August `11 Newsletter
August `11 Newsletter
WTC Connection AUGUST 2011 Dear WTC Members, SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Manager’s Report Lockbox Reminder Tennis Bio of the month August Birthdays Here in Naples there is virtually no traffic, no wait times at restaurants, and there are deals to be had all around town! Unfortunately this also means less people, less activity, and warmer weather...believe or not you snowbirds are missed. Your WTC Management Staff has changed gears to handle larger maintenance projects which are best left for the summer when there is less traffic. Among these larger projects on schedule this summer include the locker rooms renovation, asphalting of the Marbella parking lots, paving of concrete deck at Club area (nearest Stadium Court). Some relatively minor projects include partially renovating the Via Carmen pool deck, repair of a driveway and a couple of walkways on Via Carmen, hardwood and palm trimming throughout the common property, etc. WELCOME TO THE WTC TEAM RACHEL HANSEN! There is exciting news in regards to personnel. Rachel Hansen is the new management Office Administrator. See August Manager's Update for further details. CAFE MANAGEMENT POSITION FILLED! Mario Stravanasky will run the poolside cafe and hopes to be up and running by mid-October. See August Manager's Update for further details. BULK CABLE CONTRACT... After seven months of obtaining, negotiating, and comparing proposals I suspect an advantageous bulk cable contract with Comcast will be approved at the next Master Board Meeting scheduled for August 18th at 2PM. When/If this contract is approved further details will be reported. As always, if you have any questions and/or concerns in regards to this or any meeting agenda item please contact me prior to the meeting so that your questions and/or concerns can be adequately addressed at the meeting. 2010 YEAR-END AUDITED FINANCIAL REPORT AVAILABLE... This report is available at your management office for your review. Please call ahead to obtain a copy (239-263-5068). TO SEE BEFORE & AFTER PICTURES OF SOME OF THE PROJECTS AND TO READ FURTHER ON THESE AND OTHER WTC SUBJECTS, PLEASE REFER TO THE AUGUST MANAGER'S UPDATE WHICH CAN BE FOUND LATER IN THIS NEWSLETTER. In closing I hope all are enjoying their (probably unusually warm) summer. If you want to get more involved, have questions, comments, maintenance requests, etc. please contact your Management Office where you can find answers to almost any inquiry. I am looking forward to a busy and successful 2011-2012 season. Thank You and Regards, Ethan D. Loschiavo, CAM, CMCA, AMS 1 WTC 4.0 Ladies are the 2011 Region Champions! We are excited to play for the State title in Daytona next month (August 19-21). “Thank you for all the support!” 2 World famous Tennis Pro and our very own Tennis Director Pavel Slozil participating in the latest photo trend „planking‟. I know….I know….but it gets a little quiet around here in the summer. “Many thanks Pavel for being such a great sport and a special thanks to Sharon Slozil for all of her help, without which this photo would not have been possible.” 3 4 Celebrating Birthdays in August Judy Spaeth and Phoebe Gillespie August 3rd Pat Taddeo August 8th Gordon Hughes August 13th Karl H. Zeisberger August 10th 5 To: World Tennis Club, Inc. Members Re: August Manager's Update From: Ethan D. Loschiavo, CAM, AMS, CMCA Community Manager, World Tennis Club, Inc. I. PERSONNEL Cafe Management Position Filled - Mario Stravanasky has been hired as an independent contractor to run the poolside Cafe. Mario brings many years of restaurant experience with him. For the past few years Mario has been busy running Europia Bistro along with his father, Alex, and mother, Ava. Their Bistro, located in the Pebblebrook Center at the corner of Immokalee Rd. and 951, focuses on authentic European cuisine. Besides some of their Bistro staples Mario will also offer soups, sandwiches, and many American-style cafe foods such as burgers and salads etc. The current timeline to open is mid-October. We are looking forward to a successful and busy 2011-2012 season. Office Administrator Position - I would like to formally welcome Rachel Hansen to the WTC management team. Rachel filled this position as a temp. for four months and is now officially a WTC employee. If there is anything you need in regards to WTC business Rachel can get it for you. Rachel is capable, personable, and very accommodating, we are lucky to have her. Maintenance Crew Positions - In order to save WTC some money and due to the inconsistent need for additional maintenance crew help we employ two temporary workers, one typically part-time for approximately 6 months of the year and the other year-around. Christian Nacif and Primitivo Sanchez (Primo) will fill these positions for the near future so do not be surprised if you see new faces around the Club, say hello and introduce yourself. II. CABLE TELEVISION CONTRACT As you may or may not be aware, the bulk agreement between World Tennis Club