Passport of Beskydy


Passport of Beskydy
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
For those who gather
stamps from all
recommended places
We give you the Passport of Beskidy created as part of cross-border project called Tourist Partners
in Beskidy Mountains
This is the first Polish-Slovak tourist offer
in such form, presenting selected tourist
It is intended both for those who Beskidy
know and love, but want to reto discover the
most interesting attractions or discover these
less popular, and for those who just start your
adventure with Beskydy.
Learn about the Beskid
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Passport of Beskidy is free of charge
and availableat selected tourist
information points, in headquarters of
the partnersand in places presented in
the passport
For more information about Passport
visit website:
Project Partners:
Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.
43-382 Bielsko - Biała,
ul. Cieszyńska 365
tel/fax 004833 818 47 79,
812 26 75, 816 91 62
email: [email protected]
Občianske Združenie
Spolok Cechov Kysúc
Vyšný Koniec 269
023 54 Turzovka
tel 00421 905 476 277, 903 511 134
email: [email protected]
o f B e s k i d y
This map shows the 30 most interesting places on
Polish-Slovak border, in the form of joint
Polish-Slovak tourist offer.
10 11
Pa s s p o r t
13 14
2 1
23 18
19 20
Stará Bystrica
26 27
28 30
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Schronisko Stecówka / Istebna 509, 43-470 Istebna / (4833) 855-52-58 / / strona 10
Karczma w Jeleśni / Rynek 12, 34-340 Jeleśnia / (4833) 863-60-13 / / strona 24
Muzeum Koronki / Koniaków Szańce 550, 43-474 Koniaków / (4833) 855-64-23 / / strona 11
Schronisko na Przegibku / Przegibek 401, 34-385 Rycerka Górna / (4833) 864-41-39 / / strona 25
Skocznia Adama Małysza / Malinka 4, 43-460 Wisła / (4833) 855-51-05 / strona 12
Schronisko na Hali Miziowej / 34 - 335 Krzyżowa / (4833) 488-72-54 / / strona 26
Platforma widokowa na Baraniej Górze / ul. Czarnej Wisełki 8, 43-460 Wisła /
(4833) 855-37-15 / / strona 13
Kamenné gule Milošová / Megoňky , 022 01 Čadca / / strona 27
Zameczek Prezydencki / ul. Zameczek 1, 43-460 Wisła / (4833) 854-65-00 / / strona 14
Stará Bystrica – Slovenský orloj / 023 04 Stará Bystrica / / strona 28
Kolej linowa Czantoria / ul. 3 Maja 130, 43-450 Ustroń / (4833) 854-35-50 / / strona 15
Múzeum kysuckej dediny Nová Bystrica / 023 05 Nová Bystrica - Vychylovka /
(42141) 439-73-50 / / strona 29
Pútnické miesto Živčáková / 023 54 Turzovka / / strona 30
Leśny Park Niespodzianek / ul. Zdrojowa 16, 43-450 Ustroń / (4833) 444-60-50 / strona 16
Motel Smažák / Vyšný koniec 269, 023 54 Turzovka pod Živčákovou / (42141) 435-22-63 / / strona 31
Wzgórze Zamkowe w Cieszynie / ul. Zamkowa 3 a, b, c, 43-400 Cieszyn /
(4833) 851-08-21 / / strona 17
Penzión Veselka / Staškov 519, 023 53 Staškov / (42141) 434-63-14 / / strona 32
Dream Park / ul. Hodowlana 2, 43-430 Ochaby Wielkie / (4833) 851-05-55 / / strona 18
Hotel Severka / ul. Polievkov 634, 023 11 Zákopčie / (42141) 434-43-55 / / strona 33
Slanický ostrov - Ostrov umenia / Oravská priehrada, 029 01 Námestovo /
(421) 905-915-108 / / strona 34
Penzión Jollien, / Nábrežie Oravskej priehrady 1158, 029 01 Námestovo /
(421) 903-279-416 / / strona 35
Penzión Osada / Slanická Osada 2296, 029 01 Námestovo / (42143) 552-48-80 / / strona 36
Ranč u Edyho / Oravská priehrada, 029 01 Námestovo / (42143) 552-18-40 / / strona 37
Sudopark / Klokočov 404, 023 22 Klokočov / (421) 915-558-811 / / s. 38
Babia Hora / 029 01 Námestovo / strona 39
Zamek Sułkowskich / ul. Wzgórze 16, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała / (4833) 822-06-56 / / strona 19
Schronisko i kolejka na Szyndzielnię / 43-309 Bielsko - Biała / (4833) 470-64-68 / / strona 20
Góra Żar i Kolejka Szynowa / ul Górska 21, 34-312 Międzybrodzie Żywieckie /
(4833) 866-11-36 / / strona 21
Muzeum Browaru w Żywcu / ul. Browarna 88, 34-300 Żywiec / (4833) 861-24-57 / / strona 22
Muzeum Miejskie w Żywcu-Stary Zamek / ul. Zamkowa 2 , 34-300 Żywiec /
(4833) 861-21-24 / / strona 23
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Schronisko Stecówka
Stecówka shelter situated at an altitude
of 760 m asl on the wide clearing, sloping to the south of the ridge running from
Karolowka west, towards Kubalonki in
Istebna in Beskid Slaski, was created in
1932. The name „Stecówka” derives from
someone named Stec, probably the first
owner and settler which dates back to
1788. On the south of the shelter, above
the Olza valley there is a panoramic views
of the mountains with the most attractive
Złoty Groń in Istebna and Ochodzita in Koniakow. A few hundred meters north from
Stecówka and red trail in a completely
wooded valley runs Czarna Wisełka.
