CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office


CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office
2012-2013 | ANNUAL REPORT
02 About CCPIT
04 Leadership
08 Striving to Advance, Renewing A New Chapter
12 Important Events
60 Introduction of Main Departments
70 Structure of CCPIT
78 List of Business Activities in 2014
2012-2013 | ANNUAL REPORT
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, abbreviated as CCPIT, comprises VIPS, enterprises
and organizations representing the economic and trade sectors in China. CCPIT is dedicated to operating and
promoting foreign trade, using foreign investment, introducing advanced foreign technologies and conducting
activities of Sino-foreign economic and technological cooperation in various forms, so as to promote the mutual
understanding and friendship among the people and business communities all over the world, in line with law
and government policies of the People’s Republic of China as well as the international practice.
Established in May 1952, CCPIT has made great contributions to the friendly exchanges and especially to
the development of economic and trade relations between China and other countries and region for the past
60 years in accordance with the changes of domestic and overseas situations and the actual requirements at
different times. CCPIT is regarded as an important bridge and platform for Sino-foreign communication among
the business circles.
With the approval of the Chinese government, the CCPIT started to adopt a separate name – China Chamber
of International Commerce (CCOIC)- in 1988. From 1995, CCPIT established the Affiliate of International
Chamber of Commerce in China (ICC China). In 2005, CCOIC became an association under the supervision of
CCPIT. In December 2007, CCOIC has commenced the first general assembly.
By now, CCPIT is one of the most important and the largest institution for the promotion of foreign trade in
China with substantial international influence. CCPIT has established wide connections with more than 200
business communities in all over the world, signed cooperation agreements with more than 300 organizations,
initiated 34 multilateral or bilateral regional cooperation mechanism, established 21 bilateral business
councils, joined many important international organizations including International Chamber of Commerce,
World Intellectual Property Organization, International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property,
Licensing Executives Society International, International Maritime Committee, Union of International Fairs,
International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions, Pacific Basin Economic Council, etc. CCPIT
has representative offices in 17 countries and regions, 50 sub-councils in the provinces, autonomous regions
and municipalities directly under the central governments, 826 branches, 22 sector-oriented sub-councils such
as in the fields of electronics and machinery. CCPIT has attracted more than 110,000 member companies.
Today, CCPIT has established an all-around service network, which can give assistance to companies during
their whole operation process, including research and field studies, business match-making, promotion and
propaganda, certificates of clearance, consultancy and training, Intellectual Property Protection, and disputes
settlement. CCPIT voices for the business communities and provides professional services to enterprise who
wish to explore the international markets.
In the new era, CCPIT will transform and upgrade itself in the international economic integration, build the
platform for international trade and investment, so as to commit itself to the communication and cooperation
for trade and investment between China and the rest of the world.
2012-2013 | ANNUAL REPORT
Jiang Zengwei
CCPIT Chairman
Mr. Jiang Zengwei, who began his career in Aug 1968, serves as Chairman of the China Council for the
Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and the China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC)
since 2014.
Mr. Jiang’s major experiences are as follows:
1980-1988: Working in the Ministry of Commerce successively as section member, Deputy Director and Director
1988-1993: Working in China Business and Foreign Trade Corporation successively as Deputy Director General and Director General
1993-1998: Working in the Ministry of Internal Trade as Director General
1998-2000: Working in the State Bureau of Internal Trade
2000-2005: Working in the State-owned Large Enterprises Supervision and Administration Commission as Chairman
2005-2014: Serving as Vice Minister and Member of the CPC Leadership Group of the Ministry of Commerce
Mr Jiang is a native of Longkou of Shandong Province. He was born in May 1953, and joined the
CPC in Nov 1971. He graduated from Foreign Language Department of Heilongjiang University and
received a Doctor’s Degree of Science and Technology in China University of Mining Technology.
Mr. Zhang Wei began his career in August 1975 and once served in the countryside as an educated urban youth and
later worked in a factory. Mr. Zhang serves as Vice Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International
Trade (CCPIT) and China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) since 2003.
Mr. Zhang’s past career experiences include:
-Deputy Secretary General of the Student Federation of Shandong Province
-Deputy Secretary General of the Party Committee of Wenshang County in Shandong Province
-Deputy Secretary General of Shandong Youth League
-Vice Chairman of Shandong Youth Federation and concurrently Chairman of Junior Entrepreneurs’ Association of
Shandong Province
-Director of Agriculture Finance Division, Department of Finance and Taxation in Hainan Province
-Deputy Director General of the Department and concurrently head of Xinghua Company; Deputy Director General
of Hainan Provincial Bureau of Revenue
Zhang Wei
CCPIT Vice Chairman
-the Executive Deputy Director General of the Agriculture Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation
-Director General of the General Office of the State Administration of Taxation
Mr. Zhang’s current other positions include:
-Executive Director of the China Taxation Society -Director of China Finance Society
-Executive Director of China Law Society (Law of Finance and Taxation)
-Vice-Chairman of China International Taxation Research Institute.
Mr. Zhang was born in July 1958 in Ju County, Shandong Province. He graduated from the College of Accounting,
Shanghai Finance and Economic University, and the Law School of the Yale University with a Doctor’s degree in
administration and also holds the certificate of Professor and Researcher.
Mr. Yu Ping serves as Vice Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and the
China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) since 2003. Mr. Yu began his career at the Ministry of Foreign
Trade of China in 1976, and has worked at the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade since 1977.
Mr. Yu’s current and past social positions include:
-Chairman, Chinese Business Council, Shanghai Cooperation Organization
-Chairman, East Asia Business Council (2006, 2012)
-Vice Chairman, Pacific Basin Economic Council (2012)
-Lead Shepard, APEC Working Group on Trade Promotion (2004)
-Member of Trade & Investment Taskforce, The Business 20 (2012)
-Co-Chair of Trade Taskforce, The Business 20 (2013, 2014)
-Vice President, AIPPI China
-President, LES China
Yu Ping
-Vice President, China-Russia Friendship Association
CCPIT Vice Chairman
-Member of the Board, China-Japan Friendship Association
-Member of the Board, Chinese People’s Institute for Foreign Affairs
-Chief Delegate of China, International Bureau of Expositions
Mr. Yu’s working positions at CCPIT are as follows:
-Deputy Director and Director of the Division of European Affairs, the Department of International Relations,
CCPIT 1985-90.
-Deputy Director General and Director General of the Department of International Relations, CCPIT 1990-95.
-The CCPIT US Chief Representative 1995-1999.
-Deputy Secretary General and Director General of the Personnel Department, CCPIT 1999-2003.
Mr. Yu graduated from the English Department of the Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages in 1975. He later
completed training in the advanced studies program in international trade at the Graduate School of the Chinese
Academy of Social Sciences. In 2004, he received an MBA degree from Fordham after completing the post
graduate course run by BiMBA and Fordham in Beijing.
Mr. Yu studied literature and English courses at the Bayero University, Nigeria on government exchange program
CCPIT Leadership
Mr. Wang Jinzhen began his career in 1976 in Shanghai Fengxianxinghuo farmland, joined CCPIT in 1979 and now
serves as Vice Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and China Chamber of
International Commerce (CCOIC) since 2006.
Mr. Wang’s past working positions in CCPIT are as follows:
-Deputy Director of the Foreign Exchange Department, China International Economic and Technical Cooperation
Consultants Inc. -Deputy Director, Director, Deputy Director General and Director General of International
Relations Department.
-Secretary General of ICC China
-Deputy Secretary General, Spokesman of CCPIT
-Secretary General of CCPIT
-General Director of the General Office
Mr. Wang’ current social positions include:
Wang Jinzhen
CCPIT Vice Chairman
-Chief Delegate of China to the Bureau of International Exhibitions (BIE)
-Vice-Chairman of China Eco-Culture Association
-a member of China-India Eminent Persons’ Group
-Director of the Institute of Foreign Affairs.
Mr. Wang was born in Shanghai in September 1957. He graduated from the Interpreter Training Class for UN in
Beijing Foreign Studies University and in 1977 he resumed his study in Beijing Foreign Trade College. Mr. Wang
received Special Governmental Subsidy from the State Council in 2000.
Striving to Advance, Renewing A New Chapter
2012-2013 | ANNUAL REPORT
Striving to Advance, Renewing A New Chapter
By Jiang Zengwei
In 2013, facing continuous downturn in international economy, CCPIT tried its best to enhance cooperation and communication
between Chinese and foreign enterprises in a more active and efficient way. In coordination with “Summit Diplomacy”, it received
15 visiting delegations of entrepreneurs accompanying foreign leaders and organized 8 delegations accompanying Chinese state
leaders’ visit abroad. It arranged 25 activities for Chinese state leaders; hosted 76 visiting delegations; organized 67 outbound
delegations; attended 41 international meetings; organized 34 economic forums, fairs and seminars; signed 58 cooperation
agreements, with a total amount of 17.6 billion USD. It implemented 32 overseas exhibitions, with a result of 559 million USD
foreign trade and economic cooperation agreement. Meanwhile, CCPIT issued 3,750,000 copies of licenses and certificates; handled
1757 commercial mediation cases. The CCPIT network at all levels completed 1848 "going global" projects and 6018 "bringing in"
1. Making mechanism platform play an active role and serving major national deployment
Actively implementing “Summit Diplomacy”, organizing large-scale business delegations accompanying Chinese state
leader’s visit and hosting business delegations led by foreign state leaders
In 2013, CCPIT organized 8 delegations of Chinese entrepreneurs accompanying Chinese state leaders, such as President Xi Jinping,
Premier Li Keqiang etc, and set up high-level, deeply-involved and widely-spread platforms for Chinese state leaders to elaborate
on Chinese foreign policies. In addition, it hosted 15 business delegations accompanying heads of state of foreign governments
from Korea, Britain, Ukraine etc and organized 12 economic and trade forums, which reached the maximum amount in recent years.
CCPIT also arranged 25 meetings or events involving Chinese state leaders. Especially, it actively arranged meetings with Chinese
state leaders for organizations and multi-national enterprises from USA, Britain, France and Canada etc in order to increase friendly
groups in western societies who knew China well and were friendly to China.
Setting up communication and cooperation platform using bilateral, multilateral mechanism
In 2013, CCPIT gave full play to 34 regional and sub-regional cooperation mechanisms and 21 bilateral business councils, and
carried out 17 business events, such as the 9th China-EU Business Summit, the 7th China-Latin America Business Summit, the
10th China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, Business Forum for Economic and Commercial Cooperation Between China
and the Portuguese Speaking Countries etc. It also convened 7 meetings of bilateral business councils, such as China- Kazakhstan
Business Council and China- Philippines Business Council etc.
Carrying out economic activities in line with national diplomatic deployment and enhancing cooperation with key nations
and economies
In 2013, while consolidating and improving existing bilateral, multilateral cooperation mechanism, CCPIT seriously researched on
economic situation in key nations and economies and continuously enriched economic promotion methods and contents. It had made
new breakthroughs in promoting economic communication and cooperation between China and key nations, such as USA, Russia,
Japan, Europe and Britain. It also enhanced mutual understanding and cooperation between China and these nations. Besides, CCPIT
actively implemented the meeting spirit of foreign policies with neighboring countries, and organized 9 Chinese business delegations
to neighboring countries in Asia and Europe in order to strengthen cooperation between China and neighboring countries.
Carrying out economic and trade promotion activities with Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan
In 2013, CCPIT held several high-level meetings with Taiwan World Trade Center, and helped it to organize 5 Taiwan Trade Fairs. It
strengthened cooperation with Taiwan’s economic organizations and organized several exhibitions in Taiwan, including Cross-Strait
Cycle Exhibition, Cross-Strait Sports Exhibition, Cross-Strait Computer Exhibition etc. CCPIT also strengthened its work towards
Hong Kong and Macau and its law department co-organized business seminar with Hong Kong Chinese Chamber of Commerce. It
hosted China-Portuguese Speaking Countries Business Conference & Development Fund Business Matching.
Creating new pattern for foreign-aid training
In 2013, CCPIT organized 4 foreign-aid training programs for chamber of commerce and industry from African, South-Pacific,
Central and Eastern European, Arabic countries. It created new training pattern and set up communication and cooperation platform
for students from foreign chamber of commerce and Chinese local
governments and enterprises.
2. Highlighting innovation and Making new progress in
exhibition administration and organization
In 2013, CCPIT made an emphasis on innovation and successfully
performed exhibitions tasks entrusted by the State Council. It completed
32 overseas exhibition projects, namely, one solo exhibition in one
country without diplomatic relation, three solo exhibitions in countries
with diplomatic relations, one exhibition in traditionally friendly country
and 27 other exhibitions, with a total exhibition space of 33,287 square
meters, 1,481 participating companies, 24,400 visitors and contract value
of 559 million USD.
Successfully participating in well-known professional exhibitions
CCPIT organized Chinese companies to participate in a series of highlevel, large-scale and influential professional exhibitions, and improved
overall image and influence of Chinese exhibition delegation. It also
assisted some Chinese companies in exhibiting in professional pavilion
and special booth pavilion.
Actively developing private-label exhibition
CCPIT organized the 2nd INDO ICON/ BIMEX in cooperation with
CCPIT Machinery Industry Sub-Council and China Machinery Industry
Federation, China Commodities Exhibition in Bombay in cooperation
with CCPIT Guangdong Sub-Council and CCPIT Commercial SubCouncil, and China Cycle International Exhibition in Vietnam in
cooperation with Chinese Cycling Association.
Strengthening service and guidance to the exhibition sector
CCPIT strengthened innovation in administration and tried hard
to involve administration in service. It made special supervision
of exhibitions where intellectual property rights disputes occurred
frequently and excluded companies which had involved in property
rights disputes from overseas exhibitions. It organized training in cities,
like Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Ningbo etc and helped exhibitors to better
understand how to avoid and resolve intellectual property rights disputes.
CCPIT tried hard to establish service and supporting information
platform for exhibition.
3. Making new progress in serving local governments and
enterprises in line with national industry policies and foreign
trade policies.
In 2013, CCPIT provided more pragmatic services for local governments
and enterprises.
Continuously developing “going out” service platform
Based on surveys of enterprises and demands of market, CCPIT invited
CNOOC to deliver a speech on Chinese Enterprise Outbound Investment
Conference and share “going out” experience and lessons. While adding
Hungary and South Asia sections to the conference, it strengthened
cooperation with Hungary National Association of Entrepreneurs
· 10
and Employers, Estonian Investment Agency and Invest in Catalonia
and expanded “going out” service platform. In 2013, the conference
recommended 339 investment programs and organized 18 parallel
sessions nationwide.
Promoting import of key industries
CCPIT organized a series of import fairs for high-tech manufacturing
industry, new energy, new materials, bio-medicine and raw materials,
including the 2nd China International Import Conference, China
(Guangxi) International Mining Import Fair, the 2nd China Import
Expo etc. The 2nd China Import Expo won the second prize in “Best
International Project” in 2013 World Chambers Congress and was the
first Chinese project to win the award. It also had been listed in global
exhibition promotion plan by American Ministry of Commerce.
Strengthening service trade promotion
Focusing on the Outline of the 12th Five-Year Plan for Development of
Trade in Services, CCPIT hosted China Creative Design Week, China
International Fair for Trade in Services and China International Service
Outsourcing Cooperation Conference. It organized China Household
Creative Design Seminar in Chengdu and itinerant exhibition of “Crane
Award” prizewinning products in Fuzhou and Shenzhen.
Enhancing enterprises’ ability of international operation
CCPIT utilized its trade promotion resources and channels to enhance
Chinese enterprises’ ability of international operation. It actively
established service network and provided information service for
enterprises. It created training brand and provided high-level training
for enterprises. CCPIT signed agreement with ITC to set up national
center for corporation development. It also helped enterprises to
increase export competitiveness, explore overseas market and increase
internationalization level through training, business fair and e-commerce.
Utilizing the advantage of China Chamber of International
Commerce and promoting local economy development
Focusing on key industries, CCOIC cooperated with local governments
and brought international resources to local governments. It organized
several economic and trade activities in Guangzhou, Langfang,
Wuxi and Suifenhe, including China•Guangzhou International LowCarbon Environment Protection Products and Technology Exhibition,
China•Langfang International Organic Food Exhibition, China
International New Energy Car Industry Promotion Week, China•Suifenhe
Port Trade Exposition and China International Port Development Forum.
All these activities were highly commended by local governments
and became important methods for local governments to develop key
4. Improving international clout and making new progress in
becoming the voice of business
In 2013, CCPIT actively became the voice of Chinese business
community in the international arena following the requirement of the
State Council.
Striving to Advance, Renewing A New Chapter
Actively expressing the voice of Chinese business community from
non-governmental channel
After the EU launched countervailing-duty and anti-dumping
investigations to Chinese solar products, CCOIC closely followed
development of the issue and organized members to deal with the issue
actively. In May, Vice Chairman of CCOIC, who also was the Chairman
of China Energy-Saving Group, sent a letter to the Chairman of ICC and
hoped that ICC would exert influence and support China’s position. ICC
delivered a public statement, in which ICC supported China’s position
and opposed trade protectionism and abuse of trade remedy measures.
It is the first time that ICC followed one solo country’s requirement to
deliver such a public statement.
Actively sending persons to work in international organizations and
While the United States set up “Food Safety Policy Partnership” dialog
mechanism under ABAC, CCOIC actively recommended the Chairman
of COFCO to be the initiator of this dialog mechanism. Besides, CCOIC
successfully recommended 5 Chinese financial and law experts to work
in commissions of ICC.
Actively participating in international economic and trade rule setting
CIETAC actively participated in legislation work of United Nations
Commission on International Trade Law to safeguard China’s rights.
CCOIC seriously summarized deliberations of ICC Bank Commission’s
two new rules and submitted them to ICC. It ensured that China’s
interest was embodied in the new rules. Besides, CCOIC formally joined
ICC International Certificates of Origin Accreditation Chain and became
member of ICC International Certificates of Origin Commission.
Actively expressing the voice of business community to government
and judicial department
CCOIC organized several experts of Bank Commission and called on
Supreme People’s Court to publish judicial interpretation of independent
guarantee in order to protect legal benifits of Chinese enterprises and
banks. It also communicated with Beijing State Taxation Administration
Bureau regarding pilot work of shifting business tax to VAT and reflected
the voice of exhibition enterprises, which received attention of relative
department. CCPIT provided legislation suggestions for 9 laws and
Actively making survey and putting forward suggestions to government
After making survey on relative enterprises, CCPIT put forward three
survey reports, including “developing situation of real economy”,
“transformation and upgrading of processing trade” and “Detroit debt
crisis”, which received high attention of State leaders.
Expressing voice of Chinese business community using bilateral
and multilateral mechanism
CCPIT utilized bilateral and multilateral mechanism to express the voice
of Chinese business community. It tried to put forward and lead the topics
in bilateral and multilateral activities and tried to avoid deliberate hype.
6. Using various methods to serve enterprises and local economy
The rapid development of commercial legal services
CCPIT overcame difficulties caused by slowdown of foreign trade
and low demand of international market, and provided comprehensive
and efficient commercial legal services for enterprises. It gained new
progress in adjustment business and completed industrial and commercial
registration of Tianjin Adjustment Center and name registration of
Shanghai Adjustment Center. It preliminarily finished the name list of
adjustment expert advisory board. In 2013, the whole system of CCPIT
issued 3.75 million licenses and certificates, and handled a total of 1,757
foreign commercial mediation cases.
Steady business development for trade arbitration
CIETAC continued to play a leading role in arbitration business, and
successfully organized 2013 Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Group
Conference and the 5th Greater China Arbitration Forum. It expanded its
service network by adding Anhui and Shenyang office. The arbitration
business developed steadily with the increase of large and important
cases as well as new type cases. In 2013, CIETAC handled a total of 1,256
cases, with a dispute amount totaling 24.4 billion Yuan. The CAMC
Commission handled 137 cases, with a dispute amount totaling 1.6
billion Yuan, which reached the highest level.
Intellectual Property Services functions to be expanded
Under the situation of more fierce competition in intellectual property
services, Patent and Trademark Office and Chinese patent (Hong Kong)
Limited kept steady development in business. The total amount of
intellectual property services maintained its leadership nationwide, and
the turnover and profits grew substantially compared with last year. The
total business income of Patent and Trademark Office this year reached
610 million Yuan, 3.37% more than last year. The profit reached 250
million Yuan, 6.65% more than last year. Chinese patent (Hong Kong)
Limited also kept steady growth in business and gained double-digit
growth in profit.
Strengthening system building
CCPIT organized two training classes for grassroots cadres in CCPIT
system and one training class for business ability, with a total of around
300 persons attending the training. It organized CCPIT nationwide
system building symposium, during which 73 grass-roots trade
promotion agencies were commended and a lot of agencies sighed
cooperation agreements. It paid more attention to basic information
and data compilation of CCPIT system. It edited and published the 3rd
edition of “Compilation of Excellent Project Cases in CCPIT System”,
“Compilation of CCPIT System Building Materials” and “2003-2013
CCPIT System Building Report”.
