Vanier Intercom November 21, 2011
Vanier Intercom November 21, 2011
Volume M9, Issue No. 14, November 21, 2011 Intercom is published regularly and serves to inform Vanier staff and teachers of notices and special events. It is posted on the Vanier College Website and distributed electronically. Submissions should be sent to [email protected]. Submissions should be in WORD, and sent as an attachment. No formatting or bullets. Deadline: 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding publication. Peer Tutoring Course Institutional Development and Research Office The Peer Teaching course is a special B-Block English course (603HS course) open to students in all programs and offered every winter semester. Every fall, I recruit students with strong English language skills who are interested in learning how to tutor/teach and help other students. This course is an opportunity for exceptional students to gain valuable pedagogical experience while also obtaining a B-Block (603-HS) English grade. Please encourage motivated and interested students in your classes to apply for my course by Friday, November 25, 2011. The students who apply must have already taken two English courses and passed them with a grade of 75% or over. Furthermore, they must be students who have yet to complete a B-Block English course. Application forms are available at my office (N-554) and at the Dean’s office (B-208). The applicants will be interviewed in early December and will be selected according to their level of excellence, commitment, and responsibility. ARC (Association pour la Recherche au Collégial) is pleased to announce that it is offering a workshop (in French) to those who wish to apply for a PAREA (Programme d’Aide à la Recherche sur l’Enseignement et l’Apprentissage) grant. The workshop will be held online on December 15, 2011 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. If you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at ext. 7271 or to send me an email at [email protected]. Thank you for your time and cooperation. «A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots (Marcus Garvey) ». Spiridoula Photopoulos, English Department English Exit Exam Workshops The English Department and The Learning Centre are holding English Exit Exam workshops for any student who is writing the th English Exit Exam on December 14 . Please encourage your students to attend at least one of these workshops, as they provide valuable information in helping them prepare for the exam. They will be held for the next three Wednesdays (Nov. 23, Nov. 30 and Dec. 7), at 12:30 PM in A-320. Kim Muncey, The Learning Centre For more information about the workshop, you could go to (Note: there is an underscore (_) between 3 and 1 as well as between 1 and activites; or contact Pit F. Lan Chow Wing at 7513 or [email protected]. To register, write to [email protected] or call 514- 843- 8491. Pit F. Lan-Chow-Wing, Office of the Academic Dean Contest: Black History Month Poster For Black History Month, the Black Studies Major in conjunction with the Positive and the Non-Stereotyped Minority Representation Project are organizing a contest for students to design a poster that will represent the true meaning of Black History Month. The poster must reflect the valuable contribution and positive role models of members of the Black community. The deadline to submit your entry is Wednesday, November 23th, 2011 at Student Services C-203. The winner will receive a prize of $400.00. In addition, the winning poster will be featured as the 2012 official Black History Month poster at Vanier College. For more information, please contact: Danielle Altidor (7463) or Mark Prentice (7652). Danielle Altidor, French Department Teaching Tip: Maintaining Your Enthusiasm for Teaching As teachers, we’re use to how intense our work is and to its certain rhythm – the exciting rush of the beginning of the semester, the on-going development of lesson plans, the adjustment to each new group of students with their own dynamics, the pressure to keep-up with the marking, and so on. Sometimes, though, after a couple of rough or extra-busy semesters – or a decade of them – we feel worn out, and worst of all, can lose our enthusiasm and passion for this work we usually enjoy so much. If you’re worried that you might be headed down that path, try some of these detours, and be sure to check out some of the links below, which will point you to a number of tried-and-true ways to keep teaching enjoyable, despite the stress: Try to plan your semester ahead of time Schedule correction time. Shake things up If possible, ask to teach some different courses from semester to semester, to avoid getting into a rut. Use some different texts, exercises, experiments, and so on, so you’re not just going through the motions by the time you’re teaching the same course for the fifth (or fiftieth) time. Try to have fun while teaching. For instance, try to make links between the course and extracurricular activities you are passionate about – connecting cooking with a chemistry course, anyone? Schedule downtime Try to work in some physical activity. Exercise has huge protective effects on our mental and physical health. Plan your assessment schedule so that you’re not marking during every long weekend or all of the Reading Week – spend some time with friends and family, instead, and do something fun! Keep your expectations realistic People who are perfectionist or pessimistic burn out more easily - so aim to be a very-good-to-excellent teacher, not a perfect one. And have the same expectations of your students! Make and maintain social connections Don’t wait for department meetings to get together with your colleagues – hang out for coffee, lunch, or a “meeting” at the R-building. Invite as many colleagues as you can! Find colleagues on Facebook or other social media platforms. No matter how busy you get, make a little time to see non-teacher friends. Don’t be afraid to ask for help