Restrictions - Oregon Episcopal School
Restrictions - Oregon Episcopal School
TWO CENTS P O RT L A N D, OREGON S A T U R D AY, MARCH 12, 2016 OES AUCTION THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE SILVER SCREEN AARDY GOES TO HOLLYWOOD LIGHTS! CAMERA! AUCTION! T H E O RE G O N E P I SCO PA L SCHOOL AU C T I O N CO M M I T T E E A ND BOA RD OF TRU STEES WE LCO M E YOU TO SAT U RDAY, M A RC H 12 , 20 16 MAST E R O F C E RE M O NIE S CA M E RO N JACK AU C T I O N E E R KE LLY RU SS E LL, K E LLY RU SS EL L AU CTIONS , L LC PL EASE BR I N G TH I S CATA LOG W I TH YOU TO T HE N I G HT O F T HE AU C T I O N . (AND P L EAS E R ECYCL E I T AT TH E AU C T I O N O R A F T E RWA R DS. ) ORE G ON E PI SCOPAL SC H O O L CONTENTS Welcome from the Head of School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Message from the Board President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Welcome from the Auction Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Patrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Evening Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Golden Ticket Raffle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Auction Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Auction Guidelines and Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Paddle Raise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Auction Event Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Live Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Easel Parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Job Shadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Class Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Super Silent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 WELCOME FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL Dear Aardvarks, Lights! Camera! Auction! Welcome to the 30th Annual OES Auction, Aardy Goes to Hollywood. As all you glamourous stars step through the paparazzi tonight, please know that your contributions are enormously appreciated. Proceeds help support the Aardvarks Advocate Skills and Knowledge (AASK) program, employee professional growth and development, and other important projects that enhance our campus and the learning experience for all our students. This year’s auction would not have been possible without your participation and the work of so many volunteers and supporters. I am so thankful to event chair Michelle Fitzhenry and co-chair Hilary O’Hollaren for leading this year’s charge. They were assisted by events manager Cindy Plummer and the entire development team. Literally scores of other people have helped them plan the auction, donate or procure items, advertise the catalog, and sponsor tables. Even more are here tonight helping with the event. Again, thank you. Enjoy this celebration of OES tonight. We’re a strong community, with students, families and employees all coming together to make OES the extraordinary place it is. Warmly, Mo Copeland Head of School TH E 3 0 TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION 5 Reliable Credit supports Oregon Episcopal School WELCOME FROM THE BOARD PRESIDENT Dear OES Community members, Welcome to the 30th Annual Oregon Episcopal School Auction! It’s that time of year again when we come together to connect with friends, celebrate OES and make a positive difference! Over the 30 years of this auction, you and many others have made a tremendous difference in the lives of those in the OES community. Throughout the years, the funds raised at the OES Auction have benefited the professional development of the OES faculty and staff, supported the Aardvarks Advocate Skills and Knowledge (AASK) partnership and improved vital resources at our school. The 2015 auction dollars supported additional repairs to SPARC, electronic access to the Upper School and a new school bus. Just think what we can do with our 2016 auction dollars! I want to thank all of you for participating in this year’s auction and for making a difference! Additionally, I cannot thank enough our chair Michelle Fitzhenry, our co-chair Hilary O’Hollaren and the countless volunteers, faculty and development staff that put in hours of preparation time to this great event. Many others have donated or procured items, advertised in the catalog, and sponsored tables. Please join me in thanking everyone for their participation and contributions! Enjoy the show! Kate Lieber President, OES Board of Trustees TH E 3 0 TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION 7 My three Ps: passion, patience, perseverance. You have to do this if you’ve got to be a filmmaker. — Robert Earl Wise was an American film director, producer and editor THANK YOU MICHELLE AND HILARY for your passion, patience, perseverance and leadership for the 2016 OES Auction! WELCOME FROM THE AUCTION CHAIR “Here’s Looking at You, Kids” On behalf of the OES auction committee, I want to welcome you to the 30th Annual OES Auction. The theme this year is “Aardy Goes to Hollywood,” so bring your glamor and your love of OES for this star-studded evening! This event lasts only one night, but it is the culmination of many months of planning and hundreds of hours of dedicated service by countless volunteers. Community and Grateful—those are words that I believe best describe OES and why we are so fortunate to be a part of this family. This incredible evening would not be possible without a cast of stars, most especially my auction co-chair, Hilary O’Hollaren, whose energy, sense of humor, and can-do attitude made her the perfect co-producer and special friend to work alongside. Thanks also to Auction Manager Cindy Plummer, who is really the main director of this event. She definitely makes everything happen (and on time). Our fabulous committee chairs—Rhonda, Rebecca, Sohee, Chris, Ruchi, Sally, Eileen, Mercedes, Jaime, Diane, and Francis—and all of our committee members, grade-level basket reps, auction project volunteers, and everyone else who participates makes up a group of special people I am so very grateful and lucky to have on our team. A special thank you to Karen and David, our fabulous design team, for their time, talent, and creativity in making our vision come to life! It truly does take a village to make things happen and that village includes my family—Jim, John, and Grammy. They were a big part of this event in more ways than I can thank them for. Like Rick’s Café in Casablanca, OES is a gathering place for all of us and such a special place for our kids. All of the effort and all of the time we put forth on the 30th Annual OES Auction is for our school and our children. There is nothing more important. So please raise your paddles high and often, and wait for the Auctioneer to call out “Sold!” Lights, Camera, AUCTION!! Michelle Fitzhenry TH E 3 0 TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION 9 2016 AUCTION SPONSORS Platinum Sponsors CO M M E RC E I NV E ST M ENT, INC. C ROWLE Y WI NE F IR ST RE P U B LI C I NV E ST M E NT MA NAGEMENT P E G GY A ND T I G E H A RRIS K A R E N H SU A ND DAV I D JACOBSON RI CO A ND M A LCO LM McIVER NI K E , I NC . R E B E CCA A ND E VA N ROBERTS Gold Sponsor BON APPETIT Silver Sponsors AS H LE Y A ND G E O F F R E Y BINGHA M K AT H LE E N A ND DA N D RINKWA RD M A RG U E RI T T E A ND G ENE KIM C H U NYA N A ND M YC H A EL MA I S H A NNO N A ND DAV I D O’BRIEN K RI ST I N A ND J E F F S P ONAU GL E Supporting Sponsors AT L AS E LE C T RI C B ROW N AN D B ROWN NO RT H WE ST H O PWORKS U RBA N BREWERY P E NN Y A ND PHIL KNIGHT HE DY A N D K E V I N D O NNE LLY H I L A RY A ND S EA N O’HOL L A REN KR ISTIN A A ND PAU L D U R A NT M I C HEL L E A ND WA RREN TU BBS B R ANDIE A N D CHRI ST I A N E T T I NG E R M ICHE L L E A ND J I M F I TZ H E NRY GA RV E Y SC H U B E RT BA R E R T T& L S HEET META L WA LN U T VIL L AGE L LC 2016 AUCTION PATRONS A NN A ND RO B E RT A RMSTRONG CA RO L A ND I A N BU L L SO O LY NN A ND TA B ON CHA NG K R I ST I N A ND V I V E K DES HMU KH JA NE T A ND C . R . DU FFIE SA R A H A ND A LEX EL L IS E LI ZA B E T H A ND T H O M AS GEWECKE M A RY LO U A ND T R ENT GREEN LI SA M I U R A - G U E R R A A ND R A NDY GU ERR A LI SA A ND J O R D I KEL LOGG A LI C I A A ND D O N M ORISS ETTE TA M M Y A ND R A NDY MOE L AU RI E A ND V I NC ENT PRICE JA I M E A ND J O NAT HA N SA L ES S H A RO N TO NC R AY A ND DAVID HASSON * AS OF 2 / 1 9/2 0 1 6 Home. Inspired. ©stickleyphotographic REMODELING • CUSTOM NEW HOMES • REPAIRS • ENERGY EFFICIENCY UPGRADES CCB#54065 503.244.7467 SCHEDULE D O O RS O P E N AT 5:0 0 P.M. 1st Closing 6:15 P.M. 2nd Closing 6:30 P.M. 3rd Closing Super Silent, Class Projects, Job Shadows 6:45 P.M. Easel Parties Close 8:00 P.M. D I NI NG A ND LI V E AU CTION Call to Dinner 6:45 P.M. Invocation by The Reverend Phillip Craig 6:55 P.M. Raffle Ticket Sales Close 7:00 P.M. Welcome Remarks by Mo Copeland 7:00 P.M. Live Auction Begins 7:30 P.M. Raffle Drawing 7:30 P.M. Check Out Opens 9:20 P.M. Aardy’s After Party 9:45 P.M. TH E 3 0 TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION 13 Constructing the future. Commerce Properties, a real estate investment company, proudly supports OES’s new building campaign. MENU STA RT E R T R A DI T I O N A L WE DG E SAL AD W I T H TOM ATO E S , C HI V E S , BACO N A N D SM O KY BLUE C HE E SE DRE SSING GR A N D C E N T R A L BA K E RY ROSE M ARY RO L L S WI T H SWE E T C RE A M BUT T E R M A I N CO U R S E CO COA N I B C RU ST E D PA I NT E D HIL L S FIL E T W I T H GA RL I C HE RB GRIL L E D PR AWNS F ENN E L , C I T RU S , B U T T E R B RU S HE D YUKO N P OTATO E S AND C HE F ’ S S E L E C T I O N O F S E ASO NAL VE G E TABL E S OR ROAST E D B U T T E RN U T SQ UASH W I T H A P P L E S , S MO K E D- ME LT E D L E E KS AND Q UINOA D E SS E RT RI COT TA C HE E S ECAKE BROW N BU T T E R GR A HA M C R AC K E R C RUST WIT H M ARKE T BE RRIE S OR C HO CO L AT E B L AC KO UT CAKE R I C H C H OCO L AT E CA K E L AY E RE D W I T H C HO CO L AT E BUT T E RC RE AM , SERV ED W I T H CA R A ME L SAU C E , VA N IL L A BE AN WHIPPE D C RE AM A N D CA R A ME L P O P CO RN GARNISH TH E 3 0 TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION 15 Simply Grand This family-owned National Historic Landmark is truly one of a kind. An overnight stay in one of 390 uniquely decorated guest rooms includes a full breakfast and five-course dinner daily. Enjoy complimentary children’s programs, nightly dancing to the Grand Hotel Orchestra, spectacular views of the Straits of Mackinac from the world’s longest porch, golf on The Jewel or visit our many specialty shops. Mackinac Island offers a variety of family activities including visits to historic Fort Mackinac, bicycling, horse-drawn carriage tours and the unique shops of downtown Mackinac Island. Children under 11 stay and eat for free. 1-800-33GRAND • g r a nd ho tel. co m 16 T HE 3 0 T H A N N UA L O ES AUCTIO N THE OES AUCTION GOLDEN TICKET RAFFLE Win the Live Auction item of your choice, the ultimate souvenir from this year’s Auction! The winner will select any item from the Live Auction before the Auction begins! Purchase your raffle ticket at the raffle tables located near Registration or from raffle sellers who are circulating in the room. To activate your raffle ticket, write your name and address in the space provided; mark your choice of the Live Auction item you would like if you win, and place that half of the raffle ticket in the raffle drum located near the entrance to the Silent Auction room. Golden Ticket purchases will receive a flashing star. Raffle ticket sales close at 7:00 p.m. Raffle drawing will be held prior to the start of the Live Auction. THE GOLDEN TICKET RAFFLE TICKET COST: $100/TICKET TH E 3 0 TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION 17 Sold! At Oregon Anesthesiology Group we buy into supporting our community. That’s why four of our anesthesiologists practicing at Randall Children’s Hospital at Legacy Emanuel, who are proud OES parents, are pleased to sponsor: AARDY GOES TO HOLLYWOOD: Oregon Episcopal School’s 2016 Annual Auction RayAnn Dubose, M.D. Jeffrey Leon, M.D. Jenny Finley, M.D. Peter Scott, M.D. 2016 AUCTION COMMITTEE Auction Chair Michelle Fitzhenry Auction Co-Chair Hilary O’Hollaren Past Chair Lisa Kellogg Advertising Sohee Anderson Auction Volunteer Coordinator Chris Gong Catalog Coordinators Karen Hsu, David Jacobson, Chrissy Monfor, Tricia Sipowicz Class Projects Coordinator (LS Parent) Ruchi Prakash Clean-up Chair Tracy Arensberg Data Entry Chair Sally Waddell Division Liaisons LS / Dori King MS / Karen Seder US / Gisela Walitzki Decorations Chair Rhonda Schwartz Easel Party Chairs April Gilster, Georgina Miltenberger, Jamie Sales Invitation Chairs Karen Hsu, David Jacobson Job Shadows Chair Sohee Anderson Live Auction Chairs Diane Engelhard Jones, Brian Lockyear, Eileen Wali Procurement Chairs Mercedes Corey, Cathy Kubik, Maureen Lematta Publicity Chair Eileen Wali Night of Volunteer Coordinator Marianne Johnson Raffle Chair Frances Phillips Silent Auction Chairs Courtney Fitzloff, Kay Pinkava, Rebecca Roberts, Sally Waddell Wall of Wine Chairs April Gilster, Georgina Miltenberger, Jamie Sales, Whitney Snyder Will-Call Chair Lisa DeGrace Volunteer Deb Pajor Volunteer Ashley Bingham Volunteer Janet Duffie Grade Level Basket Coordinators: Pre-K Tammy Moe Kindergarten Brandy Ziegenbalg Primary Dawn Swanson 1st Grade Sandy Patrick 2nd Grade Maureen Lematta 3rd Grade Deb Pajor and Mari Schwalbach 4th Grade Michelle Tubbs 5th Grade Soolynn Chang 6th Grade Ruchi Prakash 7th Grade Jodi Wilkins 8th Grade Pammie Hummelt 9th Grade Soolynn Chang 10th Grade Funda Kelsay and Leslie Aaron 11th Grade Mary Kilo 12th Grade Jana Reddoch and Beth Rosch TH E 3 0 TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION 19 20 T HE 3 0 T H A N N UA L O ES AUCTIO N OREGON EPISCOPAL SCHOOL AUCTION GUIDELINES AND RULES REGISTRATION Every guest receives a bid number upon registering after arrival on the night of the auction. We strongly encourage you to register with the credit card you would like to use for your purchases (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express). This significantly simplifies and expedites Check Out for you and greatly reduces the administrative burden for OES. Only registered bidders may participate in the auction. HOW TO BID AND WIN! WA L L OF W I NE The extremely popular Wall of Wine returns this year to Aardy Goes to Hollywood. The auction committee has procured over 100 bottles of wine through donations from OES friends, family and supporters. The Wall of Wine features wine valued anywhere from $25 to over $100. Purchase a paper bag-wrapped bottle and find out what fun wine you have purchased! Pay $25 for one bottle or $65 for three bottles. Bottles will be marked with your bid number and will be available for pick up at Will Call. SILE NT AUC T I O N 1st Closing . . . . . . . . . . 6:15 P.M. 2nd Closing . . . . . . . . . 6:30 P.M. 3rd Closing . . . . . . . . . 