INGLÊS - Estudo para Fortalecimento do Setor Madeireiro
INGLÊS - Estudo para Fortalecimento do Setor Madeireiro
Study for Strengthening of Wood Sector PORTO VELHO / RO / BRAZIL July 2000 Plate Catalographic FEDERATION OF INDUSTRIES OF THE STATE OF RONDÔNIA – FIERO CURI, William José, coord. Study for Strengthening of Wood Sector/William José Curi. Porto Velho, Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Rondônia FIERO/SEBRAE, 2000. 164p. il. 1. Wood Sector - Study. Wood Sector - Enforcement. I. Curi, William José. II. Title. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF FIERO President Julio Augusto Miranda Filho Vice-President Jurandir Gomes de Almeida Antônio Alfonso Erdtmann Antônio Carlos do Nascimento Giuliano Domingos Borges Adélio Barofaldi Aldo Josefovicz Paulo Jair Kreus Luiz Antônio Appi José Marcondes Cerrutti Euzebio André Guareschi Avalone Sossai de Farias Euvaldo Foroni Ilse Popinhaki Jaime Maximino Bagatolli Roberto Luiz Passarini Robson Guimarães Vilson dos Santos Alan Gurgel do Amaral José Marques da Silva José Jesus de Oliveira Alfredo Maia Rodrigues Mário Queiroz de Araujo Adilson Popinhaki Directors Carlos Antônio Schumann Evaldo Paulo Verzelatti Irio de Bortolo Luiz José Joner Renato Antônio de Souza Lima Valetin Luiz Turatti Waldomiro Onofre José Carlos de Moura Lopes Helena Aparecida Riça Mourão Counselors Pedro Teixeira Chaves Elderico Vasconcelos Rezende Paulo Brasil Martins Porto Confederatives Delegates Julio Augusto Miranda Filho Mario Calixto Filho Miguel de Souza Roberto Luiz Passarini Superintendent Nahim José Aguiar BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SEBRAE/RO President of the Deliberative Council of SEBRAE/RO Luiz Malheiros Tourinho Executive Board Superintendent Director Roberval Duamel de Zúniga Junior Techical Director Silvio Rodrigues Persivo Cunha Administrative and Financial Director Carlos Alberto Machado de França DELIBERATIVE COUNCIL OF SEBRAE/RO Federação do Comércio do Estado de Rondônia – FECOMÉRCIO Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Rondônia – FIERO Federação da Agricultura do Estado de Rondônia – FAERON Federação das Associações Comerciais do Estado de Rondônia – FACER Banco do Brasil S/A - BB Banco da Amazônia S/A – BASA Caixa Econômica Federal S/A – CEF Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia – UNIR Secretaria de Indústria, Comércio, Minas e Energia – SICME Associação das Micro e Pequenas Empresas do Estado de Rondônia – AMPERON Agência de Desenvolvimento da Hidrovia Madeira-Amazonas – ADHIMA Agência de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social do Estado de Rondônia – AGDES Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas – SEBRAE COUNCIL OF SEBRAE/RO Banco da Amazônia S/A – BASA Federação da Agricultura do Estado de Rondônia – FAERON Federação do Comércio do Estado de Rondônia – FECOMÉRCIO/Ro Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Rondônia – FIERO Associação das Micro e Pequenas Empresas do Estado de Rondônia – AMPERON WORK TEAM Coordenator William José Curi Technical Team FIERO Antônio Rocha Guedes Antônio Tadeu Nardoto Prado Giuliana Araújo Sales Márcio Fontes Nascimento Nahim José Aguiar Nazareno Gomes Barbosa Technical Team SEBRAE/RO Maria Laurizena da Costa Silveira Maria Valdecy Caminha Benicasa Milena Maria da Costa Cabral Patricia Muzuco Watanabe Support Team Ariosto José Nogueira Cleveson Alexandre Amaral Teixeira Maisa Leles Vieira Maria Batista da Silva Nazareno Gomes Barbosa Consultants Edmundo Machado Neto Ingrid Rocha MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT OF FIERO The forestry-based sector assumed an important paper in the social and economical context of the State of Rondônia, as a result of its high capacity of employability and for its unique characteristic of distributing richness along the whole productive chain, in the formal activities as well as in the informal ones. Nevertheless, it is perceivable the damage in the growth level of the sector in the last decade because of a distorted vision in which the public opinion has of the wood and furniture industry that consider it as the great responsible for the devastation of the Amazonian forest. It is necessary to revert this negative vision and at the same time it should be formulate a foretry policy to the State, what is intended to achieve by an implementation of a Strategic Action Plan to the sector, that includes a marketing project – with the objective of making its external image better, besides a range of actions in diverse areas of influence throughout all the phases of the productive process: from the management to the reforestation, form the extraction to te production and ti the competition in the market, no forgetting the environmental issue. Sensible to the these eminent necessities, the FEDERATION OF THE INDUSTRIES OF RONDÔNIA- FIERO, accomplishing its function of integration agent and vector of the development of the industrial activity, searched the partnership of the BRAZILINA SERVICE FOR THE DEVELOPMENTO OF THE SMALL AND MEDIUM COMPANY – SEBRAE/RO, to make viable the execution of this study and to offer subsides to the State an to the entrepreneurs of the sector. Our thanks to SEBRAE/RO for the support to the execution of this study and our acknowledgment to the entrepreneurs of the industries of transformation of wood, represented for their syndicates , for having so heroically survived to the pressures and adversities of all kinds and for their effective participation in the consolidation and in the development of Rondônia. When concluding this work, is expected to contribute in a decisive manner for the understanding and the presentation of possible solutions for the problems linked to the sector , inside a new production paradigm based on the self-sustainability of the forestry resources. JULIO AUGUSTO MIRANDA FILHO President of FIERO/SESI/SENAI/IEL SYSTEM MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT OF SEBRAE/RO One of the most important themes of these days is related to what has been called Sustainable Development, or in other words, the capacity to use the natural resources with efficiency, prudence and moderation, in a way that allow the mankind to permit to the future generations to have a quality of life at least the same we have today or better than presently. In the specific case of the State of Rondônia, the present "Study for the Development of the Wood Industry Sector" is conceived, among many other initiatives, to be one important contribution of the FIERO and SEBRAE/RO System to conciliate the necessity of development of one of the most essential sector to our welfare with the demands, each day more indispensable, of environmental preservation. In fact, this document is developed in accordance with the proposition of a sustainable forestry sector policy (not forgetting, nevertheless, the essential issue of being a commercial competitive activity) an insertion of a marketing plan to show to the general public a not extensively understood part of the wood industry, to which the forest conservation, the maintenance of the forest species variety is a very important issue, as long as the existence of the forest is an essential matter to the existence of the wood industry itself. In this sense there is an special attention in relation of being the conservation of the forest so important as the actions against the waste of wood in the processes of industrialization and forest exploitation. There is no doubt that this document will be a landmark in the revitalization of the sector that, as we all know, is essential to the consolidation of the State of Rondônia, that once again demonstrates its attention to the key elements in a process of development: the conservation of its natural resources and the improvement of the quality of life. We should celebrate the edition of this document as a signal of mature consolidation of the sector as well as a "foresight" of our capacity of building an economy where the technology acts as an allied of the Nature in the construction of a better future we al dream about. LUIZ MALHEIROS TOURINHO President of the Deliberative Counsel of SEBRAE/RO PRESENTATION To understand the importance to the industrial forestry-based segment within the Economy of the State of Rondônia, which is mainly supported by the wood-timber-furniture industrial activities, and also to detect an obvious tendency of a retraction in the state industrial park, the Federation of the Industries of Rondônia - FIERO, and the National Service for the Support to the Small and Medium Companies - SEBRAE, decided to do a Study to the Improvement for the Forestry-based Sector. The production of this document required an extensive field research in the sector of timber and furniture industries throughout the State, in Labor Entities and Official departments at Federal and State levels. A diagnostic was made in order to identify the main intervening factors in the performance and the conditioning factors to the reduction of the level of industrial activity, focused on the characteristics of the industries, specially in relation of their present production step, their importance in social and economical terms, their level of verticalization, the level of assimilation of sustainable production practices, market and competition issues and, most of all, the relationship between the sector and the rest of the world, as a reflex of the negative image it has. Efforts were made to obtain a profile of the sector and conceive actions to reestablish to the sector the former levels of production and growth. For that purpose, it was produced a range of proposals and suggestions, latter consolidated in a strategic action plan focused to the marketing plan to demystify the stigma of devastator of the forest and to recover the selfsteem of the local entrepreneurs. As a result, there were produced a promotional video (documentary) folders, outdoors, banners and other mass communication means. To conclude, there is a hope to have effectively contributed to the revitalization of this important segment of the economy, focused in the production of self-sustainable forestry resources with this document. It is also expected that this document will not become in just one more decorative item in the cabinets of the decision makers, but to be deeply understood, discussed, implemented in favor to the State of Rondônia, the Society and the populations in general. 11 CHAPTER I GENERAL ASPECTS OF THE STATE 13 CHAPTER I – GENERAL ASPECTS OF THE STATE 1.1 -DEMOGRAPHIC ASPECTS In terms of absolute numbers, the population of Rondônia has grown from 116.620 inhabitants in the beginning of the 70´s to 503.125 in 1980 and from 1.130.874 in 1990 to 1.231.007 in 1986. The total population of the State of Rondônia, at the end of 1999 was estimated in 1.350.000, what points to a reduction in the migration level and the reestablishment of a population growth level compatible with the rest of the country. The analysis of these data reveals an explosive growth in the first 20 years, when there was a population increment around 224%. Additionally, it is noted that there was a latter tend of accommodation between 1991 and 1996 (with a population growth of only 8,9%) This behavior of the population curve is typical for agricultural new frontier regions that normally finance their growth at the expenses of the consumption of environmental resources, reducing the population growth rates, as far as it reduces the environmental offer of resources. This is a non-sustainable growth model to medium and long terms. The migratory process can be better seen through the demographic numbers of Rondônia from 1980. At that decade there was an annual average growth of 7,9%, a high number when compared with the same data related to the country (1.97%) including the Northern Region of Brazil (3.9%) for the same period 1 The Total Human Development Report of UNDP/IPEA (1996) clarify the rural exodus occurrence, demonstrating that in a little more than a decade there was an enormous population growth in the urban areas because of the rural-urban migration in the State. This is a upsetting information, as long as in the period of 1980/1981it is registered a growth of 11,1% of the relative participation of the urban population in the total population, therefore, significantly higher than the same information in relation to the Northern Region (6.2%) and to Brazil (8.1%) to an equivalent period, as seen in the table below: Urban Population Participation in the Total Populationl Unit 1980 (in %) Brazil 67,60 North 51,60 Rondônia 46,50 Source: PNUD/IPEA – 1996 –Total Human Development Report. 1991 (in %) 75,70 57,80 58,20 The analysis of the table above alerts to the fact that although Rondônia being a young State, born under an agricultural occupation policy to fill enormous demographic empties using human settlements in rural areas, it 15 suffered very early in its history a common phenomenon in the reality of Brazil - the rural-urban exodus - against the logic that had inspired the adopted agricultural colonization model. The data from IBGE about the population in 1996 reveal that Rondônia has a population profile where the young population is predominant, what is demonstrated as follows: Populational Distribution Per Age Age % Distribution Until 14 years From 14 to 19 years From 20 to 39 years From 40 to 64 years Above 64 years Source: PNUD/IPEA – 1996 –Total Human Development Report. 36,9% 11,4% 32,9% 15,7% 3,1% The interpretation of the data shown in the table permits to observe one typical situation of low developed regions or new agricultural frontiers: a population distribution with the predominance of young population, what is exactly the opposite of what is found in the developed and consolidated regions of the globe. The population of the State, with 81,2% of its inhabitants with less than 40 years old, is an important generating factor of economical and social needs, because of the great percentage of economically active population. Evolution of Population Growth in Rondônia Period Annual Averoge Growth Rate From 1960 to 1970 4,76% From 1970 to 1980 16,2% From 1980 to 1990 7,89% From 1990 to 2000 (*) 2,36% Source: PNUD/IPEA – 1996 –Total Human Development Report (*) Projection of FIERO. Based on the average evolution of the population growth of the State. The table above shows a boom of demographic growth in the 70´s and the 80´s, the period that the rate of annual growth reached 16,2%, producing a substantial alteration in the spatial occupation regime of Rondônia Considering the origins of the migrants, they were farmers, most of them form the south and center-south of the country. 2/3 of the total stayed in two different states at least before they come to Rondônia. The main determining causes for their migration were related to the economical model and the development policy of each region. In the case of Rondônia, these causes are mainly related to the eradication of the coffee farms in the north of the State of Parana and its substitution for other cultures with less demand of workmanship. The whether conditions in the south and the northeast must be considered. Today, around 40% of the population of the State is settled in the rural area, representing a great potential for the production of food and, because of that making possible the implantation of new agricultural- 16 industrial activities in the urban areas, that start to receive a greater offer of processing raw materials produced in the rural areas. Recently, studies carried by the team that elaborated the Agenda-Úmidas2 appointed the agricultural industry as one of the strategic guidelines to the sustainable development of the State. 1.2 - BRIEF HISTORY OF THE OCUPATION The occupation of the region known today as The State of Rondônia has began in the second half of the XIX century, because of the Rubber Extraction Cycle, developed from the exploitation of rubber tree plantations along the rivers of the hidrographic network. This cycle resulted in the creation of an initial spatial structure that origins the municipalities of Porto Velho and Guajara-Mirim, cities that concentrated all economical importance of this vast region, divided at that time between the States of Mato Grosso and Amazonas. Latter, with the creation of the Federal Territory of Guapore, in 1943, the future State delineated its present political shape, passing through a new cycle of prosperity characterized by mineral exploitation, specially the mineral cassiterite (tin), which had its higher position in the 50´s and 60´s. With the advent of a new economical cycle, in the 70´s, then characterized by the agricultural exploitation the existing spatial structure broke down, changed the dynamic axes of the development, formerly limited to Porto Velho and Guajara Mirim, moving it to the "back bone" of the highway that would connect Porto Velho to Cuiaba, called BR 364. From that point on there has been a migratory avalanche, resulting in the installation of various human settlements managed by the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform - INCRA like: Integrated Colonization Projects (PIC´s) Driven Settlement Projects (PAD´s) Agrarian Projects (PF´s) among others. So, there has been started a rapid deforestation process in the region. And because of that deforestation if in 1975 only 0,5% of the total area had been deforested, this amount had grown to 3,1 in 1980, reaching in 1992 15,45% and 23,5% in 1999. The incidence of these facts and the velocity they happened produced two fundamental distortions: ü Settlement of farmers in areas not suitable for agriculture: ü A great waste of forestry resources, as a result of the deforestation and the simple burning of the rain forest to alternative use of the soil in agriculture and cattle raising. 17 Because of the above exposed reasons, there was the need of ordering of the occupation of new areas, to established a rational use of the natural resources and to implant a system of State and municipal conservation units, as well as to consolidate the federal system of zoning. In this sense were implemented, among other measures, in the State: - The First Approach of the Social-Economical-Ecological Zoning of Rondônia, elaborated by the State Government/FAO/WBank; - The Agricultural Development Plan of Rondônia (PLANAFLORO), in 1993. This project internalized resources for the ordination of the territorial occupation, prioritizing the execution of the 2nd Approach of the Social-Economical-Ecological Zoning of Rondônia - ZSEE and the creation of the Conservation Units - UC´s (that represent today 34,95% of the territory of the State). 