dianetics - The Expendables


dianetics - The Expendables
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2 -May 18, 2010
20 Issue 19
ssica Koslow
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naging Editor
uri Shimoda
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ilm Editor
ssica Koslow
ver Designer
ean Michael
orial Interns
, Christine Hernandez,
rvin Vasquez
buting Writers
gutos, Geoffrey Altrocchi,
cott Bedno, Scott Bell, China
Zach Bourque, Erica Carter,
da, Joshua Chilton, Cesar
Natasha Desianto, John E.
uerra, James Famera, Mari
Forshee, A.J. Grier, Ximena
Hines, Damon Huss, Becca
ny March, Angela Matano,
co, Samantha Ofole, Brien
des, Sasha Perl-Raver, Dov
a Russell, Mike Sebastian,
nnifer Smith, Jessica Stern,
manuelle Troy, Mike Venezia,
Wierzbicki, Candice Winters,
.M. Zonoozy
Russell Crowe and Ridley Scott take the
legendary hero to the Crusades.
Falls for B-Baller Common in Just Wright
Simon Fuller’s Latest Reality Venture
Sean Bello
nit Guedalia
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endar Editor
erick Mintchell
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hing On With Students
d dad are still the easiest way to get face time with
practitioner. Depending on a parent’s job, students
ed on insurance policies until the age of 23 in most
or those whose families have fallen prey to the
onomic climate, or who do not have comprehensive
e, there are still a number of ways to get sound
free clinic has always been a helpful resource,
everything from dental to eye exams. But with
s and understaffing, this route may have seen its
unately, the practice of medicine is growing and
with the times.
eopathic or holistic healthcare has become a
in recent years. Many large providers such as Blue
d Kaiser Permanente have devoted a number of
Campus Circle > News > Campus
programs to Eastern philosophies and integrative medical
However, a lot of students are finding that prevention
is much easier and cost effective than curative measures.
Naturopaths – or doctors of natural medicine (Chinese,
ayurveda, for example) – have seen their practices boom in
recent years. Students such as Lissy Dornan, 19, have walked
away from their family docs in favor of mind, body and spirit
“My boyfriend’s mom is a naturopath, and she’s really
helped me a lot,” says Dornan. “I was on my parents’ HMO,
and I wasn’t allowed to pick my doctor. They were always
nice and professional and everything, but I was like, ‘What
about vitamins and supplements and all that stuff?’ The
doctor laughed in my face and pat me on my head like I was
dumb for asking.”
Dornan was looking to incorporate an “East-meetsWest” regimen into her treatment of epilepsy – a condition
she’s had since childhood.
“[Dr. Leung] doesn’t write me a bunch of prescriptions,
but she also doesn’t chant and burn incense around me
either,” she explains. “She just listens and offers me tips
on how to keep my seizures in check by eating better and
exercising and [taking] supplements. I’m not cured or
anything – that’s not the point. But I feel better and happy
that someone listens to me and what I want to do with MY
Others, such as D’eondre Patterson, have tried
naturopathic medicine as a means to reign in their bottom
“I just like that it was cheaper than a regular doctor,” he
For students who have embraced the technological
way car came to a stop would be my face staring out
rld beneath normal existence. Here, we are the real
ers, forcibly confined to running around like rats in
s. The unwanted and dirty, in an attempt to make
t, toil to and fro by way of tax-paid privileges.
board!” says the faceless voice through the speakers,
re off, screeching metallic bronze screaming as we
he next round of workers to be transported to the
orld. It is only necessary that once inside, no contact
made. Take the seat where no one is sitting next to
quiet and don’t draw attention to your misery. Many
ostly brown, stare straight ahead. Others choose
while many more would rather remain deaf to the
lent subway car by their earphones.
ubway is a godsend for the weary, for those without
heir own to drive. The city has furnished its citizens
liable (if not sometimes out of service) mode of
ation. At its center is the majesty of Union Station,
age in which they were born, a number of physic
turned to digital media to supply healthcare to pat
Angeles-based Dr. Armand Dorian has developed a
app called Instant Medicine, which gives the masse
common issues via the patient’s smart phone.
The app works like this: A quick download to a
iPad or even iPod Touch allows those who may n
pressing medical emergency but still need to ask
and determine if their problems warrant medical
the chance to do so, without crowding already-pa
and shelling out hundreds of dollars in the process
is 99 cents and is available at itunes.com.
But perhaps one of the most exciting new
coming soon to students (and the rest of us) is Tru
Founder Justin Kahn asserts that his brain
“be a comprehensive online resource for psych
services that utilizes only licensed and insured prof
including psychiatrists, psychologists, social wor
counselors, as well as the first online therapy portal
HIPAA-compliant (to ensure privacy and confide
participants). TruClinic will provide practitioners
ability to dramatically expand their client base by es
online virtual offices and conducting high-qua
sessions via web cam.”
What this means for students is that the fut
soon see the annoying trek to the doctor’s office as
the past, allowing prevention, diagnosis and in so
cure to take place from the comforts of home.
While TruClinic doesn’t currently have m
funding, Kahn is optimistic that it will quickly catc
healthcare providers.
“What I’m doing is much bigger than anyth
currently out there,” he says.
Campus Circle > Blogs >
leisure; for there is no reason to dilly-dally while people all
around you are scurrying to find their next exit. Be it the Gold
Line to Pasadena, the Red Line to North Hollywood or the
Blue Line to Long Beach. Every stop of these routes can be
reached in minutes, even seconds, by a car on the freeway.
Underground, the constant stop-and-go means an even
longer commute.
There is no democracy on the subway. The route is
predestined. Entrance into its system means giving up the
right to stop wherever you please. In our independence over
the road above, we are the masters of the vessel.
On the subway, we give up our authority and instead
become listless. With the route already decided, there is
nothing to do but to be distracted by your surroundings and
the general hilarious propaganda of the metro posters and “do
not graffiti” signs next to a scratched-in penis on the seat.
Read a book, text message and do anything but dare
interact with fellow passengers. Social norms are strong in the
subway car. Everyone is at least one seat away from another
person, and it’s usually the case that some would rather ride
the subway standing up then sit right next to somebody.
Others are non-conformers and social butterflies who
break the silence with conversations no one wants to be
involved in, because if talking on the subway is a social faux
pas, then screaming just makes you damn crazy. The world
knows to stay away.
For one week of my journey, a woman dressed in socks
and slippers would come out of nowhere asking us to donate
for her sister’s breast cancer. She would appear again in
another car asking us to donate to her sister’s skin cancer.
The subway is a godsend for the weary, for thos
a car of their own to drive.
Unlike the Red Line that takes everyone D
underneath the freeways, the Gold Line sits above t
with views that range from Chinatown’s red pag
roofs, crossing over the basin that holds the trickle o
The Los Angeles sun is soft against the giganti
view of the city’s landscape. Most of the kids are out
and they usually come in with a friend laughing an
the whole ride home. Those who’ve lost their innoc
quiet the whole way. The lucky ones are preoccupied
lush visual sights of their cell phones. However, mi
The trains run every day, making their rounds fr
Mathew Imaging/WireImage.com
an Keshavarz, Romson Niega, Francis Pollara and Tom Lee
ge Television Award Winners for
anding Commercial
Niega and Francis Pollara are quickly learning it’s always nice to get a head start.
country’s current state, the arts are an especially challenging field to break into.
r College Television Award for first place in Outstanding Commercial, Niega
ra’s futures appear promising. Niega and Pollara are two of the four members of
mercial “Trigger Happy”’s award-winning crew.
ger Happy” is a commercial that promotes the Canon camera and is “playful,
ic and fun,” according to Pollara. He describes the commercial as “a freeze
laying game of tag with the product itself.” Niega and Pollara teamed up with
Lee and Saman Keshavarz on the Canon commercial to “Aim it. Shoot it. Freeze
Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation held their 31st College
n Awards in April and awarded “Trigger Happy”’s crew with a $2, 000 prize as
meeting with the marketing head of ABC. This year, more than 600 students
schools across 38 states entered the competition. “Trigger Happy”’s crew walked
h a grant from Kodak, which they will invest in future projects and hands-on
e with professionals from ABC. Neither Niega or Pollara expected to win.
more of a camaraderie with my friends more than anything,” says Niega.
ger Happy” has also been nominated for the CLIO Awards. The CLIO Awards
around for over five decades and are the “Emmys” for the commercial industry.
er will be determined at the awards ceremony in New York City May 26.
sn’t the first project for this crew of four. Niega, Pollara, Keshavarz and Lee
aborated on other commercials, narrative shorts and a music video, which
ward at South by Southwest last month in Austin, Texas. It was all hands on
eate “Trigger Happy.” Niega served as producer/director while Pollara was also
er. Niega worked out the budgeting and logistic parts of the commercial. He
the crew and scheduled the production. He aimed to “make sure the director’s
ainable with the humble budget.” Pollara was in charge of basically everything
place in front of the camera. He generated the group of set editors and camera
served as the motivator and leader for the crew of students and professionals.
and Pollara met at the Art Center College of Design. While Niega graduated
Pollara is still in school pursuing cinematography and plans to redirect towards
n. He feels that production is more fit for him.
e the challenge of it and also the environment of it all,” he says.
ng a doctor and a scientist as parents, “it was difficult expressing to them this is
nt to do with my life,” says Pollara, adding, “As recognition is coming around,
ming more accepted, which is very nice.”
a is leaning more towards production, but first fell in love with cinematography.
got his first camera in high school, he soon decided this would be his path.
oyed the whole concept of the technical aspect of the camera capturing and
story with that. I found a place for myself to make a difference,” he says.
a and Niega were raised in the greater Los Angeles area and have known since
ge that they loved film.
thanks his college experience for invaluable knowledge.
more I fell in love with the program, the more I wanted to pursue storytelling,”
ago, in the BZ era, for you ancient
historians (before Zuckerberg and the
Ryan Blair advises how to become an
Facebook empire).
entrepreneur in his book, Nothing to Lo
I was riding the wave of the brandnew information superhighway, and
everyday I would read about these guys in Forbes and BusinessWeek who were
gazillionaires for coming up with ideas like buying books online, or meeting gi
or anything else you could think of to do online that could make someone a few
that’s what I wanted. I wanted to make it.
Actually, I did make it, and it started with the business I created in college.
I was into computers. In fact, when I was a juvenile delinquent, I stole my fai
them. I thought – what if instead of liberating people from their computers, I
people from their computer problems? I started a company called 24x7 Tech, a
based on a simple idea: I’d fix your computer anytime of day or night.
I was in community college at the time, so I’d be up till 4 a.m. most night
and for a c-note, I’d swing by and fix your computer. Back then Microsoft use
every three minutes, so I’d have my hands full.
I walked into meetings with important buyers, nervous, sure I’d blo
opportunities because I hadn’t even graduated yet (and for the record, sti
graduated), and I had a juvenile record to boot. But the risk and the work paid o
companies later, I have the life I want. Note: I have repented and made lots of
donations, even to the cops that used to arrest me.
OK, so I’m not exactly Michael Dell, Bill Gates or Steve Jobs yet, but m
pulling in many millions – done. I had a career counselor once tell me, “Ryan,
have the transcripts to be a doctor or a lawyer.” And he didn’t know this, but I d
the aptitude or the attention span, either (I’m a total ADD, caffeine junkie.).