Talk to colleagues, come to the PDO, or take advantage of our Employee Assistance Plan (514-231-5033 / 1-800- 667-2683) – it’s a confidential, third-party short-term counseling service available to all Vanier employees. Check out these great resources for avoiding burn-out, and leave a comment here to share your own strategies. See this and other Teaching Tips on the PDO web page. Wilma Brown, Pedagogical Development Office (PDO) Online Grade Submission for all Fall 2011 Semester – Day Teachers Please note that the deadline is FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2011, 12:00 MIDNIGHT. All grades must be submitted online. You will receive a memo summarizing the steps to follow in your OMNIVOX account. If you need assistance using the Omnivox online system, please contact Pierina Primiano at 7109 or Olga Mardas at 7124. It is very important that all grades be submitted by the deadline as the Registrar’s Office cannot determine those students in poor academic standing nor graduate students until all the marks for the semester have been entered. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Thomas Ingerman, Registrar Upcoming 2012 Scholarships Top 20 Under 20 Scholarship for students who have demonstrated a significant level innovation, leadership and achievement but have not yet reached the age of 20 Toyota Earth Day Scholarship for students with great grades and outstanding environmental commitment, community service, and leadership Future Aces Scholarship for students in financial need who contribute to society through extensive volunteerism/community service Terry Fox Humanitarian Award for students who participate in sport/fitness activities and engage in humanitarian efforts/community service Please note that students interested in receiving scholarship information or help with their applications can see Joshua Berman in The Learning Centre (B-205F). 0Joshua Berman, The Learning Centre Critical Dates for Planning for 2012 – 2013 Sustainability in the curriculum at Vanier Capital budget requests due Friday, January 27, 2012 Sustainability is thinking that our gestures and decisions have an impact on the capacity of future generations to have a similar quality of life as ours. This is fundamental in our role as educators and this approach is applicable to nearly everything that is taught here. Operational budgets due Wednesday, February 29, 2012 For procedure information ask your supervisor or coordinator or consult Intercom September 5-9. Bev Chandler, Vanier Communications Academic Council Summary of Outcomes Meeting November 11, 2011 • Motion passed that if Academic Council makes a recommendation for additional Pedagogical Advisor positions they come not at the expense of existing Academic Advisor positions. • Motion passed to approve changes to Academic Calendar in light of cancellation of classes on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 due to student walkout. Jonathan Goldman, Vanier Communications Winter Biking workshop If winter ever does show up we aim to make you ready. More than ever, Vanier cyclists are braving the elements to come here on bicycles, and by this time next year we should have a bicycle path on Ste-Croix. Until then, why not try to cycle on those winter days where it’s a little less cold and dry? If you are curious about extreme commuting, come to our winter riding workshop. The more experienced riders will benefit from sharing tips and tricks with other seasoned cyclists. We will talk about bicycles and gear, clothing, road choices, surfaces, lighting and riding techniques. Winter biking is as fun and adventurous as it looks! November 23 from 12.30 to 1.30 PM in A-329. Richard Dugas, Student Services PDO Activity Activity: Brown Bag Lunch Date: Time: Location: Topic: Wednesday, November 23, during Universal Break 12:30 – 2 p.m. Board Room, F-216 Rubrics: Show and Tell During the morning session of VCC Day, student representatives made a specific request for teachers to use more rubrics. In the afternoon, there was a workshop on using and designing rubrics. As a follow up, the PDO would like to invite you to a brown bag lunch about rubrics on Wednesday, November 23 in room F-216 during UB. If you have designed your own rubric, please bring an electronic copy to share with others, or if you are simply curious about how others are using rubrics, please just bring your inquisitive self. Wilma Brown, Pedagogical Development Office (PDO) As an example, what is the pertinence of sustainability in Nursing? At a very basic and little important level it is that the Nursing Department has recycling boxes in their offices. At a more advanced level, it might be that the students in Nursing find out where the products they use come from, how they are disposed of and of less taxing or wasteful alternatives. The real meaning of sustainability, though, in the context of Nursing is communicated at a much deeper level and has to do with the fundamental base of the job: Nurses are care-givers and have a social function to fulfill related to healing and prevention. Analogies can be drawn between this role and the healing of our planet. By understanding how their profession and the health system relates to the health and healing of individuals and of our society, the nurse has to approach his or her job as an engaged citizen and understand the meaning of being a care-giver in a broader global context. The links between the work our Nursing students do on preventative medicine and their dynamic outreach programs are demonstrated to them in a broader societal context; they begin to understand inter-relationships and see their role as linked and important to the future of our society. Our graduates will start to see themselves as agents in building a better world, not merely practitioners of a noble profession. This is including sustainability in the curriculum because it will help our students play a role in the ongoing debate about the finances of