rtv • slovenia - RTV Slovenija
rtv • slovenia - RTV Slovenija
RTV•SLOVENIA ANNUAL•REPORT P R O G R A M M E S • A N D • B U S I N E S S O P E R AT I O N S • O F T H E P U B L I C S E R V I C E B R O A D C A S T E R • R T V • S LO V E N I A • I N • 2 0 0 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Presentation of RTV Slovenia Management bodies Organisational structure Management structure and programme diagram of RTV Slovenia 7 8 9 12 14 MANAGEMENT BODIES REPORTS Director General’s report Report of the Chairman of the Programme Council Report of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Independent auditor’s report 18 21 22 25 PROGRAMME REPORT PROGRAMMES OF RADIO SLOVENIA Radio Slovenia Channel 1 Radio Slovenia Channel 2 ≤ Val 202 Radio Slovenia Channel 3 ≤ ARS Channel News and experimental development programmes OU Music programmes and Music production Radio Koper ≤ regional radio programme Radio Maribor ≤ regional radio programme Radio Slovenia International PROGRAMMES OF TELEVISION SLOVENIA EPU News programme EPU Culture and Arts programme EPU Entertainment programme EPU Sports programme Parliamentary channel Experimental programme Regional TV programme Koper ≤ Capodistria Regional TV programme Maribor Data on the achieved programme quota PROGRAMMES FOR THE NATIONAL COMMUNITIES Programmes for the Italian national community Programmes for the Hungarian national community MULTIMEDIA CENTRE Multimedia Centre Record label INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION 27 34 36 38 39 40 42 44 45 47 48 49 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 63 64 65 71 72 73 79 BUSINESS REPORT REPORT ON THE GOALS AND RESULTS ACHIEVED 83 Strategic goals of RTV Slovenia 84 Annual goals of RTV Slovenia 84 Performance analysis 85 Assessment of business performance 96 Assessment of operations of the system of internal financial control 97 INVESTMENTS 100 OU TRANSMITTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS 104 TECHNICAL SUPPORT 109 The Radio production organisational unit 110 The Television production organisational unit 111 HUMAN RESOURCES, ORGANISATION, EDUCATION AND LEGAL MATTERS 117 Human Resources 118 Organisation of work 118 Education and training 119 Legal department 120 DEPARTMENT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT 121 COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT 122 MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS 123 Marketing of RTV programmes 123 Public Relations 124 AWARDS AND PRIZES 131 WHO IS WHO 134 FINANCIAL REPORT ON CD This report was prepared by Accessibility of RTV Slovenia’s programme output RTV Slovenia’s programme output is available through the following channels: • terrestrial wireless systems in Slovenia; • cable networks in Slovenia and those countries that signed re-broadcast contracts (in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, Czech Republic, Hungary); • via Hot Bird 8 Satellite, 13 degrees East, 12.30288 GHz, y-polarisation 27.500 - ¾, Wide Beam; • through RTV Slovenia’s web site www.rtvslo.si. Broadcasts intended for other countries are regularly aired on cable systems in Germany, USA, Canada, Argentina, Australia, and on cable channels 3-sat, Europe by Satellite and Scuola. Published by: RTV Slovenia Edited by: Public Relations Department of RTV Slovenia Photos: Stane Sršen, Darko Koren, Žiga Culiberg, Concept and Design: Edita Gazibara Borut Cvetko/Mediaspeed, Zaklop.com, Ivona LjubiËiË, Production, text break and graphic preparation: Mediamix Blaž Svetina, Roberto Colussi in drugi. Translation: PSD d.o.o. Print: Tiskarna Januš • Anton Guzej, Director General of RTV Slovenia; • Vinko Vasle, Director of Radio Programmes, with Zdenka Bakalar, acting editor-in-chief, news and experimental development programmes; Tatjana Pirc, editor-in-chief of Channel 1; Mirko Štular, editor-in-chief of Channel 2; Mirjam Bevc Peressutti, acting editor-in-chief of Channel 3; Vlado KrejaË, acting editor-in-chief of EPU Regional Broadcasting Centre (Radio Maribor); SreËko Trglec, editor-in-chief, radio channel for foreign public (Radio Slovenia International); and Maja Kirar, editor-in-chief of EPU Regional Broadcasting Centre (Radio Koper); • Jože Možina, Director of TV programmes, with Rajko GeriË, editor-in-chief of EPU News programme; Jani Virk, editorin-chief of EPU culture and arts programme; Petar RadoviÊ, editor-in-chief of EPU entertainment programme; Mile JovanoviÊ, editor-in-chief of EPU sports programme; Ljerka Bizilj; editor-in-chief of EPU parliamentary channel; Nataša Segulin, editor-in-chief of EPU Regional television centre (TV Koper); and Polona Pivec, editor-in-chief of EPU Regional television centre (Tele M); • Antonio Rocco, Assistant Director General for Italian Programmes, with Aljoša CuraviÊ, editor-in-chief of EPU Radio programme for the Italian national community, and Roberto Apollonio, editor-in-chief of EPU Television programme for the Italian national community; • Helena Zver, Assistant Director General for Hungarian programmes, with Mirjana LovriÊ, editor-in-chief of EPU Tel- • • • • • • • • • • • • • evision programme for the Hungarian national community, and Jožef Vegi, editor-in-chief of EPU Radio channel for the Hungarian national community; Boris Rener, Head of Music programmes and Music production; Zvezdan MartiË, Head of Multimedia Centre, with Igor PirkoviË, acting editor-in-chief of Multimedia Centre, and Mojca Menart, editor of Record label RTV Slovenia; Barbara ZemljiË, Head of Programme Controlling; Bogdan Hribar, Head of Central Planning Department; Igor KrË, Head of OU Radio production; Janko Bolka, acting Head of OU Television production; Anica Žgajnar, acting Assistant Director General for Business economics and Head of Accounting service; Miran Dolenec, Head of OU Transmitters and Connections; Cvetka Žirovnik, Assistant Director General for Organisation, Human Resources and Education, in cooperation with Sašo Novak, Head of Human Resources, and Marjan Kralj, Head of Education Centre; Silvester Kink, Head of Informatics and Documentation Department; Katarina Novak, Head of Commercial Department; Marko Filli, Assistant Director General for Technology, Investments and Engineering, and Matjaž Fajdiga, Head of Systemic Development Service; Maja Kolenc, Head of Marketing of RTV Programmes, and Sabrina PovšiË Štimec, Head of Public Relations Department. INTRODUCTION PRESENTATION OF RTV SLOVENIA professional ethics of reporters, and consistently distinguish information and comments in journalists’ contributions; and protect children and youth from content that could impair their mental or physical development. RTV Slovenia is a public institution of special cultural and national importance. It renders public service in the field of radio and television activities to serve the democratic, social and cultural needs of Slovenian citizens and Slovenian emigrants, members of the Italian and Hungarian national minorities in the Republic of Slovenia, and provide other services in accordance with the RTV Slovenia Act. RTV Slovenia is obliged to ensure authentic and unbiased information broadcasting, high-quality educational broadcasts, and to produce TV feature broadcasts; it must create documentaries of national importance and offer its own high-quality products for children, youth and the elderly. Pursuant to the RTV Slovenia Act, the public institution is obliged to provide two (2) national television channels; three (3) national radio channels; radio and television channels from regional RTV centres in Koper and in Maribor; one radio and television channel for the Italian and Hungarian national communities, respectively; radio and television broadcasts for the Roma ethnic community; radio and television programmes for Slovenian national minorities in the neighbouring countries and for Slovenian emigrants and workers abroad; radio and television programmes for the foreign public; and Teletext, Internet and a mobile portal. RTV Slovenia is also obliged to produce a special television channel which airs live broadcasts and recordings of sessions of the National Assembly of RS and its working bodies. In addition, the employees of RTV Slovenia are obliged to make high-quality entertainment content for all age groups, and provide information on all important cultural, political, historical, sports, social and economic events. RTV Slovenia supports the creation and development of crossborder radio and television projects; it offers programmes for the blind, the visually impaired, the deaf and the hearing impaired, using specially adapted techniques, and special attention is devoted to the disabled and relevant programme content. The institution presents and promotes Slovenian culture and science, encourages cultural creativity and freedom of artistic creation, and ensures the creation, reproduction and presentation of artistic works. Within the institution of RTV Slovenia, the following are also active: the Symphony Orchestra, the Big Band, the Chamber Choir and the Children’s and Youth Choir; a group of music producers and Nototeka, who dedicate most of their time and work to producing and adapting musical works and enriching the musical archives of RTV Slovenia with their achievements. It should be noted that they are very active in the field of concerts and performances in Slovenia and abroad, which contributes significantly to the promotion of RTV Slovenia and Slovenia itself. Special attention is also devoted to the situation and activities of registered religious communities and the development of general linguistic and political culture. RTV Slovenia strives to improve the understanding of national culture, history and identity, encourages sports activities, and informs the public about health, environmental protection and consumer protection issues. RTV Slovenia also has its own record label, Založba kaset in plošË, which releases CDs, audio tapes and video tapes and DVDs. The national programmes are required to reach at least 90 % of Slovenia’s population, or 90 % of the territory inhabited by the members of the Italian and Hungarian national minorities in the case of programmes for these two minorities. Religious and political propaganda is strictly prohibited, except in party political broadcasts, which are regulated in detail by legislation. RTV Slovenia strives to extend its activities, and to this end is developing the Multimedia Centre, where teletext, an Internet site of the multimedia portal (www.rtvslo.si) and WAP portal (wap.rtvslo.si) are created. The Multimedia Centre is also responsible for the creation of three info channels (children’s channel, entertainment channel and news channel) and for the subtitling of broadcasts for the deaf and the hearing impaired. RTV is funded from various sources: RTV licence fees, commercial activities, the state budget and donations and other sources, in accordance with legislation and the Articles of Association. RTV licence fee payers are households with a radio and television receiver in the Republic of Slovenia, where technical conditions enable the reception of at least one RTV Slovenia channel. It is deemed that every electricity subscriber owns such a receiver and is therefore liable to RTV licence fee, unless they submit a special declaration, as per the Act. There are over 600,000 consumers liable to pay the RTV licence fee. Pursuant to the RTV Slovenia Act, RTV Slovenia is obliged to follow the principles of accuracy, objectivity and integrity of information, respect for the human personality and dignity, political even-handedness, and a plurality of worldviews. The institution must respect the principles of constitutionality and regularity when creating programmes, which entails a strict prohibition on cultural, religious, sexual, racist, national or any other form of intolerance. The public institution must ensure the integral and unbiased rendering of information and the freedom to form opinions; it must respect the principle of political independence and journalistic freedom, enforce the The founder of the public institution RTV Slovenia is the Republic of Slovenia. The institution’s management is public. There are 29 members on the Programme Council. The Italian and Hungarian national minority each appoint one member; one member is appointed by the Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts (SAZU); two members are appointed by the President of the Republic of Slovenia on a proposal from the registered religious communities; three members are directly elected by employees of the institution, and these members represent the information section, culture and arts, and technology, respectively; five members are appointed by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, and nominated by political parties, whereby the representation of the parties in the National Assembly must be taken into account; sixteen members appointed by the National Assembly are nominated by viewers and listeners, universities and faculties, societies and associations of societies and their organisations, especially in the arts, culture, science and journalism, as well as other civil society organisations, with the exception of political parties and their organisations. The Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia has eleven members, five appointed by the National Assembly, four by the Government, and two by the employees of RTV Slovenia. MANAGEMENT BODIES a) Programme Council of RTV Slovenia Responsibilities: • adopts programme standards and programme concepts in accordance with the RTV Slovenia Act and the Act regulating the media, and in accordance with international legislation; • adopts the programme-production plan streamlined with the institution’s financial capabilities; • adopts programme schemes; • regularly discusses the implementation of adopted programme concepts and the production plan and provides the Director General with further instructions regarding the elimination of deficiencies in these areas; • discusses the realisation of the adopted programme concepts; • discusses comments and proposals from viewers and listeners and takes a position in this respect. When determining programme policies and in cases of well-founded complaint, submits instructions to the Director General regarding necessary changes in the programmes; • gives its consent to the Articles of Association of the Public Service Broadcaster RTV Slovenia; • provides opinions regarding the proposed financial plan; • appoints and dismisses the Director General of RTV Slovenia and gives its prior consent to the appointment and dismissal of Radio and Television Directors; • decides on other issues regarding programming, when this is stipulated by the Articles of Association; • decides on other matters, when so stipulated by the law or Articles of Association. The structure of the Programme Council in the mandate 2006≤2010 (constituted on January 24, 2006): President of the Programme Council of RTV Slovenia Stane Granda, Ph.D. Deputy President Jože Hribernik 1. Member appointed by the Hungarian national community Elizabeta Bernjak, Ph.D. 2. Member appointed by the Italian national community Maurizio Tremul 3. Member appointed by SAZU Janko Kos, Ph.D. 4. Members appointed by the President of RS Janez Gril, Ph.D. Saša PaukoviÊ 5. Members elected by the employees of RTV Slovenia Slavko Bobovnik (information section) Nataša BolËina Žgavec (culture and arts section) Tom Zalaznik (technical section) 6. Members appointed by the National Assembly (as nominated by political parties) Jana Bezenšek, Ph.D. Jože Hribernik Tino MamiÊ Boris Vezjak, Ph.D. Jernej Pikalo, Ph.D. 7. Members appointed by the National Assembly (on the proposal from viewers and listeners) Boris Cipot Boris Grabrijan Stane Granda, Ph.D. Tomaž Habe Peter JanËiË Tanja Kuštrin Bine Matoh Leon Oblak, Ph.D. Stanko Okoliš, M.Sc. Hubert Požarnik, Ph.D. Peter Rudl Jože Snoj Anton Šepetavc, M.Sc. Ivan Janez Štuhec, Ph.D. Marjan Terpin Matevž TomšiË, Ph.D. The structure of the Supervisory Board in the mandate 2006≤2010 (constituted on January 26, 2006): President of the Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia Franc Orešnik Deputy President Tomaž Glažar 1. Members appointed by the National Assembly Nikola DamjaniÊ Tomaž Glažar Klemen JakliË, M.Sc. Franc Orešnik Igor Šetinc, M.Sc. 2. Members appointed by the Government of RS Janez »adež Silvo Škornik, M.Sc. Matjaž Durjava, Ph.D. Sonja Heine 3. Members elected by the employees of RTV Slovenia Martin Žvelc Mateja Vodeb, M.Sc. c) Business and Programme Management of RTV Slovenia The Director General is selected and appointed by the Programme Council of RTV Slovenia on the basis of a public tender. The Director of radio programmes and Director of television programmes are appointed by the Director General on the basis of a public tender after prior consent from the Programme Council of RTV Slovenia. The Assistant Director General for Radio and Television for the Italian national community and Assistant Director General for Radio and Television for the Hungarian national community are appointed by Director General, in agreement with the Programme Board for Italian national programme and Programme Board for Hungarian national programme, respectively. The duration of their mandate is the same as that of the Director General’s mandate. Editors-in-chief are appointed and dismissed by the Director General on the proposal of the Directors of radio and television programmes. Editors-in-chief must be selected by public tender. A public tender for the programmes of Multimedia, Teletext, and the Internet and the mobile portal is also carried out by Radio and Television Directors. The Director General independently appoints managers, which ensures the sound operation of the business management system. The mandate of editors-in-chief is four years. b) Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia Responsibilities: • adopts Articles of Association on the basis of the prior consent of the Programme Council; • adopts the financial plan and annual report of the public institution, and decides on the distribution of any surplus of revenue over expenses; • determines the prices of services that are not part of the public service; • prescribes how radio and television receivers are to be reported or temporarily or permanently signed-off; • determines in detail how licence fees are to be settled, and the criteria for write-offs, partial write-offs, postponement and instalment payments, in accordance with the relevant legislation; • decides on tariffs and other conditions for the broadcasting of programmes of other broadcasters; • supervises the business operations of RTV Slovenia; • supervises the book-keeping and legitimacy of business operations, and reviews periodical accounts; • has the right to access all of institution’s documents, including those regarding the operation of transmitters and connections; • decides on other matters, as stipulated by the Act or Articles of Association. 11 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE • RADIO SLOVENIA Programme-production unit The Radio Slovenia Programme-production unit creates, prepares, broadcasts and archives national radio programmes. The professional programme-production activities of Radio Slovenia are managed and coordinated by the unit’s director. The assistant Directors General for these two programmes are responsible for professional programme activities with regard to the national programmes. The programme-production unit Radio Slovenia consists of four editorial production units (EPU) headed by editors-in-chief, and two organisational units (OU): • EPU Channel 1, • EPU Channel 2, • EPU Channel 3, • EPU of news and experimental development programmes. • RTV Slovenia’s units in accordance with the Articles of Association of RTV Slovenia (valid from October 16, 2006) • TELEVISION SLOVENIA Programme-production unit • TELEVISION PRODUCTION organisational unit • RADIO SLOVENIA Programme-production unit • RADIO PRODUCTION organisational unit • MUSIC PROGRAMMES AND MUSIC PRODUCTION organisational unit • MULTIMEDIA CENTRE Programme-production unit • Regional RTV Centre KOPER - CAPODISTRIA (Centro Regionale RTV Koper - Capodistria) Programme-production unit • Regional RTV CENTRE MARIBOR Programme-production unit • TRANSMITTERS AND CONNECTIONS organisational unit • Radio Production organisational unit Radio production is a separate organisational unit which provides technical services, production, post-production and the broadcasting of radio programmes in line with the needs of the programme-production unit Radio Slovenia. The organisational structure is subject to the requirements and needs of the public service of radio and television activities and multimedia carried out by RTV Slovenia. In addition to the public service, RTV Slovenia performs the following commercial activities: • marketing of advertising time and programmes; • technical and telecommunication services that are not part of the public service; • letting of broadcast infrastructure and other real estate; • publishing and concert activities; • marketing programme services, including interactive programme services; • commercial use of archival material; • education and professional training, with the exception of those activities intended to provide functional skills for employees. • Music Programmes and Music Production organisational unit This unit comprises the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra and the Big Band RTV Slovenia, also as a joint music division, the RTV Slovenia Chamber Choir RTV, the Youth Choir, and the Children’s Choir RTV Slovenia. The programme content of the Music Programmes and Music Production unit are intended for both radio and television programmes. The Music Programmes and Music production unit is managed by the organisational unit’s head, who is appointed and dismissed by Director General on the proposal of the Radio Director. • TELEVISION SLOVENIA Programme-production unit The Television Slovenia Programme-production unit creates, prepares, broadcasts and archives national television programmes. The professional programme-production activities of Television Slovenia are managed and coordinated by the unit’s director. The assistant Directors General for these two programmes are responsible for professional programme activities with regard to the national programmes. The programme-production unit Television Slovenia consists of five editorial production units (EPU) headed by editors-in-chief, and one organisational unit (OU): • EPU Culture and Arts Programme, • EPU News Programme, • EPU Entertainment Programme, • EPU Sports Programme, • EPU responsible for special national programme intended to broadcast the proceedings of the National Assembly of RS and its working bodies. • Programme-production unit REGIONAL RTV CENTRE KOPER ≤ CAPODISTRIA/ CENTRO REGIONALE RTV KOPER - CAPODISTRIA The Koper ≤ Capodistria Regional RTV creates, prepares, broadcasts and archives the television and radio programme in the Slovenian language, television and radio programme for the Italian national community and the minority in Italy, and prepares broadcasts for national radio programmes. Organisational, business and other general affairs are managed and coordinated by the head of the regional RTV centre. The programme-production unit Regional RTV Centre Koper - Capodistria consists of four editorial production units (EPU) headed by editors-in-chief: • EPU Regional Television Programme, • EPU Regional Radio Programme, • EPU Television programme for the Italian national community, • EPU Radio programme for the Italian national community. • Television production organisational unit OU Television production is a separate organisational unit providing technical services, production, post-production and the broadcasting of television programmes in line with the needs of the programme-production unit Television Slovenia. The activities of programmes for the national community are managed and coordinated by two editors-in-chief for the Italian national community programmes who act in accordance with the instructions of the Assistant Director General for the Radio and Television for the autochthonous Italian national community. 12 • Programme-production unit REGIONAL RTV CENTRE MARIBOR, incorporating a studio for the Hungarian programme in LENDAVA/Magyar Musorok Stúdiója, Lendva The Regional RTV Centre Maribor creates, prepares, broadcasts and archives television and radio programmes in the Slovenian language, the television and radio programme for the Hungarian national community and the minority in Austria and Hungary, and prepares broadcasts for national radio programmes and a radio programme for the foreign public. • MULTIMEDIA CENTRE Programme-production unit The programme-production Multimedia Centre (MMC) unit creates and broadcasts multimedia text, image, audio and video contents for new media; it is responsible for subtitling broadcasts for the hearing impaired, and also includes the RTV Slovenia record label. Organisational, business and other general affairs are managed and coordinated by the regional RTV centre’s head. All programme activities of the MMC editorial production unit are managed and coordinated by the editor-in-chief. The programme-production unit Regional RTV Centre Maribor consists of four editorial production units (EPU) headed by editors-in-chief: • EPU Regional Television Programme, • EPU Regional Radio Programme, • EPU Radio programme for the foreign public, • EPU Television programme for the Hungarian national community, • EPU Radio programme for the Hungarian national community. • TRANSMITTERS AND CONNECTIONS organisational unit The organisational unit Transmitters and Connections, as a communications and multiplex operator, performs a public service and commercial activities with analogue and digital technology. The activities of programmes for the national community are managed and coordinated by two editors-in-chief for the Hungarian national community programmes, who act in accordance with the instructions of the Assistant Director General for the Radio and Television for the Hungarian national community. The head office of the radio and television studio and of the Assistant Director General for Radio and Television for the Hungarian national community is in Lendava. The MMC programme-production unit is managed and coordinated by the MMC’s head. The activities and operations of OU Transmitters and Connections are managed by the head of OU. The public service includes broadcasting, exchanging and airing television, radio and multimedia programmes of RTV Slovenia, providing the facilities and sharing of aerial systems - if technically feasible - for the broadcasting of television and radio programmes of special importance, with their infrastructure at RTV Slovenia’s transmission points; it ensures the visibility and audibility of RTV Slovenia’s programmes in areas of neighbouring countries inhabited by the Slovene national community, in accordance with reciprocal contracts, and provides the facilities and sharing of aerial systems ≤ if technically feasible ≤ for the broadcasting of programmes of special importance to cover areas on the other side of the border inhabited by the Slovene national community, in accordance with reciprocal contracts, with their infrastructure at RTV Slovenia’s transmission points. MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE AND PROGRAMME DIAGRAM OF RTV SLOVENIA RTV Slovenia Supervisory Board RTV Slovenia Programme Council PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTER Workers’ Council OU Transmitters and CoMMUNICATIons Programme Board for Contents intended for the handicapped Programme Board for National Minorities Programme ppu tv slovenia ppU radio slovenia PPU Regional RTV Centre Maribor PPU Multimedia Centre PPU Regional RTV Centre Koper – Capodistria OU TV Production EPU Regional TV Programme EPU Desk Multimedia Centre EPU Regional TV Programme OU Radio Production EPU Culture and Arts Programme EPU Regional Radio Programme EPU Regional Radio Programme OU Music Programmes AND Music Production EPU NEWS Programme EPU Editorial Board of the Radio Channel for the Foreign Public EPU Editorial Board for Channel 1 EPU SPORTS Programme EPU Editorial Board for Channel 2 EPU Entertainment Programme EPU Editorial Board for Channel 3 EPU Special National Programme EPU Editorial Board for NEWS and Experimental Development Programme 14 Assistant Director General for Italian RTV Programmes Assistant Director General for Hungarian RTV Programmes EPU TV Programme for the Italian National Community EPU TV Programme for the Hungarian National Community EPU Radio Programme for the Italian National Community EPU Radio Programme for the Hungarian National Community PPU – Programme-Production Unit EPU – Editorial Production Unit OU – Organisational Unit Responsibility 15 REPORTS OF MANAGEMENT BODIES funds, we managed to achieve a positive business result without reducing the quality of our output. The year 2008 was of great significance to us. We celebrated the 80th anniversary of Radio Slovenia, the 50th anniversary of Television Slovenia, and the 30th anniversary of the TV programme for the Hungarian national community. On this occasion, we enriched our radio and TV programming with new shows and organised a number of public events in cooperation with our musical divisions (the Symphony Orchestra, the Big Band and choirs). And 2008 was a special challenge for us all, as we concluded a number of demanding programme projects: in the first six months, Slovenia presided over the European Union; in Slovenia, there were elections for the National Assembly, and the Olympics in Beijing. DIRECTOR GENERAL’S REPORT In the field of radio programming, we managed to realise most of the planned modifications; some are long-term and demand a gradual approach. Our radio channels continue to retain a high audience share, with VAL 202 still the most popular. We introduced different promotion activities and improved and strengthened the already high recognition of individual radio trademarks. We responded quickly to current events and pursued the interactive approach, which is always in the best interest of the public. With regard to radio programmes, we took a step forward by introducing special content for targeted audiences (the disabled, retired persons, religious persons). We air a one-hour broadcast each week called Naše poti (Our Ways) for the Romany national community. VAL 202 and Radio Si received additional European funds for some of their interesting projects. Mediateka, the central radio archive, started operations; it contains digitalised music content; later, we will digitalise television content for the main RTV archive. The programme-business plan for 2008 was based on existing financial references that did not exceed the references for the previous year, and on changes within the institution and without. These changes are the result of rapid technological development, the modern approach to programme creation and the possibility of offering new services in the digital multimedia environment. We were faced with very demanding programme-production, financial and investment tasks, due to great changes in the competitive environment. In line with the strategy in the field of radio and television programmes, we set the following important goals: • to make good use of the 80th anniversary of Radio Slovenia and the 50th anniversary of Television Slovenia to promote programmes and strengthen our reputation, and increase our audience; • to systematically introduce special programme content for the target audience; • to renew the musical image of our radio programmes; • to renew our radio web pages; • to prepare high-quality television programmes which will retain viewers; • to improve radio and television cultural content; • to increase the share of issues concerning Slovenes abroad and Slovene emigrants in our programmes; • to prepare pilot bi-media projects of Radio and Television Slovenia; • to prepare new programmes in the digital environment; • to reduce the number of permanent employees; • to conclude the renewal of the payment system; • to prepare new programme and production work processes and standards; • to digitalise and computerise radio and television production, with the possibility of producing and broadcasting TV in HD technology; • to continue the digitalisation of the broadcasting TV network; • to facilitate the completion of the digital radio archive. The regional radio stations in Koper and Maribor also strove to enlarge their audience. Radio Koper continues to have the highest ratings in the region, despite the larger number of competitors. Improvements are also evident in Maribor, where the combined and rational ≤ with regard to cost reduction ≤ bi-media operation of radio and television is being successfully implemented. With its 24-hour programming, Radio Si is successfully joining the national radio channels. We improved the radio and television offer of the regional RTC centres in Koper and Maribor, including the programmes for the Italian and Hungarian national communities and broadcasts for the Roma community. Both regional centres increased their share in national radio and television programming. By improving the quality of our music offer, and with a more favourable ratio between music and the spoken word in our programmes, we ensured a higher proportion of Slovene music. Our Symphony Orchestra, which is frequently featured on radio and television programmes, had 4,000 minutes of its own programming; in 2008, it performed 44 concerts, 5 abroad and 12 outside Ljubljana. Almost 45,000 people attended its concerts. A good two thirds of archive recordings were in the field of Slovene musical creativity. The Big Band did not fall be- We managed to achieve most of our goals, thanks to our hardworking employees; and despite the fact that we had fewer 18 hind, performing a number of concerts and in various radio and television music broadcasts. Both our orchestras achieved their main goal: to perform public concerts, record for the archive, and be very active in the realisation and enhancement of radio and television programmes. lower by 3,405,000 EUR. The favourable business result in 2007 was due to income from the reversal of provisions, which was almost five times that in 2008. Total income amounted to 122,729,000 EUR, and total expenditure amounted to 122,647,000 EUR. Compared to 2007, income was lower by 1,987,000 EUR, i.e. by 1.6 %. In the field of television programming, we achieved most of our goals with regard to providing a high-quality and diverse range of informative, educational, cultural, sports and entertainment content. The Parliamentary Channel became RTV’s third channel. We increased the share of own featured programmes, maintained high ratings for our high-quality and rich children’s and youth programme, and offered a number of superior documentary and educational broadcasts. We prepared a concept for new thematic digital television channels intended to provide our viewers with a diverse range of intriguing content. In this way, we will achieve one of the important objectives of public service, which is to be responsive to viewers and listeners at all times and to serve the public interest. In particular, we can mention the excellent coverage of the Beijing Olympics. Our technical team assisted the Beijing international Olympics television team to realise TV transmissions of the kayak/canoe and mountain bike competitions and received compliments from the organisers. In this respect, the RTV licence fee warrants attention: in the income structure, it was a mere 64.5 %, and its share has been decreasing for years. In 2003, its share was 72.3 %. RTV Slovenia is therefore compelled to find other, unstable and unreliable sources of finance (35.6 %). This is unacceptable for a public institution with a mission to serve the public and fulfil the public interest and requirements of the public. In this difficult financial crisis and economic downturn, excessive dependence on other financial sources is undesirable for any public institution and constitutes a great risk to income. Due to inflation, between April 2004 and end of 2008 (opportunity loss) we lost over 20 million EUR in potential income. If the licence fee remains frozen, the founder will have to reduce the volume of programmes and multimedia services and slow down digital modernisation; however, this would not be acceptable and justifiable, given our mission and the role our institution plays in society, as stipulated by the RTV Slovenia Act. It would also endanger its future existence. Within the Multimedia Centre of RTV Slovenia, we continued to develop new services and products, offered new content and took account of developments in public service broadcasting in Europe. We increased coverage by 13 %; today, we have 511,046 subscribers. A survey by the company Interstat showed that MMC is the least biased and most credible media, which is a great compliment to our Internet offer. Our Teletext is still the leading source of information and news in Slovenia. Most of our pre-recorded broadcasts were subtitled for the deaf and hearing impaired, and ≤ when technologically feasible ≤ all information broadcasts and live pre-election debates. Despite the frozen licence fee, we managed to increase income from the fee by 1,523,000 EUR, i.e. by 2 %. This is due to the aggressive activities of the subscriber service with regard to acquiring new subscribers. In recent months, the number of subscribers exempt from payment has drastically increased. This should not be charged to the institution’s budget, since it is a clear social transfer that should be charged to the Treasury. Another cause for concern is the significant reduction in income; there was a 10.7 % decline (2,396,000 EUR) compared to planned income. Income from advertising will also be lower in 2009 due to the financial crisis and the economic downturn. Our competitors in the national market - commercial TV stations - reduced prices for advertising blocks, and in addition, TV Slovenia will offer fewer interesting sports events. When assessing the realisation of our programme goals, we must take into account the funds available. Systematically streamlining work processes and reducing costs were also components of our activities in 2008. The fact remains that our sources of income remain relatively the same each year, with some even declining. We were faced with lower funds, and incurred additional obligations linked to the renewal of the payment system based on the Salary System in the Public Sector Act; there was also a shortage of state funds, with a higher depreciation rate prescribed by the government. In order to maintain the statutory programme volume, we had to go that extra mile! Thanks to other operating income, such as the reversal of longterm provisions for claims, operating income from OU Transmitters and Connections exceeding the planned income, financial income relating to returned interest, and rebated tax or statute barred turnover tax for 1996, we were able to compensate for the lost advertising revenue. Current business was hindered by a grave reality: the RTV licence fee, the most important financial source in the income structure, has been frozen since 2004. At the same time, we have had problems with the amount of income from advertising, due to changes in the advertising market and buyers of advertising space. Therefore, it is a great achievement to have ended the year with a positive business result. We must not, of course, underestimate the activities and measures taken in the planned reduction of expenditure, which are the responsibility of management, in particular regarding the reduction in staff and material costs and the search for internal reserves. We reduced the costs of goods, material and services by 1,244,000 EUR; costs are therefore lower by 2.4 % than planned. With regard to material and energy, costs are lower by 319 thousand EUR, or 5.1 %, compared to 2007. Costs of services are lower by 1,119,000 EUR, or 2.4 %, compared to the planned costs. In 2008, the public institution had a surplus of income over expenditure of EUR 82,000. In the financial plan, we planned a surplus of EUR 426,000. Compared to 2007, the result was 19 However, we still can not be satisfied with business operations and governance in individual programme-business and organisational units; all except the Regional RTV centre in Koper and Joint activities exceeded the planned operating costs. Therefore, we will have to introduce stricter criteria for management, including appropriate personnel and financial sanctions. tate the demanding transfer from analogue to digital and for equipment modernisation, and to enable public institutions to be present on all available platforms without limiting their programme offer, but widening it. This is our long-term strategic goal and our commitment to our viewers and listeners. Director General of RTV Slovenia Anton Guzej In 2008, 96 employees gave notice. On January 1 2009, the institution had 2,000 employees. In 2008, labour costs amounted to 56,326,000 EUR or 1,727,000 EUR (3 %) less than planned. The main underlying reasons for the reduction are: the new wage system, the reduced number of permanently employed (compared to 2007), and a lower payroll tax. Compared to 2007, costs were higher by 1,721,000 EUR, or 3.2 %, primarily due to the new payment system and indexation of wages and salaries based on escalation in January and July. It should be noted that 10 million EUR are needed to implement the new payment system. The state should assist with financial support, but this is still pending. Outsourcing costs will need to be lowered, as well as the costs of outworkers and students, which in 2008 were significantly higher than planned. We will continue to renew business processes and implement new RTV standards and norms, and thereby increase productivity, streamline and shorten working procedures in programmes and production, lower costs, and implement a more effective organisation that allows for the timely preparation and implementation of annual programme-business plans. In 2008, borrowing did not achieve the planned extent, and financial expenditure was therefore lower than planned. Because we harmonised outflows and inflows, there was no need to borrow financial resources. We successfully continued the implementation of investments, and with the digitalisation of the transmission grid, we achieved 80 % coverage of households in Slovenia. We followed our strategic policies regarding the digitalisation of equipment and lots in the radio and television production technology chains, the implementation of a Digital Video Broadcasting≤Terrestrial (DVB-T), and solving problems with space and working conditions of personnel. We continued to modernise the computer production of RTV programmes and new multimedia content. We allocated 15,511,000 EUR for investments, which is the highest annual realisation so far. Due to objective grounds and long procedures with regard to statutory public contract performance, and delays with equipment supply in 2008, we failed to conclude most of the development projects. However, in my view, we invested successfully, as all of our investments were carried out through public procurement procedures. We are continuing current development projects in 2009. In the light of all these facts, good and bad, I am happy to announce that productivity increased by 8.3 % compared to 2007. Liquidity was also more favourable than planned. However, I must underline the fact that in 2009 it will not be possible to ensure the viability of the institution