In 2014, CCPIT will continue to organize trade promotion activities and
provide more pragmatic services for Chinese and foreign enterprises;
actively become the voice of Chinese business communities and further
improve professional service level; further strengthen CCPIT system
Important Events
2012-2013 | ANNUAL REPORT
The 8th Expo Forum for International Cooperation (CEFCO 2012)……………………………… 14
The 4th China-Arab Business Conference & Investment Seminar………………………………… 15
The 5th Canada-China Business Forum……………………………………………………………… 16
U.S.-China Business Dialogue………………………………………………………………………… 17
Ireland–China Trade and Investment Forum………………………………………………………… 18
The 1st China International Import Expo……………………………………………………………… 19
2012 AIPPI China/Asia IP Seminar…………………………………………………………………… 20
The 6th Chinese Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference…………………………………… 21
China’s Participation in Hannover Messe 2012 as Partner Country……………………………… 22
China-Russia Trade and Investment Promotion Conference……………………………………… 23
The 2nd China-Central and Eastern European Countries Business Forum……………………… 24
The 4th China-Japan-Korea Business Summit……………………………………………………… 25
World Trade and Investment Promotion Organizations’ Development Forum…………………… 26
2012 China (Qinghai) International Halal Food and Products Fair………………………………… 28
The 4th Conference of Chinese and African Entrepreneurs………………………………………… 29
China Pavilion Wins “World Expo Award” at Yeosu World Expo…………………………………… 30
The 9th China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit………………………………………… 31
The 7th, the 8th EU-China Business Summit ………………………………………………………… 32
World Business Leaders (Beijing) Conference ……………………………………………………… 34
The 40th Conference of the Comité Maritime International ……………………………………… 35
The 6th China-LAC Business Summit………………………………………………………………… 36
The 2nd Trade Exhibition of the People’s Republic of China (2012) in Salvador ………………… 37
2012 APEC China CEO Forum………………………………………………………………………… 38
The 9th China Expo Forum for International Cooperation…………………………………………… 39
The 7th Chinese Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference…………………………………… 40
China-U.S. Cooperation Forum on IPR Protection and Innovation………………………………… 41
The 2nd China (Kunshan) Brand Products Import Expo…………………………………………… 42
The 5th China International Professional Training Forum…………………………………………… 43
Mexico-China Entrepreneurs Plenum………………………………………………………………… 44
2013 APRAG Conference……………………………………………………………………………… 45
China-Korea Business Cooperation Forum…………………………………………………………… 46
APEC China CEO Forum 2013………………………………………………………………………… 47
China-Kazakhstan Business Council Inauguration Conference…………………………………… 48
The 10th China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit………………………………………… 49
2013 China-Arab States Expo………………………………………………………………………… 50
Trade Exhibition of the People's Republic of China (Dominican)…………………………………… 51
APEC CEO Summit 2013……………………………………………………………………………… 52
China-Vietnam Business Luncheon…………………………………………………………………… 53
The 9th EU-China Business Summit………………………………………………………………… 54
The 7th China-LAC Business Summit………………………………………………………………… 56
UK - China Business Summit…………………………………………………………………………… 57
The 19th Sino-French Economic Seminar…………………………………………………………… 58
The 5th China-Arab Business Conference & Investment Seminar ( Chengdu )………………… 59
Abdul’ahat Abdulrixit, Vice Chairman of CPPCC, attended the
signing ceremony for the renewal of the cooperation agreement
on CEFCO among CCPIT and three foreign co-organizers
Mr. Wang Jinzhen, Vice Chairman of CCPIT,
released the Annual Report on China’s
Exhibition Industry 2011 at CEFCO 2012
Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT, and Mr. Chen Ci, Secretary
of the CPC Haikou Committee, attended the signing ceremony
between Haikou Municipal Government and CIEC Group Corp
The 8th Expo Forum for International Cooperation
(CEFCO 2012)
The 8th Expo Forum for International Cooperation (CEFCO 2012) was
successfully co-organized by CCPIT, UFI, IAEE and SISO in Hainan
Province, China, on January 12-14, 2012.
H.E. Abdul’ahat Abdulrixit, Vice Chairman of CPPCC, Mr. Wan
Jifei,Chairman of CCPIT, Mr. Arie Brienen, President of UFI, Mr.
Steven Hacker, Managing Director of IAEE, Mr. Lewis Shomer,
Managing Director of SISO, Mr. Chen Ci, Member of the CPC Hainan
Standing Committee and concurrently Secretary of the CPC Haikou
Committee, Mr. Li Guoliang, Vice Governor of Hainan Province, and
Mr. Lv Jijian, Deputy Director-General of the Dept. of Trade in Services
and Commercial Services of MOFCOM, attended and addressed the
opening ceremony, which attracted over 600 professional attendees from
12 countries and regions and was chaired by Mr. Wang Jinzhen, Vice
Chairman of CCPIT.
Themed by “Change a line, change a life”, CEFCO 2012, consisting
of two plenary and three concurrent sessions, launched in-depth
discussions on a variety of topics, such as increasing the core
competitiveness of the exhibition industry, trade show potentials
of tourist destinations, influence of new media over the industry
and related marketing, how to create new growth points through
integration of conventions and
exhibitions, and government’s role in
the management of conventions and
The organizing committee had also
provided attendees with many networking
opportunities, like cocktails and golf. Mr.
Wang Jinzhen, Vice Chairman of CCPIT
released the Annual Report on China’s
Exhibition Industry 2011 at the opening.
Since its debut in 2005, CEFCO, as a
brand of the industry, has been dedicated
to building up a senior platform between
Chinese and overseas professionals for
furthering the exchange and cooperation
in economy, culture and information,
Chinese and overseas panelists had warm discussions
· 14
Important Events
Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT and H.E. Ibrahim Al- Tuwaijri, Deputy Secretary
General of League of Arab States signed the Conference summary
Mr.Wen Jiabao, Premier of China and Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al-Qasimi,
Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah attended the opening ceremony of the
The 4th China-Arab Business Conference &
Investment Seminar
Hosted by CCPIT and Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry of
UAE, the 4th China-Arab Business Conference & Investment Seminar
was held in Sharjah, UAE from January 18 to 19, 2012. It is coorganized by General Union of Arab Chambers and Federation of Arab
Businessmen, and supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry
of Commerce of China, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of UAE, Economic
& Social Council of League of Arab States and Secretariat of League of
Arab States. More than 600 businessmen and officials from both China
and Arab states attended the conference.
H.E. Mr. Wen Jiabao, Premier of State Council of China delivered
important keynote speech at the conference during his visit to UAE.
H.E. Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al-Qasimi, Supreme Council
Member and Ruler of Sharjah attended the opening ceremony of the
conference. H.E. Ms. Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi, Minister of Foreign
Trade of UAE, H.E. Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman
of CCPIT, H.E. Ibrahim Al- Tuwaijri, Deputy
Secretary General of League of Arab States,
H.E. Ahmed Mohammed Al Midfa, Chairman of
Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry, H.E.
Hamdi Al Tabaa, Chairman of Federation of Arab
Businessmen, as well as Ministers from Iraq,
Egypt and Sudan, all attended the conference and
delivered speeches.
the present situation and prospects of China-Arab investment, and the
development of China-Arab trade relations after the opening ceremony.
They reached broad consensus and agreed to establish multi-level
enterprise communication and cooperation channels. The entrepreneurs
from both sides also attend the match-making session according to
their business sectors (Contracting, Chemical Industry, Finance &
Investment, Trade, Tourism & Legal Service, IT & High-tech Industry,
Manufacturing, Mining and etc.).
The 4th China-Arab Business Conference & Investment Seminar has
won great success, helped both Chinese and Arabic enterprises resist the
impact of the current world financial crisis, and made new contributions
to strengthen the exchange and cooperation between businesses from
both sides.
The entrepreneurs, government officials in
charge of economic affairs and representatives of
business associations from China and Arab states
held in-depth discussions and exchanged views on
The delegates held indepth discussions and exchanged views on the present situation and prospects of ChinaArab investment
Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang addressed the forum
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper addressed
the forum
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei addressed the forum
The 5th Canada-China Business Forum
The 5th Canada-China Business Forum co-hosted by CCPIT and
the Canada-China Business Council (CCBC) was held in Beijing on
February 9, 2012. Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang and Canadian Prime
Minister Stephen Harper jointly addressed the forum.
Li said in his speech that economic and trade cooperation is the major
driver of China-Canada relations. Since the two countries established
diplomatic ties 42 years ago, China-Canada economic and trade cooperation
has grown vigorously with the joint efforts of both sides and the bilateral
trade volume has expanded 300 times. He pointed out that Asia Pacific has
become the most dynamic region with the greatest growth potential in the
world. This has brought new opportunities for both China and Canada. The
two countries are highly complementary in terms of industrial structure and
resource endowments and hence enjoy promising prospects of deepening
the mutually beneficial cooperation. He stressed that the two sides should
further gather strategic consensus and step up convergence of interests
under new circumstances, enhance the bilateral economic and trade
cooperation and convert the complementary strengths into more mutually
beneficial results. On one hand, Li emphasized, that both countries should
broaden the bilateral trade and investment. China will increase imports
of Canada's competitive products. On the other hand, the two countries
should establish long-term stable cooperative relations in energy resources.
Besides, both sides should look into the future, boost cooperation on
emerging industries, like energy saving and environmental protection,
finance and pharmaceuticals and lead the international competition.
Harper noted in his speech that Canada is deeply encouraged by the
sound momentum of Canada-China economic and trade cooperation and
believes China's development creates major opportunities for Canada.
His country is willing to further broaden the bilateral economic and trade
cooperation, create enabling environment for the business cooperation
between both countries and strive for more pragmatic results.
Nearly 500 delegates from over 200 Chinese and
Canadian companies participated in the event. During
the signing ceremony witnessed by Prime Minister
Harper, CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei and Canadian
Minister for International Trade Ed Fast, over 40
companies from China and Canada reached 23
business contracts or agreements, covering a broad
spectrum of industries such as aviation, finance,
rail transportation, mining, telecommunication,
construction planning, agriculture & husbandry,
environmental protection and education, etc., totaling
a volume of nearly 3 billion Canadian dollars.
During the Seminar
· 16
China-Canada Business Forum was initiated by CCPIT
and CCBC in 2005, which has since then become an
important mechanism to promote bilateral business ties.
Four sessions have been held so far in Toronto, Beijing
and Ottawa, respectively in 2005, 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Important Events
Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping and US Vice President Joe Biden jointly attended and addressed the dialogue
U.S.-China Business Dialogue
The U.S.-China Business Dialogue co-hosted by CCPIT, the US Chamber
of Commerce and the US-China Business Council (USCBC) was held in
Washington D.C. on February 14. Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping and
US Vice President Joe Biden jointly attended and addressed the dialogue.
In his speech, Xi spoke highly of the contributions made by entrepreneurs
of both countries to the bilateral economic and trade cooperation and the
development of bilateral ties. He noted that against the major background
of rising instability and uncertainty of world economic recovery, it is
more necessary and pressing for China and the US and businesses of both
countries to strengthen cooperation. Xi expressed full confidence that the
Chinese economy would maintain stable and relatively fast growth, the
US economy would achieve strong recovery and growth and the ChinaUS economic and trade cooperation would enjoy a better tomorrow. He
sincerely wishes entrepreneurs of both countries hold onto the trends, better
identify and grasp the opportunity, join hands together to make explorations
and thus write more successful stories of China-US economic and trade
cooperation from a new starting point.
the dialogue, including China Investment Corporation (CIC), State Grid
Corporation of China (SGCC), Shenhua Group Corporation Limited, China
National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), China National Cereals,
Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO), SAIC Motor Corporation
Limited, Lenovo Group Limited, Wanxiang Group Corporation, SANY
Group, Tianjin Pipe (Group) Corporation (TPCO), Yihua Enterprise (Group)
Co., Ltd., and from the US side, including Goldman Sachs, E. I. du Pont
de Nemours & Co., IBM Corp, the Walt Disney Company, Underwriters
Laboratories Inc., Motorola Solutions, Ford Motor Co., UPS, etc.
Since 2011, CCPIT had co-hosted the U.S.-China Business Dialogue twice
in collaboration with its major US counterparts including the US Chamber
of Commerce, USCBC and AmCham China, etc., which created a positive
atmosphere during both Biden’s visit to China in 2011 and Xi’s visit to the
US. It also provided an important platform for the top business leaders from
both countries to make friends, discuss issues and promote cooperation, which
caused strong repercussion among the business communities of both countries.
This is the second dialogue between
the vice-presidents and business
leaders from both countries, which
remained as a small-scale yet highlevel meeting similar to the first one
held in Beijing during Biden's visit
in August 2011. Chairman of CCPIT
Wan Jifei, President and CEO of
US Chamber of Commerce Thomas
Donohue, Chairman of USCBC,
Chairman and CEO of the CocaCola Co. Muhtar Kent co-hosted the
Top business executives from both
countries attended and addressed
During the dialogue
Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping and An Taoiseach Enda Kenny attended the forum
Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping
delivered a keynote speech
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny delivered a
Ireland–China Trade and Investment Forum
On February 20th, the Ireland–China Trade and Investment Forum co-hosted
by CCPIT and Enterprise Ireland was successfully held in Dublin, Capital of
Ireland. Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping and An Taoiseach Enda Kenny
attended the forum and delivered speeches. CCPIT Chairman Mr. Wan Jifei,
Enterprise Ireland CEO Mr. Frank Ryan, and about 400 government and
business representatives from China and Ireland attended the Forum.
capacity and in a responsible manner, continue to support the efforts
made by EU, the IMF and European Central Bank(ECB) to cope with the
European debt issues. China will continue to strengthen communication
and coordination with EU concerning policies, promote China-EU
business, investment and financial cooperation, and participate in the action
taken by the international community to support Europe and the Euro-zone.
In order to deepen China-Ireland business cooperation, Mr. Xi Jinping
proposed the following five suggestions: First, increase bilateral trade and
promote the development of trade in service industry. Second, promote
two-way investment and enlarge investment fields. Third, expand
cooperation in high-tech sectors and explore cooperation in emerging
industries. Fourth, support the development of medium-and small-sized
enterprises and lay a solid foundation for business relations. Fifth, make
full use of cooperation mechanisms and tap the potential of the bridging
role of business associations. Mr. Xi noted that China will, within its
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny said that Ireland, as member of EU, boasts
direct access to the market of 500 million EU consumers. With the
successfully transformed export economy, transparent legal and tax
system, highly educated labor pool, strong policy support from the
government, good investment environment, and competitive enterprises,
it is a bridge for other countries to enter the EU market. Ireland has taken
effective actions in response to the financial crisis and the European
debt crisis. Through restructuring bank funds, balancing public revenue
and expenditure, its economy has successfully recovered and started to
grow again. Mr. Kenny encourages enterprises from China and Ireland
to actively carry out cooperation in the fields such as agriculture,
telecommunications, education and finance, and further enrich the
connotation of the China-Ireland relationship.
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei addressed the forum
· 18
CCPIT Chairman Mr. Wan Jifei pointed out in his speech that, the
economies of China and Ireland are in different development stages
and are highly complementary. The two business circles will further
expand bilateral trade, enhance two-way investment, increase the scale
and level of mutually beneficial cooperation, and jointly promote the
sustainable development of economic and trade relations between the
two countries. Enterprise Ireland CEO Mr. Frank Ryan said, the two
sides are committed to building a long-term and unique cooperation
relation, and hoped that the enterprises of both sides would actively look
for opportunities for cooperation in the fields of education, high-tech,
R&D, and investment, in order to push the bilateral economic and trade
cooperation to a new height.
Important Events
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei addressed the First CIE Opening ceremony
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei Signed the APCC Kunshan Consensus
The 1st China International Import Expo
The 1st China International Import Expo (CIE), co-hosted by China
Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) and Jiangsu Provincial
People’s Government, was held in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, China,
from March 29 to 31, 2012. More than 40 trade promotion agencies
served as overseas supporters for the 1st CIE, including International
Chamber of Commerce (ICC), American International Chamber of
Commerce, Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency and Japan
External Trade Organization.
The first CIE is China’s first professional international expo exclusively
designed to promote and expand imports of new technologies,
new achievements and new products. As China’s specialized and
authoritative import trading platform, the first CIE centered on import
expansion, established a comprehensive platform integrating exhibitions
& transactions, information exchange, cooperative discussion, and
policy research & discussion, and became a hub for global inflows of
international trade information, technologies, talents and logistics.
At the first CIE, 677 participating enterprises from 46 countries and
regions exhibited their products. It covered a total exposition area of
50,000 M2. Many leading enterprises among the world’s top 500 attended
the exposition. The three-day exhibition attracted 71,900 people in total,
including 56,545 trade visitors. Based on incomplete statistics, 56% of
exhibitors achieved their desired results in terms of importing, product
(brand) agent and investment, of which intended imports accounted for
31%, product (brand) agent with further cooperation intentions 15% and
intended investment cooperation 10%. Also held during the expo were
eleven different events ranging from summit forums for a gathering of
Asia Pacific business leaders, seminars on cutting-edge technologies such
as clean energy and wind power to business-to-business meetings and
procurement information releases to meet varying demands of exhibitors
and purchasers. The first Asia Pacific Chambers Congress (APCC),
hosted by CCOIC, attracted the presence of more than 500 delegates from
100 more chambers of commerce, international organizations, foreign
embassies and consulates in China, various governments and companies in
54 countries and regions. It culminated in the passage of APCC Kunshan
Consensus, a reflection of common voice and demand in the Asia Pacific
business community, which won the unanimous approval among delegates
from various countries and aroused widespread repercussions in the Asia
Pacific business community. Leaders and other representatives from
Chinese and foreign chambers of commerce actively signed the Chinese
and English version of APCC Kunshan Consensus. CCOIC also hosted the
first Import Expansion and Balanced Trade Development Forum orientated
towards Chinese import enterprises. More than 300 Chinese corporate
representatives attended the forum.
The first CIE attracted world-renowned multinational enterprises to
display their latest technologies and products, and a wide range of trade
The Grandeur of First CIE Exhibition Hall
Opening ceremony of the Seminar
Mock trial of trademark
2012 AIPPI China/Asia IP Seminar
2012 AIPPI China/Asia IP Seminar was held in Beijing on April 10-12, 2012. The Seminar was jointly
hosted by AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property) China and AIPPI
Bureau, and was supported by the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) and China Council for the
Promotion of the International Trade (CCPIT). More than 300 people presented this Seminar, including
AIPPI members from various countries and areas, IP professionals, attorneys, IP judges from China and
foreign countries, experts and scholars, as well as officials of SIPO and the State Trademark Office.
Mr. Dong Songgen, Vice Chairman of CCPIT, Mr. Wu Kai, Chief of SIPO International Cooperation
Department, who was on behalf of Mr. Tian Lipu, Commissioner of SIPO, and Mr. Jin Yunpei, Chairman
of AIPPI, attended and delivered speeches on the opening ceremony of the Seminar. Mr. Ma Hao,
President of CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office and Vice Chairman of AIPPI China, moderated the
opening ceremony.
Vice Chairman Dong Songgen pointed out in his opening address that this Seminar was held during the
30th anniversary of AIPPI China and the 60th anniversary of CCPIT, and at the same time was hosted in
China by both AIPPI China and AIPPI International Association again after 20 years, which was not only
of great significance to the IP communities in China and in the world but also had a special meaning to
Vice Chairman Dong Songgen emphasized that IP protection was a common challenge faced by all the
countries so we had a hard task and a long way to go. As in the past, CCPIT would strengthen exchanges
and cooperation with IP colleagues from all over the world in a more open attitude and a more practical
manner. CCPIT would work with IP colleagues for the great cause of IP protection and make an even
more positive contribution to the continuous promotion of the IP protection levels in China and in the
The topics of the Seminar involved Chinese and foreign applications of patents for inventions and
designs, trademark registration, and intellectual property litigation, etc. Chinese and foreign attorneys
in the Seminar explored the hot topics of Chinese patent protection, exchanged their opinions about
“FRAND” in different nations, and discussed the impacts of the third amendment of the Chinese Patent
Law on application and protection of a patent for a design and on the determination criteria of a trademark
infringement. Moreover, the Seminar organized mock trials of patent and trademark.
Attendants from China and foreign countries all expressed the hope of more activities to be held by AIPPI
China in the future so as to introduce China to the world and enhance exchanges and cooperation between
IP communities of China and foreign countries.
· 20
Important Events
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei delivered a speech
at the opening ceremony
CCPIT Vice Chairman Zhang Wei chaired
the opening ceremony
1600 delegates attended the conference
The 6th Chinese Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference
The 6th Chinese Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference, hosted
by CCPIT was successfully held in Beijing from April 18 to 19, 2012.
With the theme of “Promote Investment in Green Industries, Develop
Sustainable Economy”, the Conference is organized to implement the
country’s “Going Global” strategy, to provide an opportunity for Chinese
companies to better understand the existing investment environment and
opportunities in the world, to encourage and support them to “go global”
and develop overseas businesses.
Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT, Mr. Su Shulin, Governor of Fujian
Provincial Government delivered welcoming speeches at the opening
ceremony. Mr. Zhang Wei, Vice Chairman of CCPIT chaired the opening
ceremony. 1600 delegates from related government departments, CCPIT
sub-councils, foreign investment promotion agencies, investment
consulting firms, companies and media circles attended the conference.
In the first part of the plenary session of the conference, Mr. Kong
Linglong, Director General of Department of Foreign Capital and Overseas
Investment of National Development and Reform Commission, Ms. Gong
Zuying, Director General of the International Taxation Department of
Heated discussions during the conference
State Administration of Taxation, Mr. Long Guoqiang, Director General of
Foreign Economic Relations Department of Development Research Center
of the State Council and Mr. Wang Shengwen, Deputy Director General of
Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation Department of Ministry of
Commerce made presentations on government’s guiding policies, specific
measures and related services in supporting Chinese companies “Go
Global”. Ms. Dong Jiayang, Director General of Economic Information
Department of CCPIT launched the Survey Report on the Current
Overseas Investment Situation and Intentions of Chinese Enterprises.
In the second part of the plenary session, Ms. Sarah Kutulakos, Executive
Director of Canada-China Business Council, Dr. Kegang Wu, Chief China
Adviser of British Chambers of Commerce, Mr. Uwe Kerkmann, Head of the
Economic Development City of Dusseldorf, Mr. Eric Tham, Managing Director
& Head of Group Commercial Banking,United Overseas Bank Limited,
Mr.Slawomir Majman, Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency
and Mr.Zhang Qiu, Chairman of CCPIT Fujian shared their understanding and
knowledge in the panel discussion on the following topics, such as the supporting
policies and services for Chinese investors provided by the foreign governments
and agencies, the relationship between Chinese companies’ outbound investment
and the local economic development and the particular financial services which
financial organizations could provide to the Chinese companies.
On the afternoon of Apr.18 and Apr.19, the organizing committee hosted
13 parallel seminars with focuses on Canada, Dusseldorf of Germany,
UK, Singapore and ASEAN, Latin America and Caribbean , Poland,
Fujian,building and construction, mining, bio-pharmaceutical, Chinese
traditional medicine, M&A and risk prevention and overseas investment
project release and matchmaking. Except for the parallel seminars,
investment promotion agencies and investment service providers from
China, UK, Germnay, Poland, Canada, Singapore and HK S.A.R. in
total around 30 countries and regions, displayed their services in the
exhibition lounge during the conference, who are serving Chinese
companies with professional services to develop international market.
Mr. Wen Jiabao, Premier of China and Dr. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
attended the opening ceremony
Mr. Wen Jiabao, Premier of China and Dr. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
visited the Central Pavilion
China’s Participation in Hannover Messe 2012 as Partner Country
2012 was the year of 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic
relations between China and Germany. At the invitation of German
Government, China participated in Hannover Messe 2012 as Partner
Country. The Showcase organized by CCPIT on behalf of Chinese
Government achieved great success.
The HANNOVER MESSE is the most influential industry event in
the world, which serves to guide and promote the innovation and
development of the world industry.
The “Green & Intelligence” – themed China’s Central Pavilion covered
1511m2, 13 characteristic top industry enterprises. The economic and
technological cooperation achievements between China and Germany
presented on the Central Pavilion also aroused the visitors’ interests,
for example, five fingers dexterous hand jointly developed by Harbin
Institute of Technology (HIT) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR)
and Cooperation Base of Sino-German Enterprises in Taicang.