healthcare. Fundamentally, we want these students to see the big picture and to see themselves as actors, not by-standers. Sustainability means taking account of the social, economic and environmental when making decisions, starting projects or deciding how to deal with a problem. Vanier has a duty to communicate this to our students. Let me just ask you now, how do we do this together? Richard Dugas, Student Services Vanier College Choir To Perform Handel’s Messiah on Friday, December 2nd at Église St. Laurent This year’s eagerly awaited performance of Handel’s Messiah, conducted by Philippe Bourque, will feature eight student singers as well as two alumni singers accompanied by trumpets, double bass, keyboard instruments and percussion. The performance nd will be held on Friday, December 2 at 7:30pm at Église St. Laurent (suggested donation $10). The imposing poster for the event was designed by Pierre Grosjean, one of Joan Fee Taylor’s students in the Micropublishing and Hypermedia Program. Do come and join us for this celebratory concert. Nadia Turbide, Music Department Change of date for OPEN HOUSE 2012 – Revisited! Update on Ste-Croix construction project Thank you for your feedback. Update on Ste-Croix Construction Project After meeting with the city last week regarding the construction project on Ste-Croix, I have be informed that the project will be th completed December 16 , as scheduled. Note, due to open houses in other cegeps the date proposed is now SATURDAY afternoon November 3, 2012. The change is proposed for two reasons: • • To permit publicity reaching English High Schools for the Vanier Open House. We now do not meet these key feeder schools until AFTER our Open House is held To avoid road construction in front of the college scheduled for August to October 2012 Two considerations have been brought forward from last week’s Intercom notice: Admissions staff expect to be inundated with Winter 2013 admissions work later in November and prefer this early November date as the lesser of two evils, while Music teachers object to the overlap with their auditions for Winter 2013 applicants and recommend staying with the mid-October date. If you have any other thoughts, objections, considerations or comments on this change please contact Annabelle Kennedy (F229) x7553, [email protected] or myself (F-229, x7543 [email protected]. We still expect to announce this change to cegeps and high schools before the end of the month. Bev Chandler, Vanier Communications Pentagon: Galerie Henry Lehmann Gallery The upcoming exhibition at the Galerie Henry Lehnman Gallery, Pentagon, will run through the week of November 21-25 and the vernissage will take place on Wednesday, November 23 during Universal Break. The show will feature the following artists: Matthieu Guilbault "Insert Title Here" Mixed Media Nairie Manoukian "Staying In" Individual Pieces: "Sit" "Dine" "Relax" "Have A Drink" "Enjoy"Graphite Pencil on Carson Illustration Board Lauren Toutikian "The Bench" Mixed Media: oak wood, MDF panels, fabric, 2 inch cushion, dark brown stain. Anthony Perrotta "Pleonexia" Mixed Media: watercolor, ink, pencil on paper. Bianca Ambrosino "Self Portrait: Realism" "Self Portrait: Cubism" "Self Portrait: Futurism" "Self Portrait: Pop Art" Acrylic paint Please join us in the gallery, room B-305. Dan Stefik, Communications, Art, Media and Theatre The next phase of construction for this project is scheduled for May 2012. Unfortunately, we have just learned that HydroQuebec will be renovating infrastructure between Cote-Vertu and De l’église on the east side of the road during this coming winter. This project should not fully block access to Ste-Croix, but may cut down one lane northbound. Winter Awareness Winter is finally here and with that additional steps must be taken to ensure the safety of the Vanier community and the continuation of College operations. Please review the following Winter safety guidelines. 1) Make sure to close all windows before leaving an office, classroom or lab that you may be using. Leaving windows open may cause water pipes to freeze resulting in a flood. 2) If you find areas near entrances of the College which are slippery or may be dangerous, please report it to Security (ext. 7575) so that steps can be taken to ensure everyone’s safety. 3) If you notice the formation of dangerous icicles around the College, please report it to security (ext.7575) so that appropriate measures can taken. Thank you for helping us make Vanier College a safer community. Loïc Boyer, Security Services Reminder to All Staff and Faculty Members We are again asking all Staff and Faculty members to please return all borrowed items to the Library, before the end of the semester. Furthermore, due to an increased demand for audiovisual material, Faculty may preview material for a short period before use in class but are asked to please return the material promptly. Many thanks for your cooperation in this matter. Deirdre Blick, Circulation Coordinator Retiree Cocktail Reception Postponed Please note that the Cocktail Reception originally scheduled for November 24, 2011 to honour this past year’s retirees and to honour employees celebrating 20 years of service at the college has been postponed to a later date. Silvana Cannatelli, Director General’s Office Vanier Life Photo Credits Errata I’d like to apologize to Pam Espinosa whose name was spelled incorrectly in the list of credits for photography in Vanier Life. Pam takes terrific photos and I want her to get proper credit for her photographic contribution to the latest issue. The time for the PAREA (Programme d’Aide à la Recherche sur l’Enseignement et l’Apprentissage) grant application workshop was incorrectly listed in the previous edition of Intercom (November 14, 2011). The correct time is 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Marguerite Corriveau, Vanier Communications Jonathan Goldman, Vanier Communications
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