So, I decided instead of becoming a Ph.D. or a lawyer, to employ them. N
people who are silly smart to run my companies, and I market them to do all
they have spent years and lots of money educating themselves on being expert
I sell their collective smarts through a product or service to people who pay m
than what it costs to make the product or service.
Anyway, that was a very long explanation, but basically what I’m saying i
advocating you do what I did and start a business in college. Well, maybe not exa
I did – using credit cards and student loans as start-up capital, human traffi
anything short of making a deal with the devil to get my business to the next l
you get the idea.
In this day and age, your age is actually your advantage, because you have n
lose (Yes, that was a shameless plug for my book Nothing to Lose. Please buy it.).
starting a business in their 50s might have to come up with 10K a month just t
their family. With no mortgage or kids, you, on the other hand, might only nee
that’s a 70 percent advantage.
Also, you grew up with technology. The advantage goes to you over even
well-funded brands because you’re already marketing things naturally throu
media. Today’s consumer wants authenticity, not some silly jingle an old m
person came up with.
It takes a long time to be pro at anything, and if you log your hours now, y
more before the age of 28 than someone who has spent 40 years in their care
and have logged about 40K hours, and now I make what the pros make. Get y
in, too, and so can you.
And lastly, you can get an education in theory and in practice at the same ti
making some extra cash to buy that tattoo you’ve always wanted.
in tights are a thing of the
get: “Ooh, I loved that cartoon when I was a kid,”
om totally loves that Kevin Costner guy.” All that’s
hange with the latest adaptation about the thieving
his Merry Men.
ll Crowe steps into the title role. But his is a tough
new generation. For Crowe, he wouldn’t have it any
d I’d do Robin Hood, but only if it were a fresh
ays. “It is one of the longest-surviving stories in the
nguage. That requires due respect. It has to be done
sis that whatever you thought you knew about the
s an understandable mistake. It has to be different
t has come before.”
of that retooling comes from the storytellers picked
this tale to the big screen. Enter: Brian Grazer
ey Scott. Both have worked with the Academy
nning actor on A Beautiful Mind and Gladiator,
ly. Instead of setting their tale amid the flowery
f medieval England, they chose to go with a more
violent event: the Crusades. This way, Robin Hood’s
s intertwines with history.
hose wondering with baited breath how this story
Campus Circle > Film > Inte
of Robin’s origins differs from the others, here’s a taste of
what to expect: Robin Longstride (a.k.a. Robin Hood) is an
infantryman in the ranks of King Richard’s army as it returns
from the Third Crusade in the Holy Land. Richard has been
trying to reclaim a sizable fortune paid to the French king
who held him hostage as he returned from his Crusade. As
a result, he’s laying siege to a French castle. However, his luck
runs out when he takes an arrow to the neck and dies. That’s
when Prince John takes over.
Simultaneously, Robin heads back to his homeland to
find that Richard’s reign has ruined the place. Not only that,
but its new ruler is greedy, letting the people suffer while he
takes their money. This doesn’t sit well with Robin. He gets
a crew of fierce warriors and rises up against this injustice,
leaving behind a massive body count.
Every good soldier has a fair lady to turn to for solace
(and in this case, onscreen chemistry). However, in this film,
passions are slow to ignite, as Crowe explains.
“The Marion relationship has certain Shakespearean
elements to it. It’s very much The Taming of the Shrew.
Robin and Marion don’t get on at all when they first meet,
but there is a latent kindness to both these people. They are
similar creatures who have been looking for some sign of that
intuitive kindness in other people all their lives.”
Academy Award-winning actress Cate Blanchett steps
in as the Lady Marion, a revamped version of the sweet and
elegant Maid Marion. Scott was proud to have the stunning
star join his cast.
“Cate Blanchett has a very definitive part in this overall
story and context,” he says. “It’s a perfect – if you like –
marriage of two characters.”
Blachett agrees: “Because Russell and Ridley have such a
long history together of making films that go straight to the
mon and Queen Latifah go
town’s typical leading love interest, and yet, she goes
you see how she caught the eye of LL Cool J in Last
Hmmm … it would seem Latifah has a thing for her
ppers. This time, she unintentionally finds herself
h’s character, Leslie Wright, drives a hooptie, is a fullercely independent woman, bought a fixer-upper and
butt off as a physical therapist. Her cousin, Morgan
r (the traffic-stopping Paula Patton), is the exact
She has made it her job to marry a pro baller. She’s
wears dresses and brings binoculars to the ballgames
n gawk at the section where the players’ wives sit and
with her cousin until she figures out what to do with
omly, Leslie stumbles into Scott McKnight, star
the New Jersey Nets, at a gas station. Taken aback
eet, ’round-the-way style, he invites her to a party
se. Of course, Morgan is thrilled, and with complete
lity, Scott falls for Morgan the minute he sees her.
Cate Blanchett, Russell Crowe and Ridley Scott on
Robin Hood
heart of the matter, it was a very exciting combinatio
Other favorites from past versions return with
and vigor as well. The evil Sheriff of Nottingham
by Matthew Macfadyen (Pride & Prejudice). Acc
Blanchett, he is perhaps the darkest of these new m
“What I find so interesting about this versi
Sheriff of Nottingham is that it’s the weak who are
most evil, because they’re the most compromised,”
As for the production, it was an ambitious feat,
least. The whole of Nottingham Village had to be b
50 structures, including a mill with a working wa
as well as an orchard, were erected for the sole p
Fans will no doubt appreciate the stellar perf
action sequences and wild shot of testosterone that
the death of Robin Hoods past. Take that, Kevin Co
Robin Hood releases in theaters May 14.
Campus Circle > Film > Inte
life ending with his career. It’s Leslie, the kind-hearted physical
therapist, who steps up – and in – to help. Everybody’s true
colors show in times of adversity.
For Latifah, who not only stars in but produces the film
with her production company Flavor Unit, this Cinderella story
set against the backdrop of the NBA wasn’t too far-fetched.
“It’s art imitating life,” says Shakim Compere, Latifah’s
longtime producing partner. “When you think about it,
Latifah’s life has been a Cinderella story.”
“It wasn’t a stretch for me,” agrees the Grammy-winning
rapper-singer and Oscar-nominated actress. “I definitely love
basketball. And it’s about the fact that it’s not always what you
look like, it’s who you are from the inside. Beauty from the
inside out is one of the themes that I have been interested in
throughout my career. A lot of that comes across in this movie,
and it comes across with humor, with sexiness, with style – and
with basketball. Being from New Jersey and getting to work
with the NBA and the Nets made it even sweeter.”
It’s not just the Nets’ Bobby Simmons Jr. that Latifah gets
to dribble over. Dwight Howard and Rashard Lewis (Orlando
Magic), Dwyane Wade (Miami Heat) and Rajon Rondo
(Boston Celtics) also make appearances. And though Common
looks a tad out of place surrounded by the tall ballers, the Nets
jersey seemed to suit the handsome emcee just fine.
“I knew I wanted to be a part of this movie,” says Common.
“It’s about two of my favorite things, love and basketball.”
Plus, since his resume consists mostly of action flicks, like
Wanted and Smokin’ Aces, Common had to go deeper and
stretch higher for this role.
“I had emotional scenes,” he says. “I had to be funny and
Lovebirds Common and Queen Latifah in Just W
was like a real game because everybody’s like, ‘Yo, y
hit this shot.’ The crowd felt it, the team felt it and b
cameras, the producers and the director were all sayi
on, hit this shot.’ That was very satisfying.”
For some, it might be hard to imagine La
Common between the sheets. Well, get ready for steam
And considering Common is rumored to be datin
Williams; maybe Latifah isn’t such an unbelievable m
“We all tried to always remain true to this being a
comedy, but we knew the sports aspect also had to be
and true for it to work,” says director Sanaa Hamri. “
understood that without one element, we woul
the other. In the finished film, the basketball is ho
romance is hot. I think we were able bring the bes
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d LOVES sequels. There’s something about that
u get when you’re about to see a new installment of
u really loved.
goal, as it should be in every case (unfortunately
s), is for the sequel to be better than the first film.
not aiming for the rafters then what’s the fucking
quels are great, but like their predecessors they are
is a fine line between sequels and remakes.
es a sequel can feel like a remake depending on the
. The idea is that if a movie does well, people want
he same, and a lot of sequels are constructed to be
actly like the first one. If it’s a comedy, you get all
okes, and if it’s action, you get overly similar action
ll-made sequel takes the central characters and
hem with new psychological challenges and does
g new with the story. A great sequel is a continuation
good things about its predecessor, not a rehashing
ther night I caught a screening of Iron Man 2, the
au-directed follow up to 2008’s summer blockbuster
Iron Man, starring Robert Downey Jr., and I’m
say that, in my opinion, the film is an example of a
Campus Circle > Film > Screen
sequel done right. I loved the first Iron Man, and one of the
reasons I loved it so much was because, like Gore Verbinski’s
and Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow before him, Tony Stark is a
three-dimensional character that works above and beyond the
film around him.
All too often superheroes are portrayed as the middleof-the-road moral good guy, which may work if you’re trying
to play to everyone’s moral good side, but it’s refreshing to
see a character who is flawed in more realistic ways. Downey
delivers another great turn as Stark, and the film succeeds in
showing us the same character from the first movie on a new
journey of self-discovery.
When it comes to sequels of action movies, obviously the
action sequences need to be stepped up. Action sequences
can’t be just about the action; the reason for the action and
the stakes for the characters participating in them are what
make the action interesting.
A good sequel ramps up the action and provides all new
stakes and motives for the characters. Iron Man 2 succeeds on
this level as well. The action in Iron Man 2 is top notch, and
the stakes are different from the first movie. A tremendous
amount of credit for the success of this film is due to Favreau
for his direction and Justin Theroux for his script.
While Favreau’s Iron Man franchise and Christopher
Nolan’s Batman franchise are very different on many levels
and hit different entertainment sweet spots, Iron Man 2
reminded me of the raising of the bar between Batman Begins
and The Dark Knight. I feel like one of the reasons why that’s
the case is because these films are decorated with very talented
and capable actors. Don Cheadle, Sam Rockwell and Mickey
Rourke all turn in awesome performances that compliment
I hope that these films show that no matter what the
13 @ Silent Movie Theatre
eve impossible things.’ ‘I dare say you haven’t had
ctice,’ said the Queen. ‘When I was your age, I always
half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as
ix impossible things before breakfast.’”
must recognize this passage from Lewis Carroll’s
hildren’s book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. I read
me in elementary school and remember finding the
edibly witty and the characters so absurd, I couldn’t
love them. I reread the novel a few months ago to
y memory. Tim Burton’s adaptation (and I stress
adaptation) was going to be released, and I wanted
ure I could give it my best review in comparison to
If you managed to catch the 3-D, highly stylized
nd of Burton’s imagination, you must have realized
much unlike the book it actually was.
Robert Downey Jr. delivers another great turn as Tony St
Man 2.
subject matter of the movie is, casting great actors al
another layer of nuance to it. Iron Man 2 is every
could possibly want out of a summer action movie.
