Maren Top Feed Shredder PDF
Maren Top Feed Shredder PDF
Top Feed Shnedders Automatic High VolumeShrcddingr Destructionand Baling a a Low noise levels. Heavyduty,super tough construction. Staggered,replaceablesteel blades. Versatiledesign for various feed options. Automaticwater sprayfor dust control. Adaptableto various balersor air handling systems. Interlockedelectric controls. - ,,& ..:" . i '*i ilcir t lr . lll'l ''L* \*g I Marentop feed shredderscan't be beat for safe high volumeshreddingfor baling,and material destruction!Marendesignand engineeringoffers flexibilityin equipmentlayoutas well as tough, heavy duty construction. This combinationtranslatesto efficientuse of spaceand long dependableoperation. Shreddingbeforebalingpromotesdense,compact balesfor savingsand economyin both space and handlingof wastematerial.lnsuranceagainstreentry into the marketof sensitivematerialsis provided. Every top feed shredder is provided with an arbor speed sensor, interfaced with the programmable controller. Each revolution of the arbor is counted automatically. lf it slows down for any reason, the infeed conveyor willstop automatically. Under normal conditions, the possibility of stalling out the arbor is eliminated. Maren'sstandardtop feed shreddersare capableof shreddingup to 3,000 lbs.of materialper hour.Larger modelscan do more!Theseshreddersare adaptable to pneumaticconveyingsystems,and to all Maren open end automaticand closedend balers.As materialis fed intothe top feed shredder,it drops into the rotatingblades.The whirlingbladesshred the materialinto small irregularshapedpieces,and then dischargesthem automatically into a pneumaticconveyingsystemor directlyinto an automaticbaler. .r:: li-: ..\,"1::: ,.ll:..: _ i ,, , |it, ,,,1 r /iar, ,, , - . }ii-' lii fi"1$-,...-.:* Optional Feed Systems c Top Feed canbe furnishedwithopentopandclosed Shredders srdesforgravityfeedfromabove. . Conveyor Feed A conveyormay be used to deliver materialsinto the shredder. The single arbor design of each top feed shredderfeaturesstaggeredheat treated blades that are bolted to the arbor for easy replacement.Single and double blade configurationsare available.Bladesare reversible,thereby doublingthe life of eachblade. has the inherent Top feed piggybackconfiguration advantageof otferinghighvolumeshreddingand baling withoutthe need for substantialfloorspace.Both inline When are available. and 90 degreeconfigurations providinga piggybacksystem,we will: 1. Mountthe shredderon a supportstand,adjacent to the baler. 2. Providea transitionchutebetweenthe shredder dischargeopeningand the balerfeederhopper. the electrical controls. 3. Interlock water spray Provide an automatic 4. system. 5. Providea dustcollector. The Marentop feedpiggybackis availablewith andwithanyof our anysizeshredder, automatichorizontalbalers. MAREN MAREN TOP.FEED SHREDDER 60' MODEL A 30' 36', 40" 50" 60 30" 36" 40" 50" 60" D 40 46" 50" 60" 74" 35" 41" 45" 55" 65" 56" 56' 56" 56" 62" H.P.* 30 30 30 40 40 SINGLE BLADES DOUBLE BLADES 28 32 36 44 52 56 64 72 88 104 'Increased horsepower is available on all units. Yourlocal Maren representativeis trained and qualified to give you expert serviceand apptication assistance. MAREN ENGINEERING CORP. P.O.Box 278 South Holland,lL 60473-0278 Phone:708/333-6250 Fax: 708/333-7507 Maren...wherethe newestideasin baling and compactingare conceivedand proven. flB@ BulletinNo.9506