Magazine - African Pit Bull Registry
Magazine - African Pit Bull Registry
APBR Magazine 1 April 2016 THE APBT IN MOZAMBIQUE HOW TO READ A PEDIGREE? EASY! Interview with Gary J. Hammonds GR CH GRITLER & SEADENSUN April 2016 IN THIS ISSUE How to read a pedigree 04 Parvovirus 10 Local is Lekker 14 Little bit of Botswana 15 Interview with Gary Hammonds 16 From Mozambique 24 Enduro Pits 26 Seadensun 28 Art of the Month 33 History 34 Editors Letter 36 Thank you for taking the time to read the APBR Magazine. The APBR Magazine is still young and we believe that each and every month the Magazine will be bigger, better and even more exiting. Enjoy........ 4 How to Read a Pedigree “Puppies For Sale” the number one heading that demands the most “Ped” requests on social media and in all aspects of a breeding , but how many of us really know how to read a dog’s pedigree. Well let me enlighten you on a few basic steps and a run through on genetics to ensure you know what you are looking at. Everything in the dogs online pedigree is based on a mathematical calculation however that same calculations has no relationship with what the actual dog does, how it behaves and what traits and characteristics it might possibly inherit. So what’s the difference between the two? Traits are genetically inherited qualities, something that cannot be changed by a third party attribute. But can be manipulated. Characteristics are physical and behavioral attributes that the APBT has formed associations with in its surroundings and correlate them with human behavior. Both of the above mentioned definitions are subject to vary in the individual dog, one being the Genotype (Traits) and one being a part of the Phenotype (characteristics). Each playing a vital role in the genetic make- 5 up of the APBT. So where do you start. Figure out what u like and want in an APBT, all bloodlines carries different behaviors and temperament, so be meticulous when making a selection. Some old dogmen were known to select purely on the look of the pups to determine if it would perform the same as their parents, every selection method varies from person to person. Breeding Probability Every Mating is a Gamble, a gamble that comes with no control, but you as a breeder should have the ability to increase your chances of producing better dogs by selection processes that determines which APBT would be used for breeding. 6 How do I calculate Probability when looking at a Pedigree? Each Generation carries a Percentage of Possible Genetic Contribution (PGC) to the APBT. First Generation Second Generation Third Generation Forth Generation Fifth Generation So on we go. = 50% = 25 % = 12.5 = 6.25 =3.12 Scenario: A breeder sells you a pup, in the pedigree u see Gr Ch Grittler 5xw in the 1st Generation and u see him in the 3rd Generation as well. First thing that comes to mind is that it’s a double bred Grittler Dog but how much is the PGC (Possible Genetic Contribution) to this pup that u have just purchased. 1st Gen = 50 % 3rd Gen = 12.5% Total PGC = 62.5% 7 Gr Ch 7xw Sir Thomas Percentage Calculations In the above Snipping Gr Ch Sir Thomas is seen Twice in the second generation. As we know 2nd Gen carries 25% PGC per appearance. 25% x 2 = 50% PGC Each individual APBT carries a weight of 100% PGC to each mating. Once this individual is decked over a Male or Bitch the dogs PGC splits in half. Eg. 2nd Generation Readings. Yellow = 100 x Hollingsworth Dolly = 100 Has created a litter of pups that carries 50% PGC inheritance from each parent. 8 Why Probable? This is not set in stone it is just a 50% chance that certain individuals would possess the same quality as the father or mother or both or none. Some individuals have a fall back in the gene pool and a dog from that litter could possess the same attributes as a dog with just 1% PGC in the pedigree. In conclusion, every single mating ever done has no guarantee, some gene pools don’t work well together and some does. A mating is all a gamble it is up to us the “ Human Control “ to test the dogs extensively and only hold on to the best of the best and accompany it with high standards to increase the probability of producing outstanding APBT, instead of just a few mediocre pups . Now don’t get me wrong every litter has its culls but increasing your chances by testing them and selecting the best for a mating will then in turn have less cull numbers in the litter and more quality dogs. Article by: DVK 9 10 Canine Parvovirus 11 Canine parvovirus is an acute, highly contagious disease of dogs that was first described in the early 1970s. The virus has a tendency to attack rapidly reproducing cells, such as those lining the gastrointestinal tract. Highly Contaious Disease as well as on contaminated crates, shoes, and other objects. When the dog licks the fecal material off hair, feet, or anything that came in contact with infected feces, he/she acquires