On April 23rd, the opening ceremony of China’s Central Pavilion was
held ceremoniously in Hall 6 of Hannover Exhibition Center. Mr. Wen
Jiabao, Premier of the State Council of China and Dr. Angela Merkel,
Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany attended the opening
ceremony and cut the ribbon. Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT
China Night-VIPs’ Reception
· 22
presided over the opening ceremony and made a speech.
After the opening ceremony, Premier and the Chancellor visited the Central
Pavilion accompanied by Mr. Miao Wei, the Minister of Ministry of Industry
and Information Technology (MIIT) and Mr. Wan Jifei, the Chairman of CCPIT.
On April 25th, China Night-VIPs’ Reception at Hannover Messe 2012
was held in Hall 1 of Convention Center, which was jointly organized by
CCPIT, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of
Culture and Chinese Embassy in Germany.
Additionally, China held a series of Business Summits, professional
forums during Hannover Messe. The enterprises in Central Pavilion also
presented their promotion events respectively.
China’s Participation in Hannover Messe 2012 as Partner Country fully
reflected that China would accelerate its industrial upgrading, transform
traditional industries, nurture emerging industries of strategic importance
and promote production-oriented service industry so that industrial
progress can inject vigor to an endogenous growth that is innovationdriven, intensive and efficient, eco-friendly and in the interest of
public wellbeing. That being done, enhancement would be achieved in
industrial core competitiveness and capacity in sustainable development.
China Central Pavilion
Important Events
Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang took group photo with the delegates
China-Russia Trade and Investment
Promotion Conference
Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang delivered a keynote speech
The China-Russia Trade and Investment Promotion Conference, co-organized by CCPIT, the
Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC),
Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Chamber of Commerce and
Industry of the Russian Federation (RFCCI), was held in Moscow on April 28, 2012. Chinese
Vice Premier Li Keqiang, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, CCPIT Chairman
Wan Jifei, RFCCI President Sergey Katyrin attended the opening session and delivered
speeches. The opening session was co-hosted by Chinese Vice Minister of Commerce Zhong
Shan, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Oleg Fomichev,,
and attended by over one thousand government and business representatives.
Vice Premier Li Keqiang pointed out in his speech that Sino-Russia relations had achieved
unprecedented progress in recent years and the two countries had built up a comprehensive strategic
partnership. Over the past 12 years, bilateral trade volume has been expanded by 12 times, and
surpassed 80 billion US dollars last year. A faster progress is expected in future. He proposed that
China and Russia focus on the cooperation in fields of oil, gas, coal, electricity as well as cultivate a
new trend of cooperation on nanotechnology, high-end equipment manufacturing, and bio-medicine.
Besides, the two sides need strengthen two-way investment and further expand regional cooperation.
Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov delivered a speech
According to First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, Russia attaches great importance to
Sino-Russia relations and hopes to keep its comprehensive cooperation with China, particularly in
terms of economic and trade cooperation. As China being the largest trading partner of Russia, the
two should continue to work together and address the unstable elements facing the current world
economy. Russia will make efforts to upgrade its trade structure, improve trade and investment
environment, increase export of machinery products, enhance logistics and customs facilities, as
well as provide support and security for cooperation between business circles of both sides.
Chairman Wan Jifei of CCPIT pointed out in his speech that a friendly political relationship has
laid a solid foundation for the development of economic and trade relations. Premier Li’s visit
to Russia brings a heap of consensuses and abundant cooperative projects in economic and trade
area, casting a profound impact on the development of bilateral economic and trade relations.
CCPIT is willing to further its cooperation with RFCCI, the Russian Union of Industrialists and
Entrepreneurs (RSPP), and continue to build the bridges for Chinese and Russian enterprises, so as
to make contribution to the deepening economic and trade cooperation between China and Russia.
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei addressed the Conference
After the opening session, CCPIT Deputy Secretary-General Sui Jianmin, and RFCCI Vice
President Georgi Petrov co-hosted the plenary session. Government and enterprises representatives
from both sides made presentations on export and investment situations and opportunities.
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao delivered
a keynote speech
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk delivered
a keynote speech
Polish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Waldemar Pawlak,
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei jointly attended the forum
The 2nd China-Central and Eastern European Countries
Business Forum
The 2nd China-Central and Eastern European Countries Business Forum
was successfully held in Polish capital Warsaw on April 26, 2012. Chinese
Premier Wen Jiabao and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk attended the
opening ceremony and delivered keynote speeches. About 1300 participants
including the state leaders from the Central and Eastern European Countries
such as Czech Prime Minister Peter Necas, Latvian Prime Minister Valdis
Dombrovskis, Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, Serbian Prime
Minister Mirko Cvetković, Albanian Deputy Prime Minister Edmond
Haxhinasto, Polish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy
Waldemar Pawlak, CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei, President of Polish
Information and Foreign Investment Agency Slawomir Majman, officials in
charge of economic and trade affairs from the CEE countries, representatives
of trade and investment promotion agencies from the CEE countries and
entrepreneurs from China and Poland attended the forum.
friendly relations with the Central and Eastern European countries, to
enhance the level of pragmatic cooperation, and to benefit both sides.
The Chinese entrepreneurs from the business delegation had
matchmakings with the entrepreneurs from Poland and other Central and
Eastern European countries after the plenary session. They conducted indepth exchanges on the projects of common interests and some reached
a preliminary consensus on cooperation.
CEE countries have played an increasingly important role in China's
overall diplomatic strategy. Expanding and deepening economic and trade
cooperation with CEE countries will help Chinese enterprises to expand
overseas business and to enter the European market. Premier Wen Jiabao
put forward a series of policies and measures to expand the cooperation
among China and CEE countries in the future at this forum. It specified the
direction for further deepening the economic and trade cooperation in the
future and provided with a sound policy and financial support.
Premier Wen Jiabao said in his speech that the economic and trade
cooperation is the most promising area with great potential in the relations
among China and Central and
Eastern European Countries.
The total bilateral trade volume
was only $ 4.3 billion in 2001
while it reached $ 52.9 billion
in 2011 with an average annual
growth rate of 27.6%. The twoway investment has become
increasingly active and the
investment from Chinese
enterprises in Central and Eastern
European countries has covered
a number of areas. Preliminary
results were achieved in the
infrastructure construction
cooperation. The Chinese side
is willing to take the utmost
sincerity in order to deepen the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao took group photo with the delegates
· 24
Important Events
ROK President Lee Myung-bak delivered a
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao delivered a speech
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda delivered a
The 4th China-Japan-Korea Business Summit
The 4th China-Japan-Korea Business Summit jointly held by CCPIT,
Federation of Korean Industries and Japan Business Federation was
successfully held in Beijing on May 13, 2012. Chinese Premier Wen
Jiabao, ROK President Lee Myung-bak and Japanese Prime Minister
Yoshihiko Noda attended the summit and delivered speeches. Around
200 representatives from the governments and business communities of
China, Japan and Korea participated in the summit.
Premier Wen Jiabao pointed out that establishing China-Japan-Korea
Free Trade Area is a strategic measure in consideration of the future,
and the common expectation of the business communities of the three
nations. The three nations decided to launch the trilateral free trade
negotiation within the year. To finish the negotiation early and build up
the FTA will benefit the three nations to give play to their competitive
advantages, to develop common market, to promote the strong,
sustainable and balanced growth, and to invigorate
the economy of North East Asia. Formally signing
the trilateral investment agreement is a milestone.
China welcomes Japan and Korea to increase
investment towards China, and hopes that Japan
and Korea be the major destinations of Chinese
to Asia, and Asian nations are paying attentions to China, Japan and
Korea. The enterprises of the three nations need to further strengthen
cooperation and strive for common development. The business
communities of China are willing to see progress in the research and
negotiations of trilateral FTA, and to develop new spaces for the
development of trilateral economic cooperation.
The summit ended with Joint Declaration of 2012 China-Japan-Korea
Business Summit, and the business communities of the three nations
reached mutual agreement in many aspects, including early realization
of the China-Japan-Korea FTA agreement, deepening trilateral industrial
cooperation, increasing exchanges in new energies, high technologies,
logistics, energy saving and environment protection technologies,
promoting the selection and standardization of energy saving
technologies, strengthening financial cooperation, etc.
In their speeches, Lee Myung-bak and Yoshihiko
Noda encourages the enterprises of the three nations to
forge ahead and strengthen cooperation, jointly defend
against the financial crisis, overcome the difficulties
and challenges, achieve further development and bring
about more fruits of trilateral cooperation.
China-Japan-Korea business organizations and
entrepreneurs had discussion on cooperation in the
fields of construction, energy, environment protection,
logistics and finance.Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of
CCPIT pointed out that the world is paying attentions
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei addressed the summit
Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan addressed the
Former Prime Minister of France Mr. Jean-Pierre Raffarin
delivered a speech at the forum.
Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT read the congratulatory
letter sent by President Hu Jintao
World Trade and Investment Promotion Organizations’
Development Forum
World Trade and Investment Promotion Organizations’ Development
Forum was hosted successfully by CCPIT in Beijing on May 15, 2012.
Chinese President Hu Jintao sent a congratulatory letter to the forum,
and Premier Wen Jiabao met with forum delegates. Vice Premier Wang
Qishan also attended the forum and delivered a speech. Former state
leaders, trade and investment promotion organizations from 33 countries
and regions as well as representatives from CCPIT national system
attended the forum.
1. President Hu Jintao sent a congratulatory letter
Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT, hosted opening ceremony of World
Trade and Investment Promotion Organizations’ Development Forum.
He firstly read the congratulatory letter sent by President Hu Jintao.
President Hu Jintao expressed congratulations to the forum and sincere
welcome to the guests from around the world. International trade, he
said, is "an important driving force" for global economic growth against
the backdrop of globalization. In light of the ongoing global financial
crisis, improving trade and investment environments and countering
protectionism will be of great significance for trade promotion
organizations, Hu said.
President Hu Jintao indicated that China has adhered to the basic state
policy of opening up, actively participated in international economic
cooperation and competition, greatly developed foreign trade and
promoted common development around the world in recent years.
He said China will continue to improve its trade and investment
environment, protect and strengthen its multilateral trading system and
work toward establishing a fair and reasonable global free trade system.
President Hu also hailed the role of the China Council for the Promotion
of International Trade in promoting foreign trade and serving opening up
· 26
policy, adding that he hopes CCPIT will strengthen exchanges with its
foreign counterparts and make new contribution to improving China’s
opening up and promoting global economic recovery and development .
2. Premier Wen Jiabao met with forum delegates
Premier Wen Jiabao met with over 100 foreign and domestic forum
delegates on the afternoon of May 15, with whom he exchanged views
on reform and opening up, development strategy, foreign policy as well
as world economy situation.
Premier Wen extended congratulations to CCPIT on the 60th anniversary
of its founding. He said that 60 years’ development road of CCPIT,
which is an epitome of China’s economy, reflects the development and
changes of China. Since reform and opening up, China has cooperated
with other countries in commerce and trade under the premise of equality
and mutual benefit and made more and more contributions to the growth
of world economy.
Former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former President of
the House of Representatives of Japan Mr. Yohei Kono, Secretary General
of the Union of African Chambers Of Commerce Industry, Agriculture,
And Professions (UACCIAP) Juliana Lumumba, Vice Chairman of US
Chamber of Commerce Myron Brilliant, Chairman of CCPIT Wan Jifei
attended the meeting and exchanged views on China and world economic
development, trade and investment promotion work and so on.
3. Vice Premier Wang Qishan attended the forum and delivered
a speech
Vice Premier Wang Qishan attended the forum and delivered a speech
on the morning of May 15. Free trade and investment, he said is “an
important engine” for global economic growth. Strengthening trade and
investment cooperation around the world is of great significance for
Important Events
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with forum delegates at the Great Hall of the People Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan attended the forum
economic growth, increase in employment and sustainable economic
recovery, he said.
Vice Premier Wang said that trade and investment promotion organizations
function as bridge in global economic and trade cooperation. He spoke
highly of CCPIT’s contributions on serving national construction in
different period. He pledged that China will support the development of
international trade promotion organizations as always.
4. Speech of foreign and domestic delegates
Mr. Wan Jifei delivered a speech on the forum. He said that free trade is
the engine for economic growth against the backdrop of increasing trade
protectionism and trade frictions. Only free, open and fair international
trade and investment cooperation could increase work efficiency, market
scale as well as job opportunities and achieve sustainable recovery of
global economy.
Former Prime Minister of France Mr. Jean-Pierre RAFFARIN, former
President of the House of Representatives of Japan Mr. Yohei Kono,
former President of Mexico Mr. Vicente Fox Quesada, former Deputy
Prime Minister of Malaysia Mr. Tun Musa Hitam, Vice-Chairman of
the Belgium-China Economic and Commercial Council Mr. Henri
Lederhandler, Chairman of the 48 Group Club Mr. Stephen Perry, Vice
Chairman of Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Mr. Richard Schenz,
President of the National Chamber of Commerce of Cuba Ms. Estrella
Madrigal, Secretary General of the Union of African Chambers Of
Commerce Industry, Agriculture, And Professions (UACCIAP) Mrs.
Juliana Lumumba, Senior Vice Chairman of US Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Myron Brilliant, Chairman of International Chamber of Commerce
(ICC) Mr. Gerard Worms, President of Taipei World Trade Center Mr.
Chih-Kang Wang, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of China
Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) Mr. Wei Jianguo,
Vice President of Peking University Mr. Hai Wen, Chairman of CCPIT
Zhejiang Sub-council Mr. Tie Jianshe also delivered speeches at the
forum. They looked back at the history of global trade and investment
promotion organizations, and exchanged views on how to promote global
economic recovery and growth and build a more fare and reasonable
international economic system.
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao took group photo with forum delegates
M r. D o n g S o n g g e n , V i c e
Chairman of CCPIT addressed
the opening ceremony
2012 China (Qinghai) International Halal Food and Products Fair
2012 China (Qinghai) International Halal Food and Products Fair, cohosted by CCPIT and People’s Governments of Qinghai, Shaanxi,
Gansu and Xinjiang provinces and organized by Trade Development
& Cooperation Center, Qinghai Sub-council of CCPIT and Xining
Municipal Governments, opened at Xining International Exhibition
Center on July 13, 2012.
Mr. Dong Songgen, Vice Chairman of CCPIT, Mr. Luo Huining,
Deputy Secretary of Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and Governor
of Qinghai Province, attended the opening ceremony and delivered
a speeches. Mr. Qiang Wei, Secretary of Qinghai Provincial Party
Committee, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial
People's Congress declared the fair open. There were also officials from
ministries, business associations and diplomatic envoys from Jordan,
Bangladesh, Kuwait, Yemen, Turkey and other countries present at the
ceremony. And exhibitor delegation from 31 provinces and cities and
guests from at home and abroad attended the opening ceremony, too.
Mr. Dong pointed out in his speech that, the exhibition has quickly
grown into the leading exhibition of halal industry in China and also
has gained a certain influence in the international halal industry and
become an important platform for China and Muslim countries to
An Hui Pavilion
· 28
Xin Jiang Pavilion
expand economic and trade cooperation and revitalize the halal industry
since its foundation six years ago. During these few years, Xining
City’s infrastructure has been improved gradually, the exhibition area
expanding, the exhibitors increasing both home and abroad, exhibits
sorts enriching and the fair’s turnover increasing steadily every year.
Meanwhile, the Fair also brought economic benefits to Xining City with
fast development in transportation, tourism, hotels, and restaurants and
effective increase in regional development and foreign trade.
Governor Mr. Luo Huining pointed out that, the fair has witnessed five
years and it sticks to the theme of “Green, Stepping Over, Cooperation
and Win-Win”. It showcased the latest outcomes of Halal industry
and established important platform for further promote innovation in
international halal industry and provided many commercial opportunities.
After the opening ceremony, Mr. Dong Songgen, Mr. Qiang Wei and Mr.
Luo Huining visited the exhibition.
This year’s exhibition attracted more than 800 domestic and foreign
enterprises and more than 300 businessmen to attend the meeting with
exhibition area of 27,000 square meters and total number of booths over
1000. 31 domestic provinces and municipalities established pavilions,
largest-scale ever seen.
National Pavilion of Iran
Important Events
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao delivered a speech at
the opening ceremony
President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea
Teodoro Obiang delivered a speech
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifen chaired the opening
The 4th Conference of Chinese and African Entrepreneurs
Being one of the important supporting events of the 5th Ministers’
Meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, the 4th Conference
of Chinese and African Entrepreneurs, jointly hosted by MOFCOM and
CCPIT, was held in Beijing, July 18 to 19, 2012. Chinese Premier Wen
Jiabao, President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, President of
the Republic of Niger, Prime Minister of The Republic of Cape Verde
and Prime Minister of The Republic of Kenya attended the opening
ceremony. Around 1000 representatives of the business communities
from China and over 40 African countries attended the conference and
had wide exchanges according to the categories of business.
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao delivered a keynote speech on the opening
ceremony. He pointed out that China-Africa business ties are getting
increasingly stronger, bilateral trade has grown rapidly with improved
trade mix, Africa's exports to China doubled in three years with increasing
varieties. He suggested that China and African Nations should strengthen
inter-governmental consultation and coordination, adopt feasible mid and
long-term cooperation programs, promote balanced development of trade,
further intensify investment
cooperation, pay attention
to the protection of Africa's
eco-environment, jointly
manage food crisis, and
promote international
cooperation on sustainable
the opening ceremony. President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea
Teodoro Obiang delivered a speech. Around 1000 representatives of the
business communities from China and Africa were present.
The closing ceremony and signing ceremony of the 4th Conference
of Chinese and African Entrepreneurs were held on July 19. CCPIT,
announced the Declaration on Social Responsibility of Chinese
Enterprises - the Conference of Chinese and African Entrepreneurs.
8 contracts on investment and economic cooperation were signed
between Chinese and African governments and enterprises, and total
volume reached 341 million US dollars. The projects involve cooperation
between organizations, finance, pharmaceutics and agriculture
cooperation with Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Ghana, etc.
On the morning of July 19, around 1000 Chinese and African
Entrepreneurs had over 400 match makings in the fields of finance and
investment, energy, mining and chemicals, light industries and textiles,
engineering and construction, communication and electronics.
President of the Republic
of Niger Mahamadou
Issoufou, Prime Minister
of The Republic of Cape
Verde José Maria Pereira
Neves and Prime Minister
of The Republic of Kenya
Raila Odinga attended
Contracts on cooperation were signed between Chinese and African enterprises
China Pavilion Wins
“World Expo Award” at
Yeosu World Expo
Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan led a delegation to attend the China Pavilion Day at
Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea
The Yeosu World Expo 2012 was held in Yeosu, a seashore city of
Korea from May 12 to August 12 with a theme of “The Living Ocean
and Coast: Diversity of Resources and Sustainable Activities”. The
expo drew in a total 106 countries and 9 international organizations
for exhibition and received 8.006 million visitors.
With original, brilliant and inventive exhibitions, grand and elegant
China Pavilion Day activities as well as colorful and eye-catching
series week activities by 11 coastal provinces and cities, it presented
a panoramic picture of China’s oceanic development concept
and oceanic cause development, standing out above more than
100 exhibitors to win the highest award of the expo, World Expo
Award—Gold Award for creative exhibition of A level exhibition
pavilion. Vice Premier of the State Council Wang Qishan made a
special trip to Yeosu to attend China Pavilion Day activities. This
was the highest level of Chinese leadership for attending recognized
expo, drawing high attention from the Korean counterpart and
expanding the influence of China on the international stage.
Vice Premier Wang Qishan, accompanied by CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei to visit the China
Vice Premier Wang Qishan and China Pavilion staff of Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea posed for
Located in the Pacific Zone with the exhibition area of about 1241
square meters, China Pavilion was the largest non-Korean hall. Themed
with Mutual dependence between people and sea, China Pavilion chose
“Chinese white dolphin” as the main thread to create a new exhibition
form by presenting the exhibition from the perspectives of oceanic and
coastal development and conservation, oceanic technology and oceanic
culture. By showing the people centered and environment friendly
time spirit and demonstrating China’s oceanic development concept
and oceanic cause development, it reached international high level
and built positive national image: From the ocean world in the eyes
of children to the movie Sea Song about mutual dependence between
people and sea, from traditional fisherman paintings to Chinese white
dolphin, from Flood Dragon manned diving device to Antarctic ice
core, China Pavilion embodied technological power and human spirit
with unique creativity and culture to convey the harmony concept of
Mutual dependence between people and sea to the world, showing
inexhaustible wisdom and great mind of Chinese people.
In accordance with unified arrangement of China Pavilion, eleven
Chinese coastal provinces and cities including Hebei, Fujian,
Shanghai, Guangxi, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Ningbo, Hainan, Tianjin,
Liaoning and Shandong elaborately organized province and city
week activities which lasted throughout the expo period.
China Pavilion wins World Expo Award at Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea—Gold Award for
Creative Exhibition of A Level Exhibition Pavilion
· 30
During the three months of expo exhibition, China Pavilion received
daily visitors accounting for about 6%-8% of the total visitors of
the expo park, which was about 5000 visitors every day on average.
During the exhibition period, it received a total of 517,297 visitors
and became one of the most popular exhibition halls of the expo
park which was reputably appraised by BIE and the Korean World
Expo organizing committee, all the exhibitors as well as visitors.
Important Events
Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping attended the opening
ceremony and delivered a keynote speech
Myanmar President U Thein Sein addressed the
CCPIT Vice Chairman Yu Ping chaired the opening
The 9th China-ASEAN Business and
Investment Summit
The 9th China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit and 2012 Forum on China-ASEAN Free Trade Area
were formally convened on September 21, 2012. Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony
and delivered a keynote speech, while Myanmar President U Thein Sein also addressed the Summit.
The theme of this Summit is“Strengthening Connectivity for Win-win Cooperation", with the aims of enhancing
the comprehensive, multi-ranging and in-depth connectivity between China and ASEAN in economic, science and
people-to-people exchange. The Summit was attended by about 1,000 people including high-ranking officials from
relevant government departments of China and ASEAN, business leaders and elite, representatives of international
and regional organizations, experts and scholars, and media representatives from China and ASEAN countries.
Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping said that the economic and trade cooperation between China and ASEAN
has yielded substantial achievements. Since China-ASEAN Free Trade Area was launched in 2010, the winwin cooperation in the economy and trade has displayed even greater vitality. China has been ASEAN's largest
trading partner for three consecutive years and ASEAN has become China's third largest trading partner. China and
ASEAN are also each other's major partners of investment, with two-way investment growing steadily. What is
more, China has provided financial support to ASEAN to the best of its abilities by setting up the China-ASEAN
Investment Cooperation Fund and making concessional loans,
facilitating economic development in ASEAN countries.
Xi Jinping indicated that China has already set up in Nanning,
Guangxi and Yiwu, Zhejiang China-ASEAN commodity trade
centers, which are new platforms that ASEAN companies can
use to promote their products and increase their share in the
Chinese market. It shows China-ASEAN commodity trade
center which is one of the key pragmatic achievements of this
Summit received recognition from China's central government.