Congrats to the filmmakers and everyone inv
crafting a genuine piece of wildly entertaining cin
film is going to be huge and make a shit ton of m
they deserve every penny.
I’ll bet that the people who don’t like this film d
care for big action movies in general. Because if you
the very least, have a good time at this film, you bet
really good reason for it, otherwise you’re an asshole
Send feedback to [email protected].
Campus Circle > Film > Proje
letting the book dictate how it should look in film. There is
a difference between being strictly dedicated to the prose and
being conscious of the original but enhancing it nonetheless.
Given time to think about it, I’ve realized that this
adaptation, however unlike Carroll’s story it may be, has a
different audience in mind. Parents may have found themselves
enjoying it more than their offspring because Burton has taken
what we enjoyed as children – a jumbled mess of puns and an
incoherent storyline – and turned into a fairy tale for the older
audience that still appeals to the little ones, as all true Disney
productions must.
Obviously, Burton was not the first to make an adult film
that also appeals to our sense of imagination. Going way back
to early cinema, F.W. Murnau’s Nosferatu (1922) is a classic
horror film, one of the first that has been scaring generations
with its early portrayal of vampires. Edward Cullen can’t even
And inherently every horror film requires a license for the
fantastic from the audience. Films like Suspiria (1977) and
ones as recent as The Wolfman (2010) rely on our knowledge
of the folklore and fairy tales we were taught in our youth.
For those of you who, like me, still employ your
imagination, who enjoy the surreal and the stupendous, who
believe in all of it (to an extent), then delve a little deeper in
movie history and catch “Fairy Tales for Grown-Ups” every
Thursday in May at the Cinefamily at the Silent Move Theatre.
These screenings for the kid in you are by notable
filmmakers like David Lynch and Roman Polanski and star big
names like Reese Witherspoon, Keifer Sutherland and Laura
Black Moon screens at 8 p.m. on Thursday.
only. Done away with child-safety restrictions, these
not afraid to go where Mother Goose has never gone
On Thursday, May 13, the Cinefamily is screen
Moon (1975) at 8 p.m. and Valerie and Her Week o
(1970) at 10 p.m. The former is a piece by controvers
director Louis Malle, who tells the story of an Englis
in a futuristic woodland landscape. Told in the s
consciousness style, the film remains unavailable in t
States after Fox aborted its theatrical release.
Valerie and Her Week of Wonders is a hallucin
through the psychoactive world of a 13-year-old girl.
give her the gift of love and sexual awakening in a
both beautiful and frightening experiences. It is an
taste of storytelling, but that’s why you won’t br
children. And it is a sight to see in 35mm.
Snuggle up for a date night with your fellow a
travel to the realms of these real bedtime stories w
d is near! Among the analogs between
the ’70s – economic crisis, pressure on
ies—is the prevalence of apocalyptic
ow the BBC cult favorite, Survivors: The
Original Series, as well as the first two
f the 2008 remake, comes to DVD. The series is set in a world devastated by a
de virus, which has killed off most of the population. The survivors must band
o rebuild some semblance of life. Terry Nation, a veteran of many of Britain’s
hows, created the original series, while Adrian Hodges (“Primeval”) helmed the
The thorn in the hea
a film by Michel Gondry
“This is an extraordinary film.”
“Gondry might be contemporary cinema’s greatest nostalgic.”
“Like so many moments in The Thorn in the Heart, the film itse
once weird and delightful, exposing both the process of remem
and the process of recreating memories. A wonderful docume
“The Thorn in the Heart’s home-movie-style images
are frequently lovely with flashes of poignancy.”
apocalyptic plague of Daybreakers has turned most of the population into
Now they’re running out of humans to feed on. Starving vampires are growing
gly violent and desperate. Ethan Hawke is the hematologist looking for an
e to human blood who stumbles on a vampire who has regained his humanity.
(Where has he been?) and Willem Dafoe co-star in this stylish film.
he Radar: Paper Covers Rock is an intimate film from Spirit Award-nominated
ector Joe Maggio (Virgil Bliss). It follows a young woman battling for custody
ear-old daughter.
nd Assante stars in California Dreamin’, winner of the Un Certain Regard Award
s. Set during the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, it follows a Romanian
fficial who stops a train carrying NATO supplies in the middle of nowhere.
d heartbreaking, the film shows the effects of war on the small village.
tbox: Airing in 1984, Freud is a six-part BBC miniseries detailing the father of
alysis’s life. David Suchet (“Agatha Christie: Poirot”) plays the title role. Michael
on (“The Bill”) is Carl Jung and Michael Kitchen (“Foyle’s War”) is Ernst Von
Marxow. It’s an engaging look at the professional and personal life of one of the
ortant thinkers in history.
e he was one of the biggest movie stars in the world, Will Smith got his start as
hiladelphia troublemaker sent to live with his wealthy aunt and uncle as “The
nce of Bel-Air.” In this fifth and penultimate season, Will gets married.
lt: Dirty Dancing: Limited Keepsake Edition is a brand new two-disc release of
ed coming-of-age story about a naïve girl
Grey) who falls for the dance instructor
Swayze) at a summer resort. In addition
mastered picture, this edition includes
ver book and an hour of new bonus
ncluding a tribute to the late Swayze.
Gleason and Art Carney reprised their
ous roles for two ’70s “Honeymooners”
pecials, Second Honeymoon and Valentine
n Japan: Dragon Box Three includes 40
astered and uncut episodes of the anime
non “Dragon Ball Z” in their original
The episodes cover the Freeza and Garlic
go back to where it all began with the
series, Dragon Ball: Season Four. Goku
his most powerful foe yet in King Piccolo
ges his best friend Krillin.
es: Jennifer Garner stars as a supernatural assassin in the comic-book adaptation
fter being murdered, Elektra is brought back to life by a blind martial arts master
Stamp) and trained in the deadly arts. She becomes a killer for hire. But when
n the assignment of a man and his daughter on the run from the crime syndicate
the Hand, Elektra has to choose sides. This director’s cut includes commentary
or Rob Bowman, deleted scenes and a making-of featurette.
Laemmle’s Sunset 5 (310) 478-3836
Tickets @ laemmle.com.
Michael B. Jordan joins “L
x 5.9" WILL BE G
welcome fresh face Michael B. Jordan to the fourth season. Described as th
of hisCircle
generation, Jordan will be playing Vince Howard, a cha
describes as “pretty
much every5/12
Vince is the football player, the student, the guy with a lot of family respo
someone Jordan thinks is not that far of a stretch to play.
from Northern New Jersey,” he says. “I grew up in a not-so-nice area. T
gave me room to have fun with it. It was a lot of improv.”
When asked about his most rewarding role, Jordan answers, “Every role
played has given me something positive to walk away with; the first one that
mind is [WWII] flight officer Maurice ‘Bumps’ Wilson from the upcoming p
Tails. This was the first time I got the chance to travel internationally and pu
of homework and training to pull it off. I’ve invested so much time and energ
project so I’m really looking forward to seeing the fruits of my labor.”
What was it like working with George Lucas on Red Tails?
“George was very laid-back and direct,” Jordan says. “He lets you know wha
and expects you to deliver. It’s a certain level of trust he has with his actors. In
terms, we didn’t get hired for no reason,” he says, laughing.
“He lets us do our job, which is refreshing,” continues Jordan. “Anthony H
is an amazing director who directed the entire film overseas. He really unders
role of a director and for his first feature you couldn’t tell by observing him. He
rtly done
thriller! ’’
Happiness Runs
o & Westwood
Laemmle’s Monica (310) 478-3836
Tickets available @ laemmle.com
Pacific’s Manhattan Village
(310) 607-0007 (#056)
Cinemas Palme d’ Or
(760) 779-0730
Laemmle’s Playhouse 7
(626) 844-6500
Metro 4 (877) 789-MOVIE
Laemmle’s Fallbrook 7
(818) 340-8710
Regency Westlake
Village Twin
(818) 889-8061
Mann Theatres
at the Exchange
(818) 549-0045
Sherman Oaks 5
(818) 501-5121 (#392)
(Strand Releasing)
If you’ve ever wondered what it would be
like to grow up on your own with no adult
supervision, Happiness Runs shares a harsh
taste of what it could be like. The film
embraces the carefree hippie life like no
other. It gives a brutal glimpse into drug and
sexual experimentation, highlights a longing
to escape the norm and invites freedom to
overtake you.
Adam Sherman’s film is loosely based on
true events of rebelling teens from the hippie
commune where he grew up in the 1960s.
“The film is much like therapy: I am
trying to come to terms with complex issues
related to my unorthodox upbringing. In
many ways my childhood was idyllic: I was
creatively encouraged, free of constraints,
while living in some of the most beautiful
countryside in America,” says Sherman.
The story’s protagonist, Victor (Mark
L. Young), breaks your heart as the fresh
and all-too-realistically portrayed pushover.
Young effectively plays the struggling teen
finding his way. His character is extremely
relatable and thankfully, avoids being in any
way cliché.
While it’s hard to say if Victor’s love
interest Becky (The Virgin Suicides’ Hanna
Hall) is angelic or devilish, you glue your
eyes to her in disbelief. She’s inexcusably
promiscuous and naughty in every sense
Campus Circle > Film > Movie Re
of the word, but you absolutely adore her
Jessie Plemons, Laura Peters and Shiloh
Fernandez play Young and Hall’s unruly
peers with great believability. While the
film focuses on the teenagers, there are
appearances by adults: Andie MacDowell
portrays Victor’s mother, and Insley, the
commune’s guru, is played by Rutger Hauer.
This is definitely one of those films that
you can’t help but wonder if the creator of
the film was on drugs. It’s executed brilliantly
and filled with shocking moments. The
originality and reality of Happiness Runs is
what separates it from the rest.
Grade: A—Stephanie Forshee
Happiness Runs releases in select theaters May
Trash Humpers
(Drag City)
Anybody familiar with Harmony Korine’s
work is either a huge fan or is completely
oblivious to why he’s one of the most
critically hailed writer-directors of his
generation. Korine rose to overnight success
in the mid-1990s with his screenplay for Kids
and later unleashed films like Gummo, Julien
Donkey-Boy and Mister Lonely. However, it’s
his latest work, Trash Humpers, that is his
most socially relevant.
Trash Humpers follows a crew of
Hanna Hall and Mark L. Young in Happ
sociopathic trash humpers. Kor
also plays Hervé) films the trash hu
they patrol their neighborhood. Th
bizarre, giggling interest in the mos
sights and details, leaving the viewe
“WTF?” among other things.
An accident on the freeway is f
because of what we anticipate
reality-based television has nearly
conventional scripted fair and soci
valuable hours perusing YouTube
we’re achingly voyeuristic creature
off on other people’s insanity. Th
Korine has the career he has, and w
Humpers, with its stray oddities, m
sexual fetishism and “WTF?” elem
bat-shit crazy must-see.