the disease. The virus is shed in large amounts in the stools of acutely infected dogs for up to several weeks following infection. The disease is transmitted by oral contact with infected feces. Parvo can be carried on the dog’s hair and feet, Parvo affects dogs of all ages, but most cases occur in puppies 6 to 20 weeks of age. Doberman Pinschers and Rottweiler’s appear to acquire the infection more readily and experience more severe symptoms. The reason for lower resistance in these breeds is unknown. Following an incubation period that averages four to five days, the acute illness begins with depression, 12 vomiting, and diarrhea. Some dog have no fever, while others have high fever (up to 106°F, 41.1°C). Pups with severe abdominal pain exhibit a tucked-up abdomen. Diarrhea is profuse and contains mucus and/or blood. Dehydration develops rapidly. Heart muscle involvement in neonatal puppies used to be common, but is now quite rare. This is because routine vaccination of brood bitches two to four weeks before breeding boosts maternal antibody levels and provides better protection for puppies. Suspect parvo in all pups with the abrupt onset of vomiting and diarrhea. The most efficient way to diagnose parvo is to identify either the virus or virus antigens in stools. An in-office blood serum test (ELISA) is available for rapid veterinary diagnosis. False negatives do occur. Virus isolation techniques are more precise, but require an outside laboratory. Treatment: Dogs with this disease require intensive veterinary management. In all but the most mild cases, hospitalization is essential to correct dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Intravenous fluids and medications to control vomiting and diarrhea are often required. More severe cases may require blood plasma transfusions and other intensive care. Puppies and dogs should not eat or drink until the vomiting has stopped. But require fluid support during that time. This can take three to five days. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent septicemia and other 13 bacterial complications, which are the usual cause of death. The outcome depends upon the virulence of the specific strain of parvovirus, the age and immune status of the dog, and how quickly the treatment is started. Most pups who are under good veterinary care recover without complications. Prevention: Thoroughly clean and disinfect the quarters of infected animals. Parvo is an extremely hardy virus that resists most household cleaners and survives on the premises for months. The most effective disinfectant is: Household bleach in a 1:32 dilution. The bleach must be left on the contaminated surface for 20 minutes before being rinsed. OUR HOT PIT BULL MOMMA OF THE MONTH SEND US A PHOTO OF YOUR GIRL FOR “LOCAL IS LEKKER” LOCAL IS LEKKER 51 15 Little bit of Botswana As in most countries, the American Pit Bull Terrier is a much feared breed in Botswana. This is mostly due to media perpetuating incidents where; dogs labelled as American Pit Bull Terrier’s, dogs that are cross bred and mutts have mauled and in extreme situations killed people. The community is mostly populated by young people who strive to improve the reputation of the breed across the country. They often do APBT walks that are mainly aimed at showing the general public that their dogs are not what the media perceives them to be. Since the APBT scene is quite new there has never been a pit bull show or registry until the African Pit Bull Registry. In yesteryears, there were registered dogs brought into the country, the “Tant’s Yellow” bloodline which were bred down from Import (RSA) Tant’s David R.O.M. Over the years more dogs have been brought into the country, most of which were scatter bred and sadly they were bred to local dogs of unknown pedigrees. Psychotic Kennels has brought some dogs of the “Southern Kennels Gr Ch Mayday R.O.M” bloodline into the country and as of late, there are a few individuals who are still bringing more registered dogs in the country. It is estimated that Botswana has only under 1000 American Pit Bull Terriers, majority of which are unregistered dogs. Article by: “M” “there has never been a pit bull show or registry until the African Pit Bull Registry” 16 INTERVIEW WITH GARY J. HAMMONDS When talking to somebody who owns a Pit Bull Terrier, it is unavoidable that the subject of pedigrees comes up. Pedigrees make up a very important aspect of breeding any type of animal, but especially so with high performance animals such as Pit Bull Terriers. When it comes to breeding and raising puppies into full grown healthy dogs some people seem to have more success than others. Anyone who has experience in the field will tell you that it takes a lot if time, money and patience along with plenty of common sense before any good results will come off. Unmistakably, Gary J. Hammonds from Texas is one of the very few