Panhellenic Recruitment 2015


Panhellenic Recruitment 2015
Panhellenic Recruitment 2015
Welcome to Butler
Panhellenic Recruitment 2015!
Welcome to the tradition that Butler has sustained for over 150 years: Greek Life! The
opportunities that sorority life can bring you are never-ending. All the sororities on
campus aim for excellence in academics, campus leadership, and community
involvement. Each sorority chapter is unique, but no matter the letters, we are all tied together as
one big Greek family!
Formal recruitment is an exciting time that occurs just before the start of the second semester.
During recruitment, you will visit the chapter houses and learn about different aspects of membership
within these organizations on successive days. However, before recruitment even starts, there are a
number of ways to explore Greek Life at Butler. There will be opportunities to meet sorority women
for lunch or dinner, as well as to attend all-campus philanthropy events. Sorority Open House events
will be held in September and November. Butler Panhellenic’s Sorority 101 will provide you with an
overview of sorority life, while Panhel Dessert will provide you with more information on formal
recruitment, including attire, schedules, and so much more! We encourage you to attend these
events and learn more about our sorority community.
We are so glad that you have made the decision to look further into Greek Life and we
cannot wait to share this journey with you!
Please contact:
Sarah Fox, Vice President of Recruitment, [email protected]
Becky Druetzler, Director of Greek Life, [email protected]
Butler Panhellenic Association, [email protected]
Why Go Greek?
Friendship- More than just providing fun social events, sorority membership allows women to meet
amazing friends and develop interpersonal skills. Whether you need a shoulder to cry on, a running
buddy, or a friend who shares your love of food, sorority sisters will always be there for you when
you need them!
Involvement- Being a member of a sorority connects you to so many people including your chapter
sisters and other sorority women around the world. You will find as an alum that you have a common
bond with other Greek alumnae because you share common experiences. These connections can
help you with finding jobs, internships, opportunities for community or campus involvement, and so
much more.
Leadership- There are so many opportunities for leadership roles in a sorority. From being a
chapter officer to taking a role in the Panhellenic Association, you can develop many skills that will
help you succeed at Butler and beyond.
Scholarship- With so many sisters around, there is always someone to study with you. There are
also GPA requirements for sororities which encourage all sorority women to succeed academically.
Service- Service is so important to sorority life! All chapters at Butler host annual all-campus events
that raise funds for the sorority’s national philanthropy. In addition, all chapters encourage their
members to participate in hands-on service. As a member, you can enjoy volunteering for a cause
with your sisters while helping the local community!
The Panhellenic Association
The Panhellenic Association is the tie that binds all the sororities together. Butler
Panhellenic Association, as a member of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), is a council
of representatives from the seven NPC Chapters on campus. Every Greek woman is a member of
the Panhellenic Association by affiliating with a specific chapter. In addition to coordinating
recruitment, the Panhellenic Association also provides leadership, service, educational
opportunities, and programming. The Panhellenic Executive Board consists of officers who
facilitate these activities on behalf of the sorority community. The Executive Board has planned
informational events throughout the fall semester to help you learn more about Butler's Greek
community and all it has to offer. We encourage you to attend these events, which include
Sorority 101, Sorority House Tours, and Panhel Dessert.
Besides recruitment, the Panhellenic Association and the Executive Board plan multiple events
throughout the year including Senior Tea and Greekend. These events help bring the whole
Greek community together! Senior Tea is recognition event for seniors to look back on their four
years at Butler and Greekend is a huge event that celebrates fraternity and sorority life. The
Panhellenic Association also sponsors giveback nights at local restaurants. During a giveback
night, a portion of your bill is donated to a designated charity. The Panhellenic Association is a
proud sponsor of the Circle of Sisterhood, which has granted more than $250,000 to numerous
projects including building schools, scholarship programs, and tuition assistance for women as far
as Cambodia, Kenya and Nicaragua.
