worship - Cathedral of Hope


worship - Cathedral of Hope
October 5, 2014
Volume 1 | Issue 31 | 9 & 11 a.m. Worship Services | 5th Sunday in Dominiontide
Feast of
St. Francis
A Note from Jim
Order of Worship
A Farewell from Katherine
Come Out Brunch Next Sunday
Cathedral Academy
Children’s Church
Pastoral Search Committee
A Note from Jim
Dear Friends,
Today, we celebrate two feasts.
To worship at Cathedral of Hope, a
congregation of the United Church of
Christ. Your presence here is a blessing and we hope you will return often.
Cathedral of Hope began in 1970 with
a circle of 12 friends and has since
grown into the world’s largest liberal
Christian church with a primary outreach to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning people.
•The VISION of Cathedral of Hope is to
be a community of hope proclaiming
God’s inclusive love, removing
barriers to faith and empowering
all people to grow in grace toward
•The MISSION of Cathedral of Hope is
to reclaim Christianity as a faith of
Extravagant Grace, Radical Inclusion
and Relentless Compassion.
Notes for Newcomers
Restrooms are located near the
double glass doors behind the
Sanctuary. Private restrooms are
available off the hall to the right of
the Hall of Heroes area. For more
information about the church, please
come to the Ministry & Visitor’s
Center located next to Sources of
Hope bookstore. Our worship services
are recorded for broadcast around
the country. We make every effort
to respect your privacy. However, if
you would like to ensure that you are
not seen on screen, please sit in one
of the last five rows of pews in the
center section.
Large-print bulletins
and assisted listening
systems are available in
the bookstore.
The Feast of St. Francis commemorates the life of St Francis, who was
born in the 12th century and is the
Catholic Church’s patron saint of
animals and the environment. (On
Saturday, we held our annual Blessing of Pets in honor of St. Francis.)
The other feast we commemorate
is World Communion Sunday. Observed by several Christian denominations around the globe, World Communion Sunday is a celebration that takes place on the first Sunday of
every October that promotes Christian unity and ecumenical cooperation.
St. Francis, who founded the Catholic Church’s Franciscan order, lived in
Italy during the late 12th and 13th centuries. Remembered for his generosity to the poor and his willingness to minister to the lepers, he also
served as an example of how great privilege, into which he was born, may
be used in service of liberation of others—and this reminds me of Cathedral of Hope.
St. Francis died at Portiuncula, Italy on October 4, 1226. Pope Gregory IX
pronounced St. Francis a saint in 1228 and laid the foundation stone for
the Basilica of St .Francis in Assisi, Italy
Upon his selection, our current Pope, Francis, told journalists that he
chose to be called after St. Francis of Assisi to make a powerful statement.
St. Francis, the pope said, was “the man of poverty, the man of peace, the
man who loves and protects creation,” the same created world “with which
we don’t have such a good relationship.”
World Communion Sunday is an opportunity to restore relationship at the
table of communion—a place where we may practice what we want the
world to be, a place where everyone is welcome and where there is always
enough food.
The tradition originated in the Shadyside Presbyterian Church in 1933,
was adopted throughout the U.S. Presbyterian Church in 1936, and subsequently spread to other denominations.
The first Sunday of October has become a time when Christians in every
culture break bread and pour the cup to remember and affirm the presence
of Jesus. His body, his blood, his spirit is with us and sanctifies us through
the sharing of this meal.
St. Francis and World Communion Sunday—two great feasts. Praise God,
and dig in!
— Rev. Jim Mitulski
— W.O., Dallas, TX
Rev. Jim Mitulski
Interim Senior Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Dr. Katherine Godby
Assoc. Pastor for Spiritual Life
[email protected]
Rev. Shelley Hamilton
Assoc. Pastor for Social Services
[email protected]
Rev. Dr. Alberto Magana
Minister for Congregación Latina
[email protected]
Rev. Todd Scoggins
Assoc. Pastor for Congregational Life
[email protected]
Rev. Dr. Stephen V. Sprinkle
Theologian in Residence
[email protected]
Rev. Mike Wright-Chapman
Assoc. Pastor for Young People
and Religious Events
[email protected]
Sean Baugh
Assoc. Director of Music & Worship
[email protected]
Chris Chism
Assist. Director of Music & Worship
[email protected]
Lee Covington
Exec. Assistant to the Senior Pastor
[email protected]
Dan Dubree
Executive Director
[email protected]
Anita L. Haddy
Coordinator for Ministry Development
[email protected]
Jerry King
Director of Media Ministry
[email protected]
Yadi Martinez
Minister of Youth,
Young Adults & Missions
[email protected]
David Moldenhauer
Director of Music & Worship
[email protected]
H O P E Quotes
“What an amazing blessing
Rev. Katherine has been to the
Cathedral’s congregation. I learned
so much in Katherine’s classes. I
will miss you terribly.”
In consideration of those seated around you, PLEASE,
No Flash Photography or Video Recording
during the service. PLEASE, Turn Off Your Cell Phone! Thank you.