that can look back at a very successful career, breeding a high percentage of good dogs. Some of the better known dogs that he bred are such as Frits Jansen’s Champion SPIKE, which turned out to be one of the best producing dogs in Europe. Ronnie Anderson’s Champion SPADE, Champion SMILEY and Champion GOOSE. But the dog that Gary gained most fame with is, without any doubt, the RUFUS dog who proved to be one of the best producing male dogs in the World. Gary is known to be a very scientific breeder and is most famous for his ALLIGATOR line of dogs which are still playing an important role in the breed- 71 17 ing program of many serious breeders around the world. During my trip through North Texas, I decided to look him up and ask him about his experience on the subject of breeding dogs. Upon arriving he spontaneously agreed on doing an interview. While Gary was finishing his last preparations for the weight pull of the following day, I Started to ask him the next question: Gary, why have you chosen to bred the ALLIGATOR bloodline? Years ago I had access to a bunch of dogs and I had mainly BRUNO/HEINZL dogs. I could have taken good BULLYSON and good CORVINO bred dogs, but I’ve seen the ALLIGATOR stuff and really liked what I saw. The main thing that I liked so much about these dogs; SOKO, RENEE and ALLIGATOR was that they were smart dogs, they were hard to hurt, and they were real Game dogs. This was 10 or 15 years ago. The mom and daddy to these dogs were not really impressive, they were NIGGER and SATIN LADY, but together they certainly produced some good dogs. I didn’t like either of them as individuals, but they sure produced. At this moment I have about one hundred and ten dogs and most are bred from this bloodline. Some people that I have spoken to told me that NIGGER was a Cur. What do you think about this? I’ve heard the same thing. I don’t know if it was true. But, too many people tell the same story that it had to be true. See NIGGER was one of the last of the Tudor stuff. NIGGER was heavy JEFF and BABY breeding, so when you got down to that end and 18 81 you wanted to breed to that stuff you were pretty much limited and NIGGER was, I suppose, the best producer of them all. How did you get started with these dogs? When I was 3 years old I had a Bulldog that saved my life. He pulled me out of a bar ditch that was flooding and without that dog I would have drowned. He was not a full blooded top line Pit Bull, but he was ¾ Pit and ¼ farm dog. He thought he was 100% Bulldog and looked like it too. He would jump on anything. His name was TIPP. That’s how I got Started with Pit Bulls and I have had a love affair with them ever since. How do you feel about heavy Inbreeding? I sure like Inbreeding. It’s a tool that if you take it a generation or two far you will lose what you are Inbreeding for. Those types, those characteristics that are linked with Inbreeding many times, are lost due to too heavy inbreeding. What do you do to prevent this from happening? With every generation you take a hard look at what you’ve got and you decide if the individuals from that generation are good enough to breed back to the previous generation, like; father to daughter, mother to son, or whatever and if you can’t justify it then you don’t need to carry it on any further. Although you could very easily cutcross in that generation, or even introduce a catalyst blood to that family of dogs to Keep it vigorous. you can do. 91 19 What’s the catalyst factor in your breeding program? I’ve used BULLYSON and BRUNO/HEINZL as the catalyst and with good results. Right now I’ve got a little stud dog that is out of the NIGERINO type stuff. JOLIE BLOND bred to MITZIE and I think that’s going to be a good catalyst along with the RALPH dog I have. He is down from PEDRO. I think either of these can be good catalyst blood. PEDRO is from that RASCAL type breeding and he was owned by GARNER. What is the main quality you are looking for in a stud dog? An ability to reproduce. The qualities that a dog has to have in today’s environment, whether it’s Pit environment, Catch Dog, Weight pull dog or whatever. The qualities I breed for are Gameness and INTELLIGENCE, a good example is GARY and CHRISTI ATHANS SAIGON. SAIGON is a tremendous weight pull dog and comes from a good family of dogs, he is straight out of my stuff. But you don’t see many of my dogs that are good weight pull dogs. There is a lot of growing interest in breeding dogs for weight pulls and etc…. It seems that most of these people are not interested in Gameness and other traditional qualities. No they aren’t. But of course there are a lot that are just Pulling dogs. For instance, a lot of weight pull dogs are straight stifled UKC type dogs that would have a hard time with the more fighting type dog whether it be a good fighting dog or not. At the APBA Nationals, I see more and more of the Pull dogs that