Burnt Offerings and Bloodstained Sands
Burnt Offerings and Bloodstained Sands
z 4 0 rl 7 m BURNT OFFERINGS -Z AND Z BLOODSTAINED SANDS ;a 0 u w I- 0 0 w 4 > (n z M u (n > Z u (n I'SI'CI I(~l'oI,lrllI~s AN 1) '1'1 IC I SLICRIFIC~C0 1 7 '1'1113 PIIOIZNIX COPYRIGHT POSITION STATEMENT AND DISCLAIMER The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind. All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen. If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four comers of the world--so that each could decide histher own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH. So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction"). The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were. If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course. BURNT OFFERINGS AND B 1 a Q O D S ' ] ' M ~ OPQMCJCS AND THE SACRIFICE OF mE-&lQEb&!X , . . i BURNT OFFERINGS AND i ISBN 0-922356-33-5 1 I BLOODSTAINED SANDS I First Edition Printed by America West Publishers, 199 1 1 I PHOENIX SOURCE DISTRIBUTORS,INC. P. 0.BOX 27353 PSYCHOPOLITICS AND THE SACRIFICE OF THE PHOENIX U S WGAS, NV 89126 GYEORGOS CERES IIATONN . . DliDICATION ........ ....... A ........ . . . . . .................I INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 5 CIIAIrL'ER I ......................................................................5 WHO WILL HEAR AND SEE THAT WHICH IS? .................. 5 COMhlUNIST MANIFESTO PLANKS ................................8 CHAPTER 2 ...................................................................... 19 TODAY'S WA'L'CH ......................................................19 RUSSIAN TEXTBOOK O N MIND-CONTROL (PSYCHOPOLITICS) ........................................20 IMPORTANT.. SO LISTEN UP, BELOVED LAMBS ...........22 AI)I)RESS UY LAVENrlA UERIA ........................ . ........ 23 CHAPTER 3 ...................................................................... 26 PSYCIIOPOLITICS: HISTORY AND DEFINITION ........ .. 26 TIIE CONSTITUTION OF MAN AS A POI. I'I'ICAL ORGANISM ............................................................. 28 MAN AS AN ECONOMIC ORGANISM ..........................30 CHAPTER 4 ...................................................................... 35 STATE GOALS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL AND MASSES ... 35 EXAMINATION OF LOYALTIES ........................ ........ 36 CIfAFTER 5 ..........................;........................................... 40 CONTINUATION OF RUSSIAN TEXTBOOK ON PSYCHOPOLITICS............................................. 40 CHAPTER 6 ......................................................................45 . TODAY'S WATCH ...................................................... 45 THE G E N ER A L SUBJECT OF OBEDIENCE .................... 46 CHAPTER 7 ....................................................................... 52 PSYCHOPOLITICS-.MIND.C'ONTROL ( RUSSIAN I EXTBOOK) ............................................................ 52 ANATOMY OF STIMULUS-RESPONSE MECHANISMS OF MAN ................................................................ 52 DEGRADATION, SHOCK AND ENDURANCE ................. 56 CONDUCT UNDER FIRE ............................................. 59 C H A F E R 8 ...................................................................... 60 PSYCHOPOLIT1CS.- MINDCONTROL (RUSSIAN TEXTBOOK) CONTINUED ......................................... 60 CONIXICT UNDER FIRE .............................................60 .. .. .. THE USli OF PSYCHOI'OI.ITICS IN SPREAUINC; COMMUNISM ......................................................... 62 THE RECRUITING OF PSYCHOPOLITICAL Dll13LS......... 62 THE SMASHING OF REIdGIOUS GROUPS ............. .... 63 PROPOSALS WHICH MUST BE AVOIDI<D!.................... 65 SUMMARY .................................................................66 CHAPTER 9 ......................................................................68 TODAY'S WATCH ......................................................68 CANCELLATION OF T E SOVIET1U.S. SIJMhlIT ...........68 IS THERE HELP FOR YOUR SO-CALLED "CHRISTIAN" COUNTRIES? ...................................... 69 SICK OF THE SUBJEC'I"! .............................................69 SPETSNAZ ................................................................. 69 ALL OVER THE MAP ....................... :....................... 70 CONNECTIONS ........................................................... 73 INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST NEI'WOHK ...................... 74 TARGETS................................................................... 74 1i0W MANY ARE THERE? l.O'I'S!! ............................ 75 TRAINING ................................................................. 75 .............. 76 MISSION OF THE TROPAS..................... . . CHAPTER LO ........................... ....... .............................. 79 TODAY'S WATCH .................................................... 79 TODAY'S WATCH IN SPECIFICS ..........:...................... 81 A MEETING TOMORROW? .......................................... 82 NOW FOR SPACE-MEN AND UFO's............................. 82 MARIE, IN COLORADO .................... . ...................... 0'2 CHAPTER 11 ..................................................................... 84 TODAY'S WATCH ...................................................... 84 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY? .............................................. 85 TAX CHANGES .......................................................... 86 TRUTH ...................................................................... 87 MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT NOT ATTACIIED 1'0 ISRAEL? ................................................................. 88 BLIND LEADING BLIND ............................................. 88 AND WHAT ABOUT SOMALIA? ................................. 88 EXPERTS ...................................................................88 COMMON SENSE .......................... ..... . . . . . . . . 88 CHAPTER 12 .................................................................... 90 TODAY'S WATCII .................................................. 90 POINTS TO PONDER .................................................. 91 .. . . NUCLEAR CAPABILITY ...............................................9 1 .. S O SOMETHING LOOKS STRANGE ABOUT THIS WHOLE THING? ............................. .................... 92 D O YOU STOP AND PLAY DEAD? .............................92 RED DAWN UPON YOlJ? ............................................94 RETALIATION ............................................................ 9 5 SOME ITEMS O F INTEREST ........................................ 95 CHAPTER 13 ......................... . . ........................................ 98 OIL AND OTHER GOOD THINGS ...................... ....9 8 NOW CONSIDER THE TRU'I'II O F T H E SITUATION ...... 9 9 SALT MINES............................................................ 100 GOOD HELPERS ......................................................... 101 MEXICAN WAR AGAINST AMERICA? ..........................101 GENEROUS UNCLE SAM ............................................ 101 PEASANT LAND INVASIONS ..................................... 102 COULD T H E RUSSIANS INVADE T l f E U.S.? ................. 102 S O WIIAT, NOW THAT YOU'RE SCARED OUT O F YOUR WITS? .................................................. 104 CHAPTER 14............................................................... 107 TODAY'S WATCH ..................................................... 107 TROOPS IN SAUDI ARABIA ...................................... 107 LITHUANIA TODAY ................................. .......... 107 WHY IS DHARMA STILL ALIVE? ................................ 108 WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? ..............................................108 DOOM AND GLOOM? ................................................ 109 NATURAL PHENOMENON ........................................... 110 C:HArl'ER IS ..................................................................... 112 TODAY'S WATCH ...................................................... 112 PEACE. PEACE.. THEY CLAIMED .................................112 wmwr ..................................................................... 114 WHY O N EARTH WOULD RUSSIA D O THIS?............... 114 (:AN Y O U NOT SEE? .................................................i 1'5 HOW LONG WILL THIS LAST? .................................... 116 CIIAPTER 16 ................................................................... 119 TODAY'S WATCH .................................................... 119 POISED FOR WHAT? ..................................................I19 WHEN, AMERICA? .................................................... 120 CHAPTER 17 ............................. ...................................122 ...................................................... TODAY'S WATCH 122 T H E WAR AT HAND IN T H E MIDDLE EAST ..............123 . . . . . . . . CHAPTER 18 .......................................................... 1. 125 TODAY'S WATCH .................................. i..... . . . . . . . .125 TERRORISM ............................................................... 127 PROPHECIES ..............................................................129 . , EZEKIEL CHAPTER 38 ................................................ I30 EZEKIEL CHAPTER 39 .......................................... ?'.... 131 .' MASTER ESU SANANDA 'IESUS., T H E PALE PROPHET ............................................................... 133 1116/91 SANANDA ..................................................... 133 1/17/91 SANANDA ..................................................... 135 CHAFTt?R 19 ................................................................. 136 TODAY'S WATCH ..................................................... 136 CAMP DAVID ............................................................ 136 WHILE N O ONE WATCHES ........................................ 137 ANTARCTICA ............................................................. 140 DESERT STORM! ........................................................ I40 ANOTHER WARNING .............................................. 141 WORST CASE ............................................................ 142 GET A BIT OP TRUTHFUL INFORMATION TO CONSIDER ...........1................................................ 112 HENRY KISSINGER-AGAIN! ........................................ 143 PUNCH LINE ............................................................. 113 CHAPTER 2 0..................................................................... 145 TODAY'S WATCH ......................................................145 LIES? MIGHT THEY TELL YOU i.IES? .......:.................146 COULD THERE BE A DOUBLED-UP DOUBLE-CROSS? ... 147 ALL BIGOTS DOWN PLEASE.. I AM GOING T O SAY 'IEWISH': .......................................................148 T H E IMPENDlNG PRO-JEWISH WAR IN THE MIDDLE-EAST ........................................................ 148 PLANNED DESTRUCTION O F IRAQ ............................. 150 COME IN, DR. GERALD V . BULL ............................... I50 PRETEXT IN ACl'lON ................................................. 152 PRE-MEDITATED CARE AND CAUTION .......................I53 ADDITIONAL SICKENING ASPECT ............................... 153 WINNERS AND LOSERS .......................................... 154 NO PLANS FOR T H E FUTURE .........:......:................... I55 A REMINDER O F SOMETHING T O PONDER THIS DAY 156 CHAPTER 21 .....................................................................157 TODAY'S WATCH .................................................... 157 . HOW DO YOU FOOL A NATION? ...............................157 PATRIOT MISSILES IN ISRAEL .................... . . ........... 158 EXECU'SIVE ORDER ALREADY ACTIVE ....................... 159 WILL NO ONE HEAR OR SEE? ................... ............ 160 WHAT ABOUT RACE? ................................................ 162 CHAPTER 22 ..................................................................... 166 TODAY'S WATCH ...................................................... 166 CHAPI'ER 23 ................................................................... 168 TODAY'S WATCH .................................................... 168 TREASON AND ACCUSATIONS THEREOF .................... 163 NUCLEAR STRIKE! .................................................... I69 SHAMIR AND EAGLEBURGER .....................................170 HANDWRITING ON WALLS ......................................... 170 SUPER-POWER CONFRONTATION? ............................... 171 171 AGAIN-. HENRY KlSSlNGER ...................................... THE ISRAELI CARD ................................................... 172 WHAT ABOUT THESE WARS? ................................... 173 CHAPTER 24 .....................................................................175 TODAY'S WATCH ...................................................... 175 NO ARAB NOTICE IN SAUDI ARABIA ......................... 177 LESSON IN CURRENCY EXCHANGE ............................177 WATCH THE PATRIOTS .............................................. 178 GAS MASKS .............................................................. 179 1-OOK AND LISTEN .................................................. 180 CHAPTER 25 .......................;............................................. 182 162' TODAY'S WATCH ..................................................... CEASAR'S WORLD? .................................................... 182 BANKERS AND POLITICIANS ...................................... 182 PERHAPS YOU WILL TAKE NOTE WHEN THE : BANKS CLOSE ........................................................183 RECESSION? NO DEPRESSION! .................................184 HOW DID THE BANKING MESS COME TO BE? ........... 185 BANK RUNS .............................................................. 186 'WELL, I'LL BUY REAL ESTATE!' 188 CHAPTER 26.................................................................... 190. PLEASE LISTEN TO ME! ..........................................190 A SHORT WAR? ......................................................... 190 ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER? ..................................... 191 NOW LOOK AT WEAPONS ........................................ 191 FORMIDABLE DEFENSES ............................................ 192 . . . ............................... FACE WALL OF 1:IKE ................................................ 193 NEW TYPE WEAPON ............................................. 193 GRAB FOR POWER .................................................... 194 ISRAEI. (PALESTINE) IS NO FRIEND ...........................195 EASY TO START WAR ..... 196 CHAFSER 27 ........................... I99 TODAY'S WATCH .................... . . . .......................... I99 SPY SAI'ELIJTE COUI. D BE BEST IRAQI WAR TOOL ............................................................199 JANUARY 27 1991 ................................. . ..............2(X) 'TODAY'S WA'TCIi ...................................................... 2M) WAR ON OIL SPILL? ................................................. 201 REMEMBER 'THE DEATH RAY 1 DESCKlDfiD PRIOR TO THIS? .................................................... 202 HOW AUOU'I' TROOPS AND KIGH'IS AND I'ANAMA? ... 204 OH Y O U W A N T "HOME NEWS* A N D wIIA'r ABOUT TERRORISTS?............................................. 204 CASUALTIES IN ATI'ACK ON BAGHDAD ........... . ... 204 SADDAM HIISSEIN WAS SURPRISED! .......................... 205 NOW BACK TO THE TERRORISTS...................... ........ 205 SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE AND THE GANDER ..............206 THE BIG EAR ............................................................ 206 YOU ARE NO SAFER TODAY ................... . ............. 207 ODDS AND ENDS ............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 IS GUN CONTROL A SERIOUS MAITER? ............:....... 207 AND WHY DID CONGRFSS CLAIM TO VOTE FOR WAR? .............................................................208 ISRAEUCHINA-. GET READY! .................... . ............ 208 THIRD PARTIES ......................................................... 208 MORE HELP ..................... ................................. 209 CHAPTER 28 ..................................................................... 211 TODAY'S WATCH ................................................... 211 HUMANOID ROBOMIDS/RNA, DNA DOURI.FS (GENETIC) .............................................................. 212 A LlTTLE BACKGROUND ........................................... 214 NOT PERFECTED .................................................. 216 CHANGE OF SUFUECT--TO SPACE CRAIT ...................216 RAINBOW DANCERS ............................................... 217 END ................................................................................. 218 BOOKBLURBS, BOOKHLIST AND ORDERING INFORMATION . 2 19 . . . . . . REC X1 ATON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1991 7:45 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 169 This Journal is dedicated to SFC THEODORE BRUTON who resides in the desert of Saudi Arabia--lonely, frightened and expecting to die for that which he understands not. There are others, nameless for many -s, whom we honor equally but we herein acknowledge this young man and his maw and so shall it come lo pass as this transition of a blessed planet c o w to fruition. I HONOR MY CHtLDREN WHO HAVE GONE FORTH TO BEAR THE BANNER OF TRUTH EVEN UNTO THE PLACES OF HELL AND SO SHALL THEY COME INTO THE SECURITY AND SAFETY OF MINE ARMY AGAINST WHICH NONE CAN PREVAIL. Patriotic? Beyond your ability to measure! He is sent forth in service to his country and will serve lo the best of his ability for as long as he can do so. tie wants to come home so that he can bring truth to a blind populace. I have news for tl~isyoung man--he is come to Earth for purpose and, albeit a strange place to find truth--where better? How could you be sent from Higher Cause into a nightmare lo serve? Where better than where lmth is even more hidden from thine eyes? Contribution to God is wondrous experience indeed. 1 AM ATON AND THAT WHICH I DECREE SHALL BE THAT WHICH WILL COME TO PASS IN THE ULTIMATE PLAY AND EXPERIENCE. Dharma. put to print a letter received yesterday from a youn man in Saudi Arabia that others might find solace in the petitions coming bm& into my atlention for I wish to then give instructions for passage through nhe veil of Hell in which the youth find themselves in tlut place of madness. W h y do I choose one name from the many to honor? Bemuse I desire that he, and all be protected in security and yet, I must have ONE lo which a physical message can be directed. I protect the sender of this forthcoming letter--let it be known, to all who Censor and discredit truth henof. Dear Sir, or Man, FIm of all, I wouM like to thank youfor the iqfornculon I gat fmm you. It i s always goodfor me & hear the tndh. m e world we live i n i s not at all fair to lhe l&le eopb. It & or the pwple tho1 have the big momey, that can play with the Pves of we e mer. J I read the paper I got f m n you, and I tded &find a ffe in d, but it all come togethrr. I wish I wuld haw m a yourpqpcn 4 b n g r i n s ago. The lmth is 011 I walu to know, dAd w&h thar, my Iue could have beem better. I WOUM pay for the iqfonnation you mw me, 1was that good. I am over hen, about to go & war, and t h u t h e . I can do nothing about it. Il h k s like 1 was nod W t h e j i U stoty, u d 1got your paper. You have opened my mind to the t d about #he world we live in. I t & sad that mod pmph don't, and won'&rvrr knw the real dory about the war pnres and all the ofher games the big boyspby with our lives. V I make & out o of yourpaper. SHADOWS--WALK WITH ME IN THE SAFEl'Y OF INFINITE SERVICE AND YE SHALL FEAR NO EVIL AGAINST YOU. I speak to you and you will be tempted to disbelieve for you have been given into the lie for so long. I am that being named as the 'Father' and again the 'Master Son" shall pnsrnt upon your planet that balance can again prevail. I send forth the Hosts of my Armies to bear truth and understanding in preparation for that coming again. Do not struggle with the perplexity of this message-simply know that measured against that which is perce~ved'real and physical about you' it is not nearly as incredible. Gycorgos Ceres Hatonn, Crdr., is sent in MY service--most reccntly from the placement known to you as Pleiades. He is responsible for the reclamation and preparations for the return of the "Phoenix" (Christos now fulfilled as God). He is one of your cosmic space brothers and serves in the United Federation Fleet as Commander, under the authorization and auspices of the Inter-Galactic Federation Command and the United Federation Council. Sounds like Star Trek? So be it for if you will but go within into your place.of knowledge you will recognize of the truth of that which I bring for your consideration. .. d h e n w&h n we, I would like veq mucli lo be a member l trulh & aU wand to nad about. f N won't be too long, a s p u dnady know, before the vrry big boy says "Iel the All I can do now is hope for the best. I'm n pan of the little dying begin prople. . I don't know how you go( my name but. I'm glOd you did. I wont to thank you ' a or tellin me all about Saddim, and what we really face, I can not tell ot em of wfa, I am nading in your paper because ir will upret them, as & did me. 1( I hope I will gel the chancr & n a d m o n of the tutih i n today's life time. You a n the best in wha#you do, a d thol u a fact! Your iqfonnauion is the best I have ever read, Pleare send me the cod of the paper m I can gel more while 1 have life in my body. ntank you for lhe tnrih, As you go into the fray, no matter what might be thrown agair~slyou, as yotr may be attacked, put your face into the scw1p1 out sand, wrap mine l i g l ~ ~ shield about you and the l~olocaustshall pass you by for I speak and as I speak. so shall i t conle to be--ye ones of I I I I I I ~ow11 shall represent the ~tliraclcsof Ulc final days of change back unto the laws of Truth and Balance upon a rebirthed planet brought into Higher Status in her rightful glory. WC' want no "heros"--1 nctd your lives in full nlrasure lo bring M Y i'E0PI.E HOME. U.S. A m y Opemion Deserl Shield/Stont~ 6 Jon. I991 P.S. You have m, and my mind. You who hear M Y CALL, hear it because you arc sent of il1e and are ii~tcndrd lo hear of it. Know beyond all doubt: Now, I shall respond to this particular inquiry for it is inclusive to all and Daughters upon your placement. IIIY Sons Do no( ponder l a , heavily upon HOW you might be found lo receive of the inforn~ation. The ones who scribe and send the word in my service. h o w no1 why I choose to send to specific w s . It is the 'call' and it is the very pu of the writings themselves. The word shall fall upon the eyes and ears o the populace of the world but some must have their call "up front" so that the miracles of the truth of the prcsenlation can begin to unfold. I t matters not that any about you know or do not know for--as it unfolds--all will come into the tmlh of my be~ngness. IT IS N W OVER UNI'II. . FOR I A h l ! 'P"" . . It has been written that if you follow in my truth and hear my instructions--you will prevail, and you, my workers are placed all about within and upon lhrs wondrous Creation of that planet called Eanh. It is said that you may be in the fields and to the left one wtll fall and to the right, another will fall and ou shall be untouched. Keep m lighted shield about you and you shall not be {armed-DO YOU HEAR YOU SRALL-T YE STAY WITHIN MY TRUTH AND SHIELD! It is a time of instructions for you who serve--most of you knowing it not. You would say lo me. I curse, 1 un, I forget. I blunder--"I cannot be of God!'--REALLY! Ah, but those who set themselves up as my speakers in the churches and synagogues of MAN are blasphemous and teachers of the lies. 1 WANT NO. PIOUS, BILIOUS FOOlS ABOARD MY SHIPS OF,SILVIW RADIANCE. 'TIS NOT THOSE WIN3 WORK IN THE SERVICE OP EVIL WHO WlLL COME ABOARD MY C R A R OF 'TOMORROW*--MUCH LESS IN THE PHYSICAL FORMAT. YE STAY IN MY CONTACT AND YE SHALL BE GATHERED UP INTO THE CLOUDS (THE SILVER CI.OUDS) SO THAT YOU CAN LATER FINISIt I'HINE WORK IN THE SERVICE OF YOUR BROTHER IN TRUTH IN G R ~ W ~ H YOUFULF~LL~YOUR AS MISSIONCOMMI'ITED TO UPON THAT WONDROUS CREATION. You are not given to know all, for you would not understand the need for the tvoe of service that onlv I CAN PRESENT and it is the child in darkness t g t needs your guidan&--there an no atheists in foxholes. Your flag is a Heavenly Banner and your nation a chosen and blessed place which will again come into balance in service unto God and Marl. Do not lessen truth by pious presentation--tell your men to hold to God and truth and they will be given into passage. No matter how it may appear unto your ph s~caleyes--1 SHALL GUIDE MY CHILDREN INTO WONDRO U S PASLGE FOR A REMNANT OF MY PEOPLE WII L BE THAT WHICH WlLL PREVAII.! Mld 1 WIN! : , , I ; . I I N I'HOI>IJC'I'iON 1 / and ! CHAPTER 1 REC #I I ( HATONN I WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1991 7.46 A M. YEAR 4 DAY 167 / And il came to pass upon ihe lands in the cloys of chaos, thar there could bc found no peace and the rivers and sear were red wilh #he blood of the 1i s a c ~ c e d both , good und evil, for the time was ai hand for the coming of the lard. So be il and Amen. 1 am Alon. I ; ' I Hatonn present in the Light of HIS Holy Radiance to show the way unto those of His children who will find Truth and seek justice in His Holy Presence. , ! ! I ! Dharma, as time for the explanations and vision's solutions come to fruition, I shall share with vou the Presence and the nleanine of the time of Revelation that we might pen the Holy Word. ~ - ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ) ~ : I n us draw to a close, however, in these immediate days the book above named--for each explanation must come in its proper sequence. Y w must know and see that which has pulled you from the path of God and how it came to be. The world, and God's chosen place of the Americas are the more spsific example of how evil thmugh Psychopolitics has been brainwashed into believing that which is NO?--IS! How can thls be? Easily. I shall have you quole from a beloved friend and warrior for Truth and t h ~ sJournal shall be dedicated to ones whom I honor for their pursu~tunto therr own demise, the truth of the pulling down of a wondrous nation. ' ! 1 1: ! i I ! WHO WlI.1. HEAR AND SEE THAT WHICH IS? This shall be the INTRODUCI'ION and first chapte'r of this Journal for I am going to give you example of how and from whom you have been blinded and misled. Ilow many of you believe the story regarding thr lank attack into i as al Khafji of bast night? The story goes like this: A large group of Iraqi tanks crossed the border and approached the U.S. Marines with cannons pointing backward toward lraq. The Marines thought they were surrendering and welcomed them. When they approached within range, they turned the cannon about and fired upon the Marines. But, the story continues--after hours of heavy fighting the Iraqis sustained extre~nelyheavy can~alticsand loss of equipment while the U.S. I 7 Marines had only very llght casualdes and hardly any loss of utpment Now. dear ones-how can you abide such an insuk to your vey inte ligence! Rnng upon unsuspecting soldirn dead aim and dead ahead indicates equufly heavy nd~ad"~oldicrs. HOW C AN rou ABIDE T ~ ~ LIBSI S E A STAN~~ING OVATION IS SUFFICIENT HONOR FOR THESE DEAD WHO ARE NOT EVEN RECOGNIZED? WHERE H A V E rou GONE, AMERICA? SO be tt, for truth will out and when ou are forced to see and hear--it will be too late--IT WILL BE TOO LATE, F J R THE EUPHRATES IS ALREADY DRY AND THE BLUE TURBANED MONGOL IS AT YOIJR DOORSEP HAVING TAKEN YOUR NATION WITH THE RED COG AND MAGOG OF THE BEAR TO THE NORTH. AND YOU SLEEP ON! I shall repeal herein that which I gave yesterday. but was not made public-regarding the lanes of lraq moving intolran. How foolish can you be? Iran hates you. lilt/' e bmchen. All is fair in war; what silly games you play. The whole of the world-execpt you--know that the initial bombing of lraq was led by Israeli war-planes who actually dropped the first bombs. The nations are on1 awaiting proofand refognition and arousing of the people to fever pitch an then the nations will rise up against you by the swarms of people willing to perish to defeat you--you are coming upon IslamiclMoslem Holy Days and a great Jihad, for WUU. have lied to the world. d' Saddam has massive wapons uoced. He is moving his planes out and into safety for when the winds change--YOU wlll be surrounded. .. Funher, when Saddam tells you he has bacteriological, chemical and atomic capability on his missiles-he means it; He has them on the ends of the most and moban rockts in wr world today; the Russian SSIZ'r: Further, he advisers in Iraq to operate them. Mr. has some 10.11 THOUSA& Rur* Bossmennykh (who is that?-Ule new Soviet Forcign Minister) jusl reminded Mr. Baker that things am NOT as they appurr to be. Mr. Baker said that Bewnanykh mffirmcd that which had been given you t? t h i r - i n d d he did! The so-called 'pulling out of Soviet troops from t e Balt~cstates IS total facade for the news is totally controlled and you.won't know whether or n6t the fact is accomplished. Don't be fools! . . You experienced your 29th replica of George Bush give you a perfect speech-it said all the pmperly emolional and idealisttc substance--11represented the exact opposite o l the actions being experienced and the nation could see it not. The words yerfection, (hs lies covering the actions which strip you of,yourfreedom and nation--along with the whole of the people of the world. , , 1 i Please note that this 'perfect' speaker was not even in great resemblance to the " G q e Bush' of h e past. Re spoke wilh perfect elocution without reading and wlthout error--Your old George Bush could .not do sn. Note thal less than two weeks past when Bush smiled and spoke, he spoke from the right side (lopsided prexmation of voca\ization) of his face.. . Last evening his smile and i past piclures the man had almost double lobes on his ean-last night his eon wods came m a n pndominantly fmm,his "1ep"faoe. wen quite dil/erent. I 1 4 . , Furllter, note that in ,. . . . : .. 1) ABOLITION OF PKOPEWTY IN LAND AND APl'LlCA'SION OF AI,I. HENlS TO YUULIC USE. HOW CAN TIlEY GET BY WIT11 TIIIS? Because you-lhe-people do not suspect that suclr a thing as genetic dorrbles can be tnrth-because TIIEY told you as much. Why, then, did the Congress and visitors applaud ro enthusiastiplly? -use the voted to send your children to the desert and they are covenng lhetr assets a n l funher, note that the visitors who were featured were the very ones who gain royally from this battle in Armageddon. mere should have been honor given to your soldiers in Saudi Ambia-1, too, stand in honor of them and I sholl do all I can to cause you to hear and see so that you demand they be bmught home into sqfety to g ~ old w with family and friends. You ones con/rse pofriotism wirlt war-mongenn You have lost your rradion to our enemy and you do not even realize ir has appened l o you-how do you inow exactly when you became Comrnuni~~c and Soc&Nsflc state-contmlled? Let me give you some tlioughl/ul injonnation presented by one I greatly honor: R. , 8 , ! I , Americans, who have been watching the degeneration of our society;' the increase in violence, drugs, pornography, and the national debt, often write us for advice about what to do 'once the nation falls" into socialism, insolvency Did you h o w that the Federal Cioverntncnt of Washingto~t.D.C. ttow owns over 40% of the land mass of the United States' That i s more land than the entire country east of the Mississippi River. 11 does so in direct violation of the United States Constitution. The Federal Govern~nenlnow owns more than 10% of all industrial properties, and owns railroads, barge lines, etc. As the government buys more and more land, this property i s taken off the lax rolls, and this increases the (axes all of us must pay on the land we suppose that wc own. Most Americans think that they ow11their land. They think that a certai~l p a r d upon which they live actually belongs to them. Have your lawyer explain to you why your deeds have been drawn as they have or why you and your wife are called 'tenants in common" and other strange language and phrases. Here i s the rule of taw: I f you must pay the state or county a 'properly (ax", and the state or co~lnlycan sell your property to soureare elsc if you fail to pay the tax, you are not the actual and lawful owner of that l a ~ t tor l property! Marx called the use lax on land, rcnt. Today it is called "pn)lx.rty (ax' and while universally accepted by most Americans, the property tax i s 100% Marxist (commun~st) in nature. How then will you know when 'communism takes over?' The land thal is still informally held in private hands, is now subject to state and municipal controls called 'land use' and you can only do certain things on land that you su pose you own. If you actually owned it, instead of being merely a "tenant wit a vested interest in it", no city, state or federal controls could be imposed upon it. Yet, you a m p zoning restrictiewas-normal-andallow -the city to impose 'rent controls'. You sit tight when the Federal Government tells you, via an unconstitutional statute, that you must rent 'your property' to anyone who comes to your door, regardless of race, color, national origin and sexual preference. Fmm where did they get !he lawful jurisdiction to tell you what you.can do on 'your pmperty'? I f indeed i t i s your property, there i s no such authority except that which you volu~ltarilysubmtt to: liowever. since you are merely a tenant paying property use tax rent on the land, they have every right to tell you how you wtll use that property and how far from the property line you must build an house, etc. Can you imagine Patrick Henry patting up with such nonsense? course not! But then, Patrick Henry was a Freeman, not a communist. He did not bold communist ideas about the use of land, as most Americans today do. How about you? Are you a com~nunistwhen i t comes lo land use? A3 to the use of land, every Senator and every Congressman is a communist today. Nothing much will change 'when communism lakes over', except that you will know that you are a mere tenant and not a land owner as ou had supposed for years. Some of you tenants will be pushed off the state's and so that another lenatlt can use your nice hos~eand farm and if you illegally resid, you may be legally shot. R Does this round preposlerous? Think aboul it. How would you know 'when communism, sold as democracy,' is the ultimate law of the land? I f tho% who are now employing 'more powerful levers and more subtle webs" succeed in their plans, most of those living in this country may not notice much of a dtfference from what they think of as the American Way these days! i , i I r ~ a r Marx, i the Jewish hipp whdinvented what i s known today as "Scientific socialism". was not himrpl a communist at~dnever claimed to be one. Mr. I M a n , i t i s now known, collaborated with some wealthy lotalilarian dcialists. .' and they let him put his name on their join1 effort, and it was likled, THE. COMMUNIST MANIFESTO. . I t was a scheme of powerful levers and subtle webs. There i s so little difference between socialism and communism that 70 years after the COMMUNIST.MANIFEST0 was published, Lenin, h e socialist founder of modern communism, called h i d f a communist bul named Russia and other conquered territories the ,Union of Republics. Regardless of what wmmunism is called, it wwld be idenlified by at least ten basic lanb as set fonh in the MANIFESTO. There political planks need to be listed ere, not .~ only as a review but as a template by which la gauge the American government and policies today. (Ilaronn: I hove given you all of these but perhops you will -. see and hear more clearly frhey ure ogoin luid fonh/rorn Earfh-man.) . . 1.. r)f r When the communist agent, Woodie Guthrie, wrote the now fatnous song, Xki&,.l.& is My I a n d r n L a n d i s Your Land ..." he was writing with the communist understand~ngabout land and latd ownership. Yet patriotic groups, objectives, often sing tirat song with the same altitude ignorant of commu~~ist and reverence as they do with A w b . the IIea~ttif~~l. Good grief! ' 2) A IlEAVY I'HOCHI'SSIVE 01t (;ltAI)UAI'EI> INCOME TAX. ... This i s probably tile best known of the Marxist-Communist political concepts in statute or regulation that has use today in America. I f there i s any con~mu~~isl been imposed unlawfully on most Americans. and one.which:affects their very lives and fortunes the most, the commu~~isl income lax has to be it. I f there was any statute that employed more "powerful levers" or 'subtle webs', you would be hard pressed to find it. As with the progressive (ax on properly, it i s a communist idea of 'from each according to his ability and to each accordjng to his need' that finds exact expression in the federal and slate graduated income lax laws. Yet 90% of all Americans accept that system of federal revenue laxation as i f i t were both Scriptural and American. I t i s neither. It comes from the Babylonian Talmud, and is the main cornerstone of communist Thought-theology. Marxism-Leninism i s not only a political thought, but i s also the religion o f the conimunist-socialist. I was silting at a restaurant meal with two Baptist ministers and their wives recently. Thcsc men had wme to see mc regarding several theological opinions that I hold and set forth in STAR WARS 4. During the discussion, the subject of the Marxist federal income tax came up, and I stated that I had not filed a return in over 20 years. One of the minister's wives blurted right out, " I think I should turn you in!" Here was a woman claiming to be a Christian wlio was perfectly at ease turning in another Christian to the federal atrthorities over the matter of a communist laxin system! What did the two mitlisters say concerning the outburst from this wife. Nothing. Now. how could they understand the deeper meanings of STAR WARS 4 when they were functional communists in Thought-theology (Psychopolitics)? Here i s a plank of the COMMUNIST MANIFESTQ so ingrainedin_their..suhro~usminds that. they were silent when this woman suggested that I be turned over to the authorities! I t i s a well-known hallmark of communism when you see people turning in their neighbors lo the authorities. I t i s now beginning on a large scale in America with such carefully where the TV uses brutal prepared TV shows as the public accustomed to thinking murders, drug and child=l~i",",s~~p"~ about turning p p l e in w as to solve these crimes. You will become a 'slate hero' and even paid S1,000 for your help. Next, you will be paid for turning in people who own firearms or teach the citizenry about unlawful government activities. Will you really ~eqenizet I ~ e ~ "when n f communim &&es over?" ri w, 3) ABOLITION OF A L L HIGII'I' TO INIIERITANCE. In spite of the federal Estate Tax of 1916, your Marxist governmenl has yet lo accomplish this objective. They have imposed a heavy inheritance lax, illegally confiscating a large part of that property a man leaves to his children. After a couple of generations, the property i s gone. How many people do you know who s t i l l live on their grandfather's farm or ranch? Naturally. the lower classes, who have chosen not to save enough to purchase property, have no inheritances to leave. The super-rich have been provided the use of lax-exempt foundations w that their wealth i s passed on to their posterity. It i s the great . middle-class thal the Marxist objectives are directed toward, and which succeed very well in America. Where does the federal government get the authority and jurisdiction lo tax the property of the deceaseil? I 4) REBELS. CONFISCATION O F 11IE PHOI'EWI'Y OF EMICRANIS AND Emigrants are people who leave a country, and that does not apply to Americans. However, look at what i s done to Arnericai~syour government calls "rebels.' All your government needs to.do i s allege that a person 1s a "tax resister' or a drug pusher. and his properly and real estate can be confiscated without due process. Some o f ou saw the story on INSI[)Ewhere a citizen'r propert was taken the Federal authorities without due process merely because &had rented the house to people later determined to have been using the house for drug traffic. All your government needs to do i s allege ihat property, ral estate, cur, b a a , elc., are owned by those involval in drugs. and this property can be taken and sold under Public Law 99-570 set in place in 1986. Y w have read the horror stories. Some minimum w e"-e seaman --- - -- u n sneak drugs aboard a million dollar ship, unknown to the owncn or rlre captain, and the ship i s confiscated by the governmcnt without due process of law! - H KNOW WII-MUNISM O V m b; R CENTRALIZATION OF CREDIT I N TIIE IIANDS O F TIIE STATI<. BY MEANS OF A.NATIONAL BANK \VITI1 STATE CAPITAL AND AN EXCLUSIVE MONOPOLY. I t was through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 that the private banking cartel known as the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK came into being. I1i s through this scheme, with the government controlling the banks and credit for the benefit of the seeret shareholders, that ihe effect of this objective of the communists came. intog nie b in the. United Stales. The super rich bankers, while they liked the controls envkioncd by Karl Man, dkided thal all the usury and profits should go into THEIR pockets instead of Ule federal coffers. I t i s lhis small bank of International Bankers who decide how much interest you are going to pa on your home mortgage and they have the monopoly powerto force other banis to charge the m e rates. Individual credit can be given or withheld at the whim of these banlrcn. Thc private FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM i s neither 'federal' nor does i t have any 'reserves" as commonly thought. The local Federal Reserve Bank i s not listed under agencies of the. Federal Government i n your phone book, but listed in the white pages as any other private business. ,. .. C The FEDE~L;R&ERVENOTES, which. you carry.in your pocket, though printed by the federal govanmenl for those private banker's use, and identified as 'legal lender', are in fact private1 circulated bank notes. As 'notes" they do not certify that the U.S. Treasury as gold or silver to 'back them" but state on their face that the U.S. Government is in debt to that amount. You are not paying your bills with certificates of wealth, but with evidences of federal debt. ing the U.S, debt to the bankers around among yourselves ss if it E:rmoney. The p d w e Federal R e m e makes huge profits for its member banks, and ye1 it pay3 no jedeml. or sta~cincome tares, a d they have never been audited by any governmentagency. A couple of years ago. Senator Metcalf of Washington State launched a campaign against the FEDERAI. RESERVE and had i t put on the ballot m.restore the right to create money to r; ; ! ' 1 I ! ; i ' i I , , i , , I 1 i the Congress as specified in the Constitution. The people in Washington Slate norant or comn~unist-e~inded that they actually voted i t down! 181 1933. when so many banks lost their shins and had to repay their depositors or close their doors, the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT was changed to incorporate the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (Hurnnn: Nore 'Corporarion' which designcues private.) Here i s how that works, and we can see i t wilh the current Savings and Loan scandals. I n good times. the bankers make huge profits. However, in bad times. the American tarpayers are call9 upon to bail out the bankers, letting them retain their personal assets. How wlll you know when 'communism lakes over"? Most people an so accustomed to the yoke of communism, thrust upon them in the name of 'democracy" and " x r i a l security', that they believe that thew things must be the form of Povemment our Forefathers gave us. They lhink it i s normal !o have total laxes In amounts to 50% of income. Where i s their Great Republlc based upon the Common Law and the Constitution? For all practical purposes, i t no longer exists. m CENTRAI.IZATION OF THE MEANS OF COMMUNICATION 1'HANSM)RTATION I N T l l E llANDS O F T I l E STATE. ANI) All radio and television networks are licensed and permitted to operate only at the good pleasure of the federal government through the Federal Communicat~onsCommission. Because their programmin is under strict federal guidelines, anticommunist programs are rarely lim! How many of you a n recall one TV program, in the past 30 yesrs, which set foflh the communist objectives for the conquest of America and the world? Instead, an programming IS designed to promote socialist thinling, and our count i s never referred to as a republic but ALWAYS AS A DEMOCRACY. A l news i s designed to promote the communists and their leadin individuals as reasonable people, and anti-communist nations, such as South A rica, are always cast in an unfavorable light. Communist objectives for America, such as degenmtion of moral values, in~erncialmarriage. promiscuous sex, and homosexual life styles, are treated in both the news and the 'situation comedies" as t o d l y normal and health behavior, and are given to us and our children on a daily basis. 7 f All transportation by air is under either the Federal Aviation Agency or the Civil Aeronautics Administration, and the government controls how these private businesses operate and the fares and rates that they can charge. The federal government controls every form of interstate commerce, and sea h e rates that these private businesses can charge and even how long a truck driver can drive his own truck in a given day. n. EXTENSION O F FACTORIES AND INSTRUMENTS OF PRODUCTION OWNED BY THE STATE; THE BRINGING INTO CII1.TIVATION OF WASTE LANDS. THE IMF'ROVEMENT O F T l l E The federal govemment now owns and operates more than 25,OM) wrpqnte units i n d~rectcompetition with private enterprise. Most of these corporaltons ' are operated at staggering losses, evelr tlio~rghthey pay 110 property [axes and IO interest on invested capital. All of these. along with their losses, are k i n g operated without the slightest shred of Constitutional authority. li~rtl~eralore. according to figures taken from the Federal Budget, the aggregate losses of these federally owned businesses and property, including the lost state and local taxes thereon, exceed the total amount collected each year on the personal income Iaxes! According to the LlUEKTY AMENDMENT COMMI'I-I'EI;., from whom these statistices were taken, the sale of these unlawfully owned businesses would retire about one third of the national debt, and make the personal individual income taxes a thing of the past. This author i s 100% ill favor of bringing wastelands into cultivation and improving the soil. However, this must be done on a private enterprise basis, and not as the result of federal bureaucratic intervention. However, in accordance to the Marxist orientatiorr of our government, swarms of New Ofticers (to use the language of the 1)cctaralion of independence) have been descending upon our fars~ers. 'I'here i s the Bureau of Land Managemer~t, Bureau of Reclamation, Uureao of hli~~es. Environmentat Protection Agency, and many others. 1 do not need to conlrllent on the crisis now being faced b America's independent farmers. I t i s r~olt11c result of incompetent farn~ers u l because of I'ederal meddling in botl~ll~cir agricultural and financial affairs. i 8) EQUAL LIABILITY O F A L L TO LAIIOH, ES'I'A11I,IS11k113N1' OF INDUSTRIAL ARMIES. ESPECIA1,LY I N AGRICULTURE. In the first sentence, the emphasis should be on the word, liabilily. l'lris i s 141 be a "worker's paradise" and therefore all have an equality liability, a pecu~liary obligation, to labor. Every citizen, according to Marx, i s required to labor, and every person is to be assigned a job. There i s to be no iron-laboring 111iddle classworking as salesmen and shopkeepers. 111 spite of ~~~assive govcrnrllel,t boondoggles i n agriculture, the American farmer has found a way to produce food that feeds not only our country, but those countries as the USSR and China which still suppose that the Marxist way for agriculture may someday work. Once the farmers finally fail in large numbers, not because v f agric~rlturalflaws so much as corporate debt, the Marxist agriculture armies, gathered fro111thosr 'huddled masses yearning to be free', that now clog up the welfare rolls, will be sent forth to plant. till and harvest in the vain hope that they can iced the people. 9) COMBINATION OF AGHICU1,TURE WIT11 MANIIFACTIIIIINC: GRADUAL ABOI.TION OF T l l E 1)ISTINC'l'lON BETWEEN 'I'OIVN AND COUNTRY BY A MORE EOUITABLE I)ISTHII%II'TION --------..-.. 0-1-; THE POPULATION OVER ~~IECOUNTRY. - ~ ~ The destruction of the cities has been going on since the Roosevelt Depressio~l. Socialist confiscatory property and business taxes on producers, and welfare handouts to non-producers, have driven commerce and industry out of the cilies and provides the excuse for federal control of land use, environcitental inipact studies, and regional planning. Federal regional planning done 1wtweu11states and over state lines, i s the way this Marxist plank i s being carried out today. 1U)FREE EDUCATION O F Al,l. ClltLDREN IN PUUI.IC SCHOOLS, AbOLITlON O F CIIILIIREN'S FACTORY LABOR IN ITS PRESENT FORM. COMEMATION 01; EDUCATION wlni INUUSTRIAI. PRODUCTION. under control of the State. I I When Karl Marx wrote "free" he meant compulsory education of the children under the control of the State. Because of the contract with the Slate known as the "Marriage License', your children are legally Wards of the Stale. They must have 'shots' and a Social Security number 'required lo protect the State's wards'. Statc run and tax financed government schools began soon after the , publishing of the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, with the key leider at that lime 4 being Horace Mann. Next came socialized or often called 'progressive" education under the guidance of lohn[)ewey. How many of you remember I having to read aboul the wonders of socialism in books by Lincoln Stephens in high schml? The most socialist class in any high school is not history or social ' sclence but English, where the teacher. can dircct the children to r e d certain books and make reports on them. English is the only requ!red class for all students, and it is there that the communists have directed thew most attention. : Under Biblical law, early American instruction, where students were stud ing Greek and Latin by 9 years of age, has always been the responsibility o the parentsand their church assembly. Children were taught the moral ~ l u e of s , the parents and of their church. Today, it is the State that determines what the I standards will be for the children's education. Federal Aid lo Education determines how the States will set up the basic teachings and philosophy and 1 this is exactly what M a n had in mind. This form of education teaches the child to lwk to the State for help, and the State becomes the child's 'god'. Christian instruction, in contrast, teaches the child to look to God, and that if he needs a I hand he Kids one at the end of his arm. A~syou look at our youth educated in i government schools, observe their appearance and thcir attitude?, and remember 4' that crime and drug use is increasing 7X as fast as the populalton, you will see the evil genius of Karl Marx in full bloom. As you re-read this section, notice that I have drawn a clear distinction between 'instruction' and 'education'. It is humanistic, New Age, and Eastern philosophy that man is intrinsically good. Hence the use of the word "education" by the modern socialist, which means from the Latin, 'draw the good out". In contrast, the Bible leaches that all men are sinners, and that they are basically of a sinful, wicked nature.' Thus, there is no way to "draw good out" of them. Christian philosophy,'based upon the truth of the Bible, teaches that children are to be inslrucred, that is to have the good of God's Laws put into them so.111atthe can be pleasing in God's sight. Today, those church groups that teach that G s laws are still in full force and effect, always refer to their schools as Christian Instruction. Those churches who have gone the way of humanism, teaching that God's Laws, Statutes and ludgments were abandoned at The CrosS, rightly call their schools "Christian Education'. The tcrm 'Christian Education" is an oxymoron, an absurd contradiction in meaning to those of us with even a smattering of classical study. r J As to the second part of Marx's 10th Plank, children under 16 are not permitted to work for wages. All private apprenticeships have been abolished 'for children seeking to learn a trade before the age of 16. Roosevelt's socialist friends had the Fair Labor Standards Act passed in 1937 where apprenticesllips are now , I have taken six pages lo leach you what comn~unismreally 1s from the works of thew founders, Karl Msrx. Now, fellow American, may ks have -w. and m 1u (Haronn: Please pay close afenfion ro rhar which I will now quote front the same docwnenr bur beanng more alrenlion. AJier rhar I shall again ask Dltarn~n ro owline rhc Exenuive Orders which are now signed and in place rn your government.) J. Edgar Hoover, in his classic book on the communist threat to America, MASTERS OF DECEIT. wmle that his greatest fear was that Americans would become 'state of mind communists', while adamantly denying any interest or adherence to communism. My friends. that is exactly what has happened. Most Americans go along with every single plank of the Communist hlanilesto and even suppose that it is Ule Amertcan Way! Now, my friends, the more powerful levers and more subtle webs have beell sel in plan. . . .. . ,, , Several months ago I w i l e about the Marxist income tax and the reasons why 1 was opposed to it. 1 further slated in public print that I had not filed any returns for 2O.years n.or pPid any tax in all lhat time. These ON TARGET Northpoint Team Reports are widely pholocopied and circulated with my permission and enwurngement.,. However, they go~froinfriend to friend and then to the Christian ignorant ,amon6 the silent majority, and ultimatelr to the socialist enemy. You cannot bcllevc. the letters we get from professing Chrinkdns! 1 have read their ktter admonishing me to read Romans 13, supposing that 1 had not managed lo read that far into the New Testament. They call my attention to Christ's words to 'tender unto Caesar. and think lhat whatever is demanded by government under a retext of law must be dutifully turned over to socialist schemes, heathen.pco w. around . . the world and social dropouts around the country as part of our hnstian wltness, testimony, and responsibility. .." 8f According to these Christians, educated into the communist Thought-tlieology psyhopolitics of the government schools, apparently the American Colonists should havc paid the lax on tea demanded of King George Instead of 'daniag~ng their Christian testimony in an act of violence' by dumping it all into Buston harbor. The tax was, after all, 'the Law' and ~nlposedlawfully by those in authority. Worse than that, when the King wanted lo <onfixrate 'assault rilles" being stored in Concord, 'Christian palriots should have turned them over to tl~e Red Coats instead of killing people at Concord Bridge'. Those early Americans are identified as Patriots, but those of us who objcct tt) the very same things today are thought of as unA~nericanat best and unC11ristian at worst. Do you see the problem we have today? Christians are now 'state of mind Communists' as feared and predicted years and years ago. How do I reason wi1h.a 'state of mind' communist, who supposes that his polilicak, n~oral and economic understanding comes right u t ~ of t llic Bible? Tllc Federal lncon~e'l'ax Statutes, and thc Suprcn~eCoun decisions su porting Yet hr~suan thent, clearly state that wages and salaries are not 'jncomc'. communists in America, in wbat profess to be patriot~cassemblies, have been conned into waiving that statutory provisidn and to 'voluntarily' ag-lng lo pay the first part o f t h e i r i n c r ~ s enot to..God's Law but to Caesar, ~nd~rect violation of God's -Law Set forth in Scripture. And they wonder why God stopped blessing America right after the Marxist Income Tax Statutes went into effect! Looking deeper still, we find that even the Marxist lncome Tax Statutes made Conslilut~onalby the 16th Amendment, applies only to those non-white citizens by privilege o/ 111e 14111 Amendment. I t also includes corporate officers, folks who live in Washington, D.C. and other Federal enclaves, military people and those who work i n government jobs. But, people who exchange their time for wages, salaries; commiss~ons,etc., are not required to file returns or pay federal taxes. Oh; our minister never told you these things? And your dad never knew them? Wly.are you giving the first nlon o f the wonderful blessings God gives you through i~tcrease,ofyour Ian and labor of your hands and mind, to promote communism. totaltlarian social~smand other .. wickcd things at lto~neand abroad? Slva~~te OI you! Repnt o f your ways. signed into law b John F. Kennedy in 1961. Every Presidcnt since thcn has worked to gradua ly enact its provisions, knowing that most A~nericanswould not approve. Read along through that public law to pagc 559, and you will sez that i t calls for our Armed Forces lo be eliminated from NATIONAI. CONTROL, which in turn wiper out our sovereignty as a nation. I n the third state we shall see a "zero m~litary"and before stage one closes, all citizenowned guns will be banned. T h i s issue o f national disarmament is now being discussed with world leaders, and the bat on cedain defensive weapons here. at home is not new at all, but pan o f a treasonous scheme to render America as a nation, and our cilizens as individuals, helpless against tlte Socialist-Comtnunist conquest o f the world. E . 'i r. I will tell you why you pay without a whimper! I t is because you arc scared lo death o f the wicked agents o f the Internal Revenue and their well- ublicized cruel activities and brutal enforcement procedures. Most o f you lac the guts for such basic Chrinian service to your country, i f the truth was really known. Some of my best friends and most generous supporters have confessed this fear for their souls. You must undersmd, Scripture to me privately andI have teaches that the fearful, right a l o n ~with the unbelievers, murderus, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolaters and ltars shall have their part in the lake which bums with fire and brimstone. Read Revelation 21:s about t h o s listed among the non-overcomers! Those who are afraid, are just as wicked inGod'sEyes, as some o f the most terrible o f anti-Christ people! Take your STRONG'S CONCORDANCE and 'do a word study on a l l the variations o f the word fear and i t will open your eyes o f uhderstanding. Oh, how I pray that some o f my wonderful Team- Members and other financial supporters wtll turn from their fearful ways and not be included among that wretched lot at the'end o f time. : . Did you know ihat i f you file income tax returns, you place your legal slatus under Admiralty Law, and waive yoor Common Law rights under the first Ten Amendments to the Constitution? The fearful, under an ironic twist l o God's Law, find themselves unprotected by the 1st Amendment and cannot lawfully claim the right to religious freedom or tlte right o f free speech, etc. They cannot claim the right to keep and bear arms as set fonh i n the 2nd Amendment. Since so few Americans remain who have these righb, the laws on the gradual confiscation of any 'semi-automatic weapon' are now being enacted, beginning w ~ t hthe so-called assault rifles, and hand guns that have a n ammunition magazine or "clip'. Are you surpr~sed?These laws have been on the books for 20 years awarling this day and hour! I know that some do not believe me 011 this, but see for yourself. Go to your local library and ask the librarian to show you where the UNITED STATES CODE books are shelved. There are 25 of these i n the set. reddish-brown in color. They are printed by the United States Government. Select Volume 9 and turn to page 554. Read public law 87-297 , t Here is another problem: Are you sitting under a minister who i s a state o f iitind communist, one o f the fearful who still filcs income tax returns? Sure. he may be a nice guy. Sure, he ma w t ~ tot be a kindly, lovittg !watt. But l ~i rs onc ol the fearful, classified by &Jly John and Jesus Christ as bein among the whoremongers and liars? Are you sending God's tithe and your oftrings to any 'religious group" that is claiming 'tax exentptiot~" and thus under the jurisdiction of our communist democracy of the District o f Coluntbia? I f you read our malerials long enough, you will see a thread o f theme about the ministers and preaching in America that is causing most o f our problems. I remember back i n the Old Testament. God's nation of Israel had some major problems under King lcroboan~. You might bleed to sw how God dealt with tiis People in those days, as sort o f a forecast o f what i s soon to pass i n America. (IKings 12, etc.) The bottom line then was that Jerobbam 'made priests o f the lowest o f the pao le' (v.31). Christ, through St. John in Revelation ?l:8, says that the lowest o people ate the 'fearful'. You can1101be Godly and fearful at the same lime. and lhe Bible world study suggested previously should have established that fact firmly i n your mind. Therefore, all fearful are also ungodly, i f you can follow that logic. The very first Psalm, a fa~ttastic collection o f distilled wisdom, begins with this most tmportant truth: "Blerxd i s the man that walketh not i n the counsel o f the ungodly--fearful How many o f my wonderful friends and readcrs are s t i l l taking counsel of the fearful, melt whoin the Bible calls priests o f the lowest of people, who i t so often also appears, are state o f mind con~munists? P , " ...' END OF QUOTING --and so be it. Now, Dhanna, allow us lo ogoin present the ,gxecutire onlen wlrirlr have now been bmught into ploy--obviating even the iced of Congressionnl agreement in onier to become low against you-llre-people. Before we do so, however, I urn going lo ask you o few qrreniorrs and let us see ifyou REALLY see and urtdrmfarrd lhaf tvhiclr I give you and that rrlrich IS! 1. What i s the name o f the new Soviet Foreign Minister? 2. What i s the first plank in the COMMIJNIST MANII:ESTO? 3. Who's picture i s on the $20 Federal Rank "note"'? 4. What is an SSIZ? Who devclolxrd it? Where i s i t now? 5. What did you have for breakfast on Sattirddy last? ! 6. I f you attend church, give me the doctrines according to denomination! Where did your minister get his "education" and did he get a "Christian ' Fducation' or 'Christian lnstr~~ctions"'? 7. What do you REALLY know about this "Christian Community' within your own town? Funny thing about the one i n Tehachapi, California--they offer to drive these Satanic speakers froni out of the city--or worse; death! lVIIAT DO YOU REAI.1.Y rtats from Sunday's your children i n ihe Mkldle East! Tell me the top 10 God have mercy on U.S. EXECUTIVE ORDERS NOW I N EFFECT (CHECK THEM ONE BY ONE AGAINST THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO) I. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 lakes over all communications media. 2. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 takes over all electric power, petroleum. gas, fuel and minerals. 3. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 takes ovcr all food resources and farms. 4. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10949 takes over all means o f transwrtation. controls highways end seaports. 5. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 drafls all citizens into work forces under the governmental supervision. 6. EXECUTlVE ORDER 11001 takes over all health, welfare and educational functions. 7. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 empowers the Postmaster General to register all citizens nationwide. 8. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 takes over all airports and aircraft. 9. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11061 takes over housing and finance authorities and housing designated as "unsafe". Establishes new locations for populations, relocates communities, builds new housing with public funds. 10. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 cakes over all railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities. 1I.EXECUTIVE ORDER 1105I designates responsibilities o f the Oftice o f Emergency Planning giving authorizalion to put the above orders into effect in times o f increased international tension or economic or financial crisis. . . 7'lten con~esthe big one: U ~ d e rEXECUTIVI,: ORDEK 11490 911 oflhe above & T I are irnmediatelv aclivorer(. lat us leave this segment, please. I t i s beyond time that l andlor my brothers who coirie forth as Hosts ill preparatioi~o f the wondrous return o f God, do any proving what-so-ever; I do, however, suggest that you ones o f Earth start a little "change and proof'' routine pretty quickly. You had best look at that which ~ d your own perspective may nnt he so abmlutc abounds about you a ~ perhaps ;r~iin>t(;otl's scribes. Salti! 1' I Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr. United Federation Fleet lnter-Galactic Federation Command 1' WHO MIGHT YOU BE1U I Middle East with no help available for you back home. The cootinticd gnnle ot "cock o f the walk" i s totally obwc~lc! CHAITER 2 REC # I IIATONN I:RII>AY, JANUARY 4 , 1991 7 5 8 A.M. YEAR 4 D A Y 141 Dharma, we shall simply have to begin writing on an additional lot~rnnlaiid pick up volume two o f Pleiades C o ~ ~ n w t i oas l ~ swe cat1 da so. Quirks and quarks will still be around long after humanity is gone so we tnust take action where action is mandatory in priority. Why NOW? Because the Russians have gone quirt and that i s deadly. Yo11 ones do. not understand the workings o f the con~~~lunistic direct pat11 to world doininat~o~~ and you must. Dharma, Hatonn present in the l i g h t of Radiance. As we communed i n the small hours of our morning, there was intent and not simply to keep you awake from 4:dA.M. As your nation moves ever closer to a conflict which can cause damage beyond your wildest imaginings. I must speak out again-about that which is hidden and yet boils in final co~~clusion o f an epic adventure. Wherein reference o f other comtnentators on this subject have utilized the word 'Christianity', 1 shall instead use the term GOD or Godly. This is beca~lse our nation was NOT founded on "ONE NATION ONI>ER CIIRISTIANI~.Y~i t was founded on 'ONE NATION UNDER GOIJ!" Of course I realize that yo11 ones aloofly shout at me that the tcrcns are synonyn~ous-:htlt they arc NOT. The very superior tone o f the statentent de~ractst'ron~the point i n question. You who have already forgotten past Journals might well go back and review them--especially those which regard Russia's intent. Russia now tosses the term 'Peace' about as i f there was never a disagreement 111 between you and thein. Not so, precious world cilizens, not so. 'communistic" language, "peace' means the absence o f any resistance against 'communism'. With the seemingly absence now, o f the so-called 'cold-war'. you are undcr the impression there is no war between you and Russia-:NOT SO! 'hey have you exactly where they want you--like dutiful lambs i n the holding pen. Where is Russian argument these days while you dig i n deeper and deeper.in the Middle East? Do you actually believe that ifRussia and you were still i n that 'cold-war' that you would be taking the same stance you blindly take this day??? Would you not be facing the big guns o f the Soviet Union i n open noseto-nose, weapon-for-weapon to bring this conflict to an instant stop? No, they are silently supplying your enemy so that they don't have l o finish the p l m that they are worhng to perfection. How can you know that this is true? Because and the plan l o completel control of the training foisted off on the co~~~munists the minds and actions--without necelnily o f active involvement i n actud war--of the free world nations, most especially the Americans. By the way, chelas, your government again lies to you this morning i n counting of unemployed citizens. They tell you the unemplo ed picture is not as gnm as expected and all will be well--but, the 8,000 layof s from Citycorp and 21,000 employees from Sears and, and, and--go= into effect NOW. Do you realize that this i s more people out of work i n just these two instances, in the smaller towns across America. Worse, as the d~sasterscome upon you one after another--there i s no backup disaster funding remaining i n the Federal budget nor in the State budgets o f most states. Insurance companies are,in d ~ yogurt p already and (listen to the non-news) are not paying off the walling insured along your Ohio River. etc. These ones sit without jobs, destroyed homes and no money. And still, the government continues the distract~ono f a war i n the' t' There i s a small booklet making i t s feeble way into the trash heaps and stolen by the communists to maintain secrecy. I t is all but impossible to come upon the -document but, interestingly enough, Oberli and Uharma have had a copy o f the document since 1985--having received i t from G i l Royne--who also has a publishing company (which shall remain ulina~nedin this particular writing). There i s another copy now on its way iato the dcsktop entropy o f my scr~be from one of the most daring authors of your da 1.1. Col. Gordon "lack" Mohr. I prefer l o utilize the material in~medialelyL i e v e r y day's delay is now costly indeed. I f you cannot see the facts o f your c o ~ ~ f l ~tl~m c t s you have no notion as l o where and how to rebut. I would hope that we now have enough readers to listen up. What you are about to read i s simply a English language p i p h r a s e o f a 'Red Communist "kxIb0ok"used both in Russia and extensivrly i n America to train Communist agenls i n the art ofdeceiving non-communists with words and false, precepts. I would say that il most cerlai~llyhas worked very well indeed. , ..,. . This spells out methods which secret conimuntsts use to "alter the loyalties' o f citizens and then use those cit~zens,especiaNy ~liosein governmentposdions, to take control o f the nation. It describes these ingenious and effective methods o f 'mlnd-control', called 'psychiatry" and "psychology", which are pro~noledas forms o f "mental healing'. Needless to say, the "Red Bears to the North' do not want Godly Americans to know these are false sciences by which they gain control o f the minds of the people . .. You are going to find that it is even wo;ss &n presented unto you (or,?$ we go . along I shall be speaking of Robotoids of ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ N ~ l G dupl~cat~on. e n e l i c To shock you a bit, what I am about to present to you was first brought forlh by a vely disenchanted communist and the man was "taken out' and the books This was in 1950 and the man was dead by the early 70's. At'taken-u$. tempts have been made, since, to give warning to the American people for the thrust is directed, firstly, at the An~ericans--butyou have denied it and turned away from the truth as you would from any and all truth that would require ap- . propriate actions. You have watched as your country has been con,sumed b the Elite and your Constitution granting "freedom' is totally rewnllen a n J deslroyed ' ' . You have heard of the 'art" of mind-control--1 believe you call it 'mental-adjustmeat' or "brain-washing', etc. You perceive it to only take place, however, with soldiers ill the midst of war and especially as they are imprisoned by their enemies. Not so--nothing can coillpare lo the slow intentional usurpation of the minds of the citizenry of the world. Whole nations have been captured by these so-called Communists who are not even tr111y "communistic" by definition. They care not what you call them--all llie better i i you DO NOT CALI. THEM COMMUNISTS. The point is that you can subvert the minds of entire masses of people and basically ptit the111to sleep while programming the mind. The same method of mind-control used on you-the-Americans and Europeans is T11E USEL) BY 'I'HOSE RED CHINESE TO CAP- .- - .tnENTlCAI. .- --.. -.-.... .PROCBS .-TURE THAT NATION OF 4 0 0 ~ l ~ 1 . PEOPLE. 10~ Just as with any other confronlatiod which must have confrontation if it is lo be reversed--the TRUTH MUST BE LAID FORTH. You must come into truth of how it is done. u y o u ut~derstandthe technique of "brai~~lvashing" you cannot be "bminwashed" ~rnlesschanges by surgical or chetnicol tnrans have aUered the oct~ralbrain. Even in those cases the tmth can revene the thought - processes. ''lh&& a c c i n The ~ word ~ of truth is your brain-w PI'ves v feapon and*s are your tools--or, any other way you can get the information into self. Psychiatry and psychology. In t h ~ sinstance of tampering with your mlnds, are the two weapons we will speak of herein. . . Basically, I do IUI~ wish to Limit this concept to a communiaic approach--it ACTUALLY is sinlply the Elite approach to world control and domination--but you ,,or. .A.atheistic" will'find' in ever instance--it is what you label " ' maneuvers easi y thrua upon "allowings - a indmrinatd "Christians'. Since, however, the document in p i n t delinptes 'communism' then I shall not make issue--for you must learn to recognize intent in grncral~zation and not pick at nits. It is your very survival at stake and you must come to recc~gnizeyour enemy for they indeed camouflage themselves most effectively-- r i : I ! j ' usually behind the facade of being 'Christ-like", 'democratic' and "under God'. The mark of the beast himself. I suggest you readers gel this information spread about as rapidly as you can because only TRUTH shall give you freedom and only that allowance will bring your beloved families and fnends home. The Master Teacher told His followers, 'The servant is not reater than his lord. If they have persecuted Me. which they did. they wil also persecure you,' They have, and they arc. He also said, 'In the world ye believers in God shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.' (By truth and knowledge of immortality and by recognition of MINE ENEMIES!) f ' The objective is to gain control of the ~ilediaand thereby dir&tly control the visions and thought patterns, desires and niorals of the entire populace. I would say that that has occurred and--funny thing about that approach--it has been ac- "', corn lished THROUGH THE UTILIZATION OF THE ZIONISTS! You see, it . is a1 i h e b e t t p r y o r a n cause your enemy to destroy himself while you lake control. Well. America and World, you have not listcned.lo the decades of warnings and here you are today--at Armageddon and denying that, also. P I The age is dnwing to a close. The 'Red Bear to the Northm--'Cog and Magog', is spewing forth its last desperate attem to destmy the concept of Godllness--through pmnouncing thrrnrelves ncfristiann, "changed: ere., etc. And they work hand in hand wUh the leaders of the nations in turnoil and lakeover-just as in America. l71e smiles, dear ones, are not uf friendshipthey a n the miles of completion and vfc~ory. I can only ask thst--as you read a l & ~ ~ - ~look o u around you at America toda and at the world loday and SEE what is before you. First 1 will print a speu: m a d e h y m , Lavenkia Beria,-the Jewish head of the Soviet Secret Pol~ce,as he confidently predicted the Communius would eventually 'have dominion over the minds and bodiu of evuy important person' in Amulca and then would was bring about the "quietg conquex. hin 19& May God have mercy upun you and your lands. i You who project your Bible in cffoct to \hwart this Truth and discount and de. stroy these writers of Truth--pay close attention to this: :lhe wMckedplorreth 0gdnSt the just and gnasherh upon him m.rh his words through hts teeth.' 