Kiosk 16
Kiosk 16
WOODLAND SKIPPERS & WILLOWS KIOSK #16 Northwest Native Conifers Pilchuck Glass School Pioneers & Auction Centerpiece Designers This roadway entrance exhibits the 4 true irs of the NW. The 2 by this kiosk are: Grand Fir A tall tree when mature, once found scattered among others, noted for its needles that are lattened, up to 3” long, and arranged on a lat plane. Used as a “softwood” lumber, less preferred than Douglas Fir (and less replanted). Cones are upright. 2004 - Greg Owens (Striped Vessel) Greg contributed this design in 2004, starting his glass artistry in 1994 at the Pilchuck Glass School where he was mentored by Lino Tagliapietra, Preston Singletary, and Benjamin Moore. Today his work is produced in Seattle and is found in many major galleries. Both centerpieces represent the rich history of glass development at our Stanwood neighbor school, 2.7 miles to the NE. Sub-alpine Fir Alpine, but grown here to illustrate the 4th of the 4 true ir species in the State. (Douglas Fir are of another family.) Recognized for its “spire-like” shape, it is planted to the right of this kiosk, the Grand Fir by the driveway. 2014 - Scott Beneϐield (Distilled Cylinders) Scott’s design contribution is the last, as the School has announced canceling the creation of auction centerpieces (after 27 years). Part of the “Louisiana group” (of which there are 4 artists represented along your walk), he now lives in Ireland exhibiting his art in dozens of venues annually. Northwest Native Broadleaved Trees Apostles & Disciples‘ Martyrdoms & A Later Remembrance Leaf graphics and ranges are “temps,” ranges are from US Government web pages and Wikipedia; our goal is to use our own photos of real plants in place in the Gardens. Willows (9 of 18 local native species) Washington hosts 33 different species of willow, more than all other broadleaved native trees combined; our area has 18 of the 33. Willows are planted, left to right facing East, along the edge of what used to be Church Creek (before the builders of the I-5, in a last minute change, diverted our waters under the freeway twice and around Exit 215). Coyote Willow Hooker’s Willow NW Sandbar Willow Dusky Willow Sitka Willow Bebb’s Willow Diamond-Leaf Willow Scoluler’s Willow Arroyo Willow Some forms may be hybrids and dif icult to identify. Luke was likely a physician, a historian 100 years after the Cruci ication. He begins his Gospel thanking Theophilus, “Lover of God,” a rich man who inanced what we know today as “crowd sourcing,” the same manner in which we’ve developed the Living History Farm (as few written records exist). He joined 2 disciples, John & Matthew, and Mark (a teenager at the time of Christ) as a Gospel writer. They wrote of men who knew they faced certain and quick death, but still attempted to tell the Word. Peers in Holocaust - Maly Trostenets Built as an execution ground for Soviet prisoners in 1941, it morphed into a death camp for Jews from the Minsk area in 1942. At least 200,000, most likely 500,000 people died there, including 65,000 Jews. Over 30 dead in the cemetery on the hill above you, fought to liberate camps like these; all brave, some gay. Northwest Native Shrubs & Ferns Other Plants Oregon Boxleaf A shining leaf evergreen shrub usually up to 2’ tall. Its leaves are opposite each other, leathery, glossy and oval long in shape. It is found widely distributed within the State on both sides of the Cascade Mountains, usually mid-elevations, but to the sea in Puget Sound. This kiosk’s roof and surrounding area contain willows, Salal, and grasses necessary for Woodland Skipper larva; the roof hosts Pearly Everlastings, native thistles, and lowering plants used for adult food. Like summer traf ic, only passing by (July - Oct.), they may or may not stop. Can you identify the native Salal and the Trailing Blackberry? And if you started at Kiosk #01, you have seen and read about all the native conifers, broadleaved