2014 Panhel Executive Officers. Left to Right: Kristina Traxler, Mallory Russikoff,
Sarah Fox, Elizabeth Davis, Catherine Geanon, Miranda Flores, and Kate White.
Recruitment Counselors
The Panhellenic Executive Board selects recruitment counselors from every chapter on campus to
guide you through the recruitment process. Recruitment counselors are women who serve as
representatives of Greek life. These woman are there for you during your recruitment journey if you
have any questions or concerns. Recruitment counselors have disassociated from their chapters,
meaning that they have agreed to have no communication with their respective organizations
regarding recruitment matters. This helps to ensure that you will receive the most unbiased advice
and information as you participate in the process. These women, along with the Panhellenic
Executive Board, are your best and most informed Greek resources; please use them for any
questions or concerns related to Greek life!
Important Dates
September 2014
Wed., 9/3
Alpha Chi Omega S’mores
Pi Beta Phi Lemonade for Literacy
Fri., 9/5
Kappa Kickoff
Wed., 9/10
Tri Delta Sundaes for St. Jude
Fri., 9/12
Pi Beta Phi Arrowspike
Sun., 9/14
Panhellenic Open House Tours #1 1:30-4pm
**Participants need to attend an opening session in Reilly room starting at 1:30pm
Wed., 9/17
Theta Twist
Fri., 9/19
Alpha Phi Bounce for Beats
Week of 9/22-9/27 Homecoming
October 2014
Wed., 10/1
Kool Off with Kappa
Fri., 10/3
Alpha Chi Omega Frisbee Fling
Mon., 10/6
Online Registration for Recruitment Begins
Thurs. 10/16-Sun. 10/19 FALL BREAK
Mon., 10/20
Sorority 101 7-8:30pm in the Reilly Room
Fri., 10/24
Fri., 10/31-Sun.11/2Family Weekend
November 2014
Sun., 11/2
Wed., 11/5
Thurs., 11/6
Fri., 11/7
Sat., 11/8
Sun., 11/9
Fri., 11/21
Panhellenic House Tours #2 1-3pm
DG Delight
Pi Phi Pie Event
Delta Gamma Anchor Splash
Tri Delta Fall Event
Panhel Dessert 1-4pm in the Reilly Room
Last Day for Registration ONLINE
December 2014
Thurs., 12/4
Cocoa for Theta
January 2015
Tues., 1/6
Tues., 1/6
Wed., 1/7
Thurs., 1/8
Fri., 1/9
Sat., 1/10
Sun., 1/11
Residence halls open for eligible recruitment participants starting at noon
Recruitment Orientation Meeting 8pm in the Reilly Room
Recruitment begins with 8-Party Day
Philanthropy Day
Skit Day
Preference Night
Bid Day
How to Register for Recruitment
We are very excited that you are interested in Panhellenic Formal Recruitment.
Here at Butler, we use an online registration.
Please visit:
Online registration will be open from Monday, October 6th to Friday, November 21st. Once
you complete your recruitment account, an online payment of $80 is required before your
registration is complete. The Panhellenic Association uses a secure online payment service,
The recruitment fee is to cover administrative costs of the Panhellenic Association as well as
covering most meals during formal recruitment, beginning with lunch on Wednesday, January
7. Breakfasts, as well as dinner on Saturday, January 10 are not included, so please plan
accordingly. Your semester meal plan begins with dinner on Sunday, January 11.
If you wish to register after December 1st, or if you wish to pay by check or money order, you
will need to contact Becky Druetzler, Director of Greek Life, [email protected].
Please Note: The deadline to withdraw from recruitment and still receive a partial refund of
$75 is Friday, December 19th. After this date, no refunds will be issued.
**Please make travel plans accordingly. You will not be able to return to campus earlier than
Tuesday January 6th unless approved in advance by Becky Druetzler, Director of Greek Life.