'Yea. and all that will live pdly in Cl,risr shull sufler persecutio~i fmm the Mcked. ' 'l3rough covetousness (desirejbr gain) shall they. the wicked. with f'eigned and deceirfLl words make merchandise of you urul sell or berruy you ofGod for money. ' 'For man deceivers, non-Gixlly, are enrered into the w r l d , who cotfess not that Chrisf is come in the Jlesh. This is a deceiver of belreve n and . . . So be it, you who conrinue to deny und casr stones upon orrr people--fir b v e ore come as !he Hosts wirh God to be in the recloi~ningof Iiis Kingdom utul heur witness of TRUTH! freedom. And upon these people can be practiced shock and surgery w that never again will lhey draw a sane breath. You must make these treatnients common and accepted. And you nltrst sweep aside any treatment or any group o f persons seeking to treat by effeclive means. 1 suggest that you pa close attention to this material as i t is outlaid. TIIAT IT \{AS PRESENTEII \t'EI.L O V E R fIA1.P A CENTURY A G O - - ~ ~ E nfY V EP O I I ~ I Y U BE MADE! You musl dominate as respected meal the fields o f psychiatry and psychology. You must dominate the hospivals and u~iiversities. You must carry forward the myth that only a European doctor i s competent in the field of insanity aod thus excuse amongst you the high incidence of foreign birth and training. ,If atid when, we seize Vienna you shall have then a cotrlnlon ground o f meeting and can come and take your instructions as worsl~ippersof Freud along witli other psychiatrists. This was presented in lecture to hand-picked AMERICAN STUDENTS who were sent to Moscow for indoctrination. QUOTE: (Dharma, to conserve space, do not indent quotes.) Psychopolitics i s a solemn charge. Wit11 i t you can erase our enemies as insects. You can cripple the efficiency o f leaders b striking insanity into their families through the use o f drugs. You can wipe t em away with testimony as l o their insanity. By our technologies you can eve11 bring about insanity itself when they seem too resistive. American students at the Ionin University, I welcome your attendance at these classes on Psychopolitics. K Psychopolitics i s an important if less known division o f Cm-politics. I t is less known because i t must necessarily deal with highly educated personnel, the very lop strata o f 'mental healing'. You can change their loyalties by psychopolitics. Given a short time with a psychopolitician you can alter forever the ibyally of a soldier i n our hands or a sratesman or a leader in his ow11country. or you can destroy his wind. By psychopolitics our chief goals are effectively carried forward. T o produce a n~aximumof chaos i n the culture o f the enemy is our first most important step. Our fruits are grown in chaos, distrust, economic depression and scientific turmoil. A1 last a weary populace can seek peace only i n our offered Communist ' Slate, at last only Con~munismcan resolve the problems o f the masses. However, you labor under certain dangers. I t may happen that remedies for our 'treatments' may be discovered. I t may occur that public hue and cry may arise against 'menlal healing'. I t may thns occur that all mental healing might be_ placed i n the haads-of-nriniMer~nd-k~tak1wut~f-ihehands-ofour-p chologists and sychiatrists. But the Capitalistic thirst for control; Capi~alis~ic inhumanity an a general public lerror of insanity can be brought to guard againsl these things. But should they occur, should independent researchers actually discover means to undo psychopolitical procedures, you must not rest, you must not eat or sleep, you musl not stint one tiniest bit of available money to campaign against it, discredit it, strike it down and render i t void. For by an effective means all our actions and researches could be undone. Our thrust must be utilizpl in eonjunclion with tttose of llte mandates put forth b y the Z i o ~ ~ i s l A psychopolitician musl work hard to produce the ma*imun~~haos,in the fields o f 'mental healing*. He must recruit and use all the agencies and facilities of 'mental healing'. t i e must labor to increase the personnel and facilities o f "mental healing' until at last the endre field o f mental science is entirely domi, nated by Co~nmunistprinciples and desires. B T o achieve these goals t11e psycholwlitician must crush every 'home-grown' va nety o f mental healing in America. Actual teachings o f James, FAdy and Pentecostal Bible faith healers amongst your misguided people musl be swep!aside. They must be discredited, defamed, arrested, slamped upon even by their own government until there is no credit in them and only Communisl-oriented 'healing* remains. You must work unlil every teacher o f psychology UIknowingly or knowingly teaches only Communist doctrine under the guise o f 'psychology.' You must labor until every doctor and psychiatrist is either a psychopohttcian or an unwitting assislant to our aims. men-of-wisdom. In a Capilalistic slate you are aided on all sides by the corruption o f the philosophy o f man and the times. You will discover that everything will aid you in your campaign to seize,'control and use all 'mental healing' to spread our doctrine and rid us o f our enemies within their own borders--send out your sons and daughters to fill the rolls of physicians and lawyers, business leaders and p u ~ them into the top positions o f the governments so that control will be toul but without early recognition by the citizens. You must labor until we have dominion over the minds and bodies o f every imp?~ person i n your nation. You must achieve such disrepute for the slate o f ltlsantty and such authority over its pronouncement that not one sla1esman.w labeled w u l d again be given credence by his people. You musl work u n t ~sull cide arising from m e n d imbalance is common and calls forth no general investigation or remark. With the institutions for the insane you have in your country prisons which can hold a million persons and can hold tltcln without civil-rights or any hope of . I . u have w & e d YON ar will and vofr can. bv canful orpaniza( i o n c i e t i e s . bv -ien abour thellrzprs o f so&&& mnfrav as lo vour e ~ v e n e s s mnke . vortr Caoilnlist hirnsell. by his own a& Ee?laPlu .. effect vouc own le&&on FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1991 . 10:45 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 14.1 .. . PSYCHOPOI.ITICS: HISTORY AND DEFlNlTlOy Thank you END QUOTE Note: Again I remind you that, in the Aesopian language of Communism, "Peace" means all cessation of hostility. Dharma, allow us a break now but I ask that you only take a very short respite for I want this out 'last week" unto our beloved awakening brothers. Gen. 2:7--*The Lord God formed man.of the dust (elements) of the eround, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of .life, and man became a hving soul.' Keep this in mind as we move along here for one of the major thrusts of Psychopolitics is to cause you to believe you are but antmals and cause you to act as same. . . QUOTE: Although punishment for ilo own sake may not be entirely without recompense. 11 is, nevertheless, true that the end and goal of all punkhment Ls the illdoeIdnation of the pcrron belng punished with an Idea, whether that ldea be one of restmint or obedience. In that any ruler has, from time beyond memory, needed the obedience of his subjsls in order,to accomplish hi ends, he has thus resorted to pullbhment. 'Ibis b true of every tribe and date in the history of Man. T+ day, R w b n culture bps evolved more certain and definite methods of aligning and securtog the loyalties of persons and populace, and of enfoming obedience upon them. Thls modern outgrowth of old prnctke Ls called Psychopolillcs. The stuptdity and narrowness of nat~onsno1 blessed with Russian rearonlng has caused them to rely upon practices which are. tudav, too ancient and out-muded for the rapidand kmie pke of our rime: brnd in view.of the tremendous advance of Russian Culture in the field of menlal technologies, begun with the glorious work of Pavlov.and carriedtforward Jd ably.by later Russians, it would be strange.that an art and seience would ml evolve tolalty devoted to the aligning of loyalties and extracting the obedience.of individualsand multitudes. ,PC; Thus we see that the psychopolilical procedures are a natural oulgrowlh of practices as old as man, practices which are:current in every group of men throughout the world. Thus, in psychopolitical procedures there Ls nu ethical problem, since it is obvious and evident that Man is always coerced against his wlll to the greater good of the Stale, whelher by economie gains or. in. . . doctrination Into the wishes and desires of the State. (Hufonn: and here it comts!) Basically, Man is an animal. lle is at1 animal which has been given a civilized veneer. Man b a collective animal, grouped together for his own protection before the threat of the environment. Those who so group and control him ~nusll11en have in their poues- siu~rspecinlized teclll~iquestu direct the vayaries and energies of the animal hlan loward greater efficiellcy i n t t ~ ea c c o ~ r ~ p l i l ~ nor ~ ethe r ~ lgoals u l tile Stale. Psychopolitics, in one form or another, have long been used in Russia, but the subject i s all but unknown outside the borders of our natton, save only where we have carefully transplanted our inforn~ationand where it i s used for the greater good of the nation. The definition of Psychopolitics follows: .: I'sychopulilies is the art and science of w e r l i n g and mnietaleing domislon over the thoughts and loyalties ,of hdividuak., oflkers, b u w u s , stld masses, and the eaeeting of the conquest ot enemy notiow through 'mental healing*. The subject of Psychopolitics breaks down into several categories, each a natural and logical proceedin from the last. Its first sub~ectis the conslltutton and anatomy of Man, himself, as a political organism. The nexl is an examln?tion of Man as an economic organism, as this might be controlled by his deslres. The next is clasrifiation of State goals for the individual and masses. The next i s an examination of loyalties. The next is L e general subject of obedience. The next i s the anatom of the stimulus-respons mechanisms.of Man. The nexl i s the subjects of shot and endurance. The next i s categories. of experience. The nexl i s the catalyzingand aligning of experience. The nexl i s the use of drugs. The next is the use of implantation. The nexl is the genenl application of Psychopolitics within ~ R u r t i a l ~ next ~ - ~i se the o r p i u .t i o n and use of f counter-Psychopolitics. The next isthe u s e d P foreign m~ions. The next i s psychopolilical composition and activity. The next isthe creation of slave, ph~l-phy i n an hostlle nation. The next is countering anti-psychopolitical actrvitis abroad, and the flnal one. the destiny of psychopolitical rule in a scientific age. To this might be added many subcategories, such as the nullification of modem :. weapons by psychopolitical activity. , I . erg-r :The urength and power of Psychopolitics catnot be overestimated, particularly when used in a nation decayed by pseudo-intellectualism, where exploitation of lhe masses combines readily with psychopolitical actions,. and particular1 where the greed of OpiWiY* or Monarchid. regimes has already broo~hla L l ~II overwhelming incidence of neurosis which can be employed as the groundwork for psychopolitical action and a psychopolitical corps. z ,,. It i s part'of our mission, student, to prevent psychopolitical activity !o thc detriment of t e Russian State, just as it i s your mission to carry forward i n our nation and outside it, if w are so assigned, the missions and goals of Psychopolitics. No agent o r Russia could be even remotely effective without a thorough grounding in Psychopolitics andso you carry forward with you a Russian trust to use well what you are learning here. (Hafontt: One of the most crsritte stccdents of this tnethod of world conrrol migrated to your coutrrry right our offhe.KGB-Heniy Kissinger! 7hrs sfflne marl, 27 is responriblr for the base / i ~ r i ~ l r l o r i o n - p l ~ ~ fur ~ ~1 f1r1i1~rf~ syoer flreigtr inb,olve- menu rhroughour the globe!) THE C O N S T I T U T I ~ M A NAS A POI.ITICA1. ORGANISM Man i s already a colonial aggregation of cells, and lo consider hitn an individual would be an error. Colonies of cells have gathered together as one organ or another of the body, and then these organs have, themselves, gathered together to form .the whole. Thus we see that man, himself, is already a political orgallism, even if we do not consider a mass of men. Like the 'individual' man, the State i s a collection of aggregations. I l ~politir cal entities within the State Inust, all of then^, co-oprate for the greater good of the Stale lest the State itself fall asunder and die, for with the disaffection of any l discover an example set for other districts. and we discover. single d i s t ~ swe at length, the entire State falling. This i s the danger of revolution. Lmk at Earth. We see here one entire organisn~. The organism of Earth is an individual organism. Earth has as its organs the various races and nations of men. Where one of these i s permitted lo renlain disaffected. Earth itself is of one country, no matter how threatened with death. The threatened rebellio~~ small. against the total organism of Farth, wol~ldfind Earth sick, and tllc cultural stale of man to suffer in consequence. Ihus, the putrescent illness ot CspitaIirt States, spmding their PS I and bacteria into the healthy coun1ries.d the w o r l h w o u l h n o C - d w t h e ~ w i s e - I h a ~br r i ~ e k d - t h death e of Earth, unles these ill organisms are brought illlo loyalty and obedience a ~ r d made t o function for the greater good of the world-wide State. As the average individual i s incapable. in an unformed and uncultured slate, as witness the barban'ans of the jungle, so must he be trained into a co-ordination of his organic functions by exemtse, education, and work toward specific goals. We particularly and specifically note that the individual nlun be directed from wilhout to accomplish his exercise, education, and work. He must be made to realize this, for only then can he be made to function efficiently in the role assigned to him. The tenets of lugged individualisnl, persotla1 determinism, self-will, inmgination, and personal creailveness are alike in the ntasres antipathetic to the good of the Greater State. Ihese willful and unaligned forces are no more than illnesses which will bring about dizslrcetion, di-sunity, and at length the collapse of the group l o which the individual is attached. The constitution of Man lends itself easily and thoroughly to certain and positive regulation from without of all of its fu~stion,including those of thinkingness, obedience, and loyalty, and these things must be controlled i f a grcater State i s to ensue. While it may seen1 desirable to the surgeon to ampatate one or another limb or organ in order to save the remainder, i t allat be pinlcd ~>utthat this erpcdiency , . is not entirely possible of accomplishmrnt where one considers entire nations. A body depnved of organs can b e ohsewed to be lessened In Its effeclivenes~. The world deprived of the workers now enslaved by the insane and nonsensical idiocies of the Capitalists and Monarches of Earth. world, if removed, create a certain disability in the world-wide State. Just as we see the victor forced to rehabilitate the population of a conquered country at the end of w u , thus any effon lo depopulate a disaffected pollion of the world might have some wnsequence. However, let us consider the inroad of virus and bactena hostile to the organism, and we see that unless we can conquer the germ, the organ or organism which it-is attacking will, itself, suffer. In any Slate we have certain individuals who operate in the role of the virus and n populalion, germ, and these, attacking the population or any group w ~ t h ~the produce. by their self-willed greed, a sickness in the organ, which then generally spreads to the whole: The constitution of Man as an individual body, or the constitution o f a Slate or a portion of the State as a political organism are analogous, It is the mission of I'sychopolilb first to align the obedience and goals of the group, and then maintain their alignment by the eradication of the eIYectivenw of the persons and personalities which n~ightswerve the group toward disallectlon. In our own nation, where things are better managed and w h m reason reig11s:above all eke, It is not dilficult to eradicate the self-wilM bacteria which rnlght attack one or our polilical enlities. But in the field of conquest. in nations less enlightened, where the Russian State does not el have power. it is not as feasible to remove the entire self-willed i n d i v i d d Psychopolitics n~akesil-@le ie..remove lhat p a d o f hk. pe~senalitr-which, L c i t r e l k k making havoc with the person's ow11 co~~stitution as well as the group with which the person is connected. If the animal man were permitted to continue undisturbed by counter-revolutionary propaganda, if he were left to work under the well-planned management of the State, we would discover little sickness amon st Man, and we would discover no sickness in the Slate. But where the in ividual is troubled by wnflicting propaganda, where he is made the effect of revolutionaty acltvitics, where he is permitted to think thoughts critical of the State itself, where he is permitted to question of hose in whose natural charge he falls,. we would discover his constilution to suffer. So certain is this principle that when one finds a sick individual, could one search deeply enough, he would discover a misaligned loyalty and an interrupted obedience to thc person's group unit. dp (Flaron,~: Ij you readers aren't yer in o rrare of shock--lam grossly disappoinred. And remember, rhis has been mughr, reraughr and practiced in your country as \wII a~ in Rwsia for ,veil over a century when the ProtucoIs of the Uonisr Men of Wisdom r w s ser as grrillclines--aru! thnt. brothers, is almoslfrom [he beginni~~g of your civilizcrrimr. IJyc~rcun't see rhur in every category, the enenry hm been totally arccess/lrl rhrrsfar.) There are those who foolishly have embarked upon some spiritual Alice-inWonderland voyage into what they call the "subconscious" or the "unconscious' mind, and who, under the guise of 'psychothrrapy" would seek to make well / ' , I j the diklfection of body or ins, but it is to be noted that their results arc singularly lacking in success. &re is no strength in such an approach. When h y p notlsm was first invented in Russia it was 0 b ~ ~ that e d all that was necessary '.'was to command ihc unresisting individual to be well in order, many times, to acwmplish that fact. The limitation of hypnotism was lhat many subjects were not susceptible lo its uses.'and thus h pnotism has had to be improved upon in order to increase the subgestibility orlndividuals who would not othenvise be reached. Thus, any natlon has had theexperienk of growing well again, as a whole organism, wjlcn placing sufficient for- in play against a disaffected group. lust'as in hypnotism any organ can be wmn~andedinto greater lo ally and obedience; so M any p o l i t group be wmn~andedin Ioyalt and . ence should sufficient force be kmployed. However, force ofkn flngs about drPtruction and it is wasionally not feasible to use broad mass force to accotnplish the ends in view. Thus. 11 is necessary to align the individual against his desire not to conform. i . OLI- .. Just as it is a recognid truth that Man mun conform to his environment. so it is a recognized truth; and will become more so as the years procerd, that even the body of Man can ..becommanded into health. . I, I The constitution o f & .! . . mders itsel'f &uliarlY adapted to r e - a l i ~ m ~of, n t loyalties. Where these loyalties are indigestible to the conslitulion o the md~vrdeal itself, such as loyalties to the 'petit bourgeoisie.' the Capitalist, to anti-Russian ideas, we find the individual body ~eculiarlvsurceMible to sickness. and thus we.& clearly understand the cpidcmics, illnesses, &us-neuroses, timulu and confusions of the United States and other caoitalist countries. llere we find the werker im ly Md-ineometly loyal, a& thus wc find the worker ill. To save him an eslabltrh h ~ mwrreclly and properly upon his goal toward a greater State, it is an overpowerin& necessity to make it possible for him to grant his loyaltiu in a correct direct~on. I n that his loyalties are served and his obedience cravenly demanded by persons antipathetic lo his general good, and in that.these persons are few, even in a Capitalist nation, the goal and direction of Psychopolitics is clearly understood. To benefit the worker in such a plight, it is necessary to eradicate, by general propaganda; byother means, and by his own w-operation, and self-willedness of perverted leaders. It is necezrary, as well, to indoctrinate the educated strata into the tenets and principles of w - o p eration with the envimnment, and thus to insure to the worker lus-warped leadership, less craven doctrine, and more co-operation with the ideas and ideals of the Communist State. The technol3gies of Psychopolitics are directed lo this end. . . ',. . . * * * AI---MI . ht have to break it &re,.tak the last para from Hatonn artd change it re what ollows to fit what will follow. ie Economic Organism rather than STATE GOALS. f MAN AS AN ECONOMIC ORGANISM (fhtonn: Please nore thur it ix und has oA~*rrys brrtt perfcrly i~lrightf i r rhe .. . Con~~~ttmist leaden lo live in lruttriotts villas. with horcler of servatus and rhe triost stunpittous food. I t i s only bod for rlte pmlerariar. 7his has become u rrrutrcr-<,I-fiict existence in your '/,re' count also--you set up your 'rulers' in rhejinesr limousines and homes and choose r em fmm rhe already wcalrhy elite. Please note rhat only ones fmm the Trilareraiists ever el Pence Prizes, etc. Rinny thing--Mr. Gorbochev was 'best dressed man of r e year'. in addition. Does this strike any of you as possibly 'strunge' i n a chuus in Ri~csia--doyou have even rhe slightest idea lives? I thought nor!) 'l , : ..;; , 'R . I f one, by the technologies of Psychopolitics, were to dull this excessive greed in h e few who possess it, the workerwould tle freed to seek a inore nan~ral balance. .( M% i s subject t o w i n desires and needs which are as natural 19 his beingness p s the ptculivily of as they .are lo thatof any other animal. Man. however. I exagger.ging some of these beyond.t h ~bounds , of &n." , ~ i s sobvtous through the growth of: leisure classes, pseudo-intellectual gqoups, the 'petit ., bourgeoisie,' Capitalism, and other ills. ,~ Here we have two extremes. Either one of them are an insanity. I f we wish to create an insanity we need only glut or deprive an individual at long length beyond the ability to withstand and we have a mengl in~balance. A simple exanple o f Ihis i s the alternation of too low with too high pressures in a chamber, an excyllent psychopolitical procedure. The rapidly varied pressure brings abut a chaos wherein the individual will cannot act and where other wills then, perforce, assume control. , 3: It has k e n said, with truth, that one tenth of a man's life is concerned with politics and nine-tenths with econon~ics. Without food, the individual dies. Without clothing, he freezes. Wi@out houses and weapons, he is prey to the starving wolves. The acquisition of sufficient items lo answer these necessities of food, clothing, and shelter, in reason, ,is the natural right of a member of an enlightened State. An excess of such items brings about unrest q d disquiet. The presence of luxury items and materials, and the artificial creallon and whetting of appetites, as in Capitaltst advertising, are certain to accentuate the less-desirable characteristics of Man: hqnlially, in an entire country, one must remove the greedy by whatever means and must then create and contitlue a xnli-privation in the masses in order to command and utterly control the nation. : A &ntinuous hope for prosperity must be indoctrinated in to thc masses with .many dreams and visions orglut of ~~~~~~~this-hopemuH-Be counterplayed against the actuality of privation and the continuous threat of loss of all economic factors in case of disloyalty to the State in order to suppress the individual wills of h e masses. ' ., ' atom: Go back and read rhar please and see if i t doesn't@ with today's rer,mr racrics andfacrual, fall of the econoniy. job losses, propeny losses. etc.) T/I: individual i s an mnomic organism, in that ' a certain amount of a ccrlain mount food, a certain amount of water, and n~usthold =self of heat in order to live. When he has more food than he can eat, more clohing than he needs to protect him, he then enters upon a certain idleness which-dqlls his wits and awkreness, and mahs him prey to difficulties which, in a less toxic state, he would have foreseen and avoided. Thus, we have a glut being a menace to the individual. ., ..,. . I t i s no less different i n a group. Where the group acquires Loo much, its awareness o f i t s own fellows and of the environment i s accordingly reduced, arid the effectiveness the group in general i s lost. .,. . . of EmThe maiilaining of balance between gluttony and need the nomi'ciproper, and i s the fit subject and concern of the Communist State. I I I j is .. Desire and want are a state of mind. Individuah can beeducated k t 0 desiring and wanting more than they can ever pasribly obtain, and sue individuals are unhappy. Most of the self-willed characteristics of the Capltalisls come entirely from greed. He exploits the worker far beyond any necessity on his own part, as a Capitalist. to nee& In a nation where economic balances are not controlled, the appetite of the individual i s undttly whetted by enchanting and fanciful p&suasions to desire, and a type of insanity ensues, where each individual i s persuaded to possess more than , , he call use, and to possess i t even at the expense of his fellows. ' There is, in econo~llicbalances, the other sidc. 'Too great and too long privatiot~ car. bring about unhealthy desires, which, in tltemselves, accumulatc i f left ac. lion; more than tltc individual can use. Poverty, itself,' as carefully cultivated in Capitalist States, can bring about an itr~balanceof acquisition. Just as a vacuunl will pull into it masses. in a country where enforced privation upon the masses IS perm~tled,and where desire i s artificially whetted. need tunts to greed, and one easily diseovers in such states exploitation of the many for the benefit of the few. I In a i t i o n under eonquest such as America, our slow a n d stealthy a p p m e h need take advantage only of the cycles of bwmS and.depresions inherent i n Capitalistic nations i n order to assert of more and mcire strong control over individual wills. A boom i s as advantageous as a depression for our ends for during prosperity our propaganda lines must only conlinue to point up Ihe wealth the period i s delivering to the selected few to dtvorce their control of the state. During a depression one nlust only point out that i t ensued as a mutt of the avarice of a few and the general political incompetence of the national leaders. ,, The handling of economic propaganda i s not properly the sphere of psycltopolitics but the psychopolitician must understand ecot~ot~~ic measures and Communist goals connected with them. ,. , The mass& must at last conle to believe that only excessive taxutio~iof the rich can relieve them of the "burdenson~el e l t t r e class* and can thus be 32 brought lo accept such a thi~rgas income tax, a Marxist principle smoothly slid iuto Capitalitic irulnework in 1909 in the United States. "Ihi even tbough the basic law of the United States forbade it and even though Comniuoism at that time had bren active only a few years in America. Such success as the Income Tax law, had it been followed thoroughly, could have brought the United States and not Russ~ainto the world scene as the first Communist nation. But h e virilily and good sense of the Russian p p l e s won. It may not be that the United States will become entirely Communist until pas1 the middle of the century but when it does il will be because of our superior understanding of eco~rornicsand of psychopolitics. I l ~ Communist e agent skillcd in economics has as his task the suborning of tax agencies aud their personnel to create the maximum disturbance and cham and the passing of laws adapted to our purposes and to him we must icavc this task. (tLPleruu~lM ~ d h r r mekutefd iw flris. Even the R~rssiaas&creweTax law was i l k g g h d u n d t t n d s - o n d r b r e is ull iLai remains to orcurJ lilical operator plays a distinctly different role in this drama. Ihc psychopo- The rich, the skilled in finance, the well-informed in government are particular and individual targets for the psychopolitician. t4is is the role of taking off the board those individuals who would halt or corrupt Communist cconomic programs. Thus every rich man, every statesman. every person well informed and capable in government must have brought lo his side as a trusted confidant a psychopolil~caloperator. The families of these persons are oflcn deralrgd from idleness and glut and this fact must be played upon, even created. The normal health and wildness of a rich man's son must be twisted and perverted and explained into neurosis and Ilicn, assisted by a timely administration of drugs or violence, turned into crimin ~ l i t yor insanity. Ibis brings at once some one in 'mental healing' into eonfi-" dential contact with the fanlily and from this point on the very most musllben be made of thal contact. C o ~ r l m u ~ ~ icould s m best succeed if at the side of every rich o r influential 111ar1there could be placed o psycho-political operator, and und6ubled authority in the field of "meutul healing", who could then by his advice or Illrough the n v d l u e ~of a wife or daugl~terby his guided opinions d i m 1 the optitnum policy 10 enlbroil or upset the ~ c o n o ~ policies ~ ~ l c of the country and when the time comes to do away forever with the rich or influential Inan, to admitrister the propei' drug or treatment to bring about hls complete demise in an institution as a patic~rtor dead as a suicide. Planted beside a country's powerful persons the psychopolilical operator can also guide other policies to the butterment of our battle. 111eCapitalist does 1101 know the deli~~ition of war. Ile thinks of war as attack wilh force performed by soldiec~and machiues. Ile does not know IIIIII u srorc efrective if soa~ewlretlonger war can be rough1 wilh bread or, in our e m , wilh drugs and the wisdom of our a d . The CapilalLt has never won a war in truth. The psychopolitician is having little trouble wionlng this one. ' ~ h a r m aclose , here, chela. 1 ask thal this segment go fonh in conjunction wit11 Number One writing of this morning. I do not want more than the equivalent of one Express shipped at a given time for 1 ask that each ponion be studied prior lo moving on to the next xegment. We will next take up the subject of goals--State goals forthe individual and masses! I move to stand-by. Hatonn to clear, please. Gyeorgos C. Hatonn.,Cmdr. UFF-IGFC . . . ... .: CHAITEH 4 RltC 63 1 i IIATONN. I:RInAY, JANUARY 4, 1991 3:02 P.M. YEAR 4 D A Y 141 I t i s not always necessary to remove the individual. 11 is possible to remove his self-willed tendencies to the imorovement of the veoals and~ eains of -~ the . ~whole ~. ~ The technologies o f ~ s ~ c h o p o l ~ tare i c s graduated upon the scale which suns somewhat above the removal o f the individual himself, upward toward the removd only of those tendencies whicl~bring about his lack o f co-operation. 'l'his document is a continuation o f the transcription o f a document (~exlbook) utilized in Russia for ~ind-control--specifically'directedat the U n i t y Slates of America. This is done through a scientific method o f brain-washtng called PSYCHOPOLITICS. you are very close l o correct for that, indeed, is the goal of Commu~~ism. The methods have been incredibly cficctive and you stand at the brink of annihilation as a free people, under ANTI-CtIRIST, with liberty and jus~icefor none. ' f i e plan is synchronous with thc Global Plan 2000 for total lakc-over of the planet. If you believe the entire world has gone 'mad", ' ! QUOTE: STATE GOALS FOR THE LNDIVIDUAI. A N D MASS& Just as we would discover an individual to be ill, whose organs, each one. had a different goal from the rest, so we discover the individuals and the State to be ill where goals are not rigorously codified and enforced. 'fiere are those wLo, i n less enlightened times, gave Man to believe that goals should be personally sought and held, and that, indeed, Man's entlre impulse toward higher things stemmed from Freedom. We must remember that the same p p l e s who embraced this philosophy also continued in Man the myth of spiritual existence. (Hatonn: This was their first atlaek against immoflality and GodlChrist teachings.) All goals proceed from duress. Life i s a continuous escape. Without force and threat there can be no striving. Without pain there can be no desjre to escape from pain. Without the threat of punishment there can be no gan. Without duress and command there can be no alignment of bodily functions. Without rigorous and forthright control, there can be no accomplished goals for the Slate. Cioals o f the Slate should be formulated by the Slate for the obedience and w n currence of the individuals within that State. A Slate without goals so formulated i s a sick State. A State without the power and forthright wish l o enforce its goals i s a sick State. When an order i s issued by the (:ornnlunist State, and i s not obeyed, a sickncss tdils, the masses suffer. will br. discovered to ensue. Where obcdic~~ce Slate p a l s depend upon loyalty and obedience for their accomplish~nent. When one d~scoversa Stale goal to bc interpreted, one discovers inevitably that thsre has been an interposition of self-willcdness, o f g i r d , o f idleness, or o f r u g g d individualisrn and self-centered initiative. The interruption o f a State goal will be discovered as having been interrupted by a person whose disloyalty and disobedience is the direct result o f his own mis-alignment with life. I t is not enough for the State to have goals. Thesc goals, once put foward, depend for their completion upon the loyalty and obedience o f the workers. Thest,engaged for the most par(, in hard labors, have little time for idle spcculation, which is good. But, above them, unfortunately. there must be foremen of one or another position, any oae of w h u ~ r!night ~ have sufficient idleness and lack of ystcal occupation to cauw some disaffecting independency i n his conduct an behavtor. 8"'. Psychopolitics remedies this tendency toward disaffection when it exceeds the common persuasions o f the i~nn~ediate sl~periorsof the person in question. I f loyalty is so important i n the economic and social structure, i t is necessary to examine i t further as itself. In the field o f PsychopoliPcs, loyalty means simply 'alignment'. 11 means, Slate. l>isloyalty means more fully, alignment with the goals o f the Commu~~ist entirely mis-alignment, and nwre broadly, n~is-alignnlentwith the goals o f the Communist State. When we consider that goals o f the Conlfnunist Stale are lo the best possible benefit o f the masses, we can see that disloyalty, as a orm, can embrace Democratic alignment. Loyalty l o persons not con~munisticallyindoctrinated would be quite plainly a mis-alignment. The cure o f disloyalty is entirely corllained i n thc principles o f alignment. A l l that i t is necessary to do, where disloyalty is encountered, is to align the purposes o f the individual toward the goals o f Comn~unism,and it will be discovered that a great many circumstances hitherto distasteful in his existence w ~ l l cease to exist. The technologies of Psyct~opolilicsadrqlrdtuly de~~lonstrdte the workability o f this. While i t i s not borne 0111 that electric slroct lras any thrralsutic value, so far as / making the i~~dividual more sane, i t i s adequately brought out that i t s punishment value will create in the patlent a greater co-operative attitude. Brain surgery has no statistical data to recon~mcndi t beyond its removal of the individual personality from amongst the paths of organs which were not permttted lo co-operate. These two Russian developments have never pretended lo alter lhe state of sanity. They are only effective and workable in introducing an adequate punishment mechanism to thc personality to make it cease and desist from of its courses and egotistical direction of the anatom ilself. I t is the v i o l c n ~ [he electric shock and the surgery which i s usefur i n subduing the r d c \ t r a n t personality, which i s all that stands in the road of the masses or the Slate. It is occasionally to be discovered that the removal of the preventing personality by shock and surgery then permits the regrowth and re-establishment of organs which have been rebelled against by that personality. In that a well-regulated state i s c o m p o d of organisms. not personalities, the use of electric shock and brain surgery in Psychopoliticsi s clearly demonstrated. The changing of loyalty consists, in i t s primary step, of the eradication of existing loyalties. This ,$an be done in one of two ways: First, by demons!raling Ihat previously existing loyalties have brought about perilous physical carcumslances, such as imprisonment, lack of recognition, duress. or privation, and second, by eradicating the personality itself. 1 I j I [ I 1 i : . The first i s accom lished by a steady and continuous indoctrination of the individual in the belie that his previous loyalties have been granted lo an unworlhy source. One of the primary instances in this is creating circumstances which apparently derive from the target of his loyalties, so as to rebuff the indiv~dual. As part of this there i$ the creation of a-skate of mindin the individual, by actually placing him under duress, and then furnishing him with falseevidence to demonstrate that lhe target of his previous loyalties is. itself, the cause of his duress. Another portion of this same method consists of defaming or degrading the individual whose loyaltier or government, to such a degrae that this tar el, at length, actually does hold the individual in disrepute, and so docsrrbuff i m and serve to convince him that his loyalties have been misplaced. These are the milder methods, but have proven extremely effective. The greatest drawback in their practice i s that they require time and concentration, the manufacture of false evidence, and a psyschopolitical operator's time. F P; In monlents of expediency, of which there are many, the personality itself can be rearranged by shock, surgery, duress, privation, and in particular, that best of psychopolitical techniques, implantation, with the technologies of nee-hyp~OISI. Such duress must have tn i t s first pan a defamation of the loyalties, . and in i t s second, the implantation of new loyalties. A good and experienced psychopolitical operator, working under the most favorable circumstances, can. by the use of psychopolitical technologies, alter the lo allies of an individual so deftly that his own companions will not suspect that t ey have changed. This,, however, requires considerably more finesse than i s usually necessary l o the situation. Mass neo-hypnotism can accomplish more or less the same results when guided by as experienced psychopolitical operator. An end goal in such a procedure would be the alteration of the loyalties of an entire nation in a sbort period of rime by mass neo-hypnotism, a tl~ingw l ~ i chas l ~ been effectively accomplisl~edamong the less-useable states of Russia. .I I t i s adequately demonstrated that loyalty i s entirely lacking in that mythical commodity known as 'spiritual quality'. (Hatonn: Many would like to lake exception to this stacemen1 in believing il to be a demonstrrble lie; fundamental 'Christians' have alwa s been known for their lo ally and patriotism--NOT SO--as can be seen in U!e total lack of truly Godly &havior and/or staid Christian doctrines according to the Laws (Commandments) of God. Further in this very day you act in America as non- trioa in your efforts to be 'patriotic'. You have massive military invasion o a land across the world from your country and citizenry, to gain,back lvld and property for a Royal Monarch who, in fact, holds black slaves--totally against the.very fiber of your Constitution and projections of 'freedom and liberty for ALL'.) P" Loyally i s entirely a thing of dependence, economic or mental, and can be changed by the crudest implementations. Observation of workers i n their factories or field3 demonstrates that they easily grant loyalty to a foreman or a woman. and then as easily abandon i t and substitute anothcr individual, revulsing, at the same time, toward the person to whom loyalty was primanly granted. The queasy insecurity of the masses i n Capitalistic nations finds this more common than in an enltghtened State such as Russia. In Capitalistic slates, dependencia am so craven, wants and privations a n so exaggerated. that loyalty i s entirely without ethical foundation and exists only i n the realm of dependency, duress, or demand. y an ideal stale of mind, for I t i s fonunate that Communism so t ~ l approaches this brings a certain easiness into any changing of loyalties, since all other philosophies extant and praeticed on Eanh today are degnded and debased. c ~ C o m m u n i r m It . is then with a certain secwiiy that a psychupol~tical operator functions. for he knows that he can change the loyalty of an individual to a more ideal level by m w n alone, and only expediency makes i t necessary to employ the various shifts of psychopolitical technology. Any man who cannot be persuaded into Co~nmunislrationale is, of course. to be regarded as somewhat less than sane, and 11 is, therefore conipletely justified to use the techniques of insanity upon the non-Communist. I n order to change loyalty it i s necessary to establish first the existing loyalties of the.individual. The task i s madi'very simple in view of the fact that Capilalisticand Fascislic nations have no great. Wurity in the loyalty of their subjects. And i t may be Fwnd that the loyalties of the subjects, as we call any person against whom psychopblitical technology i s 16 be exerted, are already too faint lo require eradication. I t i s generally only necessary to persuade with the rationale andovenvhelming reasoriability of Communism to have the person grant his loyalty to the Russian Stale. However, regulated only by the imporLance of the subject, no great amount of time should be expended upon the individual, but emotional duress, or dectric shock. or brain surgery should be resorted to, should Communist propaganda persuasion fail. In a case of a very important person, i t may be necessary to utilize the more delicate technologies of Psychopolitics so as to place the person hintself, and his associates, in ignorance of the operation. In this case a simple implantation i s used, with a maximum duress and command value. Only the most skilled ps chopolitical operalor should be employed on such a project, as in this case o the very important person, for a bungling might disclose the tampering with his mental processes. / .. I t i s much more highly reco~~~n~cndcd, i f there i s any doubt whatever about the success of an operation against an inllm9nt person, to select Out as a pSychopolitical target persons in his vicinity in wltom he is emotionally involved. liis wife or children nurmdlly furnish the best targets; and these can be operated against wiihout restraint. In securing the lo ally of a very imporclnt qe,son one must place at his side a constant pleader w to enters a sexual or famrl~alchord into the situation on the side.of C o i i ~ r ~ i s mIt. may not be necessary Lo make a Communist out of the wife, or the .children, or one of the children, but jt might pmve efficacious to do so. In most instances,however, this IS not posslble. By the use of various drugs, it is, i n this modem age, and well wtlhtn the realm of psychopolitical reality, entirely too easy to bring about a slate of severe neurosis or insanity in the wife or children, and Lhus pass them, with full consent of the important person, and the government i n which $,exists, or Lhe bureau in which he is operating, into tlie hands of a psych~ltt!cal operator, who then i n his own laboratory, without restraint or fear of investigation M censor. , other useful means, can. with electric shock, surgery. sexual atlack, d ~ g s or degrade or entirely alter the personality of a.family member, and create In that person a psychopolitical slave subject who, when, on command or s~gna!, will perform outrageous actions, thus discrediting the important person, or wrll demand, on a more delicate level, that certain measures be taken by the important person,. which measures are, of course, dictated by the psychopol~tical operator. REC XJ ! (ilatonn: Have you not constant1 wondered how i t i s that often children of important people are totally to their parents? I t i s one way that Bush is kept in total control! It i s a very common occurrence.) discrediting Usually when the pany has no real interest in the activities or decisions of the important perm, but merely wishes to remove him from effective adon, the attention of the psychopolitical operator need hot be so intense, and the person need only be passed into the hands of some unwilling menlal practitioner, who laught as he i s by psychopolitical operators, will bring about sufficient embarrassment. When the lo ally of an individual cannot be swerved, and where Lhe opinion, weight, or e fect~vtnesnof the individual slands firmly i n h e road of Cornmunist goals, i t i s usually best to occasion a mild neurosis i n tbe penon by any available means, and then, having carefully given him a h~storyof mental imbalance, to see to it that he disposes of himself by suicide, or by bringing about his demise in such a way as to resemble suicide. Psychopoliti+ operators, have handled such situations skillfully tens of thousands of times w~thinand wllhout Russia. (Hatonn: 1 am sure that any astute reader can name a dozen nght off without hardly thinking about it.) / Please lake a short break. Dharma. Hatonn to standby. 11Al'ONN FRIDAY. JANUARY 4. 1991 4:25 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 141 CONTINUATION OF RIJSSIAN TEXTBOOK ON PSYCHOPOI.ITICS I t i s a firm principle of Psychopolitics that the person to be destroyed must be involved at first or second hand in the stigma of insanity, (Hnrunn: i.e. B.G. proclaimtng (hot these lorrmals. err., conic from rhe 'mad ravings of an ima~rr mind/') and must have been placed in contact with psychopolitical operators or persons trained by them, with a maxitnuni aniount of tumult and publicity. l'hc stigma of insanity i s properly placed at the door of such persons' reputations and is held there firmly by bringing about irrational acts, e i t k r on his own part or in his vicinity. Such an activity can be classified as a partial destruction of alignment, and if this destruction i s carried forward to ils furthest extent the mis-alignment on the subject of all loyalties can be considered to be complete, and alignment on new loyalties can be eiabarkcd upon safely. (Hatom: Or rhis can be accom lished by irrational acts by the persons wishing ro discredir truth und the fruti-bringers. i.e. Bill Cooper announcing to rhe world through the Billy GwJntan talk show in Las Yegar rhar '?he Phoenix .Jowmols are the-Biggesf hoar-ever prpetmted agahrr mnnkind!' 111further efloning to make his case he insisred rhur some 50 pages of his own work had been directly plagiarized from a 26 page document) by rhis scribe and Conrmunder Hatom. He did not, fommarely fur himself and his friends id10joined i n the .show o l d tell' episode. denounce Cottrmatlder Hatonn ar being notr-e.ristent! l ? ~ epoint was to discredir [he writer mrd publisher so (hut their work would go unread. Didn'r happen. did i t ? Truth will alwuysfind its O'II atul f believe rhar it is NOT the Juurncrl~which ore now it, disrespecr us beirtg tttltruth!!!) By bringing about insanity or suicide (Hatorm: 'lhis has not been an effecri~r proach lo Dhamur a d o r Oberli brrr in dirrcr unricipation of i n ~ ~ u l ~ ~ e t r ~ m t ir son war codilioned uncl did conrttrit srricide!) on the part of the wife of an important political personage, a suificicnt mi$-alignmenthas been instigated to change his attitude. And this, carried forward firmly, or assisted by psychopolilial implantation can begin the rebuilding of his loyalties, hut now slanted i n a more proper and fitting direction. "R Another reason for the alignment of psychopolitical activities with the misalignment o f insanity i s that insanity, itself, i s a despised and disgraced state, and anything connected with i t i s lightly viewed. 'I'hus. a psychopolitical operator, working in the vicinity of an insane person, can refute and disprove any accusations made against hiin by deaonstrating that the family itself i s tainted with mental imbalance. This i s surprisi~lglycf'fcctive in Capitalistic coentfles where insanity i s so thoroughly feared that no one would dream of i~wcstigating any circu~nstancesin its vicinity. t'syr.ll~~~w~lit~cal propaganda wofks constantly and must work constantly to increase and huild up this aura of mystery surrounding insanity, and must emplvasize tllc tlorribleness and hopelermess of Illsanity in order to excuse non-theratxutic actions taken against the Insane. Particulnrly is Capitalistic countries, an insa~~e person has no r~ghls under the law. No penoat who is insane niay huld properly. No person who Ls insane may testify. Thus, we have an ercetlcnt road along which we can travel loward our certain goal and destiny. Entirely by bringing about public conviction lhal the sanity Of a perm is in question, it i s possible to discount and eradicate all of the goals ant1 activities of that person. By demonstrating the insanity of a group, or even agovemment, it i s possible, then, to cause its people to dlsavow it. By magnlfytng the general human reaction to insanity, throt~gl~ keeping the subject of insanity, itself, forever before the public eye, and illen, by uttliting this reaction by causing a revulsion on the pan of a populace agalnst i t s leader or leaders, it i s possible lo stop any government or movement. i t i s important to know that the enttre subject of loyalty i s thus as msriy handled as it is. One of the fin1 and foremost missions of the psychopdilician is to make an attack upon Communisn~and insanity syno?ymow. I t should bfcome the definition of insanily, 01 the pardnoid varaety, that "A parsnu~d believes he is being attacked by Cun~t~nrnists."Thus, at once the support of the individual so attacking COIIIIIIII~~~I will fall away and wither. (Ilurorm: nure [hut unti-Co~nr~~~ni~ts ure lubeled nr 'righr-wing urremisrs.' paranoid, erc.) Instead of executing national leaders, suicide for them should be arranged under circumslances which question their demise. In this way we can select out all opposition to the Communist extension into the social orders of the world, and render popalaces who would oppose us lcatlerlcss, and hring a%t a stale of chaos - - - - or inis-alienment into whicl~ we can thrust. with great simpl~c~ty. the clear and forceiul doctrines of Communism. The cleverness of our atlack in Illis field of Psychopolitics i s adequate to avoid the understanding of the layman and the usual stupid official, and by operating entirely under the banner of authority, wilh the oft-repeated statement that the principles of psychotherapy are loo devious for common underslanding, an entire revolution can be effected without the suspicion of a populace until it i s an accompl~sl~ed fact. As insanity i s the maxin~u~n inis-atignmmt, i t can be grasped lo be the maximum weapon in severance of loyalties to leaders and old social orders. Thus, i t i s of the ullnost importance that psychopolitical operatives infiltrate the healing arts of a nation marked for conquest, and bring from that quarter continuous pressure against the population and the government until at last the co~lquesti s effected. This i s the subject and goal of I'sychopolitic:s, itself. In rearranging loyalties we must have a command of Qeir values. In the aninla1 the first loyalty i s to himself. This IS destroyed by demonstrating errors to h~m, showing him that he JCWS 1101 ~ ~ I ~ I c I I I I ~ L 'C~IIIIO~ ~, act or does not trust tlinlself. The second loyalty i s to his family unit. his parents and brothers and sisters. This is destroyed by n~akinga family unit ecot~onlicallynon-dependent,. by lessening the value of marriage, by making an easlnm of divorce and by " raising the children wherever possible by the Slate. The next loyalty i s to his friends and.local environment. This is destroyed by lowering his tmd and bringing about reporlings upon him allegdly by hi fellows or the town or village authorities. (ilaronn: n i s has ulso been publicly foisted of upon nty scribe with the municipal coun Judge ntis-ruling and conrinued insulting wrds and behnviors by Sonru Barburn Savings.anrl Loun Association. l l i s is fully intended lo rum Iht entire of the villuge ugoinsl the 'old co~cple' inwltrd.) The next is to the Setc and this, for the purposes of Communism, i s the only loyalty which should exist once the state i s founded as a Communist State. To destroy loyalty to the State all manner of forbiddin s for w t h must be put into effect so as tp disenfranchise them as members o the apttaltst state and, by promises of a better lot under Communism, to gain their loyalty to a Comslunist movement. . . B 2.. Denying a Capitalist count& easy access lo courts, bringing about and suppiting propaganda to destroy the home, creating and continuous juvenile delinquency. 'forcing upon the state all manner of practices lo divorce the child from it will in the end crePte the chaos necessary to Communism. Under the saccharine guise of assistance to them, rigorous child labor laws are the best means to deny the child any right in the society. By refusing to 4 1 hitn earn, by forcing him into unwanted dependence upon a g ~ d g i n gparent, by making certain in ather channels that Ulc parent i s never in other than economic slms, the child can be driven in his teens into revoll. Delinquency will ensue. r.as (Horonn: You ma wrsc PI the nui your eyes!) IS wcN quit holding your breurh as you r e d . for yes, it gets struck upon irs head over and uver and over righr befirre By making readily available drugs of various kin&, by giving the teen-ager alcohol, by praising his wildness, by stimulating hhu with sex literature and advertising to him or her practicer as taught, at the Sapol, the psyahopalilical operator can create the necessary atlitude of chaos, idleness and worthlessam into which can then be cad the solulion which will give the tcen-aget complete freedom everywhere Communism. -- Should it be wssible to continue conscriotton bevond anv time hv , reasonable -- - .promoting unPopuiar wars and other a d n s the draft can always stand k-; further barner to the proems uf youth i n life, destroying-any immediate hope l o participate i n his natlon's clvll life. ~y'thesemeans the patriotism of youth for their Capitalistic flag can be dulled to a point where they are no longer dangerous as soldiers. While this mieht require many dccades.to effect, C5pitalism's short term view will never etkision the lengths across which we can plan. Ifwe cot~ldeffectively kill the nationdl pride and palriotis~nof j ~ ~ one st generntiun we will have won Illat country. I'herefure, there nlusl he cue- linual propaganda abroad to ul~derrninethe loyalty of the cltizens in general and the teen-ager ill particular. (Iluronn: Ihis was e&wively perfcred by rhe Viernam Wur a ~ u since, l the citizens ofrhe United Stores, for inrronce. have been unable rofincl trite pitrpose bi U I I ~actinns of the U.S. adntinisrrarion. ?here is nor the sli#hresr norio~tby the nrilirary as to why rhey are RE4LLY IN SAUDJ ARABIA--BUT IT CERTAINLY IS NOT PATXIOTIC NEED FOR PROTECIION OF FREEDOM OF TIlE UNITED STATES.) The role of the psychopoliticai operator in this is very strong. He can, from his position as an authority on the mind, advise all manner of destructive nwsures. He can teach the lack of control of his child at home. He can instruct, in an optimum situation, the entire nation in how to handle children -- and instruct them so that tile children, given no control. given no real home, can run wildly about with no responsibility for their nation or for tl~emselvu. The tnis-aligntnnt of the loyalty of youth to a Capitalistic nation sets thc proper stage for a realignnient of their loyallies with Communism. Creating a grecd for drugs, rxaal misbehavior and unconlrolled freedom and presenting this to them as a benefit of Comn~unisniwill with rare bring about our alignment. In the case of strong leaders amongst youthful groups. a psychopolitical operator can work in many wa s to use or d~scardthat leadership. If it is lo be used, the character of the g rl or boy lnust be altered carefully into erimi~lnl channels and a control by bhck~nailo r other means must be maintained. But wbere the leadership is not susceptible, where it resicts all persuasions and might become danOer0u.s to our cause, no pains musl be sfired to dlreel the atlenlion-oC-lktnutkori(iest c 4 h a t ~ h m s v h i m i n - o n e way or another until he can come into thi! hands of juvenile authorities. When this has been effected it UII be hoped that a psychopolitical operator. by reasoil d khild advisor stntus, can, i s the security of the jail and cloaked by processes or law, destroy the sanity of that person. Pnrtkularly brilliast scholars, athletes and youth group leaders must be handled in either one of these two ways. r' ' . . . , In the matter of guiding the activities bf juvenile courts, thepsychopolitical operator entertains Itere one of his easier,lasks. A Capitalistic nation is so-filled with injustice in general that a little more passes without comment. In juvenile courts there are always persons with strange appetites whaher these be judees or policemen or women. If such do not exist they can be created. B mak~ng available to them young girls or boys in the .security" of the jail or tie detention home and by appearing wit11 flash cameras or witnesses one bemmes equipped with a whip adequate to direct all the future decisions of that person when these are needed. 'I'he l~andlingof youth cases by courts sl~ouldbe led further and fullt~er away f r o n ~law and f u ~ l l ~ ae lrd further into "mental problems* until the entire rraliot~thinks of "mestal problencsuinstead of crlninak: (Hurotm: Nore rlrur the heavy, heavy rhrtrsr in /Ire coitrrs is ro convince'you rhar critninuls ore h'OT RESPONSIBLE FOR TtlEIR CRIMES! i.e.. "...he h d a bud. ubuiive chiW11d". "...he was deprived us u child'. '....he is menrally unbalmcxd" " and on und ion uJ nuicseam.) 'This places vacancies everywhere in the courts, in the offices of district attornr s, on pol~cestaffs which could then be filled with ps chopolitica! operators an tl~esehccorne t l ~ c ithe ~ judges of the land by thc~r in uence and into their hands comes tl~ctotal col~t~ol of the cria~inal,without whose help a revolution cannot ever he acco111pli5hed. X 'I' By stressing this authority over the proble~nsof youth and adults in couns one day the demand for psychopolitical operators could become such that even the armed services will use 'authorities on the mind" lo work thcir various justices and when this occurs the armed forces of the nation then enrer into our hands as solidly as if we commanded them ourselves. With the slight bonus of having thus a skilled interrogator near every techoician or handler of secret war a pa ratus, the country. in event of revolution, as did Germany in 1918 and 1819; will find itself immobilized by its own Army and Navy fully and entirely in Communist hands. is, in fact, the suhjcct of Thus the subject of loyalties and their lealig11111e111 non-armed conquest of all cncnly. Dhanna, allow us closure at this point. pleas. i want to take up the subject of "obedience' in this textbook resentation aed it is a mouthful to chew because you wrll see it unfolding be ore your eyes--how you have been suckered into allow~n one who "lakes charge* through (mwer lo require obedience and recelve o f it. To lhis very extent, you lrave given up your rights to Constitutional freedom into the hands of would-be dictators and world coirtrollcrs. P Is lhis information a bit provoking to your isinds? Is it perhaps shocking? 1 -cerIainly do hope so for you are all but 'I~arl" as you sm~leand salute all the way to the chop-block! Good evening. Hatonn to clear. , . SATURDA,Y, JANUARY 5, 1991 7 5 7 A.M. ' Y E A R 4 DAY 142 . 'j: Hatonn. Good morning. We will only write for a short while this morning for there is need for you to be away from this location; there are also other things which need attention. Please take note of the 'flap" regarding news reporters in the Middle East (" hysical fitness', censorship by the inllitary, etc). This goes alon with that wlich we are wriling--this is to insure total control of all news. $ou will be told that the y w s will be censored and controlled to keep the enemy off guard. No, it is to disallow your parents and loved ones and objective governmental officlals to know truth. By the way--Botulism and Anthrax are deadly diseases and there are no effective ial' vaccines-vaccines for either. At best, there are some very dangerous still in research and which I would not utilize on any anim whnch would be mine~enarry; Again;-you arrliedto: The s a m e - m , - h your g r M halls of wisdom and national research, has announced this--"Sandyw, as CNN's Lany King fondly calls his regular visitor on this enlightening 'show and l@l' (that which is intended for you to swallow whole). When confronted, he also P. A D h i I m E D that "innocent" microbes were introduced into the subway system of New Yo& as an experiment. It was estimafed that S00.W people wen directly introduced to the microbes and al~non400,000 came down with the "iqfecfion He added wifh a s~nile, W B ~ir twas tofally h'adess microbes." IIOW C O U W I T BE HARMLESS IF, I N PACT, YOU C O U W DETERMINE THAT ALMOST 400,000 (ACTUALLY, THE 'COUNT WAS GENERALIZED A T 367,000) CAME DOWN W l T t l SYMPTOMS WIIICII COULD BE IDENTIFIED? ". E WIPED OUT BEFORE YOUR EYES. ALONG What of the meeting of Iraq and the U.S. in Geneva? You are told a great deal about facts, if you pay attenlion. Bush continues lo say 'no-deal' of any kind. But, the meeting is arranged for on the brink of deadline and, further, in neulral territory. YOU ARE MAKING HEADWAY, PEOPLE OF TH@ WORLD-ESPECIALLY THE RUSSIAN WORLD OF CONTROLLING POWER. BE GRATEFUL FOR WHATEVER WE CAN GAIN IN 'TIME. WITHOUT BLOWING YOUR WORLD AWAY. Watch the sleight-of-hand: the administration--with Kissinger now on TV with his monolone, emolionless, robotic voice of a computer. projecting the next move--that 01economic disaster. in. the. face of scalledput war. Tlre nerd is to pull down America very soon SO :. . ::,. , I 'f X . TODAY'S WATCH 15 thaf the other controlling Jactom can come lnto play and be totally opemn'onol by yeor 2000. I believe you can see /,om thar which we are presenting here reganling prychopolilical sweeping OJ the world-Americo in speci/ics--tlte plan has crhemahve measures and ALL art functional. They only needed one genemfion to pull y ~ down. u America-and they got if! The plan is to sacrifice all of yoar current y o u l ~ u l enemtion. It is up to you of the prior gmerorwn to get this thing of free om back on tmck~faryourchildren, nation and God. 7Re outh a n caurht in the jaws of control and chaos and have nothing lo whic lo nlolc--YOU WILL DO IT. 0R IT WILL NOT BE DONE. . . Please. Dharma, back to the laying forth of the Russian plan and lextbook mandates for world dominion thiough' the mind: MIND-0L. We will begin this portion s~eakinaabwt 'OBEDIENCE':. TOTAL OBEDIENCE TtlROUGH FORCE. ' You Lave many examples throughout history and. now. evea beauteous America is ruled bv police force atablished unlaifutly,~unconstituiionally, and through the ~Jile:-by. the acts of violence and fear. Harken back to history: Alexander the G m t . Napoleon, Hiller. Stalin.and Mao Tse-lung--all ruled in this manner. Dear Dcsirec', I dare say y6u would no1 have enjoyed a relationship, of any type a1 all, wilh Alexander, per your distractor and deceiver projectors! He was simply not a nice person! .. . ., .,.x. . , Again note that I will Quote from the document aswritten. My eommenls will . . be in parens, in italics. ) .. QUOTE: L: . (.i. . . . ..,* .. Obedience is the result of force. . . . . Everywhere we look in the history of Earth wediscover that obedience to new rulers has come about entirely through the demonstration on the pan of those rulers of greater force than'was to be discove!e$ in the old ruler. A population overridden. conqucrcd by'war, is obedient to 11sconqueror. It is obedient to its conqueror because its conqueror has exhibited more force. ,. . Concurrent with force is brutality, for there arc human considerations invotvcd which also represent force. The mosl barbaric. unrestrained. brutal use of force, if eakied far enough, invokes obedience. Savage TO&, sufficiently long displayed toward any individual, will bring about his eoncurrenlee with any principle or order. , , . Force is the antithesis of humanizing actions. It IS so synonymous in the human mind with savageness, lawlessness, brutality, and barbarism, that it is only necto display an inhuman attitude toward people, to be granted hy thox peop e the possession of force. es==r Any organization which hirs the spirit and courage lo display inhumanity, savage~~ess, brutality, and an i~ncon~pron~isi~lg lack of humanity, will be ! ' , 1 I 1 I ! 1 obeyed. Such a use of force is, itself, the essential ingredient of greatness. We have to hand no less an example than our great Cotnmuntst leaders, who, in ntotnents of duress and trial, when faced,by Czarist rule, continucd over the heads of an enslaved populace, yet displayed sufficient courage never to slay their hands in the execution of the conversion of the Russian Slale lo Communist rule. If you would have obedience ;w must have no compmmlse with humanity. If you would have ohedie~~ce you niusl make It c h d y understood lhat you have no mercy. hian b an asi~nal. Ile undedands, in the final anal&, only those things which a brute understands. As an example of 'this, we find an individual refusing to obey and being struck. llis refusal lo obey is now less vociferous. He is struck again, -and his restsand pounded again uld agun, lance is lessened once more. He is ban~rt~cred until, at length, his onlythought is direct and implicil ob+i?ce to that person from wh0111 the force his emanated. .This is a proven principle. It is pmyen brcause it is the main principle Man, the animal, has used since his earllest beginnings. It is the only principle which has been effective, the only principle which has brought about a wide and continued belief. For it is lo our benefit that an iadividaal who is stnrck again, and agals, and again rrom a certain source, will, at length, l~ypr~utically believe anylhi~~g he is told by l l ~ source e uf Ole blows. The stupidity of Weslen~civiliratio~sis best demonstrated by the fact that they believe hypnotism is a thing or the nri~ld,of allention, and a desire for unconsciousness. Ihrrrmottrue. Only wh-bcaetn, punished, and mercilessly han~mered,can hypnotism upon him be guaranteed in its effectiveness. (ffutotrn: Nore that torture of P.O. W.'s is NOT for .. the purpose of gaining infonnatiun bur. rather, for tom1 indocrrination!) It is slated by Western authorities on hypnosis that only some twenty rcent of the pcople arc susceptible to hypnotism. !This s l a t e m t a vely f m 6 . Given enough repetition andlor punishment, ALL of the people in any time and place are susceptible to hypnotism. I r other words, by nddiug rorce, hypnotisni is made uniformly effective. Where u1lronriouSM'S5 could not be induced by simple concentrntio~rupon the hypnotist, u n c o n s r 1 ~ w s s C A N BE INDUCED by drugs, by blows, by electric shock, m d by other means. And where unconsciwsness cannot be induced so as to make an implvltalion or an hypnotic command effective,. it is only necessary to amputate the CUIICtioning poriiom of the aninial Man's brain lo render him null and void and no longer a ntenace. Thus we find that hypnotism b e n t i d y effective. The mechanisms of hypnotism demonstrate clearly that people can be made to believe in certain conditions, and even instheirenvlronntent or in,polilics, by the administration of force. Thus, it is necessary for a psychopolthcian to be an expert in the administration of forces. Thus, he can bring about implicit obedience, not only on the pan of individual members of the populace, but on the entire populace itself and its government. He need only lake unto htinself a sufficiently savage role, a sufficiently uncompromising inhuman attitude, and he " will be obeyed and believed.. (Ifnrotrn: For this reuson, a good hyptt~trerupisl . in working with a client MUST how discipline and ofien REQUIRE rhr subconSC~OU m i d respond with truth. v t h c pru~~ririonrr sinrply gels tnore etrroriorrul 'and sympatheric, strokes the hand in u~rrrnrtrr,err., the rr~itulcmrinrrrs ro hr reitforced with ihr negative input already in cornmund. Irr orher twrtls--trroh ' m u [ be confronted in order 10 chunge of the behub',tor strucrure. If matters ru~t to fhe subconsciouc mind w h a ~the i~tstrrtctionrurr, if will function utul rurue /uncrion of the individuul to conrintcr wvi(tt the dotttinanr and strucrur~dinptit awilable until such rime as new insmrctiorrs are given and accepted which ovrrride the prior conunands.) The subject of hypnotism is a subject of belief. Wlrat can people be 111ndeto helleve? They CAN be made to believe anything which is adniirlistered to them with sufficient repetitio~r,brutality and force. The obedience ol a populhce is as good as they will believe. Despicable religions, such as ChrirtI;~r~ity,knew this. Ihey knew that if enough faith could be brought into bebig a populace could be e~islavedby and niercy, and thus could be disthe Christian mockeries of l~un~ualty nnned. But one need nut cou~itup011 tllb act of faith to bring about a brand belief. One must only exhlbit enough force, enough inhu~na~iily, enough brutality and swagelleu to create implicit belief and thererore and thereby implicit obedience. As C O I ~ I ~ I ~ I IisI ~a Snistler I I I of belief, ils study is a study of force. (Hatonn: Note rhur UJ ottes are broicgh~irua the sbelrrr r,f' the "Church'. gradually rhr Laws of Curl haw been bruken in rotul by u 'wring-in' and ~mademiwtion"and "allotvartce' (fall the negative atul nror(11 WIUCJ. You can SEE rhar h e actions are both desrructiw and incorrect ard yer the BELIEF IS ELYGENDEdlED TIIROUGII THE PRESSURE AND FORCE OF THE TEACHERS, PREACHERS AND COUNCILS WHO CHANGE THE M WS BY HUMAN CONTROL FACTORS.) The earliest Russian psychiatrists, pioneering this science of psyc\;iatry, understood thoroughly that hypnosis is induced by acute fear. The discovered i t could also be induced by shock of an emotional nature. and also exirenle privation, as well as by blows and drugs. L In order to induce a high state of hypnogogy (hypnosis) in an individual, a gmup, or a population, an element of terror must always be present on the p a d of those who would govern. The psychiatrist k'aptly suited to t h e role, for his brutalities are comniitted in the i t a m of xiewe and are inexplicably complex, and entirely 0111 of view of the human underslaading. A sufficient popular terror of the psychiatrist will, in itself, bring about insanity on the part of many individuals. A psychopolitical operative, hen, can, ent~rely cloaked with authority, commence and continue a campaign of propaganda, describing various 'treatments" which are administered to the insane. A prychopolttical operative, must at all times insist that these treatments are therapeutic and necessary. He can, in all of his literature and his books, list large number of pretended cures by these means. But these "cures' need not actually produce any recovery from a state of disturbance. As long as the psychopolitical operative or his dupes Bre the olrly authorities as to the difference between sanity and Insanity, their ivurd ar to the therapeutic value of sucl~ treatment will be the final word. No lay~nsnwould dare adventure tu place , . jlrd&n~entupon tile state ot sanity uf n11 i~~diviiiu;ll whom the psychlatrlSt has already declarcd insane. l'lre individual, hitwelt, is unable to complain, and his fanlily, as will be covered later, is already direredited by the occurrence of insanity in their 111ids1. There rnusl be 110 other a4judieators of insanity; otherwise it could be disclosed that the brutalities practiced in the eaele of treatment are not tl~crapeutic, A psyxhopolitkal operative has no interest in "therapeutic means* o r "cures*. The greater number of iusune in the country where he k operating, the larger number of the populace will come under hi view, and the greater will become his facilities. ~ C ~ UtheK problem is apparently mounting into uncontrollable heights, he can more and more operate in an atmosphere o l emergency, which again excuses his use of such treatments as electric shock, the pre-frontal lobotomy. trans-orbital leucotomy, and other operatio~ulong-since practiced in Russia on political prisoners. (Iiatonn: Do you believe the rrenrendolu increase in 'intantry'just h m I suggest yort go back and wry cure~itllyreread the Journal dealing with (he Conspiracy, Glob01 Plan 2MN und ull Elorace Mullins' mteriul. In J.E. flunvcr's iron law FBI duys, forcefil i~trurcerutionand ' m a 1 adaptmion' or Ife-long incarceration m the i~~stitrrtron ~vw'(he" modus operandi! It is to the interest of the psycl~opoiiticaloperative that the poisibility of curing the i n w e be outlawed and ruled out at all times. For the sake of obedience on the part of the population and their gemeral reaction, a level of brutality must, a l all cosfs, be mainlained. Only in this way can the absolute 'udgmcnt of the psychopolitical operative as to the sanity or insanity of public gures be maintvned in complete b e l i e f . - . U s i ~ ~ g . z u ~ w ~ a l U y ~their u p opatients, n the public at large will come to believe utterly anything they say about their .patients. Furthenno%, and much more important, the field of the mind must be suficiently dominated by the psychopolitical operative, so that wherever tenets of the mind are taught they will be hypnotically believed. The psychopolitical operative, having under h ~ control s all psychology classes in an area, can thus bring about a complete reformation of the future leaders of a country in their educational recesses, and so prepare them for Communism @Iatonn: utd/or -New Age mnoction, thought "beingness" and "allowlng~. d J'. To be obeyed, one musl be believed. If one is sufficiently believed, one will unquestioningly be obeyed. (Ilutonn: If you ones do not see this in action a , I I ( The long view is the impomit view; Relief is engedered by a certain amount of fear and terror from an authoritative level, and this will be followed by obedience . The general propagan& which would best serve Psychopolitics would be continual insistme that certain authbiutive M s of healing deemed this or that the conect treatment of insanity. These treatments must always include a cerlain amount of brutality. Propaganda should continue and stress the risiug incidence of i m n i t y in a country. The entire field of human behavior, for the benefit of the country, can, at length, be broadened Inlo ahnorn~albe. . havior. . Thus, anyone indulging in an eecenlricily, pdrlicularly the eccentricity of conlbatting psych lucr, could silenced by the authoritative opinion on the pan ' of a psychopo tltcal operative lhat he was actinp, in an abnormal fashion. Th~s. with some good fortuk, could bring the personinto the hands of the psychoPo: litical operative so as to forever more disable him. or to swerve his lovalties bv ~, ' pain-dig hypnotism. . . . . .. .: . ., : O n the subject of obedience itself, the most optimum obcdienee is unthinking obedience. The command given must be obeyed without any rationalizing on o ~ ~ i s u b j e c t .The ' command must; therefore, be implanted below the .: . thin the 'ng pnxxuer of the subject to be influenced. and musl react upon him in such a way as lo bring no mental alertness .. , . on his pan. It is in the interest of Ps chopolitics that a population be told that an hypnotized person will not do any1 ing against his actual will, will not commit immoral acts, and will not act so as to endanger himself. While this may be true of Ilght, parlour hypnotism and general welfare therapy, it cenainly is not true of commands implanted with the use of electric shock, drugs, or heavy punishment wherein the entire structure of thoqght processes are altered permanently (Hutonn: An excellent example of this point is C. Cordon Uddy of Watergate & ope" ~ 1 ?? K ri#ht orrr of 'THE LIPS' tltm 1Jie'rcrrJ)r ortr ever reaching stabiliry a ain upon this eanlr. Yorr-the-People are bei~rg rtslred lo the limits of that ~vhic you wiN occept! And, brothers, you go beyi>~ri!tI~e conrmllers ~vildesthopes.) fame and now a recognized spuker, writer and talk-show panicipant. lhts ntun is totally indoctrinated into extremes and mindless actions--without compiusion or obrltty to recognize Immoraltry.) When he is fortunate enough to obtain into Iris hands anyone near to a political or ilnportanl figure, this factor of obedience becomes very imporlanl. A certain amount of feaior terror must be engendered in the person under treatment so that this person will then take l~ntnediatrorders, com~letelvand unauestioningly, from the psychopolitical operative, and so bk ableto idluence thk actions or that person who I S to be reached. It is counted upon completely that this will be discredited to the general public b psychopolit~caloperatives, for if it were lo generally be known that individuwould obey commands harmful to themselves, and would commit tmmoral acts while under the influence of deep hypnotic commands, the actions of manv pcoplc. working unknowingly in faior oi' Communism. would be tw-well u i derstood. People actine under dceo hvonot~ccommands should be actine anoarently of their own volit;on and out bf iheir own convictions. Bringing about this slate of mind 011 tlre part of a populace and its leaders--that a psychopolilical operative mmrst, at all times, be believed--could eventually be & .. The entire subject of psychopolitical hypnosis, Psychoplitics in general, depends for its defense upon continuous protest from authoritative sources Illat such things are not possible. And, should anyone unmask a psychopl,it~caloperative, he,sl~ouldat once declare the wliole thing a phys~cal~mposs~b~!