Prayer Letter Jan 2003 - Cross Currents International Ministries


Prayer Letter Jan 2003 - Cross Currents International Ministries
33 NO. I
January, 2003
Our Dear Praying Friend.
with you. Dorothy and I cross the threshold
of yet another new year. we can look back ivith deep
gratitude and at the same time u,e can look f'orrvard
s, together
with expectant faith.
Our gratitude is to the Lord and tirr the way Hc has r,rsed
your f'ellowship of praver and giving to touch s() manv lives in
tar-t1ung places around the rvorld. Thank y()u so very much.
Our faith is in the Lord. In 2003. rvc arc tnrsting Him to
glorify Himself throu-uh CCINI in er.'en rnore signitrcant \\'avs.
Though we face many complex decisions. challenges and
opportunities. we are reminded of the u.ords of the Lorcl Jesus
when He said, Ilrirlr rTlol dri.s r.s irrrTrnssillc. brt-il'irft (]rxl cill
rhirrgs coe possible. M,urur,rv l9:26.
So at the unfolding of a new year. we rvill encoura-ce both
your taith and ours by reviewing the past and sharing together
the wonderful doors of opportunity that. by His grace. God
continues to open.
For instance. at 2:00 a.m. this morning-news that rve had
long awaited and prayed for-was received by fax fronr
Jerusalem. As is typical, this kind of news kept us arvake fbr
another two hours and our hearts overttru'ed with jov and praise
before the Lord. Indeed. God does hear and answer prayer!
However. in case yor"r might think that this nervs from
Jerusalem (and all the other 50 translations of Yorrr for
Gofi just "happened." let us draw CCIM's operational curlain
aside for a moment. In so doin-e, you will be introduced to a
little ofthe "behind the scenes" patience. prayer and persistence
that lay behind each translation of both Your God and
Foodfor Faitlr; and their ultimate distribution to people in ma.ior
language blocks around the world. This time the new lan-uuage
is Hebrew and the nation is Israel.
Letters Frorn Israel
October 2-ltd. 2002
Greetings to 1'ou.frorn Jentsalent. lUe ltave ltettrd o.f'
eaclt otlrerfor a w'ltile. otd I hope lort ore botlt wcll. witlt
tlte lrelp of the ktrd.
Today Iwant to take up otte of t'our proposals x'rittert itt
),ottr letter of February 2lst 1999 (tinrc flie,s!). Back tltert
),ou .vaid tlnt ),ort tt'ould like vour booft Your Quest tbr God
trartslated itto Hebrev'for ttse itt evatrgeli:atiort ot'er hcre.
Sittce v'e have set,erol titles n,orkirtg ntore or le.s.s ulott,q
tlte .sattre lirtes, I advi.setl tou nrakirtg tltrtt irrt'c.sttttattl
llte titne.
Hov,ever, itr tlta rneeut tirne .several lteople ltat'e gath<,red
positive erperiettce distributitrg tlte Russittrt ver.siott o.f
Quest, savirtg that tltet'v'oulrl c'rsrr,rirler tt Hebrex, editiort a
Gross Currents lnternational
great tool irt tlrcir work. From experience I hrcw tlnt if an
evortgelist Irus a 'fovorite book'(alwa-r-s a.few degrees below
the Bible. o.f course). tlnr He v,ill get it out.
lrcre I
ntrt. cotn,eyitry tli.s proposal back to tou after alntost four
t'cars. attd tnrst tlrut you u'ill tlink artd prav about it . . .
Rerluest.s arrive rluilt' througlt tlte mail artd rtow' also
tltrcuglt our trch" Intenret site. The other day I received rw'o
pltortc calls.from l,sraelis w,ho lnd read evartgelistic books
artd oskcrl Io ht: brctrtgltl in contacl v'itlt belieyers itt their
Tlte utrest itr our courftry contitwes with attother deadly
bus bontbitrg tlti.s v'eek. the ecortonic crunclt is presentll
inten,si.fied by a courilm wide strike wave; attd as i.f all this
is ttot ettouglr, people are trt'ittg to prepare as good as they
cart.for wlrat nrigltt happen ltere, ortce the US cantpaign in
Iroq begins.
- At His service, Victor
[Ed: Please pray for Victor Smadja and his faithful band
of workers.]