The deadline for making alternative arrangements is Friday, December 19th. Men's
recruitment is on a different schedule and residence halls do not open for men until
Wednesday January 7th. Do not plan to share travel with men's recruitment participants.
The Process & Details
Formal Recruitment is a week-long process through which a potential new member is
selected to be a member of one of Butler's seven sororities. During this week, potential new
members and chapter members get to know one another through four days of events: 8-Party,
Philanthropy Day, Skit Day, and Preference Night. These events are organized to give
potential new members the opportunity to see many different aspects of sorority life, as well as
allowing the chapters to get to know potential new members as best as possible.
As the week progresses, events are invitational. Each participant is required to accept her
maximum number of invitations each day so that the potential new member can maximize her
opportunities to get to know the chapters. With each successive day, the events become
more personal and meaningful, giving participants the chance to see the unique
characteristics of the chapters.
The Recruitment Schedule:
8-Party Day– Attend events at each house (all required)
Philanthropy Day– Attend up to six events
Skit Day– Attend up to four events
Preference Night– Attend up to two events
Every morning, each participant will meet with her recruitment counselor and receive her
individual schedule. Attendance will be taken and potential new members will line up in the
Reilly Room prior to each event. Recruitment counselors will escort participants to the chapter
houses and to the Reilly Room between events. Since there is a lot of walking, it is important
for you to wear comfortable shoes!
At the end of each day, each potential new member will meet with her recruitment counselor to
process her experience during that round. The potential new member will indicate her
priorities for attending events the following day, in the event she receives more than the
maximum number of invitations.
Each round of recruitment has some potentially long days due to the number and length of
events. Remember, you will be taking time to talk to a variety of women from various chapters
and learning more about their organizations. It’s a great way to meet a lot of people at Butler in
a short time!
What to Wear
8-Party Day (Day 1)
For the 8-Party Round, there will be eight 40-minute events with a 20-minute break
between each event. During this day, you will get an overview of each sorority and get to
talk to members in each chapter. You will be touring all seven sorority houses with one
40-minute break during the day.
Recommended attire:
 Business Casual
 Skirts
 Sweaters
 Blouses
 Long-sleeves
 Flats, Boots, or other comfortable shoes
 Winter coat
Not recommended:
 Jeans
 Tank tops
 Flip flops
 Yoga pants
 T-shirts
*** To protect your property and as courtesy to the chapters, please
do not bring purses or cell phones to recruitment events. When it
gets rainy and/or cold, remember it is OK to dress accordingly!!!
What to Wear- Continued
Philanthropy Day (Day 2)
On Philanthropy Day, you will attend up to six 40-minute events with 20-minute breaks.
For this round , you will be given an in-depth look at each sorority’s philanthropy. You
might make a craft related to the specific philanthropy or hear a presentation about a
local initiative.
Recommended attire:
 Think of ‘Casual Fridays’ at a work office
 Nice jeans (no holes, have a darker wash)
 Boots or flats
 Cardigans
 Blouses
 Sweaters
 Winter coat
Not recommended:
 Yoga pants
 Sweatshirts
 Leggings
*** To protect your property and as courtesy to the chapters, please
do not bring purses or cell phones to recruitment events. When it
gets rainy and/or cold, remember it is OK to dress accordingly!!!
What to Wear- Continued
Skit Day (Day 3)
Skit Day consists of up to four one-hour events. This is a fun day where you will have
more time to talk to women in these chapters and see skits or presentations that reflect
the personality of each organization.
Recommended attire:
 Business Professional
 Skirt or pants suit
 Nice dresses
 Cardigans
 Button-down shirts
 Rain boots IF weather indicates
 Winter coat
Not recommended:
 Jeans
 Leggings (**Exception:
extreme cold)
 Summer/ spring dresses
*** To protect your property and as courtesy to the chapters, please
do not bring purses or cell phones to recruitment events. When it
gets rainy and/or cold, remember it is OK to dress accordingly!!!