~l,y, and use his authoriiative,position to discount any accusation. Should any wnltngs of Psychopolitics come to view, il i s only atecessary to brand them a hoax and laugh them nut of cou~ite~iance.Thus, psychopolitical activities are easy to detelid. \Vlien psychopolitical activities have reached a certain p a k , trom there 018 it is aln~ostimpossible to ulido thes~,for the population is alre~dyunder the duress of obedience to the psychopolitical operatives and thew dupes. for Ute complete belief in the psyThe ingredient of obediewe is imporla~~t, chopolitical operative renders bis statement cancelling any chaUenge about psychopolitkal operstlom irrefutable. The o p t h u m cireumstanc~would be to,aecupy every position which would be conarlled by ollirials on slly questaon or suspicion arising on the subject of Rychopolitics. Thw, P p y cl~islricadvisor should be placed near to hand i n every government operalion. As all susplcinm would lhe~rbe referred to him, no action would ever bc tukcn, and the goal of CUII~III~~I could be realited in that nal10n. Rychopolitics depends, from the viewpol~~t of the layman, upon Its tanl,ao tic aspects. These are its best detelue, but above all these defenses is 1111pliclt obedience on the part ot otfiuals and the genenl public, because of the character of the psychopoliticaloperative in the field of healing. END QUOTING ' &.reI request that this podion be closed at.lhis paint---Lulau spond to the queries regarding the. erm, ~Communism.. chosen. for it connotes that which amoral man wouldhke to achieve--balance, charity. all for all, ec. I t is only a label given to this particular movement for global control to further fool the masses of humanity. There i s noth~ngoftrue m,mmunistic inlent i n any manner and perhaps th~sis where the publtc awaken~n must begin,! The PRINCE OF DARKNESS AND DECEIT has pulled it 0 f again and again right before your.eyes! You-LC-citizens of the world have beSonie mesmerized into dullness and stupefaction and know not that whlch has co& upon you. WAKE UP! I cerlainly care not whether you believe me real or'figment--THE TRUTH LIES I N PHYSICAUMENTAL DISPLAY BEFORE YOU! I T SHOULD NOT REQUIKE ONE OF GOD'S HOSTS TO POINT I T OUT UNTO YOU, BUT SO BE IT! WHATEVER IS REQUIRm WILI. BE GIVEM FORTH--IN LOVE AND ALLOWANCE OF CHOICES. 1 WOULD HOPE THAT THE LIGHTED CHOICES SHALL BE TURNED UNTO TRUTH AND GOD. SALU. %%%% f REC 1 2 HATONN SUNI)AY, JANUARY 6, 1991 3:27 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 149 ~ P O 1 , I ' r l C S - - M I N D - C O N T R O I I(RUSSIAN TEXTBOOK1 CONTINUED: Let us immediately move on lo the Russian textbook. -0POI.SrICS - . How - could this be irue?I realize that the flood of obicctions i s flowine back. No, you must have "just whtten' this haterial, es., ~ etc., ctc. No, dear friends, it was written first as a portion of the Protocols of the Zionist Men of Wisdom; Remel~~ber, that the Zioaisls--as thcy are represenled tcday--came out of Rtirsia. They were the Russian Khazars! AS the protocols became lau h l and active within the more modem Dtting, the mandates became laugh1un er the guise of 'Coii~munism". This texlbook is still utilizcd daily and i s the operating manual of the Soviet government and KGB.. . I t has been sl~cluredappropriately and i s the guiding handbook for the Mos'sad of Israeli origin. I t has now been rewritten into the handbook of the collective "intelligence agencies' which appear to be separate but are actually working in coalition: the KGB. CIA, Mossad and your FBI. There are others, i.e., Chinese, etc.. but wchave~notthe time nor I. the inclination to cover i t all for we would . . be all month on the subject. f .. . Suffice it to Say the material i s currently utilized EVERY day! This I S the plan of mind-control of the masses! QUOTE: Man is a stimulus-mponse animal. llis entire reasoning capabilities, even hb ethics and mods, depend upon stiniulus-responsemachinery. This has long been demonstrated by such Russians as Pavlov, and the principles have long been used in handling the recalcitrant, in tclining children, and in bringing about a state of optimum behavior on the part of a population. Hatonn to clear, please. IIaving no independent will of his own, Man is emsily handled by stieiulusGywrgos Ceres Halonn, Cnidr. UFF-IGFC response mechanisms. I t is only necessary lo install a sti~nulusinto the tnenlat anatomy of Man lo have that stimulus reactivate and respond any tinit an erteriot command source calls i t into being. The mechanisms of stimulus response are easily u~iderslood. The body takes pictures of every action in the envirol~n~cnl around an individual. Wticn the en- . . . vironmrnt includes brutality, terror, shmk, and other such activities, the menu1 ir~ragepiclyre gained wntalns in ilssll all tlic ingredients of the environment. If :tl~eindividual, himself, was injured doring thal moment, the injury, itself, will re-manifest ,when called upon to rcspor~dby an exterior cornmand'source. It is onlynccessary to deliver in(o thc organism a sufficicnl stin~olusto gain an adequate response. So long as the organism obeys the stimulus 'whenever it is' restimulatsd in the future, it does not suffer from the pain of the stim~rlus. But should it disobey the stiqulus reacts to punish the individthe command content of the stimt~l~ts, ual. Thus, we have an optimum circumstance, and one of the basic principles of Psychopolitics. A sufficiently installed stitnulus will thereafter remain as a police mechanism within the individual to cause him lo follow the commands and directions given to him. Should he fail to follow the* commands and directions, the stimulus mechanism will go into ~ t l o n . As the eommands are there with the moment of duress, the commands themselvunctd never be repeated, and if the individual were to depan.thousindsOf miles away from the sycho litical operative, he will still obey- tlie psychopolitical openlive, or. &mselrbecome extremely ill and in agony. These principles, built from the earliest days of Pavlov, by constant and continuous Russian development, have, at last, bedme of enormous use to us in mir conquest. For less modem and well-informed countries of Earth, lacking this mechanism, failing to understand it, and coaxed into somnolence by our own psychopolitical operatives, who discount and disclaim it, cannot avoid succumbirg to it. As an example of this, if an ittdividaal is beaten, and is told during the elltirely of the baling that lte ntttsl obey certain officials, he will, in the future, feel the beginnings of the pain the ntomertt lte begins to diibey. The installed pain, llself, reacts as a policeman, for the experience of the individual demondrates lo hiun that he caanot combat, and will melve pain from, cerlain ofr~lals. The mind can become very complex in its stimulus responses. As easily demonstrated in hypnotism. an enttre chain of commands, having !o do with a great many complex actions. can be beaten, shocked, or terrorized Into a mind, and will lte then dormant.unti1 called into view by some similarity of the cir-. cumstances of the environment to the incident of punishment. The stitnulus we call the 'incident of punishment' where theresponse ,mechanism need only contain some sn~allpart of the stimulus to call Inlo v1ew.lhe mental image picture. and cause it to exert against the M y , the pain sequence. So long as the individual obeys the picture. or follows the commands of the stimulus implantation. he is free from pain. The behavior of children is regulated in this fashion in every civilized counlry.. The father, finding himself unable to bring about immediate obedience and training on the pan of his child, resons to physical violence, and after administering punishment of a physical nature to the child on several occasions, is gratified lo experience complete obedience on the part of the chtld each ltme the father speaks. l o that parents are wont t o be lenient with their children, they seldom administer sumcient punisltmettt to bring about entircly optinium obedience. The ability of the organism to withstand punishment is v z great., Complete and bnplictt response cat1 be gained only by stimuli su ciently brutal to actually irljure the orgattisni. . ,, The ~ o s G c kmethod of breaking wild horses is a useful example.. The horse will not restrain itself or tlke any of its rider's commands. The rider, wishing to break it, mounts, and lakes a flask of strong Vodka, and smashes it between the horse's ears. The horse, struck to its knees, its eyes filled with alcohol,, mistaking the dampness for blood, instantly and thereafter gives its attention to tlie rider and never needs furthrr breaking. Uifficult in breaking horses is only occasioned when light punishments are administeret! There is some mawkish sentimentality about 'breaking the spirit", but what is desired here is an obedient horse, and sufficient brutality brings about an obedient horse. The stimulus-response mechanisms of the body are such that !he pain. and the command subdivide so as to counter each other. The menlal Image plcture of the punishment will not become effective upon the individual unless the command content i; disobeyed. It is pointed out in many early Russian writingsthat this is a survival mechanism. It has already been well and thoroughly uscd in the survivel of Communism. 53 The body is less able to resist a stimulus if it has insufficient food and is weary. Therefore, it is necessary to administer all such stimuli to individuals when their ability to resist'has been reduced by privation and exhaustion. Refusal to let them sleep'over many days, denying them adequate food, then brings about an optimum slate for the r e d i p of a:stimulus. If the personis then given an electrical shock .ulhir-tolbwhile the shock is.jn action that he must obey and do' certain things, he has no choice but lo do then), or to re-experience, because of his mental Image picture of it, the electric shock. This highly scientific and intense1 workable mechanism cannot be over-estimated in lhe practiec of psychoporitics. Drugging the indlvldual produces nn artificial exhaustion, and if he is drugged, or shocked and beaten and given a string of commands, hi loyalties, themselves, a n be definitely rearranged. This is P.D.H..or Pain-Drug Hypnosis. (Iloronn: Please nore thw in 1969, ir wrrs stared in an issrre of 'TODAY'S EDYCATIOY, the Narional Eilrrmrion Associatiotl predicted complete conrrol of Amet-ic~ILT,by ed~rcaton.by 1980. N slro~rldU/S~J be noted rhur the entire edrcatlonal system is b a d on the premise of desmrcrlon oj'any 'tnre' edrrcarion. n i s has been the foeur for many decades o11r1liusjinully been ucco~nplished and was, surely, an accomplishedfact--em ijnor recognized--by 1980. lhere is acrual chaos in your schwls and a ivush of n~isinfi~mation or. actually, false information in' ewryficd of study Yo11ntighr think, .Well, in the grades. ere. ' No, it began its i n i n r i a l destructia~r.itirile tcniwrsiltes--kginning in rite U.S. with Yale. 7711s is because of the fact rhrfl THE ORDER had its #nosfpcnmr t h w t PI Yale wirh the &Y, enrl Bones erc. 771c rice of the destruction war made available in finding from rhcJinrndario~ts,srtc as Ford, Rockefeller. etc. Hard to believe? Of coirrse! I slruN. hr~wrwr.give you a blow by bblotv-o/hoiv rhe Order conrrols ellrrcnriorr rflrr finish the reprtufrrciny rfrhis rlr~ctr a. R by an authoritarian pose and positio~~, and by carefully cultivati~iggovcninie~~tal positions in the country lo be conquered. nrenf so rho! there is a busis of con~rn~rnicufinrrt regarding rhe issue.) Exercixs i t i bringing about insanity seizures at will, simply by demonstrating a signal lo persons upon whom pain-drug h pnosis has been used, and exercises in making the seizures come about througl hlking to certain persons i n certain places and times should also be used. Although the psychopolitical operative workitig in universities where he can direct the cumcula of psychology classes is often tenipted to teach sotne o f the principles of Psychopolitics to the susceptible students in the psychology classes, he must be thomughly enjoined to lirnil his iuformation i a psychology clnses to the tmnsmittal o f the tetiels of Co~rr~nutrism under ihe guise of psychology, and must lunil his activities i n b r i u g i ~ i gabout'a state of nriud on the part o f the students where Itley w i l l accept Communis~nlesets as those o f their own aclior~and as m o t l e r ~scientific ~ principles. The psychological operative must not. at any time educate students fully i n stimulus-response mechanisms. and must not i m w r t to them. save those who w i l l become his fellow-workers. the exact principl~sof ~ s ~ c l i o ~ l i u cI tsi .s not necessary to do SO, m . & $ ~ n ~ e r o ~ t s . B n i ~surgery, i as developed In Russia, should also be practked b y the psychopolitical operative In training, to give him full confidence in 1) the crudeness with w h i h il can be dose, 2) the certainty o f erasure o f the sthulur-reswnre mechanism itself. 31 the oroduction d imbecility. idiocy. and 4) the small Gaunt of and dis-coo;dilullon on the part o i l b e s i is called cotnmcnl w h k h casualties in bra111sureerr occlsion. (Haronn: n Exercises in sexual atlack on patients dhould be practiced by the prychopolitiul operative to demonstrate h e inability of the patient under pain-drug hypnosis to recall the attack, while indoctrinating a lust for funher sexual activ~ly@ . I the part o f the patient. , . :' ! I MINDS OF TIlB POP-.) Sea, in a11 animals, is a powerful ntotivator, and is no less so in the anlrnal Man, and the occasioni~~g o f wwital liaison between females o f a target fatnily and indicated nmles, under the control o f the psychopolilkal operathe, must be demonsirated l o be possible with complete security f o r the psychopolitical opemtlve, thus giving into his hands an excellent weapon for the b n r k i n g down of familial relatiom and c o q u e n t public diiraces for the psychopolitical target. :, . ( ~ f a o t ~ n7his : w c u a mndomi)' o& consrap~lyin your m e n d i ~ t i t w i o n cand hospitals for the mentally retarded. 7he staff actually passes our condoms ih these focilifies--and the occasionr of pregnancy ate ~OmpON. I71i.s crcrually ofcurs in the majority ojcases of prychiarric encounters. Do you now begin l o see (he p r o g r m n g which is s u n i n ro impocr your children even at pre-school? . 'Sac ser' in gradeschool is ruug r arid condom are provided momand more i v i espread, jiee. in your junior and senior high schools. GUInor.you nor see the results of a l l ofthe progrumnings uoctly as iaidfonh i n this %owto' book utilized by rhe .master destroyers'?) . f I Degradation and conquest are compani~is ! ; ' i In order to be conquered, a n a t i o l ~t n ~ ~be s t degraded, either b y acts o f war, b y being overrun;by being forced itito l r t r n ~ i l i a l i ~treaties ~g of peace, o r by the treatment o f her populace under tlte arnrics o f the conqueror. Ilowever, degradation mn be accomplisl~edmuch niom insidiously and nruch m o m effectively b y consistent and cnnlit~ualdcfan~ation. Defamation is the best and forenlost weapon of Psycl~opulitieson the broad field. Continual and constant degradatinr~o f r~ationalleaden, ~ r a t i o ~ rinal stitutions, national practices, and national heroes must be systematically carried out, but this is the chief fu~tcliunof Communist I'arty Men~bcrs,in general, not the psychopolitician. Just as a dog can be trained, so can a man be trained. lust as a horse can be trained, so can a man be trained. Sexual lust, muochism, and any other desirable perversion can be induced by pa~n-drughypnosis and the benefit o f Psychopolitics. The realm o l defamation and degradation. of the psychopolitician, i s Man himself. By attacking the cl~aracter; u ~ dmorals o f M a n hiiwlf, and by bringing about, through contan~inationof youth, a general degraded feeling, command of the populace is facilitaled to a very marked degree. The changes o f loyalties, allegiances, and sources o f command can be occasioned easily by psychopolitical Lechnologies, and these should be practiced and understood by the psychopolitical operative before he begins lo lamper with psychopolitical targets o f magnitude. The actual siw.plicity of the subject of pain-drug hypnosis. the use o f electric shuck, drugs, insanity-producing injections, and other materials, should be masked entirely by technical nomenclature, the protest o f benefit to the patient, (Hatonn: Reread rhaf laa sertrencr ser~ercrlrirtrcs. Knuivlrdge is rhe 1t*eup1111 a h i s t h r . Sruy bolunce~lbvirhin tltr la~vsuttd Trtrrh of Go(/ o t ~ dCrrarion and KNOW TffAT THIS IS 171E MOLE OF ATTACK. TfllS I S . 1FIE l?.&17\W4LTHSTAND T I I I ~ Y K ~ E S . 'OF $ ALTERIN(; T I E , There is a curve o f degradatiotr which leads dowr~wardlo a point where the endurance o f an individual i s almost at end and any sudden action toward him will place him i n a slate o f shock. Similarly, a soldier held prisoner can be abused, deuied, defamed, and degraded u r ~ t ithe l slightest motion on the part o f his captors will cause h i m to flitleb. Si~ailarly,tile $lightest word on the part of Ilk caplots will cause l ~ i t to i ~ obey, or vary his loyalties arid hc-. . . l i d s . (floronn: n ~ i rir lt>huryolr trjrrrerl to or siinply 'bruin-warhin ' during rhr Korean %Viir.err. We are timv accused of bruin-warhi~lgyflU-tj~-pcqple 110ithrltese Journuls--Oh, how I ~voirldwish so! Ilo\wver, I rhlnk you mrghr rother cull ur rhe Clorox 11 Clirn or rhr Didi- 7; you nor only have been w h i n g your brains in rhe incorrecr Ivorer birr yorr have now ruined rhem wirh the wron soup atul soyterrer u t d rhe srubn ore ull birr srr ro rhe desrruclion of fhe mitr s yard )war!!) Conquest continues. . ' '. By lowering the endurance of a person, a group, or a nation, and by constant degradation and defamation, i t IS possible to induce, thus, a state of shock which will receive adequately any cotnmand given. t By thus degrading the general belief in the status of Man i t i s relatively simple, with cooperation from the economic salients being driben into the country, ro drive citizens apart, one from another, to bring about a question of'the wisdom of their own government, and to cause them to actively beg for enslavement. m e educational program of Psychopolities must. at every hand, seek out future, and the levels of youth who will become the leaden i n the cou~~try's educate them Into the belief 01the animalislic nalure of Man. This n~sstbe made fashionable. They must he taught to frown'upon ideas, upon iadividual endeavor. 'Ihey musl be taught, above all thing, that the salvation of Man t to be found only by his adjusling thoroughly to this esviroen~cat. This educational program in the field of Psychopolitics can best be followed by bringing about a compulsory training in some subject such as psychology or other mental practice, and asceriainin~that each broad program of psychopolitical training be supe~isedby a psych~atrislwho is a trained psychopoliticat operative. The first thing to be degraded ilr any nation is the date of Man, h ' i l f . Nations which have high ethical tone are difficult to conquer. T h e i r loyalties are hard l o shake, their allegiance to their leadem is fanatical, and what they usually call their spiritual in(egrit3 cannot be violated by duress. I t is not emeient to attack a nation i n such a frame of mind. It is the bask purpose o t Ryehopolitics to red~lccthat stale of mind to II point where it can be ordered and enslaved. Thus, the first target k Man, himself. l l e must be degraded from a spiritual being to an animalistic reaction pattern. He must think of himsell as an animal, capable only of nnimalidk m c lions. I I e m u d no longer think 01himself, or of his fellows, as capable of g "spiritual endurance , or nobility. As-it stem-m f o d g w n a t b thal tlie church is (he mod ennobling innuence, each and every branch and activity of each and every'church, nlusi, one way or another, bc discredited. Religion musl become unfashionable by demonstrating broadly, through psycl~opollticalindoelrination. that the soul is non-cxident, and that Man is an anlmal. The lying mechanisms of Christianit lead men to foolishly brave deeds. By leaching them that there i s a life huea er, the liability of courageous acts, while living, is thus lessened. The liability of any act must be markedly increased i f a populace i s to be obedient. Tbus, there mlut be no standing belief in the claurch, and the power of the church must be denied at every hand. K rile best approach toward degradation i n its first stages is lhc propaganda of "scienr$c nppmnch'' to Mun. Alun must be consisfenfly demonffmfed to be a d s m willrour indivi , and it must be brought into the belief that every individual within it wh%esl in any way. shape, or form against eiforts and activities lo enslave the whole, niust be considered io be a deranged person whose eccentricilies are neurotic or insane, and who must have at once the treatment of a psychopolitician. An optimum condition i n such a program of degradation would address itself lo the military forces of the nation, and bring them rapidly away from any olller belief than that the disobedient one must be subjected to 'menlal treatment'. An enslavement of a population can fail ONLY if these rebellious individuals are left to exen their individual influences upon their fellow citizens, sparking them into rebe!lion, calling into account their nobilities and freedoms. Unless these reslless individuals are siatnped out and given into the hands of psychopolilical operatives early in the cot~q~iest, there will be nothing but trouble as the $. The officials of the government, students. readers, partakers of enlerlalnment, musl all be indoctrinated, by whatever muns, into the complete belief that the restless, the amhltlous, the natural lendcn, are suffering from environmental maladjustments, which can only be healed by recourse to psychopoll~ical operatives in the guise of mental healers. i Given sufficient degradation, a prisoner can be caused 10"'hurder his fellow countrymen in the same stockade. Experiments on German prisoners demonslrated that only after seventy days of filthy food, little sleep, and nearly untenable quarters, that the least motion toward the prisoner would bring about a slate of Pock beyond his endurance threshold, and would cause him lo hy olically rsceive anything said to him. Thus, i t i s possible, in an entire rtocka80f prisoners, to the number of thousands, to bring about a stale of complete servile obedience, and without the labor of personally addressing each one, to pervert their loyalties and implant in them adequate commands to illsure thetr future conduct, even when released to their own people. .. ':, I h e psychopolitical operative, i n his progranl uf degradation, should at all times bring into question any family which is deeply religious (f/utonnr I believe fhw surely yorr can see rhis being de~nonstrurPclin 011 of the schru~ls now-arul @her, a deliberute lessening of uny allowance of religio~uprucrice in the public schools. Yorr are roll ir is sepururion on/ 'Church und Sruore'--no. ir a sepurorion of mind Jiom balunced direcrion by removing ull higher resources of esteem and recognifion of Higher Source.) and. should any neurosis or insanity be occasioned in ihal family, to blame and hold responnble their religious connections for the neurotic or psycl~oticcondition. Religion must he made synonymous with neurosis and psychosis. People who arc deeply r e l i gious would be less and less held respoasible for their own sanity, and should more and more be relegalcd to the lninistrations of psychopolitical operatives. By pervertlr~gthe Institutions of a nation and bringing about a genernl degradation, by interfering with the economics of a nation to the deer= ' thal pdvatlon and deprasion conie about, only mlnor B o s h will be necersary l o produce, on the populace as a whole, no obedient reaction o r at8 hysteria. 'I~IIIS, the mere threat or war, the men threat o f aviation bombings, could muse the population t o sue instantly l o r puce. It is a long and arduous road for the psychopolidcal operative to achieve this stale o f mind on the part of a whole nation, but no more than twenty or lhirty y u r s should be necessary i n the entire program, having at hand, as we do, weapons with whtch to accomplish the goal. m n : 60 RIGIIT B m AND ReBBaL)_2211S CHAI'I EK 8 K1:C WILL NOW ' ' HATONN SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, I991 5.36 P M. YEAR 4 D A Y 143 PSYCHOPOLITICS--MIND-CONrROII (KUSSIAN TEXTBOOK) CONTINUED: 'I ****DHARMA. STOP! COMP[ITER ISTAMPERED'AND EAT YOUR DOCU~~E'W-'STARTA NEW PROGRAM!**** #3 ,, The psychopolitician may well find hi~llselfunder attack as an individual or a membcr o f a group. He may be atvackcd as a Coa~~eunist, through some leak i n tllc organization, 11e tnay bc attacked for i~lnll~ritcticc.He way be attacked by the families of people whom he has injured. 111all cases his conduct of the situation should be calm and aloof. He should have behind him the authority o f many years of training, and he should have participated fully in the building o f defenses i n the field of insanity which give hi111the only statclnctll as to thc conditions of the mind. If he ha^ not done his work well, hostile feeling groups may expose an individ- ual psychopolitician. These may call into question the efficacy o f psychiatric treatment such arshodt,dnrgs,and~ia.surgery. Therefore, the psychopoliticat o ralive musl have to hand innumerable documents which assen enor- : mousy encouraging figures on the subject of recove by reason o f shock. brain surgery, drugs, and generai treatnlent. Not one o these cases cited need be real, but they should be documented and printed in such a fashion as to i o r n ~ excellent court evidence. P" 7 More imporlanlly, he should rule into scorn, by reason o f his authority, the sanity of the person attacking him, and if the psychopolitical archives o f the country are adequate many defamatory data can be unearthed and presented as rebuttal. Should anyone attempt to expose psycllotherapy as a psychopolitical activity, the best defense i s calling into question the sanity of tile attacker. Thenext best defense i s authority. The next best defense a validation o f psychiatric practices i n terms of long and impressive figures. The next best defense is the actual removal of the attacker by giving him, or then,, treatment sufficient to bring about a period o f insanity for the duration o f the trial. This, more than anything else. would discredit them, but it is dangerous lo practice this, in the extreme. Psychoplitics should avoid murder and viole~~cc, unless it i s done in the safety o f the institution, on persons who have been proven to beinsane. Where institution deaths appear to be unnecessary, or to rise in 'u~~reasonablenumber", political capital might be made o f rl~isby city officials or legislat~~res.I f the psychopoliitcal operative has, hi111srli.or i f 11s; group has dotlc a thorough jut). ,? clefamatory data concerning thc pcrsnn, or connections, o f the would-& attacker should be on file. should be docummtcd. ,and should be used In s ~ s ha way as to discourage the'inquiry. '. ' After a period of ind&trination, .A country will expwt insanity lo be met by psychopolitical violence. Psyclopoli~icalactivities should become the only recognized treatment for insanity. ,Itrdeed, this can be extended to such A length that it could be made illegal for electric shock and brain surgery to be omilied i n .. the treatment o f a patient. : .: , v , ' , ., . , . .% As an example, in the United States we have been able to Jter the works o f William lames, and others, info a Illore acce table pattern, and to place the tenets o f Karl Marx. Pavlov. Lamarck. and t!I e data o f Dialectic materialism Into the textbooks o f psychology, to such a degree that anyone thoroughly studying psychology becomes at once a candidate to accept the reasonableness As every chair o f psychology in the United Slates is occupied by persons in our cDnnectton..or who can be inn~lenccdby ~x'rsmrsi n a u r connec~inn.the consis.. . tent employment of such texts i s guaraliterrd. 'fhey are given the a~tthoritativc ' . . ring, and they are carefully taught. ' Constant pressure i n the legislatures o f the United States can bring about legislation to the effect that every student attending a high school or university must have classes i n psychology.. , I Educating broadly the educated strata of the populace into the tenets o f Communisn-is thus rendered relatively easy, and when the choice is given them whether to continue i n a Capitalistic or a Communistic condition, they will see, suddenly, in Communism, much more reasonability than i n Capitalism, which will now be o f our own definition. An immediate attack u m n the sanity of the attacker before any possible hearinw can lilke place is the ve'ry best defense. 11should become weli-known that "only the insane attack psychiatrists'. 'Ihe by-word should be built into (he society that paranoia is a condition 'in which the individual believes he i s being attacked by Communists'. I t will be found that this defense if effecltve. Q 3J E RU1 The psychopolitical d u w is a well-trained individual who serves in complete obedieice t6e psychopoiitical operative. Part o f the effective defenses should include the entire lack i n the society o f any real psychotherapy. This must be systematicall stamped out, since a real psychotherapy might possibly uncover the results o psychopolitical activities. I n that nearly all persons in training are expected l o undergo a certain amount o f treatment in any field o f the mlnd, it 1s not too difficult to persuade persons i n the field o f mental healing to st~bjectthemselves to mild or minor drugs or shock. I f this can be done, a psychological dupe on the basis o f pain-drug hypnosis can immediately result. / Should any whisper, or pamphlet, against psychopolittcal activities be published, 11 should be laughed into scorn, branded an immediate hoax, and i t s perpetrator or publtsher should be, at the first opportunity, branded as insane, and by the use o f drugs the insanrry should be confirnied. . :Reactionary nations are o f such a co~npositionthat they attack a word withotu of i t . As the conquest of a nation by Comn~unismdepends upon , ..Understandlng . tmbuing its population with communistic tenets, i t is NOT NECESSARY T I W T THE 'TERM 'COMMUNISM' BE APPI-IED A'r FIRST l o the educative measures employed. I n easeof-'&hearingar trial,-the terriblencss~ofinsanity itself, its t h r r a l t o ~ o c i - . ety, should be exaggerated until the court o f committee believes that the psychopolilical operative is vitally necessary i n his post and should not be harassed for the activit~eso f persons who are irrational. Jurisprudence, in a Capitalistic nation, is o f such clumsiness that Cases are invariablv tried i n their newspapers. We have handled these things much beIter i n ~ussia:and have uniformly brought people to trial with full confessions already arrived at (being implanted) before the Iris1 look place. . ' I n order to defend psychopolitical activities, a great complexity should be made o f psychiatric, psychoanalytical, and psychological technology. Any hearing should be burdened by terminology too difficult l o be transcribed easily. A great deal should be made out of such terms as schizophrenia, paranoia, and other relatively undefinable states. Psychopolitical tests need not necessar~lybe in agreement: one to another, where they are available to the public. Various types o f tnsanity should be characterized by dimcult terms. 'I'l~e'actual state should !x mape obrcure..but by this verbiage i t can be built into the court or investlgattng mtnd that a n e n tific approach exists and that i t is tbo complex for him to understand. I t i s not to be imagined that a judge or a committee o f tnvestigation should inquire too deeply into the subject o f insanity, since they, themselves, part of the indoctrinated masses, arc already intimidated i f the psychopolitical activity has caused itself to be well-documented in terlils o f horror in magazines. p , Recmitment into the ranks o f 'mental healing' can best be done by carefully bringing to ifonly those healing $tudents who are, to some slight degree, already depraved, or who have been 'treated' by psychopolitical operatives. Recruitment is effected by making the field of mental healing very attractive, financially, and sexually. The amount of promiscuity which can be induced i n mental patients can work definitely to the advantage o f the psychopolitical recruiting agent. The dupe can thus be induced into many lurid sexual contacts, and these, roperly witnessed. can thereafter be used as blackmail inaterial to assist any ;ulure o f pain-drug hypnosis in causing him to execute orders. P. Thc pmtnise o f unlimited sexual opportunities, the promise o f complete do~nision over the bodies and minds o f helpless patients, the promise of complete lawlessness without detection, can thus attract O I 'mental healing' many desirable recruits who will willingly fall ia line with psychopolitical aclivilies. In that the psychopolitician has under his control-the insane of the naIion, most o f them have criminal tendencies, and as he can, as his movemqt goes forward, recruit for his ranks the criminals themselves, he has unlimited number of human beings to employ on whatever project he may see fit. In thal the insane will execute destruct~veprojec~swithout question, if given the proper alnounl of punishment and implantation, the 'degradation o f the country's youth, 1112 defamation of its leaders, the suborning of its courts becomes childishly easy. , The psychopolitician should carefully adhere to institutions and should eschew private practice whenever possible, since this gives-him the greatest number of human beings to control to the use of Communism. When he does act i n private practice; i t should be only i n contact with the families o f the wealthy and the ofiicials o f the country. . , . . . . :. . . c k . F T H E S M A S H l N G G F O U S GROUPS You must know that until recent times L e complete subject of mental derangtment, whether so light as simple worry or so heavy as insanity, was the sphere o f activity o f the church and only the church. Insanity musl be made to 1lound.the footsteps o f every priest and practitioner. His best results musl be turned to gibbering insanities no matter what means we have to use. ' ., , Traditionally in civilized nations and barbaric ones the priesthood alone had i n complete charge the menlal conditioli o f the citizen. As a matter of great concern to the psychopo!idcian !his tendency still exists i n every public i n the Western World and scientific ~nroadsinto this sphere have occurred only i n official and never in public quarters. . .. . :.: You need not care what effect you have upon the public. The effeq you care about is the one upon officials. You must recruit every agency'of the nation markedfor slaughter into a foaming hatred o f religion. You nlusl suborn district attorneys and judges into an.inlense belief as fervent as an ancient faith in God that Christian practice which might devote itself to mental healing is vicious, bad, insanity-causing, publicly hated and intolerable. . The magnificent tool welded lor us by Wundt would be'a noUling i f i t were not for official insistence i n civilized countries that "scientific practices' beapplied to the problem of the mind. Without this official insistence or even if i t relapsed for a moment, the masses-would grasp stupidity for the pnest, the mmister, the clergy when mental condition.came in question. Today i n Europe and America 'scientific: practices" in the field of the mind would not last moments i f not eafurced entirely by officialdom. I t must be carefully hidden that the incibct~ceo f insanity has increased only X Given any slightest encouragement, public sapport would swing on an instat11all mental healing into the hands of the churches. And there are Churches waiting .to receive it, clever churches. That terrible monster the Roman Catholic Church still dominates mental healing heavily'throughout the Christian world and Lheir well schooled priests are always at work to turn the public their way. Among Fundamentalist and Pentecostal groups healing campaigns are conducted, which, because o f their results. win many to the cult o f Christi.anity. 111 the field o f pure healing the Church o f Christ Science o f Boston. Massachusetts excels in commanding the ublic favor and operates many sanitariums. All .--thesemust be swept aside. - ey nils st bc ridiculed and defamed and,every cure they advertise niust be asserted as a hoax.' A full fifth o f a psychopolitician's time should be devoted to smashin these threats. ' l ~ l sas t i n Rukia we had to destroy, after many. many years o the most arduous work, the Church. so we must destroy all faiths i n nations marked for conquest. . The. psychopolitician has the advantage o f naming as a delusory symptom any attempt on the part o f a patient to expose con~mands. . since these 'scientific practices" were applied. Great renlarks nlust be made o f the 'the pace of modern living" (H~~OIIII: Plcax keep in mind that i n this t r x t book 'modern times" is referring l o solale fifty years past. Can you picture that which has been accomplished fro111ihe con~poundingo f these projections "as if" and i n accepted teachings for another four and a half decades? You are in i t up to your eyes and the head is already undmrwatcr--where it counts the a~ost.i.e.. theability to stay alive. I suspect there sl~ouldbe swi~nniinglcssons given along here somewhere and we have already done so and, therefore, perhaps you can utilize the life-rings already given to you in the lournals, etc.) arid other m ths as the cause o f the increased l~eurosisin the world. 11 i s nothing to us w at causes i t i f anything does. I t is everything to us that no evidence o f any kind shall be tolerated afoot l o permit the public tendency toward the church i t s way. If given their heads, i f left to tl~en~selves to decide, independent o f officialdom. whcre they would place their deranged loved ones the public wotrld choose religious sanitariums and would avoid as i f plagued places where 'scientific practices' prevail. " Youmust suborn and recruit any medical healing organization,jnto collusion in this campaign. You mllst appeal to their avarice and even their humanity to invite their cooperation in smashing all religious Ilealing a i d thus, to our end, care.of the insane. You musl see that such societies have only qualified Commun~st-indoctrineesas their advisors in this matter. . For you. can use. si~chsocieties. T h e y are stupid and stampetle easily. Their cloak 'and degrees cau be used quite well to mask:afiy operation we care to'have masked. We must make them partners in our endeavor so that they will never be able to crawl i r o be~ ~ ~ neath our thumb and discredit us. I and sexual promiscuity. We have battled in Amenca since the cn~tury'sturn to bring to nothing any and all Christian influences and we arc succeedin While we today seem to be kind ro the Christian remember we have yet to in1 uence the 'Christian world" to our ends. When that is done we shall have an end of them everywhere. You may see then1 here in Russia as trained apes. They do not know their (ether is long only until the apes in other lands have hecon~eunwary. Communist workers in the field of newspapers and radio should be protected srible by striking out of action, through Psychopolitics, any petsons consistent wherever y attaclung . them. Thew, in their turn. should be persuaded to give every possible publicity to the benefits of psychopolilical activities under the heading of "science'. You must work until 'religion' is synonymous with 'inm,ity". You must work until the officials of city, county and state governments wlll not thlnk twice before they pounce upon religious groups as publie enemies. No healing group devoted to the mind must be allowed to exist within the bord e n of Russia or ils satelliles. Only well-vouched.for psychopolitical operatives can be wntinued in their practice, and this only for the benefit of the government or against enemy prisoners. f. Remember. all lands are governed by the few and on1 pretend to wnsull with . the maker of laws the many. It is no different in Anier~ca. The petty o !ficlal, alike can be made to belteve the worst. It is not necessary to m v l n c c the masses. It is only necessary to work incessantly upon the official, using personal defamations. wild lies, false ev~dcnceand conslant propaganda to make him fight for you against the church or against any pqctitioner. Like the official the bona-fide medical l~calcralso believes the worst if it can be shown lo him as dangerous competition. And l ~ k the e Christian, should he seek to take from us any nght we have gained. we shall finish him as well. We must be like the vine upon the tree. We use the tree to climb and then, strangling it, grow into power on the nourishmenl of the flesh. r“ Any effon to exclude psychiatrists or ppychologists from the armed services must be fought. Any inquest into the 'suicide' or sudden mental derangement of any polit~cal leader in a nation must be wnducted olily by psycl~opoliticaloperatives or tbe~r dupes, whether Psychopolilics is responsible or not. Death and violence against persons attack~ngConlmunism in a natlon should be exhewed as forbidden. Violent activity against such persons might bring about their martyrdom. Defamation, and the accusalion of insanity, alone should be employed if at all possible, and they hhould be brought at last under the ministrations of psychopolitical operatives, such as psych~atristsand controlled psychologists., We mun strike from our path any opposition. We must use for our lools any authority that wmes to hand. And then at last, the decades sped, we can drspense with all authority save our own and triumph in the gnater glory of the Pany. PROPOSAIS WHICH MIJST BE AVOIDED1 If the Communistic connections of an psychopolitician should &me disclosed, it should be attributed to his own carelessness. and he should, himself, be immediately branded as eccentric within his own professton. Authors of literature which seek to demonstrate the picture of a society under complete mental control and duress should be helped toward infamy or suicide to discredit their works. ~n legislation liberalizing any healing practice should be 'immediately fought an defeated. All heating practices should gravitale entirely to authoritative levels, and no other opinions should be admitted, as these m~ghtlead to cxposure. ‘i" Movements to improve youth sho~lldbe invaded and cormpted, as this might interrupt campaigns to produce i n youtl~drlinqoency. addiction, tlmnkcnneSS, (Editorial Note from Gordon 'lack' Mohr, Lt. Col. 1J.S. Army, Ret. dated January 1976: "---The only revision is i s the summary, which was added after the atom bomb had been dropped m Japanat the end of World War I!.---') In this time of unlimited weapons, and in national antagonisms where atomic war with Capitalistic powers is possible, Psychopolitics must act efficiently as never before. Any and all programs of Psychopolitics must be increased lo aid and abet the acl~vitiesof other Communist agents throughout the nation in question. The failure of Psychopolitics might well bring about the atomic bombing of the Motherland. (Russia). If Psvchowlitics succeeds in its mission throuahout the Capitalistic nations of the world; then will never be an atomic war, f& Russia will'have subjugated all of her enemies (GO BACK AND READ THE LAST SENTENCE AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.) Communisln has already spread across one~sixthof the inhabited world. Marx~ . , ist ~octrineshaveAlready peneirated the rehai"der. An extension of lht Cornriiunist social order is everywhere victorious. The spread of Communnm has never been by force of battle, but by conquest of the mind. In Psychopolitics we have refined this conquest to its, last degree. ,. ,I,,. The psychopolitical operative must succeed, for his success means a world of Peace. His failure m~ghtwell mean the deslruclion of the civilized portions of Eanh by atomic power in the hands of Capitalistic madmen. The end thoroughly juuifiw the means. The degradation of p o p u k s is less tnhuman than their destruction by atomic fihion, for to an animal who lives only once, any life is sweeter thati death. The end of war is the control of a conquered people. If a people can be wnq u e d in the ahsenbe of war, the end of war will have been achieved without the des\ruction of war. A worthy goal. The psychopolidcian has his reward in the nearly unlimited wnuol of populaces, in the Uninhibited exercise of passion, and the glory of Commumst conquest over the stupidity of the enemies of the People. MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1991 2:57 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 144 Yes, our ships are most difficult to miss seeing this day and yet, most will not see them! Times are extremely serious in your world--it is simply the time of 'madness', chelas--a time through which we 111us1pass. Almost any subject I choose upon which to write seems indecd s~undane. Saddam says that if this conflict cor~tinuesil will bc the worst war, througl~oul the world, that the world will have ever known. I suggest you hear him, world! That is exactly that which is meant by his words--you have been led by the foolish into the jaws of Hell. TtiE END END OF QUOTING kt us close this document. Pleare, I plead with you to very carefull study the wntents several times. The approach has been incredibly success ul for you have become PEOPLE OF THE LIE and fight unto our death for the right to continue in your own demise. t simply ask that you wk at your plight with an own mind for blindness is sWepl away in the wash of Vuth. r , :I 1 ,,I In service. I come 9 a brother, that I and my companions might help you f i ~ d the way back lnto Itght and truth. May God have mercy and gift ye ones with light. Saalome' Gymrgos Cens Hatonn, Cmdr. IJ17F-IGFC To clear, please. Good evening. ' . *is news should lell it all. The summit is off! Why do you think that might be, cklas? Your g o v e r n m ~ i n i u r a t i o nis pushtng you into doom if you do no1 sto this terrible thing come upon you--you cannot win and the world might we1 be devastated. Mr. Bush says the cancellation ,is because of the Middle East Conflict and vour 1U.S.l ohiection to . -,Mr. ... Ciorhachev - -.- --..- . .i -c -~ the- wav handling the East Block ublks oythe Soviet Union. NO. NO. AND NO! Y o u HAVE BEEN W A R N ~ D ! P ~e - .-- ~~ - To the children of God, I can only give one bit of hope and .peace: In lsa~ah 54:17: 'No weapon that is formed against you (Israel) shall prosper. . ." Now remember very clearly and succinctly the definition of Israel. Israel means: The chosen of God! It is nut a place on a geograph~calmap. That is what the Zionists who look the portion of land for their own chose to call it as they harkened back into the historical memories. In other words, it was a term the world would blil~dlypurchase. But. you had better listen up to this quotation for it is indeed most im rtant. Revelation 6 3 : 'And there went out another horse rhur iws RED: anrpowe; was given to him that sat thereon lo take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another; and there was glven unto him a great sqord." COI I-NTRl liS1 " Well, if you believe there is truth in that which you wave about in proclaiming of truth--the Bible--you will find that it says therein that there is help. God klls vou. in Second Chronicles. 7:14: "If MY (God's) m o l e , which are called by M Y name, will humble themselves and pray, and Jbek'my face, and turn fmm their wicked wavs: THEN WILL I HEAR FROM HEAVEN. AND WILL FORGIVE THE<R.SINS, AND WILL HEAL THEIR WIND: .However; lirten up, try Isaiah again, 59:l & 2--for God will not even listen to y w r prayers until you gel into a ri ht relationship with Him. In verse I. y w ~ lokl. e that He is slilllhe 'God o old.' that same God who didmiracles for your forehthers. He has not lost His power, my friends, nor His ability to Jqr: our prayers. But verse 2 tells you why He will not even listento y w msl o the time: 'But your iniquities have se led between'you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you I r a h e will not hear. T h e n i s o w h o ~ : f o r you, especially in the Westem nonhern,continent of America (i&lud.i'n that which you call Canada). And that is for. her Godly people to repni'o their waywardnen;stubbomnea, and selfishness and seek the face of Ood iyd p+d for forgiveness. If you are willing t o d o this, then R e has said He wilt forg~ve, and Heal. Are you going to quit your headlon drive and striving to do your own'thing at the b s t of everything in the world!--and turn =gain unto W a n d the Law?--or do you prefer the pmspect of slavery and death at the hands of the 'anti-christs"? Theoutcome remains up to you. While the nations of your 'Free World' (the so-called 'Godly 'israel' nations') have been lulled into a false stnse of tecurit by the 'glaswor' of.Sovia Premier Gorbachev and his lovel wife, one o the most deadly organizations of super-wartion and lerrorists o a stale is being trained and deplo throughout the Free West for Ihc hepurpose of 'mashing you with clenched I#', when you have succpmbed to thar peace overturn. , . l . f S K OF THE S I I R I E W ~ r" . , I do not intend 1d'isolat~'kveryact or'violma in the& &"-I w > h and comment for it is the ov<erallpicture fromwhich yw ones must recognize the overall danger.. This group. ' t h e special1 ImnICd m~n have , 8 mission to spread this Ierroreverywhed, causing cLo9and tolal $xmfuri*. They operate during the time of 'cold war' or low-intensity 'conflicts through the world, during the time mosbof you consider thc'wrld lobe ba4ically a1 peace. . . . . . . . . .,". . . , There a n some 20d of t h h e m s al&ady .in lace' in your country of the k' weapons. These U.S.A., armed with, amongother things. 'nuclear bac are 'low-intensity' nuclear bombs of ,about 2 kt grengl They could not destroy a large cit such as New.YorK WLd-Angela, but might cause 5,000 casualties. In a d t i o n , t M F.B.I. a c W k d g e d , ia 1983, that they knew of the presence of m o k lhan 100.000 enemy agenu'in the U.S. But,.as one F.B.I. official ~ ~ t k m under A & m + e until they. make an h overt move against olii government or'paopll.' This; of course, is another of the l i e of lies:, you have witnessed that the American government, right in recent months, has taken militant action 'against Patriols whom they proclaim, their totalilarian plans. without justice trial,, .arc dangerous,to . or... . Them arc' many different labels for these special gmups. The ofticial name of the specialized Soviet lask force is SPETSALNAYA NAZNACHENUYA, or 'Special Purpose Forces.' The nickname is SPETSNAZ! I.,. kff" : So be it, to you who are too weary and bored with the subject of Truth lo go on. T h e n are your brethren who are leading for every lid-bit of infomution which gives them the power to know t e enemy--for only in knowing your enemy can you prevail against that enemy. r i' f P" SPETSNAZ is an action, an infiltration of special groups. The point is to have them in place in America and Western Europe, rcady to stnke on instant cotilmand. I suggest you all go back and read carefully, every word, over and over again regarding enemies infiltrating through Mexico and Canada, etc. I cannot continue lo repeat and repeat for you ones who haven't done your homework. I/. f: I I want to remind you of one of the most important statements made by any man And so shall it come to pass. I funher =mind you ihat. as you lake on Saddam Hussein, you are biting the fool of the Big Bear to the North. A&& You are not going to like that which we write this day but it is past lime that you focus on that which is REALLY out to get you. When you cause the bear to leave his cave in the midst of his winter sleep--you have one angry bear! . . SPETSNAZ was extremely active in 1968, for instance, and were the ones who seized UiC Prague Airpart.and other key.facilities in the capitol city. paving the way for the'coinmunist invasion of that country (Czcehoolowkia) in 1968. This is the force which is so hated and feared and which will be first utilized to bring the rebellions i n t o q t r o l in.the U.S.S.R. Do not be Coded by wha! appears to be 'freedom' sweeping those nations. T h i s is a presentation of power beyond which you cannot fathom. It appears all well.& good. No--& economies and resources of these nations are in chaos and there isn't enough money in !he free 'world to shore thenilupand if you could, wHat Ihen? There are no jobs and to supply jobs you are robbing your bwn nation of industry to move to the cheap labor areas and calling it freedom and free trade. You in the previously free l a y leaders and key congressional leaders, The idea is to neutralize the leader- and wealthy world are at the door.of to@ qgllapre. Dear ones. this very day the news is filled with the take over of I& ,&mk of New. England and yW are told it will constitute the biggest bail-out to,&@. The house of cards IS falling ,, ,.. ,. apart. s h ~ of p the target nation, especially those,who could authorize a retaliatory nuclear attack. . % , You can see now why it is so perfectly 'drawn and acted-out for the Soviets at this present time--for all your major trained forces have been removed from NATO bases as well as any defensive tmop capability in the United States itself. I At any rate. back to the subject of labels. ft is good to hear the titles of the groups for you wtlt then be more informed when you arc told of them--at this time you have no inwing about that w h i is projected. In Czechoslovakia, Uley were &led 'Reydov~ki'--remember? . . . Their secondary objective would be against your country's military and civilian m m u n i u l i o n networlu. Your technuloev has become so centralized that t l c assault on and the deshction of a few computer centers would effectively neutralize much of your radio, TV, and microwave communications. ., In ~ f ~ k i s t tahnk terrorists were a joint'o&ition of KG.B/SPEISNAZ unils. which stormed the national palace in Kabul and unned down President Amin and his family, nor to the Soviet takeover in I . Are you under the erroncous underswing that the hostilities are ~ v c in c Afghanism? (sic, sic) $19 , As any mililary person knows, when your communications arc knocked out. you are in very serious bouble. This would reduce the ability of your air, naval and ground forcu to meet a Soviet attack-;IF INDEED, there were any of those foxes andlor equipment left to do so. , t.2 Now, haw about a little James Bond'in ':4Swcdu1, this group of in sluious, under-water combat swimmers prowle l all,pmund (he Swcdirh naval Lses and strategic harbors and even enter@ the d n cbinncl of Stockholm with their little m~ni-subs,equipped with tractor treads, and moved up to within a mile of the royal palace. TheY mini-subs were launched from Soviet subs well inside the lntcmational walu boundaries. 4% similar way's major naval base at Bergen, fa up (hC H In Britain, (here Soviet tercorirt( are w&&wn to the anti-terrorid invutigators of Scotland Yard, who know them as a secret daaehmcnt of potential saboteurs md assassins who arc locaed somewhuc near the Royal Atr Force B a r called Greenham Common. This is the base whcce U,S. military personnel man the silos contuning ground-launched cruisc mi&, 1 f . The Soviet authorities who control SPETSNAZ have the cream of the crop from among the young Sovia men and women who make up the Soviet military. In addition, the Soviet athletes who compete for the Soviet Union in thc Olympic games are considered as a pool for SPETZNAZ recruits. Suvorov stated that some of the best Soviet Olympic athletes are SPETSNAZ commandos. Now thc painful put for you'~estem&. Thi; sinister Soviet form has remained vinually unknown to you-UNTIL the defection of a very high m k i n g Soviet officer and he spilled a bit of information in a book cnlled . I would. hornor. , y myou!!%t mwh, m orfthuc sources in a u u y i n t d o d and intense manner. You must read with discanmat. Sufficqit to say W here is enough truth to cause you to immediately be at attention. I have told you that there are more KGB agents in the CIA than chuc are Westem agents. Well, there is another group through the Soviet Military Intelligence. called, GRU, which has a terrorist 'strike force" made up of approximately 30,000 men and women. ..me purpose qffhaseforrrr? To b m w inlo on unsurprcting d n dudng pcocclha and npon to hunch OllOcLs in sudden rurptisa just as war dona aI Pcqrl ~&r-JUST ,PRIOR TO A SOVIETALLOUT BU'IZKRISG. ~, . . Their ultimate objective i s t o n e u t r a l i m " ~ ~ ' ~ u c lpkntiol ur br an+$y by striking at personnel who control a counw.~r.nuclearforce. Since only . a few nations have this massive capability, this..that Ulcir mjorobjectrve v l side Europe is, of course, the United Staw. I n your country, they would stnke at command, control, and communication ~ t w w k m ~ i, n g with the President. , Vice-President, Secretary of Slate, Secretary of Defense, u well as major mili- Listen to your own lop mouths who speak also through their "lips": U.S. Deputy Asst. Secrelary of Defense Noel Koch said. 'Their job is to destroy a naUon s infrastructure and kill key people. They are an imponant pan of the Soviet Union's peacetin~eopentiol~sand, during war, would sc a grave daner to strategic disruption of NATO and the Untted Stater i t s e r e And this was ong before all your defense was shipped off to the Middle East. Do you think they all know something more than you-the-people? I would guess a whole bunch but, as I lay it out for you, my own scribe comes under attack from you very ones who say--'Why didn't you tell us before now?' While participating in intemat~onalsporting events, they have the opportunity to hone their deadly skills in marksmanship, martial arts, boxing and other lethal sports, while they become acquainted with a variety of cullure~and nations in which they compete, and in which they may later operate. . Thc recruit is given a strict test of loyalty and must sign i ! : a11 oath swearing him to absolute secrecy about his unit and the very existence of SPETSNAZ. If this oath is broken, it means the death penalty-.no if's, and's or but's. The new recruit has usually had at least two years of military training. Initial training is carried out at the Specid. Forces Faculty of the Ryazan Airborne School and the Reconnaissance Faculty of thc Higher Combined Arms School it1 Kiev. Officers receive special training from the Military Diplomatic Academy of the.Soviel Army in Moscow. SPmSNAZ training is brutal and effective. It must be. in order to produce brutal terrorists who will not hesitate (o carry out any order give11by their supe- riors. One of their training bases is at Zhellyye Vady, in the Uk+ne. Thi$ is adjafenl to a concentration camp for political prisoners. The camp inmates'pro: vide "living training aids' for lhe mania1 atis. The SPETSNAZ wmmandos can punch, gouge, and maim to their 'heart's content'. It gives the trainees a "taste for blood., and is much more realistic than punching a s l n d h g which cannol bleed. AND JUST WHO ARE THE MENTORS OF THIS LOVELY D 10GROUP OF JOLl-Y KILLERS? T f 1 ~ O R I - 2 : Europe. If domestic terrorists whittle down the assets of the Free World prior lo a Sovietattack, so much the better. '. . . . .. ,' ! - . JNTERNATIONAL TERRORIST NETWORK ~. . .. ; '; 8 < ... , These special force troops enjoy better food, better housing, better pay, quicker promotions, longer leaves, foreign travel and earlier retirement thanp2gular troop so there. is always a steady stream of eager volunteers. j Typical training may involve being d r ~ p p e d ~ i n 'wi1dem.m a area for,,days or , weeks, without any survival gear, including a bed'roll. When assigned to a ' : nlission;. they are issued the best equipment available, usually a Kalashnikqv"', light automatic rifle (AK-74) with 300 rounds of 5.45 caliber ammunilion;,a bayonet which doubles as a saw and wire CutMr; a P-6 silenced plslol; SIX grenades with grenade launcher; and a bizarre knife,which can.propel its. Ielhal 1 . . blade a full 30 to 35 feet. The things which distinguish the SPETSNAZ from other Special Puaose f o ~ a in the Free World, is that to them "Peacetimeis warlime'. As hdshe infiltrates the Wen, they become a sleeper agent. One of their missions is lo contact and maintain liaison with domestic terrorists in the nation where they operate. " . . These domcstie tehrists'are supplied, train& and even included in the.SP'ET-1SNAZ opcratiom; Thcy-are-sn internal and-slrategidmk in- the In T e ( I Y Network. Any obsewm; inlelligenl p e m should r-e posed by the vast number of illegal aliens who are now flood~ngAmerica's borders. In 1987, just along h e Texas border, over 34 different nalioiialitic.q were, apprehended, most of them white, most of them coming from Easlem European WARSAW PACT nations. Many of these,young men spoke exceI!qI English, carried U.S. Social Security cards, and many.had documents showing t&it they and carried large had served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Man{ w,eF sums of money. Well, you can bet your last arge or small bit of money that ., these were connected to this natty group called SPETSNAZ. The Soviets and their mentors, the World Zionist nelwork, use their terrorist networks to intimidate and destabiliie the.West, as well as to soften up a target wuntry. The; KGB, the GRU, the Israeli MOSSAD, all orchestrate this network, with six nations as major panicipanls: Libya, Syria, I n n , Nonh Korea, Cuba and Nicaragua. In these nationr:there are 110 known l e m r i n groups from which many splinter grou s emerge5 There aresome 66 terrorist training bases in the Middle Fmst (i.e. 8 in Libya; 20.in.lnn; 12 in Syria and 8-10 in Lebanon--thew are ones whichare known and rceoeniud--there are others which undctccted). Twelve terrorists training &ps have recently been poinremain ted IN, FUNDED BY THE COLUMBIAN DRUG MONEY. f a terrorin shah real promise. he or she is sent to a 'finishing school' in the USSR. From hen, th* an 41 on bombing, hijacking, kidnapping, or asnssinations, all over h e Free World. Thousands of these ~ e m r i s t have s infiltrated the Free World. ~robablvnowhere as much so as in the United Slates, where it is known that thdusandsbave crosvd thal old Mexican border. Many of those terrorists are given sanctuary by the anctuary Church Movement. 'Well,. it is called 'cutting your'own throat' but youare surely caught between a rock ' YES, YOUR GOVand a hard place -ayyou effort ,to k w e compassion ERNMENT DOES'KNOW ABOUT .THIS-THIS 1 Y WE ARE BRINGIIItI . . . . .. . . ,. .. .. . . . f pin - p ,5 You might be indeed alert for if there is a n&of S P m N A Z activities in the US., or in Europe; it will likely signal a Sovtet offensive. It will begin with assassinalions, of which you have already had quite a few. . I , . These SPETSNAZ force units are linked to domeslic~lerrorislsand have. been evident in such terrorist organizations as the Communist Combat Ce!ls,df Belgium; The Red Army Fact~onof West Germany; Direct Action of F e ; the Red Brigades of Italy; the Revolutionary Cells of West Germany; a n d . the Spanish Basque-ETA. .. . Before the cuient conflict and stripping of your NATO bases, the NATO facilities were the prime targets--such as petroleum and gas pipelines, oil storage tanks, computer centers and key military and civilian personnel. nKK,by the way, are the same targets SPETSNAZ would attack prior lo a Soviet alack in , ~. In prior writings I have alrady laid forlh the targets which will bk immediately sabotaged. Nuclear facilities would be assaulted and neutralized by demolitions teams, probabl in conjunction with domestic terrorists. Could it be possible. do you think, t at SPElSNAZ unin in the U.S. will provide the equipment and ,know-how to blow the bridges across the Mississipp~River? We have already told you that :the saboteurs are already infiltrated and in place. Your govemment, furlher, knows that this isY part of the atbcg plan and thal hundreds of of aliens have been put in those positions alorig the river from New . 'thousands Orle.&ns to Chicago. . K ' i -, ~ would also attack waterworks, sewage systems, introduce biologic organ:! .''. They . Isms, hit power so,urces, pipelines, transformers, key lransporlation facilities and key communication centers--the vital nerve centers of your nation. SPI3SNAZ units are TRAINED TO OPERATE Wl'rH A HIGH DEGREE OF INDEPENDENCE AND CREATIVE INNOVATION. H0W MANY ARE THERE? L A big opening of lravel and tourism exchanges with l11e Soviet Union will1 ayparent openness never before experienced in the Soviet Union. m Each Soviet military distr~cthas i t s own SPElSNAZ bri ade Theoe are u s d l y composed of LOO teams of between 5 to 12 members a c t . typical unit member would be from 18 to 20 years old, led by slightly older officers i n cot?mand. They are considered w highly reliable that are (he only Soviet military units who do not have a polltical officer. Each PEISNAZ soldier is his own commissar. * "3 Because the soldiers arc young, the training h extremely strenuous, and includes underwater combat swimming, high altitude-low o p t n g pamchutc jumps and high altitude-high opening jumps. as well a5 inliltri~tions,sabotage, clandestine communications and martial arts. He is lnincd to be a killex in every way imaginable. The most i m p o m t part of his training is i n (he language, culture and folkways of the country where he will be assigned. This is s o d i n g that even American diplomats do not receive and can be seen in the low standard of our foreign policy statesmanship. I f you think the prior writings have been a t i t gruesome regarding 'Brain-Washtng" of Americans by Psychopolitics-'YOU AIN'T SEEN NUTHIN' YET' wmpared to the tMal mind-contml of the youngslen in these special forcw--they m the 1001s to lakc the world and i t is a deadly serious job which Lese children acapl now as a challengin game. They are the tmeRambos of the world and thoroughly indoctrinate! by the Mossad--theni s nothing too evil b b e avoided. ., IllAlBW. ,. ,, . There will be a marked increase in the number of TRADE DELEGATES, arhletes and cultural exchanges with the Soviet Union. : . :. , SPETSNAZ training i s capped by live exercises with a very realistic' iour of duty i n one of the world's combat areas with Live 'gamesw--such as shooting down helicopters and assassinating the:people (such as Americans) abroad. Now, something that will, and should. absolutely turn you livid--Britain and THE UNITED STATES have laken L i s lhreat w,wriously as to include anitSPETSNAZ training in their war plans. Now, shudder again as ou revel in this new-found chummy 'no more coldwar'--WATCH WHAT, S GOING.ON UNDER YOUR NOSES AND YOU WILL SEE THE SUBTLE CLUES. f Watch for an increase in the number of Soviet embassy perwnnel and freeing up of visiting regulations. . . Check out the more you~hful,athletic personnel replacing the older, paunchy diplomats. You woti't notice but there already i s an increased number o f Soviet fishing boats off your shores and an increase in the time they slay near sensitive arcas. Note strangers buying or renting real estale, homes and aparlments near stralegic locations. Look at outside agitators infiltraling local 'peace groups and anti-nuclear protest movcmcnk. SPIXSNAZ female agents have greatly filtrated wornen's protest gmups near the U.S. Air Force bases in i5rilain. Well, as wllh all bad lawn weeds--the h ~ g crab-grass king has spread out h ~ s 'little-brother' organizations which dupl~catethe mission during the ti~lleof war.. They arc in Poland. Bulgaria. Ger~nany,Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Komanta, Vietnam. North Korea and you will always find top MOSSAD trainers at work. Bad news--one of your most worrisome and "officially" neglected (overlooked intentionally) areas of potential terrorism concerns what is referred to as SOUTHCOM--the Southern Mililary Command, which encompasses the vasl area wuth of your borders with Mexico. Elere Cuba's version of the SPETS b I A Z , Ihe TROPAS ESECWJS &aial T ~ Ms) are utremely active. These were ke under the watchful eye of Pt. H oo'f as a special assignmentbut, what now You have emptied Ft. Hood and,sent most of your tanks lo Israel and the rest are now on their way to the Saudt desert. I" The.se TROPAS ESPECIALESoperated under the direct command of the Cuban DGI (the General lntelltgence Directorate), which is, in turn, controlled by the Soviet KGB. The TROPAS have had extensive and impressive combat experience i n wars on the African continent where they have been used as ntercenanes by the Sovids. MISSION 01:THE THOPAS Their'mission is similar to their Soviet counterpart: lo train and equip terrorists groups all over the Western Hemisphere, including the United Slates. To date, these terrorists in the U.S. have remained mostly underground. While the U.S.government has cor~centratedtheir attacks agaiust dhrisli;ulpatriots who are anxious to see your country return to Constit~~tional standards, including the re-establishment of the Monroe Doctrine, they have been negligenl of the m u ~ hlarger dangei from the south, Instead af stopping, or at least slowing ?own th~senemy activity, a liberal Congress bas adgd t c ~this danger I by ul\betievabty stupid irn~nigraljonpolicies which have alloyqj foreign agents. IS THIS THE TOP-LEVEL PLAN TO I N V O L V E AMERICA I N A WAR IN almost complete freed0111to operate within your shores. These have teamed up with drug operdtors from Columbia, Peru, Bolivia and Cambodia. There is . much evidence available that involvement in this d m business is pmtected by -.. high government officialswho are becoming rich in t e process. Again, 1 rec- ?, ommend Cot. Bo Gritz" ta'ped mesdge on the ~irnbculiaisit~lation.-1 bilieve it is labeled TREASON PROSPERS, fn t o ~ love l andcoipanion for you, my brbhren. move to standby, 8, / Mexico isthe big prize as far as the TROPAS ESPECIALES is con&rned and ,... you must know thal.they have been imminently sukcessful . . in their infiltration of ., : that troubled country and, thusly, into yours. . Look for a moment at that which was called the MONIMBO PLAN, which is a joint Cuban-Sandanista plot known to American lntclligcncc agents. It is for the purpose of takeover of Mex~coby native terrorists and left wing forces. Panic would result in some 20 mlltion Mexicans pushin across the U.S. Border--and with them--?? What better way to infiltrate a ew thousand TROPAS agents into the beloved U.S.? This actJon was in full planning pad upstan ~n late '88 and it has been moved into higher and higher action constantly ever since. f .. I am, Gymrgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander IIFF-IGFC i . . 0 T o clear please, good-evening. . ... The F.B.1. knows that Cuba-trained I)Gl,agents infiltrated the U.S. during the Mariel boatlift in 1979. They also know that thousands of enem agents have crossed the U.S. border since that time. But in spite of this, t h c r e L k e n very little public or official dirussion of this most serious problem and it h seldom even mentioned by the media--how could this be? Oh yes, it.mld--inlen(ionaI indeed!! It has been known by your government that there are thousands of Soviet and Norlh K O ~advisors I tn Mexico and have been for vcars. Y w r State Department deliberately refuses to acknowledge this for p o l h i d reasons--and furlher--all documenlat~onis kept hidden under 'national security' lockup. If you write your Congressman. especially if he serves on any special wmmissions, he will answer you with goo so thlck it muld mire a lank. He will acknowledge the "ridiculous ~ m o r s ' , claim investigation and announce that, "To date, we have no evidence to substantiate any such activities." . :,, ., % Brothers, this is a biggy-lie if ever'ihere were any. The Stale Department has been given ample evidence, includihg photographs, substantiating a huge Soviet : and Norlh Korean presence in Mexico and the locations of at least twelve terrorist camps. i .. . . Dear ones, it is just this kind of treasonous activity on the pan of your State .'' D e p m e n t which has brought America to defeat in at least two wars, and which is i a. The U.S. Government has refused to disclose any of that which is laking place along the border with Mexico and continues to simply push for "free trade'. . : You KNOW your border is not being defended for there are no bases active I . . with which defense could take place. It is known that while this threat lo our safety continues, your armed forcds are interfering in an area where you iav:ave. ', .' no business what-so-ever, the Persian Gulf. , ! . ::' I.. is a bit much--try 'Hired guns!" CHAPTER 10 REC # I HATONN TUFSDAY, JANUAKY 8, 1991 9:00 A..M. YEAR 4 DAY 145 Now, from a 22 ear old soldier in Saudi Arabia, 'At this moment, my urrit is stoh'oned about 120 miles from the bonier of Kuwait. Before I get irrto this message, I need to establish a corrple of thingsfor the benefi of the 'rhouglrt police " "I am not a commie or any other soft of mdicol, anti-establishment revolutbnaq. I love my country and believe in the ideals of the Conslilution. I'm not a conscientious objector. Being in a combat unit, I will go to war when ic comes Iime and do my job lo the best of my ability. TODAY'S WATCq l a v e and Peace be with you of that lmubled place. Hatonn yrcxnt and I Ball do a bit of 'shucking' myself. I have d v e d a 'batch' of mail from Saudi Arabia-cach letter [nore insulting and obscene than the one before. I have, further, been challenged by this fine, upstanding and literate group of your country's "best' to 'publish this in your letter!' This challenge, of course, bcing placed pn the envelope. Noting that the mail is censored--going in, and cemin one's mail being censored coming out. I assume the government literary overseers have passed the contents as to Federal, Slate and Local laws . I assume that the ex msion is some son of 'art form' o r perhaps a simple demonstration of the igh educational standards of g d u a l c students in your educational system. 