6:45 P.M. Super Silent, Class Projects, Job Shadows To bid on a Silent Auction item, clearly write your name and bid number on the bid sheet at the specified level you want to bid for the item. If you are out-bid, you may re-bid at a higher level. Bids may continue to be entered until the close of that Silent Auction section. The last and highest bid at the close of that Silent Auction section shall win the item. The closing time for each Silent Auction section is posted and announced. Upon the closing of a Silent Auction section, a Silent Auction volunteer identifies the winning bid for each item. This person has the final authority to determine the winning bid and this decision is final. To determine if you are the winner of a Silent Auction item, proceed to Check Out after 9:20 p.m. and request an accounting of your purchases. Please do not remove any items from the tables. Volunteers will collect your items for you once you present your receipt at the Will Call area at the end of the evening. TH E 3 0 TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION 21 OREGON EPISCOPAL SCHOOL AUCTION GUIDELINES AND RULES CL ASS PROJ EC TS Bidding closes at 6:45 p.m. Class Project bidding procedure is the same as in the Silent Auction. EASEL PART I ES Bidding closes at 8:00 p.m. To sign up for an easel party, clearly write your name and bid number on the Easel Party signup sheet. You may reserve as many spaces as you want for a specific party as long as there is space available. LIVE AU C T I O N To bid during the Live Auction, hold your bid number high until the auctioneer acknowledges your bid. The amount of your bid is the amount being called out by the auctioneer at that moment. If you are the winner of a Live Auction item, the auctioneer announces your bid number as the bid winner. A volunteer asks you to sign a “runner sheet,” which validates you as the bid winner. You must sign this to validate your acceptance as the bid winner. HOW TO PAY You must pay in full for all purchases during the night of the Auction. At Registration, we encourage you to register with the credit card you would like to use for your purchases (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express). This will significantly simplify and expedite Check Out for you and greatly reduce the administrative burden on the auction team. However, OES Auction does accept checks, cash, or credit cards at Check Out. You may pay for Paddle Raise donations of $1,000 or more with stock transfers. Check Out opens at 9:20 p.m. If you must leave before 9:20 p.m., please let the Check Out staff know approximately 15 minutes prior to your departure and they will arrange for your invoice, payment, and pickup. Prior to leaving for the evening, please proceed to Check Out to review your final invoice and complete payment. Payment can be completed by either confirming billing to the credit card you provided during Registration or by paying with check or cash. Credit cards will be charged on Friday, March 18, 2016 to allow adequate time to review purchase data for accuracy. Once payment is completed, a receipt is provided showing all the items 22 T HE 3 0 T H A N N UA L O ES AUCTIO N OREGON EPISCOPAL SCHOOL AUCTION GUIDELINES AND RULES purchased during the evening. Then, please proceed to the Will Call area to pick up your items. If you check out before all items are posted to your account, a revised and complete invoice of your evening’s purchases will be sent to you the following week. M ERC H AND I S E PI C K– U P / W I L L CA L L All participants are requested to pick up the items they have won at the conclusion of the auction. After paying for your purchases at Check Out, please proceed to the Will Call area and present your paid receipt in order to pick up your items. Will Call opens at 9:20 p.m. Each person is responsible for verifying that they have received all of their purchases. Lost items or certificates cannot be replaced. Will Call closes at 10:30 p.m. Unclaimed items will be returned to OES for pick up. LIABILITY ALL SALES ARE FINAL. OES is not responsible for the products or services available through the Auction. All products and services are provided “as is,” without any stated or implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and noninfringement. To the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event shall OES be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential or any other damages whatsoever arising from the purchase or use of any product or service purchased through the Auction. To the extent OES is deemed liable for any product or service purchased through the Auction, OES’s liability shall be limited to the purchase price paid for the product or service. In the event that a product or service purchased through the Auction cannot be delivered, the full purchase price shall be refunded, which shall be the maximum extent of OES’s liability for failure to deliver the product or service. Unless otherwise noted or prohibited by law, all certificates purchased at the auction expire March 12, 2017. TAX DEDUCTIBILITY Auction purchases may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax advisor as individual situations may vary. TH E 3 0 TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION 23 “In order to make good in your chosen task, it’s important to have someone you want to do it for. The greatest moments in life are not concerned with selfish achievements but rather with the things we do for the people we love and esteem, and whose respect we need.” — WALT DISNEY 24 T HE 3 0 T H A N N UA L OES AUC T ION AUC T IO N CO M M I T T E E Cathy Kubik, Maureen Lematta, Marianne Johnson, Chris Gong, Ruchi Prakash, Hilary O’Hollaren, Michelle Fitzhenry, Rhonda Schwartz, Rebecca Roberts, Courtney Fitzloff, Diane Engelhard-Jones, Sally Waddell NOT PICTURED: Lisa Kellogg, Sohee Anderson, Karen Hsu, David Jacobson, Chrissy Monfor, Tricia Sipowicz, Tracy Arensberg, Dori King, Karen Seder, Gisela Walitzki, April Gilster, Georgina Miltenberger, Jamie Sales, Brian Lockyear, Eileen Wali, Mercedes Corey, Frances Phillips, Kay Pinkava, Whitney Snyder, Lisa DeGrace, Deb Pajor, Ashley Bingham, Janet Duffie TH E 3 0 TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION 25 26 T HE 3 0 T H A N N UA L OES AUC T ION THE OES AUCTION PADDLE RAISE An Easy Way To Give Generously Over the past 30 years, the OES Auction has raised millions of dollars to fund special projects that enhance our campus and the everyday experience for all of our students. The Paddle Raise is an easy way to support programs that enhance our children’s learning experience and contribute significantly to the success of the auction. Funds raised from the 2015 Auction supported special projects such as electronic access to the Upper School, repairs to SPARC, a new school bus, and the Theatre Arts Lab located in the Upper School. In addition, the Auction continues to support the AASK Program and Employee Professional Growth and Development. Our “wish list” for special projects in 2016 includes re-turfing the main athletic field; renovating the old Lower School building for after-school programs, a performing arts space, and other upgrades; installing a new walk way to SPARC; and other maintenance upgrades to buildings across campus. We hope you will join us to make our 30th Annual OES Auction a success by raising your bidder paddle high! DURING THE PADDLE RAISE SIMPLY HOLD YOUR BIDDER NUMBER HIGH FOR THE GIFT THAT FEELS RIGHT FOR YOU. Please raise your paddle and contribute generously to the vision of keeping OES a leader in education. TH E 3 0 TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION 27 AND THE AWARD GOES TO… THE AARDVARKS! private banking • wealth management • brokerage • trust 947 sw broadway, portland ( 503 ) 525-8800 1-888-848-3680 • member fdic • new york stock exchange symbol: frc brokerage services provided through first republic securities co., llc. member finra/sipc 28 T HE 3 0 T H A N N UA L O ES AUCTIO N SAVE THE DATE THE OES AUCTION RETURNS MARCH 11, 2017 Bishop Dagwell Hall Alumni Celebrate OES As the Auction celebrates its 30th anniversary, we mark another important milestone in our school’s history: The 50th anniversary of the founding of Bishop Dagwell Hall (BDH). Founded in the Fall of 1965, BDH opened its doors on Nicol Rd. to middle and upper school boys alongside the existing girls school, St. Helen’s Hall (SHH). Its first graduates received their diplomas in 1967. Co-education came only a half-decade later, and with it the absorption of BDH and SHH into “Oregon Episcopal School,” but Bishop Dagwell Hall endures as a special part of our school’s history. Through auction philanthropy and other avenues of support, BDH alumni continue to contribute to our community in important and meaningful ways. Proud supporter of OES 2016 CALENDAR OF AUCTION EVENTS FRIDAY SATURDAY MAR. 18 MAY 21 Miracle On Ice Gone With The Wine LIVE PACKAGE # 24 EASEL PARTY # 54 SATURDAY FRIDAY APRIL 2 JUNE 3 Trail Blazers vs. Miami Heat Casino Night LIVE PACKAGE # 24 EASEL PARTY # 56 FRIDAY SUNDAY APRIL 15 JULY 17 War and Masterpiece — Ceramics Class Round Robin Tennis EASEL PARTY # 53 EASEL PARTY # 57 THURSDAY SATURDAY APRIL 21 SEPT. 10 A Lunch to Remember — Chang’s Mongolian Grill Casablanca-ville — Margaritas, Mojitos and Mexican EASEL PARTY # 51 EASEL PARTY # 55 FRIDAY SATURDAY APRIL 22 SEPT. 24 War and Masterpiece – Ceramics Class — Class 2 Evita — South American Dining EASEL PARTY # 53 THURSDAY APRIL 28 Some Like It Hot — Party at Bent Brick LIVE PACKAGE # 15 MONDAY SEPT. 19 WEDNESDAY LIVE PACKAGE # 4 SEPT. 21 SUNDAY FRIDAY MAY 15 SEPT. 23 Bend It Like Beckham — Timbers Suite Booty & The Beast — Adapt Training LIVE PACKAGE # 5 EASEL PARTY # 50 LIVE AUCTION PACKAGE 1 LOVE ACTUALLY or ADVENTURES IN BABYSITTING AND THE AWARD GOES TO: 12 FIRST DATES AND THE BABYSITTER! It just doesn’t get much better than this. Date night for a year, babysitter(s) included! The lucky winner will receive 12 Portland restaurant gift cards and the names of four babysitters to work with so you can enjoy a date night out once a month while your kid(s) are having fun at home with a local OES Upper School babysitter. To remind you of your wonderful evening out, Sammy’s Flowers will provide a bouquet of flowers once a month for a year. This is a big one, so keep your bidding card in a strategic position because you don’t want to lose out! Pick your dates, plan your evening, and call “THE BABYSITTER.” Sorry Aardy, this one’s not for you! Babysitters include Rory O’Hollaren, Olivia Durant, Anna Sipowicz, and Megan Ruoff. Restrictions: Advance notice must be given to schedule four hours of babysitting per student. Must have gift card present to use at the restaurant. Sammy’s Flowers bouquets limited to $200 each month. $200 Gift Card to El Gaucho $150 Gift Card to Oba! or Hall Street Grill 2 - $50 Gift cards to Meriwether’s $100 Gift Card for Veritable Quandary $100 Gift Card to Laurelhurst Market $100 Gift Card to Papa Haydn $100 Gift Card to Imperial Restaurant at Hotel Lucia $100 Gift Card to Gracie’s Restaurant at Hotel deLuxe $100 Gift Card to Le Pigeon $100 Gift Card to Yakuza $100 Gift Card to Pok Pok $100 Gift Card to Renata Up to 4 Hours of Babysitting (x4) Flowers for a Year from Sammy’s Flowers Bonus: $100 Gift Card to Noodles & Company for a tasting for 6–10 People Nomination by: Kimberly and Daniel Bissell Mercedes and Jeremy Corey Olivia Durant Paul Ehrlich and Hillary Day Ehrlich Karen and John Getz Imperial Restaurant Noodles & Company Rory O’Hollaren Provenance Hotels Megan Ruoff Sammy’s Flowers Sammy Schwarz & Adam Murray Anna Sipowicz Whitney and Dan Snyder Anonymous THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 33 PACKAGE 2 DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES AND THE AWARD GOES TO: WINES OF THE WORLD! Back by popular demand, this is the ultimate package for the wine connoisseur! From France and Italy to Napa and Walla Walla, these top-flight wines are best in class (and much better than you get in the theatre). The lucky bidder will bring home a first-class wine lot, including Cayuse, Leonetti, Antinori, Silver Oak, Caymus, Sassicaia, and so much more. Be prepared to share (or not). Restrictions: Do not drink all beverages in one sitting. 1996 Spottswoode Cabernet Sauvignon (WS88) 1997 Chateau Leoville Barton Bordeaux 1.5 Ltr Bottle (WS88) 1997 Chateau La Fleur (St. Emilion) Bordeaux 1.5 Ltr Bottle (WS84) 1999 Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia (WS92) 1999 Antinori Tignanello (WS90) 2000 Turley Zinfandel (WS88) 2003 Staglin Cabernet Sauvignon (WS89) 2005 Silver Oak Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley) (WS89) 2006 Beaulieu Vineyard Georges de Latour Cabernet Sauvignon (WS83) 2010 Chateau Montelena Cabernet Sauvignon (WS91) 2010 Chateau Haut-Brion Bordeaux (WS93) 2010 Chateau Leoville Poyferre Bordeaux (WS93) 2010 Dominus Estate Cabernet Sauvignon (WS92) 2011 Silver Oak Cabernet Sauvignon (Alexander Valley) (WS85) 2011 (2) Caymus Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon (WS94) 2012 (2) Caymus 40th Anniversary Cabernet Sauvignon (WS91) 2012 Cayuse Flying Pig Bordeaux Blend (WS90) 2012 Leonetti Cabernet Sauvignon (WS94) 2012 Doubleback Cabernet Sauvignon (WS93) 2012 Screaming Eagle Second Flight (N/R) 2012 Figgins Cabernet Sauvignon (WS94) 2012 Quilceda Creek Cabernet Sauvignon (WS96) John Bradley Tabon Chang 34 Nomination by: Jim Fitzhenry Don Morissette Travis Knight Sean O’Hollaren Jack Menashe John Schlendorf T HE 3 0 T H A N N UA L OES AUC T ION Steve Wilkins Mike Zupan PACKAGE 3 ON THE WATERFRONT AND THE AWARD GOES TO: SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE FOR FOUR! Need a getaway? This is the perfect trip for two perfect couples. Pick up a Porsche Panamera or Cayenne from Sunset Porsche Audi, and whisk away to Seattle for a fun overnight trip. Watch out because Aardy might try to join you as a stowaway. Visit the EMP Museum, do a little shopping, and check in at the iconic Hotel Max in downtown Seattle. Then take your group out to lunch at a local favorite, Ivar’s Restaurant, known for their seafood menu. After lunch, stop by the Perennial Tearoom and choose from among a variety of teas for your discriminating palate. Finally, enjoy a phenomenal dinner at The Ruins, a private club that looks like a warehouse on the exterior, but is as enchanting as a magical Hollywood set on the inside. When you return home, brew up the included Pike Place Special Reserve Coffee from the original Starbucks in Pike Place Market. Take it to go in your vintage tumbler or stay home and drink it in your new Starbucks mug. Restrictions: Reservations subject to availability at Hotel Max for two deluxe guest rooms for one night. Advance reservations are required at The Ruins. Sunset Porsche requires advance reservations and is subject to availability. Must be 25 years of age with a valid driver’s license and proof of full coverage insurance. Subject to vehicle availability. Maximum travel distance of 600 miles. No smoking or pets allowed in the vehicle. Two Deluxe Guests Rooms For 1 Night at Hotel Max in downtown Seattle Dinner for 4 at The Ruins Porsche Panamera or Cayenne from Sunset Porsche Audi for the weekend 4 passes for admission to EMP Museum Gift certificate to Perennial Tea Room Gift certificate to Ivar’s Starbucks mugs and coffee Michelle and Jim Fitzhenry Kristina and Frank Geary Provenance Hotels Nomination by: Perennial Tea Room EMP Museum Ivar’s Starbucks – Pike Place Market Sunset Porsche Audi THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 35 PACKAGE 4 SOME LIKE IT HOT AND THE AWARD GOES TO: A NIGHT AT THE BENT BRICK! SSSSizzle! You betcha baby! The party is on! Your party for 20 will take place on THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 2016 , at (drum roll please) The Bent Brick, upstairs in the (shhh) private dining room. Enjoy appetizers, wine, and beer. This is BIG! With Aardy and your friends, you will see a pig butchery demonstration by none other than Bent Brick owner and OES parent, Scott Dolich. No worries for the faint of heart as this is not a hands-on class. Restrictions: This is a demonstration, not a “hands on” class. Party for 20 at The Bent Brick on April 28, 2016 36 L I V E AUC T I O N Nomination by: Mary and Scott Dolich The Bent Brick THE 30TH ANNUAL O ES AUC T ION PACKAGE 5 BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM AND THE AWARD GOES TO: MLS CUP CHAMPIONS! Aardy is so excited for the opportunity to meet Timber Joey, his other BFF! On SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2016 , the winning bidder will watch the Portland Timbers vs. NYCFC match along with 19 guests from the suite of Timbers owner and OES parent Merritt Paulson. How much fun will that be? This is NYCFC’s debut at Providence Park with their roster of recognizable international stars such as Frank Lampard, Andrea Pirlo, and David Villa. The suite includes food and drink, passes to the Adidas Employee Store, and a match-day visit from Timber Joey. Don’t pass on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, bid high! Restrictions: Match date is Sunday, May 15, 2016, at 4:30pm. No exceptions. 