Grade: B
Trash Humpers releases in select the
16, 19-21 @ Comedy Store
al engagements celebrating the 25th Anniversary of
mance at the Comedy Store. Get ready for broads,
d brass!
for a comeback?
k my ass. I’m an international singing sensation and
r stopped working.
ed, it’s been primarily in Third World countries, but
human peons need entertainment too. Besides, the
of consent is 14 … 15 years old in some of those
And I’ve always said you’re only as old as the chick
ou think modern audiences will react to a lounge
on tour in the States for the last year. Sold out
every stop. Average audience age: 23. Why? I give
nce what they want: SEX, SEX and more SEX.
m. I have over a half a dozen of the youngest, hottest
They’re called the Cliftonettes.
es that, I’ve got a kick-ass band that one reviewer
d hold their own with the Mothers of Invention and
Campus Circle > Culture > C
and Frank’s songs. After all, you got to pay respect to the
Chairmen of the Board. But guys, you do not want to miss
Madame Mystere – one of the top burlesque dancers in the
nation – taking it off to Sinatra’s “Summer Wind.” We also do
Zeppelin, Tom Petty, Marshall Tucker.
Do you consider yourself an entertainer/activist like Bono?
I’m a song and dance man and pussy hound, period. As for
Bono, I actually do one of his songs. It’s called “Two Shots
of Happy, One Shot of Sad.” Believe it or not, he wrote it
for Frank, who never recorded it. Great song! I’m actually
thinking of recording it with Bono himself.
Any chance of a new album?
Funny you asked. I’m working on one right now. Recording it
at “Cliftonmere,” my own recording studio in the mountains
of the Sierra Madres. It’s happening big time. It’s like Frank’s
Duets Album. Everybody wanted to record with him; it’s the
same with me. By the way, R.E.M. just jumped aboard the
other day. Stay tuned.
So I hear you have a love/hate relationship with Gloria
Allred? Do you guys go way back?
Oh, you mean the ambulance chaser. She gives lawyers a bad
name (as if they don’t have one already).
Did you see that bullshit of her going after Tiger Woods
because he supposedly broke the heart of that porno star
Joslyn James? If James had as many dicks sticking out of her
as she’d had stuck in her, she’d look like a porcupine.
Tony Clifton and his Cliftonettes
referred to as “the greatest generation.” I’m not a
They really fucked it up for their kids. They were s
only took care of themselves. Their kids who com
show were left holding the bag. I feel bad for the
why I give them a night like no other to forget thei
– broads, booze and brass.
Ever thought about doing a makeover?
Are you foolin’? I’m now considered retro. Stick aro
enough and the pendulum swings the other way. A
am I and my hot babes swingin’ … Come see us
know what I mean.
could be your big
os Angeles to pursue your dream?
thanks to Simon Fuller, the genius
American Idol,” you can finally find
Giglianne Braga of “If I Can Dream”
d the brand-new interactive, Internet-based Web series titled “If I Can Dream.”
e Real World” and part-“The Hills,” the show follows a cast of performers and
hopefuls, plucked from all parts of the country, as they make their way through
wood ranks. Broadcasted currently in easily digestible 30-minute episodes on
I Can Dream” skips the tired TV drama and offers a real-life documentary-style
of what it takes to make it big in Tinseltown.
ds fun, right?
ng the cast are aspiring actresses, actors, models and musicians. Most are new
tlight, except for a few familiar faces. Nineteen-year-old Alex Lambert, an early
n this season of “American Idol,” moved into the house after he was prematurely
d in the semifinals, sparking huge debate and a petition of over 20,000 signatures
ry fans.
on the show is aspiring singer-songwriter Justin Gaston, who after getting his
model and a contestant on “Nashville Star,” famously dated tween queen Miley
ounding out the cast are ex-NFL cheerleader turned actress Amanda Phillips,
peful Ben Elliot, another actress-in-training Kara Killmer and Giglianne Braga,
s to be a high-fashion model.
ix stars-in-the-making all live together in a swanky mansion in the Hollywood
ch viewers online can patrol 24-7 from a live stream on the show’s Web site. The
cluding their car, is wired with a total of nearly 60 cameras, allowing fans of the
ollow the dreamers on every step of their journey.
nlike other popular TV shows, like say “Jersey Shore,” don’t expect too much
all have mutual respect for each other. It’s like a really good family. People
here would be fights, but we’re all so career-minded,” says Killmer of her new
ng in the house], the creative energy inspires you. It’s like healthy competition,
n a good way,” says Gaston, who has his sights set on recording music.
ing up listening to artists like Brad Paisley and Keith Urban, he says he is still on
h trying to find the right type of song.
g dreamers like Texas-native Lambert, who says his ultimate goal is to make the
c he can, the shock of Hollywood is still settling in. He admits, “‘American Idol’
the first thing that I’ve ever done to go after my dreams. Now, it’s cool to finally
g people and making connections. It’s hard but I would say the main thing is to
yourself and have confidence.“
shortage of confidence is Killmer, a theater girl looking at take a shot at the
pe to make some really great films one day,” she says. “I just went on my sixth
I don’t go in thinking about rejection. For me, it’s about meeting casting
, making a good impression and just having a lot of fun. Hopefully, they’ll
r you.”
Can Dream” is meant to serve as a launching pad for rising stars. When one
ts a gig, such as a new role or record contract, he or she moves out with another
eady to fill the space. The show’s creator, Fuller, even pushes the fan interactivity
notch. Fame-seekers at home can audition for future seasons on the show’s
account. Applicants are asked to record a one-minute of video of their “dream
” and two minutes showcasing their talent.
hose tripods ready because, like these talented six, this could be your big break.
er, who will soon be graduating from Baylor University as a Theatre Performance
presses her advice for college students that are looking to break industry, saying,
urage anyone to always do something you’re passionate about. College is unique
ou have a huge community of people that can support you. Use the connections
a laugh, Gaston adds, “You have to just do it. My advice: Start first, ask questions
MashUp founders Victoria Brown and Sarah Rodenhouse
May 14-15 @ Barnsdall Theatre
of MashUp, launched their contemporary dance company this past January, an
they’re making moves from Los Angeles to New York with their SCIENCE tour
fresh, young dance in Los Angeles and check out their debut show.
How did MashUp start?
Victoria and Sarah: We met a few years ago while performing in a small dance
L.A. and became friends right away. We both had been auditioning and taking
a while before we started talking about starting a company. We recognized ea
talents, and even though we are young, we figured why not go for it now if it’
want?! So we formed MashUp in January of this year.
What is MashUp?
MashUp is a group of strong female dancers that have a passion for perform
choreography holds a strong ballet technique base, while still embracing the co
aspect of dance that is so prevalent in Los Angeles. We appreciate other art f
are excited to integrate them into our shows. Basically, we have fun encoura
acknowledging the amount of talent in L.A.
Tell us about the SCIENCE tour.
SCIENCE is our first full-length show! We had our first dress rehearsal the othe
seeing it all come together was amazing. We are taking all the different forms
and presenting our own interpretation of them through artistic expression. Mash
short dance film that was created in partnership with Farm Fresh Entertainmen
its premier screening during SCIENCE.
There will also be artwork, photography and live musical performances. A
will have a chance to purchase some of the artwork and music featured in SCIEN
and after the show. It’s going to be really fun. The debut will be in L.A. and then
hits New York.
How would you describe the dance scene in Los Angeles?
The dance scene in Los Angeles is mostly commercial based. A lot of music vid
and commercials come out of this region, which is where many dancers earn
There are, however, a limited number of dance companies, particularly cont
dance companies, in Los Angeles.
We hope that MashUp will help merge both the commercial and artistic sid
city while showing the world what incredibly talented dancers Los Angeles has
so much talent and there are so many inspiring choreographers and dancers in
We are happy to be a part of this industry and hope we bring something uniq
contemporary dance world.
How do you scout for new dancers?
In order to find dancers, we hold auditions. Our first audition was in January a
such a great success that we had a hard time picking dancers for the company. If
our Web site you can see a video of our first audition. We encourage dancers to
if they’d like to know about auditions.
Campus Circle > Music > Inte
Let the Expendables Prove It to you.
Prove Having a Real Job Sucks
listener, the first things that come to mind could be piña coladas,
white sandy beaches and tropical weather mimicking a Corona
commercial, with dirty dreadlocks and hippie lettuce to serve as the
little umbrella on top that everyone adores.
However, the Expendables have done more in their 13-year
tenure to dispel that myth. Well, except for the part about the beach
scene … and the kush … In any case, this unique blend of reggae
and metal laced with ska and punk will have you feeling so good,
you will want to let loose and perhaps even share your bowl with
another. It could be beneficial, however, to make sure the ganja’s
packed, before you settle down and hear the backyard murmur. But
enough with puns that only the super stoned will pick up on.
After playing a show in their hometown of Santa Cruz, Calif.,
the Expendables’ 4/20 holiday was described as “stoney.”
Ryan DeMars on bass knows it’s always good to be home
“because we travel so much and we work a lot. It’s nice to be in
Santa Cruz and see our friends and family.”
Fans know that the frosty, purple nug often makes its presence
well known at shows, and the band appreciates the loyalty. Geoff
Weers on guitar and vocals thinks it’s awesome.
“I love going and playing a show with a lot of energy in the
crowd,” he says. “It makes us play better. It makes us have a better
time on stage. Our fans … we have a lot of kids, younger kids, and
they like to get all their energy out by moshing and dancing or both.
came together and realized that playing music was way
than going to school and having a real job.”
Adam Patterson, drummer and vocalist, agrees.
“Raul, Geoff and I went to high school together,” he st
we knew Ryan through mutual friends. We all kind of ju
together, kind of crappy, and very young, but we got bette
we are today.”
Indeed, 13 years later, the Expendables just released
full-length album, Prove It. The name comes from a m
Weers notes, “The theme for us is that we want to prove th
put together a really awesome album where we can be
It’s for our fans, too, but it’s mainly for us to prove it to o
Patterson talks about their collaborations on this al
those guys are our friends, so it’s always fun touring wi
you really enjoying being around. We just basically hav
wild, fun time.”
They’ve jammed with the different artists on stag
before, so they knew whom to ask for what.
For example, Patterson continues, “With G. Love, w
song that fit his style and asked him to come. He said for
And it seems that’s the way a lot of the collaborations h
Just a bunch of good musicians jammin’ together, havin
Weers thinks that the first five songs are “kick-ass
describes himself as “that band member” who loves all of
But, taken more seriously, the album has different kinds
crazy funk, some metal and everything in between.
Patterson clarifies: “We’re not really a band that needs
song for a radio hit or whatnot, we just throw our music
and, hopefully, fans will like one song or all 17.”
And, since it’s hard not to think of the film of the sa
The Expendables, when asked about it, Weers says they w
bummed that they weren’t asked to be in the movie.
“We were working out tremendously before, and w
we’d get the part, but we didn’t. That would’ve been
Expendables 2, we’ll be in it for sure.”