if the founder does not guarantee the appropriate financing for providing the public service, as stipulated by the RTV Slovenia Act. In most of EU countries, the licence fee has been increased to facili- 20 REPORT OF THE CHAIRMAIN OF THE PROGRAMME COUNCIL In 2008, the Programme Council held four sessions (February 19, April 15, June 17 and October 28), i.e. one session fewer than planned. This was not because there were not enough issues to be addressed, but because of numerous external circumstances, including cost-cutting, since individual sessions and demanding relevant preparations (session of committees and commissions) incur significant costs. Particular attention was given to the timely preparation of the plan for 2009. Many of our employees were working on preparations for the Olympics, and there were concerns that we would not manage to prepare the basic documents. However, we later realised that our fears were groundless. We had very few problems with regard to content, financing or regarding the Supervisory Board’s view. The Programme Council was well aware of the great changes and problems stemming from the payment system reform. The council was also well aware that the reform is crucial. However, it could not intervene, as this is not within its competence. As special achievements, certain Slovene series should be mentioned, although one of them, the first Slovene soap opera, was not as successful as expected. However, RTV Slovenia started this project and the experience learnt was priceless. Now we know how our viewers see such programmes. We should also mention that some council members and viewers expressed the view that the series should not have been cancelled, because it had only started to ‘catch on’. The relatively bad experience with this first Slovene soap opera showed that the Slovenian public does not accept new ideas and experiments in general. The Programme Council supported the efforts of TV Slovenia’s Channel 3, which not only offers great new content, but is also a kind of a ‘laboratory’ for the future. However, not many share this view. The future will put the television media to the test and bring new challenges in terms of content and technology, and Channel 3 is a kind of ‘hatchery’ for new ideas, personnel and experience - in short, an investment in the institution’s future. We can not accept the view that digitalisation is only a technical and not a contentrelated problem (or perhaps that above all). The Programme Council established a commission for Slovenes abroad (led by Janko Malle). With it, the question of the visibility of central Slovene programmes abroad gained a completely new perspective. Thus we overcame the existing paternalistic attitude. Hitherto, society spoke of compatriots on the ethnic margins. Instead, compatriots should inform society of how and to what extent the native country should be informed about their lives. A new function was established, that of a viewers’ and listeners rights’ ombudsman (in the person of Ms. Miša Molk). As an office of RTV Slovenia, the ombudsman assists the Programme Council of RTV Slovenia, above all with updated answers to viewers’ and listeners’ complaints. There are still some problems relating to the ombudsman’s post and work. On the one hand, there should be a special show for the ombudsman, or another show where the ombudsman could appear; on the other hand, there are problems regarding the perception of this function, which can not be subject to disagreement or (even) dispute. Deficiencies and mistakes discovered by this office should be handled with care, within the institution and not in public. Otherwise, professional dialogue is not possible. Mistakes, such as setting different times for evening cartoons (the problems was not so much linked to the different schedule, but to the fact that viewers were not prepared for the change) should not recur. The Programme Council monitored problems relating to radio programming and found a vague separation of journalistic features and ‘cultural’ features. Some staff believe that journalistic features are predominant and that there are not enough other cultural features, or that their way of thinking and working is not taken into account. These are editorial matters, and the Programme Council of RTV Slovenia has no right to intervene. The Slovene public, especially those viewing cultural items, were concerned about different issues regarding the situation on Channel 3 of Radio Slovenia. Many comments were biased and even untrue. In addition to financial problems, there were issues regarding organisation, and experienced employees who are experts on content, but do not know much about organisation, could not comprehend them. In times when we have limited finances and the institution is undergoing new financial management, one must take account of the grave reality, even if it seems ‘uncultured’. An impartial observer has the impression that some major changes in the operation of the institution (driven by external factors and not the internal ‘whim’ of the management) eluded certain individuals. And this is largely proven by complaints regarding excessive commercialisation, coming above all from within the institution. No one from the political, professional or cultural sphere would publicly support the view of many employees who claim that RTV Slovenia, politically and culturally, is so important as to be able to operate outside the social and economic framework. And a comparison with the competition supports this opinion. Such behaviour could cause stress within the institution. And the biggest victims of all this would be RTV Slovenia and Slovene culture, in the broadest sense of the word. Stane Granda, Ph.D. President of the Programme Council of RTV Slovenia 21 the available financial resources contributed by citizens in the form of RTV licence fees and intended for the rendering of public services, and upon income from commercial activities and other sources in accordance with the Act. The institution was forced to take radical savings measures because the licence fee has remained frozen for several years, because it has lost value due to inflation, and because the situation in the market is very unfavourable. The Supervisory Board dedicated special attention to the separate and transparent use of public resources needed to fulfil the institution’s public duty. The principle of financial transparency when rendering public services and the method and volume of funds acquired from commercial activities are categories stipulated by the RTV Slovenia Act. The reform of the payment system in accordance with the Salary System in the Public Sector Act put additional pressure on the financial management of RTV Slovenia, because the government did not provide co-financing in accordance with previous guarantees. Investment projects in the programme and business field were mainly carried out according to plan. However, the digitalisation project needs to be completed and the development of multimedia services needs to be intensified. REPORT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD RTV Slovenia’s Management (left to right): Marko Filli, Anica Žgajnar, Jože Možina, Anton Guzej, Vinko Vasle, Cvetka Žirovnik, Antonio Rocco, Helena Zver It should be noted that employees responded to the situation with individual and creative ways of thinking and by adjusting to the circumstances, which means that they are willing to contribute to a healthy and safe working environment and strengthen the importance of personal satisfaction. There is enough will, knowledge, new ideas and motivation. However, in future we will have to ensure sufficient funds. In this respect, we count on the government. A long-term vision of the RTV Slovenia’s development needs to be developed that will enable the further integral, statutory rendering of public services by the national media. The Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia, in accordance with its legislative and statutory competences, approves the financial performance of the institution in 2008, despite the fact that the financial crisis which became evident in the second half of 2008 also affected the business operations of the institution. It was hard to accept the grave situation of RTV, but with an appropriate business policy, the management proved that it is capable of handling demanding situations which require reorganisation in various fields of operation. The management competed in the market and rationalised expenses; we have to thank the management and all employees for a successful battle. It became evident that the values of the national radio and television are important and respected. All the ambitions and expectations will be hard to implement, because most high-quality programmes and other content are very expensive. They are linked to various factors in the business and social environment which in certain cases are not under the direct influence of the national media. Therefore, the efforts of employees, management and representatives of the supervisory and management bodies will have to be directed to the implementation of the public interest. Slovenia needs a public RTV service, for only such a service is qualified to strengthen and preserve the Slovenian language, Slovene cultural creativity, national archival wealth and national identity in Slovenia and the European Union. A public, national RTV Slovenia must be effective, successful, cost-effective, highquality, innovative and progressive, and user- and employeefriendly; in short, it must be a public service that we can also be proud of in broader frameworks. The Supervisory Board, as the supervising body, took account of the diversity of its structure; its members are representatives of the National Assembly and the Government of RS, and two of its members are employees’ representatives. The council acted professionally, independently and in due time; an important aspect of its work was democratic decision-making. The Supervisory Board regularly informed the Programme Council, the Programme Boards for RTV programmes for the Italian and Hungarian national communities and the competent ministry for the media, along with the interested public (through the web site of RTV Slovenia) of its conclusions and decisions. The Supervisory Board concluded that 2008 was a successful year for the institution. The goals of the programme-production plan were more or less achieved, and the financial management was stabilised and positive at the end of the year. The economic stability of RTV Slovenia is of special importance for the future; due to the financial crisis, there is a need to take radical measures, without which the existence and further development of the institution would be compromised. Its business operations, with regard to income, were conditioned upon It will not be easy. However, with rapid responses to various issues, opportunities and challenges, by respecting co-workers, with creativity and motivation, with active professional co-operation, with the trust and support of the founder, and satisfied listeners and viewers, we will improve the standards of this institution with responsibility and success. President of the Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia Franc Orešnik 22 23 PROGRAMMES OF RADIO SLOVENIA INTRODUCTION BY THE DIRECTOR OF RADIO SLOVENIA In the plan for 2008, Radio Slovenia included eight basic goals, some long-term. However, for objective reasons, not all were realised. We had problems with updating the web pages of the first radio channel; this is still an important task for next year. It must be noted that Radio Slovenia realised some important goals: 1. At the beginning of 2008, Mediateka (the central radio archive) started operations; first, the musical content was digitalised for programme requirements. Radio mediateka is part of RTV’s future main archive, which will open when television has been included in the digitalisation of content. This is a very demanding and important project: to safeguard radio and television cultural, artistic and historic heritage. This highly demanding professional work will need to be extended to the spoken word in the radio archive in order to safeguard the most important heritage of national radio programmes. Much important material is preserved on tape, and because tape is a very sensitive material, those with recorded speech will be the first to be digitalised and archived. However, this process requires a highly professional worker who will be responsible for this part of the radio archive and who will be able to identify individual items. Work in this area requires more staff and will take some time. 2. Last year, (with great help from Mr. Bojan Kosi, head of Mediateka) we sent electronic data to SAZAS (the Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers in Slovenia) and IPF (Collecting Society for Asserting Rights of Performers and Producers of Phonograms of Slovenia). In the past, all data was sent as hard copies. Because of the new method of transfer, all the data is reliable. Once all musical content is digitalised, all the data will be automatically sent to SAZAS and IPF, also a very important goal for us. 3. We realised our wish to continue renovating our musical image and identity, above all with regard to channels 1 and 2, whereby we must underline that channel 1 underwent excellent renovation by Rudi PanËur, the new music editor. We did not achieve the goal of unifying the musical image (the same jingle for all the most important national broadcasts) of our radio programmes, but we are satisfied with the work that has been done. VAL 202 successfully carried out a tender and extended popular music production with 18 new songs under the common title Imamo dobro glasbo (We Have Good Music). 4. The anniversary of Radio and Television Slovenia was celebrated in broadcasts, content and production (in co-operation with the television segment). The editorial board of Radio Channel 1 prepared content concepts and scenarios for a series of eight very successful concerts in different locations in Slovenia. The concerts received great public attention. Thus we presented our programme ideas, together with musical production and corpora and numerous performers to the public. In this respect, we must thank editor-in-chief of Channel 1, Tatjana Pirc, and the music editor Rudi PanËur. 5. Channel 1 organised a series of concerts for Slovenes abroad, thereby transferring a little part of our homeland 28 and its creativity across the border, and listeners abroad had the opportunity to see (or rather hear) just how creative our musicians are. 6. We were not successful with regard to personnel rejuvenation: tenders were carried out, but too few qualified candidates applied. 7. We achieved progress with regard to the introduction of special programme content for the disabled and the retired, and religious content. We devoted special attention to the introduction of a one-hour broadcast, Our Ways, for the Romany community, which is aired every Monday. This broadcast is prepared professionally and includes interesting themes. 8. We introduced some necessary changes at the micro-organisational level (the majority of changes will be implemented in 2009). 9. In 2008, VAL 202 and Radio Si acquired significant additional European funds for individual programme projects: VAL 202 for the broadcast Evropa osebno (Europe Personally), and Radio Si as one of the initiators of Euranet, a network of 16 radio stations from 13 European countries. Val’s project is co-financed by EBU, and Radio Si’s project is co-financed by the EU, in the amount of 50 %. In this report we must especially mention the new editor (editor-in-chief) of Channel 3. This was the result of the fact that the financial part of the plan was not sufficiently realised. I do not wish to comment on the way the creators of these programmes see the financial resources needed to make the programme better. However, it is necessary to stick to the plan which is coordinated each year for the following period by editors, editors- in-chief-programme directors and RTV Slovenia’s management. Many misunderstandings derived from this, above all the public was engaged, because what the public saw in all this was the cancellation of the programme and its commercialisation (which is prohibited by law, which we duly respect). Despite all this, Channel 3 managed to implement its programme plan, and acting editor-in-chief Mirjam Bevc Peressutti professionally settled all conflicts and ensured that the loss was not even greater, and that programme content was not reduced, although the financial part of the plan was exceeded. Radio Slovenia’s management received numerous complaints which fall under the competence of the regulator and APEK (Post and Electronic Communications Agency of RS) regarding the reception of radio Channel 3, which currently covers 80 % of Slovene territory. It must be pointed out that, in co-operation with OU Transmitters and Connections, we managed to retain the frequencies on Trdinov vrh (which would otherwise have be given to a commercial radio station). As regards the 40 % share of Slovene music as stipulated by law for national radio programmes, including Channel 3, we must take account of the regulator’s request that national radio channels must include their national cultural and artistic identity in the field of music. However, it is true that next year we will have to consider the provision stipulating that this share must be respected every day. This share should be measured on weekly or even a monthly basis, since radio Channel 3 has very varied programming. We were dealing with two further problems: programmes included too few important musical works from the radio archive, and the above-mentioned provision did not, due to lack of funds, facilitate and increase the production of original, new Slovene musical works in the field of serious music. Radio Slovenia, Channel 1, in minutes Speech ≤ music ratio and share of Slovenian music and music by Slovenian performers/ January ≤ December 2008 The following section contains statistical data and comparisons regarding national radio programmes: Radio Slovenia, Channel 1, in minutes Speech ≤ music ratio and share of Slovenian music and music by Slovenian performers/ January ≤ December 2008 Month Total duration Speech Aired music, total Slovenian music and music by Slovenian performers Other music Speech ≤ music ratio Share of Slovenian music and music by Slovenian performers Month Total duration Speech Aired music, total Slovenian music and music by Slovenian performers Other music Speech ≤ music ratio Share of Slovenian music and music by Slovenian performers January 44,640 11,727 32,913 12,511 20,402 26 : 74 38.0 % February 41,760 11,645 30,115 12,860 17,255 28 : 72 42.7 % 44,580 12,160 32,420 12,116 20,304 27 : 73 37.4 % January 44,640 23,360 21,280 10,613 10,667 52 : 48 49.9 % March February 41,760 22,660 19,100 9,852 9,248 54 : 46 51.6 % April 43,200 11,799 31,401 12,106 19,295 27 : 73 38.6 % 44,640 12,008 32,632 12,027 20,605 27 : 73 36.9 % March 44,580 23,481 21,099 10,613 10,486 53 : 47 50.3 % May April 43,200 22,684 20,516 10,248 10,268 53 : 47 50.0 % June 43,200 11,523 31,677 12,522 19,155 27 : 73 39.5 % 44,640 11,662 32,978 12,844 20,134 26 : 74 39.0 % May 44,640 23,186 21,454 10,530 10,924 52 : 48 49.1 % July June 43,200 22,913 20,287 10,206 10,081 53 : 47 50.3 % August 44,640 11,424 33,216 12,312 20,904 26 : 74 37.1 % July 44,640 22,856 21,784 10,553 11,231 51 : 49 48.4 % September 43,200 11,269 31,931 13,369 18,562 26 : 74 41.9 % 44,700 11,917 32,783 15,308 17,475 27 : 73 46.7 % August 44,640 23,014 21,626 10,897 10,729 52 : 48 50.4 % October September 43,200 23,221 19,979 10,017 9,962 54 : 46 50.1 % November 43,200 11,104 32,096 14,568 17,528 26 : 74 45.4 % 44,640 11,835 32,805 14,533 18,272 27 : 73 44.3 % 527,040 140,073 386,967 157,076 229,891 27 : 73 40.6 % October 44,700 24,216 20,484 10,448 10,036 54 : 46 51.0 % December November 43,200 23,522 19,678 9,804 9,874 54 : 46 49.8 % Total December 44,640 23,754 20,886 10,551 10,335 53 : 47 50.5 % Total 527,040 278,867 248,173 124,332 123,841 53 : 47 50.1 % Radio Slovenia, Channel 2, in minutes Speech ≤ music ratio and share of Slovenian music and music by Slovenian performers/ January ≤ December 2008 Month Total duration Speech Aired music, total Slovenian music and music by Slovenian performers Other music Speech ≤ music ratio Share of Slovenian music and music by Slovenian performers January 44,640 17,823 26,817 12,372 14,445 40 : 60 46.1 % February 41,760 16,191 25,569 11,636 13,933 39 : 61 45.5 % March 44,580 17,943 26,637 11,960 14,677 40 : 60 44.9 % April 43,200 16,682 26,518 11,848 14,670 39 : 61 44.7 % May 44,640 17,474 27,166 12,085 15,081 39 : 61 44.5 % June 43,200 17,207 25,993 12,301 13,692 40 : 60 47.3 % July 44,640 16,212 28,428 12,878 15,550 36 : 64 45.3 % August 44,640 18,272 26,368 12,387 13,981 41 : 59 47.0 % September 43,200 16,755 26,445 12,295 14,150 39 : 61 46.5 % October 44,700 17,916 26,784 12,591 14,193 40 : 60 47.0 % November 43,200 17,434 25,766 12,178 13,588 40 : 60 47.3 % December 44,640 17,948 26,692 12,604 14,088 40 : 60 47.2 % Total 527,040 207,857 319,183 147,135 172,048 39 : 61 46.1 % 30 Data on the programme aired are summarised from data submitted by individual editorial boards. Speech and music are strictly separated, regardless of the type of broadcast (primarily talk broadcast or music broadcast). Source: Radio Slovenia’s records of the programme aired/ January ≤ December 2008 Programmes of Radio Slovenia by genre / Comparison 2007 and 2008 / In minutes Channel 1 Genres 2007 2008 Minutes % Minutes % Featured broadcasts 18,167 3.5 % 13,688 2.6 % Entertainment broadcasts 12,999 2.5 % 21,997 4.2 % 3,772 0.7 % 1,403 0.3 % Popular and rock music 205,368 39.1 % 205,533 39.0 % Other music 14,276 2.7 % 15,479 2.9 % Sports 8,876 1.7 % 9,053 1.7 % Daily newscasts 84,110 16.0 % 84,322 16.0 % Information and current events broadcasts 147,352 28.1 % 140,698 26.7 % Documentary and feuilleton broadcasts 8,981 1.7 % 11,335 2.2 % Educational broadcasts 8,704 1.7 % 11,107 2.1 % Classical music 559 0.1 % 234 0.0 % Promotions 5,513 1.0 % 5,324 1.0 % Advertising 5,097 1.0 % 5,522 1.0 % Other 1,526 0.3 % 1,345 0.3 % Total 525,300 100.0 % 527,040 100.0 % Religious broadcasts 31 Ratings data: Annual average reach of RTV Slovenia’s stations in the audibility area, 2008 Channel 2 2008 Minutes % Minutes % 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % 9,445 1.8 % 7,444 1.4 % 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % Popular and rock music 314,140 59.8 % 320,903 60.9 % Other music 13,016 2.5 % 12,028 2.3 % Sports 38,629 7.3 % 41,974 8.0 % Daily newscasts 69,438 13.2 % 70,130 13.3 % Information and current events broadcasts 59,318 11.3 % 51,285 9.7 % Documentary and feuilleton broadcasts 1,571 0.3 % 2,256 0.4 % Featured broadcasts Entertainment broadcasts Classical music 100 % 22 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 20.3 % 90 % 20 % 90 % 18 % 80 % 16 % 70 % 14 % 60 % 12 % 11.8 % 50 % 10.0 % 10 % Educational broadcasts 0 0.0 % 1,044 0.2 % Religious broadcasts 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % 5,700 1.1 % 5,407 1.0 % 32 % 5.7 % Promotions Advertising 13,857 2.6 % 13,770 2.6 % Other 486 0.1 % 799 0.2 % Total 525,600 100.0 % 527,040 100.0 % 40 % technical audibility in % 2007 reach in % Genres 8% 6% 30 % 20 % 4% 13 % 8% 2% 6% 0.7 % 0.4 % 0% Channel 1 Val 202 Ars 10 % 0.9 % 0.5 % Radio Si Radio Maribor MMR Radio Koper 0% Radio Capodistria Channel 3 Genres Featured broadcasts Entertainment broadcasts 2007 Average ratings and the share of Channel 1 and VAL 202, in 15-minute intervals 2008 Minutes % Minutes % 13,328 2.5 % 18,094 3.4 % 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % 399,211 76.0 % 393,127 74.6 % Popular and rock music 2,844 0.5 % 600 0.1 % Classical music Other music 21,365 4.1 % 23,358 4.4 % Sports 3,953 0.8 % 3,980 0.8 % Daily newscasts 37,402 7.1 % 38,288 7.3 % Information and current events broadcasts 13,554 2.6 % 22,703 4.3 % Documentary and feuilleton broadcasts 21,670 4.1 % 17,260 3.3 % Educational broadcasts 8,294 1.6 % 5,675 1.1 % Religious broadcasts 3,979 0.8 % 3,955 0.8 % Promotions 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % Advertising 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % Other 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % Total 525,600 100.0 % 527,040 100.0 % Source: Programme Controlling Records of the programme aired 4,5 % 4,0 % 3,5 % 3,0 % 2,5 % Channel 1 Val 202 2,0 % 1,5 % 1,0 % 0,5 % 0,0 % 5:00 6:30 8:00 9:30 11:00 12:30 14:00 Source: Radiometry for 2008, Media Pool d.o.o., 30,000 respondents, aged between 10 and 75 32 33 15:30 17:00 18:30 20:00 21:30 RADIO SLOVENIA ≤ CHANNEL 1 The editorial boards of EPU Channel 1 prepared regular broadcasts and kept up-to-date, and we successfully completed several important programme projects. Channel 1 works with EPU News and the experimental development programme (news, information broadcasts, current affairs, regular broadcasts, advice for the agricultural sector, bigger projects ≤ in 2008, the parliamentary elections). Together with EPU Channel 2, we prepare a weekly broadcast for students, and some co-workers from Channel 1 periodically prepare the Friday broadcast Petkova centrifuga. We co-operate with EPU Channel 3 (the editorial board of the educational programme prepares one-hour educational broadcasts, and the editorial boards of Channel 3 prepare literary broadcasts, musical broadcasts, featured programme, broadcasts and features on culture for Channel 1). Together with OU Music production and music programmes, we prepare music and entertainment broadcasts, and with concerts and new musical works, we diversify the radio music archive. Channel 1 has three well-known programme blocks: the morning, forenoon and afternoon block. The morning block gives listeners current and up-to-date information. The forenoon block comprises educational contents (Intelekta): the school system, science, culture, religion, information, ecology, ethnology, history, health issues, and recreation and entertainment. The afternoon block offers highly up-to-date information, providing news and analyses of current events. In 2008, we upgraded the evening schedule (Kulturni fokus, SotoËja, Naše poti, a new, better broadcast Slovenska zemlja v pesmi in besedi, Gymnasium, entertaining Saturday evenings, a renovated Sunday evening). The night programme offers good speakers, good conversation, and a reprise of our best radio broadcasts. The daily current affairs broadcasts between 5:00 and 9:00 AM introduced some new shows. The broadcast Turistov glas seže v deveto vas is a Tuesday special. Randomly chosen foreigners visiting Slovenia are asked a few questions about how they see Slovenia and its people. In the service block, we offer more experts providing answers to listeners’ questions. The emphasis is on organic food production and energy efficiency. The Monday morning broadcast Med štirimi stenami presents people with special needs, people in social distress, people with psychological problems, everyday life in educational institutions and schools, and between the four walls of our homes that we do not often speak of. The broadcast also includes human relations between partners, co-workers etc. The daily block between 2:00 and 3:00 PM is intended for daily current affairs. A constant feature of the daily programme is live reporting. We maintain and develop on-the-spot reports. Every Thursday, in the broadcast Prvi odcep desno, we visit lesser-known and interesting places and people in Slovenia and abroad. In 2008, we continued with our monthly on-thespot broadcasts from all over Slovenia. The editorial board for the evening and night programme produces a one-hour weekly broadcast for the Romany community entitled Naše poti, a one-hour broadcast for Slovenes 34 abroad entitled SotoËja, a one-hour weekly broadcast for and about our compatriots entitled Slovencem po svetu, and a twohour entertaining weekly broadcast, Neobvezno v nedeljo. The night programme is aired live and is the only night programme in Slovenia which hosts guests after midnight. regular broadcasts. In 2008, our colleagues visited the Vatican City and collected a lot of material for broadcasts, reports, interviews and contributions. When preparing content and approaches, we took account of the structure of Channel 1 listeners (predominantly older listeners), and we continued our efforts to attract the younger population. The editorial board of the Youth programme prepares regular broadcasts, and at the same time, the board is active in daily programme production, in programme projects, and in monitoring developments in information broadcasts. In 2008, we put special emphasis on content, on modern approaches, field work and genuine contact with the young population. The younger generation is hard to attract, since it favours the Internet. Therefore, the World Wide Web is often our main connection with young radio listeners. In 2008, the Saturday programme for youth took the form of a lively programme block comprising Radijska ringaraja, intended for the pre-school population and the children from the ages of 6 to 10 years. With novelties in the rubric Zgodbaraja (short prose) and Zgodbarima (poetry) and with new fairy tales, we also attracted new, younger, yet to be established Slovenian authors. Sobotna raglja, at 9:00 AM, is intended for the older primary school population. Kulturomat is a new broadcast presenting culture in an intriguing way. These broadcasts allow the older primary school population and secondary school population to present their activities in literature, theatre, music etc. We provide information on current projects, competitions, books and cultural events that interest teenagers. Gori doli naokoli (Saturdays at 10:30 AM) presents travel stories and foreign cultures, along with useful information for travellers. On the broadcast’s web site, we post the most recent texts and photos taken by our staff on their travels. We had a successful year with the broadcast Naše poti. In 52 broadcasts, we presented all the issues regarding the Roma in Slovenia and abroad. To mark the occasion of its first anniversary, we organised a concert of Romany music in KUD France Prešeren in Ljubljana, with live coverage on Channel 1. The broadcast SotoËja was renovated. We acquired staff from the Koper and Nova Gorica editorial boards who report on events in the Slovene community in Italy, and we also acquired two co-workers from Koroška who report on events in the Slovene community in Koroška (Austria). The staff on the show includes some permanent radio correspondents. We also cover issues regarding Slovenes abroad for radio information broadcasts, and report on relevant events in other segments of Channel 1 (the Wednesday Interview, Studio ob sedemnajstih etc.) In other segments of the schedule, we include Slovene emigrant topics. In the past year, we renewed communication with Slovene emigrants, and an audio letter is now aired once a week (in the past, they were aired monthly). In the educational programme, we included daily reporting regarding the Slovenian EU presidency. Due to the extreme situation, especially in the financial and economic affairs that occupied the world, we were forced to report on relevant content in great detail. Therefore, the broadcast Evrožvenket became a daily rather than a weekly broadcast. In Intelekta, we took the analytical approach and presented current events, such as problems in the Slovene judiciary, health economics, the depth of global recession, issues concerning the quality of life, food safety and energy supply, the question of cultural identity and intercultural dialogue, the best achievements in science, regenerative medicine, Nobel prizes, The Year of Trubar, PleËnik’s heritage etc. Glasovi svetov, a broadcast aired on Channel 3, addressed issues regarding linguistic culture and identity, modern architectural practises, controversy over liberal economic ideas, fair trade as part of the global commercial exchange, geopolitical changes, the Olympics etc. In the Monday broadcast Junaki našega Ëasa, we follow important events involving prominent persons in science, culture, politics, economics, literature etc. In the weekly broadcast Ultrazvok, we follow the most recent developments in medicine and seek answers to the most urgent medical questions. To improve understanding of themes that we include in our educational programme, we produced Studio ob sedemnajstih with the following themes: the consequences of global warming, with a special highlight on storms; labour market flexibility; the global financial crisis, special scientific discoveries; the construction of the new NUK (National and University Library); and the Slovenian banking system. Active within the editorial board for education is the editor of religious broadcasts. With his colleagues, he produces regular broadcasts (Duhovna misel on Channel 1, live coverage of religious ceremonies and the broadcast Sedmi dan on the ARS Channel) and current affairs contributions, and with religious themes and guests, he is also present in other Every working day, at 6:45 AM, we air a popular show called Dobro jutro, otroci. These are short, but important morning features that receive our special attention. In the morning programme, children and teenagers have the most important contact with the radio media. Lahko noË, otroci. In 2008, we continued our long-standing tradition of fairy tales; in addition to classic fairy tales from our radio archive, we presented new, modern stories. On Wednesday evenings, Channel 1 airs Gymnasium presenting the rich cultural, educational and research activities of the secondary school population. Študentski val is produced by the editorial board of the Youth programme and aired by VAL 202. In the first half of 2008, we transferred Veseli tobogan from the entertainment editorial to the Youth programme editorial board. The broadcast, which aired monthly as a public broadcast, became a weekly quiz for the primary school population comprising different thematic sets. On Channel 1, we marked the Year of Trubar. All editorial boards were involved in the various thematic broadcasts and in the ‘Trubar Days’ project on Channel 1, including the board of the Documentary-feuilleton programme which concluded, with a series of Trubar connected broadcasts, the Studio ob sedemnajstih broadcast addressing the issue of Slovene protestant books. The editorial board of the Documentary-feuilleton 35 RADIO SLOVENIA CHANNEL 2 ≤ VAL 202 programme produces the regular Na današnji dan, Razkošje v glavi, Sledi Ëasa and Nedeljska reportaža. The editorial board took part in the Prix Europa competition in Berlin and the 37th international festival Travelfest in Subotica, where it received first prize for on-the-spot reporting. In 2008, we carried out most of the planned changes involving programming, and achieved the goals set. Some changes were abandoned or modified due to the circumstances, i.e. changes were carried out differently than planned. Programme blocks were additionally profiled, we modernised the musical programme, and changed the broadcast schedule. The schedule is now more up-to-date: we shortened the response time regarding current events and increased the portion of responsive interactive programming in the daytime schedule. On the music editorial t of Channel 1, we took into consideration the criterion for the selection of all music types in the schedule, i.e. quality, and at the same time, we wanted to please our listeners. Special attention was placed on encouraging musical creativity and producing even better music broadcasts. In line with programming requirements, we commissioned and carried out recordings of new compositions, with high-quality artists, which were then presented to listeners at various events and concerts, and also through live performances. We covered, organised and produced larger musical events (concerts, festivals, five concerts on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Radio Slovenia and the 50th anniversary of Television Slovenia). We dedicated special attention, in terms of programming, personnel and organisational issues, to folk music and children’s music (there is an excellent new children’s music show called ViolinËek). An important part of Channel 1 were the entertainment broadcasts (Radio GA-GA on Saturday evenings, Pozdravi in Ëestitke on Sunday evening), and entertainment content are present in all programme blocks. The public learnt a lot of new things about us. At the beginning of 2008, we concluded a series of excellent Saturday evenings under the title Igramo se z zvezdami moderated by Jure IvanušiË. The final show was in Cankarjev dom. • Morning programming Modernising the block between 8:30 and 9:00 AM, we cancelled the sports news at 8:35 AM and introduced NaVal na šport, starting at 9:15 AM, with a new concept and audio image. With a broadcast with the same concept and design we replaced Šport at 5:45 PM. We now have two new regular daily sports broadcasts, with more content and a modern overview of sport. Due to the changed economic and financial situation, we introduced, instead of the planned twice weekly economic current affairs at 8:00 AM, the broadcast FinanËne krivulje, which goes out every day at 3:15 PM. This broadcast hosts prominent financiers who comment on the current financial and economic developments. To make the morning schedule less rigid, we shortened the Koledar kulturnih prireditev (a schedule of cultural events) and shortened and modernised its audio background. Every day at 6:15 PM, Channel 1 hosts another mosaic broadcast, Kultura, prepared by several editorial boards. In the middle of 2008, in cooperation with the EPU News programme, we started editing and co-ordinating the broadcast Studio ob sedemnajstih, involving current affairs, analysis and polemic, and the Saturday review Tedenski aktualni mozaik. We enhanced the morning schedule of current events, which has the highest ratings. As planned, we acquired some new speakers and music editors. They are now more focused on the specificity of this programme block when preparing musical backgrounds. Dobro jutro at 8:15 AM now has a different concept. Its main characteristics are no longer phone calls from our listeners, but a morning discussion of current events. • Current affairs programming The main topics of VAL 202 are still current developments in our society (VroËi mikrofon, Aktualna tema, Nedeljski gost, Kje pa vas Ëevelj žuli, etc). These were modernised and updated and are now more responsive to developments. The broadcast Kje pa vas Ëevelj žuli received new editorial management and is now more modern, particularly with regard to announcing and promoting within the programme. In every broadcast, we regularly include a local problem. Monday morning on-the-spot reporting was also connected to these organisations and their activities. The Friday broadcast Minute za rekreacijo was shortened to five minutes and introduced into the new programme block, on Fridays at 4:55 PM. The broadcast Evropa, osebno is still aired, and with this broadcast we connected the international ‘Europe, Personally’ project, approved and financed by the EBU. The project includes national radio stations from six countries included in the joint audio contribution base. Contributions from this base are also included in our broadcasts, depending on theme and type. It must be noted that Evropa, osebno received an award from the European Parliament for reporting on the European Union and the general international area. • Evening programming We shifted some music broadcasts, and unified internal radio promotion and announcements of exclusive broadcasts. We must mention the outstanding series of broadcasts Izštekani, in which one of our most well-known speakers hosted excellent Slovene musicians playing different musical genres. The broadcast hosting the band Niet was recorded on the initiative of VAL 202 and in co-operation with the RTV Slovenia record label, issued on CD and DVD and became a bestseller. • Programme projects of VAL 202 in 2008 The following projects received the most attention: 1. THE 2008 OLYMPICS IN BEIJING ≤ a successfully executed programme project which demonstrated that Slovene public radio is able to produce a high quality sports programme comparable to the larges European media companies. 2. CD VAL 08 Imamo dobro glasbo ≤ this whole-year project included a tender for new popular music production that resulted in 18 new musical works. Their release attracted a lot of attention from the media and received very favourable reviews, especially from the expert public. 3. IME LETA 2008 ≤ the logical conclusion of the whole-year selection of Ime tedna (Person of the Week). The broadcast justified its reputation as one of the most established December campaigns in Slovenia. We enhanced its humanitarian aspect with a donation to a selected recipient. 4. The Niet Izštekani CD and DVD from Val 202 are now bestsellers in Slovenia. 