At the opening ceremony, Myanmar President U Thein Sein
delivered a speech as well, introducing the bilateral trade
between China and Myanmar, and Myanmar's investment
situation. He also expressed the belief that there is a vast scope
to develop bilateral trade cooperation in the future, and ChinaMyanmar border trade will enjoy a boom.
During the opening ceremony
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao attended the Summit and
delivered a speech
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy
attended the Summit and delivered a speech
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso
attended the 7th Summit and delivered a speech
The 7th, the 8th EU-China Business Summit
The 7th EU-China Business Summit
On February 14, 2012, the 7th EU-China Business Summit co-organized
by CCPIT and European Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC)
was held in Beijing. With the theme of “Cooperation on a New Level:
Innovation, Industry and Investment”, the Business Summit focused
on highlights between China-EU cooperation such as opportunities in
urbanization, the role of SMEs and its institutional support, investment
cooperation and industrial upgrading.
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, European Council President Herman
Van Rompuy, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso
attended the Summit and delivered speeches. Minister of Commerce
Chen Deming, EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht, CCPIT Vice
Chairman Yu Ping and about 700 officials, representatives from business
associations and business delegates from both sides attended the summit.
In the key-note speech by Premier Wen Jiabao, he noted that China is
highly concerned about the debt problems in Europe, and support the
process of European integration and stability of the euro. Premier Wen
Jiabao proposed the following five points on strengthening China-EU
economic and trade cooperation: expand the scale of bilateral trade,
promote two-way investment and cooperation, push forward scientific
and technological exchanges and cooperation, deepen cooperation in
energy and environmental sector, and actively carry out cooperation in
the urbanization process.
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy
pointed out that EU is taking various responsive
measures, including the European Stability Mechanism
and the European Financial Stability Fund to tide over the
crisis; and the post-crisis Europe will play an even greater
role on the global stage.
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso
said that China is a very important economic power in
the world. The economy of China and EU is increasingly
integrated and China can make great contribution to the
recovery and financial stability in Europe.
During the 7th EU-China Business Summit
· 32
CEOs from leading Chinese and European Corporations
such as SANYI Heavy Industry, ZTE, Carlsberg and DSM
attended the summit and delivered speeches. Workshops
on opportunities in urbanization, the role of SMEs and
its institutional support, investment cooperation and
industrial upgrading were held.
Important Events
During the 8th EU-China Business Summit
Group photo of leaders from EU and China at the 8th EU-China Business Summit
The 8th EU-China Business Summit
On September 20, 2012, the 8th EU-China Business Summit co-organized
by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and
BUSINESSEUROPE was held in EU headquarter Brussels. The theme of
the summit is “Cooperation to Boost Confidence for Growth”.
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, European Council President Herman Van
Rompuy, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso attended
the Summit and delivered key-note speeches. Minister of Commerce Chen
Deming, CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei, EU Trade Commissioner Karel De
Gucht, BUSINESSEUROPE President Jurgen R. Thumann and over 400
business delegates and officials from both sides attended the summit.
In the key-note speech, Premier Wen Jiabao noted that, the China-EU
relationship is among the most important ones in the world, and is also a
strategic priority of China's foreign policy. Business cooperation is the most
fruitful part of the China-EU relationship. In order to push forward bilateral
cooperation, Wen said the two sides should further promote trade and
investment, boost collaboration in infrastructure, technological innovation
and urbanization, and strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges.
During the 8th EU-China Business Summit
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy pointed out in his
address that, China has become an important driving force in the global
economic development, and is undergoing economic transformation.
With China and the EU sharing more common grounds in the economic
interests, the two sides should work together to provide new impetus for
both economic growth and social cohesion.
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said, ChinaEU economic and trade relation had been very impressive in the past
30 years. Both sides were aware of how important it was to join hands
to overcome the crisis. The two sides should continue to strengthen the
cooperative relations and fully exploit the potential for growth.
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei said in his speech that the mechanism of
EU-China Business Summit continues to improve and makes its due
contribution to promoting the sustained and healthy development of
China-EU economic and trade relations through strengthening frank and
friendly exchanges and dialogues between the two business communities.
CEOs from leading Chinese and European Corporations such as Wanhua
Group, Feiyue Group, Solvay and NorthgateArinso attended the summit
and delivered speeches. The participants also held in-depth discussions
on innovative development model, deepening industrial cooperation,
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao congratulated CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei on the
success of the Summit
strengthening investment cooperation and promoting common growth.
As an important part of the China-EU Summit, EU-China Business Summit
has been held for eight times consecutively, and has been highly recognized
by both China and EU governments and the business communities. For
the eight years, the mechanism of the EU-China Business Summit has been
constantly improved, becoming the largest top-level business event, and has
profound impact on the development of China-EU comprehensive, multilevel and wide-ranging business cooperation.
Mr. Gerard Worms, Chairman of International
Chamber of Commerce delivered the address
Mr. Zhang Wei, Vice Chairman of CCPIT &
CCOIC delivered the address
Delegates were discussing during the sessions
World Business Leaders (Beijing) Conference
The World Business Leaders (Beijing) Conference (WBLC) which co-organized by International Chamber
of Commerce (ICC) ,China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) and the People's Government of
Beijing Municipality was successfully held in Beijing on September 28, 2012.
Mr. Zhou Tienong, Vice Chairman of NPC was present at the conference. Mr. Zhang Wei, Vice Chairman
of CCPIT and CCOIC, Ms. Cheng Hong, Vice Mayor of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality,
Mr. Gerard Worms, Chairman, International Chamber of Commerce delivered the address at the opening
ceremony. Mr. Wang Chao, Vice-minister, Ministry of Commerce, P.R.C, Mr. Chen Gang, member of the
Standing Committee of CPC Beijing Committee, Mr. Sun Ping, Vice President, the Export-Import Bank of
China delivered keynote speeches. World business leaders were gathered in the conference and exchanged
their views on the global economy.
Ms. Cheng Hong, Vice Mayor of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality said that multinational
corporations which actively participated in Beijing's modernization will be highly appreciated and welcomed.
She wished that domestic corporations should develop international market energetically and take Beijing
as the expansive platform. Mr. Gerard Worms, Chairman of International Chamber of Commerce said in his
speech that in order to promote global economic prosperity, ICC would like to strengthen the world business
communication and cooperation through multilateral consultations.
With the theme of “Multilateral Trade and Investment under the Changing Global Economy”, leaders from
big companies, different chambers of commerce, renowned entrepreneurs, famous trade experts and scholars
were invited to discuss at the conference under the two topics: International Trade and Investment in a Rapidly
Changing World Economy, and Financial Regulation, Business Service Innovation and Corporate Finance.
During the discussions, the speakers pointed out the importance of promoting the development of the
multilateral trading system and the positive effect of ICC World Trade Agenda (WTA). They thought WTA
could voice the world business community, develop the trade and investment, and create job opportunities.
Last but not the least, the discussions focused on the necessity of the communication between government &
enterprises and of the government policy support. They also discussed the significance of financial institutions
to be the engine of world economic development by showing the importance of strengthening the control of
financing risks, improving financial regulation system, regulating investment behavior and establishing credit
rating for enterprises etc.
The conference aimed at providing new ideas and countermeasures to the world governments through ICC’s highlevel platform under the current economic situation so as to promote the sustainable development of the global
multilateral trade and investment. About 300 people from 19 countries’ representatives attended the conference.
· 34
Important Events
Vice chairman of the standing committee of NPC, Mr.
Hua Jianmin, attended the opening ceremony and
delivered a keynote speech.
Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT addressed the
opening ceremony
Mr.Dong Songgen,Vice Chairman of CCPIT hosted the
opening ceremony
The 40th Conference of the Comité Maritime International
The 40th Conference of the Comité Maritime International, hosted by Chinese
Maritime Law Association was held in Beijing from October 15 to 19, 2012.
Insolvencies, Rotterdam Rules, Maritime Arbitration, Marine Insurance,
Piracy, etc., 13 hot issues on total.
Vice Chairman of the standing committee of the National People’s
Congress, Mr. Hua Jianmin, attended the opening ceremony and
delivered a keynote speech. Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT, Mr. Du
Wanhua, professional committee member of the Supreme People's Court
Judicial Committee and other 400 domestic and overseas maritime law
experts and scholars also attended the opening. The opening ceremony
was hosted by Mr.Dong Songgen,the Vice President of China Maritime
Law Association, Vice Chairman of CCPIT.
A number of Chinese delegates participated in the conference either hosting
the meeting or giving presentations on 9 topics among 13, which showed the
high professionalism of the entire maritime law society of China.
Mr. Hua made three suggestions. First, firm the confidence and develop
the pragmatic cooperation. Second, perfect the rules to maintain the faircompetition environment. Third, continue the technical innovation to
promote the green developments of shipping industry. He also expressed
that China would strive to propel the recovery of global economy and
world shipping industry.
The main topics of the conference included Judicial Sales of Ships,
International Salvage Convention, York-Antwerp Rules, Cross Border
An important result of discussions during the conference – named the
Instrument of International Recognition of Foreign Juridical Sale of
Ships (Draft) as Beijing Draft – is the best definition and memory of the
As one of the Asian topics, maritime arbitration was highly emphasized
in the conference. This topic enabled the foreign delegates to understand
Chinese arbitration better, which also achieved the desired effects on
branding and promoting Chinese maritime arbitration.
After it was founded more than 100 years, this is the first time that the
CMI international conference held in China. The Beijing conference
positively helps China expand the international market, strengthen the
communications and coordination with international organizations as
well as advance the development of Chinese
shipping industry.
Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of
NPC, Mr. Hua Jianmin, attended the opening
ceremony and delivered a keynote speech.
Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT delivered a
speech at the opening ceremony
Mr.Dong Songgen, Vice Chairman of CCPIT
hosted the opening ceremony
Mr.Hua Jianmin met with president of CMI, Mr. Karl-Johan Gombrii and his party as well as took photoes
Mr.Hua Jinmin and other delegates had a
meeting with the president of CMI, Mr. KarlJohan Gombrii and his party as well as took
Abdul’ahat Abdulrixit, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC attended
the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech.
Luis Alberto Moreno, President of IDB addressed the
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei addressed the Summit
The 6th China-LAC Business Summit
The 6th China-LAC Business Summit co-hosted by CCPIT, the People’s Bank of China (PBC), Hangzhou Municipal
Government and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) convened in Hangzhou from October 17 to 18, 2012.
Abdul’ahat Abdulrixit, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC attended the opening ceremony as well as the welcome banquet and
delivered a keynote speech. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT, Huang Kunming, Hangzhou Party Secretary, Shao Zhanwei,
Mayor of Hangzhou, Li Chao, Deputy Administrator of State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) and other
ministerial officials from Latin American countries attended and addressed the summit.
Over 400 foreign entrepreneurs from 30 countries and regions, joined with nearly 800 Chinese entrepreneurs from 26
provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions gathered in the summit under the theme of “Trade and Investment
Transformation, Greater Development” and held discussions on issues including upgrading bilateral investment,
adding value to bilateral trade, financial services and the real economy, smart cities, trade in services, natural
resources and SMEs’ development, etc. The China-LAC Business Council was officially launched during the event.
Over 170 senior executives of 85 trade promotion organizations from both home and abroad participated in the 6th ChinaLAC TPOs Roundtable Conference held on October 18, during which the attending TPOs jointly announced the Hangzhou
Declaration. The attending CCPIT sub-councils signed 30 agreements on bilateral cooperation with their LAC counterparts,
which laid a solid foundation for China-LAC economic and trade relations at the regional level.
During the summit, PBC Governor Zhou Xiaochuan and CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei signed respectively with IDB President
Luis Alberto Moreno the MOU on establishing a China Co-financing Fund and the MOU on CCPIT-IDB Cooperation.
At the China-LAC Business Match-making Session and the China-LAC Business Exhibition organized under the framework
of the summit, Chinese entrepreneurs from all over the country conducted over 1,000 one-on-one business match-making
meetings with their visiting LAC counterparts, reaching the signing volume of roughly 10 million US dollars and agreements
of intent worth hundreds of millions of US dollars. Additionally, the amount of agreements on large-scale infrastructure
projects under discussion reached over billions of US dollars. Besides,
participants from both home and abroad visited local sites including
Hangzhou Hi-Tech Zone, Hangzhou Future Science City in Yuhang
District and some of the most famous local companies such as Alibaba
Group, High Fashion Group (silk) and Hangzhou Optimax Tech, etc.
The 6th China-LAC Business Summit was widely covered by both
domestic and international press, including nearly 40 agencies from
China such as Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily, China News
Service (CNS), CCTV, China Radio International (CRI), China Daily
and China Today, etc., as well as international ones including Agencia
EFE, Reuters, Bloomberg Businessweek and Periodico Valores
Cristianos (Colombia), etc.
· 36
MOUs on cooperation were signed during the Summit
Important Events
Mr. Wang Jinzhen, Vice Chairman of CCPIT addressed the opening ceremony of the
The 2nd Trade Exhibition
of the People’s Republic of
China (2012) in Salvador
At the invitation of the China-Salvador Friendship Association, CCPIT
organized the 2nd Trade Exhibition of the People’s Republic of China
from Nov.28 to Dec.1, 2012 in El Salvador, the capital of Salvador.
Vips from Salvador visited the exhibition accompanied by Mr. Wang Jinzhen
More than 40 enterprises participated in this exhibition including some
famous Chinese brands such as BYD autos, Jincheng motorcycles
with the total exhibiting space exceeding 4000sqm. A wide range of
exhibits are displayed covering varied categories of industrial and
agricultural products, consumer goods etc. Comprehensive application
of concrete exhibits as well as pictures and videos show the history,
economy development, people’s life to the public which contribute to the
promotion of China’s national image.
The opening ceremony was held on No.28. Mr. Wang Jinzhen, Vice
Chairman of CCPIT, Mr. José Franciso Merino López , Vice President
of the Parliament of Salvador and more than 460 guests from the
parliament, government departments, industrial and commercial
groups, foreign diplomats in Salvador and local Chinese groups and
some Chinese exhibitors attend this ceremony and the reception
Mr. Wang Jinzhen, Vice Chairman of CCPIT delivered a speech at a local university
and donated books to the university
This exhibition draws great attention from the public. About 52 000
visitors attend during the exhibition. Over 30 main presses of Salvador
and from other central American countries, including TV, radio,
newspaper and the renowned press as Xinhua news agency and Efe
report this event.
Chinese exhibitors achieve a lot within the 4-day showing time.
The value of the trade contracts signed on site tops about 2 200
000USD. The best popular products purchased are facilities of
telecommunication, automobile, motorcycle, cutting machine and
agricultural machine.
CCPIT also organizes a series of varied innovative activities of economic
and cultural exchange during the exhibition, which combines the public
diplomacy with trade and economic promotion closely together.
CCPIT delegation donated stationery and Spanish books to a local elementary school
The exhibition and its supporting activities enhance a good image of
China effectively in the government, trade and industrial community
and the public of Salvador and contribute not only to the promotion of
economic and trade ties but also the development of overall bilateral
relations between China and central American countries.
H.E. Hui Liangyu, Vice Premier of China attended the
Kevin Rudd, Former Australian Prime Minister attended
the Forum
Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT attended the Forum
2012 APEC China CEO Forum
2012 APEC China CEO Forum was successfully held from June 6 to 8, 2012 in Beijing. The
forum was co-hosted by CCPIT and the Asia Inc Forum and supported by the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce.
As the most senior business event held in China under the APEC framework, the forum gathered
over 300 political and business leaders from APEC economies to exchange views under
the theme of “Challenges of Development”. H.E. Hui Liangyu, Vice Premier of China; The
Honorable Kevin Rudd, Former Australian Prime Minister; H.E. Gary Locke, US Ambassador
to China; Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT; Yu Ping, Vice Chairman of CCPIT; Chen Xiaohua,
Vice Minister of Agriculture; Ma Zhaoxu, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs; Fang Aiqing,
Assistant Minister of Commerce were present at the forum and engaged in the discussions
Yu Ping, Vice Chairman of CCPIT attended the Forum
The attendees debated on topics concerning the key areas of the cooperation between APEC and
China, among which were “Can rapid economic growth be green?”, “Energy for China’s future
development: What initiatives are required?”, “The global challenge of food security”, “Investing
in China: Leveraging on the Growth of the consumer market”, “The Renminbi: What will be its
future role in the world economy?”, “New strategies for China’s future growth”, “Globalization
of Chinese enterprises: What lies ahead?”, “The future of the Sino-US economic relationship:
Promoting cooperation”, “The cities of the future: Opportunities for development”, “APEC and
China: Moving forward together”.
The forum attracted around 100 senior representatives from international corporations and
organizations, including brand names like Wal-Mart, DuPont, General Motor, HSBC, RBS
Group, JP Morgan, Caterpillar, PricewaterhouseCoopers and WWF International.
· 38
Important Events
Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT represented the organizer
to deliver the opening speech
SISO Chairman Kerry Gumas delivered a speech
IAEE President and CEO David DuBois delivered a
The 9th China Expo Forum for
International Cooperation
Cooperated with Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI), International Association
of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) and Society of Independent Show Organizers (SISO), China
Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) successfully held the 9th China
Expo Forum for International Cooperation (CEFCO 2013, hereinafter referred to as Forum) in
Chongqing from January 17 to 19, 2013.
Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT and CCOIC, represented the organizer to deliver the opening speech.
Chen Heping, Vice Mayor of Chongqing Municipal Government, Shu Huan, the representative
of Department of Trade in Services and Commercial Services of Ministry of Commerce, UFI
President Chen Xianjin, IAEE President and CEO David DuBois, SISO Chairman Kerry Gumas,
and Marco Spinger, Director of Global Markets Division of Association of the German Trade Fair
Industry (AUMA), attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches as well. CCPIT Vicechairman Wang Jinzhen hosted the opening ceremony.
CCPIT Vice-chairman Wang Jinzhen hosted the opening ceremony
Chairman Wan Jifei put forward three suggestions for the growth of China’s exhibition industry:
the first is to give full play the guiding and leading roles of exhibition industry and promote the
industrial restructuring. The second is to transform the development pattern of exhibition industry
and realize innovation-driven growth. The third is to seize opportunities, move on with trends and
accelerate the development of exhibition industry in Central and Western Regions of China.
CCPIT Vice-chairman Wang Jinzhen represented CCPIT to release Development Report on China’s
Exhibition Economy (2012), conducted brief review and analysis on basic status of China’s exhibition
industry in 2012, and made prospect about the development of China’s exhibition industry in 2013.
Themed “Exploration, Vista via Redefinition of Growth” of this forum, 700 representatives of
exhibition circle from such 15 countries and regions as China, USA, UK, France, Germany, Hong
Kong, Macao and Taiwan attended the forum, of which 626 representatives were from Mainland
China, 29 from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions, and 45 from overseas. Compared to
last forum, the total participants hit a record high with an increase of 10.8%. Overseas guests
except for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan increased by 18.4%, which indicated the degree of
internationalization of the forum was gradually enhancing. Transnational exhibition agencies that
one-up in international ranking, such as Frankfurt, Munich, Dusseldorf, Hannover, Reed, Krause
and UBM all participated in the forum. In compositions of the participant units, the proportion of
upstream enterprises like organizers of exhibition industry was further improved. And the proportion
of such core institutions as exhibition responsible organs, trade promotion systems, vital exhibitors
associations and companies, and operators of exhibition venues also increased to some extent.
UFI President Chen Xianjin delivered a speech
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei addressed the Opening
Ceremony of the Conference
CCPIT Vice Chairman Zhang Wei addressed the
Opening Ceremony of the Conference
Mr. Péter Szijjártó, State Secretary of Foreign Affairs and
External Relations of Hungary addressed the Opening
Ceremony of the Conference
The 7th Chinese Enterprises
Outbound Investment Conference
The 7th Chinese Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference was held
successfully by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in Beijing
on April 17 to 18, 2013.
Under the theme of “Promote Cross-Border Investment Facilitation, Enhance
Outbound Investment Capability", the Conference aimed to carry out China’s
“Going Global” strategy, help Chinese enterprises to deeply understand the latest
changes in global investment environment and opportunities, encourage and
support Chinese enterprises’ overseas investment.
Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT, Mr. Zhang Wei, Vice Chairman of CCPIT, Mr.
Wang Xianzheng, President of China National Coal Association, Mr. Li Fanrong,
Deputy General Manager of China National Offshore Oil Corporation, Mr. Péter
Szijjártó, State Secretary of Foreign Affairs and External Relations of Hungary, Mr.
Courtenay Rattray, Jamaica’s ambassador to China, Mr. Richard A. Nixon, Chargé d'
Affaires of the Embassy of Grenada to China attended the conference. In total 2300
Chinese and foreign guests and delegates from Chinese and foreign governments,
trade promotion organizations and enterprises attended the conference.
In the first part of the plenary session of the conference, the speakers presented the
development tendency of Chinese enterprises’ outbound investment and related
policies of Chinese government for encouraging and supporting the enterprises’
outbound investment, introduced the significant role of Chinese-funded enterprise
associations in helping Chinese enterprises in overseas investment and operation.
project release and matchmaking. Among these seminars, seminars on investment
in ASEAN and South Asia, construction industry “Going Global” in a cluster way
and industry park development focused on emerging markets drew the interests
of Chinese enterprises and well recognized by participated enterprise delegates.
Investment project release and matchmaking was a significant part in the
conference. Before the conference, the Organizing Committee collected 339
overseas investment projects from more than 10 countries such as Canada, UK,
Germany, Singapore and Romania through partner foreign investment agencies
and enterprises. The investment projects were released via conference website
and project handbooks. In the conference, particular projects were selected and
further presented by foreign representatives and matched with over 100 Chinese
enterprises on the site. A batch of investment cooperation intentions were reached.
Nearly 30 investment promotion organizations and investment service
organizations from China, UK, Germany, Canada, Hong Kong, Poland,
Singapore and other countries and regions had their exhibition stands during the
conference and promoted their investment services. They answered questions
asked by Chinese enterprises and raised the awareness of Chinese enterprises to
conduct overseas investment with professional investment services.
In the second part of plenary session of the conference, the speakers conducted
in-depth discussions on the topics of the opportunities and challenges, successful
and unsuccessful experiences of Chinese enterprises’ overseas investment and
facilitation services provided by foreign governments and agencies for Chinese
enterprises in their overseas investments.