5910 Cedar Springs Rd | Dallas, TX 75235 | 214-351-1901 |
cathedralofhope.com | Hours 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mon-Thurs
Dan Peeler
Minister for Children & Families
[email protected]
Lynn Taylor
Director of Facilities
[email protected]
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Wors hip
So Come So
So Come
Words and Music
and Kevin
Kevin Prosch
Voices of Hope
of Hope
Chris Chism
the Earth
YMNAll Creatures
All of
the Earth
Earth and
and Sky
Insight into the various
elements of our services
St. Francis’ Canticle
of the Sun
Two of today’s hymns, our
Processional Hymn, All Creatures
of the Earth and Sky, and the
Hymn of Response, O Brother Sun,
O Sister Moon, are based on the
Canticle, Laudes Creaturarum
(Praise of the Creatures)
attributed to St. Francis of Assisi
(1182-1226). Saint Francis is
said to have composed most of
the canticle in late 1224 while
recovering from an illness at
San Damiano, in a small cottage
that had been built for him by
Saint Clare and other women of
her order. According to tradition,
the first time it was sung in its
entirety was by Francis and
Brothers Angelo and Leo, two
of his original companions, on
Francis’ deathbed. The final
verse praising “Sister Death”
had been added only minutes
earlier. The Canticle thanks God
for such creations as “Brother
Fire” and “Sister Water”. It is an
affirmation of Francis’ personal
theology, as he often referred to
animals as brothers and sisters
of humankind.
Words attributed toWords
St. Francis
of Assisi,
Music from Ausserlesene
OneLicense.net License
OneLicense.net License #A-705445
**The people**The
will rise
in body
will rise
in body
body or
or spirit.
Rev. Jim Mitulski
Rev. Jim
Jim Mitulski
Rev. Shelley
Rev. Shelley Hamilton
MODERN LESSON This Earth: What She Is to Me
Candace Thompson, Lay Reader
from Woman and Nature: The Roaring Inside Her by Susan Griffin
As I go into her, she pierces my heart. As I penetrate further, she unveils me. When I have reached her
center, I am weeping openly. I have known her all my life, yet she reveals stories to me, and these stories are
revelations and I am transformed. Each time I go to her I am born like this. Her renewal washes over me
endlessly, her wounds caress me; I am aware of all that has come between us, of the noise between us, the
blindness, of something sleeping between us. Now my body reaches out to her. They speak effortlessly, and
I learn at no instant does she fail me in her presence. She is delicate as I am; I know her sentience; I feel her
pain and my own pain comes into me, and my own pain grows large and I grasp this pain with my hands,
and I open my mouth to this pain. I taste, I know, and I know why she goes on, under great weight, with
this great thirst, in drought, in starvation, with intelligence in every act does she survive disaster. This earth
is my sister; I love her daily grace, her silent daring, and how loved I am. How we admire this strength in
each other, all that we have lost, all that we have suffered, all that we know: we are stunned by this beauty,
and I do not forget: what she is to me, what I am to her.
The Earth is Full of the Goodness of God
Psalm 65
John Mueller, cantor
The refrain is sung first by the cantor. The congregation repeats it immediately, and as indicated below.
Words and Music by Marty Haugen
© GIA Publications, Inc.
OneLicense.net License #A-705445
Praise awaits you, O God, you call forth songs of joy.
You care for the land and water it; you soften it with showers and bless its crops.
The streams of God are filled with water to provide the people with grain.
You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.
The grasslands of the desert overflow; the hills are clothed with gladness.
The meadows are covered with flocks and the valleys are mantled with grain;
they shout for joy and sing.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.
Speak, O Lord, as we come to you to receive the food of your holy word.
Take your truth, plant it deep in us; shape and fashion us in your likeness.
Words and Music by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend © Thankyou Music
CCLI License #123333
Matthew 6: 25, 28b-33
Rev. Sherry Hilliard
God be with you.
And also with you.
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew.
Glory to you, O God
Jesus continued teaching the crowds, saying, ‚Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what
you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food,
and the body more than clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor
spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these. But if God so clothes
the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will God not much
more clothe you—you of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will
we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ For it is those without faith who strive for all these things; and
indeed God knows that you need all these things. But strive first for the reign of God and God’s
righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.‛
This is the Gospel of Hope.
Praise to you, Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit.
In Your Hands
from Psalm 95 by Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)
Coretta Smith and Arielle Collier, sopranos
Cathedral of Hope Orchestra
In your hands are all the corners of the earth,
and the sea is yours,
and the strength of the mountains;
these you made.
Come, let us worship and kneel before the Lord.
Rev. Jim Mitulski
O Brother Sun, O Sister Moon
Words: adapted from St. Francis of Assisi, 1182-1226, by Sharon Anway
Music: traditional Scottish
OneLicense.net License #A-705445
In Your Hands/Felix Mendelssohn
Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809 –1847), widely known as Felix Mendelssohn, was a German composer, pianist, organist and conductor
of the early Romantic period. A grandson of the philosopher Moses Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn was born into a prominent Jewish family. Initially
raised without religion, he was later baptized as a Reformed Christian. Mendelssohn wrote symphonies, concerti, oratorios, piano music and chamber
music. His best-known works include his Overture and incidental music for A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the Italian Symphony, and the Scottish Symphony. His Songs Without Words are his most famous solo piano compositions. Mendelssohn was instrumental in reviving the performance of works by
baroque masters J.S. Bach (St. Matthew Passion) and G.F. Handel (Israel in Egypt). His own religious compositions, including the oratorios Elijah and St.