Nearby is the trail on the Barania Góra
and at the same time environmental and
Istebna 509,
43-470 Istebna
(4833) 855-52-58
Muzeum Koronki
educational path as the area abounds
with lush flora and rich fauna. It is also a
special microclimate, well affecting the
nervous system and respiratory system. In
the well-known health spa on Kubalonka
respiratory ailments are treated.
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The museum was established in 1962,
and visitors can see many interesting lace
and masterpieces, famous throughout the
world there. Lace Museum was founded
after the death of Maria Gwarek, which
memory the museum is dedicated. Here
you can see many interesting exhibits,
i.e. bonnets, shawls hems, flanges, collars, inserts for bed linen, curtains, „teeth”
- napkins on the shelves, each with a different pattern and shape, motivated by the
elements of nature and tradition. One of
the most original exhibition is unfinished
napkin for Queen Elizabeth II. The place
is worth visiting especially to discover the
long history of lace-making in Koniakow.
Today in the region you can find handi-
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crafts champions, so you can discover the
secrets of the lace-making art. You can
also order laces in various patterns.
Koniaków Szańce 550
43-474 Koniaków
(4833) 855-64 23
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Skocznia Adama Małysza
The ski jump Adam Malysz is the second,
next to Wielka Krokiew in Zakopane, by
the size ski jump in Poland. The main
tribune has 1233 sitting places, in addition,
the competitions can see about 10 thousand people using the standing places.
Facility is equipped with igelit, artificial
lighting and a chair lift. The first ski jump
in Malinka was established in 1932-1933.
Since 1958, the prestigious international
competition for the Cup of the Beskid
Mountains were organized there. Because
of the success of Adam Malysz in 2001,
old K-105 was replaced by new K-120 facility. Construction began in winter 2004.
Adam Małysz gave a first jump on the new
facility on 17 September 2008. On 25-28
Platforma widokowa na Baraniej Górze
September 2008 Summer Polish Championships in ski jumping was organized
that opened this new facility. During the
championships hill was given the name of
Adam Malysz.
Malinka 4
43-460 Wisła
(4833) 855-51-05
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Barania Góra, the peak of the height of
1214 m above sea level, ling on the border of Cieszyn and Zywiec is the second
(after Skrzyczne) the highest peak of this
range. At the same time it is the highest
peak in the Polish part of Cieszyn Silesia
and Polish Upper Silesia. Barania Góra
and the surrounding mountains is a good
viewpoint - at the top there is a common,
steel tower, built in 1991 on the initiative
of Guides Circle, O / M PTTK in Katowice. Panorama includes: Beskid Slaski,
Moravian-Silesian Beskid, Zywiec Beskid,
Mała Fatra, Small Beskid. On the clearing
Przysłop under Barania Góra (900 meters)
a lodge is working since 1925. On the
southern slope of Barania Góra are the
sources of Black Wisełka, on the northern
slope is the source of the White Wisełka.
