INSTIUCTIONSFORTHEELITEMODEL11113 SAFElYGLASSES MUSTBEUSEDATALLTlMES WHILEWORKlNGWI1HTHISEQUIPMENT L u. BACK OUT 11IE B01ïOM SET SCREW UNDER. FRONT LABEL. SEEFIG.1 PUIL UNlTOUf FROM INSIDE CYLINDER USING THE PULL RlNG TO GAIN ACCESS. BATTERY JNSTALLATION: INSTALL 10 AA (ALKALINB ONLy) BA'ITERIES INTOTHE BATlER.Y HOLDER. USE CARE TO MATCH + AND- SIGNS MARKED INSIDE BA1TERY HOLDER. (DURACELL AND EVEREADYWERE USED IN OUR STANDARDTESTlNG.) SNAP PACK TO UNlT'S RED AND BLACK BA'ITERY WIRES. NOTE: UNlT DOES NOT REQUIRE A BA'ITBRY FOR. CL()CK. BATIER.Y LIFE: 1. BATl'ERY LIFE Wn.L BE DETERMINED BY 1HE 10B YOU WANT YOUR ELlTE TO PERFORM. nm STANDARD FEBD IS 8 SECONDSOF MOTOR RUN TIME TWlCE A DAY. THJSWILLGIVE6 MONTHSOF GOODBAT'lER.YPERFORMANCE. 2. " HOWEVER,IF YOU CHOOSE TO FBEDLONGERRUN TIMES ORMORE OFlEN~ 'mEN BATI'ERY LlPE IS DBCREASEDIN DIRECr PROPOllTION. BAITERY LIFE IS ALSO AFFEC1ED BY THE GAP BETWEEN THE SPINPLATBAND MourHOFTIlEFUNNEL. FORSTANDARDPEEDING~WERECOMMENDA3fr " GAP FOR CORN AND MOST OTHERFEEDS. SEEFIG.2 BXAMPLE:IF YOU RAISE 1HE GAP 1'0 %", THE UNIT Wll.L THROW500..4 MORE FEED 1HAN THE 3ft/' SETIlNG AND THEREFOREOVER- LOADSTHEMOTORAND DECREASES BATlERYLIFE. . 3. FlNALLY. THE 3 MOTOR SPEEDS WILL ALSO A,FFECTØATl'ERY LIPE: 100% SPEED:STANDAlID4MONTHS BATTER.YLIFE. 50% SPEED: LENGTHENS BA1TER.YLIFE. OPTIONAL: C-cELL BA'ITERY PACKS CAN BE PUR.CHASEDTHROUGHYOUR LOCAL DEALER OR nm ON-TIMEFACTORY. THIS REQUIRES 8 C-CELl BA'ITERIES (ALKALINBONLY) wmæ WILL YIELD 3 TIMES TIIE LONGEVITYOF THE AA~S. OR 12VOLT SEALEDRECHARGEABLEBATI'ERY WHlæ CAN BE RECHARGEDWl1H 12 VOLT CIOARETTEUGHTER.CORD OR IN HOME POWER CUBE. m NOTE: # 1"" NOTE' 1HESCREEN WJLLINDICATEALL . ~ PROORAMMINO YOURELlTE CHARACTERSFOR 1 SECOND. 1 THE SCREEN WJLLSHOW12:00 . NOTE: #2 1HE UNITAUTOMATlCALlY SETSITSELF AT 12:00 NOON FOR 1HEN SECa-JDRUNTlME.IFNO PROGRAMMINGACTMIY ISIN 1. AFIERINSTALLATION OFBATTERIES, nm SCREEN WILL SHOW 11m TIME OF DAY-12:OOP.M.. USE THE () ORU KEYS TO SBT 11IE CURRENT TIME OF DAY USING CARE TO SELECT AM OR PM. (PRESS AND HOLD FOR RAPID MOVEMENf AND PULSE FOR SLOWMOVEMENT.) AFrER SCREENINDICATESCORRECf TIME OF DAY ~ PRBSSTHE E KEY TO ENTER. SEE FIG. 1 2. FEED TIME "1Wll.L APPEAR O~"SCREEN. USEOoROKEYS TO SET 1STSCHEDULED FEEDINO. (WATCH AM OR PM). PRESS 3. RUNTIME1~ ~TO ENTER. APPEAR.USE(}OllOKEYS TOADJUSTFORSECONDS OF MOTOR RUN TIME FROM 0 TO 30 SECONDS. (08 SECONDSIS STANDARDRUN TIME). PRBSS E 1'0 ENTER. "- . " 4. SPEED 1 WILL APPEAR. (SPEED IS USED TO DETERMINE DISTANCB OF BR.OAJ).. CAST.) 3 CHOlCESAREGIVEN: 1000/0,750/0,50%. Usetbef)OI'OKEYS TOCHOOSB SPBED.PRBSSBTO ENTER. . 5. 1'0 SET FEED TIMES 2, 3, .4,5, AND 6 USE SAME PROCBDUREFOR FBED TIMB 1. WHEN YOU HAVE SETTHE DESIRED NUMBER OF FEEDINGSPHIl DAY AND WANT1'0 STOPWITHOUrSJ!lT1ÑGALL 6 TIMES,00 TOTHENEXTFEEDTIME, . PRESSENTERUNTILMOTORRUNTIMEAPPEARSANDSBT OFF PRESS ENTER.FEBDTIMESARECOMPLETE. USlNG1HEADJ~ KEYS SET10 OFF 6. SCREEN WILLSAYARMED AND ALSO SHOW CURRENT TIMEOF DAY. THEUNITISNOW READY TO PREFORM. TO TESTYOURBLlTE THETBSTØUTI'ONCANONLY BE USBDIN ARMBD~. PRESSINGnm TEST BUTfON WILLSEQUENCETHESCIæEN 1'0 A COUNTDOwNOF 10-9-8ETC. 1TWILL WBL RB11JRN TO ARMBD A1JI'OMATICALLY. 