On the afternoon of April 17 and April 18, 10 parallel seminars were held,
including the seminars on investment in countries and regions such as Canada,
Britain, Germany, Hungary and ASEAN and South Asia region. Meanwhile, the
seminars on different sectors were held, such as the internationalization of coal
industry, construction industry “Going Global” in a cluster way and industry park
development, the internationalization of Chinese traditional medicine sector, and
China (Fujian) enterprises’ cross-border M&A and the seminar on investment
· 40
CCPIT signed Cooperation MOU with Canadian Cities' Allience
Important Events
China-U.S. Cooperation Forum on IPR Protection
and Innovation
The China-U.S. Cooperation Forum on IPR Protection and Innovation co-hosted
by CCPIT and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was held in Washington D.C. on
April 22, 2013, coinciding with the publication of Intellectual Property Protection
by Chinese Courts in 2012. This year’s forum centered around topics of common
interest such as IPR disputes, patent and trademark application and protection,
equity investors’ divergent evaluations of intellectual properties, etc. High
level speakers and professional panelists were invited to address the attending
business leaders from both countries, including Vice Chairman of CCPIT Wang
Jinzhen, Chinese Minister of Commercial Affairs He Ning, Vice President of U.S.
Chamber of Commerce Tami Overby and International IP Executive Director of
Global IP Center at U.S. Chamber of Commerce Jasper MacSlarrow.
In his speech, Wang Jinzhen associated China’s annual GDP growth rate above
10% in 10 consecutive years since joining WTO with its perseverance in reform
and opening up, as well as its increasing efforts in IPR protection. He briefed
the audience about China’s progress in IPR legislation and the enforcement of
relevant laws in recent years, as well as its significant growth of intellectual
property products. Wang emphasized that China, ever since joining World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in 1980, has managed to complete
what developed countries spent over 100 years doing within 30 years. Over the
years, as the oldest full-service intellectual property institution and the earliest
one to promote the establishment of the patent system in China, CCPIT has made
significant contribution in spreading the idea of and promoting IPR protection.
However, it is undeniable that there is still space for improvement. Along with
the implementation of the blueprint for China's future development established
during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as well as
its growth into an innovative country, China will make continuous progress on
IPR protection, and further strengthen its communication and collaboration with
the U.S. and other countries on IPR protection and innovation.
CCPIT Vice Chairman Wang Jinzhen delivered a speech at the Forum
Scene of the Forum
After the opening ceremony, Deputy Chief Judge Jin Kesheng, IPR Tribunal of
the Supreme People's Court of PRC and Chief Judge Randall R. Rader, United
States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit exchanged views on recent
IPR law enforcement and future scenario, pragmatic dialogue and professional
cooperation between the two countries. Besides, representatives from the
commercial section of Chinese Embassy, CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law
Office, China Patent Agent (HK) Ltd., U.S. Patent & Trade Office and DuPont,
together with over 50 Chinese and American enterprisers, discussed key issues
related to “the IP Climates in China and the United States: What Investors Need
to Know?” and “Case Studies in U.S.-China IP Cooperation”.
China-U.S. Cooperation Forum on IPR Protection and Innovation is an
important mechanism for cooperation between CCPIT and the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce, aiming to provide a platform for collaboration between Chinese and
U.S. business circles in the IPR arena. Next forum is scheduled to be held again
in Washington D.C. in first half of 2014.
Judges exchanged views on IPR issues
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei declared the opening of CIE
CCPIT Vice Chairman Zhang Wei addressed the CIE 2013
The 2nd China (Kunshan) Brand Products Import Expo
The 2nd China (Kunshan) Brand Products Import Expo (CIE 2013)
was co-hosted by CCPIT & CCOIC, Ministry of Commerce, People’s
Government of Jiangsu Province, and co-organized by CCOIC Secretariat,
Department of Commerce and Foreign Affairs Office of Jiangsu, CCPIT
Jiangsu Sub-council, Suzhou Municipal Government, Kunshan Municipal
Government at the Kunshan International Convention and Exhibition
Center between May 15 and 18, 2013. Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT
& CCOIC, and Dr. Zhang Wei, Vice Chairman of CCPIT & CCOIC,
participated in the major events of the CIE 2013.
its first edition, gathered a number of transnational companies, and benefited
China’s enterprises on equipment renewal and technological upgrading. One of
the CIE exhibition agents praised the Expo for its excellent effects and intended
to organize larger delegations of exhibitors next year. Professionals maintained
that amid the EU and the US economic slowdown, the CIE would boost China’s
economic development, advance balanced bilateral trade, and promote global
economic recovery. They all agreed that the CIE, as an international trade fair
in Kunshan approved by China’s State Council, proves that China will take the
lead in promoting balanced development of world trade.
The CIE was aimed at promoting opening-up and cooperation, restructuring
and upgrading of Chinese economy. It gathered 602 exhibitors from 41
countries and regions such as America, Canada, Germany, England, France,
Holland, Czech, Japan, Korea and Australia. 40% of them were returning
exhibitors of the CIE 2012. The custom-built exhibition area of CIE 2013
accounted for 77% of the total, up 7% from CIE 2012. The exhibits and
deals at the CIE 2013 concentrated on new technologies, new
equipment, and newly emerging strategic industries which are
mainly imported by China during the Twelfth-Year Plan period. It
was composed of five exhibition sections: machinery equipment,
environmental protection, new materials, new energy, electronic
information technology and products, auto parts technology
and products, and consumer goods. The CIE 2013 had a total
exposition area of 60 thousand square meters and attracted
58.2 thousand professional visitors from over 26 provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities during the four-day
period. Meanwhile, the second China Trade Development Forum,
Networking Meeting for Chinese and Foreign Chambers of
Commerce and other seminars were held during the expo.
In order to enhance the expo’s professionalization, marketization and
branding, CCOIC Secretariat has made big efforts to accomplish the
recruitment of exhibitors & buyers before the expo and the planning and
preparation of relevant concurrent events, and made new breakthroughs in
the exhibition scale, quality of exhibitors & visitors, and concurrent events
The CIE was unanimously acclaimed. According to sampling
questionnaire, 83.5% of the exhibitors are satisfied with the expo.
Over 70% of the exhibitors expressed their intention to participate
in the next CIE. Many purchasers commented that the CIE 2013, a
premium platform for new technologies, was more professional than
· 42
Scenes of the Expo
Important Events
Opening ceremony of the 5th China International Professional Training Forum
The 5th China International Professional Training Forum
The 5th China International Professional Training Forum was held on May 23,2013. The forum was co-sponsored by
CCPIT, International Trade Center of Unite Nations and The Paris Ile-de-France Regional Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, co-organized by the Department of Network and Training Affairs of CCPIT, Training Center of CCPIT (China
Chamber of International Commerce).
Mr. Wang Xiaochu, Deputy-Minister of Ministry of Human Recourses and Social Security of the People’s Republic
of China, Mr. Yu Ping, Vice-Chairman of CCPIT, Mr. Jean-Paul VERMÈS, Vice President of The Paris Ile-de-France
Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Wang Jiping, Counsel of the Department of Vocational and Adult
Education of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Geng Hongzhou, Deputy Director
General of Department of Market Supervision of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Li
Yuemin, Deputy Director General of Department of Overseas Training of the State Administration of Foreign Affairs of
the People’s Republic of China were present at the Forum and published a speech.
The organizing committee also invited the domestic and foreign institutions, colleges, well-known enterprises, training
consultancy, local and industry sub-council of CCPIT, such as CCOIC, China Learning and Development Conference,
Canada China Business Council, American Management Association, HEC Paris, China Europe International
Business School, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Renmin University of China, University of International
Business and Economics, WANDA Institute, Wall Street English, Standard Chartered Bank, Fosun Group and so on,
approximately 350 people to take part in this forum.
Take “Training Drives Sustainable and Innovative Development” as the theme, the forum focused on the hot topics
and appeal points of the international professional training market, the main contents were talent management in the
process of enterprise internationalization management, private enterprises heritage and development, new technology
and new trend of the professional training, training system construction, online learning platform, etc. During the
forum, 6 sub-forums were held at the same time, breaking the limitations of time and space, opened a three-dimensional
interactive communication mode. The 6 sub-forum were “China International Professional Education and Research” ,
“Entrepreneurial spirit and Enterprises' Learning Ability”, “Development tendency of E-Learning New Technology”,
“Sustainable Development of Private Enterprises”, “Finance Industry” and “Learning and Development sub-forum”.
In order to improve the match-making of professional training supply and enterprises demand, promote the
internationalization of the training industry, the forum also held the International Professional Achievements Exhibition,
Training Production Release Conference, Professional Training Supply and Demand Match-making Conference
simultaneously. There were 18 education, training and consultative institutions set up a booth in the exhibition. The
area of the exhibition was almost 200 square meters, received more than 300 visits.
Entrepreneurs Plenum
The Mexico-China Entrepreneurs Plenum was jointly held by CCPIT and
COMCE (The Mexican Business Council for Foreign Trade, Investment
and Technology) in Mexico City, capital of Mexico, June 5, 2013.
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto
attended the luncheon and delivered keynote speeches. Present at the
meeting were CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei, COMCE President Valentín
Díez, Chinese Minister of Commerce Gao Hucheng, Mexican Secretary
of Economy Ildefonso Guajardo and around 400 business leaders of both
At the luncheon that followed the meeting, Presidents of China and
Mexico made their keynote speeches.
Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out in his address that ChinaMexico economic and trade cooperation enjoys geographic advantages,
good timing and popularity, and thus holds great promise. The two sides
should unswervingly view each other as partners and take each other’s
development as excellent opportunities for one’s own development. The
healthy economic and trade collaboration between the two countries
should be stressed and propelled at a strategic level. To consolidate
the strategic partnership and elevate bilateral economic and trade
cooperation, President Xi suggested that China and Mexico should fully
exploit cooperation potential in traditional sectors, adopt a new mentality
and methodology, and foster new investment hubs in such sectors as
energy, mining, infrastructure, and high technology. Out of a sense of
Mexico-China Entrepreneurs Plenum was held in
Mexico City
· 44
Chinese President Xi Jinping deliverd keynote speech at the Plenum
mutual respect and reciprocity, the two sides should optimize trade
structure, settle disputes through friendly consultation and seek balanced
growth in bilateral trade.
President Peña expressed in his remarks that the comprehensive strategic
partnership between Mexico and China has engendered enormous
potential for economic and trade cooperation. Through concerted
efforts, the two countries can forge mutually beneficial relation out of
competition and generate balanced growth in bilateral trade. Mexico
stands ready to create enabling conditions for Chinese investment.
President Peña thanked the Chinese side for agreeing to Mexico’s request
for hosting the 9th China-LAC Business Summit. He also commended
CCPIT and COMCE on their considerable work to promote economic
and trade development and facilitate business exchanges in the two
COMCE President Diez expressed in his introductory words that Mexico
has a sound economic climate and the government has formulated a
national development plan. Business communities in Mexico and China
will make a joint and earnest effort to implement government policies
and score economic goals.
Delegates from BANCOMEXT (Mexican Bank for Foreign Trade),
ProMéxico, the Export-Import Bank of China, CCCC (China
Communications Construction Company Limited), and Huawei shared
experience and insights at the meeting.
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei addressed the Plenum
CCPIT signed Cooperation MOU with ProMéxico
Important Events
President of the Supreme People’s Court of China and CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei delivered a welcome speech
Chief Justice Zhou Qiang delivered a keynote speech at at the Conference
the Conference
Secretary-General of the United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Mr.Renaud Sorieul
delivered the opening speech
2013 APRAG Conference
From June 27 to 29 2013, the China International Economic and Trade
Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) hosted the 2013 Asia Pacific Regional
Arbitration Group (APRAG) Conference in Beijing. President of the
Supreme People’s Court of China and Chief Justice Zhou Qiang attended
the Opening Ceremony and gave a keynote speech. Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman
of CCPIT&CCOIC’ and Chairman of CIETAC extended his welcome
on behalf of the organizer. President of APRAG and the Kuala Lumpur
Regional Center for Arbitration Sundra Rajoo extended his salutations on
behalf of APRAG. Secretary-General of the United Nations Commission
on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Renaud Sorieul and Secretary
of Justice of Hong Kong SAR Rimsky YUEN were also invited to attend
and speak at the Opening Ceremony. Vice-Chairman of the NPC Legal
Committee WANG Shengming, Vice-Chairman of CCPIT/CCOIC, ViceChairman of CIETAC and CMAC and Chairman of the Organizing
Committee of the 2013 APRAG Conference DONG Songgen, ViceChairman of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council XIA Yong,
Secretary-General of the China Law Society LIN Zhongliang, Chairman
of the All China Lawyers Association WANG Junfeng, Director General of
the Coordination Department of the Legislative Affairs Office of the State
Council LU Yunhua, Director General of the Civil Law Office of the NPC
Legal Committee JIA Dongming, Director General of the Legislative Affairs
Department of the Ministry of Justice CHEN Junsheng and others attended
the Opening Ceremonies. Nearly 400 people from 26 different countries and
regions around the world participated in the Conference. Vice-Chairman and
Secretary-General of CIETAC and Vice-Chairman of CMAC Yu Jianlong
presided over the Opening Ceremony.
Before the opening of the Conference, Chief Justice Zhou Qiang met
with some delegates including APRAG’s President Sundra Rajoo.
It was the first time the APRAG Conference was held in Mainland China.
During the three-day conference, with “International Arbitration in AsiaPacific Region in the Next Ten Years – Opportunities and Challenges” as
the theme, participants discussed new trends in international arbitration,
interim measures, enforcement of arbitral awards, mediation, maritime
arbitration, investorstate arbitration
and many other
issues. Focusing
on heated topics,
participants were
able to exchange
ideas about future
opportunities and
look ahead into the
the newly-elected President of APRAG and Vice
Chairman and Secretary-General of CIETAC Yu Jianlong
gave his closing remarks
President of the
Supreme People’s
Court of China ZHOU Qiang noted in his keynote speech that international
arbitration has already become an important means of resolving
international disputes, eliminating barriers to trade and investment, and
safeguarding the international legal order. The potential of Asia-Pacific’s
international arbitration is great, especially since the outlook for China’s
arbitration services is tremendously vast. The development of international
arbitration in the Asia-Pacific region could usher in a Golden Age.
In his welcome speech, Mr. Wan Jifei noted that arbitration institutions
from around the world are all optimistic regarding the growth of the
Asia-Pacific region. CIETAC stands ready to work together with
countries and regional arbitration institutions to jointly create a favorable
international trade and investment environment for the Asia-Pacific and
the world economic recovery and prosperity.
During the Closing Ceremony held on the 29th, the newly-elected President
of APRAG and Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of CIETAC YU
Jianlong gave his closing remarks. He said that he would honor his mission
to further the development and progress of international arbitration in China
and the Asia-Pacific region, and expressed his sincere gratitude to those who
have contributed their efforts to the Conference. Deputy Secretary-General
of CIETAC LENG Haidong moderated the Closing Ceremony.
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei met with ROK President Park Geun-hye
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei delivered a
speech at the Forum
ROK President Park Geun-hye delivered a
speech at the Forum
China-Korea Business Cooperation Forum
China-Korea Business Cooperation Forum Welcoming the visit of Ms.
Park Geun-hye,the President of Pepublic of Korea, was jointly organized
by CCPIT and Korean Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Beijing on
June 28, 2013. The forum was supported by Ministry of Commerce of
China and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Korea. Ms. Park Geunhye, President of the Republic of Korea delivered a speech at the forum.
Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT and Mr. Son Kyong-shik, President
of Korean Chamber of Commerce & Industry, made remarks on behalf
of business communities of China and Korea. Around 300 people from
government and business circles of China and Korea attended this event.
President Park Geun-hye said that China and Korea must carry forward
the cause and forge ahead, continue making splendid achievements as
in the past 20 years and draw a new vision of economic cooperation,
and realize the transformation of growth from quantity to quality. China
and Korea should enlarge scale of cooperation, expand mutual market
openness, and build a solid economic structure. She said in the past
20 years, China and Korea relied on trade and investment in bilateral
cooperation, and both should rely more on high value-added industries
in the future 20 years. Now the two countries are dedicated to seeking
new opportunities from the national capabilities of innovation. China is
fostering its emerging industries based on the spirit of self-dependence
and innovation, while Korea is developing its culture and industry
combined industry on the foundation of innovation. Both countries will
acquire huge synergistic effect if strengthening cooperation in this field.
She hopes Chinese entrepreneurs may find ideal Korean partners while
realizing their own Chinese dream.
Mr. Wan Jifei warmly welcomed the visit of the Korean president and
officials, and the visit of Korean business communities. He said the
senior officials of China and Korea kept visiting each other frequently
since the two countries established diplomatic relations since 1992,
the mutual trust was constantly strengthened, and the cooperation
was increasingly enlarged. Both are important economic partners of
each other: China continued to be Korea’s largest trade partner and
· 46
exporting country, and Korea has become China’s third largest trade
partner. He said now the deep impact of the world financial crisis will
not be completely eliminated shortly, and the world is faced with many
challenges, China and Korea must strengthen communication and roll
in the same boat, promote facilitation of trade and investment, and work
hard to establish China-Korea FTA early, in order to inject new vitality
to bilateral cooperation.
Mr. Son Kyong-shik said that China and Korea need to review the past
20 years history and open up new way of economic partnership. The
entrepreneurs should actively excavate opportunities and do unremitting
effort to enlarge investment and trade.
In the luncheon, Mr. Yu Ping, Vice Chairman of CCPIT suggested the
business people of two countries should push forward cooperation in
energies, environment protections, biology technologies, logistics and
high-tech industries, strengthen SMEs cooperation, develop partnership
between Korean enterprises and mid-west region of China, and promote
cooperation in technologies and research.
Mr. Son Kyongshik, President of Korean Chamber of Commerce & Industry made a
speech at the Forum
Important Events
Mr. Zhang Baowen, Vice Chairman of the Standing CCPIT Vice Chairman Yu Ping delivered a speech at the
Committee of NPC delivered a speech
APEC China CEO Forum 2013
APEC China CEO Forum 2013, co-hosted by CCPIT and Asia Inc Forum, was held in Beijing from July 12 to 14,
2013. Mr. Zhang Baowen, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress, and
Mr.Yu Ping, Vice Chairman of the CCPIT were present at the forum.
APEC China CEO Forum 2013, the highest level forum for China’s business community under the APEC framework,
welcomed over 700 business leaders from APEC member economies to exchange ideas under the theme “China in
Transition: New Leadership, New Prospects”.
The forum included many hot issues as the topics for discussion, namely, “innovative growth”, “green factory &economic
benefits”, “innovation”, “finance &real economy”, “sustainable development”, “new prospects”, “industry optimization”,
“women and the economy”, “internet era in the business world”, “new opportunities for Hong Kong’s economy”,
and invited over 60 leading business figures to give speeches. The speakers included economists Wei Jianguo, Chen
Quansheng, Li Daokui, Tang Min, Xiang Bing, Zhou Qiren; Gu Shengzu, member of the Standing Committee of the NPC,
Deputy Director of the NPC Financial Committee, and Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of China Democratic
National Construction Association; Li Yizhong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee;
Jullapong Nonsrichai, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Thailand; Monica Whaley, President, U.S. National Center for
APEC, Kai-Fu Lee, Chairman& CEO, Innovative Works; Li Dongsheng, Chairman, TCL Corporation; Li Lihui, Vice
Chairman and President, Bank of China; Lu Zhicheng, Chairman, TongFang Co., Ltd; Diane Wang, Founder &CEO,; Liu Ting, Chairman & President, Asia Link Group; Jing
Ulrich, Managing Director and Chairwoman, Global Markets, China, J.P.
Morgan, Dato Timothy Ong, Chairman, Asia Inc Forum and etc.
Executives from Google, Alcoa Inc., Dupont, BASF Group, LANXESS
Chemical, Otsuka Holdings, Starbucks, Honeywell, North Head,
Commonwealth Bank of Australia and many other multinational
corporations also attended the forum and shared their opinions on the
development of SMEs.
The CCPIT has hosted two sessions of APEC China CEO forum with
Asia Inc Forum since 2012 and plans to continue its efforts to make
the forum an annual event and an international platform with Chinese
features for the Asia-Pacific business community.
Scene of the APEC China CEO forum 2013
APEC China CEO Forum 2013 was covered by CCTV, China Daily,,, Economic Daily News, Southern
Metropolitan Daily, Financial Times, CNBC and over 40 other media.
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev Chinese President Xi Jinping, Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev and CCPIT
attended the ceremony of the linking of the China-Kazakhstan Natural Gas Pipeline Chairman Wan Jifei attended the Conference
(first stage of the second phase)
China-Kazakhstan Business Council Inauguration Conference
The China-Kazakhstan Business Council (CKBC) Inauguration Conference, co-organised by CCPIT and the Sovereign Wealth
Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC (SKKZ), was held in Astana on September 7, 2013. Chinese President Xi Jinping and Kazakhstan
President Nursultan Nazarbayev attended the conference and gave keynote speeches, accompanied by other 300 business people
from both sides.
President Xi Jinping gave his congratulations to the inauguration conference and reiterated that China and Kazakhstan are
important partners with fruitful cooperation in the past. China is the largest trading partner of Kazakhstan while Kazakhstan is the
largest investment destination of China among all CIS member states. The two countries jointly built the first land way crude oil
transport pipeline and the first international border cooperation centre in China’s history. With China’s help, Kazakhstan built its
first hydropower station since independence. The fruitful cooperation between the two countries has brought tangible benefits to
their people and provided an inexhaustible motive force to the development of China-Kazakhstan relationship.
Xi noted in his speech that CKBC is the first bilateral business cooperative mechanism between China and Central Asian
countries. It is a result of the high-level and concrete bilateral cooperation as well as strong wills of the business circles to deepen
partnership. In his hopes, CKBC will renovate the philosophy and way of cooperation to engage more Chinese and Kazakh
companies. Moreover, it would implement the agreed projects and open its mind to create new ones in the fields of transportation,
communication, agriculture, high-technology, clean and new energy, cooperation with neighboring countries, with the aim of
bringing bilateral cooperation to a higher level.
President Nazarbayev affirmed the good partnership and fruitful economic and trade cooperation between China and Kazakhstan.
He noted that, President Xi’s Visit has brought along a series of important agreements, which hugely promoted the bilateral
cooperation. Kazakhstan has strong wills to develop further cooperation with China in the field of energy power and intra-region
interconnection to revive the Silk Road. He hopes that the CKBC would vigorously enhance the business relations between
Chinese and Kazakh companies, as well as open a new chapter in the bilateral economic and trade cooperation.
Mr Wan Jifei noted in his speech that the presence and speeches of leaders from both sides clearly demonstrates the great attention
and sincere hopes to the bilateral concrete cooperation from the two governments and leaders. CKBC will dedicate to boost
business relations and seize the opportunity to beef up the concrete cooperation between China and Kazakhstan.
Afterwards, President Xi and President Nazarbayev witnessed the signing of cooperative agreements between the China Import
and Export Bank, China Development Bank, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, CITIC Group Corporation, China
Datang Corporation and their respective partners, followed by the linking of the China-Kazakhstan Natural Gas Pipeline (first
stage of the second phase).