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Streams connect together in Wisła Czarne
flowing into Lake Czerniańskie creating
Wisełka, which connects to the Malinka,
giving rise to the Vistula River - the Queen
of Polish rivers. The covering 386 hectares of mountain peaks parties with the
headwaters of the Vistula River is a nature
reserve „ Barania Góra”. The area has its
interesting flora.
ul. Czarnej Wisełki 8
43-460 Wisła
(4833) 855-37-15
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Zamek w Wiśle
President’s Castle in the Wisła was built
between 1929-1930 in place of the burnt
wooden hunting castle of the Habsburgs
in the early twentieth century. It was a gift
from the people of Silesia - returning after
more than 600 years to the Motherland to
the President of the Republic of Ignacy
Moscicki and his successors. Castle in
Wisła is the work of the Polish avant-garde
architectural thought and artistic period of
the twentieth anniversary of the interwar
years. Its uniqueness provides not only
architecture, but also unprecedented as
for that period decor and furnishings. The
coworkers of Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz during
castle designing were Andrzej Pronaszko
i Włodzimierz Padlewski. The castle in-
ul. Zameczek 1
43-460 Wisła
Kolej linowa Czantoria
terior was decorated with colorful murals
and unique in its form of furniture made of
chrome steel, wood, leather and plush, as
well - designed individually for each room
- chandeliers, lamps and sconces. Most
of the original equipment has survived to
this day.
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Wielka Czantoria is the highest peak of
Czantoria range in the Silesian Beskid,
dominating in the northern part of the
range, lying at an altitude of 995m above
sea level. It is the border peak between
the Polish and the Czech Republic and the
highest mountain in the Czech part of the
Silesian Beskid. Through the top runs the
main Polish watershed, forming a boundary between the basins of the Vistula and
the Oder. On the glade Stokłosica located
below the peak visitors can get by chair
lift from Ustroń Polanawhich was built in
1967 and modernized in 2007. Next to
the upper station a relay mast is situated.
Czantoria is also a good vantage point.
You can watch Beskid Slaski and Beskid
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Morawsko-Śląski Vistula River and the
Silesia and Upper Silesia foothills - in
good weather Goczałkowickie tank can
be seen and further gradually towards the
west – power plant Łaziska, cities Żory
and Jastrzębie-Zdroj, Rybnik power plant,
heap in Rydułtowy, city Wodzislaw Slaski
and power plant Dziećmorowice in the
Czech Republic.
ul. 3 Maja 130
43-450 Ustroń
(4833) 854-35-50
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Leśny Park Niespodzianek
Leśny Park Niespodzianek is an unconventional zoo, where visitors can spend
time through contact with nature. In the
pens they can observe deer, vietnamese
pigs, wild boars. The most impressive
family in Leśny Park Niespodzianek
are bisons. In the park visitors can see
predatory mammals such as raccoons,
raccoon dogs and wild cats. In the park
a well Falconry Station and Owlery are
placed. The biggest attraction of Falconry
Station are demonstrations flight of birds
of prey, during which you can admire the
strength and dignity of bald eagles or efficiency and agility of hawks, and falcons.
Owlery is a place created specifically for
the owls. In the shade of old beech trees
ul. Zdrojowa 16
43-450 Ustroń
(4833) 444-60-50
Wzgórze Zamkowe w Cieszynie
aviaries are placed, where you can watch
these mysterious birds that are symbols
of wisdom. The main Owlery attraction
are flight shows performed by specially
arranged owls. Children spend time in a
dreamy avenue, watching a puppet show
presentation of well-known fairy tales,
using the swings, trampolines, carousel
at the playground, or watching the „Bird’s
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Castle Hill in Cieszyn, also known as
Castle mountain is a small hill with steep
slopes, located in the center of the city
of Cieszyn, over the Olza River, near the
border with the Czech Republic. On the hill
there are a number of historical buildings
and romantic park with several natural
monuments. Most interesting buildings
of this place is a rotunda and a tower of
Piast. Rotunda of St. Nicholas built in the
eleventh century, served as the garden
chapel which patron was St. Nicholas. As
the only brick building of the castle it was
the most important point of resistance in
case of war. It also fulfilled the function of
the center of church administration castellany in Cieszyn. Piast Tower is the remain
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of the medieval Gothic castle of Piast. She
could have played the role of guard, prison
and residential. It has almost 29 meters,
after the 121 stairs visitors enter the observation deck with a view of Cieszyn, and
even the mountain peaks.
ul. Zamkowa 3 a, b, c,
43-400 Cieszyn
(4833) 851-08-21
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Dream Park Ochaby
Dream Park Ochaby is a educational
theme park in the village of Ochaby
Wielkie Cieszyn Silesia. Exhibitions of
dinosaurs as well as of the most interesting architectural monuments from around
the world are combined in one park. Dinosaurs are mobile and make sound, so
visitors have an impression of walking in
the world from thousand years ago. One
of the biggest attraction is the Prehistoric
Park Oceanarium, where tourists can meet
face to face with the greatest living predatory fish ever - Megalodon. Good fun in the
Park provide also: climbing center, 6D cinema, eurobunge, spherical balls, inflatable
castles, and the large playground area.
