proposal. All other researchers should submit the IRB application as soon as it is complete. The IRB will make every effort to help researchers move forward in a timely manner. IRB approval is required before participants can be recruited and data collection begins. HOW LONG DOES IRB REVIEW TAKE? Generally, it is the intent of the committee to review all Expedited and Exempt applications as quickly as possible, usually within 1-2 weeks, but IRB approval in these two review categories may occur quicker if necessary. Applications requiring a Full Review may take longer than 1-2 weeks for review. Note that when a study is “approved with revisions” the researcher should allow an additional 1-2 weeks for those revisions to be reviewed and approved. If the revisions do not adequately address the ethical concerns, an additional round of revisions and review might be necessary. The IRB members make every effort to make the required revisions as clear as possible. CAN I SUBMIT MY RESEARCH PROPOSAL TO AN EXTERNAL FUNDING AGENCY BEFORE IRB APPROVAL? Researchers do not need to obtain IRB approval prior to submitting their proposal to conduct research with human participants to an external funding agency (e.g., NIH, NSF). However, obtaining IRB approval prior to submission to the funding agency will confirm that your research project satisfies federal regulations for the protection of human participants. Additionally, if your proposal is funded, IRB approval will be required before you can begin your research. Therefore, you should contact the IRB prior to submitting your proposal if you have any questions or concerns about approval. CAN I RECRUIT MY RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS BEFORE IRB APPROVAL? According to federal regulations, researchers are required to obtain IRB approval before recruiting participants (i.e., getting consent form signatures). However, other documents may be signed before IRB approval, such as Data Use Agreements or Letters of Cooperation from community partner organizations, and Confidentiality Agreements that are signed by transcribers, statisticians, and research assistants who might be given access to the raw data after collection. Please email [email protected] if you have questions about the type of activities that can be conducted prior to obtaining IRB approval. WHAT IF I NEED TO CHANGE RESEARCH PROCEDURES AFTER IRB APPROVAL? Any modifications to a previously approved research protocol need to be reviewed by the IRB to ensure that the modification continues to meet the requirements for the originally issued approval. Minor changes to the protocol can be addressed on the Request for Change in Procedures form found on the Lawrence Tech Provost’s Office Web site. As long as the proposed changes do not increase the level of risk, the request will be treated as an expedited review. Extensive changes to any previously approved protocol are best addressed by submitting a new application. HOW LONG IS THE IRB APPROVAL PERIOD? Federal regulations stipulate IRB research approval can be no longer than 365 days. Therefore, unless otherwise stated in the review decision, IRB approvals are granted for a period of one year. Projects that have been approved under the Exempt From Further Review category are not required to submit a Request for Continuation form; all other IRB research approvals must submit a Request for Continuation form at least 14 days prior to the IRB approval expiration date. OVERVIEW OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS IRB APPLICATION General Description of the Proposed Research - Translate your research question(s) into lay language. - Provide specific descriptions of the tasks the participants will be asked to complete. Data Collection Tools - Submit all documents and authorizations related to data collection including the actual survey instrument; if the survey will be administered electronically, provide the link to the survey. - Submit copyright holder’s written permission to use the instrument and reproduce it in the dissertation/thesis, or confirmation that the tool is in the public domain (as applicable). Description of Research Participants - Describe the study population, noting inclusion and exclusion criteria. - Describe the procedure for recruiting participants. - If applicable, complete IRB application sections relevant to working with children, facility residents, or other protected populations. Community Research Stakeholders and Partners - Submit a signed Letter of Cooperation from any organization who will be involved in identifying potential participants or collecting data. -Submit an unsigned Data Use Agreement from any organization that will be providing records to the researcher. - Describe your plan for sharing your research results with relevant stakeholders (i.e., individuals or organizations with an interest, or “stake” in the conduct or outcome of the project). Potential Risks and Benefits - Describe anticipated risks and benefits of study participation. - Make provisions to minimize risks to research participants and document those procedures in this application. - When answering questions about risks in the application, please consider the following types of risks or discomfort which your participants may experience: - Physical Risks: Theses risks include physical discomfort, pain, injury, illness or disease brought about by the methods and procedures of the research. These risks are not commonly encountered in most social, behavioral, and educational research conducted at LTU. - Psychological Risks: Psychological risks may be experienced during participation in the research and/or afterwards as a result of participating in the research. These risks include anxiety, stress, fear, confusion, embarrassment, depression, guilt, shock, or loss of self-esteem. - Social/Economic Risks: Economic risks include changes in relationships with others that are detrimental to the participant, and may involve embarrassment, loss of respect of others, or diminishing the participant's future employability or eligibility for insurance. - Legal Risks: Legal risks include risk of criminal prosecution or civil lawsuits when research methods reveal that the participant has engaged in conduct which involves criminal or civil liability, and there is a legal mechanism which triggers release of that information (an example is the duty to report child abuse). - Loss of Confidentiality: Confidentiality is presumed and must be maintained unless the investigator obtains the express permission of the participant to do otherwise. Risks from breach of confidentiality include invasion of privacy, as well as the social, economic and legal risks outlined above. Release of confidential information is the most common type of risk encountered in social, behavioral, and educational research. Data Confidentiality - Describe procedures to maintain confidentiality. - If data includes personal identifiers, submit signed certificates of confidentiality for everyone who has access to the data. - If applicable, complete extra sections relevant to protected health information. Potential Conflicts of Interest - Disclose and manage potential conflicts of interest. Informed Consent - Make provisions to obtain and document informed consent from all study participants and the appropriate parents, guardians, or caregivers. - Submit the informed consent document that will be provided to participants with this application. Final Checklist and Electronic Signatures - Researchers submitting this IRB application will complete the final checklist and provide their electronic signature in the form of their email address that must match email address on file with LTU. - Student researchers will also enter their faculty advisor’s email address as confirmation of faculty approval. This form must be completed and submitted via email. If you have questions as you are completing the form, please contact [email protected] PROJECT INFORMATION Today’s Date: 12/2/2013 1. Researcher's name Dan Greenshields, Justin Killewald, and Rachel Porter (must match university records) 2. Researcher's LTU ID number 3. Researcher's email address 4. Project title Dan Greenshields: 000694879 Justin Killewald: 000689988 Rachel Porter: 000688513 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Novel Design of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury Prevention Brace 5. Research collaborators and roles If researcher is a student, please provide the name of the committee chair or other faculty member supervising this research. Dr. Eric G Meyer 6. Email address(es) of the supervising faculty member and any other co-researcher collaborators [email protected] 7. Lawrence Tech program affiliation(s) of researcher: Architecture and Design (specify program: ) Arts and Sciences (specify program: ) Engineering (specify program: Biomedical Engineering) Management (specify program: ) 8. Type of research: Doctoral Dissertation Master’s Thesis Project Seminar Senior/Honor’s Project Faculty Research Research for a course (specify course number: Other , course end date: , and instructor name: ) GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED RESEARCH 9. Please check all the data collection methods below that are part of this study. Ensure that all items checked here are fully explained in question 13. Survey or assessment completed by participant Interview of participant Analysis of student work products Analysis of existing public records/archival data Analysis of existing privately held records (such as business records, school records, medical records) Observation of people in public places Observation of people in school, workplace, or other non-public location Observational study that involves manipulation of the participants’ environment Collection/use of biological specimens (e.g. blood, saliva, urine, tissue) Other (please specify) Data collection based on results of physical exercise 10. Using lay terms please state your research question(s). Is our knee brace successful in lessening the force on the lateral side of the knee? Do not use of jargon or acronyms, as this application must be comprehensible to IRB reviewers outside of the researcher’s field. 