1.3 – PHYSIC ASPECTS Presently, Rondônia has 52 Municipalities; distributed in a area of 238.512 Km. The State is located in the Occidental Amazonia, North Region. Its limits are: The State of Amazonas (North, Northeast), State of Mato Grosso (East and Southeast) State of Acre (Northeast) and the Republic of Bolivia (Southeast and West) Rondônia is geographically characterized by a inclined plan, with its higher average altitude located in the city of Vilhena (600 m) and the lower in the city of Porto Velho (90 m); although, its important to say that its higher mountain is the Peak of Tracoa (with 1000 m). In general terms Rondônia is divided in two big inter-plateau depressions, separated by the Mountains of Pacaas Novos and the Mountains of Parecis. The first depression is in the region of the influence of the BR 364, occupying 2/3 of the total area of the State and the second, in the area of the regions of the Guapore valley, corresponding to 1/3 of the area of the State. There is a wide range of typologies in the classification of the soils of Rondônia; however, there is a predominance of the latosoils, with significant occurrence of the podzolic, eutrophic, dystrophic and structured soils. There is a relative frequent occurrence of quartz sands, cambisoils and litolic soils. According to the studies made by the Brazilian Company for the Agriculture Research -EMBRAPA, were identified in Rondônia 186.786 Km2 of soils suitable for agriculture, 8.626 Km2 for cattle raising an 6.549 Km2 with possibility of use for sylviculture and natural pasture. Therefore, more 18 than 80% of the total area of the State has potential for agriculture, sylviculture and pasture. The climate in Rondônia presents an annual average, max. and min. temperatures that oscillate among, respectively, between, 24 and 26ºC, 28 and 33ºC and 18 and 21ºC. The lower limits of theses temperatures are found in the city of Vilhena. Considering the lowest temperatures above mentioned, there are three thermal zones in the territory of Rondônia: the first is located around the city of Porto velho, the second covers GuajaraMirim and Ariquemes and the third from Ouro Preto to Vilhena. In this last zone are registered the lowest temperatures in the State, mainly influenced by the cooling weather phenomenon called " friagem" (cooling") and the altitude. The phenomenon of "friagem" consists in a short and sudden decrease of the temperature that occurs in some areas of the Occidental Amazon. In terms of insolation, the available data of sunlight show that to the city of Porto Velho there is an annual total occurrence of around 2.100 hours, with a monthly oscillation between 100 and 270 hours. The level of moisture of the air, in terms of annual average, is from 75 to 83% and the highest values are found in the city of Porto Velho. The period of highest moisture of the air occurs between December and May. The average monthly pluvial precipitation varies from 1800 mm to 2400 mm, being the months of December, January and February the months with the highest pluvial levels and the months of June, July and august with the lowest levels, with a pluvial precipitation lower than 60 mm. According to the classification of Koppen the climatic typologies are defined as AM and AW 1.4 - VEGETATION There are in the State of Rondônia eight forestry typologies, characterizing its phytology profile. Natural or little altered formations occupy 76,5% of its total area, while 23,5%, correspond to anthropized areas. The studies of the 2nd Approach of the Social-Economic-Ecological Zoning - ZSEE shown that 98,21% of the Conservation Units and 98,28% of the Indian lands are still covered by its natural vegetation and that the rest of the area was used in human activities. In the other hand, 66,56% of the non-protected part of the territory of the State of Rondônia is still with its vegetal coverage, while 33,44% was converted to alternative uses of the soil. 19 The main vegetal formations of Rondônia are4: a) Open Ombrophyl Forest It occupies around 128.206,67 Km2 or 55% of the total area. Depending of the topographic situation, it can show variations with different shapes, when it can be classified how Open of Low Lands (located in altitudes lower than 100 m). Alluvial (in areas of floods) and Sub-Montana (located between 100 and 600 m of altitude). It is characterized for the noncontinuous canopy and for more penetration of the sun light in the lower strata. The trees are more spread in the higher stratum (canopy), reaching up to 30 m and the forest populated for some floristic elements that give it a particular shape. The sub-bush of the forest can be densely populated sometimes for palm trees like: babaçu (Orbygnia phalerata), paxiúba (Iryartea exorrhiza), patauá (Jessenia bataua), sometimes for cipós like: (Dirris sp), (Bauhinia scandens), (Ficus paraensis), (Salacia opascifolia) e (Memora schomburgkii), or even for tabocas like: (Guadua superba). This phytology cover huge extensions of land in the State, likewise the Guapore River valley and the west hogback of the mountains of the Pacaas Novos, in the region of Guajara-Mirim The most remarkable commercial species of trees are: Cedro Rosa (Cedrella odorata), the ucuúbas (Virola pavonis), (Iryanthera juruensis) and (Iryanthera sagotiana), and the cerejeira (Torresia acreana). This typology occurs in other regions of the State, like in the basin of Roosevelt River, southeast of Rondônia, where live other commercial species like mahoney (Swietenia macrophylla) and the other mentioned species. b) Dense Ombrophyl Forest Occupies an area of 9.108,21 Km or 4% of the total area of the State. This forest can occur in different situations of soil and geography, with variations determined by the situations of the landscape in the geography, so, they can be classified as Alluvial (in areas of floods) Of Low Lands and Montana. This forest is characterized by a continuous and densely composed canopy, a huge biomass, showing an average volume of wood around 140m2/ha. It also shows a dense sub-bush. The composition of tree species varies in accordance with the geographical situation of a considered area, but generally the most common species are 4 – The Conservation Units of Rondônia – 1998, PNUD/SEDAM/PLANAFLORO. 20 :breu-vermelho (Protium apiculatum), ucuuba (Virola spp), aquariquara (Minquartia guianensis), maçaranduba (Manilkara huberi), angelim-pedra (Diniza excelsa), castanheira (Bertholletia excelsa), ipê-amarelo (Tabebuia serratifolia), seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis), angelim-rajado (Pithecolobium racemosum), cupiúba (Goupia glaba), jutaí-pororoca (Dialium guianense), matamatá branco (Eschweilera sp), copaíba (Copeifera multijuga) and palm trees like patauá (Jessenia bataua), babaçu (Orbygnia phalerata) and açaí (Euterpe precatoria). c) Semidecidual Seasonal Forest Occupies 5.139.151 km2 or a little more than 2% of the territory of the State of Rondônia. According to variations in the geography it can be classified as Semidecidual Alluvial Seasonal Forest, Montana or subMontana. The canopy shows few emergent trees. The main species in this forest are: leiteiro (Sapium marmieri), pau tanino (Maquira sclerophylla) and ipês (Tabebuia spp). d) Savannah Occupies 12.885,24 Km2 or 5% of the State. This denomination covers formations like open pastures, meadow, bushland and rupestrian formations of structural and floristic physiognomy similar to the open pastures, but with some floristic elements that make the difference between each other. e) Savannah/Forest Transition Vegetation or of Contact Occupies 19.599,3 Km2 or 8% of the territory of the State. This group of formations is found in the contact areas between the Savannah and the different forest formations. f) Pioneers Alluvial Formation Occupies 9.205,0 km2 or 4% of the State. They grow in different kinds of soils subjected to floods and they have various physiognomies. The main categories are the Buritizais, where the ucuúba (Virola surinamensis), anani (Symphonia globulifera) and Triplari spp. This forestry typology occurs mainly in the region of the Guapore Valley, south of the State of Rondônia, that shows a great variety of formations due to the complex cycle of annual floods that causes a dynamic of deposits of sediments. In these formations associated tree species can be found, as well as bush pioneers formations like Cambura (Lantana.spp). g) Umirizal 21 It occupies 571,1 Km2 or less than 1% of the territory of the State. Its located in the flood areas of the basins of Madeira River and Guapore River (municipalities of Pimenteiras do Oeste and Porto Velho), growing on poor soils, barely drained and plain. . It has a relatively dense canopy, from 5 to 10 meters high and a sub- bush with low visibility, with many cipoes and bushes of the Melastomateceae, like the Buxixus (Tococa spp) and Celastracea, e.g. chichuasca (Mayetenus guianensis). h) Campinarana or White Sands Meadows It is a non-forestry formation that occurs in small dots spread all over the Amazonia. In Rondônia it occupies an area of only 41 km2, in the municipality of Guajara Mirim. It grows on very poor soils of quartz sands and contains many endemic species, although they also occur in the Savannah and other non-forestry areas. Endangered Species Brazil has 462 endangered species of trees. Among these many of them occur in Rondônia. The peril of extinction for these species comes from the chaotic forestry exploitation or from the simple destruction of their habitats, especially because of the expansion of the cattle rising and of the large-scale agriculture. It can be mentioned some of the endangered species that can be found in the State: the Cerejeira (Torresia acreana), the Mahoney (Swietenia macrophylla), the Cedro Rosa (Cedrela odorata) and the Castanheira (Bertholletia excelsa). The species above are sparsely found in Amazonia and because of that are considered "vulnerable". Other threatened species also found in Rondônia are the abioranas (Pouteria cicatricata) and (Licinia conferruminata). 1.5 – SOCIAL-ECONOMICAL-ECOLOGICAL ZONING AND THE USE OF THE SOIL The agricultural expansion occurred in the State in the 70´s and the 80´s was characterized by an chaotic use of the natural resources, and a lack of a plan for the occupation that had took in consideration various determining factors as: the growth of the agricultural activities, the growth of the deforestation rates and an adequate utilization of the available forestry and mineral resources. As a result of this process and following the PLOLONOROESTE program, that had done an important paper financing the consolidation of the agricultural colonization in the State, there was found the necessity of a 22 new project to be financed by the World Bank. This program received the name of PLANAFLORO (Forestry and Agricultural Development Plan of Rondônia) This project had as its main goal the reversion of the serious social and environmental problems caused by the “unordained expansion” happened in the State. Rondônia has, then, took a position of vanguard in the consecution of the Social-Economical-Environmental Zoning, becoming, in 1998, the first State in Brazilian Federation to take effective actions to rule its land occupation and the use of its territorial space. The legal support for this was given by the State Act nr. 3782, of July of 1988, technically base on the First approach of Zoning, in the scale of 1:1000.000, lately confirmed by the Complementary Law nr. 052 of 12/20/1991. The methodological conception that oriented the First approach of Zoning was based in the acquired technical knowledge about the territorial occupation, in the identification of the alterations of the vegetal coverage of the State and in the “ geo-phyto-ecological conditionings” (Vegetation, surrounding physical conditions and environmental aspects) and also in the “edafoclimate” conditionings (soil and weather) of the environmental occupation systems. In sequence, the Federal Government itself, concerned in coordinating the Social-Economical-Ecological Zonings ( ZSEE) in execution by the States, created, according to the Act nr. 99.540, of 09/21/90, the methodological pattern for the consecution of ZSEE, under the coordination of the Strategic Affairs Secretary of The Presidency of the Republic – SAE/PR. With that the Federal Government had in mind to supply the State zoning a technical support to the execution and specialization of the economical, social, cultural and ecological policies, considering the necessity of systematization in the use of the territory and planning the occupation based on the promotion of an ordained sustainable development5. The First Approach of Zoning divided the State in six zones, in accordance with their tends and of physical, biological, social and economical characteristics, determining this way what areas would be suitable for agriculture, forestry managing, vegetal extraction (in this particular case in a non-wood extraction sense) and for the Conservation Units6 In this context, the different regions of the State begin to have a more adequate use of its real capacities, taking in consideration its vulnerabilities and potentialities. Another considered aspect was the 5 – Term of Reference for the Execution of the ZEE in Legal Amazonia at a regional Level, 2nd Version – 1991. 6 - Amazônia Nossa Magazine, Special Edition – January/97. 23 Anthropization process formerly occurred. It is important to remember that a significant extension of the territory of the State, especially along the BR 364 had already been object of human settlements. Also, in this version of the Zoning it become clearly characterized the attention of the State in creating and consolidating different forms of Protected Areas. 2nd Approach of The Social-Economical-Ecological Zoning The Second Approach of the Social-Economical-Ecological Zoning, executed with the main objective of correcting the distortions found in the First Zoning, was instituted by the State Complementary Law nr. 233 of 06/06/2000. With the studies of the Second Approach it was intended to produce basic information to the territorial ordering, according to the environmental capacity of offer of the system, considering its potentialities and vulnerabilities. In this manner it was also intended to obtain subsides to the planing of public and private interventions, in order to achieve a self sustainable condition for the natural resources, through the use of ecologically equilibrate and economically viable processes of exploitation. The study of the variants that compound the natural and the social and economical conditions were conducted in an interactive and global manner, in order to make possible to understand the interrelations and interdependencies that characterize the equiproblematic areas described as “ Environmental Systems”. These systems were available in relation to their vulnerability, as well as in reference to the level of the anthropic action they are submitted to. By the other hand, were identified the alternatives of use, lately transformed in prognostics and finally these were formatted into “Intervention Zones”. These Zones were object of consolidation, through various propositions, plans, recommended programs that compound the Social-EconomicalEcological Zoning Map. The studies in the Second Approach of de Zoning content areas for consolidation and expansion of the general economic activities, also indicating critical zones for forestry management, environmental recuperation or alternative soil use, suggesting activities like: forestry management, non-wood vegetal extraction, agroforestry association, ecological tourism and the institutional areas, composed by the Indian reservations, Conservation Units of Direct and Indirect Use. It is important to mention that for all the conventional “productive” areas it was focused the use of the already deforested areas, as well as the enhancement of the productivity, the rational use of the natural resources, the maintenance of the natural vegetation and the recuperation of the 24 vegetation in areas of permanent preservation and in the legal reservations. forestry For the Second Approach the work scale adopted was 1:250.000 and, in some cases 1: 100.000, with thematic views and their integration, about: Geology, Geomorphology, Weather, Superficial Water Resources, Pedology, Vegetation, Fauna, Soil Occupation and Use, Structure of Land Use, Social Economy and Agricultural Characteristics, Environmental Vulnerability, Natural Social-Economical Systems and Zoning. All the cartography was digitized using Geographical Information Systems, making possible the generation of Remote Sensing and a geo-referenced information data bank. Finally, were defined three great zones, with their respective sub-zones, as detailed ahead, in accordance with literal transcription of the 7th to 23rd articles of the State Complementary Law nr. 233, of 06/06/2000: SECTION I OF THE ZONES Art. 7th – The Zone 1, composed of areas of agricultural, agroforestry and forestry uses, has 120.310,48 Km2, equivalent to 50,45% of the total area of the State. § 1st. The lands of the Zone 1, used to different purposes, especially for farming and cattle raising, have variable levels of occupation and environmental vulnerability , that characterize the different sub-zones. § 2nd – Zone 1 will obey to the following directives: I – As a general directive, it should be stimulate the development of primary activities in already deforested or occupied areas, with adequate practices and management in the use of the natural resources, specially the use of the soil, in order to maximize the costs of opportunity represented by the value of the forest. II- To stimulate to the sustained management of the forest resources and, in particular, the reforestation and the recuperation of degraded areas, areas of permanent preservation and of legal reserve, including the alternative use