Since summer 2012, an amphitheater and
ul. Hodowlana 2
43-430 Ochaby Wielkie
(4833) 851-05-55
Zamek Sułkowskich
a tower of power will be opened in a corn
maze. The Park includes catering facilities and souvenir shop. Restaurant It! Me
offers a tasty meals in the backyard grill
where visitors can taste grilled specialties
and cafeteria Strong Horse Caffee serves
excellent coffee.
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The castle is the oldest and most Historical
monument in the historical part of Bielsko.
It was built by the Cieszyn Piast. Since
1572 was the administrative and economic
center of independent Bielsko class state,
which was ruled by the family: Promnitz,
Schaffgotsch, Sunnegh, Solms and Haugwitz. In 1752, state country, raised to the
rank of principalities, was passed into the
hands of Sulkowski. After World War II
Museum was located in the castle, which
today is the only Polish user that continues the tradition initiated in the museum
and Bielsko Biala in the early years of the
twentieth century.The permanent exhibition includes hunting and Armoury Room,
an exhibition of art of the fourteenth and
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seventeenth centuries, music room and
Biedermeier Salon, XIX-XXI-century paintings gallery and prints, Contemporary Art
Gallery from Bielsko-Biala region, rooms
devoted to the history of the city, the castle
and craft traditions of Bielsko Biala, the
Cabinet and Women’s lounge. Permanent
exhibition closes architectural and archaeological reserve - Room with a knight. The
offer is completed by temporary exhibitions. In addition, Castle Gallery, which is
also a museum a café, offers the purchase
of works of art, museum and art publications and souvenirs. Part of the Museum in
Bielsko-Biala are three divisions: Technology and Textile Museum, Weaver’s House
and Villa Julian Falat in Bystra.
ul. Wzgórze 16
43-300 Bielsko-Biała
(4833) 822-06-56
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Schronisko i kolejka na Szyndzielnię
Shelter Szyndzielnia is situated at a height
1001m.npm and was built in 1897. It is the
oldest shelter in the Beskid Mountains.
Is built of stone, architecture refers to
the alpine resorts, also has a distinctive
tower. It is interesting that in a room on
the tower weather station is mounted, on
the ground floor was a cellar, and near the
hostel was a ski jump. Also nearby is a
three-kilometer toboggan run. In 1954 the
development of shelters began and 1957
the second wing was completed. Shelter in
Szyndzielnia is one of the most popular resorts in the Beskid Mountains. One of the
reason is opened in 1953, cable car, which
after the modernization in 1994-1995 is a
comfortable and one of the most modern
gondolas rail in Poland. In less than 10
minutes it will carry the passengers from
Bielsko-Biala to its top station, which is
now only a few minutes to the hostel and
peak Szyndzielnia.
Góra Żar i kolejka szynowa
Żar is a mountain peak in the eastern part
of the Beskid Maly, located at the foot of
Lake Międzybrodzkie. In 1935 at the initiative of Air Defense and Antigas League
gliding airport was established. There is an
active Mountain Gliding School „Żar” and
paragliding is practiced. At the top of the
mountain the water pumped-storage reservoir (Power Plant Porąbka-Żar) is situated
in the shape of the deltoid, inaugurated in
1979. It is 650 m long and 250 m wide at
its widest point and its volume is 2 310 000
m³ of water, whose maximum depth is 28
meters. Since 1979 visitors are able to
drive up to the top of the mountain by the
asphalt road, but currently it is prohibited.
It is possible to get at the peak by cable
43-309 Bielsko-Biała
(4833) 470-64-68
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car from Międzybrodzie Żywiecke. From
the top of the mountain visitors can see a
panorama of Lake Żywieckie, band Magurka Wilkowicka and Hrobacza Łąka.
ul. Górska 21
34-312 Międzybrodzie Żywieckie
(4833) 866-11-36
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Muzeum Browaru w Żywcu
Brewery in Żywiec is one of the earliest
and most famous breweries in the country.
