Tele Lumiere between the Homeland and the World of
Tele Lumiere between the Homeland and the World of
Weekly Newsletter– Issue 95 September 24th– 30th 2010 Coordinated and Supervised by: Marie-Therese Kreidy Script and Layout:Rita Karam Translation: Eliane Aoun Télé Lumière — Dora Square Beirut - Lebanon phone:+961-1-255500 Fax: +961-1-255001 Web site: e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Tele Lumiere between the Homeland and the World of Immigration In Lebanon, the uniting and never dividing country, the citizens and immigrants met once again in a special event held by Tele Lumiere and Noursat at the residence of the TV station General Director Jacques Kallassi in Shahtoul in order to strengthen unity and communication among the Lebanese citizens and immigrants and their Mother Church. The encounter was attended by the Armenian Catholic Patriarch of Cilicia Nerses Bedros XIX, the General Patriarchal Vicar and Tele Lumiere Chairman of the board Bishop Roland Abou Jaoudé, Bishops Antoine Nabil el-Andari and Guy Boulos Njeim, the members of Tele Lumiere and Noursat board of directors, the Colombian Ambassador Rida Mariette el-Khoury Salamé, the 1st President of Beirut Appeals Court Judge Jean Fahed, the Chief of Beirut 1st Regional Detachment Colonel Joseph Kallas, the Director of the National Agency for Media Mrs. Laure Suleiman Saab, the Head of Caritas Association in Lebanon Fr. Simon Faddoul in addition to a group of priests and social figures. Kallassi welcomed his guests and presented the TV activities in Lebanon and the world of immigration, especially the new special grid for immigrants that Tele Lumiere has launched through the 5 continents, its participation in the Mideast Synod, and the inauguration of Noursat official office in the Vatican. Kallassi highlighted as well Tele Lumiere’s mission and role in confronting the moral corruption saying: “The leaders of this world compete with each other to reach glory on earth. However, we have a mission to achieve; we meet and communicate to glorify the Creator… Should we remain silent under the pretext that we are firm?” As for Bishop Roland Abou Jaoudé, H.E. thanked everyone who contributed to the Media City Project “The most important is to be always united in solidarity. In unity, we find strength that we need so that Tele Lumiere and Noursat remain the means to spread all values in Lebanon and all over the world.” The closing speech was delivered by Patriarch Nerses Bedros XIX, saluting Tele Lumiere’s family of which mission is inspired by the Holy Spirit. What is happening now in Tele Lumiere is beyond the human understanding, calculations and bank accounts. At the end, and according to the traditions, everyone went out to the garden to plant a Cedar tree, as a blessing and memory to each encounter. Tele Lumiere Programs Director Marie-Therese Kreidy has already made, on the sidelines of this meeting, interviews with the immigrants who expressed their joy and thanked Tele Lumiere and Noursat that are always looking after them in the world of immigration. Highlighted Programs Friday September 24th Mass on St Takla Feast Celebrate with us the feast of the 1st Martyr St Takla at the Sed el-Bouchrieh church dedicated to her in a ceremonial mass presided by Msgr. Issam Abi Khalil. Then, the memorial of the saint will be unveiled at St Takla’s Boulevard. The Light with Us Sister Laudy Hobeika tackles the issues of: Friendship with Christ with the Head of the Carmelite Ecclesiastic Movement in Lebanon Eliane el-Hajj and the Old and Modern Lebanese Song with Poet Samir Stof. 18.00 - 15.00 GMT 11.00 EST LIVE 10.00 - 7.00 GMT - 3.00 EST LIVE Memories Major Ziad Mrad, the Maestro of the Internal Security Forces Band shares with May Mansour wonderful memories The Free Voice Fr. George Rahmé highlights with Dr. Antoine Khoury Harb the issue of Christ and Lebanon: the Natural Environment in which Christ was born. 22.00 - 19.00 GMT 15.00 EST 20.30 - 17.30 GMT 13.30 EST Saturday September 25th Prayer for Reconciliation, The Dream of Our Century Unity and Peace in Jerusalem Join us from the Armenian Orthodox Cathedral of St James- Jerusalem, and watch the Fourth Extraordinary Prayer meeting of all Churches for Reconciliation, Unity and Peace beginning in and proceeding from Jerusalem presided over by H. G. Archbishop Nourhan Manougian. The prayer will be followed by a documentary on the hosting Church (Armenian Orthodox Church). A documentary highlighting Chiara Lubich, the foundress of Focolare Movement aiming at sowing unity and love among people and religions in our world full of pains. 18.00 - 15.00 GMT - 11.00 EST LIVE 16.00 - 13.00 GMT - 9.00 EST Evening of Prayer Chiara Luce Beatification Watch the beatification Ceremony presided by Msgr. Angelo Amato at the Cathedral of the Divine Love in Rome. 20.20 - 17.20 GMT 13.20 EST LIVE Pray with us in this special evening for Youth at Paul VI auditoriumthe Vatican and let’s share the Life, Love and Light with the new Beatified Chiara Luce. 22.00 - 19.00 GMT 15.00 EST LIVE Sunday September 26th Zajal Evening at St Takla Church, Ceremony Sed el-Bouchrieh Spend beautiful moments in this zajal ceremony with Kalaa Choir and Moussa Zgheib at Harf Club, Jezzine. 