December, 1923


December, 1923
D erember
• " _ _W?3,_ _ __
20 ~
Contents of This Number
Follow the Star of Rotary , ....... . ......... . ..... . Cu.\! GII/Jdaker .," , .. "...
Cardan- the Conque ror .. . " .... .. ... .... . .. ... .. £lIi$ Parker Buder . ... , "
' ' ' ,, ' ' ,, ' '
Ethic, ' Place in Business ...... , , ...... . .. ... ...... T Ufllef
R ose Marie Blair .. ... .......... ... ......... . . .. M abel
"Number .3l33"-:.and the Code .......... . , . .. ..... Gardner M ac
The Blackest Chrislmu ........... .. , .... . ... . .... Charl~ 5 1. on
Have a Hobby- Ride It H ard1 .......... .. .. , ..... Harry BalU[ard
A Rotary "Inclu,n" Camp ............... . ......... 101m T . Bar/fell" .. . , ... . "
T he Lonely Vigil by the Side of the R oad . ... , ....... E. L. D ellelldor' ... ,
Mr. P erkins' Chrutmas ..................... .. ... Dillen P, While... . ...
Unusual Storie5 of UnUJUal Men .................... Charles O. Smidl.... . . . . ..
.. . .
Public Service and Private Opinion .................. uonarJ OrmqpJ ...... ... . 33
R otary Club Activiti~AII Over the W orld . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .
, n.
Ollirrr, o" d Oiruto" of Rotary I"'n"o'io "al: P'''id~"' . G UY GUI<I>IIKD. Ph iladelphi •• P • . ' Fi,,1 lIiu.
P ,nid,"" EVE.ITT W . HI Lt., Okl.homa Ci'7. Okla.; SUo"d Virt-Pruldnll, JOII I< BII'I< TA YlOI, ':ondon. Eng.'
T.i,d V ,N-P It,ld," ,. F .... NK II . LA",., Hoquiam. Wash. Dirrrrorl: B£N/II N' N C. IhoWN, /II~w Orlnns.
JO li N J. G,UON, Toronto. Ontar io; FI AI< K H. HATf'n.D, Evansyin~. Ind.; CIlIlILU RIlODU. Auckland, N. Z.;
A NTIIONY \II . 5 .. 'TI'. PiUlblirsh. P l. Str'rla ,}', ClIESU!Y R. PUIY. Chicago; T ItGl~ '''. Ru , u. F. CnllP' 1<. Chit:a«l.
£I"'" ••~
B.,I ..... &I ...~ ..
E .. EJ.S(l1< GIl USl
M • ..,... ~ tu . ,~ .
Ad""" ..". , " •••, ..
Editorial and Ad vert ilinl Offie",: 221 E. 20th SII'ftI, Chic.go, U. S. A.
Ad .. <tl, •••
a..........'i... , c.-.a,ia.
l Jo<~ .... • W. 11110 St .. N• • r",k CkJ.
_"" .~ R......, l a'. """ ..... , ... d .. ;q oAciol ... n'; ... <am. . .~'IMI,I ..".c "",10••• w .ni.
. . ...., d ..••'h",,~1;u,'"
.. oj.!,. . . . f ._..,. "".....,;.w. h .,b.. , ......,.. . . _",a.m" I............. 4 fo. ,.., ........ u.
p,_d ~, ."'_
Eo, ....... _doda .. _" ....
H. I"~. a' ......... 0.,.. a' Olean. Ill. ,.., A. . .f 101 ...,. .. un. T.... of
, \.100 'K ,0' WI 110. U. S .. c ....s.., .w "'.." .....
~~ic~ . . . .;.Ito~. ,... ..1 .....,.
o.c... b<.
;,...... : """to .~. _.:
.Ii... " .to '" .,"'" ....."10,.
,,<U ..
Ninety-live thou6and copiu of thi6 iuue we"e printed
....... ---
I{(Jl'AR J Al\'
!humber. 1923
'{![:be (/[bri!5tmas (/[aro\
tlbil (!I\rspttkrn
JIlUllralivII b. >I . .... Ylinkl"
ilES th~ f()()lste,,, crc"k On t he fro.en SnoW,
And the ;~'e locb the winding st ream.
And the nnr th wind blu.le •• and howl. ~",I ",Un'''.
And the ~Inrs h"Ye ~ fros ty gleam;
When the ](mcJy sparrow sill huddled and col<l
As it ''''ay, on the wind -to.sed limb-Th eil J I"" t \" rcad frOIll the well -thumbed Iroo~
Where it tell. ab<lut Tiny Tim.
,\,,<1 of Scrooge ~n,1 Crntchi! mild .'lrarlcy'.
,\,,0.1 the ,-joion of Uttle Fan,
Fur the IAle puts gl",,· in m,'- jaded soul,
As th" Ink of a masler can;
'\11.1 my heart exp"nd. wi t h a uc ...·-fou nd "·arolth.
1\"<\ with moisture my eye. grow dim,
A. I read o·c. the l"lS5a!{C" to,·.,-,,,,,], ,
Where it tells abont Tiny Tim.
'T was" In",ly Ihbe in R "'linger 001
WI,o has founded OUr Chri.t m~s cheer,
,\ ",1 a crippled child with hi. till,' cr utch
Wh o hM ""ndcred it. mea ning <:lcar ;
And therc's little roolll for ~ sordid thought,
Or a grudge, Or a selfi .• h wl,i""
I £ we bow the head with II. l'Onlrite hcart
For the bins; ,,!!, of Tilly T im .
Oh, the world "'O,'C8 On a t " diuy 1'11.<:<:,
I\"d our c,,>lom~ eI,allge OS we go,
But the ardor thaI Ihrin:s "pon Christm". dl~... r
Still hurn. with" fenid glow;
'\ n~ dow" through the "i.ta of Il~... lillll' ycftTS.
I·rolll .. Past "l) mist." ~nd d'm,
0" Ihe fc,-e red ~row of II. h etfnl world
1',,11. the hle"'''g of T iny Tim.
Follow the Star of Rotary
By Guy Gundaker
P.u idt nl of Rota.y J.lttt n.ational
H E app roac hing Christmastide
bringa to our mind the atory of the
Three Wiae Men of the Eaal, who,
led by a atar, 6nally arrived at the lowly
birthplace of the Chriat Child, They
bore in thei r ha nda rich gifta of gold,
frankincenae , and my rrh .
The wise men of Rotary also have a
atar to lead them on - a atar which will
truly lead them if they will but follow
it; a atar which representa Rotary'a highest endeavor, ita ideals, and its objectivea. It is always shining-always
beckoning onward. It leads men away
from the sordid things of busineSl; away
from rapacious gleed for gold; from cutthroat competition ; the desire to get and
not to give ; the atilted and reluctant
aervice ; and the unethical busineSi
Men of Rota ry, al you contemplate
Rotary's star, don't hold back, bu t follow its friendly light. A s it leads, those
w ho follow, ao metimes become so absorbed in that in6niteaimal something
somewhere between the selling-p rice and
the cost-prolil- that they lose sight of
the IItar. Sometimes, when opportunity
o f gain knocks loudly, they even close
their eyea to the star, lellt it may shine
so bright as to make their will refuae to
, ,'-------------------
obey their lower motives. Sometimes
they 110 regard aeU above a ll else, that.
all they p low on through earthly qua g·
mire, their steps falter, and they a lmost
fa1l, but ever and anon , their star is there,
a nd as they rest , the clouds which almost
hide it from view, are parted, and the
star again appears in its everlasting
eternal beauty.
The star representll faith , hope, a nd
service above aeU. It grows brighter for
those whose service daily grows, unlil
it becomes an overtone of service 10
huma nity- a heart throb joyfully at·
tuned for IJoCrvice.
R otary'a star is fo r the wise men o f
Rotary-it is a star of the 6rst magni.
tude in businesa, and all we follow it we
too shou ld bear gi ft s as did the wise men
of old.
And w hat should they be~ Gi fts of
friendship and brotherly love to all
humanity; integrity in business prac·
tice ; character in livin g ; a nd unsel6s h
aid to our fe llow-men-and the greatest
of theae i. 5eT'I>;ce.
It ia ourll to make D better world ,
To serve, to love to give.
A star, our star, it beckons us,
We've but one life to live.
"Just Among Ourselves-"
AY ] .. 0<1 TilE ROTu... " . . . I,;..d 01
..... who .. 001 ......1>0< of • R.oo....,. <I..b ~
,.ff_ol, ",.
Sod. _"", .......
, <.. ft<! /,_ , Sch ,,,,Wah ...
• 1..·..,. _ ...·h.. 01 • >hock 10 !hot ... ;,;~ " ' " of ,,-,<
.......... ide ,ho d...... ie. 01 _ . C"CIOIa,;'" D~,.
Of. _ _ fel ........ ~., ...............
..·h,. R-.i• ......... "-olel bo • .d 10 ,)", _ .......ip.
Th ......... 01 ..........<I I.i..d. 01 .be ........ ~.ft b.q
_ .... d
..boc"ptiooo pla«d b,. "7mh .. of
<hobo I", ,b.i. /riud ••.wI .. Ia"""" ..... boo ....... c .i .....
Wkile I)", _ ..t;" i. ed,,«1 ", ... nl), I", R........... _h
01 ,he ........I it 01 "'o.d 11<...,.1 i""""-ol ill'.... ""
'0 .11 "'......... "'....0<1 .............." - ,,...d ;. ··50..·
it. Abo¥. S.II" • ...J ...... belie.. III
01 ,he c:..,IMn Rut. ;nlo tl.ei. buoin_ .nd "",),d.), Iii •.
So. il , ......... ,..... ,...1 ;., ....d,nl tIIit .......... k> •
I,ieo<l Of' ",",iMO' *<"".i8"....... _ _ ' hat )'OU know
...... Id be ;",..... ed, .... h... ,...d. i, ••• , b, .... Iooi"~ •
.. I.oc.ipl;"" bl.nk in ,hi, "u",be •.
""lti., ,""
. . .
wo ..,;'Ie. in '''',n' 0"",1><" ...-. 10
COl, ,h., Red .......J 11..
.... Klel,
up . bl!. F red H ,V>· •• ,,;'1. in d..
•• ,1
.. i,~ ,hioll"
N .... I>< •• '.n.,
~," ... ,od
"uoteJ. M.n)' ind;........ 01 ,.'....., in ,"" "n"....1 """1
01 J.. ~.,lk.!II .. h... ... <hod lhe .U,,-.•M M.JO' E. F•.
C .."' ......,<11.1><. 01 ,h. I~"'." Club of J.. b .... ill~ .nd
""........ had ....;." ~ .. , ,. Ih< "·,,, k ,10....... 1",;.,,«1 "'"
i. ,ho ."",I~. he ...... pl, bo.. t.-j.d .. i,h .<qIIt"tto IOf ..... k.
i ••• nl.'.......' . . . . . .",I, 01 ,....,,;'10.... 01 ,..... .
.. lee,,,,,,;., _.1 1, _ _ 01 ,ho latt<
01 No.,h
""..i", 'hrouch •
.. _ ""'" •
rn.-i< ,,_
Would 1_ .....d .ddt.... ""bli<
-.,,, . .... 'How J*<k_"n. Red ..""d 1o.. lnF.o.. IN ...d wide h... . - I._ob le
M. a.""," J........ " "''''.1 .,,;'Ie • ,... No« I.., N.... ·
1>0< OIl ··W.oI.i..... _" ...k._ M ........- • ""'Y 0 1 oh.:
_,,-'. ob_... _ .. "" .. __ "",ied P."""'., H.n:I" _
hio I... ',ip. ........ . rtitle _led 10 _ 01 _ ;.,
C_ioo.,i ... _t. ••••,.........,. .!.w:... ,1>0, I.e ;. havio.1
01 ,... .... i<...epn.kd ;., I~ , _ I",
......I diM ..... ,;"".
The <... I~I ........, io ..... iocd .. <Iooc ki .. "" !hot _ ....1
loe" in ""'1 b M 01 _, ....1 tho, __ ;"0 "'" ....11"1;.. ha,
......Jo" .......... t"J' )"" ....1"'. 10 <GOd ..., . -Elq You, P ..·
.to.. .. col..... , 110" ••••. _ do h.... ... ""","11 ,...... k•.
I . . . . ."i<1e .. Iho S.p'.mb" N......., dcoc"b;", oh.:
"E:",,;" D'M"··
which ..... J...1d b, RoO ....... of ,...
E..p:..., ,... C........ ,;.,••, Soi., Loaia. R",.n ... Codl,.,
C-...I .,
,...\0" ......
E. P. 1·... ,,101. H. D. M.
,0..-1 .. """ 01 ,""
Sa;", Looll ...... _0,
dinoe • ...d ••1... «1 to at
"Codl .. y P..,\II ...:
ll>e ~"I." hov . .....ed i. ,be
B,"ioJ,. 10....'" oIIie • ...d _",I .......;.••;".,. c...J.
h.)' oore ha ",... to .11 01 hio Rot",. I.~ ....... ,"" w",1eI
...... " •• woooclo<'" if ho hOI chan~ hi. "mo:. to "" olli<;.l1y
. d."""
i, .. ",II '" H ..
W. h.... . 1... 1><, ......,..dod 01 • loe' ,ha, ...... """
h.I>PY '0 *<howl<d... I. ,ho 501',...1><. N"",I><. ,he .. "'",
p". ,ed • b.iel b~, bo",i/~I "C •...!"' on I,;'. d.hi". Th.
««<I ......imed. ""~,ho, U.ho...n:· B "u...,. H,II .•
..,,,,he...I ,h. Il.oo", Club 01 N.. h.-ilk. T ... n.........,i,.. ,
"M, lot"", ..... ,"" .~'h", 01 'hio <-I<od. Whe. 1 'ook
tho.", 01 hi, ,'«1 •. I lOIt~d tn. ",;,,,,.1 ",.n~IC' ipt ''''''''11
hio ""1"''':' \11. . . . haw, "'" ....1,.
bowledae ,""
n'honI.,p but .110 IOf ,t.. I"';"ilet< 01 ''''''''inl ,h. ,~
I... tho odd.d "',...., ,ho, • WIll h....001 b.c.~ .. _ bel....
.... , ao _ . i,,;", "o.d~.ioot. ..... 1eI be ,p... 10 • Chti" .....
l\'~.,.,... . It ... ill be I_d OIl ... se 64.
ll>e illo.", .. ioo • ...1 on ,he I ...., c..~, 01 110.. ioo ... i••
•.".od... ~ 01 • ",i.tift, b, W. H . ~io .........!"_koowa
Chiato ....01. . . ,t.. ... f 01 .... ..d •• " ......If .. ood_ of ....
a..... Cooob)' c F __ ', 01 "hKh R.oo.,.;.. E. W.
1-1_ io podid<...
'0 ..
Il ecelllber, 1923
Who·, Who I"
T" j~
HI L CARSP ECKE N_ ......... 01 ,t.. "C h ., • • •••
Catol" (1._",-<) - ;. • _~ 01 .be RoI •• , Ch.b
01 O••!• ...,.. 1_.. _ ."od_';'" 10 !hot ,.ad.
... 01 TH'" Ron ....... '" 1_ ~;. bo...,il.1 ___ ho . ....., ,~
i. ,he polO • ....d ,he p_ of ,],;, lU,ui... M ..., Ro,...... k_ kioo bodo .... ..,.,U, ..d ,h.-ah hie Ia_
....!.- 01 .-"'. ·· F..nio' P"" ••• ad Oohe ... C .., C ....d . k • • , R.oo"1., belo.ed p.,.ide... n • .d. 80;'"
"od"d;'" .itIw,. P...,id •• , h.oo "n.lI.d It : ".ad.
01 ""In oi....... C-"".,_. odd...., Roo .., chi,. .M
",h., ...""'..... 10 .. ....1 "".-il.,. 10 pub~o!o ...... p, ....
<1< •
"Follo....... .50 ... of Rota.,:'
£11 •• Pa.k •• autle., ,ho 1._ .utloor 01 "Pico "
p,.... ho, <_,tib~l.d ........ 10 "'it. _,h. "C."...- ,ho
c-q.-...." .ho, ...........Ip bu, u" .. "", •• ad ..
OIl j ... wh..
,ho 'hi. .. ,h., ... k.....c.... Wh .......
..... 'hink 01 ........ i. ,he ••• 1 "' ••• ,•• of tho _d ..... con_
"'" h.lp bu, .... n .. h.. _"'" _ ....."'., '"It ...... 11 ,,,
b... JfI<HI<y •• d ,.... ,hi•• ,h.....,..,. ••• buy. bu, i, io .110
,..11 '0 be .bl. ,,, took book .nd '0 know ,hot you h.... n',
1"", """" 01 ,he ,hiol' ,n., ...... y eo. ', bu,:'
T ... n e. J o n • • _ '" E!h;'. i. B",i ••
no ... h..d
01 ,t.. P"blit Rtl ....... C""""itt '" 01 ,h. Coc. ·CoI. Co.
H""', . .... , .......... in . . .. tho ..... 1, of ,ho ...,h,,"
,,""""' «.11 ..." .... w,'b ,h. Publi< R. I., ..... 0. ..." ...., 01 ,""
1.1 ",;"" f';',~ .... Asoocio,"". 11. ho .... ,i"••••• '
.."k.ble .."')' 01 Rot ..,-. 1_""1" . . . . . . I"";""" ioA".
_~ i. bu .......M i..d""'T.
Mabo l Ha ... il,o. 5, ... 1- ..1>0 ....... ibu' .. "R_ Motie
Blaio"...... the .. il. 01 • •...!oc. 01 ,... R",•• , C\.oI, 01
B.""".-;Ik. Okl ...........,')' 100M<! Ie< M. "'chI, «>00.
"""'''''' .. b.<k· ......" ....r _k. ;" ...,h..... I~_ .....' 1"'''
h.. '-" .. h. ", 'M Loc.1 Rot"T Club. Th .. ...", bT
M ... .50 ....1 .!e-,......"", """, • __ '...'........ b..,
"'T _ _ 10 • w_ ..... _
""tp bot, he ... . pow"I~1
, _ , to " ' - wIoo .u de.-pl,. ........ ,~io .11.
imp«to. , boy 1"........ - ....1 ...., .........n 01 100.
c....d • • • M.d, .......... 11. ;... Co,,,".. M..... H~ h.oo
'-" writiq I"" • I...,.,. ...... h.o .... • ,~...,m. booh
;" '''''pop<.....d
H . h.. " - • _ .
..... bor...... I .........
(.he _<1<. 01 cluoiko,_ • h....... ,). H......
..u.«I " .... -'0.1..... I. W. W : ..... I .... ' " ......11 ••
R"'........ I I.. " ' ....... hoy. ' -... ,.......' u.. 01 •• IM .. y
Ul'<"'. "'.... ...d d.....'ie erinc. _;"1,.", .ad • I.... odot •
/oiah.-I .... ,~"". "No. ))),.. io • ""'1 .......1,
I_ia.,in,........., ;.... ,........., .
C.... le . 5,. J oh .. ;, ,"" _
J, ,rM_ 01 ...,iM ..."h
.....)' •• .dod P',--.Ii,y.•, ... ell •••••• ;", 01 p".cIoo,,,,,.
'The Black.., a. ...."'.... io .""'.... "'0 01 h.. ,ypko lly
i...,,,,,i.. "orin 01 !hot Cub ...... 'POpo. repoo ....
Owr." P. Wh l, _ " M ,. P.,kin"""...·_ .........'
be. 01 ,he Roo",. Club of EI P. .... T ..... H. ho....
'in' ond .",'-i,., i.. h"tot'col
01 EI P'IO, "Ouo ..I ,he 0....,:. ..hie" i....
« •.-inl much p..;". Rod I... Ch ........ """ in 'hio .~"''''',
_ i, ........ 'hinl "'dil.... ,:·
•• ,.'....
Ha"", 8 0',(0.d. .. "". 01 "'"
b... ,""od ... cd '0 T ut ROTA.... N·. " ...... b.lor<.... .....
will n", '"' ,n7,hi .. , _
"'''''. ,hoo '0 I"'''' "",
"H.w • Hobby- Rid. i, H ard:' it _
hi... ,hoi
b. "'"
•• ",.11 .. ,......
ov.I ...... h.... _ . -I.'i"" . 1....
...... ld .. ad .."h _';"..obl. in, ....,_ ...d_ I>< • • &,.
J ob" T . a a r, lcH w .... c_"ibo, ••• 'n... Rot .., ·locIi.n'
C.Mp." 10.. hod •• u .. lk", _''''a~, IOf ob .., ..... do... I,
,"" boyo' ..",k 01 ,I.e R",~, Club 01 Bouick •. Colo. ..... .
• .... 110" .....10 .. ,he ..... k. . . . E . L. 0 ... " .1 0"
of .... Roo", CI.ob 01 a .. ulel. CoM ........ ....
0<0 . . .".1 .... Y. M. C A. 01 "'" U.; •• tMty 01 C.~ lotD;' .
,,-h_ ....
,t.. " ,ho,.
... _aobe.
;"""" o. S...i,,, ....... "" ..It ' I ,,;.... lao ""
h.oo b" .... . ..tho, , ....1.. • ...1 ......___ ,......
"tot ,. . .. "U....... I Soot... of U_.I M.... "'1"'._01.
December. 1923
CardanT he Conqueror
Ti." a hl..i". of "UN"eu
.". . . hi • .., of
,~" i,..n'~.....
C."I.,... 0,... ".,.1!
HE tntry of Cardan into
the businc:ss life of Rin'rbank ....·as like the coming
of a eonq uuor. He was
He arrin~d as one of the
old Roman conquerou might ha"e ar_
r;"ed in !lOme ha1fo.(iyili~al barbaria n
land, triumphant in hi s pro....·cu, sure of
his strengt h, .....elc~d by his own
braun trumpets scnt on hefore.
The blari ng trU1llfll"!! were th e Iremrndous full -page a dverti ~ment s he
~nt sc reaming th,ough the editions of
the Ri"erbank E~glt ~nd Ti,"l'l, the
huge three·story muslin hannu he
sp read all Ove r the fronl of the Connor
huihli",!: in red and blut, and the ten
thoo sa nd handbil1 l1-new $j>.1lltr site_
that boys thru st int o Itlter-box u, under
doo1$, and on JlOrchn. The~ were
trumpets less rhetorical, too--a\ least a
few comets ~nd a tuba,-when Ihe
Riverbank Brass nand played in the
IIrect be fo re Ihe store on the day of Ihe
openi ng of Cardan', nc..· businc Sl_
"Cloab, Suits, and Millinery."
But more magnificent than .11 was
Cardan him~lf. He wl5 a giant in
s!ature with the hair of a BCiOlho\'en or
an Ibscn ; as he siood in the doorway
of his new . !ore and c.a5t hi , eyes up
and do,,'n the main Si red of Ril'e rbank
Jy A. H.
he needed only a brea~lpl ale and ba re
legs to be a Spartacus Ihe Gl adiator Or
a Marc Anton~·. A big man. friend_
that flllest flower of hu manity, one who
can stand alon~ and who m.... ns to do it.
Some .... y il is Ihe weed t haI usually
slands alone. Cardan hi",,,,,1f had no
douhts On the subject: he knew he waJ
grut: he kn ew he was triumphant : he
knew he was a conqueror.
He did Ihing. in Ihe con'Jueror 's way.
He had thru st inlO Ri,·erhank- 20.lXXl
population; count )" seat of Ri"crbank
County-and had leased Ihe Connor
building with the ruthlessne ss 01 a Ro_
ma n general grasping a Gallic province.
It wa s done be fore Riverbank knew.
The first word th e town had of it, wu
th e bursting out of a huge musli n ba nner and the blazing forth of Ihe full
pagel-"CARDAN'S !
' 'Till PEOPLr S STOul
"CI..oA K$, 5l)"I'rll, MI LI.I ~UY I
" ' ITH
Th .. SCCrdary of the O,anlbcr
01 Conlnltro:c called to see Cardan.
" Is Ihis Mr. Cardall?-- he asked.
"~o, th is is nol Mid.:r Cardan ;'
Cal1bu replied in hi s grilnd ",anMr.
"This is C(Jrd(JN. I'm Card.~n-C1oah.
Suits and MilliMry. Cardall . you "udnstand ~ Who are you ?"
" I am the Secretary of the Ri "erbauk
Chamber of Con.meree: now thaI you
a re Olle of the Riverbank rnc:rchantl--"
hI? Riverban k merchants? What's
thai ? What's a f.t i'<er bank l1>C'rehanl ?
I neve r htard of an)' ",e rchana in Rh'erbank. You mean the~ dead· aml-d,iedup shopkce~TI ~ These Iwo-ccm. cheapJohn, Main·Streelers? Forgel il! I'm
not olle 01 them : I'm Card an-Cioaks.
Suiu and Mill;nery."
"The EX ecul;"e Hoa rd thought you
mighl wa nl 10 join the Chamber of Com.
" I don't join. I'm Cardan. 1 don't
have to join. I p,ay my own w~y. 1
nln n,y OWll busine... Ca rdan is CardON
-unde rstand Ihat ?"
" Practically el'ery muchan! in lown
is a member o f the Chambe r of-"
" Yel ? Well, note Ihil down, young
man: there arc two k inds o f men in tbis
to ....·n no,,· and Ihesc poor sh«p
that join things. And I'm Card~n."
Perhaps, dur rfader, you hal'e a little
Cardan in you r t OWll, but r doubt whelher
)'OU ha"c a Carda" as magn ificent u Car.
d~n himself. He wu a comlueror, yol.1
und~rst.'nd. He wu no man's man : he
wu Cardan.
T he ~crctary o f t he Chm!.>f: r , ...,.
buffed, r epo"ro that Ca m .tn would nOI
cor"'! in; e:;ud"n mcant 10 Stand alone.
"That meanl he intends to cut our
throau," ... id Blane, of Blane & Riggs.
"W"I1, wc've had them cut before and
wc' re still ;lli,'c. Who Ii th il Cardan ,
T Grocery Co.. sotnl 10 his crwit ..gencr
OL~f AN. o f
1M Tolmall Wholeiolile
for a report on Cudan.
"Jo:oeph H. Cardan," said the report.
" Rd\lSts 10 gi,-e stateme nt ,. h btlievw
10 I><' fin:mcially sound at present. O pening in cloaks. suits ~nd millinery at 1'/ ;'"
eTbank, Iowa: stales he will pay c~ sh
and di5CO\mt all bills. Ii forty -two yea rs
old. Failed in eloaka alKl 5\1 115 31 Hett nvi llc, ' nd.; a$.ltt s, $-t-l 5: liabili t iH.
Went th roug h ban kruptcy.
Failed in milline ry, Oko~h, Kan lal; as""II. $342; li~bili l i~,. $2,7~. Fnil«l in
cloaks. S"iIS, and millinery M BUll de r.burg, ~[ o.; nssets, $665; liabi[i l ies. $768,
Went through ball kru ptc)·. Ha s ~n
running a sInall slore in Ihe nol ion li ne
al Ahnmaja. Ill., ..... ilh a stock eslimaled
at $1,2(X). It b undentood he has recently inheritoed a considerable amount
of moncy from an unde, but amount nOI
;ueertained. Will scnd hile r reporl."
"That's rc-gulnr hade,," SOlid B[a~, o f
Ulane &: Riggs, when he read the report.
'· He '. going 10 knock Ihings 'galley Wesr'
for awhi le, Ihat', SUrr-:l failure with
a ' '''elled hend and a bunch of eas)'
mone)'. TI,ey always go wild while t hei.
money [aui. the blame IIuisancu."
lit' did not , you Ke. Ipcak o f Carolan
u a conqueror. BUI he was righl about
tht' "g;ll[t'y We"I" p;lrl of ii, Ca r<bn ,
th~ Conqueror, "'as not going 10 ~hilly­
shall .. ; Ihal i. uot Ihe "'ay of conquerors,
He iharpened his knife and beS'an to
cut throol. Ihe day hi. store opcnf(i.
His fuU page in the cQ!]lr was di .. idetl
inlO fi .. e ,olumn. and he told the womtn
of Riverha nk a few th ings calculated to
make thcir hearts bUI faSler , TheR
IVere stated in word s and ~gu r~ lih
Ihesc :
.. Dt .... s ~ & RIGGS' PII ';I , S4.55 ,
"PAI.ACr. Srou; PII CI':, $5.25!
"Bust! BJOTItEaS' Plt Cr, $4.90~
LoWI5T OTIlJI:R Pale., $5.151
"OUR PRICE, $2.751"
He knew now 10 do ii, Cardan th~
Conqueror did, and he did not forgtl to
agai n add "~nd a SOU" enir free with
~ ..ery purchase,"
Hi, stort, il i$ btlt to NY, was
cr"",-de<! during: thai opening week. He
had not milKt! I trick. Mi ss miny,
, ~----'-'-----
"'ho for twelve cht edul .pinster yeul
had woo the o:mfidcn~ of the women o f
Riverbank as manager of B[ane &: Rigg:.'
cloak tkpa rt n1ent met th~ ... me women
friend. in Ihe -Same eagerly cheedul way
in the doak d~part~nl of Car<bn the
"Oh, ycs," >I,e !hIid truth fully: " th i,
forty-dollar coat i. uactiy Ihe same
grade and quality I sold for seventy_li "e
dollars at Blane's. And J can gw.r3TI_
tee a P"r r~t lit, bea u,," Cardan has
hired Sch muliz, who used to do our rt _
modelling at Mr. B[anc',,"
" ~fet'(Oy. Etty!
00 you call him Car.Ian al rtady?H
~He woo' t let U5 'Miller' him," ,."id
Mi " Hli""y. " He want. it like that.
He want. us 10 ~pcak o f him as Car.
dan, and Ihe store as Card:m' •."
And Cardoon, ItrUllin g up at'" oown
hi. ai .le5 snappi ng his finge rs at Iht
girl. thai 10<: Bunce had ca[[f(i Miu
Fripp and Mi lS Muller. was indeed Ihe
l'er5Oni~cation of a conqncror.
Poo r,
trembling. old Mrs. Rickie)" whoso:: taste
in hali and gentle ma nner had held many
" lin'ousine customer for the showy Pal _
ace Siore, wu now "1\'umber Eigh t."
"Fn.." - Number Eight; look sharp,
pleaK!" Cardan would call. and Mrs.
Rid,dey wou ld hurry to meet a wom~n
with whom .he loa" gnne 10 school fo rty
yt'~n before.
"\'ou won't be 50 friendly with cultorne.... ;f you pl ease !" laid Cardan.
" Kindly r emembe r that "'omen who
come here are not ,'our friends: they
are Cardan's customers.
Card:m's l
ill mi"d.
FT,," '-~umber
!'e"en !"
Ilusiness had OOt bun done in that
way in Riverbank. "'1m had not sn3 p.
ptd the ir ~ngen al satt'S"'omen. Dul
the bette r pay was in Ihe pay enyetopn
on Saturday nigb t surely enough, .... nd
why noI? ~Iodem limts, moden, me(h_
"Wht [ ea,,'1 su," ,."id Blane 10
Ounce. "i~ how he's go;ne 10 gel a living
out o f it. [was la[king 10 Mi ss Blilly
lUI night and she says Ihe re 's no fake
aboul il; Ihe man is selling under us
alllhrough. He is selli"g at COil, He',
selling evuylhing we carry at invoice
cost ; not e.-no a ,enl added for over_
hud and ex"" n.... WdL he can't hep
Ih~ t up forever."
He could 001, of cour se. And ht' did
nol. It may havt be~n a month and
it may h~.-e been t ....o months, and th m
the new good s began to art i,'e and Car.
dan the Conqueror gave them fairly de·
~nl priuil.
"BUT Bla"., has a coal that looh
Ihi. for al mosl Ibe same price." "
customer m;eht say 10 Mi" B[i"y.
Then Miss Blissy would puue her
lips and send for Cardan. That Will
according 10 imt ruction5 ; no one was to
n.-eilk an~1hif\K-alwaY$ Cardan " 'U 10
December, 1913
be :lCnt for . H~ was not only a con_
queror; he wu alAO a despot. And Mi lS
Blissy would nOI lie for anyone ; not
even for Cardan.
"Whal is it 1" he would .. ok. "TI,i.
CD.l t Ihe sanle pr;ee as One at Ulane &:
Riggs? You mean, madam, Ihey hne
a COIIt pricoed Ihe same, Th at dou not
mtan il is the same COllI at Ihe sa"",
prict, That only muns Ihey ha"e a
coal the)· ",ill tell you is Ihe sante coal.
And Cartlan could tell you, madam, lhal
Ih" coal is ... on h Iwo-hundred dollars.
but Clman doe. not do btuiness that
wsy, Cardan does not mllrepreRnl
The innuendo was that Blane & Riggs
did milTtprescn t good"
And Cardan
the Conqueror did nOI SlOp Ihert; he
Iold Riverbank in hi, full-page ad verI,sc nlen l' that Ri .. erbank had been
robbed by the nati.-e merchants for
years. Until Cardi n's tamt 10 lawn .
Now Ca rdan's defied ~ny n~'n or wonJan
in Ihe 00011, Suil lind Millinery bu sinus to rob Riverbank and gel away
with it.
told Riverbank Ihal th e mer·
chan " whom Riverbank had been
blandly pat ronizing for y~at'l were no
beller Ihan cheats. and thieve. aud de ·
ui"eTl, In a " ring" to defraud R"'erbank Ihoppe .... "Cardan·. is in no profilboosling ring,'· his ad,'utisements said.
Cardan', is a member of no 'genl[emen',
(?) agrumtn!.' Cart/an has not j oined
and will not join any Association, Chambe r, Oub, or Organization. Cardan'l
.<tanch alone alld II:l.nd, for Ihe people. I f
)'011 want to know why prien in OOUS.
Su ils . nd Milline ry are now lower in
Riverbank than be fort Cardan', ea"""
os" o'lfy
IOU.,. u"'tlllc~ Ir.. ;s
" _...efT of
.4u",jIllW. , C"o~e~ ,
Mrr€/r""lr Club 0' O, gon;u/io" ." In
other ad~rtiscmenu, he asked ; ·'Why do
merchants join Chambers, O ubs, and As_
sociation,? Why .re Ihe pricn of join.
ing:-merchanu higher than Ct rdan's
prices 1 Cardan joins nothing. C.rdan
IInitei wi th no one to fut prices. Compare Iht price. g;"en below with Ihe
pricu o f others. TIr .. Ir igh-tr;er ri~ g
",",110.' ;"
jJ tr"mlllin!] :
sla ~ds aJau f'
il4 'Wl f ;1 <Nt.: Ca rdo"
Neither the Chamber o f Commerce
nor the n'erehant~ liked thai , bUI if they
did nOI [ih il they might lUl np ii, as they
SIIy in Ri .. erbauk . Bu t Ca rdan' , did not
l:et all the busineu; th e other storti
scllin g cloak!, suits and millinery were
not .. oid of custome r_not tntirel y ,·oid.
During Cardan'. opcn ing wetk they were
indeed li ke de$erl isles, but habit and
friendshi p and tht' m"mory o f lair and
kindly t reatment brough t !lOTtIe eustomt'u back, And it mUSI be dmiuoed lhal
/liine Ii: Rices, .nd Bunct Brothe rs, and
others did ad.-erti,e mort liberally and
did offer mOTe ''ba",ai ns'' than befort'
the coming of Cardan . In fix months.
Slane & Riggs and Runee Rrotheu
·'Well, I'm o"t .f o.erltblns. Iin't IP I' .. OM. of ,be ROIlry .nd .n tho ... olub..
TIH!y' .. _ . bKaa.. r m doin, ba,l_ Ca.dan·,
be ..... N 1'... $ho ... in. tb_ .h~.1'
pilot ........... ' .... , J'" oil. We' l .bow .bem. I',·~
.1Ie", .11 .... . d .w
w.,: I.'
found their Ale;; were \juite normal
again, or almo$t 50, and still Card.m Waf
doing big bu.inns. More cloaks, , ,,itt
and minin ery were being bough t : the
farmu', wivn were buying far LUore.
But profits \\~re 1111"Il.T all around; there
,,'U no doubt about thnt.
By the end of the rear, Card,n's had
b«n aeeeptffl as a thorn that must Te·
main and fnter. Ca rdan had not ''blown
up"; ClI.dan·s 51ill paid cash, and dis_
counted its hills. Cardan', had become a
fixture in Rivubank, it seemed. Car.
dan's CUt-lhroal mtlhocb and knockin,
and fighling had 10 be ac::ceptffl and borne
with. Cardan'. Iw1 come to litay.
At the end of hili fiut year, with a
fair invallory of goods on hand. Cardan
actually found he had tna<k a net profit
o f $342.60 in his h~ )·ear.
, "-----------------------------
II .
111 ,he clghth month of ,he d~"cnth
y.:ar 01 Card~n'J conquering career in
Ri'·crb.1nk his 50n Ju...'$ wire-haired lox
terrie r was shot and killed. Th e dog
wu a dog o f ptdigr« and had cost
Cardan fifty dolbu at a good kenn.l
.although ;1 was. in disposilion. no btlter
~nd no WOTIle th~n other Rinrbank dog •.
It did, now and then, lih other Ri,·u·
knk dog. _ go fonh to battle. Now and
chen, from Ihe middle of pandl'1llonium
of )'owls and snarls, Yip Or the other
doc would teu away. yowling and licked ,
pe rhaps ..·ilh a ur. But no
onc thought much of lhat in Riverbank.
Dogs would fight now and then; il wI!
their nature. BUI on this dark nigh l.
Joe. Cardan's dog Yip WI! .hot Inti
~i1Ir<f. Hr \.. ~. thr «'"CO>fV1 "I Jor (""~r .
d01l1i 10 ~ .hol and killed. When
Ca rdal1 Ihe Conqucror came home at
noon he heart! Ju... on the back porch
calling the dog-"Hcre. "ip I Hert ,
Yipt Come here, Yip!" Then he heard
the boy going among the in Ihf
aide J:!.rd, $lill calling. "Here, Yip!
Here, Yip! Come here, Yipl" And
Ihen Ihe young J~, bawling, came ClInying the dud dog in hi s anns. lie dro]>l'ni
it on the porch and dropped oo-.,·n by it
-and cr;~. The kid's hearl wu mighty
nUr broken.
"They killed my clo,! They killffl m"
dog I" he .obbed.
"Oh, shUI II~ about your doc I" Carmn
shouted. ~i'l get you anothe r (10,:.
Come in I.ere to your dinner."
They >till ha ..e d inner in the mi<:\tl1~
~I .h .. My in Rinrh,... k
Bm C" rd.. n~f
" T h~", ho"incss:' sa id Cardan, "A nd
il'. g<XK1 bu~ine ... for you, too. YOII don't
~-now how long llIane &: Riggs aTe going
Ihe Con'1ueror-did not ra t all hil dinner at
home the middle of Ih:u day. The boy
5a1 sni llling and stuffi ng hi, food imo hi<
mouth, looking at hi ~ father sideway.
and afraid to cry, amI ~uddenl)' :\In.
Cardall Dllned a Ion): . "ailing "O-h t" alKI d ruW~"
h ~r
head on h~r ~ r" " ,,, ~l
sohtM,d. 5h" had nevc r ,Ion~
Ihi 5 kfo re, but now the 1""
yea rs and eight momh, of
Imo ...·Jedge
Iha I
Cardan amI e"cr)',
thing of Cartlau'l
" 'as dislilcd "" a s
soIlbi"g from he r
unhapp)' heart .
No OllC'S dog '
hut Ca rdao's we re
ihot : o t he r tIogs
were ucust<1 and
f orgiren. Only
C.rd an', dog' "'ere
shot. 0 n I y Joc's
dogs w e reshot.
'\ IKJ only Carua,,'s
wife waS left out
of th e B rill ): "
CI " h~. and nOl in _
,·;tcd \ 0 join the
I'ric\a)' Oub. a n d
",uni ng!)' ominr<1 from the ro Ie. oi the
{;ank" O ub.
C" ..!:to look...! a1 hi s "ife ~ ,,,l openn!
hi s mOUlh 10 sprak. lI is face grew rn!
nllll hi.. e)'cs glared. T hen hc thollght
lloI'l\.'r of it nud th rtw hi s n ~tlkin on t he
tahl .. and got liP and we nt to the hall
and got his hat and wenl OUI and sl anl~
m~d th~ door. In the dining_room. Mrs.
CR rda n cried and J~ cried_
"The dnil take it !"' Cudau the Conqueror growled to himscll. as he strOO~
toward his store. '·\'es. the devil take
alt of lhem ! T he wh ole 10wl1 ! A man
comes here and Of"'ns a fi r st.class Slore.
wort.:< h is life OUI to make a busi nt!.
tim !". a cred it 10 the town. gi " e~ h i ~ wife
a ca r. and e"nything else a wom.~n
ough t 10 want . and his kid c" u ylhi ng a
kid lihould h"xc--and then " 'hat? Bawl_
ing and wttping aU o,·er Ihe place. And
look :u mc-I"""'= how I'm trealnl-li kc
an outsider !"
W I IE:.1 Carda n rcachell Ihe office he
found Ihree s.~le.mcn . the gri SI from
the noon Irain: two look lillie nf his lime
hut Ihe Ihird had come at hi s wrilten
reqllc ~l. and ht knew he would h,we to
~.,..n'l a" hour. or ,.. r hap ' t ..-o hou rs.
" 'ith that n..." . lie was I\umi n. from the
T remain Suit Company,
That Huffli" wa. therc wu one of
Cardan' l triu11lphs.
lie had wrinen
Ihree leIters be lore the T remain sui t
peoplc had se"t a" yone. becauSC' Blane
& kigp ha,! bee" handHng Iheir li ne for
)Cllrs. e"el usively.
"Now, I "'ant to show you ," Cardan
A id to H ufflin, "YOIl needn't td l m~
how much Bla"e bu)', from you-"
~And I woo't:' sa id Humi n dr yly .
December, 1923
llim"" ,
,10"'11 ,"" .. ...,... i• ..." "",-in, ~"o" ,h 10
nl~ ; buw ,,·0,,1,1 , ·0" I ;I..~ 10 h.o •.~ our
~I.ol)k Mr~.
C. .. b .... ~ J.. Mitl;
for Col dcrlo,, ?
10 la<t ; ~'OU don'l han 10 Icll me Ihey
arc eighl tllOnlh a back i" their payments
10 ~-ou. Look out Ihey don·t blow up on
'ou. that's all I say. A couple o f
h;,ck· ,ulI utH:r<. going down hin.
.\",1 who else would )'ou h~ve
hrre ~ The Pabcc Slore ",ith a
place that look, like a junk
shop: Bunce Brothers who
have ben. on the toboggan
C"cr i inu I ot.. ned up; a
coupl e of 0 I h c r Chut>
Johns tha I would drop dead
at your priccs and gradu.
Now leI me give ),011 w mc
in, ide ;nIOrl1l.11;01l about
Ihe whole 101 of Ihem:'
For an hour Carda n 'he
Conquc ror lalked 10 IlIlfRin, knocking hi. COl"npeli 10rs and eSl'Kially llIal1e &:
Rigg s : in the end, H ufflin
.cnl a long wire to ht~­
'Iuarlen, b"t Ihe reply did
not conIC un l il Ihe n~"t day.
When Cardan went hon.e
that e,·ening hi . wife wu
"e"',"" and not h~ppy, and lhe boy wa~
,;lent and subtlued.
'( Ih, 1M ea(~ sake 1" Canbn cried:
··La n', ..·e ha,·e a li u le cheerfulness ;n
t hi. hou<e? When" n... n works hMd
all day-"
.:.du,lvd f:·
"You nel:/I,, 'I," Cardan said. "Ileea"",
'kno..·. 1 hired his a'si§\alll hook_
ktrper a"·ay from him 1",0 ",o"th~ ago.
\\'ell, here·s what I can buy. Here·s my
in"oieu lrom the Gold S tar Suit peopl~ :
here'l " 'hat [bought 0 1 La ng &: Lori ng:
here'. ",hat I bought o f Emsh in, Ooou
& Co. Ca§h on receil'l 01 invoice. 100.
All righ l 1 I ,Iou'l "'~Sle tim~ l alk ;nj:";
1'111 Card~n an" I do hll sineu Cardan's
way. Thi. i5 a IWO-.'ICR5Otl 1"l5ine~~
Fall and Win'er, and S pring and Sum111" r. 111 do this : 5how me )'OUr s.~m·
ples and III buy lor this season ",hal
Illant bu)'1 for a whole )·car. And 111
buy (or ne"t sca,..". as much a~ nt~n"
Imys for a 1,,11 year. 111 doul~e Blane's
hu sinu5 with you, a",1 111 sign 3n agreeme nt to keep that lip lor five yurs, and
I dou', care whm yOllr line is likf."
"You ,10,,'1 ha,'e to care:' llaid Hulll in.
"Our li ne is always O. K.. and )'ou
kno'" it. I f it was,,'t you wouldn'l
wa"t il:·
"I wo" ldn·1 care ,,-hat 50" of trMh it
",a,:' decla red Ca rdan. "What I "'ant
is ucl", i"e I13le o f Ihc T remain line in
thi s town. 1 talk plain talk : I'm Cardan.
A'Kl hrrc'l your chance 10 gel yOllr li n~
in my "ore. the only Ii" " slore in lown,
An(1 ",ilh ~ he-year ag recme!l\ , yOlI un M r!land."
" I know ",hal you ",ani:· Ioaid Huffli n.
"Ou r line i. Ihe backbone of Blane &:
Riggs' btl.ineo. and you ..'anI to pull out
Iheir backbone and leave .hen. Aabby."
Ca n lan (ould nOI be cheerBUTful Ihal enning
and Ca .. la " le ft her
alone and p,,1 in the evc ni" , dralt ing
Ihe a,h·crti...:menl hc would spread on hi.
full pages , he had the T remain lin • .
He decided to head it. '·Straw. Show
Which Way Th e Wi nd B10..·•. ~ 101·
10\...,<1 by "T he Tremam Suit Company
Givu Card,. n', E"c1 u,i"e Sale in Rinr _
ban k_ The BUI S uil House in Ame riu
T akes It' Superb !.ine Away from t he
Ikad Onel and Givu It to Riverbank'i
Only Li "e Stor e." He wOllld lollow
this with prices ; he would cui the li le
out of Ihe pricu on 1M Tremain line:
he would have to i f he was to ..,11 , ..·icc
what Blanc &: Rigg, had 501d!
A. they wfre going ' 0 I~. ~ lr l. Car.
dan summoned all her COtI rage and spoke
'0 Cardan.
"Arc )'on making " 101 o f money
here ?, ~he asked.
"Why ,hould YOll care? No. , ain't r'
""id Ca rdan, '; 1 ain't, bill I'm ro:oing to,
whe" I run a couple of thcsc pikeu oot
01 bll~inc~s, and I\·e got them on the
run. If Ihe de:ll rve been working on
IO(L~)' g~J through. 111 be prNty well
rid o f OTIC of thtm, 111 If 11 you ,hat ! 111
h" ,·c the knile into Bla n<>-<leep ir.::.him, too. Why? Wh at', the ,,~~tlu?
I)o,,'t I gi,·e )·ou enrYlhing you want ~"
.or don't kno...;' said Mrl. Carda n,
mi§C rably. " 1 c~n't scem 10 be happy
herc. :.10 one i eems to like Ul. Wc'rr
( ~""I ;N .... d (ON ptlf1~
. -----------------------=-----------------------~,
DuemlHr, 1923
Ethics' Place in Business
A study of Rotary potelltialities re vealed by experiwce
IiI the motioll-picture illdllstry _
IIA T can Rot~ry do fur 1~1S1, we tan tell ""h<:lhcr lhc 5t'rvK:f po-busi.lCU 1 In my opinion lent ial is increa5ing or nOl.
we can hrSI aM"er thai hy
The ltlotion_I,icture indu,lry i. a]'IO
cnn,idering "h ~ I Rotary ad.-alttagro;1l1s lor our pu.pose ,;tote its
has already done for bu.;ttci$. To tlo SO hisIory i~ short Ihotq;h c,·cn tlul. With in
"'e muSI 'tud) t h~ ~hal1jl'U in buline~s .he brief of t ...enly-one yfan Ihe
pract ice whi~h "'em directly or indirectly "mc)v;c" has befn ,\e" elopct! into a grcat
duc 10 Rotary's influencc. Fur th(>llgh
faclOr of commercialiu<l entertainment,
wc may di:ICUiS S<TVic~ a~ an ab.lrac_ and wilh this <lI.'\·el opment ha,'c come op·
lion "'e can only utimatt srrvit~ hy 11Ort"n ;tiu for rx""nding il< innuenc~
marking Ihe ac. itl". i"'I",II,.1 by .he Ipir il inlO 1110rc !ll'rion~ ...ork. Ha~i"K de,'c!_
o f ,;cn;ce. Wc can only judge 01 what oped a greM i"dl1 ~try it"dl, th.... motio".
is in ,nen' l minds by observi ng thtir picture h:u nOw occomc .' f~~lo r in
tht denlopment of all industr~" .1nd an
Hut Rotary's al'plicatiun 1<.1 hu;;i"fS~ is aid in other educat ional work.
In ord"r tu Ir~ce th e gro ... lh of Re_
a >'cry comprehensive alTair. Octaih 01
offic<: tonlin" aJl wel l a.' ):rt:M proj~cl,' t itr)"~ inAnenc<: in the mot ion_piclure iu·
such a< that launc hed Ity a group nl ,In,try. it ;. nect .,,"uy 10 g]ancc I~,ck­
hanku5 lor thc promol ion of gooo l-wm ward for .1 f~", moments. The mot ionbctwttn EnglmKI. FUIlCf, ~ntl Amt r ica. picturc hml ;I ~ real birth when, ottl of
can Iloth be ttekonetl ... ithin Ihc SCOJ1C o f "rnystcr;ou, room ~o. 5:' E<I; son, Ihe
01lr analY$i$. We mu<.t. tltc-rdorc. ~;",. \Vizard of ~fenlo Park broughl Ihf
1)1iI~' our ta sk by lakin): a IkOmplc in . tu.1 kinetoscOJ'" itt 1886 ; but not um;1 1896
o r the whole. b~' consi(]ering what Rotary ,lid C..-.Ion'" I..alham, lale 01 the Con fedha~ accomplished in >-OTt'" one fairly np<:ral<: A rm}" and hi ~ IWO son< go from
rescntal ive indust.y. I !la.•'" kI~ct ('d Ihe Richmond. Vir,,;inia. to New Y ork, ... her~
motioo_l)iel"re indu<tr)' as m~' .ample hoe- they de>'cioped .he kinclOSCOf1C ... hich
eau ... I am familiar ",ith that intlustry, would .hrow il5 pictur<:~ tlpon a $Cr..., n.
aod abo btcauJoe of the
great public intluence
... hieh that indust ry i,
ahle to exert.
It is my bc-lid Ihat
.he rotablishn.rnl of
---"""ill i~ Ihe r!SCnce
of all pul>lic r<:latiQn~.
and Ihat wc call Oil])'
~" ,ood-will in tilt
I'roporticn thm we reno
der stn'i«. 'f this i3
lrue we can accurately
in d U I tT Y to crc atc
good.will hy ti",li nV
how much "''''ice that
;",1"5t ,), T~nd<:u to Ih~
p It I! I i c. In ROI"rl'~
cod~ of ~t 1ticl "c ha"e
... 1
a !11 e as" r t n I( '''''. a
slanda rd, ;li il were.
which will cnal,lc u.
,o h"n"'le
. ...
an thub'try ', poIeu\iali t iu I,,'
re~ring ~f\'i«. By
applying such "'cn~urlt_
lion to Ihe b 11 sin e ~.
practices which dominate the motion· picture
industry, and to .hose
practlcel "'hich ha.,c
o .-__
It " ·u nOI until ]902 that the motionl)ictuTe wu de" clopal u ~ coonmerc;al
possibility and the cinema Ihealtr wa~
born. So, as an ;",luSlry, the movi ng_
piclttre Iheater is approlCimatcly I... entyot.e yn . s ..-.Id. and up to a lew YfaTS
ago very lillie, if an)" though! had b«n
J:i~~n to the Iheater', ~thical rclatlom to
th e public or eOl1si<lf rat ion of its obliga tions 10 Ihe public.
LlTTI. E mort than three ycars ago,
a l!Otuhc rn mot;on-picturc corporat;nn, ~ul'<:T\' i ~;ng ",hat "'as then the largest chain of ,notion·l.tct ure thcateu
under :I liiUKlc tIl~ naKe11lcut ;n thc ",orld,
,kd,I~<I to) employ as theater manaKers
l", s;"~~~ and eollrKc-trained lIIcn.
:\lIuoot immccliatdy these men we re
taktn into ,he Uot~ ry clubs of the re.
