1938 thru 1939 Council Minutes
1938 thru 1939 Council Minutes
'l.' 'i,"'.". 'j"z"""STR'AS'BUR Gg„",BOB OUGH "".C :; ";;;.19.38;:;:;:-;:.;;. 1"939;;- 0 UN C:I'L":""'-,;", Strasburg, Frank B. Koch, Burgess, administered ing newly elected members 3, 1938~ Pa ~, January office to the follow- the oath of of Council: f t Milton H, Ranck M. Huber Hess Will'iam T ~ Kock H. C. Kaufman The following H. C, Kaufman, W. W. members of Council were present:. J. Weaver, Hess, Harold H. Messner, Book, William T ~ Kock, Fred L. Homsher, Miller; also present were: W. M. Huber Milton H. Ranck~ ED Jacob H. Ranck, R. Murphy, Thomas and Chas. M. Bair, H Sherman and Samuel Bleecher, Harold H. Messner was appointed Temporary , Chairman for the purpose for the ensuing year, Milton H. Ranck was nominate~d for President of Council and on being unanimously elected took over the Chairmanship of the meeting. The following Borough Officers were elected for the ensuing year: of organisation Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Water Superintendent: Borough Engineer: Board of Health: Water Rent Collector: Solicitor: The President announced Streets: H. C. Kaufman John Milton Ranck Weaver Jacob HE Ranck John G. Homsher Samuel A ~ Weaver - 5 years Jacob H. Ranck '.John . Mi'1@on Ranck J. the Ifollowing H. C~ Committee Kauf man William T. Kock Harold H. Messner Light: M. Huber Relief: William T ~ Kock Chas. M. Miller Harold H. Messner Hess Sherman W. Book Chas ~ M. Miller appointments: Water: Fred L, Homsher E ~ R ~ Murphy M. Huber Hess Chas ~ -M. Miller Fred L, Homsher, Budget: H. Chairman Kaufman CD Harold H. Messner Shade Chas ~ M Miller M. Huber Hess William T ~ Kock Trees: of H. C ~ Kaufman, seconded by E. R. Murphy, it was resolved that the salary of all Borough Officers be the same as in 1937~ There was a general discussion of the 1937 Borough Act requiring budgeting of all expenses for the year 1938~ seconded by William T. Kock and duly On motion of Fred L. Homsher, carried, the Secretary was directed to prepare. for presentation on JanOn Motion , , uary 13, 1938, a proposed budget using the uniform Department tentative form furnished by the of Internal Affairs for~the purpose, which proposed budget in form shall be presented to Council on Thursday~ January 13, 1938' of Fred L. Homsher, ~seconded by William T. Kock and duly carried, it was decided to meet January 13~ 1938, at 7:30 o' clock PE M. ~ for the purpose of receiving the proposed budget, On Motion Fred L following Homsher, Past Secretary of the Borough Council, read the communications: Lions Club'thanking A letter from the Strasburg Council for the $25 F 00 given to the Christmas Tree= Fund, and also for their' efforts in bringing about the erection of school safety signs ~ Fire Company No. 1, A letter from the Strasburg asking for a $200, 00 appropriation by the Borough Council for the year of 1938 for the operating, replacement, and additional equipment and supplies for the operation of the Strasburg Fire Company No, 1~ Contained in this letter there was also a request for an appropriation for the cost of the erecti. on- of alarm boxes now being installed in the Borough. Company exA letter from the Water Main Cleaning tending the time for the acceptance of their proposal for cleaning the Borough water mains until February 1938o The above communications On to be. filed by the Secretary, were ordered motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded. by. Harold H. . Messner and duly carried, the Secretary was dIrected to purchase a loose leaf book to contain the Minutes of the Strasburg Borough Council. On motion of Fred L. Homsher, duly seconded, . it was resolved that " Council adjourn o' clock PE M. to meet on Thursday evening, , at any other matters which time the proposed considered by Council as 'January 13, 1938, at 7:30 budget would be presented at Respectfully any regular and meeting. submitted, cr ary, Strasburg Borough Council. MINUTES HELD' JA'NARY OF MEET'ING 1938~ 13TH~ of January 3rd Meeting, Borough Council convened on Thursday evening, January 13, 1938, at 7:30 P. M. The follovring members"of Council vrere present: Resolution to the adjournment Pursuant H. C. Kauffman M. Huber~Hess Harold H. Messner Fred. L. Homsher E. RE . Murphy Chas. M. Miller The meeting vras called to order President, by the Vice H. CD Kaufman. On of motion M. Huber Hess, duly seconded, it vras resolved that the reading of the Minutes Pursuant Budget Committ;ee, Chairman, Fred of the previous meeting be dispensed vrith. the Resolution of the January 3rd Meeting, the t;o on their to Council a Proposed Budget for behalf of the Secretary, prepared, LE Homsher, submitted and by . the year 1938' On motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded, by E. R. Murphy, it vras resolved that Council receive the Proposed Budget and that the Secretary be directed to notify the Electors of Strasburg Borough, by advertisement, I that the said. Proposed. Budget was' open for public inspection at the office of the Secretary, daily for fifteen days. Fred L. Homsher brought' to the attention of Council proposed changes in the salary list, with particular reference to the salary of t he High Constable On and the Borough motion of E. R, Murphy, Solicitor, seconded by resolved. that the salary of the Borough Solicitor M. Huber Hess, was be increased. from Fifteen ($15F 00) Dollars to Twenty-five ($25, 00) Dollars' On motion of M. Huber Hess, duly seconded and. carried, resolved. that; the Borough Council'accept it the proposition it was of the Water Main Cleaning Company~ and that the Water Committee vrith the said- Company -for the cleaning On motion of E RE Murphy, place a contract of the Borough vrater mains duly seconded. and carried, Council adjourned, Respectfully re submitted, ry, Strasburg Borou Counc ~ ' Samuel Weaver, met at the home of Strasburg, 7:30 o' clock Strasburg, Pa, , January 18', 1938, Herbert Foulke and Frank of Fred L, Homsher, West Main Pa. , on the evening of Tuesday, PE N. , for the purpose H Rohrer, Auditors, Street, in the Borough January 19&, 1938, at of auditing the books of the Bor- ough. Treasurer All accounts, vouchers, etc. , were found to be in proper order and were so certified. by the above Auditors Respectfully ec etary, submitted, Strasburg o ough Council ~ AUDI T~ORS'REPORT of the FINANCES OF STRASBURG BOROUGH For the Fiscal Year Ending January 3rd, 1938 January 18, 1938. RECEIPTS Cash Balance on Hand — January 4, 1937 Water Rents Delinquent Taxes - Tax Liens Paid' ~ f933 - 1934 do 1935 do 1936 Amount of 1937 Duplicate Penalties do do Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate~ Duplicate Abatement $135 ~ 36 81, 64 456 F 70 ss ions Unpaid. Balance Commi Sale of Water Meters Water Service Connect ions Lic e ns e Fees Wood Sold Sundry $3, 245 ' 80 26 $3, 246 F 06 673 F 70 4~887 ' 88 3~630 ~ OV 89 ' 0 2 ' 95 158 ' 76 95 ' 80 153 ' 46 $ 2p572 ~ 36 130F 00 88 ' 95 300 ~ 00 147.00 50 ' 88 Income $12 ~307, 14 EXP END IT URES Main tenanc e do ' Maintenance ter System - Labor Supplies of Streets - Labor of Wa Supplies do Equipment' Ma intenanc e o f True k Rent for Hose House Sites and Council Room State Tax on Borough Indebtedness Real Estate Tax Workmen's Compensation Insurance Salaries and Expenses - Board of Health Sal'aries - Borough Officials Nevr ' Stationery, Po stage, Special Police itors e tc. Fees Appropriation for Memorial Day Expenses Appropriation for Strasburg Fire „Company Appropriation for Christmas Decorations Appro pris. t ion to S inking Fund S tr ee t I ight ing Interest on Borough Indebtedness Total Expenditures . CASH BALANCE - January 3rd, 1938 Aud. ~ ~ 636 ' 15 427 ' 68 223 ' 80 48, 33 ' 69 '08 23, 35 41+00 21 ~ 18 24 ~ 58 30 ~ 19 96 40 276 ' 22 28, 76 162 ' 50 7 ' 50 30 00 200 F 00 25 F 00 V50 F 00 8VV ~ 50 1 300 ' 50 5p299 ~ 72 7 007 42 12~307 ' 14 RELIEF STRASBUR'G. BOROUGH Keinbort J ~ FUND 400. 00 300+00 911' 22 s Legacy Potts Legacy Bernarda Black Legacy S tra sb urg Sena te Appropriation ~ ~ M~ 60 ' 50 1 671 ~ 72 RELIEF FUND INUESTMENTS $1, 600 ~ Borough First National of Strasburg 41 600, 00 4~/~ Bonds Bank of Strasburg - 71.72 . Savings Account 1 671 ~ 72 RELIEF Cash Balance - Interest January Received Expended for Relief Cash. Balance - January - FUND INCOME ACCOUNT 189' 98 76, 34 4, 1937 265 ' 32 11,05 254 ' 27 3, 1938 STRASBURG BOROUGH SINKING FUND of Sinking Fund - January 4, 1937 Received Interest on Investments, Received Borough Approprihtion 12~736 ~ 36 644 08 750 00 Amount 14 130 ' 44 SINKING FUND INVESTMENTS 4, 650.00 9, 400, 00 First Mortgage on Real Estate Borough of Strasburg 4~go Bonds Savings Account - First National Bank 80 ' 44 of Strasburg 14 130 ' 44 Total Borough Indeb te dn es s - $28, 900, 00 We, the undersigned. Auditors for the Borough of Strasburg, Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that we have examined the accounts of W. J. Weaver, Treasurer, for the fiscal year ending January 3, 1938, and find. them as above stated. Samuel A. Weaver Frank K, Rohrer Herbert M. Foulke Audi to rs ~ MINUTES OF MEETING HELD FEBRUARY V~ called to order by-Miltonfollowing were present: The meeting The was 1938 ~ H. Ranck, President ~ t Burgess Frank D. Koch . Constable Samuel W Superi~~ntendent . Water Secretary, and the following Bleecher Jacob H. Ranck John Milton Ranck of Council: members Milton H; Rsnck, President Vice President ~ C. Kaufman, H M. Huber Hess Harold HE Messner William T. Kock Fred L Homsher Chas ~ M. Miller of the previous meeting were read and approved. Jacob Ranck, Superintendent, of the Water Department, reported that the leak in Thad. . Brackbill's line had been repaired and that the leakage in the end of the water line on North Decatur Street had been lessened. by raising the gate box. Fred L. Homsher reporting fo r the Water Committee presented the report- of J. E ~ Goodell, Lancaste r City Chemist, showing two. cultures, but no actual bacteria. Mr. Homsher also presented the contract which the Water Committee The Minutes has entered into with the Water 1, 1938, in dated -February Main Cleaning Company; said -contract being which 'said. Water Main Cleaning Company. contracts to clean the Borough water mains at the following rates: 10$ per foot;' if the 4". pipe only is cleaned; Vg per foot for any work done by the pressure method; E. 8g per C ~ f oot i f a ll Kaufman, had been patched Chairman is cleaned. . of the Streets pipe Committee, reported in front of the School house and near the Adam that holes Sherr t' also stated that considerable have to be done in the Spring. property. He 1 coating, to the streets would President On see to it that area on the North side of' Centre Square be extended the "no parking" behalf of . eastward. width one parking that the Street Committee Ranck requested. W. J. Vleaver, the Secretary gave the following Treas- urer's report: received $ 7007. 42 294 ' 22 Total balance on hand: $ 7301~ 64 Balance on hand Monies. Chas. Miller, on behalf of the Relief Committee, M. in can for kerosene had purchased V/. B~ Mi. lier, , reported that he and one ton of coal for, Char les Murray. The bills following Relic f J at Council: Bills: J. ~ were presented Messner, Fred L. Genera 1 R John for can of kerosene for )V ~ B. Miller - 47$ E. Homsher, coal f or Chas, Murray - $ 8 ~ 76 Bills: 1 Chas. S. Aulthouse, labor 2. Lancaster Valite Company, street dressing 3 J. ED Goodell, water analysi. s 4. Jacob H. Ranck, labor - water department 5. Enos Lahr, labor - water department 6 John Milton Ranck, 8 ' 50 Filing Tax Liens Minute Book 7, 55 '7. Edw . Picbtnsr, labor - Watts~ tspartmsnt ~ . ~ . 10, 35 7 ~ 52 21,00 11' 70 2 ' 40 ~ 8~ 9. 10 ~ ll, lip Fichtner, labor - V/ater Department ar zn J. Miller, repairing Borough shed and mater ials Fred L ~ 8c John E ~ Homsher, materials f or P Borough shed 12 ~ Ida B. Eaby, . Tax Collector„Commi ssions on de linquent tax Commonwea 1th of Pennsylvania, personal property 13~ Vl. 15 ~ 16 ~ Power 8c Light Co ~ street lighting 1 A. %eave r, audi tor ' s f e e Herbert M. Foulke, auditor' s fee Frank K Rohrer, auditor's fee tax J. Vleaver, loan tax 14, Pennsylvania 17 ~ Samue Loan Commission on Borough on personal property 16,05 60 ' 40 13 80 23 ' 35 18 ' 85 2. 77 21, 28 1~ 12 73 ~ 13 2, 50 2 ~ 50 2 ~ 50 motion of On M. Hess„seconded Huber bills ordered that the above by William Lett;er of Charles was communications: Weller, Executive Officer, Beer and State o f South concerning a forty-one foot (sic. ) rattle Liquor Division, Dakota, S. it -paid. be, Secretary read to Council the following The T, Kock, of Agriculture, Department inquiring I snake allegedly letter A from Roberts letter questing Economy 3, 1926 ~ of the Lancaster League. of Forests and Waters, reto place their order for trees ~ from the Department the Borough Secretary reported to Council that he had informed the Electors The of Strasburg Borough, by advertisements in the issues of January News, Pa, , on October R. Appel, Chairman Pennsylvania Committee County A found. near, Strasburg, 15th, inserted 22nd and in the Strasburg Weekly 29th, that the proposed. for the Borough was on f ile in the office of the Borough S ecretary and it was open for public inspection daily between the hours of 7:00' and 10:00 P. M. On mot;ion of M. Huber Hess, duly seconded by Charles M. Miller, ance for the year 1938 was read by the Secretary and adopted the Tax Cj Budget , cP~~. by vote of 6 ayes and no nays On motion of of Minutes, C. Kaufman, ~seconded by Harold. H. Messner, for the year 1938, ough Budget by vote H~ ~ 6 ayes and no nays, and. made on t;he form required copy of which Budget the Bor- by law, was adopted is attached to tie se a part hereof. In connection with the adoption of the Budget as part thereof on motion of H. C. Resolution Kaufman, her eo f, the anticipated containing year 1938 was adopted. seconded by Harold H. Messner, , copy of which receipts and the Appropriation appropriations is hereto attached and made for part the motion On of M. Huber Hess, seconded by Chas. Miller, Council M. ad mourned Resp ec tfully submit t ed, et y, Strasburg AMENDMENT On motion of H. TO C ~ MINUTES Kaufman, Borough Coun OF MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 7p il, 1938~ seconded by Harold H. Messner, the Tax fixing a tax rate for general Borough purposes at one mill, for debt purposes at four and one-half mills, a total of five and oneqhalf mills, on real estate, and an occupational tax of one dollar on each Ordinance married adult, by Council and one by a vote dollar and a of six ayes half on each and no nays, single adult, and vras approved was adopted. by Frank B. Koch, Burgess. Said Ordinance to be designated as. Ordinance Respectfully No. l. submitted, re ary, Strasburg Borough Councils MINUTES OF MEETING The meeting The f ollowing was persons OF COUNCIL HELD MARCH 7~ 1938 ~ called. to order by Milton H, Ranck, President, present: were Burgess Frank B. Kock Constable Thomas Bair Jacob H. Ranck Water Superintendent Secretary John Milton Ranck The follovrlng of Council were present: members Milton H, Ranck, Pre'sident H. C. Kauffman, Vice President Hess M. Huber Harold H. Messner William T ~ Kock Fred L, Homsher E. R:,:--Murphy Chas ~ M Miller of the previous The Minutes repor ted that stronger and that there was plenty of overflow in also reported a new connection to the property purchased, were much both outlets. He Bell Telephone by the were read and approved, of the Water Department, Jacob Ranck, Superintendent the springs meeting Company Fred L, Homsher, re~rt of J, E. on West Main- on behalf Goodell, Chemist, Street ~ submitted of the Water Department, which Report was ordered the filed. ~ also reported' that he has written ta the Water Main to Strasburg at Cleaning Company, asking them to send a representative least two weeks prior to the commencement of the work, in order that final Mr. Homsher arrangemen. ts may be made H, C, Kauffman, patching phone had been done in on behalf front of the property purchased reported by the that Bell Tele- Company On behalf of the Relief Committee, purchase, of coal for Charles Murray, called of the Street Committee, on Wall Miller. and Chas ~ MD also that he Miller reported the had; on four occasions Fred L, Homsher reported to Clair Eckman, longing Treasurer ' s Repor W~ be- extend over the side- The Secretary to pedestrians, with Clair Eckman on the subJect, J, Weaver the Secretary gave the following directed. to communicate behalf of on the property occupied. by LeRoy Wenger, now walk and cause considerable On that the barberrys annoyance was t: f Ma rch 7, 1938: Balance from last month Received since last month As o last Paid out ', 7697 ' 77 291 25 month Balance on hand. The following 4 7303 ~ 64 396 13 : 7406, 52 bills to Council: were presented Relief Bills: To Fred L, General Ec John E. coal for Homsher, Chas ~ Murray 8, 26 $ 34.00 Bills: Fichtner, labor, Water Department Philip Fichtner, labor~ Water Department Harry Coyle, labor, Water Department 0 ~ 0 ~ F. Hall Association, rent for Council Room First National Bank of Strast)urg, Interest on Borough bonds to April 1~ 1938 Pennsylvania Power 8c Light Co.