18.00 - 15.00 GMT 11.00 EST Chiara Luce, Lover of Light Learn more about the new Blessed young girl who offered her pains with courage and joy to Her Bridegroom Jesus in this documentary with Rita Karam. 22.50 - 19.50 GMT 15.50 EST Praise the Lord with Aline Lahoud on the feast of the 1st Martyr in a special musical evening. 23.00 - 20.00 GMT 16.00 EST The Light of Tourism Monday September 27th Fr. Maron Harb, the Rector of the Savior’s Convent of the Lebanese MissionariesGhosta focuses with Sally Khoury on the monastery’s history, religious and touristic importance. The Light with Us Gisele Hashem Zard receives in her morning program the Actor Alvera Younes giving her life testimony, Badih Abou Jaoudé and Fares el-Ghoul discussing a book about Br. Estfan Nehmé. 18.00 - 15.00 GMT 11.00 EST LIVE 10.00 - 7.00 GMT - 3.00 EST LIVE Challenges The Essence of Charbel Zwein discusses with his guests the Antonine Fr. Tony Khadra and the Researcher Ghassan Chamy, the issue of the migration and synod in addition to the ways the Synod can stop this increasing phenomenon in the East. Holiness Meditate upon St Charbel life and discover the proper lifestyles for a better spiritual life. 22.00 - 19.00 GMT 15.00 EST 20.30 - 17.30 GMT - 13.30 EST LIVE Tuesday September 28th I’m Yours Eat Well, Be Healthy “Do you love me so much? Take care of my sheep” is the life motto of Edde, Gherfine and Jbeil Parish Priest Fr. René Gaara in his priesthood life rich in the apostolic activities in order to save the souls. Going back to school, the children’s nutrition becomes much important. Useful tips for children’s healthy diet with the Nutritionist Eliane Moawad. With Fr. Joseph Salloum. 19.00 - 16.00 GMT - 12.00 EST 19.30 - 16.30 GMT - 12.30 EST Wednesday September 29th Salutes Together We Feel Happy In this episode, Fr. Youssef Mwannes salutes the Writer Choukri Anis Fakhoury who is witnessing the Christ’s role in his life. How can we embody the Gospel in our daily life? Learn more in this episode with Sanaa Riachi and members of “Anta Akhi” Association who are witnessing the love of Christ. 19.30 - 16.30 GMT 12.30 EST 19.00 - 16.00 GMT - 12.00 EST From the People to the People 20.30 - 17.30 GMT 13.30 EST Monday September 27th How do the people chosen by God implement their vocations and how is it accepted by their families? New testimonies with Fr. Roukoz Abou Zeid and Dany Antoun from the Carmelite Convent- Fanar. Thursday September 30th The Light of the East Fr. Joseph Salloum discusses with his guest Fr. Jean-Paul Karam the issue of the “Synod and Mission in the Middle East” before the Mideast Synod that will be held next October. 20.30 - 17.30 GMT 13.30 EST LIVE Synod Matters You and Alleluia Our beloved children, join Ziad Rahhal every week and discover artistic new talents in music, painting and poetry in addition to the latest discoveries from all over the world and weekly activities: From a country to another, Meditation with Mary… 16.00 - 13.00 GMT - 9.00 EST LIVE The weekly symposium prepared by the Catholic Information Center centers on the “Work Tool” document of the Bishops Assembly for the Mideast Synod: “the Christian- Muslim Relations” 19.00 - 16.00 GMT 12.00 EST Akkar Inaugurates Our Lady of Graces Maronite Church With the theme of Coexistence among Muslims and Christians, the Our Lady of Graces Maronite Church was inaugurated in Daraya- Hweich, Akkar in a Divine Liturgy presided over by Tripoli Maronite Archbishop George Bou Jaoudé, with the assistance of a group of priests and in the attendance of Akkar deputies, figures, panels and crowds of believers. The mass was followed by different speeches praising this religious event and by a cocktail reception held on this occasion. “Problems start in our ill family”, a series criticizing in a constructive way individuals, family and groups on the social and religious levels, written by the Writer Malaki Kallas and directed by Charbel Kamel. Reform and protecting the human beings is its only interest. Within its framework of its campaign against drugs, Tele Lumiere is willing to ensure a center for the Rehabilitation of Addicted Women in Adonis, Jbeil. The 1st who made a list of special and constructive programs was a previous monk in the Lebanese Maronite Order Jean Abi Ghanem. Previous issue Who can’t benefit from Salvation? Tele Lumiere on You Tube - Who pretends: sinless This issue How to remain happy on earth? Nearly a month ago, Tele Lumiere has given to its viewers the opportunity to watch its programs, video clips through You Tube and from that time, their number increases progressively to reach today 13553 viewers of different ages and with varying rates, from all over the world especially from Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, USA, Canada and Egypt. A large variety of programs is presented including video clips, spiritual spots, the most important ecclesiastic events, documentaries, Feyrouz songs, short programs, all produced by Tele Lumiere. For more information, visit our website: The latest statistics in 24/9/2010 