David Bergman
Tomo Milicevic, Jared Leto and Shannon Leto
otal abandonment,” proclaims 30 Seconds to Mars guitarist Tomo Milicevic of
the Wild Tour, their first U.S. outing in three years.
dition to Milicevic, frontman Jared Leto and drummer Shannon Leto round out
ho seem to have finally overcome the suppressing fame of their celebrity leader. It
rt that they released This Is War, a fresh and popular third studio album.
n we started making This Is War, we had an opportunity to reinvent ourselves,”
icevic. “This is definitely the best that we’ve done, and we’re really proud of it.”
the radio play of single “Kings and Queens” and the album’s 67,000-unit firsts, that pride is quite justified. This is War adopts a more ambient bass-heavy
than albums past, but that approach seems to have worked for fans.
weren’t really sure how familiar people were going to be with the new songs,” says
of their live set. “But their response has been overwhelming.”
ous for their fan involvement, 30STM continuously host fan summits and private
their Echelon street team.
are really interested in sharing every aspect of this experience with people,”
Milicevic. “And communicating with the fans, actually listening to what they
Jared’s creative direction, a documentary about the band entitled Artifact is also
rks – just another step in 30 Seconds to Mars’ quest to share their feelings with
As explained by Milicevic: “If people can listen to our music and feel something,
e done our job.”
hade: More!
sed electronic act Booka Shade have just released a
m called More! that contains a full 45-minute set of
dance grooves. Arno Kammermeier, half of Booka
alter Merziger is the duo’s other half.), says the new
des the listener through an entire evening and not
to the dance floor. Kammermeier thinks of More!
n a par with albums like Hot Chip’s The Warning or
ttack’s Blue Lines.
album takes you through every stage of the night
excitement before you go out, the party, the late
it of paranoia, and then the sunny morning of a
he says.
onic pioneers Yello join Booka Shade on “Divine,”
earances from singers Chelonis R. Jones and
Caplette mark the first time Kammermeier and
have recorded with guest vocalists. Booka Shade
r mod beats to paranoia-free life when they play
May 27.
ng last year off and playing only Dallas in 2008,
going to be back on the road this summer. The sixbegins with a show at the San Manuel Amphitheater
ernardino Aug. 14 and features main stage acts
bourne, Mötley Crüe, Rob Halford, Devil Driver
point. Scheduled to appear on the second stage are
bel Society, Drowning Pool, Kingdom of Sorrow,
re, Skeleton Witch, Saviours and Kataklysm.
Ozzfest “Village of the Damned” is going to be a
ere festivalgoers can shop, indulge in interactive
Campus Circle > Music > Music
activities and find additional entertainment. Tickets go on
sale May 22. Ozzy’s 10th solo album, Scream, drops June 15,
and he embarks on an 18-month world tour after the Ozzfest
Electric Daisy Carnival
North America’s largest electronic music experience, the
Electric Daisy Carnival, returns to the L.A. Memorial
Coliseum and Exposition Park in Downtown Friday, June
25, and Saturday, June 26. EDC features five themed areas of
music, art and other festivities and is expanding this year to
include additional carnival rides to keep you amused between
sets by Groove Armada, Moby, Swedish House Mafia, Armin
van Buuren, Deadmau5, Dirty South, Z-Trip, Jackbeats, Steve
Aoki, MSTRKRFT and many others still to be announced.
Tickets are on sale now at insomniac.com, and info on V.I.P.
packages is going to be announced soon.
It’s a Cool Tour for As I Lay Dying
Metal Blade Records, Atticus Clothing and the Musician’s
Institute College of Contemporary Music have teamed up to
sponsor the first annual Cool Tour featuring As I Lay Dying
as the headline act. The local stop for the Cool Tour is at the
Hollywood Palladium July 31 and includes performances
from Underoath, Between the Buried and Me, Cancer Bats,
Blessthefall, the Acacia Strain, War of Ages and Architects.
The new As I Lay Dying album, The Powerless Rise, drops this
Half Notes
Longtime L.A. favorites Rooney release a new album called
Eureka June 8. Free downloads of the album’s first single,
“I Don’t Wanna Lose You,” are available at Rooney-band.
Club Nokia
Drake will finally put out an album. Someday, I will
nd someday I will be able to jam to it continuously
Because I’m sorry to say I just can’t bring myself to
ut a Young Money or a Lil Wayne song on my iPod.
u understand.
5 @ Chain Reaction
admit, I’m always a bit skeptical of bands who have
emselves into something of a lifestyle brand. Not
’s anything inherently wrong with bands who can
I myself just don’t have that level of commitment to,
… things … in general. But I have to give these dudes
cause I can’t really think of any other band that can
timately catchy metal-tinged rock. The majority of
try find themselves in Nickelback/Hinder territory,
dy ever wants to be there, am I right? These guys
ork without succumbing to that pitfall, however, and
e you nothing but real rock ’n’ roll at their shows,
usical abomination MTV is calling rock these days.
5 @ The Troubadour
nnial masters of creating mood and atmospheric
th their music, the Bay Area foursome of dredg
unparalleled artistry and intellectualism with their
Get More! of Booka Shade at the Fonda May 27.
com, and you can hear more of Eureka when
plays the Fonda June 19. The new one from the
Brothers is called Further, and it drops June 8. T
playing festivals in Europe this summer, but th
States after that, including an Aug. 29 show at the H
Bowl. Game drops his new Pharrell Williams-pro
R.E.D. Album, June 15. Dr. Dre co-produces and ra
album, and Justin Timberlake appears on a cut ca
No Doubt About It.” Fans of the early punk scen
into collectibles are going to want to keep an eye o
new Wendy O. Williams “throbblehead.” The se
tall figure shows the late Plasmatics singer as she
1982 complete with her platinum blonde Mohaw
Find them at Aggronautix.com. The new one from
girl band The Like, Release Me, drops June 15. Wh
waiting for the album you can catch the ladies du
Echo residency on May 17, 24 and 31.
Campus Circle > Music > Freq
going the dark and haunting route, or the big and epic route,
these guys are expert storytellers, both sonically and lyrically.
Not gonna lie, a good portion of the audience is going to be
tripping balls during their set, but even if you opt to abstain,
the band still takes you on worthwhile journey with each of
their songs. And even eight years later, the El Cielo album is
still totally my jam.
Turin Brakes
May 14 @ The Echo
When conjuring our mental image of folk-rock performers,
it’s not unreasonable to envision that singular stoic dude
sitting behind an acoustic guitar, crooning out gut-wrenching
and tear-jerking ballads all by his lonesome on stage. Now,
the U.K.-bred duo of Turin Brakes have no trouble with the
emotive songwriting thing, but they seem to have a problem
with grasping that whole, woe-is-me, wrist-slittingly painful,
intentionally understated thing. The twosome manage to
bring folk to a whole new level, incorporating some very
untraditional instruments for what we typically associate with
the genre for a very big aural effect.
30 Seconds to Mars/Shiny Toy Guns/Neon Trees
May 14 @ Santa Barbara Bowl
May 15 @ Greek Theatre
I never would have thought years ago when I was seeing 30
Seconds to Mars play tiny club venues like the Roxy that I’d
eventually see them graduate to big venues like the Greek. Not
that they don’t deserve it or anything, seeing as they’re like
one of the hardest working bands in rock, it just seemed like
Turin Brakes bring folk to a whole new level.
good, all those other mags that said actors should
be musicians however many years ago when the
debuted are all vying for press time the band. Inse
Point being, yes, there are a lot of actors who
be musicians. Jared Leto is most definitely not one
With a voice that can make the walls of any venue sh
is as technically skilled as he is emotive when he c
behind a mic. Not to be outdone, drummer Shannon
guitarist Tomo Milicevic are both just as capable beh
respective instruments, with all three together mak
epic friggin’ rock music.
Along for the ride with 30, Neon Trees are a w
from their headliner on the stylistic spectrum, bu
as awesome. Combining all the good of classic rock
@ The Troubadour
badour was absolutely packed.
ow began, I took a couple of
m stage right and decided to
way across the floor to get
er vantage points. After wading
he dense mass of Lidellians, I
lace at the base of the stairs
p to the VIP area. This gave
nce to enjoy the show without
run around. And what a show
A.J. Grier
u’re familiar with Lidell, then
he is a very versatile musician.
so that he didn’t even use the
a few songs, he just sang a part,
it, played it back, sang another
that and repeated the process
ad a full song to sing the actual
Jamie Lidell capitvated the Troubadour.
e point he just turned the microphone around to face the audience and let them
ong. He did this as he crisscrossed his diverse catalog; from the earlier electronic
he ’60s soul vibe of his more recent albums and even into some songs from a
ing album that seems to touch on the dance pop of late 1980s Jimmy Jam and
wis. Despite the various styles, the transition came very natural, and it was hard
o was having more fun, Lidell and the band or the mass of fans. —A.J. Grier
House of Blues Sunset Strip
er B.o.B.’s swag is part rapper, part hipster, part rocker and all parts good. B.o.B.’s
gy performance was well received by an audience who was likely there to see the
, Lupe Fiasco.
.o.B. took the stage by storm, jumping and pumping the crowd up. His genial
r made for an undoubtedly better approval rating when he reached out and
fan’s CD, took it from them and said, “I’m gonna sign this,” making him seem
nooty superstar, and more of a friend.
erformance of “Nothin’ on You” was clearly the most anticipated as the audience
g, shaking the stage with sound. Female fans waved frantically at him, wishing
someone like B.o.B. to dedicate this song to them.
ver, that not being the case for most girls, a more appropriate song could be
verywhere.” He had the crowd giving the one-finger salute in tune to the beat,
Hataz everywhere we go.”
HOB was an ideal venue for a performance that was a blend between rock concert
how by B.o.B. and Fiasco. The intimate floor area helped the audience feed off
r’s energy as well as the artists’. Through the heat and closeness, the crowd came
as a single entity (more as a mob actually) to enjoy the performance; one fan
g as far to describe it as “the time of my life.” —Lynda Correa
Nokia Theatre
he 30-minute line for a $7 beer and the lazy Monday night, the Daughtry and
show was a night full of catchy pop rock that almost conned me into buying a
t. My fellow Los Angeles concertgoers insisted on not letting me stand while two
k bands played their hearts out.
nd 10 p.m., the Daughtry curtain dropped from the roof in front of the stage
and broke into an extended drum intro that blended into the band’s first song.
was decorated with a Mötley Crüe-esque setting, complete with steel platforms
stairs that gave way to countless rock ’n’ roll stances and jumps throughout the
htry’s set was exactly what you’d expect from a band that thrives on massive
and elevating, sing-along choruses. The verses were mild, the choruses were big
ongs’ extended outros were aplenty.
dn’t help but think that seeing Daughtry on the Nokia Theatre stage surrounded
TV screens projecting the show was reminiscent of his glory days on “American
d when the band broke into a cover of Phil Collins’ “In the Air Tonight,” I
help but think, “What would Simon say about this cover?”
r songs aside, the band performed a majority of their short catalog that pleased
d theater from start to finish. Before the song “September,” the North Carolina
hris Daughtry, ran through his smalltown boy-turned-rock star Cinderella story
he audience eating out of the palm of his hand.
I met a man in 2005 when he moved into my building after his wife asked him
out. He was cheating on her with his secretary. I became friends with him an
young kids.
After his divorce one and a half years later, we kissed unexpectedly and
date. When he told his secretary, she turned psycho. He told her he wante
other people and did just that, including online dating, but I was always the
got under his skin and that he couldn’t stay away from.
In 2008, I found out that I was pregnant. When I told him, he was happy. H
attend my doctor appointments because his secretary threatened him. I was u
decided I could do this on my own. I am now going through a child support
he is being forced to help me. I hurt so much. What can I do?