~ street lighting, Charles S ~ Aulthouse, labor, Street Department E. R. Murphy, repairs 8c supp. Lies borough truck Lancaster Valite Company, street dressing Thomas Bair, police duty John Milton Ranck, filing Auditor~s report in Quarter Sessions Edward. I. On $ 3 ~ 90 35, 00 600, 25, , motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded. by E. R. Murphy, it 14, 20 73 12 18,00 6, 65 13,00 19,00 , 50 was ordered that the above bills be paid, The men's Secretary read to Council communications Compensation Fund from the State Work- ~ Bair reported that on February 12, 1938' he stopped LeRoy Wentley for going through a stop sign at Center Square, and ordered him to appear for a hearing. Wentley stated. that he could not Police Officer Thomas be here for a hearing Bair, being unable Went ly, Bair also Taukhuff for motor di smi ss ed. Bair also but was ready to pay whatever to find. Justice of the Peace reported that that adopt a tag of the same „type. Council motion of H. C ~ Kauffman, of Council the courtesy police Police Department, tag issued by the Quarryville On took $5, 00 from 29, 1958, he stopped Irvin that on hearing the case was to the attention warning we Mowery, on January vehicle violation and brought he owed immediately. with the suggestion seconded by Harold H. Messner, ad j ourned. Respectfully re submitted, ry, Stra unci ~ M'INUTES OF THE MEETING OF BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD APRIL The meeting The following called to order present: was were by H. C~ 4i 1938' Kaufman, Vice President. Burgess, Frank B Koch Water Superintendent Jacob H, Ranck Constable Samuel W. Bleecher Secretary John Milton Ranck The following of Council were present: Vice President, H, CD Kaufman members M. Huber Hess Harold HE Messner Fred L. Homsher E R. Chas, Murphy M. Mil~ler K! R. Hess~-a resident Mr. Q complained of the B rough of Stra. sburg, p'ersonally to Council in regard~ to the collapse of his which condition he alleged was brought new copper boiler about by the change of pressure in result of the fire engine drawing on the water main. Mr. Homsher, for the Water Department, stated that had the boiler been properly installed no trouble would. have resulted. Mr. Kaufman denied any liability on the part of Strasburg Borough. After a short discussion of the matter by Mr, Hess and various members o f Council, it appeared that thi~s was more a matter of a vacuum being created than a question of pressure on the tank. It seems that water was pulled out of the boiler, there being no stop valve on the line from the water main in to the house. As a result of this action of the water the boiler collapsed. On the return, of' pressure the boiler would again fill the pipes as a out but would be in a wrinkled these wrinkles Mr. Hess condition; leaks frequently sprung from ~ stated that his copper boiler cost «$36, 00 and that his boiler cost fj12.11~ He stated to Council that he would pay no water rent until the difference between these two amounts had been paid to him. galvanized new E. Cleaning R ~ Murphy to Council, introduced Mr, Friend, of the Water Main Company of Water, reported that there was plenty of flow at both outlets and that a leak had been repaired. in Ross — Jacob H. Ranck, Superintendent Denlinger' s meadow, Mr. Homsher, of the Water Committee, that reported went over the Borough layout Water Main Cleaning Company, 1 ined. the equipment which would have to be ordered. of the Mr, Frank, wi th him and out- this work within a week, H. C ~ Kaufman, for the Street Committee, reported that patching work been done in front of The Bell Telephone Company property on West Main Mr Frank contemplated commencing I had Street. Burgess Frank this Koch reminded CD Council that it had a street to build summer. - Light Committee Relief Committee the County Hpspital On reported on Trees property, Eckman behalf of - reports Chas. M. Miller reported taking Wall Miller to ~ The Committee of the Clair no WE J, Weaver, that the barberry problem in front occupied by LeRoy Wenger, yah had been the Secretary gave the following rectified, Treasurer~s Report, as of April 4, 1938':. Balanc e f rom las t month Received. since last month 7406, 52 75 ' 15 Paid out last month: 820, 62 6661,05 Balance on hand: The following bills 7481, 67 were presented to Council: Philip Fichtner, labor, Water Department Fichtner, labor, Water Department Samuel W. Bleecher, police duty Edward. John Milton Ranck, Reese- to Mi. nney cost of records ng deed. from 13,20 41 ' 60 19F 00 3 00 Power 8c Light Company, street lighting R. Dresser Manufacturing Co, water pipe. couplings Jacob H ~ Ranck, labor Water Department Enos B Herr, labor, Water Department Landis Work, labor, Water Department Lancaster Valite Company, street dressing J. E. Goodell, water analysis ''Pennsylvania $ V3. 13 190 ' 59 22 ' 95 S~ Charles S. Aulthouse First National Bank interest J. On ordered motion of. Strasburg, of M. Huber 12 ' 15 Pa. , balance of 1, 1938 Hess, 'seconded by Harold H. Messner, 50, 00 3 ' 20 . it was that the above bills be paid, ' over to the Secretary voucher of the Controller of Lancaster County in the which the Secretary was ordered ' 4, 50 7 ~ 82 21,00 on Borough Bonds to April Weaver, cigars for, Council Burgess Frank C. Koch, turned On 2 ' 10 to hand motion of Harold H. Messner, of $100,00 for beverage permits, to the Borough Treasurer. sum seconded by M. Huber Hess, Council adjourned. Respectfully submitted. , The meeting were COUNCIL OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH MINUTES was Ni. lton called to order by 1938~ HELD MAY 2~ The following H. Ranck, present: Burgess Frank B. Koch Jacob H. Ranck Water Superintendent Samuel W; Bleecher Constable Secretary John Milton Ranck The following of Council members were present: Milton H ~ Ranck, President H, C. Kauf fman, Vice President Hess M. Huber Harold H. Messner Sherman W. Book William T. Koch E. W~ ~~a RE Murphy Chas. M. Miller ~~K. reported, Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, of overflow at both outlets and that he Leak at Mart Weaver's fire hydrant. Homsher, Phil Hildebrand, Mrs' Ambrose ~ that there KID' was plenty repairs: service lines of Fred had made the following I Leaks on Esgenshade prop- and the Sweigart erty across from John Hagen's on East Main Street. He also reported the installation of the new service line to the Victor Koch property, Mr. Ranck also reported that the u~b-qRueh main had been cleaned from the springs to the west end of Strasburg Borough, leaving only the side streets yet to be cleaned. Nr. Murphy, of the Water Department, feet of line had been It half had already been cleaned, s tated that approximately and. 27, 000 also reported that the reservoir cleaned. estimated was that approximately ired to finish the cleaning of the water by the 7Vater Committee weeks would be requ. the side streets of Strasburg Chas. M. Miller, on mains oneon Borough. behalf of the Water Department, is willing to sell his woodlot, , ad$oining containing four and three-fourths acres, to Strasburg Jacob Miller two and reported the Minn~ Borough, that tract, President Ranck ordered the, Water Committee its matter and re.port to Council at ready to take, on the employes of, the , water main cleaning was completed Street on North Jackson could be defipitely VJater Department and employ that they were as .soon as the in construction them work ~ determined vibether it or not the State had taken over of North Jackson Street. the maintenance on reported reported that this work would not be done until Mr. Kauffman also reported that He this next meeting. of the Street Committee, H, C. K@uffman, to investigate it would be necessary to clean the sewer pope the west side .of North Jackson Street. Relief Committee behalf of Ou Report; . as of W. J - no ~ Weaver report, the Secretary gave the. following Treasurer's 2, 1938: May last Balan. ce from Month' Received since last Month Paid out las " t $ 6, 661.05 236, 40 6, 897-~45 1 044, 20 month 5~853 ' 25 Balance on hand: Secretary read to Council„ the following list of vouche rs is sued since the last meeting, in payment of current labor bills in the cleaning The of the . Borough water mains: April 16, 1938: labor Vtater Department S ~ Aulthouse, Landis Work, labor Water D'e par tment Irvin S truble, labor Wat er Depar tment Parke Esgenshade, labor waIter department Harry Coyle, labor Vtater Department George Mit@hell, labor Water Department Robert Mellinger, labor Wa'ter Department Harry P. Work, labor Water Department Charles Aument, labor Vtater Department Charles 28 ' 35 25 20 5 ~ 40 25 40 22 ~ 80 22 ~ 80 20 ~ 40 19,20 2 ~ 60 April 23, 1938: Charles S ~ Aulthouse, Landis Work labor Hater Department 26 ' 78 24, 00 22. 60 22, 00 Parke Esgenshade, labor Water Department Harry Coyle, labor Water Department George Mitchell, labor Water Department Robert Mellinger, labor Water Department Harry F, Work, labor Water Department James Mann, labor Water Department Chas. M. Miller, labor Water Departme. nt 17~80& 22, 80 -. 23 «00 8, 60 15 o30 April 30, 1938: Harry Coyle, labor Water Department Parke Esgenshade, labor Water Department Robert Mellinger, labor Water Department George Mitchell, labor W ater Department Chas, M. Miller, labor Water De~ rtmentHarry F. Work, labor Water Department Landis Work, labor Wat er Department labor Water Department Chas ~ S. Aulthouse, 27~00 25, 40 29, 20 28, 80 24, 53 27 ~ 40 28, 40 34, 20 of Harold H. Messner. , seconded. by Sherman W. Book, duly passed, it was ordered that the above disbursements be approved. duly seconded and passed, $30 ~ 00 was On motion of H. C ~ Kauffman, appropriated for Memorial Day Services, to be turned over to whichever Veterans Organization handles arrangements for such services. Chas M. Miller, on behalf of LeRoy Wenger, suggested to Council that a Borough Ordinance be passed to prevent bootlegging of coal in the Borough. President Ranck directed the Secretary to draw up a blanket Ordinance covering parking restrictions in the Borough limits. Constable Samuel W. Bleecher reported trouble at the stop sign on On motion the Strasburg The Pike, 'President appointed the following Harold H. Mes sne Fred. L. Homsher H. C. Kauf fman bills The following S. R~ Power 8: Light First N&ional Bank Lancaster Valite Company, Safety: Cha irman Water Department Supplies Co, street lighting, of Strasburg, Company, on Public to Council: were presented Dresser Manufacturing Pennsylvania r, Committee s treet Pa. , safe deposit box rent dressing, $ 31,62 73 12 2, 75 13, 00 Zittle, stone for Street Aldus Jacob H, Ranck L Water Department, ck, Labor ~ ~ M . ro ert County and Road. Tax on Borou h Paradise Townshi pp Thomas On M~ R, Murphy, motion of Pood ~~ parts and. M. Hubeer workmen ' 43 A pri,19 1 Hess, seconded by Sherman W motion duly seconded and passed Council ad)ourned cre ar sybmitted, S 1V 1,'75 Water Dept, fuel for truck, Water Department Respectfully 51 16,00 that the above bills be paid, On 8 ~ Bair, police duty Ga Garnet, ~ 4 8 6O Rebate E.~ E. 101' 46 April 6-May 2 Miller, supplies for Water Department J Keneagy, Collector of Tax, Paradise Townshi Chas C 4 18 ~ 96 Department Book t it 41 33 was o r der ed. MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting following were called to order present; was by COTJNCIL HELD JUNE 6~ 1938+ Milton H. Ranck, Presid. ent. -The Burgess, Prank BE Koch Secretary~ John Milton Ranck, and the following members of Council: Milton H. Ranck, President M Huber Hess, Harold H. Messner Sherman WE Book Fred L. Homsher E, Qa. The ~~~ +4m. RE Murphy Chas. M. Miller Secretary reported to Council th ~~ t d%J4~ ~ he had been in communication local Superintendent of Highways, relating to the matter of the construction and. maintenance of North Jackson Street, in the Borough of Strasburg, and. has been advised that the obligation for the construction and maintenance of said Street was entirely on the Borough of Strasburg. The Secretary read a communication from Louis S. May, Esquire, concerning the following legacy in the Will of Elwood. D. Kreider, a former member of Council, who died. May 3, 1937 - Will recorded in the Office of the Register of Wills of Lancaster County in Will Book P, Volume 3~ page 287: with Mr, Hershey, 3: I give, devise and bequeath unto the Council of the Borough of Strasburg. , Lang caster County, Pennsylvania„ the sum of Three Hundred ($300,00) Dollars, free from inheritance tax, the same to be kept safely invested. by said Council and the income thereof to be expended. for the benefit of persons in needy circumstancesy This fund. is to be known as the 'Elwood D. Kreider "ITEM . Town Fund~ The Borough Solicitor presented, to Council an Ordinance creating a Parking" area on the North side of Center Square within a distance of' forty-four (44) f'eet eastward from the Northeast intersection of North "No Decatur Street and Center Square ~ On motion of MD Huber Hess, seconded by Harold H. Messner, said Qrdiriance was adopted by the Borough Council by a vote of 5 ayes and no hays' Said Qrdinance was immediately thereafter approved by Burgess Frank, B, Koch, . Fred L. Homsher, of the Water Committee, reported. the completion of the cleaning of the Borough Water mains and stated that all holes made in the Borough Streets by reason of said cleaning fob have been repaired. Mr, Homsher analysis showed. also presented. to Council of the Borough water for the negative, Mr, Homsher that at very months J, E. . Goodellrs of April and chemical May; both that he had been advised by J, E, Goodell expense the Borough could eliminate the rust con- neported little dition in the water mains by feeding into the water mains at a point above the reservoir a-lime solution to counteract the oxide of iron in the water. It was. moved by Harold, .8, Messner, seconded by Chas ~ M Miller and duly passed that Fred iL. with his investigation concerning Homsher to proceed of rust in the Bor- be authorized the elimination o ugh water mains' State of Pennsylvania .had taken a test of the Strasburg Borough water at Wertz's garage. Street Committee: No report, On behalf of W. J. Weaver the Secretary gave the following Treausurerrs Report. as of June. 6, 1938: Chas. M. Miller reported thajt the last month' Received since last month Balance from 5853 ' 25 1233 ' 97 $ 7087, 22 Paid. out last month Balance .on . hand. : 720 78 $ 6366.44 President Ranck brought to the attention of Council the advisability of reducing the interest rate on the Strasburg Borough bonds; the present rate is 4~$0 ~ Follovring said discussion President Ranck named Harold H, Messner, Fred. L. Homsher and John Milton Ranck a Committee to investigate the question of Seduction of interest on Borough Bonds~ M. Huber Hess, for the Light Committee, reported that all Borough street lights vrere put out of commission the evening of June 5, 1938, The follovring bills vrere presented to Council: Charles ST Aulthouse, , la/or, Water Department Harry Coyle, labor, Water Department . 