20 tickets to Portland Timbers vs. NYCFC match May 15, 2016 Nomination by: Merritt and Heather Paulson Portland Timbers T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 37 PACKAGE 6 JULIE AND JULIA AND THE AWARD GOES TO: THE MAN UNDER THE HAT, LE CORDON BLEU-CERTIFIED CHEF CAMERON JACK! Cameron Jack, a true “Jack of all trades,” is not only a chef, he is also a painting, drawing, stagecraft, and photography teacher in the OES Upper School. Rumor has it he is greatly admired by his students, and Aardy will tell you that he really rocks! A lucky group of 12 (four students and eight parents) will have a marvelous experience prepping and cooking “menu magnifique” with Chef Cameron. Neophyte chefs will prepare an epicurean delight beginning with the appetizer, moving on to the main course, and ending with an over-the-top, more please, dessert. No prior training is required. Restrictions: Date to be mutually agreeable. Meal prepared at buyer’s home. Cooking Class for 12 with Cameron Jack 38 L I V E AU C T I O N Nomination by: Cameron Jack THE 30TH ANNUAL O ES AUC T ION PACKAGE 7 A DAY AT THE RACES AND THE AWARD GOES TO: A DAY AT THE RACETRACK! READY, SET, GO! And the driver could be you with the right bid! Spend an amazing day at Oregon Raceway Park in Grass Valley, Oregon, with Christopher Bender, OES parent and former lead instructor for the Oregon Region of the Porsche Club of America, part-time driving coach, and the owner of the dark gray street-legal race car you admire in the OES parking lot at 3 p.m. on sunny days! The winning bidder will have the opportunity to ride shotgun while Christopher gives stellar instruction on the art of performance driving. What could be more fun for an avid racing fan than a few turns around the track? For even more fun, the winning bidder can take his or her personal car for a few spins around the track with (or without) Christopher coaching you from the passenger seat. Imagine you, dressed to the nines, parking at the red carpet of Aardy’s spectacular grand opening of A Day at the Races. Heads will turn to see THAT person, the one with all the qualities of a top race car driver: You! Restrictions: The event is co-sponsored by Palatov Motorsport, the Portland-based company that designed and fabricated Christopher’s race car, and will be scheduled concurrently with one of the company’s private testing days at ORP. Participants will be required to sign waivers to absolve ORP, Palatov Motorsport, and Christopher Bender of liability. Most sporty/sports cars can be driven safely on the track, but all cars must pass a safety inspection, and mechanical problems are the sole responsibility of the owner. A day at Oregon Raceway Park Nomination by: Christopher Bender and Caitlin Morris-Bender THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 39 PACKAGE 8 THE THIRD MAN AND THE AWARD GOES TO: SPORTS BONANZA! This is a sports fan’s dream come true— it’s so exciting Aardy can’t decide which jersey to wear! Be the winning bidder and enjoy tickets to some of the best sporting action around: • Four tickets to a 2016–2017 home match at Providence Park for the PORTLAND THORNS FC , Portland’s professional women’s soccer team. • Four tickets plus parking to an OREGON DUCKS home football game during the 2016–2017 season. Seats are located in Section 30, halfway to the 40-yard line, and the winner has access to The Club at Autzen Stadium with the BEST parking ever (private reserved parking next to the stadium). • Two tickets to a PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS game with reserved parking during the 2016–2017 season. These seats are two rows behind the team so you can see the players up front and hear the coach lay out the plays. Courtside service is available. • Two tickets for the OSU BEAVERS vs. Utah game on October 15, 2016. The tickets are located on the 48 yard line, under cover and include a parking pass. Go Beavers! • Four tickets to a PORTLAND PILOTS MEN’S BASKETBALL home game during the 2016–2017 season. Wally Pilot is a BFF of Aardy. • Five Field Box Tickets to a 2016 HILLSBORO HOPS game, based on availability. Top all this off with eight tickets to the Root Sports Lounge at Providence Park for a home game of our own MLS CUP CHAMPIONS, THE PORTLAND TIMBERS! You’ll have four tickets at a first row table and four more in the raised second row. The Root Sports Lounge is the ultimate place to watch our home town favorite Timbers face off with their opponents. The Lounge is located on field level, adjacent to the visiting team bench. All Root Sports Lounge guests have access to a complimentary buffet, unlimited soft drinks, a private bar, and field level restrooms. 40 L I V E AUC T I O N THE 30TH ANNUAL O ES AUC T ION Restrictions: Oregon Duck tickets will be offered for a mutually agreed upon date once tickets are issued for the 2016–2017 season. Timbers tickets will be offered for a mutually agreed upon date for the 2016–2017 season. Thorns tickets will be offered for a mutually agreed upon date for the 2016–2017 season. Portland Pilots tickets will be offered for a mutually agreed upon date for the 2016–2017 season. Oregon State tickets for OSU vs. Utah on October 15, 2016. 4 tickets to a Portland Thorns FC home game during the 2016-2017 season 4 tickets plus parking for an Oregon Ducks home game during the 2016-2017 season 2 tickets plus parking to a Portland Trail Blazers home game during the 2016-2017 season 2 tickets to the Oregon State Beavers vs. Utah game on October 15, 2016. 5 tickets to a Hillsboro Hops game. Excludes Opening Day, July 3rd, September 6th, and any 2016 playoff games, subject to availability. 4 tickets to a Portland Pilots Men’s Basketball game during the 2016-2017 season 8 tickets in the Root Sports Lounge at a Portland Timbers FC home game during the 2016-2017 season Nomination by: Jim Fisher Volvo Jim and Michelle Fitzhenry Hillsboro Hops Don and Alicia Morissette James and Joan Reveno Steve and Patricia Sipowicz Hillary Day Ehrlich and Paul Ehrlich T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 41 PACKAGE 9 A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT AND THE AWARD GOES TO: FLY FISHING IN PATAGONIA! Rivers do run through it, and for your next fishing adventure you have the choice between two spectacular rivers in Patagonia: two days on the Limay River or an overnight camping/float trip on the Chimehuin River. CURTAIN # 1 The Limay is one of the most mysterious rivers in all of Patagonia and fishing on the Limay is not for the faint of heart—be ready to battle some tailwater titans! This trip includes transfers to and from the river, two nights at a simple (Aardy is so excited) two-star hotel, a two-day guided float trip with riverside picnics, plus beer/wine (don’t forget your camera). Continental breakfasts and dinners with wine and beer are also included. CURTAIN # 2 Known to produce some of the largest freshwater German brown trout in Patagonia, the Chimehuin River is one of the finest trout fisheries in the Americas. This overnight float trip includes transfers to and from the river, two days of guided fishing with a riverside picnic, and one night in camp with dinner. All camp gear is provided. You will also have one night at a three-star hotel in San Martín de los Andes with dinner at a local restaurant. Get out your map, choosing one trip over the other is going to be hard; perhaps a flip of the coin will work! Restrictions: Trip excludes airfare, hotel transfers in Buenos Aires, gratuities, and additional hotel nights or services not specifically detailed in the description. Patagonia Trip for 2 days and 2 nights for 2 people. Guided fishing, accommodations, fishing licenses, plus the use of rods, reels, flies, and wading boots are included. 42 L I V E AUC T I O N Nomination by: Chocolate Lab Expeditions Vanessa and Ron Sorensen THE 30TH ANNUAL O ES AUCTIO N PACKAGE 10 THE DINER AND THE AWARD GOES TO: ZUPAN’S CELLAR DINNER WITH MO AND KATE! OES parents and Zupan’s Market owners Mike and Kendra Zupan invite you and 10 guests to enjoy a delightful evening with friends at the quietly famous Zupan’s Wine Cellar at their store on Burnside, on SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 2016 . Prepare yourself for those crazy quips from Kate and great stories from Mo while you sip amazing wines and enjoy a superb dinner. Aardy can barely wait for this event, as he thinks it is all about his role as The Diner. This is a perfect time to delight in unsurpassed food and wine, and relish the companionship of friends old and new. An unforgettable evening with the best of the best. It just doesn’t get any better. Kate’s term as President of the Board of Trustees comes to a close this year, so don’t miss your last chance at this exciting package. Restrictions: The dinner is set for Saturday, June 4, 2016. No exceptions. Party not to exceed 10 people. Dinner with Mo and Kate at Zupan’s Wine Cellar on Burnside Nomination by: Mike and Kendra Zupan Mo and Chris Copeland Kate Lieber and Monique Matheson THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 43 PACKAGE 11 PICNIC AND THE AWARD GOES TO: SUMMERTIME AND SUMMER FUN WITH WINE AND PASTA! Summertime and the livin’ is easy when you are top bidder for a CROWLEY WINE FLIGHT & SUMMER BARREL TASTING PICNIC . How good does it get? Not much better than this, with 10 years of Crowley wines. The winning bidder will receive 10 bottles of Crowley Entre Nous (one from each year, 2005–2014) and two bottles of the all-new 2015 Crowley Rosé. But wait, there’s more: This package includes a summer outing for four as guests of OES parents Evan and Rebecca Roberts at their winery in Newberg. This could be like a never-ending story, because also included with your tour is a gourmet picnic and dessert, and of course, a little more Crowley wine. Want to know the bonus round? How about pasta for a year? Pastaworks will provide one pound of pasta per month for 12 months. Wine and pasta, it really does not get any better than this! Restrictions: Picnic to be scheduled on a mutually agreeable date. Cannot be scheduled during September or October. 12 bottles of Crowley Wine (10 Entre Nous and 2 rosé) One pound of pasta per month from Pastaworks 44 L I V E AUC T I O N Nomination by: Tyson Crowley Crowley Wine Rebecca and Evan Roberts Pastaworks Kaie Wellman and Kevin de Garmo THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUC T ION PACKAGE 12 SUNSET BOULVARD AND THE AWARD GOES TO: SUNSET LANES BOWLING PARTY FOR ONE MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASS! Middle School parents, this is your time to shine like the red carpet stars you are. The winning bidder will host a bowling party for an entire Middle School class. This class of stars will enjoy bowling for an hour and a half; Aardy sez “he’s in” and he just hopes there are bowling shoes to fit his feet. This package includes shoe rental, pizza, and sodas. Another high point of winning this package? Down the road, your kids will sit around the fire and share this as one of their “remember when” stories. Restrictions: Date to be mutually agreeable. Party is for 60. Sunset Lanes bowling party for one Middle School class Nomination by: Sunset Lanes Sohee and Scott Anderson Mercedes and Jeremy Corey Tricia and Steve Sipowicz T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 45 PACKAGE 13 UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN AND THE AWARD GOES TO: COOKING, TASTING, AND RELAXING IN TUSCANY! Life is beautiful anytime you can be in Italy. Discover the beauty of Tuscany and your own personal oasis while staying at the Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco Resort & Spa. Nestled on 1,500 acres of lush countryside in Tuscany’s Serchio Valley, the hotel is perfectly placed in central Italy, offering convenient access to the nearby towns of Lucca, Barga, and Pisa, among others. During your five-night stay for two people, you will enjoy a private cooking lesson, savor a delicious lunch, visit a winery, and participate in an olive oil press tour and tasting. Once you have squeezed in all these activities, save time to just enjoy the countryside (in your rental car) and then experience on your own the relaxation of the resort and all of its fabulous offerings. Who doesn’t want to go to Italy? Just like in the movie, you will probably fall in love with an old estate like Diane Lane and never want to leave. Restrictions: Package must be redeemed at least 60 days prior to start of travel. Prepare to offer three preferred dates of travel that are at least one week apart from each other. Reservations are subject to availability. Taxes and fees are the responsibility of the participating traveler. Expires March 15, 2017. Valid for two people. Rental car, private cooking lesson, lunch, winery visit, olive oil press tour and tasting included in package. Five-night stay at the resort included in the package. Five Night Tuscany Tour for Two 46 L I V E AUC T I O N Nomination by: George and Kara Hale THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUC T ION PACKAGE 14 WHITE CHRISTMAS or CADDYSHACK? AND THE AWARD GOES TO: YOUR CHOICE! Tough choice! The buyer of this package will choose ONE of the following: Christmas Ship Parade Evening: Join OES parents Kristin and John Bradley, along with eight other couples, to enjoy a festive evening of cocktails, wine, heavy hors d’oeuvres, and desserts at Waverly Country Club while watching the famous Portland Christmas Ships Parade during December 2016. Each couple will receive a special gift to commemorate the evening. Aardy is excited to have the opportunity to lead the singing! OR Summer Evening of Riverside Dining: You and eight other couples will join Kristin and John for a beautiful Portland summer evening of cocktails, wine, dinner, and dessert in the picturesque riverside setting of Waverly Country Club. Each couple will receive a special gift to take home to commemorate the evening. Aardy decided not to be the special gift as he just could not condone any fighting over him. He is so humble. Restrictions: To be scheduled on a mutually agreeable date. Must be