1 must assume this to be fact for the same language is demonstrated in various forms of spelling throughout each p i c a of correspondence--1 would suggest, however, that there is a very limited vocabulary. I do not wish to offend any of the fine young men who wrote; however, I t a d Io believe that the subscribers to this Express would object if 1 rintd them all--thus, showing favoritism. I ask that you publish (a copy, exact y as is) right at the slart of this document! For you with tender ears and eyes--perhaps you may need to get someone else, stronger u ~ dmore versed in the language of 'America's finest' to read it to you. I appreciate the relevant information rqarding my being a comedian and entertaining all your fine and lonely troops wrth my humor wh~ch throws them into 'fits of laughter'. I shall endeavor lo keep up the good work-while hoping t h d they can continue to keep up rhelr lives long enough to E f continue to be able ro do anything, much the less, laugh! These oung men, of courre, do not sign their narncs-a totaf &ienti/icmYion as to the eve1of their bmvery! 1 Next, will you bear with me while I copy another letlqr from another soldier in Saudi Arabia as well as comments from a columnist of the Chicazo Tribune who has found that in the hundreds of contacIr he has with the h b l i c , I I E FINDS THAT WEU. OVh'R 90% OF TIIESE ARE AGAINST WHAT IS HAPPENING IN ' H ~ ~ ~ D D L E A N- ~~~SN T Q UW IH R A~T TO DO TO STOP TIIIS MADNESS!! Let me quote fmm an ~nluviewwith a very hlgh rankine Saudi official when asked '..whv haven't vour voune men been shin^ to enliit and defend their land?' Well, he talked ;boutqthe +lice of using incredible oil wealth to hire foreigners to d o the jobs that wealthy Arabs find distasteful. So he continued with a laugh, '..we just let our our 'while slaves' do our figliling for us." Oh, you think I made this up? Try the Wall Srreer Jorrrnul for source! "Slaves" of those reasons I'm wding i s to tlrank those members of Congress who a n saying: 'Hold on. Mr. Pmident. ' And lo tltonk you for miring qutsrions about this riluation in your colurnn. " F m t ~the newspapers we nceive, compiled by the military, the views arrd momle of the troops 1Iie msv mutrrtenl. "But any visit we've had from the press has been preceded by gn order f r o a .. . lliev tell us. ' i f osked a r r who . . *I can think of only two reasons why they don1: want us to speak for ourselves. I: To prevent disclosun of classified idormotion. Is that something us peons a n privy to? llah! or 2: Fear that somebody might express a dam~ Mr. Bush is out of fine and out of control.. aging public opinion t h a basidly " l l i e In& is, our momle is not as high as they would have you rlrirtk. We don't know why we'n hen. We're leji in limbo by the absence of rotation ~d the freezing of all dischacges and retirements. And the geneml consensus i n this unit is t h d the mfessional army is going lo lose many soldiers due to disenchantment &er t is ir all over. l' "Make no mistake, this is not from one disgruntled soldier. f i i s is gatirered from lhe daily grumblings of many sol die^^. Why ore we here???" Obvi- ously, for his protection his name shalt not be printed in this public print. This letter was also w i v e d by Mike Royko of the Chicago Tribune. I suggest that this information is true--having been given confirmation by'the list of restrictions handed down lo the press core itself. The intent is to KEEP THE WAR PLANNED TO KILL O F F YOU VICTIMS OF THE LIES SOME 20-50,000 O F YOUR YO V E R S (ACCEPTABLE LOSSES AS IT IS CLASSIPIEDb. 3 M HAS ALREADY SHIPPED 50.000 BODY BAGS AND IS M A K ~ N MOKE. ~ ~ C I J ~ X ! S W H A ? ? C%~ENS ~ S ~ ~ ARE BEING READIED! T H A T IS TWO HUN1)RF.D AND F I R Y TIIOUSAND! M By the way, we were asked by the large group writing the wondrous fin letrers-'---where did ou gct my address and name?' FROM YOU EBIENDS wlIi0 -0UGtl TO SEND TIIK VERY RESZ;' Our publisher has deliberately refrained from sending unsolicited, unsubscribed to; in- formation to Saudi Arabia. The troops~nthe field have little they can do about their situation and we have not wantecl to bring further distress, although truth 1s the only tool they C AN HAVE! We bless and thank every single one who has c a r d enough to allow these citizens to know truth of their situation. IT IS, HOWEVER, lJP TO YOU AT IIOME TO SI'OP THlS NIGIITMARE! TOPAY'S WATCH IN SPECIFICS Take note of that which is put forth from Congress leaks. 'It is doubtful that Congress will 'buck' the President bul any support will be marginal at best. However, it has been made clear: 'The President will ignore and disregard any actions by Congress in opposition to his plan.'" If you. ar citizens, can simply s ~and t "I~sten' to this--# must ask, 'Where is your head.!' Angry at the distasteful letters from the youn men who have wntlen? Oh no, we weep for them. They are but babes, teni led out of their minds if they gtve proper thought to their plight. They gather together and share the lruth and what have they left to do? They conjure up jokes and give each other courage in an attempt to out-vulgar each other and then, 'We'll show that S.O.B.!" Angry? NO--it is tnrly heartrending and I want to reach out and 'fix it' for them and I can't! BUT YOU CAN!fi We are constantly given love and queried about. "How can your people dare to risk everything and JUSI continue on in the face of such dangers to their lives?' Dharma says, 'Two-lhousand years ago 1 think 1 might have just stood there and let them crucify my friend--1 KNOW that I denied his-mth--at lau4hrcetirnc.~,-bul1knmrwtlhin, I denied it more than that. This time I shall lake my stand by HIS SIDE and if possible. I shall spare HIS.' A$ for the publisher, and the others who continue in the front of the army--the simply say, 'It's for me also--and it is the job I came to do! and, we will do itr Further, it is most comforting ar the word goes forth to find that there are wondrous ones already out there having heen almost ready to quit the unuit save (he message arrived and confirmed their Iask. 'Ones of God shalrrise up as on the wings of Eagles and no evil shallprevail againsl them!' '-S Ponder it! T I I &PH013NLTAIS. R E I U & W E SO Bb IT AND F NEWS HEADLINES--MORE CONFIRMATION O F THlS TRUTH As we move along and I tell ou things, it may appear ou are gelling, them 'late". however, please allow or matling tlme - - -I Loo what came througll on the 'fax' yesterday from Jan. 7th at a Prudential-Bache 'daily update' 'ticker' machine: ! i 852: AP--ISRAELI TROOPS SHELL SHIITE MOSLEM VILLAGES IN E. LEBANON (and further, ADMIT TO AT LEAST 21 SUCH RECENT MISSIONS). 847: IRAN REPORTEDLY HAS MODERN SOVIET ANTI-AIRC MISSILES 837: ISRAEL DENIF! PLEDGE TO WARN U S BEFORE LAUNCH- ING A RETALIATORY STRIKE AGAINST IRAQ I ' I /' 1123: AP--ISRAELI PLAN WOULD REMOVE 60.W PALESTIN1 ANS FROM JOBS .. And the notiticin from the m& who sent us this documentation: "There is no doubt that Israel's Plan is moving ahead!' 4 , MEETING TOMORROW? ! i WHY? Your President has already told the world that there is NOTHING going to make an differem! How can this one man speak for a world of citizens about to perish. How can you call this "quest for freedom"? r I BOW FOR SPACE-MEN AND IlFO'g I I I i 1 Want a little ' roof"? In Southern California recetltly (in about November), there. was pubic inquiry about ihe strange craft over Southern California-. spheres, triangle shapes, etc. This was so evident and so intense in the sightings that there war mandatory rcrponw. Here is what y w were publicly told: '...it is only newly designed aircraft being tested . . .' '...the A-12 Stealth Attack Cnft'. Funny thing about that plane--NOT EVEN ONE HAS BEEN COMPLETED, me# LESS. FLOWN! THE PROGRAM IS NOW BEING DROPPED DUE TO OVER-RUNS AND FLAWS AND LACK O F FINISHED PRODUCTION, THE ITEM STILL BEING ON THE DRAWING BOARD!! This, from your own Secretary of Defense who urged abandonment of the project, which has now been approved. Not only does that mean there arc NO such craft, but also you shall have another several thousand unemployed engineers, ac., immediately. Who was 'up there"? Well, WE were up there and there were some Russian Cosmospheres up there, and lhus and so. It is a critical time for your nation and your world-you are jusl aboul to 'self-destruct'. i . I I I 'I This is also for all of you precious ones who write with support and trust in the n in the truth which we are commissioned to bring. To all of you who find res nse of your loved ones and friends--TIIEY DID NOT WSTE&O TIlE &TER EITHER! S O BE IT! As truth is borne out in living, breathing color, ones will begin to see and hear. Do not be distressed at those which will not hear or see for when the time is Drowr the Teacher not onlv aonears--but more-over, is HEARD A N D SEEN( PIRST, THE STUDEN% i'hius~BE READY FOR THE RECEIVING--AND SO SHALL IT COME. Dharma, there are other things for you this day so let us close this and perhaps fit it with the prior writing to finis11 an Express. I t is nesessary that the readers get all sides o f this issue for a picture is worth a l h o u w d words--ponder it! KLC # I Hatonn to stand-by. Go i n safety and peace for reparations must continue. We simply cannot know how i t will go in the next ew hours and days, but this day i t looks bleak indeed. We must simply move on for we shall pass through this v e ~ol f shadows lest we miss the radiance at the other side. Salu. 4 HA'CONN TI1URSDAY. JANUARY 10, 1991 3:30 1j.M. ' W YEAR 4 D A Y I47 S WATCH Hatonn present, may we commune, please. I know i t is diflicult to continue this pace but we shall for it i s important that ones now be given the reassurance that they arc actually w i n g the things come l o pass as projected. You perceive something happened or did 1101happen according to expectations'! Whose expectations? There could have bcen no other outcome o f thc meeting ill ..Geneva yesterday. I t was the coup, dear ones. I f you missed the pninl, allow me to refresh your minds. Ihere is much talk o f a resolution to back the President! Well, you allowed him to arrange lhings right under your noses so that i t matters not i n the least what Congress does or does not do. When Bush called up the last 4,500 day before yesterday. he sealed the ticket. This i s why he and Dick Cherley could laugh at one another i n that 'knowing way" at the end o f Bush's press cot~ferenw.yesterday--when there were questions o f allowance o f a million more reserves to be called up. O f couts..you_goUhe ndumulh whicksaid, 'Oh, then is n o intention o f calling theni--but we need to be able to keep wnle o f thaw necessary reserves i n longer than the 180 da s allowed. THEREFORE. THE PRESIDENT MUST T A K E EXECUTI~E d w m s .AND DECLARE A STATE O F EMERGENCY--WHICH ALLOWS US T O D O THESE MINOR LITTLE THINGS W E NEED--AND, TAKE OVER YOUR ENTIRE COUNTRY THROUGII THOSE N I C E TIDY EXECUTIVE ORDERS WE I I A V E DS IPU YEDFOR rou. . . i , , . So, what are they saying behind the Congressional scenes? "We may as well give him backing so the world doesn't. see how little power we actually have-for he has the power and there is nothing we can do about it." He holds that sword above their necks like the pendulum--YOU H A V E JUST GIVEN AWAY AMERICA! Oh, you don't see it? Just wait, my friends--one executive order after another will now fall on you until war will look pretty good to you before i t is over. And further, who is your enemy? The U.S.S.R., just as i t always has been! The Russians and the Zionists! The dandy confrontation is the one et t o come, however, between the Soviets and the Zionists--they can't both lave lop billing. But the Soviets think they have that al! under control, also. But. 'Will there be a war?' How else are you going to get rid o f the youth o f a nation who are blind enough to light and die withoul qsestio~~? Now, you ask of n~e--" ...but I 111o11ghl- ! * Yes, didn't YOU! And, furlhcr, you assumed that the glory and the "winning" of God would mmn all the dandy I things of earill? Like, "...we all go to the clouds and take our bodies and lake our treasures and, and, aod.' Nu, il isn't that way at all. P.S.: And what about that 'short war' "unlike Vietnam"? You must not read the same papers that I peruse. You remember lhat com ?y called General Dynan~icswho just lost a biggie contract (A-12 attack cra I) because of poor managernent, over-runs and all the other things that make a comply supposedly ineligible for bidding on government contracts? How is it then that on Jan. 7, 1991, General Dynamics Corp. got a $27 million Air Force contracl for operalions and mailrienance of electronic warjore-evalualion simuhar tests. . . P" SUPREME COURT JUST KILLED THE INCOME TAX. DEAR CITIZENS!! OH, YOU CAN STILL FILE AND. PAY 1 6 ~ WISH ~ 0 TO~ GIVE THE TAXES AS GIFTS GRATUITIES--BUT THE SUPREMII - - OR - - -VOLIJNTARY . COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA JUST KILLED THE 1N.COME TAX AND RULED THAT IT 1S UNCONSTlTUTlONAL AND Al: MOST EVERYONE MISSED IT!!!! For vou who still can't believe Hatonn-go look% u for it was announced on lanuGy 8, 1991--you know, while all you can think ofis Azii-Baker-Geneva and war! - .., . :' ! - ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ - - Do tl~esem i l i t q contructs i~~dicate that you will lravc a long, long peace or u long, long war? So be if. Y i mml. OPPORTIJNLTY? F. .. . , .; .. .; FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE SAID "HATONN IS CRAZY' ABOUT THE INCOME TAX FILINGS:. The IRS is also after sportsmen and athletes. Tennis and golf prbs are examined Corpocatims.that buy o r lease skyboxes at sports arenas are checked lo setif they deducted the h. Sports stars who appear at auto@ph,and endorsement shows are checked to see if they repotled cash-rlaived. Umpires and referees of local spons leagues are targaed in trial cities of Birmingham, Greensboro, Omaha,. and.St:Paul to ensure lhat they report all income and use as a base for estimation of the numbers not reporting. , . . <.... . : for not r e p l i n g income for 1-s. T A X CHANGES . . . i,...: '. Let me off&ryou a listing as given fonh in one of your better lax letters, TAX HOTI-INE: .,. . . . ... , .' I I ~ IRS offices buy lists of bu ers of expensive cars from the states, usually looking for cars worth more than 30,000 and how the fax is handled. The lax relurns i of buyers are reviewed lo see if their reported income was sufficient to afford the cars. Local real estate records,are used to ensure that home sales were. r e ported, buycrs of expensive homes repon enough income, and lax-deferred erchanges are pro rly reported and valued. Real estate records also are used to :! ensue that ~and~ds.~rt'mtal.inearne. :.IRS district offices also oblain lists of licensed pmfessi?nals fnnn,+les and enwre all the rofesrionals file lax reI turns. Dif erent d~str~cls areunbining different- pro a w n s . For example. B u f f a b i s examining lists of attorneys and CPA's. Milwaukee is looking at CPA's and checking for members who deducted their large initiation fees and annual dues. ; 1 cIc., etc. night-clubs, as an art-form, and all of the press and media were over the debate like the clothes that should have been on the young ladies in question. The 'Income Tax' ruling was killed, dead, deader and deadest! Do you actually think the Government wants You-the-People to know of such a truth? I'liE ~ Most of you lovely people assume that the IRS does nothing with most of the information returns it collects and doesn't seek out much information from elsewhere. NO1 The IRS has finally gotten its act together, along with its computer system, and laxpayers need to really watch out now. Clamshell Building Inc. won a 513.6 million Army contract for vrh~clei~~aintc: ! nance and a~rcraftmaintenance stiel;ers. etc. Quote: AP--SUPRFME COURT RULES AMERICANS WHO REFUSE TO PAY THEIR FEDERAL INCOME TAX BECAUSE THEY SINCERELY BELIEVE TAX LAW IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL ~- - - - As I let you in on some IRS information, perhaps you will see why there was NO publ~caddress made regarding the above. Further, Fairchild Aircraft Corp. was given a 528.7 million Air Force contraci for nine C-26 turboprop aircraft--do you think these are for vacation pleasure? , ! How about this big Bank of New England and the bail-out? How many of you are aware that shonly prior lo this bank going under and picking up 'bail-out' by you lovely taxpayers, that the Bank of Ilarfem, wherein thousands of the lower lo middle clasg and business men in Harlem do their banking--just folded and was allowed to fold!! The FDlC .backed &e s n d l - depositors up to 5100,000 but all the businesses with accounts exceeding lhat amount had to take fifty cents on the dollar--the businesses will now also fold. Do you not think you are extremely near the ability of Mr;Bush to bring in Emergency Banking Reguiatibn's???? - - ~ ~- ! . I, Hughes Santa Barbara Researcl~Center, a unit of General Motors Corp., got a $10.5 million Air Force contract for air-to-air missile lorgrl rlrlrctors, etc., - -~- - - - - - - j, b . ~ ,... The top lax rate increases to 31 %from 28%. The 31 % rate will apply to single persons whose F a b l e income exceeds $49.300, and to married people filing a joint return whose laxable income exceeds $B2,i50. There will be three h r a t e s , 15%,28%,and31%. Phases out personal exemptions for joint h e r s whose laxable income exceeds $150,000 and singles whose taxable income exceeds $100,000. I Disallows a portion of itemized deductions--$300 for every 510,000 by which a tanpaver's Adiusled Gross Income exceeds $100,000. Extends {he 1.45% Medicare payroll tax to wages up to $125,000 from the current culoff int of $51,300. Imposes a I o luxury ~ tax on goods costtng more than $30,000 for cars, $100,000 for boats, $10,000 for furs and jewelry, and $250,000 for personal airplanes. Increases the individual Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) rate to 24% from 21%. The new law also makes a wsitive c h a n ~ eto the AMT. For 1991 only, it removes the appreciation o i donations of tangible p e r d property (e.g., art works) from the AMT. Under the current law, the apprecialion is a tax preference subject to the AMT. sAs Ule top h x rale pp capital gains at 2 8 5 , even if other income is laxed at a higher rate. lncreawr easoline taxes bv 5 cents a ealton tffcctive December 1. Increases cigareta taxes Gy 4 cents apack on January 1 and another 4 cents in 1993. Increases tar on alcohol: 16 m l s more for a six-pack ofbeer, about $1 a bottlr on'lable wine, and $1 gallon on liquor. . Incrairline ticket tax to 105, from 8%. Increases tax credits for.the working poor: The earned income credit is increased and adjusted for family site. ~ ~ J ~ D D L EEASI' CONI'LIC'I' NOT A ' ~ T ~ H ETDO ISRAEL? How many of you noted that on Monday. Jamrary 7. 1991. Israeli planes dcstroycd a base of a Syrian-backed Palestiman group ill southern W s n o n - - - -! Where is your United Nations' army? . ! You will be happy lo rejoice to find that now "banks' will be managing failed thrifts' troubled assets. The first two allowcil to do so are in Texas--where, of course, you have had the most failed iailures failing in the 1J.S. ' ~~~ , , AND WHAT A R O U T SOMAMA! ! I , i 'I: , t . . In view of fhe Supreme C o u mling ~ of &is week, I believe you cor, see. WIIY ihe government wiU ploce a "wur-tas" on pasi income npodng-iand YES, IT WILL BE L AWFUL-BY EXECUTIVE ORDER!!! T m m . , Where are the United Nations' army troops insuring peace, f r d o m and protection of human rights and the American way? . .. ., .. . ., ., . . . . . ~ n y . oyou f sill think your government wouldn't Iie'to yoi to g d s y m p a l h ~,, ,;, . ' our side and keep you thinking Iraq is a dastardly horror-mill?: OK. how ut . , k i n g toldthat Iraqi i l o ~new helicopteri~intoSaudi Anbii and &fccI&l? Funny thing, the Sa i min~sterdenied any wch lhiog aftu Iraq laughedand pronounced it 'mote of your dirty tricks to midead che citizens of he worldl' and '. . .wishful thinkine!' Now. with anred face. vour noverninent has had to retract the slatements. gv the &v--these slateme& arcncver Wmcled from our troops! Your troop; are onlj shown EXACTLY THAT WHICH IS DE{IRED FOR THEM TO SEE! THE ONLY NEWS IS CNN A N D CNN HAS BEEN BOUGHT AND PAID FOR IN BLOOD. DEAR FRIENDS. CNN GAVE THE BEST COVERAGE LONG ENOUGH TO OAIN YOUR TRUST .' -AND NOW IS A FilLLY O P ~ ~ M ~ OPRQPAGANDA ~AL SHOW FOF: : IRAQ AND AZlZ GAVE RECOGMTlON TO TRAT FACT YBTElWAY!-; . . Of course. later--after the fact--you will betold it was nccerrarv to alloiv Sad- t i ; . - . dam to beiieve the nation was e i n d the rkb effort. , , J . How do they manage to have one-sided (for war) call-ins (at random) on Larry . King live? Easy--the arrangemenu arc set up in advance--there arc ones on the 'call-in llst'. orearraneed and the auestlons alreadv selacted prior to the P- ~. Q -, gram and oniymthose czls are accept&--if the topic k political. - I am going to give you a bit of unasked for advice, dear ones, which trlay serve you well as one "expert' after another gets up and is quoted and expounds on everything,from why the banks failed to why there are minerals in h e water and oxveen in the air. I sueeest vou eo back tocommon sense--if the exoerts know so*~&ch about 'failureFthei yo; might well guess WHO AND W ~ ~ CEXH PERTS GOT YOU INFO THE MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE. AN EARTH -JOKE. SOMmHINGLKE-+HI$ApjEXP@-is-A HA$-BEEN DRIP--UNDEK PRESSURE. They, further, are almost always 'educated" right out of any knowledge or intelligence and certainly out of all comnlon sense. COMMON SENSG You can see the incredible dishdvantage in which most of you can find yourselves this day. I hope that you have7iaken advanrege:of the information providtd for your use. How many of you have come into the sheltering protection of C o p r a t i h s and 'lost" your-?selv+s".? How m y have converted your assets into contributiondinvestmenlr with GOLD as'collateral? So be it. All cholus are YOURS! How prepared are you for this passage ahead? I hope so! Dharma, you are weary and it is too late this day to continue on with the Journald so allow us to close for 11 has been a most stressful two days. . ,!' .:::. . . ,. . The confirn;ations are coming in a flood about ou and I )uould ask that those who have d~scoull~ed this work as eltlicr evil or gals--lake a.kore careful lmk! Salu. .. . ' ,. . ! I i 'I .2:. ! LI R ~.. C#I',... , .,I-IATONN .. , , .... " . CHAPTER I2 ; . . YEAR 4 DAY 149 SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 2:16 P.M. ,,, , ., . .. 1, . . ,I ~ Iiatonn to sland~by. Gtwd eveni~lg. . , i .I .. . ' I TODAY'S WATCH I . . . ;. ,.. . Hatonn present. I'make apologies for my y n distractions but i c was necessary that 1 attend man things i n these pas1 thret dws, in your government and elre?"' where. I t ~ s at1 of you were attentive to all the pnscntations so that you can i now analyze that which has occurred, or in the least, udderstand that whlch 1 , ' give forth for your consideration. . .. . , r 7 ' Let us not tarry. for you are indeed shod of iime. Things are not as they obviously appear to the majority of you Earth children. It iiffar more serious than you perceive and I am not pleased to be the one to point the hidden ramifica.. . tions into your notice. : " . .. I w i l l herein acknowledge correspondence from Dr. Arthur Robinspn . . . W T l N G C m . Perhaps, since it i s a short letter, I shall ask that you retype i t hereiwand then we,candiscuss the matter. . . . .. . " ' Dear Sirs: ' (Jan. 8; 1991) ' .+ This note i s to thank you for sending me the copies o f our Phoenix Journal Express--especlally the informative November I ~ssue--and for your favorable comments about our work on behalf of American civil defense.. . do. ,,,. '. I am sorry to'say thai Americqs s&u;ity i ~ n o w deteriotaling at an increasing rate, With most of our mililaj f-s being withdrawn from their defensive positions and shipped to tbe Middle East, we are increasingly without protection. A catastrophe in the Arabian desert would leave us very vulnerable. . , , I . ., Without civil defense, without slrdtegic defens, and wilhout sensible strategic caution in the deployment of our conventional forces, America , i s now at a yery great risk of destruction. ' . . ... . Sincerely yours, Arthur B..Robinson . There is good news and there i s bad news; well, actually there i s bad news and there i s worse news andI know not which to give you fim. .!a . , 8,. , Let us'begin w.ith the Congressional Asolulion lo: allow thePrrsident lo go to war: I t i s as well.thal the resolurion p a s d for i f i t had not, Bush and Cheney would have invoked Executive Order and Nalional Emergency and there would . .. lo do with that which you 'think'. Please recall that the super-computer i s a necessary item for the perfection of delivery, ctc., of nuclear weapons. You have already supplied lsracl with capability, also. not even have been a sen~blanceof Constitutional facade. I f you ones of the citizenry could listen to the debate, I find it incrbdible that you could still stand with the administration. However, keeping i n m~nd,dear ones, that there was never a real question as to whether or not there would be a sup ding vote--there had to be for three quarters of our Congress i s cont m led by the Zionist factor. At least as it stand$ this a (emoon after the tt?SOlution--it will require more attention to that which they pull off under your noses without notlce. and it did call attention to the fact that you had a Constiany more and wilL bc less w, i n the ensuing weeks. tution. It i s truly no; u~ililcd 'mere WlLI- be an Executive Order and the atabliimcnl of a 'national emergency' on the grounds of the r e w e troops who will be retain* longer lhan the 180 days allowed at present. m a t maneuver will allow the calllng up o f a million additional reserves and keep lhe ones already called up. for two ycpts. a SOMETIIING LOOKS STRANGE ABOUT TI4IS WH0I.E TIIING? F P" I t is! And herein I shall give you a few more ~houghtsto consider--1 don't ask that you make a decision as to whether or not I am correct, for I am correct--1 just ask that you consider them carefully so that. as you realize. the truth of it. you will be prepared for the 'far-out' trutl~of 'how" it h a come down upon you as a "free world'. Al~noslnothing is as you think it to be. You think that your nation would surely 11ot send off your prilnc youth--the ones who volunteered for the militar to go to college and make something of their lives? OOPS! Think again! 1 ]ere are al~nostNO ELITE "establishment" rrlativcs, or otherwise, in l l ~ ei~bilitary. What you 11avcnow and--please, don't go crazy when 1 lay this out for you--is k y o ~ your ~ d ilnagining. We need you to be thinking, clear-headed and viable citizens. In the process, remember the Executive Orders as we laid hem out for you, there i s only need to declare ONE stale of emergency and all Executive Orders arc activated! Y Your nolion has been delibemtely stripped of any viable defense capabiliry. And furlher, the lmops in the Saudi Ambian deserf are no1 considered pri~ne, "America's fiest"! They are the very ones borh the Elite and the enetrry wutrt lo gel rid of4he citizens seeking educolion and the minody groups. I ' m ' sorry, pncious ones, it is the planned annihilation of over hul/ a million of your c13uens--mostly males. Will you have a war? How else can $ so quickly got rid of half a million prime Americans? I t i s now public knowledge-look it !~p-lhal one factory in the fabricating business has had all domestic manufacturing stoppod whlle they make 75,000 additional body bags to be shipped immedialely to Saudi Arabia, and tha~i s only one of the seve~alconlpanies doing thesame. Next,%y executive mandate through the Penlagw, or vice-versa, all transprtalion, food allotments and medical attention is, henceforth, immediiely on prioril *noticeof distribution and use in favor of military priority. (By h e way, these lngs have been in place for well over ten days.) Also. then is a mandate that & e n will be a ceasin of all m i l i ~ a qfunemls, bodies. will be "warehou~ed' and mass seNices wil ba handled appmpriarely. (This, dear ones, is so that you will never know just how many perish in this little dispute.) - WHO!?! The Russians/Khazars. Why do you think Gorbachev KliAL1.Y called Bush yesterday? To make sure everything i s right on track! Does hlr. Bush realize this? He would not be able lo think about i t one way or another for who you 'think' i s George Bush, i s not. X f The 'Atlli-Christ' i s in the final stages of settir~gup the perfection of the 'plan" to lake it all and all of the puppet-masters are taking places and you of the world citizens are the puppet/pawns. YOU gl'mAN[l PLAY D Number one: Iraq doesn't need nuclear capability; for ou have given them the AidFuel weapons, the bacteridlogical capability and chemical capabilities. Yes, 1 said YOU! Next point--(her D O have readv-rirht from Ru 1 However, you, the United Slates of capability. . & .. In August (aj7er the Imq invasion of Kuwatl and your lmops wen in the Saudi Deserf) a Cray super-computer was sent through an Iraqi fmnt organization thmugh Brazil TO Iraq and it had been approved for shipment BY your Drparlment of Commerce-known by the Seemtar). of Commcmc. So, you might ask. "What goes on here?" Exactly what you see! What i s factual has nothtng l Not unless you want to end up thal way! You stay on thal hot-line to your Congtcss and rcqmnsible parties until you can no longer stand--it i s the only prayer for survival that you have remaining. : How do you check out nly truth? Consider: No one in favor of this force by war has any consideration of how to occupy and insure anything in Kuwait. No one outside the pushers give any consideration of ille expnse involved in the pushing of this "thi~~g".You have one-track robots push~ngyou over the cliff and even your fir~gernailswon't hold! You think Hussein was watch~ngCNN to see if he should worry a bit more? Yes, he was and at the same time you m~ghtwell watch what he w a doing while he was watching! He has collected every head-leader of the meanest, dirtiest and most evil terrorists into Baghdad! n e y are NOT blflng! n a y ' the gold for collateral against tlie "note". Is it perfect? As perfect as you will find--there aren't going to be perfect anythings any more--ever! " have temrisls in every stdegic location wWin Europe ond the Uniled Stoles and if is going to be ugly i/ they utilize their bombs and tenor taclics. One of thafimt things to go, for instance, ore municipal water supplks to your mqlur cilles such as 18s Angeles, ere. After the 15th it will not be safe to even enter an airport. Will they actual1 do anything? The 'probabilities' are affirmative. Since Le point is NOT raq, Kuwait, nor tlie oil--1 suggest more probability of yes than no. dren-crwnd that which you call Anti-Christ; I hove no'inpi# norpressure or to that which onyonethinks or does-! am a bringer of truth and a forerunner to the return of God ujmn your place. Wh* YOU do is our businerr and for that you will answer only to sev and Cod. I bi))8 In11 10 aU who will hear but spec~callyunto those who have awaited my indructions. V y o u pemonallyfind'no interest nor belleve in that which we present-loss if out! But be very careful, lcn ye-be incorrect . . . .., tn your assumptions. f ones to get balanced preparations. Then as we can acquire some pmperty elsewhere in this particular location--shift supplies. If ever this group needed a bit of support for land acquisition--it is now. I cannot have our connection severed and the first place wherein the enemy will come is to this dwelling and wnfiscat6 the food storage when thtlrgs get tight. The fact h a t they have had to forego any preparations. of which to speak, will not deter the ones who will believe otherwise. At this polnt there have been no funds for prepvatIons so it is a moot issue--but if all of you are waiting--NOW IS THE TIME1 , . I ask that you remember some of yqur'own.wo;~s f k m thatbook which you call the Bible. And. while doing so;-please note that in three days of deliberation abolit the rearans for blowing'up half the world--there was not mention of God's truih or way! YQU have come a long, 16ng way, beloved.ones--a long, long way and it is away. from. God. Furlhermore, harken lo the sound of truth for "Whowver heateth the.spbnd ofthe trumpet, and take!h nor warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his bldod shall be upon ,Ai his own . ; head.' .,+ . , (Ezekiel 333) . ...... By the way--you who think you can play all sons of games with the IRS following the ruling of the Supreme Court of which we spoke day before yesterday--let us clarify a bit. The Law doesn't make it illegal to harass you or lo take your property. Do not be foolish in your gamesmanship. Further, the one whose case brought attention of the Supreme Court is now going to have to go through additional harassment and trials within lhe unlawful injustice system to pmvr he didn't file because he 'really believed the bcome fa^ lo be uncondtutional. " Be very, very careful as to what y w d o and how you d o it! The one with the gun still sets the ~ l e and s until final decision--the CAN wnfiscate all of your property--they simply can't 'incarcerate' you unti they can prove you 'didn't ' really' believe the income tax law lo be Constitutionally unlawful.' So what do you do? What have you gained? Get yourself into a hole! Get everything out of your name and "have nothing" to confiscate. Utilize tbore wondrous Nevada Corporations and be LAWFULLY AND LEGALLY CKEATIVE! r Then get your monetary assets into a.contribulions situation and out of your accounls through purchase of gold (through the organization) which then ul~litrs .I. , . "8 8 '1 I can also guarantee you that this war will NOT h another Vietnam! New World Order? No--One World Controll There will be no 'order' in this new world. The picture doesn't look loo good from this vanlage point if you are in search of world peace and conslructive world unity! I K Do you have time now? I honestly cannot predict with, clarity. I do ask my It is also the time to do something with your assets lest they be wonhless soon. T o vav for this little desert iaunt is eoine to be a heavv load and the provernment wilicinfiscate everything they can find." Well, 'Harummph, Hatonn--how do we know we can trust you? Why should anyone believe you? You are just a fear-monger!' So be it--show me where I have been wrong thus far???? I care not whether you take action, or wait or never do so. I am obliged to share with yw that which is truth--that, and that alone, is my commimon, my commitnicht and my JOB! I serve GOD ALMIGHTY. ALL SOURCE. I m come tostan4:wirh God's lighted chi!- FED DAWN UPON Y 0 a 6? ,. , Yes, and I suggest that any and all of you go rent a movie, made in 1984 and watch it with new vision--RED DAWN. I am going to &mind you of && facts which I have already given you once before but bear attention right now. To emphasize the imporlawe of the information and how far the Elite will go lo keep it from you--the one Congressman who had the most information about the Soviet buildup to your south was killed when the whole Korean KAL flight 007 was shot down near the Kurile Islands by Soviet .fi hter planes. This man was Lawrence McDonald. Immediately after McDbn d made statements a d gave proof of the Mexico/Soviet plans; he was killed--along with a whole bunch of innocent travelers. Why? Because he was going to expose some tmflom in Congress! Many Congbsmen have died equally strangely when they have attempted to uncover the cover-ups. There are two who w e n taken out just as they were revealing information: Senator Henry Jackson and John A s h b b k . Iklrson-died mysteriously the day. following the KAL 007 crash. He had just warned Congress about the danger of a revolution in Meltico. The,U.S. Slate Department refused tocomment on his remarks. Jackson went on to say that the Nonh and South American arm of the Soviet KGB was quartered in Mexico C ~ t yand..said that he could confirm a major Communist buildup in Central America. And so he died! There has A been a MAJOR,serious Communist military buildup going on in Aferico fur / , a least the past military materiel. In 1976, a convoy of Russian stlips loaded with tanks, armored personnel carriers. fighter planes and spccial technicians entered Mexico from the south err^ tip of Baja California. 14 yeam!! Intelligence reports offer the facts which are then labeled 'to secret; national preparing a security' and hidden away. I t i s KNOWN that Russia has massive military move against the U.S. coming up thmugh your southern border. Could it be that God's chosen ones (israelis), as spoken of i n your Bible. might well mean YOU? You who claim to be God's chosen nation and peo le? You might wish to read Ezekiel 38-39 and consider the little Red Cloud &er America! &m At that time, armed peasant uprisings had paralyzed farm activity and was used as the proverbial 'smoke screen' for !he movement of large amounts of military equipment. While the peasants were taking over 106.000 acres in the valleys norlh of Culican, Sinaloa Province, the military equipment was unloaded and delivered to flat-bed railway cars of the Chihuahua-Pacific Railway Con~panyfor dislwrsioi~ along the Texas border opposite El Paso, Presidio. Del Rio, Lkgle l'ass and Laredo. To allow this maneuver to be successful, i t must be p d e d by pre-positioning of Soviu infiltration and placement of military machines and equipment in strategic locations and placement of pmper mnncl who would 'drive for free borders and open trade'. IIis all in place. Fmericn. You have already been told prior to now-some five years ago as a fact, what to look for, for this i s NOT NEW NEWS! The first thing we told you to watch for was a diversionary tactic in the Middle East. or Persian Gulf. The full intent was, and is, lo hre America's mililary might, including the R e ~ r v e sand National Guard. into r conflict ON FOREIGN SOIL. That would l a v e vour country vulnerable from an attack fmm within and from an invasion from the north and south without ability for recourse. Trains fmm the Pacific Railroad were loaded and moved north lo major dlslxrsal points in the Nogales (Arizona) area and Tijuana and Mcxicali, with Sa11 Diego as a major rarget. I 1 I 1 : I Oh, you think you would retaliate with a nuclear strike? Against whom? You are under the delusion that Russia i s our long-lost brother. You have had the very leaders of your nation in totar cahoots with the PLAN. And as for Congress sending redialion--they just showed you what they will do for Mr. Bush! Russia has been preparing for a nuclear illtack since 1962,. while the U.S.has done absolutely nothing. Russia..however, doer NOT want a nuclear war i n the Middle Easl! They prefer to have no nudear exchange at a l l but are certainly prepand if the need arises. Thanks to your leadership i t probably will not be necessary--in America. American Bolsheviks, etc., therefore, have scheduled a first-strike against Russia over and over and over and haven't been able to pull i t off! Now, Russia has done exactly what she always claimed she would do--get you from within! 'Bul Russia i s our new friend, she woul'dn't do such a thing...!' Wouldn't.she? 'If they have prepared for it, they likely plan to use it,' don't they? M E ITEMS OF lNTEREST As far back as 1972 there was an all-out introduction into Mexico of Russian " Shortly before this, the Mexican Governlnent had announced lhal its Arnly lingineers were to construct 1100 earth-packed airplane runways in the northern stalu of Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahuila. These strips can be easily disguised so that they cannot be spotted from a satellite. The World Bank approved a loan of $25 million for this project--so you nice American taxpayers footed the bill--as usual. I believe you recall lanis's slatemellt of some 50 years ago: 'The Capitalists will with whicl~we will California was c l o d to About the same lime, in June 1976. the Gulf of ~ a j a -outsiders--or at -least most-outsiders--thkdWindudeaussians and North Koreans. By I986 a crackdown came disallowing Americans traveling in Mexico to bring their CB radios across the border. At the same time, the Soviets were given mosaic maps of the Rio Grande River area. This i s verified baause the newspapers widely published the interesting and friendly gesture--the source of the maps were 'courtesy' of the international Boundary and Water Commission. These maps show complete details concerning the lay of the land and, of course, all river-cmssing sites. At the same time, a new seven-lane concrete bridge was completed at Laredo. Texas, one of the major crossing points, capable of holding a Russian 60-ton heavy tank. . Then a most interesting thing happened--a crisis was created in the area near Laredo--a new form of 'germ warfarev--theinstilling of terror of 'rabid dogs'. I t was a wonderful diversionary maneuver while 'peasanls' seized huge acreages in Sonora and Sinaloa, along with,rich farming land along the Pacific coastal Highway 15. Thereareas were all close to the mouth of the Bay of Baja California. By the end of November, a fishing pact had been signed between Mexico and the Soviets, allowing the Russians to fish in Mexican waters while American fishermen had to stay at least 200 miles offshore. . Some of the northern-bound trains carrying nlililary equipment had to pass near the city of Torreon in Coahuila, so the Mexican police creatkd a distraction by driving 4,000 squallerr off land near the railway. .$ 96 .. ..,: .. ,, . , , . : Ry this l.iiie word was received that the Mexican Railroad syslem.consisting of five nlajor railroads, hacl hrcn rncrged. Uy the cnd of the year, Soviets tanks hat1 been massed just south of l:aredo, Texas. This is proven by piclures as I have previously told you--as have many other daring authors who have obviously played to deafened ears and blinded eyes. Well, the writing is on the wall in front of you, America, and'I know of no easy way to tell yo11 these facts. ! . . Dltar~na,clpse t h ~ so s Oberli can have this portion wit11 which lo work . ,,, REC #2 HA'TONN . .. ., . SATURDAY. JANUARY '12, 1991 6:53.. P:M. YEAR 4 DAY 149 .. .. . . 911, A N D OTHER GOOD T I ~ I N G ~ ' , .. . ., , ' . .. . ; We must look at-the seque. , . . . of e"enls for ;his to have ~ A r n i a t i o nfor your senses to comprehend. Lct me just outline, again. the things which were tnnspiring across your borders. In January 1977, the HOUSTON CHRONICLE ran a small news item staling that Mexican authorities had joined in a 'bi-national' campaign against an outbreak of rabies and lhat the Mexican military were in the process of rnund~ngup some 20,000 dogs. . ,, , ' ~ ~ h i i . t i h the e , ban of traielejs wilh CB radiqshad been lifted since the military ui ment was.already inp)pce. . The.n.followed a bi "WING' over drugs and 8 d m e n we, sent Into the. border area to search f;'or drugs. the Merican government reported. How interesting this count--one man for each of the 1100 runways. which had been constructed. Hmmmm! . ; . ,, . , > . . . lntelligencc leaks confirmed liiat i( ~ & ' K ~ O Wthal N the ~ovietsmoved in heavy lquipment meving transports, capable of.handling lhe Soviet heavy tanks. A transport of this.capabilily m.also carry up to 65.metric tons of supplies and ammun~tion. It was at,about this time tha~Mexican authorities announced the discovery of a hugs oil field,which is some reven to ten times larger than Prudhoc Bay inAlaska--100 billion barrels of oil. This was to make Mexico economically 'h~althy'~or so i ~ y n said. s :Sttange thing--this find was in the same areas where there were known caches of Soviet heav weapons--like, in five regularly spaced intervals just south of the U.S.border mm East lo West. . 1 ... ' ' It is also interesting to note that the Mexican.oil boom was centered around Villa Hermosa, where the Slates of Tabasco.and Chiapac meel. It is at the lower curve of the Gulf of Mexico. This has bcm Mexico's major oil producing area sina' the beginning-of this cenlury, : Butilhe never had gotten more . ,. :' lhan 60,000 barrels per day from that area. >Nowsud nly(???) they were producing 1,075 million barrels per day, plus 1.5 billion cubic feet of gas. , . .. : ..... . , . . But what happened to all tl&t economy fixing? ~ e x i w n e v e got r on her fret . economically. Instead, the economic siluation became worse and worse, until they arenow at national bankruptcy; Well, of course it was politically managed--through intentional mismanagement. .. . .. Knother strange thing about the; locations--a major highway leads from each of lhese four major oil finds along the U.S. border; which just happen lo coincide with the four major arms caches. From these four points; U.S. I~igl~ways 'L c " . , apartment next door and you wouldn't htow the difference. You have now been trained to trust no one. alienate from your neighbors and community, and actual1 tattle on your neighbors through hot lines, etc. You, as individuals have erfectively been 'isolated" and divided--therefore, united you could stand-so you have been divided! branch out into the interior of the United States--making it a nice smooth a n venience for bringing in military equipntent. Most of you who have heard the story before will remember that an informer ill the Del Rio, Texas area made his living taking out hunting putics during the deer s a w n . In the fall of 1984, what he called the 'good Mexicans" had moved at least 200 miles north from the border and he was f o r d to go into Old Mexico to get camp help. Since he is part Indian and sp& fluent Spanish, plus six lndtan dialects, lhey think of him as one of them. Each night after the 'gringo' huntcrs bedded, the Mexicans would gather around the fire to drink and lell stories.. The major subject was the huge number of foreigners--not Americans--who had appeared jurt mth of. lhe border. They were contacting young Mexicans, offenng large sums of money, $1,000 U.S.. for them to cross the border and-join with underground forcer along the Mississippi River from New Orleans to St. hkiir and then Chicago. Thcir mi$sion would be to blow the bridges across the Mississippi with supplier which would tw furnished by the underground and then spread out along the river, raising hell wherever possible. What would happen to you if truck and rail traffic. say from the weJl lo the east were halted? Most of the food products bound for the east coast come through Omaha. Nebraska. then cross the Mississippi via bridges at Cairo, Illinois and St. Louis. Missouri. If this traffic wen to be halkd, wilhii two weeks ou would see food riots in the eastern cities, as lhe super market shclva woul be bare. What better way to begin the conflict than with this type of intunal trouble? And what of those out-of-work farm laborers? A-$mat ng~on&yare mig m t workers and a1 this panicular time ha- ken so badly tread that lhey will do whatever is necessary to suwain family and home. In California's citrus belt it is immediately devastating for the crops are f r o m . B C(OW CONSIDER THE. . TRUTH ,OFTH I3 SITUATIQ ,. . . . The so-called oil field workers are not, of course. A Russian tank division consists of 9,815 omcers and enlisted men, equipped with T-64/72 tanks. This division is divided ~ n t othree tank regiments, wlth supporting regiments and battalions I believe you might guess, by now, who all those r $ \ y 'workers" actually are and why lhere is no visible i a c d oil 'p u c l m . Most of you slill fail to realize that the politicians and medim amtinually give you disinformation--the world fuel crises have all been enormous deceptions. There has never been an oil shortage and you arp faad with a tremendous glut right now! So you have periodically been caught up in a 'shortage" to cover what was actually taking place. such as requiring highu prices for shipping through increased diesel for your trucking industry and even more imporlant, it was a means of deception by the Internationalists to cover up military moves. The big oil discovery in Mextco was a major, major deceplton used to cover Soviet activity south of the border. Once something has been pronounced in the news, everyone goes back to sleep and if the subject comes up again--it is just , 'assumed" that - - -,etc. ANYTHING could be taking place in the house or i , , Well, you might note that it is not easy to store such quipment and therefore, 'Hatonn, you are nuts!' No. for located throughout Mexico are incredibly huge salt mines, the most massive in the world. These are easily used for storage of massive amounts of military equipment. 'No way' you say? In your own stale of New York there is a salt mine near the town of Restof. It is 1068 feet underground and covers over 5.000 acres. Workers. descending to the working level by elevator, must then take a 30 minute jeep ride to reach the working sites five miles away. The ceiling is a unifortn I I feel high, supponed by rock pillars and the temperature remains a uniforin 63 degrees summer and winter. Where do you think the term '...get back to the salt mine' comes from? In Mexico, near Matamoms, there is a far larger dome. It is just wuth of the southern point of Texas. Lillle military activity has been sighted around this area. But only fifty miles further south, tiear San Fernando, there is intense activity of a mil~larynature. A 48" oil pipeline has been under construction for a long lime leading from the huge Cactus Petroleum plant and ending in San Fernando--convenientl ! lust to the east of San Fernando is the Laguna Madre Bay which enters into t e Gulf of Mexico. One branch of this pipeline goes to this area. There is reason to believe that work. supposedly being done on this pipeline, is nothing more than the digging of a ship channel for use in future unloading of amphibious ships. These would be able to drop off heavy Soviet armor which would be stored in the huge San Fernando salt dome for future K use. This channel would be around 16 feet in depth to accommodate the Soviet Alligator class landing ships which carry 1500 tons of cargo. It is rather doubtful that the Soviets would take the chance of one of these ships running aground in the shallow Laguna Madre Bay and being seen by American fishermen who frequent that area. However, the Soviets havc two other smaller landing craft which would be suitable for that job. One is the MP-4 landing ship with bow doors and ramps and with a draft of less than 9 fcet. The other is the POLNOCNY class Medium Landing ship with a draft of about 7 feet. Both are quite capable of carrying Soviet heavy tacks and armored vehicles. In many of those "w-called' pelrolcuni producing areas of Mexiw, one can see what appears to be oil drilling derricks. They are not always drilling for oil, dear ones. Sorne are very busily creating tlte huge underground salt caverns. similar lo the Bryon Salt Dume near Freeport, Texas, where the U.S. is storing emergency gasoline supplies--oh, didn't you know that? SQOn-JjliL PERS The Soviets have openly had milirary advisors in ~ e x i c for 6 many years, with a large conlingent openly taking residency in mid-summer of 1985. Shortly after . ,,that a whole brigade of some 3500 Shiite Moslems (who are known as the It was indeed easy for,t!~eSoviets who appeared to be oil exploration crews, months in the Afghaiiistan.. coinbat me.. 'suicide boys') arrived, aner six ostensiblv to assist lhe Mexican oil industrv. to survey the salt domes for stor- i . . ..... ,. . ,# age of Guipment and plai the storage faciiiiies. I t i< NOT a secret from your ,, Large numbers of North Korean troo s moved inlo the'8aja California are v d government, dear ones--it is known ihai the milirary cquiprnent if then. 11 is, , ' 1 they boast4 that they would be in Diew before the end of 1986 and ou also known where Y is storel 0. day them were 2m sovie, tmks munted on,. ; know what--!hey were! At tile same lime, in 1985, over 40,000 ~ o n g o 8 a n the around--the next dav :-whoof. nolhine! This was in one of those handv artroops moved inlo the Yucatan area. . 1 .. .. . b: a ' MF.XI CAN WAR AGAINST AMEHICAT , .. , . . . PEASANT LAND INVASIOE(S . ... . . 'Now. you ate reallyoff you; nut. Hatonn!" Hold on, little doublers. There . were plans well laid for war. against the U.S.--in the diplomatic mill for many ! years. As far back as 1980, Pres. Echeveriia was accuslng the 1J.S. of plolling !? .to seize pam of Mexico in order lo exploit the region's oil and uranium de-; posits--and you know what? They were right! All the while the build-up was first under way m a massive manner, the peasants of the area didn't know what to do about,all ;he foreigners. Therefore, several large peasant land invasions in Mexico occurred in which large groups of acres of land and set up camps wh~ch of armed peasants took over rllousa~~ds they said was to'keep alien peasants OU1-. . . . . In one such invasion the p"ncipal'cities in I 1:~exicanSmt& were vinually shut down:power.was lurncd of6 and stores.and factories closed. Tanks and armored personnel caniers, camouflaged to look like tractors lined the. roads and were moved under of darkness.. The.following morning all was somehow . ,.. cover ,~ . . .. vanished. . . b 11 is a known facl l h a the Americon military has made numerous excursions into Mexico, probably for, reconsoissance purposes. n e same h a s been true of Soviet forces who have been seen mfar as 20 miles no& of the border. WlrJ has the media never covered this news? Want something more out- rageous? Your military has moved a good portlon of those "Iroopib who 'thik" t" are iirerkc-Saudi d e m , right down-toMuico! Free k u k w i l h Mexico? b! 01 the way it is preknted lo you good citizens. How can vou w n i u n UD a war? Easv--iust like 'thev' do evervthine else behind your backs. -One had been i d e by ~ o v i e ~ ~ e x i ofhcia1;in can which a g r i t deal of economicpr~surewould be directed against the northern Mexi-.. can Slales. which would brine these alreadv distressed m l e to he brink of rebellion. ?hen elements of tiie Mexican dovernment 'wodd discover a plot i,n' which these States would attempt to secede from Mexico and join the united, States. F u fetched as this may seem. it would. be picked up by the Mexican press and the world libera1 'press who would begin 'a Last campaign againsl American imperialism. This would set the stage for the planried invasionTofthe , 11.S. Of course, the U.S: would be in the role of the "bad guy with the black . . . hat'. . ... GENEROIJS IINC1.E SAY The Mex~canmilikry has been undergoing a modernization program for some time now and recently, YOU have been providing them with some of your most , sophisticated weapons--paid for tiy a loan which will never be repatd. They:. have also usui their 'petro dollars' lo purchase modeniquipment from France., West Germanyand of course, yout staunch allies, the !s$elis: .. . .. , .. ~ . At that time. American, in the border' tow&.of Nogaler, Laredo, .;tc.. knew there were thousands of.soldiers in the area. On maneuvers. they werc told. , . ~ Let us look at the long-standing capabilities AND the neutralizing of the border defense insIaIlations which you have, suck as Ft. Hood--which IS now a ghost place. What is KNOWN? Take a deep, decp breath for you arcn't going to be able to breathe for a while after we look at some facls. "TIIEY" have a tnmepdous invasion force of come 2-million & Complete wYh landing barges and equipment-in the . ; maintained, mated and mring to go! (YOUR e n t i r e m n a million.) n e i r slrdtegy callsfor an airborne rtrikc against the Alaska piprlne and for thal they have at least five specially tmined airborne battalions which have been car-mrked for this purpose. It is also known by ydur govemrnenr thql while your adminislmtion has been playing "hands and 1dies"-wYh the Chincse Reds, following the same f a a l path you took with the Soviets int1945, at lead eiglrl divisions of Chinese engineers have been supposing the Sovietforce. .: In recenl.years,. the. Sovikr Union:has continued to enlarge ils mililary force,' building up a force which ii'cap$ble of.in!e(venlio~~, in greatly distant areas, , I care not what your administration. Stale Depmment and military tell you--your leaders know that you, the people of the U.S., are their number m Iargel. After all, tt cannot be a surprise-;they have told you over and o v a and over again. Soviets have at least seven airborne divisions of some 7500 men each. These units are strong in anti-armor and anti-aircraft'capability and have a tremendous amounl of firepower. Now what have your 'Christian churches" been telling you? Could it have been that some misconceptions have been set forth? Hwein, I suppose, to gel Dharma off ihe hook, I will just do some quoting--(plagiarism I 'hope* they call it and let her off the hit-lisl): These units are transported to the battle field via fixed win aircraft. AS far In addition, they have their iegular motorized rifle regiments known as MRB's. back as 1985 the Soviets had 110 of these units: plus at -1 They have several aircrafi which can move these men and their equipment. The AN-12, a medium transport plane powered with four t u b p m p engines which can carry up to 20 tons of cargo or 80 armed paratroopers. It has a range of some 2160 nautical miles. QUOTE: The ultra-Zionist Baptist evangelist lack Van I m p , in his book ISRAEL'S FINAL HOLOCAUST, stales in Chapter 12: 'Russia will invade Israel at a lime when war is not expected.' Knowing the situation in Lhe Middle East. this m m s to be extremely unlikely, since Isneli actions have brought about a condition where peace is impossible. , I Van Impe goes on to say on P. 134- 'The wetght of prophetic scholarship has gone wtth lhe conclusion that Russia'is the chief aggruror..,.in their end time is true. The Bible docs say that Russia will be the war with Israel.' aggrcssac and that This lsrae wtll be their larget. The problem comes in defining who Ism1 is. By no stretch of Scriptural definition, can the litlle nation of the Jews be called I d , since they are 'Ihose who say Uley arc Jews and arc not...' (Revelation 2:9). (Haonn: please pay olfe&n here ad, in adddwn. I will P ain give JOU the WebderJsdicdonaq d & d o n of ismel: & Precious ones, the above does not even touch on the Cosmospheres and stealth capabilities of the Soviets--these two items alone can take the. world! part. SO WHAT. NOW .'THAT YOU'RE SCARED OUT OF YOUR WITS? A. mud m e m b e ~somding . impow .) The true ismel nations Well, you can stop blaming and taunting and flubbering about. Do you have time to prepare? I don't know!!l You would have if you hadlistened--now,-l can only work on 'possibilities' and 'probabilities' for it can be on Tuesday or two years from Tuesday or, or, or ..... But I tell you this, war is coming to your country in one way or another and it is paa due! 1 can on1 urge you, again. to make preparations for times of scarcity and probable &privations. You should personally prepare as best you can for yourself and your loved ones' survival. pvhipations ChrisMdom, which a n y e p c M n wdl m g nizc as the target of the Ztonist-Communist hordes. By no stretch of the most vivid imagination, does Wkiel; 38-39 describe (he lsraelis or the Jewish nation. Russia, lecor#ng lo the Scriptural account of Ezekiel 38-39 will 'GO UP to a land of unwalled villages, whese'tk people dwell in peace; lo &..a spoil of cattle and goods....' This certainly docs not describe the JewW.muntry in Palestine. Any fiflh-grader knows that if you 'go up' fmm Moscow, you don't land in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. You continue over the North Pole into the heartland of North America. The,Soviee wouldn't get much of a spoil of cattle from the Isnelir, dnce their a l e herds are less than in most camties in !he U.S.' Certainly the people bf Palestint do not dwdl in peace in cities bavtng neither bars or gates. Most of the Isncli cities armed camp. -Of course Van Impe and others of his ilk say lhat, at this-time, the Jews will haye a peas lraty with thcir'enemics. Seems very unlikely! '.: .. : Noah built a survival barge and stored it with food for a flood he knew was coming. And what about Joseph? He hoarded the excess food from the good yars. p r e e n g for the lean ones. He didn't sell Egypt's corn to the Communists and glve all the wheat away along with the butter and dried milk. Noah's personal effort and that of his family saved them--there will be no government welfare to bail you out, beloved brothers. It is simply intelligent to PREPARE-for there are always natural disasters, if not war, from which you can suffer greatly in non-preparation. ' . END QUOTING .. .. I , . _ . 1 do not wish to make further commeni for I'do not wish to get into dispute with any evangelist but1 do suggest you lake this very seriouhly into your thoughts. .4 Back to Russian capabilities for such an attack upon the U.S. Dear ones, the They have onc plane, the AN-22 which has a payload of 80 tons, a cruising range of 2.650 nautieal miles at a speed of 600 kpm. They have a relativcly new jct lane, the 11-76lCANDID. which can carry 120 paratroopers, a payload of 0 tons, with a range of 3,000 nautical miles and a cruising speed of just under 500 mph. The Soviets have about 1700 of thew craft. I' I YOU f0 tank divisions. " :.. , . Many of you 'good' Christian people say "you lack faith' when you make such a preparation and that,'God will take care of you." Just how does this work? I believe my Cosmic education must be lacking someway or another. MOST of these g o d people do work, although a great number do not. and have a 'job" with which to provide for thew family. They do not say from day to day that. 'God will provide so I need do nothing.' Most of you place great locks on your doors to keep evil men out. You purchase fire and life insurance pol~cies . CHAPTER 14 REC XI What do your own government people say'? "We are .watching this very closely.' By this lenglh of lapsed time, in Iraq--you had sanctions against Saddam and troops on the way. HATONNIATON Dear ones, you-the-fish are CAUGHT! The prison masters are only golng to SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1991 8:27 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 150 TODAY'S WATCH God sit$ with us this day as we unfold mysteries at which to look and find ~ e a son. Reason does not necessarily mean right reason. It simply means "reawn". Invasion of America? Nol if you move quietly and do not m i s t once the New Constitution and New-Statw are being implemented and become tiond. 1 must outlay lhat which has been, and is, unfoldin around you- or it has alread ban accomplished and tested. The Order wi l now take total control and perc ance you ones will nol realize an instant anylhing-you who sit at home. f l 'iP". ; I 1 I / have to wait for you to stop flopplng about. If you flop too hard and try to get off the line. they will simply use force and kill great masses of you. If you go as lhe sheep as you have thus far, you will probably have some tlme to adjusl lo the slavery. The preference is selective killing of the considered 'undesirable" elemenlc of the minorities and maladjusted and diseased. The resistance ability has been removed to foreign soil--far. far greater numbers than you can s in the U.&. Your land has been stripped eximagine-ypll have r cept for the crews w w h e l p establish the occupying personnel when the time comes for force. The hope and expectation is that there will be no re quirement for forcc. You-the-people were just put through a major lest and you willingly allowed the govemment the license to kill every man and woman in yuur military forces. You just voted out your Constitution and all rights as citizens. You just voted that your Administntion can now act solely as a dictatorship and you have no recourse. You did it with warning beforehand and still you allowed 11. TROOPS IN SAUDI ARABU They will either be kept there for a very long time or they will be annihilated. The mililar), personnel had to be gotten away and into distant forei n tenilory so that no wup' could take place--no military msistana to the fu thke-over of your government and your nations. f z Because it is assumed (and proven) that God's truth is no danger to them--yet. You deny anddenounceand vote away your freedom-whyshoukLkenemy he concerned? Then wh the massive buildup of Russia and her allies in the U.S.-adjacent countries. For occupation, dear ones. There will be tanks and armed personnel in wery town to insure consistent non-rebellion and furthermore, YOU will supply your own police force to assist and d o ihe dirty work of confiscation and putting down demonstrations. Now, they do not attack because they actually desire that somaone k l l you how it is so t b l Ulcy don't have Ule burden of 'proving' it to you and messing up their plan of orderly &-over. You were tested to see how blind you are as a people--and they found all but total blindness! ' You had an opportunity to act ~n behalf of ihe saving of your own babies and you voted to kill hem! What ' else does your enemy need to know? And, today, it is all but finished! LITHUANIA TODAY In the mess going on in your government and elsewhere--WHO is brought into alla)(ion on the news? Nor your House Leader, not your Senate Leader. but nther--Kissinger, Eigleburger and Scowcroft!!!!!!! Each going on lheir respeclive missions to'implemenl the New Order. It is important that you look closely at Lithuania this day for it is YOUR reflcclion. The imn fist of Russia has w m e down on her in her new 'frccdom' which never was. There arc tanks in the streets and dealh eve w h e n along with 10.000 Russian troops. The same is happening, to Romania a day! And what does your 'free world' U.N. say? Hardly a Ihmng. Mr. Bush says nothing other than sic Hussein and I am ready to take him out--for freedom and human rights. % 'NATO is 'monitoring" (whatever that means) for you have stripped all NATO capability and x n t the troops and equipment to the Saudi Desert. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? It requires s o fortune teller nor space commander. It will go as has eve& other nation who has fallen lo the Anti-Christ. All means of frccdom will now be eih e r slowly or, possibly, immediately and rapidly removed fmm you. The banks for private accounts will probably be closed shortly and funds moslly confiscated so that you-the-people cannot function. Food will be placed on more short supply and you will be 'without' even bare minimum subsistence. There will be more and more terrorism in the citirs to cause chaos and great numbers of people will be killed andlor incarcerated. h4ostly killed for there is no suitable way lo care for dissenters. When things are really chaotic the policeand new military will move on the cities in force to el rid of the gangs and opposition of all sorts--thousands more of your youth wi l be slain. The uns will be confiscated. I remind all of y w who think you will save yours--i fgyou withhold weapons, dear onw, they will simply kill you. In the take-over of a nation the size of the Uniced Slates. there will be no mercy. f The government you perceive to-be YOURS--is not! It has been put in place intentionally for chis day and this action. Your government, in majority, are joint-venturers in the Global 2000 Plan of World Conuol! ;.dict. The message given is that which we 'were commissioiied to bring-Soon, the battle changesin the prizp-the battle will be openly for your souls! Strange things now begin to happen, dear ones--Dharma, for inI stance, came to scribe these Truths. Our commis9ion is and was to bring the WORD and prepare for God's return by putting the word to print and dispersing , it. The rest is up to you as a people and as individuals--what will you do? If ,,.you d o no more than youhave,done .wi.th ii thus f&-it appears lo be very tittle. God did nat sa there would be gr&t brllionl'bf o m s to go wiL him--HE SAID '.And so shall 1k.m be. He has ohown you that THE%E:WOU~:BE great masses would gather and move in unison and then all but a few would [urn to the leH unto the physical promises of d a r b and only a few would turn ; unto thelighted right. And so shall it be."'. .. .. -. You ones UMught you wouid h6ve g!k'up ywr,.&rldl goods to death and passing into 'wherever' you goafter deathof the physical Well, you'arc now going to witness and experience giving them up before--right before yqur physical eyes. I would suppore that ydu'who'do not hoed my words will cltng to the horde of thine .yeallh.ind luiury and'lOse our lives-and false promises your ticket home to God. That, dk$ ones;.is each tndividual c iilce to make. Selah! .. ., ,... ', . .: TRUTH. 14 I $ , Oh, well. England will come to the aid of us little brothers. No--she is a major. . .' major part of the play itself. @WMA N D fi1,00M? I see not how it could get &re doom; or All of you who have 'things' in abundance and live 'high" on luxuries, 1 suggest you trade that Mercdes for an old half-Ion pickup for ihe 'rich" will be sitting ducks for lhe picking and plucking by your own people;- I suggest. further, that if you have available money for investment or if you can et your hands on some -get rid of it. Give it away if necessary but get it away from yourself for it wtll represent your death notice. The plan is to confiscate everything. ad K ~ her< to your knees and gur .many ways your"&iemy .&iv hi; to bring lower. H e truly docc-notnqcdfire-a'jhot af you. He -use great e a i h upheavals which will lakc ihousands from your cities ifl,death and destruction. He can insure your crops do not gmw nor mature--or b e infested wilh insects and your populacc devastated with famine and disease. There are far more effective ways lo break the backs of nations than to &dot them for even the Elite do not intend Lo live without the s l a v ; dear ones. ,: 'Well, but what about you, Hatonn?' "What about those plans you have been telling us about?' What about them? Even our enemy needs a lace to start again. Your own enemy will help you bui d if he thtnks it wi/'I benefit his cause. Even to the motion picture complex. Out of the chaos will w m e the next step--1he settling of the masses and, funhermore, he will be happy to spread only good dreams and promises for he will be wallowing in his newly found ego power and will wish to feed you off peace and charity and d r a m s of that wh~chhe can.now prevent you from fulfillrng. He will not wish to longer feed you on violence and resistance but rather on things which quiet you for his purpose will change from intentional chaos lo orderly control. r 'Well, will he wipe out your people, Hatonn?" Probably the pressure will begin to be relieved on my people for your enemy perceives this as no longer any dan er lo his plan. He furlher considers that you will better lay-down and play dea awaiting ' ~ p t u r e "and 'salvation' for you aren't p i n g to have many other choices given you. a: Will the writings continue? Of course--for a while and then, i t h hard to pre- lo!! Dharma, go chela, for the path is hard and you ones have served without reward or ability to tend of your own needs--I request that you g o forth and d o h a t which you can and know--Ye who have nor abandoned Cod s h N not be abandoned by God, bul'you mud fmst HIS way and relentlessl~confinue as p n - scnted in possibilities unto you--in wisdom and coumge. nre pain of the day is upon the masses, not upon flre true-behevers and "knowers" in true service ". unto God and the total "truth Our ones will make no loud anything nor effoti to /orce anyone nor anytlring--/or it is not the way of God. me gredeAl lits of all are Ute lies put foti11 through your "churches"-I s u ~ e syou t do not cmss them now. Our mission was and is to bring Truth and man shall do #hot which he will, wirh it. CHAPI'ER I S MONDAY, JANUARY 14. 1991 8:01 A.M. Wn ... shall be most auiei IPu whar'happtns upon this land becomes blunted .in . ~ ~ YEAR 4 DAY I S 1 ~ total upon the cosmic bmrherhqod. -iVe wiU-be e~erprexentand ever watchful ra *.vou of our own muff not desmir nor feel abandoned-we mu# give them no -qtuuierh allowing the blamini of Godforthis pug& net foch by Man. May the light bk given to shin; upoh you 6od our beloved ones. May mercy be give@unto those who are abour !o meet their awn action's consequences for il i s the justice and way of the cycles in the planting and the harvest /or that which has been casl fotih shall sunly return. Salu. Atotr.would please speak this day. for my people are in great trouble and poised for destruction. i s recognized that in these final days of Kali there would be temble things which Man would do against Man but i t is painful. indeed, to watch the wondrous creations of beauty and gifted with wisdom, unused, act as cocks trained to battle. You will note, liowever, that the "cocks in charge",DO NOT do of the dying--if some of you would relate yourrlves unto the beasts. It unto God lest ye lnck of #lading You were warned, lo. the eons ago and the words have come unto this day--regarding the rulers in politics, religion and even the pcople themselves--'For when (hey say, Peace and Safet then sudden destruction cometh upon them and they shall not escape.' ( [:Thess.. 5:3. 4) ... MA h and into some ego U y o u are i n the position of pulling another fmm the world of indecision or pertonal grqlP-I su ed you t ink most can&Uy rep n i i n the consequences of those actions j % you are about to br ma ng the nwa& that action. I care aot which way you go for I am 14 a w your choices. I have ivcn you thal which is the Law and you will , d e or break onger even nulurgen. Go within unlo the counsel of God and of it-I shall no /= make your decisions-do not come lo Hatonn 10 pick the bones of pms and cons-you have had your lessons-IT I S CHOICE. Dhanna, for instance, has 'pull' only for herself! She can pettlton and petition on behalf of another--BUT--= be it, 'tis the petition of the '&T which is attended. 1 shall heat no more of 'Ican't' for it means 'I WILL NOT' andIcan lamy no longer in the tending of the babes who cannot mature in T ~ t h . So be i t and Selah. For the Tmth i s the word and the word i s given and so shall i t be. R" zl I&J m. I move to the side that yau may ponder these things and l h s which is about to wme upon you. I and my hosls sund ever at ready and evCr at the moment's response. The time is at hand! 1 AM ATON--LET US SEE WHO MIGHT YOU BE! GOOD DAY! And, how quickly forgets--if h i knows at all--those events which change the coucse of nations andplanets. Pteciischildren of m elf, when this leader calls for 'terrorism against the West', he nieans eractly liar! The whole of the m p l e of the Arab nations :now call for 'Jihad"--holy war; the moment the United Slates makes one aggressive move. They Cunher tell you they W i l l settle the Palestinian situation wh~lethe are 'at it": They also mmn exactly "that". They have weapons of which you ave no idea, at their immediale disposal. , What of these ones who proclaimed peace and wor~drousw-ex~stence?Where did they go? They were never present! 