Decentber 2nd,2002
Dear Sister Berurett
fax. Tlnrtks for tlrc money you will sertd
.for Your Quest fbr God irr Hebrew. Presently, we lnve in
stock a fev rennirtittg copies o/Your Quest fbr God and
Food tbr Faith irr Russiart, but orilv 600 copies o/Food fbr
Tlrartks .for rottr
Faith 1rr Hebre,v,.
I lrcpe to reprirft the three books o.v. irt 2003 attd also
tlre rtcrv Hebrev, "Quest." We lwve brotlrcrs and sisters
contitt2i continuously to take books for distributicttt,
e.specialh itr Russicut. Itt each of your books, as *^ell as in
every other bctok vve produce, w'e offer a Bible and otJrcr
books, ittcludittg yours. We receive every day requests for
the book. P.T.L.!
- At Hi.s service, Victor Snndja
[Ed: Because of your giving, CCIM has been able to
forward another $10,000 to Jerusalem for these additional
"missionaries in paper covers" P.T.L.!]
Concerning North Korea
As the eyes of world leaders are turned with trepidation to
North Korea, so has the Lord's promptings for CCIM's
expanded ministry to that troubled land. It is reported that the
leader of North Korea has now deifred his deceased father.
Adulatory propaganda. the erection of statues. and government-
enforced policies add to Satan's great delusion upon these
impoverished and starving people. A f'ew years ago, Dorothy
I prayed with an Oriental Christian who had just returned
from a subterfuge mission to North Korea. She told of the
horrific things she had learned of and witnessed thereand
* New Address: PO Box 551144, Dallas,
75355-1 144
includin-e desperately hungry pal'ents clf a newborn babe who
sustained their starving bodies by actually devourin_u theil baby.
Thinkin,s of this unima-qinable horror we remember the slave
march of the teenagers who were carried captive to Babylon.
En route, isagogics tells us that they were sodomized by night
and f1o-eged by day. It is believed Ezra was one such teenage
lad. Dr. Graham Scrog-eie believes he penned Ps,ru'r ll9. In it
we read, Tlrc entrunce of tl4, llTml gi'"-cth hghr. And this is
just as true in North Korea today as it was in Ezra's day.
So, it is a -qreat blessing to be able to share with yoLr how
that CCIM's long-time cooperative t'ellowship with the Word
of Lif'e Press in South Korea has fructifred into a nerv outreach
to North Korea in recent days. P.T.L. I
Letters from Korea
Dear Mr artd Mrs. Berutett:
April 24tL 2001
Todav I could reaclt Trans World Radio. Korea. Thev
broadcast ln sltort v;ave to Kore atts irt northea.stent Cltittct
artd Nortlt Korea. Tlrcy broadcost otrc urcl a lta( ltours e
dalt-from 8:00 pn. to 9:00 p.nt. antl .for thirh, ntirwtes
from nidright. TWR Korea.focuses ott prograilts.for trairittg
urtderg7otutd clntrch leaders, as they ltat,e rto clnttca to
lnvefonnal taiting. Iwill serdTWR Korea copie.s o.f t,otrr
books for possible use for evartgelisnt artd spiritual grov,tlt
-\Uith best regards. Hou,anl Sltirt
April 2trc1. 2002
I am plea.sed to let t'ou hrov' tltat I rcceived a po,sitita
attswer frorn Trarts Worlrl Radio, Korea tltat tltey ctrc
considering usirtpi lour books .for tlteir broarlco.tting. I
expect this will happett y,ltert TWR Korea reyises their
broadcastirtg sclteclule about ttto ntotillts later I let tltent
know, tlnt yolt are prat,irtg ntuclt for Christiarts irt Nortlt
- Hov,anl
Not 7th. 2002
I was ver\ glad to receive a pltotte call .frotn Ms. Jitt-ok,
Kim of TWRK tlrut TWRK .fittalh arrottged it.s Koreott
lartguage broaclcastirtg sclteclule .for \'our own tv'o hooks.
"Quest" artd "Food." TWRK will broaclcctst theilt for
5 ntittutes front 8:00, Mortdav tltrouglt Saturdat,
beginrirtg.front Decenrber 15. 2002. And it v'ill take abour
6 ntorilts to cover the tv'o book.s.