32.40 24, 40 Miller, labor, Water Department Parke Esbenshade, labor, Water Department Pennsylvania Poorer 8e Light Company~ street lighting Pennsylvania State Workmenfs Insurance fund, yearly Chas ~ M, premium Frank BE Koch 8c Sons, Water Department . ~ 80 V3 ~ 13 50i00 50 ' VO supplies Darling Valve Manufacturing Co ~ , Water Department supplies National Water Main Cleaning Company, cleaning Borough vrater mains 4 2595 ' 62 Less advances for freight 8c express 29, 99 Water Department RE D. Wood & Company, supplies Strasburg Garage, Ida B, Eby, tax collection commissions, , 5 6V May 1st $ June 1st 1 89 Fred. L, & John E. Homsher, lumber, Water Department Lancaster Valite Company, freight On motion M. Huber 2565 ' 63 119' 06 1~ 6V V, 56 28 ' 35 street dressing E. of 65 ~ V6 and. K. Weaver, labor, Water Department R. Murphy, Water Department, supplies, Norman 38+09 5, 00 14+21 etc ~, Hess, seconded by Sherman ~ 90 W, Book, it vras ordered that the above bills be paid. Secretary read to Council the follovring list of vouchers issued siqce the last meeting, in payment of current labor bills in the cleaning of the Borough Water Mains, etc. , (Nos ~ 81-,99, both inclusi. ve) ~ The May 9~ 1938: Charles ST AGlthouse, Landis, Work, Geo rg e Nit che1 1, Richard Mellinger~ Water Department labor, tl, fl tt ft ff tl ~ lt ft 28 F 80 25, 40 24 ' 60 24 ' 60 May 9~ 1938: Harry F, Work, labor, Water Department Parke Esbenshade, labor, Water Department James Mann, labor~ Water Department Harry Coyle, labor, Water Department May 21 ~ 4'0 22 ~ 4Q 5, 20 25 ' 40 14, 1938: 25 ' 43 22+00 1~7 ~ 20 16~ 20 20, 20 19 60 20 o20 16+00 23 ' 18 Charles ST Aulthouse, labor, Water Department Landis Work, labor, Wat~er Department Harry Coyle, labor, Water Department labor, Water Robert Mellinger, labor', Water Harry Wo r k, labor, Wa ter Depar Park Esbenshade, labor, Water George Mitchell, Department Department tmen ' t Department James Mann, labor, Water Deparrment Chas, M, Miller, labo r, Wa ter Depa r tment ~ May l9, 1938: Evelyn Groff, Treasurers, Daughters Memorial Day Services (appropriation at meeting held May 2, 1938) Chas, M. Miller, of Strasburg of Union Veterans by Council made on behalf iof the Strasburg Fire Company 30g00 No, 1, of $200,'00 and. in addition thereto a contribution toward the installation of fire boxes within the Borough limits, which installation iS. now completed, On motion of M, Huber Hess, „'seconded by Sherman W. Book, and duly passed, , it was ordered that Strasburg Borough appropriate $200, 00 to the Strasburg Fire Company No, 1~ requests Meeting Borough Council an appropriation adjourned. Respectfully submitted, orough , ecretary. STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL I'lEHTING CALLED FOR JULY 6» 1938~ I No being present quorum Counci. Zt was decided by those present be paid and that said action be l did. not meet. that the current bills ratified at: the next -regular meeting. There follows Balance f rom the Treasurer's Report as of July las t month: 6.~366 ' 44 Received: since: Paid out last 6, 1938: 62' 93 6, 992 ' 37 3 077 ' 66 month: Balance. . on hand, :. 3p 914, 71 Respectfully Se submitted, a y, Stras urg Boro h Counc 1 MINUTES OF STRASBURG BOROUGH called. to 'order by following were present: The meeting The COUNCIL HELD AUGUST was H, C~ 1~ 1938' STRASBURG, PA Vice President Kaufman, ~ ~ Burgess Frank B. Koch Water Superintendent Jacob H. Ranck Secretary John Milton Ranck snd the following H. members of Council: Kaufman, C Vice President Hess Harold H", Messner Sherman W. Book William T. Koch Fred. LE Homsher M. Huber Chas The Minutes M. ~ Miller of the previous meeting were read Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, was little overflow the reservoir. He at the springs, and. approved, that although reported there was considerabIe reported he had completed perty on North Decatur Street; that he had the line to the Harry Work property; and. there overflow at a new line to the Hersh produg up and. that he had. cleaned the rust from seen to the mowing of of the reservoir, Fred L. Homsher on behalf of the Water Committee presented the water analysis of J. E ~ Goodell for She months of April, May and June. The analysis showed a very slight con'tamination in Spring Noi 1~, and. Shee@ that spring was ordered. cleaned. the banks A test made at the old and new springs showed conclusively that a slight carbolic acid condition in the water was causing the pipes::to rust, Mr. Homsher reported that he had taken up the matter wi th Ed. Rohrer and, had been advised that the lime solution can be put in dry by means of a metre mechanism which injects a"given amount into every one thousand gallons of water passing through the main, Mr. Homsher suggested that a portion of the abandoned. jacent to the Atkins property as apparatus' a', .t' road bed. ad- suitable location for the injection Vice President the Harnish Kaufman property was that the water reported too rusty and, to look into the matter Superintendent drawn from the taps o5 cloudy for use and urged. the Water immediately, The Water Superintendent that he has been flushing the line nearly every week. William T ~ Koch, repoz ting. "for the Street Committee, compls. ined of the reported condition of the street in front of his property and suggested that it be pro- perly graded at once. Burgess Frank C, Koch entered is being work H~ C ~ property reported. that lines had been painted-on demanded Street Department Jackson Street was urged to hurry the completion . reported. Burgess Frank C. Kochja conversation in which Graham demanded satisfaction had between for the damage and. of done job on grading him and. Paul in his house by reason of the varying degrees of pressure water mains portions various and The North in which the that the street and gutter in front of the school immediate attention streets the Borough's as to the manner Street Department, done by the Kaufman a complaint Graham to a copper boiler on the Borough's ~ The Borough Solicitor was, instructed to give an opinion as to the legal i„ e. , does the Borough~s reresponsibility of the Borough in such cases, sponsibility extend beyond. supplying water from the Borough~s mains into the individual owner~s tap'? Secretary read a communication from Rosina Hublwy Tent Daughters of' of $50 ~ 00 for Memorial Union Veterans, thanking Council for their appropriation The Day Services, H, CD and Kaufman also a communication brought to the picnic grounds made be to Council~s attention on the Borough a Loans Tax Report, the improvements spring property and asked that for had been an ap- for the erection of a. pavilion in order that picnicers protected. in case of rain. Mr. Kaufman asked for an appropriation propriation might concerning from Council of $250 F 00~ with authority to use as much as might be necessary, A leng'hhy discussion of the matter was had by various member of the Council but no action was taken thereon. Mr, Hogsher for the reported Committee appointed to consider the advisability of refunding Borough Bonds and issuing same at a lower interest rate ~ He. stated that in order to, do so the Sinking Fund would have to be liquidated and"three mortgages in which a portion of the Sinking Fund monies are invested. would have to be called. - He- stated that the new bonds would be regularly retired and. that a net saving of approximately $225. 00 would be affected the first year, The estimated cost of this proceeding would. be in .the neighborhood of $200 F 00 On motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded by WilZiam T. Koch, and duly passed by vote of seven "ayes" and no "nays", it was resolved that Strasburg Borough . bonds be refunded. issued at a lesser rate of interest, and new bonds atively with the Act of Assembly of May 9, 1935~ PE L, 155~ Sec. l ~ The Secretary suggested the advisabili ty of taking this action . conform- by Ordinance. E. C. Kaufman of the"Water inquired concerning Department the cost of having. a new four inch line .from the Borough water main -to his factory in order to take care of a sprinkler therein. Mr ~ for the Homsher, system which he Water Committee, shoulcL be done by the Borough Water' be charged sprinkler contemplating installing stated that he felt the work and' that Mr. Kaufman should only the actual cost thereof in that the ins tallation of a the . system would have the affect of lessening:. '. fire hazard in that section of the Borough. Relief Committee: On Department is behalf of W. J report. No Weaver, the Secretary gave the following report as of August 1, 1938 ' last Balance from Money month received since last month 3914F 71 190+30 4005, 01 Paid out las t month Balance on hand: 455 ' 94 $ 3649.0V treasurer's of vouchers issued. 116 through 123, both in- Secretary read to Council the followinglist The since the last meeting', being voucher numbers elusive, 1938: Strasburg Fire June 11~ July 7~ Company No, 1~ appropriation 4 200o00 1938: 21, 60 24, 40 10,80 labor, Street Department labor, Street Department Earl Singer, labor~ Street Department Samuel W. Bleecher, police duty Jacob HE Ranck, labor, Water Department Lancaster Valite Company, street dressing Penna. Power 8c Light Co, , street lighting Charles Althouse, S~ Harry Coyle, On motion disbursements of was The follovring M. Huber . Hess and duly passed, 26 ' 50 49, 03 50, 49 73y12 the payment of the above approved, bills Ce. to Council: vrere presented lg, o~ 1~ 20 4 Landis Work~ labor, Water Depa ment ~Harry Coyle, labor, Water Department ~Herr 8c Company, Water Department supplies 4,~ 00 18+52 13,81 ~Herr 8c Company~ Water Department supplies ~Murphy's Garage, supplies for Borough truck (W, D, ) ~ Philip Fichtner, labor, Water Department ~ -J E. Goodell, vrater analysis, April, May 8c June ~Penna. Povrer 8C Light Co, , street lighting ~ Charles ST Althouse, labor, Street Department 16 ' 65 23 ' 80 21,00 73 ~ 13 56 ~ 25 47o20 20 ~ 40 , ~Earl Singer, labor, Street On Depar tment Bros' Inc ~,paint Chemical Works, ~~ B~W~ y~ of less, Hock Paint motion 8c M, seconded Huber for Street Dept, William T. Koch, it by that the above bills be paid, Secretary vras directed. to send bills to at. oo vras ord, ered, The Bell . The Telephone Company, Benjamin Welke ment for , Breunninger materials work done and in making repairs and William Elam Denlinger, Sample and Musser Herr, furnished by the Street Depart- to their driveways I On motion of Harold H, the meet- Messier, seconded. by Fred L. Homsher, ing adjourned, Respectfully e re aryan submitted. , r oroug s urg 0 c ~ MINUTES OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting called to order by Fred was 1958g COUNCIL HELD SEPTEMBER 6~ Acting Vice L ~ Homsher, Pres id en t, following The present: were Burgee Frank' B. Kock Water Superintentendent, Jacob H, -Ranck, Secretary John Milton Ranck The following of Council were present: memebers Sherman W~ Book T ~ Koc k Wm, Fred L, Homsher ;:E, , R ~ Murphy M, Miller Chas. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read Jacob H, Ranck, Water Superintendent, the reservoir, reported and. approved slight overflow at the springs, fixed .a fe'w leaks on Jackson Street but only a reported that he had Homsher's front ofnegatively tobacco shed' on Franklin Fred L. Homsher presented. . J. E ~ at ample overflew He further and one in Street. Goo'dell's water analysis which showed reported concerning the advisability of feeding lime solution into the Borough's 8" water main at a section in the abandoned Mrs Homsher t road bed adjacent to the Atkins' property, He ~ stated that he had made of the, advisability and cost of going ahead with this project ard estimated 'an over-all original cohue of $1200 00 or $1500,00, in addition to which there would be a cost of $150 00 a year for the rbime solution, and about $200, 00 a year for refilling the tank and, .-giving the system regular forty-eight hour check-ups ~ a thorough On passed, investigation motion of E ~ R. Murphy, it was resolved seconded ' , by William T, Koch that the Water Committee be authorized and. duly to pro- referred to, erect a shed thereon and install all necessary equipment, pursuant to carrying this project to a s ucc es s ful conc lus ion. ceed to purchase the property above I HSrry R. Hess and. paul C~ Graham appeared. before Council personally to complain of their loss occasioned. by their copper water tanks collapsing, which they allege was due to the negligence of the Borough in drawing water out of their lines Graham Mr, Hess gave ~ as his to tal damages $36, 00, and Mr. as his $68, 00 ~ their appearance before Council a general discussion of the advisability of paying or not paying these claims was had by various At this time the legal opinion of the Borough~s members of Councils Solicitor was presented and read to Council, Following It was suggested. by ED RE Murphy to be sent to Messrs. Hess and. Graham On motion of E. seconded. by R, Murphy, the matter was tabled until that the Secretary prepare a letter following the-next meeting of Council, N Huber Hess, and duly passed. , the next meeting, William T, tock reported of the Street on behalf Committee that the Street resurfacing and grading job had been completed, and, also that certain patching work had been done on Franklin Street in front of the s choo 1 proper ty, from EVhit Hersh was presented to Council, askAn oral communication ing what the Borou@ would do if he would erect a curb. .:in;:;.f'ront of his pro- North Jackson perty on N, Decatur Street, On it was of E, motion R~ seconded. by M. Huber Hess, Murphy, ordered that the matter be referred to arrange with the property authority erection oZ curbs and the removal the general discussion Prom Borough has been to help property remove dirt the Chas ~ Reuben Long a No M. duly passed, Committee, with Street as to the by the Borough, that the policy of the in the erection of a curb and to caused. by the excavation, Miller presented to the effect that was Street on N. Decatur would appear owners to Council an oral communication Mr, Long would street in the rear of his property ac tion owners of dirt it to the ard. t ake n, if dedicate certain from land, for the" Borough will build the same~ - Light Committee Relief J, behalf of 5 On - Committee report, no report, no Weaver, the Secretary read the Treasurer~s 5, 1938, Balance from last month Received since last month Report as of September 4 3p649o07 40 ~ 60 $ 3~ 689 ~ 67 last Paid out 661~54 month Balance on hand: It-was moved. and Report be received and The Secretary $ 3~028gl3 seconded, was advised what license to Strasburg owing The that the Treasurer~s filed wealth to determine money and duly -passed, to check with the Secretary of the disposition Common- of the 1938 liquor had. been made orough. Secretary. read. to Council the following , vouchers issued since I the last meeting, being t Mos. 137 through. 14"/, both inclusive, 1938: labor, s treet department Earl Singer, labor, Street ~Department Park Singer, labor, Street Department Harry Coyle, labor, Street Department Landis Work, labor, Street Department Harry F, Work, labor, Street Department Harol d S toner, labo r, S tree t De par tmentPaul- Deckman, labor, Street Department Amos lVanner~ labor, Street Department September 3, 1938: Harry Coyle, labor, S tree t Depar tment Charles Althouse, labor, Street Department Harry F. Work, labor, Street Department Landis cwork, labor, Street Department Augus 20~ Charles Althouse, $ 39,00 . motion of On M. Huber 55.13 28o40 11,60 38o60 35+40 13,00 12 +00 4, 00 19 20 32+40 17,60 19 20 Hess, seconded by Sharibaa. V4 Book, and. duly , I the payment passed, The thanking Company of the above bills Secretary read. a communication Borough Council No+ lp was approved, from the Strasburg for the $200, 00 appropriation for the year 1938+ Fire ompany to Strasburg Fire Secretary reed a communication The the cost and. procedure Affairs concerning Strasburg Borough Mr Homsher r motion of Fred it L. interest period, to be on Borough Bonds, voucher Bond of Internal Issue of be impossible vrould vrhich is April to refund 1, 1939 ~ seconded by M. Huber Hess, and duly pass- Homsher, of $650, 25 is ed, an appropriation of Refunding to Council that reported Borough Bonds before the next On from the Department for interest made made payable 1, 1938, due October to the First National Bank of Strasburg, bills: $2, 10 - Delinquent tax Secretary read. the follovring The Ida Eby, Commission Philip Fichtner, on labor, Water DepartmentMurphy's Garage~ supplies for Berough truck, Street Department Lancaster VaU. te Co. , street d8essing Lancaster Valite Co„street dressing Lancaster Valite Co„ street dressing Jacob H Ranck, labor, Water Department C ~ J ~ Ke neagy, School Tax 1938, Paradis e Tovrnsh1 .10 19~20 10.42 36 54 19' 50 300o00 33' 40 . , Water Department, Penna, Povrer 8c Light Co, , street lighting State Workmen's Insurance Fund, rate increase insurance' premium On it was MD 6, 25 Huber I be paid, On on 15+65 73 ~ 12 Hess, seconded by William T ~ Kock~, and duly. passed, that the above appropriation be made a rd that the above bills motion of ordered p~ motion duly made and seconded, the meeting Respec tfu ecr ary, . S ras urg adjourned, f o oug ounc ~ VHEHEAS, agreement contain'ing service" for. : NOW ', there ' 'su'ch noir on f'le:arith the Bor'ough Secretary' a form'of ' , I- spec'ifications, for: overhead e'leotric street. . lighting period of five years from and including, .' a'' the, 'Counc'il: of.;the. Borough of Strasburg that the BE- IT- HESOLVED by. is directed, to Borough Secretary intervals is of seven days adyer'Cise once a and for. 