11. Quantitative researchers: Please list each variable of interest (identifying each, if applicable, as independent, dependent, or covariate) and briefly explain how they will be measured. Quantitative: We will be measuring the ground reaction force and segment acceleration and using those to calculate the joint reaction force and moment. Qualitative researchers: Please describe the phenomenon of interest and how it will be recorded. The success of the knee brace will be determined by comparing it to the force applied to the knee without a knee brace and with a knee brace already on the market. Question 25 will ask for more detailed information about your data collection tools. 12. Please briefly describe the analyses planned. Describe which statistical or analytical methods you will use to reveal expected relationships, differences, or patterns. The IRB is obligated to factor the rigor of the research design into the overall assessment of the potential risks and benefits of this study. We will be comparing the data from the jump landings without a knee brace, with an existing knee brace, and finally with our repurposed knee brace to determine if our brace is successful in lessening the load to the lateral side of the knee during a jump landing. We will have five trials for each test and will take the average and standerd deviation from the five trials and perform a t-test to determine if our data is statistically significant. 13. Provide a detailed description of the informed consent and data collection procedures, along with the duration, location, and communication format for each. In detailed description describe any of the following that apply to your study: initial contact with potential participants; informed consent procedures; examination/review of archival records, surveys, interviews, assessments; observations of participants; intervention/treatment procedures; interviews; collection/use of biological specimens (describe type of specimen and how it will be collected and used); and dissemination of study’s results to participants and stakeholders. Please provide enough information to adequately describe your project. If there are more than 10 steps, then you may email an attachment (e.g., your proposal’s method section) to [email protected] Detailed description Duration Exact Location Exact Communication (include pertinent dates) Format Step 1 (e.g., LTU, other cite.) (e.g., email, phone, in person, internet, etc.) Potential participants will be existing group members. Existing LTU N/A Our subjects will fill out the informed consent form which we have created. They are required to fill this form out in order to participate. Our subjects will fill out a participant information sheet and then be prepared to perform the tests. This will include recording the information from their information sheets, attaching markers, and fitting the knee brace. Our subjects will be doing jump landing trials onto a force plate with and without a knee brace while wearing motion capture system markers. Our subjects will be doing jump landing trials onto a force plate while wearing our redesigned knee brace along with motion capture system markers. These trials may have to be done weekly to test changes made in the knee brace. 5 minutes LTU In person 30 minutes LTU's Biomechanics Lab In person 1 hour LTU's Biomechanics Lab In person 1 hour LTU's Biomechanics Lab In person Typically initial contact Step 2 Typically consent Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 DESCRIPTION OF THE RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS 14. Provide the target number of participants, including numbers per group if your study involves multiple groups, and provide the rationale for the target number of participants you require (e.g., Power study, literature review, etc.). 2 participants in a pilot study 15. Describe the criteria for inclusion and exclusion of participants in this study (such as relevant experiences, age, gender, health conditions, etc). Your inclusion criteria should define all critical characteristics of your sample. Once you’ve defined inclusion criteria, if you have no further limitations on who can participate, just indicate “none” under exclusion criteria. You should be prepared to justify each of these criteria. Inclusion criteria: 1 male and 1 female athlete who are healthy and not injured. Exclusion criteria: Athletes with previous lower extremity injuries, athletes under the age of 18. 16. Please indicate whether each of the following vulnerable or protected populations is targeted, included, or excluded from your study. -Mark populations as Targeted if they are part of your inclusion criteria. -Mark populations as Excluded if they are part of your exclusion criteria, or if your inclusion criteria automatically excludes them (for example, a study with children automatically excludes elderly participants). All other classes should be marked as Included. Targeted Included (but not targeted) Pregnant women Children/minors (18 and under) Prisoners Residents of any facility (nursing home, assisted living) Mentally/emotionally disabled individuals Individuals who might be less than fluent in English Elderly individuals (65+) Traumatized individuals Economically disadvantaged individuals Clients or potential clients of the researcher Students or subordinates of the researcher Other Healthy athletes Excluded ADDITIONAL ISSUES TO ADDRESS WHEN PARTICIPANTS INCLUDE RESIDENTS OF A FACILITY 17. Will your sample include residents of any facility (including prisons, juvenile detention centers, nursing homes, mental health facilities, rehabilitation facilities, etc?) Yes → Please complete question 18. No → Please skip ahead to question 19. 18. The use of facility residents as participants requires that the investigator comply with the additional protections provided in the relevant code of federal regulations (link provided on the Lawrence Tech Provost’s Office Web site). A. Will this study examine the possible causes, effects, or processes of incarceration and/or criminal behavior? Yes. No. B. Will this study examine the facility as an institutional structure? Yes. No. C. Will this study specifically examine the experience of living in that particular type of facility? Yes. No. D. Will this study examine a condition(s) particularly affecting these types of facility residents? Yes. No. E. Will this study examine a procedure, innovative or accepted, that will have the intent or reasonable probability of improving the health or well being of the participants? Yes, and residents will be assigned to groups by . No. ADDITIONAL ISSUES TO ADDRESS WHEN PARTICIPANTS INCLUDE PROTECTED POPULATIONS 19. Will your sample include any members of vulnerable or protected populations listed in question 16? Yes → Please complete questions 20-21. No → Please skip ahead to question 22. 20. Please briefly justify the inclusion of each protected population. Ensure that this response lays out a rationale for why it is not possible to conduct the research without the use of the protected population. 21. If competency to provide consent could possibly be an issue, describe how competency will be determined and your plan for obtaining consent. If not applicable, please indicate NA. ADDITIONAL ISSUES TO ADDRESS WHEN PARTICIPANTS INCLUDE CHILDREN 22. Will your sample include individuals less than 18 years of age? Yes → Please complete questions 23-24. No → Please skip ahead to the next section on Data Collection Tools. 23. If this study proposes to include minors, this inclusion must meet one of the following criteria for risk/benefit assessment, according to federal regulations (link provided on the Lawrence Tech IRB Web site). Check the one appropriate box: Minimal risk. Greater than minimal risk, but holds prospect of direct benefit to participants. Greater than minimal risk, no prospect of direct benefit to participants, but likely to yield generalizable knowledge about the participant’s disorder or condition. 