February Newsletter - Waupun Area School District
February Newsletter - Waupun Area School District
“Home of the Junior Warriors” February 2016 District Website– www.waupun.k12.wi.us Rock River Intermediate School Mission Statement Using teamwork, we as a RRIS staff will strive to prepare students and ourselves for continuous learning within a safe environment while promoting responsibility to home, school, and community. Welcome to term three! With the new semester upon us, it is always a good time to review some of our school expectations, policies, and procedures. At Rock River, we continue to emphasize following the Warrior Way. For the month of February, we will be emphasizing our common cafeteria expectations. We will be spending some time during our advisory periods discussing what being safe, responsible, and respectful looks and sounds like when the students are enjoying their breakfast and lunch, and there will even be a little cafeteria competition between the different grade levels. We appreciate any support you can offer at home by asking your students about our common behavior expectations and discussing what it means to follow the Warrior Way. Additionally, here are some other reminders: • Supervision on the playground begins at 7:45AM. Please continue to drop-off your children in the east parking lot. • If the temperature is 0°F or higher (and it is not raining), the students will be outside for recess. • All students in Grades 2-4 should be wearing boots, mittens/ gloves, hats, coats, and snow pants during recess during the winter months (starting with the first lasting snow). Students in Grades 5-6 should be wearing boots and jackets. • Student absences should be called into the office prior to 8:00AM. Students are only allowed so many non-consecutive excused absences before a professional excuse will be required for future excused absences. Each day, it is our desire that all of our students leave with a little (or a lot) more knowledge, a deeper understanding, and new strategies that can be utilized. This is a challenge that we value, and from 8:10AM to 3:10PM (and beyond!), the teachers and support staff work hard to provide relevant and meaningful experiences and opportunities needed for career and college readiness. But, learning, achieving, and growing also requires doing- doing classwork, doing homework, doing projects, doing reading, and doing math. Please encourage your child(ren) to take full advantage of the opportunities and experiences for learning offered at RRI. As always, we welcome your participation, comments, and feedback. Sincerely, Elizabeth Olson Amanda Pound February 2016 Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 RRIS Spelling Bee (5th(5th-6th grade finalists) 8 15 9 16 NO SCHOOL 21 22 29 Saturday 5 6 12 13 10 11 6th gr DARE Make A Wish Bake Sale during lunch hour Make A Wish Bake Sale during lunch hour 17 18 19 20 25 26 27 6th gr DARE National Theater 2nd and 3rd grades 23 24 6th gr DARE 28 4 Friday Bee (snow date) (5th(5th-6th grade finalists) PTO Meeting 3:30 Library Box Top Competition Starts 14 3 Thursday 6th gr DARE 100th day RRIS Spelling of school FAC Meeting ESC 5:45 7 Wednesday Box Top Competition ends The high school counselor Jess Mueller and Rock River Intermediate counselor Kurt Miller have teamed up for the past 4 years to bring a mentor/mentee program to Rock River Intermediate School. 22 high school junior and senior Na$onal Honor Society students make a trip once a week to RRIS to meet with their younger counterpart. Students from grades 2-6 are the mentees who were recommended by teachers, parents, counselors and other faculty members. Students who counselors felt would benefit from posi$ve discussions, guidance, friendship, a+en$on, recogni$on and posi$ve life experiences were chosen. The high school juniors and seniors have proven themselves academically and many of them are very accomplished in sports, band, drama, cheer and other extra curricular. Posi$ve leaders who have been selected by teachers to be members of the Na$onal Honor Society. The grade school students and high school students filled out a screener of interests, talents, family dynamics and hobbies. The mentor screeners were then evaluated along with the mentee screeners to match them the best possible way. The high school students submi+ed days in which they had openings at the end of their day, which ended up being Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. From 2:25-3:05, RRIS mentees will be released from their classes for one day a week to meet with their mentor. This program has a goal to make connec$ons between young adults who have things in common and can help each other make be+er decisions and get the a+en$on they need for posi$ve growth in their lives. There will be different themes each week that they will be asked to touch on, but the mentor/mentee have the freedom to discuss other pressing issues in either students lives. The also have the freedom to meet in a loca$on of their choice and