redeemed before December 25, 2016. Beautiful weather may take on a wide array of definitions in Portland. Christmas Ship Parade Evening or Summer Evening of Riverside Dining for 8 couples Nomination by: Kristin and John Bradley T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 47 PACKAGE 15 EVITA AND THE AWARD GOES TO: DON’T CRY FOR ME ARGENTINA! On SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 , you will enjoy a South American dining experience at the home of OES parents Randy and Diane Engelhard Jones… which is every bit as lovely as the Casa Rosada. Wood-fired flavors, Argentinian style, will be drifting through the air as you enjoy tapas, and of course yummy cocktails and regional wines. Join your fellow OES parents, a group friendlier than any South American dictator. Aardy guarantees no military coup will be conducted—at least for this event! $100 per person Nomination by: Elizabeth and Thomas Gewecke Kristina and Frank Geary Diane Engelhard and Randy Jones Margueritte and Gene Kim Rico and Malcolm McIver Ruchi Prakash and Manish Mehta Jennifer and Samuel Shiley Heike and Eric von der Heyden 48 L I V E AU C T I O N THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUC T ION PACKAGE 16 SOMEWHERE IN TIME AND THE AWARD GOES TO: THE GRAND HOTEL! Just like in Hollywood, “luxurious” is the word. Only this luxury is on Mackinac Island, between the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan. How can you pass this opportunity up? You can’t. This historic hotel, built in 1887, beckons guests to a bygone era of old-world hospitality. You will enjoy a four-night stay for up to eight people in one of The Grand Hotel’s two-bedroom suites. When you reach the Grand Hotel, give your family chef time off as you’ll be served a five-course dinner the evening you arrive. Then, on the second, third, and fourth days, your meals will include a full breakfast, Grand luncheon buffet, and five-course dinner. Full yet? You’re not quite done. You can’t depart for your journey west without one more breakfast for you and your group (including Aardy if he is lucky enough to be in your party of eight). Restrictions: The suite consists of two bedrooms and a parlor. Reservations are subject to availability. Dates must be agreed upon during the 2016 season (May 6 through October 30). Tax, local assessment, and baggage handling charges apply. There is no tipping at The Grand Hotel. Four night stay for up to 8 people at The Grand Hotel Nomination by: Marlee Brown and Dan Musser The Grand Hotel T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 49 PACKAGE 17 HEAVEN’S GATE AND THE AWARD GOES TO: SEVEN FABULOUS NIGHTS AT A MARVELOUS SCOTTSDALE HOME! Imagine you and seven of your nearest and dearest spending seven nights in a remarkable custom home, backing up to the Stone Creek golf course in wonderful Scottsdale, Arizona. You will enjoy unobstructed views of Camelback Mountain, as well as sunny skies and starry nights. This spectacular home exudes Spanish and Mexican details that add charm and warmth to the extraordinary architecture. An added feature of the home is the dream patio for outdoor living, with an amazing outdoor kitchen, barbecue, burners, fridge, and sink. A private pool with a sunning area will definitely take the Oregon chill out of your bones. Restrictions: Scheduling is subject to availability (not available on 3/18/2016 through 4/5/2016). No smoking and no pets, please. Excludes airfare. Seven-night stay in Scottsdale, Arizona, including cleaning costs at the end of the stay. 50 L I V E AUC T I O N Nomination by: Anonymous THE 30TH ANNUAL O ES AUC T ION PACKAGE 18 DUCK SOUP and AMERICAN PIE AND THE AWARD GOES TO: SOUP, BREAD AND DESSERT FOR A YEAR! From the recipe files of OES dedicated employees, this package is sure to go fast. Each month, a non-caloric delight will be prepared by our own OES employees for you and your family to enjoy. Don’t be surprised if Aardy throws a little mayhem and politics into the mix. Remember what happened when little Jack Horner sat in the corner eating his piece of pie? Top it off with one loaf of Rustic Bread per month for a year from Grand Central Baking Company. Soup, bread, and delicious desserts for 12 consecutive months, prepared with love: Clam Chowder Chicken Gumbo Cheddar Beer Soup Sweet Potato/Coconut Soup Pork Pozole Autumn Minestrone New England Clam Chowder French Scallop Bisque Gumbo or Roasted Squash and Pear Soup Carrot Ginger Soup Butternut Squash and Apple Soup Chocolate Chip Cookies Chocolate Cake Red Velvet Bundt Cake Pumpkin Pie Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies Apple Pie Cheesecake Berry Cobbler Pecan Pie Flourless Chocolate Cake Roasted Pear Bundt Cake with Chocolate Glaze Glazed Gingerbread Restrictions: No substitutions for soup or desserts. Offer runs for 12 consecutive months from April 2016 to March 2017. Soup, bread, and dessert for a year Lara Ingham Tessa Daniel Nomination by: Marianne Johnson Sara Fromme Robin Barnstead-Long Grand Central Baking Company Jennie Kiffmeyer Beth Breiten Dori King Angela Hancock Deborah Bridgnell Lorena Kuhns Toni Holmberg Carole Burton T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION Kirstin McAuley Tna Meyerhoff Rachel Phelps Karen Seder LIVE AU CTION 51 PACKAGE 19 ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER AND THE AWARD GOES TO: AN ADVENTURE WITH AARDY AND TOM HANDEL! Whether you are 8, 80, or somewhere in between, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Tom Handel, OES outdoor program specialist and all-school experiential education guru, will plan a unique outing, tailored for you and your party for up to ten people. Your adventure with Tom could be a backpacking trip, a river raft or kayaking expedition, or perhaps an overnight camping trip under the stars. You may customize your own unique experience without a script. Restrictions: This adventure can take place anywhere within a 200 mile radius of OES (within reason). Outdoor Adventure for 10 with Tom Handel 52 L I V E AU C T I O N Nomination by: Tom Handel THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUC T ION PACKAGE 20 A BEAUTIFUL LIFE AND THE AWARD GOES TO: HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD & MICKEY, TOO! This is it – the package you have been waiting for: Your chance to go to California and shine, and have some fun while you’re there! THE PERFECT FAMILY GETAWAY ! Catch your flight on Alaska Airlines to California (two round-trip tickets on Alaska are included in this package). After landing, drop your bags, grab your Park Hopper Passes, and head straight to Disneyland. End your day with dinner at Club 33, Disney’s members-only club. Once you have worn yourself out in the Park, head on over to Warner Bros. Studio for your own private tour. Need some sustenance along the way? Gift cards for Southern Californians’ favorite spots, In-N-Out Burger, The Hat, or Original Tommy’s Hamburgers, should carry you through. Maybe you will be in luck and that casting agent will spot you along the way…. Restrictions: Advance reservations are required for 4 Disney Park Hopper Passes. Advance reservations are required for dinner for 4 at Club 33. 4 of the Disney tickets are valid during normal operating hours and provide admission to a magical one-day experience at the unique theme parks. The complimentary Disney Theme park tickets can only be used at the Park designated on the tickets, have no cash value, cannot be upgraded, nor can they be applied towards a package to meet eligibility requirements. The complimentary Disney theme park tickets are subject to block-out dates. They may not be used for admission from December 25–31 of any year, through their expiration date. Please note that these tickets will expire within two years from the date issued and cannot be replaced if lost, stolen, used, or expired. Private tour of Warner Bros. studios is in Burbank, CA, and is for up to 12 people. This tour must be pre-scheduled for mutually agreeable dates. Alaska tickets are coach seats, valid on Alaska Airlines or Horizon Air only. $50 In-N-Out Burger gift card $25 Original Tommy’s Hamburger gift card $40 The Hat gift card 2 Round-Trip Tickets on Alaska Airlines Warner Bros. Private Studio Tour 4 General Admission Tickets to the Walt Disney Family Museum 8 Disney Park Hopper tickets Dinner for 4 at Club 33 Nomination by: Disney Corporation Mercedes and Jeremy Corey Thomas and Elizabeth Gewecke Provenance Hotels Sally and Kevin Waddell T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 53 PACKAGE 21 GARDEN STATE AND THE AWARD GOES TO: BULBS FOR SPRING, FEATURING PETER LANGLEY, STAR OF OES BIOLOGY (PLUS HIS INTREPID CREW AND AARDY, OF COURSE)! Oregon is a garden state, and with the right bid, your home will be a veritable garden destination. Spring bulbs, including daffodils, crocus, and tulips will be planted with the aid and expertise of Peter Langley, OES Upper School Biology teacher. Peter and a team of industrious OES students will take your garden from blah to beguiling. The OES team will take into account colors you prefer as well as soil conditions. The winning bidder and Peter will discuss where and when to plant and what maintenance will be required. Close your eyes and picture a glorious array of colors, maybe Aardy’s favorite blues and greens, with an assortment of spring bulbs (hint, hint). Restrictions: Planting will be scheduled on a mutually agreeable date. Bulb purchase is limited to $500. Planting site must be within a 30-mile radius of OES. Bulb planting at your home 54 L I V E AU C T I O N Nomination by: Peter Langley Peter’s intrepid crew (plus Aardy) THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUC T ION PACKAGE 22 VALLEY OF THE DOLLS AND THE AWARD GOES TO: DISCOVERING THE UNDERBELLY OF HOLLYWOOD WITH CHRIS MYERS! Last year, the novel Wonder Woman ruled. This year’s “it” book is not for the faint of heart. Bring your imagination and friends and join Upper School Librarian Chris Myers for cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and a frank and fun discussion of Joan Didion’s 1970 Classic, Play It as It Lays. Ms. Didion is the author of five novels and seven works of non-fiction, as well as several screenplays. The heroine of this novel feels her world has turned into nothing more than plastic surgery (before Botox), beautiful people, “let’s do lunch,” and venomous gossip. OMG, don’t you just love it already! The discussion absolutely has to be more fun than any reality TV, Twitter snipes (what is a snipe?), or endless social media. The story takes place before any of these were in our lives. Aardy longs for the return of the golden days of black and white TV, radio serials, and real comic books. This event will be hosted by OES parents Kevin and Sally Waddell at their lovely home in the West Hills. As you can imagine, it is not to be missed! Restrictions: Event date to be mutually agreed upon and held before October 30, 2016. Group is limited to up to 12 people. Book Club Gathering for 12 Nomination by: Chris Myers Sally and Kevin Waddell THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 55 PACKAGE 23 CHANCES ARE AND THE AWARD GOES TO: BEND AND THE BEACH OR BUST! Chances are the winning bidder of this remarkable package will have a difficult time deciding which direction to head first: east or west. To the east, you will find Caldera Springs, close to Sunriver. This area features a lovely lake setting surrounded by a forest of magnificent Ponderosa pines. The best part of travelling east is your one-week stay in a 2,900-square foot, 3-bedroom plus bunkroom home located on Sable Rock Loop in Caldera Springs. Not only does this home sleep 12, but private access to Caldera Springs includes quarry pool, fitness center, sports courts, and playgrounds. Take a chance on this—there may not be a second time around. Then again, chances are you may decide to travel west first. Close to the shore of the Pacific Ocean, a cozy beach house just north of Lincoln City awaits your arrival. This home is 2,500 square feet, with four bedrooms. If you are a golfer, chances are you should bring your clubs because Salishan golf course is a mere two miles away. There’s much to do, you will find it hard to leave. Restrictions: Scheduling is subject to availability. Cleaning is included prior to and following each stay. No smoking and no pets, please. Caldera Springs House sleeps 12 (2 kings, 1 queen, 4 twins, 1 pull-out sofa in den). Lincoln City Beach House has four bedrooms (1 king bed and 3 queen-sized beds) and a bonus room upstairs with 6 twin beds. One week stay in Caldera Springs house, including private access to Caldera Springs, quarry pool & fitness center, playground & sports court One week stay in Lincoln City beach house 56 L I V E AU C T I O N Nomination by: Jaime and Rafe Sales Anonymous THE 30TH ANNUAL O ES AUC T ION PACKAGE 24 THE BASKETBALL DIARIES and MIRACLE ON ICE AND THE AWARD GOES TO: THE BLAZER SUITE! Sweet, Suite, Sweet! One lucky bidder will enjoy the opportunity to watch the Portland Winterhawks take on the Spokane Chiefs on FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2016 . Then a few weeks later, cheer on the young Portland Trail Blazers team as they face the Miami Heat on SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 2016 . Two for-one! What a sweet deal! You and 21 of your favorite peeps will have a suite in the Moda Center to see the Winterhawks in action and for the final home game of the Trail Blazers season. What a view and what a great package for sports lovers. Aardy would love to meet Blaze! Restrictions: Blazer Suite is for a maximum of 22 people. Four parking passes will be provided for each event. Suite for Portland Winterhawks vs. Spokane Chiefs on Friday, March 18, 2016. Suite for Miami Heat vs. Portland Trail Blazers on Saturday, April 2, 2016. Nomination by: Donna and Travis Knight THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 57 PACKAGE 25 GOOSEBUMPS AND THE AWARD GOES TO: THE SLEEPOVER FOR ONE LOWER SCHOOL CLASS! One lucky Lower School class will get the opportunity to have a slumber party in the new Lower School building! What a night—games, activities, reading, dinner, and movie night before slumbering away in our new Lower School. Wake up to breakfast prepared by none other than Lower School Head David Lowell before departing home with long-lasting memories of a once in a lifetime opportunity. The cast of characters is still auditioning, but a few who have been selected for starring roles are some fabulous teachers such as Peter Buonincontro. Rumor is Aardy will be on stand by in the wings. Restrictions: Sleep over option is for 4th and 5th grades that have already been on a Lower School overnight trip. Grades PreK–3 will have a “sleep under,” and festivities will wrap up in time for children to head home by 9:00 pm. Event to be scheduled on a mutually agreeable date during the 2016-17 school year. Depending on the winning bidder, chaperones appropriate for that grade will be asked to participate. Activities will vary, based on grade level. Sleepover in the new Lower School 58 L I V E AUC T I O N Nomination by: Hedy and Kevin Donnelly David Lowell Peter Buonincontro THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUCTIO N PACKAGE 26 MIDNIGHT COWBOY AND THE AWARD GOES TO: BRASADA RANCH GETAWAY! Nestled in the Powell Butte community overlooking Bend and nine Cascade Peaks, Brasada