24. Please explain how the criterion in question 15 is met for this study. DATA COLLECTION TOOLS In order to approve your study, the IRB needs to review the full text of each data collection tool (e.g., surveys, assessments, interview questions, etc.). The final checklist of this application will direct you to send your data collection tools and any relevant permissions at the same time you submit the IRB form. Note that any changes made to the data collection tools after IRB approval will require submission of the Request for Change in Procedures form. READ THIS IF YOU ARE USING A PUBLISHED INSTRUMENT: Many assessment instruments published in journals can be used in research as long as commercial gain is not sought and proper credit is given to the original source (United States Code, 17USC107). However, publication of an assessment tool’s results in a journal does not necessarily indicate that the tool is in the public domain. The copyright holder of each assessment determines whether permission and payment are necessary for use of that assessment tool. Note that the copyright holder could be either the publisher or the author or another entity (such as the Myers and Briggs Foundation, which holds the copyright to the popular Myers-Briggs personality assessment). The researcher is responsible for identifying and contacting the copyright holder to determine which of the following are required for legal usage of the instrument: purchasing legal copies, purchasing a manual, purchasing scoring tools, obtaining written permission, obtaining explicit permission to reproduce the instrument in a dissertation/thesis/journal, or confirmation that the tool is public domain. Even for public domain instruments, Lawrence Tech University requires students to provide the professional courtesy of notifying the primary author of your plan to use that tool in the research project. Sometimes this is not possible, but at least three attempts should be made to contact the author at his or her most recently listed institution across a reasonable time period (such as 2 weeks). The author typically provides helpful updates or usage tips and asks to receive a copy of the results. Many psychological assessments are restricted for use only by suitably qualified individuals. Researchers must check with the test’s publisher to make sure that they are qualified to administer and interpret any particular assessments that they wish to use. READ THIS IF YOU ARE CREATING YOUR OWN INSTRUMENT OR MODIFYING AN EXISTING INSTRUMENT: It is not acceptable to modify assessment tools without explicitly citing the original work and detailing the precise nature of the revisions. Note that even slight modifications to items or instructions threaten the reliability and validity of the tool and make comparisons to other research findings difficult, if not impossible. Therefore, unless the purpose of the study is to compare the validity and reliability of a revised measure with that of one that has already been validated, no changes should be made in any existing measures. If the study is being conducted for the purpose of assessing the validity/reliability of a modified version of an existing measurement tool, the original tool must also be administered to participants, and appropriate permissions to use the original tool must be obtained. 25. Are any of your data collection tools copyrighted? No. Yes, the following instrument is copyrighted: . I have consulted the copyright holder, , and I have complied with all of the copyright holder’s legal usage terms by (check all that apply): obtaining legal copies of the instrument obtaining a legal copy of the manual or scoring kit obtaining written permission to use the instrument in my research (submitted with this application) obtaining explicit permission to reproduce the instrument in my dissertation (submitted with this application) confirming that the tool is public domain (submitted with this application) other: If you are working with multiple copyright holders for different instruments, you must provide the legal usage requirements for each additional instrument: 26. Did you create any of your data collection tools yourself? No. Yes, I created the following instrument: Consent form and participant information sheet and its psychometric properties (i.e., reliability and validity) are being established using the following procedures (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha for reliability, expert panel or literature review for face validity, comparison with similar instrument for criterion validity, exploratory or confirmatory factor analysis for construct validity, previous pilot study, etc.): Are you modifying an existing tool? No. Yes, the APA style citation for the original tool is modifications are necessary because . ; my modifications include ; and these COMMUNITY RESEARCH STAKEHOLDERS AND PARTNERS Research participants are individuals who provide private data through any type of interaction, whether verbal, observed, typed, recorded, written, or otherwise assessed. Research participants’ willingness to engage in research must be documented with CONSENT FORMS, after IRB approval. For example, a teacher comparing two teaching strategies by interviewing adult students in her classes would need to have each individual student sign a consent form. Community partners include any schools, clinics, businesses, non-profits, government entities, residential facilities, or other organizations involved in your research project. Community partners’ willingness to engage in research must be documented with a LETTER OF COOPERATION, before IRB approval. To continue with the same example above, the teacher comparing two teaching strategies would need a Letter of Cooperation from the school confirming (a) that the school approves the teacher’s utilization of two different teaching strategies and (b) that the school approves the interview activities. If you have questions about whether an individual or an organization should provide permission for some aspect of the research, please email [email protected]. If a community partner’s engagement in the research involves providing any type of non-public records, the terms of sharing those records must be documented in a DATA USE AGREEMENT, before IRB approval. Again using the same example, the teacher comparing two teaching strategies might need a Data Use Agreement if she wants to analyze the students’ past academic records or work products as part of the study. Data Use Agreements must be FERPA-compliant and HIPAA-compliant, as applicable. A sample letter of cooperation and sample data use agreement can be downloaded from the IRB section of the Lawrence Tech Web site. The final checklist of this application will direct you to email or fax your community partners’ Letters of Cooperation and any applicable Data Use Agreements at the same time you submit this IRB form. Stakeholders include the informal networks of individuals who would potentially be impacted by the research activities or results (such as parents, community leaders, etc). Lawrence Tech students are required to disseminate their research results in a responsible, respectful manner and are encouraged to develop this dissemination plan in consultation with the relevant community partners. Sometimes it is appropriate to provide a debriefing session/handout to individual participants immediately after data collection in addition to a general stakeholders’ debriefing after data analysis. 27. Please identify all community stakeholders who should hear about your research results and indicate your specific plan for disseminating your results in an appropriate format. 28. Please specify the names and roles of any community partner organizations you propose to involve in identifying potential participants or collecting data. For each organization, identify the individual who will be signing the Letter of Cooperation and any applicable Data Use Agreement (see definitions above). Stakeholders would potentially be LTU athletics or any athlete at LTU. We plan on providing the Athletic Director with our findings. Business interests could also learn about the brace or validation results to help them with commercialization opportunities. N/A If you have no community research partner, that means you are solely relying on public records to recruit participants and collect data. 29. Please briefly describe how you chose each of the partners listed above. N/A POTENTIAL RISKS AND BENEFITS 30. For each of the categories A-J below, carefully estimate risk level and describe the circumstances that could contribute to that type of negative outcome for participants or stakeholders. Please note: Minimal risk is acceptable but must be identified upfront. Substantial risk is acceptable as long as adequate preventive protections are in place (which you will describe in item 31). Level of risk: check one A. Unintended disclosure of confidential information (such as educational or medical records) B. Psychological stress greater than what one would experience in daily life (e.g., materials