5. The 75th birthday anniversary of Jure Robežnik ≤ in an evening gala and with musical adaptations of some of his music, we celebrated one of the most prominent Slovene composers of popular music. The Monday broadcast Ime tedna now has a different schedule and different content, and the show successfully ran a humanitarian campaign for SMS donations, through which five humanitarian organisations received, approximately 6,000.00 EUR. 36 37 RADIO SLOVENIA CHANNEL 3 ≤ ARS CHANNEL Slovene composers for the broadcasts Pojemo-pojemo and Pojemo-pojemo z najmlajšimi. The Children’s and Youth Choir RTV Slovenia recorded some new archival recordings, and we also recorded the 21st Youth and Children’s Choir festival Zagorje ob Savi 2008. The choral music editors produced Slovenska in svetovna zborovska glasba, Banchetto musicale, Zborovski koncert, Zborovski panoptikum (with very good reviews from listeners), Zborovska glasba and Vokalno-instrumentalna glasba. In total, we recorded 720 minutes of choral music and aired 51 choral concerts. Jazz music: in addition to the regular Jazz Avenija, Jazz Session and Jazz Ars and the broadcast Big Band RTV Slovenia, we aired ten EBU concerts, recorded various jazz bands for the archive, and produced a series of concerts in Studio 14. In the field of experimental, electro-acoustic and modern music, we regularly aired Po poteh elektroakustiËne glasbe and ZvoËna iskanja. We presented folk music in Oddaljeni zvoËni svetovi. In co-operation with the EBU, we included five concerts from different series in the concert season of Euroradio. The EBU project Ars acustika Art’s Birthday 2008 Satrine sanje was very well received by our listeners. The editorial board ordered 95 concerts and opera performances from the concert seasons of Euroradio, 285 concert recordings, 14 opera performances from the Metropolitan Opera in New York and 48 concerts from summer festivals. We sent eight concerts of Big Band to EBU, a recording of the Radovljica festival and the music concerts O. Messiaena. We took part in the Rostrum electro-acoustic music competition and in the Novi talent competition. In the night-time schedule, on Evropski klasiËni nokturno, we aired 1,795 hours of musical programming from the BBC’s music editorial board. • Editorial board for classical music The editorial board regularly aired 17 hours of music a day, and reported on musical events (500 reports) for information broadcasts and information broadcasts on culture. The editorial staff for symphonic music, in addition to the broadcast Arsov art atelje with Slovene composers, produced broadcasts on radiophony/EA music, live coverage of the festival SLOWIND, the series SLOWIND after SLOWIND, the series OSTRO UHO ≤ broadcasts with evaluations of recordings from the international tribune ROSTRUM 2007 ≤ and a great deal of live coverage of other modern music events. It produced live coverage of nine concerts of the SORS concert series (a concert by the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra). Glasba Kitajske (Chinese Music) was covered by the European Broadcasting Union EBU, four concerts in the Mozartine series, 16 concerts in the Orange and Blue Subscription Series of the Slovenian Philharmonic, and the concert of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra on the occasion of its centennial. In addition to its regular broadcasts Glasba našega Ëasa, Recital, Komorna glasba, Evroradijski koncert and S solistiËnih in komornih koncertov, the editorial board for chamber music commissioned and processed 140 field recordings, including the concert season of the DSS, concerts of the Italian cultural institution, the series Šest strun in Cankarjev dom cultural centre, and concerts by Glasbena matica (Glasba iz pozabe). The recordings of the flautists’ festival in Zagorje are of especially quality. The editorial board commissioned 200 minutes of archival recording. • Editorial board for cultural and literary programmes The editorial board for opera produced the broadcasts Naši operni umetniki, Mojstri samospeva, Baletna glasba, Operni veËer, Operni recital and Operna ura. The board also produced 20 live performances, 14 of which were from the Metropolitan Opera, and 30 complete operas accompanied by expert commentary. In co-operation with The Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet (Opera SNG Ljubljana), we recorded arias by the Opera Chorus for our archive. With the Italian cultural institution, we cooperated on the project Puccinijevski glas. In the field of youth music, we recorded annual concerts, concerts from individual youth subscription series, and summer vocal music projects and New Year concerts. The Children’s Choir RTV Slovenia and Carmina Slovenica Junior recorded ten new musical works by We managed to achieve all our goals. The projects were very well received. After programme changes in 2008 in all three editorial boards (literary, cultural humanistic and informative), we presented and reflected cultural and artistic developments in Slovenia and abroad. The year 2008 started with Slovenia’s EU presidency; and with it the year of intercultural dialogue. We devoted various broadcasts to this theme (we covered the international conference on international dialogue), and in the central broadcast Ardov forum we organised a special discussion on this subject. The 38 year 2008 was marked by the 500th anniversary of Trubar’s birth. awards. We participated in the PRIX ITALIA International Competition for Radio, Television and Web with the play Arija, and two of our colleagues were members of the international jury for radio documentary. In the PRIX ITALIA competition schedule, RTV Slovenia participated with a short radio play Jutri and a radio play NeskonËni dnevi. At the PRIX MARULI∆ festival, radiophonic creativity with motifs from the pre-radio period was presented by the radio adaptation of Faust. The greatest international success achieved by Slovenian radio plays in 2008 was at the PRIX EX AEQUO International Children’s and Youth Radio Drama festival: three plays were entered in the competition programme, and LuËkov let received the Prix Ex Aequo prize. Radio Slovenia also participated at the IRAN 2008 radio festival, with the radio play Arija receiving second prize. And to this great Slovene protestant priest we devoted most of our attention: We prepared a series of broadcasts (ranging from his role in our history to language problems in his writings), and discussions and contributions on the occasion of celebrations and symposia dedicated to the author of the first Slovene book. We devoted more attention to the main exhibition in Slovenia Slovenski impresionisti in njihov Ëas in the National Gallery in Ljubljana. In various broadcasts (Umetnost XX. stoletja, Likovni odmevi, etc), we presented both the exhibitions and creators of the exhibited works, from the educational to the critical point of view. We marked the jubilees and birthdays of other authors: Valentin Vodnik, Drago JanËar, Rapa Šuklje, Ivan Rob, Ian Fleming, Boris Pahor, Tone PavËek, Miško Kranjec, Žiga Zois, John Milton etc. Their achievements were presented in Literarni veËeri. We paid tribute to Taras Kermauner, we presented prominent literary award winners, including Janez Gradišnik, winner of the Prešeren Award; Andrzej Stasiuk, winner of the Vilenica International Literary festival, and J. M. G. Le Clézioja, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. We held a competition for best short story and thereby enriched Literarni nokturno, and we presented texts for the matriculation examinations and nominees for the Kresnik Award. During the EU presidency, we produced a series of 27 literary evenings entitled Evropske književnosti po Berlinskem zidu and presented the literatures of EU Member States. Our work, extending also to Channel 1 and information broadcasts, included reports on the main cultural and artistic events, for example on the Berlin Film Festival, the Mittelfest Festival, the Slovenian book fair etc. NEWS AND EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES The news programming of Radio Slovenia followed all the journalistic rules regarding the provision of speedy, high-quality, precise and reliable information with regard to all important events in Slovenia and abroad. This programming duly fulfilled our commitment to inform the public as an authentic public service, both in information broadcasts and in news reporting on Channels 1, 2 and 3. The main information broadcasts - Prva jutranja kronika, Druga jutranja kronika, Danes do trinajstih, Dogodki in odmevi, Radijski dnevnik and Zrcalo dneva - are high-quality shows with the highest ratings. They are of high quality and reliable. Events which received most attention in 2008: 1. National Assembly elections and the constitution of the Government of RS. In the summer, we started organisational and content-related preparations for the elections. We organised debates between political parties in pre-election broadcasts on Studio ob sedemnajstih, and presented pre-election events in our information broadcasts (Sunday election evenings). We successfully carried out radio news reports with 11 live reports immediately after the parallel election results were published, together with results analysis in the broadcast that aired until 10:00 PM. In the night schedule, the results were analysed by correspondents in constituencies. We informed the public, up-to-date and in-depth, about the coalition formation, the election of the formateur and formation of Parliament. After the formation of the Government, attention has been given to the implementation of its political programme. 2. We have been reporting about the financial crisis exhaustively, professionally and analytically. Correspondents in Slovenia and abroad, and journalists on political and economic broadcasts, shed light on all aspects of the crisis in information broadcasts and on Evrožvenket. Studio ob sedemnajstih hosts numerous experts and economists who analyse the financial crisis and the measures adopted to mitigate its consequences. 3. In the first half of 2008, we dedicated a great deal of time and effort to the Slovenian EU presidency. In addition to the daily Evropska postaja, we emphasised the following: meeting of the Government of RS and the European Commission in Brdo pri Kranju; the EU summits under the Slov- • Editorial board for feature programmes The editorial board of feature programmes strove to fulfil its basic goals by creating high-quality, listener-friendly feature programming for Channels 1 and 3 of Radio Slovenia. It dedicated special attention to the development of artistic radiophony, and this segment received additional funds for our own authentic productions. In addition to regular programmes, new programme orientations emerged in the field of documentary radio play (O Ëem pojejo ptice, Blejski zvon želja etc.); we encouraged youth broadcasts (the radio plays Gaudeamus, Brez, Vsega imam dovolj etc.), and we dedicated more attention to short and entertaining radio plays. A very important contribution to the traditional revival of Slovene classics is the radio adaptation of the novel Bobri. During the Slovenian EU presidency, the features programme celebrated intercultural dialogue with Slovene versions of radio plays from 23 European countries. The fact that only three plays were premieres (the vast opus of foreign authors has been built up over the past) proves the international dimension of features programming. On Channels 1 and 3 of Radio Slovenia we aired, for the first time, 40 radio plays; the annual repertoire comprises some 320 plays. The features department created over 500 radio broadcasts ≤ from poetry miniatures, such as Literarni nokturno, to Literarni veËeri in portreti, involving more complex contents and concepts. The features department took part in five main international media festivals; seven radio plays by Radio Slovenia were entered in competition, and two received 39 OU MUSIC PROGRAMMES AND MUSIC PRODUCTION enian EU presidency in March and June in Brussels (Studio ob sedemnajstih), the Lisbon Treaty and Ireland (Studio ob sedemnajstih), the EU≤USA summit in Brdo pri Kranju (Studio), the fifth annniversity of Slovenia’s accession to the EU (Studio); the aftermath of Slovenian EU presidency (Studio). 4. In summer 2008, Slovenia suffered two severe storms which caused serious material damage. In information broadcasts, we reported on the storms, their consequences and the actions taken to repair the damage. We were the first to report on the tragedy at the Blanca Hydroelectric Power Plant, and we were there to follow the aftermath of this unfortunate event. 5. The implementation of the new payment system in the public sector was presented in information broadcasts and in other discussion broadcasts, where we explained how the new system would affect individual sections of the socalled public sector. After its implementation, we shed light on the implications of the new system. 6. The escalation of violence between Russia and Georgia also required prompt following of the situation. Journalists who cover foreign policy issues regularly followed, in the broadcast Studio ob sedemnajstih, relations between Slovenia and Croatia, and the US presidential elections which, with the election of the first Afro-American president, made history. We followed the Austrian parliamentary elections and long-running negotiations for the formation of the new coalition; we reported on the regular annual United Nations Organisation conference on the environment. In December, we focused on the Middle East following the Israeli invasion of Gaza. Regarding Slovenia’s foreign policy, we focused on the appointment of the new foreign minister and the decision on the temporary blocking of accession negotiations with Croatia. Two December broadcasts Studio ob sedemnajstih were dedicated to this topic. In the weekly Eppur si mouve we analysed current foreign policy issues, and in Labirint sveta we reviewed the international developments of the previous week. 7. When Slovenia’s former president Janez Drnovšek died, we produced two specials, in addition to relevant contributions to information broadcasts. 8. We devoted a lot of attention and programme time to the adoption of regional legislation. We upgraded reports and analyses in information broadcasts in the more demanding radio blocks, such as Studio ob sedemnajstih, the weekly current affairs review, and broadcasts on Channel 1, especially through our domestic correspondents. In 2008, the work of in-house music ensembles was related to the anniversaries of Radio and Television Slovenia. Work in Studio 26 is not yet finished, and we are forced to work at various remote locations. However, unfavourable circumstances due to everyday moves to different locations have not yet ‘killed’ the spirit of the Symphony Orchestra or had significant effects on its work. • In 2008, the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, compared to the last ten years, achieved a record in the number of concerts - 44 - 5 abroad and 12 outside Ljubljana. We concluded and newly opened the concert season of the Orchestra in Cankarjev dom. We successfully carried out the subscription season of the four Mozartin concerts. We carried out all the planned concerts in partnership: for Slovenian Music days, the Music Academy, Glasbeno mladino ljubljansko and Managers’ Concert. The Orchestra performed with several top and world-famous soloists, including the violinists Sarah Chang and Julian Rachlin, percussion player Evelyn Glennie, pianist Mikhail Rudy and others. The most prominent conductor was the Romanian Cristian Mendeal, who offered an unforgettable performance of Bruckner’s 7th Symphony in Ljubljana and Klagenfurt. We successfully concluded a tour of France with concerts in Paris and Amiens. The Orchestra participated in the Orchestra Network of Europe (ONE), and with the network’s help, the orchestra drew European funds within the framework of the Culture Programme. The Orchestra performed, for the first time, a new musical work by Uroš Rojko, Izvir II. Twice, the Orchestra performed a concert directly for the European Broadcasting Union, both under the baton of En Shao, who also received the full support of the orchestra members for further cooperation. The Orchestra, in addition to its outstanding concert activities, recorded 642 minutes of music for the archive, and this can be considered a ‘really sensational achievement’, given the unfavourable circumstances and relocations. The Symphony Orchestra contributed more than 4,000 minutes to RTV Slovenia’s broadcasts. It should be noted that in 2008, Television Slovenia recorded 24 concerts for its own needs, i.e. more than half of the performed concerts. Compared to previous years, this is an outstanding achievement, and such cooperation is very welcome in the future. Among special projects in 2008, we must mention the ‘8x8’ concert series, a festive concert on the occasion of RTV Slovenia’s anniversaries, the third guest appearance in Amsterdam in the world-famous Concertgebouwo, where we performed two different programmes and received standing ovations from the audience, and two Christmas concerts with Oliver DragojeviÊ. We recorded mostly Slovenian musical creativity for the archive, with Slovenian musical works representing 61 % of the recordings. Our performances and concerts were well-attended. The ratio between available and occupied seats was 92 %. In total, almost 45,000 visitors attended Symphony Orchestra concerts, i.e. over 1,000 per concert. These are only a few highlights of demanding additional journalistic engagement, analyses and upgrading of events by means of more complex journalistic genres. In news broadcasts, emphasis was given to numerous cultural events (in co-operation with colleagues from Channel 3 and correspondents in Slovenia), and to the difficulties of the handicapped. • The RTV Slovenia Big Band ere closely involved in various anniversaries and held several related performances. All in all, the Big Band held 39 concerts and recorded 90 40 musical arrangements. This means a contribution of 365 minutes of music to the archive. The first season of the Mons Jazz Club ended successfully and was extended, in agreement with the partner, for an additional three years (it is now in the season 2008/2009). Among projects worth mentioning is the participation of one of the best drummers in the world Peter Erskin, the excellent record with Uroš PeriÊ, the concert with Mads Vinding and Lars Moeller, and with a young Finnish jazz musician, Outi Tarkainen. Conductors Lojze KrajnËan and Tadej TomšiË led the band most frequently. The Band participated in the recording of the New Year’s TV broadcast. Television recorded, 12 Big Band performances, including NareËna in Slovenska popevka, and our eminent orchestra contributed 2,765 minutes of music to the archive and broadcasts. • The Chamber Choir RTV Slovenia performed five planned projects; three in the Mozartine cycle together with the Symphony Orchestra RTV Slovenia. In this respect, Händel’s Messiah must be put forward; its performance was superior. All three performances were prepared by Tomaž Faganel. The choir performed two further projects with the conductor Sebastjan Vrhovnik: Trubarjev protestantski krog and a concert within the project Gallus at the Brežice Festival. All together, the choir contributed 450 minutes of music for the RTV Slovenia’s broadcasts. • RTV Slovenia Youth and Children’s Choir The Youth Choir was the first to perform the musical fairy tale Ure stavkajo, in cooperation with the STOP percussion ensemble. The choir recorded 166 minutes of music for the archive, and took part in the national youth choir competition in Zagorje, winning the gold medal, and at the international youth choir competition in Neerpelt, Belgium, where it won first prize Magna cum laude. In addition, it performed nine times, including Mahler’s Symphony No 3 with the Symphony Orchestra of the Slovenian Philharmonic led by George Pehlivanian. The Children’s Choir gave 12 performances and recorded 66 minutes of music for the archive. I wish to mention the cooperation with Radio Slovenia’s Channel 1. The choir recorded a few new songs for the broadcast ViolinËek. Both choirs also recorded for Television Slovenia, and altogether, they recorded 100 minutes of programme. • The classical music producers worked excellently, as always, and achieved more than 32,000 minutes of music recordings for the archives or performed at concerts. This is an outstanding achievement for only six employees. On average, this means 5,300 minutes per producer, which is almost 90 hours of net music or two CDs per week. Operations in the first half of 2008 were critical in respect of provisions of the programme-business plan due to poorly assessed dynamics. However, at the end of the year, the unplanned higher portion of flexible expenses equalled the unplanned income and savings in the field of labour costs of permanently employed staff. The Symphony Orchestra has signed a three-year contract with its general sponsor KD Group, and this is one of our greatest business achievements in 2008, especially because on the basis of this contract and 41 our excellent cooperation, this partner allocated most of its advertising to RTV Slovenia. The number of tickets sold for concerts by our music ensembles was satisfactory and partly above average. Special thanks go to our programme and planning activities, and also to our marketing service, trailer service and those RTV Slovenia colleagues who, with their ideas and excellent work, made our advertising for different music performances very well noticed. In the field of investments, I wish to underline the purchase of a celesta, a very rare, expensive and much needed musical instrument, and a new drum kit for the Big Band, and of course the payment for a new concert piano in Studio 14. To wind up, I can say that we managed, with the exemption of a few unimportant aspects, to realise and in some cases exceed all of our goals. • Daytime programme editorial board The daytime editorial board consists of the editorial board for interactive and entertainment broadcasts and the editorial board for sports, culture, youth, children’s and documentary broadcasts. In terms of programmes, we fully realised the forenoon broadcast Dopoldan in pol. The project Osebnost Primorske, which was concluded with a very well received public radio broadcast, was very successful. We produced in conjunction with Television Koper and Primorske novice. In March, we successfully carried out the traditional Gospodarstvenik Primorske project, and in partnership with RAI≤Radio Trieste the projects Naš športnik and Martinovanje (in Goriška Brda). As a novelty which takes the ‘pulse’ of the region, we introduced the weekly broadcast Istrski kalejdoskop, which involves four radio stations: Slovenian Radio Koper, Italian Radio Capodistria and the Croatian and Italian Radio Pula. With this innovation, which did not require additional funds, we exchange, in a relaxing atmosphere, information relating to everyday issues and events. The year of the Olympics was very noticeable on the Radio Koper frequency. Before the Olypmics, our sports section prepared a series of 53 broadcasts on the history of the event, entitled Olimpijsko odštevanje. These interesting and highquality broadcasts required additional funds, but attracted significant marketing revenue. We successfully covered the Olympics, with the help of a reporter on the newspaper Primorske novice based in Beijing. The culture and arts programme, youth programme and children’s programme were realised in the planned framework and met all expectations. RADIO KOPER ≤ REGIONAL RADIO STATION In 2008, Radio Koper, with Nova Gorica Studio, achieved its main goal and maintained its position as the leading radio station in the coastal area, despite harder competition. More than 20 % of listeners tune in, from Bovec to Piran, in the Goriška and Tržaška regions and in regions spanning the Italian border which are inhabited by Slovenians. In 2008, all editorial boards fulfilled their basic missions: we rendered an authentic and up-to-date information service on life in the region, and as a collective correspondent, we forwarded regional content to all three national radio programmes. Radio Koper produces 18 hours of its own programme daily, and on Fridays we produce the night programming for the national network and therefore 24 hours of our own programming. As a regional station, we cover all content segments included in the three national programmes. • Editorial board for information programmes The basis of Radio Koper’s activities is authentic and up-todate information, which if necessary is included in a broader context. Therefore, the information programme is given the highest priority in both HR and financial aspects. We produce three main information shows: the 20-minute Jutranjik, Opoldnevnik and the afternoon Primorski dnevnik, and five daily newscasts lasting three to five minutes. All broadcasts include current events in Slovenia and abroad, although the emphasis is on regional information. The editorial board prepares in-depth and extended information and broadcasts involving various opinions in the daytime programme segment Aktualno and in the weekly broadcasts Rešeto and Rekel in ostal živ. We fulfilled these programme tasks consistently and with quality. • Music editorial board Music programming constitutes 70 % of Radio Koper’s output, with the lion’s being modern popular music. We maintained the high percentage of Slovene music and even exceeded the required 40 % share. • Classical music In line with our mission, we air all musical genres, including classical and choral music, and we encourage musical creativity. We place great emphasis on encouraging and monitoring young people’s musical creativity. In talk and music broadcasts, we featured the following: 42 • young musicians (students at music schools in Slovenia and Italy): broadcast Mladi primorski talenti (one 20- to 30-minute broadcast per week); • choirs from Primorska region, folk singers and fiddlers, and all those that create, nourish and preserve Slovene music: the broadcast Zborovski utrip (one 60-minute weekly broadcast); • composers and performers living abroad; • organisers of concerts, festivals and summer schools for young musicians (indirectly, to support the education of young people): the broadcast Glasbena razglednica (four, weekly 10-minute current events reports or rubrics) and the broadcast Glasbeni abonma (one 60- to 90-minute weekly broadcast); • reports on music in information broadcasts (providing insight into the local ‘music life’, also with the help of correspondents from marginal areas on both sides of the Slovene-Italian border): regular reports, 3 to 4 contributions per week. • Popular music The daytime programme (from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM) airs mainly popular music (with a few exceptions). Radio Koper is renowned for choosing popular music that goes beyond regional borders and for preserving high-quality and a wide variety of popular music. All the work is done by a single permanently employed music editor, who manages the work of part-time colleagues. Despite these unfavourable working conditions, the music backgrounds in the daytime broadcasts and special broadcasts involving comments on popular music genres in the evenings achieved satisfactory levels. • Music production In 2008, we managed 33 fewer live field recordings than in 2007. Half of the unrealised recordings were due to the fact that some concerts were cancelled, but the other half fell victim to rationalisation. The greatest challenge for Radio Koper’s music output was the marathon of concerts Primorska poje. Last year, we arranged a compromise with the organisers, reduced our share of recordings, and together with RAI Radio Trieste, managed to record more than 200 choirs from Slovenia, Italy, Croatia and Austrian Carinthia. For the Tartini Festival and Kogojevi dnevi we realised the plan and remained within the 2007 volume. We also started a new project: the April festival Bienale sodobne glasbe, during which we recorded four concerts in one week. • Conclusion In line with its programme policy, Radio Koper strove to satisfy a broad spectrum of interests, in terms of both the social and age structures of highly differentiated target groups. The high popularity and good ratings of Radio Koper prove that we are almost achieving the impossible. We should mention that Radio Koper acts as a collective correspondent for all national programmes of Radio Slovenia: in 2008, we contributed over 39,000 minutes of speech and, including recordings for the national archive, and 74,274 minutes of music programming. 43 RADIO MARIBOR ≤ REGIONAL RADIO STATION • Daytime programmes The daytime programme editorial board produced a number of weekly broadcasts, such as: Mariborski feljton, Kmetijska oddaja, Radijska delavnica znancev, Mladi mladim, Radijski klub, Obrazi … At the same time, we intensified the use of our mobile production vehicle and tried to improve our everyday programming. In 2008, Radio Maribor achieved its programme and business goals, having an informative, cultural and educational role in the urban and country environments. We took account of the statutory ratio between speech and music and between Slovenian and foreign music. • Featured programmes • Information programmes In 2008, we produced: • five radio plays (Sence in sinkope, Sokratov zagovor, Za vsakim vogalom kak ostrostrelec from the Employment Service, 7 skorij kruha - 7 skorij hrepenenja and Metro); • three radio plays pending final editing (Privid na RdeËem otoku, Hiša Marije pomoËnice and Spanje na sveti keltski gori); • a children’s radio play Odiseja 3000; • a documentary feature portrait Z zamahom ptice; • eight experimental projects Radijsko vodeni ples petih ritmov; • three featured literary broadcasts in a new format - Zbrano zapisano zaigrano. We kept our basic scheme of information broadcasts with brief news at 8:00 AM and noon, and more extensive news at 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM, and added news at 6:00 PM. The news at 2:30 PM became the first central radio news - Do popoldneva - and the 5:00 PM information broadcast is again called Radijski dnevnik; which is moderated by journalists. Information broadcasting responded to current events in society and events at national level: in 2008, emphasis was placed on parliamentary elections and on Maribor’s candidacy for the 2013 Winter Universiade, and the European Capital of Culture 2012. With current affairs matters, Radio Maribor participated regularly in information broadcasts on all three channels of Radio Sloveniaa. We participated at international festivals: Prix Italia (participation in the editorial, news and education segments) and the Prix URTI (in the competition programme with the co-production Spanje na sveti keltski gori). • Music editorial board The music editorial board produced classical and choral music from NE Slovenia and elsewhere, and contributed around 6,800 minutes to national radio programmes. • Special projects Traditionally, Radio Maribor produces special projects in co-operation, most frequently with TV Maribor. In 2008, these special projects were: Festival nareËnih popevk, Festival Vurberk, Festival Ptuj, Športnik Maribora and, of course, special 14-days projects, such as Festival Lent and Borštnikovo sreËanje; the latter included 16 chronicles for all three channels of Radio Slovenia. • Bimediality The planned project Bimedialnost between Radio Maribor and Television Maribor was begun; at the end of the year, several positive results were evident, together with a certain level of rationalisation. Unfortunately, we are facing problems with equipment, which prevents the optimum utilisation of human resources working on both programmes. • Novelties Since May 5 2008, Radio Maribor is again airing from 5:00 AM, after the first morning news on Channel 1. We also added news at 6:00 PM. We introduced a few prize-winning quizzes to make our station more attractive, and at the same time informed our audience about Radio Maribor’s history, its programme and significance. 44 In 2008, we consolidated the HR structure of Radio Maribor; we hired two young workers for information programmes and two younger co-workers for musical programming. This brought fresh blood to our spoken word and music shows. In the autumn, we transferred our output to the World Wide Web, and at the end of the year this had proved to be a very smart move, bringing excellent results. For example, in one day, a single broadcast recorded 50 hits. At the end of 2008, around 50 broadcasts were available through the Internet. • Ratings We are pleased to announce that ratings data show that after the drop in 2007 (from 2.2 % to 1.7 %), we again reached 2.2 % in the last quarter of 2008 (ratings data for Slovenia). From the beginning of 2008, ratings improved by 10 % (33,000 listeners in the region, and 37,000 listeners in the city). It must be noted that all three national radio programmes and Radio Maribor together reach almost 20 % of listeners in NE Slovenia, and this is a much better result compared to the otherwise most popular station in the region. RADIO SLOVENIA INTERNATIONAL ≤ the EPU Editorial board of the channel for the foreign public In 2008, we achieved all the programme tasks, which, compared to previous years, were much more extensive. In addition to our 24-hour programme, we prepared broadcasts for other national channels. We produced 3,300 minutes of information broadcasts in English and German for Radio Slovenia’s Channel 1, and in the summer months, 360 minutes of traffic information in both languages for Radio Slovenia’s Channels 1 and 2. Our night programme is aired on Radio Slovenia’s Channel 2; the same goes for the Hungarian and Italian national programmes. The other project which started after the contract was signed at the end of 2008 is the traffic editorial board. The editorial board prepares current traffic information for drivers in Slovenian, German and English. The project has been improved. In co-operation with a foreign partner, we transmit this information in a special format to all drivers using travel computers (TMC service). • Assessment of results achieved Despite the harder situation in the advertising market, we ensured additional funds with the help of both development projects, and even exceeded our planned income. Both projects were planned for a longer period, and we adjusted the HR structure in the editorial board. We put special emphasis on training staff who prepare and edit their contributions independently and then send them to foreign radio stations. Our programme co-workers also receive and include in our programming broadcasts prepared by other consortium members. We trained staff responsible for the traffic service. To carry out all the tasks successfully, appropriate coverage of our signal will need to be secured, as stipulated in the RTV Slovenia Act. • New projects We invested a lot of energy in the implementation of two development projects. The first is cooperation in the EURANET consortium, of which we are founding members. The consortium includes fourteen mainly public radio stations from thirteen European countries. Every week we prepare around 60 minutes of informative contributions in English and German, which are then aired in joint programmes or in the programmes of individual members. We developed a joint web site in the Slovenian language. Within the consortium, we are not only active with regard to programme contributions, but also very active with regard to its management. We have one member on the editorial board, one member in the web site group, and a vice-president in the monitoring committee This project, co-financed by the European Commission, started in April and plays a crucial role in transmitting information about events in Slovenia to listeners in other European countries; this is also the basic mission of a programme for informing the foreign public. We improved the content of our information broadcasts. The qualifications of our staff and co-operation with other editorial boards enable us to use different resources when preparing broadcasts. Compared to previous years, we were more active in the field of programme promotion, although much remains to be done. Above all, foreign drivers are not aware of the fact that they can get all the important information, including traffic information, in a language that they understand. 45 PROGRAMMES OF TELEVISION SLOVENIA INTRODUCTION BY THE DIRECTOR OF TELEVISION SLOVENIA In general, we managed to realise the programme business plan successfully. 2008 was a year of big projects, onerous from both the programme and production point of view. The most important projects were the Olympics, the EU presidency and parliamentary elections. Television Slovenia had limited resources, but we nevertheless created a surplus, we maintained the quality of broadcasts and we fulfilled our task as a public service provider in accordance with our mission. Despite public television programme’s decreasing ratings, we managed to maintain our ratings. It is important that we produced feature programmes; in this respect, we must emphasise the success of our television films Hit poletja, Vaja zbora, Vampir z Gorjancev and Morje v Ëasu mrka, and the TV series Anica. All projects were very well received by our viewers. The Parliamentary Channel started airing, in line with our expectations, although there were some problems. Due to intensive coverage of the EU presidency, producers of information programming had a lot of work. Additional coverage of events in Brussels and Slovenia (mainly from Brdo pri Kranju) was very successful. Our television station successfully carried out all the production and programme tasks in relation to the Beijing Olympics. Some projects were not concluded, either due to unfavourable responses from viewers or rationalisation. However, no essential programme content was threatened. We can conclude that Television Slovenia was successful, and that the programme production plan was realised in accordance with our expectations. In this respect, it must be noted that income decreased, while production and programme costs increased. Working in such circumstances in 2009 will be even more difficult. EPU NEWS PROGRAMME In 2008, the EPU News Programme produced, in addition to regular daily newscasts, two larger and important projects, 2008 parliamentary elections and EU presidency. The six-month EU presidency was covered both from Brussels and Slovenia. We put out a weekly TV show Evropa.si which received good ratings and informed viewers, in a friendly manner, about EU presidency themes. The emphasis was on how the EU functions, its rules and regulations, institutions etc. The EU presidency was the main topic of a number of specials which hosted politicians and experts, and through the presentation of their work, we presented to viewers the importance of Slovenia’s EU presidency. The most important project was the 2008 parliamentary elections; as stipulated by law, we produced a number of very well-received debates between political parties and their can- 48 Mate Dolenc and Jurij Pervanje: Morje v Ëasu mrka; by Martin Turk: Soba 412; two television plays: by Vinko Möderndorfer: Vaja zbora; by Matjaž ZupanËiË: Igra s pari; three short films: by Marko ŠantiË: Od elektriËarja z ljubeznijo; by Goran VojnoviÊ: Kitajci prihajajo; by Martin Turk: Vsakdan ni vsak dan. didates. They had very good ratings, and the highlight was the Sunday election show, in which we informed our viewers, until the final unofficial results were published, of developments in Slovenia: we analysed the comments of the winners and losers, the parties’ success by regions, and thus concluded our campaign coverage. This show also had excellent ratings. The programme creators and technical staff played a very important part. For the first time, we managed more than 20 live reports from different locations, which required outstanding organisational and technical efforts. Most of the films and plays have already been aired; three are still in post-production: Igra s pari, Skriti spomin Angele Vode and Soba 412; the premiere of the first two will be in March and April 2009 and the premiere of Soba 412 will be in October 2009. The high-quality achievements were: Hit poletja (prizewinning script at the Festival of Slovenian Film 2008; this film was presented in the official programme of the annual festival of best European television films Prix Europa, Berlin 2008; the expert public denoted it as an exemplary television film, with a lighter, but well-addressed theme; it had great ratings at 13.4 % or 257,900 viewers when it was first aired and 2.4 % or 46,400 viewers at the second airing); Vaja zbora, assessed by the critics as a good television comedy, with good ratings at 10.5 %; Vampir z Gorjancev with ratings at 7.2 % and an expert evaluation as a ‘real television film’. Morje v Ëasu mrka received lower ratings (6.3 %), although it presented a permanent aesthetic achievement. All three short films are of superior quality: Vsakdan ni vsak dan was presented at the Cannes Film Festival 2008; Od elektriËarja z ljubeznijo is a model example of a short film with an effective novel turn and an unobtrusive point; the film Kitajci prihajajo brings current social problems to the foreground. The editorial board believes that all three original films still in post-production are of superior quality, and that the film Skriti spomin Angele Vode is a very demanding and successfully realised television feature. In 2008, a new show on consumerism was introduced, and staffing was reinforced for a new show on the Slovene economy. The show on consumerism, entitled Posebna ponudba, paved the way for a new information show intended only for consumers, our viewers. For this reason, its creators act independently of our sponsors and are even critical of them. We act as a kind of ‘consumer inspectorate’ and inform our viewers of the traps that traders and other service providers try to ‘sell’ consumers on a daily basis. The show includes independent analyses and assessments of individual products and services. In 2008, we acquired European funds for the continuation of the Eutrinki project. With this project, we are striving to present the European Union and its institutions in an interesting way. In September, we introduced a new Monday block within which the show Polemika is aired. In this show, we host various guests who present their opinions on events that happened in the previous week. TarËa, a research TV show again airs on Channel 1: once a month the show is broadcast on Mondays instead of the TV show Polemika. In addition to all these projects, in 2008, Television Slovenia shot five plays by five Slovene theatres and theatre companies: Gospoda Glembajevi by Miroslav Krleža, RomantiËne duše by Ivan Cankar, GospodiËna Julija by Avgust Strindberg, Kvartet by Heiner Müller, and the solo show Skopuh by Andrej Rozman Roza; these pieces present international, classic Slovenian works and modern drama, more demanding theatrical pieces, the classical and modern repertoire, and modern comedy. In 2008, we produced three shows called Dosje and five shows called Mednarodna obzorja; some received very favourable responses from viewers and the expert public. EPU CULTURE AND ARTS PROGRAMME In 2008, we created a number of high-profile and high-quality broadcasts. Above all, we must mention the television film Hit poletja directed by Metod Pevec (this film successfully represented Television Slovenia at the TV film festival in Berlin), the short film by Martin Turk Vsakdan ni vsak dan (which was accepted in one of the sections of the prestigious Cannes film festival), the children’s TV series Anica, based on the novels by Desa Muck, and a number of great documentary, educational and religious documentaries, together with many broadcasts from all our culture and arts programmes (Turbulenca, Pepi ve vse, Ars 360° etc.). • Editorial board for children’s and youth programme We are satisfied with the realisation of last year’s plan. In some cases, we even managed superior programme achievements. First worth mentioning is the well-received family and children’s features series Anica, based on the novels by Desa Muck and directed by Franc Arko. We are very pleased that we managed to add, to the Sunday matinee Živ Žav, the Saturday matinee Križ Kraž, which was well-received by the viewers and had high ratings (over 35 %). Parents, mentors and teachers responded very positively. This programme is produced by Anka Bogataj and consists above all of premiere series from the Children’s and Youth programme. Special emphasis must be put on the series Pepi ve vse, which became a trademark of our schedule (educational and entertainment shows are produced by Igor RibiË and Jože Potrebuješ). It seems that the family comedy Vlomilci delajo poleti by the writer/director Roman KonËar will also receive high ratings. We can not overlook • Editorial board of Slovene films and TV series In 2008, this editorial board produced ten units of original featured programmes, three of which were full-length television films: by Feri LainšËek and Metod Pevec: Hit poletja (shot in 2007, presented in 2008); by Mate Dolenc and Vinci Vogue Anžlovar: Vampir z Gorjancev; by Alenka Puhar, Maja Weiss and Ana LasiÊ: Skriti spomin Angele Vode; two television films: by 49 two new puppet series which successfully combine education and entertainment: Notkoti created by Kajetan »op, Profesor Pustolovec created by the actor and co-writer Marko Derganc and writer Iztok LovriË. We made a short feature (based on an original script by children) Kaj nam je bilo tega treba (CIAK Junior) which again received an award at the Treviso Festival. • Editorial board for educational programme We realised and presented all the documentaries and documentary series in the programme production plan. The following documentaries were of high quality: Ambasadorji »rne gore; Breze, morje in neskonËno; G7 ali Komuna na robu družbe; Izzven; Fabiani - PleËnik (this full-length documentary received a sponsor’s award at the international documentary festival in Vienna). The following series were well received by viewers: Gozdovi na Slovenskem, Biotopi, Po travnikih s Stanetom Sušnikom, Budizem na Slovenskem, Prezrte medicinske sestre and Kako živijo slovenski gradovi. On 30 December 2008, we aired a 30-minute ethnological film Steljarija v Preloki. In 2008, we aired a weekly 50-minute educational and advisory show Turbulenca. Because of complications with scripts, we moved the show to the autumn/winter programme scheme. The first show was aired on 3 September 2008 at 5:35 PM on Television Slovenia’s Channel 1. Interactive TV shows were aired every week. These are modern, interactive educational shows aired live, with open telephone lines, interesting guests, contributions and opinion polls. In August, in the summer schedule, we aired the documentary Po poteh leoparda, a story about blind and visually impaired Slovenians who climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. We also aired the Nepal documentary Mi, bogu za hrbtom which received the Television Slovenia Award at the International Mountain Film Festival in Cankarjev dom cultural centre. • Editorial board for cultural shows In 2008, the editorial board realised all the planned shows: the weekly 30-minute show Osmi dan, monthly shows Opus, Pisave, Podoba podobe, Umetnost igre and Umetni raj. We also realised all monthly shows on amateur culture Izvirni, and a 15-minute weekly show Ars 360°. We aired the commemorative Prešernova proslava and two shows on modern art Platforma. We also produced a live broadcast of the opening of the industrial design biennial. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of TV Slovenia, we aired Osmi dan and commemorated all the creators of this programme, including four deceased authors of cultural shows. The show was a great ending to the jubilee year and at the same time it celebrated the 20th anniversary of Osmi dan; it received great responses from viewers. Every show presented superior achievements, with portraits, documentary themes and interesting on-the-spot reports from foreign countries. In addition to the critical reflection Osmi dan and a monothematic broadcast, the broadcast Ars 360° won a circle of viewers; the show is intended for the younger generation and fills in the gaps in the field of pop culture. 50 • Editorial board for documentaries (UDF) • Editorial board for music and ballet shows The editorial board followed all the guidelines of the adopted programme production plan for 2008. However, there were some discrepancies: differences in the length and selection of films for regular schedules, in the larger volume of licence purchases, in longer production cycles of more demanding co-production films, and in the greater volume of irregular schedules. The documentary of the month is a content line in TV Slovenia’s documentary output. With it, we preserve historical memory and build the cultural and national perception of the Slovene public. In 2008, we put special emphasis on the research and development of scripts. The editorial board realised most of the planned projects for 2008 (new projects and completions) and the programme scheme. Within the regular schedules, we aired all the films as premieres in line with the programme scheme for 2008 and in irregular schedules (17 films), including the premiere scheme (4 films) from July until August 2008. The documentary of the month: 11 films were aired: PrgišËe žalosti - Afganistan (5.6 %); Nebesa pod Triglavom (7.7 %); Vrnitev medvedov (6.3 %); Jesenice: Detroit (5.8 %). Documentary portrait: nine films; Ivana Kobilica ≤ portret slikarke (5.5 %), GrašËak z Brda pri Lukovici (8.3 %). Documentary feuilleton: nine films; Tea time na GoriËkem (7.1 %) on Channel 1. It received lower ratings because it was aired on Channel 2. Traveller’s journals: four films, summer schedule, average ratings 5 %. The programme was realised in line with the basic programme starting points and with the programme production plan. We must underline a few programme highlights. We started the year 2008 with the 45th New Year’s concert from Vienna. During the EU presidency, the editorial board presented our most successful broadcasts of the previous year and opened the Slovenian day at MIDEM in Cannes at the end of January 2008. The golden jubilees of TV Slovenia and of our editorial board were celebrated on Sunday evenings under the title Na utrip srca, Zlata resna glasba in balet (1958 ≤ 2008). In the broadcasts and series Glasbeni veËer, Slovenska jazz scena, Z glasbo in s plesom etc., we presented musical and dance and ballet performances of various genres from Slovenia and abroad through recordings and live broadcasts, and we also presented repertoires of all genres (old, traditional and new). At the same time, we created our own broadcasts and television works, and in this way we revived our cultural heritage (for example the series Po sledeh baleta na Slovenskem, filming the renovation of Ljubljana opera house); we developed new presentation concepts and new formats, or renovated the existing ones (thematic introductions to the Glasbeni veËeri, television visualisations). To the younger audience, we wanted to present the modern, experimental spirit. We presented our music, dance, and ballet creators and performers to viewers with great success, through a high-quality artistic television language in portrayal and documentaries (Posnetek od blizu, a portrait of Dubravka TomšiË Srebotnjak aired at the Portorož Film Festival). We presented the efforts of Slovenes abroad with recordings of the concert Koroška poje 2008, on the occasion of the 100th birth anniversary of France Cigan. In cooperation with the Rotary Club Ljubljana, we again successfully helped children with a charity concert Miklavžev koncert. In all, 56 Slovenian documentary films were aired, 10 of them were licence purchases from Slovene producers. Own production: 46 films, nine in co-production with independent Slovene producers (19.56 %). 11 additional films were aired; they were purchases from foreign producers and co-productions of EBU. In all, UDF contributed 67 documentary films. Documentary production remained one of the most recognisable programme trade marks of TV Slovenia. Significantly different ratings show the competition pressures of other television stations in prime-time blocks. Greater promotion of documentaries as a (still) unique offer of TV Slovenia was necessary in order to introduce such productions. • Editorial board of foreign films and TV series In 2008, we enlarged the volume of films for the general public. We aired many comedies, romantic films, adventure films, historical spectacles and other attractive items that significantly increased our ratings in the prime-time block (Ol- 51 iver Twist, Življenje Davida Galea, Enigma, Bela Masajka, Kviz show, Woody Allen films, 90-minute series in the prime-time block, such as Fojlova vojna and Poirot, along with many others). Our central film blocks were on Wednesday at 8:00 PM on Channel 1 and on Saturday at 8:00 PM ≤ until September, on Channel 2, and from September, on Channel 1. In the case of the latter, it turned out that the transition from Channel 2 to Channel 1 caused the reprogramming of the Saturday programme schedule (Channel 1 is much more exposed than Channel 2). The programme block with the highest ratings was also enriched on Channel 2 on Thursdays. In the Monday block (Channel 1 at 9:00 PM) we air so-called family series intended for a wider audience. Most were of European origin. We aired the third season of the popular series Doktor Martin (with nine episodes) and the third (and last) season of the series Rožmarinka in Timijanka (eight episodes). We also aired the latest season of the series Komisar Rex. In 2008, we introduced a new block that found its place in the schedule, on Sunday afternoons (Channel 1 at 2:30 PM). This programme block is reserved for older, but still excellent British sitcoms. At first, we aired, every Sunday, one episode of Fina gospa (Keeping Up Appearances) and Samo bedaki in konji (Only Fools and Horses); after the summer break, we continued only with Fina gospa. Within the framework of the so-called literary series (Channel 2, Sunday at 9:00 PM), we aired the outstanding German series Berlin Alexanderplatz (14 episodes), based on the novel by Döblin (writer and director Fassbinder). • Editorial board of religious programme In 2008, we fully realised the programme production plan. In addition to regular shows (Obzorja duha, Ozare, Duhovni utrip, Omizje ≤ Sveto in svet), holiday pastoral letters and broadcasts of Sunday masses, we also made and aired documentaries Sveta gora Atos (we presented the significance of this mountain for Orthodox Christians and we visited the Serbian Orthodox monastery Hilander) and 150 let Lurda. We successfully realised a demanding project - the live broadcast Dan družin in Celje, and two extraordinary broadcasts: SreËanje družin and Dobrodelni koncert Slomškove ustanove. From Rome we aired Križev pot and Urbi et Orbi. We produced two shows for broadcast in 2009: Srbski pravoslavni samostani na Hrvaškem and Sestre. • Editorial board of Prvi in drugi and TV-pogled Every week, we created the show Prvi in drugi and presented television broadcasts, their creators and behind-the scenes at our station. In July and August, we prepared eight single theme shows, feuilletons entitled Gledamo naprej; in this way we celebrated the 50th anniversary of TV and took a peek into the future. Every day we aired the evening TV forecast (at 7:55 PM), and in February we introduced the afternoon TV forecast, which airs every working day at 5:30 PM. EPU ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAMME For 2008, the entertainment department prepared a much more extensive programme business plan. We strove to follow the two basic goals: • to maintain own production that received positive responses from viewers and the expert public; • to offer new projects. For our own production, we planned 302 shows, or 21,567 minutes, and realised 24,010 minutes of programming - that is, we exceeded the plan by 11 %. In addition to our own production, we aired 2,767 minutes of foreign product. In the Sunday evening block, we introduced the musical show Zvezde pojejo, which was very well received by our viewers. In the Tuesday evening block, we kept the show Piramida; its hostess addresses serious topics in a relaxed manner, and her guests compete in rhetoric. In the Friday main prime-time block, viewers can enjoy our family musical show Na zdravje! We moved the satirical show HRI-BAR to a later evening block; this allows its creators to use even more parodies and criticism of current political happenings. For the Sunday afternoon show NLP, we changed the hosts, editors and a few features. Viewers accepted these changes, and Klemen Slakonja, senior student of dramaturgy, very quickly became popular with both the younger and older generation. In July and August we presented several premieres. From the beginning of June until the beginning of September, tourism journalist Drago Bulc and his team prepared 14 mosaic shows called Poletna potepanja. Summer Sunday evenings were dedicated to the Avsenik brothers’ venerable anniversary. In a series of nine shows Avsenikov zlati abonma we saw and heard archival music and video recordings, as well as new ensembles that continue the work and tradition of these two ambassadors of Slovene music. In autumn, we replaced the sitcom Za zadnjim vogalom with a licensed series, Brat bratu. The year 2008 ended with a diverse New Year’s Eve programme. A lot of attention was dedicated to concerts on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Radio Slovenia and the 50th anniversary of Television Slovenia, and to the central show Praznujemo; together with our radio colleagues and colleagues from the music production section we demonstrated that we are capable of preparing a top event with top performers. In addition to the planned shows, we created a few shows were not included in the programme production plan for 2008. This was because of our programme or business interests (Glasbeni spomini z Borisom Kopitarjem, BlešËica, Od ene do druge, Festival šansona La vie en rose, Festival Števerjan; event on the occasion of Katarina Venturini and Andrej Škufca’s retirement from the dance floor NeskonËnost je veËnost; the Berni models event; Prvaki na ledu; concert by the band Pankrti Izza zavese; concert by the band Laibach, concert by Vlado Kreslin; anniversary concert of Oto Pestner, and a Denis Novato concert. Ratings were satisfactory. The show Na zdravje! had 14 % ratings and a 35 % share of viewers, and Zvezde pojejo had 13.4 % ratings and a 32 % share of viewers; Ema 2008, a oneoff project, had 26.7 % ratings, and a 56 % share of viewers; 52 53 EPU SPORTS PROGRAMME New Year’s Eve’s Na zdravje! had 20.2 % ratings and a 56 % share of viewers; and the first round of EMA (Pesem Evrovizije) had 19.8 % ratings and a 51 % share of viewers. The sitcom Za zadnjim vogalom had 8 % ratings and did not fulfil our expectations, so after eight episodes we replaced it with the sitcom Brat bratu, adapted for the Slovenian audience by Branko DjuriÊ. In the summer, we recorded and aired several festivals of popular folk music. To mitigate the consequences of severe summer storms, we organised a humanitarian broadcast Stopimo skupaj za streho nad glavo and raised more than 500,000 EUR; and in October, with Radio OgnjišËe, we produced a broadcast to raise funds for the renovation of Building A of the Institute of Oncology. We tried to replace the shortage of musical shows with recordings and concerts by Slovenian ensembles from different genres. Despite all the problems we faced when providing production funds, we managed to realise the plan within the framework of the foreseen financial resources. In 2008, EPU Sports programme fulfilled most of the set programme goals. In this year, 26,936 minutes of our own premiere broadcasts were aired, with almost 95,000 viewers on average (ratings 4.9 % and share of viewers 25 %), and 45,441 minutes of foreign premiere broadcasts (60,322 viewers, ratings 3.1 %, share of viewers 22 %). Information broadcasts reached the planned ratings (7 % for the 7:45 PM block and after the show Odmevi). One of the highlights was the excellent broadcast of the Beijing Summer Olympics. Despite the fact that many broadcasts were in early morning hours and in the forenoon during the week, the ratings were outstanding. The central evening information show Olimpijski S5 was also very successful. On average, 356 hours of programme had almost 50,000 viewers, and the evening show had average ratings of 5.3 % (96,000 viewers). We invited three experts to participate during all 16 days of the programme. They proved to have been an excellent choice: Alenka Bikar, Jani KlemenËiË and Milan Hosta. We are very satisfied with the broadcasts and ratings of winter sports events. The average ratings for Alpine skiing were 5.3 %, for ski jumping 7.2 %, and for cross-country skiing almost 4 %. Although foreseen in the programme production plan, we still consider it to be a great success that we acquired the rights to air football matches of our national football team in the new qualification round for the football world cup. This programme is high-quality, with great potential ratings; it is a matter of prestige, and many of our competitors tried to acquire the rights. Although not planned, we acquired the rights to air the boxing matches of our own Dejan Zavec (ratings 3.7% and 5% - the latter aired at 00:30 AM) and some individual broadcasts that exceeded our expectations in terms of quality and ratings: Miha Žibrat’s documentary in two parts Olimpijski sprehod (received an RTV Slovenia award) and the presentation of Slovenian Olympic Games participants (ratings at 5.3 %). Below expectations and contrary to plans, were two elements of the 2008 programme plan. In the autumn, we failed to acquire the rights to the Euroleague Basketball (Union Olimpija), which was subject to great disapproval and strong reactions from the public. The holder of the rights imposed conditions that were unacceptable in terms of finance and programme; together with the Director General, we decided not to succumb to ‘extortion’, even if this meant that this would attract negative publicity. The other project that was concluded early was the Sunday show Š, which was transferred to Channel 2 and lost a significant share of viewers. In the spring, were forced to stop live broadcasts due to the lack of production (personnel) capacities and start recording in very demanding circumstances, and in the autumn we decided to cancel this show. SPECIAL NATIONAL PROGRAMME, INTENDED TO BROADCAST THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA AND ITS WORKING BODIES The planning of the parliamentary channel programme for 2008 was based on certain assumptions, on the framework schedule of National Assembly sessions, and on the planned technical capacity to broadcast sessions and meetings of the working bodies. In 2007, Television Slovenia allocated 165,080 EUR to covering National Assembly sessions on Channel 2, and 143,549 EUR to satellite broadcasting, a total of 308,629 EUR. It was foreseen that the National Assembly would enable additional halls to broadcast the working bodies’ sessions at the beginning of 2008 and that RTV Slovenia would establish a third channel for these broadcasts. It was also planned that Television Slovenia would start covering the work of the National Assembly, National Council and the European Parliament in January 2008. Until mid-May 2008, the parliamentary programme was still aired on Channel 2 and via satellite, and from 21 May 2008, the programme was aired on Channel 3 and, from time to time, also on Channel 2, when the National Assembly hosted more important events. Via satellite and on Channel 3, 43,400 minutes of National Assembly sessions and 44,119 minutes of parliamentary content were aired, and on Channel 2 24,800 minutes of parliamentary content were aired. In 2008, we aired the National Assembly and its working bodies’ sessions on Channel 2 until May, and we summarised events that could not be aired in the weekly shows Aktualno and Diagonale. In the second half of May, when the National Assembly had prepared the additional halls and when Television Slovenia had established the third, digital broadcasting channel, we started airing sessions of some National Assembly working bodies, and gradually started airing more work in the National Assembly, National Council and European Parliament. The whole programme is broadcast or processed digitally, and so far, this has caused many problems, as the technology is not flawless. We had to train suitable personnel and change existing professional profiles; this new technology requires new professions, new technological procedures and a new organisation of work. 56 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME Together with TV Maribor and TV Koper, we prepared a daily 129-minute show Dobro jutro. Dobro jutro is an advisory, information and regionally diverse programme. TV Maribor contributes 90 minutes a week and TV Koper contributes 93 minutes of programme a week. In Ljubljana, we prepared 462 minutes of programme a week; Ljubljana also covers the following regions: Dolenjska, Gorenjska, northern Primorska region, lower Štajerska region, Prekmurje and Koroška. It also prepares daily 22-minute newscasts. Ljubljana studio had 202 minutes of live on-the-spot reports (live coverage). The planned ratings for Dobro jutro were 1.8 %, and the planned share of viewers was 35 %; actual ratings were 1.7 %, and the actual share of viewers was 41 %. In view of ever greater morning competition, this is a very good result. The ratings analysis shows that, compared to the previous year, there are fewer viewers between 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM o’clock, more between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM o’clock. In 2008, Dobro jutro had significantly more viewers compared to the previous year. Generally, the best ratings are on Monday. The show Sobotno popoldne is without a doubt a special programme achievement of Television Slovenia in 2008. This show provides advice on healthcare, human relations (Labirint), cooking (Z Damijanom) and Slovene habits and customs (Kraji in ljudje, Zakaj pa ne). The show includes a series (Popolna družina) and very often it has a humanitarian character. This show has high ratings (except in summer), and individual shows and features reach up to 12 % ratings. Sobotno popoldne includes two shows from TV Maribor, Živali in ljudje and Na vrtu. TV Koper is responsible for the broadcast Študentska, which is produced in cooperation with TV Maribor; it does not have a regular block and therefore has difficulties acquiring viewers. The show »rno-beli Ëasi lasts 15 minutes; it is prepared with the help of TV Slovenia’s archive and does not have a regular block; it is rather an addition to the programme schedule. The shows Nedeljski pogovori and »rno-beli Ëasi were combined, and in the framework of RTV Slovenia’s anniversaries we prepared interviews with RTV legends. The business broadcast Prava ideja was not planned, but was introduced in May 2008 in agreement with RTV Slovenia’s management. It received good responses from viewers, despite the fact that it did not have a regular block due to various celebrations and sports events. REGIONAL TV PROGRAMME KOPER ≤ CAPODISTRIA We successfully realised the 2008 programme plan. The daily information show Primorska kronika with guests from Primorska, Notranjska and abroad is very successful. It presents or confronts current events and different views on a certain topic. The show had the highest ratings and the highest income from advertising in the advertising block before and after the show. The show Primorski mozaik turned out to be very successful: viewers want more regional and local news and content. The show presented various entrepreneurs, culture professionals, athletes and musicians; it aired interesting outside broadcasting reports and news from Bovec and Trieste to Piran; it offered advice for small business owners on how to apply for European funds and projects etc. It received great responses and attracted good advertising income. Viewers responded well to other regional broadcasts aired on Channels 1 and 2: Ljudje in zemlja, Med valovi, Pomagajmo si, Na obisku, Študentska, Minute za …, Slovenci v Italiji, Lynx magazin, Izostritev and Pravljice Mike Make. MARIBOR REGIONAL TV PROGRAMME The programming produced in Maribor is very well accepted; this is demonstrated by ratings for shows produced for both national channels. The following have high ratings: Na vrtu, Ljudje in zemlja, O živalih in ljudeh, Dobro jutro, Skozi Ëas. The following individual projects were also very well received: NareËna popevka, Modrijani, Novoletni program, Ciciban poje etc. The planned programme goals in 2008 were met. We even realised more projects than planned (documentary films, special projects with the mobile production vehicle). The ratings of Television Maribor show that our broadcasts are acquiring more and more viewers, and the last survey carried out for TV Slovenia shows that TV Maribor has the highest ratings of all regional TV stations in Slovenia. We devoted more attention to the programme for Slovenes abroad: in Brez meja and Športel we presented individuals and societies and the cultural, economic and sporting life of Slovenes abroad. The already established cross-border television output was upgraded with the exchange of daily information broadcasts with RAI in Trieste and with the creation of high-quality programming. Development funds made it possible to prepare demanding projects for all four programmes of RTV Koper ≤ Capodistria (radio and television programmes in Slovenian and Italian). These are four 30-minute documentary broadcasts Sinovi dveh narodov ≤ velikani našega prostora, and four 30-minute radio and television broadcasts Kraji in obiËaji ≤ manjšine, naše bogastvo. In cooperation with Radio Koper, we successfully concluded the event Osebnost Primorske, and with Trieste Radio Trst A, we produced a joint traditional public event Športnik Primorske, which we have been recording and airing for many years. Our morning programme (the show Dobro jutro, created in cooperation with the Ljubljana and Maribor editorial boards) is well established and well received by viewers. For the first time, we concluded (successfully) a marathon Christmas morning show. 58 59 DECLARATION OF DATA ON ACHIEVED SHARES OF PROGRAMME QUOTA Declaration of data on the achieved shares of programme quota in accordance with the Public Media Act (official consolidated text) for television programmes of RTV Slovenia in 2008. Shares in % Transmission Shares in time hours OWN production in the day-time transmission time 17,568 1 6,947 39.5 At least 20 % OWN production in the annual transmission time 12,286 6,947 56.5 Not defined 2 Slovenian audio-visual works 9,686 3,102 32.0 25 % AV works by Slovenian independent producers 3,102 463 14.9 25 % of Slovenian AV works European AV works 9,686 4 5,199 53.7 Majority share AV works by independent European producers 9,686 5 1,025 10.6 10 % New AV works (from last 5 years) 1,025 6 832 81.2 At least 50 % of AV works by independent producers 3 Daily transmission time in accordance with Article 66, Public Media Act 2 Annual transmission time in accordance with Article 66, Public Media Act 3 Annual transmission time in accordance with Article 92, Public Media Act 1 Required annual volume in accordance with the Public Media Act Annual transmission time in accordance with Article 92, Public Media Act 5 Annual transmission time in accordance with Article 92, Public Media Act 6 Annual transmission time in accordance with Article 92, Public Media Act 4 EXPLANATORY NOTE TO THE APPENDIX ‘DECLARATION OF DATA ON ACHIEVED SHARES OF PROGRAMME QUOTA’ In compliance with the decision of the Programme Council of RTV Slovenia and obligations deriving from the Public Media Act, we enclose a report by the Programme Controlling Service of RTV Slovenia on the achievement of quotas. The share of audio-video works of Slovenian independent producers increased in 2008 and is 14.9 % of programme content. In 2007, this share was 11.7 %, and in 2006 it was 7.9 %. Due to events in the National Film Fund, on which RTV Slovenia had no influence, the production of some broadcasts/films and featured and documentary broadcasts was cancelled, and the results of productions started last year will be evident in the future. PROGRAMMES FOR NATIONAL COMMUNITIES achieved 6th place. But the most important fact is that more than 10 % of viewers watch our broadcasts in the block between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Radio Capodistria’s schedule is based on information programming, where the emphasis is on current events and everyday reporting, good music and relaxed, interactive and entertainment broadcasts: Calle degli orti grandi (this year, we are introducing two hosts), Pomeriggio ore quattro etc. We put special emphasis on events that relate to the Italian national community and on international, national and regional politics. The broadcasts are aired live and on the spot: Giornali radio, Spazio aperto, Osservatorio, Sogni di vacanza, Spazio cultura, On the road and Sport. To conclude, let me say that we successfully combine all segments of the schedule. In 2008, the volume of own production was the same as in 2007, and the volume of premiere broadcasting increased by 13 hours. In the Italian national community radio programming, we realised the plan, the scheme and programme policies adopted for this period. Difficulties arose from a deficiency in the HR structure, which was only partly eliminated with one new employee. It must be noted that the average age of our staff is rather old. However, we must mention projects and events that were concluded with special shows: • visit to the Italian community in Kotor, Montenegro; • meetings in communities in Rijeka, Momian, Umag, Rovinj, Galižan and Piran; • On The Road from our town squares and from Taverna; • Internavtika, Diplomatic Regatta, the Trieste Fest, Alpe Adria Film Festival (Trieste); • Radio od zunaj from the Koper Taverna; • Forum Tomizza; • Radio, ki se gleda: open day at Radio Koper ≤ Capodistria; • youth broadcast Colours, in cooperation with the region Friuli-Venezia Giulia; • musical regatta on the Mediterranean; • special Christmas and New Year broadcasts; • concert by the Italian musician Lelia Luttazzija. PROGRAMMES FOR THE ITALIAN NATIONAL COMMUNITY series with live music In orbita was also very well received. This broadcast and the monthly Incontri in Comunita ≤ SreËanja v skupnostih Italijanov are produced together with the radio programme for the Italian national community. Among the novelties introduced in 2008 to attract the younger audience are the series Metalcamp and Folkest, with new content and visual approach, I corti di Maremetraggio and the weekly feature about school TG Scuola. In July, we produced pre-election broadcasts for the Izola municipal council early elections, and in September for the National Assembly elections. The election broadcast aired live on election day was especially successful. In 2008, TV programmes for the Italian national community had slightly more variable funds for production. Funds were lower compared to 2007, when the Government of RS allocated one-off additional funds. In 2008, we hired one new worker (two were planned). We are facing additional problems because our editor is on sick leave, while our journalist and script supervisor are on maternity leave, and are therefore working only part-time. A special financial burden on the programme were the contract workers for technical matters and in the group for programme preparation. Costs for these increased significantly compared to 2007, also because two permanent employees left these two groups and have not been replaced. Regarding programming, we focused on renewing the schedule and shows, with extreme rationalisation of expenditure, additional work for permanently employed programme workers and limitation of part-time workers on programmes; this allowed us to maintain the volume and structure of programming. In the first place, we have editorial boards, journalists and editors to thank for this success. The new broadcasts and rubrics introduced in the autumn/winter schedule 2007/2008 (for example, the weekly broadcast Fanzine for young people, the series of broadcasts L’appuntamento - SreËanje z …, the thoroughly renovated daily informative broadcast Tuttoggi ≤ Vsedanes, weekly broadcasts Tuttoggi Attualita - Vsedanes Aktualno and Meridiani, the forecast of daily news and a new weather rubric) were well received by viewers, together with the existing programme, i.e. on culture, documentaries etc. The During the Olympics we offered our viewers more than five hours of Games programming daily; the responses were excellent. Over the Christmas period, we offered a very diverse programme. Very successful were the broadcast of the festival of children’s songs of the Italian national community, Voci Nostre 2008, and the New Year’s event and broadcast Capodanno 2009 … In Orbita Both events were co-organised and co-produced in cooperation with Italian national community institutions, and this further acknowledges and strengthens our role in this field. We were active also in the wider region, above all in the field of co-preparing events, such as Microstorie ≤ Mikrozgodbe, where we participated in preparing the multimedia installation on the former border crossing at Škofije dedicated to the fall of the border. The renewal of the programme was well accepted by viewers in Slovenia and abroad, also because our broadcasts were broadcast via satellite; unfortunately, we had to stop airing via satellite at the end of May. The data from the latest ratings survey are very encouraging; in western Slovenia, TV Koper 64 PROGRAMMES FOR THE HUNGARIAN NATIONAL COMMUNITY In 2008, the activity of the Studio for Hungarian programmes of RTV Slovenia was marked by the introduction (on 1 January 2008) of the new schedule of Pomurski madžarski radio, by the desire to enhance the quality of television shows in the Hungarian language, and by introducing novelties to these shows. We followed existing policies, built spiritual and information bridges among members of the Hungarian national community and between the majority in Slovenia and the mother nation in Hungary. We respected the desire for changes and for the introduction of novelties, and also the efforts to prepare and broadcast quality programme that are highly recognisable. During the summer, we reduced the summer schedule with the objective of rationalising funds and saving resources for the autumn and winter period, when the regular schedule is running. However, we managed to realise new shows in the summer, too. Radio od zunaj was aired weekly (on Mondays) in July and August and broadcast from the Koper Taverna. We made pilots for projects to be realised in the autumn/winter period. With our mobile production vehicle, we will try to capture the atmosphere in the town squares in the region and also in neighbouring regions. Istrski kalejdoskop is a broadcast produced in cooperation with the Slovene section of Radio Koper and with the Italian and Croatian section of Radio Pula. In September, when the new schedule began, we started broadcasting important regular broadcasts, such as one-hour broadcasts for the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region; Sunday broadcasts on school issues and the minority (Tempo scuola, Nel paese delle donne, Detto tra noi, Incontri in Comunita and the new Saturday broadcast for the minority A casa di), Observatoriji; a broadcast analysing weekly events, Komentar v studio; religious broadcasts; and a bimedial music show, Radio live. In October, we visited the Italian-speaking community in Albania, and together held a symposium entitled Italijanski jezik in mediji v jugovzhodni Evropi. In December, we produced Christmas and New Year broadcasts from town squares in Koper, Trieste and Ljubljana. In this context, I wish to mention special projects connected with very important events: • European football Championship; • the Olympics in China; • elections in Italy; • local elections in Izola; • parliamentary elections in Slovenia. We worked hard in terms of organisation and content to mark the 50th anniversary of Hungarian radio programmes and the 30th anniversary of Hungarian television programmes. On 20 June 2008, we organised an open-air concert with singer Rúzsa Magdi and the groups Apostol and Black II Black. The concert was well attended, and we believe that we fulfilled the expectations of the different segments of the target public. On the same day, we held an open day at RTV Studio Lendava and kept our promise regarding such a ‘meeting’ with viewers and listeners. In the summer, we started preparing a publication for the 50th and 30th anniversaries of electronic media in the Hungarian language. We have already collected most of the material for the publication, which will be issued at the beginning of 2009. We also wish to include recordings of the celebrations in this publication. After the summer months, we started preparing for the jubilee gala celebration of Pomurski madžarski radio and TV Studio Lendava. This celebration took place on 29 November 2008, exactly 50 years after the first radio broadcast in Hungarian. The event was broadcast live on Pomurski madžarski radio, and in three parts in the Hungarian television schedule, on 31 December 2008 and 1 and 2 January 2009. We planned the event to show in detail how the electronic media developed in the Hungarian language. We selected performers to present diverse genres. Most had at some point been connected with the Hungarian community in the Prekmurje region, or with RTV Slovenia. In the framework of this event we presented, for the first time, the new visual image of both electronic media in Hungarian. The official speaker at the event was the President of the Government of RS Mr. Borut Pahor. In addition to the present and former employees of Prekmurski madžarski radio 65 and the broadcast Mostovi/Hidak, or other television broadcasts in Hungarian, we also invited numerous prominent representatives from public life and the expert public from Slovenia and Hungary and the Hungarian communities. Responses were positive. Most of the funds needed to mark the anniversaries were raised with an application to tender and donations. In the field of investments, we carried out a tender to select an architect to build a scenery depot, a warehouse and a car park. The projects will be concluded soon, and we are acquiring the necessary documentation. The year 2008 was marked by reform to the payment system. In this context, the acquisition of the entitlement for bilingualism and the definition of multitasking are included. • Pomurski madžarski radio On 1 January 2008, Pomurski madžarski radio acquired a new programme schedule including several new shows. We also we started preparing a moderated evening programme between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM. The new shows received good responses. First, we must mention the live broadcast Potepanje po vaseh/Falujárás, which airs every last Saturday and lasts five hours. In 2008, we aired broadcasts from Prosenjakovci, Dobrovnik, »entiba, Hodoš, Kapca, Dolga Vas, Motvarjevci, Dolina and Genterovci. In every broadcast, we provide our listeners with a wide variety of information on the selected location. The positive responses show that this broadcast is very popular among listeners. A new weekly broadcast V manjšini/Kisebbségben addresses pressing minority problems. The broadcast Na preži za pravljico/Mese-lesen, which is aired every two weeks, also received good responses. It features stories about events and occurrences that have almost been forgotten. Zgodbe brez meja/Határtalan történetek is aired with a similar intention. The only difference is that in this broadcast, we strive to present events of the last five decades as seen by people living on both sides of the border. Ohranjevalci vrednot/Értékőrzők deserves a special mention. It has been broadcast since 1 January 2008. The show presents the activities of cultural societies (today and in the past) in the bilingual region. In Literarni dialog/Irodalmi párbeszéd we present the most well-known representatives of Hungarian and Slovenia literature from the region. It is evident that listeners participate in the creation of new broadcasts. We are well aware that they the foucs of our attention. We believe that the broadcasts have brought variety to our radio schedule, and it is now more interesting and appealing. The evening programme is entirely interactive. We must mention the broadcast produced with the Department for Hungarian language and literature at Maribor University. Its intention is, with the help of listeners, to revive some words and expressions that are disappearing from our vocabulary. In addition, we must mention the children’s and youth broadcasts which strive to include children, Kuckó mackó and Csac- 66 skarádió. We produce with pupils from the bilingual primary school in Lendava. Weekly thematic broadcasts on current events (Aktualno/ Aktuális, Horizont, Dejanski položaj/Helyzetkép, Športni ponedeljek/ Sporthétfő) were prepared in line with the programme plan. We strove to address themes from the most current point of view. Sadly, we also face problems when invited guests cancel at the last moment, or send less competent colleagues to replace them. In such cases, the broadcasts do not achieve the desired objective. Despite all the problems we are facing, the set objectives were fully achieved. A special project worth mentioning is the general election on 21 September 2008, for which Prekmurski madžarski radio provided free presentations of the Hungarian national community candidates (in line with the adopted rules on election coverage), and we also produced four thematic debates (education and culture, healthcare and social issues, economy and agriculture, and nationality issues). On the day of the elections, we produced an evening election broadcast which broadcast the results, and candidates of the Hungarian national community to the National Assembly commented on these results. During the election campaign, we monitored the pre-election activities of the national minority candidates and political parties in the ethnically mixed area. A lot of attention was dedicated to anniversaries of the national community’s media. We regularly reported on events connected to these media. In November, we produced three thematic broadcasts (Aktualno/Aktuális). One was dedicated to the weekly newspaper Népújság, one to the editorial board of Hungarian TV programmes, and one to Prekmurski madžarski radio. In the November broadcast Znani neznanec/Ismeretlen ismerős, we presented radio staff to the listeners. We dedicated a special broadcast (in cooperation with an expert) to the voting system. Elections for the national minority member of the National Assembly are quite complicated, especially since the Voting and Election Committee changed the points system. Forecasts and programme presentations - 2.0 % Education - 2.1 % Interactive and entertainment broadcasts 15.5 % Other daily informative broadcasts - 25.2 % Art, culture - 1.9 % Sports - 3.5 % Religious broadcasts - 1.2 % Broadcasts fro children and youth - 4.4 % News and newscasts - 12.8 % Current events broadcasts - 11.5 % Other paid notices - 1.4 % Service information (weather, traffic) - 5.2 % Broadcasts for farmers - 0.4 % General information and advisory broadcasts 11.0 % Advertising 1.6 % 67 • TV-studio Lendava In the broadcast Nagyító alatt/Pod drobnogledom, we presented in detail the art of printing and ethnography of Dolnja Lendava, Hungarian nationality politics, the Easter habits and customs of Hungarians in Prekmurje, safety in Pomurje, illegal waste dumps, the ethnographic wealth of Hungarians in Prekmurje, the 30th anniversary of Hidak/Mostovi, the 50th anniversaries of Pomurski madžarski radio and the weekly newspaper Népújság. We enriched the oldest broadcast Hidak/Mostovi with different features on Wendesdays and Fridays. On Wednesdays, the following features alternate: Gazda(g)ság/ Gospodarstvo-bogastvo (introduced in May 2008, presenting in detail the following: points: VEM, the Chamber of Commerce Pomurje, the Mura textile company, the recession, the brain drain from Prekmurje); a feature on agriculture entitled Magvető/ Sejalec (practical advice for farmers and allotment holders, trimming of vines, horticulture, spurting, potatoes, the garden in the autumn, correct tractor maintenance); the new feature Egészségünkre/Na zdravje introduced in the autumn (healthcare advice: flu and colds, diabetes, allergies). These are produced with assistance from experts. Friday features alternate with Hagyományőrző/Naša dedišËina (dealing with the ethnographic heritage of Hungarians from Prekmurje or Hungarians from the Prekmurje ethnographic area: Jews from Lendava, the heritage of townsfolk from Dolnja Lendava, folk architecture in Genterovci, Hetés embroidery, painted chests, chronicle writers, Dolenjci, the memorial room of János Czúgh, the Hungarian dialect in Prekmurje, Habanci), and Köztünk élnek/Živijo med nami (short portraits of interesting individuals: Olga Jandl, Sándor Horváth, Biserka SijariË, Sandi Sabo, Imre Krajczár). In terms of programme, 2008 was