- Howanl Sltirt
[Ed: We count on your prayers for this rvonderful and
strategic opportunity.l
African Outreach through Trans World Radio
You may remember that when
was my assignment to
proceed from Johannesburg to minister in Swaziland. Dclrclthy
prepared.and then produced 80 daily 5-minute broadcasts tbr
ladies to be aired over Trans World Radio's Satellite
in Johannesbur,r. Yes. in God's
goodness, because of the blessings of these broadcasts. the
Broadcastin,e Facilities
following requests have come to Dorothy:
Letters from South Africa
Novenrbcr 1-ltlt. 2002
Tlte dailv det,otiortal v,lticlt i.s aired at 0950 ltours
Mortday to Fridttv
i.s beirtg,
very v'ell acceptecl.
date we
lnvc setfi out over 600 copies ol'"Quest" cts o result.
I visited Pltilemott artcl took l0 copies of tlrc Zulu
"Quest," es \:ott reqtte.tled. He watted to slnre sonte of his
copie.s v,itlt sta.lf, mrcl n,as tlvilled. You've tnade a lifu lortg
.frientl there.
Ic'attttot believe hov'.fast tlte copies o/"Quest" are being
u.sed. We otilt, have 2400 of tlte origirnl 10.000 vue lrcd
prirtted tlris year le.ft. A Prisott Clnplain irt Westville,
Durhatt read tlte Zulu versiort. He wqs so struck by tlrc
cottents tltat lre asketl.for a bo.r of Zulu artd a box o.f Englislt
(240 eaclt) to use os lte visits tlte innntes in tlrc cells.
- Barbara MacDornld
Tltattk ycttr, Dorotlt,-,
for tour.fax.
ln Monda,-,
We rrced tlte CD
09tlt Decenber 2002.
Your nuggets of truth sre much appreciated by many
listeners atul v'e look.fonvard to Dtan\t broadcasts in tlrc
tears to conte. Ettjot tour recordirtgs.
- Antllltn, Barkluizett
corttirrttirtg broadcasts
But then the question came-how could Dorothy record
messages and transmit them to South Atiica by December 9th,
2002'l In a most remarkable way. the Lord answered prayer
and opened His door of provision at a small town near to
Bellin-eham-Lynden, courtesy of an FM Christian radio
station. Even more signitrcant was the way the Lord had led
Karen Bishop fiom a hi-uh profile prof'essional background in
Nerv York City to become the Production Director of PRAISE
106.5FM. as the recording facilities were graciously made
available to CCIM. Karen rvas thrilled to give of her time and
talents to record Dorothy and them transmit the messages to
South Africa for African Satellite Ministry. At the time of
writing. another 60 messages will be in Johannesburg on timePraise the [.ord!
A letter from Lynden. Washington:
Deur Dorotln,
Noverriter I3th. 2002
Yes, vc tvill lte ,n46ly.frtr \'olt et I I:30 tontorrow; I ant
looking fontarcl Io J,our yisit. It v'as suclt a jov to be a fl1t
otl tlte vvall artd ltaye m!- heart v,anned b.r- your
cotrurrcrttarie.r . . . it w(ts a tnrc blessirtg to feel the Holy
Spirit.fill rtn, lirtle rffice as y,e.fellou,.sltipped together
I unt v'ritittlt to ask ..'ott i.f t'ou tr,ould be able to provide
uboti Jive more ctf the brloft.s Food for Faith? I have beert
suprenrelt, blessed (attcl te.s, cltallettged) by this little book
atrd I would like to slnre it witlt a.fetv like-mirded friends.
Tlre Lorcl has rtsed it to revolutiotiae nry tirne witlt Hint. I
lmve beert readittg e-\cerpts to friencls over the phorte and
ttov) the\) are itilere.sterl tts v,ell.
Tltartk you so nutclt, tud I look font,arcl to seeirtg t,ott
tomorrott! - Blessirtgs. itt His rtarne, Karen Bishop
With this alimpse into one of the multifaceted mission
will understand why we commenced
this letter with gratitude to you and to the Lord. Also with an
expression of expectant taith fbr His purposes of blessing to
unfirld in future days.
With lovinu gr.eerin-cs inHin.
outreaches of CCIM. you
77 An /rr"*'Xi/-j/*<f'V