The Sparton Hangtown A`s
The Sparton Hangtown A`s
The Sparton Hangtown A’s Placerville, Ca A Chapter of the Model A Ford Club of America August 2015 Vol 37 Issue 8 Presidents Message After celebrating the founding of our country on the fourth, we came together on the eleventh for the President's Stew. A large contingent of Hangtown A'ers descended, or is that ascended, on the Sipe's country home where they enjoyed a delicious repast of Beef stew and a plethora of salads and side dishes. There were also more desserts than I could try. All were delicious, and space in my tummy was the limiting factor, not desire. All in all, a great event, and our thanks to Claude and Connie for hosting it. The year, and my tenure as President is half over. We now need to begin planning for several events. Are we going to decorate a tree along Highway 50? What are our plans for the Christmas tree decorating party at the California Auto Museum, and or course, our own Christmas Dinner? These questions, and more, will be discussed at our August meeting on August 14 Enjoy the rest of the summer and come to our next meeting rejuvenated. Bill Lincoln The Sparton Upcoming Events & Tours MAFCA Aug 14 General Meeting 7:00 pm Aug 15 Car Show Placerville Elks Lodge Aug 15 Lunch & Private Collection Tour Sept 11 General Meeting 7:00 pm The Sparton Certificate of Merit Award 2011 2013 Hangtown A’s Page 1 President’s Stew July 11, 2015 The Sparton Hangtown A’s Page 2 President’s Stew July 11, 2015 The Sparton Hangtown A’s Page 3 ONE TWO BUCKLE MY SHOE Buckles and Shoe Laces of the Model A Era By Mary Carlson Buckles and shoe laces may not be exciting, but they were certainly necessary. As you will see, there’s more than one version of the nursery rhyme and there are many options to choose from when you are looking at buckles and laces for those era shoes. Era Fashion Buckles could be decorative (a subject for another article) as well as used to keep the shoe securely on the foot. The images show the buckles on the outer edge of the strap or in the center of the strap. As Printed in MAFCA 2015 The Sparton Hangtown A’s Page 4 Shoe laces were available in many lengths and materials. Most commonly, they were made of silk, cotton or leather. Note that the ends could be wrapped tight in a fiber or metal tip or end in a mini tassel. Leather laces did not have tips on them. You would not have found colors more stimulating than black, brown, tan and white in the Model A era. Era Fashion This listing is for silk laces with tassels and tubular cotton laces with fiber tips. They came in 18” and 27” lengths. These laces have tasseled ends. The white canvas shoes came in a strap with center buckle style as well as a lace up style. As Printed in MAFCA 2015 The Sparton Hangtown A’s Page 5 The Sparton 2015 Board Members & Directors SUNSHINE REPORT President: Eileen Brandstetter, Sunshine Lady At this time I am requesting all members to please call me, (530 391-1575) if you know of anyone who is ill or has been injured. Thank you in advance, I truly appreciate your help. Thank You, Eileen Bill Lincoln 916-284-7149 Vice President: Carol McLaughlin 530-642-2153 Secretary: Sharon Johnson 530-644-1250 Treasurer: Phone: 530-391-1575 Email: [email protected] Mary Tribbett 707-678-4270 Newsletter Editor: Hymie Brandstetter 530-391-1881 Membership: Kevin Vaught 530-672-2559 Past President (2013): Carol Mueller 530-306-3285 2015 Committee Chairmen Sgt. At Arms: Bud Powell 530-621-3808 E-Mail contact: Charlie Scott 530-677-2073 Librarian: Ernie Gunderson 530-672-6612 NCRG Rep.: Glenn Johnson 530-644-1250 Webmaster: The Sparton Hymie Brandstetter 530-391-1881 Refreshments: Marie Rutenshroer 916-595-4811 Hangtown A’s Page 6 The The Sparton Sparton 8/1 Eveline Welsh 8/12 Drain & Doris Marshall 8/13 Ree Brown 8/17 Bill & Waldie Graham 8/13 Barbara Garver 8/28 Fred & Ginger DeGregory 8/14 Agnes Forshey 8/15 Scotty Ross 8/16 Bill Barlow 8/16 Nancy Ehrlich 8/23 Sharon Johnson 8/27 Bonnie Antoniono 8/29 Robert Walrond 8/31 Dorothy Tribbett See you at the next meeting Sept 11, 2015 Meetings are held at Price Hall (Federation Church) 1031 Thompson Way, Placerville September 11, 2015 @7:00 PM Refreshments: Jeanette Powell, Click Photo for Map Nat Archer, Connie Sipe The Sparton Hangtown A’s Page 7 The Sparton 2200 Front Street Sacramento, CA 95818 (916) 442-6802 MAFCA Model A Ford Club of America 250 South Cypress Street La Habra CA 90631 Dues are $40 per year. Dues for new members may be paid at any time. Dues paid between November 1 and December 31 are valid for the remainder of the year paid plus the following year. With your check send in your name, spouse's name and complete address. An optional $10 initiation fee includes a club pin, decal, badge, windshield card and a back issue of the" Restorer" magazine. If you use MasterCard or Visa include the expiration date and your signature. Membership includes a subscription to the Restorer. The Sparton Hangtown A’s Page 8 Classifieds If you have an ad, please submit it to the editor by the 18th of the month. All ads are published on an “space available” basis. 1931 Model A Business Coupe, 7,000 miles on rebuilt engine, wide tires, trunk instead of rumble seat. Best for touring. One family car for over 60 years. Call Bill, 530-622-2612 Engine Stand $50 Engine Hoist $200 Contact Mike Muetz 530-919-7866 Wanted: Right Front fender 1931 in restorable condition & R/R 1931 Coupe Pickup in restorable condition Larry Ryder 530-622-9998 Place your Want-ad Here Click To place your ad: [email protected] Click To place your ad: [email protected] Please visit the all new website for the Hangtown A’s All new design. Easier to navigate. Lots of useful Information… New Tech Section, New Fashion Section, Up-To-Date Tours/Activities The Hangtown A’s are now on Facebook. Keep up to date with the latest happenings and goings on The Sparton Hangtown A’s Page 9 First Class Mail The Sparton P.O. Box 2296 Placerville, CA 95667 HANGTOWN A’S INFO OUR MEETINGS ARE HELD ON THE SECOND FRIDAY OF THE MONTH AT 7:00 PM AT THE FEDERATED CHURCH 1031 THOMPSON WAY, PLACERVILLE, CA WE ARE A CHAPTER OF THE MODEL A FORD CLUB OF AMERICA. LOCAL DUES ARE $20/YR. MAFCA DUES ARE $40/YR. INFORMATION IN THIS NEWSLETTER MAY BE BORROWED FROM OTHER PUBLICATIONS. WE THANK OTHERS FOR SHARING WITH US, AND ARE HAPPY TO HAVE OTHERS USE ANY ARTICLE HEREIN, PROVIDED PROPER CREDIT IS GIVEN. WE ACCEPT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ON A SPACE AVAILABLE BASIS. SOME ITEMS MAY BE EDITED FOR SPACE OR STYLE. OUR CLUB MAILING ADDRESS IS: HANGTOWN A’S P.O. BOX 2296 PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 ARTICLES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY THE 18TH OF EACH MONTH TO THE EDITOR: HYMIE BRANDSTETTER [email protected] The Sparton Hangtown A’s 530-391-1881 Page 10