What to Wear- Continued
Preference Night (Day 4)
Preference Night is the final round of recruitment. You will attend up to two 75-minute
events. For this night, individuals will get a chance to see the serious side of Greek Life
and be introduced to special events in the house.
Recommended attire:
 Nice cocktail or semi-formal dresses (any color)
 Heels or flats that ARE comfortable
 Cardigans
 Winter coat
Not recommended:
 Summer/spring dresses
 Formal gown
 Uncomfortable heels
*** To protect your property and as courtesy to the chapters, please
do not bring purses or cell phones to recruitment events. When it
gets rainy and/or cold, remember it is OK to dress accordingly!!!
Sorority Lingo
Active Member– A fully initiated undergraduate member of a fraternity or sorority.
Bid– Invitation to join a sorority or fraternity.
Chapter– Local organization of undergraduate students on a campus recognized by the
University and the National or International organization.
Formal Recruitment– Designated period when potential new members and Panhellenic
sororities get to know each other through structured events.
Initiation– A traditional ceremony that brings a new member into full membership of a
sorority or fraternity. Once you are initiated into an NPC sorority, you are ineligible for
membership in any other.
Intentional Single Preference- When a woman receiving more than one invitation to the
Preference Round intentionally lists only one chapter on her Membership Recruitment
Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA).
Legacy:- A daughter, sister or granddaughter of an initiated member of a sorority.
Typically, different groups have different definitions of legacies. Being a legacy does not
guarantee a bid to a particular sorority. Each National or International organization has
its own policy for invitations to legacies during recruitment.
MRABA (Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement)- A potential new
member (PNM) agrees to accept a bid from any chapter she lists on her MRABA. If a
PNM receives a bid to a chapter she lists and declines it, she is bound to it for one year
or until the next primary recruitment period, meaning she cannot accept a bid to any
other organization.
National Panhellenic Conference– Umbrella organization for 26 national and
international social sororities.
New Member– A person who has accepted a bid from a sorority but is not yet an active
member of that chapter. Each national organization requires its chapters to present an
approved new member orientation program during which the new members learn more
about the sorority to prepare them for membership.
Panhellenic Association– Governing body of the 7 National Panhellenic Conference
(NPC) sororities at Butler University.
Potential New Member (PNM)- A woman who is eligible to participate in recruitment.
Recommendation- A form completed by an alumna member of a sorority
recommending a potential new member for membership. Recommendations can be
helpful to both the PNM and the chapter, but are not required. Having a
recommendation does not guarantee an invitation to that chapter.
Recruitment Counselor- A sorority member who is disassociated from her sorority to
serve as a recruitment guide. Each PNM will be assigned a recruitment counselor during
formal recruitment.
Important Considerations
Because each chapter requires no less than a 2.75 minimum cumulative GPA as a full-time student
to be considered for membership, participants must have successfully completed 12 hours of college
credit by the end of Fall Semester 2014 and must have attained a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75
(not rounded upward) to participate in recruitment. In addition, students on University probation for
any reason are also not eligible to participate in recruitment activities.
If you are eligible for academic accommodations under the ADA and wish to make an accommodation request for recruitment, please make sure you are registered with Student Disability Services
(SDS) . Registration with SDS involves submitting documentation in advance of a scheduled
interview with an SDS staff member. Given this year’s academic and holiday calendar, it is likely in
a student’s best interest to register with SDS prior to holiday break in order to allow sufficient time to
complete the registration process prior to recruitment deadlines.
Financial Obligations
Financial information is available, upon request, from each chapter during the fall semester. As part
of a national organization that provides lifetime benefits and services, each sorority will assess new
member fees that will be paid early in the new member period. Fees will typically be in the range of
$800-$1400. The first semester of membership is usually the most expensive, with most one-time
components paid at this time. In each subsequent semester, membership dues will also be
Living in the sorority chapter house is a unique experience. All the houses are independently owned
by alumnae or national housing corporation boards. These housing boards are responsible for the
house maintenance, establishing room and board fees, and hiring staff. Only sophomores, juniors,
and seniors are eligible to live in the houses. Housing is not guaranteed for a definite number of
semesters and depends on each chapter’s capacity.