'fI"ct;,·c dtic~ to which th<:y wn<: aJ_
sil>"...-I, ~uch a~ }acksom'i1It, St. !'rteu_
burg. Tnmp.l. Col umbia. Ashrv ill t, Char_
lotte, "Ien'phis, Binllingh;un, Monlgom_
cr,', :\u::Il~la. and other... Kow I tlo
not know Ihat theso: younJ:' Ro~rianli
e,'cr rfad thc Code o f Ethics, IIIn I do
kno" Ihat I~otuy r ...... krccl Ihcm recepli"e to thc principles 01 thaI Code,
Co-incident " 'ilh th is
change in policy o f employment 01 pusonncl.
il was decided 10 organ izc a public - relaIi 0 n I depart"'C"I for
Ihis compan)', '" h i c h
.hi, ."'de Turner Jo ..... ilIu ,uat... tbe prad,u l pouibili. ,eo ..t
I., pl line Rou.,. ' 0 bu.i~... Bel;"~ in~ cI... we •• n beit OIu dr
wu to 1J.c, thc first <leoeno;"e hy oll..,n-i" . I d ion. imll"lIcd Ily the . piril .f ..,... ir.,- jult
partn'cnt o f ils kind ill
I' ...~ ... dy doe ... ind II}' oll..,....i" l the I>eUvior-roh. Jo_ ",..,..,nl,
the ent ire motion_pic_
ture indu5try.
• nr.ful ••ud y of ",h,.. 1 iml""v.m. "u ,n tl", mnl i.... "'",u.., ""I.... ry
~ .... n. ", ple of wh<o. m~1 be u"''''I'Ii ,I..,,1 ,n >'." ou. othtt' in,I" ..
" i ... on,1 ,.... f ...ion.. W.... n .hi"kin, of ••-n ioe, be oar.....e mu>l
The ntw public·nla .
..... ' ider .11 I,h~..,. of lou, i,,,," . If. i ... I real
.m. 1l alike. W.
tion~ dcp.aTtmen! " 'all
", un " "t on ly <.. no'ticr tI", . il. 01 .. iii... . ou,i"" hU I ~ .... ~, ",olut.
",,'-'1 I ,I
""u ta.perma" 'hl,h ... tII ,,"«<t intern"ional •• I. ,ion •.
Od ie.-i", th.t ,h••".Ioll,hme"t of I"otl ...m i, ,h..... n"" ..r
ItfUCy in p " b lie relapu~ll ..... I. t lo nll. tb., ,b it ~OQd will con only b. "'on in p.opo" ion
!','~"'h', i~" bd' ,',,:? ,",I"~""
to th~ ...... 1.., r.ndered. h. _. in Rot~ry·. Code of Erbl eo • m. . ...
mll ,lt ~ givcn 10 the
lI.ln, rod wilh "'hioh ,~ dete.mi"e the potcllli.lit ic, of a" y bUline...
Sur" mM, un,,'"'' 01 I n i"du".,. ..-hi~b h•• ""'.. 010,,,,,1 intB • " 'or'"
puhl ic wit h coltrtn •.
i" n"rn'" "';II,in I"', ,,, po",,, r~. " .hould inl ~re.t u' on.
and ci~ility, ~ as to I~_
Clo..- Iy ' eb,...! to Ihi ' luu., ;. t .... work ..., "n de. .
~CI confidence and co'
• • ~''', hI 'he II", • .,. Cluh or A,lont., Ga.
F"ur 1100".. ",1 ~"pi ... of
Ihe lIol •• y C<Hk .... Et hi .... k aut ifu lly lit ho,ra pbe,l. ... ~ ,." " ' "
opcrat ion. \V i I h thi ,
"'~n" "''' of ,he Ch~,,,b-tr of Cum",ertt, ",in' H"". ~nd . n t..- in.ipol.
u ~ backgronn<l of
.",1 le ......e... of ,he .,u hlic .. hool, . "d 0:011"... of 'M city .n,1 .ul~
thought. the new deu.I ... l'r i""".1 0" e.... h ..., ' "'0' •• mall picture of , .... RQ"~
partnlCll! "-an
10 eMI
.n,1 II", .... c""enl. "'{:omplia,enh ..r til<! A.lant . RD' • .,. Club.
,..,fe,..,n..,.. •• R.... .,· in the Cco-Ik ;'oeif .... ... elim inated.
abou! for two thingsTh u. objection ,,-•• • emo>'",1 0" ,.... pari of .nyo~ "'ho wouM
Ihe most urgfnl prob1", •• II .'e '0 IUn,e and ha", . opieo if .... b .... i....... i, b, i.. ply •
Icml with ". h i c h Ihe
' ... hlp In I n or~"i ... llon "'bick be did ..... p..-..
eon'p,1ny and indus,,_u _an " "p ,nto .be a"ent~e Atlanta .. Ii.., looia r and find......
tr)' w a J confronted.
.... ,be... Co""" bu ,,~ _ _·be...,. and the _.~ ..I retpo<>'" rt«i~.d
It n II lor • h f no 0 5 t
by,,," dub in,Utaled tb.o. thi' wh"I.....M di ... ibullo" ..... ,,"utlr
. pp.... cw.ed.
~ I r /I t e g i c poi nts a.
... lIich 10 at t e m p! a
Rotary and Business Relations
""':":;:":':'''~~;:'__:'"~~':h:<__~::::::__-::::::::::::::::::::::::;_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~___ s~ution
o f these prob·
Icm.. The maj or problem, were f(lll1)(1
to be Jix in numtHor, KrowinK out of a
Kencral condition, n a n~ly-that Ihe in dustry in its t ranli tion from the crude
pioneer S(a~ to a It.. bilized businuJ,
was earrying with it a personnel whose
con<::eptiotl of the indust ry carried littl.
of se rt;"', but much of stU-and in the
Rotary Code of Elhics we find tbe remedy in the fint, &ectMld, and fifth duties
of a btllines. man, in that be must consilk r his vocalion worth _while, and as
offering a disl inct opportunit), to le r ve ;
Ihal he must imprO'1: himsr:! l, and at thr
u me time improve his cho&en vocation.
C row iDJ out o f the first general condition wer e the otht r si x problems, th.
fi rst of which was the unscrupulou s "Ry
by night" producer. who were Rood ing
the ma thIS wi th pietn ru posi tively det_
ri mental to both the indust ry atld tbe
public; and yct, the theaten ,,·cre uh ibiting these along with those other production s of a higher type, ami it wa s
gencrally admitted withi n the i ndu ~try
that it was nec essary 10 cxhibit thne
pictu res in order to make money. In
he ping wilh the third duty as cxprened
in the l~ota ry Code, that ·'1 wish no sueens thaI is not founded on Ihc highe st
justice and momlily;· ftn orde r wen t to
every theater manager under thi s Mmlh_
ern company dO!Claring Ihat " we wam
to make mon ey, but we want 10 nl3ke il
helpfully, and nOi ""rlll fully_" :md thaI
"pictures arc rlQt to be bookw In ou r
t heaters wh ich are ba~
on, cr iminal aCII,
or w hi c h Jtar people
whose sole .-alue is notoriety. We f«1 that any
othu policy would pla~
undue emphasil on law_
lessness and immoullty."
T HE It<:Ol1d problem de manding sol ution lay in
the faet that the motionpicture theater must need.
deal with a semi -art on a
51ri ctly commercial basi ..
T he tactics employed in
competition belween theaters in '" any in.lancn
had b«n of the lown t orde r ; but this company, as
was brought out ;n th c re_
cen t Federal Tr3de Comm i s. i o n ;"ye' l igation,
comm itted i t , e l f unre_
servedly. It stMed to all
of iti employeu that, "we
§land rudy to eo·ope rate
with our competi tors in
every po.sible way which
may tHo to our mutual ben efit and the benefil o f the
indust ry, and base oor
compel il ion so le l y upon
the service which we may
• en d c r to the public,"
which is well .ni,h a p,araphra5\!: of tht si..:th duty
of the Rota ry Code,
December, 1923
The third problem was thaI of advertisi ng. Advertising methodl had been
inherit~ largely from th e ci rnl!, and
were jllSI ..~covering from the do.y. of
the old Niekclod~n, whose front wa :l
plastered with lurid posters of whileoIave play., and plays ba s~ upon all
forms of commercializ"" vice. But
re.:l t hat "an exchange of gootl!.,
"rvicc, and ideas for profit is legitimate
and eth ical only when all p,a,rties in the
u change arc benefited thereby:- a campaign was init iat~ to teach each lheater managn that ~until the public aceepu ad ,·crtising as a pledge, it will Rma in costly in proportion to RstdlS~­
that ~adverl isi ng is a definite pledge to
Ihe publ ic, and must be lived up to."
The fourth probl em lay in the fact
that a large number of Ihe patron. of
Ihe theater ",·ere seeki ng en terta inmen t
and nOl education, and that another la rge
cl e~nt 0 1 the public were .seriously
pnjudieed against the Iheater because
it offered only entertainment. To obse rve the foort h duty of the Code. it
s«med obligatory that the theater should
offer something more than enle rtain_
ment , good as enterta inment may be, in
order to win the good will and friend5hip of the prejUdiced clements of the
publie. In order to ao:ompli sh this end
Emnt L. Crandall o f the New York
Publ ic Schools. ,",'as brought to Atlanta ,
Georgia, to work out a definit e progran.
lor t he use 01 motion·pictu rcs in the
danrooms. Burdette G. u..·i!., t omm is_
~ione r
of Institutu and Agencies, of
New Jersey, wat brOUl:"ht to Atlanta to
formulate a definite program for the u ~'
of motion-picturu as corr~jve agents
in rciormatoriu. prilOns. and u)·l ums.
Chutcr C_ Marshall , o f tl.c F in! Methodist Church, Bridgeport, Conn., was
brought 10 Atlanta to formulate a simila r procram for the use of motion·picturu in C(lnne<;tion with Sunday School,
and ehurchu; and Ralph Hayu, dlre~tor
of New York Community Trust, ren_
dered a liion ilar serviee In order to make
it pollible for the theaters to ro-opcrate
with the publie l ibraries with a view to
_imulatlng ruding on the p,a,rt of the
T H E fi fth problem WIS on. of Itgisl ation-in wtll _nigh every state in the
SOIIlh the motion-picture ind ust ry was
confronted with ~i ng legislat ion in
Ihe form 01 t:txat ron higher Ihan thaI for any Q(her indust ry, and a
form of reeulal ion mort drastic than
that imposed upon any other indust ry.
The cheapest form of lobbyi ng had been
employed to mett this . ituation-a h,i>byi ng wh ich attempted to eapitali.e upon
the slighlu t friendshi ps. In the sp irit
of the seventh, eighth, ninth, an<l tenth
duties 0 1 the Code. thi s company virtu_
ally abolished Ih i•• ystem of ddeme_
and went to work to .." no", the cau~s
which had led to the agitalion , and thre w
the motion-picture t hul er upon iu o,,'n
me r in before Ihe '·arious 51ale leg islaturn o f the south.
The six th probl em was
Oftht of the child and the
motion_pirture . The public-relations office recognized imnlediately Ihe im_
IM»sibility 0 1 51andndi z_
B1 E. 1.1. J . AX D REWS
.....; •• 01 rio ........ T ... .
inl:" an .dult am~ent
10 as 10 adapt it to chilF olt .,,·try j oy o f u rtll and hope of heaven ,
dren. It was fou nd thaI good gift bestowed on
.nd our ••
children conlli lutcd onll·
For inl pi . .. lion. . ."t, ambition. gi ven,
about IJ per cen l o f th~
I 10 clim b to,
to, and powers
Iheate r's audiences, while
To hlfne!l to ou r tasu- With one accclTd,
approximately J6 per cenl
We oife. , now, our tltanb, 0 graci ous Lord.
of the picture! produced
"-cre ,ui table fOT children.
For t he tran~ lld(n t pr ivilege of living,
As a result , tht 5.lturday
For all the c. owding dutiell of lhe d . y,
mo. ni ng boy'. and girl'l
For e,·err opportuni ty of givi ng
matineCJ ~re inaugurated
T o help ftnother on the upwud .... y ,
in some tw enty_~ve south.
I'or n,erein jn';nile- \\' ith one ,,(C.n d,
Un citi es, and arc nOw en_
We offer, now, Our tba nks , 0 gracious Lord.
tertaining more t han 25 0,Fo r min d. to cultivate .. nd sou ls to pro ve,
000 children each year.
II", work to do ."d ~"' Ill fo ' \$ to enjoy,
Such were the six majo r
For homell tl> .ncho r to and world. to ,o,·e,
problems con fronli ng th e
For all the helpful a ids we "'JOy employ
newly organi.",1 public_
The Golden Itule to kcep---With one aerord .
rela tion s office.
The y
'Ve offe. , no., ou r t banks, 0 graciou5 Lord.
we r e diK(lnne<:ted, and
ullerly lacking in un ity_
For . 11 t he bou nty 01 ou r tabl e ' pre.d,
just as they han been pre_
For each one gathered round oUr friendly oo. rd ,
Kn led he re. The su,ggeS! ·
I'or being, eaeh ooe, e"lIed, through beart and 1I<:ad,
cd solutions of tach were
T o .anctH,. 011 . livCi", ...d keep t hem . lo.ed
equally diSCOllncct~, and
Wit h true Rotarian grace Wit h one ."""rd,
il wat apparent that Or\\'e offer, now, our Ihano, 0 gracious Lord.
,a niut ion muS( be effect·
ed in orde r that the pr in_
ciples (Crntf'd O~ pogl $d)
A Grace Before Meat
D«emlHr, 1923
Rose Marie Blair
A story dem01utrati"g what the /riendly i"terest
0/ a Mall
a Boy may meall to a l!7oma1'
I~n.yeo .... ld'<, . nd
11M bobr, T.mmy, now Ii~~. _ ..
Tbey did IMi. beoc. It}";nl I" oolu ..
ROlf, wilb IMi.
her resource. could
oomnQnd. A s 0 r di d
funeral il was on a
cold, mi.erable, driulr
day in carly Dett",,,",r.
A lilli e cr (lwd of curi ous neighbors an cnded
and followed the body
to it s final res tin g
place, all of them a lilIlc afraitl of the dry_
eyed, whi te_faced Rosy. who stood 10
cold and erect bctw«n two of her
boys, ten-yea r-old Carter. and the baby.
Tommy, now fi,"e. The oltlesl boy, Trenl.
Wal not there . One or two of Ihe
more venturesome accoflll'anied Rosy to
her j>O\'erty_strieJ,:en, ch~rlcss shack.
but they wete not abl e to withstand
Rosy's silence, the still ness of the woman
who aceordin, to Ihei r own standard s o f
mourning, should,,", wailing" and sobbin,
with grief. The)" did their ,,",SI, try;n:
to solace Rosy .... ith their empty words,
yet, feeling, somehow, that lOlace was
not nceded Ihere. Realizing finally that
their ,,·o rds were falling on dea f cu.,
Ihe,- made Ihe ir departure.
0.. a brakeD rocker by a window, Ca r:;u;
i' AR T I
EN BLAIR died as he had lived
drunkard. T hey brought
him home one cyening to Rosy,
his wife, j"M as shc was rtlu rning from her day', work. She laW Ihem
f","bI in, at he r door "·hen Ihe was It ill
a half block from the .hack sl.e called
homc. Something in her gave alta r! :
il was not sur pTi ~, nor fear, and ce rtainly not IOTrow. It might have Men
relief, or it mi,ht have 1I«n hope. Thcn
5he ,,",thouJi:ht herself of the boys. Carter, at leut, would be home, caring for
littlc Tommy, and instinctiyely dcsiring
to .hield Ihem, .he broke [nlO a run, and
lC! Ihem into Ihe &hack herself.
She ,lYe BC1I Blair .. decent a burial
~mpl 1
wo. d .. ~
ItT sal, watchin, his motlt~r fearfully.
The obstrving littlt boy had set!! his
mOl hcr in moods be fore, had tTtmbltd
often in a ugucly untlsy )·ct sympa.
thelic "·ay al th ing. said and donc. He
had Ken her angry, Yery angry, and
n.any, n.any timel, he had lCen her cryi!\g. Ilut nC Hr had he lun her like thil,
50 dealhly while and st ill, her face cold
and cxpru sionleSl, her eres unKei ng,
lIaring. i laring, staring, vacantly. Not
a wo rd had sh e spoken since tht begin_
Iliug (If tht ICryices in the middle of the
afternoon. Tommy, the baby, sensed
IOtIlclhiug wrong, .nd stiAed a childish
lOb as he looked at hcr in a IOrt of ter ror. BUI he pushed an ove rturn ed bo:<
dose to his mOlher', side and sat down,
leaning agaiMt her, and mechanically,
Rosy lifted ~ hand and ,,",gan to st roke
the child'. hair. Ove r and oyer and over
again , her hand stroked nervously; oyer
and O'·(T with toil-worn fingers: an T ....-1
o\·er "ntil soothed by the motion, Tommy
had fallen to sleep. Unconscious even
of thi., Ros)' continued to st roke, staring
unseeingly. Stingi ng tears sco rched
Uner'. eycballl as hc ilanccd furtinly
at hi. mother, and he closed hi, lids
tightly a. a tear crept down each dt«k,
almost hold in, his breath lest he dis_
turh her.
However, obliwlous .. she was o f her
immediate l urround;n", Rosy llW see-
:nl:' and Ihink ing. Sh~ wa < ~C<"in" I,i<:,urn of Ih~ l>as!. :",<1 .hinkin): Ihou"h l <
of Trenl. her oIde,;. boy, :m<1 Ihe 'hou"tns
an<l I,icl urn "'ere I>.~uly i'l1croni,,):leu.
~lan)' a U"y had I'h>cd an.] ,,~u'l a lear
had fall en since "I{ooc MMie Carler' hall
I'romi5<!<1 '0 "IO\"f,
honor, and oIKy"
Iknjamin T r c n I againsl tht
wi l loc s of hcr
blhcr :uod ulOthcr,
anu Ihc " 'armng"
o f IcorCI of
fr iends. Y c ,. ind c c d, n~u JIlai.
wu a d ashi n ):
anti Imnd iOIIIC fel.
low. T hey gra m_
cd hc, Ihal. An I
money in I'len ly h ~
s cemed 10 ha H.
They grant~d Iha l .
al l O. And. of
zonrse , he wall m,,<1
aboul ~o sc Marie.
Uu' there I",,] been
ntallY other. who
,,'erc likc",j«: ma,l
ab o ul her. H er
l};lTcnls. ",i thom hting ahle 10 fix on
anylhi"g de(,lIilc,
had not liked Ben.
T h c y in.i sletl he
had a wcak facc, and he had 100 much
of a fond nC 51 for .he "CUI' Iha l ch«rs."
Rosc :\Iarie lau!:hed, and 6llid she "'ould
..,tde that ! Oh, 10 lure of that. 10
cocksure , ,,·a. J.tooc ~ I aric! Her fri~",I<
Iricd .0 lell hcr of .he wild e>cal'a<le,
Ihal young Ikn hid indulged in, bito
of ncws Ihey h"d gleannl from ho.I~~",l or sw~c.hcart or brothrr.
Ro~ ... ould not bel in'e Ihem- distlainnl
10 lilMn 10 Ihe'll. ..\nd l>rOUllly. ~nd glatIly.
.h~ nlar ried him. her w.... I. ling Ih~ 1"lk
of Ihc to ..'". ""d hal'pily. ~h~ ... rn t away
,,·ilh him. and .he I>lace of her ch ildhood
nnd girlhoocl kne ... her no mo rt.
B UT a ru' later. when dealh claimed
bolh her bc1o,·t<1 f~lhcr :tnd mOlher.
Rose ~l arie hreath....1 a Ilraycr of thank ·
fulnes,. amic i her Ie:an. Ih:.1 he r fir£t
l):Iby, Tre1l!, had ju-'\ 1",en horn, amI
Ihu~, it IVn~ made iml'on iblc lor her 10
go back home . J.tosc ~lari c had learne,1
man)' Ihing s durin): Ihe course of .hat
r u r; and in the years d'al followed,
rn:u'J" "lOre:. iO Ihat ag~in and aga in , .he
thankfd God wi ,h a dreadful ficrcenen
Ihat fright ened her Iha l her ""rcnt~
were gone, and could not suffer o,·u her
ignominy. Fo r ' hi ng s werc grOwing
wor.., ancl wo...... Sh", had nol Io(:ell
able 10 lam( Ucnl Il is boo habiu .ltr",... :
~.od \"Cry. vc ry $hoTl ly. l'o"rTly cr" I" ul'
10 Iht lIIai r door and .h:l.l door opened
IG 'he IleaS! when the scconcl child. CarIfr . wu nearly a )'nr old. B.. n Blair
came: hon~ one: IIil:ht. jol~HI. h;~ Ia<l
pay chrck gone. vieia..., and mean :0",1
sclf_pi.ying in hil d«ply drunken !laIC.
It wn< thaI ni"hl .hat h~ !i r~t <trn~k
Ro!!C :'>Ia,ir. ami Ro,," :'>Iarie ,liell a
n3tural d,·alh. ami Ro.}· came i1llo exi.t enCe. :\0\\. "0,"" :\lari~. aU onl)· chil< l.
l>Tcuy ancl fa,·ornt. had lIot been
broughl 01 ' to be o..,fol. and", in hrr uIrrm ily. Ihrrt W3_
"oth;ng 10 ... hich
"hr could tum I ',
earn a decent an I
comiortable li,di.
hood. Shc "a·
, tonneu b}· Ihe
Iric k I'ale ha,l
1'layc,1 hrr. ,ick
wi lh I h r Ihnnl:ht
and clread of Iht
i UI U r e. Th roo);h
il all. a morbid
);1ad ncs> l'e r.i •• ed.
I ha t hcr 1':ITrll"
were not he.~ 10
""c. Ih:ol Iltey ha,l
b,:cII spnr e,!. ,\
child's cry r~:lcll ....1
hcr. rou""d hu to
pre,en! ne,·ds. T ht
,pirit of ma n y a
mothe r morr hearl It~' than has
qorn"/: 10 aClioll :01
Ihe hn"gr~' cry of
a. hcllM.s babe. and
lto.}' had t wo. Ho.y
tno!< in ...,,<hing..
n,t years ""~ hy, during which
lilllC Ihe)' e.~iSlCcl and. '" it !o«nKtI 10
1tosy, linle erSt'. And aftfr a " 'hi le. Ihe
Ihird child. Tonuny. came. 1I.05l·J bOlhiu. sl rangdy enough under ~nch diffi_
cult circum~tal1ces. ... u~ all btaUl ifnl
babin. and heahh}'. and as Ihcy ):rcw
Ul'. "'i lh comrly iacu benfalh Ihcir di.t.
and ~h rr,,~1 linle minds dr"rlol,ing,
ficrcely Rosy lold her .>('lI. her children
would 1-"'0 ,," up to justify her mad mar_
roa!:e. I le r children "'onld he In,r. "he
I"" ,," t Hen lUair a_ .he Krc'"
'0 hatc him. nc"cr once did ~he .how Ihi~
hefore hcr bO~·5. Suffered hu~lf .hat
~he mighl stxLre: theon. and ~ build ul' in
th em a sorl 0 1 1J<,lid ~nd failh in the
lal1'H _,he had l' rO\'iclccl Ihcm. Quixotic.
c",ly,""1 Ro_y kept it up to Ih( In>!.
O"cr hi~ u):ly joh. ~nd .,ueers and
',1Tcalms . •hc hacl kept the hoy~ in
school. Ke"cr Once had shc hoi . ted Ihe
while nal! . t ired in boc.Iy an.\ .o ul :lUd
~pirit a5 sh~ "'" oft~n was.
,\nd Tre"t
had entcr~1 high school Ihal rcar.
Now. it waS Trent who wa' failing
her. T he bo,' had di§aP11C,1Ted On 'h e
da\' hi. falher had 1",Ct1 hroughl homr.
ami she had not secn him si ncc . Shc had
'Iellt OUI to scarch lor him. a'KI
all hc could learn ... a> Ihal Trent had
be( n st .. n la_t "ith the .o... n·, tOl,):h"st
crO\nl of .,·ouIII':>.rr •. They ... cr .. all in
their lcen_: <he kn ..... Ih .. lo:anJ:" wrll.
Two ha<1 alrea,ly 1""," hailnl into court
(or drunk~nne"<. one hnd been >cnt 10
Ihe Rciorll1.llory. t ...o " 'Uf Al<T"'cI"d 01
l>flh' thiu cry. Coming as 'he I~(I" clid
on thr dav "he" .he gained hcr hr",lom
lJec l!m be,., 1.92;1
fru'" a l:"lIin" oIulr.,y fd. il "as
morc Ih:'11 .he oould StalK!. She hael
cOlU'l cd 011 h" r !oOns; c'l",cial1y had .h"
~"''' 't ed ", Trcnt. To h:,,~ Trcnt fol_
10\\ i,,~ ill Ihe 100"" I" o( his falher ... as
::t erO" which '«"tmc<1 hea,· ocr Ihan she
ronld I",a ••
\\·ill,ol.u conscious Ihoughl of "'hm me
wn' doiuJ.:. she went abom making prep_
ar:o.tiOtI$ fo r lien'. funeral. .\11 the: re' 11«"1 of "h,ch .1", "'a~ c" .... IM, ,he
.ho"",llhe ,le:l<1. Sit.. n1ortg agnllh", Iahor of hrr ha",l. lor "t't"k~ ahud 10
Ki,·~ hi'n d<'Cem hurial wi . hout eharil~·.
.\nd it "as o,·c •.
N E\·EJ.t :tl:ain could his , unen jttrs a.
hcr <10" 1Ifall rin); in Iht C:IT~ 01 hrr
chiltl rrll. Nner again would hi_ arm
he: liltt'! against her. ;';e"er ~gain Ihe
cpp..,rl ...,ity lor him .0 il",ill (\'il habi ..
o f Ihoughl' in Ih~ iml'ruoionahle mind .
o f hcr 1hree 1)0>·.. She could IlOt call
them hi5,-llteir~. lie ha,! ncver trcalt'll
then'''~ :o f:,lher migl" Ireal his sons.
II ~ ha,l heMen litem an,[ nhused Ihcm.
" ur ....1 them from b:.h}hoooi. Kow. he
wat Kone. T he children were all hcr •.
Hut .he thOlI):hl hrol1gh l little warmlh
For Trent 10.1<1 I,,",en galle two day~. and
wl1)' or whe rt or how. ~he had nol Ihe
IraSI i(lca. Worry and ~ u:<mclt Sli frar
hun): 1t~a " y 011 Rosy'~ he:..1. l ie had
"ot b«n ..·ilh hcr ... hf" they lai.1 Ben
Illair ;n hi. final rf'ting pl~cf; IIohody
had S('en him: nobody had m,a ..1 of hillL
T.ent had iailt<1 hn. hut 1110>( tragic of
all, il !ffmed ~hr had failtd him. !'he
had <IOI1e Ihe beSI sl,r knt ... ho ..•• belir,'cd
,he had do ne C\"Hylhi ug she could do.
Bnt;1 "I'llearnl her ,",_I . hrr all. had not
....... n enough. Ca Tlfr and Tomm} com_
ing on-wha l had Ihf fmurt in $Iorr ior
Ihem ? Fo. he.?
The rough. slim. nen'OUS fngen
st.okl'd tI~ 1~,bl'5 hair. j!cnllv and
rYlhm icall y. _lrOOil,.. Slol'I",d! Watehinlo: Iho,"", finger. ",illo uncan"y (a",ina_
lion. C~rler jurnllCd ... hell he ....1W Ihcm
It:lu,<,. looked up to hi! mOlhr', duH
e)'u focu<ccl on Ihe door. olllside of
... hid, Itumbli nlo: fCel had paused. Th ere
wc re lOunds of more than OtIc ltai. of
fe~l. :mel Carl~r curbed his nalu,al loo~··.
euriO'i,y'o go and '~e thc C.'II't of Ihr
tli5' u rl~1r\cc . to watch his " oolhe'5 face.
li e could "01 take his eyn from Ihat
lumbled t he latch.
slowly Ihe door opened in. s<]ueaki"f:
"oi,ily. T" o ."l1en-Iacnl yomh . bore
a ~1" .1tgcrin~ Trent. a Trr n!. .ick and
. melling foull)'. a .i XIf('n.,-ear-old boy.
aero,. the Ihrrshold of hi. mother"~
<loo. ! Ili o COll\l~'nionJ clutched al the
ho~ a6 lot I"rchffi forward.
ally. 1I.0')· ·~ h:uulleft liltle T omll'y'o <Ink
hair, .Iowly railjC(l to " clamn,}' fore·
hc.,c1. fahcrin~ly 1"".sI,,,,1 a~ro.s bro ...
anel e,·.. ~. Then ... ilh nlOn",.. mO euri·
01,01,. ril:id. ~hc got. 10 her feet. and II ......
tione:d her 10"', supporters to Ihe: hed.
~hc .poke not a "'or,1. The I\\'O IlOp
let Trenl fall on 10 the bttl whe:re he: la~'
a eTllmrl.-d hfap. The room reekcd wi,h
D ecember. 1923
"The... . 1,,',
&''''1 CI.u .!M Hu' ch ,1""I.r ...1. M/'1o, tbe.., .I,,'~ , • , I h o .. ,hrre ain't,
r .." up . 11 ni ~h, one Ch,i.'n,••• nd nuhu,l.I y com e a • • II IM
tlte fU~1 of ",hi$1:(')'. Rosy choloal.
Tonm,y. frigiurned, $lillar a half ('ry.
Cartcr drala::ed hii C)'U a ..'a)' from his
motion'. fac(', and looked do"'n at the
floor, One o l lhe boy. )poke.
" Hell of :l fdla ! Hell of a sport !
u n't Sl::'M Ib(' s~11 of good liquor I
Spewi,,' all o"tr tht plaet al Ihe lir"
whiff! One .in), little whiff did Ihal l"
11(' ge"ured con.cmptuously towanl
Tren t. Hi. COtnp;onion laughn! ~r~ly,
~y "'artn! towanl the door, Stonily,
Ro. y'. lip. partn!, Li fe back to
her tyu. and ::.gain CUtt r'. tY('5 b«ame
r intal al the Iransligur:ll ion OIl brr
It ..'as 1101 ::. 'luesl ion, and the 00)"
looking.:ll h('r qute rly, "'('nt oul, HfT
..'om fact almo$( beaut iful wit h a
.. range glow, Rosy I)rayn! aloud:
"Ob, God, .hank you ! T b::.nk)'OII for
oho"'i nl:' me tbe way o.. t I ' ncvu on~
though. of t ha.!" ( CtI ..t'd tift 1'<'9': 51)
Deulllber , 1923
"Number 3333"-and the Code
......1Ieth.. La ... bo
Or ..., Low> be wn.. :
Ihao we
who I....
I. Iltat of.< waU ;, ",_,
Atod tI.aI ..d.
1'~' •
dol.,..;. . .......yeo<.
A JU' .1 LEE
H E " trusty" in "rey who sen-a!
.tw.,. ;. .-", hoatt.
Wid. ..ud.>.hI
Aad ~Ua:ht ill ...', cell
w~ lat. rho <r..,k.... ,.... tho ... hio otpar .... Hdl
A..d rho " k""" it __ .wf~l
n... ,I.. ...... .,l • Iw......
, ..
kindred spiri ts thue , Men who under ·
the Ita 10 the ",;lTd.,,, ', guestsstood.
Xo. JJJJ was uJe<J 10 duignale
M~ny a colleee profel5or would be
him among lOme four thousand
surprised at the di$Wssions that takt
OIhn$ in Ihal ~rlicul .. r insti tut ionplace besides the camp firu of these reSlhad l>cen oorn all',in, as it we re, aft ••
LeH 'pirill o f our hiehly mod<:rn anti
the rourt had prcnounce<.i sentence on
thoroughly manicured civili zation. The
him for ol.>laininl: ulOncy undu faloe preadventurer of the type just de!oCribcd i.
tenses-and-well, Icc's say he .... a' rethe re, along with the p.ofusional tramp,
chr istened :-Jo. JJJJ. But in Ihat old life
the wutcr, the radic al Jabor ag-itator, antl
_way, way back, a I'cry, "cry prout!
the crimina l- all belong ing to thc same
mOlher load crooned JOnI:'" onT his curly
lodge, the li\'e-and-let_Iive fellowship.
baby head and called him-when she
And the r do talk, thne 1II~n, when \he.v
kissed the curls M she Joyed w do-<:alleJ
meet, T here arc lon8 hOUr! of tal k .
him "/Hthur!" An<l the father, a r,n~,
Thc)' know th eir world and Ihey have
up.tanding, ",~I1_tQ_do doctor, had bc~n
i,lca" abo"t it. Thty know the bu sin e,<~
mighty prow to bo~>t thM Iht boy h~
world 1",1 they hn\'C idcu about that too
was asking his b.:tnk~r friend to take into
They ha"e a supreme conttmp( for the
his establishment, WII thc IiartlC " PUll"
",age .Ia" e, TIlei. tlcW\U range from
thty both had hylleriully urged to carr)'
h" ",loUII to lOtiology-from soup to sen_
the ir alma matCr'i o;oIori to glory for
mn, Living is simple with Ihem.
tht only toucMo"'n of th e annual ganl~,
So it wu \'ery casy for youngS1c r~
'; Pug" wn a grtM Mnle of the grid like I'ug to jmbibe the hard-boiled philosiron-i t appeared on the AU ,\merie,,"
ophy of hi~ compa nions. It was " cry
selenio,,, of at 1~'lS1 1hr«
easy to fol lnw the argu _
out of tht fifty -st"cn ,'ari .
l1Iel115 of the agitators as to
lhe iniq uities o f the ClIpital,
Hies of immortals scatlued
o"c' the s port i n g pages
iSIS, Pug hatl worked fo.
during Ihe midlne "f Ihal
one of the eapilalists I...g
particular fh. umber
enough to identify Ihe half
Pug didn't wail ior the
truths famjli~r to him in the
e~IJ"'N of lhe
ink on Ihe sheepskin \0 get
hranguci he heard. He
' n"b of lbol ... ,.inJ- Tnllr in .11 _ n, i:ll d~.lh, MNo. S3U
didn'l nerd to be particu_
dry be fore going illto tht
;, tl.e ",ory .. f .n ;n....le of one .. f lhe l"lr fI.l~ lH'iooM of
ronk, He was to be a mui larl), cr~lulou. 10 beli~n
lhe Un ited S"'I~M ..... ,. of • ""lIe5e-b. ood "'.,~ wbo, pl.ced
the other hal f becaUI!e it
n e "' man, E,'crybody in
in d , eu"'''.ntel wberr a lir .. mi... c p ..·.1 c"y, follo .. ed i •
.. ~h • o«ond miMlrp in order to lel <yen," Of he thou,llI.
wu onl ... human nature for
lown knew him ""d Iht
wj,h "",i..,. T he only porI of Ihe " or, ,Wl'e. ;nl f . ... " o<tu.1
call. on hi. living, !oCtl::inl:,
him to belie.'e that ii the
agi t:l.tor_ph ilosopher k n ew
bubbliog social time and en
Abo u•• ) 'rar 1,0 T OI l R OTU UN """,Iueled a lymllOliu."
ergy we re tremendous,
all of the lhings that Pug
But the re \\''\ the acrccogni.t'd were t rue about
tion in th e bank the.e had
tlte ba llk ing business, then
mollo "Servi"" Ab ....e s..Jf,M A, .h", lime , h. ptlto n'" whom
he I1111SI also be sure of hi.
been on the footb"l1 f,ehl.
Gordn .. Mock ",.il.. oboul in ,hi. " Qry ..,nt in , b. leue. "'htelt
r ug boi led with lift I He
facu rega rding the parI
"',n , lite ..,,,,,,,d p.i..,. Quo,;n, on ."" .<1 f.on •• hl l lell e•.
wanted to go! The bound,, th~ t I'llg didn't know. And
~No, 33l'~ .. id :
r ies of hi. town we re too
w h ic h thr boy felt he
'1'he .... of lO<jetl ..... to mr.• It.uelure to be hrohn
small . He m u s I lee t he
hadn't been in th e ba nk Ion):'
wi, h LmPbnity-lltll i .. il Ihe poli<:emon wo. no••• 0un,1. t
world, And alter a year.
th ink I bod n oehood lhe portln. of 'be ' 0.,1 .. lhe pia •• ",here
enough to learn.
0"" word "".. ld eil ber ' aYe or . ont/emn. I w .. O<tTial ......
he qui t his job in the bank
While the lalks confi rmed
and we rtt out
lhings abou t bank ing which
He 500n ruchetl the ba re
he had hea rd all his life antl
. ble to ""Norm 10 lOeiet,.'1 l. wl or to 10 on di.... IOfdlnlth. m
bott om o f hi. pursc and had
to whiclt he had paid no aton,] m. kia, • Ii.. in, .... ithou. ' '''''' linl .oil. I oaw I~ olln&
10 (0 to work - as an ...
tention. Pug didn't ex"'ctl~
lionl of both lbe ""rlormq ,· • • ad non_ mfo""l .. '. 11f t . nd
ri ght_mintled boy e"entual1y
become a radical. Hc
hod not dettnoliaed which of tbete life id",," 10 odh . .. I O,~
must do untie. the aame ci r_
laughed at the~ men who
Fani>enao ... , within the I~.t few weelt .. ~No, 3SU~ h" *n
<:UI1IS1.anees, And he worked
w 0 u I d revolutionize t h f
... Ie..ed from pnoon, hie lenten"" boYinl upi ...... I nd thlt
with mcn--the men of the
1U' he will eu,ioJ th. Ii... a.n ....... perM o. " i,l. prioon w.lI.
world. O h, yes. he knew
in ,",yon Jan.- THO EDIT ....
gffcat ~n Sp:lCH one hurs
th~1 the worker had a hard
JO much about I T he mi·
row to no... Hr felt that
r rltory bird. ...110 work
a man ",ho "'at I sian to
j."t long enough to get a stake 10 take
thcm to t~ nu t town. Or i)C'rhaps the)'
"'ork long enough tn suit thrir {:me), and
then do nOl use their earni ngs to take
the m to the next place, but "ridc the
ro.k" ThaI method of t raveling may
not be as comforatble as a berth, but it
is chtaprr, And it has marc or len
f~sc i nation for the type which has .rtl
blood surging t hrough ilS veins ~nd tl~ ­
mands ac tion,
T HEY'RE a gr catIYi)C'-these birds of
passage, TI,ey are the men who make
.onlC o f the herocs of a nalioll in warmen of t he same t)'p<'-the seekers afte r
exc itement. Pu ce time h~s little fasci·
nation for them. The great open spaces
call--antl th ey usually answer, They're
not all professional tramps. They're not
criminals. They',~ jusl $«thing with life
-some a", time_clock rebel!-l ike Pug,
And Pug "cry shortly joined the rebeUion
- became one of them, n ,e grcat open
· paces became hi~ habitat. Thne we, e
You Are Reading a T rue Story
December, 1923
officc hou rs was au abject wo of Ihing. 109 thing. T he re are many little 111m!:> rC""~llng III~ cat~h phrase~ o f Chn.·
He knew that ';businU5 i5 busineu"- that aren'I, in pri son, that get fearfully lianity. And he fel t s.:atislied with him ·
very unforunate for Ihe unlorlWialel and on ont', ntr\"Cs. There are so many, ",If and his old "prof"' when he also
"ery fortunate fo r the fortWiale...-but m:",y thing, that aren't-in prison I li e nottd tha t t he chaplain uliuaJly liaid the
n"" crthelcu Ihui,,4'U wit h J. apital "n," ....·tlll to chapel and Ii~tened with rallier .I.lme thing ill the ilOIllle wa)", and ..... oLlld
just like Ihat. lie knew all th is. He critical ears to the SCrrnOrU of the: chap- repeat himi!<:H_in the sallie tones, ill_
also knew of st"eral "'deals" Ihal haol lain. Occuionally hc talked ....·;Ih the fl«1ions, and phrase_without being
b«n put through duri ng his own brief chaplain. And Ille sem.ons alld uJks rt · conscious of il. I"",'s gtll eul ph)"chol.
husine ss ear«r-Iq:-i t imale drall, under- "cned his mind ~ck to thc classroom <lIP" told him that Ihe ch~ plaiu was sim .land. One in particulu hc rcmetnbered. where he had swallowed his daily dose I'ly following a memal rouline. T hen hc
"-here a b.>.nkcr had learned of certain of general psychology for four yea ri. began to nOlice thai IIlOlit of the prople
proposed extension s of railroad anti And b.>.ck to the anc ient histor)· Ihat harl wllo callie to Ihe prison ill religious 01
traction systems Ih rough his pcr.tOnal more Or les.. in ttrnted him .
"'elfare C"lIdcavor used Ihe Ame lone-s
friendship wilh Iheir dir~Clo", and had
and inflections and phraWI t h~t the chap_
quielly boughl, at a 10'" figu r~ , land abut- T HERE had b«n a me~roflhe fac · tain used, alld he calllc tu th~ conclusiou
uliy ill th~ chair of ancienl hi story, Ilial I treal pari of religion ... as sim pl)'
ting thereon and had then sold for a high
fignrt!. " H igh finance." tllat IOn of Ih iug he r\'Ql1ed, who " 'U a bil of a poel and mcmal routi ne .
I'ug had a Kason o f qu est ioning Iht
"'10 cal1ed. Hi. agitalor friends had in. ....·110 Illade llIuch of the philosophy 01
jecled the lhoughl into him Ihal nobody history ami the origin of religioLis 5ym. sincerity and honeSty of the chaplaine"er lost anything s.:lvt Ihe eonsume rbois and folk-songs and I~gend... [I ,,"ao a t ired, rOUline sori 01 man. liut h~
the wage sla,·e-the wh ile collar, famil... :laid of him in cn1lcge thai he should dropped th i. IU5pic iol1. 11le chaplain
man. And he ... as Ihe pa wl1 for <,:,·try· have b-e~n in th e chair o f literature ralher was .incere enough. So Were Ihe " ·el.
than histor)'-but ne,·erlhdu. he wa s fare people. lie kne,," the chaplaiu lta.1
body 10 play wilh.
Then one day, when Pug didn't feel a world·wide authorily on history. Al so a family 10 support and that he was
Ihe urge to work bUI did have the urge this professor had the reput at ion of be- workinll' lor a salary. Soul-s:l\'ing wa.
10 gel sol11ewhue other thau where he ing a bit of au atheist-at least Ihe world a business with him, :\l1d he made it :I
wu, he rtmembered Ihal in hi, bank;lIg called him Ihat. although nO one knew ~U Si l1e SI to ~:Irn hi s pay and feed hi ,
days he had learned how negotiable p.:lper more religion th:ln he-nor more of th~ familY_lh at wa s hi s habi t o f mind.
The welfare people we re mOSlly lteO.
" 'as pnl Ih mngh Ihe clearing house and religiou. philosophies. And Pug wa s
al1 Ihal IIOrl of Ihing. And so he I~lt doing considerable Ihin king about it-in pi e who couldn't t~k~ ~ny p.1rt icular in.
thaI a.s long as the COnSUllll'r could P.1y his cell-when he was mo.1 irrita ted by lereSI in goJ( nr bri<1ge or music or thf
the banker...... ho really didn'l need iI, and the little things Ihal aren'l-in prisons. "'mo,·ie.:' Earnest fM!Ol'lc. Sincere V....lilt railroa<1 <1irectors, who abo di(ln't He remembered Ihe professor had &:lid pic. They rca!iy nlade SIIcrificcs 10
need ii_why the consumer mighl "and Ihal only a wry few of the many relig_ thc pri sons an,] gi"e good ~d" ice 10 th~
just a lillk more lax and llaY I'ug' s w~y. om philosop~lie. Ihat had bet'll de"elop:d I'rilOner_IO adjure them 10 go stra ighl
Easy stuff 1
had liUn-i .. ed sufficiently to "" pas$Cd 011 " 'hen they were released_a nd 10 obev
And Ihe tase wilh ... hieh his b.>.nking th rough "cry Imny generation... Auy Ihe prillOn mles so they could gel r;.
knowledg<,: enabled him 10 dispose of his maker of a calch phrase could found a leaMd the quicker th rough the ,'ery ad .
hand-nwie "n~otiable" pa per was ridi. religion, in anei<"1ll d.'ys as now, lil t mirable ' .... ro!e system Ihe wei b re work.
cnIous. So Pur " ·tnt ' rom place to "prof' had ""id, for mental proccs!«:s eTi as a body had made possible for prj,.
place. He wall ab50lutely independent of hadn'l changed sinee men stopped swing· ouers who OOe)'ed Ihe rul es.. ~ot a par_
tieularly healthy line of thought for a
e>"r1")1hing and e.·erybody. If he felt like ing from trees by Iheir tail...
And SO Pug amused himself b)" keep. man-in or out of prison, one might !oay.
it he Slopped al the best hotels and trav_
eled in Pulltnan... 1f he felt the urge to ing tab on the chaplain and nOling Ihe Ilut a mOre or lUI usual line of thought
join the old crowd-why, a.1l he needed varialions of phrases Ihat he uw He for a healthy man cut off sudden!y from
was pen and paper for eilher of one. noted the differem inflections he used in hi. source of health-the grul open
And 10 he tra veled unlil one day he
spacu-and penned up wilhin four walls
wilh a number instead o f a name. alld a
didn', go quile br enough from the la st
place, a'>d a very righlroUI judge, ... ilh
rigid rouline that imprusce! upon him
Ihe aid of an indignant proseculing at·
the faCI thaI hc was being MgregalW
torney and an outr.ged jury, changed his
from sociely because he had offended it
name to a number. He was young and
-offended its .n"'Kness and $<!curity of
he was gi"en an indelerminale scntcn«.
property-according to I'ug's philosoVh.
In prison he wu a good ptillOner_bu l
ic~1 cyolutioM. BUI Ihis trend 01 minrl
w~~a paning thing . It iusttook Ihe place
sullen and resenlful. He couldn't qui te
.-.{ the things Ihal arcn't for a little while
""e Ihe ju~tice of Ihe elcct ive judge and
Ih~ el eClive at torn~y who had rdeai!<:tI
It was too picayunish to occupy onc long .
scveral prillOn ers because Ihty "conThe mai n thin" 10 th ink abonl was
how to gel out-3ntl get even 1 Th o....
t rolled" vot es or were valuable to "Ih~
organiution"-pr iSOl1er s who had b«n.
.....ere the ~;g qLle,;ti oll s. To ~reak OUI
required considerable effoTt. and " 'a5
in plain languafl:C. ''burgla rs'': lOme Ihere
attended al ..... ays wi , h the idea Ihat Oll~
were ..... ho had anaulted women. lie
couldn 't M:e exa«fy why Ihey ,hould be
muSI be foreve r la)'ing low and avoidil1g
I~ aces.. Wherea s the admirable p.:lrote
released on l echnical points .nd he b-e
SC1lt to the "pen" for ,;mply laki ng his
')'$tem offered a chance 10 get out ..... ilh
chance in a much mort! gentlemanly game
reasonable quicknen :l.IId security. And
- and taking hi , money from people WM
once oul_well, Iher. would not be any
could much more easily afford il.
more mistal<es! Sociely ..... ould haY1: 10
BUlthe re was a big difference bel ween
pay-not j U~1 overtime. but double lin.."
for Ihe l ime spent ill the "pen." Jb
Ihe four walts of Ihe cell wilh itl 11«1b.>. rred door_nd the gru t open 'pacel!
lrnugnUI must be denIed just a lillie bit.
More or len of a joke al 6rll_ hapIt would be a grut ga n'e. gelling even.
TheTe il nothing in the world Qui te 110
penstantt a b.>.d brcak in IIKk. And
tMn . afleT a ft. da rs. I rat~r irrit.I':'___~~~~___~_~___________--"~C
iJecemiHr, 1923
The Blackest Christmas
A Story
0/ the
0/ the I 1Ivisibie GIft
ow b,-hold "
urI";,, "'''" l,ir,1
hi", ''''/ 0 tI'e bu~aaTl, for ;1
tool III<' SI"Ol(ll, oj the gil'i~g
of gifls. ,'h,d the Sillfli!l of hu
hOHUhold {0I101",,<1 .. /1," I"' ~,, ""d ill
h""d ht bo rr a 0'1'''' I'op y'", whfreo n
.."" "',;, the .",,"n of Iht "irllds uf
I,;, lI11so m. ud l/or ""mrs 0/ hi, ki..arcd
Iht y ""-'j" 0 /$(1 1<.,.;' tlrnj"o".
Wh r rr/orr Ihl' "'011 10Ngill OMI ''''''''
troders aNd did h"gg/r ,,·ill, lht ... far
10"0 ho"'s. f or i, ,,'us ill his .. ,iM Ihal
II .. " 'oM!d bNy /"',,,
111011' "'/r01f
g.f l / ," rwh 0/
TI""f U .il all
f'lJpyrlU. I I"d btrausr ht 11'111 <) 1!:orthJ
_" arid of good IIt'IJrt Itt did pusisl ill
his III1Y;"9 10 Ihol 11r.. J!O t 'fI "oIt ich 101lo" ...d /rim ,,""01' Imlll)'
.VInt. 1I, .."g co.... /0 IIII' , ,,d of his l isl
h .. fJ4:rd "/,OPl his 01( ... N~J~" lor Ih~1
u"as u.,i, losl. Ami l/ot !N"N tt<Qmi..rtd
,o" err" i ll" hiflUtll, .."d , .."errNiNg Iht
tieiNg a.'/ojele h" lh qllld /teey. Wh ....r/ ..r..
h" dil",isud his"l l~yiNg, "Tgk ..
Iho" Ih ..,;/ gi/II .. nd grl tI,u hom .. /II/d
Illy "", " "'Y "'i/r Ih,,' I !I.'ill /alIOI~ iN
.. lill.'r " 'hilt," Aled let 11\1.1 1.. /1 tq
ronaa IlItsr tilings ill le is miNd ...... "
• •
• •
Illorning sha \"e. Of course, sha"'ing is
a nuisance, but at twenty·one il is 51ift
a ritllal al50. Someth ing which stam ps
0111' as a fllll·grown amI "ery mature
person, a l>trson worlhy of :luo(iation
wi t h a big metropolitan f,ar>rr. As§()Clallon, howe"~r, was about all Iher~
was bct,,"tcn the Cub and hi, I"'r>rrlor 50 far C\'eryon~ from th~ managing
editor to th~ O)py·bo)·s had exhibited a
' ingular indifference 10 Ihe Cub's polen ti:llities.
Yes, the Cub thoughl , as he r~pla«d
the rCC:O"erro clippings on Ihe ~lIued
de~, il wa sn't only because: he had ~tf>1
too long that morning. ( T he insistent
damour 01 th~ alann cloc:k had dri'-en
hin' Irolll hi, bed still h:lll asl«p.) Perhal'S it was the ahermath of the nighl
before ~ Real reporttrs had 10 bc a
lillIe Bohemian, and Olle couldn't refuse:
Ihe attraction of the jovial c:oml"'ny 01
• • • •
T IlE ofl;~e door ~ln"'l1>ed hehind the
h;" genial m.' ", a cOllple of dippings,
lifted hy the draft, ,·olf)l~neo.l I:ra~~rlllf)'
ofT the C"h'~ lIuk an,l wCre lo,t in the
deL,.i . liltering thc Roo., while the Cuh
cu.sro viciou ~Iy. Of COnr ~ there wa <
110 cxc,,~ lor that $ulphuroll g rcnLuknor was thtre cause for its cbooration
wh"n the Cub bumpw hi s h",1(1 on the
dr.", while ~arching lor the dlls;"e
dippings. A dtar-r)"w , health)" )"01"'1:
fdLow like the Cui> "houfd si'"1,I)' ha"e
grinned at such little idiosy",:rac iu o f
ncws~per lifc--only somehow that ad _
ditional hit o f trouble il«mtd typkal of
the <by-' Itriu of mi shaps. Altog.ther.
Ihe Cub dtcided, it wa, enou):h 10 dri"e
a ",an to distraClion ,
It had started with a cut chin fro.n the
hi s associates. Bill he had come away
broke. Luck and he, it iiCemW, had
1~~r1ed company.
Luck? Yu thai " 'as it: he'd IIC"er
kno...·" that indi,,;'ll1al since he lelt the
litile nome-tO"'n paper to \;Ike a job on
a mclropoii t:ln dail)·. E,-en brighl young
gentlemen 01 the prClS wcre lost in the
. hume at Ihis hig g~me. Some j>tople
t\"en seemed mildly :uUIISI'd whell you
tried 10 in'preu Ihem with your impor_
tance. Of course, when you got 10 be
a lita r rel>orter, like the eltg:llll Harris.