of the brushwood; III – Implementation of compensatory public policies, objecting the maintenance of the existing forestry resources, avoiding their conversion to extensive farming or to cattle raising systems; 25 IV – The submission of the directives of the use of the sub-zones to infrastructure constructions, in particular to road constructions; Art. 8th – ZONE 2 is composed of special use areas, with 34.834,42 Km2, equivalent to 14,60% of the total area of the State, destined to conservation of the natural resources, suitable of use under sustainable management. Art. 9th – ZONE 3 is composed of institutional areas, constituted by those protected restricted and of controlled use, in the sense of the Law and in obedience of the Federal, State and the County regulations, it is of 83.367,90 km, equivalent to 34,95% of the total area of the State Art 10th – The Sub-zones are characterized by their level of occupation, environmental vulnerability and aptitude for use, defined within their respective zones. SECTION III OF THE SUB-ZONES Art 11th – For the implementation of the ZSEE, there are nine (09) Subzones of territorial ruling of the State Public Policies. SUBSECTION I OF THE SUB-ZONES OF THE ZONE 1 Art, 12th – The Sub-zones of the Zone 1 are areas used, mainly, for farming and cattle raising, with a variable level of occupation, environmental vulnerability and aptitude of use, defined as follows: Art. 13th – Sub-zone 1.1, composed by areas that have a great social potential , it is of 61.417,35 km2 , equivalent to 25, 75% of the total area of the State. § 1st – Sub-zone 1.1 has enough infrastructure for the development of farming and cattle raising , specially roads of access. § 2nd – Sub-zone 1.1 concentrate the greater population densities of the State. § 3rd – Sub-zone 1.1 has the most important urban settlements. § 4th - Sub-zone 1.1 has a predominantly good agricultural aptitude, with a low natural vulnerability to erosion, with costs of opportunity of preservation excessively high. 26 § 5th – Sub-zone 1.1 will obey to the following directives: I – Forestry coverage of every rural property maintained or recuperated at the rate of at least 20%; II – In the converted areas it is recommended the increment of the productivity, based on more modern agricultural techniques, including the irrigation, with incentives for agroindustries, as a manner of maximize the costs of opportunity represented by the value of the forest. § 6th – It is been created the State Bordering Forest Reforestation and Recuperation Program for the Sub-zone 1.1, to be implemented by the Government from 2001 on. Art 14th – Sub-zone 1.2, composed of areas with medium social potential is of 30.664,01 km2, equivalent of 12,86% of the total area of the State. § 1st - In Sub-zone 1.2 the natural Forest coverage predominates, in accelerated process of occupation, with conversion of the forest. § 2nd - The agricultural aptitude of Sub-zone 1.3 is predominantly regular and its natural vulnerability to erosion in from low to medium. § 3rd – Sub-zone 1.2 will obey the following directives: I- It should be maintained or recuperated, in the rural properties, at least 40% of the Forest coverage, being acceptable, with the approval of the environmental official Institute, compensatory measures, objecting the preservation of the existing forestry resources. II – Incremental deforestation, conditioned to the potentiality, natural fragility and the intended use of the land and, in special, inside a context of an agrarian reform program in implementation process: III – In the converted areas it is recommended the increment of the framing and cattle raising productivity, based in more modern agricultural techniques, using mains and practices of managing in conformity with the condition of its agricultural aptitude. IV – The processes of occupation will be accompanied with the regularization of the land Art 15th – Sub-zone 1.3, is composed of areas where the natural vegetal coverage is of 14.823,81 Km, equivalent of 6,22% of the total area of the State. 27 § 1st – Sub-zone 1.3 is of expressive forestry potential, in a incipient agricultural occupation process and reduced conversion of the vegetal natural coverage. § 2nd – In Sub-zone 1.3 the agricultural aptitude is predominantly restrict and it has a natural vulnerability to erosion mainly medium. § 3rd – Sub-zone 1.3 will obey the following directives: I – To give priority to the use of the natural resources, being allowed to maintain existing agricultural activities, not being stimulated their expansion: II – The processes of occupation demand efforts for the land possession regularization. To control the forestry exploitation and the deforestation: III – It should be maintained or recuperated, in the rural properties, at least 70% of the vegetal forestry coverage, being admitted, subject to the approval of the environmental official Institute, compensatory measures, objecting the preservation of the existing forestry resources. IV – Eventual incremental deforestation should be conditioned to the potentialities, the natural fragility and to the intended use, with public policies for the stimulation of the maintenance of the natural vegetal coverage; V – In the converted areas it recommended the implementation of agroforestry associations, reforestation and permanent cultures in general. Art 16th – Sub-zone 1.4 is composed of areas that represent infrastructure suitable to land exploitation. It is of 13.405,31 km2 equivalent to 5.62% of the total area of the State. § 1st – Although there is availability of infrastructure in Sub-zone 1.4, the environmental conditions impose restrictions to the development of activities of natural vegetal coverage conversion. § 2nd – Considering the expressive hydroelectric potential of some rivers, with small power plants, the natural ecosystems of Sub-Zone 1.4 are of relevant interest to the preservation of the natural resources, specially the hydric ones. § 3rd – The natural vulnerability to erosion in Sub-zone 1.4 is predominantly high. § 4th – Sub-zone 1.4 will obey the following directives: 28 I- In areas already deforested, it is recommended to establish exploitation systems that can ensure the control of the erosion like: reforestation, agroforestry association, and permanent cultures in general; II – Incremental deforestation should be conditioned to the vulnerability to erosion, to the natural potentiality and fragility and to the intended use, with public policies for the stimulation of the maintenance of the natural vegetal coverage: III – It should be maintained or recuperated, in the rural properties, at least 70% of the vegetal forestry coverage, being admitted, subject to the approval for the environmental official Institute, compensatory measures, objecting the preservation of the existing forestry resources. SUBSECTION II OF SUB-ZONES OF THE ZONE 2 Art. 17th – The Sub-zones of the Zone 2 are areas destined to the conservation of the natural resources, suitable to use under sustainable management, as ahead defined: Art 18th – Sub-zone 2.1, is composed of areas of inexpressive forestry land conversions, it is of 25.653,37 Km2, equivalent of 10,75% of the total area of the State. § 1st - Sub-zone 2.1 has natural potentialities, specially the forestry one, in good conditions for extraction of wood as well as for non wood forestry extraction, showing the cost of opportunity of preservation between low and medium. § 2nd – Some areas in Sub-Zone 2.1 have high potential for ecological tourism and for fishing activities in its various modalities. § 3rd – Sub-zone 2.1 will obey the following directives: I – The value of the forestry lands of Sub-zone 2.1 can be incremented by the aggregation of value to the existing Forest and a selective exploitation of its products. II- In the ordering of Sub-zone 2.1 it will be prioritized the use of the natural resources, maintaining the existing agricultural activities and not stimulating their expansion, but fomenting the forestry management and extraction activities, ecological tourism and fishing in its various modalities III – The natural pastures areas can be used, under adequate management, observed its specific characteristics. 29 IV – Infrastructure constructions, roads for example, should be conditioned to the directives for the Sub-Zone. Art 19th – Sub-zone 2.2, is composed of areas of inexpressive occupation. It is of 9.181,05 km2, equivalent of 3,85% of the total area of the State. § 1st – Sub-zone 2.2 has a low cost of opportunity of the preservation of the Forest, facilitating the conservation of the forestry lands in its natural conditions. § 2nd – Sub-zone 2.2 will obey the following directives: I - Areas destined to the conservation of the nature, in special the biodiversity, with potential for economic and scientific activities of low environmental impact under sustainable management. II – The use of these areas must be developed without conversion of the natural vegetal coverage and, if it becomes extremely necessary, only in small areas to support familiar subsistence. III – Already converted areas should be directed to recuperation, being recommended the creation of protected areas of public or private domain, because of their specific characteristics of their biodiversity, of their habitats and their location in relation to the regional ecological corridor. SUBSECTION III OF THE SUB-ZONES OF ZONE 3 Art 20th – The Sub-zones of the Zone 3 are institutional areas, constituted by the Conservation Units of restrict and controlled use, created by Brazilian Federation, The States and Municipal Units, defined as follows: Art 21st – Sub-zone 3.1 is composed of areas constituted of Conservation Units of Direct Use and covers 18.081,29 km2, equivalent to 7,58% of the total area of the State. Unique Paragraph – Sub-zone 3.1 will obey the following directive: I – The utilization of the environmental resources will obey specifics directives and plans of the instituted units like: Sustainable Profitable State Forests, National Forests, Extraction Reservations and other categories defined in the Conservation Units National System. Art. 22nd – Sub-zone 3.2 is composed of areas constituted of Conservation Units of Indirect Use and covers 23.752,50 km2, equivalent to 9,96% of the total area of the State. 30 Unique Paragraph – Sub-zone 3.2 will obey the following directive: I - The utilization of the areas must be limited to the purposes of the instituted units like Ecological Stations, Biological Parks and Reservations and other categories defined in the Conservation Units National System. Art. 23rd – Sub-zone 3.3 is composed of the Indian Lands and covers 41, 543,11 km2, equivalent to 17,41% of the total area of the State. Unique Paragraph – Sub-zone 3.3 will obey the following directive: I – The use of the natural resources is limited by Law, and they only can be used under the authorization or concession of the Federation. 1.5.1 - CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT SOCIAL-ECONOMICAL-ECOLOGICAL ZONING OF RONDÔNIA As a pioneer in the realization of this experience, the State of Rondônia faced a lot of natural problems mainly because its vanguard position in the process. The problems faced were greatly augmented especially because the lack of experience of Brazil in this kind of study. The position of vanguard brought the following results: ü Positive Aspects In its positive side, the zoning allowed progresses like the ordering of the occupation, the creation and demarcation of the of the Conservation Units, the settlement of more than two thousand families of rubber extractors, investments in vital sectors like social assistance, education, health, besides supporting more than three hundred small farmers, Indians and rubber extractors associations, via community projects. ü Negative Aspects One of the biggest mistakes of PLANAFLORO was not to dispense to the forestry based segment proportional attention to its grade of importance in the social-economical-environmental context of the State of Rondônia. That is because it is impossible to intend to promote the self-sustainable development in a region without involving all of its social actors, especially those of more importance. Its good to remember that ten years ago, the wood industry segment contributed with 25 % of total of taxes of the State and was responsible, directly or indirectly, for 45 thousand job positions. Because of this paradox, PLANAFLORO gave a little contribution for the evolution of the self-sustainable model of forestry exploitation, model that PLANAFLORO itself had recommended in its origin. So, the forestry-based industry was not benefited in terms of credit concessions in any way. It did 31 not found in the State a desirable partner, while the instrument of a proper policy adapted to the local peculiarities, it did not obtain from the State Government the concession of any area of the State Sustainable Profitable Forests to be use according to the purposes they had been created for. PLANAFLORO neither contributed to reduce the waste in the forestry exploitation, nor to center its production. 1.6 - CONSERVATION UNITS AND PRESERVATION AREAS Among the existing State and Federal Conservation Units, that occupy an area of 8.336.790 ha, corresponding to 34,95% of the total area of the State, they are: § § § § § § § § § § § Biologic Reservation of Guaporé; Biologic Reservation of Jaru; Ecological Station of Cuniã; National Park of Pacaás Novos; National Forest of Jamari; National Forest of Bom Futuro; Extraction Forest of Rio Ouro Preto; Indian Areas; State Parks: Serra dos Reis, Corumbiara and Guajará-Mirim; Ecological Stations: Serra dos Três Irmãos and Samuel; Extraction Reservations: Pacaás Novos, Cautário, Curralinho, 15 do Machadinho D’Oeste, Jaci-Paraná River, among others. Now, technical processes for the transference of the Conservation Units from the Federation to the State are in bidding process. The State plans a shared management contract for the three State Parks, with the objective of making possible an environmental management model, decentralized and participating. 1.6.1 – CONSERVATION UNITS SUITABLE FOR FORESTY MANAGMENT USE –CONSERVATION UNITS OF DIRECT USE These units, as Sustainable Use Units, are those that permit the exploitation and direct use of natural resources, in a planned and ruled manner and that is how they are constituted: Environmental Protection 32 Areas, State Sustainable Profitable Forests, National Forests and Extraction Reservations. a) Extraction Reservations (RESEX`s) The First National Rubber Extractors Encounter, realized in 1985, validate the proposal of the RESEX´s as one of the model for the occupation of Amazonia. It is in fact, a new concept for the agrarian reform that searches to conciliate the development and the conservation of the natural resources, through the valorization of the tradition and the identity ethnic and cultural of the “people of the forest”. In Rondônia, at the time of the creation of a Federal Extraction Reservations, were created 21 State ones, with a total area of 1.174.578,624 ha or 4,92% of the territory of the State, that had been occupied for the Rondônia Rubber Extractors Organization (OSR) in partnership with some environmental entities, among them the AGUAPE and the ECOPORE. Conceived in the beginning only as a Unit for utilization of the (non wood) natural resources under a direct form, lately this original concept was transformed. This transformation happened as long as the rubber collectors communities discovered that it was impossible to maintain themselves in the market only with the extraction of rubber and nuts. From that point on, its was started the execution of a series of pilot experiences of community forestry management projects, directly made by the extractors communities in the cities of Costa Marques and Machadinho do Oeste. In the first city there was a relative success because the rubber extractors decided to do the management at the same time as the extraction and primary industrial treatment of the wood, loosing themselves, part in the complexity of the various phases of the industrialization process and part in the lack of technology and manpower. In the second city there was a better result, once the rubber extractors dedicated themselves more to the execution of the silvicultural practices, more compatible to their traditional habits and their “modus vivendi”, searching association with those with more tradition in the activities of extraction and manipulation of wood or the forestry-based industry. The knowledge obtained from the experience indicates that the institute of the partnership seems to be the more adequate instrument to achieve the desired success in the rational exploitation of the available forestry goods in the extraction reservations. So, putting side by side the different actors, each one with his own experiences, acting in a complementary form, its possible to optimize the use of the resources, at the time the appropriation of the common use goods are democratized and the diffusion of the resulting social benefits. 