Embajada Británica
Embajada Británica
El Cambio Climático y las Acciones del Reino Unido www.ukinmexico.fco.gov.uk El Cambio Climático y las Acciones del Reino Unido •El Cambio Climático es una de las amenazas más grandes que enfrentamos actualmente. Va a impactar la seguridad, la prosperidad y la equidad en el siglo. •Hemos logrado reducir las emisiones más del 20% por debajo de los niveles de 1990. www.ukinmexico.fco.gov.uk El Cambio Climático y las Acciones del Reino Unido •Cambiar de carbón a gas, •Eficiencia energética •Régimen de Comercio de Derechos de Emisión de la Unión Europea •Reducción de subsidios e incrementarlos impuestos a la energía/combustibles www.ukinmexico.fco.gov.uk El Cambio Climático y las Acciones del Reino Unido •El crecimiento verde es el futuro •El crecimiento verde es muy posible en México. Mckinseys estima que México puede reducir sus emisiones alrededor de 30% con ganancias o cero perdidas. •El Reino Unido va a ser un líder. Va a reducir sus emisiones en 80% para el 2025. •Una gran parte de esto será gracias a más renovables, más energía nuclear y mayor eficiencia energética. •El liderazgo político es vital, ese es nuestro trabajo. www.ukinmexico.fco.gov.uk Acciones locales Esquemas Bajos en Carbono Low Carbon Framework LCF •Los low carbon frameworks (esquemas bajos en carbono) son un muy buen ejemplo de lo que hacen los gobiernos locales en el Reino Unido. •Se escogieron 9 áreas con 30 gobiernos locales como piloto para realizar una serie de casos de estudio en diferentes temas relacionados al cambio climático. •Representan una variedad de escalas, tipos de municipio, geografía y niveles de avance en temas de cambio climático. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA) Leeds City Region Northumberland County Council Nottingham City Council Bristol City Council Oxford City Council The London Borough of Haringey Plymouth Borough Council The Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole Multi-area agreement. Esquemas Bajos en Carbono Low Carbon Framework LCF La meta de los 9 pilotos fue: •Integrar medidas para combatir el cambio climático en las actividades diarias de los municipios como ejemplo para las empresas, comercios y vecindarios. •Alinear las políticas de reducción de carbono al crecimiento de la economía verde y la eficiencia del sector publico. •Optimizar las contribuciones del municipio a los inventarios nacionales de carbono. Y asegurar que estos inventario se vean reflejados en la agenda lo cal del gobierno. Esquemas Bajos en Carbono Low Carbon Framework LCF •explorar las barreras y obstáculos que limitan a las autoridades locales para tomar decisiones. •entender que es lo que se necesita para crear estrategias • lograr compromisos por parte de todos los actores involucrados. Se hicieron mas de 40 casos de estudios enfocados entre otras cosas en : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Remodelación de vivienda y el pacto verde Cambiar las actitudes de la comunidad Reducir el uso del automóvil Cambio climático Generación sustentable de energía Estos ejemplos demuestran como los gobiernos locales son actores clave para ayudar a combatir el cambio climático. Mas información en: http://www.local.gov.uk/web/10161/topicclimate-change//journal_content/56/10161/3225665/ARTICLETEMPLATE For further information, please visit: www.ukinmexico.fco.gov.uk Prosperity Fund 2012-2013 For further information, please visit: www.ukinmexico.fco.gov.uk ANNEX 6 FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD BIDDING ROUND PROJECT DISTRIBUTION SCRUTINIZING LEGISLATION CC AND MIGRATION G20 SECONDEE CAR REDUCTION STRATEGIES ENVIRONMENTAL CLIMATE ACTION ASSESMENT PLANS TAX EXPENDITURE BUDGET URBAN COMPETITIVENESS INDEX MACROPRUDENTIAL INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS INDEX CC BUSSINESS LEADERS GROUP CLIMATE CHANGE CAPACITY BUILDING IN SEMARNAT CITIES VULNERABILITY INDEX BUILDING RESILIENT CITIES PROSPERITY OUTREACH CAMPAIGN PROSPERITY FUND CARBON TRUST MEXICO WATER AND ENERGY USE GREEN GROWTH ECONOMIC REFORM CIDAC-MINISTRY OF ECONOMY GREEN LOANS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER COMPETITIVE NO MORE ENERGY MARKETS SUBSIDIES SUSTAINABLE LAND USE ENERGY SECURITY SOLAR ENERGY FOR NEW CONSTRUCTIONS GREEN MORTGAGEHOUSING APRIL 2011-MARCH 2012 ANNEX 8 PREVIOUS AND ONGOING PROJECT WORK SPF 2008-2011 AND PROSPERITY FUND FY 2011-2012 Tax Expenditure Budget Strengthening fiscal policy, including broadening the tax base and reducing inefficient subsidies. Toolkit for Improving Sub national Public Expenditure in Mexico Non more regressive subsidies International Competitiveness Index Increase competitiveness in key sectors (financial services, communication and labour market reform) Urban Competitiveness Index Setting new Records: Improving Jalisco’s Competitiveness Advising Competition in Mexico ECONOMIC REFORM Planning and implementation of reform of the regulatory environment to promote business opportunities. Going Deeper: Promoting Competitive Markets. Increasing commitment to open markets and free trade. (reform of customs procedures) Assisting the Mexican