)'ou got the big lUolley and the good as_
li]:"nmcnt s. Why an)'body cOIIld write
frong flage SlUff ~nd get by ""ith a5sigmntnts like thaI, BUI what did they
gi"e the Cub~ l\"olhing but one eternal
round of liua'·~. manicured, and 51acombcd cI~rks who threw )'011 a (UrI
" i\'othinC today" between nib for btllhops. i\'othing but a daily me ss of dippings which had to bc rt"'ritten on a
" mill " that w:u ju~1 a junk pile. BUI,
01 cour~_ he " 'U mi sunderstood. Why
even ~Iarg;e couIdn 'l set
Oh. LordI
ITH a vigoroui swing the Cub
slammed Ihe carr iage of the offend·
ing l)"Ilewriler o\"er for a lasl line. T oss_
ing his copy on the city editor's duk, the
Cub lit a cigarette and resumed hi s
moody refleclion s. ,\11 around him the
life of Ihe editor ial room was ,ather·
ing "rc"glh for th~ ~\"ening !itTUl(glc
Wt,,"een the nt"'. and t he dtadline. Tell'"
graphic_typew r ite.. ch urned away at
long Itripll of "lli111Sy"; pale· faced 01' eraton p«red Out from under grctn cye·
shade s M they rattled the 5Ounllcrs: the
"i"id blonde at dIe switchboonl ga"e
shri l! a..h 'ice wi thout haIling the rap;'!
int~rchange of plug.; ~t th~ honesh""
table, copy-readers were filling past~ ­
l>ot5 ~"<l sharpening Ih,(k j>tncil! ; dc 1~1Tlmenl editors lore impaliently al their
'lIa;l : tousled COfl)"-ooy S scuffled in a corner : and tht gray-jowll!'d printer offered
J,(r imy proof 10 lIan'ey the eity editor_
" 'ho !lat ~tolidly in hi s sw i,'c1 chair-a
n>(l(lern Ituddha wi th a corn..cob pi"".
:\ Cllrl command from lIan'e~' ~nt
The Cub hu!tling lor the ele"ator , Wh ;l~
" 'ailing lor old Jimmy 10 bring tM creak _
inK con"eyancc 10 the eighth lloor. the
Cllb r~flcc\td Ihat thi. new a •• ignmem
was dOllblt~,. due to that big ruddy ,n-
Decem ~,.,
lIi" idual who w: nuberant door-Iwinllinll
h~ scaUered Ihe c!ippinllS' A S;.nta
Gaus son of man, Ihe Cub dedded wilh
a fai nl Sneer. Sanla Oau§1 YU,lhere
woold be a lot of Ihal in the atmosphere
jU51 now, It would be Christmas soon.
Soon ~ Why it was only two day. offand Ihe Cub " '31 nu rly brokel
Small wonde r thai the Cub', bilter re_
Hen ion s uude him i,,"ore the ehe-e ry
grHting 01 the old eln'ator man, Small
wonder Ihal he daWIM out into the gloom
and driu]e 01 the Mreet, lea"ing old
Jimmy sha~ing hiJ white head. "It
would be • gunl, now," muttered the
old man- but that wu only pan 01 il.
Yet the Cub ft'llS thinking of a giri--or
rat her of The Gir], as he swung his
li the OOdy through the prul o f sllOppcr&.
It was partly b«a u$C of Margie that it
hurt $I) mu~h to $l'Cffi a failure at t wen ty·
one, Margie, who h~d ~ n 5(1 "cry gla,'
- and }'et n li ttle 5Orty, too-when Ihe
Cub got hi s ch allCC on the Standa rd.
Marg i(-yClI, the Cub thought, Ih ere
mighl still be :I chance with Marg ie_if
it were nol {or Fat N.an50m. !'robahly
Fat " 'oul<l he at her door tonight- honking imr~'l icl1ll)' from his falher's biG" car.
,,·hile the Cull hadn't t\"~ n a !linCT wi lh
which to offu competition. Probably
Fat would lake her to dine and dance.
The idea o f the graceful Margie hoeinIC
dragged around the Hoor b)' this too·
prospc- r",,. indi" irlual who danced like a
M i5li s~ ipl'i 5ide' '''hceler, was 100 much.
The Cub's tctlh clickC"d sharpl~·. and he
rC$l)lute]y ab"ndoncd hi. l)ri""lIe affairs
in fa ...or of the ... ork in hand,
D ()DG r~G
J{roups of pluml) housc... i...·~, ... ho had a Ip;,<:ial fondness
for holding long COII'·e rNtion. in the
middle of the sidc... alk, eluding whiuing
taxis and lumberi ng dray.; dodging the
chi ldren and doG"' ,,'1>0 "'fre al"'ays get ting bcwilderftl by the crowd and halting
abruptly rig ht at one's f~ : the Cub
grinn~d sardonically at the ~hi ... eri ng
Sanla OaU8, ringing a hell bt.i,k a Il rcat
pot : and turned off to onc of D score
of big hOtfb that hc knew 50 ....·eIL n ut
dirl he know it ~ It M'eme(\ that the ornale and chilly .plendor of Ihe hott!
Iollby had alterfd overnight. Evergrnnl
and red riboou s lent a touch of ..... annl h
and lifc to the n~,.b:e colum us; Ih e grnt
plate·glan windows w~re pack"d with
an aS$I)rtnleli1 of toys: t wo OT Ihree
exIra d~k . had ~n placrd in Ihe
lounge ; and 3t these ,I"sks a few bright faced G"irl l were bus)' wilh I)il n o f card ~
. ~,
a n<l bo"u of toys. What 'us all Ihi.
And !h<'n he knew. Why, 0 1 course,
this mu st be the Santa Oaus A.sociatioll
-the "uplift out fit" he was to get a
sLOry about. Thi s must be the <,au.>( of
the big man's visi l 10 the cily rdilor-
haunted tye>l; a man whoge work_worn
hands fumbled nCTl"Ousl)" al a tattered
sul . kin cap.
" I..QOl;," 5lIid the execul ive IiCCret:l,ry,
"there', Ihat !\orth"'ut-Moullted man
again. Wil1 you UCU5C me for a min _
ute ~"
A, she cr055«l the glittering tiles to
speak 10 hu Ihabby protege, the Cub
began 10 wOAller a little, Northwest
Mounted ~ Juot wlut-oh. ),es. lhe N.oyal
Konhwest Mounted l'oIiee-Ih~ nlCn
" 'ho I>.\trolled a tcrrilory up nonh
- the heroc s of a hundred !torie. and
mo"ie_,,'h ), there might bc-Ihe", "'llIt
bc-:o story in it. The Cub snapped ul'righ t. hi . enjo}'Tflcn t 01 the com lonab:~
loonge forgotten. The "isitor, he notice..!, was !e~Ying, and was taking a big
parcel with him. Now what-?
W llE~
ruron wh)' Ilan'ey had comn1a" dell
Iht Cub 10 <lrop h;s rewri tes and get OUI
on the st reet.
Wilh a weary tolerance lhe Cub
looke<1 arOU!)<I for SOmeOne in charge and
soon scl~tcd a bu" onl whitc-hairnl
"'oman as Ihe eeuter of Ihe acti,·ity.
With a gra\"e ,ligIlily d~ his estimation
01 hi s o...·n imponanct he jammftl hi.
way through Ihe crowd and informed
her of hi . errand. Hi. brief dematM[
for a slory met wilh a gra~iou . response
- nO( , '"" ht Ihoughl, bccau"" of an)'
recognition of hi s imp:>rtanct, bul hoecau:>c he was, as ,'''' star reporter had
once !;lid, '" really a likeable young ass."
Siuin!: there n.aking notes, the Cub
felt a 5uUo.lcn desire to linger, n,l' hOlel
lounge ... as \"Cry comfonable, Ihc white_
haired matron w'u " reall" ,,"onh while,"
and somehow the Cub ielt a bil curioos
aboul all Ihi. "upli lt." He was e... en
consciou s of an idiotic d~!ire 10 wind up
11 few of the nlCch ~niC31 toy_but Ihe
idn was promptly squelched as ullwortby
of a calloused newspaper man.
Wbil~ they st il1 !;lI1 there the Cub
found hi ~ attent ion fOC\l~d on an ol<!
man with wide, ooww shoulders ~nd a
"(ry shabby greenish -black coat. t\
man wilh a w ealh~r-\)(alen face ami
the ,ecrttar), returned the Cub
....·u an animaled que.tion mark. and
AS ~he smilingly an swered hi s tager queries the youngSler'. eyes grew bright and
hi. 1I0Mril$ dilated. Funny lilli e chill.'
werc chasing "I) and down the Cub's
spine ; he wu COII I;CioUIi of 11 sli!:1t t
I' r ickl;nl( sensation at the back of his
neck. For there TI'<I1 i< Mor)'.
It apllCared that the despOlldellt man
had ollce been Sergcant li row n, a 5talwart troopc.r of t he ~Iounted. More,
Brown had teen aeli"e IoCrvicc on the
Soulh African "eldt. He ltad beggrd to
be sent to Ihe front during the World
Wa r, but calmly cr itical medic:al officers
had refused hilll anything more exciting
tha n thc hO(ue (lcfence. Good! Fur_
Ihunlore, Uro ....-n " 'as now OUI of work
-(jOWl! 01. his Iud:. Ko one heeded his
de s/lCratc pleas for IOmcthing-ally_
thing- I hal " 'ouId bring all honest living. Heuer ! Attracted by the to), di.·
1'1;1,)' in Ihe ",il>llo,,' Bro,,'u had en terl'd
hopi ng Ihat_IlOIIIchow_w ith the help
01 the A.oocialiotl, he might scnd a few
tOYI 10 his linle "i rl ill thc distant South.
HUI why we re lathu and daughter
separAted? Again the exc<:ulil"( secrc·
tary wu l:encrOlU wilh informalion.
ilrown' l scanty funUs had dwiudlrd until
Ihey prO"ed in.ufficicnl to support his
family, So the mother had gone to
work once "IOTe as a waitreu. But Ihi~
addi tioll:.1 sac r i~ce had not a"ailed them
nmch, the 1\,' )" wa ~ t(l() small to supJ'Ort
the thrH o f tht'n. (CO tt,j"""d Ott Mar w)
/)ecf:lllbl! r, 192,1
Have a Hobby-Ride It Hard!
Do YO lt say" I call't afford a hobby, " or "I havC!/ 't time"
or are you olle of those who have ridden it to SIIC cess
OT 10llg ~::o the wm~r h;od
lari t,·! Consequently. my most f~ue'"
prClC'ription is absolntc rtM, rd:llGltion .
:lud the adoption of a hobby-and thaI
prescri ption ,,",S gi"en added years of
hcallhy and ustfullife to my paticnu."
mo:,,- lc:.oJer~
In theor re~V«l iye field".
To a ,mn Ihey ha"c hobbie_and the,'
tiid not ~taTl th e hobby b\lsineu aftc·r
they had achic"cd success, eilher; it
' taTted back in the tbyl when the)" were
~trnggling tn gCI thcir feet firmly pland
0 11 the lower run,s of Ihe ladder of SUC·
And who is there who can ~a~
tha t tllcir abi1;ty to Ih ink clfarly an<l
accurately wa, nOt stimul ated by their
atT iC! :Klhercflct to riding Iheir hobby?
occasion 10 imcrv iew OrM:' of
thc leading ncuroiOK isu of
Amui(a, located in one o f
Ihe large "tlantie Cout citics. 11e i.
Ont of the Ihre.::: or fou~ " cknowl- •
(dg~oJ lu"er~ in his choscn b r~llCh of
Tinll' 'us when the busin ess or proIhe medic"l p~olusion and when he <Iisfts!ional man with a hobby was looked
~u >~. ailnl<'lI!;i o f the lIerves he 5~ak .
Ul"'" as a wa ster 0. a plain un,'ami.hed
~" 'Itt authority,
"nut. " Back in yean agnne Ihe hu siWe wcre oJir..:n.sing th ai type gencr- nu! man might indulge in a hal f-hearted
"lly kllowlI as "the tireoJ busi ne ss ona n." way in stamp-coll ecting , bitt bcsi<lts that
HOBBY must he riddell-it is toot a
This physiei'lll knows the clan well a! he h:Kl. no imcresu de the li el d 0 1
thj"g 10 lightly Ilabbl~ w; lh in odd
his practice is "cry ]'I,gdy eon(,ncd \0 rnll~a\"or in which he W'lS engaged. Even
I1oomcm s_ Tl,jillg it. 100. wi ll briug yon
tooa), il is sU'l"ising to check up on .<Ome place. I c.l ll CaS! about in my l>ook
"".\l~n cOn,e 10 me from ""(f)' walk "I
b".inen men whom one know . and In 0 1 fric"t1~hiru and easily ci te .sevcral in _
liie," he s~id. "They COme 10 Ine witl . cl''ICO''er tha t only a lew of Ihem h~"e Sianetl where the hobby of a .incere
ne ,','U fra)'l-d and conSl itntions se,ion sly hobb iu. Of course ",.ny 01 Ihem take man hns Inkell him into the high placu .
rull down; $OIne of Ihcn, nrc verging on up golf but goll or any other l port cnn·
In a smnll tOWII in one 01 the Soulh ·
a COIl1I>I~le brcakdown-a breakdo\\ n 111)1 ,.ightly ~ oon5iucrro a . a hoM)}' '"
ern ~late li " younl: chnp worked in a
they arc largel)' seasonable.
"ot only of the mClltnl alld " hysicnl t>'~
store. He "'a~ in,1 "n ordinary clerk
hUI a hreakdowlI o f the 'cry 1lI0rai amI
"'I cannot afford 10 wnste li"'e rillm): aid yel ht was ble • ..,<1 with a health.'
Sl,iri'nal flhrn. Mille i, a .ad l>rofcs- a hobby." the a"crage hn .ineM ilia" w;lI and hu<k)' 'Imhil1(tt1 to gel ahe:Kl.. H ••
.ion-tr) in" tl> p~lch 111' trouhle o f t ha i answu when thc "mUe, is pul Il l' 10 chances. Ol1e mi,ht say. were limi lc" and
him. So lotlg as the a. b.m. h"rbora confined. 11't store W3 S small: Ihe
""\r hen a man gO('> to I,ieech hc<:an~ that belief he will always be an a"erage lawn I~u than J.OOO--but these ilcm5 did
of "hal la) lLIcn term 'nen'es' there i. bnsinus man and " Ite r forty hi, usc- IIO! blot out th~ fircs of amhiliOll.
Ihe "cry de"il to pay: the man', bu.ineu 1":l1ess is going 10 ~ rathe r li",iled and
One .by Ihe UI3"agem~nt oi the >lOre
",dYers, his lamily sulTers and he, hi111 . hc will be chcating hi"'.self out of h OUr! bonghl ~ duplicating nl~chi nc-a rna
~1i. IIIlTers the lorllll'nu of the damned
of happiness and care-free u istcl1cc.
ellinc to <lupl icalr, by "'cans o f ",eneil •.
- it·s fXIK'n~i\"C bu!;nclS lell ing )'Q\Ir
It h:u ~m my good foTtune to kno,,·.
IYIM'wrillen lell~fI and hand-Ictt ered
I,enu go to I>iece,;...
",orc Or reM iminlOllely. >ome rather hi(: salu litcralllre, Ed-which happm, 10
··\\'or'" of all, it'l oowII'
be his namt-wu at Ollce
right foolish; F ully nillelytaken ... ilh th~ nc\\" maehi nt
nln~ per Ctnl 01 111)' calC'S
and iu poni bilities. Thnl
could loa,.., a"oided it by Ihe
m ~chi ne I>ccamc hi. hobby.
pr~ctical application 0 1 jn!t
He ~pcnt long hoo", in
. onc co""non !tn ~e rult. Men
studyi ng it aod strelching
!",rmit them!iclns 10
iIi poui bili lies. He cx ~ri_
ARRY BOTSFORD in hto Inle' '''';'' 1 ,"ide wlliell beli ...
come "e~l'ly absorbed ill
mrnl cd at night after th r
0.. p.,e ..,. fin. • hobby- then rid. "
Ihelr business or proleuion
""rd l~ P,cu y 1001/ pbi lo... phy. It will not onI1 ... ~e doeto.·,
~to.e was dOlled and from
- the y devote all o f thei r
I h i J e>cpcrim"ntalion he
enable Ihe b... in... nlln Ind Ihe p.... f ..lioo.1 .... .. to ~lie.e
lime to working nt iI, 10
lurned ont some 01 Ih~
lheir ",i n.l. of mon1 of tbe .a...,. 0/ ,hei .. wo..... enoh lin, lhe",
thin ki"g o f il-th~y 10rg~1
finest work ner mmle on ~
'" oo""""lrOle mo re cl""rl1 on Ihe m.Uen lhal pall .u....
Ihel .. de . ....
all d i e. T hey doubk ,\cl\lII
machine of Ihis Iype. \1,.
th eir mcntal Jlower ali<I UII _
Wh., i. "lOUT ho!;hy? II ..... . Ihl 1011 come ' 0 1, ke il II])?
eonce i" NI " h"usc o,"",an ior
b.. II de"eloped in'o? Perh. p. il i, boolr. .. ol1e<l i"l, or
,Icrwork cerlain loorli on5 01
his employer which I~gan
Ihei r body and mind . Then
10 increase b" siness ~I th.
thl. m"de Tn .~e i, "" Y he .he "Ji" or perb' llI 1011 "'" " Ill
COOlt! a ,1.1y whrn Ihey
i,,'~re .. w In thai ~mu.euon~ lbll yo u .lI fted. .. b~ .. . boy. 01
rate of JO pcr cent a ~'enr
mu.> t po'y th e reckoning 11/1"
' ,,"il •• oJ llio...nd ,b" hundred ond one euri"" of .... iou.
and that house organ wa,
by the I,me the debt iii ~id
" work o f nrt-one 01 Ih(
Not ",,/reque"t!)· we find. m.n .o..."whe... who ha, dethty di5l;0"er that their
~sl examplel of work e"t r
alr.i .. , ha olneo_
concctl( rMion an d long
lu rned OUI by a d "f'lic~ l in[£
!;• • incH th.1 h. 1 IIown 10 oaeh . ...... I"el Ihlt II h.. on.·
hours failed to achie~e an."
,nachint. And Ed got a
. hOllowed ,. wo .. k In ...·bieb he w.. .... lli ... U' enll,'d. P" ••
rcal guod.
U'" you helon« 10 Ihi. «roup.
heap 0 1 fun Olll of hi ~
,., have handl td thou,
Write .Dd I~II III .bolll YOII. Dohby. If 11 bri..,. j01 . "d
sotnds of caitS o f ncr"e
Examp]es of hi s work
il Ia .....,ethl.q deeidedlr OUI of lboo ord i",.,., .....;1. u. oloout it.
trouble in b",incU arid prowere IC'nl to the manu lac. nd
otl>en • ell." .... I. 1"1 in . n .......,thin.; thot wW briDI
fession~1 men and I ha"e
turer of the IT1Olchinc: a
pIe........... d perup. help """1' 110., doet,r IWl1. Lellen
yet 10 h,l\'c a single cue of
.hHld be r.;cei..ed . n 0" bel ...... l . nn.". JOt h .nd ...... Id .. 01
well_known bUJincSl magabe
nen'e troubl e from :l m.,n
~ ine sent a man down to
will .... P";IIied ;.. tlte Feb.....". " ............
\\'ho has a hobby and who
tilt; lillIe city to see Ed and
ri<1n it hard wn<1 wilh rt~'
""f ;.~, ... tarr if"<1 lilt !'or~
What Is Your Hobby?
necelll~r ,
"I [J'e liule house ors::.." , Th(" ~a,uc ~" (r(quent walks through !l'e wood ~ ;"".1
offer from Ihe ma nufacturer to come lu fields and studies first_h and. H is hobby
an Ohio city 0100 act as .ioaIu nl.:l.n~g~r brings him heal th and elCe rcisc-physiul
o f Ihe ooncem--one of the larcest in the and mental. He is a brilli ant talker and
coumry. Today Ed is filling 1h.3J joh rttently ,pokc for a hal f-hou r before thc
,...d he i, doing it elCcept ional1y well, too, local Rotary club on beu-and ther~
Some jump from a clerk in a liule tanL wasn't a dull moment in his talk. cithe r ~
lOW" to 1J,eing satn ma nage. of ~ n~ ·
There' s an actor-one o f the biggesl.
l ionally known concern I
loo--..-ho has a un ique hobby. Go inlo
F ive ),('Irs ~go a fr ieoo of mine ;ud . his in Ncw York, Chicago.
<kn l)' ~came ime.uled in hil home
Boston. Phi[addphia or d'U" hcre and
Ihal :;tatmltrlt may cause 50mC of you I" you \\"ill find him, pipe in mouth, wo.".mile, but ;>II Ihe unle !loere are plent.'· ing at whittling out a modd of a sailing
of mMl " 'ho a.e nCK particwarly inter· ,·essel. He makes ship models that art
eSl ed in Iheir homes. It happened, al gcms of work_ perfect in proportionIhi5 p.uticular time, that my fricoo Im,1 and hi, $UJllmcr hom<: on the coast of
some 5p:..e tinlt on hia hand! ROO he
!obine is filled wit h ClIarnpl n of hi~
II~ it very nicely in r idin: hi. hobb)'\\"o.k. He claims t hat his hobby helps
Ih:!.t o f making a hon.e more au racti,·e. him P''"s the time hct"'een ~ct ,; that il
He refinished luer"l l)ieen 01 furni- l!'i "u hi. mind a rcst and that il h~ps
ture ; he widded the llaiut and varnish him fit , nl~" tan)"; anti knowing the tlilli.
brnsh wilh considerable skill; he plant«1 culty of the rolu which he play. 3nd
110wers and ~hruhs-Io. yur lifter )·ear. realizing Ihe fidelit~· of hi~ plrtray~I J
He inc rea~d the va lnc of his propert.v one is led to believe thM his hohby ,.
almost 100 per ~nt by the ~ imple ex- very milch worth wh ile.
I'eudi tllrc of time an d wo. k. He
, c
I..,came emllu.ia~t ie about his rc·
• " It, and he lIa.sed the wonl on to
ccrta in of hi, friends who followed
hi, adv icc and who frelj ucnlly
5O\lghl hin, fnr more. He bttame
known-in a ~mall way-as an authori ty on malleu relating to hi,
Uy CIl ES. Sll ULTI.
hobby. [I was enjoyable wo. k--.,
Kotorio. or 51 ........ , ',.
"cry s.~l i.raelory hobby in e"ery
respect. TI'en one day he fol[owed
lt EA KS of gold in trembling be.u l."
~ friend's adyice and started ..-ork_
Itise .bo,·e t he mountain', height ,
ing on some practical aniclu lor
And t he tint.. of ,II t he ro5CJI
household m.,cazinu covering his
Mingle in the mellow ligh t.
hobby. The aniclCl, almost ..-ilh_
Hu.hcd the air in ,olcmn . tillnen,
OUI exception. were aecept~1 ~ntl
Sa"e the note. of mating birds.
tlU l~ish ed.
And t he perfnme of the springtime
Curiu Naturc', mystic ... or<ls :
s a climax. a publilller called
on hin' and offered hinl the
" 1'loj>C I br ing 10 lit« each morning,
editorial chai r of a ne w publieaNe ...· born from t he field. of !ight_
tion about to be la unched covering
Gone may he tb,. vCling ' /lilures
the home ficM. TI,e salary offered
With the pau ing of the night .
almost took away his breath. but
" ('/lrelled li nd d ry on y""lcf-fl ... ·ning
he acceptoo as he kntw he would
Was my bmom in t he I Un,
enjoy the "'ork; he had complete
And my ~erd"re wu all withe red_
confidence thaI he could hoole the
All ils freshnus spent alld gon r.
job and he r~alizcd that it would
permit him to still ride his pet
" Hut behold me no ..., made o"er
hobby. He i, still at it-and doinll'
Dy t he magic of the d . .. kexceptionally weU. for the magaShi ning in my ev' ry dew-drop
zine 5tuled from sc ratch and now
Is 8 sta r's eu euing spark .
has a circuiat ion of over 30).00>.
And tIm. did a hobby make a good
" T llke a lesson f rom my daw ning,
editor out of a poor lawyer I
Wh en the I hadowl darkest lire,
And you'll find t hat lornewherf: sitini "l1
A half-dozen CKhe r easel could
Is the l ust re of a sta r.
be cited which wowd prove eonciu,i"ely that hobbies often brilll:
" In the darkened night of hil ure
a monctuy reward. Their real reT her e i . ...i. dom for the d... ... n ;
ward, howeve r. liu in thei r ability
.' raugh t ... itb .tl'Cngth i. e"' , y 'O rro ...
to make men rclax and to forgtt
For the lOul to lea" upon. "
businen for a brief spell.
On tile . ,h·er wing. of morn ing
Wha t an infinite variety o f hob CAme t hi. meuage 01 the . phereJ,
bies men ride I One of my friendl
And it toothed my spi rit'. yea rn ing
is the heom of a public.sen·ice cor_
Th rongh the pus; n! of the yean .
poralion and he probably kn01ll"I
more ahoot bird. and h«:s than
anyone el~ in Ollr cit y. Hf 1~ 1t~ .
The Message of th e
the "'nt~r 11:...1 lXca SIOII
10 interview the owne r of ~ big 5trinl:
o f coal mines. These minc> re pr~.enl
tome 0 1 tht best in the entire :;t ~te of
Pen nsylvania and the operator is well
koo"·n. Instead of hallll1ing his Oi\eralion from the confines o f 3 l\lXuriou.
"ffice in Pittsburgh or :o.:cw York he prc_
fen to Ict othus handle thai c".1 of i.
while he df-,·ote, his tilll(' to Ihe prac·
tical end of the work. lie li.-e. "c'y
mode.stJy. for the most part. in an old
iarmhousc which he haa turned into 3
d ubhou5C for his mine encuti,·el.
;o..-"t IU"I:
E VENINGS and in .he carly mornings
you " 'ill finll hinl in hi. flower garden back of the bon'<'-..~ tlirty. dishenled fi", • .::. g ruhbi ng in Ihe dirt amid
hi. flowe ... But he i~ happy; and he i.
,uprell.el y ht31lhy-and he i, p.15t six ty.
too. lie specialilU in gladioli and the
'~c;men5 wh ich tiC r~ise5 arc ~rf«:t
it! .ktni! alld j{ur!;COU5 in variegated
and rich colorinl:'. Tcn-yu. twcnty
"~MS from now I I>elie"e that 1lI,'n will
be lIe~lthy mill "il:"ron~ hOlh mcn .
lally and physically .
I h~ve ., f ri ~Il" who is a Ilhysi.
ci~ n in a tiule country lown. lie
i. one of the 11l0~t o" erworkcd "wn
in Illy ci rde of friends, He is the
only doctor in the liltle IOwn. Hc
is called in t he milMle of Ihe nighl,
Ioc:fo re brea[;;fast. ,",,1 ~I ~11 UII rfasonablc hour, 10 makc lonl!
tri p. in Ihe country. T his haPfl'."n ,
i " all ClItrenle$ of weather. He
,,'e~ r . out a ClIr in jig·time; his
saddle horses ha\'(; a hard time 0 1
it in tbe winter. lie il undtr ~
con"-llnt ph)·sic.1 and menial 51 r~in.
yet hi, hands arc stcady and hi5
brain ;, dnr-and. he has. in an
emergency. ~rformttl. sin g I f- handed major operJtiOI1! in the
middle 01 the nillht. IIy lamp,[iglll
and without the aid of an operat·
;ng table.
Hi , hobby i, one which he ridc5
h rd. It is photog raphy of natnre
in all its phases. lIis came ra caii<'
ROCS with hin, as does his mtdicine
ami instrument case. Il i~ COlleClion
of nature photograph s i, nnnslI"II\' and of uniform excellencc.
Riding o. driving along countr,'
road, he is con stantly on the alert
for subj«:ts. Hi , hobby keep!! his
mi nd ofT the l)t'plc" ities of hi~
work ami it "n .. blu him to be me,, ·
tally alert and Ihu nltntal alutne£>
mean, IhM he i.. able to cOTTectl,·
and accurate!)' di31;""0"". to ~ct
swiftly and surely.
One of the quc~r angles of ,hi~
matt(r of hobbies il that the man
... ho ridu one usually doOn it unusually ..-ell. This i. oov;ou!ily due
to the fact that the hobby il enjoyable in evtry I< Yet there a ~c
dttidcd ClCccption, to the n,le. ant
friend of n, ine in the advertisill,i;"
hlJ ';IW'~~
(C,,"';u rd
December, 1923
n""wn. l"Ol..O
A 'H';cot •• ~"e at Meaml' ROlny.M • bO lo,' ~Imp ' pon .o.",1 hy ,Ioe R"," t )" Clu h of lIould.t. Col" "" lo. Uu rl<!d <1""1' i" I ""y"" i"
the It... ky ",,,u " ',, i,, •• 'he " "'1' 10 f. r "'''' 0,-.,1 ft om out.ilk inOu "".~ •• Oill'er.II ' J . .. n p' "f hoy. ho". the .. '" '" , h. 'am l' for dir·
fe",w ""ri.,d. duri". lI,e . Uh,h'. ' mOll'lo. I n" for ,he p ... 1"-0 "' ..... ". 0"" ''''''P hao 1;" .,1 out I" II ... ope"
It In,lion.. I•• mi ng
II ... i. ~ ..;l on' .. ' ho Indi , ,, ". t of woodc..ft . I"d ia" ..n"';.... ond p" .... in' ot ..... be. lthl .. 1 .II d "d...", i.,n.1 l<t ;'·i,i... The pho,o·
, rol.h . I,aw•• roDml... p of II... Mlndi'no ro • • pOw· ... Ow of ,heir .hiof•.
,. " ",,,~
tIY ,'IIn."",
A Rotary "Indian" Camp
A ullique example of Boys Work that pays big divir/wr/s
ilE Boul<kr ROlllr)" Oub could distance from tht OUltf world wat to
ha.·~ KI(Cled a .ile for it! pe ••
Ihe boys :as completel,· as 1_'
,nan.nt bo)"s' tamp. Caml) Ro- ~ibl. from outside influ.nces, From
ta ry. wi th in six miles, or .vtn Tung ... n "in:' the Toad i, one e51~b·
nar ...... u .adi"5, of IJould... Th. ci,y li<hed to M ..•• mining propC'rtit<. lI~rdly
c ........ , up clOK to th. mo.. nt~in,; the any of the 10u.isl5 and pl.a,ure traffic
princip;ll bluinUI 1II•• et, Purl. l:Iku which on Sunday. and holiday_ CTO"'d
Ih. motorist right into a magnific.nt tht Bouldn canyon ro:ld gcu in 10 Camp
mounlain canyon.
Rotary. When "i.it0', do con",. Ihey
[nstead. with jll',,·
com eon busineSl.
n",nt p. 0 v e d 110",,,1.
E... n the presence of
Ih. dub I.a.~d !and
Ihe boy' s camp
twenty. two '" i I e I
broughl ,'U)" ftw vi,.
from BOlilder, in a
.clati,·dy .emore 11)<l1.
Here. in a typical
The rout. "i,," follows Ihe IIOIII,le •.
Hocky ~ 1 0""t .1ill cn·
Nederland matn
"irolll11ent. I her e;,
moumain highway a~
c"ery opponu"ily to
far aJ Tungstell, a
accompl ish wi I h Ihe
small (lOSloffice. Then
bo)"s. Ihrough intn_
o" e' Ihe mountain. il
cOUrS<! with one an·
goes to a point on
oth •• and with camp
-"orth Hotllder C reelo:
Indtn. I h 0 S e COlli·
I [ere the aiti tude i.
",e",!able aim~ which
IIOm.,hing lik. ~.500
Ih. Boulde. Rotary
feel. Th... are SIIOW·
O"b i, pursu ing.
drilu "'ithi" a short
All theK IJoulder
distanc. of tht UIIII)
bol ~ ca n be expected
~n the y.~r.
;n 131.' Ii i. to ha".
Th. R(IIary Qub',
mOre or It.~ int.rRol
ide a in Klecting a
I....,. in ,be ' yp ",al J..,add.., .. of In
Co" • sew i I h th e
camp location Ihi ,
i n,lion . hid"oa in.
mountains. L if. i s
saft in Ihtn_if Ih. boy. youlh, Or
man knov.·. bow to handle him~lf. Lif.
....""'ti"'es i~n'l sale for Ih. un~pvreci~.
liv. and the unvtutd. On. o f Ih. 1Jou1der aub', aims iJ 10 tCAch bo,·. how 10
halld lt IhemKIO"f' in Iht mountain ,.
Oth •• aim, ha". to do "'ith the h.alth
of young!t.... w'lh the ir 5oci,,1 rda.
lion5 wilh one another, wilh thei r ethical
.Ie,·tlopmml. Through a camp.leade r
.y.t.,n ullu sually complete. and an en.
.·iron",... t which affords. on Ihe one
ha nd, hike. to glaciers, mountai n dimb.
in);". r.~hi ng. "ml, On Ihe othe r 511ch city
gal11c. U hor ~shocl alld ba..,ball, the
Boulder auh lech Ihal il is ul11151,ally
.• "cet ~, ful ;n anainiug 'heir obj.cli"e
",ilh their boy"
Myrou Snow, a ",embe•. had charg.
of th e coml11i_sar)" throughout the past
~a~u. and wa s aiM c.1m[) le:ule r for
one of Ihe th.~ f'('riod, inlo which each
5ea<Olt i ~ di .. id.,l. Sf'('aking of the in.
Auence of Ihe Call1l). he Ioid Iht wri ttr
IOn"'thing o f the worlo:.
"Not a boy ,,'al wilh uS for a t. n_day
I)(' r ioo.l." he l:Iio.l. "but 5ohowed th. phys.
ieal good tlTects of the camp lif.. I"
'1011)(' Ihe change hrough t "houl
was rcm"rk~ble.
" ,'nothe. camp in nucoee whi ~h im[I.used me 5u'ongl)" was tho: h.lp gi,·...
10 timid ooy,. We had K.·.ral of the!le
DeeemlHr, 1923
AI..,........ lnJian <c.... alo"lal war din....u~e,] by 'he 00)0 of "Coml
R<H.'1" ~ At r l_ bl_ Roll,h lI ul,l.>Ior<l. ,be u mp Inot r U<IQr, In ,he fu I
"'lot .. ",. of . " I" dia" . hi.ft.i".
lillie cha p_, whose shyn~u wa' painful
to ob~e T\·e. When they fir~1 came Ihey
hardly dared 'pea k to a st range boy. or
to the camp leader. They ne"c r a,ked
for a scwnd helping al meai!.
.. It was astoni,hin!: how qu ickly thelll:
boy' were curw of shynes.. When they
Idt they wer e as impetuous as wild In·
dian5. and as fully and completely 'one
of the cro ...·d· as any of the boy,.
"We had Iwo ten·day IlCriotb and one
fou rtecn-day period. We had liOme mi..
g i"ing, at the Itart thai it "'0\11.1 be di!.
ficult to k~p the boy, 00Il5tRnily in.
terested; th:1I camp life w'(MIld become
5la1c .... ilh them; IhM thue "'ould be
quarrc]ing and other 1I1 efftdJ. We
found such a condition tOlally imptbSib]e
.... hen cardulne$1 i. exe rci5ed, Let Ihe
camp ]uder reali~e Ihi, a, one of his
problem" and plan to handle it. and the
boys will leave the camp as k~n and
inlerested in Ihing, a, the Ii,st day th..,.
UR I NG the lirst ten-day pe,iod it cost
Ihe Rotary O ub 50 cenll a day 10 let<!
the boys. During the second period it
1'051 60 cen ts a day. The r iod
cost, ran hi gher, ow ing to inadyertent
lOll of IIOme lupp] in. Mr, Snow lig.
ures Ihal il shoul d be easy w;lh calcul a·
tion to keep food co su dow n 10 50 \0 60
cents a day.
Bouhkr Rotary nsCi th e ca mp.leader
Th is automatically secures
grea ter ImilormilY of in terest in group"
besidu facilitMing the recruiling of the
boys. The liCit g roup th;1 )'ea, .... as the
Y. M. C. A, group, in cha rge of a Y. M,
C. A. kadcr. The second group .... as a
genera] group, ]ed by Myron Snow. The
third group ....a' Ihe "Indian ~ group, led
by Ralph Hubbard. who has a national
reputation for his ...·ork in pulling on
Indian pageants with hoYI, and for his
Irnow]~ge of Indian pmes. Wstoms.
elC. TI>ough the pursuit of his unusual
Imrd i, a Houltler
man .
III' !l (I 5' e s 51' S
much Indian "prop·
crty" _ t I' p ee s.
hnd·d res~~. moe·
casins. ~ n d olhu
Hubhard w a. a
IClI<kr al the Ro·
ta ry Camp in 1922.
a I .... e II a, I h I'
leader tile' p;l51
su.$OI1. His melh·
od of leading boys
many respeclS,
I' i r, I of all. the
youngster, uK ruJ
lepees for "'~ping
qua rte,s, instead 01 the log cabin and
bunldtonse used, a p;ln of Ihe time at
least by bo)'1 01 the other groups. "Pa r!
of Ih~ linlC" is used here. for the reason
thai .... hen weather !al'orable the
boys in sisted on going up among the
mountain pinn and sle<:'ping wi th the
sky fo, a roo f. TilerI' arc lil"e of Hub·
bard's big tepees. lwei I'e feel in diam<.:t er.
a]1IO Ihe "medicine tepee."
In charge of the occupants of tach
lepec, a tep« chid wa s appoi nted. It
wa s hi s duty 10 see to the smoke· flap,
superyise the gell ing of firewood. mak ·
ing o f beds, and other rOUline duties.
The big "mwicine tepee" wu used
for meetings around Ihe ompfire. Here
Hubbard talkw of Indian customs. of Ihe
duties of a good Indian toward his com·
p,aniOlls, of birds, and trees, and wood·
A method .... hich Hubbard use, to k~p
Ihe hoys "on their toes" through(M1t the
camp pe r iod i , a (:()ntcst. Final proficicrn::y tests arc held in the different
things ta ught. including tracking and In·
dian dancing. Th~ boy with th" high.
.... ork taku him all oyu An,.,rica, 1 ,r:":b:._:,:.~",,:,:·":':'-'''''""'";",,,-"oh:'~''':.:.
, , -- - - - - - - - - - - -
cei,·w ~ I'air of g."n
ine he~ded Indian;n_a rare prile to
the boy intere'ted in
Indiml lore. T he boy
with the III'cono hil:he~t
number o f points was
a ... artk'<l a Ilea,·cr·ski n
l.o~.t:. and the third boy
was gi" en an ermine
ca!:le IllInlle.
l )a neing was laught
with the boy. wearing
lull Indian C05l umes.
Whene"er tlle spiri t of
Ihe Ihing was engcn·
dcred by Indian 001·
Ulme, the lal t e r was
Much oi lIubboird's
instmct ion in .... oo d_
crafl, bird., I'tc., was
" i ~ e non I h e hike,
ipOfluneo\lJiy, jusl 35
the. natural opponunity for it arose.
Indi~n gamel nude a big hit wilh Ihe
boys. One pme of which, seemingly,
Ihey coold neye r haye enough .... as th~
Hoop game. The hoops fo, Ihis game
made by the boy', werc of willow.
and the game ....115 played under H ubbard', ;n$lrUCI;on. Tllere we re lil'e different hOOllI. T wo were lOme eigh l
inches in d i"mete r. ,," d to one of these
was licd a gay·colored cloth. The other
hoops were approximately 14 inches, 18
inches and 2 feet in diameter. Colored
cloth .... as lied 10 each of t hent.
Other equipnle'n t for the game con·
sisted 0 1 spea r_long. light and pointe.J
stick s.
WO gan):;. of boYI ...·oold line up in
two ]liIranei '0"'5. facing each other,
Down the lane a boy would roll one of
the hoops. The "stunt" was for a boy
of Ihe sidc ...·hoK turn it .... as to spear,
to hurl his stick Ihrough the rolling hoop
and bring il to I lIop. The number of
points aWl rded dl'pendt<! on the p;lrI;cu,
Jar hoop. There was a maximum of 10
points for Ihe plain N114Iliut hoop. 6
""":m:~:::'-':':':'_~"":;"""",-,r:,:,-.:o:h ' -:('C",.,,,;.,.:':d=':'="
ROTARJ ,I ,' ·
lJecember , 192,1
The Lonely Vigil by the
Side of the Road
11."•• , ;." of
ago at th ~
Chri ~tma5 5~a50n. 1 was
wi th a group of men who
had b~en in th ~ OVef5~a.'
W,\S four
A question arose .
·'What did y o n dn last
Chri st mas day?"
'\l1d one told of hi s e lOo pe rience.
On th e day before Chri5lm:l.$, he and a
comp.\nion s tar led from a detached arm y
ca mp to make a long tr ip. with a motor tru ck
mnch in need of relmi n, 10 a "ilIage where
eX llert hell' wa s to be had. After Ira" eling
onost of the afternoon Ihe wind began 10
blow and one of Ihose mean bi t ing sleel-andsnow storms se t in. ,\boUI this tione, the
truck deyelolled :111 army mul e's disposi tion
and refused to llroce~d unaided.
The time was late, Christmas Eve was
near, and no a ssisl3 nce o r friendly tow cam(
their way. Finally it wu decided Ihat there
wa s nOlhing to be do ne except that one of
Ihem should wnlk on to Ihe ~illage , ge t Ihe
hroken parh rel).1ired, and re t urn by whal
means he could find, while the o ther stayed
wilh the tru rk. For it was the rule Ihal
whoever found a loose tr uck o r a mu le or
;\ny other thing th ~ t it belo nged 10 him. It
fell to th is man 10 remain w il h th e truck and
~o he told how he sat in t h~ t ruek sheltered
from the w[nli
Then finding that too
Be .~el .~.
cramped. how he stvod behind the truck
ior a time that see1l\~d hours.
he crawled in to the sea t and lri ed to pull hi ~
ov e rcoat bot h up ove r hi s cars and dowII
Oyer hi s feet. In tha! cr:l.m 1ltd pos ition I,..
tried to go to sleep.
Bm slee p he found was impouiblc and 5"
he g ot ou t and walked back and forth along
th e road wondering what h ad become of hi.
pa rI nc r and why he d id not return. T here in
the night and the cold he thonght of home
~nd fire. and Christ nlll S Eve
he walked he cam( upon :, little Freudl
shri ne al lhe side of the rood , There IV
keep himself warm he built a small fire amI then
sea rched the fiel ds IIntil he fou nd a s mall
bough o f a tree. This he ca rr ied back allli
5~t III' by th e fi re for his lonely Qlristma.
lT~e and then fo r want of prese nts hl"
searched the fields alfolin a nd return('d lYil h a
cas t -off helmet. an empty ca n, and ~ d iscarded bayone t.
Then wilh bib of ~t rilll:: he tied Ih!!.>e tv
Ihe ·'Irce" and Irom hi~ notebook took se raps
of pape r and wrote-" To J~ck from Dad.··
T hu s he reme mbered :111 Ihe family al hon",
There by the side of Ihe r03d a~ the Spi rit of
Chri stmas rode on the wings o f nig ht . he kept
his Ch ri stma ~ yigil. fn the early houTS uf the
morning hi~ companion TI:turncd. they li x(d th ..
truck, but be fore Ihc)" ~tartcd on their retuTLI
he rd ight ed Ihe lire and on the tree hung a note
o f !\Ierry Chrislm:u for whoc,'cr might Ira,·el
Ihe rO;:1<1 th-'lt ,L1>·
To Mr. I'e,kin,.
Chriltm ... me, a I
DOthl"• •1 . 11 .
,un boo:! . nd . .
eiet, bod been ..
w.r with e •• "
"'M', . .
WAS Chnslnl;l.
E,·e. Had it not
been Chriltm:lS Eve
these Ihings could
nenr ha'·e h:a p p e 11 e d.
which makes thi s a vcr)'
different kind of a )'MII
from rt10St Christmas ta]u
thai I am familiar with.
Thi. wa. rcall)' Christ ·
"'as Eve; Labor Day or
even New Year'. E ve<
wouldn't do for the purpose at all; bul, U Mr.
William Perk ins stopped
in front o f a lighted wop
window and consul ted a
card which he took from
hi. pOe<ket he had no
thoughl s whatever in re,ard to the season.
To ~Ir. Perkin . it wa,
a matter of tnt ire irnliffer_
ence that Ihrougkonl the
world nurl)' ev_
uybody wal expee l ing 10 reo
:ei" e, on Ihe morrow, juS! a lill]e
bit m ore than
the)' had fell thai
ihe)' were able In
Tn Mr. Perkin I, ChristmaJ
meanl nothing at all. For yur. he anJ
!K)Ciely had been 31 war with each other
and why then, should he internt himself
in .my of society's ICntimentalities?
There being no ruson why he Ihould,
Ihe approximate resllit was Ihat he didn't,
~nd the OOn5CqUent ruult was thM while
!noSI people were seHi,hly wonJering
what they were going 10 have gi.·cn t o
t hem, Mr. Perkins WIlS selfishly wonder_
ing just what, or how much, he was go ing to be able 10 take away from them,
because hi. profu sion • • t wh ich he was
en.inendy ,"ccene,,]. wu Ihat 0 111 highclass burglar.
The card which Mr. I'erkin. took
Imm hil pockct and whieh he read with
care< had writte n on it only thue few
word s: "Jame. Williamson, Apartment
S. Ihe Belvedere. Wu.llhy bachelor.
Carriu big roll. Elevator to ~Ih floor.
'Pass key B-46. No bol ll."
• All of this being euy to underSland
and Mr. Perkin. having, dur ing the <by,
<'quipped himscH with pass key B-46, he
tt..: night llill
bo:"'l young,
Mr. Perkin. slop[k'd be·
fore arlother lighted shop
winetow and consulted an·
olher card. Th i. one said:
··Small ruidence, 1014
Ehnhu'it ~o.W.. Old maid.
Diamonds and ca.h. Fronl
door. Key X-J39."
T hi. being simplici ty it·
.elf, ~h. I'erkins hailed ~
Il~ning taxi, g a v e t hc
dri "cr proper in structioo s
and was driven with great
~el~ri ly to the ten hun .
,Ircd blQ<:k on Linden·
hunt. A]ighting at tl,,'
cornH he rmid the dri"c r
and, entirely obliyiou s 01
the fact that he waS on
the wrong street, proceed td 10 ]ocale No. 1014 by
the very simple and obYi,.",., method of using a
small Rash ]i,hl.
In all of his operations ).1 •. Pc,·
kin. was noth ing
if not direct.
Hn ing fourwl
the nu mber he
l'rO<Juced .Ike y
from hi. pocket
and o~ned Ihe
d oo r . T o Mr
Perki ns .1 ",as no $urpri se at all that
the doo r opened. He had ex\'M'Cled lhal
it wOII]d o~u , and e,'ell Ihe ruder does
not have milch cause for astoni!.hmellt
",h(n ;1 is explained that key X·I3!.I i.
the nllmber of an almost universal pas.
key which will ~n ntarly any old fuh·
ioned door lock.
Le:lI'inS' the door Ili,llIly ajar, in cue
a hasty exit shoul d bcOOIUC necu~ ry,
Mr. Perkins, with th e aid of his flash
light. proceeded to take II look around
lie was in a Imall ve51ilJuie from which
a single door opent11 til a room on Ihe
righl. In \he "ulibu1e t]«:re was no
fu rniture excepl an. o]d fasllioned hat ·
rack OIl which were h~nginlf two shabb)'
coati, one a woman's and Ihe other II
No chi]d having bee" nocnlionfii on M,
!'erkins' cud of inMruction. he< wa. na ·
turally u"pleasantly .ffectfii by the ',rhl
of Ihe coal. "Why the dicken$.~ he
mumbled to himself, "cou~dn'l Bill haye
ha",1e<1 1M Ih~ rnn ,ln~' Kids uc an
Mr. Perkins' Christmas
A Story of BurglarioltS Service
1II.,h1iOfti "
CI__ • C. Voll.... ,
Uelvwere, enttrw Ihe elevator ~nd, ~t
hil reqUfst. Wal earriw up 10 Ihe fourth
At exaclly three minutn past tweln
on a,rill.m~1 "",rning he inserted pa ll
key 11.46 in the ]Q<:k on the door of apartn.enl eight and Ius th~n thirly sc~ond.
thereafter he was inside of the room of
Mr. James WiHiamwn,
In what followw ~Jr. Williamwn
played a minor part. In fact he pla~·ed
nQ part ~t ~Il.
lie slept calmly and
peaceflllly on while Mr. Perkins con·
duCled a c~rdul and successful scareh
for the "big roU" a!1uded 10 on the carel.
T H E Iransfer of the rol ] having betn
effe<:ted :and Mr. Perkins having nO
further bu.iness in apartnu:m eight he
deparled as qu ietly as he< had entered and
at Iwenty minutu past twelve was sauntering contentedly dov.." the ,Ired, ri~hu
by fWrlcen hund~. doI];..s and two bij(
diamond. lhan M had been a half an
hour before.
nUl .... inll: an i""llSIri"". person .,,,,1
'i".., ....
nm s;ml'<' !lOIn,,·
l'a.,i ng IhrOIl)(h the
door. ~1r. Perkins 110'"
made,. cautiolU ~lI ry~y
oi Ih" adjoini ng roon'
II w as almOSI as bare
,,. Ih" ~nt ra"cc hall.
E,·"knt l~
Mr. I '~.kl". co n·
du<, e,1 • r ...."fu l
0 ",1
lu ...... ful
"". reh,
a li,-,
a'lIl alS(! ; ,
"-"S a wo, .\
~",ing.",ac hi"c and a
tablt 1.;ltd up
"ilh drns "'...
luial and tht
lilttr of M:T:ll'!
ami Ihrud~ o n
the floor irKli ·
CaIN thr wo''''
~n in tht ho"""
",hil" a brok.,,,
dol1 a" d SO"'C
othe r 10YS tuMI" .
tile talM lOa,'c
cI',denet of the (ltill!'
Turn ill!: hi ~ l1a~h lil(hl .Iowly ;..onnd
I h~ roon,. ~1r. l'erk i"!1 wok it all iu.
Th ere W;IS 110 Ih;I11: to ,~ .. ; irom hil point
of vi~", there wa ~ nothing t hue worth
hal'iul!. ,md lh tn_~u<kl~nly_hr let his
kam o f light rCil \lhere it "a ~.
JI"u!;ing On th e ",auld thut , wcrt IWO
cmp'), stocking<, a " 'oman ', and. child'"
ami somd>ow Ihty se",,~ 10 faKinalt
Ihe burglar. "G""," he whi~l",r~ 10
him~1f, "if il ain'l Chri~tn ... s and I'd
forgot il." and Ih"n wi lh Ih31 inSlinCli"e
feflilll:' wld"h lell$ uS of Ihe Ilre&cnce of
~ other Pfhon, ).\r, Perkin s knew
Ih31 he was nO( alon",
Someonc, a~ noi.clus u he ha ... been,
had come inlO Ihe roon •• had crepl up
dose be!iide Ihe burclar 3t111 just as he
ru]iud Ihe I"esence a iOft .iult hatlll
grasped his hig onc ,,,,d a Iotare" , Iren .bt ing liule "oice Aid: "P'u5e Mr, Sanla
aaus oon't go a"'ay yCI atlll do,, 't n~,ke
any naiR 10 wake IU, ~ ' :nll ma 'elm,.,.
l\'enr I<d'ore in hi, life "".1
'\'e JUSI g Ol to
lalk 10 you ahou l
her ,"
~lr, l'crki" l
was starllnl LUI
not frightcned,
H" was ~rely
facing a ncw 5il _
1J.1Iion in a life
which had ,,",en
made lip of .iln·
alions and "'"antiy his 'luick" 'o rking mind
j lImp "d 10 Ihe
conclusion I h a I
throu gh iOmc
mischance he had
gotlen i n I 0 Ihe
wrong houst, and
a hOll'" all ha t
" 'h ich ga "e no in dic"lion s t h a I it
hehl anYlhing
:ot all that was of Ihe 51;!;hte. t imcre.1 to
" ow""cr, bll,i ness being bu si nus, Mr,
Perkin, did tlot take an ab rupt and ha sty
,lep;lrtllr", In , tead he drew the chil da little girl-around in I.ont of him and
mrni"g hi s lighl U[H>n h"r looked he.
rapidly O,'U ,
Apparently .he "a. abou, five ~'ea ..
old; hrr low.led hair whieh mighl ha,·~
bo:en red o r golden was n";tJt.c,r, i, was
.athrr tawny: ho:r little nose Will slightly
uiliurned and on her cheC'kl, which "'ere
red alld chapped, thc", wcre distinctly
"isibl e lilies ,,·hieh couldn't ha"c been
mllofe b)' anything """"PI lu",_ All of
Ih"se .... Iails :\Ir, I'erk i n~ .... w a' a glanc"
~nd ~ he", IU hc looked inlO Ihe little one's
blue ")'<'~, h" saw IIOmclhi ng else, H"
5:1w an ""p rf55ion of failh and 1m_I Ihal ,
""o:n in his bu.glars §QUI. he knew "'e3nt
failh a,,,1 'rU,1 in hin' a'MI " .... I' ,10" " I... ·
,'OIMI Iha' ""pr"ssion he saw a littl" hurt
thaI was fill..! co O"erllowing with
Il'OIlhlc, Ru.i "e ~5, howe"n, bt in!: n"""
Decem ber, 1923
in his line than troubl e, ~I., Perki ns
I"an~! o"er and whi spcred to the child:
"Say ai ,, ', )'on j{ot no diamond. and no
money in thi , house 1"
,\t the question the child's ey". Ol'C'ned
",ide with dcligh t. "No, ~'r, Sanla
Oaul," she J.,id, "not any mO.e w" ain't
and ii's h«n. Oh, ." ch a long , long lime
si ncc we did ha,·c nny that it will ju51
n~,kt \!amnlll iO happy 10 Itave 5OIt1e that
she won't c"cr, e>-cr "ry any more."