comfort. The gym, library, computer lab, weight room, quiet room, outside, etc.. I want the couple to find the most comfortable and compa$ble environment in which they can openly talk and discuss their week and lives. They can also have fun on days that they have less pressing life concerns. In the past years, mentees cannot wait for the day that their high school mentee arrives. They are truly excited about the interac$on between themselves and some one a bit older that mentors them and cares about them. Students have had tears when a week was missed and others would not par$cipate unless they had the same mentor they had in the last year. Trust, commitment, confiden$ality responsibility and empathy are all great experiences for the Na$onal Honors Students! Kurt Miller Counselor RRIS Facilities Advisory Committee will be meeting at the ESC on Monday, February 1 at 5:45pm. Please attend !! In our counseling classes in 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade we are going to start using the Zones of Regulation Curriculum. Zones of Regulation is a curriculum that teaches students self-regulation by teaching us how we feel when we are in each zone and how to move between the zones. Here is some information from the Zones of Regulation website: The Four Zones: Our Feelings & States Determine Our Zone The Red Zone is used to describe extremely heightened states of alertness and intense emotions. A person may be elated or experiencing anger, rage, explosive behavior, devastation, or terror when in the Red Zone. The Yellow Zone is also used to describe a heightened state of alertness and elevated emotions; however, one has some control when they are in the Yellow Zone. A person may be experiencing stress, frustration, anxiety, excitement, silliness, the wiggles, or nervousness when in the Yellow Zone. The Green Zone is used to describe a calm state of alertness. A person may be described as happy, focused, content, or ready to learn when in the Green Zone. This is the zone where optimal learning occurs. The Blue Zone is used to describe low states of alertness and down feelings, such as when one feels sad, tired, sick, or bored. The Zones can be compared to traffic signs. When given a green light or in the Green Zone, one is “good to go”. A yellow sign means be aware or take caution, which applies to the Yellow Zone. A red light or stop sign means stop, and when one is the Red Zone, this often is the case. The Blue Zone can be compared to the rest area signs where one goes to rest or reenergize. All of the zones are expected at one time or another, but the curriculum focuses on teaching students how to manage their Zone based on the environment and people around them. For example, when playing on the playground or in an active/competitive game, no one would think twice about one being in the Yellow Zone but that would not be same in the library. –From: Zones of Regulation Website Feel free to contact me anytime! Erica Harbath [email protected] 920-324-9322 x2205 Join the PTO There is no better way to get involved in your child’s school then to be a part of the PTO. The PTO is a very active club here at RRIS. If you are interested in becoming active in the PTO our next meeting is Monday, February 8th at 3:30 pm. Meetings held in the RRIS Library. 4-year old kindergarten registration New check in and check out procedures at Rock River. Visitors to RRIS will now be checking in and out via technology. Please be patient with us as we make some changes. If you have any questions when you come in for check in, please ask. We are here to help. Rock River Intermediate School has developed two op$ons for students or parents to contact the counselors 24 hours a day. On the Waupun School District web site, under Rock River Intermediate School, there is a site found on the le: hand column of choices called Counselor's Corner. If you click on this site, you will find a confiden$al/one way connec$on to the counselors for parents and students. Erica and I want to have you effec$vely and professionally use this tool whenever you feel the need for any concerns or help with your life as a child or your child's experiences as a parent. You can be anonymous, by not submi>ng a name, or record your name if it is necessary. These messages go into my mailbox and Erica's mailbox only. We will act on them asap as we realize they may be urgent. A second method of repor$ng to the counselors openly or anonymously is a new mailbox that sits outside of the counselors offices. There are pink cards that kids can fill out for help from Mrs. Harbath and yellow cards if you want to see Mr. Miller. The counselors are not always available throughout the day, because of classes they teach, but students can s$ll make contact with them any $me during the 24 hour day to gain assistance in any ma+ers that affect their lives. Kurt Miller Rock River Intermediate School Counselor The Waupun Area School District is in the process of compiling the 4-year old kindergarten list for the 201617 school