'three ~eeks. . at for- the furnish'ing for"sealed p'roposals electric street. 'lighting;service vireek that said:pr'oposals of'. be submitted; 1 to'the Borough by, him to Secretary Counci 1 on or: before December. 51, 1938, and at'its:meeting 'to be held at 8 o' clock'. P b'e 'submi. M, 'tted on. January / 2, 1939e. Presented; by-;"Mr' Hess on November " Adopte'd „by Counc'il Novemb'er 7', , 1938' 7, 1938' ' Milton H; Hanck President of Counc 1 Attest: John Milton Hanck Borough Sec,retary I Approved, November' . 7~;, ' ' '1938. ' ' Frank, B. Koch . Burgess I. John. 'Milton I of'the Borough' 'of. Strasburg~ that the foregoing is. a full, and, correct. copy of resolution. " hereby-certiQ Hanck, , Borough Secretary duly .passed by the Council, signed:by the office'rs", and app'rove'd by the Burgess, . of said 'Borough on the, ,dates ther'ein in'dicated; . and that the same, h'as, been. duly. recorded:. in the Jou~l of-. Councile, ', . WITNESS my. h'and November, and";the, seal of said Borough-this, 7th day 1938 John Milton Hanck Borough Secretary+ 7' I of, MINUTES OF' THE MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL called to order by Milton following were present: The meeting The was Burgess Frank B ~ Koch Wa ter Supe rintendant Secretary following The John Milton HELD NOVEMBER l7~'. 1938~ Ranck, President, H~ Jacob H, Ranck Ranck of Council were present: members Mi'lton: H ~ Ranck " H. C ~ Kauf man M. Huber Hess Harold H Messner Sherman Book Wm. T. Kock Fred L. Homsher ED RE Murphy Chas. The Minutes M. Miller of the previous meeting Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent were read and approved, reported that the springs were slightly weaker, but that there was ample overflow at the' reservoir, He reported that leaks at the McElhare and Bachman property on South Decatur Street had been repaired, The Water Committee was instructed to look into the matter of charges for the use of water in the D, M. Aument tobacco warehouse building which has recently been converted. into a double dwelling house by Walter Hassel Fred L. Homsher, for the Water Department, presented to Council, J, E, Goodell~s report, which showed a slight gas formation at the old. springs ~ The report was ordered filed, C' for the Street Committee, reported. that Franklin H ~ Kaufman, Street had been resurfaced and estimated the cost at slightly less 6a. n - r 0 Four Hundred M. Huber Dollars' Hess, reporting street lighting contract would On wj. for the Light Committee, th the Pennsylvania expire on December 12, 1938, and suggested motion of Harold H. Messner, stated. that the Power and Light Company that the same be renewed. seconded by E, R. Murphy and duly passed, , ~ the Secretary was directed for bids for street; lighting, to advertise Solicitor reported. conversations represents Pajl CD Graham and. Harry The Borough Eiquire~ damages who had with Reese, Ny A R, Hess~ relative to to their b'oilers which they allege was caused by the negligence of the Strasburg Rater Department. On behalf of ing Treasurer's J. Vfeaver, W. report; as of Balance from Received. since Paid. out the Secre tary gave the follow- Treasurer, V, 19 i8: November last month last month last $' 2 2 5 ~ QOV;52 V08, 25 month 4~299, 2V Balance on hand. ; It was moved report be received The the and seconded. and duly , the same was and. 184,46 823, 06 passed that the Treasurer's filed. Secretary read to Council the following last meeting, being Nos Oct, 29~ 1938: Chas ~ ST ~ issued since vouchers 1V3, 1V4 and. 1V5g labor, Street Dept, Aulthouse, Harry Coyle, labor, Street Department Harold Phenegar~ labor, Street Department On passed, The motion of Harold H. Messner, the payment of the above seconded by bills Wm. T, Koch, fr lpga ter Dep t, Light-street light;ing police work Lancaster Valite Co, , street dressing Murphyrs Garage, street department Henry Horst, rent steem r'oiler Aldus Zittle, stones, street department On 'passed, motion of Sherman it was ord. ered. W~ 2V ~ 23 21, 60 V, 60 and duly was s~yproved, Secretary read. the following bills;, Philip Fichtner, labor, : Rater. Dept, Edward Fichtner, fl Jacob HE Ranck, Harry K. Smith, labor 5 materials, Penna, ~ Power Thomas Hair, $ 8c Book, seconded by Chas. that the above bills' be paid, M. 3 ' 20 14, 00 30 y41 26, 55 V3+ 12 21, V5 246 ' 39 5 65 18, 00 106,0V Miller, and duly The Secretary read to Council a letter from Chas. % Eaby, District rela ting to threatened criminal prosecution growing out of the condition of North ~on Stree. t, in the Borough of Strasburg Attorney, On motion duly made and seconded, Respectfully the meeting adjourned, submitted, c etary, Stras urg B rough ou cz. MINUTES OF MEETING The meeting OF STRASBURG BOROUGH called was to order COUNCIL HELD DECEMBER by. Sherman 5, l958 ~ Book, The follovring W, present: were Burgess Prank B. Koch Water Superintendent Jacob HE Ranck Secretary John Milton Ranck following The of Council were present: members Hess Harold H. Messner Sherman W. Book Wm, T ~ Koch Fred L ~ Homser (Ex-Councilman) E ~ R ~ Murphy Chas ~ M, Miller M. Huber of the previous The Minutes meeting were read ard approved. Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, slightly weaker there new and that the stand pipe at was a good overflow connections reported. was about the reservoir. . He had been made and one renewals that the springs were one-half .full, but that also reported that three The new connections were for the properties of .John Milton Ranck, two for Walter Hassel, and. the renewal was for the propertyof Walter Sample, He also reported that a leak at the Erm Foulke property had. been repaired ~ Fred 'LE Homsher reported to Council concerning certain arrangements made Sp'-: the Water connections Cleaning Main, couplings ~ and Company, showing the complete layout, location thereof of the Strasburg Borough water sys tern, The Secretary to the Water Superintendent and copies given William T~ directed to have a copy placed in the was to bear tion received 0 its plugs and Borough and that each should bear one-third. of the expense, it would appear that the State was now share of the expense, Jacob H. Ranck reported fire and Water Committee, for the Street Committee, stated that North Jackson Street by the Borough, Township an agreement From informa unwilling Book Koch reporting work was * being done on State under Minute sheds, that he had. cleared. away the snow from the A heated discussion concerning pu'shing was had by Chas. M. Miller and, Huber Hess M, near tbe curb in and about Centre Square, snow Relief Committee: -No report. Street Light Committee: M. Huber Hess reported. that street lights had been turned off at six o'clock in the morning and it was stated. that arrangements had been made to have tbe lights kept on until seven otclocky The Secretary reported that advertising bids would. be inserted in the ne wspaper for the street lighting contract and that Borough Council would take action on January 2, 1939 at their meeting. The Secretary read. .:. to:~.the Council, the Resolution of respect on the death of Senator it copy of of the d. On it Hess, M. Huber Jo~r was G. Homsher. On motion of, E ~ .R. Murphy, that the Resolution resolved be placed on the Minutes and ADAMS second. ed by be accepted and that a copy be forwarded that a to the family eeeased. behalf of W ~ 'J ~ Weaver, f ollowing the Secretary gave the report as of December 5, 1938: Balanc e f rom las t month $ Received. since Treasurer's 4, 299, 27 1 202 ~ 18 5, 501F 45 Paid out last month 662 99 Balance on hand: On of motion the Treasurerts Tbe Chas y being Nos ~ ST ~ passed, The 186, 187, 188, Aultbouse, voucbers 189, dated tt tt tt tf tt tt tl secondetI by wy. .s Seeretar y' read to Council the follovring duly passed, Wm. 28, 1938;. November $ 34. 65 30, 80 27 ~ 20 25, 20 tf of tbe above vouchers and. issued. since the labor, street department motion of Harold H. Messner, tbe issuance and Miller M. filed, and. ordered. read to Council the following Harry .Coyle, Harry Stauffer, Harry Work, On Hess, seconded by Chas. report" was approved Secretar last meeting, M. Huber $ 4~838~46 T. Koch, approved. bills: and duly Pennsylvania Power 8c Light Co. , s treet lighting Ida B. Eby, commissions on taxes as per report of ~ecemb er 5, 1938 J, E. Goodell, water analysis, July, Augus t $73 ~ 13 5 ~ 18 and. September~ 21, 00 Jacob H. Ranck, labor, water department Enos B. Herr, Harry Work~ it fT — motion of M. Huber Hess, On 16 ~ 76 7 ~ 80 5 ' 20 ft ff rl seconded by ED R. and duly passed, Murphy, that 4750, 00 be appropriated from the Gene ral Fund to the Sinking Fund, and that the Secretary be directed to'draw a voucher in the resolved was Fred. to W. payable abo ve sum, L. Homsner J, Treasurer Weaver, suggested. of t;he Sinking Fund Account ~ to' refinancing that Borough Council, pursuant their bonds, retain the Milton Nowery mortgage, which is now in the Sinking Fund Account, by transf err ing the same to the Relief Fund. He further that the mortgage suggested held by the Borough against J Schilling, of R F, D. $1, Account, be called. ~ ~ On motion of ' it, was resolved. that the Sinking Fund to the Relief Fund, L. Homsher delinquent /water meeting reported Fund, Mowery mortgage and t;ha t that he be transfered the Schilling was having from mortgage prepared. a list at the, be called, of all the next of Council. -. m in the Sinking rent;s and. . that the same would b e available There being no further t;be now e ting Wm. seconded. by M. Huber Hess, and duly Harld. H. Messner, passed, Fred. Pa. , which is Ronks, of the property business, on motion duly made and. seconded, ad j ourned, Re spec t fully submit t ed, RESOLUTION John was born Homsher G~ THE ON DEATH OF JOHN HOMSHER G~ in East Lampeter Township, Lane 1, 1859, and died at the Lancaster 15, 1938, at the age of seventy-nine yea'rs, General Hospital on July Pennsylvania, on Septemb"er as ter County, two months and days, twelve resided in Strasburg. Borough continuously Senator Homsher to the time of his He was School ~ eath. educated Mr. Homsher became an expert The d. from 1865 in the public schools and at Millersville taught surveyor in the public schools~ s tudied law State Norma~1 and. later and conveyancer, Senator had an errviable record in the length and. of his quality services which he rendered. to his State Government. 1901 to 1908 he served in the Assembly at Harrisburg, and from 1909 to the time of his dea tb he was an active member of the State Senate From In addition to the many important twice served as President For many Pro Tem Commi ttee positions of the which he held, he Upper House. years Mr. Homsher was the pub;lisher of the Strasburg We. :ekly legal forms, From the year 1884, to the time of his death, Senator Homsher served as Borough Engineer for the Borough of Strasburg, him best as the grand old man of Strasburg, seated. We shall remember News, as well as the publisher of many before his work-covered desk, legs crossed and. a merry twinkle lighting his as he eye, /with a willing ear, would listen with equal interest to every one s problems and. then calmly give his sound advice drawm from the seemingly inexhaust- iable well of his knowledge and experience. We, the Officers of Strasburg Borough and. members of the Borough Council, feel a sense of personal loss in the death of Senator Homsher and take this opportunity of extending our deepest: sympatHy to his family in their lasss, , Attest: Milton John Milton Ranck Secre tarv HE Ranck Presi en ~ Milton H ~ ., Ranck PRE S IDENT B. Frank M. Huber ST WE Burgess Hess Book Wi 1liam E. R. Koch Ti Koch- Mur ph Harold H. Messner Charles M. Miller Fred L. Homsher MEETING OF STRAZBURG following The were BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD JANUARY 4~ 1939~ present: Burgess Frank B. Koch Water Superintendent Jacoh H. Ranck Cons table Samuel W. Bleecher Secretary John. Milton Ranck The following members of Council were presents Milton H. Ranck H. C. Kaufman M. Huber Hess Harold H. Mdssner Sherman WE Book. William T. Koch E~-Councilman Fred. L. Homsher Chas. M. Miller called to order by Vice President HE CD Kaufman, who was later succeeded. in the chair by President Milton H. Ranck, The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Secretary reported. that pursuant to the instructions given to him at the . last meeting of Council, a copy of the Water Main C leaning Company's The meeting was -'. . report on the Strasburg Borough water system had been placed. in the back of the Minute Book and that copies had been sent to Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, and ~. R. Murphy, of the Water Committee. reported Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, stronger was and that there was a good overflow. He , that the springs were that a leak also reported at Wertz's Restaurant at Centre Square, Homsher stated that Mr. Goddell's ~pater analysis repaired Mr. to bring him and that he had neglected analysis entirely negative. behalf of the Street Committee, On had been to Council, same had been sent to that the stating was received from Strasburg in the resurfacing of North Jackson Light Committee Relief Township Committee - report, - no report. no H. C, Kaufman reported for rent of roller. Street. , that a and bill sc8'rifier Strasburg Wm. the Lions Club, tree decorations by that Borough Council appropriate Hess suggested M. Huber sum of $20 ~ 00 in Centre Square On ~ T. Koch, and duly passed, $20 ~ 00 toward motion was the cost of the Chris tmas of Chas. appropriated of the Christmas Lions Club to help defray the expenses Centre. Square, Strasburg, Pa. On behalf of W. J. Weaver, Treasurer, f rom Balanc e to the Strasburg tree erected in the Secretar y gave the fo llowing las t 4~838 F 46 month Receive since 434 ' 50 last 5, 272 ' 96 965 ' 02 4, 307 ' 94 Paid out month Ba lane e on hand: of motion the Treasurer's The Miller, seconded M. report: Treasurer's On M. Huber report Pennsylvania Samuel Thomas J. H. W~ was bills following Hess, seconded by William Koch, and 8c Light Co ~ Bleecher, police duty street light. ing Ira J. :Book, Sec'y-Treqs. Supervisors Strasburg Twp, , charge for grader, roller & truck in surfacing No. Jackson Street John G. Homsher Est. , printing notices, etc. , Ida B. Eby, commissions on tax settlement, record of Jan. 3, 1939, labor-Street Department Chas ~ S. Aulthouse, labor-Street Department Harry Coyle, F. labor-Street department Work, Harry Lions Club, - approp, Strasburg Day Ress3er, Treasurer, decorations Chris tmas tree toward Chas ~ S. John G S~ e tc g Aulthous ~ e, health of f icer Secre tary of Health Homsher, Estate-Salary of Borough Engineer Tinney, ly passed, to Council: Bair, police duty Long Hdwe. Co. , street Salaries, r ents, do. ordered received and filed were presented Power T~ department supplies Murphy~ s Garage, servicing Borough truck — street dep~ Philip Fichtner, labor-Water Department Edwin Fichtner, labor-Water Department Jacob H ~ Ranck, labor-Water Department John Milton Ranck, postage and supplies John Milton Ranck, liening 8c reviving tax claims Fred L. Homsher, expenses in re water main cleaning W. e38 to the '73 ~ 12 22 ~ 50 t. 12 F 00 2, 00 19' 62 F 80 16 80 5.+06 6, 73 8, 25 7 ~ 56 152 ~ 25 32 ~ 2 5 3 ' 49 20 ' 25 16 F 00 10,00 20o00 25 F 00 65 F 00 15 F 00 0~ table-salary Weaver, Borough Treasurer-salary E. Rice, High Cons Jacob H. Ranck, Water Rent Collector-. salary W. J. —. John Milton Ranck, borough Seh. i.'etary» salary John Milton Ranck, Borough Solicitor, salary Isaac L. Ressler, rent for. hose house site Annie Rineer, rent for hose house site I ~ 0 ~ O. F. Hall Assoc ~ rent for hose house site I ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ F ~ Hall Assoc, rent for council room up to January 1, 1939 motion of H. On it C ~ Council was advised that W. . satisfied the James Cummings interest up to January 1, 1939' J. Weaver, BUSINESS NEW Harold H. Messner was appointed - be paid, Strasburg borough Treasurer on mortgage had 26 ' 25 Hess, and duly passed, Huber- bills, salaries, rents, etc. , ordered that the above was seconded by M. Kaufman, 25. 