N E\' EN bdo.e in hi. life had :\Ir, Pc.·
kiM I",en ..., mj'U'Mlcr<tood in r"Ranl
to hi, moI'o'co alMl hi. inlention ...
It wOll!d probably bt a mi,tak" 10 AY
Ihal it hi. '-"'ing or clc"at,,"
him to a dilTcr"nt planc but it d id. for Ihe
moment , ;;,'e him a sensa t ion th ai wa.
ent irel), IICW alMl ma,'e hi m look at him·
sclf, for onc". in a wholly different light,
Which accounts for the fact that with_
out knowing why he did it or how il
happe ned he stooped down on 'h" Aoor
I~.idc th" child. slipped hi, arm around
her and said:
"Tdl " . about it: lCI', hear about YOll '
Mamma and what becamc of the dia_
mOIMI. and 311 th e mo nc y,"
"Well, YOll ~. M., Sant" O a,,,," .c·
1'Ii~! Ihe child, "i t was like Ihis way,
Umil a b,ll' fat m3n, not a nicc man li kc
yo" Sa nta Cl a"s, 1,lIt a big, ugly man,
~,lmc and tal k('d mcan and cross 10 nty
~\3mm.' and told htr thai before nty
Pa~ dillCl Ihal he had owed him, Oh, lot s
aJMI lots of motley, why we had moSI
ncrYlhing we want~d, Bill aftcr that
we didn't ha" e hardly an)1hing, My
Mamma gao'e Ihe mall all Ihe monl'y sh~
had and all the diamon!b, '~allR, she
5<lid, if my Papa owed the money that we
had to it but, Mr. Santa Oans she
hun'l been "er~' ...·en 0. o'cry happy .
. .,
"And Mr, Sanla Oa"5, I ain't \'C ry
happy til htr, I ain'l happy bccau.K my
~1amma ha~ 10 work iO ha rd atlll &Ornelimrs when sh" looks at me and I K('
ho: r btgin to cry (Con/.n"rJOII rdl/r6t )
I'erkin. hecn .., ",;,u"'"""I",,,1 •• h. hi. ".<>Iiu, . " d hi.
int~nl ion ..
", ,,, n. ,v
Unusual Stories of Unusual Men
T his m01lth you will elljoy the story 0/-
"Edward P ."-Canadian Cowpuncher
Sn:rn",)'. Rotlir)' Clu b oj
C.1.a,.,. Albn, ,,
N Alberea rancher, ,..~ prOf>erty lin ~th.wc" of Calga.y, h,u .«cntly attracted
~t trn! ;OfI in the P'U~ o f tile
world. I-lis name is Edwa rd Al~rt
Christian George Andrew Pat rick 1),,_
,·'d, and he is Knight o f the Garter,
Prince of \VlIkl, Earl of OIUICT, Duke
of Cornwall. Duke of RothcloaY, Earl of
Cur ick, !laron of Renfrew , Lo rd of the
[sica, and Great Stewa rd of Scotland.
On the .anch on the Pekisko River,
though, the)' do not call him all that:
III.!y calt hi111 " Boss, " And thi s young
OOS5 of the "E. P." r:mch will some day
be: Hit M od cr(rl/r"' /.Ia jrll )", of "I~
U"j"d K iNgdom of Grrol /Jril"iN ""d
allIS, and wtnt to li"e for a few
" 'ccks out in Ihe open, " 'here he
could do what he pleased-and inciden tally ha" e a much-new ed rep.
Th aI was all there was to his
" isit hu e. The fiction ,,'riters o f
man}· I'a peu attributffi 10 his "isil
many nlOlh·" 5. He ,,·as planning
to do this and that; according to
some of them he wu e,'er! to ~
come King of Canada ! Only ont
thing in5pired Ihe vi . it. The Pri nce
had been o,·crworkrd. He nc~l('d
rnt. He wanted to take th"l rut
in the way that ~ ~t suited him sell.
So he came to whe re he eou!l\
gel il.
lr.':""d .. Old of I/'t IJri,ish /JO..,iN jO Nl
Tho~ who fancy thai the heir
The Prin.,., ur "«'aleo ..,.,.,,,,1, '· i. i,~d C~, .. d.,
br.l·O Hd Iht Sr~s, KiNg, IJlld B..,,.rror 01 10 the Br;li5h throne has a life of
..·he.., he wa. ""nown olfid. ll y . , MI...... I Ren·
/ ..dill.
unceasing rase and pleasure do not
F", ... M M.... " r hi, lime W • • "I"''''. on h i. I'cki.ko
Helice the "'orld-wide intH~51 in Ihi s unde rsta nd what thi s young man i.
...."'~h. TI ... !'rin.... 10 . .. ho"''' .... ..,. a.~m'- of
young mall's rKelll v;5il to Southern "I' again st. For rurs. no one in
,b . Ro.. ..,. Club of Wlndoor. O", •• nd b. ....
""....."I y P""'''II~oI with. oo lid ~old memb.nhi p
i\1~ rta. III such a unill'.e t\'tnt U the
Ihe »ritish Empi re. not t'·CU ex ...1 I •• ",,"it\~I'~ .... h i' ~,benhi p. On hi.
\'is;1 of Ihe Prillce of Wain 10 any othn
cepling Llo)u George. has had "
.--01 ... , in CO .... da, be w . . . . . .cot 01 ,be
part of Ihc "'orld much i nler~!it would more Sl renuou.l life. Xotwi thsland ·
Ro'.,}' Club of COI,"..,.. Albe",.
~ exhibitffi.
n Ul thi ~ " 'as 1101 one of ing t h~t he lake. the be st possible
his ord inar), journe)'s: it WaJ!I not an offi- t .... e of himself, Ihat he has an
cial nor a ro)'al "isil : for Ihe time ~ing
almo~1 in»liable pa~.ion for outtloor
I u.aJ1 gi,·., you an idea of ... hat. for him.
t~ Pr ince o f Wales be<:ame a pri"ale
sporu and exercisr, the going for ....·~ral cons,it ut es a rUI.
gen tleman and a Canad ian co,,·puncher.
run has bffn 100 much for him and he
Wi thin the 5j»oCC of a few months. I
lie I~ft the Cou n . wilh its ce remonial,
had to confu. at I~st that a rest would ha.·e bHn p,""....: nt at 1"·0 ROIar)' m«tand Ihe pilace " 'it h its retinue of allm<!- II<' good to have . l~,t~r. in this a rticl~. ing. Ihal will lio'c long in the memory of
Iholr present. Alone, al 51.
l.oui.. Pruidrnl Ha rding alIrR(kd. Upon British Rotarians.
from Canada, Ihe Antipodes. Ihe
Old Coun lry. Pre. ilknl Harding
made I profouR(1 imprn.ion.
Ili. courage in presenting a
great IKlIic)" a con tentious pol ·
ic)' in hi . own country. iml.rUled us, liS did hi s "'ilIingnen 10 unojertake a t remendonsly arduous journey 10 give
hi. vie,," 10 all the ~o"lc of
the United Slalu. We were
struck hy hi s resonatot voicc. hi.
fine color. hi . Itrong frame, and
we nid th~t hue i. th ... "cr,
man abl~ to corry the heavy responsihilities o f his high office.
Wc know nO>\', alas! Ihat th05C
demand . were 100 much for
hint. that the}· exhauoted his
al.parenti)' grul reliCr"eI of
~ renglh . ~ i a"y "' ho were presTlte b ..... , in·di.. iduol on ,Joe left I. I'rt" V.nde...,..... ... innet" of ,be Pri..a: of "'.1",' pri..... I....
ent It that St. Loni. nleCting
,he d •• mpion '-kinl-loo ..... rider .t Co .... " .. I n ,be _~r i. ,b. Pri"", of "«'.Ieo anol . , ,Joe
must have subsequently $aid,
ri~h, E..... '" Ri,hor,boll, ....... ber of , ... Roo • .,. Clu t. 01 Col ...,..
Roo •• i.n Ri.hord ..... i. pt ...
when tht ne w. of Mr. Harding's
... ,i' inl Cham l,ion V.n' ..............·h h the I.. i"",·, li " ·er , ro"hyi.o honor of ,be fhallll'ion', ",ocord.
,leath 5.'I<1tl~rled tht world, th at the JlC'oplr
:15k t<!O much of thei r gru.tut .!.ervanu.
Tha t thought again entered my mind at
another mttling of Rotarians. Ihis time
at Calgary. Rotarian Ernie Richardson
rJ had arrnngcd for "LonJ Renfrew" 10 at·
• tend our mctting. The Prince is an
honorary n.ember o f the Rotary Oub of
Windsor, Can",la, and he again Ihowed
his interest in Rotary by n.. king his
" ish to Ih<l: Calgu)' Cub the only Ont
made 10 any or,anization'. muting dur_
ing his ltay in Canada. It
was fow~rdJ the end 01 his
visil and the younr Prin«
was the ,-ery pi('lure of
heahh. But he: had conl<! 10
Alberta primarily 10 uca pt
for a brief period an incessant rQUnd of public
duties ''1:<), similar
in their trying ef.
feel S 10 those: that
:' ~ad shortened the
', 1i f t of PresiMnl
li;:H~Wi~g. The lUlie
J'j~ commg ,,' hen JlC'o·
'~~ pl~ :1Tt going to be
i! \l1ore cOnliiderate in
'" IlI00kinJ:: d e "1 and s
, upon 1110"': placed in
high positions.
D UR 1:-1G fOllr of
the lut ten ycars
the Prince of Walet
Tho l'rince
wat at Ihe £ronl in
Ihe World Wa r. In
1920 he toured Canada and ,·isited the
Uniled Statn, After a shoft ;ntuval
he made a journey Ihrou:;:h ;':c\\' Zeab",1
and Australi:!.. The next )car ht .... tm
to India and n:t.vtl1ed in official and regal
slyle through all that "a~ land, 1\0
soonc r diel he gct hOll>C: Ihan he ...... eal1 ..1
upon to repre se nt his lather , King
George, in the multifarious dUlics ",·hich
Ihe Bri tish people in"ile their Sonreign
10 perform. It hi betn a strenuous time,
In none of these tx!>C'ricnce. has tht
Prince of Wain spared himself. lie
won immen!!C popularity in all p.u'h of
the British Empi re by hi s behavior duro
ing the war. He went to the front early.
He went b«ause he insist<:tl upon going.
He took his chnces in the front-I inc
trcnches, as Canadian 50Idicn who ..1 W
him there know, He nHer pretcnded
to h,'e Il'reat milita ry knowledge, he
nc,'er took ad"anlage of his station in
life, he n.,,'cr shirked, He :t.cccpted nO
higher rank th:m captain, Ht soughl no
.tanding in Ihe Briti.h Army because of
hi. hein!: who he was, but ht did the
"'?rk usignt<1 to him e::-,ci.,nlly, modc~tly, chetrfu!1y, and bra,'ely,
May 1 ment ion ont 01 thc little things
that endeared him to tht Canadi1\Jl
t roops? It was alter the Annistice.
Canadians were on the line lurn)Undi nJ::
Cologne. ThaI cilY, " 'hen they h:!.d
In,'c, wao their rendu,'O" !\.. The Prince
T il E
/Jectlflber, 1923
neithu private nOr wlonel could enter
the city, Canadian! lel l "ery .ore at
Ihe 5;luation, particularly as they did
not think thei r officuI we re to bbme,
A famous and exduli.'e regiment of
Engli sh Guards wa s
to give a brillianl
ball in Cologtll' on
Christmas E\'(. Only
one thing wal need·
ed 10 a~ ... re it! di s'
lingui.hed suc<:us.
\\' auld I h e Prince
OleaI'I the in"ltallol\
that wa s sent tu
h;m? Butlhe Guards
rtteived a r <"Ply to
th,s etTe<:t: t h 3.1
Cologne was OUI of
boumll to CUl adi an
troops, and as Cap·
tain \"indsor wa~
attached to Ihe Cana.lians he regrctfull y had to decline
thc invitation. Co·
logne w:!. S inm~i_
ately placed "in
bounds" to Ca n 01 _
dians; Ihe I' rince
went to the bal!, and
the Canadians, from
privale to General
Officer Commanding
on one of hi.
01 tbe I;"" wa ldo
celebrated t he
i. bred
Prince's Itttful dis_
~ppTO\'al o f Ihe oppressive order with
of \\'.lu was on the Canadian !lal( at gu~o and anyth,ng else Ihey could gel in
Ihe tin,.., ~ing attached as " Cologne that Chriwn;u E"e,
Jllst btfore Christmas,
Such are the acts, and such Ihe 'luali.
t1m:oe Canadian officers gOI mixed up in tiC!l as indiC::lled by IhC$e actions. that
a ro,,' in thc city, Canadians did not entkar him 10 e.'eryone who comu in
thin~ they were 10 blam~ but the llrit;lI!
conlact ",ilh him, As one Calgary cowcommaml in Ihat lerritory thought other- boy s.~id, ~no, thue's nuthi n' 10 it. Hc',
wise and 50 Cologne was placed out of R regular guy I"
bounds to Canadian troops. II was a
"ow, of the Pr ince:u a ranche r ! HO\\'
saddening order for Ihem. Winte r g~;e ­ did he ~come a ra ncher? Why did he
tie, wcre calling thcn, 10 Colog ne but choose Southern AI~rta as hi . ranch
of the most charn,ing Ihing. about
Ihis vcry popular Prince i~ hi~ al _
titude t o"'~rds children and towards older
m~n, He Sl'!tms to like being a "princc"
10 kiddie,. He Icetns to wanl their inI.rut in him. Hi, frent lal k and hi,
most spontaneous smile are reserved for
young boys and girls, Rancher-fathe rs
brough l thtir ten- and twe!>'c-year-01<l
boys up to him on the "E, P," and ;n_
troduced the youngsters to him. H e at
once It'3''C Ihe youngneTJ an hi s atten·
tion, ask..! them abont their ranches and
hanW's, if they rode much, lalked away
with t hem with the mosl cvident and s;ncere pltuure,
That is a di(Teuion, but t"e ry grown
man 1mow. it i. not a long space of time
btl .... ~ the year. of boyhood and Ihe
year. 01 ..... Iure Iile, So I whle 10 th.
Prince's inte rut in, and londness for,
TIoc l'T i..... ;. bobnobbi n. ...j,b CHr.~
t.. "", .. i,1 '0 be Alben.'••",.t_ ..n~""., nI:tcr men.
(eno";.. ,...., "" ""fir '>3 )
New Translation of the New
By M ltu H . Kr"mbl M
:-.lEW transl ation of the New Tn·
lan",nl i. no longer a novel ty. The
New T" 5\an~nl has been offere<.l in
modern speech 10 m.~ny time . in r«ent
yea r. thaI Dr. Coo<.ispe"<.I', " fforl ca n
hardly"" con sidued a daring advtn.
lure; nor can hc "" cr iticised justly for
lamper ing with thc sac red tu l. lOOced,
it is surprising when ol1e comes to thi nk
of it tb~t Am erican IcilOlan rdra inetl
50 lon, when tbeir Bri tis!. coHca, . "
have ""cn t urning out t ranslations ng·
ula rl y.
<.I iili kH the reOOeri ng of I Corinlh ian~
IJ. TI,is is w1<1oubte<.ll y due to Ihc hol<.l
II ...t \1...1 P"""ge: ..... on memory. Good·
~ptt<.l'1 \ r~n slalion nlaY "" j ust as aee u·
' "
· " pp',"'· nlu, luI il <.1 1M'S
" " e~ for Ihal pa""ge.
The Uni,·trsity of Chicago P •.,.I hn
renderw us a di stinct sen icc in mak.
ing pouible thi s new text. The ed itor.
are 10 "" commended on Ihe arrangement
, ,
, .,
, . " ',."'"~.
0 t 'C book an< ' s allrac 'v
~~ .
A New B 00 kb y" AG ent I eman
a Duster"
8 l' L. c..
• R Q b '·Ill '"
T O con'pru . the spirit 01 a great per·
5On~l;ty and hi s age with cl arity an,
Dr. Good speed'& " 'ork is <.Iistinetly an conviction wi thin th e pages of a single
American t ra nsl ation. For Ihi. we are usay calls for an exqui site lalent anti
deeply graldut. Whethe r he u t in Ihe an abundant background. Thi s il the
blQ che rl and liitcned . as Lut he r sal in achie,·ement of "A Gentleman wilh a
Duster,"' in each chapter o f hi , lat e5t
the kitchen lislmi ng, "" fore underta king
hi. translation rna)' "" unlikely. That book , "Seven Ages." Thc se,'en ages
he caugh t the spir it o f the \·crnacu· arc tholiC' of Socrate. , A r istotlc , J esu s.
lar i. (e rlll in.
Not that Good· Augu~ti l1e, E ra~mu,., Cromwell, and John
speed. permit. himli('lf 10 lap5e into \Vul ey. T hcse arc represel1tati o f
undign ifietl speech at any point. Hi. an el-olulion in ci .. iliz.alion, nol o f the
work is done with re .. CrCnee constantly. Du winian formula, but of tha t highe r
But at the fi ni slJ he g ivu us a Hry read . and mOR hatardous journe)' of Ihe eth.
~b1e book, full of phr~sel lhat are ical mind. whose hopes 0 1 g,..,aler
Amer ican. To take one by way o f il1u.· achi","emenl in the: fut ure: rUI with men
tration ; AI Ihe con clusion 10 the Sennon and women, fnr Ihe m." t pan un3ware
on the Mounl (SI. Mallhew 7) we come of iu " fa r and perilon5 jonrnry." These
upon the familiar figu re of the wise and highly engaging and instructi ... e stud ie~
t he fool i$h buil<.ler •. 11,e man who built are wri tten for the "plain 111;In," who
his house on Ihe rock " 'as a " wi"," man . as a rule is ul1able to trace "Ihe pedigree
10 the old ... eu ion has il. Cooo:bpeed of his own opinions." Any reader of
calls him a " sensible" ma n. The word th is book un ha r<lty fa il to"" chastened
adds force to the figu re : it interprets and braced for a more effecti... e li fe in
whil e il translates.
hi s community.
Nalurally luch I" und( rtakin!! can
In "The Mirrors o f Downing Str ert"
cl aim aulhor ity only in proportion to and "The Glau o f Fashion"' Ih is g ifted
Engli sh author interested a wide public
Ihe schola rship of the transl ator. Cer.
lail1[y on thi s KOr~ there can"" no 'lues- on bolh sides of the Atlanlic b~' hi .
tion. For a , ,,neral iol1 Pro fcslOr EdJiar pe netrating criticism of cerl a;n pe rson_
Goodspeed has ""en in the fordrol1t of ages in po]ili cs and societ y. To some
New Testamenl schola r. and looay h i.
ru.dcTI of these books his pen. here ~",l
thcre, 3eCmed to ha,·e ""ell diJ1~d in
leaderslJip is undonbled.
Onc fee!, like s",geSling thai such a "icric, but ord inar ily its sharpl1eu wal
translation ",rves it l
purpoliC' if it <.Iiamond ·tipped. There were louelln of
il used ill col1jWlclion with the King satiric dilCcmnlen( as unspa ring and
Jvne. ¥enion. Many a doubtful passage bri lliant as the quips o f A r islophanel;
will "" Ii«1l ;n a brighter lith t wrno,n Ihe but the sketche, were always ele ... ated
l ranslation il used in thai way. It i. and sincere . If hi s inlerptetatioM ,,"ere
ha rdl y the author', purpose lhat it sup_ at too close range 10 be wholly f ree from
plant Ihe a.neienl version .. Wh"" tht pcrtonal billl, Ihe)' impreS$Cd deepl y by
l ransl ation is used II I ... pplC1IIenlary Iheir candor, and Ihe read..,.', mind was
tUI one o f the ch ief objection. 10 it il purged o f lOme txeesses o f admi ration
ove,..,omc II oncc . Thcre are pa" agt' fatal \0 its il1 sighl.
in Ihi, new translal ion that Ite m a li ttle
"Seven Ages" is throughout ~ thoushlcl unu .... The pre",nl ruitwer ~;$Iinct"",---",,,
. .,-,,
I:.OI>~~, .~,"",,;,,,'"h.,__"",";,"",_
Ihe: nolut ion of certain nlOu l
ill"... Ih~t h~" e , ungglcd, not only for
uistence, bUI for Ihe Ipirilual pull o f
human ity IIpwar<.l. Socratu;s the Gr"ek
morali" whose " rl isten t ,,,,rilanism uapvca rs in subsequent el hical ~ nd rel igious mo,'cnlmt.. Aristotl e ( pnlributetl
a 11I( lhoo of Kience Ihat ··ha5 enr ichc:tl
life in ~ Ihousand dire<:tion •. " From '
J esus u fron' no Oi hu IOnrce "men
have gat he red Ihe idea of God." In
hi l 111011 notablc book, "The C ity 0.1
Coo," Augu stine "ring s th" affirnlal ion
that the 10"" of Goo is the end of Ulan ."'
[t was Aug ust i" c " from wbolc i" fiuence
came to Eu rope the: pe acefu l dnd be:.
tween the iM ali s"," of I"'I~to and the rna.
terialis", of Ar iSIOtle. ['c rhaps the mosl
compact and br ill i~n t chaptc r in th" book
is tbc study o f Cromwell. I f Emsmu s
kept ali,'c thc lOul o f hU11lan i ~m in Eu.
, opc ~lId conce"'~d the idea which
Luther put imo practice, it was in the
army camllS o f C romwell Iha t were
born many of those doct r ine. of dc:rnoc:racy which subSC<"J uently shook England
and Ameri ca. The I.. " age stud ied is
Ihat of Wesley, "who simpl ifltd Christian IheolQf::"Y exactly as J esus li implifietl
judai$l.IL "'
A clOK pau ll el to Ihis book. by an
An~rican aut hor. is Hyde's 'oThe F i,·e
Great Phi losoph ies o f Li fe," written by
that finc.grained preside nt of llowdoin
CoIlq~ , Will iam DeWitt lI ytIe. u n
yean befor e the grcat WaT. "Se,.cn
AJ,!cs" comm'lnd, a wider perspecti"e
al1<1 11. more compelli ng lityle . It s ad~ .
'1uate !l<hola rihi p an<.l exl remely practica l
aplM'a l to the ord inary citiun as ,,"ell
as Ihe "udent and schola r, shonl d gi,·e
thi s book a la rge fiel d of uscfull1us. It
is a ~plc l1did book for wint er readi ng
by Rotaria (1S. A. bu sy mel1 they will
ha" e to take it in in stallmen ts, bu t it
will int crt st Ih el1l and en r ich their con.
t ribntion to the orl:'I" ilation th roul:h
,.. h;ch they Rre seek ing mOre and mOre
tn humaniu IhC111sch'es and the li ft
around Ihcm.
"Hope Springs Eternal"
By ""II"r Mr ll'llle
T vicarioll5ly
H AT duire for unusual expe rience ...
achieved, wh ich has hc:cn
a main factor o f literalure has gi ...en us
IwO Iypel of tQ(:iety novel. both eagerly
read. The first kind pictures society life
as a cross htlwt en t hc " Per ill o f P~ul­
inc" mo ... iu and Herod's cou rl. T he
uumd (and far less popular ) lries 10
, '"",;"", h,."m
" ,,
an beint l (C" . r d " "
Til e Idea and the Organization
epoch lI'a5 markl'd in the history of Rotary al
Racine. \Yiscunsin, la.1 mOllth when the nM'mbcrs uf
the Rutary Clu b u f that city l11weih:d a loronze tablet to Ilroclaim to the wo rl d t hat Pa ul liarri!' was bor n in Iha t
ci ty. T he un ique characte r Gf Ihe cere mony, and the
uuiq ul! an d splend id idea Qf tllU~ memuri a lizi ng a lil,ing
ma n, was ",'; I'en ~ Iltcial e mpha sis by the epoch, mak ing
11\~ssa ge from I'aul Ilarris himself read tu thl! assemblage 1,1 1 (Iist ingnished I~ot ar ians par tici pati ng in the
ceremony. Th i~ m e~~a ;: c i ~ a th in g that ;,11 Rotar ia ns
may Ilo nd er ul'er. Th l! foundl! r uf Ro tary m adc it very
d ear an d vcry empha t ic t hat I~otarr ha~ nG ~ x cl t1 si,...:
pri l'ilcge o r mission tv excmplify the principlc of un·
selfish serl'icl! aud wQrk toward th l! great goal of un i,..-rsal felluwship. good will, a nd peace.
lie spoke in "ery high t erm~ of the ma nner in
which the idea of a n organization oi business men, Gf
w hic h Rotary was sim lll)' the pionee r, is heing carried
out in s nch magnificent fa s hio n by Kiwanis, Lions, Excha nge, Gyro. C ;" ilan~ and Glhers. \ Vltile Ro tary has
a membe rsh ip 01 a bi t under one hun d red thousa nd,
Pa ul I-Iarris called atte ntion to the fact that there were
in t he neighborhood of half a million men s tri ving in
Ro ta ry and kindre d or","'niutions, to bring abou t the
g rea t aim set fo rth in the Sixth Object of Rotary.
Seizing Ihe 0 llllOrtu l1ity th us give n by Paul IIarris in his mes!!.'1ge, P resi(lent Gundakcr, Secrelary
Perry, and Olher s peakers uf the day e l11vhasi~ed the
fact tha t the}' fe lt Ihey were helping ohSl'rve a day
ded icated 10 an idea ralher t ha n 10 a single organiza tion
ex pressing il. They were all particularly IlrGud Iha t
Rota ry was the piouet r o rg:l11 iza t ion in th e fid(l, but
their g reales t pride lay itl th e lact that Ihe idea had
been fo ull d gO<ld-sG Kood t ha I hu ndreds of Ihon ~a n ds
of earn est me n had a<lop ted it a nd were doing so much
to ca rry it fo rward.
That was Ihe .~ I' iri l of th e Kalhering of I~o t aria n s
a t R., ci ne- and it i ~ the ~p i rit of I~ o t ar)' .
Tun e In!
y ou
can hea r it o n a drowsy MlmnM' r afternoon as you
lie beneath a shady tree and wa tch the shado w of your
li ne in Ihe wa ter, zig+zagged by the swaying hreeze. You
ra n hea r it 011 a still winte r night when the snow crackles
unde rfoot and Arctic liglr ts send "'eird pastl!! nickers into
tl~ star·strewn sky. You can hear it in the arid de..<erl
where man and Ilea.t galher at Ihe cara"an<erai to srek
refug~ from t h~ scorching snn.
YUIL can c,'en hear ilif you wi ll lout lune in-where the clang and rall ie Gf
hUrllin, traffic: echotll from t h~ walls or "k.I'scTa,lCrs,
lJecember, 1923
11'1.' clamor of mundane affai r., arc seldom att uned to catch
that fai nt, insistenl \·oice. Uecau>c your ances tors heard
thaI cal', you exi,\. Should )'1,111 nOI hear. or hearing. not
res pond. the fa ilure may be reflec ted ill t he lives of your
child ren.
T hat sibilan t murmur Jlcn~trnt~'tl t l~ malted ju ngle~
,,1-.ere prdlisto ric 1I1.1n eked out hi. prccariou~ existence.
It will IlCnctrate the shi ning l1 ~1Tb!e walls of the finest
pal:l ces which nm)' ,hehl!r Ihe .'>Cllales of the Im ure. Someti mes it reaches the hardy el(pl or~ r a' he ri"ks his li fe
~mid the g rimling icebergs; .>0111CtirllCS it ri,;es from Ihe
d ust of forgot\cll tu,lIlo< to whi"llCr to tho,e >ceki ng the
~ecrcts o f bYj;onc ch iJ'ration<.
It 1 ~1"<e~ the inn umerable
o .. ri<lo r.< of all andent ca,tle a< ea<;ly as it fi nds the opening
to the cliff·dweller's lair.
Where Ihe londy fishermall plies his trade it is lIO len
frequellt thall I\hcre the harried COnntnllen arc drawn into
the city's n101el,,t rom, The m,uine r hea rs il in his lunely
watch ; it ming les wi th the footfalls of the pas"ing se m ry.
A poet has tcrmed it "the ttnl,ie of the sphercs"-lolll
to mo, t of us il i. only fhe \'oice of our Betlcr Sell. calling.
calli ng. across Ihe immeasurable chasms of Time and Space.
It is al"'aYs cal!ing-onl) w1l1ctimC!l it "'!em5 do,er--'oo~
Particula rly whcn Chri<tmas time bri ngs a lull in
"man's inhumanity 10 man" doe s Ihat iaint persistent
\'oice bring its "ibrallt musage, It may be calliug you
now- t une in !
Rigllts and Opportunities
OME people SIM'nd a 101 01 lime standing up I<;IT
Iheir righu or worr)ing about wha l are their
righu; othe r people a rc asking only fo r the a(h'anlage
of op portunili,,~, Somctimcs a Ul a n joins an org~niza ­
tion and feels thnt thereby certain rights have been
conferred npml him, wlil,'rcail merely opp-or\uni ti es have
1,l,'l,'n ope ned up to hi m . The possession of a Rota ry
lHl lton is Ihe key to opportnnitie ~ ra ther th:tn the $Cal
Ilf ~pecial I' ril'i!cgc~. \\I"aring a I{otary uutton doe~
not forel! a ma ll to be your frien d ; it merely g ives yo u
the OI'l)Qrlllnity t(l make him your friend, Rotary
doesn 't giv e you the righ t to address ano t her man
fam iliarly, call him hy his firs t name when you see
him wearing the I{ot:.ry butto n : it merely gil'es you
the oppor tunity to do ~o. and good judgment should
he u~ed in taking advantage of the 0llporlunity. To
fed called upon 10 addrh5 el'ery man wearing a Rotary
Imllon b~' his fir~ t name, whelher )011 know the man
or nOI. i~ making a !IOU of ritual Oll t of our compan·
io n,hip in Rotary. It is ~mewhat similar to hal'ing
a grip of the ha nd with which you try each man you
meet tG "e~ Ilheth~r ur not he i~ "a brother of the
. ,
JIt gmel1 "' CI'e ry ung ,a
r.,d,,·· ' " '" "., ,._, . "
" . ,',
Decem ber, 1923
1' H I:.'
Euitft IUltout pour ]ea Rotarienl de ]a F rance t t del PrOW~"
du Canad.a oU I"on .,.,lc fran(ail. II '/ a plua de 1, * Rota,y
Cluhe el Pinq..., ",000 Rotarien.o our IOU. In ConMtI\tI du monde
I"'r Ics Rolary Oub, du Douz; Disu icl ~ Rotary IntemalionalAllIOCiation pour ]a G.;rntico
Brdagne el rl rlallllt--<:t qui rut liea i
Margate, Anglelene, du 12 au IS octobre, fut tr'" rem.1Tquable, Ce eOllgris
reunil i Thanet "ne fonle de wi ~itruTJ
dont un gralld nombrc vc naiem dn
differtntu plOrtiu du monde, Lt Rolarien Frb.\erick Warren T eele, qui e~1
Ie COI'Iuninaire Speeial ehoi si par R.,.
tIlr)' InternMional pour aide r a 1a Ilro1'agation CI :i. l'o.ganilllllion de s ROlary
a ub, en Europe, parln 1I,'Ct ':IOI]uence
,Ie_l'importancc de !lolary el de 1'heu~U5t; influtnce de ce gralld tnOuvemcnt ,
Du discOO TS eloquent! fl1renl ~,alcmcnt
pronon«. par In Rotaricn~ F rank Easlman, Pr~ iident de l'Anoc:intion de8 R.,.
tary Oubs tn Grandc-Brelal:ne et tn
hl.nIIe; Sir Cecil Hertslet, dt Ramsg;>.te (autrdois Consul de GrandeRrelagne i n ruxclln): Mut'tl Frand:,
Pr': sidenl du Oub de Paris: et Sir Wil _
li.," Schooling, Vi('t_Prki<lem ,Iu Comit'; N'alional I'Eparllne,
l..e vendredi soi r, la ,It\loiguil a«:OlIlpagn':s de !tun ipousu ("renl chalcu,
i. n lOld SI.
George. par Ie Pr~Ji<kru du ROlary
aub de Margale (Ie Rotarien ) , II,
lIu) et par Ie Vice Prr:iident <lu a ll"
de R;>.msgate ( Ie Rotariell Si, Cecil
Hertslel ), AflreS un e:ccellent diner,
i'uscmbl« eUI Ie pI~;!ir d'enlendre de
I ~ lII\I,ique <:: t des discourl ;nter rIMnt5.
En propos.a"1 Ie loait de "Rota.y Internalional:' Ie I'flc!id"nt Un fappela it
]'alld ience que Ie 11lO1I" tr»ent ].totar)'
n'ava il ;InClin e prCft'rrllce el ne fais.ait
ancune excql1;oll, 11m.! .'Ctl'l1<lait :i. 10UIts
I"s nal ion ~, II tout n lu eroyancn ~t ~
10nlCI lu raeu, ponr aula11l qne Ie.
homm<::! de eel di~cri<'s nation s, T:<cn
et rdig iou s ';Ia;rnt prc,U ~ rttonnai l re
tI i adopter lu i,\eall dt ].totary,
Rourir .. Fr<:tl \y, Tede rcpondi t brc,'ement i. cu I~uolu en "'ellant en relief
]e fail que ROlary eomplail maimenan!
plui de 94,000 m~mbru apputenant :i.
plus de I ,SoW cl ub. organi~ , (bn. Zl
pay. different'. 11 donna rn$Uile lttlure d'un c.iblogr.mrne du Con~il d' Administration C~nl ral s,~ p:ir Chelle,.
R, Perry, SrcrCtai re de Rotary J"lema tiona! , Wicit;>.nt Ie Douzieme D,str,ct
au non. de Rotary International d c)Cpri_
maUl Ie meilleurs ,'MuX en fa"~ r du
I..e I'r~side"l du Rota ry aub de ;.lar-
galt pr i;>. rluuite Ie Rotaritn Marctl
Franck (Prisident du aub tk I'ar,s)
,facc:epter une staluclle de 51, G"Orge~
en argtnt wmrut t':moignage de Ia gra _
titude du aub de Margale pour lllOspitalit': qll" les Rotarien5 iran(ais onl
gtn':reu..-me .. t offe rle aux ""oIius d"
~brgate qui visi te rent ceue bellt ,~l1e
i'aune.: pasS«,
Au nom du I'(mary (.1,,1.0 de Lo ..dreo,
Ie 1'(0lari~n Ullwin, l' df C( dub,
fil pr~'~nt ~u Cl ub ,Ie Paris ,run
<1rapeau <Ie 'KIi~ 3ux ( ouku rs hr ;tan_
ni'luu_ La pr.;.s~ntalion du draJl('3u [UI
,';vrlnent «cdan,".
l.n Rota,y Oub. ,Ie Dovtr , FolkcItone, Canterhury, Ralllsgale et Marg,ue
a"aient fU !'intcntion d'o ffrir an Pre. ;denl tlu Oub <I'Ostende (Ie Rotll.rien
Wasbington 5crrllYs) un in signe de
pr':side .. t : malheure" semen t, c't~ aVec
un vif rrgrtl que Ie Rourie" Stanley
Dowling dUI an """CtT qU<! Ie I'rtsident
Strruy~ n. il ':Ii: rtlen" chu lui potJr
cau,", de maladie, 11 fut 310.. d';cid<'
que ce prescnt lui ...,nit r em is persOllnel11''''001 :i. O;;le,,"'.Ic par ]e Rot3ri"n Sir
Cn:il Hertsl et , qui declara qU<! e'esl a,'K
Ie plus gnnd pla isir quOit ,'a(quilleu;I
de cctlt agr~able mi .. ion.
• • •
T OUS In Rotary O ubs om donue une
preuve ;o.dmir;>.ble tie: lcur tlprit eo.
op< r;>.t ii cn r~JIOndant aus.i prompte_
men! rl ~lIS$; genercu~ment ~ ra ppel
du President Guy Gundaker en f;l\'cur
dn Japon, eel aele de de,'ouenl<::nJ, a
permis ju'lqu':, ce jour ,; ROlary Imrro
na tional d'euvoyer au Rota ry Club tie
Tokio nne .onml<:: dc $JO,ooo clesl in~c i
don .. er au)C ROlaricn8 (]" ]apon 1"1
secour< ,II' premiere nece5siti:. PreSlI" c
chaque S<'main~ Ie RUTeau C~ ntral r~,oil
~!H,ore des >0)"""1''; ,rarJ;cnt d' un montmn
app r~iahl " ,
Que1quu club. lointain.
""I ~nno"cc par c.ible r envoi de [ond~
'lui ue 50nl pas encore arri,'~s,
I.e! ""cours de premi ere nteeslile
ayaul t Ie do"n~ ., le~ RO~3 riefl' de
Tokio eml~oierom les som mes subSliquentn 'Iue Rotary l .. teTlllltionai ~r;>. i de leu. e"voyer J>Ollr aider aux
Ira"aull dc r':habilitatio .. ,
Le Stc:retaire de Rotary International
vienl de reee.vir du Rotarien l ehinomi)'a,
Pr':.ident du ROI;>.ry aub de Tokio, une
!eure con~u.. tTl cts lerme5'
" l Ion ~ htr V"rr r,
"C'nl tr':5 ;>.imable d~ ]a pari de Ro-
lar), Jntem~lion;o.l d'offri. :l nO~ malheu reux compalriotes Itl &tn-icu inrJlUis.ablu. So)'U lUnrt que rugenl 'lue
yOu' nntlJ avu enyo,/': s~u e"'plo,/': ,
'tlldre I., ,"nku In pla~ tfficaces qui:
pui.""nl . endre In KOlari ...., de ce pays,
"1.." "<",blen,,"' t dt Inr" et Ie l eu on l
occuionn,; de " .. ndes ""rlu i. pres que
1001 ]u nlembru de notre cluh el jusou'"
ma;" leu~nt it tit nOuf a pa, i,,; poui"l"
dt nlaill l o"ir
r~unio,,~, Proch;>.in e_
",..IlI notn Sec r haire vou ' .,nyern un
rapport dft~illt ."r l'acliv;I'; dl'l Rota.ien. d" Tokio,
"Ell YOU, r~merd~nt e"core bien ,i ..c~r"!"tn l au "om dn ROlar,/ Club de
Tok,o !!'Our Vo .. ( .iOl"bl" ( I aenheu)C
"V", ie yon, prje d'''!i're,. r, clc,
"Rd taro Icbinomira, I'ruidcn t
"Tokyo ROlo r y CI" b,"
E N' da tt dn 9 nMe"'!> r" demier,
RAcine, Elal 'k Wisco" ~i n . qui eSI
1,. ,'iUe nalale de Paul P. lI anii, ]e
londateur de 1'(00'Iry, di:di n <hn;; I'U" de
lie, pl us beaux parCi publiCi ut ... tablene
de hrQ1ue pruclalllanl Ie fait que Paul
Il arris naqu;t en cette .. ilI~ en 1868,
A I'oe.::uion de Cell t dr';monie, .. on
scul""",nt Ie Rotny Oub, mais tou! I"
ciloyell5 de RlI(ine firent une dbnonstralion du principe de srl"Vir, I.e Prisitknl
Imern~tioll:ll Guy Gundakcr fUl Ie COn"i': d'honn<'Ur en "absence de Paul Harris,
tnl1~he d'a!si.ter :i la «rmonie, i.e
Stc r.:t~ire !'trry ainsi que d'autru
Fo.. ctionna;ru .Ie: ROI3.y Int ... rn;>.tional
itaienl prt .... nti el dn Fonct;o"ll:Iirta
int"''';ltionau)C de .. Ki .... a .. is, .. "Lions"
~t d'ant r.,i orgauiution, IoC'mblabl~ :i
Rotary qui e)Ci stell t all)c Etau_Unis
3";lient ~t e ~g;ll e "",nl i,wites, Une "ot,,_
!Jrtu~ d~l<'gation ,hi ROI",), aub de
Chicnj:o lie rendi t i Racine pour
prendre IlII ft II \a eercmonie.
• • •
LESl"<:r~ta;re M
ROlary lnlern ational
a etl rccemm~nl Ie d'al'llrtndre
'Iue Ie COlUmis.a;re SI":ti:t1 Frederick \V,
Teele, actuellen",ul eu Europe, anait
"cn;r ) In f~tn de fin d'ann« :tux
El~I ".l,;"i"
It .'.,,,,!Jar'lUera Ie IS tie _
(tnlb"" i bard du " I..e"iathan," R.,.
laT)' ]mernation'll I'attend i ChitaKO
In premiers jou" de jlln"ier, ':tan t
OO'l11e 'Iue Ie Cooscil d' Admi .. istration
hUcrnMion;>.l, qui lot: r,;"m ira au ""reau
Cen tral lei 10, I] el 12 jan,,'er, compte
w r io:I prt~nct pour discutef dlkactnlC'nt de rexlensiol1 du Rota ry dans Its
di\'Crs I"\Y5 I'l::u rope, M, Teele rep:irtil'l\
Ie ]u r.~\'Titr 1924,
T il E
Cbi" .. ......«. En, I... d, s...tbnd, . nd 'be Un iled St~e. were ' cpr<>
..,nled . , M.....,e. En, I...,1, 0 .. ()d. 12. A _";on of .be <o ..rete"..,
i. ohG wn . boYe. Below , So", .. . r ,he I.... m i""n' per ...... litieo I"' ..... n •.
F.o,", .... w (Jefl 10 rl,b, ], I . II . lief, preolde ..!, M","e ROIary:
M.... fn nk E..Hnln : 51. CHII lIen , I. ', .. i..,.prnidenl. Ram.,a'.
R", • .,: lIr .. W. L.uh I",wi..
of M . r~ ••• : Frank r.......... ...
Uecember, 1923
P.... i.k nt. RUII : c.... ndlor W. I..,.eb
Mlye. or ~Ia ••••• :
W. J. Wcarin•• or T.. n".;.I,"• • h.oinoan, No. 12 Oi... iet :
Alderml n A. W. urki ...
"i'.·I}I'".i,k n',
G. Stanler Dow!i" ..
Ro,ary, I" d Director. RID I: Mu..,l Fronek.
I"'",i""n.. P. ri. ROI '.,. : Ted U.. wln, ,..." Id . .." IAndon R","., : I Dd
.' r...! WI ....." T...,I• . • pe~I. 1 .0"' ''' 1••1,..... of ROI • ., In ... ...,lo ... 1.
The Margate Conference
Five coul/tries are represented at district meet
A LTHOUGH II w:,. IIl'ld in the ""rr
iusonli." th" G<:t -Togetll"r Can
fHe nc. of No. 12 District of the
"R. I. n. I." ( Rotary IIIternMOonalIIrila;II and Ireland) held at Marg al" on
Ocl. 12--IJ-14 "'aI enl ir,,]y luccnafu1.
Th. ROiary Qubs of ~a m5(at. and Mar·
gale joined hand l in a Iplendid "ffort to
insu re a pl.aullIlime and
lurnishftl much inspiralion to the rtpr~­
.entalinl of fi"t nal ions. A rettpl ion
hrld al the 5 1, c;.,orge'. 1I00d by th"
prl'lidnll of ' he M•• lta, ~ d ull, } R 11.. ~
.,,111 Ihe ,·ice.president of ,he ~a",;;gal~
dub, Sir Cec il Hert, lel (in Ihe ab~net
.h.ough ill ness of .he lornident . Rota
r;an ] 1. K. Daniel) wao followed by a
donner. Sont. 350 ROlarians exchanged
fri endly grttling~ during ,he meal.
Pruident l1e5 welcml1ft1 lh<:m '0 holn ·
gale and expressed his hope thllt the)
mighl all re-" ;S;I Ih" to",n during .he
]925 con fe r.nce of .he ~. I. n . I. He
mentioned .evual d i.linguisl,M \'i,ioo"
,,·00.e nantes wut' duly applauokd. Itu
whtn h.. .poh of "DtIr old fr i~n,r'
the .. e "'" "Icnee umil h.. added .hal
he rderred ' 0 Frederick Warren Tede.
,he rel"escntative of 1<00ary 111lerna·
,ional_then came a ro:\r of appla u""
After ROtn;an Tede had rommented 0..
'he progreu o f l nl"r"'1I'ol1a] Rot3 r)-.
Frank Eastman of Perth. president of
Rr il'ih Rotary added hi, 'hllnkl for Ih ..
welcome. Rotarian Marcel Franck, preli.
dent of lhe Rotary Qub of Paris. wa,
Ihrn pre.eoled ",ith a stalUl'lIe of 51
Georg• . •he ,ilt of Marga,e 1<0larians
" 'M eho ... th i, " 'ar of .dmo... I..-Ili:'in~
/Jece m~r,
Ihe service 01 ROlariall FralICk rell(icrw
when Ihe local dul> sent a few boys
.wro:od lor a holiday, Rl)larlan Fnnck's
reply, interpreted by a Lond on I~otarian,
wn an expreuion o f hope for contin ued
and strengthened cooperation between
France and Grut Britai n.
Rotarian W. J. Weuinc, chainnan 0 1
No. 12 District, pruided over the Sa tur.
day morning session at the Pavilion, An
official welcome ,,':u extended by the
Mayor of Ma rrate who expre$Kd appre·
ciation o f the work o f the local dub Oil
behalf of Margate boys. President East·
man also touched on the impMlance of
boy's work. Conuniuioncr Tede and Tom
Sheehan, former So o'emor of tile TIti rd
n inricl, R. I., a l~ rRvr forceful ad ·
dresses. An imcr~.ti ng incident occurred
when Rotarian Edwin Unwin, president
of London notary, presented a sil k Union
Jack 10 ~brcc1 Franck, an act which wal
greelell with loud applause, I" response,
Rotarian Franck extended t he greelings
of Ihe Paris c:ub, and exprused his hope
Ih:1I the alliance of war might precede
still grcater a11iaocl's of peaCt. TIltre
wue t,,·o large gathnings for lunch, one
lor tm, Rotuiaos, :Lnd the othe, fo.
their ladie$. Both ~ rties enjo)'ed a
similar u:peritnce of good SpeeChh,
good leHow.hip, and intert$/.ing prese n·
lations of nrious t)·p"5. A largc p;orty
o'isilt<! Canterbury cathed",1 during tot
alternoon. In the evening Ihere was "reception and ,Ian«, al Ihe Pavilion.
ur..,rmllK Wh d~"oled 10 a "pc·
cial "'r~ice :1\ MarKate Parish ch urch.
Presidcnt EaS!ln:1n and Ma}'or u:wis rud
t he leSions, the scmlOn was preached
hy the Rev. f., M. Hin , pruidrnt of the
Br irhton club. British and Am~ric::ln
fla(s were brought 10 the unctuar~'
whcre they remaioed during the wrvice ,
On Sund:lY afternoon Ihe delegalu mo·
tored 10 Ri~hboroug h 10 insped the boy',
holiday camp which i. being prOfT>Olf<1
hy Margate Rotary. Alter the t rip the
Rlmsgate ~oUria n, entertai ned at a tea.
the lize of thc crowd oeceH;lating two
sep;. rate ILthnrs. A ipceial con«rt at
Mall:ate Pa"ilion was t he lasl ilem m.
an exceptionally inte reM in( prer ralll
Public Service and Private
in the Il i ~tory of the
public ACfI'iee indu!ilriu, in·
eluding the railr():ld~, e1Ktric
light companies, (al compani el, td e·
l·hon e eompJnie5, lit rect ra i]wa)'I, etc.,
has such an earlle>! effort i.oeen jlut
forth to inform the u!ICr of those vuiou;;
servicu aJ to the fundamental problem '
of operation and finarn:e in"oh'ed in thi ~
gr.:oat field 0 1 indu5try.
There is hatdly a magazine or a ne ... s·
p:o.per that in one loml or another dot'~
not carry some nIC5uge lront a public
ulility 10 those "'ho are making u.e o f
ils service. U a~k of this thert i. a good
..und policy. II i, not beinr done as an
Ildvertiling fad, It is not being done
because it ;s the \1:lguc 10 tell "bedtime
stories" and we want to ull ours. But
it il being dOlle be cause thc manage_
ment of mon public utilitits realize
the re are at least three reasons why
the 5hould have sonIC under.
stand ing of wllat ;1 invoh'cd in reuder.
ing the seTl'ice on which he is JO ell"
Public opinion i. nothing more than
the su m of a lot of privat e opi nion s anel
if a telepllOne cmnpan)' or an electric
light company hali the undCTJtandinj;( and
co-operat ion of the "pri"ate" indi,·i<lual.
it KI"\'el, it ure<! not worry about p"blic
The first real(IfI lor a m1llual III"I(r·
stand;ng bet ....-en the compa ny and the
user of the $CT"iet: i. that i! i. more «0·
nomical and more satiilactory. If a big
departmenl ~tote had miillndtrstandillgs
to .mooth out and adju$lnlCnt to make
wilh every cu!.lorner, il ... ouId r~ ui re a
muc.h !argtr force of cler'" and book·
keeper! Ihan if Their CUStomer, could be
handled ..:"isladorily and
This;s also true 01 the IIrcat organi za·
lion lumi ~hinR nluns 01 "an,poMalion.
commnnication or light ami he:lt. Noth.
ing enters more closely into the el'ery·
day li fe of the neeage citizen than hi~
strcel-car $en'ice, his telephone, his cle.:.
trie light, or hi. gas sc"'ice, 11.ere are
a hund red different ways io which mis.
understandings tan arisc between him
and tht big corporation, bolCk 01 this
se n 'ice and eO'e r)' misunderst~nding
meanS iriction , loss of lime aOld w~>ted
~ffort, hUM lui 10 boIh p:o.rties concerned.
T m, 5<'(:ono:l reason for keeping the in.
dividual in formed is t hat all thesc indio
"idual opinions go to mak e up public
oJ"mon and poli tical opm.oo, and
through its public.service commissionl
IIIe p...b1ic largel>' determinu the rate;;
~nd regulations of the publlc.senice in.
duSlries. 1/ tlmt opinion i. intelligenl,
il iT i. inlorllled, if it has conrodencc in
the n.. n who are administeri ng Ihe affairs
o f i t ~ big puhlic.sen'ice corporations,
both the pro-'ider amI the uSer 0 1 these
len'leu will be helped.
T HE third rCaso" for the public sery·
ice corporation to be interested in Ihe
opinions of indiv iduals it serHS is be·
cauSe it is 10 Ihem Ihat il must rurn for
II~W c~pital which is uceded constantly as
the dema nd for t he~ services incr('ases.
Th~ tflephone·using public, the ga,·u ,i n);"
public, th e streel-car riding public, is
also the in"csting public. If this public
has confidence io the u1:1naj;(cmtnl of
these companies il ",ill lJ,! willing 10 in·
\'e!.l in the !;CCuriliu of such illdustrica.
I.....cking that confidence of the public the
indUSlries ... ill find ;t difficult to obtain
the necessary money fot additional cap;·
tal "';Ihoul p;oy;ng an ClIceHive rate
for it.
It is with these points in mind thai tilt
stor)' of our public uciliti.,. i, being Ioid
f"eryw .... re. We do nol ""peel Ihr
1!usinen nlan wlro>o\: ri",,, Or all(lItioll "
already well laken up to learo enough
~bout the te1Cf>hone induM ry to engineer
a central office; or to Icarn enough about
the n1:1nulacture of gas to tJkc char~
o f the chemical laboraTory of a gas cornpany, but we do believe, and ill lact have
j1Tonn, that he i. willing and anxious
to be informw 01 Ih" .ound pri nciples
which goo..,rn the maintenance of the ...
and kindrt<! I'Crvices.
P ... blicity, howe,·cr, can neve r be "
subsl itute for rODd service. Mutual un·
deutallding of a public ut il;ly and Ih~
ind"'idual it M'nCi mu.ll 11:1"e al its
foundation I good technical performance.
And if for any rea!On the character of
. .,n'icc is interfered ... ith by things hr·
)'ond the control o f the p... blic ul ilit)',
publicity methods may be used to in form
the public of , urh condition., and t he
public, under.tanding the sil ... ation. will
be paticll t.
Abraham Lincoln il credi led w;th the
Slatemem that "you can 1001 an of the
people p;ort o f the time, " That may have
been tru e in Lincoln's day b... t there arc
too many method. 01 communication
a"ailable in thi s day and age for any.
thing like that to h~ppen , An y business.
public If ni ce or private industry, which
... oul d continue to prospe r cannot ad on
th e ~upposit ion that t ven a small p.,rt 01
the IK'Ople can be fooled all the time .