or topics that could be considered sensitive, offensive, threatening, or degrading) C. Attention to personal information that is irrelevant to the study (i.e., related to sexual practices, family history, substance use, illegal behavior, medical or mental health) Description of risk: list the circumstances that could cause this outcome No risk Minimal risk Substantial risk No risk Minimal risk Substantial risk No risk Minimal risk Substantial risk D. Unwanted solicitation, intrusion, or observation in public places No risk Minimal risk Substantial risk E. Unwanted intrusion of privacy of others not involved in study (e.g. participant’s family). No risk Minimal risk Substantial risk F. Social or economic loss (i.e., collecting data that could be damaging to any participants’ or stakeholders’ financial standing, employability or reputation) No risk Minimal risk Substantial risk G. Perceived coercion to participate due to any existing or expected relationship between the participant and the researcher (or any entity that the researcher might be perceived to represent) No risk Minimal risk Substantial risk H. Misunderstanding as a result of experimental deception (such as placebo treatment or use of confederate research assistants posing as someone else) No risk Minimal risk Substantial risk I. Minor negative effects on participants’ or stakeholders’ health (no risk of serious injury) No risk Minimal risk Substantial risk Our testing will involve jump landings and could cause fatigue. J. Major negative effects on participants’ or stakeholders’ health (risk of serious injury) No risk Minimal risk Substantial risk Our testing will involve jump landings and could present potential risk to injury. 31. Explain what steps will be taken to minimize risks and to protect participants’ and stakeholders’ welfare. If the research will include protected populations, identify each group and answer this question for each group. 32. Describe the anticipated benefits of this research, if any, for individual participants. 33. Describe the anticipated benefits of this research for society. The testing will be of short duration and will not be strenuous or outside the normal ranges of motion for the body. If at any time, the subject feels pain or discomfort they are strongly encouraged to stop testing immediately. To reduce the risk of injury participants will be jumping from a low height and landing in a self selected body position. There will be no direct benefit to the participants of this study. This research aims to help repurpose a knee brace that will aid in preventing or lessening ACL injuries. There is no product on the market that has successfully done so, and tearing the ACL is an expensive, most often career ending injury that leads to other implications and injuries. DATA CONFIDENTIALITY Understanding the difference between confidentiality and anonymity: Anonymous data contains absolutely zero identifiers and makes it impossible to determine who participated and who did not. Confidential data contains one or more identifiers, but identifiers are kept private by the researcher. In order to protect participant privacy and assure that study participation is truly voluntary, anonymous data collection is preferred, whenever possible. 34. In what format will you store the data? (e.g., paper, electronic media, video, audio) Paper, electronic media, and video. 35. Where will you store the data? Data will be stored in E108, binders for paper copies, LTU laptops, external hard drive for backup. At least 5 years. 36. How long will you keep the data? (five years is the minimum requirement) 37. Describe what security provisions will be taken to protect this data. (e.g., password protection, locks) All files will be kept in researchers home until needed. 38. Will you record any direct identifiers such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc? No. Yes, but the written or electronic signature on the consent form is the ONLY piece of identifying information I am collecting. Yes, I am collecting identifiers beyond names because they are essential within my dataset. 39. Will you retain a link between study code numbers and direct identifiers after the data collection is complete? No. Yes, it is necessary because . 40. Will you provide an identifier or potentially identifying link to anyone else besides yourself? No. Yes, it is necessary because . Not applicable to my research proposal. 41. Explain who will approach potential participants to take part in the research study and what will be done to protect individuals’ privacy in this process. The potential participants in this research are ourselves. 42. Please list all individuals who will have access to the data (including research assistants, transcribers, statisticians, etc). If you are a student, the IRB assumes that your supervising faculty members will have access to the data, so you do not need to list them. Researchers only. 43. To ensure data confidentiality among your research colleagues, you will either need to obtain a signed Confidentiality Agreement for each person you listed for Question 42 or de-identify the data (by removing all identifying links) before anyone else has access to it. Please visit the IRB Web site to download a sample Confidentiality Agreement. Either handwritten or electronic signatures will suffice. This application’s final checklist will direct you to send the IRB your signed Confidentiality Agreement(s) at the same time you submit this IRB form. Please check all that apply. I will be emailing the signed confidentiality agreement(s) to [email protected]. I will be faxing the signed confidentiality agreement(s) to (248) 204-2207. Not applicable because I am the only one who will have access to the raw data. Not applicable because the accessible data is anonymous or de-identified. 44. If the data collected contains information about illegal behavior, it might be appropriate for you to obtain a Federal Certificate of Confidentiality, which can shield your data from subpoena. Will you obtain a Federal Certificate of Confidentiality for this research? Yes. I will be submitting a copy at the same time I submit this form to [email protected] No. My research involves reports of illegal behavior but I have opted not to seek a Federal Certificate of Confidentiality. No. My research does not ask participants to report any type of illegal behavior. ADDITIONAL ISSUES TO ADDRESS WHEN THE RESEARCH INVOLVES PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION 45. As part of this study, the researcher(s) will: Collect protected health information* from participants → Please complete question 46. Have access to protected health information* in the participants’ records → Please complete question 46. None of the above → Please skip to question 47. *Protected Health Information (PHI) is defined under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) as health information transmitted or maintained in any form or medium that: A. identifies or could be used to identify an individual; B. is created or received by a healthcare provider, health plan, employer or healthcare clearinghouse; and C. relates to the past, present or future physical or mental health or condition of an individual; the provision of health care to an individual; or the past, present or future payment for the provision of healthcare to an individual. For more information on protected health information, please visit the Lawrence Tech IRB Web site. 46. To use PHI in research you must have approval through one of the following methods: A. An authorization signed by the research participant that meets HIPAA requirements; or B. Use of a limited data set under a data use agreement. Check below to indicate which method of approval you will use. A. Research participants in this study will sign an Authorization to Use or Disclose PHI for Research Purposes form. If the study includes multiple activities (e.g., clinical trial or collection and storage of PHI in a central repository), then two authorization forms must be submitted for review. You may download a sample authorization form at the IRB Web site, fill in the required information, and fax to (248) 204-2207. B. I will access a limited data set by signing a Data Use Agreement with the party that releases the PHI. A limited data set must have all possible identifiers removed from the data. It is the responsibility of the researcher and the party releasing the PHI to have in place and maintain a copy of a Data Use Agreement which meets HIPAA requirements. Use the template Data Use Agreement and fill in the required information. A copy of the signed Data Use Agreement must be submitted for IRB review. POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 47. This item asks you to disclose information related to separating your multiple roles as clearly as possible, with the goal of ensuring authentically voluntary participation in your study. Doctoral research directly benefits the student (allowing him or her to obtain a degree), and so the researcher should minimize the potential for either (a) conflict of interest or (b) perceived coercion to participate. Researchers who are in positions of authority must take extra precautions to ensure that potential participants are not pressured to take part in their study. Data collection should be as detached as possible from the researcher’s authority. Examples: -a professor researcher may recruit students AFTER grades have been assigned -a psychologist researcher may recruit clients from ANOTHER psychologist’s practice -a manager researcher may conduct ANONYMOUS data collection so that subordinates do not perceive their responses or [non]participation as being associated with their job standing At the time of study recruitment, are the potential study participants aware of any of the researchers’ other professional or public roles? (Such as teacher, business owner, community leader, supervisor, etc.?) No. Yes, at the time of recruitment some of the participants are aware of the researcher’s role, and the following measures will be taken to separate the researcher’s dual roles and minimize perceived coercion to participate: . 