33 b) State Sustainable Profitable Forests Since the conception of PLANAFLORO were idealized the State Sustainable Profitable Forests that should constitute in an important reserve of forestry resources to permit the creation and implementation of an alternative model of exploitation for the State. Nevertheless being opportune and highly pertinent, it has been passed ten years of its conception and almost seven years of the effective beginning of PLANAFLORO, nothing has in fact has left the papers to the reality. On the contrary, what was seen was an excessive slowness in the State in the implementation of those planned actions, causing gradual and an upsetting loose of the characteristics of those areas, for example, the State Sustainable Profitable Forest of Martin Pescador, in URUPA, an the State Sustainable Profitable Forest of Cujubim. All the State Sustainable Profitable Forests are located in Sub-Zone 3.1 of the ZSEE. Were created in Rondônia 11 State Sustainable Profitable Forests, with an area of 167.726.177 ha, corresponding to 0,7% of the total area of the State, all being available for utilization for the forestry-based industry. To better clarify the understanding about the importance of the State Sustainable Profitable Forests, there is a description of every one of them: ü State Sustainable Profitable Forest Araras Area: 964,7733 ha Municipal Unit: Cujubim... Creation Legal Instrument: State Act. 7605 of 10/08/1996. Around 73% of the Forest is covered by Open Ombrophyl Forest SubMontana, 20% by Dense Ombrophyl Forest Sub-Montana and 7% occupied by human activities ü State Sustainable Profitable Forest Cedro Area: 2.556,7434ha Municipal Unit: Machadinho Legal Instrument of Creation : State Act. 7601 of 10/08/1996. The area is, in its totality, covered by natural vegetation, represented by Dense Ombrophyl Forest Sub-Montana. There are no detailed studies of the flora of the area. ü State Sustainable Profitable Forest Mutum 34 Area: 11.450,1816ha Municipal Units: Cujubim and Rio Crespo Legal Instrument of Creation: State Act. 7602 of 10/08/1996. More than 98% of its area is covered by natural vegetation; the rest was altered for human use. The predominant vegetation is Open Ombrophyl Forest Sub-Montana (78,91 of the area), followed for Dense Ombrophyl Forest Sub-Montana ü State Sustainable Profitable Forest Periquitos Area: 1.162,5504 ha Municipal Unit: Cujubim Legal Instrument of Creation: State Act. 7606 of 10/08/1996 87,49% of the area is still covered by natural vegetation and the rest was altered for human activities. The totality of the vegetation is of Open Ombrophyil Forest Sub –Montana. There are no studies about the flora of the Unit. ü State Sustainable Profitable Forest Rio Machado Area: 115.750,3359 Municipal Units: Porto Velho and Machadinho D’Oeste Legal Instrument of Creation: State Act 4571 of 03/23/1990. The area is covered, in its biggest part of Open Ombrophyl Forest of Low Lands (48,4%) and of Open Ombrophyl Forest Sub-Montana (44,7%). Of less occurrence: Alluvial Dense Ombrophyl Forest (4,46%), Savannah Park (1,36%) and Alluvial Pioneer Formations (1%). ü State Sustainable Profitable Forest Rio Madeira A Area: 62.986,0615ha. Municipal Unit: Porto Velho Legal Instrument of Creation: State Act 4574 of 03/23/1990. A total of 2.29% of the reservation is altered by human use. The coverage is diverse, being present Savanah-Ombrophyl Forest Transition Vegetation (74,25%), Open Ombrophyl Forest of Low Lands (7,98%), Alluvial Arboreal Pioneer Formations (4,87%), Savanah Grass-brush (3,99), Alluvial Brushwood Pioneer Formation (2,04%) and Savannah Park (2,01%) ü State Sustainable Profitable Forest Rio Madeira B Area: 51.856,071 ha 35 Municipal Unit: Porto Velho Legal Instrument of Creation: State Act 7600 of 10/08/1996 The area has more than 99% of natural vegetal coverage. The main f«vegetal formations are: Open Ombrophyl Forest of Low Lands (46,85%), Savanah – Open Ombrophyl Forest (34,39%), Open Sub Montana Forest (13,75%), Alluvial Forest (1,24%). There were no detailed botanical studies of the area. ü State Sustainable Profitable Forest Rio Vermelho B Area: 31.568,8587 ha Municipal Unit: Porto Velho Legal Instrument of Creation: State Act 4582 of 03/28/1990. This Unit is mainly covered by Dense Ombrophyl Forest (99,98%), where commonly occur species like Castanheiras (Bertholettia excelsa), Faveira Branca (Piptadenia spp.), Taxis (Sclerobium spp.), Tauaris (Cariniana spp.) and Abius (Pouteria spp.) ; and with less occurence também: Open Ombrophyl Forest, where there are many babaçus (Orbygnia spp.), Copaíbas (Copaifera multijuga), mata-matás (Eschweilera atrpetiolata) and (E. piculata.) and Dense Forest located in the areas with ondulated topography in the north of the Unit, on top of the hills, of transitional formations between meadow and forest. ü State Sustainable Profitable Forest Rio Vermelho C Area: 4.050,1207 ha Municipal Unit: Porto Velho Legal Instrument of Creation: State Act 4567 of 03/23/1990. 98% of the area is covered by natural vegetation where the predominant formation is the Open Ombrophyl Forest of Low Lands (38,22%). There are no detailed studies of the local flora. ü State Sustainable Profitable Forest Tucano Area: 659,5607 ha Municipal Unit: Cujubim and Rio Crespo Legal Instrument of creation: State Act 7603 of 10/08/1996. Its area is totally covered by Open Ombrophyl Forest Sub-Montana. The actions of PLANAFLORO, in accordance with the implementation of the State Sustained Profitable Forests, although correctly conceived, were not, 36 until the present moment executed. That corresponded, in great measure, to the slowness of the State in actuating, resulting in a beginning of loss of characterization for areas of rare strategic importance to the implementations of an alternative model of exploitation for the State, based on the sustainability of the natural resources. c) National Forests The National Forests, with primary natural coverage were created by Law 4.771, of 15th October 1965, with the following objectives: ü To promote the management of the natural resources, with emphasis on the wood production and other vegetal products, ü To guarantee the protection of the hydric resources, the landscape beauty and the historical and archaeological sites; ü To foment the development of the basic and applied scientific research, the environmental education, the recreational activities and tourism. As the State Sustainable Profitable Forests, the National Forests are public domain areas, but under the administration of IBAMA. It is important to emphasize that the availability of these Forestry Units for the rational use of their natural resources depends on a political decision of the high authorities of IBAMA and the Ministry of the Environment. In spite of that, likewise in the case of the State Forests, the slowness of the Government, in this case the Federal one, in achieving the objectives of the creation of the National Forests, has been allowed continuous intrusion in the areas of the National Forests (FLONA´s) existing in Rondônia. Although, with no doubt, this assertive is valid for both National Forests (FLONA of Jamary and Bom Futuro) the last has been object of major pressure of invasion for those who intend to take “a piece” of land, believing that the Government, fighting in so many “fronts”, will not be able to sustain the position of protecting the areas and, beaten in the battle, will surrender to the invaders regularizing the invasions. A big part of the National Forest of Bom Futuro is already invaded, threatening a part of what should be one important Strategic Reserve to the alternative model of exploitation of the natural resources in Rondônia. The two National Forests occupy a total area of 465.000 ha, equivalent to 1,95% of the total area of the State. They are located in Sub-Zone 3.1 of the ZSEE and about them there will be made some comments: ü National Forest of Bom Futuro Area: 249.000 ha. 37 Municipal Units: Porto Velho and Buritis. Legal Instrument of Creation: Federal Act 96188 of 06/21/1988. The predominant vegetation is constituted of Open Ombrophyl Forest SubMontana (84,7%), followed by Dense Ombrophyl Forest Sub Montana (10%), Open Ombrophyl Forest of Low Lands (2%), Savannah-Forest Contact Vegetation (1,15%), Open Alluvial Ombrophyl Forest (0,7%) and Alluvial Pioneer Formations (0,2%). There are no floristic or forestry inventories. ü National Forest of Jamary Area: 223.799 ha. Municipal Units: Jamari, Candeias do Jamari, Alto Paraíso e Cujubim. Legal Instrument of Creation: Federal Act 90224 of 09/25/1984. Around 3% of the National Forest (FLONA) hás lost its vegetation as a result of the exploitation of cassiterite (tin). Its predominant phytology is of Open Ombrophyl Forest Sub-Montana (91%), with Pioneers Formations. The Open Ombrophyl Forest of Low Lands occupies 5% of the area, the Open Alluvial Ombrophyl Forest 0,7% and the Dense Ombrophyl Forest Sub Montana 0,1% According to forestry inventories done in the area the most important tree species found, measured in plants per hectare, of the Open Ombrophyl Forest Sub Montana are: Abioranas (Pouteria spp.), Breus (Protium spp.), Faveiras (Vatairea paraensis), Muiracatiaras (Astronium lecointei) and Angelins-rajados (Pithecelobium recemosum). Complementary to the Extraction Reservations and to the State Sustained Profitable Forests, the National Forests constitute in an additional strategic reservation of raw material ready to be available in favor to the forestrybased industry, within a conception of self sustained wood production. 1.6.2 – CONSERVATION UNITS OF DIRECT USE When studying the possibilities of existing natural resources to achieve their best possible use, in order to obtain a sustainable development, its not possible to forget considering any alternative of economic exploitation that matches the philosophy of economic growth. Any kind of use to be proposed to those units must be within of the parameters of its management and utilization plans, restricting the use to the planned activities, in order to allow to make compatible the conservation of their ecosystems with some kind of social and economical use. In this sense, the region of the Guapore-Mamore Valley, still well preserved, has a small part of its area dedicated to agricultural activities, 38 conserving, therefore, a great potential for use its environmental offer, through the ecological tourism. For that purpose the Mamore-Guapore Valley seems to be very well presented for the nature that gave it landscapes of rare beauty, not to mention the particular sumptuousness of the Guapore River, that has countless tributaries of limpid waters and the incomparable luxury of its fauna and flora. The diversity of the ecosystems can be seen in the contrast between the flood fields and the forest, the Islands, the sinuosity of the rivers, the river beaches, the bays that enrich the landscape. The landscape is dominated by forests of flat lands and flood fields that go for dozens of miles making extremely difficult a permanent fixation of man. Consequently, the anthropic pressure occurs mainly in the river and through the river. This reality configures in a serious threaten to the integrity of the valley, considering the fragility and the diversity of the ecosystems, in antagonism with the intensification of the anthropic pressure, demanded for its fascinating characteristics. 1.7 – ECONOMIC ASPECTS 1.7.1 – CONTEXTUALIZATION The Agriculture colonization of Rondônia was characterized for prioritizing human settlements in small and medium rural properties, different, in this particular aspect, form other regions of the country and the Amazonia. It occupied an important strategic of the Occidental Amazonia, integrating thousands of Brazilians that before that colonization had lived in isolation in relation with the rest of the country. With the colonization, there was a true boom of agricultural production in the amazonic region, made possible almost exclusively because of the increment of the agricultural areas in the State of Rondônia. This fact contributed to the reduction of the enormous dependency of the region on other production centers. As a result of this process, Rondônia appeared as a State of enormous potential because of the profusion of its natural resources. Because of that the agricultural industry, the agriculture, and forestry exploitation took an eminent position. These activities were developed with low sustainability characteristics, as a consequence of the great waste and low level of productivity practices. In this sense, were maintained high levels of economic growth based on exploitation of its environmental actives. Along the years, the development of the State has accompanied the national economic evolution in its own rhythm, dictated by the regional peculiarities, like its aptitude to the utilization of basic products in elementary industrial processes, low power of capitalization of the 39 entrepreneurs and the restrictions imposed for an increasing competitive globalized world. Because of all that, the products of Rondônia are little competitive in the great consumer centers. Important factors for these adverse conditions are the high cost of freight (average distances of up 3000 km to the consumer centers) and the low quality of most of all products. In fact, Rondônia still continues to be a great exporting center of raw materials, transferring the capacity of elaboration and transformation of these materials to other Units of the Federation. Giving them the opportunity to aggregate value to those raw materials and, consequently, giving them the power to create jobs, money and tributes that, in other way, could be created in the State. In the other hand, Rondônia continues to be a great importer of industrialized products of general consumption. Under the point of view of the production, Rondônia has a particular position, at a national and regional level. ü In the production of primary products like coffee, cacao, corn, beans; ü In mineral extraction like cassiterite (tin) and ornamental Stones (granite); ü In the milk industry – pasteurized milk, different kinds of cheese and butter. These two last products have 90% of the production destined to other states, specially to Sao Paulo; ü In the meat industry where, equally, the biggest part of the production is commercialized to other states; ü In the forestry-based industry, with the wood production activity like the most important segment, supplying the internal market and for export, to be seen ahead; ü The furniture industry sector has lately experienced a great growth, with an industrial park of 575 units. 1.7.2 – GROSS INTERNAL PRODUCT - PIB When analyzed under the point of view of the Gross Internal Product, year base of 1997, it becomes clear that Rondônia occupies an eminent position in economic scenario of the northern region of Brazil, only behind Para and Amazonas. Therefore, Rodonia is responsible for the third greater regional Gross Internal Product, in global terms and in isolated values terms 40 According to the data found in the study Contas Regionais do Brazil (19851997)/IBGE the value of the Gross Internal Product in 1997 was of R$ 4.165 million. In this amount the sector of services participates with R$ 2.312 million, what corresponds to 58,28% and the industrial activity contributed with R$ 1.002 million, that corresponds to 25,26%. Agriculture and Pasture, in the third position, contributed with 553 million, or 16,46% of the total7 The table bellow shows the participation of the agricultural activities, the industry and the sector of services, in the period of 94 to 99. GROSS INTERNAL PRODUCT – ACCORDING TO THE ACTIVITY SECTOR Basic Price- SERIES OF 1994 – 1999 - In R$ (million) Sector 1994 % 1995 % 1996 % Agriculture 251 17,39 402 14,46 482 13,84 Industry 364 25,23 651 23,40 915 26,27 Services 828 57,38 1.729 62,14 2.086 59,89 Total 1.443 100 2.782 100 3.483 100 Source: IBGE – “Contas Regionais do Brazil”(1985-1997) (*) – Projection of FIERO. 1997 % 553 1.002 2.313 3.968 16,46 25,26 58,28 100 1998 (*) 652 1.212 2.590 4.454 % 14,63 27,22 58,15 100 1999 (*) 769 1.467 2.901 5.137 % 14,96 28,56 56,48 100 As it can be seen, there was no accentuate variation in the levels of participation of each sector year by year, maintaining the same hierarchy, where are placed in crescent order the sectors of: services, industry and agriculture (included cattle farming). The values showed above follow the tendency verified in the north region and also in the rest of the country. The sector of services shows a more eminent position in the composition of the Gross Internal Product in the State, in a superior proportion than observed in the north region and in the rest of the country. This characteristic, already registered in 1985, has been accentuated along the last years. The industrial activity, with an average participation of 25% of the Gross Internal Product in the observed period, has maintained its participation practically stable, reflecting with exactitude the present phase, when it has not been done new investments for the improvement or modernization of the sector. This fact is also responsible for the reduction in the number of job positions, money and taxes. In this particular aspect, it is important to mention that, although the industrial activity, as a whole, has been maintained practically constant in relation to its participation in the composition of the Gross Internal Product, when internally analyzed, it shows drastic hierarchical changing in its various components. There have been a great increment in activities like the furniture industry, the milk and frozen meat industry, corresponding to an 7 – “Contas Regionais do Brazil,” (1985-1997) – IBGE. 41 accentuate drop in the participation of other activities like the wood and civil construction. In relation to the agricultural sector, keeping in mind the tendency of growth of the mechanized agriculture and the expansion of the cattle farming, as it has been observed in the last years, it can be seen a tendency of maintenance of the growth, increasing the importance of the sector in the Sate and regional economy. GROSS INTERNAL PRODUCT – BRAZIL, NORTH REGION AND ITS STATES Market Price – 1994 – 1997 Year Brazil 1994 1995 1996 1997 Source: in R$(million) North Rondônia Acre Amazonas Roraima 349.205 17.762 1.524 548 5.878 646.191 29.960 2.959 995 10.994 778.886 36.153 3.639 1.148 14.090 864.112 38.217 4.165 1.303 14.311 IBGE – “Contas Regionais do Brazil”(1985-1997) 238 469 547 617 Para 8.286 12.081 13.855 14.600 Amapa Tocantins 625 1.235 1.340 1.514 663 1.226 1.534 1.707 Considering the population of the State in 1997, of 1.255.552 inhabitants and a Gross Product of R$ 4,165 million to the same year, the value of the per capita Annual Gross Internal Product was of R$ 3.317, higher than the registered for the North Region, that reached the value of R$ 3.293. Even though, this level is very low in comparison with the national per capita Gross Internal Product, that is of R$ 5.413. Considering the projected data to 1999, with a estimated population of 1.350.000 inhabitants, it makes a per capita Gross Internal Product of R$ 3.938. Therefore, it is been observed a significant improvement in level of Product in the State, in spite of the restrictive factors to the production. In relation to the Gross Internal Product values analyzed in each of the States of the North Region, the most important unit is the State of Para, with a value that, in 1997, represented 38,20% of the regional Gross Internal Product. In the second place comes the State of Amazonas with 37,44%, almost equal to the State of Para. Rondônia is the third State in importance for the composition of the Gross Internal Product among the seven States that compound the North Region of Brazil, in relation to the amount of the Gross Product produced in 1997, where represented 10,9%. Other relevant fact to be analyzed is that when comparing the three mentioned States, in relation to the growth of the Gross Product, in the period of 1995 to 1997, is that it becomes clear that Rondônia jumps to first place with a an absolute value of 40,75% of accumulated growth, corresponding to an average annual growth of 13,58%. The State of Amazonas keeps the second place with 30,17% of accumulated growth, corresponding to an average annual growth of 10,05%. This way the State of Para passes to the third position with an accumulated growth of20,85%, corresponding to an average annual growth of 6,95%. 