Paul, are masterpieces of early romantic choral music. Today’s Ministry in Music is a duet for two sopranos and orchestra extracted from Mendelssohn’s
setting of Psalm 95, Come, Let Us Sing. Mendelssohn’s genius at creating lyrical vocal lines is certainly on display here, as the solo voices trade off
the melody and intertwine gracefully throughout much of the piece, only joining together on the phrases, “Come, let us adore…” and to sing the final
iteration of the main theme in harmony.
by Laura Story and Jesse Reeves; arr. David T. Clydesdale
Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra
I’ll Say Yes
I’ll say yes, Lord, I’ll say yes.
To your will Lord, I’ll say yes.
Where you lead me, I will go.
I’ll say yes, Lord, I’ll say yes.
Come to the Water
Come to the water, come to the river, come to the well.
Come if you’re thirsty, come if you’re broken, come and be healed.
Come and drink from the Savior’s cup.
Come and be blessed by the Savior’s love.
Words and Music by Laura Clark-Boyd and Kate Miner
© Eternalux and Royal Kiwi Music; CCLI License # 123333
On this World Communion Sunday we celebrate communion in a manner practiced in many congregations
of the United Church of Christ and other denominations. Baskets of bread and trays of individual cups will
be passed out through the congregation. Please hold your bread and cup until all have received. We will
then share the Words of Institution and consume the elements together.
Cathedral of Hope celebrates an open communion. We understand the sharing of the bread and the cup in
Jesus’ name to be a representation of an ancient vision of God’s feast for all people. We don’t require you
to be a member of this church, or any church, to participate with us in this feast of grace.
WORDS OF INSTITUTION based on 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26
Take and eat; this is my body given for you.
Do this in remembrance of me.
Take and drink; this is my blood poured out for you.
Do this in remembrance of me.
“I’ll Say Yes, Lord” reprise (see lyrics above)
How Great Thou Art
O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder
consider all the worlds thy hands have made,
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
thy pow’r throughout the universe displayed.
**Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee;
How great thou art! How great thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee;
How great thou art! How great thou art!
Words by Carl Boberg, translation by Stuart K. Hine
Music: Swedish folk tune, arr. Stuart K. Hine © Manna Music, Inc.
This arrangement by Steven Couch © Cathedral of Hope
For the Earth Forever Turning
Words and Music by Kim Oler © Boosey & Hawkes, Inc.
OneLicense.net License # A-705445
Time of Prayer
After the service, caring ministers will be in the chapel area to offer you personal prayer for healing and comfort.
Time of Fellowship
Please join us for refreshments after the service in the Fellowship Hall.
Singers and Instrumentalists Wanted!
oin the Cathedral of Hope Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra for our “Music
Ministry Advent Services” on Sunday, December 14, 2014. Sing with
the Choir or share your instrumental talents with the Orchestra for this
special Sunday of beautiful holiday music. For a minimal commitment you
can take part in leading the gorgeous music being planned for these services
showcasing the Sanctuary Choir, Orchestra, and Cathedral Ringers in an Advent worship experience not to be forgotten—and get to meet some of the
most wonderful and dedicated members of our congregation, the CoH Music
Ministry! The rehearsal schedule is listed below.
For more information, contact David Moldenhauer, Director of Music and Worship at [email protected] or print the Keywords: ADVENT
MUSIC in the comments section of the red registration pads. You will be
emailed a link to PDFs and MP3s of the musical selections.
Friday, October 10, 6-9:30 p.m. (Potluck and Rehearsal)
Saturday, November 15, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Saturday, December 6, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Thursday, December 11, 7-10 p.m. (“Dress” Rehearsal)
October 5, 2014
Farewell from Rev. Dr. Katherine Godby
Dear Cathedral of Hope,
s most of you know, I have resigned my position here at Cathedral to
become a hospice chaplain. I start my new job on October 13; my last
day here will be October 6 (that’s the day after I return from our CoH spiritual
retreat The Walk, so my last Sunday here is today).
I want you to know how this came about. Back in late summer there was talk
about layoffs, so I did the prudent thing – I asked some friends to let me know if
they heard of any openings around town. Just in case. A dear friend at Elysian
Hospice left her position there; she told them about me and showed them my
resume. They called, I interviewed, and they offered me the job. By this time
the talk of layoffs here at CoH had died down, but somehow hospice chaplaincy felt like a true invitation to me. The discernment process was extremely
difficult. The pinnacle of Ignatian discernment is to have a feeling of “inner
peace,” but when I used the Ignatian process I ended up with “inner peace”
about both options! Still, my sense that God was inviting me toward something
new, toward something that I’ve felt drawn to since the beginning of my pastoral life, was strong, so I decided to accept the offer.
Come Out for Sunday Brunch
NEXT Sunday, October 12, 10:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
For many years now I’ve known that the real purpose of my life is to become
more and more like Christ. To become more Christ-like is to become more
loving. The first step is always to love myself, for until I love myself all the
“love” I direct toward others is so often inauthentic. Amazingly, as I have
struggled to learn to love myself more authentically over the years, I have fallen
more and more in love with God. And as I love God increasingly with my
whole heart, just as amazingly, I have learned to authentically love others.
With fall weather now in full swing, who doesn’t love a good ole fashioned
church-wide social? Join your church family after both services (and before
the third) for a food-truck brunch underneath the tent (from the wedding the
night before) in the shaded area behind the IPC. Various local food trucks will
be selling a wide variety of food choices from just after the 9 a.m. service until
1:30 p.m.