'They are liars from the beginning." You have listened to the lles and accepted them as truth for you have not attempted lo learn Truth or to teach unto your children, Truth. Have you forgotten the bombing by terrorists of the Marine battacks in Lebanon? This one act killed several hundreds of your Marines--and nothing was done. This was well known in the planning by those who call themselves my israeli and are not eveit Jews. The 'Israeli (of Palestine) .Mossad h e w about this plan half a month,at leist, before i t took place and never:wamed any person.. Who are your enemies? The idtent, which apparenlly' wcirked very well, was to blame the Arabs. Or, wouldst you speak of the bombing o f the "bar' in Germany a few years back, in your counting, that gave Reagan opportunity to attack Kadaffi's lleadquarters in Libya?. The terrorist act was NOT ' 1I . wh~chabides within the heart of each for it, in purity, is a reflection of my being. If it be evil, selfish and greedy, it shows like a blot of blackness and your world is indeed black this day. , . . . ..., . .. ., . . E,.fiqr,',, ' . .. ...' ", + ' !. . . .. . ..,. done by the Libyans, it was done by the Mossad, and the lsraeli 'intelligence' told vou it was Arabs. So you in.rpetrated an "act of war' against a sovereign natiok and unto this day yo; toit ~ia*: a wondrous muvc to quiet a 'madmai". Who might be "mad'? ! , Men YOU respected, such as Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill, wnspired together for the sinking of a passenger ship named the LUSITANIA, with the loss of hundreds of lives, to get thc U.S. involved in World War I. ~ I Worse, children; your "Day of Infamy', Dec. 7, 1941, when the lapabe& bombed your naval base at Pearl Ifarbor, war a p e r Roosevelt had deliberatel driven them into= state of desperation. The.attack was expected and youi l d e n , including the President. kepi this attack a secret until it was too late for any lo take action to defend your fleet or your men. You must coufront yourselves as lo the M s : the Pacific fleet was in that vulnerable position-on direct o d e m from the Commmde~in-Chief h~inse-& /l h-' ' , . . .. . Now you have come forlh lo be witness lo the most heinous act of PII:-Oeorge Bush and his 'advisers' a1 the leadership of one Henry Kissinger and cronies of the Council on Foreign Relations and some of lhe Trilateral Commission--now plan to destroy our entire prime military placed in the Saudi d a r t . .Who.wilI 'startm.this-cmfiagratidn?The israeli.of Palestine MOSSAD! It will then be blamed on the-Iraqis: If this does nol happen, it will be simply because within the:rrext 24 hwn I w ' a c t s more quickly andlor Russia demands cessation of this *madne&; 'Russia has other ~ l a n sf6r world domination and desires lo achieve it without radiation problems to the territories she plans to conquer. Youarc on t h e . e v L o U r r m P n l d m as- lk davs of J e ~ s a k m2000 years past--Man simply places 'beis' upon these events which a n fonhbming. -The .. Hosts of Heaven weep for you-the-bl~ndedlambs. ON E # R H DO FIQ T t Who would benefit moU from the U.S. atlack which would most surely follow? First. Ihe International Oil Bamns,.in the form, spccifdly, of W O N and British Petroleum: and. of course, your unstable albes, the Israells who want to get rid of this Saddun in m y manner possible. Evm now.. you have wilnessed the total control of vour Conrress bv rhea 'allies' who have now eained conuol'of thmlquprte~sof1 ydu;~ou& oL.ludephip. ;Ysu have just voted for the deah of more thul a million-of your.military trdops. Oh, yes, I speak fact;you h a v e a r u a millionof your mil~tarypersonnel in thaliforngn land and some tn.Ihe deserts of Mexico 'thinking'. they, .loo, are.in the Saudi desen. They havebeen'cluved from your nalion..ro.that there can be no ruislance to that which the Government Adminisration has planned for now. , . & 113 A 1 First, kc uscontinue to unravel the intent of the Middle East and how this has unfolded ro~thatthere is no misunderslanding of intent nor actions. The ultimate intent is World t d t m l , of course, but the went by event comings unlo this point are worthy of m e . , I , ' I t r, Nay, I-shall not be the telling of you how the scenario will ino"e--fbr you already afc in the knowing. It can:bc long in the playing if interyention comes at this 12lh hour--in this place of the Arabian oil fields. If no(-:it shall come upon Ihc.morrow: Either way, it matten not, for the w M l s of intent atc in motion for the othu aggressions planned to be brought uponmy wondrous creation and it shall be played mxordmg to TNI~--THESORTING WILL TAKE OF ITS OWN COURSE, My 'people dull rol o g d n be nuui K! Bul iI means t h a you of mine, m u n not turn away fronr'dtEnor fmm ( 3 e . . T ~ t him you be ieJi by the .way. Some.of my lre~ed~ones.ofcloseneu unlo you who presenl these wonlr, have chosen carelessly nideed! l l e who ploces ANY bflore his God &miihrrh-chooses indeed M I y and the consequences shall come o s the wove sent foHk fmm that one. U y e have not the faith to remain ~IUC--thenye were never true nor did you "believe". . . , . . ,.!..., . . : , The New World Order is a d~rwtlybirthed cohwpti0n of evil itself. Will there be this heinous war tomorrow, the 15th of January, 1991? It matten ve little. time children, for it will be in the coming sooner than later in any event for is at hand for the closing of the noose upon your necks who dwell in the delusion of 'freedom' perception. All trouble-maken will begin to be eliminated for the PLAN is effective and projected to be fully operational by year 2000. , . .. . You &k, "Why don'i YOU do something? We pray and pray that YOU do something!' Why would I DO SOMETHING? What is it that you would have me do? Would you have ME undo that which you have been setting fonh for over five millennia? Remember--"...from the beginning'! Would that indicate that you have been at-this game, working toward this day for all .time ad per: wived by yourselves in-physical illusion? Monover. you have just~pmventhat ou do not desire it to-bi changed--only given into-your h a i d s d winning! k y . mmuplion has destroyed that which was my but-% creation and a nalion r t forth lo give f d o m and prosperity to a world-a LAMP unto humanily, and ou have destroyed it! You have allowed the thieve and murderers into my lessed dnctuanes and evil has laken control of the very essence of your beings. .Nay--YE SHALL CLEAN OF THINE NFSTS OR YE SHALL 00 DOWN WITH THE BEAST FOR YE WERE GIVE* CHOICE AND FREEDOM TO EXPERIENCE A N D YE IIAVE ILL-CHOSEN! I know that ' : .. . : ' . , , i b ' F, who would'be the "fall guy- in thewar that fol1bwS? -The i j . ~ . jGt , as they b v e b n i n o e r L w u s , m p h ~ n t e m a t i o ~ lwi sn~" i n g , k f o r e War. War I. I1 would your chodrcn wbo.perish by the hundreds of thousands in heinous manners beyond the thought ofithe ordinary h u m m t i t y . It would be our American children who.wwld come home to suffer the remainder of their Eves as cripples. It would bC..your mothers and fathers, wives and babies who would grieve for their dead loved ones.. Onmagain,-you-the-people, blinded by the lies, would come:out losing, with nothing lo show but death, suffering and 114 ' , ' unpayable debt--and further enslavement to International interests. hear not thine foolish words flooding from twixl your lips which lie. Iraq attacked Kuwait with the willing collusion of your own President Bush-but. they were only to take the northern portion with the debated oil field and the little island a bit off shore. Ihey misuliderstood the rules and the signals and marched right through to reclaim all a f their stolen property. You see, even that was 'expected' as misinterpretation by those soldiers. The sanctions were already printed and approved and actions were inslantly taken from your Administrat~on. I n s ~ l l yBush came to the immediate rucue of he intcrnational Oil Barons, who have been his close friends for decades and am brothers in his same clubs of evil mtent: '8 To my faithful and m e , I hear a~ldrcspolid I aln om~iipotcntand omnipresent- -Iom incarme within you and hear and heed your call--even unto the smallest feaher of the most tiny ereatcrre lvitlcin Crem'on. my power be revealed, it shall be revealed tlrmcrglr )'OU orr Earth ar it IS i n thr tleaven. I shall give unto you t h a ~ which you need to srrstoin you-but you will gather of ir ond toke it into your places for use--wit11 res onsibility each for self and other ond NONE ex ecting anotlrer to carry oft line load nor stock for thine hnlrr-nor to dig of&fety coves for your plocemrnt. You will unify to assist one the other-but none shall wait for onorl~erto serve his own needs. I n ~ tend of these things you w i l l / i n l need look into your own t m n s g ~ s u ' oand them-and our time grows indeed slrort--perhops to the very ending in this b y . ~ e c b ; o u own r e r m n and W e n rcp to rltm which you say and do. Do you betmy your brethren by callir~gattentiow unto tny places and to my work' .emf & you respond to q~renes1vit11hfonnatioa which shall pull cmwds ond hodes u n my few? L)o you suggest t l r a ~you will move into underground places w ere you will havefood stored--n-lrerecrponyou leove open the path to the thieving and over-runrring of I I I ~safety places? P :2 But whywould Russia become involved a t ; h in this &-up, if thcy.in&d to gain World Control by other means? Because they d o not wish-a Middle East nuclear war and they a n the world's l o q e ~ s u p p l l e orf oil and they #and to soin more than anyone ,else, will, the-erceprion of EXXON and Bdish Petmleum. Remember-fhe Soviets 0re:in teniblefinancial circunraonces: . .. .. , Nothing changes herein, this all jusl cemenlr the fmal merger becwcenlhc evil , \ L ' R" .\ . brotherhoods. George. Bush was p u i h t o office for the sole purpox of being . . . the puppet to bring into the light, the New World Order. ! C A N ' T 1 & YOU give of othenfalse hopes and plans fmm thobasis of that which is not p u n to give forth li) I n this place, for e.ratnple, we have no "group", no ,"culr"--none more responsible than arot~er. I have always given you the facls thal, i n this place, eoclr is responsible-not jusl the one or two. AN is av~UabIeunlo you-BUT YOU WILL DO TI16 GLMNING-EICtl! SEE? It is mobvious asthe words before your eyes--that h e actions in Lithuania are to give you example of thal which wi1l:comc if yw-the-people act:against the chosen actions o f your enslavers. They do.not q e n bother ta.cffortat 'foolin ' you to any great extent--FOR YOU HAVE VUE?,AWAY YouRwWERIP! 1s there anything kft to .shook'. you')!. T h e is no(hiig.of'shock .value' any longer; You have been trained!on'violcnce,. bloodshed and homu untilit permeates your very rould~ Yoii WANT THIS,WARI1 SOU CANNOT '!WAIT" FOR THIS WAR AND DEATH AND HORROR! . . r.. ., . ALL ., , ITS , 4, -, t2.;;;f. - . . .. ... .., Well, monihs. ago;Mr.:Bwhsigned W,InIeIligence ~ t i n d i n g ~ ~ o &the ~ CIA to destabilizt Iraq and get rid of Saddam,-oiw.thepaper read! No,:lhat is not quite accurate--he was no intent40 get rid of Saddam. The AdminisIralion and World Coalition n d SaddamHurvin iamake sure the. actionslre carried out. But *I us consider wnscqutnas oFsuch an.order-just suppose thc.pnsident of Russia put forth .such 'm'orderon GeorgeBush? What d o you suppose you would do? It is a moot point indeed. I. ,; ! ' : ' ,, . . , , . . I. . . .i .. , .. It is no8 up to ME to bring survival unIo America. It is up to h e good pwple of Amcnca to bring this to pass. I shall await and wibusr and I will choo?e their delusions and b r i n ~their fern u w n them; because when I called. none d ~ d answer; when 1 spoke t h y did not he&; .but they did evil before mine eyes, and chow that in which I delighled not--then nor now. I bless not evil and the veil cannot hide that which i can see fmm any vantage for ye reflect back unto me in , exactness of detail that which ye are--and ye are your 'thoughts' and intent--1 ' ' , Ye ash that you noi be lead into the t e m p r a t i o n s ~ e s h !I leadyou only into the halls of Wisdom and Tnctlr--YOU choose to continue & look upon the things offlesh with envy and greed-even urto your brethren upon whom you dependfor your very daily bread. Oh, I sliaN recognize Truth-be sure and in knowledgr of this poittt-1 MOST CERTAINLY S H A U RGCOCNIzE OF THE TRUTH ABIDING WITHIN EACII. You also pmy that "youm i s the kingdom within me" but ye meon it not! But I tell you n o w 4 is so, and I . come a&n to reclaim thal which is h N e . If ye hove given it into evil it shall nmain wiih evil for no evil shall come ogoin info MY holy placesfor diine is to know unlo i n f i r e of thol which slrall be. HOW . ; : :: ON(; WII.1. 'I'kIIS LAST? . ~ f ' ~ e ' in b ebalance with Truth. Wisdom andlliat which is given in instructions, if ye have uken that action which is given as instructions unto you--whatadiffere n a does it.make? Would you await the last blast tochange of your path? It may well be that only a tiny few shall journey unto my highest places for the intent of the many is "only to make it through the dooway at the last moment". I lhink no^! So be it. . , You who are my children and remain faithful and true, as ou walk through the Valley of Shadows--I am ever with you. You must not be raint of heart and you care not that which ye speak, deny nor premust remain true 111 thine ~nle~it--I I I6 sent. I desire living entities who can lake act/on thrpugh the physical p+sa&e (or ye have manifested upon a placement which is coalesced into that which n the physical and therein must the play be brought unto conclusion. I suggest ye tend of your perceptions most carefully for that which ye perceive will be that which will be achieved. Who will hear these words? Perhaps millions! Who will believe them? Only a tiny handful of faithful ones. The rest who claim to "believe" do not 'believe h still cling to the lies of rapture and absolu!ion by upon Me nor upon T ~ l but he blood of my most beloved creations' and so shall it be unto the endtng for so it is written. .and Man will follow that which is given unto his p h y s i u l ~ n rioumess. . . Dharma, I touch you child, for 1 sit with you at this moment in ing and see that you feel fatlurc-again! I see that you perceive you ave not done 'enough', that somehow you should have done more. Precious ones, ye cannot d o for another--you can, on1 do of that which is YOURS TO DO! Ye ones have done well and 1 am.ivellpleased. You perceive that w s come and go and are pulled away fmm that "which they believe' to.move with mother away fmm the path or seek to find'"ite elsewhere--nay, -1 For truth of believing is that which IS and is not of the indecision of 'perhaps" or "maybe' or 'a little bitm--you either believe or you do not. Consciousness keeps the illusion changing and the doubU ,fl ing about--but 1 see beneath that facade and within the intent--most would fin the g . .. , and 'security ,?king -not 'belie?., intent to be only 'wishful thinking' R" d' often I can give you another example of the other 'side- of the coin" thinks she actually believes not! No, within there is only belief in local fullness-how can you tell? Here she sits day after grinding day--in my service while often the heart is faint and the body weary and the being in sormw--BUT THE SOUL IS AT PEACE! It is the perfection of soul intent which I see and have compassion for that which is,the conscious confusion of the m a w l . M a n in his physical w t e is given into fear for all things are given unto his senses to cause this 'thing'. The& are the labors of Man--to overcome and even until the find passage shalt the human aspect be given into bits of terror at the unknown details and expectation of pain upon the physical being. Do you think lhat I d o .. . not understand the weakness of the flesh? But what d o ye do? In your fear of that passage you turn awa wmpl.keJy as if you 'think" ye shall not face of it at any rate--ALL hleq pass t rough the.veil of physical expression--would it not show more wisdom.to move with the light into the Light? It remains yotir choice. I await.. I want no false grovelling or beseeching to 'save thine assets'--1 await your acknowledgment of lmlh and the vision of wisdom lo come within thine perceptions. Z How many of your babies and loved ones are YOU sending in10 theirtmnsilion without teachin and sharing truth? IIow many? Zltese lessorrr rhNl be learned, dear ones- ere or there, they shall be learned before you return into the oneness of the holy phces. f To tkose of mine who have remaineilJaithful and true-let us iejoice in the I passage for 111eglory of the experience is also OI hand and ye shall rise abovr and pass lhmush the veil of the sorrows which ye shall perceivefor it is thusly ; MY PROMISE. YE SHALL NOT BE GIVEN BEYOND THAT WIIICII YE I i I ' 1 i .! CAN CARRY. TARRY WIT11 ME TIIAT WE CAN COME INTO UNITY THAT YOU FEEL NOT ALONE AS WE STEP UPON THE PATH OF TIIAT WHICH AWAITS. I GIVE YOU TllE BLESSINGS AND JOY OF TIIE GRADUATION, YE WHO WILL STAND WITI! ME IN THE LlGfrT I AM ATON AND I COME TO BRING YOU.IIOME AND SllOW THE WAY THROUGH TIIE PAT11 OF THAT WIllCll HAS BECOME DARKENED. WHETHER IT B p MOMENTS OR DAYS OR EONS-I WALK EVER WITH T HEE . , There are several places of fop-sccurity wllcrc tl~csctransfere~~ces arc 111adcand replica holographic i ~ ~ f o r n ~ a ti si ogarnered ~l for necessary IIIIII~~IIIPS. Can~l) David has bee11 the prit~lelocatio~~ !'or fra~;sfere~~ce of top lcatlcrs and associ:~tt.s to be later utilized, for i t is used as thc Presidential Retreat a t ~ dorten social gall~erings, such as birthday celebrations, top-level meetings with diplon~a~s, etc., are carried out. This technology has been perfected in the Soviet Union and thus you have the reason that your govenllnent seem so indisposed to do anything other than cozy up to Russia. CHAPTER 16 REC # I TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1991 , HATONN I0:OS A.M. YEAR 4 D A Y 152 . Hatonn present to discuss these confusing fvents nr that clarity is your strength. You do not understand eese thingsgoing on about you fo! the plan has been orchestated tb 'tlie tinymost details--the maze ever more d~fficultto ?nd safe passage. I cannot 'force' you to act nor in all inslances will actions bnng posiuences--but Truth i s what IS is mandatory, lest you be tossed only Z h T E 3 e in ignorance of your p l i g ~ ~ t . The plan is to confuse you 011 so manly varying fronts o f actions that you cannot think. The contradictions will bc blatant but--since you have capitulated to the most heinous and obvious delusion o f all--it follows i n the mental ttern already set that you W I L L believe everything they tell you now. I t is t IS way w that 'if' you contradict that which is being told to you, say regarding Russia, you would have to contradict your own 'wise' decision made regard~ngall other matters. Most egos cannot bear the confession o f being wrong--the consequences of admission will bring such a burden o f guill that you have sentenced millions to death by your foolish conclusions. The plan works very well indeed and always bas. You see, the e v ~leadei l does not have i o ohange the story or the actions--the old ones work over and over and over again to perfection. R? I Now, look at events to bring some level of confirn~ationto self. Your goverllmentlurtel Elite has emptied your ow11storage elevators o l grain--to thc co~rlmllnisl nations, most especially Russia A N D C I I I N A ! Next, l m k at that whicl~ Russia is doing regarding tl~eirally, Iraq. They have mildly slated that they bclieve Saddan~should move out o f K ~ ~ w aand i t they voted half-heartctlly (aftcr receiving more money and food supplies--$2 billion worth--recently) and yet al the time declared they would not "fight" i f there should be war. Brothers. tt~ey have not even pulled their people ou: o f Iraq! A l l the s~~pewisors for the utiliriltion o f all the wcalmrs, elc.. sit righl there ill sccerity i ~ c ~ ~ l kwit11 c r s tbc SIII sophislicated weaponry o f any placu: OII your globe. T l ~ c yhave bed111w c a l x ~ ~ s that penetrate every electronic security shield that you can put about your inelr, equipment or aircraft--and shoot them to blithereens i n the same inotion. Next, look at that which is going on now in the nice states which have sought freedom from the B u r . They have the tanks in the dooryards with bloodictt bodies lying about the streets i n great numbers. Some o f the people, dear ones, as i n China--were run over by the tanks themselves. I f you act~~ally think Gor. bachev did:nol know, then you are worse off than even 1 suspected. WHEN. AMERICA? I can only give you the outline of the plans as have been laid forth for, as one option is ill-advised, they inslantly turn to another o f many alternative actions. Let us look at that which IS. Herein you will simply have to believe me when 1 tell you that there are replaceme~ltones for your top leaders--and hundreds of 'not so top' personages. The 28th Gwrge Bush was put into the picture on the 12th of January at Camp David. He was tested and "smoothed" on h e 13th and presented again to you on the 14th. He did NUT go walk alone this morning (15th) to reflect and commune with God--he went to be alone so the messages from his puppet-masters--right out of Moscow--would not be monitored.. I ask that, for the moment, that you accept this which I tell you and then we wrll disc u s how this can be true for, o f course, many men have died because they brought this information. But information, none-the-less, has peen given I0 you-the-public as far back as 20 years past--regarding genet~c/holograph~c robotoids which bear identical memory patterns but are subsequent!y 'programmed". I have written of i t in one o f the more recent Journals but wlll repeat the illformation as I have time. Suffice i t for now, please accept that which I tell you i s not only possible but is, in fact, utilized in myriads o f inslances--right now! 1, The point, of course, was many-fold. First, to cause some type of uprising i n a very distant localion to insure that there would be no resistance troops remaining to defend domestically as thc "New-StaleslNew Constitution", by Exccuti\.e Order and National Emergency, came into coatrol. This will include taking control o f the economic, political, police, etc. I t will allow for confiscation 01' all weapons, money, and property. I t will allow a call toforced labor services as indicated as needed by the government--without pay. I t will eventually take all property and allot living facilities, etc. Now, firstly, this will appear to be the work and accomplishment o f the Banker's Cartel Elite--however, then the Zionists find a big hardened steel wall i n front o f them. Yo11 will be nicely secured and totally under control--espctially if ydur multitudes ?f troops are dead and there is nothing left for resistance. Then the Soviets simply lake :ectrc)l ", because they already have infiltrated with com~nunisttroops all over the US.-- . from the South and Canada. There will be no one to actually resist and, therefore, i t would nor likely bc nccessary to annihilate the land with nuclear.radiation. Occupation of the natiou i s not a p r o b l c ~bccause ~~ your own police forces ,. ' will attend the orderly transition. Resirlcrs will sirnply be shot--by your own police andlor incarcerated in the already prepared detention centers. It has all heen done, America!! It is already in place and you just allowed the signing of the total action to take place when you allowed the passage of the death sentence ripon your military personnel. " l h i s is insane--yo11 are insane and the whole idea is insane!" you will say? Yes, the idea is total insanity bur I mn rorally sane and this is w h a the plan foryour furura is? n i s , and the reduction of two-lhids of the global popr~lalion! l h d , dear ones, is still a lor of bodies to get rid of so you can look for things lo be mosl unpleasant in the moalhs and years which may yet lie ahead. 1 1 , REC PI 1 HATONN WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 16, 1.991.9:16 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 153 ., . . .. ,. .::,!:. ... ..,:. ,. . : m A Y ' S WATCU ... . . .. :,:, . ., . ... . . ..:. . hi ma. Commander Hatonn present, please. I have said the 'truth I .' ~ will set you free', I have never said that it would not make you sick to your very beingness. Thue is no time for tears or emotional wallowing and you have done everything you cwld do to postpone the wiling this morning. I am sorry, chela, .. we must write. Who brings disinformation to you? Why would the nice p p l e such as some of the ones of which, I myylf, have spoken not have the pcture? They do, sonle of thenl, and others cannot believe the edent of the circumstances any better Illan can you! Moreover, many of them are replacements for ihe purpose of beginning th allow you to sce, hlt by hit, thal the game is real--the cover-ups real and when the time comes, you w~llrebel less. The point, of course, is to diucount this truth and that of others who have tried to tell you and warn ou but you listened not--jud exactly as it was predicted in the pmphccies o j h i b r t cienl limes. Man responds lo rnrlh by killing the lnrlh-bringer. So be it. You sit with a letter in your hand from a young youth in Saudi Arabia who had borrowed a Phoenix Journal Express and he is tom for he recognizes the truth and yet desires to discredit the source so that there is naught to confront. I wish to tell you a story which may offset, somewhat, the continuing blow to you ones. YOU may document this information. Take a short break. Dharma, there is much confusion about. ,Pi military person from the service of Korea, and who. bv the wav. has a son in ~had come a , Saudi ~ c i b ' l aand expectations of hilnself behg sent to ~ h d ~i into the E x v m and verifies cvervthinr we have wid rreudine Korea and that which is gding on in cover:up ofiniliky matters--and & helpreu to make impact in anv manner at all. Now. we shall socak of ' f d o m ' and C o n s t i t u h d iighu--rr*a FORBIDDEN TO EVEN -HAVE* A COPY OF THE IN YOUR POSSESSION--IF SENT INTO THAT AREA, IT IS CONFISCATED AS ARE A COUPLE OF OTHER PAPERS WHICH PRINT TRUTH. So will ihe Express soon be forbidden reading by your servicemen. At this wint it is the ONLY wav to e a anv information wh~challows the ones in the Asian sector 16 have any );its o j trutdai all. Please send this l a t e r t o the Editor of .- ' ' ... ., Dhanna, when you first asked to write you were mnfmntul most personally and told some things of which I will herein remind you. You were lold lhat you would be given information which would mean nothing to you as far as technical information; you would be given proper credentials and the credibility of the information would come to pass in truth of action. You were told, in the prese n p of at least seven $ersons of credible repittation. that this would be so.--Has not this, and ever so much more, come to pass? I see that you f a 1 that you cannot be the one lo bring more news of lies upon your fellowmen, but chela, how else shall they come lnto this truth? O u n is not to interfere nor even intervene in the workings of your political governments--our commission is to bring forth truth for those who would hear as the world moves into confusion and chaos beyond that which Man has ever experienced in this cycle of experience. This, further, is the test of a scribe. chela. Will you write tha~which I bring or will you deny God along with the other of your species who have strayed so far afield from the circle of light? It Itratters nol how many "accept" YO(JR writing as Truth for our mission i s to put i t to historical referet~cethat Man may look and see when he becomes ready to seek and find Truth. THE WAR AT HAND IN THE M1DDI.E EAST I herein block the visions--just write please. I t i s not a war over Kuwait, nor of lraq or Saddam Hussein. You are squared off for the mosl destructive en-. counter of your imaginings. The wheels have been set into motion and the agony of the current decismns and counter-decisions are all but stressing out of ability. to function, the replicas, for a replica h e ,all memory, all observations with a major exception; no basic soul conscience. So, what do we have here? We have ones in effort l o gain the lop control in a global ,-doff having arrived at your 'today' by hook or crook, subterfuge and manlpulatlon. What has happened? A worst scenario case for you "linle y p l e of !he lie". A counter-point, near 'checkmate' of the two major forces o the globe You think Russia i s vour friend? You think vou were witnek to "freedom' and 'dem&racyw comini to l'he Sovicl Uaion? fio, you watched a manipulation of a world--today tells the story and your gavernrne~~t,hws it! Why did I not tell you before thts mor~ient?I did! The strike was well-planned for December 3--the dark of the nloon. Now i t i s simply rescheduled for now, the dark of the moon--but i t i s anticipated. Again, the news gets leaked because the ones in the government have no abil~tyto keep the truth away fro111their . . own puppet-masters! .. . SO, Hatonn--what will happen? There are a dozen possibilities, suffice i t to say , -it is indeed serious. I suggest that you ones carefully consider turning in Trutn and p r o p lawfulness agarn unto God for in this scenario it is the ONLY chorce true survival. When will it happen? l'here arc many possibilities, hence the i of misinformation being Ced forth fron~every T V and rad~obroadcast i n effons to cover real intent and action--but I promise you that the Soviet change of allllude I in this inslant manner was in response to yoor Arst-slnke against Russia intent. Those have not been love notes passed back and forth nor hot-line heavy ' breathing on the red phones. What you do in these next few days may well be the decision for instant annihilation or a postponement of some son. The "chess I' game' has conle lo some very crucial final .plays, dear ones. . , ' , Dharma, I suggest you leave this for it i s truly cnougl~to clrew this morning al~d you have other things of equal imponance to atiend. Do'not fear, precious. I stand beside you and we work on the assumption of n-ry preparations and ; no deadlines IW we nol do of our proper work. God holds his people in the i -hollow of His~handamd it i s most adequate indeed. -May He also shed mercy upon this suffering land and humanity. i ... e . I ; t h z ! the foreign press. W me orsr,n you that a + w ? - p f P r r - i n blackout will be heinous indeed. . 1' ' .. , i ' ( d .,,:... " meg are awaiting your actions and d ~ u sthe.hedgingandfoiling aftcmpls by your government lo disallow the Russians knowledge of the p h n n e d f i d a i k e by the U.S. in an a f t ~ p lo t win Jim victory. ;Ilris is nor over a l&le d&& -r. evil or g ~ & . , .. ' S of the Money Cartel warto gain control by hdding you of the Constitution and coming down in a Swialislic police force manner. l'he Soviets der i d to wait until that was doeand order restored lo you in the U.S. and then simply move in for the government would already be in to@ mtrol--so, what has happened? The beast has again cqnfronted d i f f e r e r r In who will control what--albeit the plan i s to have iota1 control over al people, with the least amount of damage to the globe itself so that the winner wrll have a playgrourtd. The Do you not see, that a first-strike attack against the Soviet Union herself i s your only hope of any type of victory? And yet, you do 1101have the surveillance in- ' : ihe Now, whnl are YOU faced with? .Well, your g o v e k c n t . h o w s you are corned-you a n ..vulnemblcfmm every direction fmm an enemy who has set you u magnificently. nre Sovicts can.get you fmm any dinc~ion-but they wou p&r lo do w wUhou~anuclear war which b w s too much devaUation to the p h n d Use& . ., .: ultimate space command to counter ree dav war in llrc &&&I Deserie l ev11~ D ~ c L . & sttoremacv--va : / j ; i , i I I ! / ''\ By the way, you will And most of the communications cut off from the Middle East when you return to the radio. It, loo, will be kept from you but phone lines were squelched to the major media receivers at approximately the time you came to the computer lo write or shortly prior--at any rate, you ones will not be getting other than propaganda for the world i s in manipulation. You see, ACCEPTABLE LOSSES have naught to do with lraq or Saddam Hussein and that may help you ones to better understand the horrendous decisions in the making. The element of surprise needed, i s not against Iraq. It could be symbolized perhaps by the vision of a tremendous poison spider confronting a tre~nendous poison scorpion with each wrong dance-step bringing incredible destruction. Bless each moment given unto you alld use it wisely. Forgive me, I am mosl occupied and I need to attend my own duties. Thank you for service--all of you, we are now in the fulfilling of our mission purpose-do not become faint of heart for as we stand within God's lighted irutl~,110 harm can come upon us. So be i t and Amen. Go in peace within that we might functiorr according to calm response in pro mess. You have been trained well for the task al hand and so shall your per ormance be blessed. Salu and Saalome', I salute you brothers of my Conmand. 7 I ing people limb from limb and babies into particulate? Is this your Godly mission to produce freedom and the 'American Way!'? So be it lor that is what the American Way has become and vou saw it not. ! ; KEC # I . HATONN THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1991 11:07 A.M. i YEAR 4 DAY 154 Hatonn present in he rad~anceof God Creator. It is time that I reintroduce myself for ones about your place call my scribe and publisher, Salan and servants of Satan. I am Hatonn of Holy God serving in the Galactic Fleet in service as a forerunner (Host) for the return of the Christ Being. I suggat thal you read this before forming judgment for this may well be the most important document you have ever witnessed. Aboard this craft and directly in charge of this mission is one we call 'SananW, meaning 'Godlone with God'. It is a status rmgnilion of achievement of the totality of perfection. TIE returns for the reclamation of the planet and God's people. I personally am recognized as Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, in Command of the PHOENIX ship p i o u s l y reeognizq as the BEI'HLEHEM. Identification has been changed to bring recognition and identification of the mission at hand. The fleet in charge of the Master's rerum is b a d , andfdtting of pstsonnel ha^ originated most recently, from that star system you recognize as Pleiadw. I care not lhat which you have heard fmm any Earth-based human being. What you have heard to the contrary is simply not true. In my higher capacity I am recognized as Aton and I request that you hold that label most carefully in your dlxernment for it means: The One Light! It is synony~nouswith 'God'. 1 choose to serve at this time as a Commander more nearly approximale to you of Earth human for 1, too, must have some understanding of that which you perceive you are doing and to be more clearly attuned to my base opposition in this conflict who is clever only unto the ways and actions of Man. r Z How can YOU trust me? You very likel cannot in the beginning withonl ig norance as your foundation. You wou d need be privy lo all lhat we avebrought forlh in these past months to see that everything (all) thal I have projected hascome or is in the coming to pass. 1 told you months ago that Descn Shield would be called Desert Storm; I told you days ago. that the invasion would come in a massive manner at this time--1 told you yesterday morning that 'it would be launch&i on the yester-afternoon (in your ti?) but within the days of the dark of the moon--when Satanic kings can work in the darkness which suits them best that their work may be hidden from the masses and the receivers helpless. . . . You, the U:S., believe you have done a wondrous thing? The young men, itching to bomb targets and become heroes, feel wondrously good about blow- , ,, You have met far more than your match for orclever' in Mr. Hussein. my friends. So far all you have smashed and destro)ied is exactly that which was probable forfeiture-:you will note that all of General Hussein's people are quite well, alen and amused at your foolishness. Your war hasn't even begun! Ile allowed you, the world, to be witness to the most devastavng bombing of w n tinuin nature to ever strike any portion of your world. In one raid you dumped more %omb power on I than three Himshimai--in just Mlc nid. Does that make you proud? ~ e l l 2 world e saw it all and you tout your pride and you boast your advantage. If there is no retaliation at all, you will find that ultimately you will have LOST THE WAR! No man, woman o r child on the face of the Earth will ever again believe our "thrust for freedom and human rights!' You just fell from your status of t k t which the world would mimic into the most heinous and deadly destructor and inhumane nation ever to serve on the face of the planet. BUT--THE WAR HASN'T EVEN BEGUN!! What will be coming forth will be beyond that which you can imagine. Do you actually believe that one. Saddam Hussein, will simply call fonh 'Uncle Sam' and it will all be finished? Even if he did so and marched out of Kuwait this hour--you are dead ducks in his line of'fire--you have not begun to feel the scorpion's sting. You note there is no motion to move from Kuwait! You have rigged the press so that you do not know that which is going on. Most has been stad for your digestion without a shred of truth. Oh yes. the 'raids w u e real for Saddam desired the world to have no delusion that what will w m c fmm his sector is retaliation and NOT 'FIRST' AGGRESSION. And ou haven't the rlightw notion of that which Russia is doing for they have glackened all news out of all Russia, also. Terrorists a n taking up their stalions all abwt the US.--those not already within the borders will come from both North and South and there will be no place 'safe'. So shall it be in Europe. I am pained to tell my belovd friends in New Zealand and Australia that you are not safe, either, for so many of the Elite installations for securitv are located in your islands. Listen to whai lhis man has said to you: '...the thother of all Wars has begun!" . . . ... Ybu have not touched the ~ ~ ~ L ' f ~ c i l a id t i emissiles s were iathched so t h j t you could not fnpo.int, loutions of [he installations. !Iraq g . . y t phisucated md 'w@ -eqappcd undcrgrqund &lkr .system of myw q i n y p '.world--you ihflictcd relatively few casualties considering the incredible' bom'-'bardment yw" sent fonh. The9 do not need td,evacuaie to other locations. Baghdad--the people move undeiground where th ' have'set up suppl drpots: IF THE 'WAR* ENDED THIS MINUTE YO WILL NOT H A J E WON FOR, IN ARAB CULTURE, IT WILL BE ENDED--on the surface, perhaps--really, never! . + -- S r why would they sacrifice any advantage by countering your massive atlack and lo* aircraft and traincd personnel when their important lnstallabons are untouched and you bear the black eye of aggressor? IT IS AMERICA WHO 1s UNPREPAREDTO SAVE HER NATION--NOT IRAQ OR RUSSIA--YOU ARE THE ONES WITH NO SHELTERS OR DEFENSE IN YOUR DOORYARDS! There are many ways to bring down a nation and You Just left tile way wide open,.deu ones. come fo*h from the temples of God and your planet is most certain1 NOT MY IDEA OF A GODLY PLACE. Furthern~ore,I make no choice o you above any other and this writer of obscene letters suggests I should go to Cuba. I I,ave also been "accused' of being an lraqi--so be 11. 1 am! I am ALL and I have love for the Man of Cuba and Iraq as I have for any other creature of God--for God =cognizes no colors of skin or language of speech. I suggest this bigoted 'brother of Christianity' might well be marching toward a btt of trotjble on 'Judgment Day'! What WILL it be? That depends--it dostly depends on whether or not Russia is ready lo take control but 1 can assure you that the world shall nevu again be able to ren at night for writhing in the FEAR for you have no ability lo fight such an attack. I request lhat the letter of threats from this local person andlor group from Tehachapi against the publisher and business workers of these writings be published right here--next. For I wish to speak to it. For all of you who do not realize it--my.scribe and, thew ones have literally been attempted in assassination and other vile attacks. They have rbceived prlor threats from cowardly anonymous threat senders and obscene personalities but it has become serious and I wish to comment regarding conlenls so lhat there is no misunderstanding of m rebuttal to these ones who believe themselves gallant and powerful--YOU AH NAUGHT BUT COWARDS AND DECEIVERS AND AS YOU SAY YOU ARE WATCHING EVERY MOVE OF THESE ONES WHO SERVE GOD-GOD FORTED?? 1s WATCHING YOU!: DO Y.OU STILL FEEL SO ALL-FIRED c0h.f,. .. Now I shall turn my attention to local matters. You shudder as citizens and drnounce termrism--let me show you right here what REAL terrorism is, and it As you will read the comes from your own local 'Christian Community'!!! later we will reprint herein, please read it with an eye to God and lhe Christ for whom you label your 'churches" and see if you can believe IhaI the Christ would utter the words and pmject such evil in any manner what-w-ever! Youthe-public be the discernment bearers. This is happening over and over and has been conslant for two years. I assure you that both the Master, and God Himself, are getting a bit on the side of annoyed. This information has gone to the local news press and to the police. It is also stnt with a cover letter to every major newspaper in the country and shall be put on every radio station. You believe you have done a clever and 'christian' house-cleanmg??? You have proven to every brother who reads the docun~ents that you are wit in bah personamfintent-=there is nofhing "CHRISTIAN" about your being. This cowardly anonymous person cintinues 10 say that America West is some sort of a 'cult'. There is not even so much as a "group' so how could !his one be so foolish? America West is just another business in your commiinlty who publishes a very wide range of literature, the Jouriials and Expresses be~ngon1 a small ponion. Would you denounce Bantam Books for h r publications? seems Lo me that r e n l l y there' was great outcry regarding Salmon Rushdie and n s him in death pronounccment-this is THE SAME, sentence of the l ~ a n ~ a upon ONLY WORSE--THIS IS AGAINST A PUBLISHER OF MANY VARlED MATERIALS AND AlTEMPTS UPON THE LlFE OF THESCRIBE HAVE < I . . . ALREADY BEEN BLATANT. . .! . . . . . .. : . . !<. . QUOTE: (Exactly as written with no corrections, etc.) ' ' , resenu this New Ameiica of-Chtist?? Do you suppose this W O ~ ~ %idiaa who hidrs tmth by desimying the documents to pmtect you fmm your selves, eramples that which you offer unto Cod? ISlhis the face this beauteous little wlley of mdiance rown wishes to show unto the wodd as example OJ freedom and tvrhediood? You will see that this one refers to my expression of 'your--this or that' and denounces me. I refer to it as YOURS for it most certainly is NOT MINE! I ~ U Your phoent journal express is nothing more than imslr. we cannot believe such a rcnwed up cull exsist i n lhis present day and age. you people are so deceived, P hggles the mind. we hove yet to find you listed i n Walter martin's "Kingdom of llre Cuh", but we are sure your sect wiU make the top 10 lid of the mod miriqfonned cult of the 80's. you people seem to be in a time warp, you preach like some ignomnt hippie's fmm the lols 60's em. you cedably do not know much of tltose ouf there in the real wortd because you dnurely believe we do not know wlrat is going on. you seem to think you have been pavenall the answers and ore the ambasmdom of truth. when in tnuh au are the ones out of touch wirlr malay. we a& now for a fact that moa of 1 1 r in charge of your openuion are S known drqP doggers, and fogs, along with not havinr normal family lib styles. w e a n destroying your pmpagondo wltm found on public display and will conrlnue lo inform others of yotrr' tmslt publications. eventually the local chtistian community will be contacting you. your organization i s not of chrisiian origin tltat is pretty clear to any one who reads your work. you speak of "our countryn(not yottrs), "ortrpresidentw(noiyours), which tells QUOTE: Ezekiel 38, 39; pgs. 868. 869, 870; IlOLY LilBLE~fomthe ANCIEM WSTERN CYRAMAIC t a r . us that you do not consider yottrsrlj lo be pan oJour society and government structure. 1101 good. you should trally toke your false reaching somewhero else, like nlaybe Cuba. your office is being watched, we will take acllon againsf you, if need be. we will not tolerate such Jalse doctrine being cimulard wah such treachoun ideals aguiasr our cornmuniry & our government. we are not +id to useJiorce aguinst you. watch your back, and yourpmpelfy. we are walching your every move. think about it before you tttrt~that ignilion or t l t d light switch on. you have made your arganiwtion to be a live targel. : leave rhis area rltile you still have tlte time. , : d END QUOTING. whathave you to say. Community? Is this the wondrous place for God's re-~ turn? You believe that which you will but I promise you--I SPEAK.TRUTH and the time i s at hand and I doubt there IS even one of your "Christian leaders and congregations' who will dispute tlre time is at hand! How did you think it. . would happen?. To whom did you think the words would be brought forth? WHERE DID YOU TlflNK COD WOULD RET[IRN??'Israel perhaps? Israel You had better is ~ a l c d i n c - ~ s i ims a~word l ~ meaning go and mad kiel. Chapters 38 and 39 for ere would ou guess God would return? Well, 1 SIIGGES7--ANYWHERE HE C HO O S E S ~ ' S: And [he woid of the Lord come ro me, saying. 2 Son of mdn, s a your face agairrsl China, and against rhe land of Mongolia, rhe c h l v prince o/ Meshech and ntbal, and prophesy againsr him and : say. 3 ' i ' h t ~ s a y sthe Lord God: Behold I ant aguinu you. 0 China. rhe chief prince oJMeshech and Tkbol: 4 , I will gather your people rogethir and pur a bridle in your jaws, and I will bring you fonh ow oJ ur muwry, borh you and 011 your army, horses and horsemen, all of [hem clor ed .m annar. u great hmr tvirh spears and shiellr. all ,. of than hahdling swords; 5 Persians, fihiopiunr, and tibYunz birh. them. all nf then; with shields and helmers. 6 Gomar end all her army, rhe house of Togamwh. and the urrermosr pans ofthe nonh with all their hosts.-artdwiany other people who are wirh yott. 7 Prepare yo~trselj,you and 011the people that are acsemblul with yott u~ltl be a prmecrion to rhem. 8 Youhaw been commanded in rhe later yeurs ~ ~ I I shaN come akainsr rhe mountains qf agurtp the land which is ut pea? and free Jrorn the nuord. . . -ole burre ~ & & J o m m a- K" . J" Dharma, I ask that you obtain specific documents re Ezekiel in p o i n t d l that you utilize a translation by from the Ancient Eastern Carama from the # M y herein as iriinsGted from that text. Ones can take their own version of translatlon of the Holy Scriptures as they choose and use for comparison. ERATION UPON P ~ E T - & N T I I . YOU ARB INDEED BLESSED OF GOD TO BE I N THIS MOhfENT I N TtlIS P U C E AND YOU MISS OF IT FOR TI16 MASTER WAS NOT WELCOhIE I N 111s OWN VILLAGE AND WAS CRUCIFIED-WHAT WILL 'I'IIIS L I n L E BLESSED VILLAGE HAVE FOR t111f UPON Ills RETURN? mere is nothing which says l i e sltall conle on some moizfun/lyl/--it is told unto you that I I E ~villcome as on the clouds-IIE WlI9i COME, -BROTHERS, WITHIN THE SILVER S I I l ' S AS FROM T i l E CLOUDS AND YOU I I A D BEST BE TAKING NOTE OF TRUTII INSTEAD OF SILLINESS. T t l E HOUR GIASS IS ALI, HUT EhlPTY! /kt!a -"p s & t t and 1ike"a cloud which i-overs rhr land. u and aN ydur cirmy and many ople who are with you. 1 ihw says the Lord God: b s all come ro,pou thtu in that,w r y day thou hts shall e minto your mind andyau shall think an evil rhoughr; . .. .. rs nor 12 T b k k captiw and 10 1 L 2 a s p o i 1 ~ ; m y o u rhand agaivt the &solare pldccs rhaf a n how inhabited and against fhe propie who were gathered roether ow of the nations who haw gotten rarrle and goods who dwell bi the Loury O ~ I / ~ C ' ~ O &.,. . . , .,. 13 Slvba and Deran an4 the krchantr OJ i'urshish and all its villages shull say to pu;Are p u E O ~ C11) carry oflcaptivq and ro rake a spoil.. Haw you mobilizrdyour hosr to take silwr and goIl.ro.rake u w ~ yca4tle and goods, und to rake a gwar spoil? 14 Vierefore. Son' oJ man; pro he and say to China; i'hus says the Lord God: On that day when my pcop!&hull e dwell in rranquility you shall . . _ . . . .. . . knhw . ...-.. it:. I S And you shall come Jrom yorrr place our qf the nonh pans, you and mny'people ivith you. all of rhem riding on. horses; a greut host and rtrighry amv: .. . ....~. 16 And you shall come up against my peoplcl(%sfl like a cloud to cover rhe land: it shall be in the luter days, and I will bring you ogain my lund, and the norions will know me, bvhen I shall be sannfled throtigh your dflem. 17 7 h w says rhe Lord God: You are he ff bvhnr~rI hatoespoken in $>n~ler .- ,. /! ! R duys by my serva~rfsthe prophers r $ r & who prophesied in rhose days and in rhose years tirut I ~vonldbring yorr ugcrinsr rhum. I 8 A d if ~ 1 1 ~ # ( n uro e prss crr the same rime h e n China shall come agairut the lartd o s#strys rhe Lord Gttd. rhar nry anger shall be co~uut~red in ~ n y f i r yattd zeul. I spoken; surely in that day rhere shall 19 For in t h e j r e ofnry be a #rear shaking in the land of 20 So that even rhejish ofrhe seo and rhej3wlz afrhe air and the beotts of tlrejiell and aN creeping rhi~rgsthat cmep upon rhe eanh and aN the men t!,ar a n upon the face ofrhe earth shall slruke or my presence, and the rnaunrarns shall be throwtt ~ O W I Iand rhe rowers shall fall and every w o N shall tumble to the ground. 21 And I will call for u s ~ w r dfrgainsr hint thmtr how all my mounrainc. says the Lord Gid; every nrun's 51w1ulshull be ugai~sf IS brother. 22 And I will judge him with pesriknce and with blood; and I will rain upon him a d upon his princes und trpon the ntutry people that a n with him, an o w J7ow'ng rain. and grear hailsrones.fire, and brimstone. 23 7hru will I magnfi nry~eljutnl sa~tcrijyrrtyse(l in the eyes of many narionr. and they shall know that I am the Lord. % And you. 0 Son of man, pn~phesyu airrrr Chinu und say, ?lmsays the Lord Cud: Behold, I 0111onuinst yon, 0 d i n u , the ruler and rhe chitfprince of Meshech and Tubal; 2 1 will subdue you and gufher yorr rogether, -tm8 upfrom the nonh pans, and bring yo11 3 And I will swerve your bow our . . rows roJirN oru of your riihr hand. . . 4 You ghallfaN in the apenpeld;for I haw spoken i t , says the Lord 6 And 1 will send a pre on Martgoliu, and an the people who dwell peace... f i l l y in the islands; and they shull know that I am the Lord.. 7 So 1 will make nty holy' nun16known in rhe midst of my.people y more: and the I will ROI let thmt prqfane niy holynkvir , , that I am the Lord. rlte Holy One of * . . . and, snys the Lord God; 8 EehoW, the day of,d~iclt I haw spoken 9 Aen the'inhabirarirs of the villages oa h a l l go&&. and shall S& on fire and burn the $veapons,borh the shields and the spem, the bows and arrows and the hand-blades and the lunces, and they shall turn &em as furl for sewn years; 10 So rhat they shall nor need woodfar furl our of thefield or theforcu; or they shall bum rhe ~wapons!virh$re. and they shall take caplive those who raken them captive and plrtnder tlrose who had plundered them, says the Lord - &. 3 h God. 11 And ir shull come fo pass on that duy thol I will give to . China . a placc therefir the brtrral rn the land o f ~ k g g & ~ &vallevtch v IS pUvi!E zea: -- and - [hev .h i u m l v : and ir shall be c6IIed ~ h evullev 12 Andfor seven monrhs rhe horrsr if m - then !he land shall be cleunred. 13 Yea, all the people of lhe lond sholl briry fhon: und it slrull br w rhrrn u renowned clcly w h e 1 ~ an1 glorijied, scryr rlrr !.on/. 14 Even seven monrhs u/irr, [here shull br nrrn ~ I J ~will I I rra~,rlco~trinvul/y through the land burying fltuse ~vlroow lcji 1vi11gon rhefirce r$ the land. 11) cleanse ir. IS And every one'wlto passes thrortgh rhi lund, and sees a man's bone, rherr shall he set up a sign by it, rill buriers have come and raken ir o l d brcried ir in the volley of China. 16 And the name of the gruveyard sltrrll be, 771e Mighty Ciry. nrcr shuN rhey cleanse rhe land. 17 And you, Son ofman, say ro 011 rhe fobvls of rhe uir and to every beasr of Qe/ieId, Thus says the Lord God: Assrr~tblryc~rtrselvesa d corne; gather yorrrselves front eve7 p4ace fo rhe grear suc.rijicr rhur I pe@~ntrf i r you tcpo~rrlrr mountains o f h f , . a n d you shull rurjlrsh arrcl drink b l d . 18 You shull car the Jlesh of rlte ~trighrvmen and drink fhe blood r,/ flrr princes of the earfh, oframs. offu~lin~s,~ / h r - # i ~ c ~ i ~t .b~u. l l ~ k unc1 s . i f a l l rlte young buNocks of Bashan. 19 And you shall eat flesh rill yotc ore jilled and drink bloc& rill you ure dnmk ar rho grear sacrr nalfiast which I crnr preparingfor you. 20 l l ~ w you shall ejilled or my table wifh fhr flesh hf horses und rhvir riden, and wirh that af mighty men. and with rhur of all the nren of war, suys rlre Lord God. 21 And I will set h y glory unrong rlrr ~tnrio~rs, und all the Cenriles slrull see the judgmenr f h a I haw uecufed. and the heaiy protisltment wirh wlticlt I have ounichrd rhem. ~... 22 So the house ofi;me~shullknow rltcrr I U I rhe ~ Lord rheir Codfrr,~~r rltur any andf o m r d . 23 And the Genriles shall k ~ t o ~rltaf v rhr hortse of lj;met*bvrrr curried brro copriviiy for their iniquiiy; because clrey rrunsgrrssed ugui~rvtme, rhrrL./orr 1 turned a w y my f i r e front the111and delivered f1te111iruo rhe hand cf those ~vlto hate thun. an& thev all fell 6v the .sword. 24 ~ k r d i n gio th& a h i n o f i o n s and orcording ro rheir.it~ic)rriiyhabr 1 regardaj rhun: and I turned away rrry fucefio~tr rhe~rt. 9 25 ilrerefore thus says the Lord G o k Now I will,bring back rhe capfivify i$ Jacob. and haw mercy upon all the howe o m and will be zeulour~i~r my h o l y m e ' s sake; 16 ;c/Per they have borne ull rhiir shat~reund their inlquiiy"wheiebj rlrey have r r m resscd agaiw me; ~vhenflrcy dwc.11 securely it! their own I d . wirh . . no one to u n them; . ' 27 When I haw gathered rhem / r u ~ narnong rhe narions anrl brought rhen backfiom the ciries of their ene~~ries. and ~ I I Isanctijied by them in rhe sighr of many nations: 28 n e n shall rhey know rhar I urtr the L a d rheir God, who cawed r1ie111ro be carried caphe among the nurions, latad rhm ir is I tvhogafherrd thrnr into their own land and have le/r none of rlrem rhere any anre. 29 Neither wrll urn away rny fitce from flte~ir:brcf I will pottr otrt I I I . ~spirir upon the house o&says the Lorrl. r a END QUO71NG ~ I .. tiated in its f"llness. Soon the killing shall begin in earnest and the ones on the I ho~neshoresshall be left guessing ...'did my son die. was he hit ...' T h o x initiating such measures care not whdher sons die for that The Plan...to kill off ,, as many as possible. The Plan is so horrendous thai those of the 'christian" and 'thinking' fmputace cannot comprehend such evil ...y et you ones continally forhi get that it IS n .the v C cf mine Zn=..%4h'k!c he M. The t h e h t s time...will there be lime... what do we do.:.peparations must be made. ..how much time????? etc., etc.; ttc. Ever you ones ma d o that which you able w ~ t h that with which you have to use a, your disposa!:..nothing more and nothing ' less.' To sit idly by at this'time when the foreknowledge has been offered wo~tld be the wont kind of foolishness and one which you yourselvei shall experience the consequences of. When the m n f i w i o n begins in America; and icshall in: deed, the weapons shall be THE PJRn. Always it shall be much sooner than , '. you expect so it is the better pan'af wisdom to make your preparations while 1 there is still...time. 'I I I What will be the reacti&~of the Amcrican citizenry when the tanks roll in? Will t h e e even be a m i a n at all f a i i there not a lot of troop movenlctu lor Desert Shield? Mostly the s l a p will continue only t find that when the awakeningis upon them. they a n found bound in the detention centers awaiting the " execulion.:..or worse. The plans we devious and dark indeed...for with Satan at i the helm you may expect the very worst. A n d y 2 for some who 'go along" i t I shall simply be anothcr.small adjustment to make the troops on thc corj ner the curfews...afterall, you get no m now so the freedom'of infor~aatio~ won't change much.:.just morc 'of what they want to show you. The - p s w w h a b b e g n - & f a r - t d f s c l i v e . We come to oifer man his way out his ticket home unto glory if he will.but listen. But alas the sleep has bed11 too deep and all but the tiniest number shall lake the path laid forth by the 1 Master -..like shee to the slaughter. It will be a long titnc before the ones who take the'leh pat find their way home unto God...but they ; shall eventually, but it shall be a hard and long journey. . . . I harken you to recall n ~ yprevious ~estructioosregarding the Khazar Zionists. Recall that 1 told you they ale not "Jewsw--they arc of the now referred to, Chinese MongoldRussianlNordr tribes. 'The Thirteenth Tribe'. I will not go illto t l ~ eremaining conte~ttof Ezekiel's projections but suffice it lo say that thcre will bc some most ugly days ahead in thrs passage of segment. I force nothing upon any of you--I bnng the messages and you w ~ l ldo that which you will with the outlaying. I remind you that "IF A THING BE OF FORCE--IT IS NOT O F GOD!' You will EACH come into your own opinion and action but I further remind ou-that which is evil and against the laws of God and The Creation--dl not bm-o the h ofGod, It is a time of returning into Truth within the LAWS of 00e-n forth--that is the price of the ticket on 'lift-off" day. No other's spilling of blood shall get your ticket to some fluffy clouds. If you will ascend it shall most surely be at God's direction and not to a bit of fluffy radioactive clouds! So be it. May God give insight into your understand~ng.Salu. & A THE PALE PROPHET MASTER FSIJ ! j , 4 ~ ~ N L >"JESUS". . .. I have nointention of replaying the thousands of pages of messages, herein. 1 ask simply that Esu's last two writings through Thomas be herein appended. Then I ask that you give understanding to my need for call to duly for if you fail to note--your la net is set to self-destrucl'and my command is most busy indeed. I shali be a'sking for morc and niore input from Sananda for two rcaions. Man must beein to readv himself lor that which is corning and, funher, to give O but fi0m confirmation ihat h ruth-is not coming frdm only one O ~ ~ Wsources many. Dharma also mceives for Sananda but you of the readers must find your balance and ability to understand thal Truth is Truth is Truth and is ever unchanged from one source unto another. It is time that you come up from your cots and open your eyes unto that which IS and cease your pretending for you cast your stones at the wmng 'presenters*. Why do you not attend properly those ones who have given you false teachings for lo, these many years? May God truly have mercy upon you blind lambs for you are so deceived that you know not Truth when it flows all about thee. You choose to follow the pious pretenders and await some "rapture"? Think about it and then let us discern who lnay appear to be 'mad". 1 ' ' / 1 ' ... 1 s t us begin Thomas. 1 Am Esu J~nmanuelSananda present in the Radiance of AtonIGod. 1 come in His Service within The Creation which is above AIL. There is weeping in heaven this day for your planet. You have gone past the artificial deadline established that The Plan may bc iai- E Ever is the freedom of choice within the world of man. Yet this day the dye IS all but cast. ..and it shall be red, There will be no washang of this blaod from the Hands of those who sent the beloved and hrave men to the slaughter and God weeps for man's ignorance. m. " . '' SANANDA ... ... ... Thank you for your attention. 1 ask that you continue to read as 1 bow unto ti~y own Commander thal His voice can bcgn to bc heard throughout the land. 1/16/91 ' Holy ~ ~ i r i t ' w i t h may i n I walk in peace this day. May the Spirit touch the many who walk in fear and ignorance that the con~fortmay come upon then1 in the knowledge of your Presence. Holy Spirit, awaken within man the connectio~~ with your Source.that he may come into wisdom. Ut us be mindful this day oi those who shall soon -me dust upon your place for the decisions made by ou the people. Ho1r:Spirit;let rne,%ylk, lhe road'bf red that the joilrney lome, be filled ~ i t h ~ory i : In Ywi hescn . : Let us clo& this Thomas, walk in peace. Salu I Am Sananda , . . .~ reserves to lend additional money into existence. Funny thing about this scenario: you are silting ducks and yet Israel. Iraq, elc., have wondrous defense shelters Gad there are hardly any &sualties--.from-direfi bombing. Do you think New York. San Francisco. Chicago andlor Lor Angeles will be so fortunate? How about Austin, Texas or Port Arthvr7 Bakersfield or Omaha? What .qbout St. Louis? Oh yes, there are hundreds of off-shore Canadian and Mexican-based missiles aimed right at your cities. From less than fifly miles acmss your southern border are elaborate installations along with the enemy lank batallions. The Soviets would prefer to have you do yourself in andlor fatigue your entire population with thts war for 'freedom, h u m rights and democracy" before taking action. You are NOT getling accurate information out of Russia either. dear ones. Do not delude yourselves back again into your stupor and false security. ,. '1-he remaining $880.000 can be re-loaned against the retention of $105,600 (12% of $880,000) in reserves, and the remainder--$774,400--un be re-loaned against 12 percent thereof being retained as a reserve, and on and on and on. Some have called for the creation of debt-free money in the U.S. directly by the treasury. A limited amount of such money is actually already in circulation, as U.S. notes and cupm-nickel coinage (1, 5. 10, 25 and 50 cents. and the Susan B. Anlhon $1 cotn). Now let us consider some ways the 'private uctor' can introduce cbt-free monev into theiconomv: A bank loan is defaulied upon'and is w h e n off by the lending bank. A successful bank robberv of uncirculated currencv which is mwt into circulation within the U.S. The successful 'intrpduction of a p e .r f ~. counterfeit l. currency which is spent into the U.S. 'kconomy. d: .. - ~ Pay attention to the Farthquakes of this day in Thailand--the sleeping giants are beginning to stir. .. ~. You actually have more of all three (above) Ihan you might guess. WH1I.E NO ONE WATCHF4 .. .. The banks and markets are finding patlerns if you but,watch. However, ou will be getting lillle information and they will appear to fluctuate with no idance or direction. No, they are falling directly Inlo line--csp&ally gold and , oil. Good news and the prices of both drop-war news and the both nse. Remember, this is an economic war based on the structuring o the One World ,.,:. Government. You who watch in wisdom & protect yourselves to great extent. :; ..i 2' - I am continually asked about how the system of creation and destruction of rererves is accomplihd. yousee, it all goes back to the Reserve(Feds) . who literally 'loan' your money into existence--"at interesl'. . ' ,. I , , , It would appear, however, that an economy based on loan defaults, bank robberies and wunterfeiting could n,o~exactly be expected continually to prosper, never mind that bank robbery and counterfeiting are illegal. [Dharma, write this immediately @ ' PUS long mough for us to consider what is Wing on with wer supply for the in t is under lampering. Hold up elcafe,, until I chec the circumslances.f fiank you--there has just been a majw lnctdenl at Ihe 7:19; You will Want to check it ouiivhen youleave the wriling.] r Back to the above ~ubject-in:~oint;please:: The fact that 'debt-free' money can only come into existence through such dubious means just underlines the strangle-hold . .the bankers have on the financial system. >. Money could be c k t e d b the treasury as it now creates U.S. notes and colns I Commercial banks create money frorn nothing, b a d on multiples of their deposits (reserves). This created money is then loaned 11 interest. The loan debt pnnclpal and the money paid thereon go out of existence as the principal is paid down. Thc money so created wu d be lent Lo s w a and communities, interest-free, for the construction of voter-approved infrastructure pmjtcts, and to retire existtng interest-bearing dcbt. It could also be. lent al a reasonable rate of rnterest to banks which would then re-lend it to borrowers a1 a higher rate of interest. l'he point in question is always misunderstanding re arding destroying money as Banks could operate under such a regime; indeed, credit unions already do so. principal as it is repaid, and what happens when a foan is not repaid but is lost Credit unions are member-owned financial cooperatives which accept deposits through default--yourimmediate and.ovenvhelming problem. ,: .:!. from members and re-lend the*. dc~osils 10 member-borrowers. . .. In the former case. the Reserve component on which the loan is based is rea higher rale of interest on loans it makes than it pays on leased and becomes available as !he R~~~~~ on ~ ~ ~R ~ t- i A~credit~ union ~ charges l depositr; the credit union's operating expenses and earnings are covered by the TO E . . in the . ... 'spread' serve loan can be made (read -1, between 'the inleml it fi 'sdepositors and the inlerut it charges borlatter case. the lending bank loses the reserve amount rowers. A@ credit unions arc in' le4ter financial sha'pe, as a. group, than comof money equal to the defaulted loan principal remains in existence and circu; mercial bank or savings and loan asiocialions. lating in the economy. . ; .I. Assuming, lets sa , a 12 percent reserve requirement, a deposit of $1 million in a commercial ban does not limit that bank lo making-$1 million ,in new loans. . . . ! It can retain $120,000 as a reserve against lending this $1 million deposit, and. ., use the remaining $880,000 as "excess reserves" which it can invest, or use as i ; Banks, however, earn interest on the money they lend into'existence and use the= m i n g to ~ pa opcrgling expenses--salaries, rent, taxes, utilities and such-Set aside reserves or bad debtr..lnd then pay di9idends to their shareholders. If enough real estate, credit card and Third World ldans go belly-up; the bank r you handle your assets throl~gl~ this i ~ ~ v e s t ~ lmethod l e ~ ~ t and get things OI of your "name aqd into corporations, you will be provided with much protection which i s simply absent otherwise. Keep assets wllich mi ht be accrued--n~oving and into other corporations and in use lo the maximum or that which i s parked in what you consider 'safety' i s pin-poinled and will be either contiscatul. heavily taxed andlor made worthless by total exchange of the money product itself. As a &less system comes into play and exchange notes are provided--all available assets will be open to the government's documentation and use as tlie "regulations' are thrust upon you. I sin~ylyagain lay this inforn~ationbcforr you for consideralion and use, i f you so desire. Again, 1 have no interest in this matter and i f you are interested in informalion about resources--you may inquire of the publisher of this material. I have neitl~crthe time nor intent to personally advise anyone. If,however. you would like to participate in sccurily in God's work and information dispersing. I would offer you resource--what you do is up to you. first charges the loss to profits. I f profits are wiped out, the look lo their loan loss reserves. I f these,rerives ale wiped out, the bank i s lecinically insolvent. f You operate under a system that requires more and mort V e be created just to pay interest. When the uldmate lmporsibility of borrowtng 10 and promis-. ing to repay $ II,i f the ll t h dollars must also be bornwed into existence, is finally recognized, you will either have a drastic monelary reform or experience a financialcollapseandIbelieve you know which to expect! Y Let us look at some comparative figures which will be good examplei. Beginning in December, 1978, the Federal Reserve Credit was $124 billton. For August, 1990 the average Federal Reserve Credit was $280 billion. are rounded numbers.) This repre$nk a steady overall increase. in the Reserve Credit which is the basis of your money supply. This steady increase indicates hat morc a$ more money must be created to pay increasing taxes and service the increasing national debt in addition to maintaining the Gross National Product. Federal ~ e ' & eCredit i s the Fed's loans lo commercial banks which use these borrowings as reserves against which much large$ sums o f money prr loaned inlo existence. The "Fed', like commercial. banks, creates mone by making loans. But it does not make loans to. indi idualr or c o r p ~ ~ t i w ti se way commerciaf banks do. I t lends only.to.ihe Tfeasury and to its member banks. I t docs so by buying bonds, notes and btlls issued by the irasury. The Fed can either buy Ulese securities directly -from the treasury, or fmm a bank. : I ".g. As you can probably *ice the ending. plainly--W- pq-kbilLin ., . in- I still tell you, that as you effort t d figure all lhi; financial wizardry out.for vestments--it i s going to collapse on you either through its own. wyghl or through National Emergency Executive Order Regulations.. From lhls nlce new war, creating a National Emergency.and bringing lnto play all h e Executtve Orders we have discussed, the Government can, now close and regulate the banks even unto confiscation of your funds. Thcy can, likewise, confisute all gold in any form. I still suggest the safest option for prolection is lo invest in a foundation, etc., which then borrows against GOLD and LEAVES IT IN THE BANK AS COLLATERAL. The bank must be one in which the Cartel deals for the LAST confiscation will be o f 'their own collatull deposits. Cnn lhey conficote it? Yes! But 1 can also assure you hat they have plenry of back-up phns lo gel all your osse~s--othenvise~ . . .. 1 would suggest that i f you desire to utilize such a method of preservation of funds that you no1 Iany too long for already the intent is to shut down the open ng of that pretty-ydlow .stufP. I t will not belong in-your-cmmting G t IS no btger legal to M in gold--after the Elite get their arrangements in order and the metal into their possession for REAL manipuiatton. You-the-people have a somewhat brief "window' of opportunity herein but , plans are to close these windows very sootc. Bud1 has now been given the power to control these things by force and will do so; after all, i t i s the inlent of Uie entire scenario unfolding around you. ANTARCTICA Ihave also been petitioned to funher discuss, in depth, the technological aspects of the Germans, etc.. in Antarctica. I must ask indulgence on this subject. I haven't the time to discuss i t herein but you can find back-up information i f you do a bit of research. Icannot spare my scribe the time to do it for you but quite a bit i s in publication. Thank you for your inquiry and attention. . 1hope this did not simply cloud the water and make the subject even morc confusing. I make every effofortto respond as the questions flow i n great quantity-however, in this most crucial lime which claims so much o f my atlention, I must beg patience as I find little time for properly responding to other than im. . mediate emergency situLtions. . . Ihere are not going to be 'perfect' methods for you to preserve assets and that which will work this day may very well not work on the morrow--however, i f I realize that it i s difficult for you ones to attend all the myriad of details i n such a tinie of chaos and confusion. but all 1 call do i s present i t unto you and yo11 must decide how and which rnetl~udi s suitable to your particular situation. Gold will ultimately go up in price to even more r~diculousprices before i t drops out in depression and then it will fall relative to prices, i.e., an ounce of gold now would byy a suit of clothes--in depression, an ounce of gold will still buy, a suit--you wtll not be able to talk dollar for dollar, for that has no longer any 'meaning'. . ' I am barraged with inquiries regarding information that 1 have written and rewritten--please, dear ones. read that which has already been given relating to 140 Well, Bush and his mentor, Herr Kissinger, tell tho American people that you must $0 lo war, but they have never given even a remotely intelltgent reason for so dotng. this situatio~~ and the past activillrs bringing y o u lo this point. t planned You will find that America's military venture into the Middle F ~ s was ago. I do not create the 'facts", I simply in New York City months and n~ol~ths outlay them to you and you miss the enlire pin1 of the whole venture. WORST Precious ones, you have to know you arc going to war in a specific location in order to have the hundreds of thousands of uniforms and 'desert" camoy/lage equipment available on such "short nolicc". Precious citizens of the world--take a good clear look at something ou may have missed: Because PnddcM Bush has DONE NOTHING TO G&T THE SOVIElS TO REMOVE THEIR MILITARY ADVISORS FROM IRAQ. you m u a asrume fhaf H E IS THE "FRONT MAN* In rhr So&-Tn&feral-Zionisr conspiracy to AID IRA@ while chiming they a n backing our pmgmm in Saudi Arabia. I remind you of the beginning of this build-up. Your President told you that your Armed Forces were being sent lo Saudi Arabia at a terrific expense to an already overburdened budget--"to protect Americans. American interests and safeguard American principles', further, to prevent "aggression into Saudi Arabia'. How docs this statement equate with the wipe-off-the-globe bombings of lraq and Kuwait? You have already done ten to a hundred limes ihc damage lo Kuwait in one da than in all her history! Is this the way you 'PROTECT" the American way. dkmocracy and "SAVE A NATION"? 'Blanket bombing". I believe, is the terminology regarding the bombing raids on Kuwait within these current hours. What a quaint concept of 'protection' of those poor. misplaced. Kuwaiti citizens. You proclaim atrocities by the Iraqis? What about your blowing to bits these innocent people with your napalm and cluster bombs? "One nafion under God, indivisible---???" I think not too likely, dear hearts. GET A BIT O F TRUTHFUL INFORMATION TO CONSIDE4 The Soviets and East German scientists have provided Iraq with elecvon~cgear which can be used to jam your AWAC spy planes and disrupt the electrontc systems of your attack helicopters and tighter plan-. It is one of the reasons Hussein reems to remain so cool when confronted by overwhelming mllttary odds--ho knows the difference in truth and prapagwa. It is a known fact in your State ~epartmentthat Swiet planes have been flying military q u i p g m t from Libya into Iraq since the war crisis began in August. Your State Department even allowed, wlth knowledge, the shipping of a supercomputer through an Imqi front or anizalion iu Brazil lo Iraq--tn August, after the troops were de toyed and in p . Why are these lhings nM told to you through the nationa! media? While the media glibly tells you that Gorbachev is l tells you your und 'ng fribd and to b e ' t ~ i t e d ,the London F i ~ n c i a 7lmes that the ovlets hare advanced a S150 million credit line to Iraq for the purc h a r of military supplicp. All this, while you are contemplating sending the Soviets mother couple of billions of dollars worth of food products----oh yes. you are! .. It was the Soviets and their undercover panners of lnlemationpl Zionism (not David's Jews), who cooperated fully in the takeover of Kuwat. Any cl+ms that the Soviets are siding wilh America against lraq are nothing but criminal propaganda. Note that the Soviets have not sent even m e man to the fray beside the "U.N. troops"; further, the Soviet advisers and workers have never left Iraq nor Kuwait. Just lo give you a bit of clarity of insight, let me point out a little something regarding the ending of the "cold war'. While you cut back on military spending in America by around some 12% (meager, but something)--the Russians increased theirs by over 27% - 35%. I would like to quote you a little speech made hy a Russian, Demitri Masualisky, in 1946 as he projected the future intent of the Soviet Union: 'WE will give unheard of peace concessions, and the capitalist nations, the nations of 'Christendom', stupid and decadent, will leap at the chance to be our friends. they will be willing to cooperate in their own self-de~lruction. Then when they have gone to sleep, we will SMASH them with our clenched fist.' . Your leaders know that fire Soviet and Ztorlrst U n n c of CtiANCED. Evert Aft. . . You !hk3t%Cd 9ver anain. This week the Soviets are a m v i n p t h r s moH Ma- - . LC 8 , :. ' The CIAhas come right out and told you that the Kuwait ~nvasionhad been in the planning stages for months, whether or not ou wish to accept the rmth of it. The renario was carried out most carefully y your overnmenl. after they Iricked Hussein into his military actions. . As early p f ten. days before the Kuwaiti invasion, representatives of your State Department assured Hussein Ihat you had no military treaty wilh Kuwait and that you really didn't care what he did there. Further, it is openly admitted h t it was fully expccted that, 'Iraq would take a portion of Kuwvt in the nonhem sector but it was not expected that they would take it all!" .: r, , You had best be inquiring as to WtlO are ihr Conmunislr and Zionisrs coopemring with flrr U.S. which would cause your media fo d e l i b e ~ e l ylie to the Amen'can people! To undernand this, if is necessary for you to undemtand who controls the media irr America. If is inrernafional Judaism. I make no prejudicial input regarding the fact, bur the fact i s the fad. Tmth remains Truth, even when i t is unpleasant and unpalatable. *AMI TIIEREFORE BECOAIE YOUR ENEhIY, BECAUSEITELL YOU TRUTII?" So be id! HENRY -R I.To achieve a settlement of the Palestine-Ismtli coqflict 2 To create a new Regional Secudiy Stmctrrre, and now (hoW your -brcarhl - ---., 3 IhfPOSE THE NEW RUI,ES Ofi TE fIR INRDE&' -- AGAIN\ Saddam Hussein may be a most despicable man.butI dare sav he i s not alone -~ .i.n . his despotism. You had best listen-up when you hear h e 'iew Christians and leaders' speak of "Z.O.G.' Pay attention. chelas, this is h e "Zionist Occupation Government', which already controls your country and which i s leading you at a lerrific pace straight into the New World Order which they plan to to(ally control. ~ I t i s KNOWN that Henry Kissinger, the German-Jew who was a KGB agent during World War 11, employs a staff of over 50 persons including several dozen geopolitical advisors who have s e ~ e dduiing different admlalslrations and who can be trusted with carrying out 'Henry's' plans for the New World Order (that President Bush i s constantly pushing). : . As a matter of record, Henr Kiuinger gave the order--fot you see, Bush i s an 'order-taker"--not 'giver". keither is he a 'decision-makcr' and must go forlh lo Camp David and elsewhere to receive orders. The facts ue Lhat the '... .., 'Kissinger orders' come from much higher than Henry Kissinger! , All0.w us closure, please, as I must attend other matters. Thank you for your servlce. God bless and keep you ones in security within His lighted safcty. Goodday. Hatonn to clear. please. It appears that lhese nice advisors, Brent Scowcmft i s Bush's National Security Advisor and Lawrence Eagleburger officially the Assistant Seerebuy of State and follow him under James Baker, are in reality around wherever he goes, making sure that he adheres lo the New Age Order. You will notice these ones are in constant attendat every new encounter. This assures that the 'order- ivcrs' know at a11 times, instanantly. what t k Presldent i s doing and saying. I problems arise, the can immcdlately take correclive action to see that the President does exactly t at wh~chhe is told. B b . PUNCH LINE ..' , Not pleasant to confront, dear ones, but none-the-less i t shall .be laid forth herein--again: m e Middle East crisis was planned with lhe Sovru Union primarily in charge, and the Zionists: to ruNect the American peopl* ta a pamsiric relationship when the Soviet Union and the NON-JEW Ismelis can suck the bloodfivm the U.S. and economically bleed her l o death. While you go to war and spend, spend, spend--life ond n~oumcs. the t d o n in your own Government are giving away tens of billions of dollars worth of American oil i n your own hrmis~hento the very enemy which ilimugh the ymn has promised to "buyyou!" Right now, while you fight and slaughter your c a n s , over 15 &or Amencan corpormions have signed contmcts with ilie Stote &pan%~entfor the development of Soviet resources, using American tarpayer (yours) money! Secretary of State, James Baker, i n the closing wonls of his highly censored speech before the U.S. House of RepnsentaIives on Se ember 4th, spelled out t h e n a l reason American troops a n i n Saudi A m ra and you can get proof of this statement of fact: 6'! ,, I I 1 l i ~~ kind enough to share that knowledge and request place to assist possibililies in a constant flow. , REC # I ., HATONN SAI'URDAY, JANUARY 19, 1991 10:31) A.M. 1 YEAR 4 DAY 156 I TODAY'S WATCY ' Hatonn present in oneness with our Sacred Source that our work may be un- . blemished by self-perceptions. Anien. 