ACTO`s activities and role
ACTO`s activities and role
4th. World Water Forum Mexico City, March 18, 2006 ACTO’s activities and role Rosalía Arteaga Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization First Part ACTO Institutional ACT O: In operation since 2003 (The Treaty was signed in 1978) Goal: To protec the environment of the Amazon, a region of strategic importance for the 8 Member States. Interest: To deal with themes of importance for the whole region instead of problems particular to only one Amazon country. Mission: To reinforce and build technical and financing mechanisms, as well as complementary joint policies aimed at the establishment of a process of regional integration and sustainable development, promoting the active participation of the State Members and regional and local actors in the preparation and execution of plans, programs and projects, thus increasing its capacity of negotiation in a global level in themes important for the region. ACTO’s sphere of intervention ¾Political dialogue (multi-thematic, multiinstitutional). ¾Support to the preparation and implementation of strategies and regional programs. ¾Implementation of initiatives and projects of supranational character (strategic approach). Framework for development: ¾There are structural and historical problems which demand solution in the long run. ¾Integrated action is need: executive and legislative branches of the government at various levels, civil society, cooperation agencies, etc. ¾The liberalization of global markets has contributed to the increase of social and regional inequalities, owing to greater vulnerability to which less competitive economies are exposed. ¾ The quest for a regional strategy must include themes which go beyond national limits, stressing the importance of a regional approach. ¾ Market alone has not been capable of distributing income or regulating access to natural resources, leaving to the State a important role in the management of territory. Some challenges: ¾Demystify that the region is uninhabited and deserted ¾Understand its complexity ¾Turn its natural riches into economic opportunities to the population, promoting income distribution. ¾Protect the natural resources for future generation ¾Promote social welfare ¾Adapt legislation to local reality: without an appropriated legal basis, it is difficult to have a social organization conducive to development. ¾Reinforce and integrate local institutions. ¾Involve local actors in all levels. ¾Promote sustainable planning. ¾Enhance management : reducing the gap between expectation and actual results. ¾Flexible regional integration adapted to reality. Strategic Plan: Sustainable Development of the Amazon Region Ejes Estratégicos Plannig Process Conservation and Sustainable Use of Nat. Resources Knowledge Management and Technological Exchange Regional Integration and Competitive ness Institutional Strengthening 9Water Programmatic Areas 9Forests, Soils, Protectd Natural Areas 9Biological Diversity, Bio-technology, Biotrade 9Territory Ordering, Human Settlements and Indigenous Affairs 9Social Infrastructure: Health and Education 9Transportation, Electric Power and Communication Infrastructure ACTO: Strategic Alliances OAS: Agreement on themes related to sustainable development and hydrologic resources CAF: Elaboration of a proposal of a Solidarity Development Found Andean Community Coordination agreement for regional and thematic cooperation UNCTAD: Biotrade FAO: Integrated Forestry Management, criteria of sustainability UNAMAZ: Reinforcement of the Amazon Universities Network COICA: Indigenous Community BID (IADB): Regional action plan for biological diversity OPS/ OMS: Endemic illness, epidemiological vigilance Intl. Coop. BMZ/GTZ, USAID, CYTED Plata Basin: Exchange of information WWF Preparation of a proposal for protected areas ABC-Brazil South – South cooperation on forests PNUMA (UNEP) Promote the report GEO AMAZON Priorities for 2006 a) Policies on conservation and sustainable development; b) Reinforcement of the political and institutional basis of ACT; c) Influence on the formulation and compatibility of policies; d) Knowledge management and local political dialogue for sustainable development; e) South American integration; and f) Financing of projects and use of resources. Second Part Challenges regarding the sustainable use of hydrologic resources of the Amazon Challenges for the Integrated and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources in the Amazon River Basin • Largest hydrographic basin of the planet in extension and water volume. • Integrated management of 8 countries, 4 official languages and numberless indigenous populations • Transboundary division of the basin • Management of Andean and Amazon Plain zones (water flow) Largest hydrographic basin of the planet in extension and water volume MAIORES RIOS DO MUNDO EM DESCARGA (m³\s) 0 Mekong (Vietnã) 50.000 18.000 Mississipi (USA) 18.000 Paraná ( Bacia do Prata - Brasil-argentina) Orinoco (Venezuela) Yangtse (China) Ganges (Índia) Congo (África) Amazonas (Brasil) 150.000 200.000 250.000 15.770 Lena (ex- URSS) Ienissei (China) 100.000 19.990 22.800 28.700 31.350 43.800 46.200 209.000 Discharge of the largest rivers of the world Total Amazonas Porcentaje 175.000 14,97 Congo 40.000 3,4 Orinoco 36.000 3,06 Misissipi 17.000 1,44 907.000 77,13 Demás ríos FUENTE: Amazonía sin mitos. Distribution of the countries in the Amazon basin Vulnerabilities of the Amazon basin Extreme events – Draughts and Floods Climate’s vulnerability Possible effects of Global Climate Changes Third Part ACTO’s role in the Management of Water in the Amazon basin The ACT and the hydrological resources ARTICLE V. Taking account of the importance and multiplicity of the functions which the Amazonian rivers have in the process of economic and