Any bu.inns organization which pro'
ceedloo thc unsound principle of fooliog
those with whont it deal. il riding for a
Public tef\';ee corpontions have
lurned that all Ihe cards must lJ,! laid
faee up on the uble, thlt the plai n fact s
mu$/. hi! stated io words of one .yHable,
and that i. why the)' are seeking ner.o·
npportunity to tet the respectful atten.
linn of their .ubseribers and OI~tonw r~_
J)ece",ber. 1923
of the Rolllrg jill,. td
gou, ",ut. kJ~, (Jm/ you,•
• Jj at H_d rite IJlOitl 111'1 IIlrD11l1J ,loti /{I J'"" flO" anJ /(I I.llm u;ltlll JIOUr clu6 i. Join" tmi uM. yoa 6G.J J601t1
"", lAe lu,Kittflfl Id/./llq, lIIill lJIII" 1160ut 1M clui In 1M !at IfICln in Me 6ui counl'lI in lite Wor/JI
you ",n
to Moin 51,«1., J,op in
C VlU;t1nliQlI
ill Ih e Um
TORo1<TO, O~n.-I\hho.,gh Ih~ 1924
C",,,.rllt ton of ROlar)' Inttrnational is
"ill ~ thing 0 1 the fntnr~, it wa_ ma,le
ttl()re .tal M a great Ililereity mcdi nK
hchl al Tor011l0 Oil OCI. 261h. Q "I>< from
all m'cr O,,.a rio and from "arious 1~1ru
of Ih~ IWtnlY' ''' ''c,,,h dbtr i, t wcr" rep·
rr sent",l. l'ruid~ nt Guy Gun,l:lkt r wa~
111akin.&,:: his
" isit to Toronto .1ml
he was aCCQml~1nied hy Vice·Presi.!.'nl
F.ank I...;ul\b. Ralph CU111mi ligs. cha ir·
man of Ihe Com'cUl;on Progra1l1 C01l1'
Ill ilt~, Carl FanS!, Georgc kcH. and
loll Lydiatt. three me1l1~rs of th.1t C0111 _
1I1ill«. Che. Pcrry a'id E.1rl Ben... lic!
.,.ere on hand, and ,h" con"e11l;on host
comm;lI l'lI: 0 1 the Toronto d"b .,.,u pres_
enl 100 per cent strong.
The ,·;,iton wue give" an ont huii·
ajlic recr pt ion.
President G"ndaker
ga "e a romprchen.ive addreH on Ihe
aims of Rot ary : Vi~·presitlont Lamb
lliJCUssed the fUlure of Rot..)·: arMl
Chairman Ralph stresKd Ihe rupon5;'
at /he
hihl) for Ih~ .ucc",~ of the Conn·ntian.
1\' the dose o f a fi~ musical I'ro·
I:r"m, 1\or"'an SOn1n1en'ille. K. C. vice·
l'resiufnt of Ihe T oronto dub. elCtfn,lcd
a 111051 eo"Ji,,1 in " itation to all to corne
to "To rolllo Where Fri tndship \o.ows
ill Rota ry."
Off", to llo..dle
S'mltViI I.oon 1"1111<11
'\hc II.-The following
Idte' fron. the s~cre,ary of t lte A"n
Aroor Rotary cl ub may pro,'( of i"ter~st
II) c1ut/5 which h,HC stude nt loml funds:
A RlI() R.
QI Mic\; ..n . •
_m ......
,,.. loul Ho,,, •• lub.
..... ,""" ,b,.., ,kd. 10. ~ u< •• roy.hlt to
, .... "001 ..... ,~ ,he Uo, ..."" 01 -"",h,p •.
I.. , ....... d«l f , - Ih< .... R V..... )01
\' .
_me _,
I uD<l< ....... d ••• , til .. . ,. . .
to _ " ... Mud......" bout 1ft, ....... d ... ",. . . .d
, .... ,11<' M' I. to be NOd t..d: ,. ,11< " .
.r". ,.... -...
i. IDd .......
An "'"' 1..1
'hit i ....... _,.,
...... ,.......' , .......·m 11< 1104 •• "'" ............
r", .., Rou., CIaIo .. \kIt
_, .........._ ..._
....... "L
""i...'" OR,.•
....... ,
0 0 Mllny 'I'hin!./or
in 'fhi' Ci l )"
JA1<!.;'·' lI.I:. \\·b .-Qne hundr~1 and
ten bo~" of grade.;;choo1 ~ ",I high·school
");~S ~tte"dttl ,he s"mn..,. camp main.
tain",1 bv tho local Rot ary Ou!) in co'"
junction with the \". ~ 1. C. A. Th e camp
is locatt~1 on a lake .10 miles from Ihc
cit." and the ~(t lli Jl",em i. owncd by the
HotHY Club. Rotarians p"T5onally ill ,
tcr\"icwNI boy.' nnd partm! ;n order to
spread ildorm~!ton rega Tll in); th~ camp.
Th~ Y. .\1. C. A. ar ranRNI ,hc act i\";tics
prograttt and at !h~ do~ of the I.ooy'
camll the equipmcn! "'''-5 loan~d to the
Y. \Y. C. A. fur a month .
Each yrar the )anc51'in~ dub g;"n a
senio. in
$100 ocholar,hi ll !O ,he
,he high ;;chool. T he 3,,'aro ill made On
d.e b.ui,l of j:cneral st ~ lIding in "'Klies.
aniuKl" towards the communi ty and
5<:hool aCI;,·; t;e'. and QUto;landing char·
acter. Th~ scholar!hip ;$ paid 10 Ihe
boy " hen he ulllt ricula tu in oOl11e col·
Icg ~ or uui,·onit),.
At one noon luncheon, the club ellter·
The J'.irfi~M II •. ) KOI.'" Cl .. b h.. d i..o'-ered ,h.I bl e.... "" w;lh lhe .... '-, •• nd , i.\t· pi ~ d .. b. of lhe ~itiniI Y, .... ny fi"" Ir;"ntl. .. ipo n n I", eot.bli.IM:.1 I...."'een ,ity lolk. and I....e... On tbe I... d.y 01 lbe """"'y lhe Rou.i.n. enl.<I.ined ,he pi l .t....
..emhe ..... nd p~n.~.1 • band ......., .u p •• lhe Joun, ..... w ....... pi, hod .....,;"01 01 ...... 110" 0".' I.... I. i•. Th i. "in ... e, ,.ke" on .....
......... ion, .110..·....",,: 01 I.... ,'0..1101..1 " k~ fa "'...... ntI ' ....i. !toMs.. Sone,,;. 1efl0e. 01 ,hi. plrlurC "'...e di...ib".N 10 lhe , ..." . , ..... ..
~,- - - - - ' - - - - -
Duember, 1923
T" irt y Ci. il w••• "'~ .. n .. .. ho... ".'~".~ I~" b ...... trot .............. r«en,ly "n,,,,,"in
.. ,1 b1 lhe Ihh'~ .... a m ..... ben of Peru (Ind. ) R ou...,..
The ..... . ..... ", Idhi .... . li.d y in •• ..,.. in tl.. . " oaedi" ... Ind 0"'" Mj"OU l1 lotUMof ...... n. )·..,iaht ,lin",," I j l, to Ihe ml .. 101 mUl l.. of lbe
" .."n co,,, •. TI le, of MI,. n l... lonl IIO~ "·e. e 0 IU'ure 01 Ihe dinn ... . " .. ,I'M ... Ie' ,II , fr«ly .h.",," 011" onnlh~. 0.'" Ibe nurnhe. of
........... ,"".. "'hi , h Ihey " 0,1 _n. On.... r Ihen, teloorted ,h., M " .,1 ......" I" f.. urt""n hon l. .. hul , ,,0.10,, . do;tu"d .ho l he hId be"n in
M" ... ,., ,hall I", . .. ul ,1 re"'e",l,e. ,M s..",,,,,·hOI .15" 1(, ........... 110" ""hlm.. ,,1 ..r 0"••~I e.o" . h .. 0,, 1~ 1.. 1"" 1.. ,1 he . ...... 1,lier. h.. en .... Ie •.
1. I"eol by I n 0. ,. ,,10.• • 10" . 1l;".I.. Go.erno. So "I' .. i"
he ," .. uld "'''1 .h.o • •"Iem" .. ' . .. I II .he .I uh. of I"dlo"o.
tains all Ihe boy. ill Ihe senior high
~hool class. AI anQlhu luncheun Ihe
high_~hool cooch and the foolu.~ll leam
a~ ,he gnhll Qf hQnor. The club also
app ropr ial ed $250 to en.:.ble Ihe high o:c;hool band to hold rehearul. du ring
the " acation nl(llllhJ.
T he Rot:uian. abo Sileak !Jc, fQre the
high·school .tooenu in an effort tQ promote higher educat ion. USU:lII)' each
spt'a h . is Ioid to 'trus the ad.anl:l,ges
of his Qwn collq;e. To reach ,lte yQunger
ooY8. the club conducted a g rand OIltdoor ron. p at t he fairgrounds. Men and
boy. p1ayt<1 UriOUl gan~J togelhtr and
then g;lthered roond Ihe umpfi rts to
fini sh the program.
N ine CQ[j n tri~. Ro:p,.!,::;nled
at This Mlrelin /f
NIW YQIII<. N. Y.~\ t a recent nlet't
ing of tlte New YQ " club. Uert Crad di ck atklrtssed Rotartan, from Calcutta,
Ind ia ; Shanghai. Ch illa : Uirmingham,
Leicester. and LondQn. Engl .:.nd; Manila. P. I.: San J uan. P. R.; Ha. ana.
Cnba; T ampi cQ. Mexko: 3nd man )" club!
in Can:u!a lind l it e United S,aln. Bert.
u ehai m. an o f Ihe Committee on OalsificatiOll of Rotary I mernational. wel_
comed the QPllOrtuni t}· tQ addrUI a
luncheon 01 the Rot ary a ub of New
Yo.k Cily at which l uch • wide re p.e_
",ntu ion of Rotary cl ubs in " ario.u
CQuntrin were pre",nt.
E.l4bJi. h Canl /' fo,
Ib;L.... n.
hD.ANu--ln conjunction
" ';Ih the ~Qrt hun Go,·ern" ... nl. ,hc Motar)' a ub Qf Ilel fast hu undertaken a
oo"cI expe r inlent to mitigate the trials
of unemployment. A camp hu been utabli!>hed al the Insitk 501'''' t" 'ch'c
• I
l ~o,.ed
"'en art sent t here IQr t wo weeks.
T he men arc con.{Qrtably homed and
boorded, and part o f thei r time is lpent
in studying handicn fu and in othe r edu cational work which will prella,.., thtn.
IQr better days. About half the day is
gi " en o,·ft tQ recreat ion and QfK'n-ai r
sports. Since all the n~n rective tilt:
gm'emment unnnp!oyment dole Ihey arc
chuged 10 ~hilli ngs fK'r week for Ihe
camp privileges and the remainder of
lilt: c:<pensc is born by the Rot:ary Oub.
Former Cril'lJe. Ron. p
lit Doctor'. PlIrty
SACllAlll!..'ITO, CAL.~Sc,·tntten chil_
dren who ha.e fQUod new life and happiness th.ough Ihe effQ rt s Qf the Cri ppled Children's Commi tt ee o f Ihe local
Rotary cl ub, ..... ere guests at a part y arranged by one of the doctQrs whQ h:ul
xi" cn Ihd r sc rvicu in the effort to
r.l raightctl and strengthen cripplffi limbs.
01l~ o f the sevcnt een had la in in bed for
nint years. TIlt wf ig ht o f hi. body
had brQh n OnC leg seven times and he
had broken the other by t wisti ng around
in bed. Bu' at Ihe pa rty he r an alKI
played as happ il y as any. MQtiQn pi etu . es taken at Ihe ho.pital and at the
party will fQrm part of the big fi lm
being I'rep:-.rffi to furthe r this wo.k.
Orillin "f Rotary
h Re..-rn>Cled
BOOl<l. IA.- At a rec""l "Iadics' nig ht"
n~t ing. Ihe local cl Ilb mem!Jc,rs and
t htir guul s ... ere asked 10 allend in the
costumes o f the nineteen-hnnd red:!. The
reaWl' for tilt: reqlltS! was di~o"eretl
whcn SoOme o f the RCll arians protrcded
organize a Rotary club u it " '''s done
by P31l1 Har ris and hi! collnglles nearly
I""en ty )'ears agQ. Paul Harr is. Syh'es-
_ _ _~__ ; . ~ , _ _ ~ .~ ....... ' .. , _D".," ......., t ..• • ~. -~••••
and WiI! J e1l50n. were shown gat hered
together in Paul's Qffice and debating the
various ideas " 'hieh wert later crystallized into the principlu of Ro,ar}·. AI
they left a "oice wa s heard prophesying
.he future growth o f t he organizat ion.
Many OI hcr fcatu ru al so CQntributed to
tilt: enjoyment and internt Qf this mn:ting.
Tho: "'Qflill" l Son
Won', Get Thi, One
MU!lCATI Sl. IA._For Ihe fint time in
the history 0 1 MU!oCIItine COUtlty. a baby
beel attended a Rot:ary banquet "on the
hoof" when lwo local boys ga ye a tkmonSl"' tioll o f preparing and judging c.:.ttie for .he show ri ng. n le boys. .:.getl
12 and 13 rupect ively . ..... ert aJlistetl in
thr. ir den'OIlstration by Ilillandale Lau
lJ, .. likely miss o f ninc months' age and
&10 ]lOlIndl weight. [..aSI 13 i, Qf the
I lcreford fK'fSuasion and a tractable dispol ition. in fact she seemed to rather
enjQy it all. Havi ng already won t hree
blue ribbons. she hal wh3t one might
lefll l a I(ood stage prtltnce. and is nQt
al all disconcerted by Ihe li ~e of her
Th is dC lI lOnstra, ion win 1)1' rel>ta'ed
in ChicagQ ..... here the boys will rcpreU n! the Iowa d ub boy. at tht Interna_
tional I. i,·t Stock ex posi. ion.
" C,,,,,,it,,,;o n Meetinll'"
Attr/l('l MCniber.
ST. PAUL, M' l<1<.- Much has been said
1~lely of proposed amendments to the
Coouitution of Ihc United St.:.lts taking
frQm the Supreme Court the r ight 10 de_
da re ae" o f CongffU unconstitutional.
or 10 rCflui rc .. X " cn -ninths' VOle o f the
Sup~"'e Court instead o f a major it y 011
such questions.
• ~P~,,___
" • •_.~_~n~ ._
~ _," ..a..J"
" ._. ' . _
. . _ _.._
T il E
JohnilOn on th ,. laner I'rOllO!;:I1 <,xc' t.,]
so lillie rommc nt th~t ;t was evident tb~t
the gener;!) public did not apprec iatc the
'llIponance of the propos.ll. To arouse
discussion, a se r ies of tallu were ar·
rang.,] for the 51. Paul Rotary Club
" 'hich were du ign .. d to explai n just how
lhe Constitution would W affectro by
.uch a nM'uure. Th e tir51 talk alone WiU
• uffi<:ient to arouse the IlM'mbers to the
importance of the queMion. Fee]illl" tha t
a si mila r public indifference to im portant
political questions may exiM dsewh .. r ..
th.. 51. Paul d ub i ubm ill tht program
for these talk. ,n tht hope that it lIlay
be o f use to olb ... dubs.
Tht program calls for livt llM'<'1ings
which may be hel d luecessively. or
otherw,se, as followl:
crete ten nill court lind an alhl<'l ic licld
adjoin th e clubhous ...
Hund reds 01 children and adui l S h3""
a\'ail~1 thcmS<'h-cs of the opportunity lor
shorl oul;ngs.. L.;o st summer '. act i",liu
included Campi for boys, threc groul'
outing. fo. church~" hi;;h·school cb ~ .
picnics, uninrsity $OTOril)" OUli ng~,
Y. M. C. A. boys' and chirdr~n', C3mp ' .
Gi rl Scoul camp. Fr Ai r camp 10'
kiddies, high-school football mllmng
camp, and many Rotarian OUl ings..
At the kidd iu' Irrsh air can,p. I", .. nly·
Ii "e un<krnou r ishcd children ,...,rc qU:l"
IUro ~I thfle clubhouse for a month ~nd
,ho" 'ed wondtrful
,mprovemenl in
htalth. This ftalur~ has be<'n conduct~1
for the last Iwo years and grows in
pOpula r ity_
AI a . .. ccnt OUli ng of "group ti,· .... of
tht T "'entieth Di st.;ct. guuts hom 'he
Indi anapOli s, Terre H aute, Greencastle,
[...,I>anon. Frankfort, and Crawford,·
"ilte club, were dr iven out to the camp.
~[or~ than three hundr ed made the tr il'
and all werc lavish in their prai s.. 01
L o.faydlc's community serv ic...
Oeeember, 192J
O ub rnemlM'uhip_ Rota r ian A. F. Beth·
m.,n prcsi(lcd, and Bert Scr,bne r , forme r
cha irm~n of th e bus,ncJ5 methods com·
rn;IIC~, gan a foredul talk which nOl
ouly h:JlC'd e): I.lain Hotary to the com·
I'c l ilOTl, bul ga"e Ihe Alamosa Rot~r.
;anl a new ins,ght of Rotary'. pos5i1.o'l·
i,i ..s. Half of the :\Ionie Vista d ub
cam .. .10\\" to help mak .. Ihis the nlOSt
succtnlul meet, ng A1:tmos;, Rotary has
h3d as Wt1l a. Ihe first 100 pe r cent 111ftt·
in;: it has ken ablfle to r<'POn to 1>o:all·
'luane rs.
No Contlm:lOn, EII! in f!<'n .
Or 5i!""b , 'm This Rail ..:ar
SoUT IlI S1).Os·5~ ... ,
South .. nd Rotarian. attend,'d a r C'CCI1t
demonstral ion 01 Ih .. new "n .. ve r·stop"
rail",·", y. The d.. mon slralion .... ~. gi"~n
I . G..,,..I ....'n\ .. 1~ (It ..,"",•• ) ~""" ,to.
s. CO."',u,;'. " .....,oJ, _" ~'"' 01 M.
on ,h .. double Irack in the Kursaal
b;"o••. ,..""...",•.•• ~ ~. ,.,,, .......,,.... ~. ,II<
s.,... _ C...." .
Ground.. Capt. 11. R,all 5anky , C. It
t. r..o!!<,', ';Ib" . nd ,b.,. p .....' ioa 'n ,b.
C. Jj , E" I'<hl presiden l of the In sl ilu·
,~ _ """ I•• c..." ,. ,."".
lion o f ~l tchan,cal Engin~ers gave an
..,n' .1 ,b. C"' '' ', "'ioa.1 p....«'I.. 00 ,. 10
m'n"". ).
explanation 01 tht ;lIvenl;on. Th~ li ,,~
I . Ind .. " I••1 . ,,,1 "" .. n.1
pro"<ltd by
was iel in 1II0tion by the pressing of a
,h. C... ",,", ..... ,h.l. i.,,,,,,,.,,,, .nd p .... n'
......."y (10 ",In",.. ) .
bun on b}' Sir John Fr3l1c'"
•. Pr ...,,''''' ....1"Ml, 50,. Poli,k.l • .., «0'
.....i<. III ... " ... I.-G.«io ... Ro,.n. 101 <1110 •• ,1.
f ir.t "Com peliro,,' Meeli"s"
The main f(~lurtl of Ih is unique r~;I .
"'hl'b. ,nd ...."k... , Nocno,', I ..
DrQ It'. 100 Per Cenl. Allernl"nce
way may be 5uII"ua.iud a. follows: In ·
,nJ 'b,i, ...,..,,;0. ,0 In .... ,.rom... t:1f...,
. 1 ,.......«1 a .. <~d ... ~" I" _~'". ,0<\ _~"".
A' ''' )l oSA. COI.O.-O" Octobn 41h. d" p(nde lll c~Tr ial;Ci wilh flal, open si,jh.
I,.. "'" 01 C......... . ~ a ...""'_. 01 ,\. C... " ,·
Alamosa, the baby club of Iht St"emiL "Ilt on a li"l;le track over a long scr ..",""~.
I 1'...... , 0..,_. 0",0(. 1..1<. 1)0 ...... '0 ""Oi strict, hfleld its ti rst compel ,lors' mCfl· IJill ktw(fll the rails.. 11,e screw route •
••oid"', eo . ..........DObr'bro~~\
.. ,... it1 '\ ""'iII I.lluo<
"blon". f.,I~ ..
ing. Each Rotari311 invi ted at lea~t ont al constant 'llC'ed by ..1C'Ctr'e powe r and
............,.; •• A_.;,a ••• o.d ho.......... R....·
;, provided w,[h sp,rals of variable I,itch
...... JoI ... m'cloot ;. d'U, hi.: __ lbdl.", ...1 C01llllCtitor. or, if h .. had nO eompet'lors
l.cI_din, ... ,"" """•• in"iled rfpresentalivu from lin ... IIf bu.· which CI1gl1\:C ... ith rolltrs below tht
«1"".,_ 0 )'0"'. i. ,,~,",oJ
.M ......... leol
_ " ". .. U. S. ..
infle5.J not yet included in Ihe kOlary ca rr'Jges. The speed 01 tach .-oaeh dt.
Th .. secretary of the 51. l'~ul • • • • • • •. . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . petKl~ upon th .. pitch 01 the spiral
",ilh which it h~I'P<'n. 10 k <'fl .
cl ub " 'iIl be glad to furnish add,·
gagtd, At the stations tht pi tch is
[iona! inforn,:u ion to any elub in·
,-uy line and the ea rr iagn move
a iUlalll C_ . - J)i.b lllu, u ,l3. I on
... slowl y Ihat p:uso:ng .. rs can .. nt~r
Fr esh •.
URING ,be paot r u r, or alighl. much as is done on an
oj Sen 'ke to Hu"dred,
R O" tT lOll' loyed I n,1 tsealalor. As Ihe carriages leave
LA • •wrru, ISD.-The \()(al Ro·
honom lerT"'" in , be paN- the plat forn, Iht pitch becomc~
lU I 01 W H II . m Coppodr.. .-oant. 50 that Ihe ,pctU is aulO'
lary club has .. xI .. ndtd ill activit;"
Alt hou.h be
b r ' he
10 communit,. rt and through
JUlI~r pan of bi. lile In " IOI,ieally incrfleaiCd \0 wme eight
Ihe Rotary camp i. helping hun·
Am~rl<I, - Dill y· Copp od:
times that of Ihe speed at stat ions .
dreds of childrtn and aduilS. Tht
..-.. , n.oli..e of 510<1,,,,," , The Iy" .. m is w arranged Ihal
Cb ... h lr ~, E nlh n d. Iii . there i, alway. a ca r i" the 51atio"
camp is located Ihirteen miles
m .. , her, ... ho b ......,bt bim Ie
norlh n SI of the city on the pic·
lbe li nd he Ill er I dople,I, and no wai l ing for tTa'ns.. Be·
turesque T, ppeeanoe r iver.
..."".",,<1 '" En,land • Ie..
t... ~n lIatioo. the co.,chu so:par3te
yean I ller ber Jo"",ey 10
from one anothe r but draw 10.
Through the gcn .. rosity of Edgar
Goldsbe rry, past president, about
promo'e lhe "". '1,drll , bUll, ge t le r as I ICY appro.,c I a stalton.
ten aaes of woodland were do- lit .. In ~Ia ... n Ch y. b . lie m. <Tied M ilO Eliubel b
It is c13imcd tlt at the system can
natal to Ih .. club_ On thi s site, the WHoop, of S iou~ Ci'y, 10. Two ", u.dy bora bl e.. ed
W '''" a\ a cost per sfat leu than
club, wi lh Ihe help o f local you lh l. tbe l. union. A Ie.. ye... . her hi ' m. ... i~le II i Iy', , ollve ~me f, fth o f Ih~ 1 o f Lolldo" 's pres.
has treclro ~ $6,000 elu1.ohous... m; n,1 I.. und 1It..- .,. . . .i.., ,,-hell h~ o,.. ned • l. un ,l.,. ~n t railway system. There is no
. nd "ry-del nin , LII';"~" in C.... " ci l 111.. /1'0, la. I II,
G.ou nd ar>d building r .. pruenl a yenlure proved ¥~ry ... r.~ lul, bUI .. ill he hltl nol nero for dri vers, cond uctors.
lotal ;n"CSlnM'nl of $\0,000. Con. di.eo,·~."d bow n,u. b " '0. 1; he eo"ld ,10. T .... ' .on." I. 'er brakes, nor signals, since th e cars
st ruclion work on Ihe 4Ox90 foot ... hen .... helloed 10 or,.n i... ,ho Cou ncil m .. ,,, Rot • .,. are JX»it,\,dy controlled.
",. •• , .,' ,. 11. ing was starled in \921 ar>d I.'er, ,,, 19", be betam" p re. ide.... nw, loll .... iol t u . " --,.",
- ,..
compi<'ted the following yur. Tht he hee',,"" 10'.......,' '" ,he Si1lee" ,h I) i.. ,i... II I,
from noise: or jerking.
mai n hall is 4Ox60 fcCI, the ki tchtn , ...,.. en ROIl.,. bonor ""me 10 him •• •be EdlnLu,~b
] I the invtnt,on e:llr. W applied
15x15 feel, and tht.e aTe several COnyt ntion. ,,-ben he ...., ~I~ ..ed ...""nd vloe-preoldenl Oil a largt scale iI" obviously
or Rot • .,. Inl.. m . ,io....1. Hi. bu, ;........ """' . bl, ". 0",
fr.ught with ,rut ""ss,bilit i....
bed·.ooms each 9xl5 feet. A large ....
h< haJl . 1 R....,.. I nd , be number ... ho w~ ... proud
,.open tirt plaC<' occupies tht centtr 10 u ll him lheir In..nd. . 11 aen''' I. "".. ind o. ,hll_
and Iht loccal Rotaria ns will walch
o f the JOUlh wall. Spri ng watcr i.
"Si ..... lbe Roman ... nl.,.
,IS d<evelopnlC'nl wilh much inl~rcst.
furnished by an hyd raulic Tam and
P .... II,ll y peri.bed . 1 hio po .. ,
I..av.· cost o f operat ion and safety
an acelyltne Iirhting plant hu rt ·
The bilbe" IH'~ of I~'"'"
to pU!II'Ilgen are factors Ihat
~ .... h m. y ........
ernlly b«n inSlalled. River front ·
!!eominl I).,.. h'. , rim enl.,..
seemed o f chid value ,n the n~w
age 01 ](X) yards provides txeellcnI
Foil ..... s..rvic:e-joiD ,be bo ... ~
. ..·i n'm 'ng fat il 'l i.., whilt a cnn·
;;;• • • • C_ _--'(OC""'i,,u<i o.
_j_it, ,.. __
'0...... ,"
, ',
) n .:fiItmoriam
December, 1923
Rotary Club Activities
" 1 A m I nd<.'P.f/. Sir.
SlIrgm>n to Oltl S /lOf 'S"
K n"G!TQ:-I , OST.-"S,,.,c YOll ' old
~hoc~. They can ~ II scd for ..,n';""."
T lli ....:11 the 31>[K~1 1l1ad~ to Kingston
YO'Jng5leu by loca] Rotar ians. As a rcsul! th~ ROiarian s "cre able to pro,';d"
shoes for IIIany "hildren wl~ pan:nu
could not nlrf:t the neft! for foot!;"a',
Th(' dl1b hit on a no\"d plan 10 ..,eu,t
all the old sh.,..! in lh" ci ty. The Rota r_
ian m.1 nagcr of a sloek company play; n!:"
M the loeal th ",,'e. ;"..,rled (m :,,1 in l h"
new spape rs ~Iatilll:' Ih:1.( ('.-crr hoy or
gi rl "ho came to the thealer .... ith an ol d
I~ir of ~hou would be ,uh niUtd free.
/loot s, .hoto<. aO<l .... Cn .\.Iil'1"'''' o f eve,y
\'ariely ,..e.e SOOn coU('CIrd in big piles.
The d'!Carow {ootgu. was ,ahn \0
I ht
pc:nitcntiary shops ....·htre com'icc cob·
bien malic the ntt.. " " . )" repain and ren, wals. Th~ n Ihe ,h00:8 w~re o.Iistr ibutffi
10 poor child rt n.
As a "follow up" 10 I hi~ ~uccessfn1
sen 'ice ...o rk. Ihe ROI~ rians ol'en~1 a
• ub5l:ri plion iu n<l \ 0 buy nodings for
Ihe chil dren. and this ap~al found nad)'
TC5pon~ in the community, T he ROIar)'
cl ub held a seriel of 10
swell Ihe iuml. atld m:my prolessional
f nt erlainers g,we Iheir ~. rvicu gral i•.
T he cl ub has IH)W a perm.,ncnt "Shoe
~ncl Stockin g Fu 'u\"' and no wunhy d ,;hl
will 1:"0 un shod if the No\arianl cau
help il.
K io~lon Rota ry is Ih ree yea rs old
and h:15 part ic:i palnl in many communilY
aclivities. The club spon!iOTffi Ihe Oraula"'1ua. COt.ccns for mili ta ry ho~pitah,
entcrta inmen lj in mi lilary camps. out_
ings alld at hlet ic contests for variou",
char iM!>le in. dlUt ioli o. and is IIOW con_
side ring the possi!>ilities of <:rippled
children', ",oTk.
C"pi,,,l Wo rk. j" r SIIrce.J "/
lA bor', I/olid" y
CArli: GIIL..,,£AU, ~I o.-L.,bor Day
wal "Com,m",ily Da)"" io Cape Gira r_
(lu u. T he Rotary aub j oi ne<l hand.
wilh Ihe U on. Q uh and Ihe l.,oor un ions.
and took thc lead in arranging a hi g
community pic nic for the ben~fi t o f lh~
municlral I>and.
Thr celebration ~pn wilh a bi)!" pa·
rade in which businUf men. Ir~l .. m31
wdClies. ooeial clubs. and bbor organi_
%311.0,, 0. all had Iheir flo;"., T h.. Notary
floal. duorml"d by I h~ ~crelary' 5 wife.
and dri"en br th~ dallgh lu 01 ~ pastpreside nt. was one 01 Ihe most beaut iful
r!oo h ;n lint.
T he picnic W'H held :1.1 Fai r Grou nd
Park. Contests of all kindo we re held
anc] pracl ically .. very Rotarian worked
ha rd 10 "I<Ike lhe Ottuion 3 suttel-!!ful
onr. TI,.. relations between local capi laS and local labor are "ery plus;
1.atcr on , when Ihe agi tator "isit< Care
(;ira rdC3U he wi ll find that the workcr~
hal'C not lorgotten how big IJll!in~is 111cl1
]lulled ufT t heir coal< . .oIt! "hot tlo\: ....
peanlll>. etc., ~,,,", olher ... i"" hd]>ni to
1I1a\;e labor 's n.ationa! holi<l:l.y R rr .•1 ",...
ceu. The Nolan' Onb, like alllhe COInmU,,;ly i, looking forw" .. l 10 the 1It"'1
l.:Ioor Day.
,., N <" 'c r Sc.> Ih e NCft·,b"y. R""
Amill l h ~
Wh irli"g S lTel'II- "
P.\S.\ D~N.,. C,,~.-Onc 01 Ihe most
meee>slul lntlch~'Ons 01 l'a s:ulcna Notar)" "as the cd~bmlion o f "IJo},'
"hen .. ighty./i,·e nt"" iboys were
glle,,) of as many l-1 ucar ianJ. s.,,·ua!
of th~ ddighted Ihdr ho~I '
wilh fine ;'l5tn"".. nlal and "roCa1
and ulk.: "hi]e the boy. app reciated Ihc
fli rplay 01 adult iri~,,,",line.1 and thf
hd],lul ! l", s. 'n,illll~(I;ng was also
Ihr Ot:c~>;o t\ for a "welcome_honle ~ho",­
er" c.. lthratin~ tht . durn 0 1 1'3 <1 Prc. i_
deol Harold L. Landrelh who hat! heen
011 hi. wedding trip .
Itt /erC;,,.
PromO/e. Railroad
SUUlI).\I<. \ \' YO.- :\fftllbers 0 1 Ihe
Shu;(lan. Wyo .• am' hli lu City. ~Ion t..
ROlary club, receli lly ~n joy(d .,n in ler_
tily n'fcring II"h id, "'.,~. p,o"e sign if,cant
in Ihe history of inle r-stal.. com1l1nnic~ _
tion. The possibili t)" of a nOMh and
S(lUlh railroad con nection betw«'n the respect ive t",,'IlS prompted Shnidan Rolarian. to Cha t le r t"·o sp.tcial cau ~nd
make the 5OO-mile Irip 10 Milu Cily.
Si"ty_fi,'" per ce fll 0; thr Sheridan ko·
la ri.,n. made Ihe jOll rn.. )". and splendid
r..sull.! Werc r.ecured. Ilec., u.e nf Ihi,
.. isit and .illlil;.. con lu ellcc9 Ihe ra il_
matI project has h<:en furthe red tQ s!lch
a d~gr« lhat the Wyoming North ~.
Sonth Rail road Cnmp.,n)" i, now doin];"
cOI,sl ruction work helween Mile~ City.
MOfll ., S heridan. Wyo., and Cnpcr,
W~"(). Th" conlract i< Ihe higJ:e51 pit"«
of rail rO:1.l1 COt'Slruction flOw !lnder way
ill tht Uni l~1 Slate,. Ihe tracks eo"erin!!
""me 400 mi leo. Sherid an Hota. ian. H ..
promllo have had 'IOlIIe P.,. I ill the work
f:cmfOm y , M,,,,hood. flml I' "'ri,,l i'm.
Or~fI .. i:.nli""
You;. :-; J:SIl.--GCOT}l:t \\'3shin~"0"
Cha l,tcT :-;". I. Sons of Amtric3, had it~
in<tal1atiOlI 0 1 oflictr~ and init iatory cere"'oni~o on (let. IOrh.
Si"ly-fi "e local
hiJ:h-school 00"" b<!ca," e charier tIIem_
~n. Thc S",i5 of America 11"(10 orgJn·
i~ed Iw tht bovs' work commi Uee " f the
tod i{otMY nul,. Dr. Genrg. Shit!ler
"TOle rhe ril\lal and pbnnr<i t h~ dCl: rees.
a",1 10 hi", ;, largel}' due th.. ernlil lor
w""t "'a,· htCOtne a na . ional organin._
tron . The orga niza l ion io lOr highschool boys. h ~ purpose is the iflC\l1ca_
tion 01 economy. manhood . 3nd l'atriQti,m. T he mO\k!~ of the unlcr are
r;corg~ lVa. hi ,,;:tou. Ik n j~ III i" Funkli".
,\hr;,ham I .incol". and Theodo.e Roosc,·el t.
At a meelillg to he h~1d D<:ce! ith,
a 1I1Im~r of high-school cduc.:ltun win
be ;n"iled to wilneu Ihe ifliti'dor~' work
of the local thnptcr. The chancellor of
:\"~braska l:n"· .. nit)" and leveral 0 1 Ihe
\lni ,<c r ~i ly
faculty will ~ pre<ent.
11lmtl)!"h thc d,~nccnor Ihe \lll i"cuil)'
h,,~ ~no\\"nl onc llOim r.ns:li ~h crcdi t 10
tho!ot' m~mben o f Ihe urder who take
acli,'c interesl in the work.
.1',,1.-.. S /N....inl Inl f'r e"
Cit,. s.." ooIJ
RIIIII.. .. Nt>!',
Th.. local ROlar)"
club i. taking parlieular inttrnt in Ihe
ci ty ... hools. In Octob<: r. nil the 125
leachers of th" dcmcntary and hil5"l1
",",hool ~. were I"ken 10 Ihe Yucai],a Appl~
Fesli"al I~n Iniles aw .• )" . T he l-1otaTian~
"c~" hosii 3t a dinner held Ihere and
Di,trict Go,·efllOr J~ck William. gn"e
a forceful lalk on Rotary elhic~ whieh
was " 'el1 re«i,·ed.
AI anothe r nlect injC Ih .. Rotarian s ell l~ rlained Ihe faculty of Ro:dlarnls Un,A" 3U _hi)!"h_Khool meel ill!:"
,·ersi t)·.
wa s .,Isu hcld. "hich was pres it1~(! o\"er
by Ih~ Nota-inn l'ri llC;l'.,1 of t;e!toob.
~ ' nsk wat furni,h.d by ~II .. rehe't r~
re~r"i I Ct1 (rom liflh-grade pllpilo. atld
aridrcSM"1 wcre gi" m by .-ariotlJ hit::h_
school tC3chen ancl by M u. Grace C.
Slanley, ~tate dirKtor oi tkn'Cn\'1TY
.4.. nlh ..r "C.. n/ ury Clu b"
I .• f url11 f'11
SC(>TT"",.r. P~._H ead(r ~ 01 Tn R Ro_
T.'~l"N 'IOtienl in lite October i,,,,~ the
sl ory 01 lite Centur)" Oub of lite Uniontown. Pa .. club. Scoctdale also h,,~ iu
Centllr)" Oub "'hklt, like lhal of UniOlIto""n. oIra", ils n'fn'ber~'i" front loo,e
... ], .. h a,'~ att ended 100 cOl •....,"'i,·.. ko_
lary n~t i OlgJ.. .\ 1 pre..-nt UnionlOwOI
wilh sixt)"-t,,·o 1-10tar'.• n~ has ionrtfen
in Ihe Centnry Clnh .• nd hoI''''' h)" the
cnd "f Ihe )"ear to en roll one_lhird o f the
Unionto"'11 Hotari3ns.
On O<:tober 22nol. Ihe I'rh.tlenl 01
Scn1\(bl( I-1ntary dnb beean.. c1igihlc fur
Iht Crntury Clnb and W:l., dilly inil iatl"d
hy Scnttdale and Uniontow" Rotarian •.
Scoudalc Ccntury Ollb nOw ha. three
",,,mloen. ;1< pruidellt. u crtlary, ant!
t rea surH. and hol'~s Inr nlOre in the nfar
f" ltlr~.
Since Ihe ""blication 0 1 the
O<: to.... r " umlleT o f Tit!': I~OTloM''''1<
Brown,,·;)!c. I'a .. loa' organi~~1 a e m IUry anb \\"i ,h three ttlcmbc" anll it i.
h0l'ed that other Ihirty·third diiilriel
dub5 ,,·il1 &000 follow Ihis ex ample.
·n.c Scottdale Cent ury G ub '"'1:"111:(-"
lI'~\ all ~otari~n ., (Can"" "" ,,"g'" 10.)
, c,------------------------------------------~_c_--------------------------------------
Decf'nlbf!" , 1923
Rotary Club Activities
( Colt, inwd fTo",
who are eligible for Ihe CeOl Ur)' Club
"rran~ for a meeling al Toronto and
organize on an international basis to
Mim u13\c aUcooa n(e in Rotary. Ia there
a tM,tter II.lnlt lor luch ;:m ors:aniration!
" ROIary Centurion." h"l ~en IUI:J:tUed :
anyone ,,·ho hal any othc r idu is inviltd
10 writc Harold G. Stu r,i •. Uniontown.
" 1.. ,,1" oj G r oot
R (!m ind~
U_ "
FULl', MOlo!T,_T he local Rolary dub hu umbli5hcd in the public
libmry ~ " Rotary Shelf o f Biography
for Boy,". The cluh Ifam ed from Ihe
li bmrian Iha l there is alway! a big de1l\;md /ro", hoy. for ~uch "ook ~. a'MI
IIL~t Ihe lib rary was not ,·try wtll wpplied wilh '\lch ,ualer b1. Each I~ot a r_
;an Wa5 asked 10 contri bute a book nn,1
the club maintain s a fUIl,J to bllY olher
book~. The plnn h s brought the Rota ry
club in touch witb Ihe puhlic lihrary :
ha s !>cen one mort mtan, of keeping in
'"" ch with tht ho!'.: ., ml h a~ J:ai nc,1 f,,,'_
orablt o:ommenl for the club.
Olher aeti vitiel of Greal Falls ROla r."
which mar intfreit ROlarians gcnerany
indude: Talks on "The ConstitUT ion of
tbe Uniled Statu:' "The World Cou rt "
and ''Tht United Statu
Court"; a (On~rt by chori!ters o f tht
.:oIorM ehurchel: aoo a program by thr
Commucial Dub exl~aini nl! it. act i,-i _
lin and ambitions.
Boy, Gc l Th" ir Ch"n r.·
in Thj$ TOil:"
BAXCO. , M L-'\ rt«nt rcport 01 lhe
ehai rma n o r Ihe boys' work cOm mille ..
of Bangor RQlary re"uled the extensive boy~' work act ivil iu of thM dub.
The club foutld IhM the boy. eon&litllte<l
about len Jl<' r cent of the ci ty'. 25,0Cl0
popul"tion, anI] that only a lilli e morr
Ihan one hu" dred ooy. were membe., 01
properly ~up<:rvi litd organil:ltiOlI S ouch
as the Scouts an(l the y, hI. C. A ,
T hree ,. .. au ago last J ul y, Ihe d nb applied for a eharl .. r for a first-cl ass Seout
coon cil. Th e charte r wa ~ gmnlcd and
Ihe Rotarians plann ed a budget on a
t hree-yur b~ ~; s allow ing for tht ex·
Jl<'ndilurc o f $7,000 a >"e~ r. Club mem·
be n subscribed over fifty Jl<'r ccnl of the
req uired amount antI Ihe bala nce wM
!leCUrM after a short commlln it y C;l Ollpa ;£1l. Two yUrt ago. Ihis Seol\t council purchaiCd a fift),.atre e;:lmp'lile about
t"" eh'e miles from 6;:11110r. It pro,'ed an
ideal spot for a (amp and has bern in
COOsllnt u~. In the summer time campi
arc hdd for Icn weeks dur ing lite va_
(3tion pe r iod and laM wmmer IOJ Seouu
R!1en,Jed eamp al an indi yidual «I~t of $6
a ....... k. In 1M winl .. r Ihe n rnp i. u..-.l
lor wc .. k.cnd hihs ami also du ring ! h~
"acation l"'riod.
There arc now JOCj r~i ~tued ScoUI~
in Barq::or ami lhe IOumber may be in_
ereased when lllOre patrol le adcrJ cau
~ found '1''''0 houor Srout~ were licm
10 the E~Ulcm Siales Scout l::"poS;I;on
hdd al Spr ingfield, Ma ss. T hc Tarious
naturc exhibits made or prepared by
Scouts fronl t",enl r-fi .. c eound]. wcre
judgtd and Ihe Bangor Scout~ carri .. d
off firSI pr izt.
BalOgo. Rolary has not yn found il
nCC<'l\.uy to COndUCI ~ back_Io-schooi
canlpaign as Ihe r c il a .-cry ~Iron g local
'~ndency 10 higher fducalion. Howcl'cr.
th~ club lo a. been 3elh'c in tbe promo l ion of pnblic pl~ygrotlnds and swim.
mi ng pools. T he prui,Jent o f the local
Y. :'I I. C. A. i$ a Rotarian and several
O1hr Rolarian, are directorl or CO"'millee men o f that organi. ation. On ~
budgel of approxi matdy $J(),OOO a year
thc local "Y" has for two )' car~ main ta ined a "cr~' succes sful boys ' camp. Last
Sltn"llcr. more Ihan 100 boy~ tnj o~'~d
cmll p life at a COSI o f SI rer ,Jay. ROlar ian~ I'aid the rx Jl<'n ~ o f ~" nal bo,',
,,·100 olherwise W011!,J <>01 ha l'" .....,,, " hl~
to att ~n,J Iht ump.
" Voc Viu;5" Is NOI
M OllO oj Thc$c Club,
W"v ~ [,
MII;I1.-AII old JCOru bt-
I,.. .... n
Dnrborn and Wayne Rotary
d ubs were :unicably sc\tltd " 'hen TlK'm·
~rs o f both d ubs. their Wi.-H, :md
gutst!. gather"" al a banq uet furn ished
by Ihe Wayne dub--t he looe.. in a
series of indoor kill game.. A. Ihey
enlertd Ihe dining-room ;>II main wcre
obligtd to ea change p:lnn" rs for Ihe
dinner and th i5 procct<:ling tore away the
bst shred s of fo rmalilY. Afler a serics
of good short lal ks the prui<l~nt 01 Ihe
Dcarborn club prcsented Ih e \Vaynt cluh
with a handsome sil k fI,'g in token of
th~ appreciation 01 Dearhern ROlary for
the good sporhman ,hip di ,playtd b,' Ihe
"Th(1/ Olrl nnlrl Ch en' "r '7';me'"
Preliilc$ tit tlnn; vcr.ror y Dinner
DANI'H.u:, l u,,-PraclicaUy Ihe entlrc
mcmbtr$h ip o f thc Danville ~otary
Club wi th th cir familin c~ltbratt(j Ihe
eighth anni .. ersa ry of Ihe dub with a
"birth·d ay party." The .. igh t past pr.. i i.
den lS m~ rcht" inlO th .. ,li ning_room followed by Father Ti mc (impcTiOnalC(] by
Cha rln Atwood) :md liule Mi" Brt<:lehofl who "" r ritd a huge birlhday cake.
The presidents took thcir placet about
the tablc Over which hunJ: Ihe scythe o f
Aitu an apJl<'l i.i ng din ner ,
T ime.
F"lher T imc g:..-e a poetical int rorluct ion o f eaeh paSI presiden t and d...
m.~ndt<:l from uch an aceounl of ,,·h~ !
h",1 ftH.n acenm]lli.h"" durin~ hi. tt rm
o f ser .. ice. '\ fter each had relatro Ih.
OIIl$taooing incidenu of his adminislra lion, Father T illie declared that pouibl,·
Ihey " 'ottld nner again Itr\'e Rotary in
that capac;ly ; then, re\'trt ing to rhyme.
ht iulrodtlCfd Ihe pre5l"nt prni<km, who
ontlined the hopes and problem. o f hi s
atbni ni&tra\ ;on, Followillg tbe talh of
tlte pfC$idenu. T honu.s 1- Cossey, lin t
president 0 1 Ihe club, presenled the d ub
with a ~a"liflll boon. TI,C pr ..sentalion
a':wreu mMlc by Dr. E, B, Colley was a
ddll}' ",a.·en ~rin of anu .ion~ 10 t he
IlOwer and d,~rm of " ariolls Iypes o f
Itcn, a. re\'ealed by h i~lory-and the
place oi bells in ottr daily lift. Sueral
I(ood lIIu"ital mUllben rOll(l(I,,1 oul ~
program o f except ional inter .. st.
Rnrk./,,_s.-hnot MO.·/)"' I)'"
99% (\'U/)('I il' /)
O~ r,,, .-Tht
boys' work COli'·
millee of lht EIOid dub rc por ted that our
01 ., l Ol ~1 o f 1[7 hey s who lini~hed J:ra,ir
school I,Ht yea r , three ha\'t moved aw ay,
an,l I]J have cnl cr~d high S(hooL Tht
committee maku slire that tvery hoy is
""couralled to conlin ne hi s educal ion.
and in many Ca~ 5 " 'ork has hcell 5tcure-d
10 enahle boys to eominue th.:-i. !otudit5.
Elich n'ember of the Enid Rotary dub
h,1Itwo boys lInt1er his 5uJl<'r,.ision whom
ht is 10 C(lucalt in Rotary prin ciples aTl<l
entourage in the efforl for high .. r C(h,
cal ion_
1m:;II)' '\'f.!iShlw,. w Spans
- Th en Win, MOd l' ai",, !
~ l rA~I,
FI .....- Tl,C local ~ola ry club
was IlO!t to the local Ci ~it an , K iwa n i~_
and Exch ange clnbs at a b.ubl'C1I<!; MOr ..""
on the II'roluld. o f Iht :'I l iami-H ialeah
Goill club. The b,ube(UC was ,. gru l
;;,lCens-enn i 1 Ihe supply 01 cutluy
,Jid rnn ~hort 11"'5 compelling ~ fc\\
Rot ari~n5 10 n!d; finge., ill~tead of fork ~.
" It er the l'a r io\15 ~thl et ic c,'cnts had
!wen 5t,. gl'd a nu mtM,r 01 doctors were
di,,~pl'()i nte(]- for Ihere wt re no casual ·
liu except a fe w sprains and br uis....
Whl'n thc fi nal !~orn w.. re reckoned Ul'
il was found thaI Ilotary hml <>'o n tl,..
rnl'~t wi lh 30 ]lOin t5, T he Ci.. i l ~nJ "'frr
" dose I(col1d wilh 28, but I h~ Exch allgi ln and Kiwani an~ were somewhat
off for m. Bul the ~~orn in friendships
rnad~ that da)' ... ~re abou t ('llIal,
HII;/,[ ClI m p fur U.c 0/
Junior Ors",,;;n,iom ,,/
\\' I .~ Tll<Sl!T,
1,\. -
Tw~nty-fi " e
bo:rs of the local Rotary club WUt ho",~
10 twenty_five larn>tTJ at Ihe banquel
which marked ,he dedicat ioll o f C"UI\p
~otary. The (~ n'l' is located on one of
tht most pictnrn'luc SIreams in the
state, 11'11 miles northwest of the cit~· _
It Slamjs on ont of Ihe h;l/:h wood .. ,J
!olliff. (l\'erlooking :-':orth ~i .. ~r. Tllc
Deum ber, 1923
clubhouse i~ I8xJ2 f«1 I'>'ilh ~ porch
12:<32 ftn . Split cedar poilS were used
in the building <lud the log-house type of
construction wu the model follow cd.
The dubhou,", cost appro"im~tcly $1000,
and il dedicaled to the teryice of boy.'
and girl s' organi Ulions of the county.
Rotnry StaliotlP.l"' Pay
Tribute / 0 Th eir " re,ident
KA S.-R(){ui~n
Chllrln L.
Mitthell, of Topc:k:a, reliring pusident
of the National ASiociation o f Slationers and Manufacturers ,,'lU hono rro by
Rotuians o f his "ocation at the: u5OCia'
lion', con"cntion in IXI j\loinc.. I-Ie
w:.. pretent", with a b/:autiful Rotuy
chain and chan1l, a wO'l(lerful example
of Ihe jeweln'I art. The chain is o f
white gold inlaid with white e n a mel
and on t he eud i. a knife of simila r
materials. The spoku of Ihe w1>«1
chum arc of plMin1l111 with six di~nlO",.h
SCI bet"'etl1 the ~fIOku and a la rge center diam01ld in the hub. T hi s tribute is
a recognition of Rotarian Mitcheli'll ef·
forts to pr01'lOte the 51l1dy of b1lsinrs~
et hics in his voca tion. Duri1lg Ihe last
year he has travrl1ed more than 40,000
miles, holtEng ronfe rcncu of the assot iMion in the Unit~1 Statu /lnd Canada.
Not IIntil this yeu have the stat ioner~
con 5ider~1 the Ilrep:l.ration of a "code"
and ROIuian ~Iitchdl 5ayl thai his in_
spi rat ion .along Ihat line ean>e dir«tly
from hi. expe r ience in Rota ry. Mr.
Mitchell ,,':OS .150 presented with a gavel
made by the Watentloln pten rompany
from the blade and rro rubber 11:1«1 for
founta in ptn b:lrrels..
During the past )'ur, Mitchell h:a
~poken at m.:I.n)· Rotary conferences. He
il now ehairnl.l.n of the publicity com·
mittee of hi~ club and abo eh.irman of
the $tr~t decorating committee which
will prtpar~ Topeka strtns for Ihe
Rotary dil.lrict conf.. rence in April
4 Ge ntle Re minder
Me mbc"
T il t:
ROTA H/ A .""·
red in <.Ii:""eler, in tht tlOn ht rnruoi t
IJOints 0 1 D.l ifornia. These big whtth
will carry a li st of all dubs in the V.aIIcy, and the cOSt will be pro-rated among
the d ubs..
110w lI1a" y CtJddie.
Were Car,,'i,,! CUpi?
P".-The loc:al RotariaJl~
staned something when they :lnnOUrl(:ed
that they wou1<.l offer a l:irge ,il",r cup
and stage a golf tournament 10 deci<.le
which o f the uhigh Valley Rotarydubt
u«lIed at the royal and anc;"nt game.
B rr n L£nE M,
.... iter the <.IU$1 had cl""red away anti
Ule <.Iivou had betn replaced it was found
that Stroudsburg Rotary had acq uired
everything in lisht e"«pt the cups for
the best net KOrts in each indi .. idUilI
The tournament was a g reat lucce».
six-men teams from Bethlehem, Euton,
Allentown, and Stroudsburc battling lustily over the fairwa)"s and sand lraps of
the Saucon Valley Country Oub.
StroU(l$burg ,,·on the championship
t.ophy with a g.on score of 544, Brthle_
(CII./i...,d II.
damaged but insured
VERY parcel post
mak~ is in danger of loss
or damage. Parcel Post
Insunancc protects you
against th~ many r isks
of transportation.
There is no r~d tap~.
KY. -T he local club ~ndl
out each nlOnlh a special cal endar on
which the dates o f the Rotary meclings
are marked by small (un of the Rotary
emblem in stead o f the ~gure.. The~
little reminder. can be kept on the 111ember's desk and hne proved u§eful in
stimulatillg attendance.
Enclose a co upon from
a North America Coupon Book with ~ac h
packag~ .
It is automatically insured. Th~ ~ntry
upon th~ stub is your
shipping record. Claims
s~ttled promptly.
Insurance Company o f
Nort h America
Pil i ..... DEI.PII I'"
Whed. That Guide Whcc/,
"n CnU/wnwn JIiShWflY.
CIIlCO, CAL.-T he Rotary Qub of
Chico hal ereeted three large guideposts
in the form of tht Rotary emblem, one
nonh. 0Ilf! south, and ont we$! of th..
city. n,t wheels show tht time and
place of the Rot.try mtnings and are
plainly visible from tht highway. The
• igns are gold-Irtter~ on a bl ue back.