A limited number of vouchers are available for those who might need financial
assistance to participate. Contact Roger Stanley ([email protected]) to request a
voucher or to donate toward this effort. This event is sponsored by H4PJ.
Having said that, the truth is also that sometimes I fail to love. For various
reasons, I hold back. I fail because I mistakenly think I can love under my own
power, forgetting that love is always a gift from God. To the extent that I have
failed to love here at Cathedral in the last two-and-a-half years, I ask your understanding. Of course, I haven’t always failed! When I think back over my time
here, I am overjoyed at the many ways I see how love has guided and filled me.
My purpose in life has moved forward here at Cathedral of Hope, for I believe
I have increased in my capacity to love, to allow God to love through me.
Love Offering for Katherine
As we announced recently in church, Rev. Dr. Katherine Godby has taken a
new position as a hospice chaplain, a work she has longed to do for some time
in the course of her career. We received a Love Offering for her last Wednesday.
If you did not attend that night but wish to contribute you may mail a gift to
the church making sure to memo it for Katherine, or you may donate online
at http://godby.supportcoh.com. Let’s express our appreciation to her in every
way as she begins this exciting new venture in ministry!
And now I reap the consequences of that love. As I leave this place, I must
allow myself to feel the pain of sadness that is always interwoven with love—
it’s the “cost” of love in a world bounded by temporality and the changes
that temporality always carries. I won’t see you every Sunday, I won’t get
to be with you as you worship God in the amazingly powerful way that only
Cathedral can worship, and that brings a real heaviness to my heart. When I
think about Sunday mornings here with you, I immediately think of the joy it
always brought me.
October Birthdays Reception
TODAY, October 5
Following 9 a.m. Service, Hall of Heroes
You have been a HUGE blessing to me. I will carry with me to my new position at Elysian Hospice many memories of the Spirit moving powerfully among
us, memories of loss and grief, as well as fun and laughter, and memories of
how it feels so vital to stand for justice in this world. Thank you for allowing
me the privilege of walking with you through life for these last two-and-a-half
Is your birthday in October? Join us TODAY, October 5, following the 9
a.m. worship service for a reception in the Hall of Heroes (the area behind
the double glass doors at the back of the sanctuary) to share some birthday
cake and meet others who are celebrating their birthdays in October.
Your special cake was made and donated
by Delicious Cakes – Addison.
So glad to have been your pastor,
Advent Volunteer Opportunities
Young Adults Ministry
What is the Young Adults Ministry? Cathedral of Hope Young Adults ministry is comprised of college students, young professionals, singles, and married
couples of Cathedral of Hope as well young adults from across the Dallas-Fort
Worth Metroplex.
he season of Advent doesn’t begin for a while yet, but we are preparing for
it now. The following volunteer opportunities will give you a chance to get
involved , meet new people and try out a ministry during the season of Advent.
New Pulse Choir!
Wednesday Nights PULSE
We are excited to announce that the CoH Music Department will be providing a fresh and new ministry opportunity for those who have a passion to sing
and participate in our Wednesday Night Pulse service, as well as other special
services and events here at Cathedral of Hope. This group will bring a fusion
of soulful gospel and contemporary music in partnership with our very own
Voices of Hope. If you have a heart and talent for singing and haven’t found a
ministry to fill that void, this could be the outlet for you. We will launch with
our first rehearsal/meet-and-greet tomorrow, Monday, October 6 at 6 p.m. in
the Choir Room. If you have any questions or think this might be something for
you, please contact Chris Chism at [email protected].
Starting October 1, before our Wednesday night PULSE worships service we
meet for coffee in CLC 107 at 6 p.m. We provide an opportunity for young
adults to come together and meet for different topics regarding spirituality. We
encourage anyone wanting to lead or facilitate a talk to reach out. Our goal is
for this to be an interactive conversation that prepares us for worship at 7:15
p.m. We also encourage Young Adults to participate in the service reading
scriptures or signing in a Wednesday night choir.
10 a.m., Sunday morning Bible studies, CLC East Wing
Have you ever felt like Christianity is all about perfection? Have you ever made
the following statements: I don’t pray enough; I don’t read my Bible enough;
I don’t love God enough? Or I’m not committed enough. Well, did you know
that genuine faith starts with questioning, exploring and accepting our messy
Usher Ministry
The Usher Ministry is adding new team members for the Advent season. Team
members serve one Sunday a month or more often if desired. Ushers assist people in finding a place to sit, taking up the offering, directing people to communion as well as preparing the sanctuary for services. No experience required as
training is provided for this rewarding ministry. Keyword: USHER
Let’s go camping!
To kick off our Fall activities, we have decided to go Camping at Rainbow
Ranch on November 7. We will meet at Cathedral of Hope at 7:30 and then
drive together to Groesbeck, TX where the camp is located. You can check out
the camp site at www.rainbowranch.net. We are planning games and activities
for everyone. We will have a meeting on October 27 in Room CLC 107 after
the PULSE worship service for anyone who would like to join us for camping.
Suggested donation is $10 per person to cover the camping cost.