Alpha Chi
Nickname: Alpha Chi
Founded: DePauw University (1885)
Colors: Scarlett Red and Olive Green
Flower: Red Carnation
Symbols: Lyre
GPA required: 2.8
National Philanthropy: Alpha Chi Omega
Foundation, Ending Domestic Violence
Philanthropy Events:
A Chi S'mores, Frisbee Fling, Walk a Mile in her
Alpha Phi
Nickname: A Phi
Founded: Syracuse University (1872)
Colors: Silver and Bordeaux
Flower: Forget-Me-Not, Lily of the Valley
Symbols: Bear and Ivy Leaf
GPA required: 2.75
National Philanthropy: Alpha Phi
Foundation allocates money to Cardiac
Care, Forget Me Not and Scholarships
Philanthropy Events: Bounce for Beats,
Alpha Phi Celebration of Service
Delta Delta Delta
Nickname: Tri Delta
Founded: Boston College (1888)
Colors: Silver, Gold, Cerulean Blue
Flower: Pansy
Symbols: Dolphin, Pine Tree, Trident,
Pansy, Pearl
GPA Required: 2.75
National Philanthropy: Children's Cancer
Philanthropy Events: Flap Jack Attack,
Sundaes For St. Jude
Delta Gamma
Nickname: DeeGee
Founded: Lewis School for Girls (1873)
Colors: Bronze, Pink, Blue
Flower: Cream Rose
Symbol: Anchor
GPA required: 2.8
National Philanthropy: Service for
Philanthropy Events: Anchorsplash,
DG Delight
Kappa Alpha
Nickname: Theta
Founded: DePauw University (1870)
Colors: Black and Gold
Flower: Pansy
Symbols: Kite and Twin Stars
GPA Required: 2.85
National Philanthropy: Court Appointed
Special Advocates for Children (CASA)
Philanthropy Events: KATwalk, Cocoa
for Theta
Nickname: Kappa
Founded: Monmouth College (1870)
Colors: Light Blue and Dark Blue
Flower: Iris (Fleur de Lis)
Symbols: Golden Key, Owl, Fleur de Lis
GPA required: 2.75
National Philanthropy: Reading is
Fundamental and Kappa Kappa
Gamma Foundation
Philanthropy Events: Kappa Kickoff
Nickname: Pi Phi
Founded: Monmouth College (1867)
Colors: Wine and Silver Blue
Symbols: Arrow and Angel
GPA required: 2.75
National Philanthropy: "Read, Lead,
Philanthropy Events: Arrowspike, Wings of
an Angel
Pi Beta Phi
Frequently Asked Questions
Have the chapters decided whom they want as members by the end of the fall
No! Through campus involvement, you may get to know the sorority members during the
fall semester. This only helps you get to know more about the sororities. The purpose of
formal recruitment is to allow the chapter members and potential members to meet and
begin to have deeper conversations. Chapters do not make recruitment decisions prior to
the start of formal recruitment.
How do the sororities decide who to invite to the next round?
Membership selection is an important process for the members of a chapter and these
decisions are made thoughtfully. Each national organization has its own standards and
guidelines. Additionally, each sorority chapter has an alumna advisor to assist them with
the process. Overall, chapters are seeking a wide variety of individuals who bring
different skills and abilities to add to the strength of the chapter.
How do I decide which invitations I should accept?
As a potential member, you will have a different experience with each chapter,
depending on whom you meet, your values, your personal preferences and personality.
Ultimately, a chapter can be a second home, a place where you feel welcome and
accepted. While you may have met members of chapters in class or through activities
during the fall semester, chances are you will have not gotten to know women from each
organization. Formal recruitment events allow you the opportunity to meet a variety of
women from all chapters. Your experiences during recruitment week, together, with your
interests and goals, should guide you in a decision-making process.