Nonhern Sacr::ln>ento Valley club~
hU'e unit .. ,1 10 pbc .. ~;m;l~r wh~I~. ei lhl
f ...... .
------_....... _-_ ...... _... _--_ ........_-_.......
- ,. ...
..... _
S BtrrtN G
Campoa, 01 1'1...... .1. ....-10:.. TIll. . . .
w•• ,
. Blr,III I
Su ., "'add....
1'1_. .................................................................. .
Adob-o.. • •.•• . . .••• •• ••.• • ••••• • _. . .•.•..••.••.••••••••••••••••••••....•.
/'i. ,,.., . _
. a'I
s... ...... .................. .
t._ .. __
(:Jt-, . .•• .• •• ••.•.••••••• • ••••••••.•• ••• •••
I ....
7' HE
n ecem ber. 1923
A Rotary "Indian" Camp
( Co nt ;nw.-d fro ...
hOOI> with Iht toIor('<1 dOth, ~
VOinu for Ihe I .... hoop, 2 PQim. for
th" IS-i nch hool>, ~nJ I poi lll lor Ih"
bil(gul hoot>,
8111:\11 <: 51
rolalion 5y.lem w~s lollolnd
h which Iht linC'.rod boy wenl 10 IhC'
head of IhC' lint whC'n he won A cC'r '
lo1;n nlll11wr oj IIO;nls. TI,e Itn!:lh of Ihe
gamt ,,'as du .. rmined al the OUl ... I-1iO
n ... nv "...,..imllm VOinu.. $Q.nclimc. a h<.lOP
wOIdJ bC' ~IOP1 .. J b)' th .. firsl 1.00)' in Ih ..
line, Some1,i" ..s it ""0111..1 run II.... nli r ..
gauntl.. t witho"t ""ing speared,
N" D game of a different $(Irl
which prol'cd nu.. ,,,.. ly poplliar wu
Iracking game,
Tll o .ides w<:re
chOSe'n, 11,en I l ubb.trd would take 00'"
fetti, made at Ihe ca"'I', and btginning
al a point wilhin fift y fetl 0 1 Ihe .... mp,
WQldd Ita," .. a lrail of this, At in ter vals
ht would make an "a"im~1 ~;gn ," Withi n
Iwel,.e iecl of thi~ anin ml sign he 1I'0uid
ronceal a ca rd on which the namt of the
;l11im,,1 and :t mu"lK'r appeared : for ex ·
ample, "sk""k" eount~d 10, "rabbi t" l,
When he had 51ruck the hall . way poi nl
in a loop, he would lerm;nale o ne t rai l
amI begin anOl.her which h .. would carry
back 10 th .. camp in Ih .. umc m.1nncr,
I.... " ing anirrull signs al inten'als, Two
~i<l~s ;'"Onld Marl 0111 ~I the sa me t ime,
\\, inn~n w.. re dClem,inoo on 3. point
Hubb.'1.rd also SUIM'I"Yiscd , .. nu;ne In_
dian eooktry. O"c of Ihe r~a\s whieh
nl big" with th .. youngste rs \\';1$ prt.
""red in Ihi s 'aMlion;
A hol~ ,,-::1.1 tlug in th .. !!rOUI>d. ,"" fir~
was buil t in Ihis and continued until Ih ..
g mund lI'as heatoo Ihor<>ll::-hly, n,~n
Ih~ fire w;u rakoo out and lour do~en
cars o f 5W C<'l. roTII, on the cob, husks
on , lI'er .. placed in Ihi , hole, Dirt II'M
rakoo o" ~r and a n<>lh~r fire starl NI on
lOp, This was I h~ WllY Ihe Indian,
roastt d corn, and it \\'a' Ihe con!ICn,,, , of
opinion among Ih~ Raulder llOYs that
",hile men hal'~ n~"u improvtrl u[lOn it:
'!l,e corn was ~I w ays consumed 10 th~
last ~::lr,
IllS 1I'~.!1'1 ~lIlhe "'1' ~1. Mrs. Myron
S now b.,k<:< l .<om e corn bread ( rhc
"johnny·cak~" of II' e F~1<t),
In ciden·
tally, throughout th.. camp, «1m hread
was a might}, f~I'orilc w;lh Ihe bo)'5~feat "'a~ I>rov;dtll lo r this mul Indian
style. Rn-I lI'a~ CUI into cnbes about
,hoc si.e of a tta cup. i\ hoy would im·
pal .. 0"'" of IheM: cubes lI'ilh 3. forhd
Iotlck and rO>l!d ;1 "".. r the t~ fi r .. ,
T he bevcr.gc OIl thi, mul II'U hOi chocolaic.
~I "bb.trd taught the Rotary boy. how
to talk in Illdian ia llguage, how 10 bu ild
a fi re lI'ill,oUI n~~l chu, ~".. ,n~IIY oth .. r
t<zgC ,11. )
Yes. the.e is an art in conducling ~
boy,;' camp, and doing Ihe Ihing right.
Myron Snow, commiS!;3 r~' IhrQU<:hullt Ihe
"., r iod, i. a vet .. ran oi camp fife-Ihat
is jllsl wh), Ihe 1l00l1der Rotarians put
him in charge. 1'\eilh... in slttping COli·
di l ions nor in u,l ing rontlilions did Ihe
camp set OUI to ha,·t "roughing it" ~IUIT,
In faet, Ihe allempl was 10 :....oid this.
TM r~ were boy~ o f ,.11 ag .. s from It
years "1', and as reg:>rds phy~ieal p.cra·
ralion for camp life, most of Ihtm were
"\Ve planned 10 1I,."c honK' meals.
mad.. frOln c'""'P l1Iat~rials," cxp13intd
),I)'ron Sno,,· 10 Ihe wriler, '·W .. ha"
to u5<' conside rable cann ...1 stull, o f
eOllr!t, hut we kepllhe IOI~I of th is dO'''l
a~ mu~h a. lI'e could,
\\'e USt11 a gre~1
deal of bre ad and a 101. o f potMOC'J, For
~nrage~, we had chocolate, cocoo., awl
CnffL'l:, al w fresh mil k.
"Tht milk was from our own camp
cow, I mi lkffi her . We bo nghl her
"" fo rt we w~nt into can,p and w id h.. r
when wc brokc up camp. On the whole
tranMct ion we figured she only COSI liS
~r transportation to Camp Rotar)·, The
otiC cow <lid not gi"e enough milk 10 go
arOll"'1. .., we had 10 dislribule it with
ca relll1 jlldgment. I " the nlOrn;ng lI't
usnally had CfICO:I_ 'n't u"'" of corr~
ha<1 a relalion 10 Ihe wUlher and Ih..
physical wndilion of Ihc 110)" in tI,..
mo ruing.
"On a cold, chilly nighl-"'" had SOIIle
of IhtS<', duri ng rainy lI'eather, c~pr:cian)'
-we poured hot soup inlO Ihe boy•.
"Roys WCIl: allowed s«ond and Ihird
h.. lping!!. A fie. Iha l , Ih ..y had !)r,
b"lI ~ r and jam, wilh no lim il 5<'1.
"M uls we re 5<''''00 ea felCria slylt.
T he k'lChtn ",'a5 al otIc ernl of the dining·
room, and Ihe boys rKei "C(1 Iheir food
",'cr Ihe caumeT thfrc, Each 1.00)' ....::os
upccltd 10 wa,lI hi$ Oll'n di$l,u, For
this 1"''110'''' we had ~ rlre oUlside, alld
hot lI'ater enough for 1\\'0 large pa ns,
A 00)' \\'o\1ld wa~h his dishes in olle I""',
ri",... them in ,1 Io('cond, and Ihen pbcc
Ihem in hi~ pa rticul H numl>c ..d com1>::lTIt11Cnt of a drying rack , Th i. Wa5
hu il l on Iht I);g~on hole pr indpk wi rh
h.ordI\'ar~ dOlh in lhe bollom.
It Wa'
put atTO<s woo<lcn "hor..,~" iu tht 511U ·
, hin ..,
" F ach 110)' "'~ s given a ""mh",r whe n
h .. ~rri,,('<1 ~I th .. c~mp, T hi . nu",l~r
~ ppeared 6n Ih~ drying pii;('<M1 hole \I hich
h~ 1""'1. 'Kild, .. n poIic~' dul~- ,..~s I ~k~n
by thc boys '11 rOlat ion, by numt~r,"
Th .. n: i. c:<ln <ider~ble work 0 1 One ..orl
Or anoth er to be done around a boy ..
camp, 'Yheth .. r the boy~ t n joy it. or
do il rl"IUCla11l1y. depend. a good d~a1.
~XI>fr i~nce at Ca'''I) Rotny sho,,·~. on
Ih .. ~kill " 'ilh which th .. boys are ha ndt~d
Around Ih<: grubhou,e 11'<:,,, ~ gr .. al
many bo"ld ..n ,,-hich had not ~CI1 re·
lnol'ed since the camp ",,"5 ntahl;shCil in
]911. Under thc camp leader's in"roc·
tion, lh.. se II ne lIuilt into a nlOnunltnt
Ihil 1i1l1111l1<'r, On th.. mon"m~nt, the
ooys lI .. re pC'.miu ..... to "eng raYc" Iheir
'~~m .. 5.. The nlOn""'ent ·~ nd·i" i l ials Slunt
",ade all thf diff..,ence in Ihe \\'orld in
Ih.. spirit w;lh IIhich Ihe }"O\lnjl:<lcrs enler ...1 lhe lI"Ork,
In order 10 gel fir.. woorl lip on 10 Ihe
moumain .id e, I conle .. WQldd be sta " OO.
T hen Iher .. wu fun in ;I!
"Majorily rule" was a fealure of the
camp. On Ihe hik .. , when the q,,~slion
of a mul C~I11t "1', or where 10 go, Or
~n)' other poinl, the qu~st;on wu put up
to Ihe ooys.
"First hell" W~. tapj"''' al 6 o'clock.
If l hC're 11'35 11'00<1 to be gaIlNI, Ih~
yOimg,tcr.\ turnrd Ollt ,1nd Kat it in al
Ihat time, T here w,n ~nolher bell al
6 :45, when Ihe hoy. \\", . hed "I' for break·
fas\, Th( 7 o'dock ben ",a ' Ihe signal
for the I110r";1111 rep,lSl .
Ihe fir51 Ihin!:. Ihe camp did
,,·al 10 blaze a Irail to
T U>1,r.(!t"n. Dai ly, inmc ol lhe boys hiked
0111 for nl~iI, It i. po.sible anolhH yenr
Ihat TungSlen ,,·il1 t'C forgonen, SO far
u Camp Rot~ry is concerned, lh~ .<lIg·
l(e<l iol1 being made that e,'cn ronl~et
... ilh Ihe out ~ide lI'o rld to Ihis CXlent deIracts Irom the camp's full po~;h ili'iu
for lue ful n.. ss,
One of Ihe $lIrpri sn met " 'ith al Camp
Roury is Ihe faet thaI ,h .. C3mp rojO)·' "ci ly" ",aler and lel .. phon.. fae il;·
Ii.." The main pipel inc of the Boulder
ci l)' "aiC'r <upply ~SIo('I Ih .. u mp, A
IdephOl'" lin .. all'l':~dy ""isling inlO a
min~ made t1~ t .. lcphone feasihle, ,\n.
Olher )·ear, i. pm~;bilily of dC'et .ie
curr.. ,,1 for lighl,
The calliI' is localed on IWO 5idcs of
I\orth itl.,ul,kr Crtek, 11,.. bllilrlinll's
compr Ih .. camp arc Ih .. "):'n,bhoulo('," ::t fr~me buildin!l' pllt np loy Ro.
ta.;a ,,!. II'hich lI' ili .<0:'''1 Ihirt)' nt ,1 li me;
" 101.' cahin on the oppo~ ile side of the
creek, amI, allOnl JOO feet distant, and a
~cr.. en.d bunkhousc, II .. rnu"t'l1 fTII'" Ihe
al """,( diSla nc~ is a cabin II'h,ch
~Ir, and Mu, Snoll' OC(III';(tI Ih i~ year,
1I0r~ were expeclcd to lorin g t hr~e ur
fom hlankcl ', Th e cluh furni .hed straw
I;ck... Th e YOlJ11g !l.r ~ took O>l~ cha nge
nf clolh;n!:, Th~ club f"m,<hffi I r::tn~_
porlalion in and oul , and food, elc. The
d',1Tge lI'a < S9 for the I~n-day pC'riorl.
The cost 01 the fourteen ·day pC'riorl, in
ch~ rl:" of Halph I/nhl>ard, lI'aS SIS.flO,
]'ul,lieiIY, ;nchlding iQme ad,'eni s;ng in
Boulder n.. w.p~per', h. lp..d to create in·
lere<1 in Ihe ca n,l',
Thert wer" III ; rl~"lhrcc boys in Ihe
finl group, <t,,'cmffn in Ih .. M'CQnd, and
titln .... n in Ihc thirrt The camp heg3 n
in jul .. and .0nl i"n('<1 ul1lil do$C 10 t~
t n.] o f '\"j..'\1st,
IJf!Cf!mber. 1923
Comment About
l C" .,i.1U'd
f~" ..
NOt 12. )
only slightly differentiated from their
fellows.. In "The Hope of Happine u "
(Scribner's) Meredith l'ichobon pre.
socnts uS with an impartial " iew of mod·
ern lOCiety whieh avoids both yellow
journalism and ill siMer, the homily.
The $l:ory foil owl the various lor·
tunn of Bruce StOrU, arehitttt and e"·
:!OIdier, who is en.barranftl by a mater·
nal t ru.\.l-d.e command to anoeiale his
own life wilh Ihat o£ his real lather,
F .... nkli n Mills. Mills is the "leading
ci tizrn" of a mid·west town, where he
e:.terts a veh·ct·glo,·ed power ove r town
affairs and o,'e r the destinin of hi.
~harming but wayward daughte r, and
hi s l upe nsit;l·e lOll. Mills plaM 10
e:.ttc nd his dominion 10 include Ihe de ..
liniu of Mil1i~ent Harden, II young lady
o f man y a~ro111[>lisll men l s and IITTu ting
personalily. How Brute hclp i straighten
out the tllnglcd affairs of t he Mill. fam.
il y "'hen Ihe father s tclfilhne ll forcn
a socr ies of cr;socs, how he Iuds hi s lather
to "the ho[>.. of hap!,ineIS," marries ~1i1li«n l himself, anti wins lucce" in his
l>rofelSion, provides mal .. rial for B ver y
r eadabl e nO"d and welcome relid from
th e "handw r iting on the waU" critics
of lOCicty.
COJUt~fj("I ""'f!
" 'dl dc.i t:"~"\l to i" cukate hOlle and ambi _
tion. If you hal'e any young employce
.. host lalent talent t, you consider, ICCm
10 need j ust a ];l\le yUlil that ht may
achieve effccti,·cnc .... g'l'e him
this book for a Christmal ptescnt_nd
get anothe r cop)' for yoursell. Van Amburch', crisp aentencn have neither tht
diamond poIiah of Montaigne's no, the
sonorous roll of those penned by Epicte·
tus--but Ihey have a te rtain $b,e" 'd
Yankee wit which lihould ioo uce first.
anion-Ih.. n, 5U«ell..
where the populace 10"e5 Ihe brief, pithy,
maxim; the pungent epigram. F. D.
Van Amburgh needs little introduction 10
rudeTi of TII~ ROTAaJAII. Many have
known him as a former governor of the
old StcOiod Dist rict ; man)' othe r. have
owle hi . aC<]uaintance via wThe Silent
Pa rtntr." These last, particularly. will
be inltrested in his volume wThe Mental
Spark Plug," pub!;$bcd by The Silen t
Part ner Co .• r-oew York. There the), wilL
f.nd nearly four hundred pages of", nWl"i ",., and pithy paragr:aph.,
Englislo. B j ' F~/J"cis K . 8111/.
GillN . 4$8 pt.
T H E Soc iety for Pure Engl ish hlU an
Upi'M aUy in Dr. Franci. K. Ball.
whose "ConJt rU(tin Enel;sh" i. the most
compact book of good English US:lte
publi$bed in rKent yearl. What t he
studenl needl upon hi. dell< and Ihe business man in hi. office, for conJtant referen«, is a book which will answer hi s
queRions on all ma(lU I of usage as aut hori tat ively as the dictiona ry anS,,'eTl
for word s.
Suth ~ book cannot be
dogmat ic, for there aTe diveTiitiu of
practite and ClCpre"ion 10 be reckooed
with . nut Dr. nalL, an ClCperien~ed editor
o£ manu sc rip:! for a large publ i5hing
hou~, has spent a number of yun buil ding up hi l little book ul>on Ihe ~st
models and the 'caWILS why Ihey are thc
best. For t he slu<lCl1l of gramma r, for
the letter writer, for tho~ who ~rc con·
cerned with Iht prtparation of man u'
script., as an exam ple of prope r usage
in conl'ersation, Ihis \"olume ;s ~ vodr
.....C>UlI. 11 contain, a remarkably complete index and system of crOll rde,·
cnces to the wealth of ;nformalion in ill
Iwel\"e chapters..
/(U1 ' Ak l ,I /'to
Tiot MttalaJ Spark PI.g. 8y F. D. VII~
...... /IIIrglo . Sil ..", P,,~I,. .. ~ CIlIt!·
pa.y, Nl"W Yo~k City.
W HEREVER the ciani forttl of in·
dlUtry send their reverberations t hunder ine down the w.l.Y. of life there i, an
accompanying flaw and tparkl e of aphor;Im. Palj iculuh' i. this Irue in Amer ica
The Christmas Gift- for All
=. ="';:..:...~~ ...~:.. ,,";"•• ~ ..!t":.. ~ ,.:0..:.:
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Perrected Razor Kn ife
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the Ladles, Too
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""u ...., ....
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IN ... _ _ _ ...
=:. .. ...- ., ..- "" ........
A Handy Manicure Set
Tbo ......... 1>10<1, ....... " ... ",. .. ,.. _ . 0 ..,j .. ,,~ ""
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"'tt ............. _ _
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Six Colla r a
L aunder ed Free
J"" to prO'" ,,,,,t
• ...... m · linioh ;..c like n....
w... ,... d.-tailo and ..,. -Sm./ ..... .
Collartown Laundry
4t3 Cannon Place
TROY , N. Y.
December, 1923
"Number 3333"- and the Code
,IUI,id :u II l>OIice unlcS5 it is the Im~i ­
nus- is-bu_itle5s kind of nll'tl ,,·ho emplo)'
tht police. "00 it would k u.y to gtt
ey.. n. ~I nm! Thai ",,,, the Ihi ng'
n 'e idiocy 0 1 anyon .. thi n!.;i" g a Mnt.
huh h,. " ... n ,,·ould tlo anything <"I ....
T hat ,,·as the law of bnsinh_an eye
for an ty~oI1a r for dollar, ",ith 00"'pound ,ntertst! ,'nd the I1Iml ,·iclou,
osur~r cannot co111pule couovoun<l iutcr.. ~t ",i th the .... me gloriou ~ sat is faction
that a can do ",ho is usW 10 the
g rea t open ~I~~CCS and i ~ suddcn1y and
;n '·ol nmaril y p<:n ned for II lern, wi lhin
Ihe four walls o f a cell !
The parole boa rd sent for I'"g one
<lay and ru d to him a 101 of IhingJ he
waS SUPI'0..,<1 to do du r in):" the l"' r iod of
his pa role aud a~kcd hi", if he waS I' reparnl 10 promise to do Ihem. ! Ie . m,ln!
a'Kl promi.ed 10 ··try."· H e h:Kl hi.
long ue in his cheek ! An d SO t hey tu me..!
h im 100Sf'. And he became '"f rec·· alla;n.
.-\ nc", Pug this time. A Pug ", ilh ..
,·cry 5<'n" li,·c resol .. c. an obj ccli"e in
lik .-\ I'''g that brough t all his old
ze.t of the football game inlo Ihe carrying out of his r .....ln. Soci... y had gol
him o n a fihl do" u and hc had a num_
iM' r of ~·ardii 10 l;ain 10 carry the !>all of
hi~ rc~oll·e where he inlended il .hould
go. T herr ,,·ould be Ihi nts in the wa)·.
Of eour~ ~i~ty had linle Ihints li ke
laws and rolln, and JKll ice-but ... hat
IOrl o f fun woul d a football game be if
there ,,·rrr noching 10 ~IOp the pr",rns
of a pl"nging line? And SO ['lIg Maned
in. lie wao cautious and he worke..! fasi .
L - . 0I&c00..
days Ihan il IIsW 10 iM'. And 10
'.oci~ly got Ihe ball on a .lupi<1 fumble
anti Pug h«amc a number again. Thi.
limc it wa< ~o. jJjJ :lnd th" .ted rack.
in which the n!!mhe r s wc re hpl wh .. n
the}· wcre not iM'ing worh d in the 8hol18
were different. Therc was a differcnt kind
uf warde n Hnd a differem son 01 chaplain. Sl ill he ',"W" a "a rdcll a",llh .. ~"i­
Icnl ia ry was "Q/ t he goal at which PuS"
ai nll'<l. ,\nd he wa s just a bit mem all)·
oorc hccausc hc was th~rc. He ... ,1 ... ·'
'Illil~ so sor e abOllt soc ielY. It Wai hi,
0"''' fa"lt Iha l he was Ihcre--hi$ own
~Inpidil)". T ht. e we re st,·crall 'ulc th ings
he had,,·t 'l"i te ca\c" la tttl righ t. The
ann 01 !IOCi"'y waS 100 long for hi mif ' teach was grt mer. lie hadn·1 d!Nlged
in<t when h .. should and the taekln had
J:llllen him. "nd he kilt,,· he wa. qui te
a bi t §m;trtn Ihan Ihey ... n e " nd had a
plain ol"'n ficld klorr him.
Ohl fMJ! It was ~o. jJJJ ... ho had
h«n ~tul'id this tin.... AIMI h.....ondrr... 1
The diffe rent sort of ward.." 51l1il\"l1 a
1111 and called the ,·".i~galtd numiM'rs in
the Slcd rack "00)·'·' al>ll "fcllows·· and
occ:uional1y "l1l(n.'· just like they wncn·t
numl",rs al aIL T hat , ho,,·c,·c., ,,·u just
his I'S,chological complex, lhought 1\"0.
.lJ.U. lie gOt 10 k now Ihe wartlen rathrr
w.. l1 and Ihe ,,·arden got 10 know him.
The waroen was Ju,1 a "hd u.·a·· f..11ow
for genil1g 10 kllow his "00)·''"' In
(hal'd Ihere "un·t a whole lot of ab~l raCI I)Ttachil1J:" ;..,d I,h rase sounding.
There was qui te 3 lot of straigh t talking
and joking and lelling funny sto r iu that
didn·t ha.·e a thiug 10 do with prison or
rlcrnal u.1l·al ion Or "nything likc Ihat.
Occa~iol1ally a .·isitor
from o nhide
wOllld drop in and the .. bo ...·· were
brought into Ihe chapel o f an .. vening 10
l i.I~ " 10 I h~ ";.'IOTI tOlIk.
~ I ost!y Ihey
talked ill thc same old SOrt o f waY_UI'_
lilt Sluff. Hut Ihe ~l"Cni"g s in thc ch.1pd
;,t I~ast relic'·cd the tedium of thinkin g
abont t ht things Ih al arc,,·t. Cllr ion< .
hut a fact, Ihat ahollt Ihe samc thillgs
are n·, in mO~1 prison s.
"'3rd~" was
a mr tttber of an or -
!(aniut ion o f business men. And 'h~
...arden li h d 10 gtl fcllows of thai or,aniut ;on 10 ,·isil the prison. If e played
jokes on them !IOIl~t im~. b)· having a
deput)· ... a .. len mect thcm ~I th .. railro~d
. ta,ioll a.KI bring th~m to thc prioon ~n<I
t reat Ihrlll as inco..,i", I"ison .. u--m;t.!.;ing Ih,·m go through alllhe routinc ",,·e
t he barkr ,IIUJ>-~nd making Ih ..", klie'·e lhey wr rc I:oillg to be put th rOllgh
Ihe barber .hop, 100. 11 crratn! n..."y a
lau,h among the Iru,tir_th" diSllla)· of
the ,·ict im. of jokes.
One day ... hilt at work in the wartle •••
office. to which he WaS assigned, ~o. jJj3
( a"", upon a docu,"ent that carried a
hc:> nK-"'Codc of Ethics."' ~o. 3JJj
,,,,ilttl a bi t wh.,n he s:o w Ihal head ing.
O ld >-Iliff I I 1I0w many gtnrral ions had
playrd at codifying ... hics I What won _
derllll exc rcise it was for th" phras ..
m"hrs! RMhr r id ly, No. 3jjJ re ad thc
flr.t paragraph:
'.""011"" "",,'by• • ••fI.".d
O.",,,U"'" ............. 'fI'.
. T. <oM,ld« m,
,n • .,. ,n
1"1,(.( wu a Im il KI nl'w ilka_a" OCCUpaliol1
a nrean< to .e n ·c !IOCiety I
··Uh- ,"· mllsed Ihe I'hilosotlhieal ~o.
jJ3J. " Thi s hinl has sure 1>u\led a new
Onr. L~t"1i ha.·e a look-"
To I,.",....., ..If, IMr~... ,., ";'0.<1
, .. d .... 'ft" . , .... 0<00 • .., b. 00 <101 ... ...
' . . . . , ,.,,~ ...
~ P'''''' _
1~1odame1t ..1 "'''''0''
,." 100 loo!- thal ·he proou nlOiil ....ho
SC"·eS k.t.''' quoth ~o. lJ3J. ··Wr l l
ha,·e 10 look inlo Ihi~ farther:·
To ....IIt. , ..., I am ......'u...........,
. "' .. , ..... , • • _
. .. t, "'"
, .... I a . .... a •
.. ~;,., _. ond ..i .............. ,loa. i .....
,,,,, .. oint ... ,~. h,.- ,••K, _ _ oJ",.
'·WOW_IId o~ki- ... o"··"·ow!! with a
cO\ll'la t il;:er.--.on ... bo}. I call~ ~·on. pro-
T il E
December. 1923
fusor," and Xo. JJJJ rcany hccam e in t(rutcd .
..... i- .
,Ito, ,he . "...... 1••f ..,
.-o. "',
.n• • , I• ••• I• • ,...Ii. ' . 1••1'1 ......
MId .. ~iat. »I<I,Hkd ' hOI ,n ,." ... ;~
' ' ' ' ' ' ' - • •• \>< ... ".., , ..... Ioy.
"Poor old T rn ka and hi, I. W. W.
io;leu- 1 ..... onder wht re he'd find :an :ans..... tr for th:at f" and Ko. 3333', mind
wandc red back to the 01,1 ,by, in Ihe
c pm ~pacu wi th the .... obI>lies.
T~ _
..., .... ,,"'_ _ . .......... , ...
... nllord • • f 110. _ •• ;... t• • 1Iic~ I _ ...
pl'l'd .................... • , ....1... ~ .. 01."
In .. , _., _ _ , ~"" I. . .;.c. """,,"iii<.
..• .-...i_.
to .... "'.... . .
. ",ulo.. • ,
"Wdl. n'rl:, now .... ha teh)·eknow about
I .... t ~ .. Ko. .llJJ b«:ame absorbf!ll, ~ And
lhe rc', dncn of ·em. Urn -m-',i" e added
~f\'ice ~yond Si rict meUure o f debt and
obligation'-umm-unm_'uue fr iend , dcmand nothing of one anothe r'-'no per_
sonal sueeess legitimate which is gained
by unlair advanta"e'- 'nor will I take
ad"anlage of 01>IK1rtun it ie, to achieve
material , uee css that othu will not take
l",cau"" of the quu l ionabl e morality in·
'·Oh·NI.·-Some ~lInch o' idea •. Got II !>i t
of a riug 10 ·cm. Gotta gi"e thi s thing
the "doullie 0" wh ell 1" 'e gOt more time.
Wonder wherc the IOe bird~ got that
stu ff?"
And No. 33JJ returned 10 his books,
alter care full), folding the " Code of Ethic s" and puuing it in hi l ~ht. li e
asked the " 'ankn about it and the warden told him it wal the cocJe of the organitation to .... hieh he ~Ionged.
IIERE are onl)' two Wa)'s to end this
T story_
O ne of thtm is to ha"e 1\:0.
tht Cooe of Ethics and sprOUl
wingl and become a mookl pri soner and
get out on parole and go to ,,'Ork as an
hone" ma n and 1>l1e up a big fortune
.... ith a Code o f Eth ics hanging in front
01 his desk and marr), Ihe girl and
c"el)1hingl And the other is to ha" e
him laugh at th e welt. and ret out o f jail
with a pick ax some night. killiug "guard or two on the way, then make "break for the open spacu where he is
fin ally t racked down with bloodhound i
and properl y hanged after dne trial and
cOlwiClion I
11le only trouble wil h hoth o f thcse
endings is Ihat th is i. a true Story ~ nd
n~ithe r of them h"llpene,1. 1\0. 3JJJ
didn 't get out 01 the pen--()r iI he did
he is j ust out, ~eau~ his $e lll ellee has
j ust about t xpirNl and Ihere wain' t an)'
hope for him to get a parolc again ~­
cau~ o f hi s record.
But he did stud),
the Code of Eth ics. And he applied the
, phi losophy_ the Ioame understanding
o f psychology. the same kun knowledge
bred through hil )·tars with mtn who
li..ed on thtir wi t. -thc same that he
had appliw to tht co""entional ~rnlOl1l
of t he cha plai n and the cQm'eminnal
tractl and ad";ee o f the welfa~ worke ..
in hi. first term_ In other words. ~i ng
a human lIeing despite the constant ini.
tation o,'cr
hum"n ho..e
iu . Ami he
the thillg S that aren't- in
JJJJ applinl just or<linar)"
""n", to the Code o f Ethfound-
BUTjnS! sUlopGSC we let
3JJJ tell
it onr aga in him",1 f-it will bear reprint ing in Til E ROT,'alAN, seeing as
how it look tll<: sc<;ond pr iu in a prize
COnte st Ih is maga~ine oondUClcd 1"'0
yurs ago " 'hen he .... nt il in from the
"pen" where he wa~ a priwner. On K'Cond thought. we ,,-on't do anything of
thc kind_we won't reprint that priu
stuff. We ll do ~tlcr. We11 pr im what
he told a bunch of hi, fellow-prisoners
at one of tilO5C "'elfare so rt o· functionl
that ... ere ... elcomed because Ih ey took
the place of OIher thing. that areu't[on of thinJi:$ that aren't-in pr iwu5. I
",ill quote hint. exactly as he said it:
"What meaning has ROIary for us
... hou l the ...orld has pl aced aside? \'01'
see evcry day great, long train ., Sp«<ling
on their way. You take small notice 0 1
cad' o f the individual cars comloosi"l:
the train . Th e}' are p·erforming th eir
"nty and constque"tly merit only casual
au eution. Go into the large railway
yards. T hne you will find the carl t hat
ha "e 11«11 found in ddl'eti\"C oondition.
Men are Ims)" correctiug tll<: faul ts 50
that these cars may aga lO lah Iheir place
in the s~roing t rain$. l1'e people of
the world who adhere to the la,,-s of
socicty arc li ke the c;lU in the spewing
trllin. We here un ~ cotnpartd to the
cars sel aside on the rel);!ir track l_
Sl.: il1ed enginnu are engaged 10 super " ise the repair o f the " 'reeked cars.
Trained men a~ cngagro by the ,"a te
10 aid us in our return to conlom'i l)'.
The CHI are entircly in Ihe hand. of Ihe
n"'n working upon Ihem. Unli ke Ihe
we, as thinking men, must 1>)' Onr owll
thoughn , st udies, and act ions aid the nlell
",ho arc helping uS if we arc 10 COli'"
to a stage o f impro,-cmen( ",hic h will
make us fit 10 take ollr place in the train
oi life."
''The Rotarian placCii himself in the
olhe r lellow's . hou and thereby get s a"
under.\lan!l;ug of him. Hi. under stand ing of thc othe r ,n.111 guide. him in hi .
actions toward people and "0 slItTer i"g
is brought by hi, act ions. h"t instead We
fml broth erhood and pe.leef,,! energetic
Ii i... I{ota r)' is lIK1re than a mere organi_
zation. It is :I spirit and th is spirit ..,nd!
forth 10 the world Ihe mClsagC o f good",ill and' fri endship. [t caUs men to
""" 'e for the 10\"C of the ~f\'icc ami in
the name o f the CrtalOr o f all things.
There are nO rewards in ROiary wilhout
~rvice and the sen'icc muil not ~
"", rely thrordical--but aCli,·t and I~l)'_
lK:a1. Rotary call. on men to cou rt the
strength aud ",·ill to pay for the succusful arh-aucl'S in life; to realize at all ti"",s
that the other fellow must ha"e a place
to toil and succeed : to gi,-c fun musu rt
Is Yours If
You'll Try
T he city or tow n t hat
struggles a long wit hout
adequ a Ie modern Ho tel
facil ities, is l i ke the
ho und-dog th at sat in
a pudd le and barked
for a drink!
T he Hotel would be
t heirs if t hey'd on ly
Henderson, Ky, t ried!
j\ nd t he Hotel shown
above is thei rs!
Th ey needed $200,(0)
bu t under Hockenbury
counsel and direction,
in one week , they secured $285,500.
If r OUf la wn needs a
new Hot el, ask us to
place your Ila me all o ur
list to rc ee i v e each
monlh a copy of TH E
HOT E L FI NANC IAL1ST, a journal devoted
to Comm uni ty I-Iotel
It', sent gra t is to inq uiring ROr ARI AN S!
~ t<loln·!:! i. _;don
, '-I", _
ior I'al ue r~<:~in'" anc.l ~n'lI th row ill a
little for good III('''-Su , e; 10 give hil ()t,SI
dToru for his comnwnity; 10 rCl:"ard
every man as a fellow .sen·anl; 10 respect
wOlllen : to win Ihe love 0 f )"outh; to
:oc rve bi t hfully the Masler who con·
cci"e(] Ihe world.
" lI ere you ~nd lm orgauiutiotl of
1>Uliintil m~n ag reeing I h ~1 there ~holl\(]
be eqllal opporl ulI; t~· for aU Illen. Rotary
il oolllllO~ o f Ih~ men who are conduct.
ing the big busi llcS~5 and Ihe small bus;·
ne5K1 of Ihis world. The)" :tgrre Ihal
Ihe)' do nOI w~n t Ihe "'hole pic. This;.
Ih~ answc r I h~1 I give to t hose who will
.1.1)" t haI "'Ihere ;s no dmnee toda)"; the
t>;g fel1o\Vs have gobbl e" e,·erylhing."·
lIuiin., .. men will wd oolue competition,
if il attl fairly. Rot ar)' call. U$ to t.,ke
our place in the wod.... Its code leaches
us II way 10 live :md achieve happines5,
suttcn. ~nd r U !"'CI. It welcomes II '
illl o th. fokl of real life It~ i "di"i,It1~1
1.. , I ...
P I ,.........
... ..,u....
".,h,•• _"pI ..~_
. rr 'h, , .. _ of , ... boo. M ..,_
e.po..r __ foot . . . 'IIo ' .... ~m . . . . ' .ro....
- ••• • 1_. "'--.001_ .001 l;,~ •• _ .
~ ltlOll_!:!ir Golf c ....... _do U. oy""
I, ..... do
T_ ......
s..._ --r t.1oftao .... ,
_..;tt, ........
.... ,. , 001
I. 1OPt.
to ,
~ .;. ~ _
wOIl .... ~
Mw_ ~loiao· ;" :1~ ' ~.;! y - . pooI
. ... ~ .I'. ";"'Iu.""", .. 001> 1>0'"
__ . ". ...2'" .1_
". ..... ,""0010.
01..,. 1. .. . _
..... '" !-.tiI,.!
f ..... W f , . . . . . " ' "
.ioo .......... oil
n ...u.... ooioo
.r.1~ ..
.. , I}
lJecf!IIIber , 1!J2J
fl l('mben; In . lie u~ as cGm!"'lilori. Our
actions. our conduct, ou r regard for
moral laws w,:1 delerm,ne the plitee we
are 10 la1: e. Rigid.y adhere 10 the
princ; ples Ihall havc tr;td 10 m~J:e cle~r
and you \Vi!! find life gradually ,,"ca vin/:
happine ss and 5UCCCS~ for y01l. Thc \.>.1t·
lie will :tt fi rsl he hartl. YOII will be
choosing Ihe path of the grcateM ruiM·
an':e. T he odo.1~ will be agaillst )"ou
Ro ...s "ill not c~rl'('t your 1>:Ilh. T inl('
will pan and Ih~ ellde,wors t:<crtetl "·ill
bring you O,'cr Ihe roth ",,:0 the gr~~>
The climb "ill become easier as you go
up. The ha ppiness Ihat will then br
your s will crase frOIll )'our mind th ~
memorieJ o f the prC5~n l gloom and hcarl.
ache. You " 'ill look b.~ck to IheS(' d~y~
as the starting ]loint. You will be Kn··
,ng othe .. and Ihat sC"'ice will be brin,·
ing you rew~rd in both material ~ ",I
That's all'
0/ ,h. f. _Ito fAI r·
Ont.. ..hi.. ...... I.... .. ...... IZ.IG
. - ,' T,,, I . I.. h,. ~ ..... ,
.....,. .....h. ..... ....... l .OO
Moo_ R-.IU<o ...... y . . .... .
. ... b o _ ..... ............
M ... _ Sol';'. . . . . . .. '''yo.
JIln ....
II ,...,
Th e Christmas Lig hts
_ _ .. ................ +.00
,.. ..;.~
.giII ... \0 . . 1_ ' ...
• M- ...... 00 ........ -..I _ , - .
fI, A RT H UR M E I.\' I I.I . I'.
- ,. i'''.... ......... po_pol,;,..
.. I ,~ ...
I I ~: y gl ea m in gold en .ao.1 ' ~"L'"
Where t he . oari"g tuffle g"e~:
T hey HA SI, in ~ lI d (len ,·~ . i"ro cc 8t ill 'd clernal SHOWS :
T hey .hiuc On lonely (;(lu i ~ tr,,,,I­
In j ungle, II. " " d" se.1 ..·.. t,,;
T hey , parklc "" the UlOu" lII in I"kr
1"". 1'. "'aster hand has traced
11 1 fIfTH AVENu E
..... N. ...
M en L,lle 'j 'h,s fJVt!
withtkio P_ t.. y ........
with. mint to..,...d and
AKE 1 \
Wh.:. c,·cr . . . on land 0. ~ea,
T hd • • hinn"e . illg glo w 1"c rvadC8:
Whcre.·c, l inM:lIcd gift· tree
I I. 5eintl ilBI ion ~id .:
Whcre ,·cr, in spect. um g lu, .,·.
Irldl lCent they appe al ;
Wherc'·e. II", age-old oto. )
Thei . bea ul ies may re ..." I :
..-tIu to..... St., kot-po
pocket.d un. No but Ion. or .tri.....
Patent top op<n...." clooco t;.nt .
A wor>d<tful
,.... -
SoId.t ci,pr .. . .
I rlcalu <aD.
They gu ide u~ 10 an Eadem 51••.
Wh ic:h hangs o'er a mmnge. low :
The,. le"d ou. thought .fidel 50 rn"
Th ... t t hought i. lost in wont\e. -gl" ...
Where,·e. ~ kind ly de",1 i, done,
Man 'l ll)"c " 'ith 11)" e r etu r,, ":
\ \'here.·cr God a nd )h" ~.e onc.
110 Lig hl 1'.le.n .. 1 hum~ .
I/lI MAlliA)\" l l AIi VI S
HI END S HI P is the sort of thing
Thnt never quits: whell yOIl nf(! ill
Or t ired or lU'okc, but Imstes to hring
The hel p rou oc«i to d im!. th(' hill .
_ __
. . . . C:O ...
a.. ~ y.t ... _
De«mber, 1923
Have a Hobby-Ride It
( C""l i"~,.d f,,,... tag. II .)
allempu to paint pictures in hi. spa re
ti"",. I know of no one else in all
Ihe world who gets the enjoyment he
d()f:s out of a hobby, yet his paint ings
are hopdeuly impossible. 8eaU5e hi,
works a re 10 l ub-med ioc::rt he is forced
to 1o:«p the hobb)' under con r and only
a vfry fcw of hi , ,nhmate friends are
aware of thc fact that he attempts to
'" start off full of enthusiasm," M
Ioid me, "and I'm deatJ lure I'm going
to tum OUt a rea! painting. When that
burst of enthusiasm is on me [ do spl endid work and ~11 thoughts of business are
compldel )' blouro out: then as the work
goes on and the busineu portion of my
mind w comcs rcst .... l. my though t. unconsciously turn to the (lroblems of the
day. T hen my hand wntTl a bit and
1 continue to work in a desult ory fashion
while I calmly and logically lOin mer_
chandising problems that have completel y
swa mped me during the day. I'll alw3y'
be a dub at Ihi . (lJ inting but it's a hobby
that i. wonh thousands to me for ..
givu mt "",mal re lt and the abili ty to
Think and renon dearly."
-$;Iy 1I meeting of the Rotary Cl ub.
10 it worth il l J. any busilless or )lro·
Note the faces btforc you-how many fusion reaUy wOTlh the sacrifice of
o f them are lined wilh care ?-(iny health_il there any monetary compenwrinklu around the comeri of the eyes sation that can take the place of a steady
and ('TeaK' on thc brows, handl sH ehtly hand, a IOUnd appeti te, a dear mind,
nCn'OU S-"'hen ),OU see a man o f thai and a sturd)' and uJe ful old aed Can
appearance ),OU nl.'\)' rudily and accur- you measure the contentment of a happy
ately condude that he is a man de"01 - home by the yardstick of a bank ac·
ing 100 much time to his buliness and count ~
not enough to hobbies. Today he is a
Thi, isn'T a Jermon-it's JUST common
Ic~r-(omorrow and next year he will
,..",... It c.-en $DIach of adviee and
be forced 10 reti re. old. broken, and u!C· the nd of thai advice is thi s:
" 1/0'1><' II IIIl/)h-Rid,. it ilardI"
N0 n",n
in the public eyc uer had
more hoblJin than did Rooilevclt; it
is a matter of r!:Cord th31 he jumped
from one hobby 10 another and to e3ch he
ga,'e a full measure o f enlhusia§ll1. At
.-arious lin"'l he ad:no"'ledged th l
his outdoor hobbin kept him fil
In('nt;»ly and (lhysically gan him what
ability he had to enry a heavy I~ o f
responsibility and do it-in the opinion
of many of us--in an outstandingly effieient manner.
Brai n_fag and fra)'ed nerves ne too
n,ueh in uidence thne tbya. No man
can IiUCC~ under liuch h~ndicapl. A
clea r brain and a reasonably st rong bod)'
lire needed to ur ry II man to the top.
The ancienT axiom o f "n work and no
play making J ack 1\ dun ooy. contai ns
a wealth of truth. T hne il a hobby
within the rcach of e ..ery busine" and
pro fe ",iona) ",an-that hobby may be a
queer one bUI if one takes I»easure in
riding it and if Ihe hobby gil'u a man
mental relaxation. it win make him "
beller citizen, a better husband, and a
betlcr busi ness or professional man. A
hobby win add yearl to the avnage life
-if you don't belitl'e it, just consult"
physician. The indi .. idual who suffers
from nen'eli, e,'en when cured by reSt
and relaxation is ne as efficient as he
once wa s--thal statement ahould be carefully considered by thoJC busy Kofl'ers
"'ho claim they Clnnot lake the lime to
Crossroads of Conversation
Could the telephone directory in the hand. of cadi
subscriber be ~ed from hour 10 hour. there would be
no need for the informa tion operator. But even durinS
ilJ printing and binding. thou.and. of changtl take
place: in the telephone community. New lubscriben
arc added to the lill. Old Mti move their placa of
bmincu or of residence.
lhough their names are not lilted on the d irectory.
theM: w bscribers must be connected by the hishwaYI of
speech with all others in the eommunity. To wpplemcnt
the printed page. there mUlt be 8uides at lhe CTOIIToad.
of convcnation.
Such an: the in formation opcraton., JCleded for their
task because of quickneu and accuracy. courtesy and
inlelligence. At their delh. connecled w ith the ,witch.
boards in central olliees. they relieve the regular opera.
ton from a nlwering thouJands of questiona about
telephone numbers that would otherwisc impede the
rendering of service. If they are unnecaiariJy asked
for numben already in the directory, scn'ice il retarded.
"Information" "ands for the motIt complete utilization
of telephone f acilititl.
r ide a hobby.
Take lUIy repreJCnlative gathe ring of
leadin&: bwinUI and profu,ional men
0 .... 5,.., .... _ V..J ....,., 5 ... .,;u.
.NI .U J i r.ctH
S.ff., 5.,";u
Duember, 192.1
The Blackest Christmas
Soo,,~ r"rni ,,, r~ wa~
.<old, and hal''' .".
" ..,,·cd. But I;U." 1h" parc'm~ h.ld ha.1
10 !l.('nc l th .. girl 10 Ii,-., r"lat i,·., ••
hOI):l1g that this (',,;orced ~para t ion
would I,., hri d. ~I.,anwhil" 11m"".
one" the .",I-co.:u('tl guardian of milh of
..-iMenu.'''' ],;"e,.. Ih., :ullin! humiliation
bcst cxpress the happy spi rit
Flo:wr/ Go " Allywhtr(
Iht 1'd" ,aph GIJ(j"
DiIlAnee n<>
of king "nabl~ to guar<l his o,,-n.
Why. il ..'a. a corking good sob·.,orf.
and 1h" Cub ,,,:>liz,,,I,h,,! ;, was lIu .tory.
11" ... wa s a chan"",, 10 sllO"" what he
could do, h..." wa~ WOll",hing: 10 «T,II'.
The Cub had a swift danling '·'s;on of
a big black feature h":I<lli""_ lh,, head .
line of hi' stor)', Wha' a thing to ex_
hibit iu the office, 10 notlchalamly pa~~
O"e( 10 .\Iarg'" at home-he would show
Ih"" •• he would--
. u,kleniy hi s reporter. training
in calliion la,d :m ,cy hand o n h"
..: rO"" ng Ihoughls, Suppo~,t "asn',
Iru"? S uI'PO,;;C Broll'n wa' one 01 tht
lakcr~ who ~'ght cha r ity m1ller fal~
l'rctcn ~s, Sup[>Osc--~o ! E"tr}'lhinJ;' in
the Cub ~cmed to Aame ,ntO sud,le n
licrce Tc.'olt,
It must I.e true-he
couldn't gi"e up that ,tory-h~ f • ..,":J
h:l\'~ his chance,
'n,e c.. rde~. sulky. slooch ing CuI"
was goue, "new m.,n, a mau young in
ye;,T$ but .uddcnl ~' old ,n rcwurce. h3<1
,aken hi. place, A "~1n whose brain wa~
c1~arcd of lat iguc. \\hose bod)' ,,'a,
",brant " 'ith the joy oj a worth}' la,k.
n,e Cub had lound a IllIr""..,. he "'n
110 m..: to make a Chr"tmas, 10 ,,'rite a
In $naPl,i ng ~ntcncc' he outlined hi.
ochcmc and thrilled to the "'arm look Ihe
m.,tron ga'-e him, ,\5 M tLa.h~1 oot he
di,1 rtOI. ,ee ho'" long thaI look fol1o",nl
hi", "or h"", her eyu .110"'0:<1 a ~ ,Ki<len
~lint 0 1 tea.,.
- l)i,';ng ,nto the throng again the Cub
charged r«klessly anwng the traffie anti
at a ~tn::ct car came shr,d:inl{ round a
cur"c. the Cub made a !h" n~ 'lin lor
thc rtar p!atfurm, O"c~ on hi, way he
had time tl) think ont hi. ca"' paign, He
had Bro\\'n's addrus and !!OOn he would
ha,'c a check on the story, If it wcre
t Tllc-oh, but ;1 Illtl,t be lrue, Somchow. th e Cuh felt. Broll'tl "as On the
le ...:I- he w:t" no fakc r. ju,t :I c1~cent
work,nl:' rna" "ithoUl a joh. 'n ,e Cull
I:'l0wcrc,1 i"'l'at'~tl11y :I' the ,t r«t car
danged and b., nJ;«!
way alOll1:' the
gr{"a s~' ra il..
,\ . it reached hi s comer the Cuh " as
the fir,t pa5~n::er out . ancl as the car
moved on he was alread}' Itaring ul' a
flight o f stairs to Ih e Ltxion headquartcrs, Good Luck! The POSt adjutant
,,'a' at hi s ,k.k, In a flying b.u rage of
words the Cub ellplained ,,-hat was
wanled and wh,', The red_f:u:.. d :><lju _
tant b«-,Illl' lirst intereMed Ihen elleitcd,
'·Sure I know." the adjulant no.1de,1
" 'isely. " bul you want to gel Ihi s hi ..l'.
S ix Collan
Laundered Free
IIh .. ;U omd .... ope<ir.1 ....iIi.nt
uri ... f... ,....Iou ........ ~ ...
,.....,....&r... II'rit. fo, dou;t,...d O&J':-s...d_. bcio.,"
Colla rtown Laundry
492 Cannon Plaea
Troy, N, Y•
"" I1Cro looko:<l "I), We'll go m'rr and
,,'c'n «'( "hal can t>C done, ~1a~'t>C the
"niJ:ht. 0 1 (oIu",I>II' or SOn", other
hunch "ill a harlll 100, BUI w.. '11
11:.... to ha,'. ·:.cllon fro"t' ii "e are to
do ",,,ch,"
lIalf ~ n hour later. Ihe Cub wa s in a
car thai "hiul'd thrOUj.(h th .. bu,ill....
....tion. >hol thruUj.(h Iie"eral , idc St~eli
{"aeh di " gicr Ihau th .. last, "nd h~hl'd b.. _
lore a Imle groccrl half Iti'klen iu tit ...
ha~ntent of a m o-.,ory COIta~e, Oi"'bin\; out Ihe Cub in'lu,red at the grocery
lur Brown's quarte ... The !(rocer's boy,
a yo ung i lalian wilh lalkat;"e han,l, and
"eI"ct eyes. i",!ieatecl Ihat Bro"'n li"ed
abo,·c. The searchers climhecllwO fl,ght s
01 richty stai., ,lIId ]lOundw at a low
"hile door, Luck a!(ain la"ore<! Ihe
Cub. lor it lias Hro"'n hin1sdf who
Whilc introducing hin1 ,~1f, Ihc Cnb
/: I., ,,(ed swiftly o,·tr the 1'Iaee, T,,'o
t in)' room'. no furnit tlr .. worth mcntiunin". and 3 SIO,'( abo ut bi!( cnou!(h 10
war", a cal . ..,e",ed lli I.e t he ~um lotal
0 1 Hr(lwn·. eff~.. But Ihe 1;lIle room.
were clean Iho"lo:h ba re, an,] Ihere were
w rne 1»Illtct ie ~lIc,"pt. at con,fort, The
Cub Il'a,'c a . ign 01 relief - the story
scen,ed dO' (r.
Wilh a bru~luene " Ihal co uld not en,
t irely hide his rul 1...,ling. the ,'i.itor
~ the .lcta,ls o f Bro"n's story arlll
fOU'KI that they ch«ke<1 uf', The faded
a'Kl Worn di",harge certificate ""hich
IIro"n l"oo: lu...,d acted l,ke a lal, sma n On
thc Cuh. atkl he was $1Irc it w(]O'd be
f<lual1y dfccti"e wilh the Lcgioo. But
the Cub wu i"'l~"icnt to get al hi s story
ere il " 'as tOO late and ha,·in..: ~rran..:o:<l
fo r IIrown 10 call al'on heaol'I"arten<. the Cuh ga,'. him a 'Iuick.
<tr(l"!(. !(rip-then bolt~l w,thoot re"caling any more o f hi , plan.,
o "eE
back in Ihe oflke the Cu b again
at the Imttcre<1 .Ie,\,.
hi",~1 1
",,,h iu c.lgc scarred by cigarett c hurn s
A glance al the dod showed that he had
heen !(one o,'cr twO hOUri- well. if his
luck held he eouhl make the first alter"oon edition- th at would g i,'c him :d,,""I tltirt)'-.ix hOll n bdore th~ cathedral hell< Marted their Christmas carol,
The Cillo whil')led OUt h, . ci garcllcs,
"pT('atl Ihem in a long row bdore him.
." ald,ed a handful o f copY-p:l.IICr andIICg3'I, With frow" ing concent ration he
wrote on alltl 011 ullerl}, obli";OUi to hi s
,, "r roundi"II:S. arlll II' he wrote he felt
that " 'dnl prickling chill again- the Cub
ha,1 go{ the feci of his "Or~',
It "'lIS dOlle at laot. :1.11,1 reatling o" .. r
the uiple_) I",co:<l ""l}~', he kneW' thaI it
"'~. \\el1 ,lonc, True it ",ao flamboyant
jOllmai;<n,. but the Cuh did not kno,,'
Ih~t. Itt ' imilly klle'" thai it had a kick.