It was founded in 1856 by Archduke Albrecht von Habsburg Frederick. 150 years
later a museum was opened in the oldest
and historical part of the Brewery. Zywiec
Brewery Museum is the largest and most
modern facility of its kind in Poland. His
guests actively get to know Zywiec brewery history and its present activities. The
Museum is nothing like the typical exclusive exhibition with the guards and guarding ladies. It is a dynamic facility constantly
falling within interactions with their guests.
There is no mandatory slippers for all, but
there are fascinating stories, still operating
equipment, and possibility to taste original
ul. Browarna 88
34-300 Żywiec
(4833) 861-24-57
Muzeum Miejskie w Żywcu-Stary Zamek
Żywiec beer. The museum is one of the
part of Industrial Monument Route of Silesian Voivodeship and an anchor point on
the European Route of Industrial Heritage
(European Route of Industial Heritage).
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The initiative to create a museum was
elaborated in the 20s twentieth century.
The first initiative to develop a collection
was made in 1925 by, Tadeusz Charlewski-Director of the National Female
Teachers’ Seminary in Zywiec. In 1934
in the building of the seminar the first
exhibition was organized, which presents:
żywiecki bourgeois dress, highland dress,
city grants and royal privileges. In 1936 the
collection was handed to Żywiec Enthusiasts Section. In the same time museum of
Żywiec Land was created. The development of the Zywiec museum was interrupted by the outbreak of World War II,
when the museum collections were taken
over by the German authorities. Reactiva-
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tion of the facility occurred in April 1945.
The first exhibition was arranged a year
later. Then the collection was moved to
the Old Castle. Since 1990, City Council
in Zywiecwas the founding body of the
museum. In 1999 Anna Tuleja- historian,
became a director . In the same year the
institution was renamed as the City Museum in Zywiec.
ul. Zamkowa 2
34-300 Żywiec
(4833) 861-21-24
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Karczma w Jeleśni
Karczma in Jeleśnia (also called Stara
Karczma) located in Zywiec Beskid probably comes from the eighteenth century.
In the eighteenth century, the existence of
taverns in the Beskid villages was widespread. They provided not only a meeting place, food and drink, but also played
the role of stage coach house, selling pet
food and providing accommodation services. In about 100 villages in the region of
Beskid there were about 70-80 taverns,
mainly on major traffic routes. To this
day only two authentic objects from this
period survived: in Sucha Beskidzka and
in Jeleśnia. According to different sources
of information creation of Jeleśnia tavern
is dated on the eighteenth century. In
Rynek 12
34-340 Jeleśnia
(4833) 863-60-13
Schronisko na Przegibku
1838 Karczma became the property of
the Habsburg Archduke. At the end of XIX
century it was bought by the Witki family,
in 1954 it was sold to the Municipal cooperative society Samopomoc Chłopska.
Now a restaurant and cafe is situated
there. At the entrance there is an inscription Cyś to chłopie osaloł, cy ty ni mos rozumu, karcma stoi u drogi, a ty idzies do
domu (Are you crazy? There is a tavern
and you are coming back home).
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Shelter Przegibek situated at an altitude of
1000 m is located in south-western part of
the Beskidy Mountains. The place is also
called Raczański bag because it recalls its
form, and the name comes from the highest peak in the area - Wielka Racza (1236
m). Thanks to its location in the distance
of one day trip to Wielka Racza, Wielka
Rycerzowa or Muńcuł, Przegibek became
one of the most important places in this
part of the Beskidy Mountains. It is located
on the southern slope of Będoszka Wielka, where a recognizable cross is placed,
serving as a good landmark. Shelter is
built on the edge of spruce forest, with a
distinctive green roof. Shelter is situated
in Zywiec Landscape Park and its sur-
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rounding area is a particularly clean and
charming. The richness of flora and fauna
is this sufficient evidence. Nearby strict
nature reserves, Śrubita and Dziobak,
make the shelter more reputable.