More than 300 business people from both sides have joined the panel discussions on Agricultural Cooperation and Investment
Diversification, Expansion of Technology and Innovation Cooperation, and Prospect and Diversified Development of Energy
Cooperation. They held B2B talks afterwards with some cooperation intentions.
· 48
Important Events
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivered a keynote
speech at the Summit
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei addressed the Summit
The 10th China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit
The 10th China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and
Investment Summit were held on September 3, 2013 in Nanning,
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang
delivered a keynote speech. Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT, Mr. Peng
Qinghua, Party Secretary of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and
Mr. Zhong Shan, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Commerce, delivered
speeches at the opening ceremony. Myanmar President H.E. Thein Sein,
Cambodia Prime Minister H.E. Hun Sen, Lao Prime Minister H.E.
Thongsing, Thailand Prime Minister H.E. Yingluck, Vietnamese Prime
Minister H.E. Nguyen Tan Dung, Singapore Deputy Prime Minister H.E.
Teo Chee Hean, and ASEAN Secretary General H.E. Le Luong Minh
delivered speeches as well.
Premier H.E. Li Keqiang pointed out that China and ASEAN are
natural partners. Both sides are under the stage of rapid development
of industrialization and urbanization. Thus, the economic cooperation
between China and ASEAN will stimulate tremendous potentials. China
and ASEAN should constantly look for new strategic breakthrough,
increase mutual trust and deepen cooperation. Both sides should further
improve the level of cooperation and promote bilateral partnership in
the future. Hereby, Premier H.E. Li Keqiang gave five suggestions about
the bilateral cooperation. Firstly, China and ASEAN should create the
“updated-version” Free Trade Area (FTA); secondly, both sides should
promote mutual connectivity; thirdly, both sides should enhance financial
cooperation; fourthly, China and ASEAN should develop maritime link;
and fifthly, both sides should increase cultural communication.
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei said that China-ASEAN Business and
Investment Summit has been the important trade and commercial
mechanism between China and ASEAN due to the supports from
governments and business communities among China and ASEAN
countries. The summit has contributed to the development of
China-ASEAN FTA and high-level cooperation between two sides.
Chinese business communities are willing to work with the business
organizations in ASEAN states. At the same time, governments and
relevant departments from two sides are paying more attention to the
business community to provide a stable, efficient and convenient trade
environment and contribute to the regional economic prosperity.
The opening ceremony introduced the updated outcomes of ChinaASEAN cooperation, and invited dignitaries from China and ASEAN
countries to delivered keynote speeches. About 1100 participants,
including government officials, business leaders, representatives of
commercial organizations, academic experts and media from China and
ASEAN countries, attended the summit.
The Summit also organized the China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership
Dialogue for the 10th Anniversary of Trade and Economic Cooperation,
the Roundtable Dialogue between Senior State Leaders of the Philippines
and Enterprise CEOs from China, the 2nd Philippine-China Business
Council Meeting, China-ASEAN Chambers of Commerce Leadership
Forum, China-ASEAN Port Cities Cooperation Forum, and the ChinaASEAN Business Breakfast.
CCPIT Vice Chairman Dong Songgen took photo with participants of Philippine China Business Forum
CPPCC Chairman Yu Zhengsheng attended the CCPIT Vice Chairman Zhang Wei addressed the
opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech China-Islamic Countries Chamber of Commerce
Cooperation Forum
CPPCC Chairman Yu Zhengsheng met with Sheikh Hamad Bin Isa alKhalifa, King of the Kingdom of Bahrain
2013 China-Arab States Expo
Ministry of Commerce, CCPIT and Ningxia Autonomous Region People's Government
successfully held 2013 China-Arab States Expo from September 15 to 19, 2013. The theme of the
Expo is “China and Arab States cooperate hand in hand, and face to the whole world”. Chinese
President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to the Expo. Yu Zhengsheng, Politburo
Standing Committee and CPPCC Chairman, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a
keynote speech. Wang Zhengwei, Vice Chairman of CPPCC and Minister of Ethnic Affairs
Commission, attended the opening ceremony as well. Meanwhile, Abdullah II Bin Hussein, the
King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Sheikh Hamad Bin Isa al-Khalifa, the King of the
Kingdom of Bahrain, Mohammed Bin Mubarak Al-Khalifa, Deputy Prime Minister of Bahrain,
Moana Carcassés Kalosil, Prime Minister of Vanuatu were invited to attend the opening ceremony.
H.E. Mr. Xi Jinping, H.E. Mr. Li Keqiang, H.E. Mr. Yu Zhengsheng and other CPC and state
leaders of China representatively met and talked with the King of Jordan, the King of Bahrain
and other foreign dignitaries in Beijing and Yinchuan, and reached the meaningful consensuses
on state-level issues, including further strengthening bilateral cooperation and promotion of
negotiations of China-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) FTA. Ministry of Commerce held the
China-GCC Cooperation Conference. CCPIT and the chambers of commerce of Arab States
co-founded the China-Arab States Committee of Trade Dispute Resolution and Advisory,
which provides the resolution platform to avoid the trade conflicts and the trade disputes of
the companies between China and Arab States. Relative ministries and commissions of China
also signed several China-Arab States cooperation agreements on trade, culture and education,
travel, publishing, radio and TV, and other fields based on 5 sections and 12 sectors of the Expo.
The Expo attracted delegates from 67 countries, including Jordan, Bahrain, Kuwait,
Malaysia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Vanuatu, Thailand and others, and delegations
from provinces and ministries and commissions of China to attend the Expo. 7,348 guesses
from over 1200 large corporations and financial institutions attended the event. During the
Expo, 21 meetings and forum activities were held. A total of 158 projects with the amount of
RMB 259.901 billion were contracted, of which the agreed contracts were 54 and the total
investment were RMB 105.883 billion. Meanwhile, the Expo provided a total exhibition area
of 45,000 square meters and set up 1,700 booths. As a result, more than 980 organizations,
more than 4,000 exhibitors, and over 1,000 professional buyers participated in the Expo.
More than 1,000 kinds of products were displayed, and the primary deals of RMB 320
million got agreement, with an increase of 130% compared with the previous year.
· 50
CPPCC Chairman Yu Zhengsheng visited Kuweit Pavilion
CPPCC Chairman Yu Zhengsheng met with Abdullah II Bin Hussein,
King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
China-Islamic Countries Chamber of Commerce Cooperation Forum
Important Events
Ribbon cutting for the exhibition on the Opening Ceremony
The donation to the primary school Fray Ramón Pane
Trade Exhibition of the People's Republic
of China (Dominican)
CCPIT successfully hosted the Fifth Trade Exhibition of China from September 26 to 29, 2013, in Santo Domingo,
the capital city of Dominican Republic. The exhibition, with the exhibition floor occupying an area of more than 1,500
square meters, represented 26 Chinese well-known brands, including BYD, DFSK, LIFAN motorcycles, and CHINT.
The opening ceremony was held on September 26. More than 400 guests attended the event, including Mr. Yu Ping,
Vice Chairman of CCPIT, Mr. Temítocles Montás, Minister of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development
of the Dominican Republic, Mr. Jean Alain Rodríguez, Director of the Dominican Republic Export and Investment
Center, etc,,The guests made speeches and cut the ribbon for the exhibition. More than 40 Sino-Dominican news media
carried live coverage of the opening ceremony.
During the 4 days of exposition, about 50,000 people visited the exhibition. The exhibitors received nearly 1,500
regular and new customers, signing contracts worth $1.5 million, and agreements of intent worth $5 million. The
commercial effect of the trade fair is remarkable.
While promoting bilateral economic cooperation, CCPIT made full use of the opportunity to make China known to the
local people and impress them favorably through the exhibition. This has achieved fruitful results. There was a special
area for the country’s image display and theme walls of pictures. Object display, pictures, video and many other means
were all used to demonstrate the image of China, and to introduce Chinese philosophy. On the other hand, regarding
the arrangement of the social activities, in addition to the routine activities, like press conferences, official visits, and
opening ceremony, CCPIT also carried out a series of innovative cultural
and commercial activities, in order to convey the Chinese sound to the
people of Dominican Republic.
On September 25, CCPIT made the donation of books and stationery items
to the primary school Fray Ramón Pane. On September 26, the delegation
of CCPIT visited Technical University of Santo Domingo. During the
visit, the Director of the delegation, Mr. Zhao Zhenge delivered a speech
to the students and donated hundreds of books about China on behalf of
CCPIT. On September 27, CCPIT successfully organized the "Forum of
Trade and Investment Sino-Dominican", providing an effective platform
for the Chinese and Dominican entrepreneurs to understand the trade and
investment environment and policies of both countries.
Both the exhibition and the social activities that CCPIT carried out in
Dominican Republic have effectively promoted the bilateral economic
cooperation and cultural exchange between the two countries.
China’s image display area in the exhibition center
APEC CEO Summit 2013
The APEC CEO Summit 2013 was held in Bali, Indonesia from October 5 to
7, 2013. CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei and Vice Chairman Yu Ping headed the
Chinese business delegation of more than 200 people to the Summit. With
the theme “Towards Resilience and Growth: Reshaping Priorities for Global
Economy”, this Summit attracted over 1200 business leaders from 21 economies
of the Asia Pacific.
12 state leaders, including Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir
Putin and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, addressed the Summit.
Topics covered in this Summit include “Current State and Prospect of World
Economy”, “Inclusive Growth”, “Global Trading System”, “Regional Economic
Cooperation” , “SME Innovation”, “Connectivity across the Asia Pacific”,
“Energy”, “Environmental Protection”, “Emerging Markets” and “Infrastructure
On October 7, 2013, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech “Deepen
Reform and Opening up to Build a Better Asia Pacific” at the Summit.
Chinese President Xi Jiping delivered a speech at the APEC CEO Summit 2013
President Xi pointed out China needs to realize development mode transformation
and structure adjustment. China needs to comprehensively push forward reform on
economy, politics, culture, society, ecological civilization construction, and other
fields, and add new momentum for the economic development through reform.
China will implement a more proactive opening-up strategy, and improve the
open economic system featuring mutual benefits, win-win results, multi-element
equilibrium, safety and efficiency.
President Xi stressed that China will bring more opportunities to the development
of the Asia Pacific. China hopes to join hands and be in one mind with Asia Pacific
partners to jointly build a better Asia Pacific that will guide the world and benefit all
parties and the offspring.
President Xi specially noted that the business community is the main force
to promote economy and trade development as well as the Asia Pacific
Cooperation. In August 2013, China's business community established an APEC
China Business Council. This provides institutional guarantee for the business
sector's deeper involvement in the making of economic and trade rules in the
Asia Pacific, and demonstrates the readiness of China's business community
to undertake international responsibilities. He welcomed representatives from
the Asia Pacific business community to come to Beijing for discussion and
exchange in due time.
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei delivered a closing speech at the Forum
On the afternoon of October 7, as Chair of the APEC CEO Summit 2014, CCPIT
Chairman Wan Jifei received the token of chairmanship from APEC CEO Summit
2013 Chair Wishnu Wadhana in the Closing Session. In his speech, Chairman Wan
invited business leaders from the Asia Pacific to attend the APEC CEO Summit
2014 in Beijing.
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei received the token of chairmanship from
APEC CEO Summit 2013 Chair Wishnu Wadhana
· 52
Important Events
China-Vietnam Business Luncheon
CCPIT Chairman Mr. Wan Jifei visited Vietnam accompanying Chinese
Premier Li Keqiang from October 12 to 16, 2013. During the visit, CCPIT
organized China-Vietnam Business Luncheon with Vietnam Ministry of
Planning and Investment. Mr. Wan Jifei also had meeting with Vu Tien
Loc, President of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and visited
Huawei Company’s Branch in Vietnam.
China-Vietnam Business Luncheon was held in Hanoi, Vietnam on Oct.
15, 2013. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Vietnamese Prime Minister
Nguyen Tan Dung were present at the luncheon and delivered speeches.
The luncheon was held by CCPIT and Vietnam Ministry of Planning and
Investment jointly, and around 200 entrepreneurs from China and Vietnam
attended. Mr. Wan Jifei headed the Chinese business delegation to attend
the luncheon and delivered a vote of thanks.
Mr. Li Keqiang pointed out in his speech that there are more common
interests between China and Vietnam rather than divergences and
difficulties, and there are huge potentials of business cooperation for both.
Both countries share opportunities of development, and should combine
each other’s strategy of development, make full play of governmental
instructive rolls, and speed up bilateral business cooperation. He put
forward four suggestions: 1. Deepening overall cooperation in the marine
exploration, infrastructure and finance; 2. Improving facilitation of trade
and set the target of bilateral trade volume in 2017 at 100 billion; 3.
Expanding mutual investment, give priorities to connectivity projects such
as highways, railways, communications and energies; 4. Strengthening
cooperation in the frame of China-ASEAN cooperation.
Mr. Nguyen Tan Dung said that Vietnam and China have solid foundation
of reciprocal business cooperation, and it will bring benefit for both. He
said Vietnamese government persists in the policies of reform and opening
up, makes plans of key industries development, and welcomes Chinese
companies to invest in Vietnam and carry out technical cooperation.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivered speech at the luncheon
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung
entered the Luncheon Venue
Mr. Wan Jifei said that the leaders of both countries have expressed
ardent expectations and valuable opinions for business cooperation. The
entrepreneurs of both countries will seize the opportunities to strengthen
exchanges and cooperation, and make contributions to the development of
reciprocal business relations and China-Vietnam friendship.
Through this visit, CCPIT carried out a series of business events and
promoted the exchanges and cooperation of China-Vietnam business
communities, enhanced understandings of Chinese entrepreneurs on
Vietnamese economy and investment environment, and exchanged ideas on
trade and economic cooperation with Vietnamese government and business
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung
were present at the luncheon and delivered speeches
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang attended the summit and
delivered speeches
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso
attended the summit and delivered speeches
The 9th EU-China Business Summit
The 9th EU-China Business Summit was successfully held in Beijing
on November 21, 2013. The summit is jointly organized by CCPIT, the
European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) and other
business organizations. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, European Council
President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President
Jose Manuel Barroso attended the summit and delivered speeches. More
than 700 government officials and business representatives from China
and EU attended the summit.
Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that Chinese government will continue
to deepen reform, further expand the opening up in order to ensure a
long-term, sustainable and healthy development of China’s economy.
Scene of the 9th EU-China Business Summit
· 54
It will provide a broader market and more business opportunities for
the enterprises around the world, including the European enterprises.
Premier Li Keqiang also made four proposals on further promoting EUChina economic and trade cooperation to achieve the goals of “ EUChina 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation”. Firstly, promote the trade
facilitation and expand cooperation in high-tech fields. Secondly, further
explore the potential for cooperation and promote two-way investment.
Thirdly, expand areas of cooperation and foster new highlights. Fourthly,
promote multilateral cooperation and enhance the mutual trust.
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European
Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso both expressed that the
Scene of the 9th EU-China Business Summit
Important Events
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei attended the summit and European Council President Herman Van Rompuy attended
delivered speeches
the summit and delivered speeches
EU-China Summit had reached a package of cooperation initiatives and
announced the launch of negotiation of EU-China investment agreement.
It will lay a good foundation for China and EU to carry out the economic
and trade cooperation in the next decade. The EU will put more
concentrations on public investment and the future-oriented investment
sectors including innovation, R&D and energy. The EU will continue its
efforts to provide safe and predictable business environment for foreign
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei pointed out in his speech that EUChina economic and trade relation is an important part of EU-China
comprehensive strategic partnership. Under the background of economic
globalization, China and EU should focus on the overall situation and
long-term relationship, jointly cope with the new challenges with an
open, pragmatic and flexible attitude and achieve the transformation and
upgrading of EU-China trade and economic cooperation.
Under the theme “Restructuring for Sustainable Growth”, the summit
kicked off with three parallel workshops: Creating an Innovation
Driven Economy; Investment in Society; and the Role of Business in
Global Economic Integration. Participants agreed that China and EU
should make joint efforts to further strengthen the mutually beneficial
cooperation and push forward the development of EU-China economic
and trade relations.
Scene of the 9th EU-China Business Summit
The 7th China-LAC Business Summit
The 7th China-LAC Business Summit was jointly hosted by CCPIT,
COMEX (Ministry of Foreign Trade of Costa Rica), the Inter-American
Development Bank, PROCOMER, and Costa Rican Investment &
Development Board in San Jose, capital of Costa Rica, November 26-27,
Wang Qinmin, Vice Chairman of 12th CPPCC National Committee and
Laura Chinchilla, President of Costa Rica attended the opening of the
Summit and delivered keynote speeches. Also present at the Summit
were CCPIT Vice Chairman Yu Ping, IDB President Luis Moreno, Costa
Rican Vice President Luis Liberman, Costa Rican Minister of Foreign
Trade Anabel González, Governor Cesar Duarte of Chihuahua State,
Mexico, and Minister of Finance and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Honduras. Over 800 entrepreneurs of China and 23 LAC countries took
part in various functions during the two-day Summit.
Wang Qinmin, Vice Chairman of 12th CPPCC National Committee delivered a keynote
speech at the Summit
Laura Chinchilla, President of Costa Rica attended the Summit and delivered a
keynote speech
The Summit featured five plenary sessions including two within the
framework of China-LAC City Economic Cooperation Forum. Under
the theme of “Expanding New China-Latin American Partnership:
Advancing through Reform,” Entrepreneurs from China and LAC
countries carried out lively discussion on such topics as improving
market economy, pushing forward industrial upgrading, utilizing
opportunities brought by technological revolution to innovate business
and cooperation modes, food security, agricultural economy, impact of
rapid economic growth on climate, and sustainable development in the
context of urbanization. During the summit, a report on trade between
China and Central America and Chinese investment in Central America
was released and a breakfast meeting themed as“Invest in Costa Rica”
was successfully held.
Over 100 representatives of 53 trade promoting organizations (TPOs)
participated in a roundtable and unanimously passed China-LAC
TPO San José Declaration. On the same occasion, nine MOUs on
membership of China-Latin America Business Council between CCPIT
and trade promoting organizations in seven LAC countries and 50
bilateral cooperation agreements were signed. This roundtable greatly
consolidated and expanded provincial and city level trade and economic
exchanges between China and LAC countries.
More than 500 enterprises from sectors such as agriculture, chemistry,
automobile, machinery, textile and clothes, bio technology, software,
new energy and IT in China and LAC countries joined the matchmaking session. The summit also featured the China Trade Exhibition.
Over 20 Chinese companies including BYD and SANY showcased
automobiles, auto parts, motorcycles, integrated buildings, new type
of construction materials, materials for 3D printing, LED, electronic
devices, information service and other products.
CCPIT Vice Chairman Yu Ping, IDB President Luis Moreno, Costa Rican Minister of
Foreign Trade Anabel González attended the press conference of the Summit
· 56
Major international and domestic media including Reuters, Xinhua News
Agency, EFE, El País, People’s Daily, CCTV, CRI, and Wenhuipo gave
in-depth coverage to the event.
Important Events
Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang attended the opening CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei addressed the Summit
ceremony and delivered a speech
UK Prime Minister David Cameron attended the opening
ceremony and delivered a speech
UK - China Business Summit
On December 2, 2013, the UK-China Business Summit co-hosted by
CCPIT, UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) and China-Britain Business
Council (CBBC) was held in Beijing. ChineseVice Premier Wang Yang
and visiting UK Prime Minister David Cameron attended the opening
ceremony and delivered speeches. CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei presided
over the summit opening ceremony and delivered a welcome speech.
Over 500 people attended the summit.
Chinese and British entrepreneurs carried out deep discussion
CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei said that faced with the new development
opportunities, the Chinese and British leaders have brand-new plans and
higher expectations for enriching and enhancing the bilateral economic and
trade cooperation. CCPIT will continue to work with the British business
community, give full play to their respective advantages and innovate ways
of cooperation to help enterprises of both countries to actively explore the
market and find partners, thus to promote the sustained, healthy and stable
development of bilateral economic and trade relations.
Vice Premier Wang Yang said that China and the UK are highly
complementary in their economies, and can surely become long-term
partners for win-win cooperation. He encouraged the two countries to make
full use of each other's comparative advantages, expand the scale and explore
new areas of economic and trade cooperation so as to reach a trade volume
of 100 billion U.S. dollars in 2015. The vice premier reiterated China's firm
adherence to its opening-up policy, confirming that China will expand areas
of opening up and shorten the process for examining and approving foreign
investment and Chinese investment in foreign countries. He said China will
make its foreign investment policy stable, transparent and foreseeable, so as
to enhance the confidence of foreign companies investing in China.
In his speech, Prime Minister Cameron emphasized three clear messages
to China. First, he hoped that China could become a successful model
of the 21st century, and the bilateral relationship could develop in more
fields; Second, as the two economies are highly complementary, UK
and China can build a partnership for common growth; and third, UK
is the most active country to open markets to China among western
Scene of the UK - China Business Summit
countries, and is always positive towards Chinese investment in UK. He
emphasized that both countries support open economy and free trade,
which makes it possible for UK and China to be sustainable partners. He
also called for higher level of cooperation between the two countries.
After the opening ceremony, Chinese and British entrepreneurs carried
out deep discussion and exchanges on the three topics of “Globalization”,
“Urbanization”, and “Consumption”. This is Cameron's second China
tour since he took office as Prime Minister of UK. The accompanying
delegation is the ever-largest and includes many important cabinet
ministers and business figures, which fully shows the great importance the
UK government attached to China-UK pragmatic business cooperation.
Mr. Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former French Prime Minister French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault attended the
and Vice-President of the French Senate attended and Closing Luncheon
addresed the Seminar
Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT attended the Closing
The 19th Sino-French Economic Seminar
The 19th Sino-French Economic Seminar was jointly held by CCPIT, Development Research
Center of the State Council (DRC) and Comité France-Chine on December 15, 2013 in Beijing.
Mr. Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former French Prime Minister and Vice-President of the French Senate,
Mr. Zhang Wei, Vice-Chairman of CCPIT, Mr. Zhang Junkuo, Vice-President of DRC and Mrs
Sylvie Bermann, French Ambassador to China were present at the opening ceremony of the
Seminar. The French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, who was on visit to China, attended the
Closing Luncheon together with Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT.
Zhang Wei, Vice Chairman of CCPIT addressed the
With the theme of “Joint Innovation, Shared Development”, this year’s Seminar paid special
attention to the fruitful innovation initiatives made by the business communities of the two
countries in building effective business innovation mecanism, R&D cooperation and research
results sharing and protection, as well as to the new opportunities and modes of cooperation.
More than 500 representatives from the Chinese and French business communities attended
the Seminar, including senior representatives from famous French enterprises, such as Suez
Environnement, Schneider Electric, PSA Peugeot Citroën and Michelin Group.