year. To attend 4-year old kindergarten, students must be 4 years old by September 1st. If you have a child whose birth date is on or before September 1, 2012 you may pick up a registration packet beginning Feb. 1, 2016. Packets will be available at the following locations: Education Service Center, Meadow View Primary School, Rock River Intermediate School, SAGES, Alto Reformed Church, Waupun Preschool, and Wee Care. Packets will also be available on the district website. www.waupun.k12.wi.us If you are unable to pick up a packet please contact Linda Meagher at the Education Service Center to have one mailed to you after Feb. 1, 2016. The phone number is 324-9341, extension 2117. Email: [email protected] It is imperative that parents respond at this time. Planning is under way and this information is needed. The number of students registered will determine class size and allow ample time to order class material for students. Kindergarten Registration for students not in 4K The Waupun Area School District is in the process of compiling the kindergarten list for the 2016-17 school year. If you are a parent with a child whose birthday is on or before September 1, 2011 and does not attend 4-year old kindergarten in the Waupun Area School District, please contact the Education Service Center to register your child for kindergarten for the 2016-17 school year. Students attending 4K will be moved up to kindergarten and do not need to register. It is imperative that parents respond at this time. Planning is under way and this information is needed. The number of students registered will determine class size and allow ample time to order class materials for students. Please call Linda Meagher at the Education Service Center between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number is 324-9341, extension 2117. This year at RRIS, teachers have the opportunity to showcase one of their students each month as the Student of the Month. January Students Were: Mrs. Bengsch Sean Meyer Mrs. Calder Devin Zimmerman Mrs. Clark Alexander Berry Mrs. Goebert Reese Pollock Mrs. Grosz Blayne Kloosterboer Mrs. Gunnink Stella Harmsen Mrs. Harbath Kelley Mitchell Mrs. Harmsen Calleigh Thurk Ms. Hoeft Oceanah Loomans Ms. Klobuchar Gabriel Kain Mrs. Kohlmann Peyton Harteau Ms. Krause Beyonce Zaragoza Mrs. Lodas Jaycy Flier Mr. Meyer Braydon Beahm Mrs. Newton Wyatt Stowell Mrs. Nickel Ashlan Bruins Mrs. Ryskoski Brianna Schelter Ms. Saduske Mackenzie Bruene Mrs. Sauer TJ Haddy Mrs. Schmidt Tehya VanLoo Mrs. Schultz Amelia Jones Mr. Steger Cyler Ruis Mr. Tavs Jada Clark Mrs. Verheyen Zoe Anderson Mrs. Warmka Braiden Komp Mrs. Wittchow Audrey Lewis Mrs. Witthun Chase Beahm 2nd graders at this year’s RRIS Jump Rope for Heart Warrior Apparel Sale We have a few apparel items left over from our Christmas Warrior Apparel Sale. If you are interested in any of these, email Mrs. Clark at [email protected]. Youth Under Armour Hoodie: Youth Small (1), Youth Large (2), Youth X-Large (4) $30.00 Gilden Youth Warrior T-shirt: Youth Small (4), Youth Medium (1), Youth Large (4) $10.00 Womens Under Armour Hoodie: Small (1), Medium (1), X-Large (1) $45.00 During this past month, our 4th grade students have completed their writing unit in realistic fiction stories and are now heading into literary essays. In Math, they are working hard on estimating products and solving multiplication problems using the partial products method. We will also be revisiting measuring, open number sentences, and number stories using multiplication. On January 14th, all fourth grade students were immersed into Science and experienced a wonderful “Science Day” with students/ staff from UW-Madison. We all gleaned valuable information regarding DNA, cancer development and research, rocketry, and weather. We look forward to this upcoming semester with great anticipation. Congratulations to Rock River FUTP60 Team Captains for winning the Brain Break Video Contest sponsored by the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board and Fuel Up to Play 60. They were challenged to create a brain break video for teachers to use in their classroom with their students! They won a trip to Lambeau Field complete with a Lambeau Field Tour, Packer Hall of Fame Tour and workout at the Hudson Center (indoor Packer practice facility). Here is the youtube link if you would like to view it! https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=pMa_IiaTA1A Mrs. Clark The Reading Corner Welcome to The Reading Corner. Here parents will find ideas and information about reading and writing with your child. Each month there will be a different theme focusing on literacy. February’s Theme: National Read Aloud Mont World Read Aloud Day is on February 24th. This special day brings attention to the power and pure joy of reading aloud. “Reading aloud is one of the most important things parents and teachers can do with children. Reading aloud builds many important foundational skills, introduces vocabulary, provides a model of fluent, expressive