authorities to promote economic reforms and a stable economy. Review, analysis and recommendations for the national innovation programme. Promoting transparency, including public services and open/competitive tendering/bribery. PROSPERITY FUND 2011-2012 STRATEGIC PROJECT FUND 2008-2011 Building a stronger economy through developing policies promoting a highly skilled labour force, intellectual property and a stronger science and research and development base. Technical Assistance to the Ministry of the Economy in the implementation of a national technology transfer program and design of an angel/seed capital promotion agenda. Technical assistance to the ministry of economy in the development and implementation of a national innovation programme. ANNEX 8 PREVIOUS AND ONGOING PROJECT WORK SPF 2008-2011 AND PROSPERITY FUND FY 2011-2012 Analysis and planning for future energy security needs Promoting fuel efficiency standards and best practice Analysing and promoting smart grid technology Promoting biofuel research and implementation Building the evidence base and promoting trials of technologies related to carbon capture, storage and use technologies ENERGY SECURITY Green Growth for the Mexican housing market: Developing a unified, multi-agency methodology for measuring, certifying and promoting energy efficiency in the Mexican housing market. Solar Energy for New Construction Planning and implementation of energy efficiency projects Promoting and implementing low carbon and renewal energy strategies Strengthening Mexican Energy Efficiency Statistics and Indicators Carbon Trust More efficient consumption of energy, including reducing and eliminating inefficient subsidies PROSPERITY FUND 2011-2012 STRATEGIC PROJECT FUND 2008-2011 Converting Waste to Energy, including biomass Environmental best practice of energy exploration and exploitation No more regressive subsides ANNEX 8 PREVIOUS AND ONGOING PROJECT WORK SPF 2008-2011, PROSPERITY FUND FY 2011-2012 Planning and implementation on climate security issues including disaster relief, migration, water stress and government capacity Climate Change National Security: Mexican Cities’ and vulnerability Index Climate Change, migration and security: Best practice policy and operational options for Mexico Climate related Impacts on state stability and national security in in Mexico and Central America Municipal Climate Action Plans Creating a Toolkit for climate state action plan Strengthening capacity to adapt to climate change Development of State level action plans in Chiapas, Nuevo Leon and Veracruz Environmental Performance Review (EPR) of Mexico CLIMATE CHANGE Mainstreaming Climate Change in Mexico Building Resilient and Competitive Cities: Knowledge, Mobility Actions, and Policy Reforms. Planning and promoting public transport solutions Car Use Reduction Strategies in Mexican Cities. Fostering Mexican Policy, Projects and Action for Low Carbon, competitive urban growth Optimal land-use strategy in Mexico balancing livestock production and ecosystem services PROSPERITY FUND 2011-2012 STRATEGIC PROJECT FUND 2008-2011 Climate change actions that also benefit biodiversity and preserving the environment Building the case and confidence for policies to incentivise more efficient use of water and energy and sustainable farming REDD National Strategy Impacts of Climate Change on Quality of Water ANNEX 8 PREVIOUS AND ONGOING PROJECT WORK SPF 2008-2011, PROSPERITY FUND FY 2011-2012 Mexico as a regional and world leader on climate change. Scrutinizing Legislation on the Mexican Congress Promoting policies that effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions Promoting private sector involvement at the national and international level to enhance a transition to a sustainable and low carbon development. Planning and implementation of green growth initiatives, and promote green growth internationally. Encouraging scientific collaboration and low carbon innovation . STRATEGIC PROJECT FUND 2008-2011 Promote the creation of green jobs and the use of energy efficient technologies in rural Mexico through the design and development of specialized financial products focused on energy efficient investments financed by FINRURAL Mexico Business Leaders Group on Climate Change Assessing the economic implications of CC in Mexico CLIMATE CHANGE PROSPERITY FUND 2011-2012 Building Consensus to formulate national legislation that improves global climate security Planning and delivery of a domestic strategy on sustainable development. Mexico helps shape a successful outcome for the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) To establish a Mexican business consolidated strategic approach on energy and climate Technical Assistance for Mexico’s Green Growth Plan ANNEX 9 CURRENT PARTNERS NGO’S UNIVERSITIES GOVERNMENT Timeline Deadline Activity 18th January Call for concept bids 10th February Deadline to submit concept bids 16th February 21st-22nd February 8th March Programme Team notification to Implementers announcing results Training sessions for implementers at the British Embassy Deadline to submit full bids