The French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault delivered a speech to the Chinese and French business
communities during the Closing Luncheon. He pointed out that France was the first major western
country that established diplomatic relations with China, and through close cooperation in various
fields, the two countries have become a community of destiny. France needs to seize the opportunity
as China opens wider to the outside world, expand bilateral trade to restore its trade balance, and
strengthen the cooperation with China especially in technology and innovation areas. He expressed his
hope that the two sides will take the 50th anniversary of the establishment of France-China diplomatic
relations as a new starting point and make efforts to uplift the bilateral ties to a new height.
CCPIT Chairman Mr Wan Jifei said in his speech that Prime Minister Ayrault chose the
19th Sino-French Economic Seminar as the first official activity of his visit to China, which
demonstrates the importance that he attached to the deepening of Sino-French economic and
trade cooperation as well as the key role of the Seminar. Under new international economic
conditions, the two economies remain hignly complementary. China and France should jointly
build a close, long-term and sustainable type of new economic and trade partnership.
After the opening ceremony, French artist Anilore Banon presented her art project under the title “Ask
us for the moon: French technology in service of the impossible”. During the three panel discussions
representatives have exchanged views on the topics of “Encouraging innovation in the company”,
“France-China: Our strengths to innovate together”, and “France-China: Our technical strengths”.
· 58
Important Events
Chen Yuan, Vice Chairman of CPPCC attended the CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei addressed the Opening
Opening Ceremony and delivered the keynote speech
The 5th China-Arab Business
Conference & Investment
Seminar ( Chengdu )
The 5th China-Arab Business Conference & Investment Seminar was
held between December 9 and 10, 2013 in the city of Chengdu, China.
The conference was organized by CCPIT and the People’s Provincial
Government of Sichuan, and supported by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, and the Ministry of Commerce, Arab Economic & Social Council,
the Secretariat of League of Arab States, and the Arab Embassies in China.
The theme of conference is “Deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and
promote common development”. H.E. Mr. Chen Yuan, Vice Chairman of
CPPCC, represented Chinese government to attend the Opening Ceremony and
delivered the keynote speech. H.E. Mr. Wan Jifei, Chairman of CCPIT, H.E.
Mr. Wei Hong, Governor of Sichuan Provincial Government, H.E. Dr. Abass
Elshiekh Mohamed Salih, the head of Arab delegation and Undersecretary of
Sudan Ministry of Minerals, H.E. Mr. Thamer Al-Ani, Representative of the
Secretary General of League of Arab States (LAS), and Mr. Abdulrahman AlJeraisy, Representative of General Union of Chamber of Commerce Industry &
Agriculture for Arab Countries and Chairman of Saudi Chinese Business Council
attended the Opening Ceremony and delivered speeches. Meanwhile, Ministerlevel officials of economic and trade from Sudan, Egypt, United Arab Emirates
and Mauritania, as well as representatives from Arab Industrial Development and
Mining Organization, Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, Arab
Organization of Telecommunications and Information Technology, Arab Tourism
Organization, and Arab Investors Union attended the conference and gave
the presentations. Around 150 delegates from trade promoting organizations,
chambers of commerce and companies from over 15 member states of LAS and
nearly 400 businessmen from Chinese companies participated in the Conference.
Moreover, Ambassadors from Omen, Iraq, Palestine, Kuwait, Algeria, Jordan,
Lebanon, and Tunisia Embassies in China were invited to attend it.
After Opening Ceremony, participants discussed the topics about “Deepen
Trade Cooperation, Seek Mutually Beneficial Cooperation” and “Promote
Investment Cooperation and Innovation”. The organizations are separated
by sectors including Energy, Mining and Chemistry, Light Industry and
Textile, Project Contracting and Construction, Machinery and Equipment,
Telecommunication, Health and Medicine, Food and Agriculture, Finance
and Investment, Tourism and others. During the conference, the entrepreneurs
CCPIT Vice Chairman Yu Ping met with delegates from Arab Countries
Scene of the Seminar
made hundreds of B2B project discussions and reached a preliminary
cooperation intention.
Afterwards, Chairman of CCPIT H.E. Mr. Wan Jifei and Undersecretary
of Sudan Ministry of Minerals H.E. Dr. Salih, as the head of China and
Arab sides respectively, signed the minutes of the conference together. The
conference will be held in Arab state in 2015 next time based on the minutes.
During the conference, Mr. Wan Jifei representatively met with H.E. Dr. Salih,
H.E. Mr. Thamer Al-Ani, Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Jeraisy, and other important
guesses from Arab States, and further discussed the topics about China-Arab
trade relationship, strengthening regional trade communication amongst Arab
countries, and close business cooperation.
Introduction of Main Departments
2012-2013 | ANNUAL REPORT
Department of Network and Training Affairs……………………………………………… 62
Department of International Relations……………………………………………………… 63
Department of Exhibition……………………………………………………………………… 63
Department of Economic Information……………………………………………………… 64
Trade Development & Cooperation Center………………………………………………… 64
Department of Commercial Legal Services………………………………………………… 65
CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office………………………………………………… 66
China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission……………………… 66
China Maritime Arbitration Commission…………………………………………………… 67
China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC)…………………………………… 67
China International Exhibition Center Group Corporation………………………………… 68
China Patent Agent (H. K.) Ltd……………………………………………………………… 69
Department of Network and Training Affairs
The Department of Network and Training Affairs is responsible for guidance, coordination, and daily contact with CCPIT’s
local and industrial sub-councils and branches. It focuses mainly on network building and collaboration with CCPIT subcouncils and branches, and on the coordination for major business events held by CCPIT network. It is also responsible
for the training programs for CCPIT network and for liaising with domestic and foreign business associations and other
The department has three divisions, namely the Division of General Affairs, the Division of Network Affairs, and the
Division of Training Affairs.
The department actively pushs forward the capacity building and cooperation of the CCPIT sub-councils and branches
across China, which helps further strengthen the whole network with CCPIT Headquarter as the core.
The Department sets the standards and rules for CCPIT sub-councils and branches in conducting trade activities, in order to
better promote the local economic development.
The Department conducts various training Programs, including Foreign Assistant Training Programs, CCPIT Network
Leaders Training Courses and Certified Experts Trainning Courses,etc.
Address: No.1 Fuxingmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100860, P.R. China
Tel: 010-8807 5563
Fax: 010-6803 0814
E-mail: [email protected]
· 62
Retrospect and Prospect
Department of International Relations
As a key foreign-affairs functionary of CCPIT, the Department of International Relations has fostered extensive cooperation
with chambers of commerce and organizations for trade and investment. Based on regional and multilateral (bilateral)
business councils and summits, the Department has set up various platforms for economic and trade cooperation through
in-and-out visits, economic forums and one-on-one match-making appointments. The Department also follows an alldimensional, multi-facet and wide-range pattern of carrying out foreign trade and investment promotional activities, which
is to better enhance the opening up and better combines the coming-in and going-out for a more active involvement in the
regional economic cooperation, a stronger build-up of global management skills and a more important role on the broader
stage of economic affairs by Chinese businesses. The Department will always push forward to encourage the Chinese
business community to be the facilitator in the process of world economic development, the guardian of multi-lateral trade
mechanism and the fair player in the global economic governance.
Routine work of the Department: receive business delegations by foreign counterparts; organize high-profile Chinese
economic and trade delegations abroad; carry out economic, trade and investment activities at various levels both in China
and abroad; promote bilateral cooperation agreements between Chinese and foreign enterprises; arrange high-level meetings
between the Chinese state leaders and chairmen of foreign business organizations or transnational enterprises; assist foreign
chambers of commerce or trade institutions to set up offices in China and go through relevant procedures and etc.
Address: No.1 Fuxingmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100860, P.R. China
Tel: 010-8807 5621
Fax: 010-6801 7153
Email: [email protected]
Department of Exhibition
The Exhibition Department of CCPIT represents the state to attend the activities of Bureau of International Expositions,
and is responsible for organizing, coordinating, supervising and managing the businesses regard to China’s participating
in Bureau of International Expositions and World Expos. CCPIT hosts China trade exhibitions overseas, and organizes
Chinese companies to participate in international economic and trade exhibitions or fairs. CCPIT also hosts inland
economic and trade exhibitions or fairs, formulates and implements the overseas exhibition plans, and conducts business
communication and agent services with the exhibition institutions at home and abroad
According to the provisions of the State Council of China, the Exhibition Management Office of CCPIT is in charge of
the administrative licensing, to exam and to approve the projects of organizing overseas economic and trade exhibitions
in China, responsible for the examination and approval of the domestic external economic and technology exhibitions,
launches theoretical research about the exhibition industry at home and abroad, and provides related information
consultation and business training.
Address: No.1 Fuxingmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100860, P.R. China
Tel: 010-8807 5003 / 8807 5006 / 8807 5031 Fax: 010-6803 3684
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Department of Economic Information
The Economic Information Department is one of the main functional departments in CCPIT. It has five divisions, which
are the Overseas Representative Office Coordination Division, the Project Development Division, the Market Research
Division, the Service & Consulting Division and the Information Technology Division.
The Department carries on the following duties: coordinating and administrating CCPIT ’s overseas representative offices;
utilizing resources at home and abroad to establish public service platform and provide complete outbound investment
promotion service for Chinese enterprises targeting on international markets; actively developing CCPIT’s cooperation with
foreign investment promotion agencies to promote China’s import and trade in services as well as broadening international
cooperation scope for Chinese enterprises; carrying out emerging industry promotion work by multiple means to develop
national industrial structure adjustment and upgrade; conducting in-depth researches and analysis in the domestic and
international market and regularly publishing research reports on special topics, such as Survey Report on Current
Conditions of and Intention for Outbound Investment by Chinese Enterprises, Report on the Development of Chinese
Enterprises Going Global and China Outbound Investment Guide; managing information network system of CCPIT;
guiding and coordinating the construction of the IT system and information service in CCPIT.
Address: No.1 Fuxingmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100860, P.R. China
Tel: 010-8807 5760 / 8807 5765 Fax: 010-68030747
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Trade Development & Cooperation Center
Trade Development & Cooperation Center of CCPIT (formerly known as Media & Press Center) is a public institution
directly under CCPIT. The Center has established extensive contacts with economic and trade business sectors, government
institutions, as well as international organizations with many countries and regional to provide practical and effective trade
and investment, promotion, consultancy and other services for governments and enterprises both home and abroad through
market-oriented work mechanism, commercialized cooperation mode, international service approaches and economic and
trade exchanges and cooperation both home and abroad.
Under the Center, there are Projects Cooperation Division, Exhibition Promotion Division, General affairs Division,
Finance Division, Beijing Global Trade Editing and Translation Service Co., Ltd, China’s Foreign Trade Magazine,
Global Business Info Co., Ltd, and Grossource (Hong Kong) United Co., Ltd etc.
Address: Room 608, Building A, Vantone New World Plaza, No.2 Fuchengmenwai Street, Beijing,100037, P.RChina
Tel: 010-6805 5107
Fax: 010-6802 3790
Email: [email protected]
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Retrospect and Prospect
Department of Commercial Legal Services
Among other services, Department of Commercial Legal Affairs, CCPIT, mainly issues certificates of origin for exported
goods from China, certificates in support of Force Majeure claims, and international commerce certificates; offers consular
attestation services; issues and certifies documents related to foreign trade and maritime freight; issues and guarantees ATA
carnets in China; mediates business disputes; proposes suggestions about national legislations and international commercial
rules on behalf of China’s business community; provides companies with such services as legal counseling, consultancy,
risk prevention, and dispute settlement; and adjusts average cases.
CCPIT is authorized by The Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Origin of Imported and Exported Goods
to issue certificates of origin for exported goods, and with the approval of the State Council and the authorization of the
General Administration of Customs, issues and guarantees ATA carnets. CCPIT has developed close relationships with such
organizations as the ICC and the World Customs Organization (WCO) as well as foreign government bodies, chambers of
commerce and relevant associations. In addition, the CCPIT is a member of the ICC Certificate of Origin Council and of
the World ATA Carnet Council. It is also a group member of the Association Internationale de Dispacheurs Europeens.
Certification and Authentication
Authorized by such laws and regulations as The Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Origin of Imported
and Exported Goods and The Foreign Trade Law of the People’s Republic of China, according to relevant administrative
requirements of international trade, CCPIT as well as its local branches issues certificates of origin for exported goods,
and certifies commercial documents, papers and facts for China’s import and export enterprises. The certification activities
cover a wide range of business sectors such as international trade in goods, services, technologies, engineering contracts,
intellectual property, business lawsuits, investment, and maritime affairs.
Tel: 010-82217033
ATA Carnet
With the Chinese government’s approval, and China Customs’ authorization, CCPIT is the national issuing and guaranteeing
organization of the ATA Carnet, responsible for Carnet issuance and domestic/foreign Carnet e-data registration. CCPIT has
empowered 51 local branches to issue the ATA Carnet. A carnet service network covering the main ports of the country has
been created.
Tel: 010-8221 7076
Commercial Mediation
CCPIT Mediation Center established in 1987, is an affiliated organization of CCPIT founded in accordance with the
Articles of Association of CCPIT. The Mediation Center is a permanent mediation institution that assists, in an independent
and impartial manner, the parties to resolve civil and commercial disputes through mediation. The Mediation Center has
established 46 domestic sub-centers in various regions of the country and industry sub-council, forming a nationwide
mediation network.
Tel: 010-8221 7018
Legal Counseling
Legal Counsel Office, CCPIT (hereinafter referred to as “Legal Counsel Office”), has rich experience in dealing with
arbitrations and lawsuits concerning foreign-related business, and providing legal advices for international business
cooperation. We provide several legal services for domestic and foreign parties.
Tel: 010-8221 7051
Fax: 010-82217082
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://
Average Adjustment
Department of Average Adjustment, CCPIT/CCOIC, established in 1969, is the only professional institution for average
adjustment in the mainland of China. In 1975, CCPIT proclaimed Beijing Adjustment Rules.
Tel: 010-6466 5656
CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office
CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office is one of the largest and oldest full-service intellectual property law firms in
China. The firm has 252 patent and trademark attorneys, among whom 72 are qualified as attorneys-at-law. The firm provide
consultation, prosecution, mediation, administrative enforcement and litigation services relating to patents, trademarks,
copyrights, domain names, trade secrets, trade dress and other intellectual property-related matters. Headquartered in
Beijing, fhe agency has branch offices in New York, Tokyo, Munich, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shanghai.
In January 1957, a trademark agency was established within CCPIT, which is a non-governmental trade promotion
organization, to represent foreign companies before Chinese authorities. The agency was the sole trademark agency in
China until the mid-1980s. A patent agency was organized by CCPIT in the early 1980s, when China began to establish
its patent system. The patent agency was authorized as the first Chinese intellectual property law firm to have cross-border
representation. In 1993, the two agencies merged to form the CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office.
Since 1999, the firm have been ranked among the top Chinese intellectual property law firms in the annual surveys
conducted by publisher Managing Intellectual Property and have been nominated time and again as a leading Chinese
intellectual property firm by institutes such as Asia Law & Practice, Asia Legal Business, Intellectual Asset Management
and Chambers & Partners.
Clients of the Office represent every sector of industry and commerce, from start-up businesses to multinational giants.
Through decades of practice, we have successfully obtained hundreds of thousands of patents and trademark registrations
and enforced thousands of patents and trademarks for our clients. With extensive legal and technological expertise, we are
in a position to satisfy the demands of our clients in all aspects of intellectual property protection.
Address: 10/F, Ocean Plaza 158 Fuxingmennei Street, Beijing, 100031, China
Tel: 010-6641 2345 / 6851 6688
Fax: 010-6641 5678 / 6641 3211
E-mail: [email protected]
China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) is one of the major permanent arbitration
institutions in the world. It independently and impartially resolves commercial disputes mainly by means of arbitration.
Formerly known as the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission, CIETAC was set up in April 1956 under the China Council
for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) in accordance with the Decision Concerning the Establishment of A
Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission within the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade adopted on May 6,
1954 at the 215th session of the Government Administration Council.
With its headquarters in Beijing, CIETAC has also set up its sub-commissions respectively in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Tianjin,
Chongqing and Hong Kong to support the economic developments of special economic zones, key areas and sectors and
special administrative regions in China. CIETAC’s nearly 20,000 concluded arbitration cases totally have involved parties
from more than 70 countries and regions.
CIETAC also actively engages in developing alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in addition to arbitration in order
to provide parties with professional services. CIETAC Online Dispute Resolution Center (ODR Center) provides dispute
resolutions with regard to domain names and other online disputes. CIETAC established its Investment Dispute Resolution
Center to provide mediation services to investment compensation disputes arising from cross-strait investments. In order
to avoid, reduce and resolve disputes arising from the construction sector CIETAC issued the Construction Dispute Review
Rules in 2010. CIETAC also issued the Financial Dispute Arbitration Rules in early 2003 to promote its arbitration services
in the financial sector.
Address: 6/F, CCOIC Building, No.2 Huapichang Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100035, P.R. China
Tel: 010-8221 7788 / 6464 6688
Fax: 010-8221 7766 / 6464 3500
E-mail: [email protected]; Website:
· 66
Retrospect and Prospect
China Maritime Arbitration Commission
The China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC), established in 1959, is a permanent arbitration institution that specializes
in taking cognizance of domestic and international cases involving maritime disputes. CMAC has heard thousands of maritime
cases throughout the past 50 years, effectively protecting the lawful rights and interests of both domestic and foreign parties.
CMAC awards, both impartial and authoritative, have won great reputation worldwide. This has helped CMAC develop into
one of the top class of international maritime arbitration institutions.
CMAC has its headquarters in Beijing, with sub-commissions in Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing. In order to meet the needs
of the development of its arbitration practices and to provide parties with convenient arbitration advice and service, CMAC
successively established a number of liaison offices in the major coastal cities such as Guangzhou, Dalian, Tianjin, Ningbo, and
Qingdao. These sub-commissions and offices, covering most part of China, have formed a network for arbitration service.
With over 50 years of maritime arbitration practice, CMAC has fostered a rank of arbitrators with professional ethics, who
have abundant practical experience. Currently, CMAC has a panel of more than 200 arbitrators. Apart from these high level
arbitrators, CMAC has cultivated a team of case managers, who take charge of procedural administration of arbitration cases
with their positive attitude and diligence, and provide arbitrators and parties with efficient and professional service.
In the meantime, CMAC also participates actively in international exchange and cooperation, and has established steady and
harmonious cooperative relationships with several well-known international maritime arbitration institutions. By now, CMAC
has reached cooperation agreements with nearly ten well-known maritime arbitration institutions, including those in London,
Singapore, Australia, Japan and Italy.
Address: 6/F, CCOIC Building, No.2 Huapichang Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100035, P.R. China
Tel: 010-8221 7788 / 010-6464 6688
Fax: 010- 8221 7766 / 010-6464 3500
Email: [email protected]
China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC)
China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) is a nationwide business organization in China, representing the
most dynamic and internationalized Chinese companies of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as national and local nongovernmental organizations.
CCOIC was established in 1988 to be aimed at serving its member enterprises. CCOIC’s responsibilities lie in making
international organizations, Chinese and foreign governments concerned about the interests and appeals of Chinese enterprises,
taking part in setting and promoting international trade rules, boosting economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between
China and foreign countries, offering services in international exchanges, legal consulting, market information, convention and
exhibition planning, project investment recruitment, business training, and actively advocating corporate social responsibility
and public undertakings among enterprises.
CCOIC served as the China National Committee of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) since China’s entry into ICC in
1994. It hosts ICC China’s secretariat. It can conduct business operations pertaining to ICC in the name of ICC China.
CCOIC establishes business cooperation with ICC to fully serve member enterprises in all sectors. Now, it offers member
enterprises all-round international premium cross-sector services in a professional and exclusive way through its ten more
specialized commissions and scores of service mechanisms.
CCOIC organizes member enterprises to actively participate in ICC’s activities in a comprehensive way, employs ICC’s global
business network to establish extensive links with various business communities, governmental agencies and international
organizations across the globe, and advance economic and trade cooperation between China and foreign countries, and enhance
international competiveness of Chinese enterprises.
Address: 8/F, CCOIC Building, No.2 Huapichang Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100035, P.R. China
Tel: 010-8221 7878
Fax: 010-8221 7839
Email: [email protected]
China International Exhibition Center Group Corporation
Founded in 1985, China International Exhibition Center Group Corporation (CIEC) is a subsidiary of CCPIT. CIEC
possesses 24 subsidiaries and branches. Its business includes venue management, domestic and overseas show organization,
exhibition construction, IT service, advertising, exhibit transportation, catering, accommodation, rentals and etc.
CIEC is the vice-chairman member of China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), chairman member of
China Association of Exhibition Centers (CAEC), vice-director member of National Technical Committee on Exhibition
and Conference (NTCOEAC) and a member of Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) and International
Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE).
CIEC’s main business are as follows:
Venue Management: CIEC possesses and operates two exhibition centers, i.e. China International Exhibition Center Old
Venue (located at Sanyuanxiqiao) and China International Exhibition Center New Venue (located at Tianzhu, Shunyi)
with total indoor exhibiting area of 160,000 sqm. and outdoor exhibiting area of 60,000 sqm. Every year more than 100
exhibitions are held and the quantity and exhibiting space of trade shows occupies over 40% and 60% of the Beijing
exhibition market respectively.
Domestic Exhibitions: CIEC sponsors and cosponsors world famous shows involving various fields such as metallurgy,
printing, building materials, automobile, machine tool, communication, textile machinery and etc.
Overseas Exhibitions: CIEC organizes over 100 pavilions annually to participate in overseas exhibitions. The exhibiting
space and the number of projects rank first in China’s outbound exhibition industry for many years.
Exhibition Construction: CIEC has undertaken the design and construction of Chinese Pavilions in various World Expos.
In 2010, CIEC accomplished the design and construction of 10 domestic and overseas pavilions in World Expo 2010,
Shanghai. CIEC also undertook the construction of the Chinese Pavilion in Expo 2012, Yeosu, Korea.
IT Service: The website ( sponsored by CIEC has become a professional consultative platform drawing
the great attention of the exhibition industry. CIEC also provides the unique visitor registration system service for many
exhibition halls across China.
Various Services: CIEC offers the one package service including advertising, transportation and customs declaration,
catering, accommodation, rentals and etc. to the clients.
Address: 6 East Beisanhuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100028, P.R. China
Tel: 010-8460 0000
· 68
Fax: 010-8460 0996
Retrospect and Prospect
China Patent Agent (H. K.) Ltd.
China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA) is one of the first three IP agencies in China accompanying the launch of the Patent
Law of the People's Republic of China in 1984. Currently, CPA has 540 staff members, of whom 300 are patent attorneys,
trademark attorneys, attorneys at law and patent engineers. The firm is based in Hong Kong, with branch offices in Beijing,
Shenzhen, Shanghai, New York, Tokyo and Munich. It provides both domestic and foreign clients with services including
application drafting and prosecution, litigation, mediation, licensing, assignment, search and counseling in relation to
patents, trademarks, copyright, domain names and unfair competition. It also prosecutes patent, trademark and design
applications for its clients in Hong Kong SAR.