What if I only want to be in a certain sorority?
Women going through recruitment often experience the greatest disappointment by
beginning the recruitment process only wanting to be in certain sororities. Sorority
membership is more than wearing certain letters. Don't make decisions based on
stereotypes and other people's opinions. Instead, use recruitment as a time to get to
know more about each sorority and be open to all possibilities for membership. Keep an
open mind and make the decision that is right for YOU!
Frequently Asked Questions
What does it mean to "maximize my options"?
At the end of each day, you will have the opportunity to list the sororities you visited in
priority order. Your order of priorities, matched with the invitations extended by each
chapter, will determine which events you will attend the following day. You will be
required to accept the maximum number of invitations received every round in order to
learn more about the chapters interested in getting to know you.
What if I do not receive any invitations to a round?
Each sorority will issue invitations to the women that the chapter is most interested in
getting to know further. Not receiving an invitation you had hoped for can be
disappointing, but is a possibility with any selection process, whether recruitment, a job,
or other potential opportunity. When a chapter does not issue an invitation to a woman, it
is because the members concluded there was a stronger fit between the chapter and
other potential new members, for whatever reason. Since membership selection is an
internal process for each organization, neither Panhellenic or the Director of Greek Life is
provided with additional information from the chapters. If you should withdraw from
recruitment, you are eligible to participate next year or later on if a chapter has roster
spaces to fill. Also, keep in mind that sorority members are encouraged to be involved on
campus in something outside of their respective chapters. We encourage you to do the
same and seek additional opportunities to be involved at Butler.
If I am a legacy, will I automatically get a bid to a chapter?
While each inter/national organization has its own process regarding legacies, chapters
will make decisions based on their membership priorities.
Will I automatically get into a chapter at the end of the week?
Butler Panhellenic has a very low occurrence of women who are not matched to a
chapter. We cannot guarantee, however, that you will be matched to a certain chapter.
Following the Preference Round, you will prioritize those chapters whose events you
attended and from who you are willing to accept an invitation to membership. If you
attend two events and only prioritize one chapter, there is a possibility that you will not be
matched to that chapter. This is a risk, but it is ultimately your decision. Your recruitment
counselor will discuss this thoroughly with you during the recruitment process.
A few tips…
If you would like to be part of the interest list to receive more information about
Panhellenic and chapter events, please let he Panhellenic Association know so
we can inform the chapters that you are interested!
Attend the pre-recruitment Panhellenic Association events, including Open Houses,
Sorority 101, and Panhel Dessert. They will give you information about the Greek
community, so they are especially helpful if you are unsure about Greek Life.
Attend the all-campus philanthropic events to meet women of different sororities to
learn more about their national philanthropies.
Take up a lunch or dinner invitation from a sorority member! These are great informal
events to get to know the sorority women and see them interact in their home
Ask questions! The recruitment counselors, Panhel Exec, and the Director of Greek
Life are here for this reason!
Be yourself! You want the sorority members to know who you really are, just like you
really want to know them.
Do NOT listen to the stereotypes and other people's perceptions or sororities. The
only opinions that matter are your own, do not let someone else affect your decisions!
Dress warmly! Formal Recruitment takes place in January and can be VERY cold. Be
prepared by wearing coats, gloves, and boots so you are not too cold between
Think of questions for recruitment events. During recruitment, you will have a lot of
one-on-one time with sorority women. While they are there to inform you about their
chapters, they also want to address your questions and concerns.
Have fun! While recruitment can be a stressful time, if you stay relaxed, you will make
it a fun and unforgettable experience.
Get connected! Check out the Butler University Panhellenic Association Facebook
Page, follow us on Twitter @ButlerPanhel, visit or our office at Atherton Union 310.
Map of Houses
Atherton Union
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Phi
Delta Gamma
Delta Delta Delta
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Pi Beta Phi