This is the second e-mail I’ve gotten in a month where a woman is pregn
someone she does not have an exclusive, committed relationship with and want
what to do now. Unfortunately, not everything can be fixed. You allowed y
become pregnant by a man who had cheated on his wife and was still seeing his
Somehow, you thought he would treat you differently, because you were the o
“under his skin.”
Instead of focusing on what you don’t have (a cheater who doesn’t want t
his child), focus on what you do have (a child who is totally dependent on you)
thing to do now is to get child support and provide a loving and stable home
child. The bottom line is that if women make emotional rather than logical cho
it comes to getting pregnant, it rarely leads to anything good.
Write to Lucia at theartoflove.net. Read an excerpt from Lucia’s Lessons o
lessonsoflove.net. Listen to Lucia live every Sunday at 3 p.m. PST on latalkr
Remember: Love inspires, empowers, uplifts and enlightens.
Tom Strong: Deluxe Edition, Vol. Two
Alan Moore and Chris Sprouse’s world of “science heroes” returns in a seco
hardcover edition. Raised in a high gravity chamber, Tom Strong combines supe
with super intelligence. With his wife, daughter, genius ape sidekick and rob
Strong defends the towering metropolis of Millennium City and the universe i
This volume abandons the lovingly rendered world of Millennium City
locales deep in space and in the Earth’s core. Moore introduces two new c
(neither of whom are terribly compelling), Tom Strong’s female Russian co
and the prince of the inner Earth dwellers. Wife Dhalua and ape companion
get left behind. Ultimately, it was the warm send-ups of bygone comic book e
earlier stories that made Tom Strong really shine. While the first volume was so b
with ideas, this second feels somewhat wanting in comparison. Of course, Moo
altogether without invention (There is a characteristically intelligent take on tim
It is never less than enjoyable.
Grade: B+
Tom Strong: Deluxe Edition, Vol. Two is currently available.
Are you looking to break into…
Journalism? Photography? Advertising & Marke
CAMPUS CIRCLE is seeking a few enthusiastic, creative jour
photographers and aspiring sales people to join our team.
Intern Perks Include: Free Movie Screenings, Free Music
opportunity to explore L.A. like never before!
Campus Circle > Culture
W. 8th St., Los Angeles
ded as Los Angeles’ new frozen yogurt. No one
hilly austerity. We want warmth, reassurance,
e. We need a big food hug, and nothing wraps you
embrace and promises everything will be OK quite
roni and cheese. When the need strikes, rather than
or a little blue box, set your course for Downtown,
ac & Cheeza is ready to greet you with open arms.
ght to you by the culinary masterminds behind
ck’s exceptional contemporary soul food mecca,
Mac & Cheeza champions a Burger King-style
our way” attitude with their bare bones, laid-back
. Tucked unassumingly in an 8th Street storefront,
between the bustle of grungy Broadway and the
s on Spring Street, you smell Mac & Cheeza before
t. Follow that pungent garlic and cheese aroma
sunny, vaulted concrete industrial space decorated
memade macaroni art, where a conveyor belt oven
nucopia of options awaits you, and get ready to be
ining experience at Mac & Cheeza is best described
barrassment of riches. With special care for both
nd the intolerants (gluten and dairy-free diets are
ed to), diners are invited to compose their own
us. You begin with noodles, either regular or rice,
that are topped with a Cheeza base: your choice of cheese
or soy, a thick, heavily garlic bath that clings to each noodle
and bakes into a sturdy base for the add-ins that come next.
If you want to keep your mac ’n’ cheese bare, you’re welcome
to, but why not get down with your bad self and toss in some
jalapenos, barbecue chicken Or any of the other dozen-plus
choices you’re presented with?
Veggies like collard greens, black olives, peas, green
onions, mushrooms, tomatoes or spinach can be added,
along with ground beef, barbecue chicken, hot links, tuna,
bacon, ham, chorizo or veggie sausage. Then it’s all topped
with either a cheese blend or spicy toasted walnuts and sent
down their conveyor belt oven until it’s a bubbling cheesy
cauldron that’s not only delicious, but made to order.
On a recent visit, the barbecue chicken, collard greens
and tomatoes called my name. I was nervously expecting the
chicken to be something like pulled pork, but it was actually
sweet, smoky, chopped chunks of dark and white meat. The
collards, similar but mellower than the five-alarm version
served at Larkin’s, were spicy and quietly homey, balancing
nicely with the tomatoes. It was hearty, unexpected and
Unexpectedly, rice noodles mixed with the soy cheese
base and topped with spicy walnuts was just as satisfying as
anything featuring real meat or cheese. That’s the magic of
Mac & Cheeza.
Chef Larkin Mackey and co-owner Joshua McBride,
who live mere blocks from their new outpost, borrowed
the restaurant’s concept from Mackey’s brother, Sean, who
established the brand in Bakersfield. Looking for a smaller,
less cumbersome operation, Mac & Cheeza is more about
takeout and delivery, than settling in. While a few low benches
and small, end table-looking stools can be commandeered
by diners, guests are invited to grab-and-go with t
Mac ($5, plus additions), Momma Mac ($10, plus a
Daddy Mac ($15) or Mac Daddy ($20 and big enou
a small herd) compositions.
But don’t forget about dessert. At the end of th
space, conveniently located by the register just in
impulse purchases while you hungrily await your c
a refrigerator stocked with exotic sodas, cherry Koo
best of all, desserts courtesy of Mama Mackey. A ro
of sweets, also available at Larkin’s, make their wa
Mac & Cheeza. Last week saw red velvet cake and h
banana pudding featuring Nilla wafers (drool), but
known for whipping up peach cobbler, sweet potat
an outstanding “Sock-It-To-Me” cake. It’s a delecta
affair that’s not to be passed up.
See, who needs a blue box when there’s
downtown treasure?
For more information, call (213) 622-3782
Campus Circle > Music > CD R
ong on Relayted is called “The Gaudy Side of Town,”
the tune is a downbeat, silky web of aural seduction,
ight just as well refer to the “gauzy” side of town. The
ayered music that permeates Relayted is informed by
ke Roxy Music and 10CC, and producer Ryan Olson
tionally going for that sound when he assembled
p that has Zack Coulter and Adam Hurlburt of Solid
s core.
k a whole passel of artists to achieve the sound Olson
ng for, including members of the psych-rock group
irds, sax player Michael Lewis, Justin Vernon and
ce from Bon Iver and rapper P.O.S. of Rhymesayers.
ard of the Rosebuds sounds a lot like Roxy’s Bryan
standout tracks “The Walker” and “The Last Prom
” while five singers led by Megafaun’s Phil Cook pay
bute to 10CC with a lush, slow cover of “Cry,” a song
major video hit for the masterminds behind 10CC,
dley and Lol Creme.
Relayted on for an afternoon daydream, and it’s
at you’ll slide into the evening without a care in the
s currently available.
A Daddy Mac with ground beef in Mac & Cheeza
—Kevin Wierzbicki
electro-pop dance scene. “One” is an ambient noise piece that
sounds like something you’d hear in a sci-fi film that’s set in
outer space – you know the scene – the one where a spacecraft
and its crew emit a hopeless gurgle as they fry while being
sucked into some massive ball of radiation.
Mostly though, Holy F’s music takes you to a much
friendlier place. “Red Lights” is a fast-paced disco shuffle that
might be a little dangerous if you listen to it while driving.
Imagine what Prodigy would sound like if they gave one of
their songs a chill-out treatment and you have “Pigs,” while
“SHT MTN” draws inspiration from the Casio-rocking blip
fests of the New Wave era.
There’s nothing earth-shaking about Latin (and nothing
Latin, either), but it’s a fun and physically motivating listen
from beginning to end.
Grade: B
Latin is currently available.
The Dirty Heads
Any Port in a Storm
The all-weather album of the year has arrived. Any Port in a
Storm is the name of the record from the soundtrack of the
next 100 days. The Dirty Heads give listeners exactly what
they want and a bit more as well. The mix between Beastie
Boys beats and Eminem-meets-Pepper melodies hits exactly
when it should. This album surpasses, where others in this
genre stay with one style.
More than just offering a wider style of music, it’s the
too deep and just enjoy the ride. With over 20 trac
special edition, there’s something for everyone.
Grade: A
Any Port in a Storm is currently available.
If you wanted to try a taste of the new Univox al
decided to randomly pick one song to download,
you if you honed in on “All This Blood Came from M
The song is a morbid tale of murder and suicide that
performs a cappella, and their use of the musicsignificantly heightens the madness of the story.
With a cold, emotionless reading that perfectly m
mindset of a stereotypical madman, singer Josh Jon
how he killed a rival for the love of a woman and th
to kill her as well in a murder-suicide. The rest of
provides a sympathetic melody and a rhythm beh
with screeching falsetto vocals and a surf song-like
“bah-bah-bow.” The result is very powerful – you w
want to meet up with any of these whackos in a dark
The only problem is this little gem is a one-off de
typical at all of what Univox mostly favors, which i
edged blend of indie rock influenced by R.E.M. and
The recent success of MGMT shows that fans are h
music that’s a little bit out there if it’s done well, an
much of a stretch to imagine a whole wave of fre
bands like Univox riding the trend out of the under
what Dianetics can do for you
Ed Krieger
Rivera in “The King of the Desert (El Rey del Desierto)”
ng of the Desert (El Rey del Desierto)”
e 11 @ El Centro Theatre
g of the Desert” is the first theatrical production by the CoActive Content,
y Artistic Director Stacey Martino. It follows the journey of a young Mexicanboy into adulthood, growing up in the barrio and going after his dream.
René Rivera performs all of the different characters on his own with great
liveliness. It is astounding the way in which he shifts effortlessly from one
to the next, keeping the dialogue going, switching back and forth from English
ully enunciated Spanish. His performance is so well done you forget about Mr.
d become totally spellbound by each new character he brings to life.
e of his opening stories, he talks about the first play he ever did when he was 6
He played an avocado. He could remember his mother sitting in the audience
roudly at him and his teacher’s enthusiasm. When the moment came for him to
only line (to the other actor who also happened to be the bully of the school), he
got! The look on his mother and teacher’s faces turned to disappointment. After
rmance, he goes backstage to take off his avocado costume, feeling extremely
nd out of place in his dark skin among his light-skinned peers. He goes home to
mortifying evening with his drunken father who shows no sympathy. He goes
dy at the Juilliard School and then performs on Broadway.
erformance is also a great testament to director Valentino Ferreira’s work.
King of the Desert’ grew out of my hunger to understand my husband’s life and
bout my daughter’s Mexican-American heritage, “ explains playwright Stacey
“It is a story that weaves together my version of my husband’s mythology, stories
shared with me and a rich cultural lineage that deserves to be explored at this
ercent of the proceeds from the run of the show will benefit the National Latino
s Institute headquartered in San Antonio, Texas.
—Ximena Herschberg
lin Stage at the El Centro Theatre is located at 804 N. El Centro Ave., Hollywood.
information, visit plays411.com/kingofthedesert.
Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You/The Actor’s Nightmare”
y 29 @ Morgan-Wixson Theatre
eremy Aluma presents two very bodacious one-act Christopher Durang plays. r Mary Ignatius Explains It All for You” is a satirical look at the complexities of
sm’s system of beliefs. This very amusing play is a lecture given by teaching nun
ry Ignatius, played by the very talented and fearsome Joanna Churgin. That is
is interrupted by four former students in the reunion to end all reunions.