Dl:cember, 1923
th"t it wouhl makc l~ollle act. True it
was full of ~uch phraoeolot;)' as "the
h~,Id;; t hai onc" hdd a rifle $0 oteadily
now tr<'mb~ed under th" rulilation of
hdplusnu s again.t po"eT\),," hut the
Cub had fOlll1d a flock QI good .imile.,
eycn if he conlll not al",·",·1 conlrol
them. II" had strn~1 [h" main Klea.lhe
" ital neC"lI5ily Qf action, aClion wi thin
Ihirty-silt houn by ~[toe 1,:00<1 Satf~1ri­
Qr el_n,e BLacke. 1 Chrislmas.
'nlat laS!: phust wQU]d cl'en make a good
head, "lid he victurfd the l<'gcnd in big,
bl"ck Iypt.
Nou' Ihal the: Jto.y W"I Jonc what
would'l",n 10 ill Would it be hUlchnfd by impa"il'e cop)·. reil<le rs n had
!iO Qlten tJ.ern the fale 01 the Cub's
, torin? Or. yCI. wouhl il tJ.e kille<l
cnlirely? For :r. mo ment CQI<I fear
g""C hi111 ~ friendh' 1100 and the littl e
da rk ... yffi "wb-,isler," just rdurned
ItT'm the di" oTcr court. ~",ilingl)" congr~tnlat c.1 the Cub on "I",a, ing her at
her 0"-0 t radc." E"U~'0I1C setmed r,,.-calcd in a ncwlillht-----dlc Cub was diny
",ilh th" di>co""'" of unsuspccted pe r .
",malities.. Why IheSf peoplt "Cr" hi,
Iricnds-tht~· "'fre intercst",l in hi,
WOrk-Ihey wfre actually big .... ongh to
ackno..,ledge hil succus. The Cllh wa<
learning fa5l!
Wh( n he took his tired hod)' to the
"Ic"ator it "as ... nal"TallO to;;, fricTIOny
I."dinagc to old J im"'y- IO :l<'e Ji lll111 Y'S
pruudly. Nol It was a lIory--it mu. t
It did, [hough when Ih e cOf>y-r,,~dc.,
and Ihe city edi lo. had (nlished wilh it.
it was a stron::e. swry thollgh a plainer
Qnc. !\lore Ihan Ihat. it made the edition
b<.fore the crtel'ing han,ll of Ihe clock
could do"" in Qn il. The Cub. $u,kkulr
su",moned by hi" eil)' .,...itor, was
thril1 ..1 h)' a curl word of prai"", and
wildly rlatcd by Ihc command to go and
gel mOTC of il-IO 1111111 through thc
JU"cnilc Cou rl wherc )"ounl,:~teu alternaldy tleliaut alld miSf."ble wcr" rdMing their firsl exptrientCI in crittle: 10
ch~sc copy ~111id th., funn)" ltutlli and
"'Iualid surroundin):", QI th t loreign (,"'U.
ttTS; to ",ak" thc round ;; 01 th" charita.
blc org:miulions: 10 hau11I II,,, ",,;wl _
quarttr! QI R<>tary, Kiu-anis, Elks. and
tli" Qlhcr Qrganizations: to consult with
rtd-rollared Sah"lllion A rm)' officers.
grey_d"d liOI;ial u·Q rkcr:;. atld immacubte nurSfS; to comb Ihe cil)' for "$01.1storlCS" which should roo..: re;ltleh IQ
Christmas re.p'JI1,ibilitiu atld scalier
Christm"s ;Q)"I.
D AS III NG around like a
In thc pict urcsque city of Batt le Creek,
Michigan, is situa ted a unique "School of
Hcalth"-where thousands come a nnually
to learn how to mainta in efficiency and
health through ';biologic living."
Battle Creek is truly an "Ed uca tiona l Health
Ccn tcr"-the rcsult of fifty years of growth
and de\'elopment. A continuous ser ies of
physica l training activities, hea lth lectures,
food demonstra lions, educational moving
pictures, concerts and e11lcrtainl1lcnts add
profitable and refreshing int erest to the daily
fr~ nlic
on thcsc ,"arious crr~nd. the Cub
lorgOt his own Mory- forgot e"er)1hin):"
Cltce]l1 thaI the " 'orld was full of sto. iu
~nd he was 10 gCI them- to seck them oul
and cr)'sl:l.lize Ih(111 into burni ng wOTd,.
Wht n he had rttnTH"d and had at I:,~t
deaml hi , .ksk of Ihe li ll t. of ' lOIn hc
leaned b.1ck and Tea),.td wi th a St"rl
thaI hi , SIOr)" muSI I~ oUl-if il Wal e,'cr
comi ng QUt. Eage rl y I,: rahbing atf afte.noon edition he started automatically 10
hon t throogh the hack pages. It was not
the re, and with sudden bi u r. leeling the
Cub was ju>! abom to hurl the paptr
aside when he saw Ihal he had at lasl
" madc" the CO "CIW frOllt Il:tge. With
one swift 'Wte l' of his e)'c he seemcd to
lak" it all in--lhe big bohl_laco: It~tnrc
h,,;ad-Ihc doublc -rolumn tli~play. Thc
story-It;., Siory-had gone acro •• l
A fl"r thai things M'C'mto1 to ~ a tontinuo." ,,·hi.t of ::0011 ti(ling o. The..,
.."as a new r"Specl in Ihe greeting of hi ,
roIle;lK'oca. EI,.,n the ll>aJ.,'11ifw:.-m Ibr,',",--,-,
lin",.e:rooc,j I~cc liXhl tip in TeSI)Ouse.
It wu so us)' tQ joiu a fri.,.ndly Kroup
around the wh'IC·topp"'" reslau rant la ·
bit" 10 join in Iht diJoCussion 01 the day',
"""'s. It "'as SO good to b<. )"oollg . .ali ...,.
311d ~ucc("5Sf,,1 al on~'~ chosen trad". It
,,'U 10 good to Ihink . as he hurriedl y I'rtl'arf<1 for bcd, of the leller he "'QUill
u' r ilf to Marg ic. It was 5() good \0 lie
and ,lrUn,.
Christmas Evc wu t,· .... lJ.curr , il
SC'Mtwd. Tht Old J,lan. 3 ferocio,,~ ptr_
.... tage who .Iwelt ill great ~d u~ion he.
hifl(l g reY·I:1a,. tio.x>u, ha.1 is~utll an
(dict. Th" edict ~t al ...1 thai Ihc Old ~ I all
The visitor to Battlc Cr cek a bsorbs a wealth
of infor mation upon the subjects of hea lt hful
living and personal hygiene, The val ue of
a wholesome, a nti' loxic dietary; thc neccssity of physical acti vity, fre sh a ir, sunsh ine,
posture training and th e outdoor life-these
a nd other essen tials a re demonstrated by the
most pract ical a nd scientific me thods.
.... ..... _lIftJ
_"0.,.1... ,.... _
eft" N.IA. . _ ..ill ........ , .... _ _ ,,_,.
M . W. Wentworth
Bo" Zl l
c...... , Michl.en
......................................... .
S,..... ....................................................... .
I c;.~
... -............................ ......... ................ .
s .... .........................................................
appron,d of the Cub'i s!Ori~5-()f all ! h~!
IOrt oi ~tories--!ha! Ihe Old :\bn de.
sirw more of it_and ~,jll more.
And here's
t' Charlotte"
lknI:h ; COmbin at io n an" que ... alnut or ma_
hocanr; a" art istic
p;...ce , .... , w ill add
cha rm 10 a"y room;
a rrmarkably ea. r
,illinl b!:nch: use II
tt Kphone 1I'l,1.d.
for • • pinel dtsk
sea t, Or as a hall
u •• of lIurd. di. inl _
T ....' .... ~H_
roo. . . hoi ...... M ••• eId«l • • """,,. •• ,.,..
01 Ii.; . ......... <boi .. , whO: . . . .l000:I, ,\I
Ih. dl.I,,«, •• f ••, . _ of Ih.
t. ' h
I >;" .........,.
h. . . .ddod
.. ~,d ............ Ion "
W,H. /o<
'"'' 1>/'' ""-,,, , oJ ••,,, ~ ..,
Charlotte Chair Company
Cho, leIIo, Michl.""
Typewriter Ribbons
Write the belt lett etl
.a ••
1.. . _10_'....
.... ,
................ u
m c.....o.k...
.$t ..... s .......
N... v....
F_ _
You Will Like
w. r<t ..... cuat......... t"""",h
coILuo 1wndn••nl'K".
DrilOnol ,..U&r_TTh•• r..ioh. Writ. "'" empty <&II ....
Collartown Laundry
4'5 Cannon PI • .,.
Salt Lake Cltr. Uta h
QItO. O. QloP. Goa . .... .
LoIoq Gol I '
WI .... lb . .... ,,,,,•
I . ~W_
A NOTH E R day of franlic r u.hing
t-\ hilher and yon. another day o f linding humanily in all il5 disgu ises, an~her
,b)~jus, one .hon ,by-ill which 10
s:...e a few more o.ri ,tma~1 for those
in nttd. All the giant power of the
StaruJoryJ " 'U massed and PUI 10 work ,
Bales oi dothing- boxu of 10Y_
ba . kel . of wibles--<:a'nt flying ;n from
an directions..
Trucks wem thundui ng through the
ci ly:and retumw with loads 01 O .. iot".:u
>luff. Scorn of men and women wCre
sud<knly recru ited to handle Ihe distri,
bu!ion. E\'erybody on Ihe sta ff had 100
much to do-and did il . Volunt eer!.
worthy and properou s citizens, much
like that big m.1n who had first slarted
the Cub's flight 10 glory , came ru .hing
10 help. Stories pourw in by dozens, a
Sla ~da rd lu"d wu ~t a rttd and galhered
momentum as it went.
So busy waS the Cub that the adjutant
had 10 call him thr"., timu IM:lore he
could r espond to a pi t a for the Int tst
new . o f Brown. It seemed that th e ad.
iutant had caLlw a Legi on mc~t ing and
had br iefl.y and simply outlin«l the bet •.
The Legionnaires had ROt uid much but
they had actw. When tht adjutanl an_
nouncw that he had spent Ltgion funds
wit houl waiting for aUlhority 10 do so,
Ihere had ~n a contemptuous grunt.
These e,,·soIdiers were not disllO~d to
strangl e kindl y ieeling wilh red I~pt',
Ih ey had seen quile enoul:h of thaI.
When he sugguled further funtb. a ha l
slart ed going the rounds. Though work
",aJ scarce, and these men had families.
that hili "'as proo uct ive. Someone had
promised Bro",n a job. The Cub could
hartlly gra $p il all!
\\'ell, Brown' s Christmas w~J u,"cd:
that slory had don~ iu wor!.:. Now what?
The Cub realizw that he had sta rtw
so"",thing , but hardly knew what. lie
"'~. "ery happy-and very Ii red,
• uddenly fdt a longing 10 1M: at hometo s""nd Christmas ",i,h his mo ther down
state. and, 01 course, he w(\uld ha"e 1(\
lee ~l3rgie. He would lik" to go home
but-well you ca n't go home when you
ha" e no money. Bui,les th ere wal Ma r gie and thc othe rs. he ought to buy some
pre~ent s.
Well, he couldn',- Ihal \\'a s
all, he'd ju.t ha" e !(I wilTry along somehow. Perhap s \\'hen ~he sa w the SIOr)'
she would lorgi,'e him_ but th~n I"rhaps
I'at \\'ould.....-oh. damn Fat I
TIle Cub still u t there t hinki ng wrn,n
a hurrying clerk droppt'd a check o n his
desk. "Pa.. ing IOClay because of the
holidav~ Bil bigge r Ihis time. the Old
Man ga" e you a bonu s for Ihal sob-stuff.
111 u,y you're lucky. An' he s.ays he11
give you a raise on the Ii«t."' The Cub's
brain seemed siuli ng.
A stammerw pica to Ibn'ey, a hur.
r ied call to h islandlad~', and th" Cub h:u1
wh ipped hi . tired body inlO a linal effort ,
Decem ber, 1923
lit wa. goi ng hUllte-l,o lHt! A swi it
da.h around Ihe office, a general goodbye and Ch,.iSlnla5 greeting. anolher
dash jnlO the cigar .!(Ire to c.ash Ihat
check, Ihen a race after .3 su itcase, and
the Cub wu on hi. way.
S ;':UCGLl;':C do",n on the U"com·
promi s;"" se31 0 1 a Irain. the Cub
dre\\' h;s Coal collar around his tars and
Ilrer-1red for the long ride. I10w brighl
Iht lighls weT<' on Ihe streeu--how happ~'
Her)'one seeoued. It was snowi ng , tou,
Ihal ....e med moot .appropriale. Some_
where in Ihe distance church bells were
chiming. Yes, it WllS tht "Alkste Fi_
ChrislnUls was comi ng-had
coone-Olrislma_and Margie. Margie
-Ihe Cub'. head wtllt back on the hard
seal. he beg:m to picture the lillie home
10" II. How glad they would be to SCe
him--and how proud 1 But Ihis was o nl y
a lI"gi"ning, he'd show Ihcm! Mun_
while he wonld tell her all about iI, and
aboul- his head dropped and, slill smil_
inl::. Ihe Cub fell asleep.
The Olher pa n Ctlgcr s saw only a slim.
ti re,l youth, frOIU whose pocket there
protruded a newspa""r. a pa ll"r carr ying
a hudlont aoou t '"The Blacku l Chr isl ma."' but Margie ...·ould hav" .ttn a
man, he r nlan. For Ihe Cub had receivw
the invisible gifl. the gi ft t hat cornu
from gh·in,.
. .. A"d 11,.. ,,," :....'" don'll N/,O" lit ..
hiJl, ""d dorirntJl cur' "I'on Ihr IlInd.
tht "'"" rrm"i"rd ill Iht' bO"llOr a"d
did tagtrly dfbau !t~'I /' hi"'stll CONtfrn ·
'''9 I/,is ",,,lItr 01 g'llI. Th .. "oisr aruJ
Ih, shout'''g 01 /,o""s " '{,'OS '"uh ..d.
aM II,ut u'll' .0 'o""d 111""'9 o..J, lit,
taJl 01 lilt to-alch ""0.. lit .. cily u'flll,
.\ "t'rrllt.-/t'll I/,r .'0" 101 Ih tr.. "nd
",rdilwtd, lor Itt' u'ul "01 IhIIl il !('Os
nighl, bting b",i..d !"ilh I,i, II'owghu.
A"d bthold lilt' '''00'' rodt "" inlo Ihe
sky So 11'111 /,<'a..",ly " II'o"t or'tr Ih ..
grtlll '!I:..II, Il"d Ih, /ig/' I Ilurl'ol dot,..
I/,r d" rl:N rll 01 11, .. nighl ("{·r .. (/1 a lu:ord
rlrRt:rl" a t/""I: ill IIIndrr .
Nf1Iv il :,,11 abo'" 1/'.. I,our ol lhe ue_
""d !,'mel, '1d,"n Ihe "''' '' ,"'oSf :,';/10 II
gn'a/ (r)' 10 111111 "'all.l' I","td I ro", II"
"';IIt drjllki"y 1)1«/ YIlI/'ard ""'0 /,;",.
~h,d I,r I!'IIkr ""' a II,r", s~yi"g "Brh old
~ ",;mdtl POl' ' ,,·r iJ.I' I lay ,... 10 yo" I/,al
r'""osa,'t'er shall givr " "'0 0110 ..." a)'t,
M'( II ""'0 tlot ICIlII 01 hil lrilot.·s, Mgilwit allO so",,,'lIing ,,"10 h;",ulf. Aou/
"'ho 10 da .. II"
NN't1rll, ~ ol for him.rtlf
Ih,' gifts ,,·hid, art 0/110 ,., :.'arld. Fa'
/,i", is giVtN a gifl ,,,a rr "ruiolU.
a g;fl "'hir/, n"nt' I,all, IUlt. nrilh,. "'".\'
il bl' bough, of ti"g.r. u
.'hd I,crvi"g Illid lI, r u Ihi.. gs ht go/
hi", h......... y .., ,h.. y u'hi,h '\L~rt goth·
..r..d did IiNg ..r 10 .rprall co'W't,·,,,'''g ,ht
",a .. , lind ..o ...... , .. ;.. g Iht Ihi.. gs ~·hi..h
hr had I" id, oou/ conr'Nli.. g ,h, /;gh, of
h;" Co""' l'nanet which ,,'OS ,rcudi"g
brighl. Wh('rrfort h;" 'ttY/rds br hOlt·..
i .. Iltr bu.:;gars n'rn • • '0 Ihis day.
Deumber, 19Z3
Unusual Stories of
Unusual Men
(C""lin .d (. o m t!g • ...,.)
" 'ith old~r m~n arc
f~n,,:ms .
Thomas Hardy, the beloved
octog enarian English {IOCt, is on~ of his
dosest fri end s and one for whom he has
a deep affection. Lord ll:ilIour and Oa"id Uoyd George a~ IWO distinguished
Il r itish stal~lImm who are on Ih~ Princ~
o f Wal es' list o f de ar and rUp"Clrd
friend&. And on Ihis list al50. in a very
special place. is George Lane, Canada's
biggest ranch~r. ~orge Lane is big in
himself as well as in his possessioos of
lanll, horses, and eattl~. ~I c is a shaggyhaired, shaggy~yebrowed, shaggy-must.ach<:d man, a "king-bosl" of Ihe cowboys, a doer 0 1 big thingil. and withal a
quiet-voiced man, mOSI gentle in m.1 nncr:
and with a reputation for speaking only
when he has IOm~t hing to lay.
The Pri nce took a great fancy to
George Lan~ four yurs ago .... hen he .... as
in Cllnarla. He .... ent do .... n to the Bar-U
ranch below CllgMy and pa rti cipated in
a bi g round-up Ihm in prot;'r(ss. The
,rut , " 'ffP of the ranch oountry I)'ing
at the foothills of the Roc ki~s strong!)'
aPP"aled to hi m ; .... i!l, the final r esult
that he bought the ranch nt l<t to the
nM_l!. H~ namrd it the '"E. P."·-his
own signatu re bei ng Ed"'ard P. He
pla«d Profu50r W. G. Ca rl)1e in charge
of it.
I ""id ea rlier in thi s article ,hat I
.... ould menl ion how the Pr ince of Walu
rested on Ihe HE. P." He rode Ih~ range
from early morning till noon nurly
e"ery day. He planted trees and dug
post _holes.
He shot duck. prairie
chicken. and part ridge. H ~ fished for
tTOllt in the High,,·ood. 1I~ " 'a$ as st rcn_
uous in hi, work-oulS ~I an athldt pre_
pa r ing for a ra ce. He i, extraordinar_
ily acti ve and .. igorou}. Hi, lavorite
sports are r iding. polo, and golf. Eve ry
day thai he spent in Cllll"ary, he played
golf from carly II1<)rning till la te in the
afternoon. In short, he went out to enjoy
10 the lul! the change Ihat life in the
west permi tt ed him to have, free from
officialdom and from the daily demands
,na&! upon members oll he Royal family
in England.
fr i~ndships
one day only while in Canada did
" Lord Renfrew" beco~ again the
Prince of Wales. He has been greatly
;nt~rnled in th~ Calgary Stamp"de. Thiil.
by the way, i, an e"cut put on mainly by
Rota rians. H is s~rious purpose in own ing the "E. P." propert)· i. to impro .. e
Ih~ quality 01 Western Canada's horse •.
livestock, and sheep. Towards th i, end.
he has siocked the ranch .... ith the f",~"
ani mals procurable in King George's a.,d
his own stahl.,., as well IS others o f
famous pedigree. A steeplechase rider
him sel f, he nAturally takes a "err 5p'"
cial interest in th~ r emarkabl. riding
What Xmas gifts could be nicer!
-. . . _. . . ...
................ ......
...... .................
. ...... ..... ...
. ,••• •••• • , ....
The Offi cial Rotary Internationa l
Emblem Jewelry
These Rotary emblems make most
appropriate gifts.
cu H .,us
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.. "........
. . . . . . . )000 ..
....... ..... .... .
........... .... ... .... 1>....
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'" uun
. ' NG
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...:::. :"1:r .. ~... ~.;
ROT.o..CH ... .
1< ............. . . .. " ....
,. )1:.", ....... .....
<loW ....... ••...•• •• • • • •
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0, . . . . . _
Any Rotarian would a ppreciale On~ o f Ihu~ fOf
Chrill mas. Buidu w~ hue ot htr pint. charms and
butt ons. Ordu t hrou&"h your loca l ROlary jeweler
U K ......"'" . . ." ....
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~ ~~ r.t~
dir ect fr om-
C . ..n"ood Bid,.. Cl n clnn.t1, Ohio
to ~.tnr1!ork
Why be Ulel a HUlb.A.Pbolle
11 I T STRttT .. .. D BROADWAY
A ma .... pi.e. of modern h.".]
....,..iOll. MOft t.,."'~ni.n', y<1.
qui... A . .... b.iton in ",-,,j'ality
.nd 'nTi"" , nII"<fing n''''1 inno .... _
indud i nI S... id 0", t.. i., rt~.
Uni'llIc ConI('> R""m-"'rJi"",1
Grin...nd II I... RoomR .....""'nt..
1<_ y ... ..
... .... . . - ... 101 ......... .
y",", cu,
. , ~r:,:.:,.~o"r':":"~\V::':':""_"::W::bo::"~.-'So",:O:"~'h:'~'-__~::::~~~~~~5_;:~~::::1;~~~:::C=:::::::~::::::::==::::::::::'-______-" . •
u ... " "' ... ' - ......
lJecember, 1923
occa sion \l hen he ruumcd !lis royal
rank it was to prescnt offici.lll y hi5 own
'''1''''1, < ilv~r .. ~tLl~ll e of a horse to
l'de V",,,len_T, 01 Cal/: arv. winner M
11",: Calgary Stamll('tle of the Chaml)ion
Buc king '-Iors.;, I<iding ContUt . Pete
nnd the Prince ""cam~ great cronies
during the htter'§ ,· is;t. The Prince un_
aff.-ctE<!ly admirE<! Pete·s r id ing skin,
uhile Pele ano\\"w "th:lI they dOn'l make
·.. m 'my hell er than the I'r'n«." Pde
h" . underl~ ken to tld .. n" hi. t itl .. at the
n.. ", !'Iamp'~de and the Pr ince is comi ng
l~lCk to occ Ihe con IeS! if he c~n n1.~ke it.
Xow !lOme o f you J:OO(I republican Rotarians "ho re~d thi. wilt "" s.~yinl(:
'""·en. i,n'l it iu,t because he is the
Prinee of Wale s Ihat so much to-do i.
1l1.1de abou l him?" II i. of wurse na tuml nil" prOJl<'r th~t we 1~'Y r"<f'\'ct to
hil(h offic .. , anll ii the right mall i. in
Ih.. high po< ilicm. re.<peet for it an,' for
him hrinlts an ~(h'''lltal('' to <o(";ct ,·. Hnt
t),:,t is nm cve rything in th .. ea,,, of the
Pri"ce of \\·"Ies. r ca n l,iclllT~ prince.
- we knuw oi SOme of th","-w ho wOllld
uot caplllr~ the inter~<1. Illlleh I ~ .s th e
affect ion . 01 the I)<,OI,lc of Br;ti, h 1)0,
millions. Rllt. bear ill lll il1d. thi. yOUlI1(
Prin c~ was liked ju<! as much loy ' he
peol,lc o f l\ew Y{lTk and \\·,,-,h'nI(\OIl iour
~·nu ago as he wa, lil.:("(1 by th~ f'\'orM
of Canada. ami of ,\u<l f"I'a. aud o f Xc,,,
YOU have coun tless needs
for bbc-Is and seab in your
bLlsineu. Be sure you use
Fenlon Labels a nd Seals.
They Slick where you stick
them. The whole surfa«
lakes hold.
N..... 1... of ....... , ..
,..I i., _If "'10 .. ,..... . m ' ~ 10 _
o. ,100 t'io.o ,11.0, _ho r ... _
1..1ori ... 50.' • ..;.... ..,
i.ab<1o . "" 5<01,
F... , ...
_.1-. r,.,_ ......",
11K ..... ""pt'. ~ ..." ",i.,;o.
""" ......
....10<. .
tbo Ho'
1'...,_ .. , ....
•...... _ . .... ..... l.a.-I. • ....
. . . . . . t 'h 10.... "';.. _ol ....'
..11. q ...II.,.
,,,,,1, ,... 1'.'.1
_10.. . .r."""
0 I..
r•• , . . .
Lab<1. . .J S .. I..
or ;'. . . . . ~ ........
Fenlon libel Co•• (n torpor,ted
506-512 Rae. St.
Phil.d . lphl a , P • .
le.,lruul. No. il i ~ more th" n that. It is
not only 'hat h ~ di,! his hil du ring the
war; nor Ihal hc hs KCnuitl~ ability of
r,n, -c1a's 'Orl. It ;s J1<'rh~ps his
allla~inj( l~r~I1,,1 cha rm, hi5 IInaITceted
.k-mocfac)". his lrtl11cndoll' jo)" in li,·in,!:".
lie has ~r!lOnalil)" rai,E<! to II", 11th
(>OWCf. He ,,·in. Iht rt<f'O"Cl aoo the af _
fect ion of hard-fi$lE<! Al htrta co",boys
i U,1 as inni'abl}' ~s he "ins the c10se
r""ard and admir~lio" of I>OCtS aud
.tale'lIIen. lie IM»OCS<t5 tl~ 100'e of the
r'«l1~e 01 Ihe nriti~h Empire a5 110
Prince of th( Royal F~milr 11.,s n cr
h",1 it.
~I avin;:- rCl:ard to the circuIII.tancn of
hil lik ;1 it nOI remarhhle that he has
J.:ro"n 111' ~ un .poil!. !;(I ,leliJlhtl,,1 a
Cf01nhi"alion 01 natnraille .. a'I<1 ,1iJ.:"uily.
<0 free irnrn Ihe <lightt . t trace of affect("<In .... nr ~nol>hi.hllc .. ~ ("""dinn. who
h,,,'''' oh'ef"("<1 h;m ,!:"ivc him (fedit inr
IOO· ....·,sing great poi'e ami _'Ouml char,
attn. hut Ihey in"ariaJ,ly ~.Id that Quee n
~I"ry IIIII , t have I~II .1 preth' r,ne
",vtl"'r tv br illJ.:" III' her Ixty-l'ri"ce .<;0
l llCC.·s, fuUy. As for us 0111 he re ill the
'''''"Y .\IlJCrta foothills of the Hack ies.
all we r~I(f<'1 i~ that the !'rin,e of \\'aks
C.'''"Ot 1II.,k" hi111 ..... lf ' Ie r("<lit~ry an,l
P~rl"'tu.,1 R,.,.. of tht "1':. r:' .111<1 COme
and Ii"e on hi. Peki<ko ranch Irom
ItOw on.
Cardan-the Conqueror
/CD ~li""..J
/' D'" t~'1~
of c,·erythin):". Peopl.- o1on't Im"hlt
10 ~peak to \1<'" I Ihoo):"hl_ "
"Well. ",hal did ~'011 Ihink?" a.k ...1
Cardan a' >~ hesitated.
" I Ihomlhl. pc rhap<. ii you ""ere not
making a 101 01 rnone~' herr ~'ou n'iKllt
..,11 0 111. anll we might 1("0 IOIItt"'he re
whert" people wouM nOI II(' on coI.d 10 U'.
I don', k, lO" "h.,' the~' don't lib u_.
I\·e Iri..,1 ..., hard to 1,., lIic~ 10 .. ,·.. rlbody; and il ",~h. ,,~ '0 lInh~l'p." to
"" OU I of c,-er~·lhi"g:·
"\\" ..11. I"m Ollt of twryl h;ng ..,in·, I ?,
Cam an de mand ed. 'Tm om 01 the Ho,
larr nnd nil those club~. ain't I ~ ,'"d
whal do I c~r.- 1 \\" h" l"s it to me. if
theY \ 'e :,11 1(0' a so" r I:rOllch a!(.1i ,>-I
",.. 1 I kllow whY_lhey·r .. !\Orr ",","all'"
I'", doing ",,<;nn< C""l.1n·' way: hI'_
0.111'" 1'", showi,,!: tht!<C c1w"l' pikno
wheft ther I(ct off. Forget i,! For:;::ct
tI, ..,,,; "'e'n ,how th ... ",. I\·e 1:01 Ihem
~1I !<Cared:'
"Yu. b,,! Ih~1 i~n't "'-"~ I hing in lifr,
i. il. dcar? Life i,,,'t 50 long. is it ?
.\nd !IO much of lif .. i, ;n bein.!:" haplly
"'hile wc are lit';lIg it: in having friends
'H like and who iiI.: .. us. Wh y. we're
1I00hing her e; we're nO\ part of th..
town ; \\"C're ju>! a 'IO~- ... e· r( nolhing
bUI 'Cardan',' and !lOme pal("c' of paid "d\"Cn isi ng. I don ·t know Il0\0.. 10 SIt)" iI, bul
I feel as il 'Cardan', wu a $Itrl cage
li ne<~ ~n,1 ("()fI'p~n ion'hip
there i. in Ihi ~
10"ely toun-and . hut ont all Ihe friend,hip that mil:h t eotIM: 10 lite• •-\00 Ihat
",il:"t COIII~ 10 ~'Oll ~lakinJ( nJ()l1ey i ~
,,(>1 Ihe onl~· thing in th~ world. i< il ? .
'T", n(ll n"king '" much. if it ("()fI, .. ,
In that:' <ai,l Cardan. "I will. though .
uhen I\'e run th.-"" cheap , k,lIes oul of
·'11111 co"ld,,'t we go ~"a ,· ?·· <h .. n,k ..1
again. " e <ll,ldn't ~·"II ~dl out and go
· "'"cwh.. ~ dO<'-oon'c,,-here "here ... <"
could lie I'"rt of things. oomewhere
where wc 0:0111<1 likt I",ople nnd p'-'0llle
eoul(llike Uir'
·'W .. co" I,1 11('1( ," >:1;(1 Cud:,I1. ~,,'I Ihat
<cl tl .. ,! that.
Th e ntxt dar lIufHin hr"ugh' lh c n "lV~
th,'l T re rn.,ill' WQuid !;:in tl,dr Ii " c to
('anlnn. It wiO< tr;",nllh for Cankm the
CO'''I"cror. It Wi" an other ~lIiie'lhrn'l
il\ the ,·; tal, o f Ilblle &: ~il:~<.
0" thr ,;x ll·,·",h of Octoher. Ina"e &.
Rigj(' ,,~nt u"der ; Carda" cOlll petition
,,"ao too ~ trong; hi , pr ice' werC 100 ruin om. t\1 ,h~ crMilou· Mi t . Cardan·~
bou::hl the HI.ltlC &: Ril:l:< Sloel.: and th e
retail ~llinJ.:" of it "as an Orl:" 0 1 price
~b"J::htef. For twO week. "'omen fooghl
tn g .. t into (artla,,'s ; C"Mall'S grO,S
<"tn for Ihc IWO w«ks el<crcd~ any
gross &ales e"cr mad .. ;n Ri\"Crbank.
Rut Carda n·J made no profil 011 the
'-::======::-__-'--'-_-':==~~'h:.:'~"':"'" ,; ,,m,,,,' :h_:"'""-f"~:'.:'I:'~':h':,:f:';:':"':'-:,,--,:h:,~gC 5<llcc andi( had one unfortunate
lhcember, 192,1
rnult , !IO mnch of the Wane & Riggi
. Iock had !>ern T rtttlain ,uits and so
rnany womt n had bought 10 the limit of
Iheir pur~s that Ca rdan', had to slaughte r ill new Tremain lIock I.! wtll. nlere
was no hel p for it : Cardan· . had to stll
1.>o:ClIUse Cardan', h~ .gr«o:1 10 lake
such an onn"hdm ing lot 01 Trem., i"
That fall and wintu Ca"lan Ihe Conqueror began to show worry linn on
his face. His stort 'us ....·ell crowdrd
wi:h pUr<;/Qscrl but his big o"uhr~ ex_
1""nse Iwallo...·ed hi. pdt y profil l al a
gulp .nd ....·n not llalialrd. It bit inlO hi.
capital and was not $al isli~ l . AIMI no
one had C(lmforl or friend.hip lor Car d.,n , to ligh tcn hi . worrin. lie had not
e",'n a f>:1nnrr to quarrel ....·i th and blame:.
So he quarrell~l ..... ith hi s wife. Some times, in his irritalion. hr s ..... ore at IU T.
Ilul C".,lan' ...... a5 5Cl1in,lt' slathrrs 01
good~ Cardan'~ Wai, to ~II "l'l'rarancu.
a prosperon • • nd Ir iumphant More:, 1're: quen lly, in th e rarly afternoon, Card.,"
the Con~ueror, standing in hi ~ . Iore',
doorway. saw ,t roupl of lau,thin,t, cheer _
ful mereh:mu comc out of Ih e Ri,·erlt.,nk
Hotd, galhering in linle du~leT5 and
Ihen going lip or ,Iown Ih e Slr«t, in
IwO'. or Ihrer·. 10 th eir !JUline', pbcu,
Among them he: often . aw BI.,ne, a lil_
lie graye:r ~nd n<)l 50 wcll drux<1. lor
Blane: &: Riggs had now only a small
notion "ore.
T H E Ri,·trbank EfJgfr. Cardan 53W.
had he:adlinn on iii report 01 Ihe: an _
lIIu.1 m.. el;ng of lhe: Otal11wr of Commc:rce-"Rogrr Carlfr A«ain 1lead.
Chambofr o f Comme:rce-Sam lIIane
UnaniThOUily ChOKn a. ViCe:-l're:5idenl."
but Cardan did ~ read Ihe: report : hf
tumrd 10 Ihe: page Ihal hc:1d hi s huge: dis_
play adveniseme:m. lor il did not interest
Itim to rcad that Roger Can cr , e:fficiency
had added t"'enty.two TlCW mem1.>o:., 10
the Chamber. roll, or th~1 Sam Blane. of
iJlane: & Riggs, wu one of Riverbank'.
1.>o::;t 1.>o:10'-c:d Cilile:n5. or thaI e:ve:ryone
"'Guld rejoice: brcause: h .. had been cle.:tw
to this office:, for which hi s backe:rs had
been hi ii feHow-mc:m1.>o:r. 01 Rotary. He
fourKI ;t more imfKlrtant 10 frown 1)(0 cau se the scare:-II ead 0 1 hi s advertisc _
menl-"Cllrdan's ,'d(h a Complele No_
l ion Dep.'rtm~nl"-had not b~n Itl in
l/lrger IYpe. He: Ihru n the paper in ln
hi s pocket IIlId went home, and lound
Joe: lilling on Ihe "eps 01 the porch, his
sehoolbooks ~prta<.! oul there, doing hi .
"home ....·ork."
"\VhaC, Ih .. matter1" Ca rdan asked.
"Your mothe:r nol horn" r e:I ~"
"1 couldn't ge:t in," Joe: laid. '·Th ..
door's lockrd."
As 500n aJ Cardan opened Ih.. door he
smelled Ihe: gas and guusm the re::;t .
"You nay out hue ," h.. ordered JOor,
and wenl \0 Ihe: kilchen. Th .. maid wu
not Ihere bul !>in, Cardan wn. on Ih ..
floor by the: Cas rallge and. hokling hi .
breath , Card:m Ihre'" open Ihe: OUler
As il opc:ned the strips of folded
new~l"'r"' r Idl to the Roor from whe:re:
the:y had 1.>o:en lucked 1.>o:tw«n Ihe: edge:!
01 the door alKl its Irame. Cardan stood
a 1lIome:nt 10 get hi . lnngs full of pure:
lIir again, lind Ihen he: hurrird 10 shut off
the: ga51hal was pouring from four bumeu_ F rom around the windows he:
lIullrrl the: othrr ~ r ips of newspa""r, and
cran"nrrl Ihe:nl in his pocket, and threw
Ihe windows OJIC'n. The:n he brnt ovcr
hi. wife: and rea"ltd Ihat sht had found
.. way 10 Ira,.., Ri,·e:rbank.
I V.
s Canbn', tr.timon,· 1.>o:lor" the ror oner wa,; that tht only lourner h~ had
found Clift! was thaI in the: Oven 01 Ihe:
range, and thaI no strips 01 pa""r had
been u~ to wedge: Ih" crach of the
doors ami windo"'s. alMllhal his wife: had
alwlI)'s hC:C:1I happy alMl had had e:"UYIhing sht could poS!;ibly ,,·anl. the: Eogle
and Ihe T iNttl call~d it an accident.
Hut Canlan Ihe ConquCTOr kne:w it
W,l ~ no !lcciden \.
As he: lefl hi s home.
which had nevcr be en a home b,,1 onl)'
a place where he ale and ~!cpl- for a
home is !IOmcthinJ: that has root. th at
~I're:ad out a(l(l touch tht friendly root~
of olher homu- a,,,' wal krrl to hi . <lor"
Ihrol1l;h .Irr cts that we:re: not a,·(nu(. of
I ri(",'~hip hut lIIe rdy pa,'ed IllaCe:. for
fee:l /l nd wheels-he felt ve: ry bitter 10wards this lOW" and its peOllle. T he:y
had done: Ihis. 3u\ Ihe)' would 1.>0: sorry 1
An through Ih e funeral h" ha<.! betu
Ihinkinll' of Ih i,; the: funeral had 10 1.>0:
and he: had to lake hi. part in it. but hi.
Ihought~ o f his de:ad "'if~ had wen
Ihrcadrd b~' Ihe: lnoughl that ........·ould
find relid in getting j}ack to Ihe store:;
he would forget as ht drm'e: Ca rdan 's to
enn greater succeS!;. For. alttr all.
Canbn wal Carda,,'s, and Cardan' , ....·u
Ca ..b n. n,r store: had brc:n losi ng
money for him, true e:nough, but now he:
would .harpen a bigge:r knife:. He: would
,J:'el rid 01 tht Palace and 0 1 Run«
nroth~ rs. and Ihen Ca rdan's oould begin
10 make a profit.
AI hi s de:sk he: look a JIC'TIcil and 1.>0:.
gan 10 outline a new advul isrmen t. bul
-1.>o: lore he: had lound a stri king hud·
line for it-he lei his head fan forward
on hi s arms. He leit mise rably l irrd.
Tired? No. not t i r~d-lond)'l He felt
deserled and Iricndle~s. Ht felt . ama1·
in!!ly rtlOll,I:h, Ihat life did not amou nt to
:",ylhi"l: , Ihal nothinJ: amou nted 10 anyIh;"I: ; Ihal pUlling full-page IIth'cT\i 5C111(1115 in a newsp.'per was not enough to
make lift wort h Ii"ing:: Ihat creating a
hig Slore: that made lillIe mont)· and ir _
ritated man)'. was not happintss. H"
moved ulltasily in hi s "hair.
Sucerss ? Was il suc«ss to crUIe: a
big busine:ss br knifing compelilOrs?
Such a busi neu could only conti nue: 10
ni.\ by COIItin urd knifing . And if a
businf:U did <XlIItinuc:. ",hat "'3lI it ",oMh
if it made rnrmirs i n~r:t.d of frie:nds?
What a legacy to lt a"e: hi s J(ITIl " \'e:I,
Cardan ;5 dead, and a good Ihi ng, 100 I
a lU wllh 10 11.. 1"
noiK it u n be uocd
an.,..·he . e: In any of_
(ic" ",,, ho,,' the:
. 1I.hlC>t .n...,.,a"""
).Un, . ... n .... '--""
0A1LUorr f"<lIw"
•• !n!n
••_ • •
b • • rhot "0'" "" 10M
..... L.nd tho , boa ....
' h~ f LL I Oi'T AD_
It """ .....
Snappy :l;
Stnd for
"r irf!
for all gathtrin,,'
of Rotaria ns and
R ota r ianettes.
M. HEr=R'S
8 _~I,n, '" Y.
11 FI ..." ..h A _ .
Have Your Collan
Laundered in Troy
Wlocr.lho "qinol_1ocIt -ill
beliYao tharo. Wriu o..d _ ·11.....
• Hand, Moillnt c.""", It malo .. ~ OMiu.
4'" CttCollartown
nnon Pl • .,.
, ,---------------- ------------=.------------- '---=
T il E
Decemkr, 192.1
!l OT AH/ AN
'I" eror put the certified chec k in hi ~
poektt and took Joe by the hand and
went away frOm Ri,·erh;tnk. He is no'"
in husiness, in do.1ks and ! uiu again. at
Caldtrton. Ind iana. If you Jl'nl for 3
rtport on him you would rud Ihis:
" Formerly iu busi nus al I( i"crbank.
10"'3. but is beliend to ha "e lost hen _
ily thtre. due to hi s cul -thTO:lt Itlclhods.
Is no'" doing busin~ss in a smallish ",ay.
bul is well spo\;cn o f b)" l()(Cal banke ..
and busi nus n",n . and his btl<inu.
'hows a N tisfaClory annual profit abo" r
A few days ago llumin. of the Tre·
T H E price Card:", the COIl'luccror got main Sui t Company. callt<! 011 Cardan.
"too\; here, Cardan." h~ 53id. "old .
for his store "'''s the amount the SHlCk
invoi«<.l for. Ius 20 per cent for depreBi nner. down the st reet. is not buying
ci ation. and less another 20 per crnt for enough to wi! me: how would )"ou li ke
"ill will." T he buyer. aflU ",alking to have our riue for Calderton~ F.~.
th rough ~ la in Street and talking with clusivel)·."
Carda n's fell ow-merchants. had st ruck
nu, C,mb n shook hi s he.''' .
his pr ncil through the ite m "Good Will.
""'0. [ guest not," he .aid. "Xot un·
$20.000." and had Aat _footally decl ared len Binner wants 10 Ili"e ;t up, lI e's a
th at unless a 20 per cent was taken off rather fine old fellow. Bi n n~r is. and "'r
for ill ",ill he would not bu y.
get along nicely togN h~r here. I
"You \'e built up a bus ineu here by couldn't afTonl to hurt the 01<1 fellow
cut-thra.1 t methods:' he 10Id Ca rdan. jn.! 10 make a few olollan. Why. n~'n '
!linner is proposing "'e for Ihe vicr·
" and by knocking and sla"l1ning, "11
have to beg in at th~ botlom and build a pruidency of Ihe Chamber of Comnew busineu: no can rn'3mp Ihi. mereel 1 " 'oul<1n't hnrt the ol d fellow
of yours Wilhou! laJinJ;' a new founda , for all the lintl ;n tlte world."
lion 0 1 fr iendly manner. and clean
Atld then he had to lea"e H ufHin. beprofit-ma\;i ng. Yott can lake it or caust a couple o f b.1nkers stopped in to
lea,'e it."
wal k o,'er to the hotel with Cart!:!n the
!'o Cardan took il. Cardan Ihe ('on- CDnqntrttr.
T hi! town is well rid of such a theap
fraud r'
Cardan rai~ his hud and ruched
for the t rade paper of his ,,;uk He
turned the p;lgn um il he came 10 Iht
$null 3dve rt i~nt he",-I~ 1 ''Oppor.
tunitin to Eu)' or Sell."
"X. Y. Z" cart of Ooak a,ul Suit
R~corder:" he ",rote.
"I rl()tice your
ad"rrl isnnrnl 53yi ng rou \\'il1 buy a li"r
cloak and suit business in a li " e. friendly
to ...·n. ~I)· bu§inrss ".,., rst3bli.h~ 1
here-" And so on.
GJwo hWldred
hWlgry R8fariansl
testify to the good ncsss of t he
contents of t his unique package
n... . ... ,............'........,..
.... . ....
, 100 . , _ .....
. - .... It lion A._10
.., • n,l loI .. k ..
. . ......
' ''''''' ...... " .. 01 T. ... " "'''. _ r"
........ .... " ... 1>1 ..... .... '
u_._. ___.-. . _,, . ..
""... ... ...
. n\QO,"
......., "'.. .........
. . . D_
., ....
._ _ .
_.... .. ...
_,...... ..... .... ........
...... 1)1....
Of '''''_
,.. _
""" ... .
. . ...... u..., .... 11'
" - '- '
1'_ _
_. -
r= _ .. --- ......",...,.
_, ~
f"' _ _
... ......
Independen ce a nd Co-operation
IN MONnEAL ~~~:'7::
H) in-hsorSIGNAL
Yoo .. ouI~ _ ",,01 0" "il_d .. ~lc~ ~od .0 ..... '
y"" .....Id ....'"Id '" to .. ,~. ~.k. \.Ib,.
...... 40 ,..,. .... . . 1 Ilo,,,,h I,r. -.I, ...... , .... I'~ ''11.01
' )"1'-"
... " .. '" ... ... ,..,. of ,"" 'PP''''~ of
,h., ......... .,....
n ..I,hl
U.. l,h ,. .... 0<,;.., I.........1uablc .ho. )".
;.ou,.nee. Tb. ho"'" p .... ""......i .... b, .....
oden,ifie .. r......oI . 01
It ... "h..
""""' . .......d " h... _
tlip' ~"'"I.I"'," I•• idem' It ...... ,011 '"' ' ok. _ _ " •• ..,. .... Ift.
... . a p.~ o< '!on to ,,,,, ... ,f ..,4 ,_
.. 100 ~ • •
""" .,..,., "'" "'" ...... 1<1 ",•• " ~", ..... or"
,.., of Il •• ',k ·P,." .. , OO ,o·da,. Wri,. Jot n,
'-no. _ of Lif• •~ ..lOtio " D.
" . . .' ',1Ie .....)
.... ice
.... iodk.l
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au ", ~u
. _- -- -- ... I U ....... 101 .. 11101..
lh -..I II. , ...
-- - - -- C WC . . ~ III•
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II. 1:0 Il<poIbiiot , 101 1' 0. .... 1';'0 ~
Plo. .. _
-no Sp. .
N. . -
...,~._. )'001,
'" Li • •~ uooI po .... icWota 0/
Add,... .. .. ....
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•• ·
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Men who al ways a8'''' ... ilh one another ar~ uSWlll), lhe ,,·~.~lin8'
Men ...·M fa il I" acl I,..-IMr are ulWllly lhe fool •.
Ind'"Petld.-nt thought and «HI!'Crali~ compromi~ action i. th~
combination ... hieh acoomplishrs reuitl.
W hen your comm"I .... call on you to act . IMy ha~! crttlalliffd
into a definite plan the inde~defll II>ou~ht in Rotar)'.
Then is the ti""" for co-operative u lion.
AI thr time for utian. he who dot. not Ict. and "'1 in t,...""",-,
"He profit. moo t ...·ho JI''''os ~JI:.
Ethics' Place
adopled might lead 10 a huh hy growth
_I he abstract principles ha<1 to be re·
duced to a community program in ordc r
to make of tlte Iheat~r a public-iOCT\'ice
instit ution-a commun ilv ce nler. making
a clean and whol.50"'" collt.ib" tiol1 10
the li fe of the communi ty.
I n order to ae<:onlplish Ilti •. Ihe public.
rel at ions office turned to find tlte most
st rategic points for the initiation of thi s
progTam. an<1 tho!se poinu prOl'oo to be
the ci tiu in wh;ch thrater managen
had become n""",ben of Rota ry, or members of tho.. organizations ]WItterned
a fter R013 ry, In 1I1~ 1IIi005 o f thcse Ro-tarian. throe idu. had t"keu hold, and,
wi th but Ie"' c><cepti-ons. they were the
only mind, in ",hich they had tahn
hoM. Sut thev nrrdf'< l tnol< wilh which
to work- " COnCrele plan which would
reach the public.
So it wu th~ t ahout t\\O )ur.l ago
a meeting took plac~ in Atlanta brt"" etn
a represe1ltali,'C o f thi , mOlion-picture
company. t\\'o club WOIIICII. and t\\"o busine •• mC Il of the city. TI,e'IC prineip' e.
were di5Cu<sed an,! rrdllce<1 to a rough
program ndaplN 10 the comnnl1l ih ', QuI
of this meeting grew the fir~t' Better
Filnu Committee, with a concrete COm_
"'unit)· program. In April. 192:2. it was
fel l that suflic:ien l progrus had ~
made to warrant the calling of a general
~onference. which con"~_1 in Atlant"
u the Soulhtanern Conferen~ for Bet.
ter Film,. "' ith 11Iore Ihan .'4)0 repre.
sCfltatives o f ei,'ic club •. religiOll5 o-::"n.
i'~ li<ln .. ,·ari ..." . ""loIicad"" •. an, ] f'<luu.
DecemfHr , 19t3
tiona] institution. cov~ring KVen tOuth(altern Ilatu. Jur.t prior to th il metl _
inc Mr. W ill Hays had acctptro lhe
It~rlh;p of tht molion-picture industry,
and in June. 1922. hc c;>llro a conf(fence
of morc than 150 citi~m organintion.
at tht Waldorf Hotel in New York, at
wh ich conference the rnulu of Ihe
Southuste rn Conference for Bettt r
Fil ms lI·tre preKntro, and OUI of which
grtw Iht Public Rel ations Commillf'e,
which i. in faet a Betler Films Commillet on a national sak Under the
au.• pice. of that committ"" on Novembe r 161h and 17th a Regional Con ference, modelled after the conference held
in Atlanta, convenro in Minneapolis ;
and altO in November t he third Regional
Conference eonv~nro in Bolton, with tht
announced purpoK of ca rrying the Better Films Commillee itka throughout the
Uni tro States as the logic., l !IOlul ion of
the sevm problems which 1 have alte mpted to outline.
'1(owmbtT 16th, 1898
The Bamea-Crotby Company had at that time
ten tmployca a nd occupied a floor .pace o (
Ie. than ODe thowand IqU~ (eet- At the
present time the employee. number about
thtw: hundred and the floor .pace otalpied
by the variow dtpanmcnll excee !I forty thou",nd lQuare (td.
Thit I lowtb has bun aa:omplished only by
the Rlpcri<.>rity 0( our orpnw.tioD, ill qu.a.l.ity
and tICr"Vice rendered. Our Adllft"tising Art
and PhotogrlJph Studlo.t. with r p e=ialilU in
all branches 0( IUwtra.tiye Art, ~
equipped. Our Pho to-Engraving and Me-
is Ihml IOmc ten or Iwelve 1-10tary clubs have spoken through Ihi.
company, si rategiully localro in rega rd
10 head. of the molion-piet ure industry,
and thus had a hand in mouldin, the
pr inciples on which is foundnl Ihe in_
duslry'. publ ic-relations program for the
whole United State5.
Now r do not mean t hat Ihe.., few the _
ate r manage rs who we re pr ivileged to I.e
Rotarians fou nd in Rotary th is plan "CUI
and dr ied"-nor do [ lIltan Ihat they
were n«elSarily familiar ",·it h the Code
of Ethic_nor that they «msc:iously
drew the inspiration even--but localro at
tho: switch as I was during the 10rn)3l i'·e
period of Ihi s movement , I could ..,e
the delica te flanges of the wh",11 of the
movement ,·ccring this way or that in
accord with steel rails 0 1 pri nciples laid
for the first time publicly by busine "
mcn, as the Rotary Code of Ethics. And
as a relult, 1 1m ~on"inced o f two thing.:
fi rst, tliat the motion-pictu re industry,
probably because it reached thi. trllllsi.
tiona! phaK of devdopmcnt co-inciden t
with the development of Rotary'a international intlum~e, has been ;nAucn~
to a gruter elClent by Rota ry prin~iplcs,
than has any other one industry . Second : that Rotary. greatut work and
opportunity lin in tilling the soil preparatory to planting-that affiliation in
Rota ry rtndcn the man re~cpt;'·e--that
j ust at it was found in a comparative
u perimcnt in the New York Public
School. the other day, studen" who Wert
recei .. ing oral instructi on followed by
vi$Ual instruction stood 22 per cent
higher on their ClCami nal ion, than did
children who f ecci'·e only oral instruc_
tion, or only visual instruc;t ion. So Rotary i. living an oral instruction which
~blel the indiYidual to interprn the image aright when he ITIHts it in the busi_
ness wor ld.
chanical Departments produce the btlt: in
printin& platts, mack for Black and Wbite o r
Color Printina:FOI" yca.n: our c.utomcn have been acquainted
with our old entra nce at 226 W C$I M ..:Ii"'n
Sueet and while we have DOt moved,we bave
ehana:ed our addrttl t o 9 North Fra nklin
SuccI. right around tbe eon"ier our old
y"" <IN
"' ..... it......
• . _ .. . . ..
•. _'" '.""R"" n . co • . _ _
".n_26 10 1 .._
1. J 92.
Itirholy ... ~~raa:od by .he remark.ble
.""ce .. of 0\If t9ll Gold ... Jubilee
Cruik, "e 100"" ..... Iwur. d lbe .,,1... _
did C\oow-de . ......... UJ... " -lho..';"'o"J ... ilable cruio.iftc Uc&me.-fo. 0• • 1924 Crvi.. ArouDd. IlHo
A.a io.i~....,. IUpotll-lJO cIa,..- oailillC
c&u"'1l"d fro m N... YOlk &lid ... «o.i",
N ... ' l' _n"', U .M ,
.... 'u...