Ranch has been named Best Resort in the Northwest (Condé Nast Traveler), Top Recreation Destination (Outside magazine) and Oregon’s Best Destination Resort (The Oregonian). One lucky bidder will drive a BMW SUV and stay three nights in a two-bedroom ranch cabin, hot tub included! Take a break from the tedious days of acting and relax with six rounds of golf, a $600 dining credit, and 25% off spa treatments. Truly a getaway from the days of Hollywood in your own dreamywood place. Restrictions: Brasada Ranch reservations required and subject to availability. Expires March 1, 2017. Must be 25 years or older and provide proof of valid insurance for BMW. No more than 500 miles on the car allowed. Brasada Ranch getaway including three-night stay at Brasada Ranch, six rounds of golf, $600 in dining credits, 25% off spa treatments. BMW SUV for a weekend. Nomination by: Brasada Ranch/Northview Hotel Group Kuni BMW THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 59 PACKAGE 27 ANNA AND THE KING OF SIAM AND THE AWARD GOES TO: THAILAND FOR TWO How many times have you dreamed of going to Thailand to experience the beauty and surroundings of all it has to offer? Well here is your chance, so how can you resist? Tucked away in the charming tropical beauty of Thailand’s premier island destination, Anantara Mai Khao Phuket Villas provides a luxurious refuge that opens out onto unspoiled panoramas. Awaken to the sight of virgin sands backed by the lush vegetation of Sirinath National Park. Trek through the dense jungle by elephant to discover untouched island wonders. Relax in your private pool villa surrounded by the finest materials and design. The lucky winner (and guest) of this package will stay three nights in a Pool Villa and enjoy a daily buffet breakfast each morning. Enjoy a one-time spa treatment, a cooking class entitled “Spice Spoons,” and dinner one evening at La Sala restaurant. Now that you have been well fed and pampered, you won’t want to miss the Muay Thai boxing lesson “Muay Thai Guru,” that is also included as part of your stay. What a nice getaway filled with a little something unique for your stay. Paddles up! Restrictions: Certificate is valid from May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2017, excluding special events, public holidays, and festive season. Also excludes December 15, 2016 through January 15, 2017 and April 10, 2017 through April 15, 2017. Please book in advance through the reservation office. Bookings are subject to availability. Please present certificate for this item to the receptionist upon check-in. The certificate may only be used once and is non-refundable. Three nights for two at Anantara Mai Khao Phuket Villas, Thailand 60 L I V E AUC T I O N Nomination by: David and Joy Heinecke THE 30TH ANNUAL O ES AUC T ION PACKAGE 28 THE ASPHALT JUNGLE AND THE AWARD GOES TO: THE PRIME PARKING SPOT! This is it! The spot everyone wants (except Aardy). A reserved parking spot in the upper OES parking lot awaits. And there’s more! Win the parking spot and you get the bonus of one exterior car wash at Kaady Car Wash. Get your bidder number ready. This package is hot, hot, hot! Whether you are in a starring role on campus or a minion in a child’s life, this is your chance to own the “Auction Winner” sign and parking spot for a year. Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, it’s all yours! Restrictions: Valid 2016–17 school year. VIP Parking Spot in OES upper lot 1 Kaady exterior car wash Nomination by: Kaady Car Wash OES THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 61 PACKAGE 29 THE SANDLOT AND THE AWARD GOES TO: THE NEWLY IMPROVED SANDLOT (AKA LOWER SCHOOL PARKING LOT SPOT)! Never offered before, this sure-to-be-coveted parking spot can be all yours with the right bid. Late to your child’s game or event? Never fear, your spot is here. The lucky bidder will have a reserved spot in the Lower School parking lot (Loop Road) for the 2016–17 school year. Bid high and bid often—this item will be snatched up in a heartbeat! As a bonus, the package includes one premium wash from Kaady Car Wash. Restrictions: Valid 2016–17 school year. VIP Parking Spot in OES lower lot 1 Kaady premium car wash 62 L I V E AU C T I O N Nomination by: Kaady Car Wash OES THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUC T ION PACKAGE 30 AARDY HAS A SURPRISE FOR YOU! WHAT WILL IT BE? STICK AROUND AND YOU WILL SEE! ? T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION LIVE AU CTION 63 JOIN US FOR AARDY’S HOLLYWOOD AFTER PARTY RAE’S LAKEVIEW LOUNGE 1900 NW 27TH AVENUE PORTLAND, OR 97210 9:30 – MIDNIGHT DJ — SHACHRISTMAS LAMIRACLE DRINKS AND LATE-NIGHT SNACKS. Thank you Fitzhenry Family for your ongoing support for OES and the 2016 Auction! “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?” — Clarence the angel, from It’s a Wonderful Life PROUD SUPPORTER OF OES 10743 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Highway, Beaverton, OR 97005 (503) 747-3880 Call for business hours and reservations Our locations: Beaverton on Cornell Road (503)645-7718 San Rafael Shopping Center (503)253-3535 Milwaukie(503)655-2323 Powell Valley, Gresham (503)665-8998 Tigard(503)246-2191 Beaverton Hillsdale Highway (503)747-3880 Evergreen Plaza, Salem (503)373-9779 Everett, Washington (425)347-1925 Renton, Washington (206)772-5455 EASEL PARTY 50 BOOTY AND THE BEAST— ADAPT TRAINING CLASS You bring your booty, and Adapt will provide the location and a beast of a trainer to get 50 people in shape for the new school year! Adapt Training provides boot camp-like training in their rockin’ facility. All training levels are welcome and raffle prizes will be provided at the end of the three days which include Adapt and Nike gear! Must be present to win (sore muscles or not). DATES: LOCATION: MONDAY, Adapt Training in Beaverton SEPTEMBER 19; PRICE: WEDNESDAY, $50/person for all three days!! SEPTEMBER 21; HOSTED BY: AND Adapt Training Kate Lieber and Monique Matheson FRIDAY, Laurie and Vince Price SEPTEMBER 23, 2016 TIME: 11am – noon T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION E ASE L / JOB SH ADOW 67 EASEL PARTY 51 A LUNCH TO REMEMBER— LUNCH AT CHANG’S MONGOLIAN GRILL Ladies, join us for an afternoon of leisure at a favorite Portland eatery— Chang’s Mongolian Grill! Lunch will be accompanied by wine and dessert and followed by a surprise parting gift. DATE: LOCATION: WEDNESDAY, Chang’s Mongolian Grill in Raleigh Hills APRIL 21, 2016 PRICE: TIME: 12:00 – 2:30pm $100 HOSTED BY: Soolynn Chang Donna Knight 68 E AS E L / J O B S HA D OW T HE 30T H ANNUAL O ES AUCTION EASEL PARTY 52 SPLASH— LOWER SCHOOL POOL PARTY Celebrate the start of summer with this classic party! Enjoy a day poolside with your Lower School child at the beautiful home of the Feller family in SW Portland. Your child will be treated to a yummy lunch and dessert, while parents can enjoy appetizers and hosted beer/wine. A lifeguard will be on duty; however, a supervising adult is recommended. Slots open to siblings as well. DATE: LOCATION: WEDNESDAY, The Feller Home JUNE 15, 2016 PRICE: TIME: 12:00 – 3:00pm $75 per child HOSTED BY: Kim and Mark Feller Scott and Deb Pajor Dan and Whitney Snyder T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION E ASE L / JOB SH ADOW 69 EASEL PARTY 53 WAR AND MASTERPIECE— CERAMICS CLASS At this peaceful event, your only weapons are clay and your imagination. Hosted by our talented Upper School teacher, Michael Standley, this series of classes will ignite your creative side. The classes will be held on two consecutive Friday evenings and will provide parents with instruction and demos, then freedom to take what you’ve learned to create your own masterpiece. All materials are included and you will be able to take home your creation. DATES: FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016 AND FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 LOCATION: Upper School Ceramic Studio PRICE: $100 HOSTED BY: Michael Standley TIME: 7:00 – 9:00pm 70 E AS E L / JO B S HA DOW T HE 30T H ANNUAL O ES AUCTION EASEL PARTY 54 GONE WITH THE WINE— WINE TASTING Just like its Academy Award namesake, this party will not disappoint! World Class Wines is a family-owned business that has a passion for unique and exceptional wines. Whether you are new to wine, or a long-time wine connoisseur, or you have a passion for award-winning wines from all over the world. Full flight of tastings and appetizers are provided. Door prizes will be given away and 10% of the proceeds from purchases at the party will benefit OES. DATE: LOCATION: SATURDAY, World Class Wines in Lake Oswego MAY 21, 2016 PRICE: TIME: 6:30 – 8:30pm $75 HOSTED BY: Warren and Michelle Tubbs Nate and Mari Schwalbach World Class Wines T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION E ASE L / JOB SH ADOW 71 EASEL PARTY 55 CASABLANCA — MARGARITAS, MOJITOS AND MEXICAN FOOD Morocco meets Mexico at this event hosted on the terrace of the Fitzhenry home. Just like Rick’s Cafe in Casablanca, “The Terrace” will be the hottest spot in town. Lucky guests will enjoy excellent Mexican cuisine and festive margaritas, and mojitos, sans all of the drama. DATE: LOCATION: SATURDAY, Casa Fitzhenry SEPTEMBER 10, PRICE: 2016 $100 TIME: 5:00pm 72 E AS E L / JO B S HA DOW HOSTED BY: Catering by Lori Gooch Jim and Michelle Fitzhenry T HE 30T H ANNUAL O ES AUCTION EASEL PARTY 56 GUYS AND CARDS — CASINO NIGHT Channel your inner Brando, Simmons, and Sinatra and try your luck at good old-fashioned Texas Hold Em! No fancy suits required; just bring your poker face and some luck. Your night will include dinner and drinks on the house. Winners to take home bottles of high-class whiskey to enjoy. DATE: LOCATION: FRIDAY, JUNE 3, The Sales Casino 2016 PRICE: TIME: 7:00pm $100 HOSTED BY: Mike Buckley Robert DuBose Jordi Kellogg Kevin Murphy Rafe Sales T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION E ASE L / JOB SH ADOW 73 EASEL PARTY 57 ONE FLEW OVER THE TENNIS NET — TENNIS ROUND ROBIN AND BARBEQUE Don’t lose your mind sitting around this summer. Break yourself out of the house and head to The Racquet Club for some tennis, BBQ, and maybe a cocktail or two. This party involves a round robin tennis tournament with your fellow OES parents, dinner, and drinks. A tennis pro will be on hand to dole out tips, however if you prefer to just watch the action, sit back and enjoy the party as a spectator! DATE: LOCATION; FRIDAY, JULY 17, The Racquet Club 2016 PRICE: TIME: 5:00 pm $100 HOSTED BY: Pamela and Fritz Hummelt Susan and Rob Torch 74 E AS E L / JO B S HA DOW THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AU CTION JOB SHADOW 5501 JOB SHADOW WITH PAUL EHRLICH, GENERAL COUNSEL & SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, ADIDAS GLOBAL BRANDS This job shadow allows a student to experience their passion for sports in the business world. Spend an exciting day at adidas’ North America Headquarters with a variety of design, marketing, and legal folks. The visit will also include a tour of adidas’ top-secret advanced innovation lab! Of course, no visit would be complete without a full 3-Stripe hook-up— expect your child to come home with some nice kicks and a few pieces of apparel to complement them! Restrictions: Available for a 6th-12th grade student on a mutually agreeable date. THANKS TO: Paul Ehrlich and Hillary Day Ehrlich T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION E ASE L / JOB SH ADOW 75 JOB SHADOW 5502 JOB SHADOW WITH SUSI PROUDMAN, VP FOOTWEAR MATERIALS, NIKE COLOR DESIGN Meet Susi Proudman at 9:00 am in the Mia Hamm Building, then join her key meetings including a staff meeting, product progress discussion, and a visit to a testing laboratory to review results and progress. Visit Color Lab to see how colors on new materials are coming to life. Spend time with the print team on coloring a key Nike seasonal print. Enjoy lunch at a Nike restaurant with Susi, then meet some key players at Nike including merchandising, design, product creation, product development, material design, material development. You’ll finish the day with a campus tour and visit to the Nike Employee Store. Content of day subject to availability and can be adjusted to potentially include areas of particular interest for winning bidder. Restrictions: Available for a 6th-12th grade student on a mutually agreeable date. THANKS TO: Susan and Nicholas Proudman 76 E AS E L / JO B S HA DOW T HE 30T H ANNUAL O ES AUCTION JOB SHADOW 5503 JOB SHADOW WITH DR. KEVIN MURPHY, SPORTS MEDICINE OREGON This job shadow is for a child who has interest in sports and medicine and is wondering how to prepare to get into medical school. This is a two-day journey into what it is like to be an orthopedic surgeon, with OES parent Kevin Murphy at Sports Medicine Oregon. Dr. Murphy has a special clinical interest in the care and rehabilitation of injured athletes of all ages. He is currently the head team physician for the Portland Timbers professional soccer team. He also provides orthopedic care at the Nike Sports Medicine Clinic and several local high schools. Your first day with Dr. Murphy will include discussions regarding being a surgeon in today’s society and how to best prepare yourself to get into medical school and the residency of your choice. You will then get to observe surgery, debrief with Dr. Murphy, and receive a detailed tour of the clinic and operating room. On the second day of the job shadow, you will meet Dr. Murphy at his practice and receive a tour of the Timbers’ training facility and leave the job shadow with tickets for two Key Bank Club seats at a Portland Timbers’ game, plus a parking pass. Restrictions: Available for an 8th-12th grade student on a mutually agreeable date. THANKS TO: Kevin and Laura Murphy THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION E ASE L / JOB SH ADOW 77 JOB SHADOW 5504 JOB SHADOW WITH MARK FITZLOFF, WIEDEN+KENNEDY This job shadow will take your child into the creative, empowering world of advertising. Spend the day with OES Parent Mark Fitzloff, Global Executive Creative Director at Wieden+Kennedy. The day will start with a tour of Wieden+Kennedy’s impressive offices in downtown Portland. You will have the opportunity to mix with all sorts of creative people, including advertising gurus as they work to create their next big campaign for brands such as Nike, Old Spice, Coca-Cola, Facebook, and many more. See how a successful, creative advertising agency works from the inside out. If you are creative, then this Job Shadow is for you! Who knows, maybe you’ll be part of the next big ad! Restrictions: Available for an 8th-12th grade student on a mutually agreeable date. THANKS TO: Mark and Courtney Fitzloff 78 E AS E L / J O B S HA D OW T HE 30T H ANNUAL O ES AUCTION JOB SHADOW 5505 JOB SHADOW WITH DR. JORDI KELLOGG, KELLOGG, M.D., BRAIN AND SPINE The job shadow allows your child to learn what it is like to be a neurosurgeon, from routine office visits to intricate surgeries. Spend the day with OES parent, Jordi Kellogg, M.D., a board-certified neurosurgeon, who has been in solo practice since 2001. Dr. Kellogg performs neurological surgery, including brain, spinal, and peripheral nerve procedures. Hey, it’s not brain surgery. Wait, yes it is! During your visit, you will meet with Dr. Kellogg and learn about his journey into medicine, watch his interaction with patients and their families, and observe a surgery. If you are