Lay Ministers of Worship (LMOWs) serve as Acolytes (candle lighters, processional element carriers, and set up for communion) and Communion Servers
(the ones who actually serve during communion). The LMOWs are adding new
team members for the season of Advent. Team members serve one Sunday a
month or more often if desired. If you have been looking for a deeply meaningful way to serve in the life and ministry of our church, please consider this
ministry. Keyword: LMOW
For more information contact Yadi Martinez at [email protected].
Follow us on Facebook! Keep up with our events and adventures by finding us
on facebook.com/CohYoungAdults.
Heart’s Purpose Meditation
Greeter Ministry
Find your bliss every Monday at 7 p.m. Interfaith Peace Chapel
Did you ever think that a simple thing like a friendly smile and “hello” could be
really important? Consider this: First-time visitors to churches decide within
30 seconds of arriving whether they will come back. Greeters are usually the
first contact for everyone entering the church, so if you think greeting is unimportant, think again. If you are outgoing, love meeting people, and hear the call
to the greeter ministry, we are eager for you to join for the upcoming Advent
season. Training is provided. Keyword: GREETER
Sessions are free but donations are welcomed. Sessions are held every week
except on holidays. For more information, contact Rev. Todd Scoggins at
[email protected].
Pastoral Care/Prayers
If you know anyone who would like to be included on the church prayer
list, send the request to [email protected] or online at
www.cathedralofhope.com/contact-forms/prayer-request. If you know of
someone in need of pastoral contact, please notify Rev. Todd Scoggins by
phone at 214.351.1901 or [email protected].
Display Case Merchandiser Specialist
Sources is seeking someone to keep their glass counter display cases fresh and
alluring with our jewelry and small gifts. Time is very flexible, not more than
once or twice a month for about an hour to fluff the product. New product arrival may require a little more time. Keyword: DISPLAY
Wash Our Dust Away
Chancel Flowers
Sources is seeking one volunteer to wash the glass shelves in the store for about
an hour or so on Thursday afternoons every 3-4 weeks. No experience needed.
Careful hands required. Keyword: WASH
[email protected]
To express interest in one of the above volunteer opportunities, print the
Keyword(s) in the comments section of the registration pad. Be sure to include
your contact information so we can follow up with you. Or, contact Anita Haddy,
Coordinator for Ministry Development at [email protected] or
214-351-1901 X135.
[email protected]
David Moldenhauer
Charles Owen
Ministry in Action
For the month of August, the following information was recorded:
• 18 Ministry job assignments begun*
• 39 Ministry groups reporting
• 504 Volunteers participating
• 4,750 Ministry hours reported
• $101,453 Value of ministry hours
*This is not new ministries – this is people
beginning new assignments.
Free Rapid HIV Testing klklklkl
Sunday, November 2, 2014
3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Greening Tip
Hair sprays, waxes, mousse
and gels. What’s in this stuff
that sits on our skin and
All Classes will be held in the Fellowship Hall
ultimately ends up down the
(Childcare is available for all classes upon request)
If you have questions, please contact Rev. Todd Scoggins, Associate Pastor for drain when we wash it out?
Congregational Life, or call the church office at 214-351-1901.
Be sure to check the labels for
Please register TODAY by printing the Keywords: CK CLASS SUNDAY earth-friendly products.
or CK CLASS TUESDAY on the red registration pad or online at
www2.cathedralofhope.com/church-membership or at the table in the Ministry
& Visitor’s Center.
Tr i b u t e s
In loving memory of my husband,
William DeBrucque
By Robert Stewart
In loving memory of our father,
William DeBrucque
By Natalie Ozier & Valarie Fruend
In memory of Kelly Murphy
By Wendy Hyland
In memory of Louise Pacetti
By Joe Pacetti
In memory of Gregg & Melodi
(they left too soon)
By a friend
In honor of
Lisa Novacek & Chris Malone
By Edward Robicheaux
To make an honorary or memorial
gift, please contact Tom Martin at
[email protected] or
214.351.1901 x210, or
use the envelope in the pew rack.
Offered on the first
and third Wednesdays
required) of each
month here at the
New Members Class
church. Call 469-291re you interested in becoming a member of Cathedral of Hope? Do you 2800 to schedule an
want to learn more about this great church and the many ways you can appointment.
share your Hope with the world? If so, REGISTER TODAY and join us for the
next “Covenant Keepers” class. CoH will confirm the next membership class Testing is also offered on Sundays (no
on Sunday, November 16, 2014. If you are interested in becoming a member appointment necessary) between the
of CoH and want to know more about the history and ministries of our great 9 and 11 a.m. services, in the lower
church, please join us for our informative and inspiring Covenant Keepers level of the IPC Room C, and every
Class which is offered in two sessions.We ask that you attend both SESSION 1 other Monday from 1 to 3 p.m. during
and SESSION 2 on whichever day works best for you!
The Cathedral’s Five Core Values:
We are a people of Compassion. We are ministers who embody the tangible
love of a Savior who fed the hungry, healed the hurting, and told us bluntly that
what we did to the least, we did to him. We are a people of Inclusion. This is a
value Jesus held. We believe Jesus came to include, not to exclude. All are welcome around his table. We are a people of Liberation. We seek to challenge all
oppression, particularly the oppression of queer people. By embodying grace,
we live out our liberation until all are set free. We are a people of Hope. We
are people filled with joy and unrelenting optimism because we believe: God is
good. With God all things are possible. God can use us to transform the world.
We are a people of Jesus. We believe Jesus was the incarnation of God’s grace.