look like I think he 20 02 the old fighting dogs with the roached back and long legs. Do you make a distinction between a fighting dog and a stud dog? In my opinion what you need in a stud dog, whether he is a fighting dog or not is a dog that can reproduce. Sound genetic structure both between the ears and in the heart, and also, the body has to be sound. Too many times people lose track of this and they breed to Champion so and so or Grand Champion etc… but because of their title it doesn’t mean they will be able to produce that type of dog. So what I look for in a stud dog is a relatively tight genetic pool, and a family rather than two or three good individuals. But that means you have to by pedigrees and you know as well as I do there are a lot of dogs out there with fake pedigrees on them! Yes, I use pedigrees a great deal, but it’s not just what you see on paper…. Like the dogs I’ve messed with, I’ve seen their grand-parents first hand, as well as the parents and other similar bred individuals and I’ve used those dogs instead of the dogs from another part of the country that I was not sure about the pedigree. About pedigrees. Practically all of your dogs go back to Maurice Carver stuff. There are a lot of rumours about him mixing up pedigrees when he was still alive. Since you work a great deal with pedigrees do you believe to know the true ancestry of your dog’s when it goes back to SATIN LADY for instance? I believe so and I’ll tell you why. It was too screwed up 21 12 of a breeding, as far as on paper, not to be the truth. If you look at SATIN LADY, she was a scatter bred Bitch out of IRONHEAD and BLACK BEAUTY. She was a big black Bitch and I asked Maurice about it on one of my visits to his place. I asked him; “Maurice why did you make a breeding like that?” And he said, “Well son, I tell you, I thought it be good.” Maurice had a way of mixing blood on papers and pedigrees and whatever it took to make it work. I think that part of the reason for Maurice putting out bogus pedigrees was to keep the secret to himself. I sincerely believe that the pedigrees on the dogs that I use to be right. If they’re not, it’s too late to worry about it anyway because I’m 3 or 4 generations away from what Maurice owned or sold to old man Williams, like the SATIN LADY Bitch and others, but I will say this, in the seventies Maurice Carver was the BEST breeder in the country. He bred more dogs in those years, first class dogs, than any other 5 top breeders in the country. But the pedigree thing I really sincerely believe it’s no more than Maurice’s way of keeping his secrets secret. He would sell you the cake, but Keep the recipe. What about your Howard Heinzl dogs? They were certainly good dogs but…. And I hate to say this, they lost a lot of what they were famous for in the sixties and seventies. It is no fault of Howard because he bred with some real good genetic back ground and put it together the way it was supposed to be. 22 22 I think he lived bred those dogs just too tight and they played out. It would click if you would cross it, but Heinzl kept it pure. The stuff he used before and what I liked so much was line bred; 50/50 Colby/ Dibo. That combination was hard to beat. My TAFFY Bitch was one of those combinations. She was a hell of a dog and I saw some more that were bred the same way that would make the owner proud. She was a double MUSTY bred dog off BAT and TWIGGY. Texas is a very big state with an awful lot of Bulldogs and a great number of dog men. Some claim the best dogs and breeders are in Texas. Do you agree with this? I think we have a tremendous base in Texas because there have been a great deal of breeding’s between the top dog men from Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana and to a lesser degree in Mexico. When you have a situation like this and the competition of the last 40 or 50 years right here in Texas between top dog men it’s only logical that you come up with some top notch bulldogs and dog men. Also, another thing that has made the Texas dogs so good is that several breeders from here went out to buy dogs from Corvino, Heinzl, Tudor, Kinard and Boudreaux. All these very good bloodlines were put together so it’s just the situation that arose. I’m sure at some time in history, there will be another spot in the world the dogs will be just as good as the dogs in Texas are right now, but they really have to do their work to get there. 