interested in pursuing a field in medicine, then this job shadow is for you. Restrictions: Available for an 8th-12th grade student on a mutually agreeable date. THANKS TO: Jordi and Lisa Kellogg THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION E ASE L / JOB SH ADOW 79 JOB SHADOW 5506 JOB SHADOW WITH BASHAR WALI, PRINCIPAL AND PRESIDENT OF PROVENANCE HOTELS Looking to try your hand at world domination? Or just love the excitement and romance of the hospitality business? Shadow Bashar Wali, Hotelier extraordinaire and insider, everywhere he travels. Bashar will unlock the mysteries behind what it is like to live for travel and travel for a living. Spend a day with Bashar in Portland as he goes about growing and managing Provenance Hotel’s collection of boutique lifestyle properties across the nation. Learn the importance of being part of the team you lead and becoming an integral part of the community where you do business. A day spent with Bashar can be the first step on the road you want to travel. Restrictions: Scheduling must be flexible and is subject to change. THANKS TO: Bashar and Eileen Wali 80 E AS E L / J O B S HA D OW T HE 30T H ANNUAL O ES AUCTION JOB SHADOW 5507 A JOB SHADOW WITH KERRY TYMCHUK, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY Have you seen the movie A Night in the Museum? Well now your favorite student can spend a day at the museum as they job shadow Kerry Tymchuk, executive director of the Oregon Historical Society. Get a-behind-the-scenes look at the elaborate process involved in setting up a fabulous exhibit and leave with a better understanding of what it takes to run a world-class museum. You may even learn something new about the great state of Oregon in the process. Restrictions: Available for 4th-12th grade students on a mutually agreeable date. THANKS TO: Kerry Tymchuk THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION E ASE L / JOB SH ADOW 81 JOB SHADOW 5508 JOB SHADOW WITH SCOTT HENDRICKSON, FOUNDER & CEO OF OLYMPUS CONTROLS Is your child an inspiring inventor or engineer?? Is your child curious about how things are manufactured? Does your child enjoy “How It’s Made” more than “American Idol”? Then this job shadow is for you. This will allow the lucky buyer to experience how robotic, vision, and motion technologies are actually used in the design of automated machinery. Olympus Controls is an engineering service company that helps clients design and build automated machinery to manufacture everything from potato chips to semiconductor chips. Companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Nike, Intel, Tesla, Boeing, and Abbott all come to us to help them design their next generation machines because they are experts in the field of robotics. Spend the day with Scott Hendrickson and the other engineers to learn how they engage their clients to understand all the factors that affect their next generation products and how we accelerate their ideas from concept to reality by utilizing their talented staff. If your child wants to see and learn about some of the latest disruptive technologies, then this will be the ultimate job shadow experience for them. Parents, if your “inner-geek” wants to join the fun, all ages are welcomed. Restrictions: Available for 4th-12th grade students on a mutually agreeable date. Parents are welcome to join the student. THANKS TO: Scott Hendrickson 82 E AS E L / JO B S HA DOW T HE 30T H ANNUAL O ES AUCTION Call for Auditions Transforming Lives through Choral Artistry Sunday Rehearsals at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (503) 780-1675 [email protected] Music Makers: Grade K Singing games and musical movement while developing musical skills and new friendships. Nova 1: Grades 1-2 Nova 2: Grades 3-4 Pr Provides the foundation for music reading and good tone production. BoyChoir Grades 5-8 Working with treble boys to develop and support their unique sound GirlChoir Grades 5-8 Working with middle school girls to develop and support their vocal development Cascadia: Grades 6-8 Cascadia singers learn vocal technique, partsinging, and become strong sight-readers. Coro Pacifica: Grades 9-12 Our high school women’s treble choir. Tsunami: Grades 9-12 Our high school men’s choir for singers with changed voices: tenors, baritones and basses. Pacific: Grades 9-12 Our high school SATB (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) choir composed of singers from Tsunami and Coro Pacifica. Chamber Choir: 9-12 This choir works at an intense level with very dedicated and talented singers. 4000 Little Light of Mine Ms.Tharp — Pre-K Class Project Our children will be explaining their “little light of mine” through photos, quotes, and collages in a beautiful and colorful hard-bound coffee table book. We will make two books for the auction since it’s a combined project. 4001 Little Light of Mine Ms. Endicott — Pre-K Class Project Our children will be explaining their “little light of mine” through photos, quotes, and collages in a beautiful and colorful hard-bound coffee table book. We will make two books for the auction since it’s a combined project. 4002 Forest Treasures Ms. Bridgnell — Kindergarten Class Project This canvas, put together by Ms. Bridgnell’s Kindergarten class, depicts the very personal relationship the children have formed with the OES forest land. Mounted onto a black and white photograph of this forest, where the children play and explore, are individual watercolor paintings of the “nature treasures” the children have gathered there. The children’s paintings are framed by materials collected from this special place and have been decorated by the children to represent the vibrancy they interpret in their nature walks. Each child has contributed one signed painting to the canvas. 4003 Builderville Looking Glass Ms. Burton — Kindergarten Class Project Have you ever imagined how a Kindergartener views the new OES Lower School? Or what he or she thinks their classroom looks like to the builders working on the new building? Through the use of black ink and watercolors, Ms. Carole’s Builderville students allow you to experience what they have seen this year. This collection of their art is displayed in magnifying cubes, with self-portraits of the Builderville artists provided on the reverse side. THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION CL ASS PROJE CTS 83 4004 An Original Textile Art Quilt / Wall Hanging Ms. Breiten — Kindergarten Class Project An original textile art quilt/wall hanging was created to depict OES, Ms. Breiten’s Kindergarten class studies of Portland, and the wetlands study project. With a centered tree of life that leafs out into the traced and autographed handprints of the kindergartners and teachers, each corner has a vignette (appliquéd or foundation-pieced in textiles) showing the school monogram with a silhouette of Portland, Mt. Hood and surrounding forests, the OES Belltower, and the flora and fauna of the wetlands. Smaller blocks around the edge feature woodland creatures such as frogs, a beaver, a snail, turtles, insects, a blue heron, pelican, etc. This textile piece is made using school colors and over 100 different batiks and geometric fabrics. Even a piece of the school uniform plaid can be found in the different fabrics used. The back side has a freely drawn mural created by the kindergartners themselves. And would that center tree be complete without little reading aardvarks under it? Of course not! They are there. 4005 A Creative Perch Ms. King — Primary Class Project The Primary Class has been studying birds with great interest this year, both in nature and conceptually with student-inspired projects. Our class auction project is a reflection of these interests. We have made a wooden coat hanger and attached 10 wooden birds painted by each of the 10 children in Primary class. The birds act as the hangers for hats, coats, bags. The coat hanger is about 5 feet long by 1 foot wide and can be attached to any wall to make your entry area tidy and whimsical. 4006 Watercolors on Wood Ms. McAuley — 1st Grade Class Project Inspired by their explorations into memory, the brain, and how we learn, the children of Ms. McAuley’s 1st grade class have created unique watercolor art on paper made of 100% cotton linter. Their watercolors were varnished for protection against fading and dirt, and then placed on individual wooden blocks of varying height and assembled into a frame. 84 C L ASS P ROJ E C TS THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUC T ION 4007 The Best Part (Heart) of Me Ms. Kucera — 1st Grade Class Project Ms. Kucera and her talented artists share images of the best parts of themselves — their hearts and smiles — in a colorful collaboration that is sure to thrill any devoted art collector. 30" x 40" canvas, wall-mounted collectable. 4008 Young Dreamers Mr. Whitmore — 1st Grade Class Project When books inspire the young minds of Mr. Whitmore’s class, their imaginations become endless. Featured on a 30" x 40" canvas is a collage of young dreamers wearing outfits that portray their favorite intrigues. 4009 Model OES Ms. Blake — 2nd Grade Class Project With assistance from Hacker Architecture Group, students in Mrs. Blake’s class finished and landscaped a scale model of the new OES Lower School building and a locally handmade wood base. The model was constructed by Hacker Architecture Group using wood and acrylic, and the surrounding landscape/trees were designed and constructed by Mrs. Blake’s students. The model can be displayed atop a removable wood base. The base is a 3-D Burr puzzle comprised of three interlocking pieces of canary wood. The three pieces embody the three groups of people (OES employees, students/families, and the outside community) who have been and are essential in supporting OES during this period of growth and development. Mrs. Blake’s students decorated the base with details that make the entire piece both collaborative and personal. This project demonstrates the endless possibilities of discovery and creation when your children collaborate with their community. T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION CL ASS PROJE CTS 85 4010 Portlandia Kaleidoscope Ms. Griffin — 2nd Grade Class Project The children of Mrs. Griffin’s class each did a research project on a particular place in Portland. They visited those places, conducted interviews, and worked very hard to create beautiful, thoughtful books about the information they gathered. This auction project showcases their work using glass tiles. The children, using different types of glass, designed and created individual images that show their Portland place. Images of a Dragon Boat race, OMSI, a steam train from the Oregon Rail Heritage Center, and the Aerial Tram are just a few examples of their thoughtful work. All of these tiles have been fused together and custom framed. This is a wonderful and unique way to capture the essence of Portland through the eyes of the children. Special thanks to Wells Glass Studio 4011 A Watercolor of Portland, through the Eyes of Our Children Ms. Schilling — 2nd Grade Class Project Ms. Shilling’s 2nd grade auction project reflects their detailed Portland Research Project, with a beautiful collection of watercolor paintings. Each child has drawn their Portland place in ink, and applied vibrant watercolor to make their drawing reflect the detail and experience of their research. Each of the drawings is mounted and all are combined in one framed collection. 4012 Art of Wonder Ms. Baker — 3rd Grade Class Project Ms. Baker’s 3rd graders have been exploring the deep and meaningful question of “wonder.” To represent their reflective and magical thinking, two collaborative pieces have been created. Each child blended a special color that reflected their true self. The beautiful colors are represented in a framed community piece to inspire you, your family and others in the “Art of Wonder.” The children were then asked to search deeper into what “wonder” looks like. Using their colors to interact with each other they created deeper questions of wonder. These provoking, open, and inspiring questions are represented in an originally created 86 C L ASS P ROJ E C TS THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUC T ION deck of Wonder Cards. These cards can be used by your whole family to explore a more beautiful question, create interactive conversations, and provoke a deeper meaning of “wonder.” The Wonder Card deck has the collaborative color art work of the community on the back of each card and “wondering” questions from the children on the front. The storage box for the deck has been lovingly created by the full community. These two special pieces have been created to encourage not only your personal thoughts of “wonder,” but also to explore those provocations with your loved ones, as well. Enjoy all that is wonderful. 4013 Handmade Dollhouse Ms. Hunger — 3rd Grade Class Project Ms. Hunger’s classroom has created a one-of-a-kind dollhouse painted and decorated by the children, with handmade furniture and accessories! This will be a delightful toy and cherished keepsake for any child. 4014 Lewis and Clark Salad / Dessert Plate Collection Ms. Johnson Mounsey — 3rd Grade Class Project One of the primary goals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition was to explore and map the newly acquired Western portion of the United States. After learning about the magnificent journey and the members of the Corps of Discovery, each child in Ms. Johnson Mounsey’s class self-selected a topic that he or she wanted to further research. An unknown plant or animal, a Native American tribe, and a unique landmark are a few examples. The children have depicted these items through a collection of beautiful drawings that are displayed thoughtfully on 18 individual plates. Plates are sold as one lot. T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION CL ASS PROJE CTS 87 4015 Spring Showers Bring May Flowers: One of a Kind Necklace Ms. Thompson — 4th Grade Class Project What makes you feel even more special when you are all dressed up? Your jewelry! Ms. Thompson’s 4th graders invested a lot of effort in making this unique necklace. Each child made one strand of colorful Czech seed; crystal droplets and faceted Japanese beads are placed throughout the strands and work beautifully with the blue, turquoise, yellow, and red colorful mix. This piece captures the first glimpse of spring in Portland when crocuses bloom and we feel the promise of new life. With their reflective clarity, crystal beads are a powerful symbol for light. It’s in the stars: This piece is a fashion must-have! Be surprised by how many compliments you will receive wearing it. 4016 Salad / Dessert Plate Collection: Celebrating Themes of Peace, Love, Hope, and Happiness Ms. Sathyaraj — 4th Grade Class Project Inspired by their deep and intentional exploration of the works of Martin Luther King, Jr., the children of Ms. Sathyaraj’s class have created a set of plates with their own unique designs to reflect symbols of peace, love, hope, and happiness. These 18 plates will bring a smile to your face and warmth to your heart. Plates are sold as one lot. 4017 Salad/Dessert Plate Collection: Celebrating the Importance of Water and Beauty of Nature Ms. Taylor — 4th Grade Class Project Inspired by the children’s explorations of Oregon’s wild places and their study of water both locally and globally, the class created this set of 18 plates, each one with its own story to tell. Plates are sold as one lot. 88 C L ASS P ROJE C TS T HE 30T H ANNUAL O ES AUCTION 4018 Solstice Surprise Monoprint Ms. Akehurst —5th Grade Class Project The students in Ms. Akehurst’s 5th grade class collaborated by each designing an element for this creative monoprint play poster. This year, the class wrote and performed Solstice Surprise. They gathered inspiration from props, characters, and settings. The winner of this item will go home with a charming keepsake of the class performance. 