42 CHAPTER II DIAGNOSYS OF THE WOOD INDUSTRY SECTOR 41 CHAPTER II – DIAGNOSYS OF THE WOOD INDUSTRY SECTOR 2.1 – THE EVOLUTION OF THE FORESTY SECTOR In the decade of the 70´s, as a result of an intense migratory flux originated in various regions of the country, a chaotic process of occupation started in Rondônia, where, with rare exceptions, the migrants occupied the rural areas and, later, the INCRA promoted the regularization of the settlements. To quickly consolidate those occupations, the farmers used indiscriminately primary techniques in agricultural practices like deforestation and burning. The pressure of the migration did not permitted INCRA to make better studies of viability of the settlements. INCRA was focusing its goals more in the number of families settled than in the quality and sustainability of the settlements projects. As a consequence of that policy, thousand of cubic meters of wood were wasted, product of an evil synergy between an ever growing and chaotic occupation and the reduced number of wood industries. Those industries, because of the great availability of similar species of wood in the centerwest and southeast regions, were not attracted to the offer of the products of Rondônia, specially considering the enormous distance from the consumer centers and the high cost of production. These factors made inopportune the exploitation of a wide range of forestry species in that occasion. Nevertheless, with the improvement of the roads, some wood industries began to come to Rondônia, exploiting at the beginning only woods of high commercial value. And so, successively, began to be exploited the mahoney, the cedro-rosa and the freijo. This limited group of elected woods was exploited until the final of the 80´s, contributing to the waste of an enormous quantity of other woods of high quality, woods that have today a great acceptance in the national and even in the international market. Because of the lack of opportunity to trade an attractive volume of woods existing in the areas to be deforested or even because of the contingency of promoting the deforestation to ensure the possession of the land, according to the policy of INCRA, there was an enormous loss of forestry coverage. The forestry reserve that is now missed to ensure adequate conditions to implement a plain policy of forestry management in the State. Another natural consequence was the great expansion of the deforested area, along the BR 364, reaching at the end of the 80´s 14% of the total area of the State The industry of noble wood species was characterized for the simple transformation of the trees in timbers, consequently transferring the 43 following phases of the manufacture of the wood (with the jobs and the taxes they could generate) to other regions of the country. Nevertheless the industrial park of the State had strongly grown in relation to the number of industrial units (1.182 in 1889) it had aggregated very little in terms of centering of the production. From the 80´s on, as a result of national and international pressures on the Brazilian Amazonia, the actions of control of the exploitation of the natural resources were intensified by the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources National Institute (IBAMA), the successor organism of the Forestry Development Brazilian Institute (IBDF). Facing this new reality, the forestry-based sector passed through a deep process of adjustment to the new regulation that led to the closing of a great number of companies at the time that compelled the most part of the left ones to seek for a new industrial profile, this time characterized for a more sophisticated level of industrialization, for the serial production and for a wider range of kind of exploitable woods. It is important to mention that the increasing lack of trees in other regions of the country also collaborate to the alteration of the industrial profile of the State, considering that many other species of tree began to have commercial value because of the absence of another parallel product at a lower cost. Besides, the implanting of a fomenting policy of exploitation based on profitable sustained forestry management, forced, to its effective execution, a more diverse exploitation of the forest, as a condition for a better managing of the implicit costs of the management of the forest, be them pre or post exploitation In the areas occupied by agriculture (Zone 1 if the ZSEE) most of the forestry coverage has already been damaged. In the other hand there is a considerable number of forestry species in the Sustained Profitable State Forests, Direct Use Conservation Units and in the Extraction Reservations. In spite of the slowness of the State in making them available to the forestry-based industries, there are still extraction reserves to be used in a new model of forestry exploitation. This fact, by itself, constitutes one remarkable example of the evolution that has been occurring, in a slow and gradual manner, in the disposition of the Government to handle the issue that requires urgency and decision. 2.2 – CHARACTERIZATION OF THE INDUSTRIES Analyzing the available information, it is easly possible to achieve a profile for the entrepreneurs of the furniture industry of the State. 44 Like most of the population of the State, the entrepreneurs of the forestrybased segment are, in its majority, migrants of other regions of the country, specially from the south of the country (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa catarina and Parana), besides a great number of people of other States like Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo. Those migrants, people with a remarkable “pioneer spirit”, that accepted the challenge of colonize the Amazonia, made it seeking for a better life, condition that they hardly would obtain in their States of origin. So, they came here, in the hope of getting better opportunities, made available for an environment of less competition, for the abundance of natural resources or even because the soft, weak and little effective controlling power of the state. The abrupt transformation in the life quality experienced for those immigrants and their reduced finance capacity, contributed to the institution of an industrial management model for the small companies, characterized by a familiar structure, very common in the furniture industries of the State. In the other hand, those families, when had tradition in the activity, conserved a “modus operandi” formed in a forestry exploitation regime based on a culture of substitution of native forests for an alternative use of the soil. This habit is a behavior that was widely adopted in Brazil, since its discovery, characterizing all the agricultural occupation in the country and, latter, its regime of forestry exploitation. As a consequence of that, there was the reproduction of the traditional exploitation method in the beginning of the agricultural colonization of Rondônia, but with more severity, considering the great technologic evolution occurred in the last twenty years, contributing to increment the potential of athropization occurred. In its structural aspect, the extraction industry of wood products is divided in the following activity areas: ü Sawmills – Industries of primary treatment of wood; ü Plywood industries ü Wood sub-products industries – Secondary wood industries, wooden artifacts fabrication (pre-cut swappers handles) ü The wooden panels industries – Plywood and other ü the carpentry goods industries ; 45 ü Furniture industries To better visualize the evolution of the industries in Rondônia in the last ten years, as well as to a better understanding of its insertion in the context of the industrial activity of the State, the following table shows a comparative of its participation between the main segments of the industrial sector in the years 1989 to 1999. 46 Main Industrial Segments - Comparative 1989/1999 Segment 1989 Nr. Ind. 1994 % Nr. Ind. Food. 455 19,9 792 Wood 1.019 44,4 937 Furniture 130 5,7 234 Metalic 88 3,8 248 Product. Clothing 29 1,3 122 Civil Construc. 182 7,9 416 Other 291 12,7 642 Totals 2.293 100 3.391 sources: Data bank of Rondônia Industrial Registration (*) – Projection FIERO/1999. 1997 % Nr. Ind. 23,4 27,6 6,9 7,3 1999(*) % Nr. Ind. % 937 685 486 428 24,96 18,24 12,94 11,40 1058 719 575 513 26,56 18,05 14,43 12,88 3,6 216 12,3 96 18,9 729 100 3.754 89/94/97 - FIERO 5,75 2,56 19,42 100 247 115 757 3.984 6,20 2,88 19,00 100 Based on the data above, in respect to the evolution of the sector relative to three distinct instants in the history of the forestry based segment in the State (1989, 1994, 1999) it can be seen a clear tendency of decrease of the wood industry activity – drop of 30% in the number of companies from 1999 in relation to 1989. So, this activity that represented 44,4% of the total of industrial plants in 1989, reduced its participation to 27,6% of the total of the plants in the sector in 1994 and 18,08% in 1999. In counterpart, inside the wood industry sector, activities related to a greater level of centering activities increased their participation. This time, as long there are many sawmills closed, other incorporate their activities in its own lay-outs, as well as new kind of industries appeared (plywood industries, wooden artifacts industries etc.) besides a considerable participation in the fabrication of furniture. This activity that participated only with 5,7% of the global total of industries in 1989, reached 14,4% in 1999. Wood –Furniture Industry composition Main Activities - 1989 to 1999 Activity Timber Fabrication of wooden structures and wooden goods Plywood and wooden plates Various wooden goods Furniture fabrication (of various types) Quantity Participation % in the Segment 1989 1994 1997 1999 * 1989 199 4 1997 1999 * 781 535 180 170 66,07 45,69 14,72 13,14 264 07 35 135 34 233 298 34 173 310 55 184 22,33 0,59 2,96 11,53 2,90 19,90 24,36 2,78 14,15 23,96 4,25 14,22 575 1.294 8,05 100 19,98 100 43,99 100 44,43 100 95 234 538 TOTALS 1.182 1.171 1.223 sources: Rondônia Industrial Registration 89/94/97 - FIERO (*) – Projection FIERO/1999. As it can be seen in the table above, considering the hierarchical structure of production of the forestry based industry, it becomes evident that the 47 wood sector maintain itself with a small annual growth indicator starting in 1994 what, compared with the results of the other sectors, represents a retraction in its activities. Nevertheless, comparing the results of 1994 and 1999, it can be seen that inside the sector there is a differentiate behavior among its components, with an abrupt reduction in the basic activities (sawn wood) and in the production of various wooden goods, to 68,76% and 21,03%, respectively. In spite of that, there was an increasing in the following activities: Wooden structures, wooden plates and furniture fabrication of, respectively, 129%, 61,76% and 147,72%. It is also observed that of all those components, the one which reached the higher growth level was the furniture industry that, in 1989, responded for 8,05% of the forestry-based sector, elevating its participation to 43,99% in 1997 and 44,43% in 1999. In respect to the interpretation of the characterization of the industries of the forestry-based segment and its behavior along a ten years historical series (1989/1999) it is noticed that it has been occurred a behavioral changing, dictated, in great part, for a market imposition, as well as modifications in the cost-benefit relation, that was considerably reduced because of the increasing of the costs of wood extraction, the ever growing difficulty in obtaining high market value woods, the increasing of the level of ruling and controlling of the segment by the State. These factors determined a new arrangement in the model of the system that forced an behavioral alteration driven to the increasing of the exploitation base, introduction of new species in the market, greater level of centering, adoption of new technologies (drying, sawing strips, etc.) as well as the utilization of new paradigms of production (sustainable management and reforestation), all with the objective of reducing costs and to widen its participation in the market. 2.2.1 - SIZE CLASSIFICATION OF THE COPANIES To analyze the distribution of the industries according to their size, two parameters were elected: the number of employees and the range of Product. As a result the measure of each of those parameters, was observed that the universe of the companies in Rondônia is predominantly constituted of micro companies (91%) far followed by the small companies (6%) and in a very reduced number, medium and big companies (3%). When the wood industry is in particular considered, it is observed a greater participation of the small companies (13%) and a reduction of the micro companies. These facts lead to the conclusion that, although the great majority of the industries that were closed were the small and medium size, the micro and small companies continue to predominate. It means that it was a 48 generalized tendency in the State, occurring in the different industrial activities, including the forestry-based ones. The predominance of the small industry units makes a general panel of low capitalization of the entrepreneurs, specially the entrepreneurs of the forestry-based industry. It can be checked in the analysis of the characteristic indexes of the sector like proper wood extraction and logs stored. In the last decade, it was common the companies to have an structure for proper wood extraction, that demanded large investments in terms of equipment. This fact is no longer observed frequently nowadays, as long as the industries opted, normally, for a third party regime for the extraction, reducing the fixed investments in machinery and equipment for wood extraction, focusing its goals in the management of the production. In the same sense, according to the index of number of stocked logs, it was very common the companies to keep, during the Amazonian winter (the rainy period of the year) a huge number of logs in their stock places, representing a considerable cash flow. Presently this practice is rarely found. 2.2.2. – SOCIAL FUNCTION OF THE FORESTRY-BASED INDUSTRY The table bellow is useful to a better visualization of the occupation of the manpower in the industrial sector of Rondônia as a whole, as well as to substa1ntiate the position occupied for the forestry-based industry: Manpower for Main Segments - Comparative 1994/1997/1999 Segment 1994 Nr. Ind. Nr. Emp. 1997 % Nr. Ind. Nr. Emp. 1999(*) % Wood 937 20.614 33,37 685 11.978 34,50 Food 792 12.371 20,03 937 6.272 18,07 Civil Construc. 416 7.434 12,03 96 2.174 6,26 Furniture 234 2.108 3,41 486 3.095 8,92 Metal. Prod. 246 1.630 2,64 428 1.744 5,03 Clothing 141 1.565 2,54 216 791 2,28 Other 602 9.850 15,95 906 8.655 24,94 Totals 3.391 61.770 100 3.754 34.709 100 sources: Data bank of Rondônia Industrial Registration 89/94/97 - FIERO (*) – Projection FIERO/1999. Nr. Ind. Nr. Emp. 719 1058 115 575 513 247 757 3.984 18.694 10.580 2.645 5.750 5.643 1.235 6.813 51.360 % 36,00 18,29 4,58 9,94 9,76 2,14 11,78 100 As it can be seen in the table, the industrial activity in Rondônia is responsible for the generation of 51.360 direct jobs, considering the data of 1999. When comparing this result with the one of 1994, its clear that there was a reduction of 16,85% in the number of jobs in the industry, even with the increasing of the number of companies. Generally speaking, among all the factors that contributed most to that reduction, it can be mentioned the accentuate reduction in the production level, specially in the companies connected to the extraction of tin and the gold mining in the Madeira River. In the case of forestry industry, in spite of 49 reduction in the number of industries, there was the compensation due to the increasing of the job/industry factor, factor that had raised its participation in the global total of jobs (36%) in the year of 1999 The analysis of the distribution of the manpower in the main industrial segments permits to outline the proportional participation of the wood/furniture industry, as can be seen in the table bellow, in which is indicated the average number of employees per company in the period from 1994 to 1999. These numbers confirm the theory of the high capacity of generation of jobs of the forestry-based industry. 50 Manpower Participation in the Main Activities – Period of 1994/1997/1999 Industrial Segments 1994 Partic .% Jobs Per Industry 1997 Partic. % Jobs Per Industry Wood 33,37 22,0 34,51 Food 20,03 15,6 18,07 Construction 12,03 17,9 6,28 Furniture 3,41 9,0 8,91 Metallurgy / Metal 2,64 6,6 5,02 Produc. Clothing and textiles 2,54 11,1 2,28 Other 22,10 29,2 16,69 Total 100 100 Source: Rondônia Industrial Registration /94/97FIERO/SEBRAE (*) – Projection FIERO/1999. OBS.: The considered manpower is relative to direct jobs. 17,5 6,7 22,6 6,4 4,1 3,7 9,5 - 1999(*) Partic.