48. This item asks you to disclose information related to possible financial conflicts of interest, with the goal of maintaining research integrity. Is it possible that the financial situations or professional positions (to include promotions, contracts, clients, and reviews) of the researchers or their families could be directly impacted by the design, conduct, or results of this research? No. Yes, and the conflict of interest is being managed by the following disclosures/measures: . 49. Will the researcher give participants or stakeholders any gifts, payments, compensation, reimbursement, free services, or extra credit? It is fine to compensate your participants as long as the compensation cannot be interpreted as coercive among the participant population. For example, a $5 gift card to a coffee house is fine as a thank you gift, but an Ipod would not be, especially if the participants are teenagers. It is often better to eliminate compensation all together or make sure that 100% of your sample gets the same compensation (as opposed to only compensating those in your experimental group). No. Yes. More information is provided below. What compensation will be given? At what point during the research will the compensation be given? Under what conditions will the compensation be given? (i.e., how will compensation for withdrawn participants be handled?) INFORMED CONSENT This application’s final checklist will direct you to email your consent/assent forms to [email protected] at the same time you submit this IRB form. For research projects with e-surveys, page 1 of your survey should be the informed consent. Refer to the document “Consent Form Template for Online Survey” available on the IRB website. Please note that your application is not considered complete until you submit your consent/assent form. 50. Federal regulations require that the informed consent procedures disclose each of the elements in the checklist below and that consent be documented (usually by asking the participants to sign the consent form listing all of the disclosures but there are some other arrangements that are acceptable, depending on the privacy issues and logistics of the data collection). Anonymous surveys rely on implicit endorsement rather than obtaining a signed endorsement (i.e., the participant indicates willingness to participate by completing a survey that contains a coversheet disclosing the required elements below). When participants are between 7 and 17, researchers must obtain parental consent in addition to asking the children to review and sign an age-appropriate assent form. You may link to the relevant regulations from the Lawrence Tech IRB Web site. When participants are 6 and under, researchers must obtain parental consent in addition to reading a script that asks the children for their verbal assent to participate. Templates for consent and assent forms can be downloaded from Lawrence Tech IRB Web site. Note that the consent and assent forms on the IRB Web site are only templates and will likely need a great deal of tailoring for your study. Pay particular attention to making the reading level appropriate for your targeted participant population. Please affirm that your consent/assent form(s) contain each of the following required elements. Statement that the study involves research Statement of why participant was selected Disclosure of the identity and all relevant roles of researcher (e.g., Ph.D. candidate, part-time faculty member, facility owner) An understandable explanation of research purpose An understandable description of procedures Expected duration of participant's participation Statement that participation is voluntary Statement that refusing or discontinuing participation involves no penalty Description of reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts Description of anticipated benefits to participants or others Information that participant will or will not be compensated for their participation Description of how confidentiality will be maintained Whom to contact with questions about the research Statement that participant may keep a copy of the informed consent form All potential conflicts of interest are disclosed Consent process and documentation are in language understandable to the participant There is no language that asks the participant to waive his/her legal rights If appropriate, indicates that a procedure is experimental (i.e., not a standard procedure) YES N/A If appropriate, disclosure of alternative procedures/treatment If appropriate, additional costs to participant resulting from research participation FINAL IRB CHECKLIST 51. Please indicate below which method you are using to send each of your supporting documents. We ask that you send these supporting documents to the IRB at the same time you submit this application. Students must obtain their supervising faculty member’s approval on the last page before submitting any materials to the IRB. Emailed to [email protected] Faxed to (248) 204-2207 Not applicable Data collection tools (e.g., surveys, interviews, assessments, etc.) All of the following that apply to any assessments’ copyright holders: written/emailed permission to use the instrument, permission to reproduce the instrument in the dissertation, confirmation that the tool is public domain, proof of the researcher’s qualifications to administer the instrument Letters of Cooperation from community partners Data Use Agreement from any community partners that will be sharing their non-public records Invitation to participate in research (e.g., letter, flier, phone script, ad, etc.) Signed Confidentiality Agreements for transcribers, statisticians, research assistant, etc. Consent/assent forms Federal certificate of confidentiality (to shield data from subpoena) Please maintain a copy of this completed application for your records. Once the IRB application and all supporting documents have been received, the IRB staff will email the researcher and any relevant faculty supervisors to confirm that the IRB application is complete. At this time, the IRB staff will also notify the researcher of the expected IRB review date for the proposal. The review date will be scheduled no later than 15 business days after your completion of this application. In the case of doctoral students, the review date will be scheduled no later than 15 business days after both A) the application is complete and B) the proposal is fully approved. Notice of outcome of the IRB review will be emailed to the researcher and any supervising faculty members within 5 business days of the review. Please be aware that the IRB committee might require revisions or additions to your application before approval can be granted. Neither pilot nor research data may be collected before notification of IRB approval. Students collecting data without approval risk expulsion and invalidation of data. The IRB will make every effort to help researchers move forward in a timely manner. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions. RESEARCHER ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE 52. By checking each of these boxes and providing my email address below as an authentication, I am providing an electronic signature certifying that each of the statements below is true. The information provided in this application form is correct, and was completed after reading all relevant instructions. I agree to conduct this and all future IRB correspondence electronically, via email/fax. I, the researcher, will request IRB approval before making any substantive modification to this study using the Request for Change in Procedures Form found at the Lawrence Tech IRB Web site. I, the researcher, will report any unexpected or otherwise significant adverse events and general problems within one week using the Adverse Event Reporting Form found at the Lawrence Tech IRB Web site. Neither recruitment nor data collection will be initiated until final IRB approval is received from [email protected]. I understand that this research, once approved, is subject to continuing review and approval by the Committee Chair and the IRB. I, the researcher, will maintain complete and accurate records of all research activities (including consent forms and collected data) and be prepared to submit them upon request to the IRB. I understand that if any of the conditions above are not met, this research could be suspended and/or not recognized by Lawrence Tech University. Researcher email address (provides authentication for [email protected], [email protected], electronic signature and thus must match email [email protected] address on file with Lawrence Tech University) IRB Policy on Electronic Signatures Lawrence Tech’s IRB operates in a nearly paperless environment, which requires reliance on verifiable electronic signatures, as regulated by the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. Legally, an "electronic signature" can be the person’s typed name, their email address, or any other identifying marker. An electronic signature is just as valid as a written signature as long as both parties have agreed to conduct the transaction electronically. IRB staff will verify any electronic signatures that do not originate from a password-protected source (i.e., an email address officially on file with Lawrence Tech). Supervising Faculty Member Electronic Signature 53. As the faculty member supervising this research, I assume responsibility for ensuring that the student complies with University and federal regulations regarding the use of human participants in research. By checking each of these boxes and providing my email address below as an authentication, I am providing an electronic signature certifying that each of the statements below is true. I affirm that the researcher has met all academic program requirements for review and approval of this research. I will ensure that the researcher properly requests any protocol changes using the Request for Change in Procedures Form found at the Lawrence Tech IRB Web site. I will ensure that the student promptly reports any unexpected or otherwise significant adverse events and general problems within 1 week using the Adverse Event Reporting Form found at the Lawrence Tech IRB Web site. I will report any noncompliance on the part of the researcher by emailing notification to [email protected]. Faculty member email address (provides authentication for electronic signature and thus must match email address on file with Lawrence Tech University): [email protected] IRB Policy on Electronic Signatures Lawrence Tech’s IRB operates in a nearly paperless environment, which requires reliance on verifiable electronic signatures. Electronic signatures are regulated by the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. Legally, an "electronic signature" can be the person’s typed name, their email address, or any other identifying marker. An electronic signature is just as valid as a written signature as long as both parties have agreed to conduct the transaction electronically. The Research Coordinator will verify any electronic signatures that do not originate from a password-protected source (i.e., an email address officially on file with Lawrence Tech). <LTU_IRB_APPLICATION.docm> October 11, 2011 Matthew L. Cole, Ph.D. IRB Chair Novel Design of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury Prevention Brace Dan Greenshields Justin Killewald Rachel Porter Informed Consent to Participate in ACL Knee Brace Testing Mr. Daniel Greenshields, Mr. Justin Killewald, and Ms. Rachel Porter of the Lawrence Technological University, College of Engineering, invite you to be a part of the Novel Design of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury Prevention Brace research project. This research study looks at the forces applied to the knee when jump landing. This will be done by using motion analysis system markers as well as force plates. The subject will be jumping off of a bench and landing on the force plates. The purpose of this study is to redesign a knee brace that will shift the compressive load from the lateral side of the knee to the medial side of the knee to aid in preventing or lessening ACL injuries. We are asking you to participate because you are an athlete over the age of 18 who faces no current injuries. If you agree to be part of the research study, you will be provided with an information sheet that asks you a couple of questions about athletic participation and current along with past injuries to determine if you are eligible to participate in our study. We expect the information sheet to take about five minutes to complete. Should you decide to participate further by accepting an offer to be a test subject, you should be aware of the following information regarding our research and data collection procedures, which are outlined on the following page. Testing with no brace: 1 hour 1) Subjects will have markers placed on their lower extremity. 2) Subjects will then jump off of a bench onto force plates to duplicate a jump landing. 3) This test will take about an hour of the subject’s time. Testing with a knee brace already existing on the market: 1 hour 1) Subjects will have markers placed on their lower extremity. 2) Subjects will then jump off of a bench onto force plates to duplicate a jump landing. 3) This test will take about an hour of the subject’s time. Testing with our redesigned knee brace: 1 hour (possible retesting will be needed) 1) Subjects will have markers placed on their lower extremity. 2) Subjects will then jump off of a bench onto force plates to duplicate a jump landing. 3) This test will take about an hour of the subject’s time once a week. Subjects should understand that our testing is not designed to inflict any injury or discomfort. You are aware that while our testing will not be strenuous or go beyond the body’s normal ranges of motion, by participating there is a potential risk of fatigue or injury. If significant pain or complications arise, or if for any reason you wish to stop with testing, there is no penalty in doing so. All subjects are encouraged to stop testing at any time if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable for any reason. While you may not receive any direct benefit for participating, we hope that this study will contribute to the effort of trying to reduce or minimize injuries to the ACL. Researchers will be able to link your information sheet responses to you via your participant identification number located on the next page. The information provided by you on the Participant Information Sheet will be kept protected and anonymous to everyone but the researchers. Participating in this study is completely voluntary. Even if you decide to participate now, you may change your mind and stop at any time. You may choose to not answer an individual question or you may skip any section of the Participant Information Sheet. Regarding compensation, please note that you will not be provided with any monetary compensation for participating in this study. If you have questions about this research study, you can contact Mr. Daniel Greenshields, at [email protected], Mr. Justin Killewald at [email protected] or Ms. Rachel Porter at [email protected] If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Lawrence Technological University Institutional Review Board, 21000 West Ten Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48075, (248) 204-3541, [email protected]. If you have read this informed consent form, understand the information contained in this informed consent form, and agree to participate in this study, please print and sign your name or initial below, and enter today’s date. You will be offered a copy of this form to keep. ________I hereby assume all risk of injury, damage and harm to myself arising from participating in the study of the ACL Knee Brace at Lawrence Tech facilities. I also herby individually and on behalf of my heirs, executors and assignees, release and hold harmless Lawrence Tech, its officials, employees and agents and waive any right of recovery that I might have to bring a claim or a lawsuit against them for any personal injury, death or other consequences occurring to me arising out of my volunteer activities. __________________________________________ (please print your name) __________________________________________ _______1________ Participant Identification Number ________________ Participant (please sign your name) Date __________________________________________ ________________ Investigator’s signature Date Participant Participant Information Sheet Do you have any current injuries? _________ If yes, please explain. Have you had any past lower extremity injuries? If yes, please explain. How often do you participate in athletics? Height: _________ Weight: _________ Leg length (ankle to hip): _________ Knee width: _________ Ankle width: _________ Gender: _________ Participant identification number: _________ _________ Institutional Review Board Office of the Provost [email protected] January 27, 2014 Rachel Porter Lawrence Technological University