" , ..... hoi ....... t. , . I . I ... " ", IIiU 0. .. .
Ii. "UNTIl(
Sprio(li.... i•• YOTJ coua..., ri.i.od..
Comfort, lu~, lei.lI1e_pl". lbe ~,_
~ice. of our ~nl'l". d\lio of ponn .... at
o llie .. oil "'onr the route. Li.en.I~"
oro R'"'!._ot.
c....loo .u........ 4CO q,....
'61 FIfth Aft.
Til E
Give Your Boy a
Real Xmas
With. Wol •• • ln. C_l l er , Sc_I ~r
D r Bik.
Th~ . ... oil " eel built 10 ollnd ...1
got . . . d wib be. ,;ft)'O\l ' ch ild ";[1 . 11>.... mbcr ond .... ;oy lor yt'. ... No &ift _ilI
bo ..-., ' rpf\'Ciat~ .""" I uodul •• , u.dy
Wol r .nne CO"I~r. S(oo,e, or Bike.
lI . ndtomdr 6ni.hd in r...d ond yollow.
IV,i •• 1or <OfIIpkle pli_ ... d <;.eul • •.
Dail Steel Prodooa Co.
z.- MMo SL. ~, MidI.
Ro se M a ri e Blair
I, was a
Something NEW
f<>. ,h.
b. """,,,,Iy ",.;;..;
cood quality
r . noo.1 .d ection kif
indi. -idUli requi•• m.... u
h /II.~ O>in Ooo/y
-- -- - ---- -- - - t',.,,,,
W U 8RUMMEL.S 0...11 $,. N.... Y.....
Eadaood ,.4 •
C""'"' p ..,... od
_. , ... ..
.... i, ... to. ... ......
s._.... ... "'_
i-' 1___ .. I, , •••• _~ . -
nglY"'ernp.ncd boy who
,,-ak.ned \0 H:o~y's mi ni'\Tations. Ro~y
r.cogn i~cd the "".>od, mel il wilh all the
tact lind ple,l santnt;<.. we could COO"
ma nd. l ie hailed her.
"Cut it OOt. ",a ! Cut it OUt ! I ain't
the old ma n r '
" Trent r'
" F:..ct! Don ' t bot htr m~ r'
"But T r.. nt-··
" t \ ".. h e II'··
lie swung from the ~I " 'ith ;ml"1'
ticnce, turned a sickly grc.. n, ]"wrrrd
hi ",~H geml)".
Ho,)" han....d him ~
dr ink. TI,err ... a s silcnce in th.. room
f"r a while. On a 1'311d in a darkened
eOTlL~ r of th~ room. Ca rt~r and To",,,,y
la y sleepi")r. SuM en ly, T r enl ' I)(lke
" I"m nOt going back 10 that $<;hool
a!:ain . .'\ n<'lllla1"5 ,hat r'
1Ie ,Irew a ,ip in .<u'ki' y, and '/ o~)" s., id
'l u idd~' :
"]lut Trent. your n",n ual Iraini"I':_"
"I\ \\". hell r'
RQS)' winced. Yea .. o f it had UOI ac eu>lomed h.. r to .... ea r ing. She hal~d il.
hat ed il ' p<'ci all y from h~r hoy~. fl ut
... iseiy, she ,'id n(l{ sl"M k of thi s now.
" I got a job ."' ...ent on T rent, and an·
• wering hcr 'luest ioning look, add«!
O" ttp,." I)". ~ t\1 Cr"c'j I" ace."
" T.n, ' f'
It was all .hc could sal. and ag:..; n.
Trent $"·o'e. nut he "'001<1 nOI go back
to $<.:hoo1. And he did go to work at
Cr'lc',, run b)" a miserable brute
oj a fcll ow, selling 'lucnion'1,ble ,,'areS o f
all sorts. d e" er'~' pc<.Idli ng ill icil tile"
c handi~, hi. place a .mdel\·OIu lor the
evil ek men t of the lown .
• ILL.
Decem ber, 1923
the ,Ia~" Ihal fCII],," «1. therr ....1> a
d 'Hnge in !.:"')" that t roul~cd the ab·
"" ... ing ooy, Carte r, ""'Y "'uch. li e
had ...,en hi s mothc. worri«1 !J<, lorr. II "
coul d not rrmem ber when slle ha <'l not
wor r ied. but there was a sort o f "Ilath y
aoout her. a disoouraged air that the
boy failed to und erstaniL Ch r istmu
w,u " t rr "t~ r, too. Th ~ t hurt Car ter.
fo r li t 'ove<' Ch ri st"',,",- ~1ayh" h~ cot,'d
mana ge so,,,,, way 0, another a 'i nle g ift
lor hi, mOlh ~ r. Th at mighl ehc~ r hn
up a hit. But he oIid nOI menlion the
coming ho' ida)" season, ne ithte did
F rida)" he£or~ Chr istmas. Ca rt e. came
homt from seh"'" n..arl)· hur sting wilh
joy. IIi , ryu shone 'ih stOlfi ; hi , voice
was a sh. irk oi rxcit~ment . Some: ma n,
a big ma n, was goi ng to lake him 10 a
C1, ri stma. dinnrr t<)mOrro"' ! Teacher
$a id so ! A nd A rch Com.,.5 was go ing.
and !Jilly Tho"" " . and his mict was
hu!hed, u -en nutch! n,rre are always
""pth, of drgn ion brncalh one'! own ,
and to the residr nts of Po,·e.t)· Gap.
Butch w3< the n1l im.1le. Kamdu. h"
WlU. hi. mother II prell)", . hallow g irl o f
the neighborhood who$e reclc 'c'<5f>C., wa,
wh isfN'..... about in c,-e.y hO\l<ehold.
lIulch inloktd and lor chew<:d and he
,wore. He 5tCII .. and he litd and lor " '.15
a ,"armint for figh ting. lie " 'as bold and
furlus, and he was not quit .. len years
CIIt!. Butch had the whole neighborhood
up in :l.On. againsl him. He glor ied in
hi. rr,IUtation. ,\nd Carter ~id Butch
wa< gni nJ: 10 th is Chri,tma' di nner.
!/" 'y tOl,ld not find out ",nch about il.
I f CMle r knew, he was 100 ""e;ltd 10
tell. HeloTr he wcu l to brd. hr .c rubbrd
hiJ lace aud hands anti hair. lie dug
in to his can; and he tried to get the
I:ri"'e OUI 01 hi , finl:"~T nai, •. Trent be·
I:., n to jeer oll"nl)", but Ro~y silenced
him. Tommy stood "rOlnKI, slaring eu ri.
on<')". and Hos)" could not r d rai" a .'IO ft
smile " ith tea r.Oju't beneath the <urface.
CUltr repe.11e< ' the I'rocc .. when ht gOt
up in t he moruing: thcn al:"i n bd"re he
,,· ..111 to schooL lie .tol'II",[ hi , pla~' ''''W
~n otl~ h bdore KhO\., took u" I " hast~ n
the wa~lorool1l and iCrul.l hi mself
al;ain. At recess. he did not play at all ,
hut ~p<'n l t he pe.iod at the wasil bowl.
lI is leac he r s face wor e a broad g r in .
N 0W' l)a,·e
~ I arkham
"as far h om
!J<,inl: an 0'01 ma n. AI'(). 10e was ftQI
(xaet'y )ou".I: an)" more. "avinJ,:" ru ched
th .. ma tu re age of 11o'rt)·. IO\Ir. He ",.as
a bil of a c)"nie. and a grut deal oored
wi th Ihi~ Christ ma. t,inncr idca and par·
licula.'y " 'it h Ihi, 100)" 1"'" of il Iha t
tht MOIary Club wa, ~pon ",r ing. n ;g
1).ob C",her' ..-ao rr<pon.ible for the
idra, a'K' wa< footing the bill. The club
w ~, made up of gOood loyal IllCnll:oe r8. 5<)
t h~y b.,eke<' Bob "p e,'cn though they
were oor..d. T he rc we re around ninet)·
m('mber~ in thc club, and Bob ",,,, payinll" lor a~ ma ny ex tra " lates for boy •.
poo r ]>(» s. Each ROlaria n was to be a
ho~, to. his ooy, tJlIin g at tllr ,·ar iou.
Khool hot" u fo. them. Ihe t~ach ers ha,"
ing helped tn ~Ieet tht 1110" needy and
de!<.' ,,·i ng. So after ('Ienn o·d ock. 1)a,'c
Markha m hopped in lo hi$ Car and dr,," e
to th e Carlyle schoo' for hi. boy. He
got Carter Blair. Phil Fa"ning. th e
clothier , was t herc. and to him fell Arch
ConICTI. G~ ne F'etchtr. tht J.hotogra·
I,h... , got Billy Thomu. Butch was al ·
ready gone, 3n(' 50 wc. c a score 0 1
ot h.....
Oa"e led Carter to hi, w~ il i ng ca. , and
tht)" dro"e off. One did TK)t Imow whal
10 talk about to hi. liltle g" r 51. 50 spoke
at random. Carler "ouchsafed TK) replies
beca" se he ",l\J ahaid to 5l'uk. l1e wa s
100 big to cry, of cou rse: , but he fell
sure Ihat if he all .. mpttd !-PftCh
December, 1923
Tht y approached Ihe big ci t)' BOYi Clull
bu ilding. Ca rlU 'S e)'tl .... gan to sh; nc,
not icing which, Oa,·" r(nlarked:
"E'~r go to the Boy,' Oub, IIOf\ r'
Ca rte r shook hi. head.
"0u.:1I t to go:' said ))ne. "Fine
Ihing for a boy. I'd ... ant a son of mint
10 go regularly."
Caner chokw. Oa"e fro"," <:<:l thought.
" H um·m·m I" he commenled . btgin_
ning 10 undCT1l1a nd. ~E\'tr .hink you'd
likt to r '
" Oh.h·h !" J USI a brealh from Ca rltr.
" Uh·hult, I sec," Aill I)a"". Ht dr"w
up b)' the club. '" ha"c 10 ~e a ftllow:'
he tx plainOld 10 Carler. "Bc OUI in jU'l
a millulc," and he ''''"ng bri:lkly OUt of
Ihc car, up Iht sttp... Cancr look<:<:1
aftcr him and whtn 03" e <li ..,ppca~d.
carefully Ihe boy willtd hi5 eyn clear of
any suspicion of tearl. A few minules
lalu , Da"c came out again, whisllinJ:.
TI'ey drOl'c " 1' to Ihe bil: hotel. :md
parked. BUI Oa\'t ,lid nOI 1l1.~ke an i",.
med iale n1O"C 10 aligh t, 10 Carlt rs sur·
pr i'll: and fta r. n~"e laug hed.
"Say, son. ~boul Ihal 110)'s Cl ub bu<i·
ncss. Here' s a year s me"' .... r5hil'. Sup·
pose you t ry it o"t ~Ild Ite if you doti"l
likt it. LeI m" know aboul it, "'ill you!"'
It was .... unt xpe" lt d. 3111t Cart~r waJ
only :J. little hoy. I I is (~cr I: re,,· l,ain.
ful ly rrd, and Ihe tear~ htgan 10 t rickl~ .
A regula r lell ow alway. undcrsland s,
300 One Markham "'as a rcgular fcl.
low. He turn<:<:1 his hcad away.
T HE big dining·room o\·erflo-o·ing
wil h men and boy . .... h~ Da"e and
Carler entered. I mnle-di~Iely, Ih"., ~nsed
an anOlional ~tuin in the air, leaTi close
10 the surfact, and hearts slirred mort
Ihan Ihtir wonl. Ht saw big Tim Mal·
Ih",,'s actually wipe a IUr a"'ay that
Ihrt.tltned 10 trickle do"'n over hi5 red
chuk. He saw And re ..' Blakely. Ihe
TI>O!;I liJ;: hl .Ii~lw nlan in tht coun ty, ha""
a sudd.,n I"'roX)'"'' of coughing. and
On ·t knew he had not the i/ ighttst kind
of a cold. Ed Crawford. w ho~ income
went into Ihe thousands. wa s Irying 10
wh i~ll., and could not. Thei r hah;tuall~'
palt .kins were ... hiltr Ihn u ~\I.tI, thd r
moulh. l ighte r, hut thei r ordinary ca lm
compo.u rt wa. gont . T hey wc re nOI
jeSl ing. wtrt not mtt ling 8n yonc', tyes.
appanntly cn"Id not. Ed Crawford had
Butch. H t lurned to look for Carter ,
and found Bill)' Thomas wil h eyn larl(e
as dollars whi sptrilll( to him;
" Hc ga,·c mc a k(l(L1k !"'
"'S n"l h;n'!"' Caner ,,·'u quick to re_
tort. "Hr-" wilh a t witch of hi. thumh
loward Onc, "p"e 'f" a boys dub
membrrshi p."
Oa"c smiled, a rather tremulous 5mite,
and woncltred if ~t could " 'h i"le. Bul
before ht could makt 11M: a""mpt , at
long-drawn brl::llhs from Ca rter and
Billy, hi. eyts fOllowOld thdrl, and he
No M o". W ."."y W" ~" Yo u H aM to
1'.. " . . ."II-"TAI Sib., P.".""-II~ &/wi
l'o., P~ .
By f . D . VAS
Allt", ;O", Thinkul and ~ril
you en r wam 10 "'rile high ·powered
,air, !cu .... ? Spuk in Public? Prepare
Ad.? ""il hou ... orga ... ? I)., you e\'er
find yourltH " ar inl{ .-aunlly al a bl"rt k
Sh .... l 01 l>aptr w;,hinlC you had a l elf ·
>! arlor for 11.. lh ough.. ,ha' ,imply will
nol come ? H ~re·. a new book )'OU ~otfti.
During Iht Ian lZ I'Car, F. D. Van
t\m b"rgh. pll bl i,her of the ¥o. gr uinlltl<
lilli. hu . ;nu. magazine in th e wor ld.
has .avtd UI' J7S pa ge. of ",c",al Slim,,'
lal io", c"cry pa ra grap h 01 whic h ,ou can
A JdB UIlC n
".c in your daily wor k. In ..... in ,ou. ·
• • If. Ile k"""'n .. an ~ I dn ~hn ." ~nd
for Ihi. book loda y a,,,1 namine it in
your OWII home !
,.. _
• T.
_ ____ . _ . _
,,'.or ,.....rrtk...
U I "",, ', :
'" . 0 ,I
It·, ... "", h 10 'I .... ,b.
' . !.,.£NT P .... TNIA
• • • fuod "'1 " , _ , • •
. . I'lft~ ... . ...... N .... V .. k .
I U",', u-.'I<. d ...
____ -
. , .. .... .. " • . "....... ..
. ... . ... :
_ __ __. ..____
_ _____
:L o\d,I"..
......... .......
... .. " •......
... ..... J:
Hotels Statler
Roury H Oley
.. -
" .. a
. ..
io ..
- . ....
bo • H..t Stat ... . _
I s....•• /" ....
', 0 , I s
. . . .. bo
,,,d lo...
Hotel Pennsylvania
New yon: - Sudtl"-opc:.atrd
2200 R...,....- The Largl!3t Hotd in the World _ l2OO s.ho
s'" " ,,_ 12ao/ ... u ..1 s.... Opp. p
Every guac·room in each of chae hotels hal private bath, rimJJ.ating
ice-... ater and other unusual conveniences. A morning newspaper i&
delivc:..w free 10 ~ Qub mu4, .1 . ltT;>Ctive priCQ.
t..,~ equipmenl
lor the bW' orde..
A compt~le Job ikpa nmenl II>< ,Iw
. m.He r ... ork.
Da,. _d NIch' Sent"
P.OMPT DIILlVltalllt.
lA< • • _
. ..... oof ....... _
... ........ _
A _ ow I _tl. . .<1.;''';_ . ... ' ., ..
K ....
110..-1 _ _ , ...1. .... ....
..... . . I••••
i • •• oi •••
U. s..
u, Specl.lty
Siooo......()u&litic ud ........
&da.o ..... a U p "
.s...l for at.olotuo:
Cl!ITI.Y. MA YHA M '1.IlfTi NG CO.
_.. . . . _
~E;:O. ~.' ~,~.~A~U~T_E::.:R~E
~C~O~A..~~_ _"
r ool • •
v ' ;R
w Comer...
Phil Falln;ng
A rch
A rch wn
UG-.,4 ....
Decem ber , 1923
,. brand-new sui , of elMhc!, and he was
grinning from ear to ear.
"lie ginmx the _ui t ," he annonnced in
relOnant lones. " I dunno how (hUe gO!
in my pocket s but [ kind:!. think them
men do"'" at the SIOf<: done it:' He
drew out of both pochts a oollKlion of
small coins. "They wuo', nuthio' in
'em ,,"h.." [ put on t~S<' clothes eau~
them ""'" ""id I oughter h .. ,· .. 1iOIl,("(hin'
10 jingle " 'hen I put my hands HI my
poclceu. An' then._ thty U'N': in my
Ht smiled happily. and all D,'er the
room Ihnt wa, ,. ~im"llaneous movemfn! 01 Adam's Apples. Dinnu ,,'as
ea ....
w luol...
* " u.. it
..... ... f_ . u_ . For ...·
.mpl_i , ia , he . . . .dj"".blo
wid......,b , • •Ie . . .it hout ,he
Hook and Ey. c.., on , ,, or ,,,- pood. AI... t he .....
,a.ln 1.... 1 h . . ,he
ObIon, All- Rubber Bu lt on.
n.., Wid,.,.eb "Booton " in hondo
....... holidoy boxeo ..... ke.. ¥a..,.
",n. ibla Chri.t_. , ilt - one
t hot ony man wi ll .ppr«i u a.
dra rC'd of its heavy emotional 5eTI5e as
one hundred :I.nd eighty boys and rru:n
~gh t to ~p~ase the pangs of hunger.
The boys sluffed. Many II. man of htaMy
IIppe" I.. forgot 10 eat tha t day as he
wMched hungry boy aftc r h ungry bo~'
eat and ul and ea t.
It was Mark Caldwell who made !h~
S.U EM~or"".
G- p FNOI C _, -MoJ.on a......
Ch ri 5tmu ~~tth . He got lip and beg-an
to talk abou t San ta Claus. but was almost immedintely roody interrupwl.
Butch's voice shrilled through t he room.
''T11ere ai n't no Santy Oans!" he dc.
elared. Mark huroored the boy.
"There isn't any Santa?"
"No. the re ~in't I"
'""- , ,,... ,... 0 . -
N. .. ....
to ..
.... -""~-.L.oII
~~ ..
Iloo"ri ••
2 t _ . 500 , (:
"" ..
b!.';. ;: '~' . ' :~=_"':!.':
...,. _ _ _ -
..- . ........ ... -
I... . "
~ .. ... .... _
s...... 1,0. 0. ' _ ~ '
It. T _ Elu. "'- .I e.. u. c. T _ _ _ _
t:: ,1; ""'":.... ....a1 .. ........... .... Q " I
1. 11.. ........ _
. ~ ..
... ..... '1'_ ... ... . 1<.
CO .,
5hlp _....... ' , Pa .
01 Hou.... hoId Cood.. Automobileo and
Moc hinery lot domu tie poi nt., and
everyt hinr-l rom a eaM to. coo.loodfor U po.l. How )
tv.". ........, . 11'1...
, ul arc you s"r, there isn"t any
Santa I"
" I h01JC' there ain't ! I Ut up all nighl
one Qristmas night. and nubuddy e~
at all."
There WIS a fainl hy<lerical giggle
from a number of ""ared, flush-b«d lit _
tie fello"'5 .... ho knew Bulch and his .tpu_
tatinn. Mark Caldwtll smiled kindlv.
"We11. my bo\". maybe thtre isn't
Santa Oaus. 1 had always believed
there was. but if you 5o3t up one wholt
night ami watched. and Ihe old ftllow
did not show UP. why. o f cou rse. I rna.'
be mi Slahn. But I'd like to tal k abom
the old SainI. anywa,·. if you wouMn'!
mind 1i~ten ing to me."
Dhet Wo ff nt1.ovt
on 10 tt ll of rhe
that wu
f>t,~ut if,,1
typi~ed in
the chi ld mind by Santa Claus. He dese r ibffi his childhood bditf in the good
old Saint: then how, when he ha<1
re~ched a skeptical age, his mothe r had
taugh t him how San ta and Love could
he the same. H ow she had shown him
the way 10 play San ta him self ~nd hc1pffi
him to ~hare with Ihe more unfortunat e.
H t had pbyed Santa for a ~ many
Vtars, he 503id. and he hoped he would
li"e many ytan roort Ihat he migh t pb..
il again and again. It was a laseinaling
According to the worldly standards of
men . Mark Caldwtll was ~rhapi Iht
least sncendul of all those nintl ... ttOO<l
Rotari~ns. Bul in Iha t club. Mark CaM_
• ,I
a ;;k ~
Mark preached 1..00·e. and prac·
tic~1 ",hal he preachtd.
Mark Caldwell
could nc,'er IJ.e a lailure.
!-Ie ,,,,i1co.! plca503nlly upon li ttle
[lutth. "Well, my dt~r fello"':' he said,
"110'" aboul it no"' ~ Do you slill insist
Ihere isn't any San ta Oaus 1"
A curious thin!:" wu hap~ning. Thero:
"'ere eleven boys from Butch's neighbor hood at th~ t dinner. Ten little fellows.
roug h then'seh·u. older than Uutch,
(\'cry one. Yel drtading ~nd fearing
Butch, Ihe lerribl~. Uut before their
e)·n. Ihe qu«rts! thing "'as taking place.
BuICh·. denial of Santa Claus before
Ihat no"'" had frightened them. Mark
Caldwell's speech had 50beml Ihem. But
they ""ar~1 in open·mouthed amazement
at Butch ",ho ... as digging grimy fists
in to his eyes I I he 5o3id with a sob and
many snifh:
"'I lCuc S!- tna)"bc- thc~' .s a Santa
el ,..
win tt< passed ami spri ng cam~ .
UnC\"~n!ful day. for Ro~y. Trent k~pt
on al C rite's Plate. and Rosy could see
with heavy h~art , how Ihe sinister inAu_
ence was having its effect on hn boy.
So far u she conld see. thue was no
way to change things at all. Trent h~d
«a<Cd 10 !>co civil al any time. She had
not the Jlight~sl inAue nce with him. But
she gll.udell Cartu jc;olousl)·.
Unevenlful d~ys. too. in 1(00'''y. There
were changu, of course. A few tm11
dropped oul, still OIhff' Idt to"·n. Some
changw Iheir business. and lost their
classification. and nt"· mm camt in and
took their places. All of them haled to
see Ed C rawfortl lea"e, but ht was going to anocher Slate to look lI£tu la rger
bu si nus intertSu. Ed Crawford was Ed
Crawford. of COIlTse. but he was a real
John Rider " 'as behind the Back_t....
T ilE
Sehool ,no,·emen!. Dne Markham char_
DdtTi~ed it a~ '"dan1l1w nonsen~ and a
darn nui$.iilnce."· u he $at at the table
al the Rota ry luncheon waiting for John
to give him a tli[l with the name of the
boy he was to try and &:cI hack to ilChoo!.
The sEp he rectived bore the name
'Irt n! Blair."
"Blair, Blair."' he repealed. thou&:hl'
fully. "It has a fami liar IIOUnd."' And
after a ~cond'l rentClion, "W hy, thaI
kid I had Chrilitmu was Blair, Cart tr
lJ!air. I Ofen, 10 IJ.e gtlting pretty much
mbml up wilh Iht Blairs' pri~ale a l _
He laughed. stuffed the slip in his
pocke t and forgot about it. The sehool
term was nurly o.·tT ,,·htn he came
across the 5lip one afternoon as he was
star~hing hi. pockelt for a lost rt«ipt.
" Thundu t" he ejaculared, rersel,.. He the slip lS~k , OM eye upon it as hf
",h~1 m,nt than
' :'~-":'~":.~,
Iha t cnr,M
mnrtal man might as again
" 'ell aUtnd
in hi, topocktls.
thil and"Oh,
gtl itI
D«emlHr, 1923
off my n,ind," he concluded, ;lnd ruchfll
for his hat.
Answerin, his inquirin, Rosy told him
how much ahe hlld wlnted Tre nt t8 lin.
ish school. H e lo~-ed hi. manu31 Irain.
inl:", she in formed him, but she did not
think TTflI t would evcr considcr ochoot
again. Dave was thi nki ng more of Mrs.
Blair Ihan Trent as hc drove his eu
;llong the s\reet towa rd Critu' l'"Iacr.
She was not like the genenl run 01
" ·o,,,en wilh whom he had occasionally
come in contact in tireu",suncu .i",ilar.
~I aybc thil boy busintu "·as not 10 much
oorucnse as it $«mcd. If they found one
boy among them 311 who mi.:ht make a
splendid cililen in la ter yean, no onc
~Otlld uy thrir labor h~d been in ' ·ain
e'·cn Ihough an the reS! 01 the ir boys
,..ere none the bettcr.
YOUTH wi th sulky face and sullen
eycs, the inC"itable cig3fette hang,ns:
loosely from hi s lips, slouched in the
doorway 01 Critu' 1'lnce, and 01 hi",
Da"e made inq uiry fo r Trent.
" Well, sir, that'. me I" said the boy.
stlllenly and suspiciQUsly. H e surveyed
the inquirer with ~pprai sing eyes, and as
he looked, Dave drew .. ciga rette package f rom his pockCI, m3de .. selection,
Itruck a match. H e could not koo"· the
relief his aClion ga,·e yQUng Trent Blair.
Trent hated rdorn", r l, and he felt reasonably certain a rclormer wQUld not bf,
sn""'ing .. cigarelle.
" \Vork here
A silcncc whilt both puffed, looking
neh other over. One lumed his eyel
10 the streel . T wo ""all boys were
qllll.rreling, Ir,.ing 10 $I art a fighl.
Anlllhtr silence. One Ollhe liule boys
Ka'·e Ihe other a surrcptitiQUs kick. The
othu relalialed wil h a blllw on Ihe
chin, and Ihe scrap was on. Dave t ook
t he cigare tt e from hi! mouth 3m!
'"I'll bel on the littl ~ red _h uded IcI·
low," he s.aid. ;lnd drew a small coin
from his pocket. In spite of himself,
Da,·e·. ' e"'ark broughl an answering
laugh from T re nt.
·'A 101 you know aboul those kids.
Yeller jackel beall every lime. T~ke
you up on that little bet:' and he lK[uatted
on h i, heel!, crying, "Come on, you Yel.
Icr J aekel, come on, you ! ]"m l"'tti n' on
you, Yeller Jackct, hit him, hit him!
Gel t h3t Red-head! He's-"
But Dave's .w~r. "cadi~r tonu
drowned his. "That's r ight , Red, my
boy I Give him aoolher one. just like Ihat
ot her one! AtI;lboy! Sure, yQU (3n
Ikk hi n,. Red 1"
And suddcnly. Yeller J3cltel Jprawlnl
on the Cround 10 TTflIt·. «lmplete sur prill(. Dave laughed and called congralulation. to Red. who grinned bTOafU,.
though $hctpishly.
"111 be damned 1" Nid
And handw over his roin to Da,·e. Dav~
smiled, pocketw it, int rooucw himself.
" I'm Dave Markham of the Standartl
~hnufacturing Company.
E,·er been
out ther~ r"
"Never have."
"Like to go out and took thing, over r'
A long, long pause from T rent.
'·Say," he remarked, 'pccut:ui...,ty,
·'j ust " ·hat', your game r"
Due smiled hi. eng:aging ""ile, and
an.wered " ·;th disa rming frankm-u.
"1"111 one of the B;lck-to-Scbool 1I0ve.
""'nt men 01 the Rotary Oub, 3nd your
name was gi .·en to me, but I thought it
might bf, bf,tter to get acquainted fint
beiore we talked about that."
Tren t tolSe<i the stub of his cig;lrette
away, drew out anolher ;lnd rolled it
round and round in hi. fingers.
"They're taking off a heat in the
foundry today and it is very intcrei lin\:"
to watch i f you·,·e ne,·er sccn it. I must
bf, going but I'd li ke to have you along
if you care to go."
T rent pondered Ihe matter wilh conflicting enIOlion •. He could nOI r id hill'_
!!elf of the feeling there might bf, a t rap,
yet he found it hard to resi st a certain
indclitl;lble ;lp~;ll abont Ihis man. At
lust, there was no obligalion aluched :
he would look the shop o.·er. He W3.
" at going back to ochoa!, of Ihal he was
p<»itive. But he·d oort of like 10 sec the
inside of the shop. He decided 10 go.
With instrudions 10 the superintend.
elll to let the boy waOOcr 3t will, Da.·e
left hi m in the shop 3nd went to the
office. An hour passed, a half hour, ;lnd
;lnother ten mintlles, before Da"e uw
Trent approaching the IIfficc. He greeled
the boy with 3 grin.
" Well, what do you think IIf it?"
"Pretty good stuff," uid Trent.
Dave nllted a trace of excitement and
;In inlerest iu his eyn which Ihe boy
Iried 10 hide.
'·WQUldn·1 (arc 10 take a job out hu~ ?
Learn """",thing abont the trade?"
It was 50 unexpected the boy pau!(d
Ollen mOlllhOO. It wa! impouiblc for
him to repress the e3ger light in hi!
··Thin k il liver, my boy," said D",·e
Markham. "If you think you'd like 10
try it, come out tomorrow morning in a
pair of ove ralls and ta r rying a dinner
pa il, 3nd we"!l sec how ~·o" do. Now,
j ust amuse yourself ti11 I finish this work
~tld 111 drive yQU back."
T HE ncxt
rooming, Trent Blair"~ namc
was cntered on the company pay roll.
T wo wcch later, the luperinlendcnt
reported to Dnc:
''That Blair kid you senl in a while
bade ain't wonh a hng!"
Dave stared at him in undisguivd
"Fact," insisted the su~rinttndenl ,
drawing OUI a knife and a plug o f tobattO, and cutting off a chew. PHe loafs
l!:h n
f lo a.. .. "' .... WI", "
I, ' h
Ih " I . . .. ,. , _
,"-1<1 . . ...
.,.., . "'"
AI TI.... . T .. , .~ ,. ..h<l
I. F - - t _
Trtnl ~B~'.:;:,~,~'~h:'_W:'h'Ohl''''':''''O"'"i::g'''"imm". ';"~.~d~H~m::,,:::,"~~~~~<~<~U:.K,
N... "-_ ....... .
T1_ "'"~ _
T• ..,
December. 1923
I~lttcrll ~h~,J.
"He Profits Moat Who Serves Beat"
,t i, unfortun.t ely . lto t rue
t h.t wit h t he r.nk ."d fi le
it UlIu.lly h . ppe n , t h. t
the m.n w h o t. l k, the
,-"r .. ...... ,. ,
... Y.' .
--',.t...._ ....
F.. I1 ._,, · ,
II~I" " ""''''' '''
.. _
lonlletl and 1000det t about
SER V I CE ' . th i n ld nll
about what the ot hcr fcllow
Ihould render t o h im .
8 ...... c .
.510011 .... I •
v ......... 1""".'_.
.... the I
• Po_
Rot.r,.n. I<>1Jet her . nd .... neces·
.ily. to put life in . he pu t i,...
You will nOl be .ble 10,
wfl. l ,ul la ...... CA n do Or ""ho t .
va ri od . _ tl",..." Ih • •• ;. ' 0 ..I.."
(, om onl i1 you hove ... ". OU t
W. i,e ('" oU"Ht ion o c,,,',,,;n, you ,
nul Ladie.· Ni,ht . Dinne. D once.
S mo ker 0. Bon"u. , .
MANU'A c r U lfa:lfJ
Fifteenth Annual
Con vention
Jun e
I" ...... H_.
Hotel Sherrnan
_ ,_" ".'_1' C,...
Ho' "
Wriu R . fler your nome when
70U , <cider (R).
Lund>ton of th.
Chicoi ORotlIl1' Club every Tu.e.d.oy
.1 , hi. Hot"l at 12:1S-;n,
Rotaria no a lw. y. _ Icome.
and pro rala .
RA IE: Ordinary P O$iliolU 48 Dollars per page
Specil) posilions a t ZS% Premium,subjed. to being unle t
1..... _ ' ..... _' 00' __ .... .. ... ,
S"Jood Ad,.,, ' .•• _ . . ..
""'''TIIIOCE • I,CVE. L..... D, d
• 8riotol. Ea...... . ... a..
H• • • •• 11 s . ... ~ s ...... -..... I
c. t: £qIoM _.....
• I
lime I ,,~~l him I
b"'Ot to St'nd afte r lo'n.. Kid', a darn
D:o..e tilted b.lck in
chair Ihollgh l.
iully and in .iienee. The 5111'CrinlC1"IIkm
look a good look al 1),1.\·e a,...1 r~tr~atoo.
mumbling. There II"c'e nlOO<b of silence
Ihal OHrlook 1);11" occasionally during
which he mighl ttlainlain his lactiturnil\'
for hou... :\10'1 of the shop had lurn";l
to r«Ogt.i~e and rr~i><'ct Ihe~ moo,l<.
Otte had come o\"er Davt. now. lie sat
t here lor morc Ihan an hour. 5mOkitl~.
thinking. So""'ho..·. he had CQUmoo 0"
Ihe kid . a,~1 I", halttl 10 acknowlt<lJ.":""
di"'IIIIO,nt"",nt. A Idephone ~""' tn.",.
;n lern'l'lt,1 him al last. I la\"i ng an_
swe red. he ,I«,ded to .troll Ihrough Ihe
~hop. ~o Trent "·a. to ~ found in the
machi ne shOl) nor in the foundry. So
I);II'e made his "a}" to the pat tern shed.
l ie lJ:lu,eo.i in the doorway. O,..,r a 10,,~
table, bet, t old ilenry, thc 1~lttern-mahr.
gl uing piece! 01 a circulM pattern together. I\'~I I",~i«(c hi", slood T rent
llI~i ., a fini.hed l'"ttern of intricate Msi):"n and ~ a1tli l\l1 workmansh ip in his
le ft hand. Wil h thc f,ngcu o f his r ,ght
ha11ll, he was .troki,,!:" the pattern care~,­
iugly while with unwa\"e r ing eyt •. he
wMd,~d old lI enry', ddt hands at work.
H e jumped "htn he hea rd 0,.'·C·5 Hep
a~ h~ entered the buihling, put .l{l\\ n the
fI'Ittern. and sl ~rltd to"'~rd th~ ~hol'.
hul lJa\'~ checked him.
"'n 'a!"s ~11 righl . T rent." s.aid Da,·c.
" Let'".cc just "hat you·,·t ~en doing."'
Old lIen r}" pointed to the fini.hed pal_
lern. deoign3t;"g cenain p.a.rI. which
wer~ Trent's "'"Ork.
Tren t flu<hcd". Il ut ~Ior.. On"e coul<.J ~i><'ak.
a grimy. good-n;r.lured b.ce api><'ar.d in
Ihe door"'ay ~1"II1 )"CllcoJ at Trent.
'"lIty, ki,l. the 110" want. you i" Ihe
loundry. I'romo!"' Trnlt hurried.
"Well, lIen,y:' i"'lui,nl ])a,·•. "how
,10 rot' ~nd thc 1)(1~' Iltt alon/(?"
Old lI etIT,-, tltt" .... n (,uth on a ";Ie,
old cOfU·cob pip•. tn~.k answcr.
'"That boy's a natural born C,lbinet
make r."'
T HE announcemeut
took Oa,·c·, power
ul speech away for a few moments .
lie wandered about the I~lttern ~hol'.
,10011 sta rin).: out o f the windo"·. I're<~ m ly, he callie hack to the old fellow.
"l\ell ry. hall" woul d )'0\' l ike to han
a helper?"'
":\Ieanin' lhat kid?"'
'"\\"1'11 ?'"
Old lIenry took his vile. e,·iI_~mdling.
old (Iipe from hi. nKllnh, knocked OUI
the a<he. against the .ide 01 the work
lable, refill ..d it ",th lob~crn. replaced
,t, ligh t.·d il before he a",wernl.
"0' eour>C. ( ai n't ",""~I with work
r ighl IIOW. I Call ,,~nage b)" "') -.eli all
r;glll. lIul that kid's a natunl born
cabinet makrr; he ~ure i~."·
"111 ha' .. him Te,ton to "011 in the
morning:' .... k1 ])'1'"". :.nd went oul of
I Ie 1':III<·rtI ;; 10(1.
e Ie t "'ord with the
a . ...
..::.: ..
E"~ r1
/hct!m b#!r, 1923
sup... inl~"'lcllt to 5( nd Trcnt into the
offic~ as iOOll as he r."i~hed with hi,
I'r~sent job, and "'en t in himself to a"'ait
Ihe boy. He $aW hin' C0111~ lihamblilll;
in. hi, mn"t h arid e)'H sulk)'. As h~ pre.
senttd himsel f to Da,'e. th~r~ was a
Da"e gaud studil )"
at th~ bo)', but Trent TefuKti to meet
Dave', ey~s. At lenglh D3"~ 5pok~.
Tren t notlde.1 sul kily. Irnlnantly.
D,,\'e went on:
" T inunOllS tell s nl<' you're no good
around the foundry 3,~ 1 shOi"
you'r~ hanging around ol d Ilenry most
of the t ime."
Trem S<juirmed uneasily. but made no
corn nl~nl .
"But old lI"nry," went on Dan. "tell,
me yon'.e a natural born cabinet maker."
Trent blink('(l. lie ha(1 UI~CI('(I a
ha,,·ling-ont. e\'tn wh ile resen tin!; the
i,Ica. bUI he had nnt upcetcd a word of
praise:ll all. lIii moulh 01l<'1I, h~ looI<cd
straight al Da\'e. "m l Da,·c w~nl 011
ser iously.
" I' m ready to lI u,ke a bargai n with
)'011. Trent. A sort of trade. I'\,e knOwn
a good many pal1 t rn .maktr, in m)' time
- good a",1 b.ld. But t htre', none any.
where any 1~lI f' than old Ilenr)" I 'd
ralh er loSt my job th a" old lIenry . AmI
111 tak e hi. WOld ahuy. as 10 anotht r
nt:on'~ abililY in hi. Ilarti cnla r linf. But
a man ne('(ls ",ore Ihan a tratle if he
want s to get an)',,·here. .... bo)' nMd~ .I
cerlain :.. IIount of educat ion wh~lh~r ht
w:ut15 it or not School teac hu him
awlic:uion and gi"es him a comprchen-
. ion of Ihings in Ihe ... orld out,iJ~ of his
innntdiale intl"'idual inlcr~~t. Gi\'u
him a gli,nl''''' of m.1n)· things to tau·
talize hi, cur iosi ty and il11.1gin:ltion. and
gi,'u him an oppOrtunily to broaden
him$l'l f b.. research_ It helps him 10
3C<]uire thaI son~lhing Ib3t ma k~s il
~as ier for him 10 rub $houlolen wilh rnen
of high and 10", dcgrte. You r>«<l lhC5f
things, T rtnt. No"" 1"11 It II you Wha l
111 do. \ 'ou gi\'e 1I~ your word of
honor that you'lI go back to sehool ne"'l
fall and finish your course.-),o,,·re tal.: ·
ing bu~i nc5~ artn't )-011. and manual
Iraininl:'~-and 111 take rou out of tht
.1101' lomor ro,,' morn inK and pllt )'01'
... ith old lIellr), i,.delinilely."
TI ~ 5trdched OUI hi. hand, look.d fnn
at T rent. and ", ai ttd. lie was 'urp.i~
to 5fe Ihe sUlk!e" rush of color thai
staintd tht boy', face and neck 3 blOOlI
roo. fl ernharraSSf<1 Da,·~. Trem 's e"'·
treme cmb.uras"" "",t, but hi s eyes ne,·tr
",,,,·crc.1 from Ihc hoy's f.1c~. Trent
f idgeted. l~ltt1ing for a I>it o f sflf.(:on·
tro!, long ing for a tonch of
hi . former nonchalance which he could
not fin,!, an" he stood AoutMlering rni ._
crahl),. St ill Ua,·. \\'.1il('(1, With .1 ,u<l·
,lcn impulse and a last mighty tlTort.
Trcm man3j;:td 10 rais-e his eyu 10 Illeel
Dal'c's SOjU:l rcl)' for a Aecting SKOtMl.
aud he lifted hi s hand and laid it in
Da,'c'j st rong fricndly 0TlI'.
grasped il firmly. drol'ped il . undorS{andilll:' Ihr ho~"s utter mi§cry and dtel'
enlOl ion. \Vith ne,'er a word. T rent
holl('(l out o f th" office.
sunny side
of winter
Sa nt a Fe superior
service a nd scenery
plus Fred H arvey
meals- your assur·
ance of a delig htful
t fl P -
Me. Perkins' Christmas
·It 11 1111111111111 111 11
Pullmans via Grand
Canyon Natio nal ParkOpen all the year.
,'.. """"';0., ..J .".,'/, ""Ii", • .. ,.11 ""
I thi nk that 111ayl~ il5 ~ea u-", I'm h~rc
Wilhollt a word ~Ir. Perkins steppro
and she's just 1(0( 10 take carf of me. lIoisc:lusly 10 tht machi nt and ~an a
bny me d,usc, and doll~ alld thinjt"s. thaI
sea rch. In the Ihird drawer he fQutMl
sht has to work "II Ih~ li1l1~. ;\la)'1I<: Mr. what he ", a,looking for. It w"'s 3 plai n
Sama Oans i f f w~nt a11ay allil m)'
J. II . MOI I"'"TY. Dt. . P.... ..... n'
Mamma had h ~r ",ont y hack Iih~',1 he whi te bu sine ss card .1nd il ho.e the narne.
... . T . • os. P . Il • .
happy a!;ain " " d Ihat' s whM I wa nted neadr engravtd. of "~fr. Jamu William ,,, w... J •• k" n S, .. e Me •• ". 111 .
P h ...,. , W ..... h . to ask yon about"
son. Th e Belvedere. :\I'~rtn'el\t 8."
"Can't )'on put some nlOne), in Illy
Whe" ~Ir, Perkin s read thi s nam"
:\larnl11a'o stocking and lea,'" it for her he s"l'prn<ed SC:" cral things. He 1i"1'and take 111e aw ay wi lh )'011 110 Ih al she
prcsst'<!" long. low whist!~ of anLUe_
Let lIe.b N ce... ... n
won't havc to look at m" and cry t \'fr.
melll; he suppresS<'t! a I'rofane ejacula- ENfERTAINMENT ,.ke ."'" __M• • o'
e\'eT any mort ,"
l ion nnder his breath. in fact he suI"
k;.. • .., _ , .. •
" Wdl." replitd ~ I r. Perki ns. "We11 I' ruKti all his emotions enti rel )'. He ATTENTION
_ ; . . p&r tr t..- .....
th inl.: that o\'e. alld I'll tell you later merely 100\;('(1 at the card for a moment, rilE conU-ON "It. ra"... ri . ... cIori~. .... r.
about uk;n" ,ou away from your !lb,n.
h· d
_«I ..... ~ 1IIc ...... ·
rel'lactd it in Ihe Sof"', ng-tn:\c .nc raWer .ro....... r ..,--.t .."", ...... ; ... ,D ....... ,.,.
rna. bul Ii"t. can ),0\1 Ih in k o f Iht narne and turning quickly back to the little aI. _"
ht~1 port,.
of the big, bl man ...·ho came and got ",· ,1. p,·,k- ' h" .. p ,'n his ar ms. earritd 0... liM 01 tall.,. POP<' ...... t........... ~r• .."
..;u • .w _ ,..tall, '0 ..._ ... aI.... .. •.
1 monty a t e
h d ·.amo'...
.... s.
her aerOu tht rOOm and scaltd her on ,,_ ..., ... SIoow. No ....., .._,... '~" _
AI Mr. Perkins'
Untx]>tcted reply a
e&IO po,_.o,
.... ,_ portT. ......
of _ , _... bIot.
100 k 0 f '5al'pOm men came m 0
, . . ... _ .....a..the child's eyel but she answered: "I
don't rtmember hil namt, Mr. Santa
Then ,,-i th the child'" eyts aimosl on
lenl .... ilh hi . own. and looking
aUi, ""I
ill tbe
,t . Itwing-rnachine.'·
on a can a'l( .t l '" __·_..::c::"'''''-''''cc:..::;;.c...-==c.='''c.:._-'-___
straight at her, he ~ Lillie eirl, I'\'e
183N. W,'--h,
UP _Ch
" C''-____"
...., _""n.
McConnell Cotillon Works
The Typiaea Time Saver
.. r 0 .. fH>J' 1M
/1 ",II_tl••• ),0" b" ". it ... ftO' "
E very ne ..• duice h.a, it. orili n in
.."aginalio n a"d .heory. bu. i. mn O! !><'rfor m
uKln l func.ion in locic!)' or
bu.i""... T hi.;1 my claim for TYP·
KLIP and I h~ vudi(1 of ~vuy uS<:r.
TYP-K LIP M Ips 10 do W~I l11uSI bo:
dOLl""""; t hold l lIN: I h.~I .......... riginals. ur·
bon ""pe r a nd copy sheet_Io lhal nO
a djustment i. neu... ry ahu th,y are
run into t he Iypewri ter. TY P. K.LIPS
.to Ih roui'h the m achi ne an d are us<:,J
Over a nd OVcr atl;ain.
In packetl o f 2~ 1.~ 'he Ilacket.
If T YP· KLJPS are nol "ha t I c la im.
le nd t h~m ba ck. If they do do what I
([ain., you pay for Ihem, .. helher you
huy Or not. Belt er II " ,,·hat yo u pay
ior-ord er no wl
'5 Klnr St. [,..t
S o,.,_ 1 .'" ,., ...... <1 ,. "II... /.,,,,, ... hu.
,..., or
.,boo .. , ...... de ."<1 . 111 .... d .
""'f' •
f."., ,be,
....01. T\' P·KLIP ,•••, ......."d'n" ",. . ..,
~ ,. 1 ~lI ed
Offering the 7 Essential>
of a Banking Homr
CA' !BE"
M"'.udO.. b,uSc III
The Powers Hotel
ru:w YORK
C....I • • r- C • •• I ..r- C..... n ......
....___ B.,h.
_4R_,u...h-,T... odo, .. SOUR.J.
M ~N~R,
' t o••
, n. Mr<.
Reury Rouftd T . bl"
C.....,tM" ....«
'oM. I...
of VCTy bTi .:h l ~"'d "c ry sI.arp Sltel nip .
per, and, wh ile Ihe littl e girl ,,·al ched
him corio ... ,ly. he dcxlero usly cut Ih,
prong. o f Ihe ~tl ing, unlil the sl on e,
dropped OUI on Ihe 111anlel.
Mr . Pcrki n l Ihen rolled on e Slone up
in each jlilc of b ill •• slipped a roll into
tach ' locking:, tilled the liltle girl gently
oown from the ",,,nlel and. s puking very
seriou~y. h. 5a~J: ··Ullle girl , there's
a n old maid in th i. Io\o"n who·s never
going to know thaI she own all of h er
:\Ierry Christm:u to you. Good n ig hl ,
a nd M erry ChriSl:m,u for ~'O ... r~lr·-and
Mr. Perk in s was gone.
• ho ugh t ;\ all 0 '""' and line's Ihe aUli"' U .
I ca n 't tah you a way with m e ~taU5e 1
a in ", got nO drpartmcnt lor liule ,irl.
and anyway your ~lamm.~ don', walll
you to to. Sh" don', cry bccaUK sll e',
got you to lake un of. She c.iu be U Uie there's something dse the m:UlU
alld I'm going [0 fix tha, right no"', "ou
" 'ale h m"."
Drawi ng from hi s pocket a big roll of
bills, ~Ir. Perkins "cry ddibcratdy di.
vided it into IwO equal pilu. There "'lU
"'"en humlred dolla rs in uch pile. From
:onothu pocket M .001.: IWO diamond
r ings and Irom Y'" a thi rd pock el a
Rotary Club Activities
hem w,u scrond wilh 567, E;r..lon Ihi ..1
with 6 ]7, while Allentown t rai led wilh
Mn ch Deboled Qu eltion
h StU/ li n E n i&nta
In addi l i\m 10 Ihe I ....·enl y· four pl ayers
com!,,!li ng: for the tea m clmm[lion ohip,
mo re tha n forty Rota rian $ plaYl:<1 in
fou rsomes for Ihe indi " idual cu ps for low
gr oss and 10'" nct, which wcre open 10
Aftn the tourna ment a dinner wa,
se rved al Ihe cl ubhouse a nd Pres;uen l
Bill Hutchi n son Qf Belhlehem pre~nltt1
Ihe cups. Th e champ ions h ip Iroph}
must be won Ih reoe li'Res to bealme th~
permanent p rope rlY o f any cl ub. Stroudsburg I(ota r ians announce IIlaI the,. will
hold nexl yea r'. lournament on t l~ir
horne cour_, he Shawn.e COUnl "
O ub.
Use, Chorler. Flo! s, ond Phol....
in Wind'or" Di.p/ny
G ' LLESPI F. I',L.-Th, r«cntly o rgan .
ited cl ub al Gillespie got !iOIIle good ad·
"cnising when AI Hooper. mana~r of
Ihc local power wrnpany. a rranged a
I"'o-day winoow display. Th~ layoul
incl uded hHnlr'One mnl~llion, of mem_
be rs. t haI o f a<l n>c mlxr Ixi ng
su itably draped. ROla ry han used for
Ih t cha rt e T I' Te5C1lI,11ion metliug:, Ihe
ch arier itself , and Ihe nag~ of Ihe "ari·
ou s n at ions represented in Rotary were
o the r f",a luTu of Ih is ,li splay wh ich al·
ITactcd conside ra lM " ol kc.
O rr.LI liA, AI .....-Dn ring a reCem
··Iadiu nigh l " prog ram of the Opelika
I(ota ry O ub Ihey held an imp rompt u
,k ba le on "Who i~ Happ iest-Ihe Bach·
dor or thc Married Man."' To add in ·
le rUI 10 the dehate t he married n~n a r ·
guc,1 in fa"or of singl e blu '<dnr u a nd
,· ice .v~T.;:r.. r\ fter Ih~ laug h ter and c haff
had di~·d down a bit. a mi n iSl~r ga,"
a clo.!ing talk which \\"15 3 S willy a~ il
WI5 im""rtial.
How ry Club HOM'
A L I!.J[ A !< U ~II
k""t, lh~ alal.<allr r boX(1 of )"OUr lo,'c arid tendern"' >(al~d
op un lil YOUr Irimd, arc dnd . Fill their \i,'u .... ilh , ..... lIten.
SlIC'k a pproving ch.. rioK "',!rd, whilc thei r ... r~ <an hcar I""m. a.nd
while the .. hearu can lit th"lIed .nd made happ",r by ,""m: t"" kmd
th ing. )'ou mean 10 lay ..!>en lhey arc lOllt, ""y beforc tMy go. The
fIo...en )'00 mUn to j.("I\d for '''''ir coffin., JCIId to brigh ten and , ..wen
tht i. homes IItfore they Ie...., 1Mm. Ii my friends hne alaballer boxe.
Laid a,,·ay. full 01 Irqranl per fwnes of 'ym p.ot, hy and affection ",hieh
lhey in lend to brc:ok o,'cr my lkad bod)', I would n lher IMy would
bring IMm OUt in ",y " 'nry Ind troubled hoor .... and open them, that
I rna)' lit chccre<l by 'Mm, .... hile I need them. 1 would nlht-r ha"r
a pLa m coffin " ';11>001 a flower• • funen l ,,·it!toul an euJoey, lhan • lile
.. ithout lhe S...ttt1lCQ 0 1 Io"e .nd .,mp.o lhy. ..." 01 kam to :lIInoin t
our friend. beforehand for their ooroal. POJI·rnonrm kind1lCss dou nO!
wa rd O'o·u tht wnry
• I
B.- To de "elav a
heutr cOl11munil)· spiril Ihe "' Tnlerictou
I( o,ar,. Oub rmrnained Ih irty·ii,·c repre ·
.ent ali,·~ agricuhuri~I"" The 5!>Caken of
the day includnl Dr. E. S. A rchibald.
direclor of Experimen lal Fa rm. 10'
Canad~; Ifon . D. w. "I cr ~reau. "lin·
i,ler of Agricuhure for ~e ... lJrun,wick.
and ROlarian "!!ill" Ba il,)'. super inlend ·
ent of the Exper;n.. utal Stalion al F red·
ericlou. T he !IOIIvenir menu canh car·
rinl a list of good things all o f w hich.
excel't the coffee. werc !tcn red from
farms withi n Icn mil",~ of t he city.
T here wa~ abund an t evidence Ihal a ll
Teaiiud t he mut ual dependen ce 0 1 10WU
and country folk s.
~~~~~~:.~.:.:"~'::~.=~11~.~.~.:.:"=":. :.~~___~":tt~' :'..::'"'~':_~::.~'~;:way.
' ~;,~.~F:.:':':':"~on
H ..... . . _ 4
lI~ricl,ltll ri~ts
M y Creed
Hotel Lincoln
Lincoln Square
Decembe r , 1923
the eol!in talt no I' qnnce back.