Sunday, May 1, 2016
Sunday, May 1, 2016
HOLY COMMUNION [Communion is a time when we celebrate and share in the presence of the risen Christ around His Table. This is an open Table and all are invited. You need not be a member of this Church or any Church; you need not be baptized. You need only desire a closer encounter with God. John Wesley, the founder of the people called Methodists, believed that it is possible to have a conversion experience during Communion, and so all are welcome at the Lord's Table. We use unfermented juice of the grape at the service of Holy Communion. Gluten-free bread with separate cup is available as is the receiving of Communion at your seat – please speak with an usher.] New Milford United Methodist Church The Great Thanksgiving [please refer to insert “A Celebration of Holy Eucharist” by Rev. Lydia E. Muñoz, 2016] Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Sharing of the Bread & Cup musical selection by Tim Smith Prayer after Receiving GOING FORTH U Closing Hymn #333 “I’m Goin’a Sing When the Spirit Says Sing” I’M GOIN’A SING U Commission, Benediction and Passing of the Peace Postlude musical selection by Tim Smith Sixth Sunday of Easter May 01 cover image: collage by pastor alex from “The Tree of Life from the Stoclet Frieze” by Gustav Klimt, 1862-1918 68 Danbury Road, New Milford, CT 06776 | | 860.354.4596 Rev. Alex da Silva Souto, Pastor - mobile: 415.706.5397 | Music Director, Tim Smith Brinna Kolitz, Youth Leader | Lay Leaders: Marilyn Fuller & Pat Tripp Ministers: All members of the New Milford UMC 2016 9:30am You are invited to worship with us in the quiet of prayer, in the joy of song, and in the desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of our LORD Jesus Christ. Part of our mission is to be a place for all people. All are welcome here! Whatever your gender, age, race, religious background, economic status, sexual orientation or condition of ableness, we greet you as a beloved child of God. * The order of service is subject to change at the leading of the Holy Spirit. Italicized Bold print invites congregational response in unison. U Means you are invited to stand if able and comfortable. People often make fun Of what they don’t understand, Especially customs From a far away land; But there are some customs God wants all to follow, Like showing love and kindness To give hope for tomorrow. ENTRANCE & PRAISE Prelude musical selection by Tim Smith Welcome & News U Opening Hymn #475 “Come Down, O Love Divine” U Call to Worship [by Pastor Carol Downs] DOWN AMPNEY Sue Sterling Like a river of life-giving water, God’s power flows through us, returning our strength. Like green leaves on heaven’s tree of life, God’s love heals our spirits, restoring our hope. Each day, we are called to reflect heaven’s glory. Lord, make us your light in the world! “Spirit Song” Pastor Alex U Hymn of Response #369 “Blessed Assurance” ASSURANCE Call to Reconciliation [adapted from liturgy by Nancy Townley @] Chancel Choir Thelma Neufeld by Thelma Neufeld, April 24, 2016 My friend looks quite different It is plain to see. My neighbor talks different He doesn’t talk like me. God made all folks different Because if they were all like me, What a very boring place Our world would be. “Don’t Be Troubled or Afraid” Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon PROCLAMATION & RESPONSE “Dealing With Differences” Pam Butler [based on John 5:1-9, 14:23-29; “Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5] [Prayers of the People, concluding with…] Prayer for Illumination Christ our Savior Lives! Hallelujah, praise Jesus! Listening for God’s Message SPIRIT SONG “I Love You LORD” words & music by Laurie Klein Sue Sterling [All children are invited to proceed to Sunday School for the lesson “Choosing the Seven” based on Acts 6:1-7] Prayers of the People Anthem “John 14:23-29” [NRSV] Children’s Message [we sing “Halle, Halle, Halleluja” TFWS #2026] Prayers of Invocation [adapted from prayer by St Augustine 354-430 CE] Hymn of Praise #347 U Gospel Reading Peace! Do not let your hearts be troubled. Jesus came to bring you new life. Believe in Him. Receive the blessing of hope and peace Jesus Christ, our Loving Savior. AMEN! Invitation to Offering Offering of Tithes and Gifts U Doxology #94 musical selection by Tim Smith “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below; Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power up lifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Offertory Prayer [based on John 14:23-29, source unknown]
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