CPA maintains long-standing, stable and cordial business relationship with corporations, research institutes, academic
establishments and law firms spanning most major countries and regions of the world. It has prosecuted numerous patent
and trademark applications and handled substantial infringement cases on behalf of its clients. With its one-stop service
for IP management and counseling, the firm effectively protects the legitimate rights of its clients worldwide. It has also
helped build IP protection systems and provide regular IP training and legal counseling services for a number of domestic
CPA has won trust and credit from its clients at home and overseas with its quality services. In 2013 it was rated as a top
notch, two-star patent firm in a Chinese patent agency industry comprehensive strength evaluation by China Intellectual
Property News. Among many other honours awarded by reputed international agencies in year 2013, CPA was also named
the sole winner of the Gold Award for Best Chinese IP Firm at the 6th edition of International Legal Alliance Summit &
Awards, a first tier firm in China for patent prosecution work in Managing Intellectual Property magazine’s IP Survey, and
one of the world’s leading trademark service providers in World Trademark Review 1000.
CPA will continue to adhere to the principle of serving its clients with integrity, and commit itself to providing the clients
with comprehensive, professional and efficient IP services.
Hong Kong
Address:22/F., Great Eagle Center, 23 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2828 4688
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Fax: (852) 2827 1018
16/F., CCOIC Building, 2 Huapichang Hutong, Xicheng
District, Beijing 100035, China
Tel: (86 10) 8220 2288
Fax: (86 10) 6621 1564
12/F, Block One,China Phoenix Building, 2008 Shennan
Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 518026, China
Tel: (86 755) 8275 5788
Fax: (86 755) 8368 8269
Suite 3301-03, Westgate Mall,1038 West Nanjing
Road,Shanghai 200041, China
Tel: (86 21) 5256 9688
Fax: (86 21) 6288 3922
New York
China Patent & Trademark Agent (U.S.A.) Ltd.
55 Broad Street, 15th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10004,
Tel: (1 212) 809 8100
Fax: (1 212) 809 8118
Room 1003, Executive Tower Toranomon,2-7-16
Toranomon Minato-ku,Tokyo 105-0001, Japan
Tel: (81 3) 5251 1966
Fax: (81 3) 5251 1960
Frauenstr. 32, 80469 Munich, Germany
Tel: (49 89) 228 9328
Fax: (49 89) 228 9327
Structure of CCPIT
2012-2013 | ANNUAL REPORT
Structure of CCPIT…………………………………………………………………………… 72
CCPIT Sub - Councils………………………………………………………………………… 74
Overseas Representative Offices…………………………………………………………… 76
Structure of CCPIT
Structure of CCPIT Head Office
Jiang Zengwei
General Office
Department of Network and Training Affairs
Vice Chairman:
International Relations Department
Zhang Wei
Exhibition Department (Exhibition Administration Office)
Yu Ping
Economic Information Department
Wang Jinzhen
Personnel Department(Foreign Affairs Office)
Secretary General:
Financial Department
Xu Hubin
Communist Party Committee
Office for Retired Personnel
Vice Secretary General:
Yu Xiongdong
Liu Fenghua
Asset Management Centre
Yang Ping’an
Service Center
Chen Zhengrong
Trade Development & Cooperation Center
Training Centre
Legal Affairs Department
Secretariat to China International Economic & Trade
Arbitration Commission
Patent and Trademark Law Office
· 72
Structure of CCPIT
CCPIT Overseas Representative Office
Social Organizations Affiliated
CCPIT Representative Office in Hong Kong
China Chamber of International Commerce
CCPIT Representative Office in Japan
Chinese Arbitration Law Research Institute
CCPIT Representative Office in Korea
China Association of Foreign Trade Service
CCPIT Representative Office in Gulf Area
CCPIT Representative Office in Australia
Major Affiliates
China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission
CCPIT Representative Office in USA
China Maritime Arbitration Commission
CCPIT Representative Office in Mexico
CCPIT Conciliation Center
CCPIT Representative Office in Canada
Secretariat of China Maritime Law Association
CCPIT Representative Office in Germany
Secretariat of the Chinese National Group of AIPPI
CCPIT Representative Office in France
Secretariat of LES China
CCPIT Representative Office in UK
CCPIT Representative Office in Italy
Economic and Trade Coordination Committee for the Two
Sides of the Straits
CCPIT Representative Office in Belgium
CCPIT Representative Office in Russia
CCPIT Ventures
CCPIT Representative Office in Singapore
China International Exhibition Center Group Corporation (CIEC)
(Also entrusted to manage CIEC Management Corporation Ltd.)
CCPIT Representative Office in Brazil
China International Economic & Technological Cooperation
Consultancy Co., Ltd.
CCPIT Representative Office in Costa Rica
China Exhibition Investment and Development Corporation Ltd.
China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. (CPA)
China Huayang Economic and Trade Group Co. Ltd.
China Star Corp. for International Economic and Technical
CCPIT Sub - Councils
· 74
CCPIT Bejing
CCPIT Shanghai
CCPIT Ji’nan
Tel: (010) 88070321
Fax: (010) 68062083
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (021) 53060228
Fax: (021) 63871503 63869915
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0531) 66602801
Fax: (0531) 66602815
E-MAIL: [email protected]
CCPIT Tianjing
CCPIT Pudong Shanghai
CCPIT Qingdao
Tel: (022) 23301365
Fax: (022) 23398658 23301344
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel:(021) 50812626
Fax: (021) 50815423
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0532) 83897605
Fax: (0532) 83897233
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Jiangsu
Tel: (0311) 87805939 87805520
Fax: (0311) 88614558
E-Mail: offi [email protected]
Tel: (025) 52856768 52856718
Fax: (025) 52233048 52312470
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0371) 63936203
Fax: (0371) 63936504
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Shanxi
CCPIT Nanjing
Tel: (0351) 2024443
Fax: (0351) 4045680 4157454
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (025) 83635375 83635376
Fax: (025) 83635377
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (027) 85757573 85773919
Fax: (027) 85775174
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Neinenggu
CCPIT Zhejiang
Tel: (0471) 6946778
Fax: (0471) 6965404
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0571) 85811917
Fax: (0571) 85811953
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (027) 85797513
Fax: (027) 85797464
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Liaoning
CCPIT Hangzhou
CCPIT Hainan
Tel: (024) 83210509
Fax: (024) 83210518
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0571) 85068852
Fax: (0571) 85068827 85069917
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0731) 4773338
Fax: (0731) 4773337
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Shenyang
CCPIT Ningbo
CCPIT Guangdong
Tel: (024) 22729962
Fax: (024)22729963 22729976
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0574) 87368761
Fax: (0574) 87368100
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (020) 87614876
Fax: (020) 87601774
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Dalian
CCPIT Guangzhou
Tel: (0411) 82822354
Fax: (0411) 82815734
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0551) 62999358
Fax: (0551) 62999354
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (020) 37853060
Fax: (020) 37853099
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Fujian
CCPIT Zhuhai
Tel: (0431) 82758235
Fax: (0431) 82758251
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0591) 87843241
Fax: (0591) 87842827
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0756) 8289668 8890118
Fax: (0756) 8280888
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Changchun
CCPIT Xiamen
CCPIT Shantou
Tel: (0431) 82731717 82738718
Fax: (0431) 82738717 82738718
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0592) 2223111
Fax: (0592) 2230111
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0754) 88931817
Fax: (0754) 88931837
E-Mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
CCPIT Heilongjiang
CCPIT Jiangxi
CCPIT Shenzhen
Tel: (0451) 53678538
Fax: (0451) 53674408
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0791) 6217029
Fax: (0791) 6217029
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0755) 33358448 33358508
Fax: (0755) 33358500
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Harbin
CCPIT Shandon
CCPIT Guangxi
Tel: (0451) 86772317 86772315
Fax: (0451) 86772316
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0531) 86168315
Fax: (0531) 86168316
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0771) 5772817
Fax: (0771) 5772820
E-Mail: [email protected]
Structure of CCPIT
CCPIT Hainan
CCPIT Xinjiang
CCPIT Aerospace
Tel: (0898) 65325165
Fax: (0898) 65367264
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0991) 2863224
Fax: (0991) 2860456
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel:: (010) 68372427 68370434
Fax: (010) 68372427
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Chongqing
CCPIT Xinjiang Construction Group
CCPIT Chemicals
Tel: (023) 67870375
Fax: (023) 67870373
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (0991) 5561839 5893019
Fax: (0991) 5583178
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 64272723
Fax: (010) 64225384
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Sichuan
CCPIT Machinery
CCPIT Building Materials
Tel: (028) 68909126 68909100
Fax: (028) 61963097
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 68594976
Fax: (010) 68594995
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 57811698
Fax: (010) 57811688
E-mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Chengdu
CCPIT Electronics
CCPIT Universal Industry
Tel: (028) 61887828
Fax: (028) 61887856
E-Mail: [email protected]
TEL: (010) 68207159
Fax: (010) 68272288
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 68787610 68787608
Fax: (010) 68787610
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Guizhou
CCPIT Light Industry
CCPIT Construction
Tel: (0851) 8555519
Fax: (0851) 8555655
E-Mail: [email protected]; gzoffi [email protected]
Tel: (010) 68396328
Fax: (010) 68396351
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 58934801
Fax: (010) 58934801
E-Mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
CCPIT Yunnan
CCPIT Textile
CCPIT Supplies & Marketing Corporation
Tel: (0871) 63138324
Fax: (0871) 63136574
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 85229450
Fax: (010) 65121732
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 66054037
Fax: (010) 66054038
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Xizang
CCPIT Agriculture
CCPIT Grain Business
Tel: (0891) 6839377
Fax: (0891) 6835733 6828550
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 59194694
Fax: (010) 59194571
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 66094263
Fax: (010) 66094291
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Shaanxi
CCPIT Automotive
Tel: (029) 86787100
Fax: (029) 86785710
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 68594184
Fax: (010) 68595076
E-Mail: [email protected]
TEL: (010) 64464236 64463459
Fax: (010) 64237410
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Petrochemicals
CCPIT Mining
Tel: (029) 88350388
Fax: (029) 88350389
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 64999805
Fax: (010) 64999800
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 64464991 64464992
CCPIT Commerce
Tel: (0931) 8844886
Fax: (0931) 8873377
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 66094227
Fax: (010) 66016043
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Qinghai
CCPIT Metallurgy
Tel: (0971) 6116283 6116381
Fax: (0971) 6116381
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 65253027 65133322-4110
Fax: (010) 65131921 65130074
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Ningxia
CCPIT Aviation
Tel: (0951) 5044987
Fax: (0951) 5044239
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (010) 58356516
Fax: (010) 58356518
E-Mail: [email protected]
CCPIT Logistics
Tel: (010) 58566578
Fax: (010) 58566588-156
E-MAIL: [email protected]
CCPIT Electronic Power Sub-Council
Tel: (010) 63415343
Fax: (010) 63545305
CCPIT Packing Industry
Tel: (010) 65839067
Fax: (010) 65839070
Overseas Representative Offices
2001 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 608, Arlington, Virginia 22202
Rm.1902, 19/F Great Eagle Centre, 23 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong
Tel: 001 703 412 9889
Fax: 001 703 412 5889
Tel: 00852 2827 7038
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 00852 2827 4701
Email: [email protected]
3F, Shiba-Park 32 Mori-Bldg 3-4-30, Shibakouen, Minato-ku Tokyo,
Av. De las Palmas 731, P.H., Col. Lomas de Chapultepec México, D.F.
Japan 105-0011
C.P. 11000
Tel: 00813 54057811
Tel: 0052 55 5202 0309
Fax: 00813 54057812
Fax: 0052 55 5202 0310
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
09. C
(135-729) Room 2203, World Trade Tower,511, Yeongdongdae-Ro,
Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, Korea
De la casa de Don Oscar Arias en Rohrmoser, 300 metros sur y 100
Tel: 00822 551 4611 / 4612 / 7768
metros este, San José, Costa Rica
Fax: 00822 551 4610
Tel: 00506-2296 5935
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 00506-2296 5934
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
150 York Street, Suite 908,Toronto,Ontario,Canada M5H3S5
8 Temasek Boulevard, #23-02 Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988
Tel: 001 416 363 8561 / 416 363 3235 / 416 363 0599
Tel: 0065 62357128 (Zhao) / 62350417 (Xuan) / 62352979 (Jun)
Fax: 001 416 363 0152
Fax: 0065 62356131
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
11. C
Flat No.1602, Al Husn Tower (same building with Sharjah Islamic
Schillerstr. 30-40, 60313 Frankfurt a.M. Germany
Bank), King Faisal Street, Sharjah, UAE
Tel: 0049 69 235373
Tel: 00971 65749068 (Sharjah)
Fax: 0049 69 235375
00971 44224132 (Dubai)
(Holidays for Friday, six)
Fax: 00971 65749082 (Sharjah)
Email: [email protected]
Email:[email protected]
00971 44224133 (Dubai)
[email protected]
Suite 1506,99 Bathurst St. Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
4 Place des Saisons, 92036 Paris la Defense 1 Cedex, France
Tel: 0033 1 49069795 / 49069234
Tel: 00612 9261 1196 / 1197
· 76
0033 9 6048 6759 /
Fax: 00612-92611350
Fax: 0033 1 49069659
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
Structure of CCPIT
15. C
The Courtyard, 26 Old Jewry, London EC2R 8DQ
Tel: 0044 20 73978130
Bureau de Représentation en Belgique
Fax: 0044 20 73978138
131, Avenue Gustave Demey, 1160, Brussels, Belgium
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0032 2 6757 865
Fax: 0032 2 6757 189
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Russia, 115432, Moscow, Androbova 18/1, 3-rd floor, office 6
(Ufficio Di Rapresentanza In Italia)
CCPIT, Largo Schuster 1, 20122 Milano, Italy
Tel: 007 499 418 0379/ 0378
Tel: 0039 02 8056371
Fax: 007 499 418 0378
Fax: 0039 02 86450787
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
List of Business Activities in 2014
2012-2013 | ANNUAL REPORT
List of Business Activities in 2014
Domestic……………………………………………………………………………………… 80
Overseas ……………………………………………………………………………………… 83
List of Business Activities in 2014
· 80
China Expo Forum for International Cooperation
China-Japan-ROK Trilateral Business Networking Seminar
Council Meeting of SCO Entrepreneurs Committee
CCPIT legal affairs working conference 2014
Hei longJiang
010-82217012 / 7016
Economic and trade conference of Chinese and German entrepreneurs
2014 China (Jinan) -ASEAN Enterprises Investment and Trade Seminar
The 3rd Chinese (Fujian) Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference
The 8th Chinese Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference
The 8th Cross-border Investment Conference for Chinese Enterprises & the
9th China International Development Forum on Pharmaceutical
The 6th East Asia Business Forum
East Asia Business Council Meeting
APEC Financiers Forum
The 2nd Meeting of China-Kazahkstan Business Council
The 6th China International Professional Training Forum
To be decided
Dialogue Luncheon between APEC Business Representatives and Ministers
Responsible for Trade
The 4th Chinese Enterprises Outbound Investment Strategic Dialogue
Promotion Forum for Investment and Trade Cooperation Chances in Middle
Asia (Chongqing)
China Six Middle Provinces (Henan) Investment to Africa Conference
European International Cooperation Projects Fair in Brand and Technology
China (Guangxi) International Mining Import Conference 2014
China International Fair for Energy Saving Services 2014
China-ASEAN Mining Cooperation Forum and Exhibition
China-South Asia Business Forum
China International Service Outsourcing Cooperation Conference 2014
China (Hunan) Enterprises Investment to ASEAN Conference
The 6th China (Jiangsu) Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference
The 6th China (Fujian) International Clean Energy Form & Exhibition
The 5th China (Nanjing) International Biopharmaceutical Cooperation Fair
2014 China (Wuhan) International Fair for Investment Financing Matching
2014 China International Brand Development Forum
China (Guangzhou) International Food Import Conference 2014
3rd China International Import Conference & Expo
2014 China International Rental & Leasing Meeting
CCOIC Member Companies Investment Fair on Local Projects
To be decided
The 11th Malaysia-China Business Council Meeting
2014 CCOIC 1st Board Director Members Meeting
APEC Young Entrepreneurs’ Summit
To be decided
Lists of Business Activities in 2012
To be decided
Philippines-China Trade and Investment Council Meeting
2014 Nationat Artitration Working Conference
August or
The 11th China-ASEAN Business and Investment Forum
the VIII China-Latin America Business Summit
The 3rd Northeast Asia Chambers of Commerce International Cooperation
China (Qingdao) Enterprises Overseas Financing Promotion Forum
The 5th China (Langfang) Organic Food International Cooperation Seminar &
The 5th China (Guangzhou) International Low Carbon Products and
Technology Fair & Exhibition
Environment and Development Forum & China International Ecological
Environment Technology and Equipments Expo
2014 China International New Energy Vehicles Industry Promotion Week
China (Wuxi) Enterprises Overseas Listing Promotion Forum
CCOIC 2014 Trade Finance Summit
The 11th Guangdong Guanyin Mountain Cultural Festival
The 5th Enterprise Management Development Global Annual Forum
To be decided
The 5th World Chinese Economic Forum
To be decided
Dialogue between APEC Economic Leaders and ABAC
The 4th ABAC Meeting
APEC CEO Summit 2014
2014 China Guangdong Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference
Promotion Week for Asia-Europe Cooperation in Food Safety Industry
China International Creative Design Week 2014
The 3rd Sunsimiao Cultural Festival & 10th China International Development
Forum on Pharmaceutical
2014 International Industry and Commerce Intellectual Property Seminar
China arbitration Week
2014 CCPIT ATA CARNET issuing organization & customs seminar
To be decided
2014 CCOIC Annual Conference
2014 CCOIC Director Members Meeting & 2nd Executive Director Members
Launching Ceremony of CCPIT Working Committee on Origin
China International Trade Facilitation Forum
To be decided To be decided
The 20th China-France Economic Seminar
To be decided
The 7th meeting of China-Russia Bilateral Business Council
To be decided
Access Africa —2014 China Africa Investment Forum
To be decided
The 4th China-Caribbean Business Conference / China-Caribbean Economic
and Trade Cooperation Forum
To be decided To be decided
· 82
To be decided To be decided
Green Industry Cooperation Forum between China and Korea
Build+Décor 2014
2014 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition
China Silk Road Economic Belt International Expo & The 18th Investment
and Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China
China (Langfang) Low Carbon Environmental Protection Products and
Technology Exhibition
2014 Beijing International Marine Science and Technology / Projects and
Equipments Expo
China Import Expo / Kunshan 2014 (CIE2014)
2014 China (Qinghai) International Hala Food & Products Fair
2014 China (Beijing) Brand Exhibition
2014 China International Rental & Leasing Exhibition
China Suifenhe International Port Trade Expo (SIPTE2014)
China Manzhouli China-Russia-Mongolia International Wood Building
Materials & Auto Expo
2014 China-Arab States Expo
2014 China (Xuzhou) International Construction Machinery Fair
The 7th Tea Exposition Between Cross- Straits
Chinese Tea Brand Vision Crossover Salon
China “Silk Road Economic Zone”
International Logistics Exposition
The 10th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition
China International Automotive Manufacture Exhibition
China International Electric Vehicles Charging Station Exhibition
China International Food Safety Technology、Equipments and Products
Japan-China Green Expo
CDCS Pre-Examination Training
Beijing /
Shanghai /
Seminar for Chamber of Industry and Commerce of East Asian Countries
Beijing / 2-3
other cities
Seminar for Chamber of Industry and Commerce of South Asian Countries
Beijing / 2-4
other cities
Seminar for Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Latin American Countries
Beijing / 2-5
other cities
Seminar for Chamber of Industry and Commerce of African Countries
Beijing / 2-6
other cities
Training Program for International Chambers of Commerce (African
Beijing / 2-7
other cities
Training Program for International Chambers of Commerce (Latin American
other cities
Seminar for Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Arab Countries
Beijing / 2-9
other cities
International Commercial Arbitration Law Trainning Course
To be decided
To be decided To be decided
Lists of Business Activities in 2012
China-US IPR Protection& Innovation Forum
Israel-China Business Council / Oman-China Business Forum / U. A. E.-China
Business Forum
Israel / Oman /
U.A. E.
Colombia-China Trade and Investment Opportunities Seminar
Ecuador-China Trade and Investment Opportunities Seminar
Peru-China Trade and Investment Opportunities Seminar
BRICS Business Forum
China-Kazahkstan Business Seminar
Petroleum Machinery Equipment Purchase Conference in Venezuela and
Brazil / Peru
Venezuela / Mexico
China-Australia Business Council Inauguration
Papua New Guinea-China Trade and Investment Opportunities Seminar
Papua New Guinea
China-French Polynesia Business Symposium
The 10th China-Russia-Mongolia Business Forum
French Polynesia
June or July
Barbados-China Economic and Trade Seminar / the 2nd Meeting of ChinaCaribbean Joint Business Council
"Invest in the US" Seminar
The Fair of Economic Cooperation between Entrepreneurs from China and the
Portuguese speaking countries
UK-China Business Summit / The inaugural meeting of China-CEEC
Association of Chambers of Commerce
UK / Bulgaria
Council Meeting of SCO Entrepreneurs Committee
The 14th Cross-strait Economic and Trade Arbitration Seminar
Guatemala-China Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum
U.S.-China City Economic Cooperation Conference
Panama-China Trade and Investment Opportunities Seminar
Chile-China Trade and Investment Opportunities Seminar
State of Goiás-China Economic and Trade Cooperation Seminar
East Asia Investment Forum
Asia-Europe Business Forum / ITC JAG
Italy / Switzerland
China-Uzbekistan Business Forum and The 3rd meeting of China-Uzbekistan
Bilateral Business Council
Argentina-China Economic and Trade Cooperation Seminar
China-Ontario Trade and Investment Seminar
The 10th Meeting of China-Cuba Business Council
Bahamas-China Economic and Trade Seminar
B20-G20 Dialogue
The 10th EU-China Business Summit
The Summit Conference between CCPIT and Taitra
Taiwan, China
U.S.-China Business Council Meeting
To be decided
the 6th China-Canada Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum
To be decided
12th China Auto International Exhibition Tour
China Trade Exhibition 2014
Guatemala City
010- 88075016
13th China Auto International Exhibition Tour (Kazakhstan / Ukraine /
Kazakhstan /
Ukraine / Belarus
Nan Li Shi Lu
Fu Cheng Men
Fu Xing Men
Xi Dan
Chang An Street
Xuan Wu Men
Xi Bian Men
Tian An Men