32 23 24 42 From Mozambique Whilst sifting through my videos and pictures of apbts my contemplations have been on the APBR article and how I was going to introduce the Mozambican apbt community to our fellow Africans. Although the show apbt is more prevalent we have bonafide game dogs mainly imported from South Africa, in addition RM Kennels have imported dogs from Southern Kennels and German Croata Kennels. We have all kinds of pedigrees in Mozambique and dogmen have started to acquire more game dogs than the show dog variety. Currently dogmen are running dogs imported from Swaziland that are heavy in Big John and Teacher blood, dogs imported from South Africa, mainly the South African Yellow and Frisco lines and dogs from Ecuador, mainly the Vili-Mayday line. Weight pulling events are still few and far between, but the Moon/Mot line imported from SA through Toks is doing very well. So far Toks and his offspring have performed at a high level and showed gameness and grit. They capture the essence of what I believe to be the spirit of the American Pitbull Terrier. 25 52 Toks’ performances remind us of the great game dogs of the past like Jeep, Honey Bunch and Mayday to name a few. His loyalty, commitment to task, unadulterated will, intelligence and pure ability has made him famous amongst the apbt community in Mozambique. Generally Mozambicans love their dogs. We look at our game dogs as beloved children who will stand by us no matter what. Game magnificent beasts that are capable, intelligent, iron-willed and loyal to the core. Article by: RX 26 62 EDURO PITS It seems like just the other day myself and Wazeer were at one of the local dog shows in CPT where we started discussing how the shows are affecting the breed as a whole. We basically came to the conclusion that there is a big flaw in how the shows are put together (well according to us). Handlers were allowed to choose which events they would like to participate in instead of paying one fee and then giving them all a try. More and more people would only do the events that their dog excelled in which was defeating the purpose of having various events to test different aspects of your dog. We noticed that dogs were becoming much larger than we were used to seeing over the few years that we attended shows together. Many handlers were becoming obsessed with the weight pull event specifically and many breeding’s were based on the dam and sire’s weight pulling ability instead of all round performance. It appeared to us that the focus on Iron Dog has been lost. The term ALL ROUNDER has become a thing of the past. Since our discovery of this loophole at shows we brainstormed for over 3 years trying to figure out a way to ‘fix’ this issue and came up with a concept that would incorporate all the aspects of a ‘typical show’ but also focus more on the handler and dog relationship. We also had to work side by side with the Animal Cruelty Act to ensure ensure that we were in line with what they stipulated. We wanted to test the handler’s 27 72 knowledge on the various show apparatuses as well as the equipment needed to complete each task. We wanted to ensure that the handler could not push the dogs too far by letting them do all the work while the owner barks orders to the dog from the side-line. We wanted the handler to be there every step of the way thus ensuring that the handler also needs to be fit enough to see the dog through to each event. Our theory paid off when we witness a fit kickboxing champion with a well-conditioned dog loses to a ‘juicy healthy’ Rasta with a fit dog. Unlike a normal show nobody can tell which dog will take which event at the registration table in the morning of the event, the winner can be anyone present on that day. We have incorporated various time penalties as well for different events. In a nutshell it took us +-3 years to design a concept until we started building the equipment ourselves and taking the big plunge into the unknown which is the show world. We never wanted to be in competition with anyone and actually tried our best to deviate away from the ‘normal shows’. In essence we wanted to test the dogs under more pressure while testing the handler’s ability to handle their dog and their experience in conditioning them for the various events. What we have created is the Iron Man challenge but for both the handler and the dog. We would like to thank our committee members Elliott Swartz, Shadley Moosa and Enver Pockpass for all their hard work, time and effort put into ensuring that our Dream has become a reality. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting us thus far. Article by: Editor and Wazeer Khan & Olando Jacobs 28 Seadensun 29 29 Let’s start with my first encounter with a pit bull. I was still in school and had a dog named Dingo. Dingo was a cross between a Doberman and a ridgeback a very aggressive dog and that dog could jump any fence. Whenever there was a bitch on heat, dingo will go and sniff her out and he will always end up meeting other males that had the same intensions. In those days everyone knew who was living in the neighborhood and when the “you need to be dedicated” males started fighting for the bitch, we will get a call and that’s where my interest started, I liked the action. I moved to Pretoria when I was about 22 years old. My neighbor had and female pit bull carver/paladin