Geyer`s Willow - Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences
Geyer`s Willow - Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences
Geyer’s Willow Salix geyeriana Anderss. This native facultative wetland species is a deciduous monoecious shrub with two varieties that are recognized by Hitchcock and Cronquist (6) as geyeriana and meliana. Each variety is distinct from each other, but cases of hybridization between Lemmon’s willow and var. meliana, has indicated identification troubles. Many willow species, especially Booth’s willow, are self infertile and freely hybridizes with other willow species. Willow bark has aspirin like properties used by Native Americans to cure many common illnesses. Plant Characteristics VEGETATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Form and Stature: Geyer’s willow grows 4-6 m (13-19 ft) tall, although rarely reaching 6 m (19 ft). Young twigs covered with silky hairs arising from blue-green waxy stems. (2, 3) Leaves and Stems: Waxy leaves are bore from flat, oval, forward pointing buds (3). Apparently discolored leaves that white-hairy beneath and has glabrous to slightly short haired above (6). Mature leaves, 4-6 times longer than wide, are smooth and fringed with short hairs. Inflorescence: Floral bracts are light yellow to brownish, linear lance shaped, and densely hairy (3). Male catkins are very small; female catkins are 1.5-2.5 cm (0.6-1.0 in) long and 6-15 mm (0.20.6 in) wide. Generally aments are creamy white to greenish brown (12). GENERAL HABITAT CONSIDERATIONS Soil Types and Conditions: Prefers muddy substrates along banks of small ponds and wet meadows. Grows well in deep fine textured, well drained, gravelly loam to stony soils from deposited alluvium (10, 11). Moisture/temperature requirements: Inhabits banks of low gradient, slow moving streams, small ponds, wet meadows and riparian stream benches. Geyer’s willow is abundant on mountain streams, broad level flood plains and open valleys. Prefers areas of high water tables, but can tolerate tables lower than 99 cm (39 in), if properly established. When associated with mesic forbs or graminoids, it can tolerate periodic gradual water table fluctuations to depths of 1m (3.3 ft). This shade intolerant willow is found on moderate elevations of 944-2,743 m (3,100-9,000 ft). Management Considerations UTILIZATION Forage and Palatability: It is an important diet component for livestock, but records are infrequent and site specific. Although, it is preferred over Drummond, Wolf and Booth willows. Wildlife Use: When available, Geyer’s willow is good forage and Prepared by OSU Rangeland Ecology and Management, April 2005. building materials for beavers. Twigs, sprouts, and catkins are consumed by elk, moose, ducks and grouse during the winter. Provides excellent cover for deer and small birds. (11) Geyer’s Willow Salix geyeriana Anderss. PLANTING Growth Season and Seedling Establishment: Typically blooms in May producing many cottony seeds. Establishment by rooted or unrooted stem cuttings are successful. Rooted cuttings have a higher survival rate than unrooted cuttings requiring sufficient amount of moisture for establishment. Willows store carbohydrates in the early stages of active growth, indicating that prerooted cuttings have more carbohydrates. In mine reclamation projects, additions of organic matter in the presence of lime increases root proliferations below the area of incorporation. The additions increase above ground growth by 15%, compared to lime only amendments (5). The genus Salix has a high tolerance of Cd and many other heavy metals. Propagation: Reproduces sexually. Geyer’s willow reaches sexual maturity at 2 to 10 years of age. Once seeds are dispersed by wind or water, germination can occur within 24 hours under favorable conditions. Seeds need periodic light or fluctuating temperatures for optimal germination. Optimum germination occurs on exposed moist mineral beds. (11) Like many willow species, S. geyeriana is pollinated by bees and dispersed by wind or water. DISTURBANCE Response to Grazing: Resprouts from its root crown under proper grazing conditions. Prolonged over grazing decreases vigor, increasing decadence, but recovery is possible with at least 5-6 years of rest. Geyer’s willow reacts to heavy grazing by arrested or retrogressed stature (7). Excessive grazing will replace Geyer’s willow with native grasses, sedges and bluegrasses. Response to Fire: Resprouts from crown after fires. Response to Drought: Geyer’s willow tolerates drought but a prolonged low water table affects vigor. Sources: 1. Tom Bourque, P.E. 2001. Lower Red River Meadow Restoration Project. In: University of Idaho, College of Engineering. 2. Brunsfeld, Steven and Fredrich Johnson. 1985. Field Guide To The Willows Of East-Central Idaho. Bullentin 39. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, Forest, Wildlife, and Range Sciences. 95p. 3. Cook, Sarah. 1997. A Field Guide to the Common Wetland Plants of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon. Seattle: Seattle Audubon Society. 417p. 4. Davis, Ray J. 1952. Flora of Idaho. Dubuque, IO: WM.C. Brown Company. 836p. 5. Fisher, K.T. et al. 2000. Interactive affects of soil amendments and depth of incorporation on Geyer willows. J. Environ. Qual. 29: 1786-1793. 6. Hitchcock, C. Leo and Arthur Cronquist. 1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press. 730 p. 7. Keigley, Richard B., M.R. Frisina, and C. Fager. 2003. A method for determining the onset year of intense browsing. J. Range Manage. 56:33-38. 8. Mettler, Lonnie E. 1998. Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon migration feasibility study. US Army of Corps Engineers. Walla Walla District. / [Accessed: April 12 2005]. 9. Peale, M. 1996. Best Management Practices for Wetlands within Colorado State Parks. Colorado Natural Areas Program, Colorado State Parks, Colorado Department of Natural Resources. Denver, Colorado. 169 p. 10. Thompson, Melissa. 2005. Draft: Surface water: Beaver-Camas Subbasin Assessment and total maximum daily loads. Idaho Department of Environmental quality. 242p. 11. Uchytil, Ronald J. 1991. Salix geyeriana. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: [2005, April 14].
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