topic planner
topic planner
TEACHING BACKWARDS TOPIC PLANNER THE TEACHING BACKWARDS TOPIC PLANNER TOPIC / MODULE TITLE CLASS RESET PRINT SAVE AS PDF DEMYSTIFYING THE DESTINATION LOOKING FOR PROOF What will ‘perfect’ or ‘excellent’ look like for this topic? What proof will you have as a teacher that progress is being made? DURATION IN A NUTSHELL What the topic covers / entails? How will each learner be clear about success throughout the topic (e.g. success criteria, steps to success, rubric etc)? THE LINK CHALLENGE How does this topic/module link backwards with prior learning? What challenge(s) will best match with the success criteria? How will these challenges engage learners? How does this topic/module link forward to future learning / other topics? CATERing FOR LEARNERS PRE-ASSESSMENT How will you cater for all learners? FEEDBACK What will be the key feedback points during the topic? What feedback norms will be established? Pre-Assessment activity? Results of Pre-Assessment activity: Copyright 2015 Andy Griffth and Mark Burns TEACHING BACKWARDS TOPIC PLANNER