especially demanding for TV Studio Lendava. We had to carry out the parliamentary election project and the anniversary of national minority electronic media. In 2008, in the Studio for Hungarian TV programmes of RTV Slovenia, we realised the programming in line with the 2008 production plan, which means that we prepared four 30-minute broadcasts in Hungarian every week. The broadcast Barangolások/Potepanja is essentially a production of Television Donava that we took over; it presents the life of the Hungarian national minority and other minority communities in Europe and elsewhere. Seven broadcasts (out of 19) were prepared in the Lendava TV studio. We visited Petišovci, Dobrovnik, Gornji Lakoš and Prosenjakovci, Miškolc and the Tokaj wine-producing area. We also sailed the Adriatic. In the thematic broadcast Pitypang/LuËka, we addressed the following topics: music, love, Mother’s Day, birthdays, hat making, jam making, forests and forest plants and animals, giving presents etc. In the studio chat show Súlypont/TežišËe we hosted guests and discussed the following: ethnography of Hungarians from Prekmurje, the bilingual school system, the economic situation in Prekmurje, international cooperation among libraries, the Institute for the Culture of the Hungarian national community, cooperation between Lendava and Sava Kranj municipalities, the first and second rounds of the parliamentary election deabtes, an interview with the new Hungarian national minority member in the National Assembly, the national minority media, the position of the Hungarian minority in the 20th century, the significance of Christmas. In the broadcast Vendégem/Moj gost, with the help of an external colleague, we produced portraits of Hungarian authors from Prekmurje. In ten months of 2008, the following authors were presented: Sándor Szúnyogh, Pál Szomi, Lajos Vlaj, Zsuzsanna Báti Koncz, Gabriella Bence Utroša, László Göncz, Albert Halász, János C. Toplak, Judit Zágorec Csuka. Besides these literary portraits we also produced a portrait of Suzanne Király Moss. During the run-up to the elections, we produced two pre-recorded debates (for technical reasons) in the Maribor studio. Programme report on broadcasts in the Hungarian language, January ≤ December 2008 BROADCAST Channels SLO 1 and SLO 2 Programme TeleM premiere Minutes No. of broadcasts Total minutes Production BARANGOLÁSOK/POTEPANJA Tuesday Tuesday 30 19 570 Taken over/own KANAPÉ/KANAPE Tuesday Tuesday 30 17 510 Own PITYPANG/LU»KA Tuesday Tuesday 30 8 240 Own HIDAK/MOSTOVI Wednesday Wednesday 30 43 1290 Own SÚLYPONT/TEŽIŠ»E Thursday Thursday 30 12 360 Own VENDÉGEM ... /MOJ GOST... Thursday Thursday 30 11 330 Own NAGYÍTÓ ALATT/POD DROBNOGLEDOM Thursday Thursday 30 9 270 Own HATÁRTALAN/BREZ MEJA Thursday Thursday 30 10 300 Co-production HIDAK/MOSTOVI Friday Friday 30 50 1500 Own ÉVBÚCSÚZTATÓ/LETO SE IZTEKA Wednesday, Friday Wednesday, Friday 30 2 60 Own JUBILÁLUNK/PRAZNUJEMO Wednesday Wednesday 30 1 30 Own KARÁCSONYI VARÁZSLAT/»AROBNI BOŽI» Thursday Thursday 70 1 70 Own REPETITIONS JUL. AVG. - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday JUL. AVG. - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 30 27 810 Own/taken over 210 6,340 BROADCASTS, TOTAL 68 After the elections, we interviewed the newly elected National Assembly member of the Hungarian national community. In our television broadcasts, we offered the candidates of the Hungarian national community to the National Assembly free air time for presentations and covered their campaigns. However, we followed the rule requiring us to report on each candidate’s campaign only once for a duration of 30 seconds. We also covered the campaigns of political parties: in Hidak/Mostovi we reported on each campaign only once for one minute. In this broadcast we prepared a feature on the voting system and on correct voting in cases of competing candidates. We celebrated the 30th and 50th anniversaries of Hungarian electronic media in our broadcasts. We prepared three 30minute broadcasts Nagyító alatt/Pod dobnogledom, in which we remembered the 30th anniversary of the broadcast Hidak/ Mostovi and the 50th anniversary of Prekmurski madžarski radio (emphasising the present and new broadcasts), and also the 50th anniversary of the weekly newspaper Népújság. We produced a 30-minute studio discussion on the future of the national minority media. On 29 November 2008, we celebrated the anniversaries with a gala event (together with the radio station). We recorded the celebration in the Lendava TV Studio with the help of colleagues from Maribor and Ljubljana, and aired it (in three parts) during the Christmas and New Year holidays on Channel 1 of RTV Slovenia. All three parts had high ratings. We produced a special broadcast, Mostovi, presenting the celebration and behind-the-scene events. These broadcasts also had high ratings. It must be noted that all the employees of TV Studio Lendava participated in the preparation and organisation of the celebrations (script, writing texts, translating, preparing video inserts for the event, recording at the celebration etc.). TV Studio Lendava actively co-operated with Television Donava; it submitted various contributions, and from April, the Studio submitted contributions also to Television Maribor. In 2008, we were faced with broadcasting in the Hungarian language in an unsuitable programme block. Our broadcasts are repeated on Channel 2 of TV Slovenia at a more suitable time, but this depends on sports events and National Assembly sessions. Therefore, 67 broadcasts out of 210 were not repeated, i.e. 31.9 %. June was the worst month in this respect. Of 16 broadcasts, 10 were not repeated, i.e. 65.5 % of all premieres. Education: • Between January and June 2008, TV Studio Lendava’s journalists attended monthly instruction in Hungarian language; these courses were intensive, twice organised on weekends, with special emphasis on appearing on camera; • in May, TV Studio Lendava’s journalists took part in a twoweek training course for young journalists organised by Circom Regional, in Maribor; • in October, TV Studio Lendava’s journalists took part in a two-week training course for young video journalists in Budapest, also organised by Circom Regional; • in November, TV Studio Lendava’s journalists took part in a two-day course for journalists and TV hosts in Subotica; • in co-operation with RTV Slovenia’s educational centre, we organised a two-day course for technicians at TV Studio Lendava; • Pomurski madžarski radio also organised speech training for journalists and moderators. MULTIMEDIA CENTRE MULTIMEDIA CENTRE In 2008, the Multimedia Centre of RTV Slovenia continued to develop new services and products; we offered new content and took account of developments in providing a public service in Europe. According to the Moss survey (October 2007/October 2008), we increased our reach by 13 % (511,046 users), while the number of Internet users in Slovenia grew by only 7.8 %. More important than the increased number of users is the conclusion of the Interstat survey that MMC’s Internet media is by far the most objective and credible. Income In terms of income, the segment on which MMC has a direct influence achieved an excellent surplus (124.9 % of the plan). This is the result of appealing and innovative solutions with which we increase the number of users and, consequently, income. Because of our innovation and credibility, we acquired funds from two EU projects. Expenditure The surplus in the field of variable costs derives from unforeseen items and projects linked to income (most of the income is generated according to income distribution and higher income results in higher costs; EU funds require 50 % matching finance). Investments In 2008, planned investments were fully realised; 90 % of planned resources were used. Among the bigger projects are the system tool for the management of RAID (drive array), new installations and distribution of signals, additional audio video channels (Channel 3 of TV Slovenia, the Olympics), new formats (Flash) and the expansion of server capacities. HR For the third year in a row, we did not employ new personnel. The work and development of MMC is therefore based on parttime staff. This makes medium-term and, therefore, long-term planning very difficult. Similar Slovenian media employ three times more technical staff, and other employees have above all higher wages and permanent employment contracts. In future, this will be the priority of MMC and the institution, given the ever increasing significance of new media. Achievements In 2008, MMC received various awards for its work: we managed to become part of the international project P2P Next, financed by the EU; we acquired EU funds on the basis of intercultural dialogue; we participated in the preparation of the international conference ‘Culture on the Internet’ during the Slovenian EU presidency. We must mention the Beijing Olympics 2008 and National Assembly elections as major projects. We designed special portals for each of them, with numerous additional applications and content; during both events, the portals were the central 72 RECORD LABEL source of information for Slovene users. In addition to regular television broadcasts on Television Slovenia from Beijing, on the Internet we also aired IO, a special channel through which we used the possibility of broadcasting content 24 hours a day, independently of regular TV broadcasts. We often had more viewers than regular TV stations. Activities In 2008, the publishing activity of RTV Slovenia was mostly linked to radio and television programmes of different genres, with a view to enhancing promotion, renewing archival recording (especially music recordings), and concluding new projects. Even more than in the past, we strove to provide a public service, which distinguishes us from other Slovenian labels. We enable the publication of many projects important to our culture and RTV Slovenia’s mission which, under regular market conditions, would not see the light of day: these are mainly classical music, jazz and some non-commercial genres of popular culture, and puppet and theatre projects. The record label published 65 programmes on sound and image carriers, including three double CDs (La Bohème ≤ a renewed archive recording of the opera on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Puccini’s birth; Mojih 40 naj…. ≤ new recordings of the Slovenian pop music legend, Edvin Flisar; and Mavrica ≤ 100 najlepših pesmi by Janez Bitenc, with additional note sheets and texts in the enclosed song book) and two double combined projects with a CD and DVD (with cult bands of the Slovenian punk scene, Pankrti and Niet). Among 65 publications, 44 were music CDs, two were combined, and 19 were DVDs. Development In the technical field, to the existing Internet content we added live broadcasting of Channel 3. To the existing formats we added the Flash format, changed the system for the creation of web pages for broadcasts, and added a special channel to air additional video broadcasts (for example special events, the Olympics etc.). Reach In 2008, the number of users (or the reach of the portal) again increased. According to the Slovenian Advertising Chamber survey MOSS, the number of users increased by 13 % (from 451,753 in October 2007 to 511,046 in October 2008) (according to Google analytics, the number of users in December 2008 was an astonishing 892,063). In this period, the number of Internet users in Slovenia increased by a mere 7.8 %, significantly less growth than in the number of our users. According to the interstat survey (December 2008), by far the greatest share of respondents (52.6 %) evaluated our portal as objective and credible (compare: 25 % for the portal of the newspaper Dnevnik, 19.4 % for the portal 24 ur, 12 % for the portal of the newspaper Delo). Video publications were almost entirely for children; 15 were published in cooperation with the Children’s and Youth Programme of TV Slovenia. We continued the educational and friendly animated series for our youngest audience, Kravica Katka, and published the revival of the legendary puppet series KljukËeve dogodivšËine. We also published three out of five DVDs of the most popular animated series Bacek Jon (Shaun the Sheep). In cooperation with the Culture and Arts Programme, we published the TV film Hit poletja. For the monograph Oresteja of the Theatre Museum, we published a new TV recording of this historical performance by Mile Korun, and also the Festival Slowind, a television documented musical review of the activities of this internationally established chamber ensemble. Of course, we can not disregard the bestseller PrazniËna Eroika with the Symphony Orchestra of RTV Slovenia. Teletext is still the leading source of such information in Slovenia and, despite the efforts of some competitive media, remains the reference source of text information for TV viewers (over half a million users daily). In 2008, we continued subtitling most of the pre-prepared broadcasts for the deaf and hearing impaired, and also all daily information broadcasts and live pre-election debates. Summary 2008 was a very successful year for MMC, despite the ever harder competition, the difficult financial situation and little understanding of the new media by management and, therefore, weaker cooperation. Audio publications ≤ we continued with the recognisable and high-quality series of records of so-called serious music of RTV Slovenia Klasika. It is published in cooperation with the Editorial board for classical music of the Programme ARS of Radio Slovenia, with modest, but not negligible support from the Ministry of Culture of RS and individual sponsors. With new recordings in the series of opera portraits, we presented singers Janez LipušËek, Zdravko KovaË, Zlata OgnjanoviË, Milena MoraËa and Marko Kobal, the modern audio and musical quests of the 2007 Prešeren award winner Bor Turel, and two less conventional ensembles who perform works of Slovenian composers, 4 saxxes and STOP - Slovenski tolkalni projekt. We must also mention the children’s publication Mavrica in cooperation with Channel 1 of Radio Slovenia. This is the result of many years of production, editorial and publishing work - it contains Janez Bitenc’s 100 best songs on two CDs, with an enclosed song book with note sheets and texts. For several years now, we have been trying to solve problems regarding space and personnel. Work in the MMC is primarily done by part-time staff in a work area that is too small and unsuitable. 73 In cooperation with the Symphony Orchestra and the Big Band of RTV Slovenia, the following excellent projects were carried out: Etno with Eva Hren, Moji obrazi with Darja Švajger, All of Me with Uroš PeriÊ and Duško GojkoviÊ, and traditional joint musical projects of RTV Slovenia: Slovenska popevka and Festival nareËne popevke. Among the best achievements were the projects in cooperation with VAL 202, the compilation VAL 08 ≤ Imamo dobro glasbo and Izštekani Niet. After seven years, the Slovenian musical and cultural audience was taken aback by our new publication: the musical project Romance iz krjance by Iztok Mlakar, an actor and author from Primorska and a winner of the Ježek Award; his new CD quickly became a bestseller. Income Operating income (external, without internal ratios) amounted to 517,945 EUR in the relevant period between January and December 2008, or 184,452 EUR (26.3 %) less than planned. The reason for this lies mainly in the lower number of joint actions with newspapers: conditions offered were less favourable than in the past. Consequently, this results in significantly lower income and, even more importantly, a surplus of expenditure over income of 57,658 EUR, taking into account internal ratios. Compared to 2007, the final result is higher by 128,223 EUR. Revenues of the Record label in 2008 Turnover - 72.50 % Internal income - 15.21 % Other commercial income - 10.60 % Income from co-financing - 1.70 % Income from CDs and audio tapes - this item is the biggest share of income from the sale of our products, and includes sales in the field, telephone sales, Internet sales, sales at trade fairs, exports and other forms of sale. This income amounted to 432,160 EUR in the relevant period, i.e. 95,108 EUR or 18 % less than planned. The reason for this lies above all in the fewer number of activities with newspapers. In March 2008, the record label opened a new, upgraded Internet shop. Compared to 2007, sales rose by some 55 % in this segment. In 2008, the record label managed to acquire funds from IPF rights (the Collecting Society for Asserting the Rights of Performers and Producers of Phonograms of Slovenia) in the amount of 15,300 EUR, which is 10,000 EUR more than in 2007. With respect to licence fees for some older Yugoslav rock programmes, we acquired 10,000 EUR. Other commercial income derives above all from services provided by the record label to other publishers, ministries, public institutions and other performers who require our services. This income amounted to 63,189 EUR in the relevant period, i.e. 74 96,324 EUR or 60 % less than planned. This portion of income depends on acquiring services, for which we lack personnel. Income from co-financing is income from the co-financing of individual editions. Each year, the record label takes part in annual tenders of the Ministry of Culture. However, these are nominally decreasing per individual project, as the Ministry of Culture believes that this is a public service that RTV Slovenia can finance with the RTV licence fee. This income amounted to 10,120 EUR in the relevant period, i.e. 11,644 EUR or 53.5 % less than planned. Compared to 2007, this is lower by 6,780 EUR. In the previous year, the record label published 15 editions of classical music, which were very demanding in technical, editorial, producer and performance terms These editions contributed to the preservation of our rich music culture heritage. Internal operating income ≤ this item is income from services and sales of end-products for units within the public institution. The record label services all RTV Slovenia’s units at internal prices considerably lower than in the market. For the needs of the public institution in 2008, the record label produced 428 different programmes on DVD-R - a total volume of 10,356 pieces - and 11 different programmes on CD-R, totalling 287 pieces. This income amounted to 90,654 EUR in the relevant period, i.e. 28,101 EUR, or 44.9 % more than planned. Compared to 2007, income from this item is lower by 1,469 EUR. Changes in the value of stock ≤ this item documents changes in stock value. This means that if stock decreases, changes are negative, and vice versa. The volume of stock was significantly optimised in 2007, and therefore the value of intermediate goods and end products did not change considerably. The fact that the record label published five editions on sound and image carriers in 2008 and maintained the stock value at the same level means that we are successfully managing the stock value of end-products and intermediate goods at an optimal level. Expenditure Variable costs were lower by 98,148 EUR, or 13 % less than planned in the relevant period from January to December 2008, and by 189,981 EUR, or 22.6 % lower than in the same period in 2007. Material, replacement parts and small tools ≤ these costs include the costs of material used in production process, deviations from planned prices, VAT costs deriving from income from our own product, and costs due to decreased intermediate goods stock (for example write-offs). In this respect, the record label generated costs in the amount of 208,232 EUR, which is 93,855 EUR, or 31 % less than planned. Compared to 2007, costs from this item are lower by 211,790 EUR, or 50.4 %. Fees, contracts, copyrights, performance rights and mechanical rights ≤ costs from this item are in line with the actual title (SAZAS, for example). In this respect, the record label generated costs in the amount of 94,404 EUR, which is 26,043 EUR, or 38 % more than planned. Compared to 2007, costs from 75 Awards, advertising, overheads ≤ costs in this item are mainly the result of products issued free-of-charge that, due to the manner of VAT calculation, appear as income from our own product and as a cost in the given item. In this respect, the record label generated costs of 11,080 EUR, which is 17,482 EUR, or 42 % less than planned. Compared to 2007, costs from this item are lower by 15,344 EUR, or 58 %. Labour costs for permanent staff ≤ costs from this item amounted to 244,388 EUR in 2008, i.e. 12,897 EUR, or 5.6 % more than planned. Compared to 2007, costs from this item are lower by 2,159 EUR. It is evident that the record label is striving to lower labour costs, despite the enormous volume of work. Unfortunately, given the average in RTV Slovenia, positions and distinctly interdisciplinary and multitasking profiles at the record label are considerably underrated and underestimated. Revaluated expenditure ≤ costs from this item are primarily the result of receivables with overdue maturity of more than 90 days. Costs from this item amount to 5,608 EUR, and are 22,673 EUR lower than in 2007. This shows that the record label is successful when it comes to recovering debt from individual clients. Movement of intermediate goods stock from 2005 until the opening balance in 2009 240.000 200.000 150.000 value in EUR this item are lower by 6,978 EUR, or 8 %. The reason for the increase in this item lies above all in changed conditions for the payment of copyrights (SAZAS). 100.000 50.000 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 year Movement of intermediate goods stock from 2005 until the opening balance in 2009 110.000 Final result The final result, after income tax deduction shows a surplus of expenditure over income of 57,658 EUR. Compared to 2007, this result is higher by 185,881 EUR. Despite a slightly lower total income, the record label managed to achieve a better end-year total result than in previous years, primarily with regard to the material item. 100.000 value in EUR 80.000 60.000 40.000 20.000 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 year This graph presents control over intermediate goods stock. Its value did not change in 2008. 76 77 2009 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION field of sports licence fees for television, which have almost halved. There has been a considerable decrease in travel expenses for EBU meetings covered from common funds. This year’s data are calculated based on the official exchange rate of the Bank of Slovenia as of 12 January 2009. All units are in net amounts. With regard to RTV Slovenia’s cooperation with EBU, 2008 was one of the more successful years, and judging from the proceeds, the most successful year since we have been members. Total costs relating to EBU membership and services amounted to 1,591,826 EUR in 2008, and cooperation with EBU brought 757,254 EUR to RTV Slovenia. In the framework of exchange with EBU, RTV Slovenia received 362 news items, 336 of which were current events, and 26 in the field of sport. The Slovenian EU presidency played an important part in this respect. It must be underlined that RTV Slovenia proved a trustworthy partner with regard to EBU, Europe by Satellite and other partners (recipients of our productions). With regard to co-productions, we are continuing the existing dynamics. We successfully participated with a short featured 15-minute TV film for children aged between 6 and 9, and with a documentary TV film for the age group between 9 and 12 years. At the EBU meeting in Erfurt, Germany, we offered 10 of our own productions for exchange in the field of short contributions of all genres; one was taken by 16 television stations, and our broadcasts were exchanged 74 times. At the EBU Folk Music Festival in Moscow, in the field of international musical radio exchange, we were very successful with our trio Hadalin≤DovË-GombaË; the concert was aired by 20 radio stations in 22 countries. For the first time we were very successful in the field of interradio programme cooperation with our project Europe, Personally (Radio Slovenia, VAL 202): the total value was 118,599 EUR - half was direct income to VAL 202. In the framework of the EBU Radio Committee, we invited six foreign radio stations to participate, and in December 2008, there were 100 current stories from different social, cultural, national and other environments in the joint (on-line) archives and the EBU portal. These stories reflect the state of mind and the way ‘regular people’ see European identity. In 2008, the number of joint broadcasts increased by 13 % compared to 2007, most of which related to information and sport. It is important that the total number of multilateral broadcasts from abroad increased by 68 % and the number of broadcasts from Slovenia by a good third. The invoiced net value of technical services and video line usage amounted to 105,567 EUR. This means that, compared to the previous year, it increased by a good 50 %. If we therefore take account of all costs and income, the actual cost of RTV Slovenia’s EBU membership was 834,572.20 EUR in 2008 (in 2007: 933,434.83 EUR; in 2006: 370,779.35 EUR; in 2005: 1,317,286.10 EUR). It must be noted that the costs and income dynamics differ not only because of the Olympic Games and events and performances in Slovenia, but because of the different method of collective negotiations for licence fees (especially for sports). The duration of contracts with individual sports associations has been extended for strategic reasons (currently, contracts have a duration of between 4 and 5 years), and this means that we are paying for events in advance, and in instalments. In 2008, the first instalments fell due for the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver and the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Review of individual costs In 2008, we spent 562,743.34 EUR on lines (in 2007: 376,070.75 EUR; in 2006: 384,854.82 EUR; in 2005: 551,021.82 EUR). The year 2008 deviates from the trend due to the cost of unilaterals and multilaterals from the Beijing Olympics; lines for all programmes are included. However, despite the increased inflow of news items, the share of information programmes is decreasing. In 2008, we paid 591,497.49 EUR for licence fees for the TV rights of sports events (in 2007: 1,054,319.40 EUR; in 2006: 398,365.57 EUR; in 2005: 759,613.02 EUR). The costs were lower because we lost some licences and because of less foreign investment in sports content. For participation fees (subscription) and default interest, we paid 209,125.07 EUR in 2008 (in 2007: 236,185.30 EUR). For the first time in the history of our membership, we did not have to pay default interest in 2008, which demonstrates our business solidarity. In principle, we are reducing costs in the field of lines (in 2008, deviations were primarily due to unilaterals and multilaterals from the Olympics in the amount of 65,357 EUR, and to the requirements during the EU presidency), and above all in the On entertainment and cultural broadcasts and co-productions of Television Slovenia, we spent 111,735.80 EUR (in 2007: 55,719 EUR; in 2006: 127,130.94 EUR; in 2005: 112,338.11 79 EUR). This expenditure partly depends on the dynamics of coproduction inputs and of the volume of programmes taken. It is most commendable that the share of co-production inputs is growing again. For cultural and artistic content on the Radio, especially for music programmes, costs amounted to 14,825.58 EUR in 2008 (in 2007: 56,718.81 EUR; in 2006: 93,330.38 EUR; in 2005: 28,753.24 EUR). In this case, the share of the decreased costs is alarming: it means fewer foreign programmes were aired, especially in the field of foreign music, i.e. broadcasts of important events. For information and sports radio programmes we paid 24,187.67 EUR in 2008 (in 2007: 101,138.04 EUR; in 2006: 9,972.80 EUR; in 2005: 51,019.12 EUR). This is a case of cyclic fluctuation because of important international events (especially the Olympics and international championships) on which we have no influence. Travel expenses (EBU meetings; 16 delegates travelled 62 times) were 65,657.09 EUR in 2008; however, the actual figure is 43,046.51 EUR, as EBU reimbursed the EBU vice-president’s travel expenses in the amount of 22,610.58 EUR (in 2007: 65 trips and 63,291.15 EUR/reimbursement in the amount of 18,181.91; in 2006: only 46 trips and 36,091.64 EUR; in 2005: 69,410 EUR). The lowest costs are in the field of new multimedia activities (platform, 2008: 6,987.50 EUR; in 2007: 24,437.40 EUR) and participation fees for education and relevant meetings (2008: 5,067 EUR; in 2007: 3,212.75 EUR). The average cost of one minute of received programmes decreased in 2008, due to the large quantity of programming from the Olympics, to an astonishing 9.17 EUR (in 2007: 13.00 EUR), which is considerably lower than in the free market (on average approx. 22.50 EUR; the highest price approx. 50.00 EUR). This demonstrates how important it is to be a member of EBU! REPORT ON GOALS AND RESULTS ACHIEVED STRATEGIC GOALS OF RTV SLOVENIA • Striving for financial stability and independence, and cutting operating costs. • Management for the development of the public service, which enables knowledge and managerial skills used and employee satisfaction achieved. • Through the renewal of business processes and implementation of new standards and norms, and setting measurable indicators of performance and efficiency of business operations (BSC), to enable the monitoring of total operating costs on the level of individual programmes and content, and separate, transparent monitoring of activities in the market and public activities, and ensuring programme and business excellence. • Increase investment in training per employee, with the aim of improving the ratio between actual and required levels of education, and educate on the basis of career plans. Rejuvenate staff, shape the organisational culture (principle of excellence), and introduce a multi-tasking method of work, renewal of the governance system and improvement of organisational culture. • In the technical field, we will continue to invest in the digitalisation of radio and television archives, technical/technological systems and the transmitter system, with the goal of digitalising all technological equipment and facilitating the transition to broadcasting in HD-technology (high resolution TV). Solve problems of space, maintaining an achieved level of technology comparable with global developments, and invest in extended reproduction. By the end of 2010, we wish to complete the digitalisation of the ground transmission grid to enable the transition from analog to digital systems of transmission. • Provide accessibility of our programmes and multimedia services via satellite. In circumstances of growing competition and a reduction in financial resources, RTV Slovenia is striving to permanently fulfil the role and mission of a public service with its diverse and varied programme content, in order to satisfy the broadest public interest and various interest groups. Therefore, our continuing role, upon satisfying the broadest public, is the creation and presentation in the digital multimedia environment of a variety of top quality radio and television programmes and web services that will be available to all viewers and listeners as public goods on all attainable and technically available platforms. Our basic mission is the creation and broadcasting of radio and television programmes and multimedia services, and providing an incentive for, and the development of creativity, language, culture and identity of Slovenia. This mission is accomplished with top quality and motivated personnel, a high quality organisational culture and excellence in broadcasting operations. All these measures will help us achieve a flexible organisation, enabling public radio and public television to adapt quickly to changes in the environment. The system of financing and the environment, on the other hand, must ensure political neutrality, editorial autonomy and independence, employees’ creativity and the accomplishment of our mission. The strategic goals of RTV Slovenia are: • To maintain a leading role in the Slovenian market in the field of providing information, original art production, education, children’s and youth contents, as well as sport and entertainment. Within our role as a public service broadcaster, we will develop for our listeners and viewers diverse, high-quality, credible, innovative radio and television programmes that will meet wide response. • Offer new specialised programmes and services on digital channels of the RTV Slovenia multiplex. • Develop multimedia services and provide for their accessibility at all attainable and available technical devices and platforms. • To assert, in terms of programme, organisation and human resources, the advantages of digitalisation; to justify the existence and further development of RTV Slovenia in collaboration with the founder, expert public and with promotional activities, and to provide legal bases for a more appropriate and modern solution to its status, organisational and financial situation in view of permanently pursuing its mission and the tasks of a public service broadcaster. • Constantly build the reputation and credibility of our radio and television programmes among the public; improve quality; invest more in both existing and new innovative content and programmes; consciously accept reasonable competition with commercial media; improve standards in the field of media production; and invest in the training and education of employees. • Provide supporting processes which enable the planning, production and dissemination of programmes in view of fulfilling the tasks of a public service, market management, transparent financial operations and the economic management of public funds. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS % more than for 2007. We also planned other revenue from co-financing in the amount of EUR 5,492,000, which is EUR 4,535,000 more than in 2007. The amount of EUR 4,500,000 refers to financial sources from the Ministry for Public Administration (transition to the salary system in the public sector or payment of salaries in 2008 ≤ elimination of wage disparities). • Among other planned operating revenue, we should also mention EUR 9,622,000 of other commercial revenue (especially rents accounted for in the OU Transmitters and Communications). • Operating expenses were anticipated at EUR 121,911,000. • Labour costs for full-time employees were anticipated at EUR 56,712,000 (EUR 58,053,000 with development funds). This is EUR 5,196,000 or 10.1 % up on the 2007 plan. Taking development funds into account, the amount is higher by EUR 6,537,000 compared to the 2007 plan. We considered the transition to the salary system in the public sector, the legal reduction of the payroll tax in accordance with the Payroll Tax Act (OG RS, No 21/06) and the reduction of staff according to anticipated possible retirements. • Amortisation and depreciation expenditure was planned in the amount of EUR 10,789,000, which is EUR 21,000 less than planned in 2007. • Among expenditure, we should make special mention of investments, planned in the total of EUR 28,775,000. EUR 10,789,000 is financed from the amortisation and depreciation funds, while the remainder is financed from development funds. • Statement of Revenue and Expenses In 2008, the public institution realised a surplus of revenue over expenses of EUR 82,000. This was EUR 344,000 lower than the plan and EUR 3,405,000 lower than in 2007. The operating result in 2007 was highly influenced by revenue from the reversal of provisions, amounting to EUR 2,602,000. In 2008, revenue from the reversal of provisions amounted to EUR 564,000 (Table 1). Revenue Total revenue in 2008 was EUR 122,729,000. This was lower than planned by EUR 5,341,000, i.e. 4.2 %. Compared to the revenue generated in 2007, revenue in 2008 was down by EUR 1,987,000 or 1.6 %. When the impact of the revenue from the reversal of provisions mentioned above is excluded, revenue is EUR 51,000 higher than in 2007. Figure 1: Structure of total revenue realised in 2008 Revenue from RTV licence fee ≤ 64.4 % Advertising revenue ≤ 16.3 % Other operating revenue ≤ 10.4 % Finance revenue ≤ 3.9 % Co-financing revenue ≤ 1.9 % Revenue from revaluation ≤ 1.9 % Exceptional revenue ≤ 1.2 % ANNUAL GOALS OF RTV SLOVENIA The 2009 Business Plan is based on the goals adopted in the Strategy of RTV Slovenia to be achieved by 2010. It should actualise the restructuring of content and raise the quality of radio and television programmes. To achieve the set goals, in 2008 we increased investment in the digitalisation of the transmission network and the modernisation of technological equipment. Special emphasis was put on cost reduction, especially labour costs, both for full-time employees as well as contract workers, which will also improve productivity. The 2008 financial plan highlighted the following goals: • In the statement of revenue and expenses, we anticipated a surplus of revenue over expenses amounting to EUR 426,000. • Planned operating revenue amounted to EUR 116,819,000. • Of the total operating revenue, the amount of EUR 77,620,000 refers to the revenue from RTV licence fees. The 2008 plan did not envisage any increase in the RTV licence fee. • Revenue from advertising was planned at EUR 22,341,000, which is EUR 797,000 or 3.4 % less than planned in 2007. • Revenue from co-financing in compliance with the law was planned at EUR 1,750,000, which is EUR 586,000 or 50.3 84 Table 1: Statement of revenue and expenses In EUR thousand 1 REALISATION 2008 PLAN 2008 Nominal difference Plan achieved (%) REALISATION 2007 Nominal difference Index 2 3 4 (2-3) 5 (2:3) 6 7 (2-6) 8 (2:6) 114,171 116,819 -2,648 97.7 % 114,524 -353 99.7 Finance revenue 4,777 8,361 -3,584 57.1 % 3,797 980 125.8 Exceptional revenue 1,463 208 1,255 703.4 % 551 912 265.5 Operating revenue 2,318 2,682 -364 86.4 % 5,844 -3,526 39.7 122,729 128,070 -5,341 95.8 % 124,716 -1,987 98.4 Costs of goods, materials and services 51,242 52,486 -1,244 97.6 % 47,740 3,502 107.3 Labour costs 56,326 58,053 -1,727 97.0 % 54,605 1,721 103.2 Amortisation and depreciation 11,011 10,789 222 102.1 % 10,799 212 102.0 Revenue from revaluation TOTAL REVENUE 0 0 0 Other costs 595 583 12 Finance costs 295 716 Exceptional expenses 217 194 2,961 0 Long-term provisions Expenses from revaluation Income tax TOTAL EXPENSES SURPLUS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSES 324 -324 0.0 102.1 % 632 -37 94.1 -421 41.2 % 246 49 119.9 23 111.9 % 278 -61 78.1 4,823 -1,862 61.4 % 6,466 -3,505 45.8 0 0 139 -139 122,647 127,644 -4,997 96.1 % 121,229 1,418 101.2 82 426 -344 19.2 % 3,487 -3,405 2.4 85 Figure 2: Structure of planned total revenue for 2008 (of that, 806 of those contacted reported having 1,705 receivers); • 160 notices to municipalities and administrative units (of which 77 contacted municipalities and administrative units reported 182 receivers). Revenue from RTV licence fee ≤ 60.6 % Advertising revenue ≤ 17.4 % Other operating revenue ≤ 7.5 % Revenue from advertising accounted for 16.3 % of total revenue, and was EUR 19,946,000 in 2008. This was lower than planned by EUR 2,395,000 or 10.7 %. Finance revenue ≤ 6.5 % Co-financing revenue ≤ 5.7 % Revenue from revaluation ≤ 2.1 % Reasons for the negative difference are: • lower average ratings of TV programmes in the advertising target groups, along with the fact that the ratings of the competitors Kanal A and TV 3 went up; • the sales policy of TV 3 is to heavily discount in its pricing of advertising blocs; • lack of major events in RTV Slovenia schedules in the first half of 2008 (for example, the European Football Championship was shown on TV 3). Exceptional revenue ≤ 0.2 % Figure 3: Structure of total revenue realised in 2007 Revenue from RTV licence fee ≤ 62.6 % Advertising revenue ≤ 17.4 % Other operating revenue ≤ 10.2 % The plans to replace the planned loss of revenue from advertising by the end of the year have not been realised, as the revenue from advertising also fell in the last quarter of 2008. This can be ascribed to the beginning of the economic crisis and the uncertainty encountered by the Slovenian economy. Revenue from revaluation ≤ 4.7 % Financial revenue ≤ 3.0 % Co-financing revenue ≤ 1.6 % Exceptional revenue ≤ 0.5 % Table 2 shows the revenue generated from advertising in 2008 per Programme Production Units as compared to the plan, and the revenue realised in the same period last year. As evident in the table, advertising revenue has not reached the plan in all of the programme production units. Compared to 2007, advertising revenue is lower by EUR 1,739,000 or 8 %. The reasons per certain types of advertising are perceived as follows: • the number of GRP (i.e. the advertising unit measuring the percentage of viewers who watch TV contents) compared to commercial television on an annual basis is several times lower, which is the reason that RTV Slovenia has difficulties acquiring advertising budgets from the biggest advertisers in Slovenia; • in radio, we notice a further merging of radio stations, which increases their coverage and also increases their competitiveness with advertisers compared to RTV Slovenia; • in regional centres, we should point out the extremely high competition from radio and television stations, while in terms of marketing, the age structure of viewers and listeners is highly unsuitable; Operating revenue amounted to EUR 114,170,000, which was EUR 2,648,000 or 2.3 % lower than planned, and accounted for 93.0 % in the structure of total revenue. Within operating revenue, revenue from RTV licence fees was EUR 79,143,000 in 2008, or 64.4 % of total revenue. Revenue from RTV licence fees was EUR 1,523,000 or 2.0 % higher than planned, and EUR 1,032,000 or 1.3 % higher compared to 2007. The increase in revenue could be attributed to increased activities of the institution in acquiring new subscribers, because - based on data obtained from electricity distributors on consumers of, and payers for electricity - in May and June 2008 the public institution sent out: • 18,717 notices to natural persons, based on which we acquired 11,763 new subscribers, which is 63 % of the total number of persons contacted; • 6,911 notices to legal entities and private entrepreneurs in the transport industry (goods and passengers), including renta-car providers which were not obliged to pay the licence fee Table 2: Revenue from advertising per PPU with regard to the plan and realisation in the previous year In EUR REALISATION 2008 PLAN 2008 Nominal difference Achieved (%) REALISATION 2007 Nominal difference Index 15,286,481 16,962,001 -1,675,520 90.1 16,696,833 -1,410,352 91.6 3,047,622 3,410,002 -362,380 89.4 3,377,457 -329,835 90.2 PPU RC KOPER - CAPODISTRIA 698,850 852,427 -153,577 82.0 753,732 -54,882 92.7 PPU RC MARIBOR 635,763 766,171 -130,408 83.0 660,689 -24,926 96.2 PPU TV SLOVENIA PPU RADIO SLOVENIA PPU MULTIMEDIA CENTRE RTV SLOVENIA 276,979 350,000 -73,021 79.1 195,849 81,130 141.4 19,945,694 22,340,601 -2,394,907 89.3 21,684,560 -1,738,866 92.0 86 • in OU MMC, the plan was not achieved because of low revenue from marketing on web pages, but revenue was higher than in 2007. payments than anticipated against claims from RTV licence fees and subscriptions adjusted and written-off in the past. Expenses Total expenses in 2008 amounted to EUR 122,647,000, which was lower than planned by EUR 4,997,000, or 3.9 %. Compared to 2007, total expenses were higher by 1,418,000, or 1.2 %. Development projects