bred dogs. They were very nicely structured and I had to get myself one. So when they had pups I bought one for a lot of money R100 LOL Needless to say I started with my pit bull that was named phisens. I exercised him and got him looking good for SA Federation Shows and he did very well, so I knew I had a pit bull. Phisens was very smart and muscular, a very nice looking dog like his Parents. I use to walk with him every day for exercise. One day while I was walking phisens, people left their gate open and out came a bull terrier but I was not worried because I had a pit bull terrier. I tried to chase the bull terrier away but like all bull terriers they wanted action so phisens and the bull terrier grabbed each other. It took 5minutes for the bull terrier to make old phisens scream like a baby LOL and then I saw it doesn’t mean anything having a pit bull, you have to have the right one LOL. So my quest started for the real pit bull not just a pretty dog that does well on pit bull shows. It was about 8 years later that I got the right people with the right dogs, dogs that been tested and bred like a pit bull should be, not just for conformation, hanging or jumping abilities but for gameness and that’s how I started. I Got GRCh Gritler ROM when I was 29 years old. I heard from a friend Mr. Midnight sun that sigmersons kennels was moving to Australia and selling all his dogs and I was interested. I met sigmersons and asked him to show me his dogs that he was selling, there was nothing that caught my interest, then he showed me dogs that he was going to give to his friend and there was gritler standing a 6month old pup. I said to him I wanted that pup and he said that pup was going to one of his best friends and he was not going to sell him. I thanked him and said I don’t want any of his other dogs, as I left sigmer- 31 31 sons and Midnight talked and because of sigmersons going overseas he needed the money and said to midnight sun that I can get that little yellow pup for R1000, then they called me back and sold gritler to me. I started taking Gritler to shows, he was a beautiful dog and did very well at the shows, so I made him a show champion. Gritler was a dog that was always very proud and I can remember he was about 10 months old when he and a female I had out of Ch little boy got stuck into each other. She was a year and a half and much bigger then Gritler, well I thought she was going to hurt my little Gritler, it turn out to be that Gritler wasn’t just a show dog. He put her on her back and had her screaming and in 5min I knew he was something else. Gritlers Career started when he was 1 Year and 5months old, he was very smart and had a lot of stamina and gameness. He was also a very calm dog that did not go and look for any trouble but he was always ready to go when trouble was looking for him LOL. He was my house dog. Since his departure I never had a dog like him again, up till today. Most of the things I know of conditioning I learned from the dogmen I met, they will give me some information on how to condition and I say some, because if a dogman got something that he thinks might work for him he won’t share it unless he is a very good friend of yours, the rest is common sense, think for yourself. If you want to get into the game the advice I can give don’t keep many dogs because a game dog needs to be kept busy every day. You can walk with him, take him for a ride, flirt him, run him but do something with him every day, you need be dedicated. You cannot have a game bred dog and feed him low quality Food every day and when you get him hooked up start feeding him good food. It’s like bruce fordyce doing the comrades, he doesn’t eat hamburgers every day till 3 months before the comrades and only then start exercing amd eating healthy. You will never know if a pup is going to be a good dog or not but your percentage is better if you buy a tested male and female. And that’s about all I can tell. I can give a lot more advice by talking to you, I’m not really a good writer LOL Article by: BSK 33 Art of the Month To get your own art work Reece Walton Cell : 0832875793 34 HISTORY In 1835 the British Parliament outlawed bull baiting, a sadistic gambling game in which bulldogs were used to attack and harass bulls brought to market with the dubious intention of tenderizing the meat. The dog would assault the bull, avoid the stomping hooves and slashing horns, grab a tender nose or ear, and hang on until the bull collapsed. Commoners and royalty alike sought diversion from the violence and diseases of their day by attending these bloody spectacles until a public outcry forced Parliament to take a stand. Once bull baiting was banned, dog breeders who appreciated the fierceness, courage, and tenacity of the bull dogs turned their attentions to breeding dogs for dog fighting. They began with the bull dog, mixed in some terrier blood, and produced the Bull and Terrier, a dog that met all of their expectations. The Bull and Terrier was bred for aggression to other dogs, unrelenting bravery, a high pain threshold, a willingness to fight to the end, and an affection for people. Bull and Terrier dogs came to the US in the early 1800s as all-around farm dogs and frontier guardians. Samuel Clemons featured a pup of this breed in his short book The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. 