Brighid Fleming who plays Thomas, the Sister’s student, was perfect – innocent
animals. The staging also does a cool trick near the end. The play, however,
s a very old system of doing things: Catholicism. Durang does away with God
ogating a horrible representative of the religion, the Sister, with all the major
d questions. A lot of people, perhaps Durang, are introduced to God and turn
m God because of a particular religion. And for Durang to try and answer all the
” questions using a skewed interpretation of Catholicism, even if it is within a
ight, is tiresome.
econd one-act play, “The Actor’s Nightmare,” is like an exercise in all aspects
r. The story/spoof is every actor’s worst nightmare; being on stage with no
on of the lines. The play doesn’t unfold in the typical climactic action most
llows, which is what makes it absurd. Instead, it is more of a theatrical showcase
i.e., an ordinary man, George Spelvin played by Johnny Arena, finds himself
on stage during which a series of plays elicit his improvised participation. If
quirmy monologues don’t get a chuckle out of you, then perhaps you’ll enjoy the
t Primeau, who does an amazing job at playing the blind Pozzo in the “Waiting
t” portion.
hor’s note: I am not Catholic.]
Dianetics Foundation
Contact: Hubbard
4810 Sunset Blvd | (323) 953-3206
[email protected]
Of “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Tr
How have rehearsals been for this production?
This is my second show here at Reprise, and I am very blessed and happy to
The cast is so wonderful and open. They all come to “play.” We show up at rehe
Tuesday, and by Sunday we have to run through the show for our production tea
time I finish learning everything and feel that I have “My Show” down, it is clos
What’s it like being one of the younger actors in the cast?
I love it. What that means to me is there is so much more experience and know
I have to tap into and absorb. When you have such seasoned actors on stage
acting chops, you can’t help but to become a better performer.
What are the best parts about live theater?
Anything can happen. I LOVE the energy. There is nothing like feeling the whole
with you moment to moment – breathing with you, laughing with you, crying
What is one lesson you would share with young performers?
Campus Circle > Culture > G
ing for No. 1
rican games, it’s weapon preference. Western games
Indiana Jones rule that swords are cool, but guns are
efficient. You may get a laser sword here or there, but
repower comes in the wide range of death-dealing
ese games may have guns in them, but the
ming passion is definitely towards swords. Swords
se games can come in many varieties – Asian or
, long or short, historical or fantastical – but they are
entiful and far too powerful. Sometimes, they even
ds onto the guns, but these are still giant swords at
ce the games we are looking at this week come from
safe to say that you’re going to see quite a few swords.
fair, it is not so odd to see swords in a game called
Shodown Sen.” This Xbox 360 iteration of the
eo-Geo fighting franchise returns to the world of
nal swordsmen who occasionally cut each other’s
Most of your favorite characters have returned to
all group of new combatants, and the 3-D upgrade of
lassic does keep the charm of most of the characters.
ameplay, however, has received a bit of an overhaul.
t’s the all-time
estselling book
bout the mind
Now live it!
The “Street Fighter”-esque original has lost most of the high
jumping and colorful projectiles in favor of a more “Soul
Calibur”-style of combat. It does offer an interesting new
approach to an old favorite, but purists are bound to complain
that this is not the classic.
Judging this game completely on its own merits, though, it is
a fun fighting title that is remarkably tough. Certain characters
seem a bit stronger than others, but the range of weapons from
Japanese short swords to European broadswords should offer
something for gamers from any preference of fighting styles.
But then, the cowboy shows up. Yes, “Samurai Shodown
Sen” actually has a character from America named Draco whose
primary weapon is a shotgun. If this seems remarkably unfair,
it means that you have realized that a character with a weapon
that shoots in a straight line would dominate a fighting game
where the fighters are locked on a two-dimensional plane.
Players who try to sidestep may still wind up with a gut full of
buckshot thanks to the shotgun’s spread, while players who try
to get in close find that getting smacked with a shotgun seems
to hurt as much as getting stabbed with a sword. Sure, he’s a
mini-boss who is not available from the beginning, but it is a
strange addition to a game with diminished projectiles.
In other words: guns 1, swords 0.
“Monster Hunter Tri” for the Wii, on the other hand, makes
a point of sticking to the strengths of its PSP predecessor. In
this chapter of the man-on-monster, hack-and-slash franchise,
we return to the world of cartoony animations, servile cats and
ridiculously large bosses, but there is a definite step towards
a single player-centric experience. While earlier titles seemed
to toss you into a world with a bit of training and the general
directive to take missions and kill monsters, “Tri” starts off far
slower by involving the player in the lives of the characters as a
way of teaching the essentials of the game.
:Hubbard Dianetics Foundation
10 Sunset Blvd. | (323) 953-3206
[email protected]
In addition to the single-player quests to kill b
meaner monsters, “Tri” offers multiple other option
hunters. You can jump directly into a one-on-monst
match in the Arena, or meet up with (or beat up) oth
by leaving the game’s central village in favor of a
hunter-filled city.
But, of course, then come the guns. Admitted
world full of massive swords and other brutal melee
the bow gun is actually not an easy weapon. Firs
actually have to spend some coin or collect several com
to make any of the three elements of a bow gun. Once
the weapon, you have to pay attention to elements l
and amazingly slow reloading. The bowgun is a
powerful, but for solo play, you’re putting your virt
risk if you don’t have a blade.
So, with swords and guns tied up, we see the war c
Perhaps, some day, we can put the fighting behind u
to virtually kill together in harmony.
reveals summer travel tricks of the trade:
Swordplay dominates “Samurai Shodown Sen.”
Make a Stop: Sometimes making a stop as opposed to
flying nonstop can save you money.
Alternate Airports: Check alternate airports for cheaper
fares. For example, rather than flying into Miami, fly into
Fort Lauderdale. It’s 25 miles away and usually much
cheaper. I created a Web site called AlternateAirports.
com that lists all the major U.S. airports with surrounding
airports (by actual driving miles).
Sign Up for Travel Newsletters and Alerts: Sign up to
each airline’s newsletter – for a list of every airline’s Web
site (and phone number): AirlineNumbers.com. Also
check out: AirFareWatchDog.com and Yapta.com.
Twitter & Facebook Deals: Follow airlines and hotels on
Twitter and Facebook to find out about special offers.
AirTran U has a program for anyone between the ages of
18 and 22. They can fly standby for just $49, $69 or $99
Campus Circle > Culture >
Travelocity and Kayak, try Momondo.com.
results from low fare carriers like Southwest Ai
Ryan Air. They even pick up deals from travel a
To Europe: The cheapest airfares to Europe a
found if you depart from a major city. Flying t
or Ireland is usually cheapest and then you can
low fare carrier or a train.
Package Deals: Buy package deals that combi
with a hotel stay or car rental. Visit AppleVacat
FunJet.com, Gate1travel.com, PleasantHoli
STAtravel.com. Go-Today.com and VirginVacat
Couch Surfing: Don’t want to spend money o
or hostel? Log on to CouchSurfing.com, that
access to couches across the globe that you can
Train in Europe: The best way to travel in Eu
train since they are usually so efficient. RailEu
can save you money with a rail pass, which yo
get before you leave the States. Tip: To save mo
on the night trains instead of paying for a hote
College Discounts: Always carry your colleg
mention that you are a student for disco
an International Student Identity Card if
internationally (ISIC.org). A good site for
looking for domestic discounts is StudentA
eer in the Big City: Land a Job and Get a Life in New York
e the author’s early confession to New Jersey roots that makes the issue with Big
the Big City somewhat expected; in this how-to on becoming a successful New
dent and employee, Vicki Salemi spends most of her text playing out a scene
eless, telling you, Tai, that loadies generally hang on the grassy knoll over there.
e, the respectable women don’t avoid the loadies on the knoll; they avoid the
cally undesirable men who commute from Hoboken by way of PATH.
’s some decent career advice – after all, this is meant to be a guide to landing
getting your start in the city. Salemi’s not a proponent of grad school for grad
ake, she offers tips on networking on and offline, and demonstrates the format
le cover letter.
est use she makes of her time here is the encouragement to follow individuality
stence, reminding that the world’s successes “began where they were, not where
t the moment.” The 12-times rejected J.K. Rowling; college dropout Steve Jobs,
n on a calligraphy class; Milton Hershey, whose education ended with the fourth
d she’s got a bit of valuable though common advice on living on the cheap in
whilst trying to make ends meet during the duration of an internship or job
e “getting a life in New York” bit that sees Salemi going a bit bonkers with the
ugh, referring casually to Gotham approximately once per page, or warning you,
at only high school crowds hit up the holiday parades, and that on New Year’s
eal New Yorkers, are hitting up dinner soirees. Do the smart thing, will ya? She’s
sed by the tourists who gawk at the city’s skyscrapers and champions its food
ut she plays up the hey, we’re Manhattanites stereotype of glamming it up and
t top speed, in a tone that separates us from you. The advice is welcome, but
wn so much of herself into it that the welcome advice starts to grow a bit worn.
—China Bialos
r in the Big City is currently available.
te It Here! Kids’ Letters from Camp
er the grass stains on a perfectly white T-shirt, the nights of mosquito buzzing
ping, the gloppy discolored soup, the Dear (insert name here) letters crumply
to the lick-and-seal envelopes?
p. You either hated it or loved it – and you probably wrote about it.
e Falanga has selected and edited a few real kids’ letters from camp and packaged
ly together in this book. Reading it might remind you of the kid that you were
e) and the hardships and homesickness that you were once put through.
ome, packing a medium-sized duffle bag, kissing the family adieu and going
m home for a while happened to be the best move ever. For others, it took a
e letter filled with I-MISS-U’s and CALL-ME’s in order to get a parent to finally
nd that you really hated it there.
matter where you crack this book open, each letter offers a unique, comically
ste of life at camp: sizzling s’mores on a wooden stick, shivering cold swims in
nd much more.
ou can also share your camp letters or stories at psihateithere.com.
—Christine Hernandez
e It Here! is currently available.
aid Plans: When Bad Sex Happens to Good People
s had at least one really embarrassing and/or traumatizing experience with the
ex. Whether it’s a bad date, a bad breakup or a bad attempt at getting a number,
that you can be sure they all have in common: It always feels better when you
one else about what happened.
h is basically what Alexandra Lydon and Laura Kindred found out when they
eir own sexual horror stories with first, each other, then with audiences of a
pular skit show at the Upright Citizen’s Brigade Theatre and now finally with
eir book, Worst Laid Plans.
’ve ever seen a UCB show, then you’ve already got a pretty good idea that Plans
teed to keep you laughing. With an assortment of stories from fellow UCB
ast members, straight men, lesbian women and even one from “Security Guard,
Plans is 210 pages of jaw-dropping, horrifying stories of one-night stands,
s and orgies from across the country (with a few international stories thrown
d measure).
n a clever style that walks the fine line between tame and raunchy, the stories are
s so outrageous that they just have to be real. I mean, a guy with an implant the
Now-Feb. 13, 2011 @ The
Grammy Museum
Jimi Hendrix, 1968 PanAm B
New York City
artists who died within a year of each other, all at the age of 27, and whos
brought an end to one of the most fertile, experimental times in America
history. Pieces of their influential lives are now on display at the Grammy M
L.A. Live in an exhibit titled Strange Kozmic Experience that’s intensely illumin
deeply resonant.