Przegibek 401
34-385 Rycerka Górna
(4833) 864-41-39
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Schronisko na Hali Miziowej
Shelter on Hala Miziowa is a year-round
facility beautifully situated on the slopes of
Pilsko(1330 meters). Guests visiting the
place from spring to fall can take advantage of the beautiful areas where there are
numerous hiking trails on the Polish and
Slovak side. In winter Pilsko slope turns
into a paradise for snow sports. The biggest advantage of the place are best natural conditions in the Beskid Mountains for
skiing and snowboarding. A wide network
of ski lifts and trails of varying difficulty
are the elements that attract many skiers. Within Pilsko works also year-round
mountain ambulance station Mountain
Rescue, which provides security for tourists and professional care. There is also a
Kamienne kule
meteorological station IMGW. The unique
climate, landscape and tourist atractions
of this place, as well as the variety of
activities make your stay at Hala Miziowa
an unforgettable experience regardless of
Stone balls Milošová-Megoňky are unique,
natural geological formations, rare in the
world, located around the border with the
Czech Republic, in the administrative territory of Čadca, in the Milošová-Megoňky.
They occur in a narrow strip sandstones
and conglomerates between the settlement Kornica Megoňky next to Klokoczowo and quarry northwest of Cadca. This
band has a length of about 15 km, while its
width reaches 500 m. Mysterious origin of
balls is still unclear. Their almost perfect
geometric shape may raise the belief that
they are a product of ancient civilizations,
or even extraterrestrials. Geologists believe that they are the result of secondary
drop-out due to weathering of rocks. Ky-
34-335 Krzyżowa
(4833) 488-72-54
022 01 Čadca
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suce balls are a unique natural phenomenon, relatively rare in the world. Similar
can be found in Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil
and New Zealand. Kysuce bullets matched
the size. The largest of these, found in
Megoňce, called „Mery”, has a diameter of
3 m, the others are over a meter.
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Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Stará Bystrica – Slovenský orloj
Slovak orloj (Astronomical Clock) Old
Bystrica at Slovakia is the largest wooden
sculpture of a seated Madonna - Our Lady
of Sorrows, Patroness of Slovakia. The
project, designed by the sculptor Viliam
Loviška, was originally cast entirely of
clay. Based on the clay model, architect
Ivan Jarin, prepared the technical documentation. Sculptures were made possible
thanks to the 80 wooden supports, which
have formed a „skeleton” of orloj. Bronze
sculptures depicting historical figures were
placed in the six niches. Orloj Center is the
astronomical clock (first and only one in
Slovakia) - a complex mechanism and the
astronomical clock. On the Orloj tower are
two bells. One strikes hours, the second,
during the apostles promenade plays a
tune. One strikes hours, the second, during the apostles promenade plays a tune.
The bell indicating time (jerk) is called - St
George. The second bell named Madonna
Orędowniczka is engraved with the text:
„In memory of the submerged villages
Harvelka and Riečnica.”
Múzeum kysuckej dediny Nová Bystrica
Vychylovka Skansen ethnographic exhibition in open-air Kysuckie museum
in Cadca, is situated in the valley of the
cloud in the area belonging to the village of
Nova Bystrica, Vychylovka hamlet, which
is part of the protected landscape Kysuce.
Preparations for the establishment of
exposure in the outdoors began shortly
before the rise of Kysuckie museum and
the cornerstone was laid on 10.11.1974.
The aim was to save the museum’s most
valuable objects of folk architecture of
the town Riečnica and Harvelka, which
should have been sunk in the construction of a hydroelectric dam in the town of
Nova Bystrica. By the time when the first
part of the exhibition was released, 22 out
023 04 Stará Bystrica
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of 69 planned facilities were built. Ethnographic Exhibition has become not only a
reconstruction of the landscape and the
environment, but also the presentation of
folk architecture and life style and culture
of the people living in the region Kysuce in
the second half of the nineteenth and first
half of the twentieth century.