and Comcast Cable is up and management has been working for the last 7 months on obtaining the most beneficial bulk cable agreement for WTC Members. Proposals have been obtained, negotiated, examined, and compared. It is expected that the Master Board will approve a bulk cable contract with Comcast at their next Board meeting which is scheduled August 18th at 2 PM. As always, if you have any questions and/or concerns about this subject or any agenda item please do not hesitate to contact me prior to the meeting so that they can be adequately addressed at the meeting. III. LANDSCAPING Replacement of Damaged Sod (WTC Common Property) - The replacement of the sod which was damaged due to an application error is now complete. The rain we have been getting has been good for all of this new sod. It is all filling-in nicely and looks great. 6 Managers Report cont’d Court #1 / Parking Lot Areca Palm Replacement - Besides the sod replacement there was a line of palms which also required replacement. These areca palms had a disease and so had to be removed. Due to the fact that this disease gets into the soil and attacks palms only, they had to be replaced with a shrub. Variegated arborcola have taken their place and their 13 gallon size means they will grown rapidly and serve the same purposes as the areca palms did which were as a privacy and wind screen. These are doing well but could use some more rain in order to expedite their growth. IV. WEATHER Rainfall - The rainy season here at WTC has been somewhat "spotty" at best. In the month of June we had ~2.5" of rainfall when the average is ~8". We did better in July with over 6" of rainfall but the average is ~8". We are running slightly under the average thus far in the month of August. Management is doing its best to tackle all of the many summer projects and to also maintain the irrigation so that this lack of rainfall will not adversely affect the landscaping. Hurricanes - We have been lucky as far as this subject goes thus far. Tropical Storm Emily dissipated before becoming a threat. Your management continues to be ever-vigilant during hurricane season. Please know that you can obtain a great wealth of information in regards to emergency preparedness etc. from Collier County Bureau of Emergency Services (Phone: 239-252-8000, Website: V. LAKES Aerators - All of the lake aerators are installed and running smoothly. An electrical issue was found to be stemming from FPL's feed and was resolved. Because of this the lake #4 (Alexandra) aerator was not operating for about a month. Also, multiple sound-dampening devices and measures have been taken so that these can operate with as little disturbance as possible. Lake Appearance - Submersed aquatics, algae, and the like are few and far between. A problem in which our lake maintenance company took care of immediately was an almost overnight growth of submersed aquatic weeds in the front fountain. Another minor problem we are addressing now is the growth of plankton on lake #4 (Alexandra). Overall, I am excited and a bit surprised by the lack of algae bloom and submersed aquatics this far into summer. We have our lake maintenance company and the Lakes and Ponds Comm. to thank for this. August and September will be the true test. VI. MAINTENANCE PROJECTS Locker Room Renovation - This project is moving along slowly but surely. The women's room will be tiled in the very near future with the men's room right behind it. Everything from the ceiling to the floors has been replaced or re-vamped. After the tile new lockers, which must be assembled, will be installed. After this I expect many finishing touches before opening these for business by early September. 7 Managers Report cont’d Stadium Court Pavers - All that is left to do here is stain some planters which have been installed over the new pavers and to re-vamp the existing plant beds. This is a cost-effective, long term attractive fix to the dilapidated, cracked and worn concrete deck which meets Members and Guests as they enter the Club area. I am extremely happy with the results and I think you will be too. Also in this area a "living wall" of Jasmine will be installed along the large stark wall adjacent to the pool ramp. Stadium Paver Project Before & After After After Via Carmen Pool Repairs - There has been many problems caused by the settling of the Via Carmen pool which has resulted in leaks, cracks in the pool deck, tile, and coping, etc. We trust that current repairs have, at least for the time being, addressed these problems. The plan is to keep a close eye on the water bills etc. and if I am satisfied that the problems have been adequately addressed I will recommend to the Master Board that this pool and pool deck gets some much needed attention (new tile, pavers, etc.). Via Carmen Driveway / Walkway Maintenance - Due to invasive roots from hardwoods originally planted too close to the structures various areas of driveways and sidewalks along Via Carmen were up-heaved causing tripping hazards. All of these areas were grinded-down to eliminate any hazard except for a few sections of sidewalk and a driveway that were beyond repair and were removed and replaced. Via Vizcaya Painting Project - This project went very well by all accounts. I commend the Via Carmen Board for planning, organizing, and overseeing this work as well as for taking excellent care of their neighbors property. I am taking care of replacing and painting the dilapidated bulletin boards to match the newly painted homes on Via Carmen. 