Bulletin - Waukeenah United Methodist Church


Bulletin - Waukeenah United Methodist Church
Waukeenah UMC
October 16, 2016
Open my eyes, so that I may behold
wondrous things out of your law.
Psalm 119:18 NRSV
Order of Worship
Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.
October 16, 2016
Bringing in the Light of Christ
Rachel Cooksey
Pastor Kevin
Opening Prayer
Geoff Monge
*Opening Hymn
*Call to Worship
O Worship the King
Psalm 121
(Responsive Reading)
Joys and Concerns
Moment of Prayer
Lord’s Prayer
UMH #73
UMH #844
Geoff Monge
Pastor Kevin
*Praise Music
Shout to the Lord
Giving Our Gifts and Tithes
Praise Team
Pastor Kevin
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Amen.
Freely, Freely
Children’s Message
Children’s Church Dismissal
Pastor Kevin
Louise & Kate
Old Testament Reading
New Testament Reading
*Closing and Benediction
*Please stand if able
UMH #389
Genesis 32:22-31
2 Timothy 3:14 – 4:5
Proclaim the Message
Geoff Monge
Here I am, Lord
UMH #593
Pastor Kevin
~The altar is always open for prayer during the worship and music service~
Pastor Kevin
Ages 3-8, or 2nd grade
Waukeenah UMC
Prayer Requests
Unspoken; Family of
Gary Reeves Sr.; Brenda
When I get big ~ When I grow up
If you would like to donate to
Ward; Johnny Cook;
When I turn ten ~ When I’m a
the Fato family please visit
Fletcher Fato and Family;
Waukeenah UMC website
teenager ~ When I can drive ~
Joy Bolten Herring; Julie
When I get a car ~ When I get a
Anderson; Adam; Tonya
then scroll down the page.
B.; Dianne Canning;
better car ~ When I graduate ~
Richard Jones;
When I get a job ~ When I get
Bill Geier’s
married ~ When I have kids ~
Mother; Patty Core; Sherry Bando;
When I get a raise ~When I get a
A great big
Jacob Crum; Phyllis Hobbs; Keren
THANK YOU house ~ When my kids get bigger
Wynn; Ora Savin; Dennis Tucker;
~ When I get a promotion ~ When Lisa Harms; Amanda Vickers; Baylor
to all who
worked at the
I get it figured out ~ When this
Echols; Jack Battle; Jerry and Geneva
fish fries! We
problem is solved ~ When I have Freeman; Lester Boland; Madison
served approximately 590 people and more money ~ When I get it paid
Robinette; Sonya Morris; Susie
made a profit of $4,667.76. The
Barber; Thomas Grimm; Connie
off ~ When I get a better boss ~
funds raised are designated for the
Eichler; Diana Mahoney; Oneta
When we get new elders ~ When
Monroe; Porch de Salomon; men and
Building Fund.
we get a new preacher ~ When I
women of our armed forces; Our
get well ~ When my kids are gone Country and our brothers and sisters
~ When I have more time ~ When around the world; and our sister
church - Cifuentes Methodist Church.
I have less stress ~ When I retire
Fletcher’s Fight
Congratulations to
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hall
on their recent marriage.
Youth Dinners
While Aunt Louise is busy with the
Maze we are seeking volunteers to
provide a meal (or two) for the Youth
Group on the following Wednesday
 October 19th and 26th
 Nov 2nd and 16th
We feed about 18 people each
Wednesday night and invite you to
not only provide the mal, but to stay
and fellowship with us while we eat.
Please contact Connie Eichler 850766-2685. We would so appreciate it!
When are you going to do what
you know you need to do?
If not now – When?
“So teach us to number our days, That
we may present to You a heart of
wisdom” (Psalm 90:12 NASV)
Dale Jenkins
Backpack Buddies
Backpack Buddies Ministry is an
ongoing ministry to the children of
Jefferson County. Bring your
donations to the church or make a
check payable to the church with
Backpack Buddies in the memo line.
Revelation Student Ministry
The Youth Group is open to ALL
youth in the area regardless of church
affiliation. Invite a friend ... or two.
Sundays @ 5:00
Wednesdays @ 6:00
Connie Eichler, Youth Director
[email protected]
The Vision of Waukeenah UMC: To be a spirit-led missional church serving God in our community.
WUMC Upcoming Events & Information
October 2016
18 Church Council
23 Waukeenah Homecoming
31 Trunk or Treat @
Aunt Louise’s Farm
November 2016
6 Fall Back! (DST Ends)
11 Veterans Day
24 Thanksgiving
7:00 pm
10:00 am
2:00 am
Each Sunday
9:30 am Lamont Church Service
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship Service
5:00 pm Revelation Student Ministries
6:30 pm Strings on Wings music practice
Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday
7:30 pm AA Meeting (open), Women’s Club
in Lloyd.
Each Tuesday
11:00 am Prayer Group will resume Fall ‘16
Each Wednesday
6:00 pm Revelation Student Ministries
(Dinner Included)
6:30 pm Choir practice is temporarily suspended
The Vision of Waukeenah UMC:
To be a spirit-led missional church
serving God in our community.
Please report any sanctuary/building issues to
Ron Burks at 850-597-3095
 Please do your part to recycle. There are
collection bins in the fellowship hall for
recyclable items.
 Children’s Church ages: 3-8, or 2nd
81 Methodist Church Road
Monticello, FL 32344
Kevin Hall, Senior Pastor
[email protected]
Cell 850-509-0081
Church office 850-997-2171
Connie Eichler, Youth Director
850-766-2685, [email protected]
Stan Monroe, Lay Leader
Cell 850-510-4932
Vocalists and Instrumentalists:
Connie Eichler, Courtney Eichler,
Nathan Jones, Sam Jones,
Danny Monroe, Stanton Monroe.
The Mission of Waukeenah UMC: To faithfully live into the gospel of Jesus Christ.