023 05 Nová Bystrica –
(42141) 439-73-50
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Pútnické miesto Živčáková
Živčáková summit (787.7 m), Foothills
Turzovskiego element, is located about 3
miles east of the city Turzovka. Alpha
On 1 June 2008. took place 50th anniversary of the revelation of the Virgin Mary
certified by Matúš Lašúta. In place of the
miracle in 1993, the chapel of the Virgin
Mary Queen of Peace was established,
and in 2002, mystic column, based on
the visions of Cyril Methodius Kuběna
was placed. In the chapel over the altar
is a wooden cross, a statue of the Virgin
Mary by Alois Lasáka and the image of the
Virgin Mary. Group and individual pilgrimages take place here throughout the year,
and especially during the Marian celebrations. In the area of places of pilgrimage
Motel Smažák
Živčáková there are several sources of
healing water, antifreeze, even during the
harsh winters. On 19 October 2008 Žilina
Bishop Tomas Galis announced Mount
Živčáková the official place of pilgrimage and the place of prayer, dedicating
the same time the foundation stone of
the future temple of the Virgin Mary on
Smažák Motel is a place to stay situated in
the village Turzovka, giving the opportunity
to commune with nature, learn about the
culture and history and active leisure. Turzovka Javorníków lies between the peaks
and the Beskid Mountains, which reaches
the height of 700-800 meters above sea
level The place is known from the area
suitable for skiing as the Kysucou Vysoká,
Makov Ski, Ski Korn, Snow Paradise Velka
Raca. The area of Turzovka is also sports
and recreation area with the most modern
in Slovakia multi-purpose handball, volleyball, and tennis pitches. It is not far from a
religious place of cult associated with the
revelations of the Virgin Mary - Mountain
Živčáková. The city has cultural facilities,
023 54 Turzovka
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as a part of. “Wooden Kysuce” - buildings,
wooden barn, cellars. In a small park in the
city center among the century-old trees
there is a roadside polychrome pole of St.
John of Nepomuk - the work of unknown
author of the 19th century, which is a national cultural monument.
Vyšný koniec 269
023 54 Turzovka pod Živčákovou
(42141) 435-22-63
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Penzión Veselka
Veselka Pension (pension Veselka) located in the picturesque village Staškov offers
its guests accommodation and meals. Surroundings of the village create beautiful
forests, which explicitly invite tourists and
bikers, skiers or cross-country skiing, to
visit them. In addition, in a short distance
from the guesthouse there is a measuring
approximately 400m ski lift. In the summer
you can enjoy many marked hiking trails,
visit the Village Museum Kysuce, Sanctuary Turzovka-Živčáková or gallery exhibits
in the court in the nearby town Oščadnica.
Staškov is also sports and social centre
known thanks to a football tournament for
the Cup Kroner. In the memory of Józef
Kroner every year in July, kick of the ball
Staškov 519
023 53 Staškov
(42141) 434-63-14
Hotel Severka
opens the accompanying party, all-day
event, associated with the attractions of
folk. In the municipal library of the city a
small exhibition about childhood, life and
works of Jozef Kroner is organized. Now
his home is reconstructed in which a memorial of the actor will be created.
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Severka Hotel is located in the northwestern part of Slovakia, 12 km from the
city Čadca, near the mountains of Beskid
Slaski. It provides accommodation and catering, as well as an opportunity to spend
an active holiday in both summer and
winter. Situated in a beautiful area, among
silence and peace it provides visitors an
opportunity to rest and relax. It is also a
great place for the treatment of respiratory
diseases. Comprehensive hotel facilities
and environmental conditions, provide
opportunities to both private residence,
as well as organized groups. You can
find a great weekend / weekly, camps for
children, ski courses, corporate events, or
other (ie, family celebrations, meetings,
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etc.). For people who like outdoor activities, there is a tennis court, multipurpose
field for team games, and outdoor pool.
There are also perfect conditions for hiking
and cycling. In winter you can enjoy the
nearby ski lift.
ul. Polievkov 634
023 11 Zákopčie
(42141) 434-43-55
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Slanický ostrov - Ostrov umenia
Slanicky ostrov umienia (Slanicka Island
Arts) is located in the middle of the Orava
Dam in Namestovo area. The beautiful
natural scenes are exposed on permanent
display of traditional folk art from the collection of the Orava Gallery. Of the five villages that have disappeared forever beneath
the waters of the dam in 1953, retains only
the hill of Calvary Church and the calvary.
After several years the initiative was taken
to create permanent exhibition, which was
opened at the years 1971-1973. Inside the
Oravská priehrada
029 01 Námestovo
(421) 905-915-108
church with a façade of classical period the
exhibition „Traditional folk art and paintings” is presented and on the outside there
is a lapidary „Orava Art Stone” eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries.