% Jobs Per Industry 27,66 10,63 2,44 10,63 11,7 26,00 10,00 23,00 10,00 11,00 5,3 31,64 100 5,00 9,00 - It is evident the relevance of the social function of the forestry-based industry, considering that in parallel with the jobs generated by the industry itself, there are a wide range of other activities that are aggregate to it in the informal market. To better exemplify this situation it is only necessary to take one standard company of the State actuating in the production of timbers, with no proper extraction sector, with a limited stock of logs only permitting an average annual consumption of four thousand cubic meters of wood. An industry with that profile normally has around 26 registered employees, including a secretary, clerks, production manager, besides fifteen other employees working with the logs, cleaning and sawing. In the other hand, this company demands informal and indirectly, 6 work position in the extraction, 5 in the preparation of the field of extraction, 6 in the transportation and 2 in the recycling activities (normally people that work for a percentage) and two coalman, all of them with no formal connection with the company Consequently, in the biggest part of the cases for each 10 formal job positions, there is a creation of the equivalent to 8 informal ones and to each 85 cubic meters of logs processed is one job position created. It must be kept in mind that in this calculation were not considered the job positions necessary to the activities of forestry management, reforestation and specialized technical assistance because these kind of jobs are, most of them, eventual services. Other aspects in relation to the issue of the manpower, equivalents in terms of importance to the above mentioned, greatly constrain the performance of the companies. They are: ü The level of scholarship of the manpower is very low, influencing significantly in the level of absence of the employees in the work place, in the quality of the products and in the productivity of the final products. 51 ü The absence of qualified professionals occurs in almost all the industrial segments and sectors. This absence, aside of being variable, is also different in the various regions of the State. ü The mobility of the manpower is another factor the industries are still living with. Some activities have a higher level of mobility, mainly in the center-south region of the State, where the agriculture has a seasonal effect, mainly in the harvesting. It happens with the non-specialized employees. To obtain a more complete diagnosis of the manpower in the State requires a more accurate study as a way of facilitate the institutional planning, public or private. The fact is that the industrial sector of Rondônia has grown and substantially altered its hierarchy profile, remarkably in what is related to the forestry industry. As a consequence, new demands for professionals with skills and specific qualification have been occurred in the same proportion In the other hand, companies form other States have been investing in the quality of their products, making the local companies to be concerned to improve the quality of their human an technologic resources to become more competitive. 2.2.3 SPATIAL INDUSTRIES DISTRIBUITION OF THE FORESTRY-BASED Although, there has been in Rondônia, along the evolution of the wood exploitation, a spatial modification of the distribution of the industries, nowadays it is verified a great concentration in the municipality of Ariquemes (10,66%), followed by Ji-Parana, Vilhena and Rolim de Moura. It is important to notice that 43% of the forestry industries are spread for 43 of the municipalities of the State; nevertheless, 57% of them are located in the 9 main counties. This indicates the segment to be one of the best well distributed and with more capillarity in the State. It is important to emphasize that, according to the same source (FIERO) it is very significant the participation of the forestry-based industry in the economy of the cities. Using the county of Ariquemes as an example, 19,46% of the total of industries officially installed in the municipality are connected to forestry activities. In Ji-parana, 11,74%, in Rolim de Moura, 14,73% and in Pimenta Bueno, 14,91%. In relation to the furniture industry, once it is characterized as na activity that most get close to the final consumer, it verified more concentration in the greater urban centers of the State, making it a producer for the local 52 internal market, although, it still participates of this same market in a very incipient manner (30% of the total consumption of furniture) 10 2.2.4 – INFORMAL INDUSTRIES In a research made by FIERO, in 1997, it was found 347 informal wood industries, representing 31,03% of the total of informal companies in the State and 8,87% of the total of industries11. According to the same source the informal wood industry generated 1.376 direct jobs, or 39,34% of the workmanship in the segment and 10,07% of the Total of the industries of Rondônia Aside the informal industries, there is an increment in the wood exploitation by free-lancers. They are called “toreiros” (“logmen”), cutters and “explanadores” (“planers”). The first ones exploit the wood as intermediate traders, buying the wood straight with the rural producers and selling it to the wood industries after the extraction and the transportation. The “toreiros” almost always pass to other people the cutting and the planing activities that are performed by professionals that are paid according to their production. The “toreiros” then conclude the process of extraction delivering the logs at the sawmills. The use of this system induce to the loose of control of silviculture operations and of the origin of the raw material. Very low familiarized with the forestry management and with the silviculture treatments that should be performed with the exploitation, those professional choose the easiest option, always the traditional way, prejudicing the sustainability of the forest. This operational way of extraction leads to a low sustainability characteristic, producing a kind of “uncompromising” behaviour with the forms of exploitation, made worst for the dificulty of the State in controlling and rulling a forest with the dimensions of the Amazonian. 2.2.5 – FURNITURE INDUSTRY The national furniture industry, constituted in its majority of micro companies (10.000 in a universe of 13.500 units) are familiar companies, traditional, of national capital, characterized for three common attributes: high number of micro and small companies in a sector of national capital, great absorption of workmanship and of a medium standard of technology . This situation is more serious in Rondônia where there is a clear technologic delay in relation to the great furniture producer 10 - Farias, Raquel – Logus Planejamento 11 – Industrial Profile of the State of Rondônia – FIERO/1997 53 centers (linhares-ES, UBA-MG, Caxias do Sul ans Bento Gonçalves-RS, Mirassol-SP). It is true that the absence of an industrial design of its own, and the use of a medium technology put some difficulty to the industrial competition in front of a scenario of an opening market. In the other hand, when comparing the present situation to the one of the last decade, it becomes clear that there has been an evolution based on the modernization of the companies, made basically for the substitution of the machinery and equipment, quality and productivity, training and industrial management. The opening of the market was positive in this sense. It forced the modernization of the national industry with machines and equipment of last generation, improving, therefore, the quality of the products and permitting a greater scale of production. In the State of Rondônia the furniture industrial activity, of a different behaviour of the wood industry, has been growing considerably in the last years. The furniture industry has increasing in a considerable proportion its participation in the industrial universe of the State. In this sense, the activities of furniture production compliment the processing of the logs using its leftovers, that, in other way would be simply wasted, assuming a paper of high importance in the intelligent use of the renewable natural resources In spite of the market of sawn wood to keep itself active, there was a doubtless retraction in its production, This phenomenon is derivative of the conditioning factors and restrictive taxes imposed by the new external arrangement, to be treated in a separate chapter in this document, through the incorporation in the fluxogram of production of the companies, of processing of the wood, added, in some cases for the furniture production. The number of the furniture industries, in 1989, represented 5.7% of the whole industrial sector of Rondônia. Already in 1994, represented 6.8%. Presently, its participation is of 14,43%. While in the period 89/94 there was a reduction in the number of wood industries, the furniture production grown 80% in number of production units. When compared the periods of 1989 to 1999 and 1997, an extraordinary growth of 442% and 245%, respectively, is verified. In relation to the spatial distribution, the furniture production is distributed throughout the State in the form of small companies, carpentries and industrial companies, these last with better structure in term of installation and equipment. Therefore, its major concentration occurs in the main cities like Porto Velho, Ji-Paraná, Ariquemes, Ouro Preto D´Oeste, Rolim de Moura and Vilhena, in inverse order of importance. 54 The major part of the furniture produced for the industry of Rondônia is destined to supply the internal demand and even so it responds only for 30% of the furniture consumption of the State. The main species of sawn wood used as raw material of the furniture segment are: cedro, cerejeira, maracatiara, angelim, aside plywood and panels of various species of wood. Estudos realizados pela FIERO em 1999, através da empresa Logus Planejamento, apontam a baixa competitividade do móvel rondoniense. Consoante as informações obtidas, a utilização de madeiras maciças e compensados no processo produtivo local encarece os custos unitários. Ademais, o fator “produção artesanal” contribui nesse particular. Assim, embora as matérias primas utilizadas localmente (madeiras maciças e compensados) sejam de melhor qualidade que as do Sul e Sudeste (aglomerados), esse diferencial não é percebido pelo consumidor final. Studies made by FIERO, in 1999, trough the company Logus Planejamento, pointed the low level of competition of the furniture produced in Rondônia. According to the obtained information, the utilization of full wood and plywood in the local productive process, increase the unitary costs. Besides, the factor “hand-made production” contributes in this particular. So, although the raw material used locally would be of better quality than the material from the South or Southeast (Densified), this differential is not perceived for the final consumer. For while the furniture of Rondônia is still far from the tendencies of the world in which the furniture industry has assumed a standard character, with the use of low cost materials, especially from reforestation, allied to the used of the densified, like MDF and OSB. Other researches made by FIERO, in Rondônia and Amazonas (Manaus) indicated a strong presence of furniture mad in the south of the country and the refuse of trading furniture made in the region. The alleged reasons vary from the “lack of an updated design” to the absence of a serial production, because the goods are made of whole wood and with a comparative cost higher and even to a low quality in finishing the goods and the inability of a regular delivering because of the insufficient scale economy. In the same study were treated some issues in order to identify the main problems to the activity, reaching the following results, in direct order of importance: low cash flow, lack of raw material and problems related to transportation. The furniture segment covers a great concentration of micro and small companies that, because of their size, face a natural difficulty to implement 55 a scale production to supply big and continuous requirements of the commerce. As an additional problem, most of these companies do not have enough capital. Because of that in Rondônia was initiated a movement to foment the formation of joint ventures, with the perspective of creation of “furniture fabrication poles” in the State. Among other concrete initiatives in this sense, there are the efforts in consolidating the “furniture fabrication poles” of Ariquemes and of Ouro Preto d´Oeste. In this situation it seems to be happening the reproduction at a local level of a process occurred in other parts of the world, Italy is an example, where some assemblage companies get and assembly parts, pieces and components of a large number of small and micro companies, associated in conglomerate or industrial poles, curiously characterizing a less centered structure. No doubt the propelling element to the viability of the sector is the multiplying factor that represents the aggregate value to the wood, in relation to its transformation in furniture. There is an indication that one cubic meter of the wood cedro, that costs around R$ 350,00, reaches up to R$ 3.000,00, depending on the kind of furniture produced. Using the information made available for the data bank of FIERO, it was possible to estimate that the segment produced in the last 12 months more than a half million of diverse furniture units and was responsible for the generation of around 5.750 direct job positions, with an average of 10 employees per industry, nevertheless, always focused in the production of furniture to the poor part of the population. Alike the rest of the country, Rondônia shows a double face in the furniture industry where a reduced number of companies more modern operate among many other not technologically not updated and of low competition capacity, many of them operating informally. 2.2.6 – USE OF FISCAL INCENTIVES It is evident the small participation of the local wood-furniture industries in the use of incentives and specialized credits available to the Amazonian Region. According to the research for FIERO in 1999, less than 10% of the companies used these instruments of financing and enforcement to the industrial activity. In this particular are remarkable the fiscal incentives of the Tax over Industrialized Products (I.P.I.) and the Product Tax and the deferment of the ICMS, through the Special Regime of Dilatation of Deadline. Another aspect that catches attention is that, aside the low participation of the companies in relation to the incentive and credit instruments, the great 56 majority of the companies use only these mechanisms at the federal level, what reveals the necessity to improve and amplify the incentive instruments adopted at the State level. In that opportunity of a total of 2,143 researched industries, 57% indicate the necessity of fiscal incentives. It becomes evident that the inaccessibility to the credit and fiscal incentive instruments is a factor present throughout the sectors of the local industry. However, it is important to emphasize the importance of the lack of this instrument for the furniture and wood segments. Once there is the availability of resources to the concession of this kind of incentives in the North region, in special in the region under the ruling of Free Zone of Manaus Superintendence –SUFRAMA, the biggest problem does not seem to be in the lack of resources but the distance between the entrepreneurs and the Institutions. Besides, the data of the research also show the low level of information of the local entrepreneurs in relation to the excessive bureaucracy and the slowness in analysis, approval and liberation of the resources, as they exist not to be used. 2.2.7 – THE PARTICIPATION OF THE WOOD-FURNITURE SEGMENT IN THE EXPORTATION The analysis of the table that makes a relation the exports of Rondônia, for economic category permits very significant understandings in relation to the participation of the furniture/wood segment. The following table shows a study, in a five-year interval, form 1980, evidencing the years between 1997/1998, with the values expressed in US$ 1000 FOB. Yea r Basic Industrialized (A+B) Halfmanufacturated (A) Manufacturate d (B) Total Variation(% ) 1980 1.907 7.008 3.254 3.754 8.915 1985 7.553 24.443 8.694 15.749 31.996 1990 1.582 7.872 6.231 1.641 9.454 1995 10.841 26.920 12.582 14.338 37.761 1997 7.147 30.218 21.882 8.336 37.365 1998 7.184 30.445 27.229 3.216 37.629 Source: SECEX, Foreign Commerce Secretary – Ministry of the Development, Industry and Commerce 8.04 -33.16 3.38 34.62 0.72 Analyzing the composition of the exportations per category of aggregate value, according to the records in the considered period, it can be seen that there was significant increments in the first five-year period, not persisting the same rhythm of development form 1985. Considering the year of 1998, the products presented a sensible and upsetting fall of 159,20% in relation to 1997 and 389,71% relatively to 1985. In compensation, there was an important increasing in the exportations of semi manufactured, that had a 57 growth level of 24,43% in the total of exportations of 1998 in relation to 1997. The total of exportations in Rondônia in the year of 1998 reached the value of US$ 37,63 million, lightly higher (0,71%) than in the year of 1997, although expressive, this amount is far from representing the potential of production of the State for foreign commercialization. 