Sunday, March 22, 2015 - Living Grace Fellowship
Sunday, March 22, 2015 - Living Grace Fellowship
YOUR SERVANT LEADERS Lead Pastor Jason & Julie Frantz [email protected] 913.314.2013 A congregation of Grace Communion International Associate Pastor Assistant Pastor Jack & Marilyn Zvorak [email protected] 816.436.6959 Mike Castro [email protected] 913.515.5464 Assistant Pastor Living and sharing God’s love and grace Martin & Sarah Koenig [email protected] [email protected] 913.231.0542 913.752.7085 Praise & Worship Ministries Prayer Ministries Sarah Koenig [email protected] 913.752.7085 Searle Engel [email protected] 816.977.5095 Children's Ministries Women's Ministries Sarah Healy [email protected] 913.669.6667 Julie Frantz [email protected] 913.322.2729 Communications Ministries Men's Ministries Martin Koenig [email protected] 913.231.0542 Tom Wempe [email protected] 913.709.1514 Ushering/Safety Treasurer Tom Wempe [email protected] 913.709.1514 Shirley Everman [email protected] 816.524.3834 Advisory Council Gabriel Ben-Okoh Harvey Gilley Sarah Healy Barbara Leatherman Alyssia Stover James Warren LGF website: GCI website: Local offerings may be sent to: LGF-KC, P.O. Box 8636, Kansas City, MO 64114 Sunday, March 22, 2015 Worship with us Sundays at 10:30am at Whitefield Academy, 8929 Holmes, Kansas City, MO TODAY’S SERVICE Praise Team Leader – Faith Reeder Worship Music ........................................................................Praise Team Church Life, Prayer & Praise ................................................. Troy Roark Offering Message ...................................................................... Troy Roark Worship Music ........................................................................Praise Team Kids' Corner .............................................................................. Ray Meyer ** Children are dismissed for Children’s Church ** Sermon........................................................................................ Ray Meyer Why Jesus Wept John 11 Closing Song ............................................................................Praise Team Benediction.................................................................................... Together ACTIVITIES EVENTS UPDATES 2015 DIRECTORY The Updated directory is available on the information table in the foyer. BLESSING OF THE LITTLE CHILDREN Next Sunday, March 29, during services we will have a special blessing of the little children. Contact Pastor Jason if you have any children or grandchildren that you would like to include in the service, or if you know of anyone that would like to have their children included. The celebration continues with a potluck after services. LORD’S SUPPER REMEMBRANCE Join us Thursday, April 2, starting at 6:30 at Whitefield Academy to commemorate the Last Supper. We will worship downstairs in the fellowship hall with a light snack, a brief message, communion, and foot washing. Please enter through the south parking lot entrance, and bring your bucket and a towel if you plan to participate in the foot washing. RESURRECTION CELEBRATION SERVICE Easter Resurrection Service: Join us on Sunday, April 5, to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior with a special service. Invite family and friends for the service and a reception afterward with snacks and drinks. Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26 PRAISE REPORTS & PRAYER REQUESTS Forms are at the Information Table to have prayer requests and praise reports mentioned during the service. Please hand your form to the person listed for Prayer & Praise. You may also email your requests ahead of time. OFFERING ENVELOPES If you need envelopes, please see an usher or visit the Information Table. Please fill out the envelope tab completely. See Tom Wempe if you need personalized labels and envelopes to prepare ahead of time. NEW GCI PUBLICATION A new bi-monthly publication called "INcluded" will be printed and available at services. The first issue is available today on the information table in the foyer. Bulletin submissions should be sent no later than 8:00pm Thursday each week to [email protected] or call/text 913.231.0542 GRACE GROUPS Shawnee Home Group Monday, April 13 & 27, 7:00pm Koenigs’ home Prayer Group 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays, after services at 12:15pm in the Teacher's Lounge Men's Fellowship Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00am Overland Park Lutheran Church SUPPORTING SPOFFORD Items requested for the month of March: Nighttime Pull-Ups Girls’ underwear Jeans (size 12-18) Small and medium training bras Boys’ ankle socks (bigger sizes) Combs and brushes See the bulletin board or contact Mattie Laughlin (816.833.4217) for details Donations may be placed in the Spofford basket in the foyer PRAYER CORNER SPEAKING OF LIFE Calling Out For Help Karen Anderson ................................................................................... COPD Janice Bass rehab recovering from strokes Yvonnette Benich .............................................................. chronic back pain Kaitlyn Brooks .............................................. autoimmune disease, arthritis Rita Caskey ............................................................................ trouble walking Dean Hesting ....................................... recovering from pancreatic surgery Martha Irvin ........................................................................ in nursing home Beverly Johnson ...................................... limited mobility, in nursing home Kim Kissell.................................................................... bone marrow cancer Sarah Koenig ............................ emotional and physical healing, torn ACL Ethel L’Hommedieu .................................................. late stage Parkinson’s Stuart Roberts ..................................................................... prostate troubles Charles Smith .................................................................................. glaucoma Suzanne Sullenger ................cervical dystonia, torticollis, back pain, TMJ Last year while hiking near Sacramento, Mike Vilhauer got lost. He wandered off the path and suddenly realized he couldn’t find his way back. As the sun sank, Mike crawled under some shelter – and over the next five days, he weathered storms, battled hunger and even fought off an angry wolverine! But as he grew weaker, he started to think he’d never be rescued. Have you ever felt this way? Like you’re hopelessly lost? We all go through trying times. And when I start to feel this way, I open up my Bible and turn to the Psalms. If anyone knows what it feels like to be lost, overwhelmed and abandoned, it’s King David. See how he writes about it in Psalm 22 – “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish? My God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, but I find no rest... Dogs surround me, a pack of villains encircles me” (Psalm 22:1-2; 22:16). What David was feeling here is sometimes called “the Dark Night of the Soul,” a term coined by the 16th-century Catholic mystic, Saint John of the Cross. Now widely recognized among scholars worldwide, this term has even been picked up by Hollywood screenwriters. It’s that point in the movie where the hero feels like there’s no hope left. But that’s not where this biblical story ends. Listen to how David finishes his Psalm -“For he has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help” (Psalm 22:24). I love that last verse about crying out for help. It’s a truth we should never forget. Mike Vilhauer sure didn’t. Instead, he made an 8-foot sign that read – “HELP.” Searchers saw it and were able to save his life. The next time we’re feeling deserted, overwhelmed or alone; remember that our Triune God is faithful to hear us when we call on him. He will never abandon us or forsake us. And that’s a promise we can count on. I’m Joseph Tkach, Speaking of LIFE.