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Penzión Jollien
Jollien guesthouse situated in idyllic surroundings Námestovo Orava dam, is a
luxuriously appointed hotel offering the
latest trends in the hotel sector. Pension
is situated on the water (it has its own
sandy beach) and close proximity to the
mountains, which attracts both fans of
hiking and water sports. The countryside
surrounding offers a number of options
for visitors. The most interesting ones are:
cruising the waters of the Orava dam, riding school, in Oravice thermal baths, hiking to the summit ridge of Orava, or trips to
Roháče or Babia Gora. in Pilsko. Staying
in the guesthouse is also an excellent opportunity to learn about the traditions and
culture of the Orava and local music. You
can not forget to visit the Museum of Orava
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village in Zuberec or Orava Castle. In addition, guest house is close to the wellness
center, where, apart from the treatment,
you can use the sauna and solarium.
Nábrežie Oravskej priehrady 1158
029 01 Námestovo
(421) 903-279-416
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Penzión Osada
Pension Slanická Osada is a place situated in the village Namestovo. For visitors
a wide range of active recreation was prepared. The guest house, just off the shore
of Lake Orava there are swimming pools
for both adults and children. In the guest
house, just off the shore of Lake Orava
there are swimming pools for both adults
and children. In the park nearby, you can
use the tennis courts. At the disposal of
visitors are also sauna and fitness. For
fans of the boats, at the pier in a small
harbor berthing space is provided. Pension offer is addressed primarily to water
Slanická Osada 2296
029 01 Námestovo
(42143) 552-48-80
Ranč u Edyho
sports enthusiasts. In the summer season
is available to rent boats and water bikes.
There are also organized boat trips on
Lake Orava combined with sightseeing of
Slanicka Arts Island.
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Ranch at Edyho in Namestowo lying at
Orava lake, with a large number of places
for accommodation and conference room
availability, all year round offers many
recreational activities for families with
children, corporate meetings, trainings
and seminars. It is the perfect place for all
those who love the water, mountains and
horses. Ranch covering an area of approximately 5 hectares offers opportunities for
group and individual play in the outdoors.
Most of them are solo riding, rides, sleigh
rides, archery, quad biking or boating from
the marina just 100m away from the hotel.
In the complex you can also use the tennis
courts, playing fields for football and volleyball and swimming pool. There are also
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organized riding courses for beginners
and advanced children and adults, including the lessons of the bases proper seat
in the saddle, ride and care for the horses
as well as learning about horses and their
life habits.
Oravská priehrada
029 01 Námestovo
(42143) 552-18-40
Pa s s p o r t
o f B e s k i d y
Kysuce region is an area rich in sources
of thermal water and the area of beautiful
and clean countryside. Both these factors
contributed to the creation of complex
Sudpark, in Klokočov. Currently, there are
2 reconstructed wooden houses and a one
newly built. Place in addition to peace and
relaxation, offers a fascinating experience,
not available anywhere else. The main attractions are three wooden heated Jacuzzi
located on the outside, with a diameter of
about 2 m, for 6 people. Baths have sand
filters and the whirlpools, are filled with water from a depth of 40 feet, heated to 38-41
degrees. Regular hot baths have a positive
impact on health as well as the use of saunas, but they are certainly more enjoyable
Klokočov 404
023 22 Klokočov
(421) 915-558-811
Babia Hora
because of the fresh air and views of the
beautiful scenery around. In addition to
the Jacuzzi, there are many other attractions (such as a sauna room with a stone
from the cabin). In addition, the object is
equipped with table tennis, pool and pond
filled with numerous species of fish and
Babia Góra (also Diablak,Babia hora, Hungarian Babia gura, German Teufelspitze or
Devil Mountain) is a mountain range lying
in the Beskid Babiogórski Mountains (in
Slovak terminology - Oravské Beskydy)
in the Western Beskid Mountains, attaining an altitude of 1725 m asl. This is the
highest peak in the whole of the Western
Beskid Mountains, the highest peak outside the Tatra Mountains in Poland and the
second, after Śnieżka, in terms of prominence. It belongs to the Crown of Polish
Mountains. The apex, Diablak, is characterized by outstanding panoramic values.
It offers a panoramic view in all directions,
including Zywiec, Silesian, Little, Makowski, Wyspowy Beskid, Gorce, Orawa-
Nowotarska Valley, Tatra Mountains and
the mountains of Slovakia. In 1954, on
the Babia Góra range (along with the peak
Diablak) Babia Góra National Park was
created. In recognition of the unique natural assets of Babia Góra National Park was
inscribed in 1977 by UNESCO as a world
biosphere reserve.
029 01 Námestovo
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Project is co-financed by the European Union
through the European Regional Development Fund
under the Cross-Border Cooperation
Poland - Slovakia 2007-2013 Programme.