1HR.OWAT O. THB SCREBN . NOTE: FOR BA1TERYCONSERVATION,THBSCREENWILLAUTOMATIcALLY 00 BLANKAFTBR2 MlNUTESOFNO IæY ACl1VlTY. PRESSANYKEY. nns Wn.L NOT INTERFEREWlTH PREVIOUSPROGRAMMlNG. ,. TO REVIVE THE SCREBN, TO CLBARALL PROORAMMIN<;J-DISCONNEcr"BA1TERy'ANb RECONNECT. TO MODIFY A SE1TING: PRESS ENTER KEY RBPEATEDLY UNTB...SET11NGAPPEARS THATYOUWANTTOADJUST. FIG. 2 FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: 1-800-488-3006 . -. I i PAC'KED# 1 WI1H FUNNEl AGAlNST ÜNIT COMES FI(;, 1 " 1HE SPINPLATE--YOU MUST . MAKE 1HIS ADJUSTMENT. I FEED PROGRAMS BOTTG>M SET SCREW 1 1HRU6 SHOW IN THIS SECTlON OF THE SCREEN ct ~(t~. d:~~ ~ ~ ct ~ ., UNDER FRONT lABEl . SCRE~ THE TWO ADJUST KEYS UP AND DOWN #. . PROGRAMING THE ELlTE MODULE also PROGRAMING THE C-74 WITH OPTIONAL CONTROLLER STEP 1: If Ihe battery or batteries are already STEP 5: The display should now show FIGURE 4. connected, unplug the battery pack for 15 seconds-then plug the battery pack backing. This dears out all of the memorv in the unil Nole the numOOr 1 in the lowerleft side ofthe display. This is still conceming your numOOr 1 feeding. ~ - refers 10 the speed of the motor. There are 3 possible speeds of the molor: 50%, 75%. and 100%. The 100% is used most often in the fie1d and is therefore factory set 10 automatically show on the screen. If this speed is not desired simply use the up or down arrow buttons to set the speed you would like to use. Wrth the standard factory installed spinplale, 100% speed will throw approximately 75 10 80 feet. The 75% setting will throw approximately 40 feet. The 50% setting will throw 10 10 15 feet. After the correct speed is displayed, press the SELECTIENTER button one time. The display should now show FIGURE 5. l1meof Day 12:00 PM FIGURE 1 STEP 2: Use the up or down arrow keys to change the 12:00pm setting to the correct time of day. (Also make sure you are on the correct AM or PM.) There are no buttons to move the AM or PM. You will have 10 fully cyde the dock to get 10 the correct time setting. You can pulse the keys, or to rapidly advance the movement of the time, you can hold the key down and after a moment, the time will begin its rapid advancement. After the correct time of day is on the display. press the SELECTIENTER button one time. The display should show FIGURE 2. Now proceed 10 STEP 3. Feedl1me ELlTE MODULE also C-74 CONTROLLER: SCREEN I D TEST 7:00 ÞNO 1 FIGURE2 STEP 3: The 7:00am setting thal now appears on the display has been factory installed. This is a very common time that is used often. but if Ihe 7:00am setting is nol desired, you can pulse or hold the up or down arrow buttons until the desired time is displayed. (Please nole the small numOOr 1 in the lower left hand side of the display. - This is the first feed time for the unit. A 10181of 6 are possible. - We will refer to this numOOr as we move 10 the following sleps.) After the desired feed time is displayed, press the SELECT/ENTER button one time. The display will show FIGURE 3. SELECTIENTER OR DISPLAY I Mm rnrn ADJUST [ON TIME makes many optional spinplates for differenl jObs, bul the standard factory installed spinplate. which has 3 "ears", is