00 100 F 00 35 ~ 00 100F 00 25, 00 2 ~ 00 2 ~ 00 F 00 receipt of principal and 1939 Chairman Temporary of Council' for the year 1939 ~ following nominations for offices were for the purpose of organization She. cluly seconded made, ~d I pkhkhQd@ct ' Pre s iden t - Secretary Treasurer - Vice President Milton H Rane k ~ H. C. Kaufman John Milton Ranck W. J. Weaver Jacob H. Ranck Water Supt' Borough Engineer - office declared made for the time being, Member of Board of Health Water Rent Collector Solicitor — John On mo-tion of passed, On it motion passed, it it was and was -M. H ~ Jacob Huber Hess, H ~ Ranck seconded. by William. that the nominations C. Kaufman, resolved so ordered, was Pat Rohrer Milton Ranck resolved of - - vacant and no new. appointment T ~ Koch and duly be closed seconded by William that the above nominees be T, Koch, and duly elected by a553.imation Milton H. Ranck having Chair and brought to the attention the vacancy caused cognized Sherman to fill On passed, was duly been reelected. by-. the resignation elected to The Chair made Leon Hensel, C ~ The Chair r e- of the Second Ward, seconded by Harold H. Messner, fill the unexpired the fo'llowing C of Fred L. term ommit Street Committee: C ommi be closed and. Leon that the nomination resolved Light of Fred. L. Homsher. term'-of Fred L. Homsher. motion of M. Huber Hess, was took the of Council the necessity of filling W. Book and nominated the unexpired it to Borough Council, H. tee appointments C and. C~ duly Hensel Homsher. for 1939:; Kauf man ~ William T. Koch Harold H. Messner t t e e: Hess M. Huber Book Chas. M. Miller Sherman P W. Relic f: William T. Koch Chas. M. Miller Harold H. Messner Water: Z. R. Murphy Huber Hess Chas. M. Miller M;. Budget:Shade H ~ C '. Kauf man , Harold H. Messner Leon C ~ Hensel Trees: Harold H. Messner . M. Huber William Committee Hess T. Koch of Public Safety: Harold H. Messner H. C, Kaufman Leon C. Hensel . Secretary submitted to Council the bid of the Pennsylvania Powers Light Company for street lighting contract of Strasburg borough to run for the ensuing five years. The bid was as follows: For 4Q candle power lamps' - „')13~ 50 per annum each The For 100 cand. te power lamps Whereupon an Ordinance reference to the Ordinance appear; directing was - $22.50 per duly passed by a vote annum of each 6 ayes and no nays, as by of Strasburg Borough may more fully a t large the proper officers of the Borough of S trasburg to execute Book a written contract vrith the Pennsylvania Povrer and Light ance vritb the aforesaid bid, terms and specifications as terms of agreement on file vritb tbe Borough Secretary, Council was advised. by Fred in accord- Company embodied in the that they could purchase from LE Homsher 'I five to seven acres of land. in Paradise adjoining Township, property, from Jacob Yuninger for $50 ~ 00 per acre. three to four of tbe Borough springs are novr located It Borough springs that from appears this property and that on the Borough has a mere water right in said property. motion On it resolved vras of Hess, seconded by Chas. M. Huber that the Borough purchase adjoining. Borough Township, and duly passed, five to seven acres of land in springs property, for $50.00 per acre. k Paradise Miller, M. from Hensel personally appeared before Council and vras immediately svrorn in by Burgess Frank B.. Koch to fill the unexpired. term of Fred L. Leon Homsber C ~ ~ The Secretary advised Council that it syecial meeting bef'ore January 15, 1939, at for 1939 should be submitted. to Council ~ On motion of Sherman the Budget Commit;tee was W, would. be necessary which meeting Book, seconded by - T~ Wm. to bold a a proposed;-~budget Koch, and duly passed, directed to prepare for presentation 12, on January 1939, a proposed budget, using the unif'orm form furnished by the Department of Internal Affairs, for tbe purpose, vrhich proposed budget in tentative form shall be presented to Council on January $2, 1939, based upon previous years e xperience, Harold H. Messner made inquiry had been bonded. and duly passed, Gn it of $5000 ~ 00 through The 1, in motion of as to whether M. Huber by Chas. be bonded the of fices of John E ~ Homsher, insurance. they request of Council year 1939 to help defray tbe expenses into tbe third ward, seconded resolved. that the Treasurer vras Secretary read a communication vrhich Hess, or not tbe Borough Treasurer Tbe matter was M. Miller, in the amount I Fire Company II'200 ~ 00 for the from tbe Strasburg an approl~riation in extending of the referred, for futu're fire alarm system consideration, No ~ On motion of Harold H. 'J and passed, January budget it was resolved Mes sner, duly by Council as m. . .at which by the Budget Committee should be presented at Hes s, that Council adjourn to meet on Thursday 12, 1959, at 7:50 o' clock p. considered s econded. by M. Huber any regular Respectfully meeting. submit-ted~ time the propos and any other ed. matter MINUTES OF MEETING to an ad journment Pursuant Council convened The OF BOROUGH' COUNCIL following 12~ 1939, of January 4th meeting, Borough January 12, 1939 at 7:30 o' clock P. M. Resolution evening, on. Thursday HELD JANUARY present: were Burgess Frank B. Koch Secretary John Milton Ranck following and the of Council: members H. C man . KaufHess M. Huber Haro ld H. Messner William T. Koch E~-Councilman Fred. L. Homsher Leon The meeting was C Hens ~ called to order el by motion duly made and seconded, On of the previous meeting were dispensed to the Resolution Pursuant Messner, it was resolved and passed. H~ C~ Kaufman, , the reading of the Minutes with. of the 'January . for the Budget Committee, for the year 1939' On motion of M. the Vice President, subpitted 4th meeting, Harold. HJ to Council the proposed Budget Hess, seconded by &Villiam T, Koch, and duly passed. , that Borough Council receive the proposed Budget and that the Huber Secretary be directed. to notify the electors of Strasburg Borough, by advertisement, that the said Proposed Budget was open for public inspection at the office df the Secretary, daily for f'ifteen days. On it was motion of resolved M. Huber Hess, seconded C. Hensel and duly passed, of Health in increasing the by Leon that the action of the Hoard f rom salary of the Health Officer, Charles S. Aulthouse, for the year 1939~ be approved, voucher On it was to Charles motion resolved of Leon Aulthouse C ~ Hensel, Secretary directed. to draw a was for the dif ference, i $35. 00 ~ e, $10 ~ 00, seconded. by M. Huber Hess and duly passed, that the First National Bank of Strasburg, Pa. , shall be of all Strasburg Borough funds, of any nature whatsoever, of affecting a saving to Strasburg Borough in the proposed the depository By way S. and the ~$25. 00 to issue of Strasburg Borough Bonds, Ex-Councilman Fred. L. Homsher that by issuing one bond to the First National Bank of Strasburg~ refunding suggested Pa. , which they would subscr ibe at 3j+&, we would save the cos t of a legal opinion, the cost of advertising for bids, and the cost of printing the bonds. stated that he would take the matter up with the of Internal Affairs, in Harrisburg, on Monday, January 16, Mr. Homsher Department 1939.~ It W. that the Solicitor take Reese, Es quire, Solici to r f or the Fir s t National was suggested 'orough up the matter with Bank of Strasburg, Pa. On motion duly made, seconded and passed, it was adjourn Res pec t fu1 ly s ubmi Secretary t ted, resolved that Council MINUTES called to order by following were present: The meeting The OF STRASBURG BOROUGH OF MEETING was COUNCIL HELD FEBRUARY' H. C. Kaufman, 1939~ 6~ Vice President. Burgess Frank B. Koch Jacob H. Ranck Water Superintendent, Secretary, John Milton Ranck and the following of Council: members H. C. Kaufman M. Huber Hess Harold H. Messner Sherman W. Book William T. Koch E, R. Chas. Murphy Miller M. Leon C. Hensel The Minutes of the previous meeting Jacob H. Ranck, ,Water Superintendent, 'I stronger much that there and M. Miller, The meeting y days No reports , and was at both places, also advised. that pursuant 12, 1939, file at report. that the water reported Counci. l that sending Mr. Murray ton. burg Weekly News, advising Budget was on No Murray, Secretary reported of Januar reported behalf of the Relief Committee, on a ton of coal to Charles reques ted. an add. itional read. and approved. was a good overflow Street Light Committee: Street Committee: Chas. were the an advertisement the electors office of at the placed jn the Stras- to a Resolution had. been made that the proposed Strasburg the Secretary for a period of Borough fif teen ~ of Sherman W. Book, seconded by E ~ R ~ Murphy, the Ordinance levying the tax for the year 1939 and fi xing the salary of Borough Officers On was motion read. by the Secretary and adopted On by vote of eight ayes and no nays, motion df M. Huber Hess, the Borough Budget for the year 1939 on the form required. by law, was adopted by a vote of eight ayes and no nays, of is attached to these Minutes and. made a part hereof That in connection with the adoption of the Budget and as part thereof, on motion of Harold H. Messner, seeonded by M. Huber Hess, the Appropriation Resolution. containing the anticipated receipts and appropr5ations for the year 1939 was adopted, copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof. The Secretary advised. Council of conversMions had wi th Fred L. Homsher pursuant to the reduction of interest' rate on Borough Bonds, and read a communication from Fred. L. Homsher, dated February 6, 1939, which stated, inter alia: "The following is a list of individuals who own Borough a copy which Budget of Strasburg 4~/ Bonds, together respectively own: 42000, 00 100 F 00 G. Ranck Jacob H Wolf Jacob H. Ranck Prank B. Koch Amos with the amount . 900 F 00 100 F 00 500 F 00 1000 00 M. T ~ Weaver Amos N. Rohrer which they R.F.D, Strasburg Brownst;own Strasburg Strasburg Strasburg c/o A. H. Rohrer, Strasburg Secretary repor ted that he had been in communication with Mr, William Schilling and that the latter is making efforts to obtain a new The mortgage and pay which mortgage off the is in the mortgage J. Weaver, Report as of February 6, 1939: behalf of held by the Borough on his property, Borough Sinking W. On now Pund. the Secretary gave the following Balance from las-t month Receive since 3454 ~ Ol 382 ' 16 )j The bills following were presented Treasurer~s 3836. iV to Council: I Light Co ~ ,-'street lighting $ V3. 13 60 ' 85 Supplies. -Water Departmentt . J -'E. Goodell;, water analysis, October-November 8c Dec 21 ~ F 00 , 1 ~ 60 Harry Coyle, Labor - Street Department 4 br' C~ 40$ Chas. S. Althouse, labor-Street Department, 9 hrs. 45/ 4 ' 05 pursuant toe the Resolution passed at; the January 12th meeting of Borough Pennsykvania Herr. ~ Power 8c'Company, , I Council, the Secretary issued a voucher to Charles S ~ Althouse of $10,00, for increase in salary as Health Officer, to $55, 00 a year, sum On was motion of Leon C. Hensel, ordered in the from $25, 00 seconded. by Harold H. Messner, it that the above bills be paid, Solicitor directed to report to Council concerning the right of the borough to lien unpaid water rent, Miss Anna Myex~s;-, ;requested of Council. ;permission to. erect an overhead sign The borough in" front of her, ice was cream shop on E. Main Street, '3)be matter was. considered. but no action was taken. On motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, EIoroug ecre ar y. Strasburg, March Samuel Weaver, Herbert P ~ M. , for , Foulke and Frank H. Rohrer, Auditors, the Borough Council room on the evening 7:30 o'clock pa. 1, 1939. the purpose of Wednesday, of auditing March met at 1, 1939, at the books of the Borough Treasurer. All accounts, etc. , were found c er t if i ed by the above Audi to rs to be in proper order and were so . . oroug Secretar A U D I 0 R St T R E P 0 R T of the FINANCES OF STRASBURG BOROUGH For the Fiscal YearEndine, January 4, 1959 RECEIPTS Cash Balance on Hand. - January Water Rents Delinquerf. Taxes - 1930 tt 3, 1938 7, 007.42 3~880, 43 28 ' 32 27 e 3 1 1931 tt 21, 72 12,9V 12,41 1932 1933 1934 tt tt 1935 1936 1937 of 1938 Duplicate tt Amount 142, 85 Abatement Commi. ssions 89444 479 ' 40 Balance Unpaid Sale of W@ ter Meters Water Service Connections License Fees Wood 124 V2 80~04 150018 $3~563, 88 2, 852, 19 10,00 100,00 V11,69 456, 3 24, 0 Sold Sundry 86,'i5 Income 14 874 66 Total Receipts: EXPENDITURES 259, 55 103,48 205~25 206, 00 90, 00 2~315,43 Administration Expenses Borough Buildings 8c Qffn ces Police Salaries Fire Protection Board of Health~ Salaries 8c Wages Construction g Maintenance of Streets Street Lighting Military & Civic Contributions Interest on Borough Bonds, State Tax on Borough Bonds Appropriation to Sinking Fund Maintenace of Water System, Labor 8c Supplies, Cleaning Water Ida BE Eby, Commission on tax collections Total Expenditures: CASH BALANCE - January $~ 1939 87V, 50 60~00 1 300 50 21,28 750, 0P Main 5~ 126, 61 105,05 1'1 420 65 3 454' 14 874/6 RELIEF STRASBURG BOROUGH EJND Keinbort's Legacy J. M. Potts~ Legacy Bernarda Black Legacy Elwood ~Kreider's Strasburg 400+00 300+00 911o22 300, 00 Legacy Senate Appropriation 60+50 1 971' V2 RELIEF FUND INVESTMENTS $1, 600 ' Borough of Strasburg 4~go Bonds First National Bank of Strasburg-Savings Accounts 1,600 F 00 371.72 1 9V1, 72 RELIEF Cash Balance - January for Re li e f - -INCOME ACCOUNT 3, 1938 Interest Received Exp end ed FUND 254 2V 74, 04 2 ~3 17,49 310~82 STRASBURG BOROUGH of Sinking Fund - January Received Interes t on Inves tments Received Borough Appropriation Amount' SINKING FUND 3, 1938 14' l30o44 V39 ~ 61 750 00 15 620 F 05 SINKING FUND INVEBTMENTS First ICortgages on Real Estate (During. year 1938 f)25 F 00 was paid on account principal of Milton Mowrer Mortgage, and the entire jbrincipal of the James Cummings Mortgage amounting to $1000.00 was paid}o Borough of Strasburg Savings Account - First 4~go Bonds I!ational 3~625, 00 'J 9. 400 '00 ". Rank of Strasburg 15 Total Borough Indebtedness - $28~900 F 00 Auditors for the Borough of Strasburg, Penncertify that we have examined the accounts of W. J. Treasurer, fo r the f i sca 1 year ending January 4, 1939~and fi nd We, the undersigned sylvania, Weaver, . ' 620 ' 05 2 595 05 do hereby them as above stateg, g Samuel Weaver Herbert Foulke Frank H. Rohrer MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting The following were COUNCIL HELD MARCH called to order was by Milton 6p 1959 ~ Ranck, President H ~ present: Burgess Frank B. Koch Water Supe ri nt ent Jacob H ~. Rane k Secretary John Mxl ton Ranck and the following of Council: members Milton H, Ranck, President CD Kaufmkn M. Huber Hess HE Harold. H. Messner Sherman W. Book E, R, Murphy Chas. Leon to include Main Street, C. Hensel of the previous The Minutes ment Miller M. of the request were approved meet) ng were read, and Myers Anna for the erection built at both places; that and by Walter that he Eckman had. amdnd- of a sign on East as read, that there was reported Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, an overflow after he had. made a new connection at the Street, formerly property of Hassel on Franklin repaired. leaks at the property of Clyde Heaver house Gertrude and Galen, Mrs. Sim ~ of the Water Committee, reported that a 4" Water Main, 185~ long had been laid from the corner of Fulton and. Franklin Streets eastward on Franklin to,connect with the house recently erected by Walter Mr, Murphy~ passel' On passed, it motion of H. was eastward hydrant Kaufman, Streets, to and adjoining from the property running the with steamer connection CD Hensel, and duly 4" main be on Decatur installed of Gertrude Street, and that a Galen'~~ fire in the middle of the block, for the Street Committee, reported the collapse 1T~ackson Street, brought about by the crumbling of a H, C. Kaufman, of a portion of North seconded by Leon that the Water Committee build the 4" main between ordered Fulton and Franklin CD terra cotta pipe laid under the street; that 78~ of said street had been opened. and:that. the replacement pipe, which had. to be ordered from Philadelphia, had arrived this morning and would be immediately laid, The Secretary reported to Council concerning Home Rule Road and Street Tax Relief Bill, House Bi:ll No ~ 192 ~ The Secretary was directed to take up this matter with Senator Homsher and report concerning same at the next meeting, fight C ommit tee: No repor t, Relief Commit tee: Charles M. Miller presented. to Council a bill of $12 ~ 39 for coal for Charles Murray, Committee of Public Safety: No report, Shade Tree Committee - Harold H. Messner reported. that he had had a conference with Mayor Cary of the City of Lancaster concerning what care of the shade tree problem. He advised me thod the City used in taking J ( Council that he would. have an expert look over. our problem and make commendations, ,1 ( interest on Borough bonds and is ( Secre tary reported The re- t o C ounci1, concerning, the reducti on of also repor ted that the Schilling mortgage, in. the Sinking Fund, has as yet not been paid and that it will be necessary to have the proceeds by April 1st or failing that, money-will have to be borrowed by the Borough in order to refire certain which. now hegd outs tand. ing Bonds On passed, it ~ motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded. by was resolved E. R. that the officers of Strasburg ized to borrow the principal of the Schilling mortgage, Murphy, and duly Borough be author- at the best interest rate obtainable~ in order th'at we may have sufficient, funds on hand to retire certain Borough Bonds ~ The Solici tor reported' to Council concerning the right of the Borough to lien delinquent water rents, i ~' e. , the Borough may lien water rents before the last day of the third calendar year after the year in which the rents are due and payable, On of motion passed. , it put;ting pressure H, C~ Kaufman, seconded by Leon C, Hensel~ and duly that the matter of the collection of delinquent water rents be referred to the Water Committee in order that that Committee might confer with the Delinquent Water Rent Collector, with the vievr of ordered vras J Gn ing Treasurer on all behalf of f J W s Report, Balance from delinquent;s Weaver, ~ Treasurer, the Secretary gave the follow- as of March. 