8 Managers Report cont’d Marbella Roof Replacement - The Marbella Board is continuing with the replacement of their buildings roofs which are due. The 3313 roof was replaced and I am pleased with the result. Marbella Asphalting - The asphalting schedule of WTC's common roadways and parking lots continues with the Marbella parking lots. These were milled, asphalted, and striped. This much-needed project will keep these parking areas attractive and well-maintained for the next 12 to 15 years. Marbella asphalting Before & After Asphalt Sidewalk Addition / Repairs - The asphalt sidewalk which runs along Europa Drive from the Club area to Corinthian Way was also in need of repairs due to invasive tree roots. Also, a ~10' addition was made connecting this asphalt sidewalk to Europa Dr. thus providing access to those residents who reside in 3275 and 3285 Jessica Ln. in Bermuda Royale as well as to those residents who reside in 3313 and 3311 Europa Dr. This work was coordinated with the re-asphalting of the Marbella parking lots which saved in cost. Asphalt Sidewalk Repair Before & After Asphalt Sidewalk Addition / Crosswalk 9 Managers Report cont’d VII. FINANCES WTC 2010 Year-End Audit Report - As always WTC's finances are audited by an independent firm every year. The 2010 Year-End Audited report is currently available at your management office for your review, please call to obtain a copy. Monthly Financials - Just a reminder that there are monthly financials prepared around the 10th of each month for WTC and each of the 7 sub-associations in which we manage. Please call to obtain copies. Foreclosures/Delinquencies - There is a report of those lots which are in some form of the Foreclosure process kept at the office. Note that these are general in nature due to Federal and State privacy laws. We remain at a relatively healthy state when compared to many other SWFL communities. There has been a lot of activity and several units in the foreclosure process have been sold, are currently under contract, or are suspected to hit the market soon. It is important to note that the trend has been that we have fewer and fewer new delinquent accounts every quarter. Collection Efforts - Despite the fact that WTC has less than 2.5% of its members who are currently delinquent to some extent, every tool offered to us to collect these delinquent assessments is being utilized. These include liens, motions to compel, and foreclosure. You can expect future manager updates on these and any other WTC item that may come up in future newsletters. Regards, Ethan D. Loschiavo, CAM, CMCA, AMS Community Manager, World Tennis Club, Inc. 10 11 26 19 12 6 5 Women’s Clinic 5-7pm 27 Women’s Clinic 5-7pm 20 Women’s Clinic 5-7pm 13 Women’s Clinic 5-7pm Mon Sun Men’s Clinic 6-7pm 1:30pm Painting Group 28 Men’s Clinic 6-7pm 1:30pm Painting Group 21 Men’s Clinic 6-7pm 1:30pm Painting Group 14 Men’s Clinic 6-7pm 1:30pm Painting Group 7 Tue 29 22 15 30 23 16 9 2 1 8 Thu Wed Exhibition 6:30pm Exhibition 6:30pm Exhibition 6:30pm Exhibition 6:30pm Exhibition 6:30pm 24 17 10 3 Fri August 2011 25 18 11 4 Women’s Clinic 8:30am Men’s Clinic 9:30am Women’s Clinic 8:30am Men’s Clinic 9:30am Women’s Clinic 8:30am Men’s Clinic 9:30am Women’s Clinic 8:30am Men’s Clinic 9:30am Sat Exhibitions Every Thursday In August Stadium 6:30pm You don’t want to miss this! 12 Rachels’ Corner Fun stuff to do in August Every Wednesday & Saturday In August - Tours of Historic Palm Cottage 1—4 pm Palm Cottage in the 1930‟s Miracle Baseball Home Games At Hammond Stadium — August 1st @ 7:05pm 9th-12th @ 7:05pm 13th 6:05pm 14th 1:05pm 18th 7:05pm 23rd-25th 7:05pm 28th 1:05pm Hammond Stadium 29th 7:05pm buy tickets at the stadium or online : “ You don‟t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows…” Bob Dylan 13 Lockbox Reminder The WTC Lockbox payment system is working very well. All Associations that are managed by the WTC Office are now utilizing the system. Please note that in order for the system to be most effective, the following applies: Include the top portion of your invoice with your payment whenever possible. Ensure that your account number is noted on your check. Mail all payments to the bank P.O. Box, including direct payments from online bill pay services: PO Box 11501 Naples, FL 34101-1501 Reminder to WTC Owners If you have guests arriving and need some extra space...our Guest Unit is available! RATES $800. per week January—March $650. per week April $500. per week May—October $650. per week Nov.