1 I I , B God said lo f u r n d , Tor I am will, you!" Fudher, ifsou are n d a! urigh~" ! wilh Cod and moving back within his Commandments-you h d be# b e t a - . ling scared out of your wits!! So be it. lltis is a mod SERIOUS h e an no , ones who are in dilibemfe and i,rtentional brooking of the LAWS of God shall ! enter inlo the Holy places. WAR, for inslance, will NOT BE BROUGIIT INTO THE COSMOS! SELAH! I / ' .. At this point 1 wish lo please enter a request for more patience from you readers. Tk-publisher's phone lines are continually flooded with calls from you readers who want more and more information. The publisher and personnel in the office are giving you EXACTLY what they are geltin in order. from the Expresses, elc. Whalcvever information ou will obtain Rim Lhem is purely conjecture and opinion--THEIRS! I ask I at you be patient and, in addition, restudy carefully EACH document which comes into your attention. * K , ! I Next, I beg indulgence and patience for we are flooded with letters filled to pages of questions piled one upon another regarding things such as 'WHEN' and 'I find no information regarding that subject',etc. Please understand that thcre is no human way possible to supply the time in researching for you, these topics. When I tell you that Kuwait was a part of Iraq, for instance. prior to British takeover--it is documented. If, further, I give credit to an author or pres e n t e r - - ~will ~ ~find the information mostly valid as can be glcaned from Earth information. Please do not ask my scribe lo give you these points for you have no imagining as to how busy are these ones. By the way, since I often refer to letters of dissent-- lease know there is significant reason for choosing those , particular letlers--1 ey are dangerous in contenl and public oullay is the only deterrent to terrorists. .. f For you who feel doubts are yours alone--it would be the exception and only blind ones would feed upon untested f d in the midst of the enemy camp. Hold on and Truth will prove of itself. Inaddition, you feel that the majority of the responses are negative in nature--NO, n~illionsrecognize the Truth and arc . ,. . 145 . . : . f I George reports that some of his callers of late denounce him for mssiblv sprcdlng 'fear' and 'nnxiousness" among readers and ltstenm. IF Y ~ AR UE NOT W R F U L AND ANXIOUS WIEN I O U DO NOT UNDI N WlllCll Y O 0 I a Y E BECOMR T I I E PAWNS CIUCUAf.YTA- We even received a letter of total denouncement from a gent:eman who sald our material was from S a m and he knew as much because our logo tells it all! 'The pyramid around the evil Phoenix is a Satanic sign,' he said. Firstly, Satan has no 'signs' which were not stolen from God's Truth by which to deny you Truth. Secondly, the ynmid is not--it is a triangle representing a triune of P oenix' bird is the symbol by which the 'tribe' can mHigher Cause. The ' ognize timing and aclmowled~ewmmunicatim for it has alwsvs been known t h t the Master would m u m d e r that symbotof rebirth and rehcwal--it is one of the most sacred of sacred svmbols rconvnted in some eulturw u the Thunderbird, and others as the ~ u e b lccc. , ' I believe that the ones who pronounce the J o u d s and Expresses as negative represent less than IllOch of one percent. Therefore, pnor to announcing your own ignorance of what is happening in your world thts day--1 suggest you reread the material with a bil more opened-eyer. Reconsider, please, why ones would pronounce the information as LIES1 CouU If be ihm is purpuse in keeping you unidotmed and blind? Surely anyone who can read m associate possibilities that our projections are not nearly as "far-fetched' as hat which is applied to your consciousness in ridiculous manner. Is it not more reasonable that God would provide for a human being in a place whenin a human can survive a trip to anywhere? I t it not a bit mystifying and stu f ing that HE would . saturated simply allow you to be pulled up to some fluf!j white c ou poss~bly with nuclear radiation? I guarantee against an thing that you would offer--a physical body would Fall right back down and tie landing would be most hard I&&. Kave you not walk4 about in the 'fog'? Well, fog is a cloud orl the gmund! YOU think about it before sendina any more of the heinous cursing Fatus to these MU who simply bring the wordito print in your format. They arc NOT osychic nor fortunetellen. ~rofeuorsnor researchers--thev are worke n assuming thcir'miaion in God's &mice fof the coming events--1io more and no leu. By your foolish condemning outcries you do not diminish "their' credibility--you totally destroy your own! So be it. .~ . Fi .. , :: J,IFS? MIGHT TH EY TELL YOU I . I a . . .. In one breath and announcement 'the feed you information which outright cells you that the media output wilt monitored, censored and structured. THEY TELL YOU THIS! Then they go forth and do so and YOU pronounce the announcements as gospd {ruth! When is your 'reason'? You did not l o x to Iraqi weapons. some two to seven planes--the coalition has lost Even the 'Scud' missile Ley showed being shot down by a 'Patriot' m~ssile was staged--lo insure acquisition of more which arc pmvin to be prdty inaccurate. Three to five were totally wasted this very day (1119 91) and blown up on pads and what is claimed? Technical error! Saudi Arabia has dustained numcrous direct hits--right on target. f Don't forge! a very important point--Russia and Israel are part of the overall, 146 can recite correctly the aamcs and places iron1 which those first exyrcssed an- plan and, therefore, when you are told the 'plan is workin exactly as laid forlh', lhat is exactly that which is intended! Spoils of a "lilt e" war can later be divided appropriately--with fewer ones which expect equal distribution of tho% spoils. f nouncements were outlaid for you! There were only six, come now, can't you remember them? Only the immediate loved ones will take note in all of the confusion and they will only take note of their own. All other bodies '..are to be warehoused and mass services will take place'. Why? So you won't ever know the numbers killed and it is expected that in this malern war there will be few remains to bury, at any rate, and identification will be impossible. I didn't fabricate this information--it was publicly announced! They also told you this morning Ulat in view of losses and technical errors, more Patriot missiles wil be brought in--FROM EGYPT! What interestilrg infortnation! How is it that there will now 'be a pre-sumnlit meeting in p r e y t i o n for a BushlGorbachev summit later?" With the impact of Russian mtlitary murder and complete forceful control of Lithuania--YOUR PRESIDENT CANCELLED THE SUMMIT! Now, it is back on schedule? The moment b moment ~ n f u sion is to keep you from clear. thinking, c i l i m ! The Wor Global CMltrol Plan 2OOO is undcrwa and gnat measures will be taken to not allow interference with its continuedYsucceu. YOU M O W PUA(STICALLY m G 01: THAT WHICH IS HAPPENING IN THE MIDDLE EAST--YOU ARE SHOWN PRE-ARRANGED AND PRE-CENSORED PICTURES ACCORDING TO THAT WHICH IS DESIRED FOR YOU-THE-MASSES TO BELIEVE! d ALL BIGOTS DOWN. PLEASE--I AM GOING TO SAY "JEWISII"; Would you flinch if 1 said Canadian? How about Australian? How would you react lo Black? Hispanic? Well, I am going to use the term Jewish, so I therefore suggest ou forget anli-semitic, bigot and other nasty namecalling. I WAS A JEW-THH M A ~ E RSERVED AS AND WAS BlRTHm A JEw--so STOP YOUR FOOLISH NONSENSE FOR IS PLANNED TO STOP YOU FROM INTELLIGENT FUNCTIONING AND THINKING! COULD THERE BE A DOUULED-UP DOUBLE-CROSS? Let us consider what is and has occurred here thus far in this altercation ovcr 'rightr' and 'property'. Your entertainment media and broadcast media is predominantly owned and operated b Jewish personages. Most of them have been sucked into organited CFR andlTrilatenl commtuions operated by the Cartel Elice. It simply IS how ~ %,hi&man' it IS, so don't get cnzy but do stop b c i n g m a d -~Itone does something do you lump all white men into the same mold? Well, surprise Americal-lhe Blacks do! lust as you lum most Blacks into one mold of ungracious charackris~cs. The Orientals think th of you arc a bit less-than-human! Therefore, when I speak of 'Jewish", "Zionists', etc., please refrain from remarks--this happe.ns to historically involve Jews, Isnet (the little nation in Palestine-not israel (chosen of God)) and Zionisls--along with Russians, Communists, etc. Elite is going to be a regularly used term which denotes the Cmet Bankers, elc., who would Rule YOUR (GOD'S, actualfr),Wor!d. Would I call an a p l e a banana if I be speaking about an apple? An ~f I dtd so, would you not th~nkme an idiot? You have, purely and simply, os a people g l h e world, been sa up! Powerful forces of which you are only just now being made aware, have motivated the Council on Foretgn Relations, Trilaleralist and Skull and Bonu &tor G a r e Bush to intervene and dispatch the miliury might oftm U;S;inrhe-over 3&I year old Arab-Arab wars. Does 'he" d m what he has done? Yes, but as always with those who work wifhin the realms of g d and conml, he, like his colleagues. believes all mans justify the planned end. He hu becomc a.scrvanl to the ones who would own and &ntrol h e world. How do we know this? Because he SWORE to uphold y o u ConsIitution of the United Slam and he has Who are ihe 'hidden hands and minds' o nlv and %ting above the L a w of the Innd? Will yon be forced Inlo o meqer wirh I c slave mnners of the Soviet Empire? Con you rove your fncdom? CAN YOU AVOID THIS "NEW WORLD ORDER" WHICH SOUNDS SO GOOD AND YET W I U . ENSLAVE THE WORLD? g, l- Firstly, you must realize that your enemies are nol fools1 Nole that lhey push as far as you will allowl When the.public cried aloud, during the over-eager 'premature' rip-off at the gas pumps, they had scnc =ugh to make immediate to wake up? With restitution. Could it be the American people are tluxived fighting that in mind. what do you perceive might happen yellow nbbons men begin arriving home in body bags? 1 think some of may yet be blom-smeared. Remember--there is a new order in affect which no longer 'allows individual funerals for military pcnonnct'-onl those ulilized for propaganda purposes will be made public. Why do you thin only six pilots have been labeled as dead? What of the other 90 some odd? After a while a dead body can represent one or a hundred for the labels will qutt being announced so that they are simply 'lost' in the confusion. See, right now, tf you . E IMPENDING PRO-JEWISH WAR IN THE MIDDIE-EASL It gels very difficult lo sort out who is who and what is what for that is the point--to confuse you and mislead ou to the extent that there are no 'clean-cut" l i n a of definition by which to de ine roles. lust LOOK AT WHAT IS and it will begin to make sense to you in its magnificent outlay of clever puzzle-111aking--to produce the desired ptcture in the ending of solut~on. F Z ' There is extensively more treachery in the Jewish overlord movement in the Middle East than is allowed to come into your attention. Clues of happenings flood you but arc quickly covered and erased in hopes no onc noticed the slips I as lhey occur. The overwhelniing majority of Americans (and the world) have Yes, it is the American public who is the been grossly mislead and misinfor~nedthrough intentional disinformalion, false , truth and despise you 'Americans'. : most deceiv4,snookered and mislead, of all the parlies involved. ~ i k ae 1101information and false projections, sprinWed throughout with a few bits of truth ~ Y W O On~ b i e X ~ ~ P through I, conspiracy, deceit and deliberately ~lanned W a s lo lull you into belief of the 'whole'. It is n a t u d g a t (he Jewish people would desire a homeland for their people--jusl as the ~ l would ~ desire ~ k~f~~~ , . I machinatims. the Jewish influence in collaboration with the Jews in l m e l , has . . set in motion a military operation to fight Israel's wars with American soldiers. to be the true homeland of the ~ l and~not [he ~ misfits k of ~ ~ " ~ ,dexent. ~ h . Do these 'Jews' know? Of course not--they are more mislead by the Zionists That is :not where,lhe error comes into play-.it is )hrough the misinformation who are actually NOT JEWISH AT. ALL--but w m e fmm the Mongol, Nordic. and mislaLen translations that have 'become' accepted is truth when andeed in to .cake Russian Khazars who PROCIAIMED there -is no truth in the projections. . ,Calling Palestine, I s r a c I ~ D O DNOT the~world", b~their O m The Jewish,people are the ones who always MAKE.THE APPLE A BANANA. Further, having the ~ ~ ~ r c n f handd ~words! ~ y ihe most iner price for the deception--they are the fint to suffer, die and British pmdaim the apple 10be a batpna--makes, 11 not a banha--nor d o u it m* RlIsrael. Neither d a s itm&e it a n b . d , ~1.p mthe , palestinians epn*d. Why d o pu think the banbing of lsfacl LnM n a on the ~ l i t e krnunds in Tel Aviv? Because the Jews are cxpcndable and the Zionists will wen hawy the little what it is called. A banana,urcr ave pmtection. . . However, tn this instance you are mixing, let us say, a beefswith an apricot and expecting all to live happil ever aftw--through f o m of one over the Mher. Those missiles of the Scud variety--are accurate! They go exactly where they And yet all the force applied i o m any direction will not make the apriwt one , are intended to land1 iota l ~ k the e beefsteak. .. . . .. a ddt you might ask, 'Well, if lraq is a part of the plan, then who will rebuild the SO, with this in mind, let us conlinue with how this 'ti/&'has coke u@n you nation after this is over?" Guess WHO! I believe I begin to see a flicker of and especially you in the U.S. So again, the Jewish-dominated media has seen recognition. to it, along with so? massive input and pressure from your star administration traitors in the White House, (and advisors) flanked by over 340 of his CPR . (Council on Foreign Relations) insurgents, has seen to the imprint of misinformationto you-the-public ... : .. . . , . &ANNE D DFSTRUCTlON OF lRm . ...: . . ,., ,. .. .' To hear the media tell it, everything '"as going fine out ihere in the Arabian Consider some possible puzzle pieces for some good exercise in beginning desert. They even kept you posted on your own sanctioned actions in smiling thought patterns within reason. ,Let us put some of the individual pieces tobrotherhood with Saddam Hussein with whom you shared technology a m h w m getber and see if they might fit. In the first place, "Rambo to non-wimp' Bush, friendship, in truth. lraq and Saddam Hussein wFre the b a t of your buddies, manipulated by Zionist mentors, was not surprised at all, but was treacherously until suddenly. independently and totally.~withoutexpeclatiop. Saddam had this ; laying plans for the event to happen for at'least a minimum of a year and a half ,strange impulse to invade Kuwait. p e n in.only a matter of minutes the whole prior to Au ust, 1990, and the 'invasion" of Kuwait. As a h c t , there was an situation turned upside down and the benevolent dict+tor of Iraq instantaneously Prticle date J October 25. 1990;- in 73e ~tlanroConstitwion whieh delailed the became the 'world's most sinister and dangernus villain'. Suddenly your 'vital stnte4y that was hatched with the objective of destroying Iraq. Let's quote it: interests" were at stake, your way of life was threatened, Saddam was a danger"Slan~ngin March. 1989. Army Lt. General John Ymsock and his 500 war ous threat to 'ALL M A NKIND-, and not only must be destroyed but also the games, fuel-estimators and other planners sat at a Georgia military base and total lraqi military machine along with him--not to even mention every man, thought about how they could move over 200,000 troops to Saudi Arabia.' woman and lraqi child and building. Surprise! Surprise! .. .: .. , t & ! , .The deceiion is of,incredible proportion and so preposle&s ihat il'is amazing that ANY can accept it. Actually. few do accept it until their neighbor explains how bad Saddam is--usually that same neighbor had not the'slightest idea where Kuwait is located on the map. It is LC"grapevine' gossip mentality and mass hysteria--the individual ceases lo think but instcad, recltw that which k is given ' . to recite until he believes it for self as if it werc his o m opinion. 'Itis much as with the Journals--we have yet to have even ONE anlagontst of even You had better watch the grapes coming from that 'grapevine', friends, lest they be laced with cyanide! . . , .. Of all the nations of your world-- ou Americans are the moil dwived--the rest of the world laughs at your foolis ness, friends. The nations go along with you because their leaders belong to the same Elite Cartel--but the citizens know the ' b The story goes on: ^The lop-secret work in Building 363 of Atlanta's Fort McPherson spelled out the Army's part of the enterpnse. By July, 1990, the ctgar-smoking General Yeosock an0 his three-sm and four-star counterparts in the Navy, Marines and 4ji Force were r d d y for the test run.' No, dear ones, this is not 'after the fpb--THIS 15 BEFORE THE FACT1 hformvcr, the sanctions against lraq werc in place, signed and.in the proper hands for insltlulion BEFORE August 2nd, 1990. .4 . . COME IN. DR. GERALD V. BULL I These names and places will gll makk sense to Journal readers but may be a bit cloudy to you who are just coming into this information. We have some ex- plicit 'James Bond' type reading n~aterialw h you ~ get rid of the urge 10 throw the ruck mountain at these people. <. . '. fOSSAI)! The MOSSAD, for ou who are jest ~ l i ~ y ~ Secret ~ Service. t =Dr. Bull was tlled "ht at his Space Research Center in Brussels, Belgium. tAii , ...? For around 25 years, Dr. Bull, a Canadian-born space and ballistics genius who has been compared to Dr. Werner von Braun, has been designing super artillery, cannons/rockets. HIS Canad~an-American High Altitude Research Program (HARP) has broken all records for long range artillery. For some 15 years the Pentagon has turned down Dr. &Ill's offem and suenuous efforts to equip U.S. armed forces with the advanced !55 rnm,?nd other long-range projectiles. The reason for the "turning,down* IS a d~ffercnt'book' but there was much personal animosity among the top elite of he military in America. I n July 1990 the 'planners' in Atlanta were attending the recent chain of events. They also took action against my scribe with laser weaponry as we began to uo' fold the facts. She made top list to be silenced in November o f 1989 and four major attempts on her life resulted--this list, b the way, is o f one,. Henry I t no longer i s of much importance or WE have shielding against the pu se beams and community brotherhqod has taken up the sword and prethe burning stake. Plcase note thal the besl workers for the Satanic evil lngs arc the proclaimed 'Goodly of God" in their narrow projections of right and wrong. The attempt i s always to deny Trulh by killing the t~lh-bearer. Well, i t isn't so easy any more, dear ones--when you sit in God's hands i t i s harder to do our bloody work. The ti~sei s at hand for God promirod that Truth would brought prior to the ending lime lhal tnan can choose, with knowledge, his own d~vinepath. -r Iraq NOW has the capability of delivering poison gas andbiological warfare missiles into thevery camps of your boys and gidg, who are setting ducks m the Arabian desert. What with using rocket boosters quipped with homing devices. Saddam Hussein can also deliver such projectiles directly into Tel Aviv and lemsalem--hence the mass distribution of gas masks among the populace. That practice is not usual, dcar ones, for there h a real reason for such actions. Oh. bv the wav. how manv of vou k e ~current l on affairs and remember hat in the.beginning i k r e were ' 1 1 bnough'masks for the Paleslinians so they were iven none--then, with world opinion against that, there was distribution--fo~a fee. Ottly last week did the government of Israel begin to make free dislributton to any Palestinians. Why did the U.S. turn down Dr. Bull and allow him to t u i his effotts and genius to the benefit of Iraq? You can't hide your curiosity, can you? Well, since it didn't ha n overnight but over a period of a decade, i t wmes up lhat it must have een n planned and deliberate action on the part of the 'TI16 HIDDEN IIAND* in your military establishment. A strange puzzle, but this piece, too, fits into the overall picture. gPe The planners needed a dramatic pretext lo send all your troops and heavy machinery 'over there' into that hot, forsaken Arabian d e ~ rwhere t only sco~ions and cobras live comfortably. So. how convenient then that on Augus 2 . 1990. Saddam invaded postage stamp-size Kuwait--go look ol your map. 11 is as i/ #he Wesiem U.S. inwded Sacmmenlo. i%is most prvpiious liming war n d accidcnlal nor did if"just. happen. ' , , , The Zionist overlord influence in your government wanted Iraq and Saddatn Hussein lo have enough destructive military power to make him seem a credible threat 10 world peace, and also to,be able to kill a significant number of prime young American children. The situation i s not unlike Pearl Harbor in 1941 when Roosevell and the Zionists acted wupid, silent and blind and knowing& allowed lhe Japanese to bomb Pearl H o h r , destroying yorir Pac5c &el, and killing more than 3,000 a/ your men in one day. All the while the traitors i n the White House and the Pentagon knew MONTHS in advance that the aItack was coming. I n fact. they were shadowing the Japanese fleet and knew the day and hour when the Japs would slrike. 11 i s time you children-of-the-lie wake up and see lhat which 1s going on around you before all of you arc killed off. The Dr. Bull episode i s a s~milarcase. However, there i s ONE MAJOR DIFFERENCE. When the imminent danger to Israel became all too real, on March 22 of 1990 l&d&ddK 151 ! Kis=inger. That was some 10 years ago, so let us continue in the meantime. Dr. Bull's Space Research Corp, rebuffed by the U.S.. turned its atlention and its production of long range artillery to Iraq, who snapped up the opportunity with the great gusto of Saddam Hussein. Just days prior to lhe invasion, stooge tool and CFR Rambo Bush gently took Saddam by h e hand, led him by the n o r and told him to now go ahead and realize his lohg-slanding, ambition. of grabbing that mwt cherished prizc--oil Kuwait. The British had been stealing oil through Kuwait by slant drilling into Iraq oil pools and Saddam was ticked off considenbly already. H e also waited to get the price o f oil to a higher level because he was desirous o f more money tor his adventures. Mr. Hussein is not exactly head of the class for promotion to head angel of the realm. On July 25 (one week) prior lo the day of invasion, the U.S. ambassador to 1raq:April Glasspie, tnet with Saddam. A transcript of that meeting is available .. and prom that Ambassador Glasspie told Saddam that '1Yc hove e w u r bonier disrrure w&h K m t l y fmm your President and the State Department and has never baen denied-in fact, it is open knowledge thal .it was expected that Saddam would take t islands. We didn't think he would take the whole of the northern b ~ and .Kuwait.' That, dear friends, was directly spoken from one, James Bakxr--your Secretary of State, publicly. "Rambo' even followed this up furtherwith a personal mcssage underlining Ambassador Glasspie's message, with only a gentle smiling hint that it was not 'really nice" to use force against a neighbor. i%is position war funher wdfled by White llouse spakrswoman Margaret ntwiler, '. a few days b e r , stating dudng a press conference that the 1J.S. had no corn- '.. , ( . , IS2 l i ' . . nriIment lo defend Kuwait fmm invasion. This In turn is why the lr&ps had, to be sent into Saudi Arabia under the subterfuge facade of '...preventtng tnvaslon of Saudi Arabia'. Does anyone, remember that was the reason glven to you-thepeople for the troops to go abroad? lo not bring undue suspicions on the acltons of bringing war to the Middle East PRE-MEDITATED CAR8 AND CAUT1O)'I So, ou might considerit interesling to calculclle WIIO will control the/uture of l&s ~ondrouslyhuge, dnQcgir asset the ZiDnidr or the Ambs? Wirh ,he mossive miMay mighi 01.he U.S.. Ismel and the puppet-govemmmt of the Soulet Union h r p h p n n l y in h e hands of overlonis, only the unmvelinp of hislory will make sense of it. and the invading and occupation of Saudi Arabia for Carlel (AmericanlBritish) interests. Funny thing--George. Jr. just happens to be o prime rincipal in an Oil Company very close. to this location in Bahrain--go11 di n'l you know that? You find the Bush family into just about everything, &n4t you? 1 .... w!" J. The tnstant Saddan~took the bait all hell broke loose upon those l y d s . 'Kinder, gentler 'Rambo' Bush' immedialely became a roanng li0 Wmg: 'We draw the line in the surrd!" and "This cannot n& A these became the cry for the instant screaming for war and moving of trwps. NOW there was no waffling to be found. The Zionists had Wfltten the Ecnpt for Mr. Bush's speeches (as IS always the prochiure) a long whlle before the fact and action. The movemwt of the troops had been meticulously planned for the prior 18 months (on diagrams and memoranda). The whole maneuver went ex- WINNERS AND L O W actly as plunned according to the written, prepored script. r It was a monumental decision to launch a major war in the midst of the Arab nations, the consequences and ratnifications of which were exlraordinanty farreaching and totally unpredictable. l \ e American cconom was already teeterrge seemed coming on the very bnnk of collapse and other disasters, but ~letelvindifferent about the tremendous cost of such a war inflicted upon the 'Ame6can people--in terms of money and American lives--AND C O ~ N U E S TO BE SO! DOESN'T THAT MAKE ANY O F YOU NERVOUS? L Where was your Congress during this time? Quiet as a little mouse-dickering over budgets and elections and who had participated to the eyes in SkL's. Then--recess! That, loo, was obviously in the preamqSd scri tine Only Bush seemed now the grand comn~ander-in-chief, rnak~ngthe eclslons and calling the shots, while Congress, which ,ALONE by the ~ s r i r u f ? o n& em- f 8.' of powered to declon war, stood spinelessly by, pres~moblysupponing o be&cose President. The prepared speeches and actions were read and ut into ac- tion EXACTLY as directed. The prepared and prearranged 'POL L l' just continued to show all-out support for the insanity. HOW MANY O F YOU COT "POI-LED"? NO, and neither did any others of you-the-public. k ~ l ) l > l T I O ~ SICKENING I. ASI'EO There is another element that has been tacitly ignored by the media. A gigantic new and untapped oil field was "discovered", some lime ago, in a remote area of the Saudi desert. It is one of the lar est accumulations of oil yywhere on the face of the eanh. We gave you all ofthis information prior to thts so please bear with US while we make the point about it. This information has now alw been brought into public projectton by ones who calfirmed same. This one pool gives the Saudis enough oil to keep the pumping golng well into the 22nd century. Although ones have known about its discovery for some tlme. the location and existence has been carefully guarded outside the immultate area so as Despite the tremendbus stakes of who will control the oil in the Middle East, the real and paramount issue of the war.in the Arabian desert is the protection of Israel and maintitiping the m t r o l . o f the world. There arc no 'bones' made over this intent from an source at all.. I n the American Civil War, as in World I, and 11, and the undec a d wars sin&, the numbers of people killed, wounded and maimed are,always much larger and the wars lasl much longer than the trigger insti ators initial1 lead you to believe.. Hundreds of thousands of your young will %ekilled in tlis battk for wntrol--which is exactly the planned intent, dear ones, further,.leaving you defm.seleis and open for take-over.in your own country. This one event has allowed your adminiuratioti to take 'oneman' w d - o f . . y w s g w e m m e n l , military and political arenas through 'Executive Orders', bmu ht into. availability through! ."National Emergency" regulations. : You have e fectively gotten rid of your Constitution and substiluted the New States and the New Constitution under which assumed ac~ions have already taken place. .. . ~ . . .I Thejewi Israel have a REAL problem and one which io constantly growing. There is not placcmenc for the myriad Jews flowing inw I d . They must have land for placement of the brothers who 'thinL' they are coming 'home". 11 is no secret that the Jews of the Zionist Israeli component pans would, like to see the neighboring Arab countries such as Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, etc., de-'. slroyed.and pounded into the sands, as has alread happened to neighboring Lebanon, a oncc prosperous hnd peaceful yuntry. ridiculous alliancc with Assad is just another hopeful buy-off wh~chmay or.may not even. hold long enough Lo count the dead. . : 1 i Of course ou have trouble believing this information fo; you have been carefully guar so that you have no way of obtaining Lh~sinformation of t ~ t h . But. e o see for vourself-there IS informatton or PROOF availableif vD\, stoo" yo&-focus on 6a11-~amesand trivia Ion enough to SEE IT. . ' T H ~ ' o N G ' PUSHING THIS WAR ARE O B V I ~ U S L Y ONES WHO ARE INTERVIEWED AND baf9 NOT OVER THERE IN THE BLOODY LINE OF Then a n NO ELITE over in the mililary. Only two members of all of Coneress even have. close relatives in the sector. The Elite have iust found a way to annihilate the prime future possibility of leaders of merit in ihe minority - - ~ -~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ 1 , ! ' roups--especially the Blacks of your nation. If the group is no! rendered helpkersly lost in Saudi Arabia--the remainder of the prime you* wrll be taken out when the govemment police forces take over the youth in what they will call 'clamp-down' of drugs and gun control. You see, dead is dead is dead. flo PLANS m e n over 5000 "KNOWN" Soviet advisen in hlexico with 60 lo 70 TIIOUSAND tmlned tenurisrs in the Yucoton Peninscrh alone, and there were over 45,000 Noah Koreans in Bqia, California Jive years ago--guess how many HOW--! Most o j these idItmfors have alreadv cmssed over the bonier .. . . - .into -.the United Stoles and have been srdioned in simlegic loccuions, awaiting insfructionsfor the impending "revolution FOR THE FUTURE ". Where are \he government plans for the future--AlTER THIS "SHORT WTTLE SORTIE"? Think again! How can you "affonl' Ihisyw7 How un you 'occupy" a nation over half a world away and d i n to everything you recognize as t p~calliving style? Do you realize that your soldiers are sleeping in,the sand in t&t blazing hot and frigld cold place? m y have been doing so since August--how long can they bear this treatment? Note the obvious distancing of the Israelis fmm this entire scenario-it is noted constantly in your media. They offer no help and yet get billions of dollars in increased funding for all sons of woniirous things. D o you-the-people not question anything? How are L a American forces going to.pcrmancnlly mlccl them from 150 million hostile Arabs? Saudi Anbta will lose control ofits oil and its sovereignty as well--in fact; that has already been m g e d Ulmugh the lntemational Monetary Fund and the ,World. Bank-bolh b m h w of the MoneylBanking Cartel. Tlis will happen, as well, with Kuwait, Iraq, lhc Emirates and the rest of the Atibs. Guess where it will go? Right into the Zionist control thmugh SovieUCutel puppet-masters. Where are your leaders? They .have left you open for invasion on your own there can soil--and it WILL HAPPEN. When? As soon as it is convenient and .. be no resistance. Do ou no( see that even the races are being pitted m e against the other by the drdging up of old cases--causing hatred to rise in the midst of other chaor-dividing you even further apart as a nation? Summed up at its best, it looks pretty seriously negative to any observer's perspective. The press has given all the information to your enenly as to how, where, when, who and why to strike against you as a nation. You have no tuieaion available jmin your government. Your milifag lmops are &y amund the world on a mission for Oil Barons and the pmmolen of One W d Government-THE NEW WORLD ORDER! Your N&md Guani d Resewes arc bases mcntad and lornlly now d r o dispersed lo the same area and the m&ty inejferluol if any domeslie emergency arises-ALL EXACTLY AS LAID FORTfI I N T H E PLANNING. DO NOTDENOUNCE M E OK THE WRITENS OF THIS INFORMATION-COOKAROUND YOU!: DO YOU NOT HAVE THE 'RIGHT' TO KNOW? Doom and Gloom Hatonn? Rrineer of Fear'! 1 suggest you consider what is about to bcfall you if you do not soon confront that which IS.. . ' Allow us 10 close this writing for it grows roo long for adequate digestion , . Wrgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr. uLF-IGF~ , RI?C # I SIJNDAY, JANUAItY 20, 1991 8:05 A.M. TODA y ,$ 8 HATONN 1 YEAR 4.f)AY 157 'm . . In the beauty sf this wondrous day. I come to share. We shall 'balk the path laid forth by Gbd unto our propr growth through His Grace. Hatonn. Ah, the heart rebels against the isolation caused by the attacks upon your person--Dharma, 'tis the way of it, child. Do not become faint of heart for there are others who also bear this task of bringing forth that which IS and they, too. feel abandoned by brothers and neighbors and it i s not theirs to carry thls burden alone-any"more. than- it i s yours: We shall be strong enough and big enough to met. the task for i t i s the promise o f Creator that we be given no more than we can bear. Do not tarry in worry about GG for then is nothing that YOU can do about it save stop the writing. We will lend of GG and Mi and the others if they keep within our shield--YOURS i s to write that which i s given for the awakenin and historical data to be preserved by the written word. The confusion comes N L Y from the CONSCIOIJS MIND--not the receiving pulses. 8 -'and we will treat a l l captives solely by Geneva rules" you proclaim. First you denied [here could be any captives and then you pronounce a whole different scenario to cover the first lies. I r t us consider day before yesterday and what was pronounced just prior to a break for advertising, on CNN. (You must undersland that all reporters o f news and all interiiews on CNN .ars structured from scripts to impact Saddam Hussein and miilead you-the-people. They tell you that fact over and over again.) Just prior to break it 'was announced thai'in the upcoming segment (after break) there would be pictures of Iraqis ,"paradingN captured U.S. prisoners--through the streetr. NEVER AGAIN was i t even mcntionezl, much less, shown. I h e people at the studio greatly erred. However, to fit the story and make you iunour--TODAY came the message that Iranian T.V. had Wen picturer of the Iraqis 'parading' 'blindfolded' U.S. captives in the streets. Well, after much tnterrogalion, so they said, i t was such that nothing could be actually identified, elc. But "parading", etc, i s against t11rGeneva lrealy for trcatmenl of prisoners- ! Then next, in every interview i t is staled that the material is 'for emotional impact on Iraq': Finally, it came through yesterday that pamphlets were dropped along with bombs on the Iraqis lo '...turn the populace against IIusscin". Oh yes, this came from your military leader in the sector! 1 ,: . . 1 ell you, again, that all anchor persons and network owners and managers have instructions to release notbing uncensored nor show any picturw not made available b the government and military as approved., THE MEDIA IS TOT A U Y ( 3 8 0 % ) CONTROLLED! But. you can know what IS GOING ON by that which lhey lie to you about--if you pay attention. . . . . . . .. , .. .. .' 1 j IOT MISSII.ES I N ISRAEL .,. .. . . .In view of 'all the bombing by scids' in Israel, it has become n & h s ~ r yto offer the Israelis mon'wver and protections "to keep them fmm rclaliatton'. So, . lhey tell you Ihat lhey '...are going to.shi in some Patnot missiles for antiScud proccction". . 7hen, within one lour I e are setting up these 'incredibl technical launchers which it will take the lsrae$ weeks O I learn to operate' w h i our mililary personnel and within another hour these 'incredibly technical . . . !aunchersm..are in place and ready for use. . , , 1.. R When that story sim Ly did not fly, they came back and said, 'Well. the system was already i n israer-in are something like this happened!' By the way, I assume you noticed that Eagleburger and the Undersecretary of Defense (adv~sors to the Prestdent) are in Israel!!! Very, very easily. First you pro ram the nlarses and then give them a sloryline conjured to bring a desired ehect. I a t us consider recent days and contradictions which are noticed by only a tiny. tiny few--and later, h e cannot even be sure that they heard what they thought they heard. You see, dp-ups do occur frequently and then again, your own "reason" and 'logic' tell you that what ou are recetving cannot be factual. Pay aliention and wait and within a few a tours to a few days the story will change. TRUTH NEVER CHANGES!!! ' Did you m also marvel that of six Scud missiles which "...were haphazardly launched and poorly targeted', elc., etc.; that death andlor destruction was missing in lsrael? In Tel Aviv alone, one landed in an empty apanmenl '...and must have carried a weak payload because i t did very little damage'. Another landed in the street directly in the middle and blew off the fronts of buildtngs bul no one was injured. The dulhs which did occur were caused by the Israelis themselves, two of which were children who had suffocated in the gas-masks incorrectly fitted. , Dear ones, Scud missiles a n sophist~catedand can be directed through an open doorway (from any type o f Scud launcher) o v q fifteen hundred miles away from target. Does not 'something' smell o f rotten fish in this scenario? Now, this morning comes 'intelligence" information L a t Iraq has '...a1 least I40 more Scuds neatly parked deep underground on movable launch pads-mostly aimed at Israel. Where are the SIX 'perhaps missed in the massave hornbang raids of over 2000 sorties a day'? Oh by the way, the same intelligence source said that Saddam has 'KNOWN nuclear facilit~eswith bombs--also deep underground"! P.S. There have been NO missiles sent lo any Saudi Ara- : 1 ' 8: EXECLfTlVE ORDER 11003 &kes over a l l - r d ~ 9: EXECL'TlVE ORDER 11004 Leker over and 6 1 ( 1 authorities ~ ... //u~rsi,rg U e d as n r 4 ~ 5 ". esfablisirgs new locatiorrs for oooelulio~~s. relo~~Mwn-ds new housinn wdh bl' 10: EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 lukrs over 'rrlarr~l~t~ufcnvuvs. end oublic bian city. l'he Iraqis did knock out a desalinization installation near the Kuvtaiti' . . border. Now, you will also note that the ON1.Y participants on programs such as inlerview programs a~ldLarry King are PRO-WAR personalities who rave at '...the brilliant jih President Bush is doing!" ~ dh= ~~~ Plannrn e c i m e s of in& lrcv EXECUTIVE ORDER ALREADY ACTIVE .. Qf ar4tho1i&g1~&-pllrjhc above odfirr& dy internaional lenston or economtc o r ~ r r u ~ t c i a ~ &is& Ihis morning came the word that an additional 350,000 reserves would be called up. The rame announcement said that this can be done because of the '...signing of the National Emergency order allowing for same.' Dear ones. with the signing of that ONE order, you lost your rights-all of them and I shall prove of it tu you. ~ California--in the heart of In this neighborhood of a t y p i c ~ l ' l o win~Southern 'California oil' go to the Chevron distributor and ask to have, say, a 4 0 0 galIon w k filled with diesel fuel. You will be told that 'the , along with "the MAJOR oil producing companies are on daily A L W A IONS and can not even service their own 'old' customers with full loads and are having to make up short-fall with more expensive week-end deliveries--in sm'aller increments. When asked, 'Why?' you will be told that the 'wmpantes' are on a 'PRODUCT CONTROL PROGRAM AT THE ORDERS O F THE PRESIDENT OF TAE UNITED STATES!' So be it. c ..." , -L" , ASSASSIN,4TED!!!! , m-I,NO ONE i . Remember a few writings back I told, you that already into effe~t.Wereorders making transportation,' food and medical care priority for military? Read on----: , . , -- w . ~skcd'over011 food con4: EXECUTIVE ORDER10999 .i. ! mls hiehw5: EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 ... .dmf~sall crlarrns into work forces u& ., , . vernmenlal 6: ~XECUTIVEORDER ..11001 . 3: gk%,"i%%998 . ' ' ~~ .. suocrvwwn. 7: EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 -mllO .. r- HEAR OR SEFZ Not only are you facing tlisasler in Saudi Ardbia where your Presideat has gone against eve~ythingAmerica stands for to further his New World Order, but lhe Congress of the U.S. doesn't take action of prevention, either. There are a lot of you angty taxpa ing voters out there on the lil~eshut, dear ones, lhe cla~ops are coming down ard and swifily to silence you. Note that the c l a ~ l ~ pare s wining f i r s upon the young who simply do not wish lo go and perish for a political war--men thougll they do not understand the lull ramificalioss or lhc actions under way. 1 tell you right now, that the COMICmNIC?iTlONS M E D I A H A S BEEN TAKEN OVER BY THE ADMINISTRATION! Let us go right down the lrst now, that have become orders through fhe Executive Order now in effect, number 11490. Read them and weep, America. I furthcr tell ou that Lhc Governor of California said this morning: 'The demonstrators will removed by force, if necessary, from the campus of your Slale University. UCLA." The edid has come down, moreover, to 'STOP THE DEMONSTRATIONS AGAINST THE WAR.' 1: EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 fakes over.allo -t 2: EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 lakes over all e te from John F. Kennedy. speaking at Ct>Iunbia office of llre Presideat bs been used lo fumcru edom and before [ M e . I A.IIIST irrfontt TEN DAYS lATER. JOHN F. KENNEIW WAS ! .; ,. I: 1, ', : Stt'ange things have happened, citizens, which might merit some tlmughtful pondering. For half a eenlury, your government has told you that they were the ONLY force standing against world communism, and they have ltlilked hundreds of billions (three trillion alone. lor your current ~nililaryarsenal) Tor 'defense aeainsl the USSR'. Yet, on at least fifteen major occasions n~ade public and dozens never having been made public, the Administration has stepped up and saved that 'evil Em ire' (I believe the Soviet Union was called by your Presidents) when on the e&e of total bankruntcv. It hasbeen YOIIR GOVERNMENT which has stepped7n and bailed them o;t while giving hillioas of dollars into the hands of the corporate Elile. Next, and this has been going on for the past several years, you give the Sovicts two billion dollars worth of "food credits'. You had already bargained tu give them all the grain in storage in your country--finalized at Gorbachev's visit. Now you speak of giving them another 2 billion "food credit". l'here is NO f ~ m dshortage io the Sovirt tlnion, only an inadeqoale method o f distributing it:just as you are headed lor. ~ n yfriends. All the white, there is no cutback In ~ n i l i ~ a buildup ry nor ar1114 forces increax. l'hc armcd forces o f the Sovirl Union are building faster than at any t i n ~ ci n the history o f the nation. You-the-people are told that i t is the "humanit+rian" thing to do. But you notice there i s no Lmanitarian'effort to, say,deduct 50% from the Corlgressional pay increases lo set aside for the humanilarian gifting. Aren't you laxpayers a bll weary of feeding your enemy, housing your enemy and watching your own over 3 tl~illioncitizens go homeless and countless millions actually i n hunger? Why do yo~rnot demand from tho Administration and Congress just what mechanics allow the spending of funds, or rnaking guts of yourpropoly, to feeit or borrse your enemies? The same group o f i n t c r a t i o ~ ~Gangsters at who'l~owhave you involved in Saudi Arabia set up the previous wars involving the Uniled States o f America. And now, your Congress is tltreelquarters i n contml o f the Zionists. The buildup o f troops in Saudi Arabia has left yorlr own homeland totally devoid o f any defense system what-*ever. You have N O con~batready troops remaining i n your !lat ~ o ~ r bot~ndaries al and very few ready reserves--they, too, are moving out as q111clityas the political facade can arrange. !low was the United States o f Anler~caset forth and founded? l a t nle remind you for you, as a nation, have forgotten and abdicated our responsibilities. You, as God's blessed and chosen, were given responsibiities, the exercise o f which w o ~ ~ k t b r i rtnpromisa+blessing ng tothe+thei nations and f a m i l i e w f k earth. l e t US look at just four o f them: be I. You were to provide healing for the sick, the blind, the deaf, and the lame. 2. You were to he God's instrument through which oppression would cease. and prisoners be released. 3. You were to transmit to other nations and peoplcs the benefits o f the righteous Law of God. 4. You were to spread throughout the rest o f the world the knowledge o f the grace and love o f God. You were sent forth and gifted with a nation set above all other nations that yo11 alight rullill our cask as laid forth--further, you were set up and sell1 forth as "caretakers" or the creation as represented i n your wondrous planet. Yd, fro111 tl~rbeginning you allowed the evtl to come w~thinand eat away your very substance. Now you have given away the wondrous gift o f freedom and God ~l blessings into the hands of the manipulators and deceivers. W r a t h f ~ God? Well. God spcaks for xlf hot i f I wcre i n the shoes of the oncs,who allowed this and ahetted the evil in bringing this upon your blessed nation--1 would be most nervous indeed. / You hide your head from Truth and treat facts o f Truth as if they are pison. t.ct us col~s~tler just one irsuc--that o f "RACE". . I I . . Double standards on the question o f Race are now so common they no longer evoke.surprise. Discrimination has become a mortal sin in this age, but call tic perpetrated by anyone, anywhere, and wifh absolute inipunity--as 1o11gar II i s against Caucasians. Whether or not a "thing" is 'deserved" rests solely II~)II the decision o f those making the judgnrent. Before coming again ink1 the saactuary o f Holy God i n HIS kingdom--you will cease this butchering o i hrotl~cr-. . for God recognizes no ra& or color! . . . Look at that which has happened regarding racism. When a white. rnan or wonIan practices his right to be with other :white persolls or desires his 'ou.11 kind', he is immediately labeled as a 'Racist monster'. WII~II practicccl by anyone else, anywhere in the world against the white race; not a singtc orgaltization, be i t Black, Jew, and most churchcs,will condemn it. Is 111isIIIII ninlehow a bit unbalanced? I condemn any inequality practices by any race against that of another--but you o f Earth. hiiman draw sides and actin deploralile riatlners. You have, even as a white race (which is no effort on your own part that you..are pale and another dark) have literally become brain-washed into feeling , g u i l t and allow being s t a m p by smear terms, which are part and parcel u i the psychological (psycho I i I t a l ) warfare whereby millions o f white Ixrsons arc . . . now being i n t i m i d a t 3 Ybu have be-en made prisoners o f your ow11 wli-in, . duced fears. ..ALL o f you, i n all races, allow that which is evil to prevail so as to "...NOT APPEAR PREJUDICED-AGAIN= ANYTHING, Kl(itl'l' OH . WRONG, MORAL OR i M M O R A L A N D SO FORTH.' . , 'Racist', 'anti-Semitic', 'Racial' discrimination', are three o f the worst "smears' used. The are actually never defined, so that the victim bas no way o f defending himselragainst the accusations hurled against him. Instead, most 'brainwashed" people simply assume automatic condemnation withou~trial and refrain from again using whatever . . term brought the blast. ,. Correctly defined, a "mcist" is a person who appmves of their o a r mce; ~vho maintains respect for his own kin, and prefers lo live among his ow11 kind. N does NoTimply hostility of any kind towanlr:othenwho di//cr fmm r1re111. According to this 'correct definition'; what do you find today? most all o f humanity are "racis~'. Yet .,. . ... .. . 8,. The true racist, who loves what he considers 'his own p p l e and cultural uniqueness', is immediately smeared and p m e u t e d for no other reason than that he has the desire to defend his own nalive kin, and who is determilled to follow God's Natural Law according to his own definition o f 'kind' and practice his cultural traditions. A n the traditional Jews, for instance, not "wh~te'? Are the fair-colored Blacks not 'white"? and thus and so? So, what are we of actually speaking to in this discussion? m e man-conjrrred ~maccepfubilit.~ being that which you are in freedom and equality? 1 speak o f this 'thing" grown like a cancer upon your societies which pull you apart in every direction because you have fallen prey to the intent n f exactly that callse. I f I speak the word "Zionisn~"you insta~itlythrust back 'anti-Semite" at C I wl~cnI speak 11ot o f Jews at all. I s i t not intcrcsting that the M o t m o ~ ~ also s are o i t w called Zionists? Do you begin to understand my point? You believe a n y t l ~ i ~Illat ~ g i s fed to you through careful psycl~opoliticalmeans. You are told that the terin Zionist i s "racist" and wrong and. therefore, you arc required lo stop the usage of the term. And yet, the very ones who instigate the requireIII~IIIset up their ow11 organizalions called World Zionrst Organizalio~~ (W.Z.O.) and Zionisl Occupation Government (Z.O.G.), etc., and publicly aanounce hey are Israeli organizations and yet, when another citizen, speaks the term--they are cast down as bigots and racists. This is for, (he sole pufpoy pf causing yo11 to allow the taking over o f your own~govemmeitandplac~ng11 111 the hands o f the ones who began the 'trend" i n the f i r s place. kind, but o f suicidal folly. For, in i g ~ ~ o rtlicse i ~ ~ gfacts, one beco111csall i115truIncnt o f destruction--which of collrx, i s tllc ~II~~III of t l ~ CI!rS WIIO t r i ~ i nyo~t10 Illink ill these patterns. Your leaclrrs and. advisors base policies o f 'reform' (and "ravolulio~~:~ry cl~ange")VI the assi~mptionthat racial differences are "skin deep", that races are potentially equal in mental ability,.ard that belief i n racial differe~~ces exhihits a supriority complex which is shameful and evil--in other words. i t requires self-hatred no niatter what color or creed you bear. I f you cannot set this process being thrust upon you and taking place hclorc your eyes, i t is because you have deliberately shot tl~enrto the t r u ~ l ~ ! A l l rates may be fundanlentally the same intellectually if given the identical set of circt~~nsla~res--but all have differing concepts, needs o f societal traditio~ts and cultural uniqueness. Somehow this is ui~acceptableand causes one who fcvls 'st~lwrior" to crurder all that he considers "inferior'. The facts are that you havz no racts! You do not know, o f that which ou cast 101th--for you are not given (o know differences ingenetic structure wgich gives discernment regarding race. Perhaps i t is not ar you suspect--only Creator is i n discernment in that mauer. You are further inundated by the mass media, as they saturate the gullible public wit11 scientific fraud w h w aim is not that o f compassion f o r others. or a search for Truth, but. for the mongrelization and collectiveness of Maskind. This reduces the individual to a "nolhing' slate o f being which allows for total e~~slavement o f the inultituder. Just prior to the announcement o f his joining lhe Trilalerals and being appo~nted to the CFR, he spent a weekend will1 Bush at Camp David. Does that answer your question? Pay atlention to House Speaker ~ " n iFoley--he and his wife will go to C~III~)' David this very weekend for -.attilude adjust men^". A lot o f leaders are being brought into line. . .. . . ' ..,. 163 Your political and religious leaders refuse to recognize publicly tlrat the worl(lwide campaign against racial dirritnination in the halls o f tradition and justice ~~ist comes from deliberale calculation on the part o f ihc Z i o n i s t / C o t l l ~ ~ ~ ucon1 bine.. whose pin1 i!is to arouse anger rather than reason, and l o i11tla111ei11e Blackand all pebple o f color against the whites, or any other groapi~~g, for lhat matter;. The ultimate end o f eradicating all 'races' and nations o f the worlcl i s i n specific inlent lo bring about the Global Conlrol. I t i s again the nlattcr o f apples and bananas--they are both fruit o f a plant--but they differ. A Black is, at least i n appearance. d~fferen!from a Ca~rasian. Does that make one superior to the other? No, only different., Calling the "White nan' "Oriental" tlixs not change the circumstance or thc fact. I n this matter o f race you ask, "What changed Jcssc Jackson illto a party-line con formist?" 'Race' differences are factual. A man cannot change that w h i c h h e is. uor should he desire to do so for any reasonr:the very uniquenek4.i~a wondrous gift o f Ct.eato(. That which he 1s;-he IS. T o deny Race is to dehy self.. Race is not merely a kind of popular superstition, i t is one o f the most crucial. yet least usderstood subject in your world. It means not equality o f soul--it does represent differences i n physical presentation. T o deny such differences is neither sound nor sane and those who emphasize and press this denial, for the most part, have ulterior nlotives for so doing and usually intend to somehow gain control over the group in point. ? Seven n~onthsago Saddan~Hussein was a heloved friend of your n a t i o o - - w ~ t h i ~ one day he somehow became an Arab Mad-nun! This is a most dangerous thing you ones of Earth have going on herein ibr i t sels you against your l~rotherand these are the most heinous wars ever hro11gl11 forth--race against race. The question of "racisn~' boils down to the fundamental right of all pcoplcs. brown, yellow, black, or white, to preserve themselves, and fit themselves into their natural Cornis o f tradilion, family life-styles, even nations and specific c ~ v ilizations. I t does not preclude equal respect and juslice. l n l c l l e c t ~ ldishonest on the part o f your politicians, educators, and mosl surely the clergy, i s undamental immorality. T o ignore the forces o f race, nation, falllily., and the immense powers o f tradition, history, civilization, and religion, i s lo make oneself guilty, noi only of intellectual d~shoncsly,o f tllc worst IIi s as with the Iraqis and Arabs in general. Seven 111onthsago il was \\'OIIL~IOLIS to be an Iraqi--today the world spits upon the blessed Iraqi and Ar;il~s are shunned and investigated in your own "free" and "beloved" land. kiow t11i11kye the people'! How easily you are duped and trained inlo the.bigoted teacl~i~~gs of your puppet-niasl'ers. , 1 will speak more on the 'Jackson" change at a later tinie forhe is t&e a key'. person as clamps are tighlened around the Black yoi~thbut i t is a clislractor in . . this writing.. .. 1 would have you take notice o f something in1 rtast. 1ierei11. I t i s the Jewish population who scream "anti-Semitism' and against those:who s v a k . out; yet notc, please, it i s the Jews who have moved w~thinthe Zionist culn~re (and the Zionists Khazars are not Jews) who are the nlost racist oF all ~ : ~ c c s . "GOIS" 'l'hcy arc fanatically race conscious--more so than all other races on our globe or in a l l oT l~istory. That, in itself, shoolJ tcll you ll~r truth of the k t s . Yo11 cannot pronounce yourself a "RACE" i f you are nut. Jews are a Race, so to weak--%io~iist Khazars are not. They are o f the lineage o f Mongol, Nordic ant1 K~~ssiaa. REC # I HATONN MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1991 10.46 A.M. ft~rlbcriateres~ingto rlote that it1 'l'al~~iudic Judaism (not Hcbrewisn~o f the Old Tcsta~tient), these ones are taught that they alone are human beings. Isn't i t i~ltcrestingto nolc that the Native Indians o f America were also pronorrtrced fa be non-hrtntae??? Please now, surely you do not think GOD gave fort11 such a beach of lies. The spokesman for the Zionists. Samuel IJntermeyer, most ~nodestlyp ~ i t~tot words in the early '30's. "We are the aristocrats of the world!" Their very religion teaches them that they were made by God to rule the world and that all non-Jews will be their Servants and slaves! D o you act\#ally,belicve that Cod projected such a thing? YEAR 4 DAY 158 I I t is Religion and Nation have become so closely fused with Judaism and 'Lionisol that no one today can say where one ends and the other begins. They are fiercely race conscious for tl~emselveswhile being just as fiercely against race consciousness in the 'goyim'. Goyim being anyone,who i s not JewiShlZionist. 'I'l~is is a very difficttlt subject to discuss in any lnanner what-so-ever because of the psycl~opoliticsinvolved a ~ l dthe repulsive and radical supremacy groups who are heinous in the opposition. These are the very things which Man must rise above to niovc again within ~ h balance c and Truth of God's laws. The=, however. arc the fundamencal differences projected upon you as world citizens to divide and, through division, you as a civilization are captured and lost to freedom. Anyone who controls a. man's thoughts and perceptions,controls the man--and yo11 are there, my friends--you have just proven as a nalion that yo11 are there. You,asa nation. now commit those very acts which you claitn l o disallow. You have beconbe, United Stales o f America, the world's most blatant aggressor. The other nations o f the world no longer spend much lime "laughing" at your ignorance--they now hate you for your villainy and pronounce vou "suckers" and "stuoid idiots" who are controlled bv [hat vcrv thine you claiin to deny. So be it--'if the shoes fit, nly friends, yo; are destined 16 wear them. ACTIONS PRONOUNCE T O T H E WORLD T H A T WHlCtl YOtJ ARE--NOT THE WORDS YOU PROCLAIM. FROM BEHIND T11E GUN! May God have Mercy ~ p o n ' ~ blinded ou lambs who have fallen to the rhetoric and harangue o f the pitppet-masteis. You have been sorely drecivcd as a world civilization and too late you come to see o f it. .. We offer our hands i n support and assistance--but you nlust lake o f them for none shall force another into Tmth--that is a path to be taken for self. Salu. Ilatonn to Itlove to stand-by, please. Good day. .( . $1 I This World War i n which y w find yourself isprimarily a heinoilsly atrocious farce through which to gPin unaional control o f the world p p l e - - w h o ci111- I tinue under the delusion'that the world has not changed. You ve been warned that the stakes would inerase, confusion would be the +e word of ac11 ICW day, terror will be the lactic and lies would be all that is'pmjccted on your me- 1 dia presentations. You have been told this--YO11 ARE ST1l.l. T0I.D 'I'lilS ! RIGHT PROM THE MED1A:ITSELF. '. 'I . . Things are planned to come off,on 'distractw days' involving holidays. Congressional'recessesand Super Bowls. The non-news is so saturated wit11 lies that are totally obvious and the intent i s to cause you-the-people toceaa even watching Ulat which i s given fonh. Meanwhile, all manner of Executive Orders can come into mandate and action and the entire o f the population will likely ' . . miss it. Mr. Foley, for instance, is being programmed wilh and by Mr. Bush th~svery weekend under the facade o f denouncing Iraq for prisoner mistreatment, to bring the House of Reprc~nlalivesunder contml lo back the governntenl clampdown on you-the-people. j ; ; i I , The lies i n the war are so obvious that 1 am embarrassed to hear my informed people pronouncing that which is totally blatant, as even generalized substance. For instance, 1 lold you yesterday morning thal there had been no 'Scud" II~Ssiles aimed and shot at Saudi Arabia. 1 contintte lo tell you the same--THliRE HAS BEEN N O MAJOR ATTACK AGAINST SAUDI ARABIA FROM IRAQ. The entire scenario is given as a show for the world who watches ihe screen like a B-gnde movie. D o you realize the show would no1 even he ralctl as gradc A movie plot material? There was a big and obvious show o f "protecting Israel' with n~issilel a ~ ~ ~ ~ c l ~ already i n place and now to prove how efficient they are YOU have l a ~ ~ r c l ~ e ONLY three missiles over the city in Saudi Arabia. Riyadh. One of the111was so poorly aimed as to fall into the ocean. The other two were launch4 (and they were not Scuds) and then shot down with our 50% failure Patriots. The numbers of pictures representing different missi c destruction were si~uplyp l ~ o tographs o f the same interception from many camera locations. This is w l ~ yevery newscast laid it on very heavily thal '...and now Israel should feel lonrc secure!" But, on the other hand, there have been al least three limes as llvally missiles into Tel Aviv as reported and the ones they SHOWED YOU BY I=ll.kl were not the actual Scud missile explosions caused by Iraq. I' Why? Ikcat~sethe Global World Order and World Controllers are gaining total co~ltrolof the world through the hazy fog and shield of this ridic~llouswar ill whicl~Ilt~ndredso f thousands will be slain. Even Russia is utilizing the cover lo bring all diose nice newly freed countries right back under the iron fist a1111 p r i s o ~shackles. ~ You of Earth are into the beginning o f Armageddonaand yo11 see i t not. You are even fighting in the very place o f Armageddon and still yo11 refuse LO see that which i s colningdown. Iiow inany of you readers have even bothered t o take an atlas or map and REA1.l.Y look at the places under discussion i n these days o f happenings? I-ook to Israel and Jordan and other places around lerusalem and then look lo Riyadh and yes, Dharma (city.inSA) and really SEE! Do ou dl think tllat God would allow his chosen. (israel) truth-bearers to-peris i i n ihe arren deserts of the Middle Fast? Ah, yes. that h whew ihe battle,known as ~ r m g e d d o nshall, rake place for. that is where the andChrist shall be i n fullcsl.measure. So bc i t . 00 not lilsit nor underestin~ateGod, my friends. t Allow 11s closure o f this for i t i s sufficient to finish the current Express under i o r ~ ~ ~ a t t Perhaps i ~ ~ g . laier today we shall have time to discuss a bit of i ~ ~ f o r l n a lion regarding .genetic duplicates and holographiclcellular manifeslation o f new bodies and the tnechanisln of programming; The concept is so simple that I all1 allnost eatbarrased to discuss i t for,.as wilh all things scientific is 'nature",. yo11will find total simplicity. May God walk gently and mercifully with you. through these days of trial, confusion and transition. Salu. Gyeorgos C. Iiatonn, Cindr. UFF-IGFC 'I'UESDAY, JANIJAKY 2'2. 1991 7:53 A.ht. YEAR 4 I I A Y 15\> 'TOlMY'S WA'I'CH Ifatonn present ill the servicc unto lioly Gotl and I~~otherl~ood o f Mall. S.IIII 1 am queried as to whether or not this article or that article 111ightbe i ~ ~ c l u c 111 t~~tl tlle 1:xpres.w~. I ask that you keep bringing tl~esr.things unto my a t l c l ~ t i ItI~III~1~ will do a little c~~rreclive thinking in this il1atfcr. I will write or ask t l ~ i ~ ~ 10 gt sx entered I N T O the document. M y purlwse ill bringiag forth these writit~gsi s 11, bring forth Truih--nothing more and nothing less. .What you do with i t is 1111 I ~ I you. the human, physical participants. I f thcrc are others who writc ant1 publl>h 1 leave i t to the publisher o f the Express what will "go withrlot in tile I:rprlt>s" if i t is not o f my direct choosing. The ones who commit treason against your natiot~are ip the highest rents of government--but YOU put them there and formed a system which giv.es them ultimate power over that which our nation becomes. I shall continue to p u i ~ r t out these things f o i i t im cts l i e journey and the choices taken. I do, 1ro11,ever, wam.jou lo'have gcretion. DO N@I' PUT TIIESB TlllNCS FOKI'II "IN T I l E NAME OF I neither tout action io the form o f cnurder o i ally method what-so-ever nor do 1 advocate actions which will only result ill [he closing down of the writings due to controversial actions of tlte people involved. - - -". Ifdocuments go forth i t MUST always he separated i n message circulars fully stating that i t i s 'something being done by groups about the country and perhnps you would be interested.' We of Illis place have building to do and ' f r t l t l ~111 write. If tlte oublisher finds information. and more and Inore will be co~aine. do that with 'it which the publisher fekls appropriate--DO NOT A'II'Ac~~ SUCH TO OUR WRITINGS. I ADVOCATE YOU RISE AND TAKF'ACT I O N FROM FULLY FUNCT~ONAL~THOUGHTANU~SIG n-0 NOT M O V E OFF O N 'SOME CAUSE" WHICH C A N 0NI.Y STOP OF OUR INTENDED WORK FOR THE WRITING IS ONLY A SMALL POKTION 01' T H A T WHICH IS OUR TASK. The "hfessageJ~IIII Vrreralu ro the. T ~ ~ J /cuJ . I F o n Saudi Arabia', as a for-instance, might well be sharcd but NOT througl~ my docun~cnts. Perhaps if you desire the public have this infor~na~ion, si11111ly lake a whole mailing and send nothing other than copies of material scc~t10 l l ~ e publisher giving support, actions, contradictions--poison pen lctt~-rs.CIL.: \\'li REPRESENT TIIE VOICI:. OF CiOD AN11 THERE SHAI.1. HI! N(YI'I1IN(i WHICH CAN S'L'OP OUR WOKK CiOING OUT FROM WI'I'IIIN. We conie in Truth, i n love and not to "overthrow'. Ours is to build slilbilily , and means for a traasition--not to blast one another with beams and nuclear substance. Ours is not to ask defia~~ce except as one chooses withdn moral sclt. Ihch a111st cl~onseof the journey for self, based upon valid in;formation--we must not turn the blesscd Jo~~rnals and Expresses into fomenting. rcvolut~onary. material. Simply bringing Truth is dangerous in its whole, as y o ~all ~ i have been given to witness and experience. We do not manipulate Truth albeit apparances suggest otherwise; it is simply tliat Truth is so outrageous in these closrng days of chaos that it appears sech. We will continue to tell that Truth as it IS and ones n~ustglean from it that which they will. So be it. :' 1 ! t 1 there is mosl likely to be a horrendorrs nuclear war-FOR YOUR ADMINISTRATION AND PENTAGON ARE CONSIDERING USE OF "TIIE BIG ONE"--IN TIIE VERY NEAR FUTURE. I' i I [ I REPEAT: YOUR ADMINISTRATION AND PENTAGON FULL r INTW a2.A' I2 N u c l.FAR IIYDRO(;EN WEAPONS I N T I I E I!&W_FV TURB! Tl~usz r the war has been based on that which they call PSIKIP Full barrage of false information, emolional hype and incredibl terroristic maneuvers--on I" botlt sides!! Bmthers, you are at war and the ru es of the game are not the sa~neas playing on your eomprrter- "as i/*: t4nssci11has a lo1 of your military men as prisoners and he will place Iheta in strategic sites lo prevent bombing--but it w~llnot do so. Your President, yestcrday, said it will make "no difference" in coalition actions. . . .. The U.S. and hlossad are doing some atrocious things lo have it appear lraq is Iwmbi~~g and destroying lloly sitcs,etc. Come now, the press also says tliat Al.1. incoming misstles are being destroyed by your Palriots--along with lots of Patriot missiles being "technically blown up through error". . AU the leas?, you should realize that every little false demonsIration and misfire of either the Patriot or Tonialiawk missile is over a MILLION DOLLARS EACII. So if you Iat~nclia ~iiissilefor "show and tell" and shoot it down wlth a hrrioc for more "show and tellu--TWO MILLION DOLLARS IN PROPAGANDA. I believe yoti can see how valuable tl~cyfeel the propaganda episodes are im expectation. You call also count on any "suggested altempts to bomb and destroy i.e, the Aswan Ilam, is not helieved that lraq will do so, hut you can be sure it will be e I 11 has been known from onset that Iraq has full nuclear capability and only Illis week it has been made public that they not only have the capability but have the weapons in deep underground protection. We won't even,discu:n strike needs and capabilities against~Rmiaat this~point-ofreference. SIIAMIR A N 1 1 ~I'.AC;l.EBIJRGl?~ I I I3e alert and aware in these coming Jays of heightened military wsfronlalion. Heed that which your Secretary of Slate and your President have said, watcll !lie outlaying of actions (especially the Soviet IJnion) and lhen allow integralton will1 Illat wltich I have brought for your consideralion. I warn you, again, ltrat damaged at the hands of the allies. First the seeds of threats are 11la11lccland then when the actions occur it is imniediately annoltnced that lraq has clone i t . This is the very point of terrorism and you have the head leader t~.rrt~ri,~s c11) YOUR SIDE!!--REMEMBER? , i : I Do you realize that you have a'non-elected person in Israel maktng collinltments for you, in Israel. Eagleburger is simply an 'advisor" to your Presid nt I suggest you watch your own newscasts at the smiling bmtherhood ohv~o~~sly already established long prior to now. IWo will pmtect ihe Pales~irriurtscrud Lebanese? Who is pmlccfing the lirlrccaniansand Lolvians? Well, nothing has changed in m projections unto. you--the Soviet Illlion tloes not yet want a nuclear war. but pmnliw you they will give you a lesa111hryond all lessons if you drop of those bombs -- anywhere. .. ..' Why Camp David every weekend for the president? I told WHY .had further, it q u i r e s constant attention lo keep the participants in control. And, for my local inquiring minds--y, we can work nicely with some of their programmed persons. In many ways it is far easier--you.ones must keep restrai~it and avoid argument or oullay of information for they will expound on thcir own programming plols and not really notieewhat your ~nlentionmight be. It is beyond their capabilily to believe that y w would.bc workin with then) i f yo11 were in opposition to them. Just allow them to talk. and ta k and talk and you will learn information undreamed of for they are programmed .to 'overdo" the . , point in discussion. f ~. Back to nuclear weapons. They are already xtting you up for the kill. They are telling you that you will have smoke 'winler' from burning oil fields, elc. At some point ou will be 'surprised" and Ihe bombing will happen and then yo" will be.tr,dit was the only thing left to do lo prevent the total destruction of the globe'. . .. .. . . You are already being readied--further, you are now being told [hat there is strong opposition and the war a n be very long in duration--EVERY DAY 'I'tlE STORY CHANOES--just like, "No new taxes; read my lips." DUI I tell yo11 right now that the confirmalion is 'leaking' forth from "insiders" as to the intent of ulilization of the nuclear attack, so watch out--when the leaks begin to flow to these "proper* patties, sueh as ones connected hereto--it is i~~iportani to take note! They want the 'word* to go out. Therefore, I suggest yo11 take this under careful consideration for !he information of confirmation has come fro111a most remarkable source very close to the President. himself. O... HANDWRITING ON WAI.I.2 On December 23, 1990, . Richard . Cheney told the international press 111atlie weapons shifts the international muation into a situatio~~ sin~ilnrto tl~atof tL173 (dois anyone remember?), when kissinger vias also directing the actions o i allother American President. would ttof 17rlo orrl an "absolrrtely devastating" chemical o r even rrctclrur ulrack ogninsf 1,nq if war shorrld break out. Cheney further~t~ore defla~edtl~at I'resident l3usl1 "l~asa full-spextrum of weapons.avallable for ltostilities', a (:tct confir~~tcd by the deployment o f nuclear weapons-carrying aircraft carrier groups in tltc I'crsian Gulf region. That's right, they are already 011 board a11tl at ready. Kissinger, o f course, tried to make a strategic asset out o f tlte insa~tcIII~C;II 01 nuclear assault--claiming that i f a head of svatc threatened to do soo~ctlu~lg so Insane, he could back Ids opponcnt down. George Bush fully III~~IIJS1), l ~ i l l ~ i u such strategy and follow-Illrough it' lrecessary. . Further. the Israeli government is at Besh's disposal for detonating a conflict in the region which could also be mslear, or provide an excuse for same. Actually, i t would be set up so that claims could be made to the "remaining" world that so~ttehowtlte Iraqis had accidentally detonated their own weapon(s). 