fell short of the plan by EUR 4,747,000, or 73.7 %. Revenue from co-financing in 2008 is EUR 4,964,000, or 68.5 % lower than planned. Most of the difference refers to unrealised inflows from the Ministry for Public Administration intended for the transition to the new salary system. In 2008, the public institution received EUR 1,200,000 from state funds for digitalisation, but not the funds promised for the transition to the new salary system. The amount of EUR 850,000 refers to the planned revenue received from the state for the Presidency of the European Union (planned as co-financing, realised as other commercial revenue). Co-financing revenue from the Government Office for National Minorities was EUR 1,706,000, which is EUR 44,000, or 2.5 % below the plan. Revenue from other co-financing (donations from companies) was EUR 505,000, which exceeds the plan by EUR 294,000 (PPU TV Slovenia EUR 253,000). Co-financing revenue is up by EUR 295,000, or 14.9 % compared to the year before. Figure 4: Structure of total expenditure realised in 2008 Labour costs ≤ 45.9 % Costs of goods, material and services ≤ 41.8 % Amortisation and depreciation ≤ 9.0 % Revaluation expenses ≤ 2.4 % Other expenses ≤ 0.5 % Finance costs ≤ 0.2 % Exceptional expenses ≤ 0.2 % Other operating revenue generated in 2008 amounted to EUR 12,803,000 and exceeded the plan by EUR 3,187,000 or 33.1 %. Among other operating expenses, we recognised the February 2008 reversal of long-term provisions for litigation of EUR 564,000 (judicial proceedings concluded in favour of RTV Slovenia in the matter of VPK (Video produkcija Kregar) amounting to EUR 410,000, and the plaintiffs Babnik and ŠkvarËa, amounting to EUR 154,000). The OU Transmitters and Communications operating revenue was EUR 891,000, i.e. 13.6 % above the plan. The plan was exceeded in PPU TV Slovenia (by EUR 447,000), PPU Radio Slovenia (by EUR 136,000), PPU RC Koper (by EUR 9,000), and PPU RC Maribor (by EUR 6,000). Long-term provisions ≤ 0.0 % Figure 5: Structure of planned total expenditure for 2008 Labour costs ≤ 45.5 % Costs of goods, material and services ≤ 41.1 % Amortisation and depreciation ≤ 8.4 % Revaluation expenses ≤ 3.8 % Finance costs ≤ 0.6 % Other expenses ≤ 0.4 % Financial revenue in 2008 was lower than planned, amounting to EUR 3,584,000, or 42.9 %. The plan included the disposal of Eutelsat Communications shares, totalling EUR 6,871,000. There was no sale, as the public institution ensured other sources, and spending was lower than planned. In October, other revenue from financing was generated in the amount of EUR 784,000, which refers to the interest for excess or outdated turnover tax for 1996. In November, we received a dividend from Eutelsat Communications shares totalling EUR 1,481,000. Also, revenue from the positive interest from operations (especially on RTV licence fees) was higher. Financial revenue was up by EUR 980,000, i.e. 25.8 %, compared to 2007. Exceptional expenses ≤ 0.2 % Long-term provisions ≤ 0.0 % Figure 6: Structure of total expenditure realised in 2007 Labour costs ≤ 45.0 % Costs of goods, material and services ≤ 39.4 % Amortisation and depreciation ≤ 8.9 % Revaluation expenses ≤ 5.3 % Other expenses ≤ 0.5 % Exceptional revenue in 2008 was EUR 1,463,000, which is EUR 1,255,000 more than planned. This refers to a rebate of excess turnover tax for 1996 paid to the Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (DURS) in the amount of EUR 973,000. Another contribution was from realised revenue from RTV licence fees and subscriptions, which exceeded the plan, as the costs recovered for court fees and other recovery costs are recognised among exceptional revenue (EUR 264,000). Long-term provisions ≤ 0.3 % Finance costs ≤ 0.2 % Exceptional expenses ≤ 0.2 % Income tax ≤ 0.1 % Operating expenses were lower than planned by EUR 2,738,000, or 2.2 %, and higher than operating expenses in 2007 by EUR 4,935,000 or 4.3 %. Upon comparison of operating expenses per PPU or OU, it can be established that all units except PPU RC Koper and Common Services exceeded the plan, as shown in Table 3. Revaluation revenue accounted for 1.9 % of total revenue. In 2008, revaluation revenue amounted to EUR 2,318,000, which is EUR 364,000, or 13.6 % less than planned and EUR 3,526,000 less than in 2007. This is a consequence of lower subsequent 87 Costs of goods, material and services in 2008 were EUR 51,242,000, which is EUR 1,244,000, or 2.4 % lower than planned. Compared to 2007, these costs were up by EUR 3.502,000, i.e. 7.3 %. Labour costs for full-time employees in 2008 amounted to EUR 56,326,000, which is EUR 1,727,000 or 3 % lower than planned. The main reason was the delay in the transition to the new salary system. Compared to 2007, labour costs for full-time employees were higher by EUR 1,721,000, which is 3.2 %. The greatest impact on labour costs in 2008 was from the transition to the new salary system, which was implemented with the calculation of salaries for August, and recalculation of salaries from May onwards. The labour costs for fulltime employees in 2008 were also influenced by the smaller number of full-time employees compared to 2007 and lower pay-roll taxes. Labour costs per unit are presented in Table 5. Material and energy in 2008 recorded expenses lower than planned by EUR 125,000, or 2.4 %%; of this amount, EUR 40,000 refers to development projects. Compared to the previous year, realisation is lower by EUR 319,000 or 5.1 %. The costs of services were lower than planned by EUR 1,119,000 or 2.4 %%. Most costs were incurred by development projects. The plan was exceeded by the cost of recording and programme content, out-sourcing, programme services, renting external production, employment contracts and student work. Compared to the same period last year, the cost of services is EUR 3,820,000 or 9.2 % higher. The costs of services per unit are presented in Table 4. Amortisation and depreciation in 2008 was higher than planned by EUR 222,000, or 2.1 %. The reason for exceeding the plan was the increase in depreciation rates at the end of December 2007, after the Programme Business Plan for 2008 had already been adopted. The government issued Rules on Table 3: Operating expenses per PPU/OU with regard to the plan and realisation in the previous year In EUR REALISATION 2008 PLAN 2008 PPU TV SLOVENIA 48,391,243 47,828,927 PPU RADIO SLOVENIA 18,874,930 PPU RC KOPER - CAPODISTRIA 11,088,663 PPU RC MARIBOR OU TRANSMITTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS PPU MULTIMEDIA CENTRE TOTAL COMMON SERVICES RTV SLOVENIA Nominal difference Achieved (%) REALISATION 2007 Nominal difference Index 562,316 101.2 45,496,880 2,894,363 106.4 18,443,046 431,884 102.3 18,069,556 805,374 104.5 11,225,669 -137,007 98.8 10,368,006 720,657 107.0 7,790,282 7,696,710 93,572 101.2 7,117,378 672,904 109.5 10,734,496 10,696,902 37,594 100.4 10,496,880 237,616 102.3 2,314,470 2,198,376 116,094 105.3 2,347,313 -32,843 98.6 19,979,071 23,821,184 -3,842,113 83.9 20,342,152 -363,081 98.2 119,173,154 121,910,814 -2,737,660 97.8 114,238,165 4,934,989 104.3 PPU TV SLOVENIA PPU RADIO SLOVENIA REALISATION 2008 PLAN 2008 Nominal difference Achieved (%) REALISATION 2007 Index 24,062,095 23,637,446 424,649 101.8 21,975,016 2,087,079 109.5 5,073,361 4,694,112 379,249 108.1 4,319,710 753,652 117.4 PPU RC KOPER - CAPODISTRIA 2,723,931 2,488,870 235,061 109.4 2,703,372 20,560 100.8 PPU RC MARIBOR 2,625,344 2,405,282 220,062 109.1 2,308,441 316,903 113.7 OU TRANSMITTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS 3,086,896 3,286,078 -199,182 93.9 3,182,820 -95,924 97.0 PPU MULTIMEDIA CENTRE TOTAL 1,080,546 892,937 187,609 121.0 935,982 144,564 115.4 COMMON SERVICES RTV SLOVENIA Financing costs in the reported period were lower than planned by EUR 421,000, and up by EUR 49,000 compared to the same period last year. The main reason is that the public institution did not borrow as planned. RTV Slovenia adjusted the dynamics of outflows with the dynamics of inflows, thus eliminating the need for borrowing. 6,690,168 9,056,785 -2,366,617 73.9 6,097,138 593,030 109.7 45,342,341 46,461,510 -1,119,169 97.6 41,522,478 3,819,863 109.2 REALISATION 2008 PLAN 2008 PPU TV SLOVENIA 19,465,631 19,238,799 226,832 PPU RADIO SLOVENIA 12,431,885 12,472,135 -40,250 PPU RC KOPER - CAPODISTRIA 7,048,454 7,593,715 PPU RC MARIBOR 3,885,318 4,064,620 OU TRANSMITTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS 3,296,074 779,127 PPU MULTIMEDIA CENTRE TOTAL COMMON SERVICES RTV SLOVENIA Nominal difference Achieved (%) Short-term deposits, including deferred costs and accrued revenues accounted for 20.8 %, which is 4.3 percentage points more than planned. Inventories accounted for 2.9 %, which is 0.3 of a percentage point higher than planned. The share of long-term deposits accounted for 76.3 %, i.e. 4.5 percentage points less than planned. Table 6: Balance Sheet In EUR thousand 1 Long-term investments Long-term operating receivables Long-term receivables from financing Cash Inventories Short-term investments Short-term operating receivables Short-term receivables from financing Deferred costs and accrued revenues Short-term liabilities to employees Short-term operating liabilities In EUR As at the end of 2008, RTV Slovenia’s total assets and liabilities amounted to EUR 101,445,000, i.e. EUR 1,784,000, or 1.8 % more than planned. Assets and liabilities were up by EUR 1,333, or 1.3 % on 2007 (Table 6). Expenses from revaluation in 2008 were lower than planned by EUR 1,862,000 or 38.6 %. Written-off receivables from RTV licence fees were lower than planned. Compared to 2007, expenses were lower by EUR 3,505,000. TOTAL ASSETS Table 5: Labour costs of full-time employees per PPU/OU with regard to the plan and realisation in the previous year • Balance Sheet Exceptional costs were realised in the amount of EUR 217,000, which exceeded the plan by EUR 23,000 or 11.9 %. Compared to 2007, these costs were lower by EUR 61,000, or 21.9 %. Tangible fixed assets Nominal difference Receivables from RTV licence fees are implemented in accordance with the Tax Procedure Act, which specifies that the right to recovery expires after five years. RTV Slovenia issued orders (instruments permitting enforcement), but could not perform forcible collection in cases when not all the necessary data had been acquired for the uniform identification of the person liable (tax ID). Identification of persons liable is performed via the Tax Administration of the RS, and debtors are also summoned directly. However, if the tax ID is not obtained, recovery procedure cannot begin. Other costs were realised in the amount of EUR 595,000, which exceeded the plan by EUR 12,000, or 2.1 %. Compared to 2007, these costs were down by EUR 37,000 or 5.9 %. Intangible non-current assets Table 4: Costs of services per PPU/OU with regard to the plan and realisation in the previous year In EUR the rates of depreciation of intangible fixed assets and tangible fixed assets which stipulated the new depreciation rates applicable to all indirect and direct budget spending units. Compared to the amortisation and depreciation accounted for in 2007, it is higher by EUR 212,000, or 2.0 %. BALANCE 31/12/2008 PLAN 31/12/2008 Nominal difference Plan achieved ( %) BALANCE 31/12/2007 Nominal difference Index 2 3 4 (2-3) 5 (2:3) 6 7 (2-6) 8 (2:6) 3,369 3,370 -1 100.0 % 2,731 638 123.4 52,009 62,266 -10,257 83.5 % 47,571 4,438 109.3 2,173 3,020 -847 72.0 % 2,173 0 100.0 52 58 -6 89.7 % 55 -3 94.5 19,755 11,842 7,913 166.8 % 23,628 -3,873 83.6 663 186 477 356.5 % 800 -137 82.9 2,967 2,603 364 114.0 % 3,011 -44 98.5 0 0 0 0 0 17,744 14,777 2,967 120.1 % 17,817 -73 99.6 609 250 359 243.6 % 726 -117 83.9 2,104 1,289 815 163.2 % 1,600 504 131.5 101,445 99,661 1,784 101.8 % 100,112 1,333 101.3 5,276 4,761 515 110.8 % 5,196 80 101.5 17,607 13,343 4,264 132.0 % 17,143 464 102.7 0 4,799 -4,799 0 0 REALISATION 2007 Nominal difference Index 101.2 18,924,809 540,822 102.9 Accrued costs and deferred revenues 3,189 3,221 -32 99.0 % 3,524 -335 90.5 99.7 12,049,192 382,693 103.2 Long-term provisions 4,746 6,431 -1,685 73.8 % 5,310 -564 89.4 -545,261 92.8 6,419,112 629,342 109.8 Long-term operating liabilities 70 68 2 102.9 % 53 17 132.1 -179,302 95.6 3,558,766 326,552 109.2 Long-term liabilities from financing 0 0 0 0 0 3,124,575 171,499 105.5 3,286,887 9,187 100.3 Liabilities for long-term financial investments 21,928 14,977 6,951 25,801 -3,873 85.0 757,956 21,171 102.8 794,694 -15,566 98.0 Profit or loss -711 3,753 -4,464 -5,217 4,506 13.6 Liabilities for assets in management 9,419,353 10,801,039 -1,381,686 87.2 9,571,581 -152,228 98.4 56,325,842 58,052,839 -1,726,997 97.0 54,605,040 1,720,802 103.2 88 Short-term liabilities from financing TOTAL LIABILITIES 146.4 % 49,340 48,308 1,032 102.1 % 48,302 1,038 102.1 101,445 99,661 1,784 101.8 % 100,112 1,333 101.3 89 Figure 7: Realised structure of assets at the end of December 2008 communities as legal entities (OG RS, No 42/03, as amended). In compliance with the Rules, the public institution may place deposit funds in the Treasury Single Account. Available funds equal to, or exceeding EUR 100,000, must be offered to the Ministry of Finance prior to the deposit or investment of such funds (except when investing in securities of the Republic of Slovenia) Tangible fixed assets ≤ 51.3 % Long-term operating and finance receivables ≤ 19.5 % Short-term operating and finance receivables ≤ 18.1 % Intangible non-current assets ≤ 3.3 % Inventories ≤ 2.9 % Deferred costs and accrued revenues ≤ 2.1 % Deferred costs and accrued revenues, which account for the short-term deferred costs of films, broadcasts and foreign broadcasts, exceeded the plan by EUR 815,000, or 63.2 %. Long-term investments ≤ 2.1 % Long-term assets at the end of December 2008 amounted to EUR 77,358,000, which is lower than planned by EUR 3,198,000, or 4 %. Tangible fixed assets were lower than planned by EUR 10,257,000, the main reason being lower investment than anticipated. Cash ≤ 0.7 % Short-term investments ≤ 0.0 % Figure 8: Planned structure of assets at the end of December 2008 The plan was much higher than the realised long-term receivables from financing (by EUR 7,913,000). We planned to acquire greater revenue from the disposal of the bonds of the Republic of Slovenia than we achieved. The plan included the disposal of our Eutelsat Communications shares, valued at EUR 6,871,000, which was not carried out. Tangible fixed assets ≤ 62.4 % Short-term operating and finance receivables ≤ 15.1 % Long-term operating and finance receivables ≤ 11.9 % Intangible non-current assets ≤ 3.3 % Long-term investments ≤ 3.0 % Inventories ≤ 2.8 % Deferred costs and accrued revenues ≤ 1.3 % Cash ≤ 0.2 % Short-term liabilities, including accrued costs and deferred revenues, accounted for 25.7 % of all liabilities, 0.5 of a percentage point less than planned. The institution’s own funds and longterm liabilities amounted to 74.3 %, i.e. by 0.5 of a percentage point more than planned. • Cash Flow Statement Statement of Revenue and Expenses based on the cash flow principle Figure 12: Realised structure of liabilities at the end of December 2007 Liabilities for long-term investments, operating result and liabilities for assets in management ≤ 68.9 % Revenue based on the cash flow principle in 2008 amounted to EUR 120,228,000. This was EUR 4,846,000, or 3.9 % less than planned. Compared to 2007, revenue was up by 4,810,000, i.e. 4.2 %. Of this amount, 70 % or EUR 84,763,000 was revenue from the public service, and 30 %, i.e. EUR 35,465,000 from revenue from the sale of goods and services on the market. Short-term operating liabilities ≤ 7.1 % Long-term provisions ≤ 5.3 % Short-term liabilities to employees ≤ 5.2 % Accrued costs and deferred evenues ≤ 3.5 % Short-term liabilities from financing ≤ 0.0 % Revenue from public service was lower than planned by EUR 459,000, which is 0.5 %. It was up on revenue generated in 2007 by EUR 2,479,000 or 3 %. Long-term liabilities, which include profit or loss generated in the current year and in previous years, amounted to EUR 75,373,000 at the end of December 2008, which is EUR 1,836,000 or 2.4 % higher than planned. Revenue from the sale of goods and services was lower than planned by EUR 4,387,000, or 11 %. Compared to 2007, the revenue generated was higher by EUR 2,331,000, or 7 %. Short-term liabilities amount to EUR 22,883,000, which is EUR 20,000 less than planned. The plan envisaged short-term liabilities to fund providers in the amount of EUR 4,799,000. At the end of 2008, we showed no liabilities from short-term borrowing. Short-term operating liabilities exceed the plan by EUR 4,264,000, i.e. 32.0 %. Short-term liabilities to employees exceeded the plan by EUR 515,000 or 10.8%. Accrued costs and deferred revenues were lower than planned by EUR 32,000, or 1 %. This item includes legal interest from RTV licence fees and the costs of recovering fees; revenue is realised upon payment or recovery of claims. Expenses as per cash flow principle in 2008 amounted to EUR 124,801,000, which was EUR 18,083,000, or 12.7 % lower than planned. It was up compared to 2007 by EUR 12,583,000, or 11.2 %. Expenses from public service accounted for 75 % of all expenses, amounting to EUR 93,707,000. This was EUR 17,627,000, or 15.8 % less than planned. Compared to 2007, it was higher by EUR 12,171,000, or 14.9 %. Expenses from the sale of goods and services on the market amounted to EUR 31,094,000, which was lower than planned by EUR 456,000, or 1.4 %. Compared to 2007, these expenses were higher by EUR 412,000, i.e. 1.3 %. Short-term investments ≤ 0.0 % Figure 10: Realised structure of liabilities at the end of December 2008 Figure 9: Realised structure of assets at the end of December 2007 Tangible fixed assets ≤ 47.5 % Liabilities for long-term investments, operational result and liabilities for assets in management ≤ 69.6 % Long-term operating and finance receivables ≤ 23.7 % Short-term operating liabilities ≤ 17.4 % Short-term operating and finance receivables ≤ 18.5 % Short-term liabilities to employees ≤ 5.2 % Inventories ≤ 3.0 % Long-term provisions ≤ 4.7 % Intangible non-current assets ≤ 2.7 % Accrued costs and deferred revenues ≤ 3.1 % Long-term investments ≤ 2.2 % Short-term liabilities from financing ≤ 0.0 % Deferred costs and accrued revenues ≤ 1.6 % Wages and other contributions for employees and employer’s contributions to social security, totalling EUR 56,340,000, constituted the largest share of costs (45 %). This was higher than planned by EUR 3,773,000, or 7 %. Compared to 2007, the figure rose by EUR 2,306,000, or 4 %. Expenses for goods and services, accounting for 41 % in the structure of expenses, amounted to EUR 51,562,000. This was lower by EUR 11,257,000, or 18 % compared to the plan, and up by EUR 3,548,000, i.e. 7 %, compared to 2007. Investment expenses totalled EUR 16,899,000. This was lower than planned by EUR 10,596,000, or 38.5 %. Compared to 2007, they were higher by EUR 6,731,000, or 66.2 %. The most substantial share was accounted for by the cost of procuring audio-visual equipment, buildings, reconstructions and adaptations, and telecommunication and computer equipment. Cash ≤ 0.8 % Short-term investments ≤ 0.0 % Figure 11: Planned structure of liabilities at the end of December 2008 At the end of December 2008, short-term assets including deferred costs and accrued revenues amounted to EUR 24,087,000, which is EUR 4.982,000 or 26 % above the plan. Short-term assets were influenced by the balance of assets with the Treasury of the RS (EUR 4,200,000 at the end of December), which was not planned. Liabilities for long-term investments, operational result and liabilities for assets in management ≤ 67.3 % Statement of account of financial receivables and investments Short-term operating liabilities ≤ 13.4 % Repayments against loans granted amounted to EUR 4,347,000, which was lower than planned by EUR 14,798,000. Long-term provisions ≤ 6.5 % Short-term liabilities to employees ≤ 4.8 % The basis for the investment of available funds of the public institution are the Rules on investing available funds of central and local government budget spending units and central parts of Statement of financing account Short-term liabilities from financing ≤ 4.8 % In 2008, we disbursed loans totalling EUR 2,900,000. Repayments on loans raised were EUR 2,900,000. In 2008, the plan Accrued costs and deferred revenues ≤ 3.2 % 90 91 foresaw net borrowing of EUR 4,800,000, but this did not happen. The plan foresaw EUR 6,445,000 for development projects in 2008; of this amount, EUR 2,691,000 refers to programme development projects, EUR 1,132,000 to special programme projects, and EUR 2,622,000 to organisational and HR projects. • Project financing from development funds In compliance with the resolution of the General Meeting of Eutelsat Communications, in 2008 we received EUR 0.60 per share, totalling EUR 1,481,234. Revenue from interest on RS bonds in 2008 generated EUR 877,600. In 2008 we disposed of the RS 60 bonds, a reduction in investments of EUR 4,279,000. Total development projects realised in 2008 amounted to EUR 1,698,000, and was lower than planned by EUR 4,747,000, i.e. 73.7 %. Table 7: Cash Flow Statement Programme development projects were realised in the total of EUR 746,000. This was EUR 1,945,000 less than planned. EUR 16,075,000 from development funds was planned for investment development projects in 2008; additionally, EUR 586,000 was approved. In 2008, investment projects were realised with a total value of EUR 5,975,000, of which EUR 1.2 million was from state co-financing of digitalisation. Special programme projects were realised in the total of EUR 716,000, i.e. EUR 416,000 less than planned. Organisational and HR projects were realised in the total of EUR 236,000. This was EUR 2,386,000 less than planned. Table 8: Programme development projects STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE AS PER CASH-FLOW PRINCIPLE Development funds in EUR REALISATION 2008 PLAN 2008 Nominal difference Plan achieved ( %) REALISATION 2007 Nominal difference Index 2 3 4 (2-3) 5 (2:3) 6 7 (2-6) 8 (2:6) 84,763 85,222 -459 99.5 % 82,284 2,479 103.0 TV SLO 2,165,830 398,702 2,972 7,031 -4,059 42.3 % 1,433 1,539 207.4 P1 Family serial 1,500,000 0 b) Other revenue from public services 81,791 78,191 3,600 104.6 % 80,851 940 101.2 P3 Development of TV Slovenia trademarks 160,000 0 2. Revenue from the sale of goods and services on the market 35,465 39,852 -4,387 89.0 % 33,134 2,331 107.0 P4 Introduction of the 3rd TV programme 505,830 398,702 RA SLO 308,000 273,120 In EUR thousand 1. Revenue from public service a) Revenue from funds of public finance TOTAL REVENUE 120,228 125,074 -4,846 96.1 % 115,418 4,810 104.2 1. Expenses from public services 93,707 111,334 -17,627 84.2 % 81,536 12,171 114.9 a) Wages, salaries and other expenses for employees 33,913 32,757 1,156 103.5 % 31,883 2,030 106.4 6,492 5,560 932 116.8 % 6,142 350 105.7 36,403 45,519 -9,116 80.0 % 33,341 3,062 109.2 b) Employer’s contributions to social security c) Disbursements for goods and services for the performance of public services d) Payment of interest e) Investment expenditure 0 3 -3 0.0 % 2 -2 0.0 16,899 27,495 -10,596 61.5 % 10,168 6,731 166.2 2. Expenditure on the sale of goods and services on the market 31,094 31,550 -456 98.6 % 30,682 412 101.3 a) Wages, salaries and other expenses for employees 13,939 12,450 1,489 112.0 % 14,031 -92 99.3 1,996 1,800 196 110.9 % 1,978 18 100.9 b) Employer’s contributions to social security c) Disbursements for goods and services for public services TOTAL EXPENDITURE REVENUE LESS EXPENDITURE 15,159 17,300 -2,141 87.6 % 14,673 486 103.3 124,801 142,884 -18,083 87.3 % 112,218 12,583 111.2 -4,573 -17,810 13,237 25.7 % 3,200 -7,773 -142.9 Seq. No. PROJECT 2008 Plan Updating the 1st and 3rd channel web pages with the offer of special contents 53,000 27,980 P6 Promotion of Slovenian music creativity (art music) 75,000 76,615 P7 Promotion of Slovenian popular music production 80,000 82,209 P8 Development of Radio Slovenia trademarks 100,000 86,316 RC KP 115,000 0 P9 Introduction of cross-border radio and TV 115,000 0 RC MB 102,000 74,058 P10 RSI ≤ Euroradio 48,000 43,379 P11 RSI ≤ Traffic Announcements Department ≤ programme, GPS 54,000 30,679 2,690,830 745,880 Total programme development projects: Table 9: Organisational and human resources projects Development funds in EUR Seq. No. PROJECT 2008 Payments received against loans granted Loans granted Loans received less granted Plan REALISATION 2008 PLAN 2008 Nominal difference Plan achieved ( %) REALISATION 2007 Nominal difference Index K1 Human resources restructuring and rejuvenation Development of promising human resources ≤ scholarships 2 3 4 (2-3) 5 (2:3) 2 7 (2-6) 8 (2:6) K2 4,347 19,145 -14,798 22.7 % 6,575 -2,228 66.1 K3 Learning organisation K4 Renewal of business processes K5 Laboratory for development of contents/formats and creative studio 0 0 0 4,347 19,145 -14,798 22.7 % 6,236 -6,236 339 4,008 1282.3 STATEMENT OF FINANCING ACCOUNT Spent P5 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT OF FINANCIAL RECEIVABLES AND INVESTMENTS In EUR thousand Additionally approved Additionally approved Spent 830,000 119,774 52,000 2,859 380,000 8,384 45,000 0 300,000 0 K6 E-education 25,000 1,580 K7 Reorganisation of marketing of RTV programmes and improvement of public relations 100,000 30,406 K8 Promotion and introduction of new services and programmes on a digital TV platform 200,000 0 REALISATION 2008 PLAN 2008 Nominal difference Plan achieved ( %) REALISATION 2007 Nominal difference Index 2 3 4 (2-3) 5 (2:3) 2 7 (2-6) 8 (2:6) Borrowing 2,900 8,000 -5,100 36.3 % 9,100 -6,200 31.9 K9 Setting up a central digital RA archive ≤ Mediateka 360,000 0 Debt repayment 2,900 3,200 -300 90.6 % 9,227 -6,327 31.4 K10 Formation of common RA-TV news editorial offices in RC MB and KP 100,000 73,141 Net borrowing 0 4,800 -4,800 0.0 % Net debt repayment 0 0 0 -226 6,135 -6,361 In EUR thousand CHANGES IN BALANCE ON ACCOUNTS 92 -3.7 % 0 0 K11 Modern arrangement of copyrights 127 -127 K12 Developmental corporate communications 3,412 -3,638 -6.6 Total organisational and human resources projects 93 30,000 0 200,000 0 2,622,000 236,144 Table 10: Special programme projects Table 12: Investment projects Development funds in EUR Seq. No. PROJECT Development funds in EUR (2008) 2008 Plan Seq. No. Additionally approved Spent 499,000 425,120 93,798 PP1 Feature film ‘Angela Vode’ 313,000 275,120 15,070 PP2 Educational acted series ‘RibiË Pepi’ 78,728 0 100,000 PP9 Euroroute PP10 Burglars Work in Summer RA SLO 523,000 PP4 Anniversary of Radio and Television 318,000 326,548 PP5 Programmes for Slovenians abroad 60,000 58,133 150,000 0 503,356 PP6 Fiction projects 80,000 75,276 PP7 Romany programme content 65,000 43,399 PP8 2008 Plan TV SLO 86,000 PROJECT Additionally approved Spent CONSTRUCTION 7,860,000 T1 Replacement building at Komenskega 5 2,500,000 T2 Purchase and renovation Komenskega 7 4,000,000 T3 Reconstruction of radio music studios 1,000,000 36,595 T4 Purchase of rented technological premises from MO Koper 240,000 232,231 T5 Construction of a scenic depot and parking spaces for Studio Lendava 120,000 0 ARCHIVES 220,000 117,738 T6 Archive digitalisation NETWORK DIGITALISATION T7 586,000 2,504,826 586,000 2,236,000 0 220,000 117,738 1,800,000 767,747 Construction of digital TV network ≤ DVB 1,800,000 767,747 MODERNISATION 6,195,000 2,584,658 280,000 205,461 RC MB 110,000 118,374 Circom Regional 110,000 118,374 T8 TV equipment for the Parliament Channel 715,528 T9 Construction and modernisation of TV editing 3,300,000 759,317 T10 HD production chain and programme broadcasting 150,000 442,770 T11 Multimedia projects 340,000 90,446 T12 Computer systems for TV production (MB, KP) 45,000 0 T13 Renovation of information infrastructure (ISO 27001) (replacement of cameras in RA) 450,000 405,979 T14 Computer system for programme planning and management 380,000 91,401 T15 Newsreel vehicles and equipment 500,000 0 T16 TV computer production system 450,000 367,617 T17 Information infrastructure 300,000 221,666 Total special programme projects 1,132,000 425,120 Table 11: Overview of spending of development funds by years Year CASH INFLOW FROM SHARES - in EUR FUNDS SPENT (Programme and HR DIFFERENCE (inflows - funds spent) projects) in EUR ≤ in EUR 2006 1,333,110 539,430 793,680 2007 1,431,860 910,667 521,193 440,000 -470,667 2008 1,481,234 1,697,552 -216,318 6,444,830 4,747,278 Total 4,246,204 3,147,649 1,098,555 Year CASH INFLOW FROM BONDS - in EUR 2006 906,599 705,373 201,226 2007 844,836 2,969,250 FUNDS SPENT (Investment DIFFERENCE (inflows - funds spent) projects) in EUR ≤ in EUR PLAN in EUR DIFFERENCE plan - funds spent ≤ in EUR -539,430 PLAN - in EUR DIFFERENCE plan - funds spent ≤ in EUR -2,124,414 8,160,000 5,190,750 16,075,000 11,300,032 2008 5,041,912 4,774,968 266,944 Total 6,793,347 8,449,591 -1,656,244 -705,373 TOTAL INVESTMENT 16,075,000 586,000 5,974,969 ASSESSMENT OF BUSINESS PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIONS OF THE SYSTEM OF INTERNAL FINANCIAL CONTROL Other indicators Share of market revenue in total revenue accounts for 27.7%. The share of market revenue compared to the amount realised in 2007 is slightly lower as a result of lower revenue from advertising in 2008. Key performance indicators The total efficiency indicator, which takes into account total revenue and total expenses, is above 1, meaning that total revenue is higher than total expenses. The 2008 ratio was 1.0007, which was lower than planned by 0.3 of a percentage point. The ratio for 2007 was 1.0288. The level of write-off for equipment and other tangible fixed assets calculated as the ratio between the depreciation amount for equipment and other tangible fixed assets, and the procurement value of equipment and other tangible fixed assets, amounted to 81.8 % in 2008. It was higher by 0.7 of a percentage point in comparison to the plan. In 2007, the rate was 81.7 %. The operating efficiency indicator is expressed as the ratio between operating revenue and operating expenses; in 2008, the ratio was 0.9580. The planned value was 0.9582, while the ratio in 2007 was 1.0025. The revenue profitability rate is calculated as the ratio between the surplus of revenue over expenses before taxation and total revenue. In 2008, it was 0.0007. The planned value was 0.0033, while the 2007 ratio was 0.0280. The liquidity indicator, which includes short-term assets and inventories, was 0.9607 at the end of 2008, meaning that the amount of short-term assets and inventories accounted for 96.07 % of short-term liabilities. The plan foresaw the liquidity ratio at 0.7779. Thus, liquidity was better than planned. The ratio at the end of 2007 was 1.0007. Productivity indicator Productivity as a ratio between operating revenue and the average number of employees from working hours indicates that each employee created average revenue of EUR 59,000 in 2008. This is 2.9 % more than planned. Productivity increased by 8.3 % compared to 2007. In / at RTV SLOVENIA (registered office of the budget spending unit, code and registration no.) Kolodvorska 2, 1000 Ljubljana Code: 35513 Registration no.: 5056497 I, the undersigned, as the management body, am aware of the responsibility to establish and constantly improve the system of financial management and internal controls, and internal auditing, in accordance with Article 100 of the Public Finance Act, with the purpose of controlling risks and ensuring the achievement of business objectives and realisation of the budget. The system of internal control of public finance is designed to check that general and specific business objectives are achieved at an acceptable level of risk, and provides a reasonable, but not absolute assurance of business performance and achievement of objectives. The system is based on a continuous process, which enables the definition of key risks, the probability of their occurrence, and the impact of a certain risk on achieving objectives, and helps to control risks successfully, efficiently and economically. This assessment presents the situation in the sphere of implementation of processes and procedures of the internal control of public finance in/at (title of the budget spending unit) RTV Slovenia The assessment is provided on the basis of: * assessment of internal auditing service for the following areas: * self-assessment of the organisational unit managers for the following areas: The severe liquidity index, from which inventories are excluded, was lower at 0.8310 at the end of 2008, meaning that we have short-term assets excluding inventories valued at 83.10 % of total short-term liabilities. The plan foresaw the ratio at 0.6642. Thus, liquidity was better than planned. The ratio at the end of 2007 was 0.8659. * findings (Court of Audit of the RS, budget inspection, Budget Supervision Office of the RS, supervisory bodies of the EU, etc.) for the following areas: In/at (title of the budget spending unit) RTV Slovenia, a public institution the following are established: 1. adequate control environment (management body selects only one of the following options, enter X in the field) a) for all operations, x b) in the predominant part of operations, c) in certain areas of operations, d) is not yet established, we have started the first activities, e) is not yet established, we will start the relevant activities next year 2. risk management Table 13: Economy and efficiency indicators for 2008 compared to the plan and realisation in 2007 2.1. objectives are attainable and measurable, meaning that indicators are defined to measure the achievement of objectives (the management body selects only one of the following options): REALISATION 2008 PLAN Index REALISATION 2007 Index TOTAL EFFICIENCY RATIO 1.0007 1.0033 99.7 1.0288 97.3 b) in the predominant part of operations, OPERATING EFFICIENCY RATIO 0.9580 0.9582 100.0 1.0025 95.6 c) in certain areas of operations, PROFITABILITY RATE OF REVENUE 0.0007 0.0033 21.2 0.0280 2.5 27.7 26.2 105.6 28.0 98.9 81.8 81.1 100.9 81.7 100.1 0.9607 0.7779 123.5 1.0007 96.0 0.8310 0.6642 125.1 0.8659 96.0 59,304 EUR 57,660 EUR 102.9 54,766 EUR 108.3 SHARE OF MARKET REVENUE WRITE-OFF RATE OF FIXED ASSETS LIQUIDITY RATIO SEVERE LIQUIDITY INDEX PRODUCTIVITY RATIO a) for all operations, x d) is not yet established, we have started the first activities, e) is not yet established, we will start the relevant activities next year 2.2. risks that objectives will not be achieved are defined and evaluated, the method of risk management is specified (management body selects only one of the following options): a) for all operations, b) in the predominant part of operations, x c) in certain areas of operations, d) is not yet established, we have started the first activities, e) is not yet established, we will start the relevant activities next year 96 97 3. system of internal control based on risk management, and control activities which reduce risks to acceptable level (management body selects only one of the following options): a) for all operations, b) in the predominant part of operations, c) in certain areas of operations, x d) is not yet established, we have started the first activities, e) is not yet established, we will start the relevant activities next year 4. appropriate information and communication system (management body selects only one of the following options): a) for all operations, b) in the predominant part of operations, x c) in certain areas of operations, d) is not yet established, we have started the first activities, e) is not yet established, we will start the relevant activities next year 5. appropriate control system, which also includes an appropriate (own, joint, contractual) internal auditing service (management body selects only one of the following options): a) for all operations, b) in the predominant part of operations, x c) in certain areas of operations, d) is not yet established, we have started the first activities, e) is not yet established, we will start the relevant activities next year In 2008, I implemented the following important improvements in internal control (state: 1, 2 or 3 important improvements):: Construction of software support to monitor external colleagues, which is included in the integrated business-information system; creating a register of risks; starting construction of a comprehensive information system to support programme, production and marketing. Despite the implemented improvements, I find that the following important risks exist which I do not yet control to a sufficient degree (state: 1, 2 or 3 important risks and the measures envisaged for their management): Operational risks in the sphere of business processes in programme and production (connection between applications). Name and surname of the management body: Anton Guzej, Director General of RTV Slovenia Signature of the management body: Ljubljana, 16 February 2009 INVESTMENTS from the indicated amounts, EUR 9,461,000 are already earmarked for investments already started. Development projects included in the 2008 Programme Business Plan were included in a 3-year plan of use of development funds. Most development projects were not completed in 2008; these projects will continue and largely be completed in 2009. With this purpose, a major part of the remaining funds are already engaged in public procurement procedures. For TV equipment for the parliament channel, the HD production chain and construction of TV Studio 1 control room, some development funds, amounting to EUR 1,200,000, were transferred to financing from the budget. Investments in 2008 followed strategic policies in the digitalisation of equipment and sections in radio and television production technology chains, in the introduction of the digital video broadcasting terrestrial network (DVB-T) and in managing the problem of premises and working and living conditions in the public institution RTV Slovenia. There was also a special focus on technological support for the computer production of RTV programmes and new multimedia content which uses alternative means of digital distribution. The initial investment plan was adopted within the scope of the Programme Business Plan for 2007, but was subject to a minor change with the inclusion of co-financing from the budget, as confirmed by the Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia at its regular session in November, but which had no impact on the total value of the investment plan. The data on realised investments refer to the final shape of the plan, considering the reallocations mentioned above. The plan consisted of a schedule of regular investments and development projects which were presented in separate columns. With all the facts in mind, the final value of planned funds for investments included in the investment plan of RTV Slovenia in 2008 totalled EUR 28,775,000. An amount of EUR 12,700,000 was planned for regular investment and EUR 16,075,000 for development projects. After the change, a part of development projects was financed from the state budget funds, as the Ministry of the Economy’s Electronic Communications Directorate transferred EUR 1,200,000 for digitalisation. The Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia did not discuss the operational plan for the development project for a replacement construction at Ulica Komenskega 5 in 2008, because the project design and pre-investment study were still under way. The development funds for this project have thus not yet been spent. Of the development projects already approved in the total of EUR 13,575,000, investments in the amount of EUR 5,974,000 were implemented in 2008. Of that amount, EUR 1,200,000 came from the state budget, and EUR 4,774 from development funds. All realised investments refer to major projects, such as: • server technology for the production and broadcasting of television programmes in all units of RTV Slovenia; • construction of a switch-distribution system at TV Slovenia; • introduction of HD-TV production technology at TV Slovenia; • construction of assemblies for the production of the new parliament channel; • renovation of music and speech radio studios; • reconstruction of the largest music studio (S-26) at the Radio; • upgrading information infrastructure and introduction of information systems for planning and monitoring financial operations of the institution; • setting up a Digital Video Broadcasting≤Terrestrial network, DVB-T; The investment plan was realised in a total value of EUR 15,511,000, which is an average of 54 per cent realisation. But in terms of the amount, this is the highest realisation of investments over a longer period. Regular investments were realised in the amount of EUR 9,536,000, i.e. 75 %, and development projects amounting to EUR 5,975, i.e. 37 %. One development project amounting to EUR 2,500,000 has not yet been discussed in 2008, and implementation has not started. We have to emphasise that, apart from the mentioned realisation, in 2008 we started several projects and performed several public procurement procedures that will be completed in 2009 with the delivery and installation of equipment. Apart Table 14: Realisation of RTV Slovenia investments in 2008 per units Realisation of RTV Slovenia investments in 2008 per units Unit Plan in EUR Realisation in EUR Realisation in % Investments in property 9,350,000 3,570,864 38.00 % TV Slovenia 6,720,000 4,508,487 67.00 % RA Slovenia 1,120,000 475,254 42.00 % Transmitters and Communications 3,190,000 1,778,924 56.00 % Multimedia Centre 670,000 462,268 69.00 % RC Maribor 1,035,000 697,115 67.00 % RC Koper 1,490,000 757,112 51.00 % Informatics 2,330,000 1,238,924 53.00 % Total RTV SLO investments 2,870,000 2,022,828 70.00 % TOTAL 28,775,000 15,511,780 54.00 % 102 • development and modernisation of multimedia services range; • purchase and renovation of business premises; a large amount was dedicated to the purchase of business premises at Komenskega 7 and renovating the reception desks at the radio and television buildings in Ljubljana. In addition, we replaced and upgraded several old fixed assets in all organisational units of RTV Slovenia, and implemented numerous minor projects to increase the technical quality of images, sound and expressive possibilities in the production of radio and television programmes. These mainly included: • server technology and applications in the sphere of multimedia; • graphic and other systems for the production of television and radio programmes; • several analog radio and TV transmitters and systems of radio communications; • computers, monitors, printers and other computer equipment for business and production purposes; • modernisation of the mechanical and electrical energy systems (studio air-conditioning in all units, UPS systems and other OHPK (heating, cooling, ventilation and air conditioning) equipment. The investments were not realised in the total amount planned, mainly for the following reasons: • lengthy preparation of documentation for the construction of the premises on Ulica Komenskega 5 and in the schedule of payments agreed in the contract, of the consideration for the building at Ulica Komenskega 7 (the second part of consideration is due in 2009); • complexity and complications during the static renovation of the building undergoing the reconstruction of studio S26; • longer implementation of the project and public procurement for the equipment for TV Studio 1 control room; • slightly extended delivery deadline for two outside broadcasting vehicles for radio production, which shifted delivery to a new business year; • slower construction of the DVB-T network due to acquiring frequencies and difficulties linked to new technology; • lengthy preparation and implementation of the public tender for Microsoft licences, which was extremely demanding in terms of finance and contents. Public procurement procedures for some purchases were not successful for various reasons, such as: available funds were exceeded, bids were not on time or were inadequate, or no bids were submitted. The public procurement not completed for these reasons were repeated or will be repeated in 2009 under modified conditions. Other reasons for the deviation from the investment plan derive from programming and technical decisions made during the year and from objective circumstances that could not be influenced. The investment year was very successful despite the seemingly low realisation. The goals of the plan were highly ambitious, and most projects were either implemented or started. No projects were stopped and we have detected no technological or business errors during implementation. All investments were implemented in compliance with public procurement procedures. The basic task of the Transmitters and Communications Organisational Unit (OU) in 2008 remained the broadcasting of RTV Slovenia programmes and those of some other stations. To this purpose, several transmitting networks have been constructed in past decades and connected with microwave links for the distribution and exchange of programmes from radio and television studios or between them. Currently, we have 225 transmission points throughout Slovenia, via which we transmit RTV Slovenia programmes to listeners and viewers. Via the Hot Bird 8 satellite at orbital position 13˙E, we broadcast all three national TV programmes and five radio programmes. On the remainder of the satellite space, we hosted two television and three radio programmes. Broadcasts from parliament were distributed through the terrestrial digital network, satellite, cable distribution systems and IPTV, which ensured reception in over 70 % of households. OU Transmitters and Communications In addition to all RTV Slovenia programmes, we also transmitted the programmes of 36 commercial publishers of RTV programmes and 24 programmes of special importance. We performed 196 domestic outside broadcasts and 170 satellite transmissions from foreign countries for the needs of various programmes. Our extensive infrastructure of transmitters and transponders allows us to lease some of our capacity to other participants in the radio-diffusion spectrum in compliance with the Electronic Communications Act (mobile phone service operators, Telekom, Elektrogospodarstvo, Ministry of Defence of the RS, Ministry of the Interior, etc.) In 2008, we concluded 26 contracts of this type. The DVB-T terrestrial digital network comprises 17 transmission units. We reached almost 80 % coverage of households in Slovenia in 2008. The multiplex A transmits all RTV SLO programmes. The remaining part hosts commercial programmes. The Transmitters and Communications unit employed 122 workers as at 31 December 2008, which was six less than at the beginning of 2008. The employees attend to the undisturbed operation of all transmitter networks and to investment activities. Work groups are distributed all over Slovenia. Undisturbed operation is assured by crews of seven transmission and six regional centres, and other work groups. Report on the use of investment funds The total value of all investments in 2008 was EUR 1,845,587; the total realisation was 57 %, excluding maintenance. The most important investment was initiating the set-up of the digital television network; 41 % of investment funds were earmarked for this purpose, the total amount being financed from development funds. Reasons for poor realisation of some items: 28 Digitalisation of transmission network Realisation lags behind the plan mainly due to an unsuccessful public tender. The tender was repeated and will be completed in 2009. Some payments, with a 60-day payment deadline, matured in 2009. 