reading, and helps children recognize what reading for pleasure is all about.” http://www.readingrockets.org/reading-topics/reading-aloud “It’s equally important to understand children have a reading level and a listening level and they’re usually not the same. A 4th grader may be reading on a 4th grade level but can listen to stories on a 6th grade level.” http://www.trelease-on-reading.com/read-aloudbrochure.pdf Websites: World Read Aloud Day http://www.litworld.org/ Make the Most of Reading Aloud http://www.readwritethink.org/parent-afterschoolresources/tips-howtos/make-most-reading-aloud30565.html Featured Titles: PBIS Spotlight: During our PBIS Advisory time, students have been focusing on what the Warrior Way of being responsible, respectful and safe looks like throughout RRI. Classroom teachers have engaged students in discussions on bullying (to reinforce our anti-bullying presentations) and recess, line, and lunch expectations. When a student is “caught” demonstrating the Warrior Way, they can receive Warrior Golds to use at the school store or to contribute their classroom buckets. The Book with No Pictures, by BJ Novak The Day the Crayons Came Home, by Drew Daywalt The Fourteenth Goldfish, by Jennifer Holm Top Pledgers for RRIS Jump Rope for Heart Bedtime: The Importance of Sleep! Recommended hours of sleep by age: Newborns 1-12 months 3-6 years 7-12 years 12-18 years MAKE-A-WISH BAKE SALE and RAFFLE Wednesday, February 10th and Thursday, February 11th During Lunch Hours Raffle Items: FitBit, One Night Stay at the AmericInn Hotel & Suites, and a Razor Scooter $1 a ticket or 8 for $5 Toy collection for Make-A-Wish. For each new toy brought in, you get a free pull at the Sucker Pull. There will be a box in the office. New toys can be brought in anytime and students will receive a ticket for an extra pull for each toy brought in. The Sucker Pull will have 80+ Prizes. The Bake Sale will feature: Puppy Chow, cookies, bars, suckers, chocolate hearts, cupcakes and many more items. Money collected will go to help grant a Wish for a Waupun boy. ART NEWS ART NEWS ART NEWS ART NEWS A special congratulations to three of our Rock River students; second grader - Lily B., fourth grader - Abby F., and fifth grader - Aaron H. They have each had a piece of artwork selected to be part of the statewide Youth Art Month exhibit. The show will be at the state 15-18 hours 12-14 hours 10-12 hours 10-11 hours 8-9 hours What causes lack of sleep? -Busy schedules -Unenforced bedtimes -TV, cell phone, computer use -Sleep disorders Lack of sleep can lead to: Cranky kids, inability to concentrate, slower response time, weakened immune system Interesting fact: A loss of one hour of sleep is equivalent to the loss of two years of cognitive maturation and development. For example: A 4th grader who does not get a good night’s sleep will function at the level of a 2nd grader. –Dr. Avi Sadeh, Director of the Laboratory for Children's Sleep-Wake Disorders Tips to help your kids get to sleep: -Maintain a consistent sleep schedule -Make sure your child gets daily exercise -Don't let your child to go to bed hungry. -Make sure your child avoids caffeinated products -Plan up to 1 hour of quiet time before bed Reading and Writing Nonfiction The third graders this month have been busy learning about nonfiction text. They are becoming familiar and comfortable with their knowledge of headings, subheadings, table of contents, pictures and captions, and diagrams and labels, as well as other general elements of nonfiction. All the background information on nonfiction text will help them be successful in writing their own nonfiction animal texts. The kids are enjoying researching their animals. After the research is done the children will then start forming their paragraphs and putting their texts together to make their nonfiction books. At the end of this process they will share their books with their peers. All the fifth grade classrooms recently celebrated filled-to-thebrim Warrior Gold Buckets at the end of the 2nd quarter with a movie and congratulations for a job well done. Our Winter MAP testing is complete and we have many successes to be proud of. We will be analyzing the data in the coming weeks and searching for ways to best meet the needs of all the students. Our new Intervention groups will be created with a start date of February 16. Keep your child reading at home. They are required to read each night. Those minutes can also be documented on the Tundra Tales reading program. Your child and an adult can earn a ticket to the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame and a tour of the stadium. It is a great reward for something that your child is already expected to be doing. As we begin the third quarter, the most notable shift in curriculum will be in our Writing, Reading, and Language Workshops. We will transition from studying and writing Informational text to Persuasive/Opinion text. We will be utilizing a variety of mentor texts to assist us with our