Guanghua a School of 2013-2014 Manageme 4 ent, Peking g
Guanghua a School of 2013-2014 Manageme 4 ent, Peking g
2013-2014 4 Guanghuaa School of Managemeent, Pekingg Universityy Mailing Add dress: Room 511, Guanghuaa School of Management Buildding #2 Pekingg University, main m campus 5 Yiheeyuan Rd. Haidian District Beijingg 100871 P. R. China C Website: Guangghua School of Management: M www.gsm.pku.e w Pekingg University: ww n Office of Internationaal Relations, Gu uanghua Schooll of Managemennt http://w Contacts: Ms. Faang Huang, Proogram Manager,, +86 10 6274 7007, 7 [email protected] n Ms. Juulia Hu, Associaate Director, +8 86 10 6274 70022, [email protected] Ms. Shhujun Mo, Director of Internattional Relationss, +86 10 6274 77001, [email protected] Fax: +86 100 6276 7382 MBA Majorrs: Accouunting and Corpporate Financiall Management Financce Markeeting Organiizational Behavvior and Human n Resources Maanagement Strateggy and Internatiional Business Management M Decision-Making andd Information Management M Language of Instruction: Chinesse and English Course list: http://w 977.html?clippee rUrl=2277/36873.ghtm m Passwoord to open filees: exchangeatg guanghua bsite for updattes Pleasee check the web Language reequirement: Studennts must be profficient either in n Chinese or Engglish. Language coourses: A threee-credit course “Business Chin nese” is open too all internationnal students for free. 1/4 Please note that studeents need to pay y tuition for couurses taken outsside of Guanghu ua School of Managgement. Full-time Workload: W At Guuanghua, each course c usually has h 2 or 3 creddits. 1 credit haas 15 contact ho ours. Exchangee studennts are required to take a minim mum of 4 credits and a maximuum of 18 credits per semester. Grading: The Guuanghua Schoool of Managemeent adopts a perrcentage grading system for alll of its courses. Gradess Description 90-1000 Excellent Very good 80-90 70-80 Good ------------------------miinimum requireement for graduuation (core couurses) 60-70 Satisfactoryy 60Fail Exams: For falll semester, most English taugh ht MBA coursees will be completed by Dec. 24, 2 while a few of them m will still be completed by mid-January. m Alll Chinese taughht courses will be b finished in mid-Jaanuary in fall seemester. For sprring semester, exams e for both English and Chhinese taught coourses will be completed c before the end of Junee. Application deadlines: March h 1:Applicatioon deadline for DBIC Program m (two weeks inn May) April 1: Application deadline for thee DBIC Program m (two weeks iin June) April 15: Applicationn deadline for faall semester excchange Octob ber 15: Applicattion deadline fo or spring semestter exchange Required ap pplication documents: A Application Form m For those who hold the international paassports only, pplease complete the online applicatioon form of the Peking P Universiity For those who hold the Hong H Kong, Maacao, Taiwan, oor Chinese Mainlandd passports onlyy, please fill outt the hard copy of the applicatiion form which is available a by req quest and througgh our website R Resume C Copy of the highhest degree certtificate (for Masster student ON NLY) O Official academiic transcript (un nofficial transcrript will NOT bbe accepted) O Official nominattion letter from home universitty exchange offfice A photocopy of your valid passsport O passport-sizzed photo, attacched on the appllication form One O page letter of One o motivation highlighting h youur academic andd personal reaso ons for your exxchange The deetailed informattion can be visitted on our website http://w 977.html?clippee rUrl=2277/36873.ghtm m The suubmitted materiials must be orig ginal documentts or notarized ccopies and may y be in either Chinesse or English. Any A missing of the above docuuments will cause the delay of admission. Calendar (22013/2014) Fall 2013: Registtration: Aug. 300, 2013 2/4 Orienttation: Aug. 31 – Sept. 8, 2013 3 Classees Start: Sept. 9,, 2013 Mid-A Autumn Festivall: Sept.19, 2013 3 Nationnal Day: Sept. 30 3 – Oct. 4, 2013 New Year’s Y Day: Jann. 1, 2014 Exam Week (for courrses taught in Chinese): C