GCE Art and Design
GCE Art and Design
A LEVEL AR RT AND DE ESIGN: FINE ART INTRODUCTTION The Edexceel A‐Level Art and Design n in Fine Artt is designed d to encouraage studentss with an adventurous and a enquiring approach to aart and desiggn. This qualification quaalifies for UC CAS points, aand providess students w with o higher edu ucation or fo or moving intto employm ment within tthe a broad educational baasis for progression onto creative ind dustries. The aim of this q qualification is to allow students to d develop: 1. Theeir intellectuaal, imaginative, creative and intuitive e powers thrrough the usse of traditio onal media and digiital manipu ulation (esp pecially Ado obe Photosshop editin ng and ap pplication in n assignmeent devvelopmental work). 2. Theeir investigative, analytical, experim mental, practical, techn nical and eexpressive skills, aestheetic und derstanding aand critical judgement. 3. An understandiing of the in nterrelationsships betwee en art, craft and design and an awareness of the t con ntexts in whicch they operrate. 4. Kno owledge and understand ding of art, crraft and design in contem mporary sociiety and in other times aand culttures. ENTRY REQ QUIREMENTSS • 4 GCSEs at grad de A*‐C (inclu uding GCSE A Art & Design (Fine Art) grrade C or abo ove). plus ood school/C College repo ort • A go • Seee application form for resstrictions on number of A A‐Levels thatt can be undeertaken. COURSE &C COMPONENTT STRUCTUR RE At the end of year 1 alll students are a eligible to sit the AS Art and Design in Fine Art compon nents. This iss a on. A pass at AS is requireed in order tto progress o onto the full A‐Level awaard. At the eend stand‐alonee qualificatio of the 2nd yeear, studentss will sit the two compon nents of the A‐Level quallification Componentt 1 Componentt 2 A LEVEL ART AND DESIGN: FIN NE ART COMP PONENTS • Incorpo orates 3 majo or elements:: supporting studies, practical work an nd a personaal study PERSON NAL INVESTIG GATION • 60% of a level • Internaally set and assessed but externaally moderatted • Incorpo orates 2 majo or elements:: preparaatory studiess and a 15‐ hour peeriod of sustained focus EXTERNALLLY SET ASSIGNMENT • 40% of a level • Internaally assessed but externally set and d externally m moderated Page 19