a very effective plate. Teamed with the 3 motor speeds it is one ofthe 0051.] Feedl1me 4:00 PM 2 FIGURE 5 STEP 6: At this point, your display should appear similar 10 FIGURE 5. The numOOr 2 in the lower left hand bottom of the display indicates the second feed time. The 4:00pm is factory preset, and is another very common time to feed. If this is nol the time you would like. press the up or down key 10 sel the desired time for Ihe second feeding. Once set press the SELECT/ENTER button one time. Runl1me 08 2 FIGURE6 Runl1me 08 1 STEP FIGURE3 4: The display should now show FIGURE 3. Nole Ihe numOOr 1 in the lower left side ofthe display (11shows this is still conceming your numOOr 1 feeding). The 08 settlng is factory installed and Is a very common setting. If thls setting Is nol whal you deslre, press the up or down arrow key until the number of seconds of run time you wanl are correct. A possible of 1 to 30 seconds can 00 se\. The 08 second setting should throw approximately 1 pound of com. After the correct numOOr of seconds are on the dlsplay, STEP 7: Your display should look like FIGURE 6. At this polnt refer to STEP 4 and repeat as you did when setting your first feeding. The only difference will 00 the numOOr 2 in the lower left hand side of the display which Is indicaling Ihal thls is conceming your second feed time. At this stage of programming your unit, if you do not want to use the second feed time, sel the run time 10 00. The display will automatically show "OFF". This will end the second feeding. Even though Ihe second feed time was set, Ihe run time OOing sello 00 will end your programmlng session. The screen willlook like FIGURE 7. Runl1me press the SELECTIENTER button one time. The display should now show FIGURE OFF 4. 1 FIGURE7 Speed STEP 8: If you choose 10 continue, sel run time from 1 10 30 seconds, and while repeating STEPS 3 thru 5, take nole to the small numOOr in the lower left hand comer which will indicate which of 100% 1 FIGURE4 the 6 possible feedings you are setting. After finishing Ihis slep press the SELECT/ENTER button, and the screen will appear like FIGURE 8. NOTE: While working with your unit, if the buttons have nol been pressed on for two minules, the screen will go blank. This is a power saver feature. If the screen goes blank. you can press any key one time and restore the screen. However, if the screen is different from the one you were working with at the time it wenl blank. push the SELECTIENTER button repealedly until Ihe screen you were working with appears. If you go past the screen - simply keep pressing the SELECTIENTER button until your screen comes back around. I ~ed 12:00 PM I FIGURE8 STEP 9: Looking al figure 8 you see Ihe word "Arrned" which indiCales that your unit is now in service. 11will perforrn the commands thal you have programmed. You can tesl your unit by pressing the test button. (This will sel up a count down from 10-9-8--00 and at the 00 your unit will run for 5 seconds at a 100% molor speed.) Note that the 100",4,motor speed is regardless of any other speed you may have set. Once you confirrn thal the tesl has successfully run, your unit is ready for use.