Communication and Perception


Communication and Perception
Chapter Four
Communication and Perception
Emma, Peyton, Avery
● that which is known to be true on the basis of observation
● examples
○ you see a dog carrying a bone. the statement “That dog is
carrying a bone.” would be a fact.
○ you see a person wearing a hat. the statement “that person is
wearing a hat.” would be a fact.
● the process by which we make sense out of experiences
● what occurs in our “real world” may be quite different from what
we perceive to occur
○ Example
○ when i look at this picture, i see a vase but you could see two
faces or a vase.
● a biased, negative attitude toward a particular group of people
● a negative prejudgment based on membership in a social category
○ examples
○ many cat lovers are prejudice towards dogs because they love
cats too much
● A generalization about people, places, or events held by many
members of a society.
● Stereotypes make us ignore many differences in the people, places,
or events that set them apart from the stereotyped group we have
put them in.
● When we stereotype, we judge people on the basis of what we
believe about the group we have put them in.
Virtual Reality
● An environment that exists as data in a computer system.
● because virtual reality can look so real, People using computers
must be able to look closer at what they see instead of just
accepting that what is on the screen is true.
Stage Fright
● Nervousness before or during an appearance in front of an
● May cause: fast breathing/heart rate, dry mouth, shaking,
cold/sweaty hands, and nausea.
Fight or Flight Response
● the instinctual response of all mammals in a threatened
environment in which they stay and ‘fight’ or they leave
the situation
● examples
○ a deer in headlights
○ Avery running into a football player
● An extreme or irrational fear of something
● A strong dislike of something
● Examples
○ Pagophobia; Fear of frost or ice
○ Ideophobia; Fear of ideas
○ Cacophobia; fear of ugliness
○ glossophobia: fear of public speaking
● fear, stage fright, a chemical release by the body when you’re
afraid, or moments of stress or elation.
● Examples
○ makes your palms sweat
○ your eyes dilate
○ causes fight or flight
Halo Effect
● The perceiving of qualities that are primarily positive
● Examples
○ when you like someone, you tend to only see their positive
Horn Effect
● The perceiving of qualities that are primarily negative
● Examples
○ if you hate someone, you automatically notice every negative
tendency they have
difference Between halo and
horn effect
In the picture to the left,
both the halo and the horn
effect are shown. the
smiling egg to the left is
experiencing the halo
effect, while the glaring
egg is experiencing the horn