29 Renovation of transmitter network Some investments started at the end of the year; invoices will follow in 2009. 30 Transport means Realisation lags behind the plan mainly due to an unsuccessful public tender. Table 15: Spending of investment funds P. p. P.p. title Plan Amount invoiced Payment R/P (%) 28 Construction of DVB-T network 1,800,000 767,747.28 751,082.34 43 29 Renovation of transmitter network 350,000.00 310,504.12 310,504.12 89 30 Transport means 250,000 140,244.33 80,800.95 56 31 Renovation of infrastructure 650,000 552,816.58 490,463.37 85 32 Minor replacements of fixed assets 140,000 74,275.46 60,093.44 53 Total in EUR 3,190,000 1,845,587.77 16,92,944.22 57.86 % SUMMARY OF SPENDING FROM DEPRECIATION FUNDS P. p. P.p. title Plan Amount invoiced Payment R/P (%) 29 Renovation of transmitter network 350,000 310,504.12 310,504.12 89 30 Transport means 250,000 140,244.33 80,800.95 56 31 Renovation of infrastructure 650,000 552,816.58 490,463.37 85 32 Minor replacements of fixed assets 140,000 74,275.46 60,093.44 53 Total in EUR 1,390,000 1,077,840.49 941,861.88 77.54 % SUMMARY OF SPENDING FROM DEVELOPMENT FUNDS P. p. P.p. title Plan Amount invoiced Payment R/P (%) 28 Construction of DVB-T network 1,800,000 767,747.28 751,082.34 43 Total in EUR 1,800,000 767,747.28 751,082.34 42.65 % 31 Infrastructure renovations Realisation of this item is behind schedule mainly due to the procurement of antennae towers and containers. In order to set up new antennae towers and containers, we need a building permit and a contract settling the relationship with the owner of the land. We are late obtaining these due to lengthy procedures. Some investments were started at the end of the year, invoices will follow in 2009. Financial operations of OU Transmitters and Communications in 2008 The public institution RTV Slovenia, in compliance with the Electronic Communications Act, has the status of an operator with important market power also in digital terrestrial broadcasting. An APEK (Post and Electronic Communications Agency of the Republic of Slovenia) decision assigned us the obligation of price control and cost accounting, whereby a model was constructed in 2008 for the calculation of the cost of transmission on the digital network based on past and fully allocated costs. Revenue The revenue of the Transmitters and Communications unit comprises internal revenue charged for the transmission of all RTV Slovenia programmes and revenue from programmes of special importance, and external revenue, comprising revenue from commercial television and radio stations, revenue from non-radio-diffusion organisations (mainly mobile phone service operators), revenue from technical services and other commercial revenue. Total revenue amounted to EUR 18.4 million. The surplus of revenue over expenses amounted to EUR 6.1 million, i.e. 20 % more than planned. The final result exceeds the plan by EUR 1.007 million. Figure 13: Overview of investments in 2008 Network digitalisation ≤ 41 % Renovation of transmitter network ≤ 17 % Renovation of infrastructure ≤ 30 % Transport means ≤ 8 % Minor replacements of fixed assets ≤ 4 % Figure 14: Structure of revenue in the OU Transmitters and Communications organisational unit in 2008 RTV SLO programmes ≤ 56.0 % Commercial programmes ≤ 7.7 % Programmes of special importance ≤ 3.3 % Services to non-radio-diffusion organisations ≤ 31.4 % Technical services ≤ 1.2 % Other revenue ≤ 0.4 % TECHNICAL SUPPORT THE RADIO PRODUCTION ORGANISATIONAL UNIT Radio Production is a special organisational unit providing technical services, production, post-production and the airing of radio programmes in compliance with the needs of the Radio Slovenia Programme Production Unit. It comprises two segments: Technical Programme Production and the TechnicalTechnological Group. The latter is a seemingly imperceptible, but very important part of the organisational unit, supervising the operations of the entire technological park and which, in collaboration with systemic development, follows new trends in technology. Within this group there is a system support group responsible for production information systems (planning and development, procurement and installation of mechanical equipment and software, maintenance of tools for anti-virus protection, and system and application support for users). Technical Programme Production comprises four groups. There is a group for programme broadcasting and service room, and a group for voice recording and transmission, responsible for recording, editing and broadcasting radio contents on all three Radio Slovenia channels. The group for music recordings and directed programmes has a broader mission in addition to its radio role linked to the production of sound matrices for music production houses, sound systems for large events and realising audio signals for highly demanding television programme contents. The group for coordination provides for expedient planning, rational use of technical means, and collaboration with the EBU, and the placement of free capacities in the external market. In 2008, Radio Production implemented all the technical production projects of Radio Slovenia involving direct programme broadcasting, the recording of sound, the voice, music and drama archive, and outside broadcasts of radio programme from remote locations. It took over the production of the sound image of demanding sound projects, especially for Television Slovenia and regional centres. In 2008, we ensured 24-hour broadcasting of all three national channels of Radio Slovenia, which totals 8,784 hours of broadcasting per single channel, or a total of 26,352 hours of programme broadcasting. • the 1st channel broadcast a total of 8,784 hours, comprising 8,254 hours of in-house programming, 265 hours of Radio Koper/Capodistria night programme and 265 hours of broadcasting Radio Maribor. • the 2nd channel broadcast a total of 8,784 hours, of which 6,954 hours were of in-house programming, and 1,830 hours of broadcasting the Radio Slovenia International night programme. • the 3rd channel broadcast a total of 8,784 hours; 6,954 hours were of in-house programming, and 1,830 hours comprised broadcasting of the Euroclassic programme. THE TELEVISION PRODUCTION ORGANISATIONAL UNIT Programme studios. In total, we devised and broadcast over 115,000 minutes of daily news programming, i.e. over 1900 hours. Human resources and sphere of activity Within the scope of the TV Production unit, the following technological groups are active: recording teams; Studio 1, Studio 2, Studio 3, Studio 4, corresponding video/audio production control room (Direction 2, Direction 3, Direction 4); outside broadcasting vehicles RA 1, RA 3, RA 7, RA 12; DSNG vehicle; recording teams; film editing; online non-linear Lightworks editing and INCITE editing, linear ACE programmed editing and ENG-NewsFlash hybrid editing; Synchro Studio 1, Synchro Studio 2, Synchro Studio 3, Synchro Studio 4; telecinema; production magnetoscopes, and photo-film laboratory. We provided and performed the coverage, reporting and transmission of all important sporting events at home and abroad. The total number of such events exceeded 130. From the remote studio of Radio Slovenia at the National Assembly of the RS, we regularly followed, transmitted and reported from the sessions of the Government of the RS and other bodies of the National Assembly of the RS. We performed a total of 440 production hours. Apart from transmitting and commenting on all national celebration ceremonies, Radio Production was entrusted with implementing the international sound for nine national celebration ceremonies. The sound was implemented for the needs of Radio Slovenia, Television Slovenia and regional centres. The Television Production unit is an organisational part of PPU TV Slovenia. It comprises 13 groups. 1. TV editing It employs 32 full-time editing staff, assisted by part-time associates, according to increased production capacity. The group covers up to 35 time slots daily in various TV formats. Two mobile editing studios are available for the needs of editing in the field. Upon a client’s request, the desired configuration of the editing studio can be assembled in the EFP vehicle. Certain editing staff are trained to participate in the preparation of programme content as junior directors. 2. TV design 16 TV designers are employed on a full-time basis. They are assisted by part-time workers as the need arises. The TV design group provides for graphic equipment for programme content per directing departments and ACE editing. All members are professionally trained and have adequate levels of education, from secondary design school up to the Academy. They perform classic or computer electronic design in all technological fields. 3. Photo-film laboratory The photo-film laboratory covers the field of film technology: developing and preparing films and design work. The group comprises 9 employees. 4. Video group The video group currently has 26 full-time employees. They are of three profiles: video mixers, camera operators and technical directors. Work is performed under a special schedule, including studio work and outside broadcasts from outside broadcasting vehicles. This group also has several trained experts who provide for setting up and directing studio video shows. Some video mixers are trained in directing and may participate in preparing programme content as video mixers-directors. In the coming year, we will build especially on this profile. 5. Audio group The group employs 32 full-time sound engineers, technicians and assistants, who provide for the recording and processing of sound on television. They cover the whole range of sound recordings, from the simplest recordings to the most demanding music, drama and film recordings and live broadcasts. They are divided into four sub-groups: • the group for ENG, EFP and FILM records sound in the field; • the sub-group for studio recordings covers recordings, live transmissions, sound systems and sound processing in four TV Slovenia studios; In total, we realised over 300 field archive music recordings and transmissions. We also performed more than 500 recording mixes and direct transmissions from studios of music recordings of Radio Slovenia, and more than 300 projects from the remote studios of Radio Slovenia for music recordings at the Slovenian Philharmonic and Cankarjev dom. We performed more than 800 recording and post-production commissions for the drama studios. Financial operations in 2008 In view of the adopted Programme Business Plan, the financial operations of the Radio Production unit in 2008 were very good. Operating expenses were within the plan, and revenue was exceeded. The plan was exceeded only in employees’ wages, as a consequence of implementing the new salary system. Before the introduction of the new salary system, Radio Production had been within the budget envisaged in the Programme Business Plan for 2008. The unit’s realisation of external revenue was 152.4 %. Internal revenue is realised at 132.6 %. 90.7 % of the operational budget (variable costs) was spent. Spending on salaries was 108.6 %. The total operating result of Radio Production, compared to 2008 Programme Business Plan, was 102.9 %. Despite the partial transmission of night programming prepared by radio stations at regional centres, all news and current affairs content was created and broadcast by the Radio 110 111 corded, reproduced, shown in slow motion and checked. Four chief technicians with the DSNG outside broadcasting truck are responsible for outside broadcasts of daily news reports, and three colourists in telecinema provide for quality colour and light-corrected images. 11. Camera operators The group has 22 full-time employees and up to five parttime associates who collaborate in all projects in studios and outside broadcasting vehicles. They undertake large projects, such as direct sports transmissions (NaËrtica, Kranjska Gora, Pohorje). They are valued as one of the best teams at home and abroad, especially for sports transmissions. They are regularly present at the Olympic Games. Last year, they successfully implemented all their projects. 12. Maintenance group Regular in-house production in terms of technical, technological and operational support is continuously performed by the maintenance group, which comprises seven laboratories. The laboratories specialise in certain fields of technology and cover audio, video, optical, switch-distribution, registration, computer and other technology. The group provides for the operation of apparatus and assemblies needed by television, in compliance with technical norms and television standards, or manufacturers’ recommendations. It also performs laboratory activities. At the end of 2008, the group had 21 full-time repair specialists and 6 employees for the performance of assembly work in the reconstruction and erection of systems. 13. Film camera operators With its 44 full-time employees, this is one of the largest groups within the OU Television Production. Supervised by the vigilant eye of directors of photography, who co-operate with directors from the start of each project (preparing scripts, location search, etc.), cameramen and assistants, 16-20 teams with 2-3 members, depending on how demanding the task, are in the field daily. In more complex projects, the group members are directly linked to the groups for lighting and sound. Our team members are also active in the field of photography, and their work has received awards at home and abroad. • the sub-group for sound in outside broadcasting vehicles is responsible for major outside broadcasts, sports transmissions, transmissions of celebrations, concerts, entertainment shows; • the sub-group for synchro studios is engaged in post-production sound processing. The groups actively cooperate with Radio Slovenia, with Cankarjev dom and other institutions. 6. TV service room group The group has 11 employees in the technology sections, the TV Service room and EBU production control room. They establish transmission routes and monitor quality for the purpose of the signal supply at local national level via the TV service room and at international level via EBU production control room. Within both fields they monitor signals, correct them, and distribute them to users via switch-distribution systems. The work is done 365 days of the year, from approximately 6:30 AM to 11:00 PM hours, depending on the density of signal traffic and programming requirements. 7. Programme broadcasting The group is made up of technicians for programme broadcasting, programme broadcasting chiefs, MGS technicians and chief technicians, totalling 15 employees. The basic activity is broadcasting the First and Second television programmes, satellite programmes and less demanding production work. The group operates as a closed unit, having its own small studio, which is used for television reporting, brief reporting contributions to various programmes, simultaneous interpretation and the like. This section has two equipped commentator booths. The group also performs data entry to the server technology. The work is divided into two programmes and three shifts, usually from 5:30 AM to the early morning hours. 8. TV lighting group The group has 29 employees. Operational profiles are divided into three levels: lighting technician, lighting programmer and lighting engineer. The first are responsible for lighting manipulation and independent lighting of less demanding singlecamera projects. The second also cover small studios and the implementation of more demanding lighting changes, while the lighting engineers provide independent lighting design for the most demanding projects. The group also includes a maintenance technician, a storekeeper and a technologist. Its organisational structure makes the group independent of external technological support, which provides for a more rapid and efficient response. Due to its staff, available technology and reference projects in the past few years, the group is capable of high-quality design and the implementation of the most demanding lighting projects, both inside and outside RTV’s facilities. 9. Outside broadcasting vehicles Comprising technical assistants, drivers, chief technicians and an operations engineer, the group has 15 full-time employees and 10 part-time associates. They participate in recordings in the field and direct reporting from outside broadcasting vehicles in Slovenia, sometimes abroad. Their knowledge and skills are often used in studio recordings. 10. Magnetoscope and telecinema group The group employs 17 MGS technicians working in studios, outside broadcasting vehicles and production magnetoscopes, where material filmed within RTV Slovenia and outside is re- REALISATION The key data on realisation/work performed are in 2008: • Direction 2 was used 2,380 hours; • Direction 3 was used 4,546 hours; • Direction 4 was used 2,018 hours; • the outside broadcasting truck RA 1 was in use 122 days; • the outside broadcasting truck RA 3 was in use 111 days; • the outside broadcasting truck RA 12 was in use 162 days; • the slow motion RA 07 was in use 93 days, of that 13 days for an external client. In 2008, the technical team participated in the project of the Presidency of the European Union in Brdo pri Kranju; for 50 days the team worked with the RC Koper ≤ Capodistria outside broadcasting vehicle. TECHNOLOGY In the sphere of technology and the technological equipment of TV Production, in 2008 we focused mainly on completing the implementation of projects, or launching the investment 112 and technology projects started in previous years. We should mention that in addition to investments and modernising the technological equipment of TV Production, the progress of implementation was to a great extent adjusted to very large and important programme production projects, the most important being the Slovenian Presidency of the European Union, the Olympic Games and parliamentary elections. Although intensive programme production somewhat hinders technical and technological projects, we implemented quite a number of the latter in 2008. The minor, but not less important tasks and projects implemented were the modernisation of technology and replacement of outdated equipment. These include mainly procurement, building-in and use of measurement and test instruments; modernisation of audio-technological equipment; renovation of sound systems; minor purchases of equipment (lights); purchase of equipment for recording and registration appliances. We also replaced to the planned extent the monitors in production and post-production sections (mainly non-linear editing and field teams). Among important projects, we should highlight the modernisation of the television graphics system for Studio 3 control room (system Clarity). We also renovated both graphics control rooms which mainly support S 3. We also purchased and put into operation HD/SD camcorders and other minor equipment used by camera operators, purchased recording-broadcasting HD/SD devices (magnetoscopes and disc recorders), purchased high-quality HD/SD monitors and purchased a large (130-inch) plasma needed in studio. In 2008, we also procured new HD studio cameras and tools for Studio 1. Some of the equipment is already in use, and the production and service personnel already adequately trained, although the S 1 construction project is still underway. In 2008, we modernised and replaced a new production communication system for the house (Clearcom), which has already been put into service for full operational use. Also, the system for virtual graphics at Studio 4 was partly modernised and replaced. At the end of the year, we completed the project of the socalled HD post-production non-linear chain (4 x Incite, 4 x Lightworks - Alacrity, central storage of material, entry points). We have already successfully completed several post-production SD and HD projects. Based on this experience, we designed operational instructions and prepared training for production personnel and other staff for work in the non-linear environment. We can thus say that Television Production in 2008 became capable of producing in the non-linear environment also in high-resolution and wide format. Of course, programme broadcasting follows production. The digitalisation of TV programme broadcasting thus went into full swing last year. We implemented complete automation of broadcasting the Third Programme from the new, so-called server technology. The technological foundations for the rapid transition of the other two television channels to a completely digital environment are now laid. For this purpose, we trained 113 the operational and support (administration) personnel in 2008 and gained invaluable experience. Last year, we almost completed the installation of a new switch-distribution system (matrix). At the moment (February 2009), we are making the last connections of individual units to the new system. At the same time, in 2008 we started to replace the classic link connections between different event locations and the central house with optical fibre links. We purchased three transmitter-receiver sets which are used in the field. In 2008, we also started the first tasks for the construction of Studio 1. Premises for the equipment and personnel were provided, realisation projects implemented, and the first equipment for the new studio production room arrived during the year, especially at the end of the year. We should also note the projects for modernising technology and technological processes planned for 2009 (broadcasting of the First and Second Programme, linkage between broadcasting and HD post-production chain, construction of the Studio 1 control room, renovation of Synchro Studio 1, renovation of Studio 4, etc.); in co-operation with television engineering, we started and agreed on the majority of these projects in 2008, which will be implemented in 2009. We should emphasise that these projects are demanding and require much time, careful, well-coordinated preparation, and teamwork between production experts and laboratory and engineering experts. CONCLUSION The operations of the Television Production unit in 2008 were successful. We completed the project of the Presidency of the European Union in Brdo pri Kranju, as well as the Olympic Games in Beijing (both teams performed extremely well). TV Production started the year 2008 with 333 employees and ended it with 313. In December, there was a change in management, when Janko Bolka was appointed A.I. Manager. HUMAN RESOURCES, ORGANISATION, EDUCATION AND LEGAL MATTERS HUMAN RESOURCES ORGANISATION OF WORK New salary system At the beginning of the year, at 1 January 2008, RTV Slovenia had 2,015 full-time employees; as at 1 January 2009, the number of full-time employees was 2,000. As of 1 August 2008, RTV Slovenia acceded to the salary system in the public sector. Numerous indispensable activities were performed and documents prepared and signed in order to join the system. 67 new employment contracts were concluded, while 96 employees have left the institution, including those who retired. We should emphasise that we put much effort into natural wastage, which resulted in 49 employees leaving. The ongoing negotiations between the public institution management and representative trade unions on the new catalogue of work posts and classifications of work posts in salary grades, which started in September 2007, were partly completed on 7 July 2008 with a signature of the first Annex to the Collective Agreement of the Public Institution RTV Slovenia. Prior to that, on 11 June 2008, an Annex was signed to the collective agreement for professional journalists. After the Annex was signed, we established that it would be necessary to add some additional work posts to the catalogue. Thus, a second Annex to the collective agreement of the Public Institution RTV Slovenia was signed on 22 October 2008, which added 10 new work posts to the catalogue. 102 employees changed work due to internal reallocations. RTV Slovenia also provided scholarships to 25 students. We employ 88 persons with disabilities. In terms of costs, data on sick leave is an important indicator, especially the number of employees absent from work up to 30 days, which is covered by the institution; on average 88 employees were absent. Absence exceeding 30 days due to illness, absence due to injury at work, blood donation, care and injury outside work, paternal leave for child care and absence of 2nd category disabled persons who perform work on a half-time basis, are chargeable to others. On average, 96 employees were absent over 30 days; 25 female employees were on maternity leave. Descriptions were again sent to all heads of departments for review, and they submitted their remarks. We also invited all representative trade unions to re-submit their proposals. Proposal for the Act Regulating the System of Positions and other rules linked to the new salary system were prepared. Fluctuation of employment in 2008 Hired Left Retired Reallocations Full-time employees Disabled Scholarships Sick leave up to 30 days Longer sick leaves on account of others PPU TV Slovenia 24 45 4 20 691 38 5 44 49 PPU RA Slovenia 15 18 2 27 421 10 5 16 15 PPU Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper ≤ Capodistria 5 5 3 11 263 16 3 8 9 PPU Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor 12 2 0 14 148 3 4 8 7 OU Transmitters and Communications 1 13 2 13 119 4 2 2 5 PPU Multimedia Centre 2 1 0 0 32 2 0 2 2 OU/PPU The first part of the Standards and Norms project started at the end of June 2008. The analysis and inventory of the main processes (at TV and RA) were completed by the end of the year. Two cases were analysed in more detail (a short series and a more demanding TV show). The analysis was prepared by an expert commission assisted by external advisers. Upon completion of the first part of the project, the project was presented to all levels of management and the Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia. The first proposals for urgent changes in the organisation of business operations of the Public Institution RTV Slovenia have already been submitted. The project will continue in 2009, when standards and norms comparable to similar organisations in Europe will be set up and implemented. Common Services 8 12 1 17 326 15 6 8 9 Total 67 96 12 102 2000 88 25 88 96 Several years of work performed by the Education Centre experts bore fruit in 2008. A revitalised education programme for media technicians was adopted and started at five secondary media schools in Slovenia. Within a few years, the first human resources will be trained to work on the production of media content. Upon obtaining a state licence, the RTV Slovenia Education Centre became a provider of procedures for the testing and confirming of National Vocational Qualifications for several special media professions in the whole of Slovenia, for which education does not otherwise exist within the formal school system in Slovenia. Already in 2008 this enabled over 60 participants in training (lighting designers and announcers-moderators) to obtain a certified document at professional levels V and VI. The adoption of catalogues of expert knowledge and skills also for all other specific profiles in multimedia production (for camera operators, editors, make-up artists, organisers, media archivists, etc.) provided conditions in which the majority of employees lacking adequate formal education (as adequate schools do not exist) at RTV Slovenia, as well as others, can arrange their legal working position by obtaining certified documents. Both expert tasks met with a positive response among the wider expert public, which is reflected in the award for the best HRM project in 2008 given to colleagues at the Education Centre for their work and achievements. Overview of average age of employees as at 31 December 2008 AVERAGE AGE OF EMPLOYEES AT 31/12/2008 In years and months PPU TV SLO 45.8 PPU RA SLO 45.8 PPU RC Koper - Capodistria 48.4 PPU RC Maribor 42.4 OU Transmitters and Communications 48.1 PPU MMC 41.9 Common Services 46.7 RTV Slovenia 45.6 The following training was performed in 2008: a) general training and education programmes: • the last module, completing the project of training heads/ editors for human resource management (completed by 120 of our colleagues); • workshop in written and oral communication with clients, which provided for more appropriate communications with persons liable to pay the RTV licence fee (attended by 60 employees of the RTV licence fee department); • workshop in market communications completed by 20 colleagues from the marketing department; • foreign language courses at higher levels, which were successfully completed by 60 colleagues (journalists and engineers); Overview of average level of education of employees as at 31 December 2008 118 EDUCATION AND TRAINING Standards and Norms project AVERAGE LEVEL OF EDUCATION OF EMPLOYEES AT 31/12/2008 Level of education + difference PPU TV SLO V. +0.7 PPU RA SLO VI. +0.3 PPU RC Koper - Capodistria V. +0.6 PPU RC Maribor VI. +0.1 OU Transmitters and Communications V. +0.5 PPU MMC V. +0.8 Common Services V. +0.6 RTV Slovenia V. +0.8 b) technical education and training: • workshop on recording, editing and sending edited material via IP protocol to RTV headquarters (25 colleagues from TV correspondent offices participated); • training for operating the DALET+ software package, the digital editing of sound recordings Audacity 1.2.6. and digital portable sound recorder AEQ PAW-120, which enables the production of radio programmes in a digital environment (successfully completed by more than 90 journalist colleagues); • 150 hours of training required for the new automated broadcasting of TV programmes; • two-day training on setting lighting in cases of changed sets at the TV studio in Lendava; • training for camera operators and journalists for 13 participants of the Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper ≤ Capodistria; 119 Assisted by the Education Centre, the realisation is growing ≤ although still too slowly ≤ that only highly motivated and highly trained personnel may ensure our advantage in the great competition in programme content which our listeners and viewers see and hear. This awareness is much higher among younger employees and external associates who are easily motivated to take education and training. But the lack of interest among some older, full-time employees, and particularly their superiors or editors, is still worrying. • Dalet+ training ≤ audio editing for journalists (100 hours) for 25 participants, and revitalising computer user knowledge (40 hours) for 25 participants at the Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor; c) multimedia education and training: • training for the remaining journalists who completed the workshop on the use of PREDITOR software package and thus provided conditions for a gradual transition in the production of TV news programmes in a digital environment; the workshop was successfully concluded by 130 colleagues from the TV Slovenia News department; • over 15 colleagues from the morning programme completed a workshop on recording and editing for journalists; this laid foundations for multi-tasking and the rational use of digital production capacities in this department; LEGAL DEPARTMENT In 2008, the Legal Department at RTV Slovenia performed a lot of legal work on labour legislation, while other tasks comprised all fields of civil law, administrative law and criminal law. d) programme training: • throughout the year, six modules, simultaneously and in synergy, were run on speech training, communication and public appearance (programmes: standard Slovenian, elocution and type of speech, adequate spoken interpretation of text, speech image and self-image; convincing communication: public appearance and rhetoric; achieving relaxation and presence: communicativeness of public appearance); these were attended by over 150 regular and contractual colleagues, 30 within the Regional Broadcasting Centre in Maribor, where condensed training was performed in 120 hours; • 10 colleagues from TV Slovenia and 20 colleagues from the Regional Centre in Maribor successfully completed a 3-day workshop on non-verbal communication; • 10 colleagues from TV Slovenia completed a 60-hour workshop on Personal Voice and Visual Storytelling ((P)osebno in slikovna pripoved), run by Professor Arne Bro, head of the television department at the Danish National Academy for Film and Television, and Charlotte Mik-Meyer; • several parallel groups of television journalists and camera operators completed first or second degree level on designing a visual story and communication through the TV camera; • 6 candidates for correspondent posts abroad underwent training to learn the specifics of reporting from foreign countries. The principal part concerns legal problems and work related to employees’ lawsuits upon transition to the new salary system for the public sector. Apart from the usual legal fields within civil and administrative law, the Legal Department of RTV Slovenia also deals with problematic and disputable relationships within RTV Slovenia. Settling internal relations takes up almost two thirds of the time of this department, as it covers a vast area of labour law, copyright law, media law, the arrangement of contractual relations and implementation of procedures related to the regulation and observance of all the internal legal acts of RTV Slovenia. We deal with a broad legal area, including administrative and civil law, which means that we are working on a total of 727 legal claims, as follows: • 467 active execution proceedings against debtors of RTV Slovenia; • 81 lawsuits filed by RTV Slovenia; • 148 labour disputes in which RTV Slovenia is the defendant; • denationalisation cases; • 25 other legal matters in which RTV Slovenia is the defendant. After court and administrative decisions are made final (final judgments and final resolutions), if the judgment or resolution is not implemented, the Legal Department passes a motion for execution usually within two or three weeks as of receipt of a notice on finality. Upon the adoption of agreements on connections with educational institutions (from secondary schools to faculties), we also accepted the obligation to provide regular work experience for students. This provides for a transfer of knowledge in both directions, as well as a possibility to detect the top quality future or potential colleagues. The Education Centre team also prepared the development programmes of RTV Slovenia. We thus started an E-education project, while another project comprises setting up a laboratory for programme and technical development, and a creative studio for development and new formats. Employees at the Education Centre were also involved in small and large working groups for the fundamental project of RTV Slovenia, the renewal of programme and production standards and norms. 120 DEPARTMENT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT Design, maintenance and upgrade of applications In 2008, the IT and documentation department focused on completing the modernisation of the business information system, optimising work processes and carrying out the upgrading required by the work process and amendments to legislation. A modernised method of monitoring the work of external associates was introduced which enables monitoring and control of the complete life-cycle of a contract until final payment by means of a dynamic setting of business rules. In 2008, we also started a project for business planning and business reporting which will be completed in 2009. In the sphere of business planning and decision-making, the work continued in terms of management of original data and defining the necessary data structures, testing solutions and preparing them for use in production. A security policy was adopted, based on which we started preparing implementation documentation. A common environment was introduced for original data, where cleaning and harmonising of data is performed gradually in several iterations. Upgrades, urgent maintenance tasks and updates for solutions were implemented: Fundus archives, payment bags, radio documentation, photo-archive, ScheduALL, solution for monitoring the operations of Založba kaset in plošË (Publishing and Record Label). The most important fields in which we performed major upgrades, development and intense testing were: • final take-over of the business information system ≤ we performed harmonisation with the legislation on salaries, transition to a new version of the module for salary calculation and an updated system for connections with other applications; • a modernised application was introduced for monitoring the contracts of part-time associates (in all units of the public institution); • as part of the project of business planning and reporting, the main activities were the preparation of request definitions, preparation and consolidation of data and solution testing; • the method of processing the RTV licence fee was updated; • we defined the procedure for the final disconnection of the Alpha system, with guaranteed consistent on-line access to archive data. Information system maintenance and development In 2008, the planned tasks of modernisation, maintenance and implementation of new services were performed in the information system: • local network ≤ upgrade of the network in Koper and Ljubljana was implemented; network segmentation was introduced via internal firewalls for individual business fields; • security ≤ security filtering for HTTP and FTP traffic, and a system to monitor and limit hacking or suspicious activities in the network were introduced; • Unix server equipment ≤ transition to a newer version of the AIX operating system was implemented and HACMP cluster activated; • transition to the 10 g version Oracle database and application server was implemented, as well as adequate adjustments to the base and all migrated solutions; • categorisation of computer users was prepared in order to determine the required safety regulations; • transition to a new data archiving system was implemented, while archiving procedures were optimised; • the virtual server system was modernised, and all physical servers which may pose a business risk were migrated to virtual environment; • activities with regard to defining security policy were performed, and documentation prepared for infrastructure development for the next two years. Services As part of our services, assistance is regularly provided to over three thousand users, who use more than five thousand pieces of equipment. Due to the extremely wide scope of activity, the level of equipment standardisation is very low, which increases the complexity of our work. We regularly performed updates, replacements, upgrades and basic configurations for all new equipment. Apart from the regular tasks of the documentation section (archiving business documentation for more than 25 departments), we prepared an exhibition on technical pioneers of RTV Slovenia, which met with a wide response. 