—December *schedule soon we fill up fast* 14 Tennis Bio of the Month Roger Federer Born: August 8, 1981 Best known as: The winner of the most major singles titles in men's tennis history Roger Federer is the Swiss tennis player whose record 16 Grand Slam singles titles have made him the dominant men's player of his time and one of the greatest of all time. Federer turned pro in 1998 after a stellar career in junior competition. He made a name for himself in 2001 by beating defending champion Pete Sampras in a match at Wimbledon before being knocked out himself in the quarterfinals. Federer won the men's singles title at Wimbledon in 2003, and in 2004 he again won Wimbledon and added the Australian and U.S. Opens, with only a third-round loss in the French Open keeping him from the Grand Slam. Federer won his third consecutive Wimbledon in 2005, defeating Andy Roddick in the finals for the second year in a row. He then defeated Andre Agassi for his second straight U.S. Open title. In 2006 he lost to Rafael Nadal in the finals of the French Open, beat Nadal in the finals at Wimbledon and defeated Roddick to win the U.S. Open. His 2007 victories at the Australian Open, Wimbledon (again beating Nadal) and the U.S. Open, plus a 2008 win at the U.S. Open, gave him a total of 13 Grand Slam men's singles titles, one short of Sampras's career record of 14. He tied Sampras with a win at the French Open in 2009; his win also meant he had won each of the major titles at least once. Federer then passed Sampras with 15 major titles when he beat Roddick in the Wimbledon finals on 5 July 2009, and started 2010 by beating Andy Murray for his fourth Australian Open championship and his 16th major overall. Extra credit: Rafael Nadal broke Federer's five-year streak at Wimbledon in 2008, beating him in a five-set thriller for the men's singles championship. Nadal withdrew from Wimbledon 2009 for health reasons... Federer's father is Swiss, but his mother is from South Africa... Federer had no coach during 2004, the year he was first ranked as the world's best tennis player... Federer married his longtime girlfriend, Mirka Vavrinec, on 11 April 2009; they have twin girls, Charlene Riva and Myla Rose, born 23 July 2009. 15 Pro Shop Summer Hours May 1st—October 1st Monday—Saturday 9am-Noon No Guest Fees *please register before play* 16 Management Office: Hours: M-F, 8 a.m.—4:30 p.m. Ethan D. Loschiavo, CAM, CMCA, AMS Community Manager Jacob Sousa, Asst. Manager What is World Tennis Club? Dick Furgal, Accountant Office Administrator PRO SHOP P: (239) 263-7411 Hours: (October 1 - April 30) Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-Noon 2 p.m.—4 p.m. Sat.: 8 a.m.—Noon Pavel Slozil, Tennis Pro World Tennis Club, Inc. (WTC) was first opened in 1983 and now consists of a total of 361 units located throughout 82.6 acres. Of these, 360 units consist of 8 sub-associations, 5 of which are condominium associations and 3 of which are homeowner associations, each with their own governing documents and Board of Directors. These 8 sub-associations comprise the framework of the WTC Master Homeowners’ Association which also has its own governing documents and Master Board of Directors of which there are 8 members, one to represent each sub-association. WTC is also comprised of, and is responsible for, the common property which includes 16 tennis courts, 2 pools, a Jacuzzi, café, pro shop, locker rooms, meeting room, social room, common guest unit, an office building, and approximately 50 acres of irrigation and landscaping. WTC is self-managed and currently provides management services to 7 of its 8 sub-associations as well. WTC employs a full-time onsite Management team including office and maintenance staff. Also employed by WTC are a Tennis Director, Tennis Pro, and a Pro Shop Administrator. The operation of the café is contracted out to a Café Manager and his staff. Owners, their guests and tenants can expect a comprehensive tennis program including free clinics, private lessons, various tournaments, several club teams, round-robins, exhibitions, a tennis match-making service, etc. There is also a plethora of social events including dinners, parties, book clubs, pool exercise classes, Tai Chi classes, and the list goes on. Owners, their guests and tenants should also expect excellent maintenance and managerial services for those areas where an association has responsibility. [email protected] Gretchen Newell, Pro Shop Administrator World Tennis Club, Inc. 4802 Airport Road WTC is committed to the continued growth and success of the Master Association and its sub-associations. It serves this commitment by providing quality services and by fostering an atmosphere that promotes pride through volunteerism. If you would like to learn more regarding what World Tennis Club is all about, please visit our website at: or contact the Management Office. Naples, FL 34105 P: (239) 263-5068 Serving WTC, F: (239) 263-9357 [email protected] Ethan D. Loschiavo, CAM, CMCA, AMS Community Manager, World Tennis Club, Inc. 17
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