trees, shrubs, vines, and ferns native to our area. Are they, like Freeborn Church Creek’s salmon, destined to disappear? Spreading Wood Fern Also called the Spreading Wood Fern, it is found throughout the Northern Hemisphere, in cool and moist evergreen forests. Easily propagated by its rhizome (roots) or via its spores, its Latin name, “expansa,” describes its form and growth: “to spread out.” This is the NW’s native botanical holocaust garden; it is a joint venture of Pilchuck Learning Center and Freeborn Church. Visitors enter under the Revised Codes of Washington RCW 4.24.200 & 4.24.210, allowing public recreational use, including nature study and viewing or enjoying scenic or scientiϐic sites/waterways on private land. QR Code Links and photos are taken from: (attribution: U.S. Department of Agriculture), Wikipedia and Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike, and the University of Washington’s website under pending agreement. URL Links provided by: USDA, NRCS. 2010;he PLANTS Database (, 24 April 2010). National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA. Visitor photos of the birds, butterflies, and native plants (found/taken within the Gardens) sent to [email protected], are to replace any borrowed from the USDA and other websites. We thank those contributors; please remember to note the closest kiosk to where the photo was taken.) 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 Randy Walker (K09) Chuck Lopez (K09) John Chiles & Tracy Glover (K10) Bertil Vallien Ryan Marsh Fairweather, Tim Belliveau & Phillip Bandura (K11) Chuck Vannatta (K12) Jiri Harcuba (K12) Marc Petrovic Jean Salatino (K14) Katja Fritzsche (K15) Red = Centerpiece Designers You are Greg Owen (K16) Bryan Rubino (K02) 20 21 22 34 38 Here Pike Powers James Mongrain Ulrica Hydman-vallien 25 Preston Singletary Judith Schaechter 33 Stanislav32Libensky 35 Erwin Eisch Karen Willenbrink-Johnson 37 John Reed Lynn Everett Read (K15) Blue = (“New”) 2nd Wave Pilchuck Glass School (K02) 18 Matthew Szosz 23 Michael Fox (K10) 26 27 Mitchell Gaudet (K11) 28 00 15 16 29 30 31 & Jaroslava Brychtova 36 RobAdamson17 Buster14Simpson Sonja Blomdahl Dan Dailey Mark 13 Zirpel Raven Skyriver 24 Robbie12Miller & John Drury Debora Moore Nancy Klimley Michael Schiener Ethan Stern Nancy Callan Joey Kirkpatrick (K05) Richard Whiteley Niels Cosman (K14) Susan Bane Holland Reed Green = (“Old”) Pioneers Scott Bene ield (K16) Cappy Thompson Klaus Moje Katherine Gray (K08) John Miller John Kiley Henry Halem Steven Proctor Mark Gibeau (K07) Lino Tagliapietra (K07) Marvin Liposksy Richard Posner Bob Carlson Johnathan Turner & Flora Mace Ross Richmond Kurt Swanson (K13) Rob Stern (K13) William Morris (K04) John/Anne Hauberg & Page Families 11 Pino Signoretto 02 Dale Chihuly (K03) 01 Ruth Tamura 10 Paul DeSomma (K06) 09 Benjamin Moore (K06) 08 Marc Boutte 07 Roger Paramore 06 Richard Royal Karen LaMonte Ann Wahlstrom (K08) Fred Tschida Ginny Ruffner Deborah Horrell Harvey Littleton Fritz Dreisbach Jenny Pohlman & Sabrina Knowles & Lisa Schwartz Rik Allen Paul Marioni (K04) Richard Marquis (bridge) Martin Blank (K03) Charles Parriott 05 04 Therman Statom Narcissus Quagliata Einar & Jamex de la Torre Kelly O’Dell Walter Lieberman Susan Stinsmuehlen-Amend Jen Elek / Jeremy Bert Barbara Vaessen Joseph Rossano (K05) Shelley Muzylowski Allen Danny Perkins Astri Reusch James Carpenter 03 Richard Posner Ro Purser Michael Glancy Lucio Bubacco and @ the Herbarium: David Reekie Kate Elliott Toots Zynsky Keke Cribbs Ann (Warff) Wolff Dick Weiss Italo Scanga Boyd Sugiki / Lisa Zerkowitz 19 Original editions are found in the Church’s Bonhoeffer Hall on the hill to your East; these are scaled, attached replicas. 8 Pilchuck Artists’ 7 6 5 13 4 3 2 1 (Tatoosh) Dante Marioni (K01) Veruska Vagen (K01) Richard Nisonger (Boardwalks) Hiroshi Yamano (00 Pond Globes) Cary Hayden (Topography) Glass Legacy
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