2..2.7.1 – MAIN EXPORTED PRODUCTS A complete study of the main products exported for Rondônia is in the following table: Exports of Rondônia for Type of Products Period 1997 to 1999 1997(Jan/Dec) 1998(Jan/Dec) 1999(Jan/De c) DESCRIPTION Value % Value % Value % (US$) (US$) (US$) 01-Sawn or cut Wood /thickness>6mm 02-Plywood Thickness<6mm 03 – Coffee in grain 04–Wooden Artif., Floors, Carpentry, Panels, other 10 – Granite of flat or polished surface 09- Peeled Rice, various types 06 – Oxen alive 07 Cascalho and Limestone for Concrete 05- Densified wood 11 – Wooden Furniture 12 – Other Products General Total 12.946.68 2 14.345.49 1 1.864.201 34,65 48,00 4,99 18.065.32 8 10.521.28 9 6.326145 16,81 19.872.10 9 12.163.29 9 9.401.440 499.338 1,34 955.257 2,54 3.000.404 43.145 95.163 7.568.198 0,12 0,26 20,25 110.999 492697 345.521 729.580 44.258 38.728 0,30 1,31 0,92 1,94 0,12 0,10 853.962 345.849 305.751 157.222 67.362 34.038 9.450.345 38,39 27,96 37.362.21 100 37.629.80 100 55.651.78 8 2 1 Source: SECEX, Foreign Commerce Secretary – Ministry of the Development, Industry and Commerce 35,7 1 21,8 6 16,8 9 5,39 1,54 0,62 0,55 0,28 0,12 0,06 16,9 8 100 The analysis of the information in the table above confirms the importance fo the furniture sector in the exportations of Rondônia. As it can be observed, besides the quantitative importance, the wood sector is also relevant in terms of exported values that reached the total of US$ 29.8 million, correspondig to 79% of the exportations of 1998. Compared the results of 1999, when Rondônia exported a total of US$ 55.6 million, against US$ 37.6 million in 1998, it observed that there was an increment of 47.89%12. In spite of the general increasing, when evaluating the performance of the wood sector, it becomes clear that there was a fall in its participation over the total exported, considering that, in 1998, this 12 - Data Bank of CNI, 2000 58 segment represented 79% of the exportations and , in 1999, 63,14%. Even though, the importance of the sector in the exportations can be clearly seen, as well as its importance in the general economy in the State. The products of the wood industry have a top position along the last years, being far from the others. For example, the second most important product, the coffee, reached only 16.89% of the total exported in 1999. This little fall in the exportations of wood verified in 1999, contrarily to the expectations from the demonetization of the Real, factor that invariably work in favor to the exportations, confirms the level of difficulty experienced by the sector. Among the main problems, the segment complains against of the low level of knowledge of the exporting legislation and the special regimes of exportation. Besides that, the sector complains in relation to: ü The high cost of the truck freight Industry-harbor, that reduces the competition level of the products and straightens the profit margin ü Lack of cash flow in the companies to face the long periods required between the delivery of the product and the correspondent payment; Finally, it verified that, the companies that export more possess the biggest size and introduced bigger technologic innovations in their production lines. Presently, because of the strong restriction of environmental order, the absence of certification of origin of the forestry products has been represented an ever growing obstacle in he participation of Rondônia in Brazilian exportations. 2.2.8 – THE STIGMA OF FOREST DEVASTATOR The intensification by the press of the propaganda of the publicity of the deforestation of Amazonia, under the frequent diffusion of the monitoring of the burning and deforestation in the Amazonia done by the Space Research National Institute -INPE with the help of the NOA satellite, mobilized the public opinion against this practice. In this particular point the cause is perfectly fare, once the deforestation is a necessary evil that can only be used when strictly inevitable, under previous and careful planning in a manner that permits to achieve the full use of the woody material and the alternative utilization of the soil in a compatible way to its aptitude. In fact, the divulgation of this fact should not cause any problem to the forestry-based segment. This assertive is based on a logical proposition that, if only 2%(two per cent) of the wood volumes produced by the deforestation were appropriately used to any agricultural expansion, it 59 would be licit suppose that to control the deforestation, any action would be highly good to the mentioned segment. It becomes clear because it would inhibit the absurd competition of the firing option in detriment of the economical use of the resources. In fact, it would end in an ordering of the forestry exploitation that surely would revert in the adoption of more sustainable procedures with the effective use of techniques of forestry management and reforestation. Unexplainably, however, the practice has been very different of the mentioned expectations. Public opinion, maybe because of misinformation, has learned, by the time, to associate a truck loaded with logs with the destruction of the Amazonian forest, when, in fact, that truck represents very few in the context of the destruction of the forest. What good thing would be if all burned wood in Amazonia until the present moment would be used, if not with a reasonable grade of use at least in the primitive rude forma of exploitation of fifteen years ago. In this case, it is highly probable that the economic history of Rondônia would be very different. So, if of the total of 23,5% deforested in the territory of Rondônia even with the low level of exploitation of commercial woods (30m3/ha, while in the forests of the region it is common to find volumes of 150 to 200 m3/ha) it would be generate a volume of sawn of more than ninety million cubic meters, producing the circulation of R$ 13.6 billion, that would result, considering the price of the Angelim (average value) in a tax collection equivalent to R$ 1.63 billion. In other words, the 98% of the wood destroyed by the fire would permit the operation at full capacity of 2.743 timber industries, of a medium size, generating 43.000 direct jobs and 41.000 indirect jobs. All without considering the plywood industries, wood panels, artifacts of wood and furniture. Here it is important to remember a detail: It all could be produced keeping the forest. 2.2.9 – THE FORESTRY-BASED INDUSTRY The forestry-based industry has traditionally occupied an eminent position in the economical development of the State of Rondônia. As mentioned in the item 2.1 before, this position is shown with fidelity in the economy as whole. In this sense, when the formal structure of the industrial park of the State of Rondônia is analyzed, it is noticed that the activities of the furniture and wood sectors, performs an important participation in the context, representing 18.05% and 14.43%, respectively, only loosing to the food sector that has 26.56% of the total, based on the projections made by FIERO to 1999. Therefore, it is observed that together these segments represent 60 32,48% of the total of industrial companies, also responsible for the greatest concentration of big companies. According to information collected in the Contributor’s Data Bank of the ICMS – Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda – SEFAZ and the State Secretary of Industry, Commerce, Sciences, Technology and Tourism, in 1986, there were in the industrial sector of Rondônia, approximately, 60 different kind os activities. In accordance with the researches made by FIERO in 1997, in the occasion of the Industrial Profile, ratified in projections to 1999, the State counts with more than 130 types of activities, confirming the existence of greater diversification and centralization of the activities fo the industrial sector. And in this context, the wood industry has accompained the tendency. The distribution of industries in Rondônia, for activity, in the years of 1997 and 1999, is presented in the following graphic: 513 Construção Civil Confecções Prod. Metálicos Mobiliario Madeireiro Outras Atividades Alimentício 0 96 200 115 216 400 247 600 428 Industries 486 575 685 719 906 Indústrias Industry Distribution for Segments 937 1.058 906 757 685 719 486 575 428 513 216 247 96 115 3754 3984 757 937 1.058 Segmentos Industriais Alimentício Outras Atividades 1200 Madeireiro Mobiliario Prod. Metálicos 1000 Confecções Construção Civil 800 Segments Source: Industrial Registration/FIERO/1997 * Obs.: 1999 – Projection da FIERO As it can be observed in the graphic above, when compared to the total of industries for segment, there was a small growth, nevertheless, uniform. The industrial park of Rondônia, in the middle of the 80´s and the beginning of the 90´s reach the number of 1.182 plants, employing , at that time around 35.000 workers and generating the total tax collection of ICMS in the State. Doubtless, the magnitude of these numbers shows the social and economic relevance achieved for this sector in a recent period of our history. However, this prosperity boom did not last and from 1992 on a strong retraction in segment has been observed. This assertive can be confirmed, 61 among other indicators, in a historical series of the tax collection of ICMS, synthesized in the following table, that group data since 1995: Tax Collection of ICMS of The Wood Sector, em R$ 1,00 Years 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Wood Sect. 29.097.036 32.518.375 37.975.718 34711.646 20.530.853 Total ICMS 202.037.807 231.854.153 357.954.905 301.282.959 320.710.095 Part. % Total Colection(*) 14,40 213.863.592 14,02 243.980.202 10,60 371.837.161 11,52 316.448.883 6,40 334.962.105 Source: Coordenadoria da Receita Estadual/SEFAZ (*) The total of the Tax Collection covers: ICMS, IPVA, ADIR, ITCD and FEES. Part. % 13,60 13,33 10,21 10,96 6,13 The analysis of the data in the table above, considering that the collection of the ICMS is applied directly over the total production commercialized, makes possible to see through this indicator a tendency of decreasing of the activity in the wood sector in Rondônia The total amount of ICMS collected in the year of 1999 is far bellow the observed average in the period under study that presented a reduction of 44.44% in relation to 1988.There was no constraint factor to provoke such an, eventual or circumstantial loose to the segment. Everything leads to believe that there will be a relative stability at the levels close to those of 1997 and 1998, around 11%. Such an abrupt fall in this indicator causes perplexity because it is known that in counterpart to the retraction in the primary processing of wood, there was an enhancement in other activities like lamination, plywood industry and furniture industry. The evident declining in the wood industry reflects the existence of restrictive factors to the industrial production, clearly identified in researches done in 1997 for the Federation of the Industries of Rondônia FIERO The field research referred to issues that most interfere inn the development and performance of the industrial sector in its general universe. Questioned about the main problems they face, the 2.752 researched companies, corresponding to 69% of the total of industries in the State, point out the main obstacles to their activities and with more influence on their performance: lack of cash flow, absence of raw material, difficulty of transportation and lack of qualified manpower. In the other hand, when exclusively relative to forestry-based industry, in the blank space in the form destined to free manifestation, the answers from 464 companies pointed out other difficulties. These answers are of more importance because they demonstrate the level of annoying voluntarily expressed and they are related in order of relevance: the actions of IBAMA (controlling, demands and bureaucracy), lack of cash flow and the high cost of the raw material. Among the most pointed out problems there 62 are the following: high cost of ICMS, lack of incentives, bad conservation of te roads, the distance to the acquisition of the raw material and the lack of specialization in the manpower. Still in relation to the spontaneous manifestation about the actions of IBAMA, the interviewed mentioned the severity of the fiscalization, but, mainly the excessive slowness of that institution in analyzing and approving the projects of management and forestry exploitation, in a manner that even when the entrepreneur wants to become regular, he finds enormous difficulties to do so. In terms of number of employees the technical personal of that institution is very small, what leads to an accumulation of projects to be analyzed, causing serious problems to the companies in search of regularity and, sometimes causing the abortion of many of those projects because of the lack of coordination between the necessity of exploitation and the velocity of the expedition of the Forestry Exploitation Authorizations (APE´s) Some aspects like the concurrence, the fall of the market demand, the low acquisitive capacity of the consumers, the cost of the raw material and the auxiliary means were also mentioned in an isolated form or associated with each other, making possible to say that, somehow, they have negatively influenced in the productivity and competition capacity of the companies. In spite of its relative fall in the industrial sector, it is important to observe that the forestry-based industry, isolated, responds for a significant parcel in the exaction with an average participation, in the last five years of 10,85% of the general total of the State taxes. 2.2.10 - EXPANSION OF THE BASE OF EXPLOITATION Along all the steps of the evolution of the Wood Extraction Industry in the State, there was a process of moving to the interior of the State from the axes of the BR 364 sometimes in the direction of the Guapore Valley, sometimes to the frontiers with the States of Mato Grosso and Amazonas This movement intended initially the search for noble woods, lately to extraction of hard species and finally to the extraction of soft woods lamination, occurred in the exact proportion of the increasing commercial attraction of new species, justifying their extraction and transportation for long distances. the for of the During this interval of time, the industry slowly adapted to different situations, in direct function to the dynamic of the market, that every year, as a result of the different economical conjunctures, imposed new cost/benefit relations, altering constantly the number of species elected as of commercial value. 63 In this sense the industry that at the beginning worked almost totally with its own extraction (using machinery of its own) exploiting few species, evolved to a scenario where because of the lack of noble woods and elevation of the costs of extraction, was forced to amplify the quantity of exploitable species of wood to dissolve the costs, reaching to the present scenario where as appeared new industrial niches (lamination industry and palm hart extraction) as they decided to pass to others the task of extraction, buying the log in their own plants. The operational situation of the industries in the decade of 80, predominantly formed of plants, with an industrial profile of rudimentary exploitation, assembled just for the basic processing of the logs and their cutting and cleaning could only subsist until there were economically viable volumes of noble woods, becoming not viable as soon as the offer of these woods was reduced. As a natural consequence of the process, the plants evolved to a condition of more specialized industrial processing, that only becomes viable with the expansion of the commercial species to exploit. In this context the exploitation became more abundant and passed to incorporate a wider number of species to satisfy the different requisitions of the market. For instance, to the fabrication of furniture there are, I use presently, eight species; for ceiling and floor, around ten, to rabbets eight, and so one. The wood industry has been shown itself highly adaptable to the different conjunctures imposed to the economical instability of the country. So, the entrepreneur, at the beginning the fixed plant searching for logs of few species within distances not greater than one hundred kilometers. When the extraction angle surpasses that angle, the number of extracted species grows. As the angle of exploitation gets closer to two hundred kilometers the transportation of logs becomes not viable in the traditional manner being more adequate the option of moving the plant to the new exploitation place, or alternatively, the inversion of great investments in trucks of more capacity of transportation, “Romeo and Juliet” type. With the increasing of the base of exploitation, it becomes imperative to specialize the production as the only way to make economically viable the processing of hard and semi hard species, doing so there was an aggregation of value to the final product, compensating the bigger costs, be of transportation (these woods are of more weight) of sawing ( these woods are far more dense). This manner, by using a minimum of technology it was possible to increase very much the base of exploitation. 2.3 – CONDITIONING FACTORS TO THE PERFORMANCE OF THE FORESTY-BASED SEGMENT 64 2.3.1 – LACK OF WOODS IN THE COMPETITIVE REGIONS The migration of the industries within the national territory has occurred in direct relation to the exhaustion of the commercial species of wood in the more closer regions of the consumer centers in the south and southeast of the country. This is characterized for the increment of the use of species, because of two basic factors: - More qualitative offer of the Amazonian forests when compared to the native forests of the south and southeast. - More pressure of demand in face of the population growth. Therefore, while to explore forests of those regions only a limited species of wood were offered, in the exploitation of the Amazonian forests, there was a profusion of species, that soon will come to constitute new options of use, until then unknown in the national and international markets, demanding a continuous process of adaptation and technological innovations, considering the diversity of the regional flora, allied to the slow and gradual assimilation of different technologies adequate to the correct utilization of each group of species. In this line, as long as new species become known and teste by the consumer market, gradually their uses become wider, conquering new markets and introducing new groups in the row of the commercial species. 