Jesus resisted the status quo of oppression and showed us the way to the abundant life God intends for all people.
Giving and Attendance at a Glance
Sun. 9 AM
Sun. 11 AM
Mid-Cities 11 AM
Sun. 1 PM
Ending 09/28/14
Attd. Ministry
Ending 09/21/14
Attd. Ministry
Ending 09/14/14
Attd. Ministry
Mail/Credit Cards
Second Offering
Urban Living Must-Haves
The door stops here with our Cast Iron Jack Doorstop. This vintageinspired piece is a must-have addition to your stoop and can even be used
as a paperweight, bookend or accent piece. Its artistic cast iron silhouette
harkens back to the Victorians who were the first to use sculptural elements
to prop open a door. ($25 each)
2015 Passbooks Have Arrived
For everyone who eats out a lot, goes to movies, rents cars, takes clothes to the cleaners,
etc. or who travels in the United States or
Canada, the bargain of the year has arrived:
The cost for the book is $30 with access to a
mobile app for your Smart Phone -- wherever
you are in the Dallas area, just click on the
app, and you’ll be given all the places in your
vicinity that accept Passbook coupons – often
the digital coupon on your phone.
NEW This Year: If you are in any city in the United States or Canada that
has a Passbook (see the last page of the book), click on the app on your
Smart Phone and you’ll be given all the places in your vicinity that have
Passbook coupons for that city – such a deal!
TODAY - Gay Fiction Sale – Discounted 30%
Our Bodies. Our Spirits. Our Selves. A Celebration of Women
FRI Solidarity with Women Mixer SAT Women’s Rights Symposium
11/7 11/8 Join local L?BAQ organiCa0ons and their supporters ac0vely working for the rights of all women here in Dallas and the U.S. and meet Kate—
and NCLR! (6:30p-8:30p, Sue Ellen’s Vixen Lounge, no cost) Leading voices on a variety of topics—including equal pay, aging issues, lesbian rights, legal and Qnancial issues, reproduc0ve rights and health, and others—will be featured in a panel discussion and Q&A. Boxed lunches and a series of one-­‐hour workshops will follow. (10:00a-2:30p, Cathedral of Hope, $5 suggested donation) Celebrating Women Reception In the beau0ful Philip Johnson-­‐designed Interfaith Peace Chapel, we will celebrate and honor the lives of the women we love. Come and enWoy wine, hors deX oeuvres, and music while suppor0ng Hope for Peace & Jus0ce. (5:00p-7:00p, Interfaith Peace Chapel, $10 suggested donation) SUN Worship at Cathedral of Hope
With special guest Kate Kendell Designated as H4PJ Sunday, November 9 will feature women-­‐led .xecu0ve Director worship services with Kate who will deliver the message for the day. Na0onal Center for .veryone is invited to a 0cketed brunch a[erward at a loca0on to be Lesbian Rights determined to raise funds for H4PJ. (9:00a and 11:00a, Cathedral of Hope) (NCLR) Awo book studies will be beginning week a[er next—Men & Feminism and *assionate *oli/0s12he Life and Work of :harlo;e <un0h> We will be screening the :harlo;e <un0h documentary on 10/12 and A Litany For Survival: the Life and Work of Audre Lorde on 11/2 in the IPC. Watch the Weekly for details. 11/9 Next S a t u r d a y!!
9:30 a.m.!
Can Change
the World
from Here
Tickets $35 in advance:!
a Conversation with
Rev. Michael Piazza"
(and breakfast!#!
for Life & Learning
Course Catalogs
lease pick up a course catalog at
the CALL table in the narthex
for more detailed information on
each class. Light refreshments,
for Tuesday classes. Child care
with reservation only—email:
[email protected]
“Gifts of Imperfection”
Brene Brown’s E-course
Tuesdays, Oct. 7 for 12 weeks
(schedule determined at first class)
7:00 p,m. CLC
Facilitator: James Cannata
Finding Our Voice: Singing
Together for Liberation and
Tea & Mortality
Tuesday, Oct. 7, 14
7:00 p.m. CLC Chapel
Whether your work brings you to hospitals, recovery ministries, hospice,
jail, church, school, or only to your
meditation cushion, singing with and
for one another can help us to manage
our internal weather, deepen our ability to listen, and help us to be deeply
present in our communities.
In this four-week class, we will:
• learn beautiful melodies to help
us grow in compassion as we
develop our most authentic voice
and walk the way of freedom
Are you ready to move from “what
will others think?” to “I am enough”?
• listen deeply to the spirit withDo you want to let go of Who You
in, sing our way to our sweetThink You Are Supposed to Be and
est identity, individually and
embrace Who You Are?? If so, you
are invited to join us as we explore
Courage, Compassion and Connection
• re-discover God with and in our
in Brené Brown’s On Demand “Gifts
of Imperfection” eCourse. In this
• listen deeply and experience the
12-week art journal eCourse, parways sound touches spirit;
ticipants will roll up their sleeves for
• explore sacred chant to heal ourhands-on, interactive art explorations
selves and the world, learning
led by Brené and facilitated here at
how sound can enhance wellCoH by James Cannata. It’s heartbeing; and
work through artwork. Each week
Brené leads you through a new guide• reflect on sounds that open (and
post for wholehearted living. . . with
close) our hearts.
weekly intentions, creative exercises,
and new ways to dig deep in your Absolutely everyone is welcome in
own life. A joyful clarifying, courage- this class of humming, toning, singing, deep listening, and seriously fun
building journey unlike any other.
prayer. If you can hum, you can come.