6, 1939: last 3, 836, 1V month 31V, 91 Received. since 4,.154,08 Paid out last 1V0, 63 month 3~983 F 45, of Harold. H. Messner, seeonded by Chas, M. Miller, and. duly passed, the Treasurer's Report was ordered to be accepted and filed, The Secretary .presented. to Council tbe follovring bills: On motion Power 8c Light Company - Street Lightinj Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Department of Revenue, Tax on Borough Bond, s c ommis si on on S ta t; e Tax W ~ J, Weaver, Samuel Weaver, Auditing Borough Books ff ff ft Herbert Foulke, ff tf Frank g, Rohrer, Hawk Paint 8c Chemical Works, Inc„paint for street Herr 5 Company~ - supplies - Water Department Harry F ~ Work, - labor~ Street Department Harry. Coyle -' labor, Street Department Chas ~ S, Aulthous e - labor, Street Department Harry Coyle, Labor, Water Department Jacob H, Ranck, — labor Water Depart;ment Chas ~ Murray~-. - labor, Water Department Enos B ~ Herr - Labor, Water Department; Harry Work, Sr. - labor', Water Department John Ranck, - labor, Wa t;er Department Landis Work - labor, Water Department ,Harry Work . Jr, - labor, Water Department Sess, ~ John Milton Ranck, filing Auditors f Report-Quarter Department Water - Wenger Smeltz, hauling Ida B ~ Eby, Tax Collec, -tor-Comm, on February 6, 1939 Bill On passed. , motion of it ordered was Sherman W, that Book, seconded by Chas. all of the above bills, M, Miller, including V3~ 12 1f7..+48 ~ 82 2 50 2 50 ' ' 2, 50 20 F 00 9,30 3,40 2, 20 VS 43 21 20 52, 88 9 ~ 20 1,60 15 ' 20 19e20 23 ' 20 12 ~ 00 ~ 50 3,00 4, 64 and duly' the Relief Fund Bill The be paid ~ Secretary presented to Council J, E. Goodell's Water Analysis for February, On 1939, and the same vras ordered, to be filed, motion of H. C ~ Kaufman, seconded by Sherman W, Book~ passed, the Water Committee springs are properly numbered' On vras directed to see to motion duly made and seconded~ Respectfully the meeting submitted. oroug , Secre ary it and duly that the Borough adjourned. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD MARCH Pursuant- to-writ%en' notice' from the Secretary, the President, 27~ 19396 at the call of opal special meeting of 'Strasburg Borough Council was held in the Council rooms on'Monday evening, March 2'7, 1939; at '7:30 ock, The meeting was called to order by Milton H, Ranch, President, The following were present: - a B. Burgess Frank Koch Secre tary John Milton Rane k and the following of Council: members Milton H, Ranck, President Eau fman Hess Harold HE Messner Sherman WE Book William T. Koch . .H ~ C~ M, Huber E. R, Chas Leon motion On Minutes Murphy M. Miller ~ C~ Hens meeting motion of Leon On seconded. and. passed duly made, of the previous C el ~ NQe d. Hensel, of the the reading ispensed with, seconded. by William T. Koch and of Voucher 25'I, issued, March 14, 1939, to the First National Bank of Strasburg, being interest on Borough Bonds to April 1, 1939~ in the sum of $650, 25, was approved, On motion of H. C~ Kaufman, seconded. by Sherman W Book and duly duly passed, passed, it . the issuance was resolved that the arrearage of interest in the sum of $98,22 to the Strasburg Borough Sinking Fund on the mortgage held by Strasburg Borough covering 16 acres and 96 perches of land, partly in Strasburg and partly in East Lampeter Townships~ said property now owned by William J. Schilling, be waived on condition tha t the principal sum of $2200, 00, together with current interest up to the date of settlement, i, e, , on or about April owing 1, 1939~ be paid. ~ On passed, it motion of E ~ R. Murphy, was resolved second. ed, by M. Huber Hess and duly that Frank B. Koch, Burgess, and W, J, Weaver, Treasurer, be authorized directed, receipt of the principal sum of $220000 and interest from October 1, 1938 to the date of settlement, i, e, on or about April 1, 1939, to satisfy the mortgage given by.'Frank P, Wenger and wife to Miller F. Book, Chief Burgess, and W, J, Weaver, Treasurer of the Borough of Strasburg, said mortgage being dated April 1, 1927 and and on the recorded in Mortgage Book 299~ page 557, which property was by deed dated March 28, 1929, recorded in 13eed Book N, Vol, 25, page 543, conveyed by Frank P ~ Weber and wife to William J. Schilling, Secretary brought The Fulton National to the attention Bank of Lancaster to take over the remaining bonded - of Council the bid of the Trust: Department indebtedness - wherein of Strasburg they offered Borough, an of $13,000, 00, at 2~/~ Harold H. Messner moving and M. Huber Hess seconding that the offer af the Fulton National Bank be accepted, This motion was defeated by the vote of seven nays and one aye ~ On motion of H. C ~ Kaufman, seconded by William T. Koch, and chly passed, it was ordered that the proper officers of Strasburg Borough Council be authorized to execute an agreement with the First National Bank of approximate amount Strasbur g, Pennsylvania, First National Bank of Strasburg, Pennsylvania, will agree to a reduction in the interest rate from four and. one-half (4~go) percent to thr ee (3')::. 'percent on the Thirteen thousand, Three Hundred ($13,300, 00) Dollar boncb which it now holds and which bonds represent the sole outstanding Strasburg whereunder the of said Borough, provided that Borough pay on account of principal of said indebtedness the bonded indebhedness sum of 41000 00 on October l~ 1939 and each and every October first thereafter, until said bond indebtedness is liquidated and paid off, and'-fbi'ther~ to carry out the above agreensnt the Secretary was directed to stamp each bond and. coupon bnng, remaining Pennsylvania, On in'the possession evidencing the above the above Resolution aye; Hess, Aye; Mes sner, nay, of the. First National Bank of Stras-. facts ~ the vote was polled, as follows: Book, aye; Koch, aye; -Murphy, Kauffman, aye; Miller/ aye; Hensel, aye; On motion duly made, seconded and passed, the meeting Respec tfully. submit ted, S cre adjourned, MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH HELD APRIL 3~ called to order following were present: The meeting The by Milton was H~ 1939 ~ Ranck, President, - Bur ge s s & Frank B ~ Koch Jacob H, Ranck Water Superintendent Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following members of Council: Milton H, Ranck H Kaufman C~ M. Huber Hess Harold H. Messner Wm, .T, Koch ' R. Chas. ED Leon Murphy M. Miller CD The Minutes Hensel of the last regular meeting, as well as the Minutes -of the special meeting held on March 27th were read and approved. Jacob tinged Ranck, Water Superintendent, reported that Chere HE was plenty of water at both places but stated that-the water in the reservoir showed : a greenish Thereupon ED R. Murphy of the Water Committee suggested that the reservoir be cleaned immediately, -Water Superintendent Ranck reported new services for Walter .Hasseltwo on Fulton. Street and one on Franklin Street, and a renewal f' or property on East Main Street pui"chased by Jacob Rows (formerly the Wall Miller property E. R. Murphy of the Water Department reported. that the pipe for Franklin Street main had been received and that the April first quarterly water bills are being made out by Mrs' Jeff -Homsher. Mr. Murphy suggested that a water pump with an auxiliary gasoline engine be purchased by the Borough which could be used in cleaning the reHe stated. that the cost was servoir and for any other Borough purposes $125 F 00 and suggested approximately not be let out to private individuals that if unless the purchase it be made-it-should were accompanied by a O Borough represnetative and at a fixed rental charge ~ Koch, seconded by Harold H. Messner and duly passed, On motion of William the 'Water Coomittee was said to purchase authorized providing pump the cost did not exceed, $125o00 ~ A Donald letter of protest received over by President turned was Bachman from Dr. Lovelidge, Dr, Fairlamb and Mrs. of the Ranck to the Chairman / Water Committee ~ that reported Superintendent The Water the pipes and he had flushed that this had cut off service for about twenty minutes it and this break was There protestors, of notification should be in the service which had inconveni. enced the above mentioned was discussion a general concerning what method to the residents given by the Water Department of the Borough before any of the service, stopping for the Street Committee, reported that the pipe had been laid on North Jackson Street and. the street had been patched; that inlets have been cleaned throughout the Borough, He also reported. that traffic lines had H, C~ Kaufman, Light Committee - Relief : less who that he, of 23$ was to Mr Messner, ~ o o on . Miller ~ behalf to sented. to Council bill of Fred L, of coal for Charles Murray, at $4, 38 net $4 ~ 13~— Mr, Messner recommendations I reported that the expert from 'Harri s- as to our problem has will procure another expert to Public Safety - No report, moved to Maine make recommendations and. ~ " general discussion Borough springs On make report, Chas Tree Committee: Committee A no er for Hom elf. soou Shade burg Committ E. and Jo streets' on the Borough been painted was had concerning the depredation of trees on the property. behalf of WE J. Weaver the Secretary gave the Treasurer's of April 3, 1939: Balance. from last month Received since 3983,45 30~50 4013 ' 95 Paid out 954 e22 $ 3059.V3 report as motion of Harold H. Messner, On — passed, - The the Treasurer's report Secretary presented 1st National Penna, Thomas F ~ B~ Landis Harry Harry Bank of Power Bair - Koch, ' 8c - Work ~ Work, seconded, by M. Huber Hess and duly received and directed. to be filed. was bills: to Council the following Strasburg-safe Light Company police duty. box - streetdeposit lighting supplies~S'Carbeh 2. 75 73 ' 13 15 ' 50 1 ~ 54 2 F 00 3 ~ 20 13~ 60 25 ' 65 61 32 rent Department labor, Street Department - labo r~ S tree t Depa r tment Coyle labor, Street Department Chas S Aulthous e - labor, S tree t Department Lancaster Valite Co. - pipe, Street Separtment . Lancaster Ualite Co, - street ' 7 ' 54 dressing go.cS H John Milton Ranck - recording power of attorney, satisffhction Schilling mortgage and acknowledgment Ida B. Eby - commissions on tax bill of April 4, -1939 D ~ Woo d C ompany - ma te ri al s, Water Depar tns n t $374 ~ 07 less discount of 1/2 of lf& R. D. Wood Company - materia. ls, Water Department $28+30 1ess dis count of 2' Land. is Work ~ labor - Wa ter Department, Jacob H Ranck~ labor - Water Department . Harry Work, Jr, -, labor - Water Department - disinfectant Herr R Coi supplies, Water Department Strasburg Railroad - freight, Water Departme nt -E, E, Koch - materi als, Water Department Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Co, - materials, Water Dresser Manufacturing Company - materials - Water J, . On , passed, bill 372 ' 20 27y73 4, 80 33e25 8 80 3~20 2+60 Weaver motion of William it 3, 50 5g51 T. Koch, seconded by Chas. that all of Secretary presented J E. was ordered the above bills, M. 37' ll 21e23 58. 05 21, 16 Dept, Dept, Miller and duly including the refibfd be paid, The of March, which showed Goodell~s water analysis for the month negative. Secretary reported to Council that the Schilling mortgage had been collected and also that a contract had. been ent ered into between Strasburg The Borough and the adopted First National at the special meeting c onc em ing Borough bonds On motion duly made, Bank of SMsburg pursuant of Borough Council held ~ seconded. and. passed, March 27, 1939 ~~ the meeting adjourned, .2a ecre ar to Resolution MINUTES OF MEETING OF S TRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting The f ollowing were was COUNC called to order IL HELD MAY 1~ 1959e by Milton H. Ranck, President. present: Burgess F~rank B, Koch Vlater Superintendent Jacob H. Ranck SSecretary John Milton Ranch and the following members of Council:. Milton H. Ranck CD Kaufman Huber Hess . Harold H. Messner Sherman Vt. Book Vfm. T. Koch HE M, E. R. | l'~murphy Chas ~ M. 'Miller Leon C ~ Hense ' The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, Jacob H. Ranck, Vfater Superintendent, also stated that ~M~p~ ~~ of tinge/ plenty of overflow at both places, that there reporteQ the water in the and the reservoir showed a greenish Mr. Murphy, stated that the pump for the cleaning of the reservoir was er Committee, Vfa had. not yet been acquired, Mr. Kaufman, of the Street Committee, ing work had been done, and that surveys ment, reported that certain patch- had been made to determine the pave- streets: Franklin Street between (Hassel prope'rty); Franklih Street, between Fulton and curb line and grade on the following Fulton and Jackson Decatur Streets Decatur Street, that a survey road leading (cemetery); North Jackson Street (Denlinger property); South (Sherts property); he also reported to locate Borough line in relation to public between Main and Franklin had been made to Frank Rohrer farm. This was prepared by drafting the original plot as per incorporation proceedings of March 16, 1816, It was also reported that the water condition on the Fra. nk Rohrer property had been taken care of, to Mr, Kaufman stated that an attempt will be made immediately Borough complete North Jackson commence the job, Street as soon as Strasburg Township is willing to 77 Light Committee: Relief for E ~ Homsher Commit xeport. No tee: Mr. of coal .for Charles one ton bill of Miller presented Murray, Fred L. and J„hn $8', 76. less discount of 50/, or net $8 ~ 26, Tree Committee: no report Public Safety Committee: M. Huber Hess, brought No x'eport. to th'e attention of Council the question of curb line on North Decatur Street. Leon C ~ Hensel stated that the: plan ca.lied for a thirty-eight foot street but it was his opinion that the adjoining owners would be willing to agree to the reduction of the width of the Street to thirty-six feet and if that were done the parties would go a long, H. C. Kaufman s tated that he will bring to the next meeting of Council, plans for the curb and sidewalk along the John Fire property Company behalf of On Treasurer's lines W. report, as of on North J. Weaver, May Decatur M. Hagan~s and Street. the Secretary gave the following 1, 1939: Balance from last month Received since $ 3, 059.73 200 67 3p 260 +40 Pa5!d out last 825, 17 month 2~435, 23 Oh motion of Hess, seconded by Chas. M ~ Miller and duly passed, report was received and ordered to be filed. M. Huber the Treasurerts The Secretary presented. to Council the report of water analysis which showed a positive condition~ ~ ~ Secretary presented to Council the following Lancas ter Valite Company, street dressing Murphy's Garage, materials-Street Depar tment The labor - Street Department Chas. S. Aulthouse, labor-Street Department J. E. Rohrer, surveys to establish cuxb line and gx'ad. e along certain streets in Borough Pennsylvania Power 5; Light Co. , street lighting Harry Coyle, Aldus Zittle, stone-Street Department J. E. Goodell)s bills: $ 30.32 22 ~ 52 5 60 ' 19' 35 36 ' 25 73' 12 26 22 Samuel W. J. C~ Bleecher, police duty, Keneagy, ., State County situated property, 8c Road ta:x J. E. policy Gaodell, water analysis, and March, Bertram Rubber On motion of William it was for Borough in Paradise Township Insurance Fund. , prem. on Work- Worlanen's men s ins uranc e ~ 1V ~ 00 Co ~ , stamps for Borough T. Koch, seconded ordered that the above January, by Harold