Dec. 30, 3 2013 – Jan. 10, 2014 Winterr Break and Sprring Festival: Jaan. 13 – Feb. 166, 2014 Spring 20144: Registtration and Orieentation: Feb. 14 4, 2014 Classees Start: Feb. 177, 2014 PKU Sports S Competittion: Apr. 25 – Apr.27, 2014 PKU Anniversary A Breeak: May 4, 2014 Examiination: Jun. 9 – 22, 2014 Summ mer Vacation staarts: Jun. 23, 2014 Checkk for updates: http://w 977.html?clipp erUrl= =277/36873.ghtm m Summer Proogram: Doing Businness in China (DBIC) Twoo weeks We speecially offer a 2-week 2 (or 1-weeek) intensive Doing D Businesss in China Progrram (DBIC) for unddergraduate andd postgraduate/M MBA students in English to prrovide participaants the opporttunity to undersstand the Chinese institutional,, business and ccultural environ nments. Highliights: b partly waiveed for Tuition will be students from m exchange parrtner schools on ceertain occasionns. Three-credit couurses and semin T nars on specificc Chinese issuess F Firsthand industrial learning ex xperience from company visitss R extracurriccular culture ev Rich vents and sightseeing Prograam Dates for 2014: 2 Optionn 1: May 18-31, 2014 Optionn 2: June 15-28, 2014 Coursse Contents: Economic and Political E P Enviro onment in Chinaa C Chinese Organiization Culture and HR managgement M Marketing in Chhina M Multinational C Companies’ Straategy in China Checkk here for updatees: http://w / 977.html?clip perUrll=277/43397.ghhtm Accommodaation: mpus accommoodation is curren ntly NOT availlable due to the overwhelming demand. Our On-cam exchannge students wiill arrange their own accommoodations outsidee. GISA (Guang ghua Internaational Studentss Association) and a the Office of o Internationall Relations will offer necesssary informationn. 3/4 Range of Off-campus housing rates: US$350 – 650 for one single room in a two-b bedroom / three-bbedroom apartm ments per montth. Living Expeenses: Depennds on your livinng situation and d your own spennding habits. N Normally amoun nts to US$250 – 350 per p month, exclluding housing. Health Insu urance: All excchange studen nts are required d to buy the heealth insurancee during their stay on the registrration day in th he Peking Univ versity. The inssurance costs abbout RMB 300 (subject to changee). Visa: Studennts who are not Chinese citizen ns and who are planning to staay longer than 3 months are requireed to obtain a visa v to enter and d study in Chinaa: Step 1: Submit application to Guanghua S G Schoool S 2: Applicattion approved and Step a receive an admission a letterr S 3: Apply for Step fo a F-visa / X-visa in a local Chinese C Embasssy, usually takees around 2 w weeks If the duration d is less than 3 months,, travel visa (L-visa) is acceptaable. Facilities: State of o the art libraryy services, comp puter facilities, cafés, on-camppus restaurants,, student organizations, booksttores, gyms. Student Serrvices: GISA (Guanghua In nternational Sttudents Associaation) We havve a buddy proggram in GISA where w students from similar prrograms are maatched with incomiing exchange sttudents during their t study at ouur school. The bbuddy serves ass a resource and guuide for the exchhange student. GISA can be coontacted at GIS [email protected]. GISA’ss website is undder construction n now: Career Services: A num mber of career management m ressources will be available to excchange studentss during their stay. These T include acccess to all Guaanghua open coorporate presenttations, employer contact databaase listings, job postings, and on-campus o job descriptions. d Addditional servicces include appoinntments with staaff members/caareer advisors annd optional partticipation in carreer service seminaars. Career Devvelopment Centre locates in Rooom 108 in Guaanghua School. The website can bee visited at Exchaange Coordinattion Services: The Office of Internaational Relationss is the managinng office of excchange studentss. Visa Issues Office: For traansferring or exxtending visa, pllease contact thhe PKU Internattional Students Division at Shao Yuan Y Room 1099. Phone: +86 10 6275 1230; 1 6275 1116 Email:: [email protected]; study@pk 4/4