Foundation Stone of St Maron Church, Florida Jacksonville City in Florida, USA celebrated the big event of blessing the cornerstone for St Maron new Church in the Divine Liturgy presided over by the Bishop of the Diocese Gregory Mansour and attended by St Augustine Latin Diocese Bishop Victor Calion and priests of the Oriental Churches in Jacksonville. After the ceremony, the guests and all parishioners were invited to an honoring dinner at the church’s hall. The Parish Priest Fr. Elia Abi Chedid delivered a speech welcoming all participants and thanking whoever contributed to the project of building. Fr. Abi Chedid mentioned as well that the event of building a church dedicated to St Maron is unique for it occurs in this holy Jubilee, 1600 years after St Maron’s death, and maybe it is the only church all over the world erected and dedicated to him this Jubilee Year. To Bishop Zayek, the Man of Words and Action… After H. G. traveled to Cuba, Lebanon, Rome, Brazil and USA according to the Jesuit emblem “Faith and Work”, it is time to say farewell to H.E. Bishop Francis Zayek, an important figure in the Maronite Church who was appointed in 1962 the 1st bishop of Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Diocese in Brazil. 6 years later, Bishop Zayek moved to Washington in 1968 and founded St Maron Diocese, became the bishop of Brooklyn Diocese. H.E. founded, till his retirement in 1995, 52 Maronite parishes in the 52 American states. Today, we thank H.E. for all his achievements around the world that are a source of pride to all Christians, and Maronites particularly. Ceremonies held by St Elias Parish in Ottawa and the visit of Metropolitan Philip Saliba St Elias Antiochian Orthodox Church in Ottawa, Canada celebrated the 80th anniversary of its foundation and the 10th of the Cathedral’s consecration. Many activities were held on this occasion, in the attendance of Metropolitan Philip Saliba who arrived at Ottawa last September 10th to visit the Lebanese community. A launch in his honor was held at the residence of the Parish Priest Fr. Ghattas Hajal and they planted, with the Secretary General of the Lebanese Embassy George Abou Zeid, a group of religious, political, social figures and members of the parish council, 2 cedars brought from Lebanon, in a street parallel to that’s of “Lebanon’s Cedars” in Ottawa. Then, they gathered at the parish hall to eat the dinner in the honor of Metropolitan Philip Saliba who was very impressed by St Elias Parish, mentioned its history, development and achievements year after another and highlighted the social and political hard situation in Lebanon. At the end of the visit and ceremonies, the closing Divine Liturgy was held on Sunday September 12th presided over by Metropolitan Saliba who focused in his homily on the unity of the Christians and the community there in order to achieve the future projects. Friday September 24th The Light from USA An interview with the Syrian Antiochian Catholic Patriarch Ignacio Youssef III Younan and Marie-Therese Kreidy about the Mother Church taking constant care of the immigrants at the Syriac Catholic Church of Jesus Heart. The Light from Mexico Interview with Abdallah Saab at the Village of Tlal- Akkar. 3.00 00.00 GMT 20.00 EST 19.00 PT 3.10 - 00.10 GMT 20.10 EST - 19.10 PT Cristianos en la Sociedad I Don’t miss this interesting documentary highlighting the Christians’ daily life and the way they are implementing the teachings of the Church in society. 5.30 - 2.30 GMT- 22.30 EST 21.30 PT Sunday September 26th The Light from Mexico Life testimony of Simon Ayyoub from Beit MallatAkkar. 3.00 00.00 GMT 20.00 EST - 19.00 PT St José Maria Learn more in this documentary in English with Portuguese subtitling displaying the life of St José Maria Escriva, the founder of “Opus Dei” who always considered that holiness doesn’t belong only to clergymen and listen to the testimonies of Americans who are living according to this saint’s spirituality. 4.00 - 1.00 GMT - 21.00 EST - 20.00 PT Friday October 1st The Light from USA Cristianos An interview with Bishop Maria Basilios Gerjes Kas Moussa, Syriac Catholic Archbishop of Mosul and Marie-Therese Kreidy about the Christians’ situation in Iraq in addition to his kidnapping incident. en la Sociedad II Useful documentary highlighting the family in society and the proper ways enabling its members to have good relations with each other 5.30 - 2.30 GMT- 22.30 EST 21.30 PT 3.10 - 00.10 GMT - 20.10 EST - 19.10 PT Journey Visit the Lebanese beautiful villages and the land of saints with Joseph Bassili and Nelly Habib Friday September 24th el-Mrouj, Metn Saturday September 25th Jezzine, Jezzine Sunday September 26th Chebtine, Batroun Monday September 27th Bsarma, el-Koura Tuesday September 28th Niha, Rachaya Wednesday September 29th Everyday at: Beit el– Din, Chouf 14.30 - 11.30 GMT - 7.30 EST - 6.30 PT IN THIS ISSUE 1 Tele Lumiere between the Homeland and the Immigration World 2-3 Highlighted Programs 4 Tele Lumiere on You Tube 5 North America News 6 Special Grid for the Immigrants 7 Tele Lumiere in Media
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