35 53 The United Kennel Club recognized the Bull and Terrier Dog as the American Pit Bull Terrier in 1898. Buster Brown shoes put its mascot in every shoe with the image of Tige, an American Pit Bull Terrier, to enhance its image as a sturdy, dependable shoe. RCA used Nipper, a pit bull of unknown ancestry, to illustrate the clarity of sound emanating from its phonograph — after all, it could fool the loyal pit bull into thinking he heard “his master’s voice” in person. The breed was used to illustrate American neutrality without fear in 1914, the toughness of Levi jeans, and as a”defender of Old Glory.” The AKC eschewed breeds called “pit bulls” until 1936, when it recognized the American Pit Bull Terrier under the alias Staffordshire Terrier, named after the miners of Staffordshire, England, who had a hand in developing the breed for the fighting pit. The name was changed in 1972 to the American Staffordshire Terrier to distinguish the breed from the Staffordshire Bull Terrier of England, the ancestor of the American dogs, which was recognized by AKC in 1974. The British version of the dog is 14-16 inches tall and weighs up to 45 pounds. The American cousin is 18-19 inches tall and weighs up to 80 pounds. UKC’s American Pit Bull Terrier is preferred to range from 30-60 pounds with females generally, but not necessarily, smaller than males.Staffs, AmStaffs, and APBTs produced by responsible breeders are bred for temperament. Many dogs of these breeds are therapy dogs; some do quite well in obedience. 63 36 Editors Letter I was so excited to start writing again that I totally forgot how much planning and research goes into running a magazine. It’s always a pleasure to write about pit bulls and to share information with people that want grow and expand their knowledge, by doing all of the above it stimulates my mind as well. I have notice a lot of false information is being shared over social media and this is causing a lot frustration because you all of a sudden have people who join the pit bull community and seem to know everything. My ever end is these fools that have dogs for 2 years and call them self, pit bull experts, making video clips looking like gangsters yet they have never owned a real pit bull. Don’t get me started on the greenies, they seem to believe pit bulls were bred to get along. If you are brave and have money for vet bills by all means try it otherwise keep them separated at all times. We need to realise not everyone is for the breed and will do everything in their power to destroy the APBT however we won’t go down without a fight. I want challenge every single pit bull owner to be responsible, do your research, make sure when you walk you dogs that you know what to do should some dog decide to attack your pit bull. Take good care of you pit bulls, don’t give anyone ammunition to bad mouth our breed and to point fingers at the pit 73 37 bull community. Clean up you yard, disinfect it, by doing all these things it creates a positive image, it might not look so but should the spca decide to visit your yard, at least you know you don’t have to panic because you yard is in order. Always remember the following, you don’t know who might be watching you. See you self as an ambassador, you don’t need someone cyber dogger or money greed breeder to ordain you as one, you automatically become one when you have the breeds interest at heart. Most importantly don’t be a cyber dogger, as mentioned social media created a very negative image over the last few years, especially Facebook, if you one of them then you need to stop right now, and pledge to only post positive things that will positively promote our breed. If you a new pit bull owner I will advise you to get involve with pit bull shows, I can guarantee you, you will learn a lot at shows , by saying this, I want to also advise you not to get get involve with show politics, do it for your dogs and not for someone else’s ego. I hope you enjoy this month’s edition of our magazine and if you have any suggestions don’t hesitate to email us THE EDITOR 83 APBR To advertise in the Magazine [email protected] Website Editorial Submissions: [email protected] To advertise your business/Kennel/ Public Stud on the front page of our online Pedigree databse or to advertise your adult/puppy or other Pit Bull related item in our classifieds area [email protected] 93
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