Participants are required to purchase
the book “Gifts of Imperfections” Praying for our Pastoral
and to sign up for Brené Brown’s On
Search Process
Demand eCourse ($69.99, or less for
returning students). Google “brene
Sunday, Oct. 12 | immediately
brown on demand “gifts of imperfecafter the 9 am worship service
tion” ecourse)
CLC 182, east wing
civil rights activist to lesbian separatist to internationally acclaimed leader
Breathing Life into Dialogues of a campaign to put women’s rights
about Death
on the global human rights agenda. In
dramatizing Charlotte’s life and work,
2nd Tuesday, (Oct 14)
the film also reveals the wider land7 p.m. | CLC Chapel
scape of modern feminist activism –
Facilitators: Allen Hyserman,
from its roots in the 1960s struggles
Lynn McCasland
for social justice to international camLynn McCasland leads our conversa- paigns against gender-based violence
tion on “The Legality of Dying: Wills, today.
Powers of Attorney, and more”
Documentary screening in the IPC,
downstairs rooms A/B, 12:45 p.m.,
Jesus on Death Row:
Pondering the Extent of the Sunday 10/12 with a discussion after.
(plus optional 2nd screening 11/5)
Facilitator: Rev. Jeff Hood
“I was in prison and you visited
me.” The words of Matthew 25:36
have long inspired me to think about
what it would mean for Jesus to be
in our modern prison system. I have
been working on an adaptation of the
Gospel of Matthew that adapts the
story of Jesus and places the events on
death row in Texas. I wanted to share
with you what I have come up with
and dream with you what the Son of
God might look like from death row. “Men and Feminism”
Book Study
Tuesdays, Oct. 14, 21, 28 | 7 p.m.
Italia Express 4000A Cedar Springs,
Dallas 75219 | 214.521-3300
Book by Shira Tarrant, PhD is
Associate Professor with the
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality
Studies Department at California State
University, Long Beach.
Facilitators: Todd Whitley and others. If interested in hosting a study,
Rev. Jeff Hood is Hope for Peace and please contact Todd Whitley
Justice’s Minister of Social Justice This book is in our CoH Sources
at the Cathedral of Hope is ardently bookstore.
opposed to the death penalty. Addressing the question of why men
should care about feminism in the
Passionate Politics:
first place, Men and Feminism lays
The Life and Work of
the foundation for a larger discussion
Charlotte Bunch
about feminism as a human issue, not
simply a women’s issue. Men are cruWednesdays, Oct. 15, 22, 29
cial to the movement — from “why”
6 p.m. | CLC chapel
to “how” to “what can men do”, Men
Facilitators: Rev. Sheila
and Feminism answers all the quesCoughlin and Ann Talley
tions men have about how and why
Study guide:passionatepoliticsfilm. they should get behind feminism.
The two previous classes are in prepaPassionate-Politics-Companionration for H4PJ’s “Our Bodies. Our
Spirits. Our Selves. A Celebration
Charlotte Bunch is a one-hour docu- of Women” event—commemoratmentary film that brings Charlotte’s ing H4PJ Sunday the weekend of
story to life – from idealistic young November 9”
C h i l d r e n , Yo u th
&Familie s
Children’s Church
ast week in Children’s Church in
our illustrated PowerPoint Series,
we covered and discussed the first four
Commandments and discovered that
their subject was Humankind’s relationship with God. This week, we’ll
conclude our two week series on the
Ten Commandments as we look at the
last six which are about Humankind’s
responsibilities toward each other.
Appropriately, they begin at home,
telling us to honor our parents, which
is a rule familiar to the children. The
rest of the list sums up things we
would not do if we truly honor both
God and our parents. We’ll talk about
the fact that all of them apply to all
ages, except the one about adultery
which is about married adults and
honoring the promises they have made
to one another. Next week we will
take a break from PowerPoint and put
together some Ten Commandments
crafts to help us remember the important list of ways to show our love and
respect for God and to create keep
peace with our neighbors..
Moses stores the 10 Commandments in the Ark of the Covenant.
Each week, Dan Peeler, Minister for Children & Families, and Charlie Rose create beautiful illustrations like this one for
use in the Children’s Church PowerPoint lessons.
Our Sr. High Youth are encouraged to help plan and assist with the Jr. High
Lock-in. However, they will be celebrating the fall festiveness by going out in
October for dinner, and with a night out.
What’s next in Sunday school?
Starting TODAY, October 5, we will launch our new Sunday curriculum. We
invite our youth, both Jr’s and Sr’s, to bring their Bibles. If any youth is in need
of a Bible, please let us know.
What’s Next in Youth Ministry?
A Jr. High Halloween Lock in! We invite our Jr. High Youth, Tweeners and
ALL parents to join us on October 10, in the CLC chapel, for dinner. We
encourage both youth and parents to dress up! At 9 p.m. we will say farewell
to our parents and kick off our Halloween Jr. High celebration with games,
activities and scary movies. Our goal is to provide a safe space for our Jr’s who
normally don’t get invited to sleep over’s, and to provide a comfortable environment where they can play video games and have fun. The costume competition will be at 8 p.m. for our Jr’s in the following two categories: Scariest, and
Most creative! For more information, please contact Yadi.