Walking in, you’re greeted by Joplin’s 1965 Porsche 356C Cabriolet, pain
psychedelic landscape that swirls over mountains, into the night sky, and acros
disembodied faces and breasts. What else can you say but, “Trippy, man?” Th
divided into a triptych – “Strange” for Morrison’s Strange Days, “Kozmic” fo
Kozmic Blues Band and Jimi Hendrix’s “Experience” – that begins with
Arriving at the upstairs gallery, iconic images of the Doors stretch across the
photos, taken by Joel Brodsky, are some of the best known of the band, but, se
in person, they become luminously tangible.
The most striking and well-known image is one of Morrison titled “The
Poet.” Shirtless, with arms outstretched and ribs protruding, a steely, piercing ga
at the camera, it has an undeniable crucifixion quality to it. The photo was used a
on the back of the Doors self-titled debut album and has graced millions of pos
Brodsky spoke about the 1967 photo session in an interview years lat
“Morrison never really looked that way again, and those pictures have become
the Doors’ legend. I think I got him at his peak.”
Seeing that moment frozen in time, close enough that you notice details like
Morrison’s nose, is thrilling, as are other artifacts in the gallery like a poster an
the band’s appearance at the Sunset Strip’s Whisky a Go Go penned by hand
On a much more personal level, visitors are invited to read letters written
and addressed to her family. Dating from 1966 to 1970, they are amazingly
and speak to the singer’s most personal side. The first, sent on an ornately
paper you might expect to find on the desk of a Russian czar rather than in the
the whiskey-swilling soul singer, begins, “I managed to pass my – gasp – 27th
without really feeling it.” Knowing that would be the last birthday Joplin celeb
rest of the letter carries an undeniably poignancy as well as clues to Joplin’s p
Considering the tumultuous relationship she had with her parents, especially h
when she writes, “After you reach a certain level of talent the deciding factor is
or how much you really need, need to be loved ...,” you have to assume that was
main things driving her to success, especially when another reads, “I’m awfull
be such a disappointment to you.”
By comparison, Jimi Hendrix, first seen in a photo juggling a joint and a
both in one hand, is an enigma. While Morrison and Joplin allowed their lives
documented in photos and video, Hendrix’s photos seem more like stolen mom
posed opportunities. Perhaps because he seems so elusive, the black-and-white
him are incredibly compelling.
Moving into the archival side of the exhibit, a short video highlighting each
plays on one side, while displayed on the other side are personal artifacts and
objects spanning their career.
Some of the many items on view include Morrison’s driver’s license,
address as 8721 Sunset Boulevard, and the cymbal John Densmore used for “
the Storm.” For Joplin, who sang like no other woman had before and redefine
of women in rock, you can check out things like her yearbook, the guitar she
play “Me and Bobby McGee” on and an American Express card that raises t
question: Do you think Janis didn’t leave home without it?
For Hendrix, whose display includes footage of his rendition of “The Star
Banner” at Woodstock guaranteed to give you chills, you can read handwritte
an unfinished song as well as “Who Knows” and “Gypsy Eyes,” which many
about his mother, and see the American flag shirt he lost in a ping-pong match
e latter part of the Bush era, a nation restless for
und hope in a silly little slogan – “Yes, we can.” As an
olitician beat the odds and won his party’s primaries
o the president, so an unlikely big league club from
California playing .500 ball defied expectations and
division. There was magic in those days, a crazy
t anything was possible.
ng back from our wizened 2010 perspective, it’s hard
el some nostalgia. We might say that the sweeping
oped for in the political realm or, say, a World Series
e baseball world were unrealistic fantasies, yet one
emember fondly the excitement to be found in hope.
o we arrive at the quandary of Dodger fans: how to
in the pits of despair. OK, that’s a little dramatic,
ertainly fair to say there are very legitimate concerns.
20 percent of the season already completed, the Blue
ds itself sitting not-so-pretty in the cellar of the NL
it’s no accident. In short, the pitching stinks.
ne of the three healthy confirmed starting pitchers,
uroda, Chad Billingsley or Clayton Kershaw, has
onsistency. Opening day starter Vicente Padilla
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is unavailable for at least a month due to injury. And the
remaining two starting spots are occupied by … umm, that
would be an unknown at the moment. Is it knuckleballer
Charlie Haeger with a record of 0-4 and an ERA above eight?
Would it be damaged goods out of the bullpen the likes of
Jeff Weaver, Ramon Ortiz or some fresh-faced and untested
innocent, à la Carlos Monasterios or John Ely?
At this point, it is anyone’s guess. Those who find this type
of uncertainty unsettling, especially at this time of the season,
would be advised to remember good ol’ 2008. That too was a
hobbled club. Of course, the situation was different. Back then
it was their offense that was the problem.
Point is, the Dodgers were not considered a formidable
team, and through most of the season their record bore this
out hovering around .500 for most of the year. And yet, down
the stretch they found magic. Sparked by the arrival of Manny
Ramirez and Casey Blake, the team brought a fiery energy
to the field and were consequently able to run away with the
division title.
It wasn’t pretty you’ll remember. Even with Ramirez and
Blake, there were dismal losing streaks as long as eight games.
There were times when the young club hung their heads in
gloom after another tough loss. But they also managed to find
the mystical component so essential to winning clubs. They
discovered a “chemistry” that allowed for the team to bond
as a whole, to pull for one another and bring about successful
results on the field.
In a sense, the fantastic start of the 2009 season could
be seen as a continuation of that melded spirit formulated
in 2008. The dynamic optimism, which propelled the team
last year, began to decline when it was revealed that the
organization was unable or unwilling to spend the money to
patch its weak spots in the starting rotation. And regrettably
Andre Ethier leads the league in batting average and hom
that continues to be the case.
Yet, if 2008 teaches us anything, it is that chemis
reignited from the most unexpected sources. There
lining to the Dodgers’ mediocre start this year. Rami
to be holding up even after a strain in his hamstri
Ethier is leading the league in batting average and h
and closer Jonathan Broxton is still hitting 100 mp
radar gun. As for the competition, the Dodgers h
surprisingly well against teams in their own divisi
6-3 in this young season.
Manager Joe Torre, ever the optimist, points ou
held up well in our division, and if we continue t
maybe we can get on a little roll.”
Yet, also the realist, he adds, “We have to do it
Nobody is going to do us any favors.”
All stats as of May 10.
Seattle’s Steve Zakuani gets a shove from Galaxy goa
Donovan Ricketts May 8.
With a recent two-game road trip, the Galaxy collected impressive wins to improve their unbeaten record
(22 points) and remain atop of the Western Conference standings.
On May 8, the club traveled to Washington, squaring off against the Seattle Sounders in a pivotal affair for
However, as soon as Los Angeles gained a 1-0 edge at the 22nd minute when Jovan Kirovski fired a shot th
goalkeeper’s hands, the visitors never looked back. The Galaxy earned a dominating 4-0 result, led by Landon D
first season goal and three assists.
For this campaign thus far, Donovan leads the league in assists with a total of nine. Defenders Omar Gon
Todd Dunivant scored the other goals for the team, who also played outstanding defensively. That resulted in g
Donovan Ricketts’ sixth shutout of the year, a league best as well.
As a group, the Galaxy have registered 15 offensive scores and surrendered only two. They are atop of the
statistics in the MLS. Forward Edson Buddle, who did not score on the road trip, is the team and league’s lead
with nine.
Days before flying to the Pacific Northwest, the Galaxy visited the Colorado Rapids in Denver May 5; t
away with a 1-0 victory. While diving in the air, forward Alan Gordon headed the ball into the upper area of t
Chuck Palahniuk
Largo at the Coronet, 366 N. La Cienega Blvd.,
Los Angeles; chuckpalahniuk.net
The legendary author of Fight Club and Choke
discusses his newest book, Tell-All. Pre-signing
begins for the first 100 ticket holders at 6:30 p.m. 8
p.m. $35 (book included).
WorldFest Earth Day Festival
tioned Lounge, 2819 Pico Blvd.,
nica; dateanddash.com
Mr. or Ms. Right by going on
ni-dates with other professionals
22 to 32 who have college degrees.
cess rate is about 90 percent, but
on’t get a match they give you
vent free. 8:30 p.m. $35.
Woodley Park, 6350 Woodley Ave.,
Van Nuys; worldfestevents.com
A solar-powered celebration of great music,
empowering speakers, environmental,
humanitarian and animal welfare nonprofits and a delicious food court. 10:30
a.m.-7 p.m. $7.
Museum’s Billy Wilder Theatre,
lshire Blvd., Westwood;
neak preview of this eye-opening
tary, Academy Award-winning
director Brigitte Berman makes
hat Hefner’s legacy extends well
layboy. Berman and Hefner are
be there in person to discuss the
p.m.-9:30 p.m. $10.
MAY 14
ad Special
niger’s STREET, 742 N. Highland
ywood; eatatstreet.com
commencement is today, and
s can take advantage of $5 drink
nd 20 percent off delicious food
h a valid USC I.D. This offer is
ugh June 30.
ms of the Arroyo Day
dmission to and free shuttle service
Heritage Square, the Los Angeles
torical Society Museum and the
Home and Garden in Los Angeles,
Gamble House and Pasadena
of History in Pasadena. The 21st
y event promises to bring crowds,
e early. 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
ervais LIVE: Out of
eatre, 777 Chick Hearn Ct.,
wn; rickygervais.com
a fan of “The Office,” “Extras” or
/52 ")''%3
We know
why the
bride is blushing.
70% O
d Dash
efner: Playboy, Activist
For Bachelor Boys...
A Cinematic Celebration of Jerry
Mann Chinese 6, 6801 Hollywood
Blvd., Hollywood & Highland; disney.
Five of the prolific producer’s block–
busters are shown again on the big screen
(with introductions by various cast
members) at 7 p.m.: Armageddon, Beverly
Hills Cop, National Treasure and Top Gun.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the
Black Pearl is showing at the El Capitan
across Hollywood Boulevard at 7:30 p.m.
Matthew’s Legacy: The Struggle
for Equality and Acceptance
1310 11th St., Santa Monica; facinghistory.
In 1998, Judy Shepard lost her beloved
son, Matthew, to a malicious murder
motivated by anti-gay hate. Turning
tragedy into a crusade for justice, and
determined to prevent Matthew’s fate
from befalling others, she established the
Matthew Shepard Foundation. Join her for
a Community Conversation. 7 p.m. FREE.
Bobblehead Night
Dodger Stadium, 1000 Elysian Park Ave., Los
Angeles; losangeles.dodgers.mlb.com
The first 50,000 fans in attendance
receive an Andre Ethier Bobblehead. 7:10
p.m. Tix start at $12.
For more events, visit
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What’s up?
OMG! Friday night was a blast.
You should have seen the crowd.
The people were going nuts,
and so did we. My best friend
was sooo excited – she nearly
fainted. LOL. Saturday night was
“GIRLS” night. We were looking
were you? XOXO
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