'rltis would sell becaureyou have already been told they 'do not have the expcrtisc capable o f successfully using a nuclear bomb". A high school student can and has, years aEo i n America, built a nuclear bomb as a project--it requires practically no expertise at all. Handling same after creation is a bit different but not unduly diffie~ilt. The triggering incident is fully expected to be Israeli-preciliitaled and the European comnn~nit is getting piepared. Do you not witness thc I:reoch stripping the shelves o f t e markets for preparation while the ~~~~~~11ntent says "no danger!' and arrests ones for "hoarding". Fagleharger is in Israel setting i t up right now! Whilc the BISI a c l n ~ i n i \ t ~ ; t ~ i o continues to insist on unconditional retrcat by Iraq, ihc Kissinger-liokcd it~rscs who wntrol the present Israeli government arc carrying out a series o i provt,c;tlions which could easily lead III the detonatiott of sucl~horrilic o u t c o ~ ~111' ~ c1111clear inlewenlion. i . .. ~ k e m b e r dear , ones. Eagleburger i s directly fro^^^ the Kissinger C o r l x i r ; ~ t i o ~ ~ literally. Does anyone recall the 'China incideat' and 'followup visits" ticli>rr the bodies cooled? There i s nolhing tcw l t e i ~ ~ o lor r ~ s these ones who intc11i1111 wntrol tllc world--nothing! You get no news but even i n England the nuclear threat by the Bush administration garnered banner headlines and continues to do so clay after day. The Cicrtnan press is in constant referral to the threat. ', !,. Now, what do you Americans who are nervous about your sons being killed for oil, think about American first use o f nuclear weapons, with all the allertda~ll wmplicalions with the Soviet.Union? You think this cannot be? Listen up! '~Irroogltoutthe entirety or' the 1')80's, "black' operations run jointly by U.S. and Israeli agents with cla~~desline fun~ling from oil-rich Persian Gulf nations have killed millions o f people worlclwide and subverted American foreign policy. The detailed account of how the Mossad, Israel's secret sewice, worki~tgw i t l ~ an inner circle o f dual-loyalist Washington boreaucrats and with suhscn,icnt CIA oflicials.used laundered Arab b i l l i o ~ ~tos spread i t s covert-ac~ion1iclut111 frolo Panama to Ethiopia i s the most anxiously guartlcd secret i~tlteritcclby the Bush learn from tlte Reagan administration. The Soviet technical advisers are still r i ~ h in t Iraq and full service allention. The potential role that these advisers playwith Iraqi Soviet-supplied wcapollry, as well as the oolitical comolicalions. have been com~letelv.down-davcd ant1 j cci li l~ ~ t There are identified trouble spots where the hlossad and the CIA l a t ~ ~ t c l ~ operations with clandestine Arab financial backing. l'hcse Soviet advisers volunteered to remain i n Iraq, after negotiations betwee~t Moscow and Baghdad were successful i n paving the way for their n l u r n home. Flimsy excuse fed to you-thepeople: '...they choose to stay i n Bqghdad because, at worsl, there 1s more fwd on the Iraqi shelves Ula!~in Soviet citics.' How could that be? Didn't you just give $2 billion tn food to Russia .. . . , (Moscow)? . . I Here we go again: O f course, the use o f nuclear weapons, including such ite~ns in the U.S. arsenal as the neutron bomb, would have bruader implications than 1 , 1 its effect o ~ Soviet t citizens in Iraq. I n fact, even the threat of using nuclear I n Nicaragua and Afghanistan, where Israeli agents were callctl i t 1 by tliu 1;11c William Casey, thea sewing as CIA dirwtor, to supply weapons, t r ; ~ i n i ~ ic~al ~g other support sewices to anti-contmunist resistance rorccs, U.S. strategy was "derailed and frustrated". I n Nicaragua, more than a century o f U.S. rcgional hegemony ended when U N troops were brought in to disartrt the resistance forces and install a coalition governtaeut largely do~tti~~ated by com~tn~~tists. 111 Afghanistan, the p ~ t ~ p a i gonf the mujahidcen freed on^ fighters was s;lli~~tagcd and aborted by Israeli agenu who feared that an allti-co~~~~ttunist victory 1r.tit11d lead to the installation of a fu~tdan~cotalist lsla~nicregime ill this slrili.-tor~~I:H lion. I n Africa, where tnost governrnettts broke (liplomatic relations with isracl ill t l ~ e 1960's. the Mossad re-established a broad spcctraln of i~~flucoce by ~ I I I I I I ~ I ,.., . covert operations, selling arms and training local enforcers from Angola to .. Zaire. (Please refer to TfiMOSSADCONNECTION. a Phoenix Journal.) ' '' '3 ., a part and parcel of the Global 2000 Plan of World Domination--w111cl1 ycnlr President refers to sweetly as peace-building New World Order. ' lsraeli agents have u~lleaslledhorriiying violence and destruction on thedark , . . continent. 'Just last ycat one of the bloodiest civil wars in African history was taking place. The turmoil was triggered by the b y a l repressive tactics taught ' to the Liberian army by lsraeli irislructors brought in at the suggestion of the in- . ' . lluentiai U.S. Embassy. The same scenario is discovered in place after place i r sl~chfar-flungand formerly peaceable nations as Sri Lanka, Rwinda. Sudan and Guatemala. . . . .!. This secret information regarding worldwide covert lsraeli intewention, sponsored by dual-loyalist U.S. national security officials and often financed with money contribuled by wealthy gulf rulers is one of the most important stories of Ihe 1990's. dear ones. and you have yet to note it. Will Congress investigate this? You be the judge--Congress is three-quarters con~pletclycontrolled by the lsraeli Zio~iists--whosepolice are the Mossad. . . , '. : IIERE- NOT O I L NOR DEhfOCRACY. , ' ' .,, ' 8 ., 1 s t us 'l&ve, this, Dharma, as 'there is pressing work oll~erwiseto lie ta~clcd. Keep within our shields, chelas; for the way is indeed tamped full of obsl;~clcs and fraud to.pull you fmm your task. .Remember.that in the ending-God u411s . .. . . and it isn't over until HE does so., Salu., .. ... I ., . . Gyeorgos C,Hatonn, Cnidr., . .:. , Hehind a cltrlain of blackout-secrecy, this clandestine alliance has financed. "black" (oieaning evil--not color) operations and paramilitary ex@itions thal" triggered regional wars and civil strife around the world with millions of v ~ c tims. This is KNOWN within the higher circles of the United Nations. There is "hard doct~mentation"right in the UNls secret files. ?. UFE-IGFC ' I ! - .. I I I IVa~ldarproved a perfect stooge for Casey for, "back home', he referred to King I.'ahd as "Uncle" and he immediately attached himself to Casey in the same niisnner. Arab diplomats have efforted at total security regarding this involve~iie~it--however, as wilh all such evil charades--leak do happen. In recent weeks tliere has been tremendoas oatbursts over the reports of collaboration with U.S. and. lsraeli agents and which ~rltimately triggered !he preynt confrontatio~~.I'leasc. I~owevcr,do not lose sight of the undenied fact that 11 is .. .. I canllot.crpIai11eacl~of thew: poinlr ill detail, friends, for I havc wriltc~~ ill great leng~hs.,in,~riot Joun~alsand 1 have no inte~ilnor 'time' to reput all* rc. peat--1 can only suggest that you gel yoclr,.handson the prior material atid do a bit of homework--I give you nothing wliich you pnnol now g o . l i i r l l ~ ancl I'IIOVE. - It lias also been confirmed, the exislence of deeply hidden Arab-Israeli &re1 service links. They have been traced to the late William Casey. a mosl shadowy wheeler-dealer wbq served as President Reagan's director of CIA unlil his mt1r0t.rin 1987. .. Williani Casey had intimate contact with Saudi financiers, and of course at ihr CIA he inherited close ties with the Mossad. Remember that Casey came lo the CIA fro111 Wall Street. He was a born dral~nakerand he simply merged tbe two. Oneof the first tliings Casey did was to replace the dean of the Arab diploniatic corps wilh a stooge which could manipulated-Prince Bandar bin St~ltan,an inflt~ential~nemberof the Saudi royal clan. major oil centers in Saudi Arabia-in the same mission. : m e poirit, of course, lo blame Httssein and unite tlte wodd. Tbis new thing that has been annou~~ccd yesterday of the people of several of !he Islam nations declaring a Jihad against lraq is propaganda and lolal fabrication. Ft~~lher, you can KNOW tliat ter~urism in the U.S. will in large measure be attributable fo the Mossad in fact. h~rt blonrcd on Amb Iemrists. TIIEXE IS A W0RI.D DObflNATlON AT .YIA KE -W ~ A U O I I TTHESE W A R 2 Saudi Arabia. ~ u w a i t a n dother oil-rich gulf states havd contributed billions and I~illioosof dollars in deep-cover secret funds to worldwide covert operations run jointly by the CIA and the Mossad--mostly since 1981. There have never been and continue to be no plans for lraq to invade S:n~di Arabia. Will illey invade Saudi Arabia--NO! They may, however, \.cry \\.ell set the Saudi oil fields afire, although 1 see ihat the Israelis still intend to do that little trick, instead. Remember the scenario which was planned and I laid iortl~ for ou. Therc 'is planned" an Israeli ~nuaeuverutiltzing lmqi rtrarkerl airciq/! to'drop chemicals on the UN troops in Jly-over and ignite some of rlie ': . ' j : i ., ~. CIIAPTER 24 REC # I I,, HATONN WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23. 1991 8:39 A.M. YEAR 4 D A Y 160 Thank yvo for clearance, H a t o ~ ~prerw~t. n I l3lessings be unto all of you who turn unto God o f Holy Lighted Soclrce and pe. titioe for Truth and sar~ityill this ti111eu l chaos--you inost certainly o\rc t l t i s debt o f service u111oyour prin~c:youtt~who arc ti~lulup as cannon locldcl- I C ~ I all the toys of destruction mas has conjured. ,:: Co~n~nents on the happeuings h i s day become so foolishly ridiculous that I hesitate to allow you to think that I think you readers to be so trite. Itowever, the I ~ i d i l c111ny ~ ~ llot be so trite. ' l l ~ c1xo11le ill our p~~blisher's office continue to get calls from objectors to this Truth we bring. Now I am told that a local letter i n the per rebuts "our" documents I f that is so, friends, lhen 1 would correct a ew items and I further suggest GC write a note to this paper thusly doing' so. P" I:irstty, there i s direct note to "anonymous" material; we are hardly 'anoay~nous" since the mater~albears my own logo and signature o f identificalion along with phone numbers--recently, full quarter page notice and phone number. The material we have raxived i n return, however, bears no labels what-so-ever. I thank, graciously, the perion d i n g in the 'opinion"le1ter for 1 lnost cerlainly agree with this entity. 11 IS a lime o f unlimited and constant support for your loved ones who are pawns and helplus participants i n this fiasco called war! Prav constantlv to God for their ~rotectionand then YOCJ ONF3 GET BUSY A ~ BRINCTHIS D THING TO^ HALT. I JOSH YOIJ NOT--YOUR ADMINISTRATION IS PLANNING O N T H E USE OF T I I E IIYDROGEN AND/OR NEUTRON BOMB IN THE NEAR FUTURE! Further, Iraqi forces are sitting on hundreds o f AirIFuel tipped missiles. lais partic~~lrr bomb explodes above ground at detonation point (completely accurate), forces waves o f 'butane' gas for some mile and a half and then detonates the gas. First. all oxygen i s absorbed, lhen everything i n the path for that diameter is killed by the blast and heat. I n many ways i t is far worse than nuclear detonation but leaves no radiation. This panicular bomb came directly from and thro~lghthe United Slates and West Germany. This i s only ONE o f their arsenal of hideous toys. For ones abo~ttthis vicinity--or anywhere, who strive to believe that we do not support the innocent troops in Saudi Arabia, 1 ask that you avail yourselves of all the information we have produced, take two aspirin and call me i n the ~~lort~ing--with suggestions as to HOW to shut this insanity down--NOW! Your ~overnn~enl has fallen into the hands of vour enemies. Yes. lease. we have irged and urged time upon time--write; call--DEMAND IhHl your elected , , renrrscntatives DO SOhlETHlNG 'rO STOP THIS MADNESS COME UPON I.et me speak of one SIICII weapon, bear with rile, regular readers, for I II;IVC spoken o f i t prior lo this, but this i s a nus st" for information. You rcccntly were enthused and greatly pleased in tile local area to be getting a partial CUII~ trdcl to produce portions o f what is called a 'cluster bomb'. Have you ally idca what that might be? I t i s k i n g used as the prime tip for the air-to-grou~~d illissiles carried by your air f o r m and used on Iraq. The pilots with crews come back i n overwhelming joy at slriking targets. These are pre-computerized i l l i s sites which explode just above ground and scatter other explosive tiplxd (clusters) o f deadly side bursts in every direction for a distance o f a qoartcr to half-mile radius. One such b0111b landing near a scl~oolwould k i l l evcry pcrsoii within that radius. - I relmt that tltc news is geared to thc "new c~notiunalaspect of I l l i s w:~r":I> I;&- beled by your n~edia--youare getting O I accurate news i n atby 111at111er whatsoever--for thc media o f your country i s completely and totally co~~trc)ltcd by the governs~entA N D THEY 1'EI.L. YOU SO, CONSTANTLY. ON Tli1; MONITORS. TIIE WAY TO SUPPORT YOUR TROOPS AND 1.01'6D ONES IN TtIIS DEADI-Y CHARADE IS FOR YOU AT fIO&fE TO l\',lK& UP AND TAKE MEASURES TIfROUCIl YOUR ELECTED OI;FIClAI.S TO A young soldier from the desert wrote me and said he was there to insure the right o f these individuals to have freedom of speech-.. No. that is NOT why 11e is there--he is there to make sure you end up. with N O FREEDOMS A T AI.I., for through Executive Orders and National Emergency- ou have 110 rights remaining, and certainly the young person in the field o f uty HAS LESS! This war is staged and orchestrated to bring about the Global Control by a iew Elite would-be dictators who strive for the "New World Order'. I suggen you all study up on just what thal means--it most certainly does NOT mean an "orderly world". We continue to fight, and die if necessary, f o i the right o f those yo~rag people to grow old i n their chosen careers and watch their families grow i n some semblance o f freedom and Truth--that is M Y PLEDGE UNTO THEM-W H A T MIGHT YOURS BE? These would-be-Kings know exactly thal wl~ich they do--?is only you-the-people who aredeluded. I funher suggest that all ones take a much k l t e r look at that which i s "being circulated' through public channels and THEN, after careful study o f the documenlation, get your contirmation and then consider how many stones might be worthy o f your throwirlg. Y One last point on this particular matter--for what do you pray to this wo~~clrou% Christ God? Do you ask for protection of your own forces i n deference to tile innocent civilians and children who will be slain by these weapons o f destruction? Ciod i s a just God and I recognize not this 'Christian God" to whonl yo^^ ask favors of evil success. I travel with the Christed being whom you await ant1 He is sickened by that which i s done in His Holy name. So be i t . The time i s at hand for coming into Truth and I am sent forth as a precursor and preparer of the way for this very "Christwl hei~ig"that you c1ai111to adore all11 awalt. Whether or not yo11 like to thinkthere are, or are not, whatever silly thing you nlight co~lsidera UFO. 1 an1 among the fleet members who come in service unto illat Cliristed being on his return unto HIS Ki~igdom. I come fonh as Com~nanderof United Federation Fleet of the Inter-Galactic Federation Command. I f you conli~lueto think I jest, I suggest you do some inquiring as to just what are w ~ n eof the things stashed in the hangers at Fdwards Air Force Base! Salu. You of Earth have all but rrached the p i n t of no return and you SHALL NOT.bring your wars and heinous behavior into the Cosmos nor into the spaces o i God o i Truth and Justice. I f you still feel like lau hing at this possibility--1 suggt!st you consider who shall have of the last laugh or you approach the days of Arniagcddon, little sleepy-heads. How did you think HE would wme? Ponder it. ! ' be done in America. No, i t i s part and parcel of l l ~ ewhole agrec~ileolt o r Global World Plan. Do you see, America, what they have done lhis day? lliey locked the banks.in Russta and set low limits on tlie sums which might he witlldrawn and then set up exchange limits and centers wherein the currency i s being exchanged for nice multi-colored paper which .you will find, when i t comes down in the U.S., will match! That good old 'one world currency' you liave been anticipating. When can yp(l expect it? Pretty soon--when things are so hot that no one will dare take notice and, i f they do, there i s naught they can do about it. I suggest no onebc lax about the handling of your 'dollars" for tlley are destined to be written out of existe~-;just as soon as the chaos level i s sufficient to render you helpless.. What is going to happcn in America i s mirror& in Lithuania, M o m w and Latvia. You have allowed your Constitutio~lto be written off and the full government turned into the h.ands of a dictator who111 you call Pnsident--by Executive Order and National Eincrgency. YATCH THE PATRIOTS 'I'llc 111ctliai s illlent t~potlmaking fwls of you and themseives. Let us co~isider the "11on"-attackson Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. Dear ones, the Arabs don't react and continue with what they are doing when the sirens sound because they are not kept ignorant as are you! .They k ~ ~ othat w Ira i s NOT attacking Saudi Arabia--much less, Riyadh. 'nay would, lwwever,%e wise to take some caution for your own forces, under the tutelage of the Mossad (Israel's secret service)), are very apt to blow away half the city in order to blame Saddam. You fire III) one of your own missiles and, hopefully, shoot it down with one of your own missiles and call that an attack. Two mtssiles are filmed in pre-recorded format and shown lo you from every phomgraphic locationvnthc map. The c i t h s o f the city know what i s happening, dear ones;. it is just you-the-people paying for this charade with life and money who are lied to--"in this war of emoiional 'PSI-0P"--as your Pentagon tells you. There i s no 'Holy War" (Jihad) being formed 'with" the coalition, friends--you are dealing with the most ruthless and wealtlly rulers that the world has ever known. The Emir of Kuwait, which yo11 pla~ito replace into the "rightful' government of Kuwait, has 80 wivcs in his harem and untold numbers of black chattel slaves i n his household. I s that the freedo~nand democracy that you ask, your children to fight and die for? I thought not and i t i s past time you-the-people of the lie wake up and look at facts for it i s planned that YOU BE THE NEXT BATCH OF SLAVES--TO YOUR OWN ELITE SLAVE-MASERS. Alr.qdy you produce the 'money" to give unto the world. You pay over a million dollars for every missile-whether it works correctly or is shot "in error'. You are in serious trouble, precio~~s children, and still you see it uot. It i s upon you, this beast of a thousand claws, and you had better read on for I am going to explain about the Russian niolley exchange! Yo11 nice A~~~ericans liave j l l s t given Russia ~ i i c <multi;colored l~ minted currency for l l ~ ~ s s i aexchange--rig111 ll o f f . m r lovely presses. 'The beginning of tlie nioaey exclia~~ge i s 111idcrway--it weasONLY 'THAT YOU TfIOtIGHT i t would ' 1.-speakof missiles. I t appears that your:Patriot missile system failed good old Israel. No, there simply must be enough incidents to cause the *enforcement o i war' and retaliation. You must have sope 'ream' to present to the world, fact or fiction, to blow away half the globe and two-thirds of her population as given fonh in the prophecies. . I t is being carefully set up apd orcheslfiited right this momlnt with Eagleburger and Shamir. as to what the iextslcp~shallbe in the terrorist retaliation. .How M I e r to prouse a world than to commit alrocities ,of-unspeakaMe~uraandkave documents which blatqtly define the culprit as Iraq. The Mossad, dear oncs,.are the terrqrists master-teachers of your world from one wmr to the others. ... When the anti-Christ meets the anti-Christ--the fur d a t h fly, dear world citi"zens, and the Soviets haven't even shown you their toys, as of yet, and i t i s full .' intent on their pafl to ultimatel wip the enti* game while you-wonder what ' and 'Ihey'(meani11g h a p p e d lo Glasnost. ..They to d you 'we will bury u a the U.S.) will sell us the rope tohang them -THEY AVE CHANGED NOT and have had means of gaining control of your government arid your military-without firing a shot! . . r t' I s lhis not dangerous for us the exposers of this information? Not too much so except from your own governmenl--for i t i s well known in most circles who participate and has been for decades. They have simply and effic~entlydece~ved you-the-people. Henry Kissinger and his entourage call the plays 111 overall while Gorbachev i s the Eastern D~rectorand George Bush i s the Western DIrector. Both are not that which they appear. The rungs on up the ladder are Henry Kissinger for Zionism and David Roekefeller'for the Banks and 011interests. Ah, and WHO MIGHT BE HEADING THE SHOW 4ND TELL? I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT BEGIN TO SEE THE POSSIBILITIFS, AND, I r I S VERY & G ! INDEED! How did you think the ending cycle w&ld come about? Would God be sent lo attend lesser than the Big Boy himself! You are 'in it' ... beloved : chiMre11 and the wrtiny, is under way along with the choosing of directions. of We are no threat to the top level players--we are only at risk from those or you deluded people who are the only ones who do not lolow the facts and continue to function in the programmed manner of robotic behaviors. Our im~nedlate purpose is to bring the word of Truth as,commissioned b Higher Authority and prepare passage facilities and that which can be laid fort as foundatio~~for the radianceto come, and, bring a remnant of God's,human species through in order to restructure and continue the 'play'. It is the time of the closing of the cycle for the Planet and as of the midway'point baween the 14th and 15th day of February you will mpve &to & 182.5 of year four of the new calendar of the Ancienls. This means that as o that date you wiU have umcludd the first 3 and 112 years of the important se4ment of timing! It might serve very well lo take special attention unto that which is unfolding about you as related to those rophecies of Revelation. Erekicl, Daniel and others you honor as truth[ringers. i ! . hours." The same with thc masks is Israel, etc What about the hour twclvc? Nobody bothered to tell people they were dead allcr eleven hours--so be it. Is anyone beginning to get a flicker of the show going on for your benefit of total confusion? Those of you who wish to confrr~nthis in this location--just go nlto "Uncle Sam's" outlet in Bakersfield and ask for extra canisters for the gas masks. Patriotic? Oh, beloved brothers, we are so palriotic.for Amer~cathat our vory energy flames with it for you are the Chosen--you ARE the precious crowlt jewel of God and you have forgotten. May the light sh~ne'round about you illat you come into the sceing of it--the remembering of it; for HIS IS the Kirrgilurr~ and the Power and the Glory forever--Anrml i As you tend lo put away the news mafia-outlays from shetr boredom an11 rrhashment of lies--look be ond and really see and hear that which !hey DO give you from which to glean acts. I'crhaps you,can listen with new cars and see with new insight the Trutla u1m11 you. Perhaps you can see and hear that the place you call Israel is Palestine by any name you choose. Israel means 'israel--God's chosen' and has naught whatsoever to do with geographic localion. You will find that the ones who occupied the land of Palestine call themrlves'Jews but are NOT. They collie from the Nordic, Mongol, Russian Uibe of the Khazars who proclaimed themselves Jews but are NOT! ,Theycame,from what is known as the "Thirteenth or, Lost Tribe of ls&l'--they are the anti-Christ: . Furthw, they have infiltrated every fiber of every nation your globe and have taken wntrol of your very own government in the United Slates of Ameria'which was a bksscd and gifted nation Tor God's children to flourish and give guidance to a world already in trouble. 'What have you done with my gifts, oh Israel?" Interesting question, dear ones, what have you done w12h HIS gilts?, / They now tell you that accuracy of air strikes has not been that which they l~ave, given you prior to now and give you endless stupid statements to cover the siories up to now. For lo, they try'loo hard* to deceive and cause their own lies to pour out in foolish wntradict~onand deceit. None shall escopi the clean& and evoi&n of this @ ;I of transition--bur .. consider how you will neasuiu up when corl/mnted by seuond God! I n the closing em-how will YOU mcaJurc up to the commandmentsand dws of God or will you say ou "thought" it was alright to bmak them all? Man has strayedfar qfir but in the endiug shall meet face to face llre TRUTJl und I jrtst osk agoin, HOW DO YOU hfMSURE AGAINST TRUTH AND ACTION? d GAS MASKS . ., I wanted to make a point regarding the facade of the gai marks handed out in places about your world. What are YOU doing? The gas chemicals and bacteriologic substances are invented right in good. old America--so what are YOU doing? All it requires is to have a little 'accident' nearby and you are dead ducks. So, on the yesterday m e of our people went into a place supplying ~llililary"staff". The counter person said funny thing about the% supplies thry send us."..as with the gas masks, fine; they wme w~tha canister but there arc rrplace~nentcanisters and a canister only works for about eleven " NO additio~~al You think there are only a pittance of prisoners in Iraq control? No, and Saddam has su plied picnrresand intentiexvwith dozens of them--YOUR CiOV .ERNME&CHOOSES WHICH PICTURES WOULD BE OUTLAID FOR YOUR CONSUMPTION to bring down the emotional craze of Geneva violations. You are at war, people, and war is ugly unloputrid and vile; you are oot playing a game of chess, for matchsticks--you are about to blow away your planet and civilization! May I, last1 , in this writing, ask you to pray with me. for you have learned only to ask or self and the words from the lips are not attended--1he emotional thrust from thine heart is that which is honored by God in Trulh and response. ! My Spirit and most tloly Source, you are ever present; ever powerful in all things. May your realm be incarnate within me that I Itlay serve I I I ~ relations who falter and suffer this day for in my service shall I be served. .' May your infinite power reveal itself with me, on &th that I reach out beyond self for that which will serve my brother--as it is in the Heavenly Places of your wondrous promise. Give me, please, this day that which I need in order to hive rlrcngtll, discernment, judgment and clarity to serve in the way of your 'l'ruil~ and Light acwrdi~~g to your Laws and within Thine Commandnlents--that I may always act for another and not for self--knowing that as 1,do and , share wit11"other" 1 receive a hundred-fold. . . . . ... - I .. CHAPTER 25 . . . :: ... .. .. .. .: , I.et me, please, recognize iny transgressions and enors, for only then can 1 serve in Truth and forgive all others thcir trdnsgressions and perceivd wrongs against me, in that which 1 have sent fonh and now comes back into my own being. , . , '.', REC #I . . .. ,, I ' , i HATONN , ! ! . FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1991 8:11 A.M. ' l a d me. Father, Inlo Truth and from ttv temprations of self, flesh and personal desires and allow me clarity to recognize Truth from coofusion and always witness beyond that wh~chis presented unto me by Man. 1,ellver me from those errors of chotce and personal ego of humanness that 1 may grow beyond that wh~chbinds me to the Earthly plane and sickens and weakens my very soul. . . . .,, There things I ask, Father, for yours is the realm within &--the temple . ,, blest, and the power and the knowledge forever. Ma I be given t o , l y k . .., into the mirror and see a reflection of you in myself ‘yor that is the Christ son of Tilineself gifted unto me as a fragment of Your Infinite Self. May I be open and giving in services according to thal which you cum~iiand--inevery moment and in every way. Amen. May I be given to walk with Thee in the Power and the Glory and that Knowledge forever that I might be worthy of Thine Radiance upon me. , TODAY'S WATCH May we walk in light, Truth and uildcrstanding within Hid Holy Presence; I an1 Hatonn. . . i Blessings upon the massive flood of t ~ l h f uinformation t which is now springing ; forth upon your senses. I1 is not and never was intended that Truth be brought from a single source and there are now myriads. of ones writing fro111facltlal clocunienlation of lhese things--from your plane of function. Even WE arc no1 ; first in most instances of information outla but man was not ready to we and hear, much less take action in his own be if. I cannot list all the woodrous : publications which would confirm Truth nor would you read them if I so did. However, I do urge you lo read the Journals for we have covered dozens' of , ,facets of information which allow background and unfoldment in s1rh.a inanner i . . as lo allow for understanding of 'how you gol to here" I ><. . L- , Saalome'. I salote you of my brothers upon that Blessad, yet painful, land. We come forth only to serve God In Truth and withln HIS Holy Laws--we are the Hosts come to prepam the way--for Ae went forth and prepand these places for YOU, -- ACCORDING TO HIS PROMISE UNTO YOU! ! I 1 1 YEAR 4 DAY 162 . I !.\ 1 W R ' S WORLD? , Ciyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr. UFF-IGFC . ,,. .,: ,.. .. I I ' Firstly, Ceasar has no world. God h;sLi'wo;ld which m&ni that YOU have a world--anything that "Caesar' or your puppet gwemments and rulers h a v e ~ ~ i s ., STOLEN FROM YOU! . . . . 1 Another thrust at tlte validity of lhese wdtings is that, *God would no1 speuk or parricipafe in such things of M a f l : ~wolld!" Oh, how foolish a co~~ccpl! Cod dwells in His temple within EACH AND EVERY ONE!--REhlEhl- , BER? Cod shall dwell wherein lie chooses and within wherever llis tcalple abides. Are YOU proud of the places in which you lake Cod? Are ye^^ ill every moment pleased with thal which y w cause lluly Cud 10 p a ~ l i r i ( ~ a t r 1'? Are you pleased wilh the thoughlo and actions o l sell which are NEVFH IllDDEN FROM COD? SO BE IT. , RANKERS AND POL' I I I One of the most 'telling' slalemenls was recently made by a public spokesman-"...people are now lumping Bankers in the same corrupt barrel with politicians." And yet you allow the same politicians that have caused you years upOn years of conllc canoons and helplessness to control their antics, to again s51i~t your loved ones off to die in a foreign land for the purpose of flirther enslav~lig 182 I I a world. Is there true logic in Illat wbich you do and allow? You llul only carry these ~mliticiansas nronarchs b~rt ou lay your sons and daughlers upln the altar that they might walk upon their godies instead of in tlre pools of blood. Does that make your hands less bloodied? printing presses right out of Fort Worth, 'l'cxas. Except Cur la~~guagc i t ieprcsenls Unrvcrsal World Currency as will come firrth as swn as you are 811 101.11 chaos and the government can handle the load of exchange and seizure. Mrs. Bush is '...concerned that the children must watch all this war horror on the TV!" Why do you object? This is that which you teach your children from birth! Hut you see, evil likes to hide behind wver-up and hidden curtains so that the truth cannot be dircerned. If you have not read my dissertation on Prychopoli~ics.I request that you do so--immediate1 You imprison ones who demonstrate and s p a k out a ainst war--you label &m non-patriotic. Where in the world.are your minds? &a who speak out to bring your loved ones home from this terrible aggression in behalf of a dictatorlmonarch are labeled 'nonpatriotic"! WHO, ACTUALLY. ARE THE NON-PATRIOTIC ONES? ARE NOT HXJ WHO ALLOW THIS HORRENDOUS TREASON TO BE VISITED UPON YOUR NATION THE NON-PATRIOTS? to seize same would mean t h d they must seize assets of colhleml frurn tlreir own banking Canel. And funher, in a note of human/God relu~ioriship-there would be investment in iMonafion dispersment. I T I S PAST Tl,!lE TO G E T YOUR PREPARATIONS MADE dlyp HIDDEN,l . PERHAPS YOU WILL TAKE NOTE WHEN THE B Why would they not just seize the gold held against the notes? They cal1--l3lJl', One. Rousas Rushdoony said it very well and you might take note: "Politics for the most pan now means promising more and more to the people, while laking more power and wealth from them to concentrate power in the slate. Wars are fought in the name of the people. Modern tyrannies rule in the name of tllc people.' And see and hear this quote from H.L. Mencken: 'No goverlllrlcnt is ever in favor of freedom of the individual. It invariably seeks to litlrit Illat ircedom, if not by overt denial, then by seeking constantly to widcn its own li~rlclions All governments, or course, arc against liberty....Elections arc sort uC advance auctions of stolen goods.' .... w CLOSE You may feel God has no place in the marketplace and yet the pelittons from the masses are: "Help me know what to do with my assets!' and, 'I hear all these terrible things and I see it coming, what shall I do?' Dear ones, if you have asked in sincere intent of response, you will receive response--whether or not you heed the insauctions is of your own choosing. . , PECFSSION? , ' , If you have read the past recent infdrmatidn you will find that' you are 'all but 'had" for that is the full intent--to glean and capture all of everyone's assets. There is full intent to close the banks and reorganize same under the World Banking Cartel guidclinu, confiscalc whal personal asset you have garnered uirder Executive Order and "National Emergency Regulations' and chan e the currcncy into the One World Cunency, etc. The plan is further to w n lscale precious metals-4.e. specifiully gold, from private holdings. They can seize, u der these regulations, all deposit boxes and.contene thereof. They can seize a l assets stored within your homes and so on and so forth-GET YOUR CONFIRMATION; FOR I GIVE YOU TRUTH.AND YOU CAN FIND IT IN THE REGULATIONS AND SI'ATED INTENT OF THE CONTROLLERS. By whatever label you wish to call it--America is in a dismal, disastrous, && which is irreversible! You ore N O T i r ~an TqJlotw~tyn c e s s i o ~ - ~ - ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'C k d I - y o u . w ,depressionary decline The White House and Wall Street have finally acknowledged that you are in a slight recession. The White House, however, maintains that the rccessior~will simply be a typical post-World War I1 down~urn,cxccpt shortcr ant1 ~r~iltlcr, with a recovery well undewry by the second half of '91. lliese are tlre S , I A I B ! PEOPLE who, six months ago, said there worild be no recsssioa ?- n i s is the same Administmtion "Iips" who said you were sesdirrg troops to protect American lives, interests and prevent invasion of Surrdi Arubiu. "Naked Aggressiona would not be tolrmted--"...we will irisrwe retrirri of this little nation lo its rightful mlen!" Funny Ihir~g-$or iliese rulers, yo11 ore oblilrmting Iraq A N D Kuwait. You a n munlering mass nrirftben of ir~rrocerit citizens and destroying every asset of both nolions. l i i s is "...the Ar~turicun Way ",you a n told. Here again I can quote: (Machiavelli): 'But the great ~ n a - Well, you say that I have told you that you can invest in, let us say, the lnstitulc and use gold as collateral for notes agatnr mmcy which can - - - - Indeed I have. for it is one of the last maneuve.rs l see to help you. That action along with Nevada Corporatiom where there is not yet integration with the Fedeml IRS police force. Will it mme? Probably, but each day bought is a da toward survival and protection for the evil-mongers will continue to write-in tieir own protection network of loopholes. On both of these measures you can gait1 ~ofortmtionfrom America Wea Publishers. They can tell you who to contact to get more information. - . I repeat--Russia is a mirror for thai which is headed your way even if there were no war to consider. The money being exchanged right this day is from U.S. NO. UEPRESSIOIN~ jority of mankind is satisfied with appearances, as though they were realities...and they're onen more influenced by things unseen, than by thou: that are. ' I' You are experiencing the accelerating IMPLOSION of America's $14 I'KII: LION (AND GROWING AT BILLIONS PER DAY) debt pyra~r~id.This is totally decimating the banks. S&I.'s, insurance con~panies,real cstale ant1 bo~ld markets--JUST AS PLANNED. 'You are absurd, Hatons, it is ridicalo~rs1ha1 anyone in their right mind would do such a thing!" Ah so--right! This is set 1111 for one purpose-lo bring Global Control unto the Elite Cartcl and OIIC\\'orltl : I)icr;~lnrshiphy the most heinous bei11gs cver.to walk your plane. ' You arc futher entrapped by the Canel Banks getting free of all debts throu 11 bankruptcy and non-requirement of restiiution at any measure. You MUST la& that which they dish out to you for you have lost all your Constitt~tionalrights--. tile Executive Ordercalls in Emergency Regulatioi~sand it becomes mandatory and lawful to do wl~at~ver they will with yovr precious assets--including your very lives. I. , ' I ! ' , I I ' HOW DID THE BANKING MFSS COME T O B a ! boring Rhode Island, where 45 banks and credit unions were forced lo c h p down on January 1.. Point:'At the Bank of .New there arc over' ' . Englandbvalone, FDIC 1 \ V l l l ~ I S $2 billion in deposits over the $1 rn l-rU AISO BANKRUPD. E;LaLDVP FOR THE PUNCfl LINE. this small.the ric~ishAd-er $1 8ILLION in eovern. me . bank.' and losr whhocrt a 100% bailorc %W, considerngibem -ot strwared, doze~lrof dividuals deposited massive amounts of money in the &me bank--representatives of the Bush family assets for one major point in fact. m. ik .. Perhaps it is wollhy of brief repetition for the new readers but I ask that follow~ t pdetails be gathered from prior writings, say, SPIRAI. TO ECONOMIC DISASTER, a Phoenix Joemal. The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleightdf-hand ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin...Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and with a flick of the pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this greht power away fmm them and all great fortunes like yours will disappear: And they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happter world to live in...But if you want to continue to be the slaves of the bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers mntinue to create money and mnlrol cred~t. Hatonn brilliance? No, directly-from quoted malerial fmmS~r-losia Stamp, former president of the BANK O F ENGLAND. - pANK RUNS ; Let me.now tell you 'wh you have very, very little time to tend your ba~~kiily, . ,, . WII;L'come to pas--sooil. and i h y the Eniergency, k c. k i n g. . Regulations , I One of'the most sobering images df tlie 20th' centu9 is that'of a run on lhe bank. Seared into the national c o n s ~ i o u s n e ~the ~ i saeht, the sound; even the ~, smell of fear as panicked customers crobd the teller w~ndowsdemanding their money--there is even a nice ularly showiiHoliday movie, h's o Woiiflf$ul depicting this. ~ 0 1 1 h ~a made 3 dozens of pictures on these subjects. Almost unheard of since the days of the Great Depression, the specter of a run on the bank- is m w w d r o m i n g you-;in iinminfxit sc+uwce. The New England siluation is only a mirror rcflcclion of that which would happch--AND, T H E . GOVERNMENT DOES NOT. 1NTEND.ALLOWING IT T O GO THAT FAR! . j I u, " Your nation, and the world, faces an unprecedented situation in having even your largest banks operating on, or conceivably, over-the-edge of insolvency. The better-informed Americai quietly began moving to cash in 1990 as cviden& by ever increasing numbers of forms to be filed for withdrawals, with an increase in cash held in all 12 months. The growth of currency in circulation 6rew.h an astounding 17% in la@ '90, up from a modest 3 4 % money growl11 In pnor ycan. W c a s h component of the money supply is outside the direct control of the Fed--the Fed simply prints notes to meet the demand for those notes. The increaic,in currency ih ctrculation is a mirror image of the decrease in bank and SdrLdeposits. Thisis being quietly done to hopefi~llydraw no attenlion but the impact is notable and the Global Cmel will no( milch longer 101. erate the outflow. Well, where is this money' oing? Some into money market funds; some into U.S. Treasury paper; some nto foreign government paper--but very little, if any, is goin into the U.S. or foreign STOCK MARKETS or the REAL ESTATE M A R K d . Tens of billions of dollars in leveraged buy-out loans floated by America's largest banks, and backed by you-the-taxpayer, are now coming apart as dozens of huge corporations go bankrupt. Worse news: our own gulde. Moody's Investors Services expects a of 25% o all leveraged buy-out loans (1.RO) lo default. Before it is over--it will be 100%. Your own House Banking Subco~~im~ttee says that most of the nat~on'slargest hanks are now teetering on the brink of insolvency. ? Following a $1 billion bank run, the Bank of New England (Boston), one of America's largest banks with over 513.BILLION in assets. wai declared insolvent and closd on January 6. That was only the beginning-and moreover, ask vo~~rselves WHY THERE WAS A BII.I.ION DOLLAR 'RUN'? Stranne thine. il~ough,is that the Bank of Harlem folded and the government simpl -allows the businessmen and depositors to lose their assets--not so with New ingland-YOU WILI, BAIL IT OUT FOR TIIOSE WEALTHY DEPOSITORS. This was only the tip of the beginning as the dominoes fall according to the plans of thc Elite Glohal Planners. What was the reasoning for such bias+ behavior?, Well, W. Seidman said that ';he decision was made to protect all depbsitors be; cause of the frag~lilyof the New England economy, and worries about neigh- " @ P i 1 , i I Your Fed figures indicate that there were net withdrawals from the banks in 1990 of over $35 billion and an inCrease in cash in circulatio~iof $21 billioo. So, 60% of bank .withdrawals appear to have gone into ,cash. So, people are wising up and expecting a bank run, bankholiday, andlor total ,finalvial crisis. .Wouldn't it be nice if you are M e of these thoughtful cash-holders?' Well, but now looms another bloCkage in ihe maze.-if you have many assets in cash what can you do with it? The Elile Cartel knows what THEY plan t0 do with it! Take away all "large" bills and make you turn them in for other denominations-and they WlLL set upper limits on the exchange (JUST AS THEY ARE DOING THIS VERY DAY IN RUSSIA). Then, when things are totally chaotic and you arc distracted by a little extended war in Saudi Arabia, etc., you will gel a ncw one sprung on you--all currency will be exchanged for these worthless colored notes--just as in Russia today--your notes are all printed too! Just waiting the proper moment and your President continues to tell you that 'things are right on schedule'. Now, it is most viable and totally lawful--and private. Mr. Seidman says the FDIC lost $4 billion in 1990 and will lose $5 bi1lio11i l l 1991--that is blatant insult to your intelligc~lccfor you can sec that i t lubt illat much in the Bank of New England. So, ou are "little' and haven't enough to deal wit11 over $100,000 so you are safe.J No, the FDIC is bankrupt! 'Well then," you say, 'I certainly don't have enough to form a corporation and invest and cover it with gold and nolcs a~ld; or, and, or - - -'. Then what precludes you from joining with others o i your friends, forming a Nevada wrporatioa, pooling assets and putting it into gold with the contracts for amounts worked out within your new corporatioo? There are as many creative ways to manage these things as there are indivicluals OII your globe---legal and workable. I TELL YOU AGAIN: TtlE C;RV&N: TO STOP TIIE -STATE M TIlEY ARE NO?' T h ~ IS s the same President that told you this would be a "short war" and nothing like V~etNam--at onset. Yesterday, he denounced you-the-people, "...who somehow think this will not be a long war!' What is with these "Lips"? It is now your fault that you were 'foolish" enough to believe what you were told. 'They are brainwashing you with the TV and media blitz and preparing you for anythu~gwhich may come down and you will stand forth and procld~~n it "necessary"! GOING TO FIX ANWtfING FOR YOU--TIfEY PLAN TO "FIX YO(l2 How do you know the new currency, etc., will come lo be? Listen-up! It n~usl lf&% cash! They consider all large quantitites of cash to be untaxed and hence fair game for taxation or confiscation, and they wnsider anyone with large amounts of cash a crin~inal.a money launderer, a dmg dealer or all of the above. They ARE PROSECUTING AND JAILING U.S. citizens, stock brokers, win dealers or anyone violating their myriad of cash handlinglreporling requirements or privacy laws. (Ask your banker, accountan1 or attorney.) be ren~embcredthat the governtnent, the Treasury, and the IRS 0 . ~. The ulti111ategoal is to pusb America into acashless w i e t y 'where all hhsac- . , kabkimkingxmxditzard -system. lions are run lhrough hr People wishing to raisentsaislhcasa coming financial crisis should ' NOT violate any of the IRS cash reporting requirements--for if you are caught, they will prosecute and jail ou like any common criminal. It is happening to hundreds of Americans at is writing. .Your bank or S&L WILL REPORT YOU for any violations oq suspicious behavior lest they be jailed themselves. Dear ones, there is no 'perfect way lo avoid that which..is wming" there are;.', only the few ways I give you to perhaps be able to keep something abit longer. d kw There are blalant evidences of this coming currency if you but watch and listen to that which is before ou I) There are denials from high officials and Adminislration sources; 2) is a tremendous quantity of OH, worn out, faded Federal Reserve note? now in chulolion wifhoul mplacemenl. These are usually removed from circulation as the pass through h e banks and rep l a d with new o w . That doesn't seem to ve been happening over the past year. deri and wi&&d&& evenshdv - --- . .. will become roo& your as- 1. less viable &&I . , I loI,l. BIJY REAL FSVATIi!" Oops! That one has already been destroyed as the Resolution 'i'rest Corporation has taken control of what happens to property. You a estate.~pression and propeny grab by the ~i~ bys. Real estate is the achilles heel of the U.S. economy. As it collapses across the country, it's taking with it the banks, S&l.'s, insurance companies, credit unions and pensionfunds. First, the real estate depression struck in Texas, the Southwestern U.S. and Alaska--asmiated initially with that good o!d bug.* boo, OIL. Neat it ran rampant through ihe farm states as far back.as the loid'80's with the onset of +n agricultural depression. Next, in the latter half o i the '80's it moved to the Northeastern U.S., it! the wake of the stock marker crash of '87, where it is now decimating banks, S&L's, and credit unions. Next, it began to spread down the Eastern seaboard, into the Southeast a ~ into ~ d Florida. Now it has jumped, like a wild forest fire out of control, to the weslenl US., (California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii). Over 90% of the U.S. is now in a generalized real estate depression which should last at least, until--who ; knows when, before it worsens. Real estate is caught in the giant downward spiral with the economy, thc banks; the S&L's, insurance companies and accelerating private and corporate bankruptcies.. Each of these areas is feeding on the other. Meanwhile, lending for commercial properties is drying up, and the scarcity of lina~~cing lor real estate purchases can create a vic~ouscycle: illiquidity in the market drives down values; that causes bankers to set up bigger loss reserves; and tl~al ft~rthcr crimps their lending. L If YOU are cone-m "WE[-I.. as tune ogGCeS.' Ones who can qualify for a loan, even in Illis ridiculous lime segment rnusr alllicioate the value inouttcd aeainst the loss at foreclosure or hank closure. DO NOT P U R C H A S E , i HOME, FOR INSTANCE, AS INV~STMENT. 11: YOU CAN INCREASE YOUR LIVING STANDARD IN THE ~NTEKIIvI--'I'~IEN DO SO--&--YOU KNOW 'THAT YOU ARE VERY APT T O I.OSE THE INVESTED FUNDS. YOU MUST STUDY THE SITUATION ON A ONE BY ONE BASIS. For instance, in one instance familiar to the local writers, there is a young family needing to vacate present rental facilities. The oun man is an engineer working toward his Master's de ree and has a fine J. o i wtl.!I the Utilitier system of Los, Angeles. Water ad bower faciliticr will be forever neces- sary and thus he can be considered to have a fairly stable r - - 5 f suqh a thing now exists at all. He can qualify for a morigage at a t the same ex- . pense monthly as the increase i n ~ n t l required l for a move-duc b inwme lax . regulations. His down paymPntcan be balanced out in savings over a period of time against that income tax deduction and if and when the job is lost the forfeiture of the property will be no more than the expense which would have accrued at any rate for increased rental necessities. You must simply look m e fully at indtvidual cascs and make intelligint decisions. The point of the government is to gain control and ownershi of all properly in the u l l i ~ t escenario. All you can do is handle your a l a i t s to extend your assets as far and well as poss~bleagainst that day. In summation of the above points, I can only again urge you lo 'get liquid', get out of debt if you can for whatever you owe on can be captured, reduce all exposure to banks, S&Ls and insurance companies (while you are reducin that involvrment, make sure you are in a qualtty institution), avoid the stocB, and, corporate bond markets; avoid all mone market funds except those in U.S..' Treasury bills, bonds or notes; d r a m a t i d y REDUCE YOUR REAL ESTATE, HOLDING (to a maximum of 25% of your net worth--remembering al?, that. what you owe and own also allow for tracking of You-he Ownu!), andpay down-the Bebkssame iwpssibk; d i s h ascondx!ur~of income for yom family via some son of "cotrage' business corporation; develop food self-suffi2. ciency via gardening. farming OR A RESERVE STORAGE PROGRAM-?:. KEPT PRIVATELY LOCATED, avoid purchases of any ILUQUID investments such as partnerships, real esrace or insurance annutdes; uirc at least one pistol. rifle and shotgun for hunting andlor home protection~evelopthree or four alternate (non-ertablishemcnt) sources of 'information; and, el yourselves into balance with GOD so that you can recclve wisdom, gut&ce and perspective on these incredible times of tramsition--for he who asks in intent of service--shall receive guidance for 'THE CALL COMPELS THE ANSWER*; , I am herein responding to the myriad calls for this information so if you have not asked, please understand that we wrile for a planet with over 6 billion people and you will learn to abide your brother's needs and you loo, may learn !,. from the informalion asked by another. Dharma, allow us closure of this segment for 1 have other work for you to attend in preparation. I ask that this simply be given into the lending of ortiers that you tnay get at. your other task at hand. I ask (hat ones of (he peblishe>:s,. snff give me a status report as to what and where we are in pages fur the present Express. Thank you. , my I move lo stand-by and offer you hand in friendship, (iyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr. United Federalio~,Fleet, Inter-(;&lactic Federation Command 189 ,. . CHAPTER 26 REC XI HATONN S.4TURDAY. JANUARY 26, 1991 9:17 A.M. ? .. EPI-EAS LISTEN TO 'In the beauty of the liliu. Christ was born across the sea. With a glory in His bosom which transfiguru ou and me: ... No! Christ was birthed in the realms of Gcd and that is d c glory which abides within hi= bosom. His manifested body was brought.forlh in a land of dust, Mc and barren plains--tl~ere were no beauteous lilies to decorate of his landscape. He came fonh--not to die FOR YOU. He came forth as a teacher to tell you the way it IS and give yo11 directions--YOU SLEW HIM! :;He later gave the breakdown of how it would come to end, this Cycle of intinile destructton and pulling down of human--IT IS NOW UPON YOU! ' .. . I , ' Hatonn present in thal glory, in the presence of that Radiance--in service unto thal glorious Presence, to remind you of your oullined journey. , You wish times and placesj."who'--with rack--list&-up for it is unfolding before you and most are missing all. ,. . . 1 iI Mq . . . , YEAR 4 DAY 163 , i ) ,I I I , ! I I ! ! I ! 'Wars fought in the dark, between governments both hoping for vklory, are . ' ions =gambling for money. There is not I 'gambles; and they enlist the nme t and destitution, but cven;more prominently ! only avarice, o r more probably there is love of excilement, faith in one's luck, ud ,eagerness to try a system said to work miracles. Such war is barbmus, not only for being cruel and wrathful. but for being hysterical. The herd instinct at work prcduces frenzy in individuals othenvise sane. There is n ~ s ofh a t h w w d hearts in a vague !' cause, simply because it has become the common cause. (George Sa~ttaya~la)' Think upon the words! , I d$" ! SHORT W A ~ .' ". . . .. . . 1 . ;,. I.. i , NO! Whatever happens:with. Iraq; etc., it kill NEYT'be a short war! ~ i s t r nto, i your clues and realize t h a i ' h mua be a fofuslo cause you ones to fail to the slayer without recourse--THERE MUST BE A SEVERA1.-YEARS WAR! i I FURTHER, IT MUST BE HEINOUS!--and so it shall be. ! Why and when? You were bld ihed w&ld.be clu&<lich as when the Eu- ' phrates would be dry; three and a half ears and three and a half years; 11nr: j would come lorth and be proclaimed Israel (not Palestine where ihiZ. I "new' Israel is located) would be in great persecurion and its youth scatlered i afar--oh yes, dear ones, you are IN IT! dad'; .. Pay attention to the no;-news for the clues. On !he 13-14th of February next-; ends the first three and a half years. Yesterday ln the streets of Palestme they proclaimed Arafat a Holy leader and HUSSEIN--GOD! Could it be? I suggest you pay attention most carefully! Now what does it mean from that statenlenI In the liming of war? Some have given you 29 years as a probability worthy of note--it most certainly has not been a "six-day war' thus far. Yesterday was the first attclapt of Saddam to actually even send a Scud into Riyadh and Tel Aviv-and you see,they hit marks in spite of your ridiculous Patnot Missiles. You are only in the very tiny opening of the Pandon's box of evil "strike-back" for all up to now is secforth to get world behind your own evil slavemasters. This is 'PSYCHOPOLITICS' in fine flower, children, and see how well you bite of the poison ties. "They ' actually tell you o nly thl they are lying to you and still you believe the garbage fed you is wort y of goodsess. y ' .' had better be getting very, very nervous, chclas for what is plal~r~cd is l~ci~lot~s and a lot of people are going to get n~airnedand killed. : I want you to especially.pay attention to the defense ca abilities of Iraq: I ask Dharma to co the art~cle ublished this week 111 S&TI.IGHT as . I V ~ Ito Oberli. I wilfiurther remini ou that Ira HAS ATOMIC W E A P O ~ SAND ALL M A NN E R OF .~ous?Ys OF S A ~ E "AS PRESENTED BY YOUR : != ENVIRONMENTAI. DISASTER? Oh, Saddam will clean up that nice big oil slick he has created--where are your. memories? He is going to burn it, chdar! He said he would and he will do so. This day--even if you are not told of same--it has been ignited. You see, dear ones, crude oil nlust be heated to bum and therefore. must have jgnilers. Now. once burning it heats nicely but a bit slowly but wilh steady flow of new fuel source it will bum on forever--intensely with inability of anything to pass through the flames from the surface. This is why the moat around Kuwait . ~ : which will hold burning crude oil is laced with drums of napalm--to instantly . -! ignile the oil trough. Your war has only begun, dear ones-Hell is on1 a breath away and youtum your eyes and ears unto, your leaders who were 'tars from . : the beginning'! You are massively mermpized by the psychopolitical brainwashing of years of stupomus input fromiyour vidtot boxes. It is intended to acco~nplishthis end so that you focus on distractions while your 'red" world comes tumbling down before you and without objection. Soon there will be no objection alluwed! VERY SOON1 . ..., The one man who could upset the scenario was double-crossed and now the play can go forth as planned by the Global Elite. I ask that the writing of 11117190, NOW LOOK AT WEAPONS, be repeated herein Then I suggest you go back and read other porlions of writings wherein I lrave descr~bedthe missile system, etc., in more extensive delail. I SUGG1:S-I' ALL OF YOU READERS STOP THROWING ROCKS AT MY SCRIBE AN13 CO-WORKERS AND START LISTENING, FOR YOU ARE A SET-UI' READY FOR DESTRUCTION--RIGHT IN THE UNITED STATFS OF AMERICA--STARTING WJTH YOUR MILLION TROOPS IN SAUDI ARABIA! BOW LOOK AT WEAPONS Louk at Illat which the U.S. is doing and sending into the Saudi sector. YOII, Quote: Iraqi nlilinry strategists have built , a col~!plcx sys!eln of trench del:cnscx along the Kuwa~t~ border w~th,SaudlArab~a,renllntscent of tl~osc01111111y France at "bloody Verdun' dur~ngWorld War I. "the shall not pass ' French Gen. Henri Pki!ipp Petall> built a serles o trenc and other earthwork defenses along the inlaelous s ~ l i c of ~~t Verdun. Numericall su rior Germall forces hope? to hled tl~el:rcr~d~ army dr at the Ven?un efenses, but the battle contli~uedfor month\ w ~ t h the evenlual loss of a million killed and wounded from both sides. X dYB" Now, 75 years later, military analysts are redicting that son~ethinglike the mass slauahter at Verdun could be remt$in the sandy desert wastes a l o ~ ~ r the SaudiXuwaiti border. After the traeedv of Vietnam. with 55.000 , - - -American dead and thc trau~naof that war slilrcarjsing the natibn pain, the American people are 1101 ready lor the repcat of Verdun, with all its horrors-massive artillery l~arngcs.I~lotrly charges overbarbwrredefcnser, rxlryul~asatlafks by the enemy, etc. BIII this is just what thev will witness'should war break out. ~ ~~ ~ -- ~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ From a variety of sources SPOTLIGHT has ieccd together what A111erica11 President George Bus11, current&.seeking an excuse for war, orders the U.S. m~l~t?ry to i~~vatlc Iraq,occup~edKuwa~l. uoo s will be facing if the administration of First, there i~ a line of r m r wire bucked up b three purcrllrl Ion,> 11 minefields, each of whreh is several hundred y~rdEldeep and ctn~eted~ t ? rI buried anti-personnel and anri-rank mines, which the Iraqi gowrtlrrrc.nr /ice\ obroincdfrom Red China, rhe Sovier U n i o ~and ~ France. / &ween 1he mmne/ieI& arc mi-lank clirches, eut-/I abour 12 to 10 feet wide. h e y were durn with eanh-mowrs otui bid by lruq frorn Japan. . - In these ditches. the Iraqis hove placed 55- alloti dr~ittrsof'dectcllv trcil~r11111 arrd have aioed in CM fmm Krcwd's &f. Oil-luden rankers, read ro be set ablore, u - . n e P0 sef ~ J K X ,r ~ ] i u c ~olf vculing U.S. Marines o&~uwait'sshores. 1 11stucnc a otte ~vutiLIte~~dlt 111 rhe worst man-made envtronmenrul cururtrophe in history. Accordin to British intelli ence sources. behind the "obstacle belt' of oil a ~ u nap&" l lied dirche:, Sesigned to slo~vdown or stop American amor, are lrrcqt ingnrry, dtrg info deep trenches reirlforced wrth concrete-coored wire rr~esh. Iraq reportedly con dellwr the FAEr by airera@-carried bombs or g r ~ i ~ l r d tnis~iles. U.S. forces will also ace Iraq's probable use of poison gas weapons. 7%e Iraqis are known to ue blrstenng agent-type gases, w well as flit, !)role deadly nerve gases. X,. d Thi.sfirst echelon of Iraqi orces is intet&d to finher slow atrocking. rroo s A second eclrelo~~, accor tng ro the Bntrslr sources, IS strung ow in a h e tlmt srarts sowh of Ku~uoirCtty a d ertenrLr wysr-northyea to the Kltwaiti border with Iroq and utends or some distance into Iraq rtseelj: lhis second echelon consists o hrghly mo ile nuchanized armored rtnits and is designed to penerrare and tsnrpr the ortackingforces. is questlonoble y U.S. . r m p s have uclequate protecriw tuccir I!) corri~r~r such weapons. ,ditch the lraqts fun deliwr either by guided mrssrle or errr - It i. l Few milirav, upcpcns would disagree tha~.Ameyican forces, p<iniari[v i111eto w t l y su nor air and now1 power. wll Ivtn a co r o w r o ~ r~ v r r l ilruq. wtho~tthish co,r. They ~ v i l ~ lnor s odisagree that such a victory ~viNnot A ttri~d echelon consists of a c l w r of heavily amwred units nonh of Krr~vait Ctty. It is intended to be used in a coutuerarruck. 6,. ., Finally, funher nonh and on both sides of the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border is a large resenteforce. accordin to ttrc British sources. It is intended as lrurl's prinrary force to defind tlre j a q i homeland m the event that nN of the whcr drfe~tsr~v lines foil. FACE WAI.1. OF FIR6 lra$s.brrr~al leader, ~r&idL'nr Saddam f111s~ein.has mid. -We irre Punamu. AS I END OP QUOTE.. I I have already discussed, at len th the types of cannon capab~lrtyand rnlssrlc has read .and aim$ i have also to!d ou that state-of the artO USo uipment 1s avallade a d P I ~ ~ ~ - - Y CANpwersurvel wet Iraqlance an lnterce NOT H A V E AIR SUPRE$A& FURTHER, ALL OF THESE A B O V E NAMED WEAPONS CAN BE ~ A U N C H E DTO ANYWHERE IN TtlE AREA AT PIN-POINT ACCURACY INCLUDING 'CHEMICAI. A N 0 ATOMIC, TO OVER 5,000 MILES FRO^ ORIGIN. , i IN THE 'OBSTACLE BELT' WTCIIES, WflICfl ARE FILLED WlTIl 7'fIE DRUMS OF NAPALM AND WILL BE FLOWING WITH CRUDE OIL 7'tIE IRA IS WILL TOUCH OFF A WALL OF FIRE BY REMOTE COIV~ROL. T t l l WILL D-OY THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AMERICINABRAMS MI TANKS TARGGT-AC UISflION W A R . WHlCH CANNOT PENETUATE FUMES AND S OKE. f nP III>I ... 1 YOUR WORLD IS I N SGRIOUS.OUS TROUBI-E! IT ,At50 PROVIDES A 'KILLING ZONE' FOR IRA I ARTILLERY, W!llCIl IS I N PLACE BEtllND IRAQ'S FIRST ECHELON F TROOPS. 8 Iraqiforces haw also deployed hundreds of fartfied artillery pieces, ranging front 81-millimeter morran to an awesome arroy of at l e w 300 155-mm howitzers. The hmvitzers. which were largely respomible for decimating Iranian tnfantry ntid armor dirring the efght-year Iran-Iraq War are rhe best in the ~vorld. NEW TYPF. WEAPOY Ira( bus also developed. with Gennan and U.S. technulogy a.nelv ty e ,$ hi X-rrplosiw weapon, which. accorrltng to Pentagon olgcia~s.is c a p a h of defiverm a blast similar to a stnall nuclear erplosion over an area several niles IviJe. Knobvtr as a Ji~el-airu losive, or FAE, it W O U ~be particularly effective ugui~wair bases, oilfie&s or troops in open terrain. ntr bcln~bor nrirstle ~torhrudcontuinr eitlrerpropune gpr or etlrylrt~eoxide. itrititrl r~plosiondisperses tlrc us rn the uir. and a secotul, ti~rre-drluyecl dero~rorionignires rhe niirlure ofj%tl a d aarr, creattng a huge firel~ullu~rrl shock wccve. ,411 This, too, is a reminder of something upon which I wrote extensively III p r ~ o r segments so I shall only briefly remind you and ask that you follow-up for self. You cannot, as Americans, understand that which is happening and you stand slrong for that which you have been 'told', afraid to speak out and appear bigoted or 'against' anything regardless of how heinous the actions. Why? Because you are at the point of open warfare in the form of Psychopolitical actlonh called "brainwashing' and the citizens of a government ~n by rohotoid ~ I I manoids programmed to d o exactly that which they are doing. You have never gotten a "real' answer as to why you are in Saudi Arahia! You get mush and idealistic double-speak but no reasons for the REASONS are lutally unacceplable to you, in concept--but, u time goes onand the brainwashing lies continue, you take sides and come fonh in favor of 'patriotism as conceived by the Elite" and push into war, WAR, WAR!! Why? Because the Global Plan 2000 is closing the Imp--around the world's neck. You are just now looking at the possibilities that some of the ones you considered your "best frientls" are your deadly enemies. The two major malefactors in an American war with Iraq--Israel and the So\*irr IJnion--are already reaping incredible rewards right from you-the-people. lsrael will pick up at least another 15 billion dollars and ou are "giving" to the Sovi~l Union as rapidly as it can be handed out. They, urther, have expllcit plans 111 place for seizing the oil-rich Middle East for themselves--and they actually 'love" Saddam Hussein and will fully share with him after he lwks in thc "winner number". EASY TO Sl'ART WAN T Remember the scenario which I asked you to envision? 'This is o11ly ONIJ o f several already planned and prepared for action. Let us say a group of Palestinian or lraqi terrorists, or a group POSING as Palestinian terrorists, crosses into lsrael from Jordan and perpetrates solne ierrorist act in Israel. The Israelis react by invading Jordan to atlack lhe terrorist President Saddam Hussein moves to aid Jordan. and the IJ.S. recamos. lraoi > ~ - ~- ~ ~ a c ~ s Lmoving i against lraq from ~ a u d Arabia. i ISRAEL (PALESTINE) IS NO FRIENQ ~ Israel, in cooperation with the,Soviet Union, .'is positioning itself to seize the great Saudi Arabian oil.fields in the aflermath of this blood wnfronlation which the Israelis were tolally prepared lo ignik themselves--i tt had becualc necessary (they always have at least four alternative plans for any acwmplisl~ed goal). , You sue, a fcw well-placed fires and detonations has brought the world to deA I I lsrael ~ and offer money and magic weapons and, and, and ad nauseam--and you bite on it like the slarvlng dogs to, a bone. .. . . /. . ~~ While U.S. forces are pinned down by lraqi defenses along the Saudi-Kuwaiti border, Israeli armored forces plunge tl~roeghJordan and deep i11tt1 Saudi Arabia from the west, pushing ultimately to the sea. . . Meanwhile, U S , forces are held back and scvcre!y maulul 11y lraqi dcie~~ses, including their use ofche~nicaland biological warlarc wcalx~ns. :' .. America's current Arab allies on the front lines would quickly pull O I I ~of the fight, considering Israel's attack into Saudi Arabia a farworse danger 1ha11lraq. Let there be no mistake about it. the Israelis of PALESFINE are not friends of the United Skates and have no qualms about killing young American service111en. . , ;. Meanwhile U.S. forces an being horribl ~ u up l and burned up by Iraqi forces, who are still k i n e suoolied and tojned v' the Soviet's more than 3.000 advisers training lraqidn (lie use of sophisticakd Soviet-supplied weapons. Making matters evcn worse. America's supposed Arab allies, such as Egypt and Syria., ; defect from the 'multi-national force" (which they will as soon as t11ey.see Illis, scenario unfolding) due to the Israeli intrusion. The Sovicts now have seocral options or windows.of opportunity. g a ' They have displayed their treachery on two glaring d o n s in recent history at which you can look and see for self. ! : During the Six-Day War of 1967; Israeli Air .and Naval Forces knowingly altacked the American reconnaissance ship, the , in international waters. Thirty-four A m r i w sailors we= s a ~ t ~ and~nmoree then s a hundred others were injund and maimeikfkr being bombed. .machine-gunned, I wrote on this subject should be torpedoed and napalmed. (Perhaps the, included herein). Israeli gunners even their life rafts--you must refresh your memories or find out facts, for were not looking or hearing other than the ball games and missed of the event. . . . .. . .~ : . ;, . . The treachery of the-se ones continued and proof came forth that the Mossad bosses all knew of and parlicipaled in the barracks bombing of the U.S. Marines in Beirut. That was in 0ctober.of 1983-sudy you can remember that little news item. BUT--nothing w a done ~ in either evenl evcn after facts were proven to pin- int there ones and wen after full diilosure ndrmruon of both. Dear ones, t e U.S.A. nation and families, friends and lovers lost 241 young American Marines who were simply blown away. .. ' ! I '. , : ., R" I also told you that the Mossad has an active spy operalion, known af "El', in place in America to steal U.S. secrets and creak clandestine activittes which appear to be acts of others, depending upon WHO is the target for voiding. ~ I I ' As weak as the Soviet Union is internally (ur so you think), its arnly is still numerically superior to the remaining Wester11 forces in all.of Europe--they have never ceased arms buildup or military troops increasing. The Sovlets no loliger need to consider any danger from the NATO forces for YOU tlismac~tledNATO by taking all your people lo Saudi Arabia along with armor and weapons. The Soviets have non-aggression pacts and various peace pacts signed with European NATO countries, particularly Germany and France. Shudder now, for it gels worse and worse. The Soviets now have freed on^ to slove against Iran and its rich oil liclds, which they have long covetd. OR, they could treacherously attack lraq fro111 the rear, seizing lraqi and possibly the Kuwaiti disputed oil fields--but they don't nccd to do that because they are already in control frotn within. Jusl as within the U.S. the have governmenlal contml and a defenseless nation whicl~ is only lefl the n A t o 'occupy" in same manner--through your own police rlcparlments now h i n d by the Soviets in methods and allegiance. This scenario might end with lsrael and the Soviet Union sharing the great Mitidle ~~~t oil fields. m e ~ ~ e ~ i Army c a n is effKtively destroyed, and tllc Suviets win their ultimate victory in their decades-long struggle with tile United States. without firing a shot in anger at U.S. forces. In fact, all the wl~ilctlley i will have been collecting mannnoth sums of money and assistance. Israel realizes the "Zionist dream" of 1;retz Yisracl, with a hammerlock on the Western I World's major producing oil resrrves. "T11e Soviets, already the world's largest oil producer, realize even greaier fortunes aid monopolistic power.from Mid6lc ' Elst oil and achieve their long-wught desirc to be linked by land to the Pers~an Gulf. . . I 1 And the I1.S.. its military wrecked in the Middle East, its economy in a shambles, and its major source of badly needed foreign oil cut off, is no longer a major world power. Congress, completely dominated by the Isqeli lobby, is already in place and on line and will not raise sb much as a whimper in brotest--just as they are conlinually doing before your eyes. The President, already on "their" side a n p . c h trolled by Henry Kissinger and his henchmen, won't so much as challenge the rest~ltingstatus-quo. He will simply go on thc airwaves with his 'Li s" and you will bow and scrape at.his feet on some pretext or another. Then tRe t~lti~nate, the incdia will actually discount all costs hnd deaths and will CONGRATIJLATE ISRAEL ON ITS "STUNNING VICTORY' . . The scenario is to be coordinated with a terrorist carnprrign within your country-it will have a n~ortaleffect on the U.S. dollar, spelling the end of America's leading role in the world's financial community, and economic and civil chaos will reign supreme. But, as it comes down around you, the President will invoke all llxecutive Orders in line with National Emergencies of all sorts and you will come into total enslavement, without recourse. If you STILL miss the point, wait up--it is intended that you, lhe American laxpayer. will also be forced to pay foreign aid to rebuild the devaslated nations is the Middle East! You had better look at this scenario for these are the shoes which will go upon your fret in America for the times to come--planned, orchestrated and under way! Fear-bringer Hatonn? Acccpt it any way you choose and deny it if you will but, in so doing, you only close the final:dmr upon self and nation--it is in your choice--1 but bring the truth as laid forth on the planning tables--already drawn and the action under way. My only service is unto Iloly Father God of Source, Truth-bringer, and Way-shower--to prepare a place for the Highest of the lleavenly realms to come. I, funher, am assigned lo bring a remnanl lllrough the time of chaos and into survival and rebuilding i n transition. No more and no less. No one has to listen nor believe--ours is lo put the truth lo historical record--yours, EACtI, is to do th'rt which you will. Amen. Dhar~na,close this for with the matrrial added as requested, we shall overflow our length limitations. One lag thought--If you ones would cease and desist scattering "yellow' ribbtts about the trees in 'memory' of your dead children and begin to attend unto God in petition with intent of proper cause, you would find miracles happening, dearly beloved. Will you do it? Probably no1 for you are loo busy denying God. Soppon your troops? If you had not allowed their bring sent to that for- eign death field, you would suppon them in your arms and hearts--alivt and livin~their lives with loved ones. Yellow is not the color of God's ar~i~y--ycllow ts the color of chosen wwardiee and surrender unto tlrat cowardice. So l)r it and selah. I ask that you ponder these things for the time is indeed short--bless every ginctl day for there are few remaining in a world as you knew it lo be. The cyclr: i5 all but full and the hour-glass run out! I salute you, who will hear and in your service, and 'give Cod a chance to be heard". I an1 Cyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr. United Federation Fleet Inter-Galactic Federation command WHO MIGHT YOU BE??? CHAPCER 27 REC #2 radar satellires capable nfpiyehg rcp ro rrrrfirr irrro rlrr dcserf sirr~ols,c ~ l c c ~ r r i ~ signal inrercepriorr sutcl rtes capable of eir~-rstl~r~ppiny. crnil ~rrisrileplrtrrrr~< / I , rector satellires cupable of observing tlrc lurrnch of rockerr. HATONN END 01: QUO'CING FROM THIS IIOCUMENT 'fHURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1991 10:28 A.M. YEAR 4 D A Y 164 As the n o d o f material confirmation pours back upon you, i t becomes difficult to cover i t all i n sequence for one thing means much to one and Jdmething - else unto another. We shall simply deal with attention-getting variety. Pleax note that the media presenters o f current events are now i n rebellion at the 'fixul" and fabriwted 'news' and the controls laced upon freed on^ of s l w h and press. Heed their call to you-thepeople or help in this fiasco of flowing through the airwaves. conjured and deceitful dis-mis-inforn~at~on f Dharma, there are some other things which have flowed through which should now he put forth to the public who will take time and effort lo read the malerial. Go through and print the material 'for internal use' regarding what the "Fourth Estate" is saying about air and space. That which is relative to the 'arsenal of ohse~alionequip~nc~lt ...." 1s colllir~nation i n its most blatant, but unsuspecting, forla. I have told you repealrdly about the seriousness o f launching and maintaining the appropriate salcllite equipment. This whole scenario happening in the Middle East proves to all that the satellites having been launched are NOT FUNCTIONAL--THEREFORE YOU NOW HAVE CONFIRMATION T H A T THE RUSSIANS TOOK TtIEh.1 OUT! You don't know where Saddacn has his missiles! The top players io this game may all be in sonbe semblance o f "cahoots' but allow me to ren~indyou that, through blackmail and double-crossing, the players are dead set OI Inakiag the other side quite literally dead. ,And now I am going to require that you pay attention to that which Israel demands of you-the-people t l ~ i sday: (Again. I shall first ask that you type the information from the docenlent, Dharnla, i ~ t l t l then we can analyze i t a bit more in-depth. (This transmission was intempted at this point. 'lhe document referred to idcated that lsrael has requested an additional grant o f $15 I3illinn fmo~the I J S plus $8 nillion from other mernbers o f the "Coalition".) QUOTE: &.v Satellite Could be DeUIZagiWar Top(" REC # I SUNDAY. JANUARY 27. I991 9:3O A.h.1. A rodar spy sutellite capable of seeing through cloud cover and penetrating rhc topje~vfietof the Iraqi desert rnoy be the best buf i r locating hidden Scud mi>- The UPI repons rhar William Burro~vs.author of . k p Black. Space Espionage '. said Fndoy only one such 'Lacrosse' satellire is kno~vn ro be in orbir and it onty passes over the Middle &sf every f i w days. The srory qltotes Burrows as soying 'radar is their only bet there's a clord rover. The problem is, they've got one sarellire and it comes over every colcple of days. ' 7he story jitnher quotes Burrows, 'everybody's always known t ing to 8rul cruise nrissiles and mobile missiles wnr going to be w v di#icul. And it's nrrning our to be w r y dimculr. l?uu's the nature of the gome. nris guy has come rcp with a canwy/rage system to try and thwan our satellires and rhat is wnrerhi~~g we have l i l r d with since the dawn of the space age. ' 7he stofy says rhur among the a r s e ~ofl observcrrion equipment the U.S. has brotcght ro bear on the Iraqi war are photo-reconnoissae sarellires equipped ~ i r hlarge mirrors and infnrred sensors. urremely advanced optical lelescopes believed capuble of photographing objects ccs small as three-inches across, YEAR 4 D A Y 164 TODAY'S WATCH sile lowchers rhat threaten Israel and Suudi Arabia, a space expen said. atd N a t r 0 ~Securily l HATONN Hatonn present in Light. Dharma, thankyou. Firstly. my direct and urgelit request i s that you do nothing whichprevents monitoring that which you call Super Bowl. There is a large incident planned to bring attentio~~ to just how vulnerable you as citizens actually are in this game o f pawns. I1 lvill no1 h m .. There are 'in-house" factions efforting to prevent an incident and at this moment the point o f incident is NOT within the bowl itself. There i s a large alien community in Miami and yet, the terrorists are o f your ow11 r i t i zcnry!!! 