bills, together 8~24 51 50 February 21 F 00 bonds F 50 H. Messner with the and duly passed, relief bill, be paid, Secretary read to Council a communication from the Smith Printing Company, of Williamsport, Pa. , in regard to accounting forms, and the Secretary was directed to write said Company for additional information. The On motion duly made, Respec seconded and passed, tfully submit ted, S ecr~ tary the meeting adjourned. MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL JUNE HELD 5, 1939~ called to order by Milton H. Ranck, ~resident. following vrere present: Burgess Frank B. Koch Water Superintendent; Jacob H. Ranck Secretary John Milton Ranck the following members of Council'. The meeting . The was I and. Hess Harold H. Messner William T ~ Koch M. Huber E ~ R. Mur phy Chas ~ M, Miller Leon -C. Hens el of the last meet;ing were read and approved. The Minutes "Jacob H. Ranek, Water Superintendent;, plenty of overflovr at tne Borough had been renevred at the places and that a installed. He reported new that tb'ere was gate at the west end of stated that the service line had been Ben Hull property. Harold intendent bo tb . a leak to the attention H. Messner brought at of the Water Super- the end of the line on North Decatur Street; ~ of the Water Committee, reported. t;hat. he-had been negotiating for bids for the apparatus to inject lime-solution into the Borough vrater. that the pump which the Water Committee He also reported vras previously authorized to purchase at a cost of II'125 ~ 00, vrould cost $195,00 plus "necessary hose and appliances. Mr. Murphy, On motion of Harold H. Messner, and duly passed. , the Water Committee chase for the Pump sum t; authorized T. Koch and direct;ed of $195~ 00 plus cost of hose and appliances, t o pur- a Homelite i William tha was seconded by William T Koch, reporting Nolt s Hill had been surfaced. r Burgess Frank Street should be oiled B. for the Street stated. ~ Koch s tat ed and chipped Commit;tee, that in bis opinion North Jackso in order to complete the job, n Burgess' Prank B ~ Koch also brought to the attention the matter of the erectiqn of an electric fence by of the possibility Milton Barge on the Elwood Kreider property was pr of Council and the borough Solicitor to report to the Burgess as to the legal'. aspects of this instructed oblem. tee: No r eport Relief Commit tee: No report, the Secretary On behalf of f&. J Weaver, ert s report, as of June 5, 1939: Light C ommit ~ ~ Treasur Balance from last month 4 gave the following 2435. 23 Received since 90 o08 $ 2525. 31 452 ~ 27 Paid out $ 2073104 Balance on hand: Qn motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded by Chas. M. Miller, report of the Treasurer was approved and accepted, the to be and ordered. f iled. . J. E ~ Goodellts water analysis waE presented to Council and directed to be filed ~ The Secretary read to Council vouchers Nos ~ 293 through 296, both inclusive, issued since the last meeting, all dated May 25, 1939: 48 82 Chas. S ~ Aulthouse, labor-Street Department 37 80 Department Harry Coyle, labor- Street Union of j:la Kline, Treas. Daughters 30i00 Veterans, Memorial Day Services ~ On passed, motion of Leon CD Hensel, seconded by Chas. M. Miller and duly of the above vouchers were approved, Secretary presented to Council the following bills: payment The - street dressing 5/17/39- 3 ' 98 19' 50 122, 40 lighting Water Dept' 73 ~ 13 Company-4/21/59 Lancaster Valite tf ft tt Pennsylvania tt 5/13' 15/39 tI Power lt 8c Light Company-street Strasburg Borough Railroad-freight, Jacob H. Ranck, labor-Water Department 2 ~ 35. 24 ~ 51 P. Work, Sr. , labor-1Vater Bair — police Ida B. Eby, May 1st tax bill - Harry . '-Thomas 5' 5/o on g2 10 on $39 ~ 03 Eddy Valve Company On it motion of E. R. - fire Murphy, 3 ' 60 19F 00 Department commissions .11$ 1 ~ 95 plug 2 ~ 06 50 ' 96 seconded by M. Huber Hess and duly directed that the above bills be paid, sub ject to the approval of the Lancaster Valite Company invoices by H. C. Kaufman. passed, On vras motion duly made and seconded. and passed, the meeting journed. Respectfully submitted, . S retary ad- MINUTE/ OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meet;ing The following called to order was by Milton H, Ranck, B. Koch Jacob H, Ranck Water Super intendent Secretary the following John Milton Ranck of Council; members Milton H ~ Ranck M. Huber Hess Haro ld H. Me s sne Sherman W, Book Wm. E. T~ The Minutes caster Valite vouchers r Koch R, Murphy Chas. The M. Mi lie r of the previous Secretary reported that H. Company C ~ payment" plenty of overflow at both places, the Lan- had approved. Kaufman bills for street dressing issued in had been were read and approved. meeting on Nolt~s Hill and that 't'hereof, 9'acob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, Franklin President, were present: Burgess Frank and. 19&9o COUNCIL HELD JULY 3p and. reported that a leak that there had been fixed was on Street near the Gertrude Galen property, Chas. M. M. Huber that Miller reported Hess reported paired and recommended all the springs that the fire hose that tbe hoses be flushed. and have been numbered, cart tested hand jacob H. Ranck stated. that the Homelite pressure had been pump re- had been pur cba s ed. Tbe Secretary reported the month of June showing which report was ordered a on sli+t J. E ~ Goodell~s contaminat;ion water analysis in the receiving for basin, filed. William T. Koch, for the Street gutter had been placed in front of Murphy's 'Department, reported that a garage and that new pavement in front of Mrs ~ Shert~, s property on South Decatur Stree Harold H. Messner, reported that~ the State had not as yet; taken Nolt's Hill; that be care of it;s one-third share in tbe expense of surfacing bad been completed to Lester Worst; had. spoken State aid or not not as yet sure whether vras that suggested W. Book Street, at the Harold to vre have a "STOP" sign erected on He reported. conversations vrith showing Bair, Lem street but suggest have eit;her a 34r or a 38r be laid on the North Decatur side of the John Hagenrs pavement Solicitor The Borough past Ordinance receive drafts of North Decatur- Street, submitted H. Messner stated. that he was vrilling ed. that; vrould limits. Borough both the 38~ and 34' stre'et width. who vre ~ Sherman South Decat;ur vrho tbe Borough may was to obtain information instructed have had dealing vrith the appropriat property as to any ion of Street for a 38' street, and also in the absence of shah as to the taking of land for tbe vridening of the street and payment of therefor. Burgess Frank B. Koch suggested that weeds be cut; along Funk and land on North Decatur damages Jackson Streets' William surface vrater on the State Main Department Highway State-Highvray. asked for information T ~ Koch Street with regard to reporting the in that tbe Main Street of Strasburg Harold H. Messner the St;ate Highway pits, nuisance information on the question the power of the Borough to control the same and how On "as of July stated. that he would take same to the Borough up the of is a matter with Department. Chas. M. Miller sought posal with regard. to drainage of garbage dis- if found to be a they should be removed. behalf of W. J. Weaver, the Secretary read the Treasurer's report 3, 1939; Balance from last month Received since Paid, out last $ 20V3. 04 l303 ~ 93 33'76 ' 97 321 ' 49 month $ 3055, 48 On motion of was ord. ered M, Huber Hess, seconded. by William to be received. and filed, T, Koch, the Treasurer's report S4 The Secretary read to Council the following bills: Pennsylvania Power 8c Light Co. , street lighting Richard Garnett, labor, street department, Harry C oyle, labor, street department, Chas. S. Aulthouse, labor, street department Samuel W. $ Bleecher, police duty J, E . Rohrer, survey k North. Decatur Street Homelite Corporation, $220 ~ 80 less 1fo, prel, plan for Borough and. pump widening list of delinquent to personally Counc water. interview bills accessories~ the delinquents and 1V ~ 25 RXG~59 19' 95 6 ' 95 . submitted and the Superintendent 5 ' 60 9 ' 20 25 F 40 20 F 00 . Lancaster Valite Co. , street dressing, Chas ~ M. Miller, labor, water. 'department, Jacob H, Ranck, Water Superintendent, V5 ~ 12 was to Council a directed by Council report at the next meeting of il. On motion duly made, seconded Respectfully and passed, submitted, the meeting adjourned. MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD AUGUST The meeting The 7, 1939~ called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President. was following were present: Burgess Frank B. Koch Water Superintendent Jacob H. Ranck Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following of Council: members Milton H. C ~ H:, ::—,Ranck Kauf man Hess Harold H. -Messner M. Huber Sherman W~ Book William T. Koch E. R. Murphy M. Miller Chas. Leon C. Hensel Ex-Councilman Fred L. Homsher of the previous The Minutes Jacob meeting were read. and. approved, Ranck, Water Superintendent H". at both places; that he had mowed Harry Smith' line and finally that c plenty of overflow reported that he had tested the hose; the he had made a renewal at the Book property onEMain StreeT; that the new line on Franklin Street was about completed; that he had tapped, the water accounts. Howard inform also reported He the banks; n was that he had east of the Borough. The Borough Solicitor was directed to write that $30.00 delinquent water rent was owing him now occupied by George Herr, and that of Council to publish a lis t of delinquents The Mr streets ~ chlorine Kaufman, had been between it H. H. Groff and on property 201 was the thought from the Chemical Company in the water. of the Street Department, reported. that gutters cleaned. Harold H. Messner made meter, .'. in, the ~ Secretary read a communication relative to putting agreement installed. a property, Mowery Miller Street, and being made in delinquent brought the Township, to Council's Borough and at'tention the gentlemen' s State for the three-way split incident to the resurfac Secretary and notify him Street, ~ Hill. Highway The Borough Department of thi. s agreement;. f ixing located the Ordinance Senator Homsher Decatur on Nolt s to vrrite Mr. Edgerly, of the ins tructed wsfs ing expenses page 141 of the Minute Book, Ordinance the widt;h of North passed September .6, 1923, reading as fo llows: "Sept, 6, 1923. , An re laying out and changing Ordinance follows: grades on part of N. Decatur St. , as ORDINANCE Widening, laying out, and changing Borough, Lancas ter, Co ~, Pa. grades on part of N. Decatur St. , Strasburg Sect. I The Council of St rasburg Borough does hereby ordain that Nor th Street; Decatur beginning at Center Square, be laid out and widened, in accordanc e vrith the ge ne ra 1 plan for the 5 is tsnc e of 283 feet;, and that the .grade on said distance be f i xed at a fall Northward of 0153 of a foot per foot; thence at an angle of 170-3/4 degrees bearing Wes tvrard 250 feet, and the grade for a dis tance of 296 feet be ing 02664 of a foo t per foot; falling Northward; thence at an ang le of 169-3/4 degrees bearing Wes tvrard. to the end of the Borough limi ts, j oining and connecting at the m d of the Borough limi~ts with the public road. in Strasburg Tovrnship, leading to Hartman ' s between curbs, and the Bridge. The width of said. Street t;o be 38 f eet wide " c back the urb lines. feet lines 10 from building On motion of M. Huber Hes s, s eco nded by Wi 1liam T ~ Koch and. duly . . passed, it Hagens, Fire vras resolved Company that the Solicitor be instructed No, 1, the East side of N. Deca tur al ready la id the pavement The asking Street, to vrrite that; a s idewa lk and curb be ins northward from Center Square, J. M. tal led on joining . vote on this questi on was seven ayes and one nay, Leon C, Hensel diss e nt ing. The Pres ide nt instructed Jacob H. Rane k, Water Superintendent, to move the fire plug in front of t he Witmer Hersh property on North Decatur St;rect. The Secretary was directed to send cards to members of Council of the next meeting of Borough Council w'ill be held Tuesday, September 5, 1939, i, e. , the d ay f ollovring Labor Day, advising them on 3pa@~ J$ , , [ o3 ply. d 0 «f g ~ 0 C. z. (I/ A 87 report. Relief Committee: No report. Shade Tree Committee: No report. Public Safety Committee: No report, Light Committee: Secretary read to Council the following The s ince the lras No t ive: bo th inc lus Sr. Rineer, Walter Huffman Labor-Wa ter Department Labor -Wa ter Dep artment Labor-Water Depar tme nt Labor-Water Department Labor-Water Department Isaac Sweigart De par ment De par tme nt Harry Harry Landi John Work, Work, s Work, Jr. Martin Good motion of Harold the issuance of the above vouchers The Seer etary presented vras 16, 00 16 ~ 00 16 ~ 00 16 00 16+00 16,00 8, 00 Department seconded H. Messner, 16,00 t Labor-Water Labor-Water Labor-Water Donald Andrevrs On a. K 4, 1939~ being vouchers Nos. 314-3~, dated August meeting, Hess and by M. Huber the follovring bills to Coyle - Labor, Street Department Chas. S. Aulthouse, Labor-Street; Department; for Street Dept. Murphy~s Garage, materials acob H ~ Ranck-Labor, Water Department Ida B.~ Eby, tax commissions Reamr s - paper for tax' duplicate Chas. M. Miller - Labor, Water Department Thoma s Ba ir - $ po lie e Penna. Power 8c Light - street lighting Herr 8c Co. , Water Department; supplies mot;ion the above of Chas. bills On Treasurer 's M. vrere Miller, seconded ordered behalf of W. J. Weaver, the Secretary gave 49 ' 95 26 ' 95 55, 13 1.03 ) 1~ 50 33 ' 53 21,00 V3 ~ 13 passed, 3~952, 24 530, 06 month motion. duly made and. seconded, the follovring 7, 1939: last . 36.80 by M. Huber Hess, and duly 3~055, 48 ceived and filed. Council: 34 ~ 22 Balance from last; month Received since Balance on hand: On ly passed, paid. Report as of august Paid out do. approved. Harry On issued vouchers 896 V6 3, 422 ' 18 the above Report vras ordered to be re- Burgess Frank B. Koch direc ted the Solicitor to bring t o of Council- a skeletois peddlar~ s ordinance. Senator Homsher asked. -Council whether or not a palmist the next meeting could operate in Strasburg On. motion Borough. duly made, seconded. and passed, the meeting ad journed, Respectfully submitted, Secretary Septembe MINUTES ~~ , 5, aA 1959~ OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD SEPTEMBER . 