Our Jr. High Youth will explore “Connect.” Connect is a curriculum that
takes Jr. High Youth on a journey through the Old Testament and into the New
Testament, exploring the connections between several stories each week. Our Sr. High Youth will explore “ECHO.” ECHO is a curriculum that takes Sr.
High Youth on a journey from creation to Revelation, youth participants will
find meaning and identity in the stories of the Bible.
Connect with Youth Ministry
Follow us on facebook! Keep up with our events and adventures by finding us
on facebook.com/Cathedralofhopeyouth.
Gover nance
From your Pastoral Search Committee
Board of Stewards Election Timeline
e are excited to have presented the final draft to the Board of Stewards
and conference minister for review to ensure the document accurately
reflects our congregation. We anticipate that by the end of this month the profile
will be posted internally with the UCC for pastors who are seeking a new call.
There will also be a high-level description posted on their public website. At
that time we will begin accepting applications, which is the next step in the
search and call process. We on the committee want to thank you all for your
assistance in the creation of the profile through the online survey, listening sessions and personal e-mails we have received, which have helped us best represent who we are and who we want to be in the future. Your prayers through this
intense and important time in the life of our church are greatly appreciated and
we hope that you will continue to be prayerful with us throughout the remainder
of this process. We also would like to remind our congregation that this is a
very spirit-led and prayer-driven decision making process.
TODAY, Sunday, October 5,
Candidates announced
Sunday, October 12
Meet the Candidates before & after services, Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, October 15
Meet the Candidates after service in Narthex
Sunday, October 19
Meet the Candidates before & after services, Fellowship Hall
Monday, October 20 (6-6:30 p.m.)
Meet with Board Reps. CLC Chapel
Monday, October 20 (6:30-7 p.m.)
Candidate Forum in CLC Chapel (BoS 7 p.m.)
You are always welcome to email us at [email protected] with any questions or concerns and can also refer to our committee webpage for further information on the search and call process
at www2.cathedralofhope.com/senior-pastor-search or use
the QR code to the right.
Saturday, October 25
Congregational Meeting and Elections (10 a.m.-1 p.m.)
Saturday, October 25
Votes Counted
Sunday, October 26
New Board Members Announced
Blessings, your Pastoral Search Committee members
Greg Draxler, Chef/Owner | 469-744-3940
[email protected]
Ask for Special CoH Pricing
October 2014
Rev. Jim Mitulski; Community Worship 9 & 11 a.m.
Feast of St. Francis, Renewal of Vows- 11 a.m.
Wednesday, OCT 8 • PULSE
Dr. Joretta Marshall Dean of Brite Divinity School in Fort
Worth, Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m.
Sunday, OCT 12
Rev. Jim Mitulski; Community Worship 9 & 11 a.m.
National Coming Out Day observance
and Commemoration of Matthew Shepard
Monday, OCT 13
Board of Stewards meeting, 7 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, OCT 15 • PULSE
Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m.
Sunday, OCT 19
Rev. Jim Mitulski; Community Worship 9 & 11 a.m.
United Nations Day and Commemoration of Eleanor
Wednesday, OCT 22 • PULSE
Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m.
Saturday, OCT 25
Annual Congregational Meeting & Board Elections,
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
H O P E o n the Horizon
Sunday, NOV 30
Rev. Jim Mitulski; Community Worship 9 & 11 a.m.
World AIDS Day Service at 6 p.m.
December 2014
Sunday, DEC 7
Rev. Jim Mitulski; Community Worship 9 & 11 a.m.
Thursday, DEC 11
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (La Virgen de Guadalupe)
with Mass and Outdoor Procession 7 p.m.
Rev. Jim Mitulski; Community Worship 9 & 11 a.m.
Sunday, DEC 21
Rev. Jim Mitulski; Community Worship 9 & 11 a.m.
Wednesday, DEC 24 • CHRISTMAS EVE
Christmas Eve Children’s & Families Service 5 p.m.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Holy Communion Service
7 p.m. Spanish, 9 & 11 p.m. English
Thursday, DEC 25 • CHRISTMAS DAY
Community Worship 11 a.m., Dinner afterwards
Sunday, DEC 28
Rev. Jim Mitulski; Community Worship 9 & 11 a.m.
Rev. Jim Mitulski; Community Worship 9 & 11 a.m.;
Board election results
Dia de los Muertos Children’s field trip to the Bath House
Cultural Center
Wednesday, OCT 29 • PULSE
Rev. Dr. Irie Session, Avenues Christian Church Dallas
Contemporary Worship, 7:15 p.m.
November 2014
Rev. Jim Mitulski; Community Worship 9 & 11 a.m.
Sunday, NOV 16
Ocean and River Cruises • Tours • All-Inclusive Resorts
Sunday, NOV 23
CoH receives a charitable donation for each cruise booking.
Rev. Todd Scoggins; Community Worship 9 & 11 a.m.;
Transgender Day of Remembrance, 7-9 p.m., Sanctuary
Rev. Jim Mitulski; Community Worship 9 & 11 a.m.
Thanksgiving Basket Collection
Community Worship 11 a.m., Dinner afterwards
Doug Thompson
*Information subject to change without notice and will be updated as needed.
[email protected] 214-254-4980
Hawaii • Weddings • RSVP • Groups