social development of the region, the Contracting Parties shall make efforts aimed at achieving rational utilization of water resources. The ACT and navigation ARTICLE III. In accordance with and without prejudice to the rights granted by unilateral acts, to the provisions of bilateral treaties among the Parties and to the principles and rules of International Law, the Contracting Parties mutually guarantee, on a reciprocal basis, that there shall be complete freedom of commercial navigation on the Amazon and other international Amazonian rivers, observing the fiscal and police regulations in force now or in the future within the territory of each. Such regulations should, insofar as possible, be uniform and favor said navigation and trade. ARTICLE VI. In order to enable the Amazonian rivers to become an effective communication link among the Contracting Parties and with the Atlantic Ocean, the riparian states interested in any specific problem affecting free and unimpeded navigation shall, as circumstances may warrant, undertake national, bilateral or multilateral measures aimed at improving and making the said rivers navigable. PARAGRAPH: For this purpose, they shall carry out studies on the means for eliminating physical obstacles to the said navigation as well as the economic and financial implications so as to put into effect the most appropriate operational measures. The ACT and water, population and health in the Amazon basin ARTICLE VIII. The Contracting Parties decide to promote coordination of the present health services in their respective Amazonian territories and to take other appropriate measures to improve the sanitary conditions in the region and perfect methods for preventing and combating epidemics. Resolution issued at the 9th. Meeting of Foreign Ministers, in Iquitos (November 2005) Resolution no. 10/IX MRE RESOLVES: TO REGISTER with satisfaction OTCA/PNUMA/OEA Project; the beginning of the GEF Amazonas TO OFFER support, both technical and political, to guarantee the satisfactory execution of the said project and to make advances in the sustainable management of water resources in the Amazon Basin which correspond to one of the strategic resources of the Amazon countries. ACTO’s direct accion GEF AMAZONAS PROJECT Integrated and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources in the Amazon River Basin ACTO – GEF – UNEP - OAS Goal The goal of this project is to strengthen the institutional framework for planning and executing, in a coordinated and coherent manner, activities for the protection and sustainable management of the land and water resources of the Amazon River Basin Amazon basin Integrated management of 8 countries, 4 languages and numberless indigenous populations The importance of the project The project started in October 2005 and is supported by the Global Environmental Facilities (GEF), the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP which works as GEF implementing organization) and the Organization of American States (OAS, which is the international executing organization). ACTO is responsible for the project direction at regional level. The initiative is of major relevance to the Amazon region since it shall prepare a program of strategic actions to water management, based on a consensual view shared by the basin’s countries. Phases of the projetc . public participation for the management of hydrological resources Integrated and sustainable management of water use Forecasting the hydrological impacts of climatic variation and adaptation to change Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building for Integrated Water Resource Management Vision for the Basin and Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis process Main Problems related to the use of hydrological resouerces and of the soil in the Amazon •Impacts of climate variation – droughts and floods •Lack of basic sanitation and its relation to illnesses of hydrological transmission •Uncontrolled use of underground water •Irrational exploitation of water resources •Environmental impacts of hydroelectric production •Heavy metal pollution •River navigation impacts •Impacts of deforestation •Impacts of crude oil exploitation Action for the prevention of extreme events (draughts and floods) • Assure availability of drinkable water, food and medicine to the population affected • Increase de use of underground water • Keep in operation system of alert on radio and TV, keeping the population well informed • Keep diseases under control, especially those transmitted by water • Information system about water for extreme events in the Amazon • Vulnerability charting for extreme events – droughts and floods • Emergency plans against droughts and floods – with public authorities and civil society 1st Meeting of National Coordinators of the project The 1st Meeting of National Coordinators of the project was held on February 15th and 16th at the headquarters of the Permanent Secretariat to the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) in Brasilia. The meeting aimed at discussing, among other topics, the view to the Basin and the analytical transboundary diagnosis; institutional strengthening and training to the integrated water resources management; the hydrological impacts of the global climatic variation and adjustment to climatic changes; integrated and sustainable management of water use and public participation in the public management of water resources. The national coordinators are members of the staff of water resources authorities in the eight Country Members. Bolivia – SENAMHI: Carlos Díaz Escóbar Brazil – ANA: Paulo Varella Colombia – IDEAM: Hebert Gonzalo Rivera Ecuador – CNRH: Víctor Mendoza Andrade Guyana – Dilip Jaigopaul Peru – Miguel Herrera Suriname – Margaret Kerkhoffs-Zerp Venezuela – Rodolfo Roa Thank you