5p', ~;19~9~ OF MEETING The meeting called to order was by Councilman E ~ R ~ Murphy. The were present; following Water Superintendent Jacob H. Ranck Burgess Frank B ~ Koch Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following of Council: members Milton H. Ranck M. Huber Hess H. Messner Sherman WE Book William T ~ Koch Harold ED R, Murphy Chas Leon ~ M. C ~ Miller -Hensel of the previous The Minutes meeting were read and approved. ~ J The Resolutions and Secretary reported or Ordinances gutters within Milton HE to Council that he was unable to find fixing the specif ications for sidewalks, curbs the Borough. Ranck assumed the chair, Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, reported plenty of averflow at both places; that -the springs were slightly weaker; that he had fixed leaks at Mrs' Charles Breuninger's property and the Kitch property; that the pipe line on Franklin Street had. been finished and that a new line had been laid to the Presbyterian Church. M. Huber that Hess reported. Bill Lewis, living along the Strasburg Pike, had been unable to ob5ain clear water and was compelled to haul water to his property because the Borough water at that point was filled with rust. E ~ R ~ Murphy reported a letter which he had ~ received concerning ~~4k "and unan- the cost of a lime injecting apparatus. On motion of M. Huber Hess imously carried, it was resolved that said apparatus be purchased and that the Water Committee be authorized to make arrangements for the purchase of land on which to erect a building for the storing of said apparatus, 'and to report their findings at, a general or special meeting of council called for that pur po se, Harold. H. Messner Willi's Herr water bill in full difference is represented died some reported years ago collected. (138.00 of the bill of $154.00 ~ settlement had for the keeping of a horse by a charge tbe oiling and chipping Reported Streets, as well as cleaning gut;ters Jackson J. E. on the The which ~ Street Committee: North that he Goodell~s water analysis Punk and inlets. and to Council presented was of and ordered to be filed by the Secretary. behalf of On W. report as of September J. Weaver, the Secretary gave the following Treasursrh 4, 1939: I Balance from last month. Received since 3, 422 ' 18 124 ~ 98 3~547 ~ 16 Paid out 461, 64 3i085 ~ 52 On motion ordered of Harold H. Messner, duly seconded to be received. and that C ~ Hensel brought; report. to the attention No received' by pedestrians had been in front of the Charles Clark property Secretary them tbe Report was filed. Shade Tree Committee: Leon and passed, who had and the of Council certain complaints brushed against low hanging Christ Homsher property. instructed to write tbe owners of these properties to trim their trees in order that this inconvenience may be was Relief Committee: Chas. M. No Miller brought no The the las t mee The advise done away to the attention of Council the water K, Rohrer farm. After a lengthy act;ion was taken. Secretary read to Council tbe f ollowing ting, dated Augus wi report. situation along the road leading to tbe Frank discussion and. trees voucbers, t 19, 1939; Harry Work, Sr' Labor - Water Department Harry Work, Jr, Labor - Water Department Landis Work, Labor - Water Department John Ranck, Labor — Water Depar t ment II lV. 20 13~ 60 13~ 60 13 ~ 60 issued since Isaac Sweigart, Labor-Water Department John Rineer, Labor-Water Department Donald. Andrews, Lab'or-Water Department Walt'er Hoffman, Labor-Water Department Martin Good, Labor-Water Department On motion of William T ~ Koch, seconded by issuance of the above vouchers was M~ Huber 13 ~ 60 16.00 13 ~ 60 13 ~ 60 13 ~ 60 Hess and duly passed, approved. Secretary read to Council the following The bills: Pennsylvania Power 8c Light Company, s treet lighting ~ Township taxes Keneagy, Collector-Paradise J. C on Borough property Jacob HE Deparrm ent dis infec tants Miller, Labor-Water Department Chas. M. F. B. Koch Murphy~ s Garage, Water Department supplies 8c Sons, Water Department. supplies oyle, Labor-Street Department Labor-Street Department Sample'1 W. Bleecher, police duty Lancaster Valite Company - street dressing Harry C E. Murphy, Chas ~ ( S ~ Aulthouse, On motion of above bills motion First National interest 3' from Reduc tion On Sherman Bank o f 1, . W. ' Book, seconded by harold amounts Borough indebtedness 1939 to October principal were appropriated H ~ Messner, and for debt services of Strasburg: on outstanding April the to be paid. the following passed, unanimously of 15o65 17.21 3 ' 20 10 ~ 80 9 ~ 83 41 ~ 71 57 ' 60 64 ' 80 22 ~ 00 52 ~ 00 seconded. by Chas. M. Miller and duly passed, were ordered On to the R~ 73. 12 $ , Ranck, Labor-Water J. We'aver, W. the 1, 1939 of $13,300 ind eb tednes s 1000 F00 motion duly made, second ed. and passed, Respectfully 199~ 50 the meeting adjourned, submitted, ecretary . 92 MINUTES The meeting The following 'were 1929 OF STRASBURG BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD OCTOBER 2 OF MEETING was called to order by Milton H, Ranck, President. present: Water Superintendent Jacob H, Rane k Burgess Frank B ~ Koch and the following Secretary John Milton Ranck members of Council: Milton H, Ranck M. Huber Sherman E. Hess WE Book RE Murphy Chas. M. Miller CD Hensel E~-Councilman Senator Frederick Leon The Minutes of the previous L. Homsher meeting were read and approved, that there was no overflow at either place and that the springs were weaker. He stated that a renewal line had been installed at John'Groff's property in Center Square farm, and. that- a new line had been installed. at the and at Ross Denlinger's Jacob H. Ranck, Water Superintendent, reported further reported 'that he had repaired leaks a t the Shissler farm, at the end of Miller Street, and also in following properties: front of the Huber Hess property on East Main Street. He further reported that he had, seen to the flushing of the dead ends 0f the water main. Atkins ' property. He E, R. Murphy, for the Water Committee, reported. an oral entered into with Ross Denlinger for the leasing or purchase of a land, adjacent to the Strasburg Borough Water Main for the purpose thereon a building to house a 1We injecting apparatus, in return . agreement strip of of erecting for a water directly to the dwelling house on Mr. .0enlinger's farm. On motion of Leon C. Hensel, seconded by Sherman %. Book and unanimously carried, it was resolved that Strasb&erg Borough. obtain a perpetual lease from Ross and Clyde Denlinger for a piece of land on which to erect a building to house a lice injecting apparatus, . connection ' The Secretary read to Council a communnication addressed to t% 33 Water Committee . from the Department of Health, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in, which- a survey of our water system was requested ~ Ex Councilman Senator Homsher stated that- the Department of Health has in its possession a survey of our new springs and further that our old springs and general lay out of our water system were finished and in operation prior to any regulatory Acts passed by the General Assembly, and, therefore, not within its purview ~ . . certain suggestions of J. E Goodell, City Chemist, relative to the line injecting apparatus. He estimated the entire cost of the project at approximately $1200, 00 ~ On motion of Sherman W ~ Book, seconded by Leon C ~ Hensel and unanimous ly carried, it was resolved that the report of . the Water Committee be:; accepted and that the said Committee be directed to proceed with the purchase of the equipment, Street Committee (absentee report): Oiling and chipping on Senator Homsher reported FranÃlin and Funk Streets; gutters Light Committee: was M. Huber the erection of a had requested and inlets were cleaned. that Herbert Foulke Funk 'Street. No action Hess reported street light on t'aken, Relief Committee: No report. On behalf of W ~ J. Weaver, the Secretary gave the fo llowing Treasurer's Report as of October 2, 1939: Balance from last month Received since 3~085 ' 52 267, 96 3, 353,48 Paid out last 1 567 ' 42 month 1 786 F 06 On motion of Ei above Report was ordered R ~ Murphy, to seconded by be received and M. Huber Hess, the filed. of Council the fact that although the Budget called for d. $200, 00 appropriation to Strasburg Fire Company No ~ 1, no voucher had ever been issued therefor. E. R. Murphy brought to the attention imously of E, motion On passed. , $200 ~ 00 seconded by N. Huber Hess, and unan- R ~ Murphy, was appropriated Fire to the Strasburg 1, No. Company for the year 1939~ The Secretary reported conversations had vrith John N. Hagans relative to a sidewalk on tbe east side of North Decatur Street, from the property of Albert Nessner to Center Square to the effect that Nr, Hagans contemplated putting down Secretary The 1, requesting a cinder walk, vras to vrrite the Strasburg Fire instructed them to comp3ahe the curb and sidevralk No. Company in front of their property '7 on Ncr vrith t' he curb and sidevralk tb Decatur Street, conforming on North |Decatur Street between the properties Secretary presented The as novr of Albert Messner and Ross Bair 2 1,00 '73 — ~ Harry lle25 5 40 21,00 360+00 Deparrment Company~ materials-Water M. Miller, labor-Water Depar tment F ~ Work~ Sr ~ labor-Water Department 20 42 20 ~ 93 1/ 60 Clifford E. Bair, labor-Water 'Department Harry Coyle, labor-Wat;er Department Jacob H. Ranek, labor-Water Department Fred L. 5 John E ~ Homsher, freight-Water Supplies On motion it was of On t;bat the above motion duly made, 8, 00 17,20 De~rtm ent :27.11 ~ N. Huber Hess, seconded ordered 13 12+80 5 ' 20 6.40 8c Chas , 65 18,50 police duty H@rry Coyle, Labor-Street Department Ha-rry F ~ Wor k, Labor-Street Depart;ment C lif ford E, Bair, Labor-Street; Department Chas. S ~ Aulthouse, ~Labor-Street Department Chas M, Miller, Labor-Street Departrrsnt Henry Hor s t, r oiling Borough S tree ts Lancaster Valite Company - street dressing Herr bills by ED RE Murphy, and unanimously 85 passed, be paid, seconded and passed, Respec the meeting tfully submitted, S.ec Rowe, bills: to Council the following J+ E ~ Goodell, water analysis-. April, May 8c June Ida B, Eaby, Tax Collector-Comm. on $12 ~ 99 Penns ylvania Power R Light 0 o ~, street lighting Thomas existing adJourned. MINUTES OF MEETING OF STRASBURG BOROUGH The meeting The following 6, 1939. COUNCIL HELD NOVEMBER called to order by Milton H. Ranck, President was ~ present: were %later Superintendent Jacob H ~ Ranck Bur ges s Fra nk B ~ Koc h Secretary John Milton Ranck ' and. the following of Council: members Milton H. H Ranck ~ Kaufman C ~ M. Huber Hess Harold H. Mes sne Vfilliam T. Koch R. ED Chas r Murphy M. Miller ~ of the previous The Minutes. were read and approved. meeting Jacob H. Ranck, Vfater Superintendent, reported tnat there e was at the Reservoir plenty of overflovr at the springs; ion had. been that the for made s tandpipe John A ~ but that Coyle at bis tbe Borough of Strasburg; that; a renewal India Kreider property Miller Street. he on new vras full; that one-half vras there property, connection had. no overflow a nevr connect- just East of been made at tbe Relative to the Coyle connection tbe Secretary reported that had sent in to the Highvray Department the papers which vrere executed re3a tive to the permit in the , it connection up of $6 ~ 00 covering the sum -Gn passed. to dig motion was o f resolved E~ street, permit; fee. the R. Murphy, bis check and bad enclosed seconded by H C ~ ~ Kaufman that out;side of the Borough of Strasburg to the Borough should be $25 ~ 00 plus reasonable main and duly cost costs of e for obtaining a permit and resurfacing the road. a draft of the lease from Ross and Clyde Denlinger to the Borough of Strasburg for a lot of land. on which to erect the lime injecting apparatus; that be had forwarded said draft to F ~ Lyman Windolph, Attorney for the Denlingers, vrho in turn forwarded. it to Mr .Denlinger for his approval ~ -The Secretary reported -. . I that he had drawn a C. Kauf'fman, N, inl e t s ha d. been cleaned Dave jument property, oi' the , the gut the gutter and on South Decatur Shroy property ht Committee: ~Li Street Committee, reported that the t e r ha d been repaired in fr ont o f the No report. report : No behalf of J. Weaver W e a s o f November Tr eas urer ' s report last Balance from 6 , 1939 f o llowi ng : 1786, ~ 0 6 month 4254 ' 53 $ last . the Secretary gyve the Received. since Paid out in front of the repaired Street. Re li. ef Committee On had been 6O4O ~ 59 , month 847, 44 $: 5193,15 motion of M. Huber Hess, seconded by Vtilliam On the Treasurer's duly passed, report was accepted and. T~ Koch and directed to be f iled The Secretary presented f ollowing bills; to Council the surveying lot on DenLinger farm water analys is f or July, Augus t 8c September Ida BE Eby, Tax Colle October 5th - bill - $8 6 ' 53 November 2d2 ~ 64 J'ohn Milton Ranck, occupancy permit fee for Coyle connection Pennsylvania' Power 8c Light Co, , street lighting J' ~ E ~ J, Rohrer, 3 ~ 5O E ~ Goodell~ 21,00 89 ~ 17 6 ' 00 73 ' 12 152 ' 80 3 84 22 F 50 12 ' 80 Zit tie, stone for work on N ~ Deca tur Street Lancaster Valite Company, street ddressing Aldus labor, Street Department ~ S ~ Aulthouse, Harry Coyle, Labor, Street Department Herr 6: Company, supplies-Water Depart ~ 42.'39 ff tf tf lf ff lf 12 ~ 24 Jacob H, Ranck, labor, Vfater Department Harry F ~ Work, Labor, Water Department State Workmen's Insurance Fund, additional premium Chas ' 54, 63 44 ' 59 3 60 10 ~ 79 ' On duly passed, A Council motion of Chas. it ordered was delegation Room and M. Mi, lier, seconded by that the above bills f rory„Strasburg Fire through be Company E. R. Murphy and paid, No, .1 entered their speaker, Charles S. Aulthouse, the put the fo 1 lowing Bi proposition to Council: a temporary As measure, would Strasburg Council be satisfied with the installation Borough by the Fire of a tarvia walk in front of thel r property on North Decatur Street of a width equal to the proposed Company cement walk& stated that since the plans for the Mr. Aulthouse erection of the fire house they deemed. it unwise had not yet been completed to build a cement curb and. cement until the plans for the building had been completed and the location of the driveway into the building sidewalk dete rmined On - ~ motion of it was and duly passed. ', burg Fire Company No ~ H, C ~ ' Kaufman, resolved that the proposition l to construct width and the same grade as proposed Qn motion duly seconded seconded by Harold H, Messner the tarvia by the and passed, Respec tfully of the Stras- pavement Fire Company of the same be accepted; the meeting adjourned, submit ted, Secretary GF MEETING' MINUTES OF STRASBURG BOROUGH following were called to order present: was Water Superintendent EVENING, 1959 DECEMBER 8~ The meeting COUNCIL HELD MONDAY by President Milton Ranck, H~ The Jacob H. Ranck Secretary John Milton Ranck and the following members of Council: Milton H, Ranck M. Huber. Hess Harold H. Messner Sherman W, Book E, RE Murphy Chas. Leon The Minutes Jaoob H~ been extended Miller Hensel of the previous meeting reported sixty-five feet been made to the Harry one hundred and a wire read. and approved, Ranck, Water Superintendent, that connection had Street, M. C~ t the Hassel property on the northward. Myers~ that the Borough on North property main had Decatur Street~ on North north side of Franklin Decatur Street. He stated that the springs were not as strong as they had been and that the s tandpipe was practically empty. J. E. Goode ll' s water ana lys is of November 21, 1959 was received and fi led, further Mr. Murphy, lease and for the Water Department, was advised form and forwarded to inc~uii'i:d concerning by the Secretary that F. Lyman Windolph, the Denlinger the same had been prepared in final to be turned over to his clients for exec ut ion. Secretary reported that he had turned over to the Department certain foMs relative to the lime in)ecting apparatus ~ The %he of Sec-retary was directed to get an emergency Highways The to repair leaks Solicitor water accounts was from the Department ~ direct ed to look into the matter of liening delinquent ~ Street Committee: permit of Health No report ~ On motion duly made, to write to the State streets of Borough f Commit and passed snow, No tee: No report, report, Secretary referred to Council The the Secretary was directed to accept their offer to clean Department Highway Light Committee: Re lie seeonded cussed by the Civic Improvement two matters dis- which had. been of the Lions Club - No. 1, being the placing of disposal cans for waste paper, ete. , at convenient spots within the Borough, and the other one being, the active cooperation of the Borough in an effort to have aI1 weather tennis courts constructed on the Playground no action On Committee As'sociation property Both matters were considered but taken. was behalf of W. J. Weaver, the Secretary made the following Treasurer's report as of December 4, 1939: Balance from last month I 5193~ 15 I I Received since 327~42 5520 ' 5V Paid out last month 498+34 $ 5022. 23 On of motion. Treasurer's The M, Huber report was Hess, seconded by ordered Secretary presented ED R. Murphy and duly passed, filed, to Council the following bills: Pennsylvania Power 8c Iight Co, , street lighting Ida B, Eby, tax commissions Thomas Hair, police duty Aldus Zittle, stone - Street Department Murphy's Garage, gas 8c oil, Borough truck-Street Department; Harry F, Work~ Labor Johh Ranek, Harry Coyle Isaac Sweigart J. E, Rohrer, services property - Street in re Department - plans,limeetc'injecting W. J. Weaver, disinfectants Chas M, Miller, labor - Water Department on Denlinger ~ building Jacob H Ranck~ Builders Iron Foundry, High Pressure Midget; Clor0-Feeder Fred L 8c John E, Homsher, Water Department » freight 8c Supplies $ 73.13 ' 6 25 17F 00 201, 99 5 ~ 15 16 ' 60 12 ' 60 12 ~ 60 3,00 29o75 2 ~ 25 15 ~ OV 26 ~ 96 310 00 15 ' 9V the necks, etc ~, Water Department Water .SoX't5ner Company f lime mixing tank R~ D~ W Wo od Company, gate valves, 148~10$,;" pipe'. Water Department 169 15 Less Bg 8 ~ 18 Herr & Com p an ny, =-goose $ American ' On passed, motion of Chas, M. Miller, it was ordered motion of passed, it resolved for the Christmas On On was Z that the above R ~ Murphy, of it resolved Leon bills -R ~ Hensel, Murphy and duly be paid, that $80, 00 be appropriated C~ 106' 97 seconded by Harold H. Messner Tree Decorations motion seconded by E ~ 8 ~ 40 200~00 and duly to the Lions Club in Center Square. seconded by Harold H. Messner and duly that the Water Company be empowered to employ someone to keep the records of the Water Department and to pay for said passed, was work On motion duly made, seconded and passed Respectfully the meeting adjourned, submit ted, , Secreta'