121 COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT The issuing of external orders has been centralised and unified for all of RTV Slovenia since 2006. Orders are created in organisational units by trained employees. Ordering services and ordering for stock is only possible by using adequate code tables for services and products. Procurement in RTV Slovenia is set out in the Public Procurement Act (ZJN-2, Official Gazette of the RS, No 128/2006 of 8 December 2006). The Act specifies procurement exceeding EUR 40,000.00 excl. VAT for goods and services, and exceeding EUR 80,000.00 excl. VAT for construction, in compliance with ZJN-2. Article 18 of the ZJN-2 also sets out exceptions, which apply widely to procurement by RTV Slovenia. Linkage with investments was set up on 1 January 2008. Each external order via BIS is now directly linked to a particular investment. This enables precise monitoring of expenditure on a certain investment item. We continue to enter commercial contracts in the BIS system. The Rules on Performing Procurement were adopted on 29 January 2007, in accordance with the ZJN-2, for lower amounts (from EUR 10,000.00 to EUR 40,000.00 excl. VAT for goods and services, and from EUR 20,000.000 to EUR 80,000.00 excl. VAT for construction). We further reduced the number of employees in the Commercial Department in 2008. The number of employees was reduced by four; only 27 employees now work in the Commercial Department. Procurement was further rationalised in 2008. 127 public procurements were performed for the purchase of goods, 20 for the provision of services, and 20 for construction. Actual expenses remained within the plan in 2008. 122 MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS MARKETING RTV PROGRAMMES which is why RTV Slovenia has difficulties obtaining budgets from the biggest advertisers in Slovenia. The year 2008 was marked by a recession, which influenced advertising from the very beginning of the year through December, when the beginning of the economic crisis became most obvious. Due to the negative consequences of the economic crisis there was an 8 % drop in advertising revenue compared to 2007. 1. Television Slovenia TV Slovenia’s turnover amounted to EUR 15,311,000 in 2008, i.e. 90 % of the planned revenue was realised. The greatest decline in advertising was recorded in the months of January, March, April, July, August and December, which was already a consequence of less advertising because of the economic crisis. In 2008, we noticed that TV Slovenia’s ratings fell in the advertising target groups, while the ratings of competing commercial televisions in the same target groups remained level. We should also mention the lower number of sports events on TV Slovenia (the European Football Championship was broadcast by TV 3) and the huge success of reality shows on Pro Plus (Big Brother, Kmetija), which achieved record ratings, resulting in successful sales of advertising space. The structure of advertising revenue reveals that the turnover from both large advertising space leaseholders (Mediapool and Media Publicum) fell, while we increased the percentage from direct advertisers. But the Department for Marketing of RTV Programmes still lacks a programme structure that would correspond to the requirements of advertisers and their target groups. RTV Slovenia therefore does not have a reputation among advertisers and advertising agencies as a dynamic medium offering broadcasts with the best ratings. Advertisers are constantly pointing out that we have only a handful of shows appropriate for advertising, and some interesting broadcasts are scheduled at inappropriate times (late evening; the biggest sports events are in months which are not interesting to advertisers, etc.). The number of GRP (advertising unit measuring the % of viewers who watch TV broadcasts) is annually several times lower compared to commercial televisions, 2. Radio Slovenia The turnover of Radio Slovenia amounted to EUR 3,047,764 in 2008, meaning that 89 % of the planned revenue was realised. In addition to the already mentioned reasons linked to the recession, we noticed a further strengthening of radio station associations. The lack of promotion of RTV Slovenia programmes, which continued in 2008, resulted in lower ratings 123 of our programmes in advertising target groups; the shortfall is especially high among younger listeners. PUBLIC RELATIONS 3. Regional Broadcasting Centres Koper ≤ Capodistria and Maribor We recorded a 7 % fall in publications in electronic, printed and web media in 2008 compared to 2007 - we had 8,037 publications in 2007, and only 7,454 publications in 2008. Total publicity measured in points fell by as much as 19.5 %. Media Communications Turnover at the Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper ≤ Capodistria amounted to EUR 710,374 in 2008, meaning that 83 % of the planned revenue was realised. The turnover at the Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor amounted to EUR 609,391 in 2008, with which 80 % of the planned revenue was realised. With regard to 2007, the situation in both regional centres has not changed much in terms of advertising. We should mention the strong competition from regional radio and television stations that we have to compete with in obtaining advertising budget. The turnover from advertising at the Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor is definitely an encouraging indicator, as it was achieved despite a constant drop in the ratings of both television and radio programmes, as well as the inappropriate age structure of the audience. Communication with the wider public Furthermore, we prepared 32 press conferences in 2008, mostly aimed at presenting programmes, and five invitations to watch shows. In 2008, an average of 58 press releases, responses to journalists’ questions, disclaimers, forwarded photo material and contacts were prepared monthly. YEAR 2006 2007 2008 Press releases 192 252 195 Media responses 372 409 298 Contacts 113 124 114 Photo material 91 154 60 Correction 17 20 24 Source: Archive of the Public Relations Department Number of publications in media by years 9000 8000 7000 6000 The Public Relations Department has regular contacts with viewers and listeners. Communication is established in the following ways: via telephone on 01 475 25 32 (direct call or switch from the RTV Slovenia central number 01 475 21 11), answering machine 01 475 21 45, e-mail [email protected], snail mail (letters, postcards), monitoring readers’ letters in the media (sourced from a daily selection of publications) and letters addressed to the Programme Council and the Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia, which are forwarded to the PR Department from their respective secretary’s offices. In 2008, we received 377 phone calls, electronic messages, answering machine messages and messages sent by post; we prepared oral and written responses and explanations, which were all archived. In comparison to 2007, the scope of work grew. We regularly monitor all readers’ letters published in the media and prepare responses. The share of planned proactive activities related to programme novelties and business topics decreased in 2008. The number of publications planned for 2008 rose by 21 per cent in comparison to 2007, while the number of points collected by planned publications fell by 21 per cent in 2008. The share of planned publicity decreased by 3.3 percentage points in 2008 (from 33.8 % to 30.5 %). Compared to 2007, the total number of publications in 2008 fell by 7 %. At the same time, the number of points of all publicity fell by 19.5 % (based on MUMO analysis). The number of positive publications fell by 10 %. The number of points collected by positive publications rose by 25 %. The share of positive publicity fell by 5.8 percentage points (from 79.7 % to 73.9 %). The number of negative publications increased by 0.4 %. The number of points collected by negative publications rose by 1 %. The share of negative publicity increased by 4.8 percentage points (from 18.9 % to 23.7 %). In 2008, we received 34 applications from students related to the preparation of study and diploma papers. Based on those, we obtained very extensive and diverse data, information and content from all areas of RTV Slovenia’s operations. Since a classification and archive of press releases, responses to journalists, forwarded photo material and contacts was established in 2005, archiving is performed as work progresses. We have been regularly completing and updating the database of media contacts which was set up in 2004. After setting up computer archives for photo materials in 2006, we have been entering photographs in digital archives without delay, while archiving the enormous quantities of accumulated photographic material will continue for a few more years. We introduced guided tours of RTV Slovenia in 2004, and their number has been growing since. In 2008, we hosted 88 different groups (kindergarten, primary and secondary school, as well as faculty groups, interest and other groups), totalling more than 1500 visitors. The number of guided tours increased by 25 % compared to 2007. The participants are presented with a general informative brochure on RTV Slovenia (which was completely updated for the Radio and TV Slovenia anniversaries at the beginning of 2008 and published in Slovenian and English) and a pencil. 5000 Shares of positive, neutral and negative publications in percentages 4000 80 3000 70 2000 60 1000 0 50 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Source: Press clipping, d.o.o. Positive publications 40 Neutral publications Negative publications 35 30 Shares of proactive communication within entire communication in % 20 30 10 25 0 20 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Source: Press clipping, d.o.o. 25 10 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Written responses 48 78 86 133 78 Oral responses 1200* 208 265 202 225 Answering machine n.d.a. n.d.a. 38 28 74 5 0 2004 2005* 2006 2007 2008 Note: * 12.5 % without considering the topic of the adoption of RTV Slovenia Act; otherwise, the share is 7 %. Source: Press clipping, d.o.o. 124 Source: Archive of the Public Relations Department, *journalists’ strike on 4 and 5 October 2004 125 In collaboration with the Legal Department, in 2005 we prepared a Public Information Catalogue (Katalog informacij javnega znaËaja - www.rtvslo.si/katalog), which has been regularly updated. In 2008, we entered corrections three times (ten times in 2007). We also provided extensive communication support for special programme projects of Radio and Television Slovenia linked to celebrating the 50th anniversary of Television Slovenia and the 80th anniversary of Radio Slovenia - eight concerts around Slovenia, the anniversary gala concert 80/50 in Križanke, and a photographic exhibition at the 50th anniversary of TV Slovenia at the JakopiË Promenade in Tivoli Park in Ljubljana. Implementation of overall communication strategies We design and implement overall communication strategies both for programme content and at corporate level. Comprehensive communication strategies comprise activities in the following areas: • media relations (organising press conference, preparation, distribution and archiving of press releases, photographic material, arrangements for more comprehensive project presentations and interviews in the media); • advertising in print media (preparing a media plan; booking advertising space based on the plan; preparing the content (short or extended texts) and suitable photographic material for advertising; devising slogans; organising the design of advertisements, testing they are appropriate and ensuring distribution to the media; participation in discussions aimed at concluding contracts and annexes on mutual advertising; preparing the content of such contracts and annexes and performing all activities until the signing of contracts or annexes; monitoring that the contracts and annexes are implemented in terms of substance and in financial aspects); • internal communications (informing programme workers about projects for which we are performing overall communication strategies); • agreements for promotion within the Radio and Television Slovenia programme content; • organising events. In the anniversary year, we offered communication support to EBU special projects, such as the EUROTRAVEL conference, regional and local seminars of the Transmitters and Communications organisational unit, the European Forum, concluding the contract between RTV Slovenia and RAI Italia, the Circom Regional annual conference in Maribor. The Public Relations Department was also responsible for protocol in five significant projects: EMA 2008, anniversary gala concert 80/50 in Križanke, Slovenska popevka, RTV Slovenia Day and presenting the Frane MilËinski Ježek awards, and the pre-new year concert for business partners in 2008. In 2008, we organised leases and the preparation of printed advertisements for various media, partly within the framework of performing overall communication activities, and partly only in the sphere of advertising. In addition to the communication support for broadcasts and projects we organised six other advertising projects: advertising TV Slovenia sports programmes, advertising programmes of the Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper ≤ Capodistria, a general advertisement for news programmes, general advertisement for documentary programmes, and two general advertisements for Val 202 and the new season of the Symphony Orchestra. A special segment of programme communication was the organisation and implementation of advertising of the children’s, youth and educational content of Radio and Television Slovenia, which were carried out as part of nine special editions of the Mladinska knjiga publishing house, and aimed at very specific target groups. These editions involve only the programme content from domestic production linked to children, youth, educational and documentary programmes; i.e. programme content created at the RTV Slovenia ≤ Radio, Television and Multimedia Centre. The advertising lasted for 10 We have been reinforcing our activities in the sphere of programme communications in 2008. We provided overall communication support for 16 major broadcasts and 21 major programme projects, as well the Radio Slovenia and Television Slovenia anniversaries, the Multimedia Centre, Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper - Capodistria, Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor and RTV Studio Lendava, Založba kaset in plošË, the Music Programmes and Music Production units and other. 100 Number of visits to Radio and Television Slovenia by year months, and we prepared over 90 different comprehensive advertisements during that period in an effort to educate and accustom our young viewers, listeners and visitors to follow our programmes. and business associates; organising the RTV award ceremony (in Studio 14); preparing a birthday present or birthday card in the name of Director General; invitations for senior executives and managers to various events organised by RTV Slovenia; coordinating internal communications (upon the reorganisation of the RTV Slovenia system of salaries) with the Human Resources Department; collaborating and coordinating the submission of various messages of the management and other segments for employees via the ‘Med nami’ e-mail address; collaborating on ‘KriËaË’, the in-house magazine. To present programme novelties, especially of the Culture and Arts and the Education Programme of Television Slovenia, we prepare and design invitations and see to their distribution to the media. Corporate Communications Marketing Communications We have continued the project of designing the corporate image of our public institution, which became an extensive project of systematic organisation and a search for rational solutions to a number of applications (letterheads, business cards, envelopes, diploma system, invitation cards system, folders, stickers, bags, personal organisers and journals, external notice boards, flags and table flags, vertical and horizontal RTV Slovenia boards, special programme boards (Val 202), identification on vehicles, working clothing, etc.). One of the sub-projects, carried out in 2007 and used throughout 2008, was to design the RTV Slovenia anniversary logo and its applications. We expanded the selection of designer solutions for various internal and external awards, as needed. We implemented many design solutions for RTV Slovenia public events throughout Slovenia. We also prepared and organised the production of various information boards for RTV Slovenia’s needs. The department also provides logos for various needs and purposes, keeping a record of these and confirming their appropriate use. Comprehensive communication and organisational support was carried out for the presentation of RTV Slovenia at the Slovenian Advertising Festival; we prepared an expert presentation, organised an evening party with Dnevnik newspaper, and participated in other activities parallel to the programme as representatives of RTV Slovenia. We also organised a New Year reception for business partners. RTV programme guides We provide extensive information on programmes to daily and weekly radio and TV programme guides. The information on radio and television programmes is forwarded weekly to over 50 e-mail addresses and addresses of print and web media that publish programme guides, both in Slovenia and abroad. Information is also sent to 20 internal e-mail addresses. In addition, we provide extensive information daily on programme content to 22 external print and web media and 15 internal e-mail addresses. Reorganisation of the Public Relations Department Due to limited funds, we did not redesign the gift image in 2008. To a certain extent, we replenished the stock of existing 34 products with which we can make a decent presentation of RTV Slovenia at programme, business and corporate levels in Slovenia and abroad. Among printed and electronic communication items, we prepared the 2007 Annual Report in print form both in Slovenian and English. We also acted as editors for other communications of the RTV Slovenia Management (Business and Auditor’s Report, Programme Business Plan 2008). A situation analysis, analysis of internal and external communication pathways and SWOT analysis were prepared at the beginning of 2008, and on the basis of the results, proposals were made regarding further activities and the new organisation of the department. Proposals for a new organisation and activities were drawn up on the basis of a situation analysis, and approved by the Supervisory Board of RTV Slovenia at its 23rd regular meeting on 18 March 2008. The basis for change: The success of the Public Relations Department in the public institution depends mainly on collaboration with other parts of RTV Slovenia, as the information which provides the basis for communications comes from them. But this is only possible if some of the responsibility for informing is assumed by employees and their superiors, who create information as part of their activity. The objective of the proposal for a new organisation is the ability to perform integrated communication functions. As the SWOT analysis clearly exposed that the main difficulty in the activities of the Public Relations Department is in relations between the department and other parts of RTV Slovenia, the selection of proposals is aimed to correct and formalise activities in this segment. We also cooperate with the Department for Marketing of RTV Programmes in media sponsorship and various programmerelated business projects, through which we expand our recognition; the reputation of RTV Slovenia is also strengthened through other communication pathways. We ensure that data in the business registers (PIRS, Kompass, Telekom, Yellow Pages) is up to date. 80 60 We updated (18 times in 2008) and distributed the list of senior executive and managerial personnel down to the level of editor, according to the media requirements; the list includes names, their positions, phone and e-mail contacts. 40 When the reorganisation is completed, we expect the following improvements: • gradual centralisation, which has been implemented since the formation of the Public Relations Department in RTV Slovenia in 2003, will be formalised; after four years, the 20 Internal Communications 0 2005 2006 2007 Source: Archive of the Public Relations Department 126 2008 In 2008, the Public Relations Department carried out the following internal communications activities: preparing greeting cards for the awards presented to the RTV Slovenia employees 127 results are very good, so it should be continued, as modern communications in companies is dependent on centralised communications. • the external flow of information will be improved; the speed of information and quantity will be greater; information will be more comprehensive, activities more efficient and communications centralised. • closer and more efficient coordination will be enabled with marketing activities in regional centres. • closer and more efficient coordination will be enabled with the promotion and programme controlling services. • the active coverage of additional segments in terms of their content will be strengthened (in addition to those already existing): media relations, communications with the wider public, performing overall communication strategies, corporate communications, marketing communications, internet and internal communications. • research on audience expectations will be performed regularly, and serve as the basis for RTV Slovenia’s development strategy until 2012 and provide appropriate directions for more appropriate broadcasts and programmes in terms of content, as well as a more appropriate programme scheme corresponding to the needs and habits of the audience. • the activities of the department will be clearly specified for the needs of RTV Slovenia as a whole and for the needs of various programmes (radio, TV, MMC and regional centres), including the marketing of programme content (RTV Slovenia Department for Marketing of Advertising). • enforcing the rules on external and internal communications will ensure up-to-date and complete information, which will provide for more efficient and better quality activities in the department and its divisions. AWARDS AND PRIZES Recipients of Slovenian and international awards in 2008 Consortium Veritatis award of the Slovene Association of Journalists • Tanja Gobec, journalist of the Internal Affairs Programme Department at TV Slovenia, for outstanding journalistic work in 2007 • Dejan Rat, journalist of Radio Maribor, for outstanding journalistic work in 2007 Stop’s expert Viktors, as selected by the Viktor Academy members • Slavko Bobovnik, expert Viktor for the best moderator of a news broadcast • Bojan Krajnc, Viktor for special achievements, for editorial work on the TV shows TLP and Hri-bar • TV-broadcast Štafeta mladosti, expert Viktor for a children’s and youth broadcast • The documentary ‘Otroci s PetriËka’ (Children from PetriËek), created in RTV Slovenia co-production, for the best documentary TV broadcast The Stele award of the Slovenian Conservation Society for 2007 • Matjaž Brojan, radio correspondent for the Domžale and Kamnik area, an award for promoting cultural heritage on Radio Slovenia for many years European Parliament Prize for Journalism 2008 • The radio show ‘Evropa, osebno!’ (Europe, Personally), which is made at VAL 202, was the national winner in the radio reporting category. • The TV show ‘Slovenija predseduje’ (Slovenia Presiding) created by the External Affairs Programme Department at TV Slovenia was the national winner in the TV reporting category. RTV Slovenia award for long-term contribution • Igor Otavnik, head of radio coordination Erasmus EuroMedia awards of the European Society for Education and Communication • The documentary ‘Fabiani : PleËnik’, produced by the Education Programme of TV Slovenia, received an Erasmus EuroMedia Sponsorship Award. • Bojan Paliska, a system informatics engineer and Sandi Cunja, an editor, received Erasmus EuroMedia Seal awards for the documentary film ‘KEC’, which was produced by the RTV Centre Koper - Capodistria . • The CIRCOM 2008 media project, organised by the European Association of Regional Television CIRCOM Regional and Regional RTV-centre Maribor received an Erasmus EuroMedia Seal award. RTV Slovenia awards for recipients of international or domestic prizes • Dejan Rat, journalist at Radio Maribor • Tanja Gobec, journalist at TV Slovenia • Igor Likar, director at Radio Slovenia • Creators of the radio play ‘Arija’ at Radio Slovenia Alen Jelen, director Goran Schmidt, stage manager Darja Hlavka Godina, music editor Sonja Strenar, member of the team for music recording and directed broadcasts • Creators of the broadcast ‘Europe, Personally’ at Radio Slovenia Tadej Košmrlj, Anja HlaËa Matej Praprotnik • Samo Milavec, director at the Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper ≤ Capodistria • Bojan Paliska, system informatics engineer at the Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper ≤ Capodistria • Sandi Cunja, editor at the Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper ≤ Capodistria • Creators of the broadcast ‘In the Garden’ at the Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor Irena BedraË Danilo Plazovnik Igor Purnat Mitja Purgaj Angelina Premdehar • Members of the CIRCOM 2008 team at the Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor Zoran Medved Irena BedraË Darko Pukl Matej ŽunkoviË • Members of the team HRM project 2008 from the RTV Slovenia Education Centre Marjan Kralj Janez Strojan Daša SaftiË Janez Lombergar Prize at the European Youth Musical Festival in Belgium • The youth choir of RTV Slovenia won first prize, ‘Cum Laude’, at the international choir competition in Neerpelt in Belgium. PRIX EX AEQUO award in Bratislava • ‘LuËkov let’, a radio play for children, received an award for outstanding artistic performance at the International Children’s and Youth Radio Drama Festival. Award of the city of Maribor • Televizija Maribor received the seal of the city at the 40th anniversary of its media activity, especially in culture. • Dragica PetroviË received the signet ring of the city of Maribor for documentary films and portraits in which she introduced cultural creators from Maribor to broader public. 9th International Radio Festival in Iran • Arija, a radio play produced by Radio Slovenia features, received 2nd prize in the special category of Peace and Friendship of Nations, sponsored by UNESCO. HRM project of the year 2008, Planet GV award for achievements in human resources management • A project of the RTV Slovenia Education Centre, the Revitalisation of educational contents and modules for the school programme media technician, and verification of knowledge and working competences (obtaining a certified document) through the procedures of testing and confirming National Vocational Qualifications, received the highest grade awarded by the expert commission. 11th International Tourfilm Festival ≤ ITF/2008 CRO in Split • Samo Milavec, film director at the Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper ≤ Capodistria, received a special award for scenario and directing for the culinary-tourist documentary ‘Okusi in besede zaliva’ (Flavours and Words of the Bay) for the quality of ambience presentation and evaluation of culinary content. 11th International Photography and Film Festival in Novi Sad • Irena BedraË, editor and creator of the TV show ‘Na vrtu’ (In the Garden) received the ‘Zlatno paunovo pero’ award for the editorial concept of the series. • Television Maribor received a ‘Srebrno paunovo pero’ for the TV series ‘In the Garden’. Prizes awarded at the 50th anniversary of Pomurje Hungarian Radio and the 30th anniversary of TV Studio Lendava • For its connecting role and activity in preserving the Hungarian community in Slovenia, the chairman of the Hungarian parliament awarded Pomurje Hungarian radio and the editorial board of the TV programme ‘Mostovi’ (Bridges) the gold medal of parliament, while the Minister of Education and Culture presented them with an Award of Honour of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Hungary. • TV-studio Lendava received the ‘Duna-díj’ award, the highest award of Television Donava, and the ‘Magyar Ház díj’, which is the highest award of Hungarian television. Internal Awards of RTV Slovenia RTV Slovenia Award for life-time work • Jožica Hafner at the Archiving and Documentation Department of TV Slovenia 132 RTV Slovenia award for achievements in the past year • Miha Žibrat, journalist at the Sports Programme Department at Television Slovenia • Franc Arko, director at TV Slovenia • Matej Praprotnik, journalist at Radio Slovenia Award of Honour for work performed at RTV Slovenia • Boris Bergant, former vice-president of the European Broadcasting Union and former consultant to the Director General for international relations • Jože Bergant, formerly at the Transmitters and Communications organisational unit • Stanko Perpar, formerly at the Transmitters and Communications organisational unit 133 WHO IS WHO Editor, Domestic Films and Series Department Andrej Vajevec Phone: +386 / 1 475 32 11 Fax: +386 / 1 475 31 83 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, special national programme from the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and its working bodies (Parliamentary Channel) Ljerka Bizilj Phone: +386 / 1 475 38 70 Fax: +386 / 1 475 38 74 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Cultural Programme Darja Korez KorenËan Phone: +386 / 1 475 32 75 Fax: +386 / 1 475 32 72 E-mail: [email protected] Public institution RTV Slovenia Kolodvorska 2, 1550 Ljubljana Phone: +386 / 1 475 21 11 www.rtvslo.si Assistant Director General, Human Resources Cvetka Žirovnik, M.Sc. Phone: +386 / 1 475 21 39 Fax: +386 / 1 475 21 30 E-mail: [email protected] Director General Anton Guzej Phone: +386 / 1 475 21 22 Fax: +386 / 1 475 21 20 E-mail: [email protected] Assistant Director General, Technical, Engineering and Investments Marko Filli, M.Sc. Phone: +386 / 1 475 21 32 Fax: +386 / 1 475 21 30 E-mail: [email protected] Director, TV Programmes Jože Možina Phone: +386 / 1 475 21 62 Fax: +386 / 1 475 21 60 E-mail: [email protected] Television Slovenia programme production unit Managing Editor, News and Current Affairs Programme Rajko GeriË Phone: +386 / 1 475 30 13 Fax: +386 / 1 475 30 11 E-mail: [email protected] Assistant Director, TV Programmes Igor PirkoviË Phone: +386 / 1 475 33 77 Fax: +386 / 1 475 21 60 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Daily News Programme Jadranka Rebernik Phone: +386 / 1 475 30 43 Fax: +386 / 1 475 30 22 E-mail: [email protected] Director, Radio Programmes Vinko Vasle Phone: +386 / 1 475 24 36 Fax: +386 / 1 475 24 40 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Internal Affairs and Economy Programme Nataša Rijavec Bartha Phone: +386 / 1 475 30 35 Fax: +386 / 1 475 30 22 E-mail: [email protected] Assistant Director General, Italian Radio and TV Programmes at the Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper - Capodistria Antonio Rocco Phone: +386 / 5 668 54 84 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Foreign Affairs Programme Igor JuriË Phone: +386 / 1 475 31 88 Fax: +386 / 1 475 31 87 E-mail: [email protected] Assistant Director General, Hungarian Radio and TV Programmes at the Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor Helena Zver, M.Sc. Phone: +386 / 2 429 97 40 Fax: +386 / 2 429 97 12 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Correspondents Rado BožiËnik Phone: +386 / 1 475 30 85 Fax: +386 / 1 475 30 99 E-mail: [email protected] Assistant Director General, Business and Finance A.I. Anica Žgajnar Phone: +386 / 1 475 44 16 Fax: +386 / 1 475 44 47 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Culture and Arts Jani Virk Phone: +386 / 1 475 31 81 Fax: +386 / 1 475 31 83 E-mail: [email protected] 134 Head, TV Production A.I. Janko Bolka Phone: +386 / 1 475 37 11 Fax: +386 / 1 475 36 84 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Children’s and Youth Programme Milan Dekleva Phone: +386 / 1 475 33 80 Fax: +386 / 1 475 33 83 E-mail: [email protected] Radio Slovenia programme unit Managing Editor, Channel 1 Tatjana Pirc Phone: +386 / 1 475 22 29 Fax: +386 / 1 475 23 15 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Foreign Features Programme Igor PalËiË Phone: +386 / 1 475 32 51 Fax: +386 / 1 475 32 54 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Current Affairs Programme Helena Premrl Phone: +386 / 1 475 22 92 Fax: +386 / 1 475 23 00 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Documentary Film Department Živa EmeršiË Phone: +386 / 1 475 31 89 Fax: +386 / 1 475 31 94 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Evening and Night Programme Cirila Štuber Phone: +386 / 1 475 22 98 Fax: +386 / 1 475 23 00 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Art Music and Ballet Programme Danica Dolinar Phone: +386 / 1 475 32 46 Fax: +386 / 1 475 31 83 E-mail: [email protected] Music Editor, Channel 1 Rudi PanËur Phone: +386 / 1 475 23 21 Fax: +386 / 1 475 23 00 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Religious Broadcasts Programme Vid Stanovnik Phone: +386 / 1 475 34 23 Fax: +386 / 1 475 34 15 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Educational Programme Ina Petric Phone: +386 / 1 475 23 74 Fax: +386 / 1 475 23 15 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Educational Programme Alma Lapajne Phone: +386 / 1 475 31 50 Fax: +386 / 1 475 31 64 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Documentary-Feuilleton Programme Gojko Bervar Phone: +386 / 1 475 22 30 Fax: +386 / 1 475 23 15 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Entertainment Petar RadoviÊ Phone: +386 / 1 475 33 09 Fax: +386 / 1 475 33 10 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Programme for Youth A.I. Milan Krapež Phone: +386 / 1 475 23 87 Fax: +386 / 1 475 23 00 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Sports Mile JovanoviÊ Phone: +386 / 1 475 33 58 Fax: +386 / 1 475 36 30 E-mail: [email protected] 135 Transmitters and Communications organisational unit Director, Transmitters and Communications Miran Dolenec Phone: +386 / 1 475 27 21 Fax: +386 / 1 475 27 10 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Channel 2 Mirko Štular Phone: +386 / 1 475 24 48 Fax: +386 / 1 475 24 58 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Daily News Programme and Traffic Announcements Janez Novak Phone: +386 / 1 475 23 05 Fax: +386 / 1 475 23 15 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Current Affairs Programme A.I. Nataša Zanuttini Phone: +386 / 1 475 24 49 Fax: +386 / 1 475 24 58 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Correspondents Zdenka Bakalar Phone: +386 / 1 475 22 89 Fax: +386 / 1 475 22 88 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Evening and Night Programme Katja »ernela Phone: +386 / 1 475 24 43 Fax: +386 / 1 475 24 58 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, External Affairs Programme Vojko Plevelj Phone: +386 / 1 475 23 53 Fax: +386 / 1 475 23 15 E-mail: [email protected] Music Editor, Channel 2 Andrej Karoli Phone: +386 / 1 475 25 35 Fax: +386 / 1 475 24 58 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Internal Affairs and Economy Programme Tomaž Celestina Phone: +386 / 1 475 23 62 Fax: +386 / 1 475 22 88 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Sports Programme Aleš Smrekar Phone: +386 / 1 475 23 73 Fax: +386 / 1 475 23 47 E-mail: [email protected] Head, Radio Production Igor KrË Phone: +386 / 1 475 26 79 Fax: +386 / 1 475 26 80 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Regional Radio Programme Maja Kirar Phone: +386 / 5 668 54 83 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Channel 3 A.I. Mirjam Bevc Peressutti Phone: +386 / 1 475 22 04 Fax: +386 / 1 475 22 07 E-mail: [email protected] Head, Music Programme and Music Production Boris Rener Phone: +386 / 1 475 24 69 Fax: +386 / 1 475 24 71 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Italian TV Programme skupnost Robert Apollonio Phone: +386 / 5 668 51 02 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Music Programme A.I. Matej Venier Phone: +386 / 1 475 23 95 Fax: +386 / 1 475 22 07 E-mail: [email protected] Multimedia Centre programme-production unit Head, Multimedia Centre Zvezdan MartiË Phone: +386 / 1 475 21 27 Fax: +386 / 1 475 35 56 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Italian Radio Programme Aljoša CuraviÊ Phone: +386 / 5 668 51 62 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Cultural Programme A.I. Vida Curk Phone: +386 / 1 475 23 01 Fax: +386 / 1 475 22 07 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Multimedia Centre A.I. Kaja JakopiË Phone: +386 / 1 475 35 62 Fax: +386 / 1 475 35 44 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Feature Programme A.I. Gabrijela LuËka Gruden Phone: +386 / 1 475 23 94 Fax: +386 / 1 475 25 01 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Publishing Department of RTV Slovenia Mojca Menart Phone: +386 / 1 475 32 16 Fax: +386 / 1 475 31 83 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, News and Experimental-Development Programme A.I. Zdenka Bakalar Phone: +386 / 1 475 22 89 Fax: +386 / 1 475 23 15 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Regional Radio Programme A.I. Vlado KrejaË Phone: +386 / 2 429 91 17 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Radio Slovenia International SreËko Trglec Phone: +386 / 2 429 92 32 Fax: +386 / 2 429 92 15 E-mail: [email protected] Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper/Capodistria programme production unit Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper - Capodistria Ul. OF 15 6000 Koper Phone: +386 / 5 668 50 50 - Radio Phone: +386 / 5 668 50 10 - TV Hungarian Programme Studio, Lendava KranjËeva ul. 10 9220 Lendava Phone: +386 / 2 429 97 00 Head, Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper - Capodistria Dragomir MikeliË Phone: +386 / 5 668 54 85 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Hungarian TV Programme Mirjana LovriÊ Phone: +386 / 2 429 97 44, faks. +386 / 2 429 97 55 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Regional TV Programme Nataša Segulin Phone: +386 / 5 668 53 02 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Hungarian Radio Programme Jožef Vegi Phone: +386 / 2 429 97 20 Fax: +386 / 2 429 97 12 E-mail: [email protected] Radio Slovenia regional correspondents Koroška region: Petra Kos Meškova 21, 2380 Slovenj Gradec Phone: +386 / 2 882 17 90 Fax: +386 / 2 882 17 91 E-mail: [email protected] Posavje region: Irena Majce Ulica Stanka Škalerja 21, 8250 Brežice Phone: +386 / 7 496 65 66 Fax: +386 / 7 496 65 60 E-mail: [email protected] Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor programme production unit Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor Ilichova 33 2106 Maribor Phone: +386 / 2 429 91 11 Zasavje region: Karmen Štrancar Rajevec Ulica 1. junija 36, 1420 Trbovlje Phone: +386 / 3 563 29 40 Fax: +386 / 3 563 29 41 E-mail: [email protected] Head, Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor A.I. Cvetka Žirovnik, M.Sc. Phone: +386 / 2 429 91 60 Fax: +386 / 2 429 92 11 E-mail: [email protected] Upper Gorenjska region: Romana Erjavec Ljubljanska cesta 7, 4260 Bled Phone: +386 / 4 576 61 00 Fax: +386 / 4 576 61 01 E-mail: [email protected] Managing Editor, Regional TV Programme Polona Pivec Phone: +386 / 2 429 92 32 Fax: +386 / 2 429 92 18 E-mail: [email protected] 136 137 Pomurje region: Lidija Kosi Slovenska 25, 9000 Murska Sobota Phone and Fax: +386 / 2 521 18 78, +386 / 2 531 18 78 E-mail: [email protected] Primorska region: Filip Šemrl Arkova 43, p. p. 21, 5280 Idrija Phone: +386 / 5 372 29 00 Fax: +386 / 5 372 29 01 E-mail: [email protected] KoËevje and Ribnica region: Mojca Skender Kostel 1a, 1336 Vas Phone: +386 / 1 894 80 66 Fax: +386 / 1 894 80 03 E-mail: [email protected] Gorenjska region: Aljana Jocif Nazorjeva 3, 4000 Kranj Phone: +386 / 4 236 40 40 Fax: +386 / 4 236 89 88, ext.: 49 10 E-mail: [email protected] Ljubljana region: Uroš Kokošar Beblerjev trg 14, 1000 Ljubljana Phone: +386 / 1 475 23 09 Fax: +386 / 1 475 23 15 E-mail: [email protected] Krško: Goran Rovan Rozmanova ul. 32, 8270 Krško Phone: +386 / 7 490 50 70 Fax: +386 / 7 490 50 71 E-mail: [email protected] TV Slovenia correspondents Celje: Nada Kumer IpavËeva ulica 18, 3000 Celje Phone and Fax: +386 / 3 541 15 17 E-mail: [email protected] Postojna: Barbara RenËof, Matevž Podjed GregorËiËev drevored 7, 6230 Postojna Phone: +386 / 5 720 35 79 Fax: +386 / 5 726 31 20 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Murska Sabota: Bojan PeËek, Cirila Sever, Slovenska ulica 25, 9000 Murska Sobota Phone: +386 / 2 521 18 78 Phone and Fax: +386 / 2 531 18 78 ISDN: +386 / 2 534 97 60, +386 / 2 534 97 61 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] RTV Slovenia foreign correspondents Belgrade: Marta Razboršek Stanoja Glavaša 29/stan 11, 11000 Beograd Serbia Phone and Fax: +381/ 11 329 3098 Mobile phone: +381/ 64 989 57 65 E-mail: [email protected] Nova Gorica: Mojca DumanËiË RejËeva ulica 6, 5000 Nova Gorica Phone: +386 / 5 668 50 95 Fax: +386 / 5 668 50 90 E-mail: [email protected] Broad Celje region: Miran Korošec Gledališka 2, 3000 Celje Phone: +386 / 3 492 60 07 Fax: +386 / 3 492 60 06 E-mail: [email protected] Novo mesto: Petra Držaj Novi trg 7, 8000 Novo mesto Phone: +386 / 7 332 59 13 E-mail: [email protected] Podravje region: Nevenka Dobljekar Prešernova ulica 17, 2250 Ptuj Phone: +386 / 2 771 03 16 Fax: +386 / 2 771 03 17 E-mail: [email protected] Kranj: Janja Koren, Jan Novak Nazorjeva ul. 3, 4000 Kranj Phone: +386 / 4 236 40 40 Fax: +386 / 4 201 16 67 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Gorica region: Valter Pregelj p. p. 194, 5000 Nova Gorica Phone: +386 / 5 668 50 88 Fax: +386 / 5 668 50 99 E-mail: [email protected] Trbovlje: Marko Planinc Trg svobode 11a, 1420 Trbovlje Phone: +386 / 3 562 63 61 E-mail: [email protected] Dolenjska and Bela Krajina region: Jože Žura Mestne njive 8, 8000 Novo mesto Phone: +386 / 7 337 97 10 Fax: +386 / 7 337 97 11 E-mail: [email protected] Slovenj Gradec: Dušica Lah, Slavko Bobovnik Meškova ulica 21, 2380 Slovenj Gradec Phone: +386 / 2 885 00 60, +386 / 2 885 00 62 Fax: +386 / 2 885 00 64 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Postojna region: Sabrina Mulec GregorËiËev drevored 7, 6230 Postojna Phone: +386 / 5 720 37 05 E-mail: [email protected] 138 Rome: Mojca Širok Via Cassia 901/B, 00189 Rome Italy Phone: +39/ 06 30 36 69 88 Phone and Fax: +39/ 06 30 36 22 26 Mobile phone: +39/ 335 81 55 800 E-mail: [email protected] Zagreb: Drago BalažiË (until 31 August 2009) HercegovaËka 51a, 10000 Zagreb Croatia Phone: +385/ 1 375 67 15, +385/ 1 375 55 38 E-mail: [email protected] Washington: Vlasta JeseniËnik 3003 Van Ness Street, apt. S702 Washington DC, 20008 United States of America Phone and fax: +1 202 364 26 24 E-mail: [email protected] Berlin: Boštjan Anžin Gartenstrasse 3.D, Berlin 10 115 Germany Phone: +49/ 30 2838 4590 Fax: +49 / 30 2838 4628 Mobile phone: +170/ 3879 055 E-mail: [email protected] Vienna - Klagenfurt (from Ravne na Koroškem): Lojze Kos Dobja vas 162, 2390 Ravne na Koroškem Phone: +386 / 2 821 78 40 Trieste (from Koper): Mirjam MuženiË Cikuti 1/C Pobegi, 6276 Pobegi Phone and fax: +386 / 5 653 09 35 Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper - Capodistria Phone: +386 / 5 668 54 03 Fax: +386 / 5 668 54 09 E-mail: [email protected] Brussels: Tanja Fajon (until 30 April 2008) Avenue des Alouettes 32, Brussels 1150 Belgium Phone and Fax: +32/ 2 640 94 11 Mobile phone: +32/ 49 527 6750 E-mail: [email protected] Meta DragoliË The Brussels Office of RTV Slovenia Residence Palace Rue de la Loi 155 1040 Brussels Belgium Phone: +32/ 2 235 21 64 Mobile phone: +32/ 473 382 356 E-mail: [email protected] Moscow: Andrej Stopar 123056 Moscow Russia Gruzinsky per., dom 3, pod. 1, kv. 7/8 Phone: + 7 095 937 39 00 Fax: + 7 095 935 80 18 Mobile phone: + 7 915 399 31 81 E-mail: [email protected] 139