learning. Waupun Area School District School Hours MVP-8:00 am -3:00 pm Sages 8:00 am -3:00 pm RRIS 8:10 am -3:10 am JH/SH 7:50 am—3:05 pm Early Release Times Sages, MVP 11:30 am RRIS 11:40 am School Store is in NEED of DONATIONS! We are looking for any gently used or new age-appropriate toys, games, non-perishable snacks, athletic equipment, and other items! Sixth grade's public service for the holiday season was to wish the neighbors of Rock River Intermediate School a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. A:er a very generous dona$on of over 200 candy canes from Robbi Schranz, the students made candy cane ornaments to hang on the front doors of all the neighbors that surround the Rock River School property. The ornaments were tagged with a holiday message from the sixth grade class, and during a walking field trip with their teachers, were delivered door to door. The people that saw the students and came to their door were also serenaded with a verse of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". Everyone enjoyed the ou$ng, and the class received card and email thank yous. We are happy to add that this public service project demonstrated to the sixth graders of Rock River that being a good neighbor is an important part of a successful community. Rock River Band Notes The 6th Grade band took a field trip to the Waupun Junior/Senior High building on Thursday, January 14th to visit the band room, rehearse and meet and Mrs. NaegeleJ They had a great time touring the band room and practicing their instruments. The 5th Grade band students have been working hard on learning new notes and new rhythms (eighth notes) Keep encouraging your child to practice during the long winter months, and ask them to play a song for you. Why Music? (Do you Know?) Everyone knows that music is part of a wellrounded education. But did you know that music can improve our learning? Music can help us get better grades. It can also help us perform better on standardized tests. Music training enhances brain function. Music is a core academic subject, just like math and reading. Music students are more likely to achieve academic honors and awards. Music students are more likely to achieve higher math and verbal SAT scores. Musically, Mrs. Sauer Parents: PLEASE make after school plans with your child(ren) in the morning (write the plan in their planner.) If it’s an emergency, by all means we will get your child the message of what he/ she needs to do at the end of the day. Jump Rope for Heart – Best Year Ever! On January 20th, Rock River Intermediate School held its 20th Jump Rope for Heart event to support the American Heart Association. It was an amazing day to see all of the kids not only jumping for their own health, but also to honor and remember those who we know that have been affected by heart disease! For the last two years Rock River Intermediate has been the top JRFH school in Fond du lac County and we had our Best Year Ever again this year and hope to keep that plaque here at Rock River again this year. We raised $14,551.83! That is AMAZING! We had 260 students raise money this year which was also a record. Winter Recess Dress Expectations With the first snowfall, students in grades 2-4 are expected to wear coats, snowpants, boots, hats and gloves/mittens. Those in5th and 6th grade are expected to wear coats and boots. A Note From the Doctor/Dentist When your children go to appointments that require them to be absent from school, we require that when they return to school, they bring a note for our documentation to assist with maintaining accurate attendance records. This note needs to be on official paperwork from the doctor/ dentist from which your child had his/her appointment. Calling in Absences When calling in your child’s absence, you may use the answering machine, which will be available for calls before the office opens in the morning. Office hours are 7:00 am –4:00 pm each day and the phone number is 324-9322. Please remember that your child needs to be called into the office every day that they are absent before 8:30 in the morning. If we don’t receive a call, your child will be considered unexcused. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Reminder: Students should be dropped off and picked up in the east parking lot (Juniper Hill). The west parking lot is for busses only !! Safety first !! Just a Reminder: If your student requires a prescribed medication, inhaler, or emergency medication at school; please bring the medication and a signed doctor's consent (Practitioner and Parent Medication Administration Consentavailable on the school web site under the Health Services tab or in your school office) to school as soon as possible. Thank you! Rock River is on Facebook Rock River Intermediate School is on Facebook! Find us by searching For Rock River Intermediate School within Facebook or by clicking the icon on the Rock River webpage. Choose to “like” the page and you will receive notifications in your news feed for all the great