4019 A Midsummer Night’s Dream Monoprint Ms. Busick — 5th Grade Class Project The students in Ms. Busick’s 5th grade class collaborated by each designing an element for this creative monoprint play poster. This year, the class performed William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. They gathered inspiration from props, characters, and settings. The winner of this item will go home with a charming keepsake of the class performance. 4020 What Could Possibly Go Wrong Monoprint Ms. Williams — 5th Grade Class Project The students in Ms. Williams’ 5th grade class collaborated by each designing an element for this creative monoprint play poster. This year, the class wrote and performed What Could Possibly Go Wrong. They gathered inspiration from props, characters, and settings. The winner of this item will go home with a charming keepsake of the class performance. 4021 Senior Class Project — Dream B16 The Senior class of 2016 offer a mixed media painting representing their class theme “Dream B16.” Senior student Jenny Dai has created a 36" x 24" work of art using matte gel, glass bead gel, acrylic layering and textured paper. This is modern art representing the differing dreams of all OES Senior students. The general shape is meant to be a flower blossoming with dreams in the color scheme of blue as the idea of the dreams. The painting is accompanied by a hand signed textured print with all of the senior student signatures. This is a one of a kind masterful piece of art! THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION CL ASS PROJE CTS 89 Celebrating 18 years of Changing Lives THANK YOU for all your support 503.384.0269 7515 SW Barnes Rd. West Hills Shopping Center The nation’s market leader Relax. Enjoy. inShop. title insurance & escrow services. RALEIGH HILLS 8564 SW Apple Way | Portland, Oregon 97225 503-292-8777 | rh-oes-ad2014.indd 1 90 T HE 3 0 T H A N N UA L O ES AUCTIO N 2/3/2014 12:52:30 PM SUPER SILENT 3002 Four Nights in Beautiful Cabin 33 at Caldera Springs on the Lake 3000 Globe Daily 3 Bike and Peapod Solo Child Trailer The Globe Daily 3 is a handsome, aluminum, traditionally styled city bicycle with all kinds of great built-in features: color matched rear 10 kg-load rack and steel full coverage fenders, Shimano Nexus 7-speed internal gear rear hub, bell and chain guard are all integrated. The Globe Daily 3 is designed for mileage with long-wearing Specialized Infinity 700c tires with Flak Jacket puncture protection. Includes a Peapod trailer to make it easy to include the whole family in your cycling adventures. Donor: Margueritte and Gene Kim 3001 Pair of Mid-Century Chairs One pair of mid-century chairs that have been refinished and reupholstered in Pendleton fabric. Donor: Andrew and Shauneen Field Four nights in beautiful Cabin 33 located at Caldera Springs on the lake. This cabin has three bedrooms and four bathrooms and sleeps 10. These cabins are the perfect place to get away or get together (see cabin in package 3003) This cabin definitely provides all the luxury you want for your vacation. Donor: Alan Dinger and Shari Reed 3003 Four nights in Beautiful Cabin 26 in Sunriver’s Caldera Springs Enjoy four nights in beautiful Cabin 26 in Sunriver’s newest community, Caldera Springs. The cabin is 1800 sq. ft. and features three bedrooms and four bathrooms. There are two rooms with king beds and the third has two twin beds, all with en–suite facilities. The cabin sleeps six comfortably. Each bedroom has a large flatscreen TV and the garage features a ping-pong table for your enjoyment. You will enjoy your own private hot tub that overlooks Trailmere Lake. Within walking distance of the Caldera Lake House, the Quarry Pool with rock slide, Caldera’s fitness gym, and the beautiful nine-hole golf course. THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION SU PE R SILE NT 91 Caldera Cabin 26 is a perfect cabin for a family getaway in an ideal location. Cabin 33, (package 3002) which is also part of the OES Auction, is about one block away. You could bid on both for a family get-together or a vacation with friends. Donor: Jodi and Steve Wilkins 3004 Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon Whiskey — Family Reserve 15 Year Bottle A younger version of the famous 20-yearold Pappy Van Winkle Family Reserve, this bourbon was crafted according to an exclusive family wheated recipe. The smooth, oak flavor blends well with the barrel proof. Selected from barrels in the heart of a Kentucky warehouse, it has remained untouched for 15 years and unhurried by time. According to Paul Pacult’s Spirit Journal, this is “A whiskey connoisseur’s bonanza…remarkable find…ranks with the best whiskeys.” This bottle of Pappy Van Winkle 15-YearOld Family Reserve Whiskey is classified as rare. You will have a difficult time locating a bottle of this whiskey without searching outside of major retailers. Donors: Cedar Mill Liquor Store Lisa Miura-Guerra and Randy Guerra 92 S UP E R S I L E N T 3005 Stephanie Inn Romance Package Enjoy a two night stay at the Stephanie Inn in Cannon Beach for a great little getaway. The Romance Package and one Jeroboam of Pinot Noir from Domaine Drouhin signed by the wine maker will make the weekend complete. Donor: Keeley R. O’Brien 3006 10th Grade Basket — Spring Break Staycation This Portland Staycation package includes a Ross Island Kayak Tour for six people, three Four-Person Passes to Portland Children’s Museum, a Benihana $50 Gift Card, Slappy Cakes $50 Gift Card, two tickets to the Trail Blazers vs. Sacramento Kings game on Monday, March 28 at 7 pm at the Moda Center. Also included are a Melting Pot $100 Gift Card, a $50 Nike Gift Card, a Baskin Robbins Gift Card, a certificate to Barefoot Sage Spa for Therapy for your Feet and a SuperPlay $50 Gift Card. Donors: Andrew and Kendall Crosby James and Dana Atwood Marlee Brown and Dan Musser Nancy Davies and Bradley Schwartz Ronald and Jennifer Hapke Kenneth and Kieley Malueg Portland Kayak Company Roger and Funda Kelsay Kevin and Sally Waddell THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUC T ION 3007 3009 A Hillary Day Coat Primary Basket — Oregon Spirits: the Cocktail Variety Designer Hillary Day is driven by an appreciation for lovely simplicity, an interest in details and beautiful technology. In 2008, she debuted her line of five classic but innovative outerwear styles conceived with every woman in mind. Her coats are designed for wearers of all ages, from 25 to 95. The styles are timeless, not trendy, perfect over jeans or leggings but marked by traditional and elegant styling that lends them to be worn with a skirt and heels. The winner’s choice of a coat from the Portland studio. Donor: Hillary Day and Paul Ehrlich 3008 Two-Night Stay in Sunriver A two-night stay in a Sunriver vacation home. The home has four bedrooms, sleeps 10 comfortably. There is a hot tub, barbecue, bikes and ping pong table. Close location to shops, restaurants, playground and biking/running trails. Includes guest passes to SHARC. Donor: Kristin and Vivek Deshmukh A basket of Oregon spirits including; Barrel Hitch Oregon Oak Whiskey, New Deal Distillery Coffee Liquor, Clear Creek Distillery Apple Brandy Barrel, Bridge City Vodka, Crater Lake Hazelnut Espresso Vodka, and Big Bottom Gin. Accessories for your “Oregon” bar include a Downton Abbey 3-piece Cocktail Shaker, Two Crater Lake Spirits T-shirts, and a Glacier Whiskey Rocks Set. Donors: Elsa M. Colleran Peter and Anna Laakmann Lisa Miura-Guerra and Randy Guerra Joshua and Amy Remick Nathan Stein and Fonda Joy Lee Charles Otto and Dawn Swanson Ian and Rebecca Thompson 3010 Brasada Ranch Getaway Enjoy a three night stay in a three bedroom cabin, with a hot tub at beautiful Brasada Ranch. The cabin is conveniently located close to the main Ranch House and Athletic center. This package includes four rounds of golf and dinner for two at the Ranch House. Donor: Nicholas and Susan Proudman T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION SU PE R SILE NT 93 3011 3013 Lewis River Treehouse Five Nights in a Sunriver Vacation Home Spend a weekend at a two-bedroom guest house at Camp Stanley, enjoying fishing, candle making, archery, and ceramics. Less than an hour drive, but a whole world away! Escape to Camp Stanley on the Lewis River for a weekend getaway in their cozy tree house. The two bedrooms comfortably accommodate your family. Enjoy quiet game time, active adventures like fishing and archery, or creative pursuits. Donor: Nicholas and Carolyn Stanley Enjoy five nights in a Sunriver vacation home. This lodge-style two story cabin is near Fort Rock Park. There are three bedrooms and two baths. Enjoy the poker table/game table off of the living room, and pool table in the loft. Vaulted ceilings, open great room with TV and Blu-Ray player, WiFi, stainless steel appliances and all new furnishings wrap you in comfort all year. Being centrally located makes it easy to enjoy activities all over Sunriver! 3012 Donor: Brian Bogatin and Maja Hrbek Blue Colonel Spode China 3014 A set of Blue Colonel Spode china that includes nine complete settings and four additional dinner plates. Donor: Carina Luyties Pearl MedSpa Package The package includes three Photofacial laser treatments and three Laser Genesis skin resurfacing laser treatments from Pearl MedSpa, Pearl MedSpa skin care products, and a cosmetics bag are also included. Donor: Pearl MedSpa 94 S UP E R S I L E N T THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUC T ION 3015 3016 4th Grade Basket — Health and Wellness Custom-Made Necklace This 4th grade wellness package includes Nike soccer gloves, books, home ambiance perfume, a $50 gift card to Kure Juice Bar, a $50 gift card to Bio Foot Reflexology, a $50 gift card to Barre 3, a $50 gift card to Lulemon, a Nike basketball, Nike bag, Nike Mojo golf balls, Nike soccer ball, Nike soccer socks, Nike Golf X2 Sunglasses, a $50 gift card to Dosha Spa, a $50 gift card to Laughing Planet, a $25 gift card to Prasad, Earbuds, yoga bricks (2), a EcoSmart yoga mat and slingstrap, and a three pack of Speedo goggles. Donors: Marlee Brown and Dan Musser Qing Gao Adam and Betty Kobos Sangmin and Hannah Lee Rui Li Nicholas and Susan Proudman Brett and Leah Rath Eric and Amanda Reveno Roger and Funda Kelsay Eric and Amy Simpson Warren and Michelle Tubbs Valerie Weiss Custom-made chalcedony and gold necklace in mint by MPC Designs. MPC Designs, which specializes in producing unique and joyful precious and semi-precious jewelry, is the culmination of Melissa Carlson’s more than 20 years of immersion in retail, design, and high-end fashion. Formally trained at London’s famed Inchbald School of Design, Melissa considers her life to be one of continuing education, especially during her fortunate employ with these industry leaders: for Hardy Amies on Saville Row; among the bolts of fabric and antiques at Colfax & Fowler; in the treasure-packed hallways of Sotheby’s, London (Client Services & Fine Jewelry) and, finally, in the warm embrace of elegant Dalton Brody. With MPC Designs’ range of prices, Melissa aims to deliver joy to all audiences, maintaining a simple foundational philosophy: all pieces are individual, and all pieces are endlessly customizable to each individual. Donor: Melissa Carlson THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION SU PE R SILE NT 95 3017 T-shirt Quilt or Wall Hanging This is a personally sewn quilt or wall hanging made from T-shirts you send to the quilter. Each of those shirts might bring to mind a favorite team, class, concert or activity. T-shirt quilts serve many purposes: warmth, laughter, love and memories. The average T-shirt quilt is twin- to full-sized utilizing 12-20 shirts (or logos....from front, back, sleeves). You supply the shirts and, within 6-8 weeks, Carrolyn will provide the quilt or wall hanging. Donors: Carrolyn M Vidal It’s Sew U Keepsakes 3018 Mt. Hood Government Camp Getaway at the Grand Lodges The Grand Lodges at Collins Lake Resort is proud to present two consecutive nights in the luxurious accommodations of Grand Lodge Unit #5. Up to eight guests can be accommodated. Amenities include full kitchen, laundry facilities, gas fireplace, deck, pool, hot tub, and sauna. The Grand Lodges at Collins Lake Resort is Oregon’s newest destination resort, located in the heart of Mt. Hood’s recreation paradise! It is within minutes of Mt. Hood Skibowl and Timberline Lodge, and located in the Village of Government Camp. As a bonus of staying with us, you will receive a VIP Gold Card to use during your stay. 96 SUPER SILENT The VIP Gold Card will get you exclusive discounts throughout Government Camp. This offer is not valid during holiday periods, special event periods or on weekends in January, February, and July. Donor: Jennifer and Richard Young 3019 3 Extraordinary Bottles of Wine 3 bottles of wine: 1995 Sine Qua Non, The Other Hand. Red Wine • 1996 Sine Qua Non, Against the Wall, Red Wine • 2002 Sine Qua Non, Mr. K The Noble Man, Dessert Wine • Here is your chance to experience some of the most sought-after and praiseworthy cult wines. Sine Qua Non wines are available by mailing list only, which has a years long waiting list. The wines are regularly reviewed as some of the best red wines available. The 1996 Against the Wall (Syrah blend) received 94 points from Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate and 92 points from Wine Spectator. The 1995 The Other Hand (red Rhone blend), is extraordinarily rare, commanding premium prices in the secondary market. Finally, the 2002 dessert wine, Mr. K, The Noble Man (half bottle), a collaboration between Austrian winemaker Alois Kracher and Sine Qua Non, is sold to members on a dessert-wine only mailing list and THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUC T ION received 94 points from Parker’s Wine Advocate. All wines were purchased directly from the winery upon release and stored continuously in a temperature-controlled cellar. Both red wines have a small scratch on the front of the label caused by storage racking. Good luck and enjoy! Donor: William Fanning and Carrie Grove-Fanning An acrylic painting depicting bamboo trees with large green foliage in the right quadrant. Black, metal float frame. Donor: Estelle Kelley 3049 Manzanita Marsh By Carol Sims An acrylic painting of a realistic marsh scene with water in the lower half of the composition. Unframed. Donor: Estelle Kelley Bamboo With Lipstick Palms By Carol Sims 48"h x 60"w 3046 48"h x 72"w 3048 Bird of Paradise By Carol Sims An acrylic painting depicting bird of paradise with large green foliage. Unframed. 