'Paid mercenary terrorists', I believe you call them. At any rate, your task is to monitor this afternoon, please. The point o f the incident is, a1 this time, not to damage too many people but rather to unify lhe non-thinking masses into fury and oilrage--theri arc carelully placed rabhle rousers in appro. priate locatio~~s to incite riot and mars hysteria . I t i s a Mossad led and structured incident and will be well structored with inasrive cover-up facade already well in place I t DOES require large m~n~bers of 'security agents and personnel" to cooperate and hence the prol~len~s for these ones are coming from the American "goodly" people. .., Obcrli, allow this document to follow on immediately adjacent to the writing begull on the 24th. I do want it correctly dated however, for 1 am giving infor~nationwhich 1 want noled as to dateline (Sunday, 1127191). . . .. WAR ON 011. SPII.I.? ' , :~.. i way :you go about "...saving a nation?' America, what are you doing? 1 Another clue: 'l'hc Americans are -ding a crew of environnlentalists to stc what can be done about the oil spill--WHY? Because too many of your 'allies" know that you c a u d it! Listen a ain to what Schwarzkopf tells yos--for 11e giver you the exact dale and hour o8the incident! iI ' I 1 How do you have a 'MILITARY ACTION" a ainst an oil spill? That is what Cheney tells you this dav--"We have taken mfilarv action anainst the oil s ~ i l l , delibeiately pirpe~ratatby Saddam Hussein.' ~ u r t i e r ~, t f ~ k o u there l d be-an allied action regarding same? BECAUSE THE ALLlES CAUSED THE OIL SPILL AND IT HAS BACKFIRED!! The heinous act was done lo brine more backing from h e Saudis in both backing by means of morale and financtng. It is a direct action of the Israeli Mossad and you ones had better start listening to truth as it seeps through. 'rhere are clses lo learning truth--and then, await leaks of information through underground routing. Now, ou can simply (alre my word Lhat We monitor every incident through a magniking glass even prior to action; ours is to monitor planning. CI-UES? Oh yes, the 'mouths' are telling you exactly that which has been done--always look for the denials (for no reason) and the cover-up actions and pronouncements. Firstly, 'We must do all to keep the oil from the water reclamation facilities,: and 'booms" are already in place and somehow anticipation of need was present for many months now. Next, the CBS crew is missing for several days as they headed for the Kuwaiti border--they knew' he actions were planned and that they would be restricted from bringtng you the uuth. The media reponws are co~npletelyboggled b the restrictions on the news and confused by the happenings at your own hanJs. Next. listen to the pronouncements being made regarding the oil--' ...the allies had nothing to do with this oil spill--1 repcat, the allies had nothing to do with this oil spill"...this, from your General Schwarzkopf. Next, they tell you that it Itas bees decided that in spite of all other expectations, it will now require a ground assault to route the Iraqis from Kuwait. Schwarzkopf further slates that the oil will make no difference in assault from the sea. Yes it will, because the lraqis will have that crude oil detonated and aflame with a nice airlfuel missile. What happened was that the bombing raids of the past weeks hit several filled tankers locked in offshore in the gulf. Then by bombing them along with the loading docks you have released these niammoth quantities of devastating tar into the water supply, destroying untold quantities of fish and wildlife of all types. It is good politics to blame Iraq but the important fact overlooked is that YOU CANNOT FOOL GOD AND MOTHER NATURE! Remember the old saw: "It is not nice to try and fool Mother Nature!'? When the Israeli Zionists tell the world that 'We have our methods and ways of retaliationm--they mean it! Rut they take any and all dastardly means they choose. Further, is this the , .. By tk way, the Iraqis also gave you the exact date and hour that you did it aild said at the rime and all the while since--that they had nothing to do with the oil spill, that you had bombed the ships and the dock! YOUR WORLD IS AT SELF-DESTRUCT. CITIZENS OF EART11--W1/l@ WILL SEE AND UIXblL! You had best watch Russia with the magnifying glass for your govcrnnlent is now rlling you of the danger recurring fmm them and the loss of power of that good old ally--Gorbachev! The Soviet Union is under total control as in the "bad old days" and they are out to 'get you',and they are openly telling you so. if you could but gel the news through your own censors! But news leaks through if you listen and watch carefully through the eyelear deep sludge of you know what. REMEMBER THE DEATH RAY I DESCRIBED PRIOR TO 'THIS? Let us speak again about that 'Death Ray'. Thew are two sides to such weapmns--not the least of which is that if misdirected it will blind your own troops and yes, your military nit-wits fully plan to use this murderous weapon which is a thousand-fold worse than chemicals-very soon. POOR ARAB INFANTRYMEN ON BOTH SIDFS: their first look at advancing American troops will prove the last one. Behind a smoke screen of denials, the U.S. Army has begun deploying against 11aq the first working (hopefully) ones of the dreaded secrel weapon: a portable laser beam that will destroy the eyesight of ground troops, enemy or ally. The Inentagon has repealed1 denied that it was even experimetlting w ~ t ha battlefield laser'systern rhat bl nds people. But il is now openly touted that there has k n a crash program to perfect such a weapon and now it is available and deployed and thusly--'the ground war can begin". Are any of you feeling a bit sick at this point? God weeps, dear friends, for you are in deep tmuble. ! Your beloved ones have no nolion about these weapons and are totally untra~ned in the use thereof--giving you funher 'proor of the intent ta rid the earth of your troop's presence upon the planet. The laser gun sweeps advancing enemy trwps and all in the adjacent path with a beam intense enough to puncture and destroy their eyeballs -- even wberr they are nor lookinr directly or the light source. Defense Advanced Research Proj ~ t CDARPA), s the Pentagon's leading science unil, has announced that the lirst "trial" tcsting is deployed! SD N A H- 'I.his 'toy', code-named "Project AOC" (Army Optical ~ountermeasuresj,has a nice portable laser unit that "would easily fit into your ordinary station wagon and not be noticed", reports Senior army scientists. T h e research is classified "several grades above top-secret' with threat of death warnings against disclosure. Therefore, disclosure of public nature has been awhile in leaking out. This toy is called the "death-ray laser' and ii has now ?gone to war'. - Since 1987 this has been l o u r mostAfunded, crash project in hopes of beating the enemy to the "goodies . Oops! You see, beloved v laser" md vour m e ones. you continually miss the p o i u 0 oh -r conseye lue-it is to annihilate all penonnel who mig I get in the way of the H u e plan for WotW htnination and you sfm with massive annihihtion of the troops wlto co~ilddefend againsf attack. .. l . l e t 11slook at the mechanism of this 'weapon'. It is made to incinerate a lluman eye. A high-fquency laser gun pulsing 10 joules of beam power 100 times per second will tncinerate a human eye, I can assure you. A joule is a term used to quantify energy. One joule equals 10 million ergs. Ten joules equals the work required lo accelerate a quarter-pound weight to 100 feet per second. This is for information for you who may not know or understatld il 'joule'. AND PANAMA? . Mwqged war? Try this one on for "short" point. President Bush has still 1101 issued an executive order designating Panama as a combat zone during "Operation Just Cause" nor to officially 'oust Noriega". .. By refr r s i n g l e r r f e . . , as a c& .. I - zone. Bush is & riehls and b m r / i r r w e d on comb- U.S. CUWL in which t k ~ ~ in~a econibaf d zone I will to resea&. And, yes, there are prison. ers of war fmm your U.S. ranks in Viet Nam and Korean POW'S In Korea and in Russia. But not lo worry, lor the good old representative who runs your government's drug business i n that sector was just sent as a special atliba$sador to represent the U.S., lo Jordan--1liat would be Kicllard Armitage (I suggeu you get Reau Gritz' book whsh will tell you all about lhis criminal in your systctn). Do you suppole he is looking out aflcr the "drug r~glits*of the U.S. 111 tlic hliddle I!!:? Soaie of the best "hash hish" and !low, cocaine. 1101 to I ~ ~ C I I I I O I ~ opium, comes right fmni the Middle Fast. , n ~ i new s 'solid-slate" compact power generator for the battlefield laser can now be taken into combat on an ordinary little Army jeep and, of course, in helicopters. Let us look at what your belwed Congressional (oh yes, Congress knows--at least the ones in Congress who are controlled by, Zionists) staffers say about this 'They want this i n h u p n and temfying weapon to hit the enemy with the o r e of a shalering surprise. There an psychological and psychopolitical studies indicating that the sudden terror of losing one's eyesight wtll panic troops more quickly than the deadliest gunfire or chemical weapon." machinerr The fact that battlefield use of a blinding laser beam is in violalion of international treaties on the conduct of mililary operations is beside the point, of course. for violations of such treaties'are only valid as objections agmnst your enemy, it would appear. ^Oh, but we would have hear about it if it were true!' No, you would not have heard about it for who would tell you? A fact or two right here might be appropriate: A 30-second mti-war commercial paid for by. the Military Families Support Network, has been refused for airing by all the major networks and by all Cable News Networks. The ones involved in the filming have been refused interv~ewsor further discussiolt regarding lhe matter. HOW "FREE" DO YOU REALLY FEEL? Refore we cover that subject, we are~goingto lalk about: CASUAI. I ES ' IN A'ITACK ON BAGHDAD Your Western news sources e l l you that thcrc is on1 bombing of tnilitary targets, elc. Strange Lings, now proven, that before P.M. local lirne on Jan. 17. there had been a minimum of 15.000 to 20.000 casualties in the attack bv the llnltd Stales--of civilians! NOW'IIOI D YOUR RRWTII. TIlE WESTER^ REGION OF IRAQ W KED HY ISRAFI.(S FI.YIN(; TIIKO(I(;II ! mSYRIAN-w In the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Israel1 forces had, in addllion, shot and killed at least 100 Palestinians in thc early hours of January 17. lsrael~ mililary commanders clamped a total curfew on those areas. AIIAmb residertts are con/ined to their houses, and violators are shot and killed withoitt hesitation. You who wad to prove this can find out by wafching the Ophm Winfrey show of some three days ago when a relative o j a West Bank pemon said these ones aren't even allowed out for food or wder. This. dear ones. oualifies as one of the bieeest ~ n a k c r e s o fPalestinians in the bloob-soaked h;skry of the Israeli occuGtion--and YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE THE MURDERERS ANOTHER 15 BICI.ION DOL.I.ARS IN hlONEY A N D ALREA D Y PAY FOR AIL TH E MII.ITARY A N D "PATKIOI'S~ IN ~ , . THE AREA. If you are under the delusion that a major government could not order its soldiers to stage terrorists raids in an attempt to pre-empt similar attacks from abroad, let me assure you that that is exactly what Israel has done for decado. The result: it ended up as a pariah among nations--a despised Kri~~~ifrcrlsroo (criminal state) torn by compulsive violence. D A M HIJSSEIN WAS S I I m l Ile was definitely surprised by the attack because the Mossad working withis BAGIIDAD misled him--he had been lold that Israel would not be involved in the early attack and that the initial strike would not take placeuntil the 19th. Oh, are you getting nervous that this war is rigged and set up and all sides (except ou) are in the KNOW? Yes, that is exactly that which is happeningright he ore your blinded eyes and deafenedears. So be it, I have tried to alerl you and you simply shmt at my scribes and publishers. So be it, indeed! 1 Tllc background on this incredible coup for the Trilateral Commission and the Ziol~istsga-s back all the way illto the late 1950's--and you would know all this if you had read the Journals--when Iraqi Gen. Karim Kassem seized power fronl King 12aisal. Kassem expelled 16,000 Jewish citizens of Iraq. When Saddan~ lau~lchedhis war against Iran in 1980. at the urging of the United Stales, he was told by U.S. officials that he would win U.S. support only if he readmitted those expelled 22 years earlier, which be did. It was from this group that Saddant formed an intelligence network, which purpsely misled him about the date of the planned attack and the Israeli participaIkon. You see, it ends up, dear friends, -that Saddam is the one showing restraint it1 not totally destroying Israel in relaliation, not dear, sweet Shamir. Truth hurts a bit, perhaps? Yes, you will be seeing a lot of terrorism--again, mostly set up and orchestrated right through your own system with instructions by Mossad trainers for most beatttcous in~pacton your senses. Why? To allow for the next slep in counterterrorist strategy set up by your ad nlinistration--(be so-called "decapitation strikesm--that is, the assassination of /oreign leallcts wlro sccppoct or encoumge anti-U.S. violence. ?his will bt. spearlreadcd by the Bush adminislmtion's countertemrists--you see, this is WllY nN the deaials that you are out to kill Saddam. 77tcre is an internutional law against assassination 01 the enemy leader-there is no Iuw against assassinution of term~ist.leaders!!! Under a secret (always secret) White House contingency plan, small U.S. colnc~,aado teams will follow the tactics of Israel's notorious hit squads to "immobilize" (ofticialew for 'm~~rde'r*) key figures linked to Middle Eastern violence and war in general. 8111you must remember--Saddam is not a target for you must have the man alive lest [he war fold--so your great proleclors are prolaling none other than Saddan~Hussein lo keep him nicely alive and well. . . 205 SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE AND THR O A N D m Your government is secretly aiding and abetting the same terrorist tact~csha^ IS condemned in public. State-of-the-art security technology offers you the best weapons against alien saboteurs and raiders, not murder missions. and lhe I ' m tagon is up to its neck in the show-and-tell. You have every type of surveillance technology available to keep tabs on, and command through, the terrorists. As an example, today's hidden microphones in are multi-functional for, powered by 111icro-mini lithium cells, they tr;l~~sc~~it encrypted bursts, making interception or interferenee just about ie~possibte. Wc have this technology atlachcd to this very location in several places-.to the COIII' puler, the' answeling nuchine, even the light switches.. I don't mean ihal 'we g 'place the devices , I mean that 'evaylhing in this locallon is monitored by several sources'. We simply a n not in any way involved in subversive nor anti,... anything activities--we j u s brin the truth andjay it out for you and saggesl you go get the proof for it will be wnd available in proper resource material. We do try to slow up the flow back to source so as to assure as much safety as possible... . B At Fort Meade, Maryland (and elsewhere--but this installation is most visible), the giant satellite dishes and supercomputers of the National Security Agency routinely listen in on the phone calls and message traffic of every fore~gn diplomatic and commercial outpst in America. Another advancing. technology, known as Access Control Encryplion (ACE), has revolutionized building security procedures. To control admission to a protected facility, employees are ~uuedcards that contain a sub-miniaturz. wafer-thin lithium baltery.' Looking like the usual credit cards, these plastic devices function like tiny security computers. It is just about impossible to use them in any manner that is not spenfically authorized. But, you must know something disquieting-even though these security devices are available and working--in key areas..bureaueratie infighting, political interference-and tlie ubiquitour influence of Ismeli counter-lemrisl advisers tIAS llALTEU 711E PROGRESS OF SUCH DEVICES. YOU ARE NO SAFER TOI3AY AND WHY I>IIlCONGRIISS CI.AIM TO VCtI'Ii I:OR WA112 You are no better protected today than a decade ago--all the increased intelligence a ~ ~ security d is simply hoopla to aid the psycl~opoliticalpropaganda. 'Illere IS a new instrument for scree~~ing baggage and passengers; i t combines $0 ~ a l l r dil~olecularinterrogation with an artificial intelligence col~lputer--bid it is nut being ii~adeavttiloble until ut least 1993! 11 is a pati o j the planned control of (Ire inasses AFIER 111epopulation comes under government andpolice c o ~ ~ l m l . They claim it was a rpLe for ~ea&!! "The only way to prevent war i s to iorce Saddam to realize we are prepared for war!" the resolution reads. Oops, guess the overlooked something, again. They also claim that "...we don't want to unlerrnine the foundation o f the New World Order". Peacc? New World Order? Now, you shall never again lrave either!! So, rill yuir /rave lerrorisin? Irrdead you will! i s easily conqucrcd Ideology, especially false ideology f i ~ rpuhlic consat~~plion. by money deals. OIIDS A N D END.$ .. When il comes to making money. the government o f lsrael never lets a little s Iran's placc as thc Mtde;~sl ideology interfere. So it i s that Red China h ~ taka1 ministate's most important clandestine arms custonler. Sweat, sweat--remember what I have told you about the ending and China? I:or yo18 wlw 811igltt be concertwl alw~ctthe welfare of the llush lbys, yleasc relax. Bill Walters, Neil Bush's partner i n the f a i l 4 Silverado S&L, depositul over $20 MILI.ION i n a British offshore bank before filing for bankruptcr. ,I!e defaulted on $100 million i n loans from that failed Denver Lrift. Oh we I, 1115 ot~lyco5ting you-thepeople a bit over a BII.I.ION DOLLARS for that one little sllp.ul~but rest well, for Neil will split that little nest-egg at least 50-50. This comes even as lsrael protests the sale of Chinese ballistic ~aissileslo Saudi Arabia, wupled wi.h threats to destroy the n~issilesunless they are removed. That threat is currently beilig held i n abeyance pending the outcome of Presiderlt Bush's military adventures in the region, aided and abetted by irael's direct, but secret, involvement. I t i s your own fault, they will tell you--it must be your fault that all these institations Lave failed for you are, the ones,paying the debt. N o wonder "they' are wealthy i d you are not--Far-West Savings ranks among the largest lhrrfis i n Soutl~r.rnCalifornia. I t is owned by the fabulously wealthy Canadian k l i b e r g brothels (we have written extensively about these brothers). G d old U.S.A. taxpayers--over $500 million this failure will cost you but the klzberg's won't pay a dilne. The absence o f diplomatic relations between Red China and lsrael has beell no bar to an export business that has been worth billions of dollars to the Zionist state over the past few years--it has even assisted in keeping the operation under cover. And what o i Columbia Savings? Now the "great pretenders" are suggcstil~g 'open ended funding" for these failures because there is no way to begin to estimate costs involved. IS G UN CONTHOI. A SERIOUS MATTER? There arc over a hundrul joitlt venturcs with the giant Asian dictatorsllip now under negotiation andlor under way and functional, from agriculture l o textiles and chemicals. The Reds are most anxious to benefit from Israel's scientific expertise---and just where docs lsrael get its money for these expenditures and all this (ethnical expertise? I tl~oughtyou n ~ i g l insight ~t bettcr undrrstatuli~lgi f we point out--from your ptxketbook! . . Of coerst--it is YOUR gun which is controlled. AGS Angeles inan was coal. victed o f selling over 1,000 guns illegally to gang men~bers--gunsthat showed up at nunlerous crime scenes (no way to count the unfound ones) and he was given a year's sentence with lime off for incarceration prior Lo c o ~ ~ v i c l iand o l ~a portion o f the sentence allocated to probatiot~. Thc gangs and young drug dealers have k n intentionally armed for polilicai purposes--and, when the arm o f force comes down there-will be the bloodiest battle in your streets with the children's blood running in the gutters. Several ~lli~lority groups, but most especially the black, will lose a whole gcncralion to llle druglgat~gwars and the nlilitary operations under way. Business has been previously conducted allnost exclusively lhrough third parties b a d i n Hong Kong, Singapore and Western Europe. Dulrltny companies and "cutouts' would be set up to handle the paperwork, and Jews with foretgr~passports would be used to travel to (Red) China for nleetings with governc~~cnl oflicials. , Hundreds o f Israeli technicians are working in Red China at all rimes. t:ren telephone links, set up two years ago without any press notice from either P'ki~~gor Tel Aviv, are available to ease contacts and reduce the need for tlong Kong offices o f Israeli trading companies. the southern army i n Mexico is being well-outfitted at your own expense--cyclecl, of course, through all this direct aid to Israel. Check i n it, AnkricaLSaul ~iwnberg,a multi-millionaire who% specialty i s .arms, and David Auxhaum, a Canloa-based Anterican commercial lawyer, are two o f the very biggest names in lsraeli-Red Chittese trade. However. the most well-k~tow~l regular travelers and business personalities are, o f course. Henry Kissinger, Faglcbcrgcr and Scowcroft. Dharma, go please, as we move on towards time for the pre-game broadcasl, and I want you there from beginning lo end for the intent is now chanelng cvcry ten minutes as last minute plans are be~ngthwarted and alternatives insertecl--1 shall be very busy for a whtle so will keep frequency silence unless SIII~IIIOIIC~ Thank you, chela--you may as well go enjoy the ball game. Israel's expertise lay i n upgrading outdated weapons--just what the People's L.tberation Army needed. Sitbs~uentlythe Israelis agreed to upgrade Red China's Soviet-made T-69 tanks with a 105-mm gun origtnally manufactured b the state-owned Israel Military Industries (IMI) under llcense from the &&&DnI~~ance Factory. :I , Hatonn to stand-by status. Saalome' d Other 'spdales' done for the Red Chinese include nightfighting devices, laser sights, fire-control systems and new add-on armor protection. The provision by Israel o f tuagsten-headed shells capahle o f penetrating the frontal armor o f Soviet T-72 tanks also comes into the picture. By the way, Atncrica, these are now on aN the tanks which are hidden across your sourhern border in Mexico, poised and waiting onicn to move into the U.S. The iiraelis have also.soldlhhdChinese umedl-60-mm hypewelocity guns suitable for mounting on armored vehicles or for lowing--these, loo, arc tilcked away i n the Mexican border installations. Strange lhing here. there was a canceled Israeli contract i n which I A l (Israel Aircraft Industries), a slate-owned cottglomerale, received mul~i-millionso f dollars from you U.S. taxpayets wherein you poured the funds i n like water to the l a v i project before cancellation. And now, following cancellation, this sante I A I is i n joint venture (with that technology and equipment) with Red China lo finish develo ing a rtcw and incredibly advanced combat aircraft. (Lavi i s L e project labe!) More hy-lhe-way: Yitzhak Rabin, former Israeli defense minister, coopcrated in the field of ground-to-ground missiles, an advanced version o f the CSS-2 internlediate.range missile Red China recently delivered to Saudi Arabia. Prool? You want proof? Well, read on i n d you will certainly get some confirlnatinn o f possibilities: Red China actually got in trouble with. i t s clandestine trading partner just months ago when it copied the famous Israeli Uzi n~acltine gun--withottt \license or permission ftom Israel. Then the colors showed throegh in transforming briliiancc--they 'SU# the Red Chinese dealer, Norinco, the giant arms maker charged with the Uzi'NO-NO". The funny parl't Norinco i s Israel's principal partner ill the defmse.and weapons sector. Both panies seeni io be thriving on this new lovc-affair and, in the meanwhile, ,.. . CHAPTER 28 KEC # I stopped for interrogation. A l l that was found aboard were m n e nice CIA agents (running a "secret' mission o f seek, search and lie). Now, the tlli~igthat saved the day was that this incident WAS REPORTED and, sit~cethere were also Israeli nationals aboard, the fear of discovery became a real point in que$ tion. If, indeed, an horrific incidcnt was perpetrated anal the MossadICIA were caught dead to. rights--it would destroy all future terrorist actions. So. i n the delay awaiting the game ending, the 'terrorist plants' were discovered and lhc plan had to be dismantled. The boat was delayed in the interrogation and "checking' to the point the time o f planned incident passed. HATONN MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1991 9:19 A.M. YEAR4 D A Y 165 TODAY'S WATCU I{ato~inpresent and very happy, indeed, to be finding all o f you still present and accou~~ted for. l a t me tell you what to look for i n yesterday's planning which will give you confirmation of truth of planned events which did not come off fur various and sundry reasons. , The original plans for Super Sunday events began to fold when THE key boat wl11c11would launch a missile into the area o f the Tampa Bowl was discovered-quite accidentally. First l will have to give you the plans and h e n i t will make more sense as to that which 'didn't" happen. From onset o f planning for events therc was disagreement among the 'powers-that-be". , , As a portion o f confirmation you can KNOW there were plans because at least two decoy hclicoptcrs identical to the one in which the Bushs arrived back in Washington (from their 'refuel" trip to Camp David) were utilized--fooling everyone awaiting lheir arrival. ; i You ones might well watch "60Minutes" again, wherein the fernier lraqi prisoners released to Iran i n the recent agreement, spoke. Even tlie pliysicia~iin charge and the 'recoverin ' prisoocrs can't wait to heal to gct to war-AGAINST THE U.S.!!! T ere were several, including the physicianlsurgco~i, who KNEW there was collusion between Saddarn and the U.S. but blame the U.S. for the entire aggression. I t is not "love o f Husseis'--it is deadly "hate" o f the U.S. 1 In addition, you had best watch tl~c.Russiansmosient by mome~lt--theyarc gel- ling ready lo do-you-in! Your leaders are going to get some sl~iilesfor the yrcss and some ve explicit instructions for 'or-else" management o f this circullistance i n whic you find selves. X Firstly, there i s so incredibly much money exchanged and riding on the oulconle o f the Sitper Bowl from betting that i t was decided that the game would not be interrupted in the bowl itself or until after the score would be decided. This was in deference to your criminal community. JiUMANOID ROBOTOIDSIRNA. DNA DOURI.FS But. there was to be an incident of "near miss" during the half-time with all the children present on the field. A most u~iwillingIraq1 perwould be given a b dropped by rental plane with ~ h u t e whlch , would not open, dud b u t ~ ~and onto the field. This person would come equ~ppedwith "proof" o f nationality. This plot was uncovered and--since the purpose was for international attenlion-the half-time activities were thwarted by being recorded and N O T SHOWN AS L I V E BROADCAST. So, no point i n running the risk o f being caught in the subterfuge. (Please note, you home viewers, that you did not see the half-time as i t happened but only after the 'news' filled the airwaves. The live prescnlalion did not return to the bowl until Lhe participants were almost gone from the field. GENETIC] George asks me to comment a bit lliore on this subject for his group c~ieclingin Florida. 1 have already written sufficiently--most recently, regarding how the doubles are created from holographic projection and D N A cellular reproductio~i. Please do not ask Dharma to spend time in repetition. With some 14 of you reading.this material daily, surely at least one o f you can locate l l ~ ewriting bearing this information--if 1101, sic sic! , I will, however, tell you when the Bolshevik use o f these "doubles" became mandatory and proliferation blossomed. Now, i n addition, you always des~re speaking o f the "little gray aliense--Ok, get ready, for this is wherefroan came the technology for reproduction o f the robotoids. I t is NOT like tlie projections the UFO "crowd' pronounce nor are the secret Majestic 12 uncoverings tri~lhful (the documents are total fabrication). An alternative plan was to lob a missile into Tampa Bay from o f f shore. The boat in point, with niissile, would originate mysteriously spmcwhere around Cuba, i f 1 order to involve the Cubans--by circumslant~alev~dence. Then the loissile would be launched from a Coast Guard boat which.would be accepted as patrolling for terrorists. I However. the boat was noted as not being one of the local surveillance fleet and I t was all nicely tied in with the foreign elements i n Miami so as to insure connection with the lraqi terrorists. The whole thing is preposlerous for the lra~iians are correct--the whole bunch o f hoodlums arc involved in the plot to i n s ~ ~ r c One World Control. When I tell you that the probleni of "little gray aliens" on your place i s not coming this day from the cosmos--believe it. I t is the evil on your own placement--now locked iino your Earlh density, which is your problem. Your inlmediate perpetrators and expressionists are the Zionists in di3persement throughout the governnlents and financial communities, along with, o f course, ' . the scie~itificco~ii~ii;~nit~. . . .. Any more recently "transported" "little gray aliens" which are seen regularly and reported by ones who see tl~emand cannot be denied, are mostly reproductions. You are watching the very duplicates made functional by Satan himself come to, what appears, life. It is not the same kind of "life given through Creator in soul g~fting. Satan cannot 'create', he can only utilize m o l o k l , maafisted, physic01 mofter. ?hrrrJore, KNOW lhal he can r c p d u c e M i cos od nouseom fmm genetic blueprints and pmgmmming but he sW only hos mbotoids and mbotoids continually give him a #rent deal of tmublt for they are cosily i d t e e d once people nolizc there is such a thing. It is the ignomnce of the foct of it that keeps the secret secure. You witness, say, M r . Bash acting in o such and such ntoaner and loohing pa~ticuhrly'young-~hen over rlte weekend he u changed and appears either more you~Wulor olderbut definitely "di/fercn~". You simply mark it up & ' a bad night's sleep or roo rnrtch to think aboul or responsibility. or any number of ucuses for the chonge. Even your magazines and new n note the changes and stinply cor~t~nent on the incndible duplicity of e man. No, you are now encountering your 2 M replica of Georgc Bush. And with him mud come o new Barbam Bush l e a the show be spoiled. mese dupIicates become weak in stmiri and, under st-, a n incapacitated quite mpidly os would be a "grnwittg orgonistnmplaced in o uressed envimnment. r llenry Gissinger is another one to watch closely-he is changed-out frequently, also, for he beam the responsibility of omhesiding the Plan for New World Order. So, i/ Kisoinger is o bi ie and i s olro mbotoid, WHO k the PUPPLWAIASTER? h u g r u ~ u d i t ! .R e p r i n c ~ ~ ~ d e c c i YvOU~werctold- . that--in the ending-Satan would be given total rule over the p h e t and you nos have o very real entity deceiving you or o moss populace of the planet. "Well, why don't you do something about it--you who claim to b e o f the light?' We are--we are bringing you Truth just as fast as you will accept of it-for when you know and accepl Truth--you will also be glven to know how to counter that which is imitation of life. You who are creations of God Source are not 'imitations of life' but experiencing fragments of the Creator's Self. Satan's army is now land-locked; unfortunately, it is on the same land upon which God's Creations are also experiencing. So be it for it is the schoolroonl of soul progression. You are simply living out the prophecies as you perceive them to be. . . You see. even the prophecies of one Nostradamus are coming into focus--the Mongol in the blue turban, let us sa this represents the Khazar element of the anti-Christ with the flag colors of b L i represented b the 'turban* (which was the color, or flag, of Identification in the ages past!. The Soviet Union appeared to have been killed and is now to rise again more deadly than ever. Even the Pope of Rome is a duplicate playing the mle of deceiver. Ah, but WIiEN did it become necessary to begin lo bring doubles into public pcrfecllon? Wtth the death of David Rockefeller. 1.17TI.E HACKGROIJND ~ e l l ' o v e ra century ago the United States of America began falling under the spell of Rockefeller power (please see prior Journals). Slowly at first, but the11 faster and faster, John D. Rockefeller, Sr, moved to the head of the line of America's robber barons. As the 19th Century was well on its way, the Rockefeller~were forming alliances with other powerful groups, not only in America but overseas. Through their influence on America's leaders, they began turning the United Slates away from the virtues extolled by Gmrge Washingto11and toward the vicious ways of Machiavelli. More than 90 years ago (he Spanish-American War broke out as tlie sl~adowof things to come. The war was brought about by the United States. not Spain (you ones are going to have lo face the truth about the U.S. and ihe power leaders), yet most Americans w u e lured into supporting America's acts of shame-just as today. America began to trade ~ i o n a honor l for prestige as a world power. In this way the stage was being set for lhc 20th Cenlury. It was lo be the century of OIL POLITICS, of War after War--each worse than the one before--and ever expanding Rockefeller pbwer. In all of this the United States of America was lo be no more than a springboard in the Rockefeller plan to finally , control the whole world. And so, as Rockefeller power becan~eever more ; complete in America your country's behavior b&m increasingly foreign to your own traditions and values. As a nation, you began to wurl your enemies r .friends. The Land of Opponunily gradually was twisted while punishing . and the original American concept of 'All men into the Land o Regulauons, are equalinthesigbtertke-hwWwas gradually warped into the idea that all human beings have to be the same in all respects. . . I pu Your value as individuals began fading from your own minds so Illat you might be moulded more perfectly into a society of perfect slaves. Down through t k y&mil~ions of ~me.ri&s have been alert enough to feel at least vaguely that something.was wrong; but the real source and reason for all these.disturbing trends was always kept hidden and so there was no one to challenge or hinder the master pmgnm of 'Rockefeller' conquest. In more recent years America's drift toward nucleq war. has a l been ~ mare and more apparent; but here. tqo. Americans sat p a r d y d ' a s the Rockefeller planners dragged you closer and closer to the fire. For decades most Americans fell into one o l two groups. By far the larger group consist@ of that great "Sllkint Majority", so called. ,They have been silent about Rockefeller power and'intrigue because they did not know about it, . The other main group, much smaller, has consisled of those who did know about the Rockefclle~power and fell it was to? great to be challenged. Down through the years only scattered individuals have both known the truth and dared lo a c t i v e l y ' o p p what was happening lo America. and they were easy to isolate and neutraltze in various ways. Rut then, for the first time in a century, the situation was changed. Almost over night the centralized control of the world-wide power of the four Rockefeller brothers of the third generation were no more (please understand that I KNOW that which 1 just wrote--please just accept that for now), and there control o f the U.S. governmeill at the time. Right then the Rwkefellcr Corporate Socialist Empire was still'~nord.powcrf111 than ihe U.S. govcrnulrnt. I f they woke up in time, they could put a stop to the Bolshevik plan wltich was then directea A T THEM; and i f the people also awakened, then the itlevitable re-birth o f competitive enterprise could lead gradually to a new era of frcedo~n and prosperity in the West. By breaking their silence about recent evetlls, tlie fourth generation o f Rockefellcrs could help bring about the turn of events.. was no one who could really fill their shoes. But the new gang of four-RHIZINSKI, BROWN, BLUMEWHAL. A N D SCHLESINGER--were eager to set tl~emsclvesup as your undisputed RU1.ERS. Left to themselves they would lead Anerica into thermonucltrr national suicide i n their quest for total power. Bet their dreams o f replacing the four Rockefeller brothers were insane-or so i t would appear. What would they do, dear ones, when i t would beconte kllown in the corridors o f power world-wide that David Rockefeller was "no more'?! . WHO would hold the intimate, private dinner gatherings with the Powerful i n the U.S. and abroad by which David kept everyone on the same track? WHO would take his place, giving word from "011 high' on big policy shifts? WHO would keep the TRI-LATERAL COMMISSION, the COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS ICFR). the COUNCIL OF T H E AMERICAS humming along i n unison as he did? I t had become as disastrous for your Elile as i f Saddam Hussein were removed from Inq. The entire wellplanned take-over was threatened unto death. I WHO would coordinate the actions of the top 200 industrial wrporatior~sand banks o f the world as he did? . , . As'the conflict built up between the Corporate Socialists and the Uolshev~ks, Jimmy Carter would be caught in the middle. Already he was rackcd by Leukemia and by Cancer i n his head, i n his intestines, and then i n his lul~gsand bladder. .If he did not die first, he woold flec from the presidency under thesc pressures. When that would happen you would be faced with a choice whicl~ ou could not avoid. Carter's hasty departure from the presidency woald be t l ~ e lrsl public sign that the rout o f the BolshPviks was beginning i n America. At that point you would have to decide to do one o f two things--to act, or not to act. Ifyou decided to act to help save America from the Bolshevik night~nare. yo18 would be choosing Freedom, I.ifc, and the Stltvival o f Cl~ristiasity. Hut il you decided to step back and do nothing, you would be casting your votc for Bolshevik control over America; and i f you did that, you would he choosing SLAVERY, UEATII, and the SATANIC 111il.l.---BOlSHEVISM. i' WHO would guide the policies o f the Business Council or o f the Business Round-Table as did David Rockefeller? NOT PERFI?(TIiD W I I O WOU1.D TAKE HIS PLACE IN ASSIGNING TASKS T O HIS FORMER PRIVATE DETECllVE AGENCY-THE CIA? At this time, understand, i t was not possible to have_genetic doubles as in holographic perfect duplicates--so the beginning o f the deceit came in the for111o f "doubles"--trained and simply playing a part as i n a Hollywood drama. But i t also meant that others had to be removed f r o n ~the play lest they spill the trutR-so you entered a time of murder beyond our imag~nings,perpetrated at [he hands o f the highest leaders in your land. I you replaced Carter, you lrad to rcplace the famil members who might tell andlor render lhe~ntolally useless as to function an then remove them front "natural appearing' causes--as ill the case o f brother, Billy. Security had to be increased to the point o f no privacy for the players for the truth would be found out instantly by friends so almost tolal isolation was required. A lot o f very famous earth people made some nlost untimelv transitiot~sand dimensional cbanees i n the wake o f this One World Plan. Science fiction? Call it what you 211--but rctncn~her,TRUTH IS A L WAYS FAR STRANGER T H A N IS FICTION--FlJRTHER, T l l E MINI) C A N ONLY CONJURE T H A T T O WHICH I T C A N REI.ATI!--AND 'I'llA'l' I S TRUTH! SO B E IT. 6 . WHO would decide the global issues that he did? and f o k unified action lo imple~nentthose decis~ons--Brezinslri?Blumenlhal? Brown? Schlesinger? I t i s i n the nature o f human people to form their own opinions about things i f they are not forced to accept and implement certain policies. And so think o f ' llte free-for-all that would soon start developing.behind the soenes on all sides! Within the induslrial'community, for .-ple, honest differences of opinion, would start cropping up as to how to handle new iiluations as they would arise: Without David Rockefeller to act w arbitrator, these differences would not just go away. Industrial leaden would be in to break up into factions built around different policies, but no faction woul be able, to impose its will on all the 0th.' ers as did David Rockefeller. And so, inevilably, that phenomenon which John D. Rockefeller. Sr. denounced as a 'sin" would begin to rear ilc battered head. I t is called COMPETITION. I f you could avoid a suicidal disaster i n Nuclear War I, the same thing would alsb'begin happening in all other areas o f life--in banking, i n business, i n politics,'even i n religion. A new freedom o f independent thought could yet be reborn--IFwar could be pcevented, at that time in sequence, between Russia and the United States. d Soon the inevitable internal conflict i n the U.S. would be getting under way. On one side there were the Corporate Sdcialins of the now headless Rockefeller cartel; on the other side there were the Bolshevik State Socialists who were in I, ! Y , . Dharma, we have to change topics at this poiiii for'l need tb rispond to Wally regarding craft under-belly for he i s moving right along with the scripting for Sipapu. Just lcave the information i n tlie writing for orles need to re;~lize that our writings are only a portion of our work and they n~igltlwell t i ~ ~the rl oll~r~ tasks qulte ~nterebting. great dislanees necessary prior t~ thought projection and materialization of the craft through timelessness and spacelessness. Cosniic travel has also 'co~ile a lot~gway, baby" as your advertising demonstrates evolvement. We of the cobmos are caught in the trap of two dimensions--one in which our s~issionis to handle human physical forms in and about a placement which opzrates in the near invisible dimension of non-matter. It is quite a challenge of which I shall delight in sharing with you, brother. Ikar Wally. Your perceptions are accurate and your work superb--believable and acceptable to thc viewers. Carry on. In response to <he 'spokes' facing inward or outward I can clarify that easily. Further, just for your own information and please do not try to justify it for this motion: picture lest we confound the audiences by the sheer magnttude of the circumstance andlor size of a Mother craft. However, in a Mother Ship itself, there will be many portals of entry and exit so we must deal with that which can be visualized by the audience. In ttrr smaller "Mother shlps" where wc specifically consider details of physical apparatus, you will find a unctlontng niechanisn~which would work allnost as a "sea-anemone". In the closed, or 'inward', station of the s p o b , the ltght can he so concentrated as to laser-projecl and remains folded Into self--as a hand which is closed. Then. as niore surface (volume) of light projection is necessary--for grasping, if you will--the digits open as does a lotu~. The spokes extend and the extensions actually 'slide" so that which was rcpresentattve of the entl with the light force in the folded position, slides to the horizontal direction and the opposing "end' becomes a more powerful frequency 'machine'. or light projector--much as a 'petal' tip. In this manner the wider diameter will offer great diameter of light field (tunnel or path) and the inner focus pulls as with a magnet into the inner diaphragm. 'Ihe 'spokes' themselves are utilized in many, many ways but t feel i t wouldbe totatlgabove theheads of most viewers to get caught up in the distraction of too much too soon. Ponder this concept a bit and you will recognize the pattern of which I speak. RAINBOW DANCERS You ask if the Rainbow Dance could have Indian dance implications? Oh, indeed, indeed. The Indians refer to the Rainbow Dancers and I would prefer that 1.ittle Crow outline this for you in the beautiful tradition of His people. It is time that we call Little Crow in to reminding of his path for he is a bit caught in "life" and "responsibility of the moment' and it is time to allow him to really rcalizc that the work is progressing. His commitment to us was that he would oversee all Indian Native customs and keep the track in perfection of the traditions--and the Rainbow Dancers and dancing fall into that category. I shall have to speak with him. , , As to your last query regarding the shape of ancicnt ships and the relationship tu the " b ~ gbang", 1 can say that yes, there has always been a smoothed, polished perfection of the original shape of the nautilus as well as the spiraling elongation of the triangledlrectangular shape of the elongated seashell design. However. tla latter did not function well except in the horizontal traversing pattern as does the "clamshell" or 'saucer" aerodynamic efficiency of 'no front"luno rear' design. These wcre practical, or impractical as thc case may be, for traversing I Do not get too hung up on the 'big bang', either. It is a description given 10 allow for some semblance of undcrsmding of the mechanism--but there was not necessary anything such as a big bang e x ~ o s i o nfor God Creator simply assembles the molecules of matter into the desired manifestation according to 111s thought--much as you would go and gamer pans for your photograpll~cequipment. Dharma put it quite nicely a few days past when she proclaimed that she linally understands 'manifestation'--she said '...you simply decide what you need to come up wilh a 'thing' and you get off your duff and go gather the stuff tu put it together--no secret mystery a b u t it!' It is not entirely accurate but for your dimensional reality it is exactly the way it is--nbr will we d o it for you! Cod provides--YOU devise. . . I miss our long visits, Wally, for yours is such a wondrous searching mind for detail of truth and I so greatly honor you. Ah, but we have such ~ilyriadtasks in this time of change and we are so limited by tile confounded confounding 'things of the physical experience--m be it, for so shall come the day of 'reality' and the joys of that which 'really is'! We tend you in our being, always, for we treasure the gift which you are. given unto our work that there be measure of perfection to allow man to realize possibility of total perfeclion. Blessing be upon you, brother. for that which you do for mankind in this closing time of perceived terror and transition. And blessings be to ihe entities who 'put up with us" while we fill our measure of duty unto Source. Salu. Dharnla, we may close this writing now, please. Thank you for your hands Gycorgos C. Hatonn, Cmdr. UFF-IGFC SPIRAL TO ECONOMIC 1)ISASTER I.II:EBOAT MEASURFS - IF YOU'ACT NOW by Gycorgos Ceres Hatonn ROOKS IN THE PIlOENlX JOURNAL SERIES Waking-up to some economic realities. Exposing the "grey-nren' and the secret government, their manipulations from a historical perspective, the degree of their diabolical capabilitres, and the perfectio~~ of thetr plan on the unsuspecting "masses'. Depression imminent. Gel ready, it is coming down fast. .New currency and some solutions for not getting caught in the new money and debit card system. Get your hands on cash (under 50s) and slash it (not in a bank). Financial strategies across the board. The solution of Incorporation (for everyone). The Nevada secret. Prophecies of these times previously givct~. Sananda and Aton state 'how it will be'. The Siypu is the opening (gatewayj Uirough the Kiva to the 'nether" lands of tlre ancient Anasazi Indians and their decendants in the soulhwest. This sensitive love-story of the 'end-times' brings together a returning tribe of the Ailcicr~rsfrom the past, a Pleiadian Space expedition fmm the 'future', and some "awakeninp. volunteers" from Euth's oresent. The dot climaxes with a '~alhering' at which many 'Masters' fr&m the higher kalms speak about the I'rot~lreciesand Revelations in these end-times. This manuscriot was written in eariy I987 as a movie and is being published at this time to brotect the copyright. ANI) 'I'HEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEI. by Sananda and Judas lrarioth 12ROMHERE TO ARMACEn1)ON--by ASIiTAR A multi-dimensio~ialperspective, offcred in 11reciwly clear language. - I AM SANANIIA The story of the life of the one cotnnronly known as ~esusof Nazareth as told by Jesus and the disciple Judas Iscarioth. Absolute clarification of the nuinerous falsifica~ions,misrepresentations, lies and rnisconccptions concerning that time period and Jesus' teachings arcpresct~ted. Mary sc+i Angel of the Sons of Heaven. The actual teachings of spoken at that time. Claiification regarding God and of ?Ire Creation and The Commmndmcntsarcgiven in ckar definitive language. The name of Judas Iscarioth is cleared as not being the one who betrayed Jesus. State~nents by Jesus are provided, as spoken at that time, concerning falsification of his teachings over two .thousand years. SLrong warnings regarding false teachings. Words of great strength, power, light and healing at a soul-level. , Some noteworthy cautiot~sto 'receivers". Clarilicatioa of the Ashtar energy, of ellrerian beings and of the difference between space people and spirit p p l e . Earth as a school of learning, of the lower grades. Great insights into the puryose and state of 'man', of the planetary condition and the governmental attitude toward "higher' beings. Demystification of the planetary cleansing and evacuation process. Turning the cards on evil through understanding their methods. The true ori in of the species of man. The 'dark brotherhood' is real. Pilfalls are plentifuf, the path steep. There's no turning back. Christ's teaching gave us example. The nuclear threat is real. The powerful forces of Spirit at work within man during this 'end-time' wherefinal chciices mustbe made. Closing statement by Jesus Christ. SURVIVAL IS ONLY TEN 1:EET FROM HELL.--by Aslrtar Ice-water thrown in the face of nuclear misco~reptinns. Clearing the air for some true understanding. We (U.S.A) have no defense. The China nuclear SPACE-GATE: THE VEIL REMOVED--by Gyoorgos Ceres Hatonn Facts are provided mcerning the governmental cover-up of extraterrestrials visiting our planet, and crashing on our planet, as early aa lhe late 1940dearly 1950s. Historical perspective of the period from the late.40~to presenl is put for111 with many surprising, startling and troubling details of secret actions by govcrnn~ental agenctes and representatives. Disclosure of various "secret" agencies and societies, such as the "above top-secret' MI-12 (Majestic 12). The Jason Society, The Bilderbergers, the secrel government, lhe 'grey-men" and details regarding their stretegies and operating methods. Past cover-ups are exposed. Clarification of the oneoing peaceful intent and involvement of the be~~igs fronr space. Signs of the trmes, prophecies and the involvement of Satan and Clrrisl 111 these "end times" are clearly stated. The correlation between Christ atid extraterre~trialsis clarified. ' threat and example. The Russian nuclear threat and example. The Switzerland model. Shelters, shelters, shelters...where are our shelters? Nuclear war not likely, probable. While there's still time. Tunnels, plan ahead and store. What of the rebuilding? More bard realities on Russia. God's involvement in this entire process. Ear(h changes and shelvrs. If you don't do it, it won't get done. The nuclear dekrrcnt once avatlable to the U.S. has been abrogated by the failure of the U.S. government to protect its citizenry with bomblradiation shelters. The Russians and Chinese have access to organized and maintained shelters, leaving only the Amcrica~isunprotected. Tlic United States is wide open for nuclear blacktnail. It may not LK: lw late, but action must be taken. TIIB RAINBOW MASTERS, "TH6 MAGNIFICENT SEVEN' by The Masters PR I V A C Y IN A FISHBOWL--by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn i' It's a lo1 worse than you thought, they really are watching. everything. The governmenl's thirst for information on ~tscitizenryis unquenchable. Is privacy possible? This document contains very pragmatic 'how-to' and lactical suggestions to help you legally "fade into the background'. The financial collapse is imminent. Preparing for financial melt-down. Commentary on a varie t y of related topics including: SdrL's, the real eslate marlrct.:oil, bonds, precious metals, interest rates, money laundering, home security -systems, the In': ternal Rebenue Service, and the new- (traceable) curreacy. A s the screws tighten. You the consumer. . Credit card nightmare. The War on Privacy. Putdng your affairs in order. And what of drug screening, lie detectors, on the job surveillance, medical history, credit history, the public mail system, your telephone records? Incorporate cttizens, incorporate. The Right to own firearms. for how long? What arc the ways to conceal money? Thls document is more important than you may realize. Reading it is your decision, of collrse so are the consequences of not. , nvanual for living the life blessed of God. Insightful to the heart, offering hope, direction, promise, guidance, love, discipline, clarifying long clouded issues and illul~iinatin concepts of higher reason. Stilling troubled waters with penetrati~~g clarity. uttlng to the core of the nature of man, et offering such i resonate gentle direction filled with compassion beyond measure. ~ o rwhich as musical chords wilhin the very soul essence. Each energy uniquely powerful. yet in accordance, together they form a team of One. Offerin might into the planet, our purpose, God's involvement and will, our journey e n , our process as a collcctivc, the Greater vision. Unbending in strength, these words renew hope, instill love, and give 'trust in God' a deeper meaning. I A 8 . ' f AIDS - THE LAST GREAT PLAGUE by Sananda, Hatonn. Ashtar, Nikola Tesla & Walter Russell : ~ s s e s s ithe ; ~ situation. ~ The World Health Organization (WH0)'s involvemest. Virus review. T-Cells and HTLV-l .through HTLV-5. The African Green Monkey. Animal retroviruses in hun~anslbovine leukemia u t t l e viruslvisna virus @rain-rot) of sheep. Viruses jump lhrough condoms. Asian Tiger M o s q ~ ~ i ~I'orget o. the vaccine option. Recombinant retroviruses replicated at 9.000 to the 4th power. minimum. It's all around:you and spreading fast. Safe sex? And you thought the common cold was easy lo gel. Will AIDS naturally die out'? Viruses are crystalline structures and are therefore affected by sound vibratio~tsand light. Dr. Royal R. Rife. Electromagnetics. S U I waves. Antoine Priore's machine. Sir Walter Russell speaks on the 'secret of lipht'. Electricity. Oclaves. Atomic structures. . John Crane. Mr. Cathie. Nlkola Tesla speaks on 'light and applications'.. .There will be assislance fmm Divine Source to bring fonh a cure, but.man must do the work with the tools and "clues" provided. Start work now. SATAN'S DRUMMERS--THE SECRET BEAT OF EVIL-SATAN IS ALIVE AND WELL by Sananda In this deeply troubling book Sam is revealed bluntly, not as an abstraction. Satan's presence is documented with specific cases, examples of evil, control, power, death and murder, and the sacrifice of babies, children and animals by the Satanic c~llts. Satan's "commandments' are exactly opposite those of God and the Creation, h e is the Master Liar of the Universe. It is time to wake up to the LIE and know your enemy. These are the "end times' when each soul makes a choice of "dark" or'"lightm;guidance is offered in this book. CRY OF THE PHOENIX DEATH RATTLE O F FREEDOM THE PLAN '2000'--by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn The four horsemen of Revelations have been loosed and are ravaging the populations of the world TODAY. If, as told in Revelations, two thirds of the population will be killed by wars, pestilence and plague, some four billion people will 'die prematurely' in the n u t few years. Most of us already wear the Mark of the BEAST, the BEAST will be recognized in 1990. The government of the United Stacs of America is now firmly in the hands of the elittst Cartel, including the world bankers, who are dedicated lo the collapsing of all nations into a One World Governme-nt by the year 2000. , The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are to be 'abolished' in favor of the Soviet-Constitution-based United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The hour is late but perhaps not too late to preserve those preclous freedoms guaranleed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights. As in the Communist nattons there will only be two classes, thc ruling elite and the "workers'. If you arc not guaranteed a place among the elite this book describes your future and how you might help change it. 1 I CRUCIFIXtON OF THE PHOENIX by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn ' 'RAPE, Gocl proinised Mother Earth that she will be cleansed, this time by fire. Out of those ashes will rise the Phoenix, a renewed earth born into a "Time of Radiance'. h set you free.' Do not turn away--join In truth there is Hope. 'The l ~ t will together and find truth and come into community and demand a return to Godness and your Constitution as given forth by your forefathers for protection of your wondrous freedoms. But first the "ashes", the trials and tribulations. the destruction and carnage of the Plan 2000. Will humankind somehow 'be forgiven' and avoid the atonement? No, the raft is in the river and Satan has the helm; the Apocalypse is m.But the fate of each soul is the choice of that soul and no other---free will---remember? And the WORD will go forlh.............. herein. R.R.P.P.' RAVAGE. PILLAGE AND PLUNDER OF THE PHOENIX by Gywrgos Ceres Hatonn -----As America falls so falls the world for the Plan was well laid and the Plan includes the whole of the globe. The takwver is so insidious and deadly Illat man does not even realize he is being enslaved in mass. If this Satanic canel is allowed to continue and fulfill their mission, it will be the start of the darkest ages your planet will have ever witnessed--there will be mass annihilation of mankind by the billions and YOU have no recourse. And the WORD is going forth, SKELETONS IN THE CLOSIX by Gyeorgos Ceres Halunn God, my petition is that you gf the masses be given into the hearing and seeiiig. for you can stop this thing if you want to do so. If ou act not, then 1 bless you and pray for mercy for, as free people, you will be Xnished! 'I scatter .things from e;(ra low frequency beams to countrrfcit money via German Nazis in the Antarctic funnelled through Japan and flooding your markets because I desire to shock you into attention--and then we can lake the .. events in sequence that you can recognize the truth of the Journals." RAPE OF THE CONSTITUTION; FREEDOM RRPP-VOL. I1 DEATH OP by Ciyeorgos ~ e r e Hatonn s ~ 'The twilight of the United Slates is kuaranked (hat it is human1 impossible lor the U.S. either lo turn aside or lo w1n.a war with the Sovicts, &r instance--and that is only for starters. Only a miracle could do &at-do you deserve a miracle?" As you journey through this passage, this may well be the most important single Journal you will ever read. It is of physical importance and Impacts your soul growth tremendously, that which you do in this cycle of experience. This book is not pleasant--it was not written for entertainment; you are on the edge of the abyss in your nation and the "anti-Christ", of which you have wailed, is upon you. Rarely are things as you expect or at first perceive for it is the ..way of the . enemy of Godness. .. .. . 'You simply cannot believe the incredible weapons available for your annihia t i o n - - . '--YOU ARE NOT FREE, YOU IlAVE A POLICE STATE AND ARE COMPI.ElELY-C , 'The Kremlin has committed itself to a step-by-step clearing of the decks for war and so have your government participants who work wtth them under the covers. They have left you without even the ability to have a shelter system in which to survive--YOU OF THE U.S. HAVE BECOME THE EXPENDABLES. 'THEY' CANNOT GET RID OF THE AMERICANS AS THEY ARE GE'ITING RID OF MANY AFRICAN AND THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES. THROUGH FAMINE AND DISEASE, ,4NQWEATHER AND DISASTER CONTROL. OH OH! HAMNN HAS DONE IT NOW-WEATHER AND DISASTER CONTROL?' You ask and again ask. "What can I do?" llerein we tell you that which you can do. The tlme for letting 'someone else' do of your work is finished--you will stand fonh and participate in the journey of God or you will be passed by. Your Constitutional rights as written by the Founding Fathers are being replaced by the New Constilutio~which is already in operatton without your realization of same. , You have a right and obligation to know that which is in store for you at the hands of the conspirators for The New World Order, and funher obligat~onas a citizen, lo act. You have been people of the lie far too long, my friends, and it has all but wst you every vesbge of freedom. What you do now can c h a ~ g e your world. Do nothing. and you had better Increase your prayer tlme. for 11 1s serious indeed. The rojected prophecies are at your door and 11 1s 0n1e you recognize your enemy. P THE NAKED PllOENIX HOW. WHO. WHY, WHERE, WHAT AND WIIEN THE UIW1) W A S III.UCKED A GUIDETO DO-IT-YOIJRSELF I:EA?'HER GROWING by Gywrgos Ceres llatonn 'I'l~esubject of this Journal is the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve banks. This is the one most imponant deception and subterfuge ever foisted upon the world. 11 actually is only the conduit thmu h which the Conspirators have .perfected their "1.AN". . The Journal woul be ten limes this length if we unfolded details but while we would be unfolding you would be consumed. Let us please lake the information, confirm it if you will, and allow us in lllove into actlon. i Let us qoole Congressman Louis T. McFadden in a speach before Congrrss June 10, 1932: . . Mr. Chairnian, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institations the world has ever known. I refer to the 1;ederal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a government board, has cheated the Government of the Uniled Stales and the people of the United States out of enough money to y the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Fedem rRuerve Board and the Federal Reserve banks acting together have cost chis c o u n y enough nloney to pay the nalional debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the pcople of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practicall banLru@ed our government. I1 has clone this throuph-the defects of-t i e l a w undu-whvh it operates, through the maladmtnistration of that law by the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control position to see who will outdo who and gain the ultimate control--the messages, unfonunately, of the prophecies tell you who that will be and those ones will bring devastation of physical nature--not just glean all property and wealth. 1 .I In for a hard time? Yesl But also a wondrous time of unity, brotherhood and freedom from boredom and degradation as fed to you by the silver spoons of the puppet masters. Which will it be, citizens of World Eanh? Freedom or enslavement? The choice is yours, for God so loves this world that he a ain sends his Hosts and his being to show you the way! Who will see and hear. 0 R --I -M--D .A..N-D ASHES .- -YE SLEEPING CHILDREN OF THE LIE. WHO NOW HEARS THE PHOENIX CRY? by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn You are sitting upon the bomb ready to be burst and you hide within the lies. This book is truth and we are now writing in sequence so that you might see the .. . coqelalion between the lies of om decadeheaped upon the next--but the play is the same: Saiab: intends10 win or pull as many with him as is possible--there will be many, dear friends. To understand the lies given unto you this day in your .Middle East' you must know of the lies told you by your government during the decade past. The traitomus Zionist plan to win world domination through an American nuclear first strike on Russia has not been abandoned, even though Russia has lhwaned several attempts. it. The 'Biblical Prophecies", written not by God but by Satan, are being played Some people think the Federal Reserve banks are Uniled States Governlilent institutions. They are not government institutions. They arc private credit mono lies which prey upon the people of he United States for the benefit o themselves and the11 foreign swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders. In that dark crew of financial pirates there are those who would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out of his pocket; there are those who send money into states to buy votes to control our legislation; and there are those who niaintain an international propaganda for the purpose of deceiving us and of wheedling us into the granting of new concessions which will permit them to cover up their past misdeeds and set again in motion their gigantic l n i n of crime. P" Yes, there are things you can do to take action and we have laid them forth. Will i t be casy? NO! You will n 4 to start at 'home' in the community and unify and get rid of the thieves and conspirators which you continually send hack to Ire wardens of your prison and robbers of your propert They, tm, are just ave forgotten as vulnerable to the nuclear bombs and co~~fiscation--they much. Yorlr Senator is as physically no rial as are you and will die as quickly and suffer as greatly from the collapse which is coming. Preparation? You have all but waited too long, but yo11 still have time, while the elile vie for 6. out by a mankind brainwashed and blinded to believe them to be 'inevitable". They are not. Mankind, hearing God's WORD, can rewrite the script to fii God's plan, a much more wholesome scenario. We come forth as the Hosts of Heaven, sent to bring you truth and show you the way for God would never leave his children in darkness. We come with insl~ctionsfor your journey--who w ~ l receive? l Who will walk wlth us Into lhe light? Know this, in thine truth--BEFORE THE PHOENIX CAN RISE--FIRST MUST COME THE ASHES. GOD ONLY PROMISED THAT 'THE WORD OF TRUTH WOULD GO FORTH IN THE ENDING TIMES--HE DID NOT SAY YE HAD TO PARTAKE OF IT. HOWEVER, IT WOULD SEEM OF GREAT WISDOM T O DO SO. FIRESTORM IN UAHYI.ON THE TlhlE IS COME by Gywrgos Ceres Hatonn CREATION, Till: SACRI'D IJNIVEHSI1 THE INCUBATION OF 'TlfE PIIOI<NIX By Gyeorgos Ccres Hatonn History is repeating itself--in ,ever sliorten~ngcycles. It is he who can l e a r ~ ~ from l~istorywho will prevail. In this latest "JOURNAL" we are give11 day by day information of imporcant events going on in the world and especially about Russia, Iraq, Israel. the Middle East and the U.S. and how these tie into thi: major prophecies of the... end-times. This book is a review of the several attempts to start Nuclear War I during the past ten years and how that relates to the current (September, 1990) Middle East "Crisis in the G u l r We are given information about the history of this planet and origins of the humans here. The world teeters on the Abyss of tolal all-out nuclear war, llle military bases of the IJ.S.. foreign and domestic, have been stripped of men and equiplllent, and the news niedia (controlled by political and linancial cartels) work diligently to obscure the truth. We are also given a responsc to the "Middle kist Prayer Alert", pul out by many well known "Clirislian",leaderr. by Jesqs Sasanda. 1 I'OR YOU WHO STAND IN TRUTH--THERE SHALL BE PEACE IN THE VALLEY FOR YOU! GOD EXTENDS HIS HAND. HE HAS AGAIN SENT Hii-~i-~~; AFG<GIGIi,hO WILL TAKE OF HIS HAND? WHO WILL THEN TAKE OF THINE BROTAER'S HAND? iiGS-s; THE MOSSAD CONNECTION Hotfoot for the Phoenix By Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn Americans, to understand how their Constitution, and NaBon, are being stole~i from them (and who is doing the stealing) must undersland~the MOSSAD CONNECTION. The "Thirteenth Tribe' of Israel, now self-designated as "ZIONISTS', is in control of both Israel and, through iU political influence over somc sixty percenl of the U.S. Congress and its working relationship with the While House, the United Stales of America. This book identifies those connections and clearly outlays the only potentially successful course of action open lo.U~epeople of America to regain control of the~rNation. : Ii ; j :' . . Many other topics are wvered including: Our origins -- The m o t ~ ~ c n t ' ~ f ' ." .n' o time" -- Cities of Light -- Prcs. Bush and the 'New World Order" and its consequences -- The geological processes involved in Vulcanism -- Learn how water , . (Babylon's Achilles' heel) will play a major role in the s u i n g of Arlnageddon --The 'Global A enda" and how oil control is of key importance -- More abwt Noriega -- Why oesn't Saddan~give up? -- Russia's real role with Iraq and the Middle East -- Rlcssia's suncrior weamG deter~iiineswhat & can do in space -The POW'S we abandoned -- The origin and purpore of the Bird Tribes -- Some history of Earth and the settlers that came here 70.000 years ago and the coilsequenccs. j THERE E Al.SO MlJCH MORE. THE PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS. VOL'S V & V I SLI 220 PAGES 8 112 X 11' PL.EIAl3F.S CONNECI'ION, RETURN OF THE I'fiOENIX VOL. 1 Ily Hatonn ' This Journ;ll continues the practice of keeping you updated on major world events while giving you n~ochothcr information about many topics. ' TEN PAGES OF INDEXING to make it easy to find that topic you want to reread. You can learn the &Mh about the origins of humans upon this planet, our purpses here and why the truth has heen hidden from'us. This i s book number 3 of our series and i s packed with many current topics and the T ~ t of h what is going on behind the scenes in the world today. We have help to overcome all of our major difficulties ' ing under the Iaws of Creation and God. . Just a few of the topics wvued are: Revisiting of Babylon bivorce--moral and spiritual lesson of Tmth A lesson on volcnnoes - Assassinations and attempts Noriega What happened to the Drug War? Why doesn't Saddam just give up? - Bull's (Iraq's) super Willcry (over 5.000 mile no e) Angels and cxmterrestrials Future c r a i o n - An outline of k plan u n k l d i g New type of weapon (face wall of fire) Why doesn't God j u t give you ee energy and solve everything? - The New World Order - What can a wmpany do - Gold and the Middle East - George Washingto+ farewell address Nine-foot aliens?/robotics The new constitution under which the U.S. is operating NQ.W Causes of the planets major 'natural disasters'. we will return to liv- - Many other topics are covered, such as types of dwellings best for our use from now on (pattern@ after Pleiadian dwellings). - Future Revelations and Ear111 changes - The Constilution of the United Nations Industrial Development Organizatlolt under which Pres. Bush i s olwrati~~g our country instead of the Constitution of the Ilnited Slates - What TRUE love-is -,Spacccraft.:Types of metal u s d in lhet~i- About 666 and its significance - How the planet Venus got into our solar system and details about its suiface no^ as some have told us) - I h e danger of certain comets i n our past and bmediate future - The truth about rnl~otoidsas 611rworld Ieatlem aud MBCII. MUCll-. ~ . . , ...: :.. THE PI~OENIX SOIJKNAI, I~XPLIUS, VOL'S I &'~f.: SII 220 PAGES 8 112 X II " ' The tirst two volumcs (26 issues) of our neu.sletter made into a book. m h ! L m ~ I g e n c es i n c ~ v e r vheading i s indexed w. Th.b A few of the topics covered iie: .What realfy happened to'kitler and his and Germany's role in the Antitrctie area: How sodomy depresses the immune systcln Sodomy and AIDS - Comets and Wormwood - Russian grain deal Mexico Free-trade Agreement and many more up to date topics. - ..: . . , .' i. . THE PtlOL~NIXJOURNAI. EXPRESS, VOI.'S 111 &IV %15 220 PAWS 8 112 X 11' . . This bcbk is a compilation of the Phoenix Express Newsletters with 1hm.d (this i s great for tho% who want to find a particular topic). hdcuc.d Many topics are covered including: 'l'he.Hubble telescope tiaxo - privacy BolsheviWThavher use of the Falklands - John F. Kennedy's murder - the Warren Con~lnissiol~ - Jordan's King Hussein's message to GmrgeBush - the Khazars - the Zionist Protocols - Res. Bushand the New World Order and ~ n u c l ~ litore. I: - - - - - - - - - .- This i s just a very small sample of thc topics covered; topics which you must know to sanely adjust your life patterns to make it through the chaos settling very fast upon this planet. BOOK LIST THIS BOOK IS PART O F A SERIES PRESENTED THROUGH "dlrarl~~a"BY ENTITIES FROM HIGHER REALMS T O ASSIS'I' IIUMANKIND IN UNDERSTANDING HOW TO MOVE THROUGH T H E "TIMES O F TRIBULATION" T l i E BOOKS IN T H E SERIES ARE. SIPAPU ODYSSEY AND~THEYCAL L ED HIS NAME IMMArNUEL, I AM SANANDA SPACE-GATE, T H E VEIL REMOVED SPIRAL T O ECONOMIC DISASTER FROM HERE TO ARMAGEDDON SURVIVAL IS ONLY T E N FEET FKOM IIELI. T H E RAINBOW MASTERS AIDS. T H E LAST GREAT PLAGUE S A T A N ' S D R U MM ER S PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL CRY OF T H E PHOENIX CRUCIFIXION O F T H E PHOENIX SKELETONS IN T H E CLOSET R R P P- * ..... *RAPE, RAVAGE, PLUNDER AND PILLAGE O F T11E PHOENIX RAPE 01; T H E CONSTITUTION YOU CAN SLAY T H E DRAGON T H E NAKED PHOENIX BLOOD A N D A S H E Y FIRESTORM IN BABYLON L T H E MOSSAD CONNECTION CREATION, T H E SACRED UNIVERSE PLEIADES CONNECTION--RETURN O F T t l E PHOENIX V(: BURNT OFFERINGS AND BLOODSTAINED SANDS PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS VOLUMES I & 11 (BOOK) PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS VOLUMES 111 & IV (BOOK) PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS VOLUMES V & VI (BOOK) For inlorl~~alion write or call: ORDERS . S E & L ~ ~ 1-800 729-4 13 1 I I WHO IS DESTROYING YOUR CHILDREN? .- BURNT OFFERINGS A N D 131.OOI~S"1'AINlil) SANDS PSYCHOPOLITICS A N D T l l E SACI<II~ICli01: '1'118 PHOENIX BY Gywrgos Cercs 1la1011n This is the 24th b w k i n the Pl~oenixJ o u n ~ o series l thal has becn published in tlie last eighteen m.onlt~s. They include detailed lopics from all walks o f life, including current information on the Middle b s l W;ir as of January 28. 1991. .~~-. These books. which are entered in10 a coninul~.rbv "l)Iiar~iia". ARE 'I'HE - ~~.~ . . . WORDS 01: TRUTII WHICII s ~ N I I;ORTH ) AT T l l E ENDTIMES 1'0 GIVE M A N O N l i I.ASI' C:llANCli TO CllOOSLi TRUTH OVER T H E I.IE. ~~ ~ ~ GODPI~O~~IS~I~III~'WOIII.I~ llalonn gives us an excellent backgrou~idcuveriigc uf why ihe world i s oil ilic downward path lo O N E WOllLD GOVlillNhlEN'I', the "NEW W01tI.I) 01<DER" that President Bush mentions llially ti~liesand 11ow the prcselll hliddlc Easr War is the beginning of the Baltle o f Ar111ageJdo11,the greatest balllc lo ever be fougl~ton I l l i s planet. This i s thc ballle Illat tias been prediclcd for several thousand years and T I I E 71hIE IS N O W I l l i l ( l S . . l l e gives us details o f whal hardsliips evcti the Aliierica~islilusl be prepared for (INCLUDING INVASION. DESTRUCTION 01: 01111 1'lIO01'S. S'I'ARVATION. TERROHIS.~~ AND EVEN CONCI~NII~A.I.ION C A ~ ~ PIIEI~I: S IN T l l E UNITED STATES) i f we do IIU~ 1)IihlANI) IIIAIour CO~SI~IUIIOII l ~ crcstored and start living under the LAWS 01: GOI) VI'IIY SOON.