Biomedical Engineering Program [email protected] Dear Rachel, I am pleased to report that the IRB application to conduct research with human participants for the study “Novel Design of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury Prevention Brace” has been approved under the Expedited review path for a period of one year, January 27, 2014 –January 27, 2015. The IRB is satisfied that the following ethical concerns regarding the treatment of human research participants used in the study have been addressed in the research protocol: (1) The research, which will be conducted by you (Rachel Porter), Justin Killewald, and Dan Greenshields, students in the Biomedical Engineering program at Lawrence Tech under the supervision of Lawrence Tech faculty Dr. Eric G. Meyer, involves using motion analysis system markers as well as force plates with athletes over the age of 18 who have no current injuries, who will voluntarily consent to participate, who are free to withdraw from the study at any time, whose responses will be anonymous, and who have assumed all risk of injury, damage and harm to themselves arising from participating in the study of the ACL knee brace at Lawrence Tech facilities; (2) The research poses no more than minimal risk to participants, potential risks to the participants have been identified, the research is not designed to inflict any injury or discomfort, and the research will not be strenuous or go beyond the body’s normal ranges of motion; and (3) A balance exists between potential benefits of the research to the participant and/or society and the risk assumed by the participants. 66 Please contact the IRB if an extension is required after one year. Please note you must contact the IRB if any changes are made to the research protocol that impact the ethical treatment of the research participants. Please do not hesitate to contact the IRB if you have any questions. Sincerely, Matthew Cole, Ph.D. Chair, Institutional Review Board (IRB) Lawrence Technological University [email protected] o: 248.204.3096 f: 248.204.3099 The Lawrence Tech IRB is organized and operated according to guidelines of the United States Office for Human Research Protections and the United States Code of Federal Regulations and operates under Federal Wide Assurance No. FWA00010997 that expires 02/10/2017. 67 Plug-In Gait Fullbody Marker Set 68 Standard Operating Procedure 1. From the Windows desktop, double-click the Vicon Nexus Icon. Data Management 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click the Data Management button on the Nexus toolbar or go to the File menu and select Data Management. Click the New Database button on the toolbar. The database is the folder where Nexus files are saved. Click Create to establish a database. In the Open Database window displayed, select the database you created and click Open. Create a hierarchy of data folders in which to store your data. a. Click the green New Patient Classification button to add a top-level folder. b. Click the yellow New Patient button to add a patient folder to the previous folder. c. Click the gray New Session button to add a session folder to the patient folder. Before closing Data Management, double-click the new session folder you just created. Calibration & Setup 7. Position the eight Bonita cameras in their designated location facing the capture volume. a. Each camera should connect to the Vicon Giganet-MX controller via the purple Ethernet cables. 8. Place the 5-marker calibration wand on a horizontal surface (floor) in the intended capture volume. Record a static calibration. a. Take into account the motion of the subject when determining the optimal capture volume. 9. In the System Preparation tab, select Create Camera Masks and hit start to mask out any unwanted reflections. Once the mask is complete (known when gray areas become visible in the View pane), click Stop. a. If reflections are still present after masking, go to the Resources pane and lower the strobe intensity by selecting the Lower Strobe Intensity option. 10. Recalibrate the entire test volume by clicking Calibrate Cameras in the Tools pane. Move the wand around the capture volume until each camera shows 1000 recorded frames. a. Make sure the number of frames to record is set to 1000. 11. In System Preparation, locate the Set Volume Origin tab and click Start. After a few seconds, click Set Origin to stop it. 12. Record a static video calibration in the Static Plug-in Gait pipeline. Then, Save the trial. Prepare the Subject 13. In the Resources pane, select Go Live and wave the 5-marker wand in the capture area to make sure the cameras are working properly. 14. In the Resources pane, prepare the subject template, preferred settings, and the desired Plug-in Gait marker set. 15. Place markers on the test subject according to the Plug-in Gait Marker Placement Guide. 16. At the bottom of the Resources pane turn all markers to ‘optional’ and enter all subject parameters (shoulder offset, height, weight, wrist width, elbow width, etc.) as needed. a. Additional markers for medial elbow may be necessary. b. Duct tape and double sided tape ensure the markers remain stationary. 17. In the Tools pane, click the System Preparation button, then capture a Static Trial. 18. Manually label or auto-label the markers using the Label/Edit button in the Tools pane. 19. Run the Static Plug-in Gait pipeline. Capture a Trial 20. In the View pane, switch to 3D Perspective in the drop down box. 69 21. In the Tools Pane, click the Capture button. In the Next Trial Setup section, provide the information for the trial name. 22. In the Tools pane, click the Capture button, and then click Start. Select Stop after the motion is captured. Check the Trial 23. Click the Show/Hide Data Management button on the toolbar. All trials created should be located in the session previously created. 24. Double-click the first trial to load it in Camera view. 25. In the Tools pane, click the Pipeline button. Click the Current Pipeline drop-down box and select Reconstruct. 26. Click Play to run the operation. 27. In the Time Bar located at the bottom of the View pane, click the Play button to view your trial. 28. Instruct subject to complete the following experimental tests with the control brace and then with the modified brace. Stop Jump 1. Have subject take 3 approach steps, starting with the right foot, to obtain a comfortable approach speed 2. Instruct subject to take-off from their right foot and land 2-footed on the force plates 3. Upon landing, have the subject complete a 2-footed vertical jump for maximum height that he/she feels comfortable with 4. Repeat experimental test until 6 successful trials have been recorded Step-off landing on one leg 1. Have the subject stand on top of a box (30 cm high) on their brace leg 2. Instruct the subject to drop down off the box and land on their brace leg in the center of the force plate 3. Repeat experimental test until 6 successful trials have been recorded Step-off landing on both legs 1. The subject starts on top of a box (30 cm high) 2. Have the subject drop directly down off the box landing with each foot on separate force places 3. Upon landing on the force plates, instruct the subject to perform a maximum vertical jump while raising both arms 4. Repeat experimental test until 6 successful trials have been recorded 70 Female subject results graphs Step-off landing on both legs modified Flexion/extension angles valgus/varus angles Valgus/varus moment 71 Step-off landing on both legs control Flexion/extension angles valgus/varus angles Valgus/varus moment 72 Run and jump modified Flexion/extension angles Valgus/varus angles Valgus/varus moment 73 Run and jump control Flexion/extension angles Valgus/varus angles Valgus/varus moment 74 Step-off landing on one leg modified Flexion/extension angles Valgus/varus angles Valgus/varus moment 75 Step-off landing on one leg control Flexion/extension angles Valgus/varus angles Valgus/varus moment 76 Male subject results graphs Step-off landing on both legs modified Flexion/extension angles Valgus/varus angles 77 Step-off landing on both legs control Flexion/extension angles Valgus/varus angles 78 Run and Jump Control Flexion/extension angles Valgus/varus angles 79 Step-off landing on one leg control Flexion/extension angles Valgus/varus angles Valgus/varus moments 80 Step-off landing on one leg control Flexion/extension angles Valgus/varus angles Valgus/varus moments 81 Male Subject Statistical Data 82 VG RF VGR F (X BW) Kne e For ce Kne e Flexi on Knee Valgus /Varus Flexio n Mom ent FM (Nm ) Valgus/ Varus Moment 0.07 87.1 2 -1 -0.06 1.3 0.08 94.3 8 -1.2 -0.07 15 1 0.06 72.6 0 -1.3 -0.08 53 10 1.1 0.07 79.8 6 -1.3 -0.08 -13 65 16 0.8 0.05 58.0 8 -1 -0.06 75 19 1.5 0.09 108. 90 -1.2 -0.07 1.73 -17 14.0 0 63.3 3 16.67 1.15 0.07 -1.17 -0.07 V/V M (Nm ) 72.6 0 87.1 2 94.3 8 94.3 8 72.6 0 87.1 2 84.7 0 Trial 1 15 1.53 -12 70 24 1.2 Trial 2 19 1.94 -16 55 16 Trial 3 15 1.53 -12 62 Trial 4 17 1.73 -14 Trial 5 16 1.63 Trial 6 20 2.04 Average Standard Deviation 17. 