48"h x 60"w Donor: Estelle Kelley 3047 Autographed Grimm Poster and Framing An autographed Grimm Poster with a $100 gift card to Beard’s Framing. Donor: Beard’s Framing Todd Milliner T HE 30T H A NNUAL OE S AU CTION SU PE R SILE NT 97 OES STUFF 3050 3053 Reserved Parking Spot at the 2016 St. Nick’s Chapel Care Package for your Child Away at College A reserved parking spot at the 2016 St. Nick’s Chapel. A monthly care package of homemade treats will be sent to your child at college. This includes the months from September through May. YUM! 3054 Donor: Karen Seder Reserved Parking Spot for Homecoming 2016 A reserved parking spot for Homecoming 2016. 3051 Middle School Book Basket 3056 Favorite books donated by a group of Middle School faculty. Some have been made into movies and some are just favorite books. Reserved Parking Spot on Opening Day for the 2016–2017 School Year Donors: Charley Adams Tessa Daniel Sara Fromme Benno Lyon Cindy McEnroe Anna Rozzi Karen Seder Ann Sulzer Nancy Teskey 3052 OES Doll Bed and Chair Handmade OES doll bed, chair, and desk. 98 SUPER SILENT A reserved parking spot on Opening Day for the 2016-2017 School Year. 3057 Lunch With Head of School Mo Copeland Lunch for one student with Head of School Mo Copeland in the OES Dining Hall. Donor: Mo Copeland THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUCTIO N 3058 3061 If You Give an Aardvark a Cookie Four Front Row Seats at the Middle School Promotion One lucky Lower School class will enjoy stories and treats from Lower School Faculty and Staff. After school from 3:05–4:00 pm in the Lower School Library on a mutually agreeable date. Four Front Row Seats at the Thursday, June 16, 2016, Middle School Promotion. Includes a reserved parking spot. Donor: Heidi Hackenjos 3062 Four Front Row Seats at the Upper School Commencement Ceremony 3059 Horticultural Workshop for 6 to 8 People The workshop on basic horticultural techniques will last two to three hours and will include potting up, potting on, seed sowing, separating seed, bulb planting, leaf and stem cutting, and basic care. All techniques will be practiced, and all materials will be provided by the donor. Donor: Peter Langley Four Front Row Seats at the June 17, 2016, Upper School Commencement Ceremony. 3063 North End Men’s Jacket North End men’s stone colored windsmart jacket, size large. Water resistant with OES logo. Donor: OES School Store 3060 Four Front Row Seats at the Lower School Promotion Four front row seats at the Wednesday, June 15, 2016, Lower School Promotion. Seats are behind the Lower School students and will be reserved for you. Includes a reserved parking spot. THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION SU PE R SILE NT 99 3064 3065 Speedstack Mt. Hood Mountain Bike Expedition Join Speed Stacking Team coach and Lower School PE teacher, Stephanie Rankin, for a speed stacking class for 5-10 people. Speed Stacking is an amazing sport of fitness, agility, concentration and speed. This activity helps develop sequencing, motor skills, patterning, and concentration, while having a blast! Fun for ages 4-400!! This packages includes a Speed Stack Fast Set. Donors: Stephanie Rankin Speed Stacks, Inc. Go with Dan Thompson, an employee of OES (Maintenance), to a place he calls Dan’s Disneyland. So you have skied Mt. Hood and you have hiked Mt. Hood; now it’s time to Mountain Bike Mt. Hood! Biking skills and cardio endurance are needed for this event. Beginner mountain bikers will bike through Government Camp onto a lower trail and enjoy a beautiful trail at the base of Mt. Hood, with lunch provided at Mt. Hood Brewing Co. Intermediate riders will be shuttled for free to Timberline Lodge where we will pick up a trail. Welcome to Dan’s Disneyland, where he will teach you helpful skills, with frequent water and snack breaks on one of the most thrilling bike rides of your life. Lunch will be provided here as well. If you’re not too tired, you will do it a second time. Donor: Dan Thompson 3066 Home Brew Session with Brad Kuhns Brew a five-gallon batch of the beer of your choice with OES Tech guru and seasoned home brewer, Brad Kuhns. Join in on the process and end up with two cases of custom beer to share with your friends. Home Brew Session Donor: Brad Kuhns 10 0 S UP E R S I L E N T THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUC T ION 3067 3069 OES Summer Program $200 Credit Boys Lacrosse Lessons with Coach Sullivan $200 Credit towards any summer class in the 2016 OES Summer Program. Two 45- minute lacrosse lessons with OES Athletic Director, Dennis Sullivan, who will personalize the lesson for your son depending on his experience and goals. It does not matter if your son has been playing for 10 years or is picking up a lacrosse stick for the first time, Coach Sullivan will help him develop his skills and increase his love and understanding of the game of lacrosse. Donor: OES Summer Program 3068 Doubles Tennis Clinic with Coach Coleen Davis One 90- minute doubles clinic from OES girls’ tennis coach, Coleen Davis, named 2014 National Coach of the Year in girls’ tennis by the National Federation of State High School Associations. Coleen has coached at OES for 27 years. During that time she has been named state coach of the year seven times, and her team has been the state champion eight times. Donor: Dennis Sullivan Donor: Coleen Davis T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION SU PE R SILE NT 10 1 OES SCHOOL STORE Now in Morris House, downstairs. Use Admissions entrance. Open Mon– Fri • 2– 4 p.m. Shop 24 / 7 at OES SUMMER PROGRAMS 2016 10 2 Summer time is the perfect time for... LACROSSE MAKER SPACES ANIMATION MUSIC SOCCER MINECRAFT THEATER LEADERSHIP BASKETBALL ARDUINO PHOTOGRAPHY SAT PREP PARKOUR ROBOTICS SEWING PAINTING CULINARY ARTS ROCKETRY SERVICE LEARNING …AND MORE! GRADES PRE-K–12 • REGISTER ONLINE STARTING FEB. 15 • JUNE 27–AUGUST 19 • FULL DAY CAMPS • PARTIAL DAY CAMPS BEFORE AND AFTER CARE AVAILABLE S UP E R S I L E N T THE 30TH ANNUAL OES AUC T ION 4455 SW Greenhills Way $2,500,000 2907 NW Monte Vista Terrace $2,175,000 SUZANN BARICEVIC MURPHY (503) 789-1033 [email protected] 2670 SW Georgian Place $1,325,000 3114 NW Verde Vista Terrace $1,975,000 7045 SW Newton Place $1,275,000 NW Verde Vista Terrace Lot $1,300,000 $180,000 5150 High Ridge Road The Original Pancake House is proud to support the OES Auction 2016 DONORS AAA Oregon Stephen and Leslie Aaron Charlie Adams Charlie and Stephanie Allderdice Andrew and Kendall Crosby Annie Bloom’s Books Anonymous Antonio’s House of Coffee Robert and Ann Armstrong James and Dana Atwood Maziar Azadpour and Farnosh Ghasemi Baja Fresh Lake Oswego Brandon and Susan Burner Bankowski Robin Barnstead-Long Barre 3, Portland Toni Holmberg Beard’s Framing Christopher Bender and Caitlin Morris-Bender Bendistillery Bigfoot Lacrosse Portland Big Winds Hood River Geoffrey and Ashley Bingham Daniel and Kimberly Bissell Black Bear Diner Beaverton Marten and Kristin Bloom Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Brian Bogatin and Marjorie Hrbek Renata and Morgan Bonar Boogie Wipes-Nehemiah Manufacturing Company Todd Andrew and Anne Borus Derek and Pace Bowers John and Kristin Bradley Brasada Ranch / Northview Hotel Group Leah Brecunier and Brian Dunn Beth Breiten Marlee Brown and Robert Musser Moira and Michael Buckley Carol and Ian Bull Bull Run Distilling Co. Joseph and Andrea Burdick Carole Burton Valerie Weiss Capital Genealogy Melissa Carlson Christopher and Diane Carter Catering by Lori Gooch Cedar Mill Liquor Store Central Bark James Chan and Jennifer Edman Ronald and Catherine Chan Tabon and Soolynn Chang Charles Fine Art Portraits Weiguo Chen and Shuhua Li Emily Chessar Chocolate Lab Expeditions ClarkLewis ClubSport Oregon Coffee Rush Elsa M. Colleran Frank and Wendy Collie William and Nancy Collins Mo and Chris Copeland Jeremy and Mercedes Corey Rene Cowell Crowley Wine Curves in Multnomah Village Tessa Daniel David D’Ascenzo and Emily Groth Dave’s Killer Bread Nancy Davies and Bradley Schwartz Coleen Davis Viju and Aishwarya Bhat Deenadayalu Dennis Uniform Manufacturing Company Kristin and Vivek Deshmukh Alan Dinger and Shari Reed Disney Corporate T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION TH ANK YOU 103 2016 DONORS Thomas Thieu and Deanne Do Mary and Scott Dolich Serge and Nicole Domkowski Dr. Joseph A. Dugoni — Dugoni Orthodontics Robert and RayAnn DuBose Julie Duke and André Martin Paul and Kristina Durant Olivia Durant Eastside Distilling Paul Ehrlich and Hillary Day Ehrlich Sarah and Alexander Ellis EMP Museum Christian and Brandie Ettinger Face First Facial and Body Care Salon Farber Swim School Mark and Kim Feller Jessica and Garrett Fenton Andrew and Shauneen Field James and Michelle Fitzhenry Mark and Courtney Fitzloff Sara Fromme Full Sail Brewing Company G. Williker’s Toy Shoppe Qing Gao Frank and Kristina Geary Gene and Sally Kolbe John and Karen Getz Elizabeth and Thomas Gewecke Christopher and Nita Gibson Jason and April Gilster Verity and Antony Goldstein Lori Gooch Grand Central Baking Co. Trent and Mary Lou Green William and Carrie Grove-Fanning Heidi Hackenjos Nels Hage George Hale and Kara Oringdulph-Hale 10 4 T HA N K YO U Anna and Frank Halpin Angela Hancock Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa Tom Handel Ronald and Jennifer Hapke Joshua Schindler and Andrea Herzka David Hasson and Sharon Toncray Head and Heart Intelligence David and Joy Heinecke Scott Hendrickson and Catherine Kubik Aaron and Kathleen Hicks Elizabeth Highet Christina and David Hillis Hillsboro Hops Professional Baseball Holland Studios Hopworks Urban Brewery Pamela and Fritz Hummelt Steven Hunt and Cynthia Caraballo-Hunt Patrick and Betty Inscore Imperial Restaurant Lara Ingham Ivar’s and Kidd Valley Restaurants Cameron Jack Kazuaki and Yuko Jindai Joanne Devlin — Pump It Up Kevin and Marina Johnson Marianne Johnson Darren Jones and Diane Engelhard Jones Jordi and Lisa Kellogg Adam and Stephanie Kjar Kaady Car Wash Benjamin Kaiser and Erin Livengood Estelle Kelley and Jason Weber Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub Jennie Kiffmeyer Mary Kilo Margueritte and Gene Kim Kimberli Ransom Photography Dori and Maurice King T HE 30T H ANNUAL O ES AUCTIO N 2016 DONORS Donna and Travis Knight Adam and Betty Kobos Elena and Ethan Korngold Brad and Lorena Kuhns Kuni BMW Sean Kuni and Elizabeth Austin Peter and Anna Laakmann Lake Oswego Hunt Riding Academy Lake Theatre and Cafe Lakewood Theatre Company Mark and Kathryn Landauer Peter Langley Laserport Priscilla Le and Linh Dao Alexandra Lee and Richard Sohn Sangmin and Hannah Lee David Stein and Fonda Lee LEGO Education Bart and Maureen Lematta Maija and Kaija Lematta Les Schwab Tire Center — Washington Square Wesley Lewis Jing Li and Yongping Liu Dr. Rui Li Jim and Liz Lund Kate Lieber and Monique Matheson Charles and Amy Lindholm James and Julie Lovestrand Carina and Frederic Luyties Benno Lyon Magnum Opus Hair Salon Kenneth and Kieley Malueg Massage Envy Kirstin McAuley Tod and Veronica McClaskey Cindy McEnroe Malcolm and Rico McIver McMenamins Jessica McVay and John Trojanowicz Metaamo Studio Tna Meyerhoff Michelle Steinback, Cedar and Moss Micro Kickboard Ann Miller and Desiree Bliss Todd Milliner Lisa Miura-Guerra and Randy Guerra Randy and Tammy Moe Christine Monfor Moonstruck Chocolate Company Christopher and Laura Moran Don and Alicia Morissette Peter and Bridget Morningstar Kevin and Laura Murphy My Masterpiece Art Studio Chris Myers Susan Namkung Torch and Robert Torch Anthony and Natalia Neal New Deal Distillery New Seasons Market Next Adventure Lai Wa Ng and Alvin Chi-Kin Chow Jon and Jennifer Nicolazzo Noodles and Company Northwest Children’s Theater Keeley O’Brien Shannon Parker and David O’Brien Occasions Fine Gifts OES After School Program OES Lower School OES Middle School OES School Store Declan O’Hare and Nan Hanson Sean and Hilary O’Hollaren Rory O’Hollaren Ollar Photography OMSI Oregon Children’s Theatre T HE 30T H ANNUAL OE S AU CTION TH ANK YOU 10 5 2016 DONORS Oregon Symphony Scott and Debra Pajor Eric Young Park and Grace J Lee-Park Park Kitchen Allison Parshall Pearl MedSpa Pedal Bike Tours Peju Province Winery Rachel Phelps Frances Phillips Piccolo Mondo Toys Pier 39 Kay Pinkava Pittock Mansion Play It Again Sports Cindy Plummer Portland Center Stage Portland Kayak Company Portland Timbers Ruchi Prakash and Manish Mehta Vincent and Laurie Price Nicholas and Susan Proudman Provenence Hotels R. Stuart and Co. Winery Raccoon Lodge and Brewpub Stephanie Rankin Brett and Leah Rath Sarah and Kevin Raymond Red Tail Golf Academy Regal Entertainment Group Regal Entertainment Rejuvenation, Inc Joshua and Amy Remick James and Joan Reveno Eric and Amanda Reveno Evan and Rebecca Roberts Roger and Funda Kelsay Jon and Beth Rosch Sarah Ross-Bailly and Devin Bailly 10 6 T HA N K YO U Anna Rozzi Kenneth Ruoff and Jean Linscott Megan Ruoff Jonathan and Jaime Sales Sammys Flowers Debby Schauffler Nathan and Mari Schwalbach Sammy Schwarz and Adam Murray Sea Glass Fine Art Photography Mark and Mary Seabright Karen Seder Kevin and Nora Semonson Shawn and Sandy Patrick Sherwood Ice Arena Samuel and Jennifer Shiley Eric and Amy Simpson Anna Sipowicz Patricia and Steven Sipowicz Sky High Sports Portland John Slusher and Christine Carr Melissa Smith and Michael Gillson Elizabeth Smith Sheridan and Whitney Snyder Ron and Vanessa Sorensen Speed Stacks, Inc. Joy Spencer Elaina Spring and Darrin Eden Timothy and Elizabeth Smith Stand Together Nicholas and Carolyn Stanley Starbucks — Pike Place Market Eric Stecker and Katherine Strelich Nathan Stein and Fonda Lee Sean and Jill Stone Studio Christy Photography Dennis Sullivan Ann Sulzer Sunset Lanes Sunset Porsche T HE 30T H ANNUAL O ES AUCTIO N 2016 DONORS Superplay Family Entertainment Center Charles and Dawn Swanson Sylvan Learning Center Margaret Synan-Russell Alexander and Fiona Tait Nancy Teskey The Bent Brick The Broadway Rose Theatre Company The Grand Hotel The Original Pancake House Thinker Toys Dan Thompson Ian and Rebecca Thompson Becky Tooley Toro Bravo Mitchell Tracy and Christina Gong Julie Tsai Warren and Michelle Tubbs Kerry Tymchuk UU Yogurt Kevin and Kysa Vassily Carrolyn Vidal Heike and Eric von der Heyden Kevin and Sally Waddell Elliott Waksman, MA Eileen and Bashar Wali Gisela Walitzki Walnut Village, LLC Deborah and Benjamin Walsh Walt Disney Family Museum Kimberly and Kieran Waterson Kaie Wellman and Kevin de Garmo Susan West West Portland Physical Therapy Clinic LLC Western Pet Supply Westside Dance and Gymnastics Academy Wildlife Safari Jodi and Steve Wilkins Willamette Valley Vineyards Scott and Traci Williams Brandon Wilson and Shannon Lewis Wilsonville Family Fun Center and Bullwinkles Restaurant Wine and Growl Michael and Katherine Witteman World Affairs Council of Oregon World Forestry Center Wendy and Carter Wray Young Art Jennifer and Richard Young Yuen Lui Studio Lyn and Joe Zenisek Yao Yuan Brandy Ziegenbalg Zupan’s Markets Pre-K Families 1st Grade Families 2nd Grade families 3rd Grade Families 4th Grade Families 5th Grade Families 6th Grade Families 7th Grade Families 8th Grade Families 9th Grade Families 10th Grade Families 11th Grade Families 12th Grade Families THE 30TH ANNUAL OE S AU CTION TH ANK YOU 107 NORTHWEST INSURANCE PROUD SUPPORTER OF THE OES AUCTION! 2701 NW Vaughn St., Suite 340 Portland OR 97210 | [email protected] | OR & SW WA “When given an opportunity, deliver excellence and never quit.” — ROBERT RODRÍGUEZ Rebel Without a Crew, or How a 23-Year-Old Filmmaker With $7,000 Became a Hollywood Player 10 8 T HE 3 0 T H A N N UAL O ES AUCTIO N