things happening at our school and community. Fund Raising Efforts Continue In an effort to raise money for miscellaneous needs for our students that come up during the school year, we will be continuing to collect: *General Mills box tops Please have these trimmed before turning into child’s homeroom. To find an updated list, you can go to http://www.boxtops4education.com/ products/participating-products. *Empty inkjet cartridges and laser cartridges These items may be dropped off in the office. Please ask grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors and friends to join in collecting these items. Your efforts in helping to collect all of the above items will be very much appreciated. Pizza Ranch Fundraiser If your family enjoys getting take out pizza from Pizza Ranch, please be sure to collect the wagon wheel that is located on the side of the pizza box. Our school can turn them into Pizza Ranch and receive 25 cents for each wagon wheel collected. Wagon wheels can be brought to your child’s homeroom. School Website www.waupun.k12.wi.us/intermediate/ Attendance Policy/Preabs Absences which are anticipated (doctor/ dental appointments, family trips, funerals etc) need to have a preab completed before the absence occurs. Blank preab sheets are found at the back of the parent/ student handbook, on our school website or can be requested from the office (324-9322) What If I Arrive Late to School? If your child arrives a bit late and sees that their class is already in the building, please come to the front of the building and into the main office. Students must sign in at the office so that we know that they have arrived in order to keep accurate attendance records. Calling in Absences When calling in your child’s absence, you may use the answering machine, which will be available for calls before the office opens in the morning. Office hours are 7:00 am – 4:00 each day and the phone number is 3249322. Please remember that your child is to be called in absent to the office every day of their absence before 8:45 in the morning. If we don’t receive a call, your child will be considered unexcused. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Medications Remember when sending medications to school that you read the policy in the Parent/ Student Handbook and that you have all necessary forms filled out and signed by you and your family doctor. Friendly Reminders —Students should not arrive at school before 7:45 am. There is no supervision on the playground before that time. Thank your for your cooperation. —In the interest of security, we ask that parents do not walk down the hallways to greet their child(ren) at the end of the day. It would be greatly appreciated if you would wait outside in the designated parking lot on the east side of the building. This also reduces end of the day distractions. Again, thank you for your cooperation. —ALL guests must check in at the office prior to going to any classroom. HOT LUNCH PRICES Student Lunch $2.35 Reduced $0.40 Extra milk $0.40 Extra entrée $1.50 BREAKFAST PRICES Student breakfast $1.25 Reduced $0.30 Milk only $0.40 District Medication Policy Wisconsin Law requires that the following requirements be met before prescription medication (including inhalers) can be dispensed at school: ♦ Medication must be brought to school, by an adult. ♦ Medication must be in the original container marked with a current prescription label. The label must state the time the medication is to be given at school (i.e. 12:00) rather than simply stating “three times a day.” ♦ A medication consent form, completed and signed by the prescribing health care provider and parent/ guardian, must be on file in the school office. With each change in dosage or medication, a new from must be completed. ♦ Medication Consent Forms are available from the District Website, school office, or area health care clinics and emergency rooms. ♦ Herbal or alternative medications dispensed at school require a prescription medication consent from. ♦ A health care provider can fax a completed prescription medication consent from to the school (fax # 324-2929) if that works for you. Over the counter medications only require a note from parent stating the name of medication, what condition it is to be given for, time(s) to be given and the dosage to be given. Over the counter medication must be in its original package (not a loose tablet in a baggie). These also need to be brought in by a parent. If you have any questions about medications in school, please contact School Nurse, Jen Umentum, RN or check out the district policy at www.waupun.k12.wi.us. Jen can be reached by calling 920-324-9322. Pre Abs If your student will be absent for an appointment, funeral, vacation or anything else that is prearranged, please fill out a pre ab form. These are found on the district webpage. RRIS Doors All doors are locked throughout the school day. If your child comes to school after the 8:00 bell, they will need to use the main entrance doors on Spring Street.