00 2.1 0 0.21 2.10 8.50 4.63 0.24 0.01 0.14 0.01 9.92 VG RF VGR F (X BW) Kne e For ce Kne e Flexi on Knee Valgus /Varus Flexio n Mom ent Trial 1 18 1.83 -15 70 47 1.6 Trial 2 23 2.34 -20 70 42 Trial 3 17 1.73 -15 60 Trial 4 23 2.34 -19 Trial 5 20 2.04 Trial 6 24 2.45 Average Standard Deviation 20. 83 2.9 3 T Test 0.0 130 745 2 Legged Step Off Control 2 Legged Step Off Modified Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) 83.4 9 17.6 3 Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) FM (Nm ) Valgus/ Varus Moment 0.10 116. 16 -0.6 -0.04 1.9 0.11 137. 94 -0.6 -0.04 29 1.2 0.07 87.1 2 -0.4 -0.02 65 27 1.9 0.11 137. 94 -0.7 -0.04 -17 57 30 1.7 0.10 123. 42 -0.6 -0.04 50 27 1.9 0.11 137. 94 -0.3 -0.02 2.12 -22 18.0 0 62.0 0 33.67 1.70 0.10 -0.53 -0.03 0.30 2.83 7.87 8.62 0.28 0.02 123. 42 20.0 1 0.15 0.01 V/V M (Nm ) 43.5 6 43.5 6 29.0 4 50.8 2 43.5 6 21.7 8 38.7 2 10.9 3 0.013 0745 26 0.00 968 481 0.39 1899 677 0.0008 36897 0.002 17048 5 0.002170485 0.00 2170 485 8.88594E-06 8.88 594 E-06 Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) 8.88594 E-06 Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) 83 VG RF VGR F (X BW) Kne e For ce Kne e Flexi on Knee Valgus /Varus Flexio n Mom ent Trial 1 34 3.47 -29 41 16 1.5 Trial 2 32 3.26 -28 40 15 Trial 3 28 2.85 -24 50 Trial 4 33 3.36 -30 Trial 5 31 3.16 Trial 6 31. 60 3.22 Average Standard Deviation 31. 60 2.0 6 3.22 -28 27.8 0 27.8 0 0.21 1 Legged Step Off Control FM (Nm ) Valgus/ Varus Moment 0.09 108. 90 -1 -0.06 1.5 0.09 108. 90 -1.7 -0.10 19 1.9 0.11 137. 94 -0.8 -0.05 37 12 0.7 0.04 50.8 2 -2 -0.12 39 18 1 0.06 72.6 0 -0.7 -0.04 41.4 0 16.00 1.32 0.08 95.8 3 -1.24 -0.07 41.4 0 16.00 1.32 0.08 -1.24 -0.07 2.04 4.50 2.45 0.42 0.03 0.52 0.03 VG RF VGR F (X BW) Kne e For ce Kne e Flexi on Knee Valgus /Varus Flexio n Mom ent Trial 1 30 3.06 -27 40 24 2.4 Trial 2 30 3.06 -27 37 22 Trial 3 30 3.06 -27 39 Trial 4 24 2.45 -20 Trial 5 32 3.26 Trial 6 32 3.26 Average Standard Deviation 29. 67 2.9 4 T Test 0.1 084 188 1 Legged Step Off Modified Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) 95.8 3 30.6 0 Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) V/V M (Nm ) 72.6 0 123. 42 58.0 8 145. 20 50.8 2 90.0 2 90.0 2 37.4 7 FM (Nm ) Valgus/ Varus Moment 0.14 174. 24 -0.6 -0.04 2.4 0.14 174. 24 -0.3 -0.02 21 2 0.12 145. 20 -1 -0.06 53 27 2.5 0.15 181. 50 -0.5 -0.03 -29 39 23 2 0.12 145. 20 -1 -0.06 41 25 2.3 0.14 166. 98 -0.8 -0.05 3.02 -27 26.1 7 41.5 0 23.67 2.27 0.14 -0.70 -0.04 0.30 3.13 5.79 2.16 0.22 0.01 164. 56 15.6 8 0.28 0.02 V/V M (Nm ) 43.5 6 21.7 8 72.6 0 36.3 0 72.6 0 58.0 8 50.8 2 20.5 3 0.108 4188 17 0.15 443 757 0.48 7001 043 9.2583 8E-05 0.000 31316 1 0.000313161 0.00 0313 161 0.024196357 0.02 4196 357 Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) 0.02419 6357 Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) 84 VG RF VGR F (X BW) Kne e For ce Kne e Flexi on Knee Valgus /Varus Flexio n Mom ent Trial 1 19 1.94 -14 65 18 1.4 Trial 2 12 1.22 -9 65 20 Trial 3 14 1.43 -12 57 Trial 4 13 1.33 -10 Trial 5 8 0.82 Trial 6 11 1.12 Average Standard Deviation 12. 83 3.6 6 Stop Jump Landing Control FM (Nm ) Valgus/ Varus Moment 0.08 101. 64 -1 -0.06 0.8 0.05 58.0 8 -0.4 -0.02 18 0.7 0.04 50.8 2 -0.5 -0.03 60 15 0.8 0.05 58.0 8 -0.5 -0.03 -6 67 18 0.9 0.05 65.3 4 -0.8 -0.05 60 19 1 0.06 72.6 0 -0.5 -0.03 1.31 -10 10.1 7 62.3 3 18.00 0.93 0.06 -0.62 -0.04 0.37 2.71 3.88 1.67 0.25 0.02 0.23 0.01 VG RF VGR F (X BW) Kne e For ce Kne e Flexi on Knee Valgus /Varus Flexio n Mom ent Trial 1 8 0.82 -10 55 24 0.9 Trial 2 7 0.71 -6 59 27 Trial 3 10 1.02 -9 63 Trial 4 9 0.92 -7 Trial 5 8 0.82 Trial 6 9 Stop Jump Landing Modified Average Standard Deviation 8.5 0 1.0 5 T Test 0.0 095 484 Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) 67.7 6 18.1 7 Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) V/V M (Nm ) 72.6 0 29.0 4 36.3 0 36.3 0 58.0 8 36.3 0 44.7 7 16.8 2 FM (Nm ) Valgus/ Varus Moment 0.05 65.3 4 -0.3 -0.02 0.7 0.04 50.8 2 -0.3 -0.02 30 1.2 0.07 87.1 2 -0.6 -0.04 75 30 0.9 0.05 65.3 4 -0.4 -0.02 -7 70 28 1.2 0.07 87.1 2 -0.2 -0.01 0.92 -5 72 31 1.2 0.07 87.1 2 -0.6 -0.04 0.87 7.33 65.6 7 28.33 1.02 0.06 -0.40 -0.02 0.11 1.86 7.89 2.58 0.21 0.01 73.8 1 15.5 1 0.17 0.01 V/V M (Nm ) 21.7 8 21.7 8 43.5 6 29.0 4 14.5 2 43.5 6 29.0 4 12.1 5 0.009 5483 77 0.03 059 353 0.18 7514 091 4.6062 1E-06 0.274 50721 9 0.274507219 0.27 4507 219 0.046474902 0.04 6474 902 Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) 0.04647 4902 Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) 85 Female Subject Statistical Data 86 2 Legged Step Off Control Knee Flexi on Knee Valgus/ Varus Flexio n Mome nt Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) Trial 1 28 2.9 59 -6 0.16 0.01 Trial 2 20 2.0 68 -6 1.2 0.07 FM (Nm ) 9.79 2 73.4 4 Trial 3 16 1.6 62 -10 1 0.06 61.2 Trial 4 17 1.7 67 -8 0.8 0.05 Trial 5 15 1.5 70 -5 0.8 0.05 48.9 6 48.9 6 Trial 6 15 1.5 88 -3 0.1 0.01 6.12 18.5 0 1.89 -6.33 0.68 0.04 5.01 0.51 2.42 0.45 0.03 Knee Flexi on Knee Valgus/ Varus Flexio n Mome nt Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) Average Standard Deviation 2 Legged Step Off Modified VGR F VGR F (X BW) 41.4 1 27.4 8 Trial 1 23 2.3 82 25 1.8 0.11 Trial 2 16 1.6 90 19 1.8 0.11 FM (Nm ) 110. 16 110. 16 Trial 3 12 1.2 100 27 1.7 0.11 104. 04 Trial 4 14 1.4 85 21 1.6 0.10 Trial 5 15 1.5 90 10 1.4 0.09 97.9 2 85.6 8 Trial 6 16 1.6 105 26 1.5 0.09 16.0 0 1.63 92.0 0 21.33 1.63 3.74 0.38 8.83 6.35 0.16 0.17 5258 374 0.175 25837 4 0.00 0935 971 8.1129 6E-07 0.000 30970 3 Average Standard Deviation T Test VGR F VGR F (X BM) 69.0 0 10.1 6 Valgus/ Varus Moment Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) V/V M (Nm ) -1.25 -0.08 -76.5 -1 -0.06 -1.2 -0.07 -1.6 -0.10 -61.2 73.4 4 97.9 2 -1.5 -0.09 -1.2 -0.07 -1.29 -0.08 0.22 0.01 Valgus/ Varus Moment Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) -91.8 73.4 4 79.0 5 13.4 7 V/V M (Nm ) -1.5 -0.09 -91.8 -1 -0.06 -1.3 -0.08 -0.9 -0.06 -61.2 79.5 6 55.0 8 -1 -0.06 91.8 -1.2 -0.07 0.10 99.9 6 -1.15 -0.07 0.01 9.99 0.23 0.01 -61.2 73.4 4 70.3 8 13.8 2 0.000309703 0.00 0309 703 0.14843 7199 0.148437199 0.14 8437 199 87 Trial 1 42 4.3 42 -6 0.1 0.01 6.12 -1.7 -0.11 Trial 2 42 4.3 38 -8 1 0.06 61.2 -1.8 -0.11 V/V M (Nm ) 104. 04 110. 16 Trial 3 50 5.1 40 -9 0 0.00 0 -0.5 -0.03 -30.6 Trial 4 43 4.4 41 -10 0.5 0.03 30.6 -1 -0.06 Trial 5 45 4.6 40 -7 2 0.12 122. 4 -1.6 -0.10 -61.2 97.9 2 44.4 0 4.53 40.2 0 -8.00 0.72 0.04 3.36 0.34 1.48 1.58 0.82 0.05 Knee Flexi on Knee Valgus/ Varus Flexio n Mome nt Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) 1 Legged Step Off Control VGR F VGR F (X BW) Knee Flexi on Knee Valgus/ Varus Flexio n Mome nt Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) FM (Nm ) Valgus/ Varus Moment Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) Trial 6 Average Standard Deviation 1 Legged Step Off Modified VGR F VGR F (X BW) 44.0 6 49.9 8 FM (Nm ) Trial 1 43 4.4 42 10 2.5 0.15 153 189. 72 183. 6 Trial 2 41 4.2 45 -6 3.1 0.19 Trial 3 35 3.6 49 3 3 0.19 Trial 4 40 4.1 41 0 2.3 0.14 Trial 5 43 4.4 40 3 2 0.12 40.4 0 4.12 43.4 0 2.00 2.58 0.16 3.29 0.33 3.65 5.79 0.47 0.03 157. 90 28.5 1 0.04 6795 726 0.046 79572 6 0.05 3331 557 0.0029 07271 0.001 10797 5 0.001107975 0.00 1107 975 140. 76 122. 4 -1.32 -0.08 0.55 0.03 Valgus/ Varus Moment Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) 80.7 8 33.9 1 V/V M (Nm ) 0.5 0.03 30.6 -1.5 -0.09 -91.8 -0.25 -0.02 -1.4 -0.09 -15.3 85.6 8 0 0.00 0 -0.53 -0.03 0.88 0.05 32.4 4 54.0 3 0.064288272 0.06 4288 272 Trial 6 Average Standard Deviation T Test 0.06428 8272 88 Stop Jump Landing Control Knee Flexi on Knee Valgus/ Varus Flexio n Mome nt Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) Trial 1 20 2.0 65 -9 1.4 0.09 Trial 2 15 1.5 70 -15 1.1 0.07 FM (Nm ) 85.6 8 67.3 2 Trial 3 15 1.5 80 -12 1.2 0.07 Trial 4 22 2.2 82 -9 1.6 Trial 5 18 1.8 75 -7 Trial 6 13 1.3 55 17.1 7 1.75 3.43 0.35 Average Standard Deviation Stop Jump Landing Modified VGR F VGR F (X BW) -91.8 -1.5 -0.09 73.4 4 -1.3 -0.08 0.10 97.9 2 -1.9 -0.12 1.2 0.07 73.4 4 -1.7 -0.11 -5 0.9 0.06 55.0 8 -1.7 -0.11 -9.50 1.23 0.08 -1.60 -0.10 3.56 0.24 0.01 0.21 0.01 -91.8 79.5 6 116. 28 104. 04 104. 04 97.9 2 12.8 4 Knee Valgus/ Varus Flexio n Mome nt Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) 75.4 8 14.8 2 14 1.4 90 1 1 0.06 Trial 2 20 2.0 93 5 1.3 0.08 Trial 3 17 1.7 75 9 1 0.06 Trial 4 17 1.7 92 8 1 0.06 Trial 5 17 1.7 83 6 1.3 0.08 Trial 6 17.0 0 1.73 86.6 0 5.80 1.12 0.07 17.0 0 1.73 86.6 0 5.80 1.12 1.90 0.19 6.77 2.79 0.15 0.45 9557 078 0.459 55707 8 0.00 5555 043 4.3252 8E-06 0.175 13195 8 T Test V/V M (Nm ) -0.09 Trial 1 Average Standard Deviation Knee Flexi on Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) -1.5 FM (Nm ) 3.78 0928 552 4.91 5207 117 3.78 0928 552 3.78 0928 552 4.91 5207 117 VGR F VGR F (X BW) 71.1 7 10.1 1 Valgus/ Varus Moment Valgus/ Varus Moment Internal knee flexion moment (Normalized to body weight) 73.4 4 85.6 8 -1.2 -0.07 -1.4 -0.09 -1.5 -0.09 -1.4 -0.09 -1.4 -0.09 4.23 -1.38 -0.09 0.07 4.23 -1.38 -0.09 -91.8 85.6 8 85.6 8 84.4 6 84.4 6 0.01 0.56 0.10 0.01 6.00 0.175131958 1.75 935E -07 0.02110 9807 0.021109807 0.02 1109 807