2.3.2 – MARKET AND COMPETITIVITY The necessity for forestry resources in the planet has grown, while the forestry resources available are limited. According to information of STCP (Quality Engineering and Consulting Services) presented in the seminar “ Products of Alternative Woods of Amazonia” – a realization of FIERO/SENAI/SEBRAE - in Porto Velho, on 11/25/1999, it is estimate the existence of 2 billion of hectares covered by forests, with availablilty of 260 billion cubic meters, 32% of them in Latin America and 15% in Brazil. In Brazil, according to the data obtained form the speech of Dr. Ivan Tomazelli (STPC) 66,5% of the 368 million of hectares of the existing production forests are natural forests, as shown in the following table: PRODUCTION FORESTS IN BRAZIL TYPE MILLION ha 65 PRIVATE PUBLIC - 245,0 4,8 Natural Plantations (Productive) Subtotal 249,8 National Forests Extraction Reservations Indian Areas 12,6 2,1 103,6 Subtotal TOTAL 118,3 368,1 Source: STCP Curitiba Brazil The native forests predominate in relation to the planted ones, among the production sustainable forests in the country, with a tendency of increasing in the management of this type of forestry coverage, in face of the great existing forestry stocks, as showns the following picture: IN SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION PLANTED 24% NATIVES 76% Source: ABIMCI/STCP - Curitiba/Brazil – CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT THE INTERNAL MARKET Traditionally, the final destiny of the products of the wood-furniture industry of Rondônia has been the internal market, focused in the great consumer centers of the country (Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and the States of south). So, any analysis about the issue of market of the woody products in Brazil, could never be only connected to the external market, even considering the present conjuncture in which the Federal Government is occupied in a true crusade for the improvement of the exportations. That is because Brazil possesses an extraordinary internal market of more than 170 million consumers and even in a moment of relative stagnation, has a tremendous potential of growth. 66 It is important to considerate the fact that the consumption of the forestry products in Brazil is in an open growth (see the graphic ahead), in site of its present crisis of unemployment and the restrictive monetary policy that rules the country which, with no doubt, contribute to inhibit the internal consumption To exemplify the repressed demand in terms of forestry products, it can be used the remarkable habitation deficit in the country, of , presently, twelve million residences. A policy of economic growth sould increment the participation of the civil construction segment wit the natural increase in the demand of wood (see elucidative graphic ahead). 67 EVOLUTION OF THE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION OF SAWN WOODS IN BRAZIL (1989 – 1998) EVOLUTION OF THE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION OF PLYWOOD IN BRAZIL (1989 – 1998) Still considering the internal consumption of the sawn woods and plywood, it is of value to emphasize that there is a predominance of demand, sometimes of the civil construction sector, followed by the furniture industry (the case of the consumption of sawn woods), sometime of the 68 industry of embalagens (the case of the consumption of plywood), as the following figures show: DISTRIBUTION OF THE CONSUMPTION OF SAWN WOOD FOR ACTIVITY CIVIL CONSTRUCTION 21% FURNITURE 15% OTHER 13% RESALES 36% IND. IN GENERAL 15% Source: ABIMCI/STCP - Curitiba/Brazil DISTRIBUTION OF THE NATIONAL CONSUMPTION OF PLYWOOD FOR ACTIVITY Source:: ABIMCI/STCP - Curitiba/Brazil – THE EXPORTATION ALTERNATIVE According to the ABIMCI the tendency if of growing the world demand for wood in the order of 2 to 3% a year, 1 to 2% in the developed countries and 3 to 4 in the way of development. 69 In the other hand, it is already happening a deficit in the production of raw material at the level of the world market. In relation to the tropical woods, the main producers – Indonesia, New Guinea, Congo and Malaysia – have restricted its offer because of political problems, wars and the lack of these materials, among other factors. Because of that the annual global offer has been reduced to 33%. Based on these information, conjugated with the interpretation of the two following graphics , is understood that Brazil has all conditions to enlarge its participation in the international commerce of woods, once it is presently already participating in a very modest position with a little more of 4% of the world production of sawn wood (6th place in the ranking of world producers), 9.1% of the world production of hard wood plates, 3% of plywood, 1,7% of agglomerates, 0,4% of MDF13 and no participation wit OSB In relation to the Brazilian participation in the international commerce of furniture, it is noticed that it is very timid. In 1997, it is estimated that the world production of furniture has do businesses in the order of US$ 160 billion. As a whole the numbers indicate that the greatest furniture producer is the European Union wit 35% of the total. The United States appear in the second place with 20% and Japan in third place with around 10%. Data from the Brazilian Government show a participation of 3.75% in the world production of furniture (US$ 6 billion), therefore very insignificant in comparison with the enormous existing potential of production of furniture and with the expressive internal consumer market of 160 million inhabitants. Nevertheless, the projections are in favor to the Brazilian Furniture Industry and foresees a growth in the commerce an the exportation for the next years, because of the reunion of peculiar situations like the abundance of raw material, available manpower and installed industrial park. P A R T IC IP A Ç Ã O D O B R A S I L N A P R O D U Ç Ã O M U N D IA L D E M A D E IR A S S E R R A D A S 13 - MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) is a more resistant material than the agglomerate. 70 PARTICIPATION OF BRAZIL IN THE WORLD PRODUCTION OF WOODEN PANELS 10 9,1% 8 6 4 3% 1,7% 2 0,4% 0% 0 CHAPA DURA COMPENSADO AGLOMERADO MDF OSB Source: ABIMCI/STCP - Curitiba/Brazil The preponderant perspective indicated in the market analysis is that there is a clear tendency of expansion in the exportation of products of bigger aggregate value (PMVA), with emphasis to the MDF and OSB. In counterpart, there is the correspondent perspective of fall in the exportation of non processed raw material (see the graphic bellow). Therefore, there is a tendency of exportation of finished products that will demand of the national industry the modernization of the plants, substitution of equipment and formation of manpower. In relation to the furniture industry, its products are no more included in the luxury items and passed to the condition of commodities, what means, standardize products for that the competition occurs via the market price. This transformation directed the consumption of furniture to the mass of consumers in many segments of the furniture industry. However, there is still a significant space in the world market to furniture of a higher pattern, with a greater level of details in the finishing, specially furniture made with noble woods, when destined to those countries without big environmental restrictions. In the modern world the demand for furniture with attributes of quality, comfort, durability, and specially practicability. The tendency is that they should be projected to be of easy assemblage, specially for the North American market . There is tendency of growth in the furniture international commerce, with good perspectives to the expansion of the 71 markets not only for finished products but fundamentally to spare parts, pieces, components and other semi-elaborated products. It is correct to say that some countries tried to specialize through the differential of the competition, of which Italy is the most remarkable example when it became its furniture exclusive, by their design. Logically, this kind of furniture is produced for a separate class of consumers, that is not confounded with the great mass that characterizes the competition through prices There are indications that the future tendency reflects, in a certain amount, the growing environmental restrictions, remarkable in the developed countries. This happens because of the stimulation of the use, in greater scale, of raw material “ ecologically correct”, as reforestation woods and densified plates. It is important to mention that, with the development of the modern technology, it became easy to use less noble woods in the furniture industry, increasing the range of forestry exploitation. In this particular there is an opening of a great potential for the Amazonian species of singular diversity in relation to their colors, texture, pattern, that if conveniently studied and worked, can be a factor of exclusivity to the “Amazonian Furniture”, specially if combined wit techniques of design and finishing. PARTICIPATION OF BRAZIL IN THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET 14,00% 1 2 ,9 0 % 12,00% 10,00% 8,00% 6,00% 3 ,5 0 % 4,00% 2,00% 0,20% 0 0 0,00% CHAPA DURA COMPENSADO AGLOMERADO MDF OSB Source: ABIMCI In relation to the behavior of the local entrepreneurs relative to exportation, it is verified that of the exportable amounts, very few has been destined to the international market. 72 In this particular, even though the great majority of the producers desire to advance in the ever attractive world market, various reasons led the producers of Rondônia to adopt this kind of conservative behavior. Among many of them the following can be mentioned: ü The high exigencies of the international markets in relation to the quality of the products; ü The loss of cash-flow of the companies, what limits their regulating stocks to face medium and big contracts of supplying; ü The not taxable new commercial barriers, as the exigency of certification of the forestry and sub-forestry products; ü No tradition in the exportation market; ü Unavoidable necessity of the inversion of high investments to adequate their production to the desirable scale; ü The instability of the environmental policy (the wood industrials complain against the constant changing of the law and that, because of this they can neither plan the exportation in a long term, nor have contracts of long duration.) The present conjuncture has highly favorable characteristics to the exportation, based on the disposition of the Federal Government of improving the deficient performance of the Brazilian commercial balance, which is a factor of unsteadiness in the closing of the public accounts in the country. For the achievement of that the Government waves with various measures of incentive to the exportations, whatever the nature of the products it would be. According to the data obtained in the magazine “Móbile and Fornecedores”, the world commerce of wood, deals, annually, with around US$ 50 billion. 12 billion of this amount are from the tropical forests. Brazil has modestly participated of this business. It commercializes in the external market a few more than 2% of the woods from its forests14. In the context of this insignificant participation of the country in the world scenario, it in necessary to emphasize that the contribution of Rondônia, already small, becomes smaller. So, against the expectations, in spite of being in the very Amazonian forest, to possess a considerable stock of forestry resources and to have in the wood industry one of its main sources 14 – The Wood Sector of Rondônia – Logus Planejamento, 1999. 73 of employment and money, its participation is of only 2.7% of the total of the Brazilian exportations. In relation to the furniture industry, it is important to consider that, although Rondônia had experienced a high level of growth in the last ten years, practically it does not participate of the attractive international commerce. These considerations are of singular importance because they indicate where are the bottlenecks that need to be eliminated to project the forestry-based industry in the international market. A great problem in the evolution of the exportations of Rondônia is the difficulty the entrepreneurs have in establishing contact with the importing markets, besides the lack of knowledge of the operational dynamics of the exportations and of the intrinsic characteristics of these consumer markets which, frequently, demand new pattern of products that should be followed by the local industry, besides the utilization of the exclusive competition advantages of the region. For example, in the case of the furniture industry, the high attractiveness and the fascination caused by the conjugation of the variety of colors of the Amazonian woods associated to the designers of high creativity, using, for example, cipoes, the sinuosity of the roots and exotic shapes, as decoration figures. The absence of designers that exceed the pattern of series production furniture and present with fidelity the ethnic and cultural Amazonian identity (resource of attractiveness that could be highly used) allied to the discovery of the specifications of the different markets, closes countless doors to the Brazilian furniture. EXPORTS OF WOODEN PRODUCTS 74 It is interesting to emphasize that in the international market the industry does not work in a escalating of prices scenario, for the calculations there is a margin of 10% of growing, top. Increases of prices above that point are prohibitive, because today the market operates in a relative stability condition, where the international market behaves in a very intelligent an responsive manner in the search of alternative products. Also, to be more competitive, it is imperative to reduce costs. Therefore, reducing costs is a main target for the industries that are in the search of high competition level. Another factor of strong marketing imposition is the certification of the origin of the products, a result of a conjuncture of great pressure of the national public opinion an, most of all , international, originated in the action of the environmentalist entities all over the world, supported by consumers and governments of the greatest consumer countries of vegetal origin products. In this sense, the perspective is that in the nest years an important conditioning factor for the exportation and, therefore, for a greater participation of Brazil in this developing market, the certification through the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) , the ISO 14.001, the CERFLOR ( Certificate of Origin of Forestry Raw Material) are already in operation in the market, for the concession of certification to the producing companies. The analysis of the following graphics demonstrates the potential of growth of the Brazilian industry in the international market. This fact is increased for the reduction of the offer for the countries traditionally producers and for the peculiar Brazilian condition, based on the trinity whether-soilabundant forestry resources. EVOLUTION OF THE BRAZILIAN EXPORTATION IN RELATION TO THE WORLD MARKET OF WOOD SAWN 75 Source: ABIMCI/STCP - Curitiba/Brazil DESTINATION OF THE BRAZILIAN EXPORTATIONS FRANÇA 10% ESPANHA 6% ARGETINA 3% OUTROS 48% EUA 30% REINO UNIDO 3% Source: ABIMCI/STCP - Curitiba/Brazil 76 – THE TENDENCIES OF REESTRUCTURATION OF THE INDUTRIAL PROFILE A future tendency is the predominance of huge industrial plants in substitution of the medium and small ones, because of the increment of the viability of exportation the economy of scale permits implicating the reduction of costs and the minimizing of the losses along the stages of the industrial processing. By the way, it has been observed in Rondônia in the last ten years, where there was a remarkable reduction in the total amount of industries, mainly those of small size, at the same time it can be observed an improvement and centralization of the remaining plants, with the objective of the production scale of the products, with an ever increasing addition of aggregate value. It all does not despise the innovations from the development of the science and technology, with emphasis to the Genetic Engineering, that has been proportioned a wider range of options in the market, as example the substitution of native species for Eucalyptus with different color shapes. However, this is not significant to compete with the offer of native species in large scale. The perspectives are the demand will be keep on growing satisfactorily only for products of high quality, what implicates the necessity of continuous investments, because of the quickness of the technological evolution and the high selectivity of the market. It is important to mention in this matter that similarly to the tendencies observed in the international market, in the internal market one of the sectors the consumption has grown most is of wood panels, notably those of greater use of technology. Again, it is observed that the exigency of products with more aggregate value, in substitution of those of basic level, seems to be a world tendency. Another datum that calls for attention is the jump observed in the importation of panels, specially MDF and agglomerates, demonstrating clearly that, in spite of the enormous latent potential, there are difficulties to supply the internal market with products of better finishing. Projections of ABIMCI point to a national consumption of 23 million of cubic meters of sawn wood and of 1.2 million of plywood, for the year of 2005 ( see graphics ahead) 77 Source: ABIMCI The analyses, as seen, point no only to a doubtless growing but to activities in which the industry must focus this growing. If this scenario is found in the country as a whole, more it happens in the State of Rondônia, where the production of extraction wood products is still centered in the production of timber and basically processed woods and, recently, specially in the last ten years it has been verified a significant increment in the secondary processing of wood and lamination (baseactivity for the production of panels and plates). – UNFAIR COMPETITION A strong conditioning factor to the forestry exploitation in Amazonia, that has contributed a lot to difficult the adoption of self-sustainable mechanisms for the industry is, with no doubt, the unfair competition for illegal wood companies. This assertive is based on the fact that the industry when executing its forestry management plan and when participation of a program of fomentation, elevates its production costs in direct relation of how seriously is performing those activities. By the way, the dedication in the execution of the activities is fundamental for ensuring an adequate future supply of forestry raw materials, without a harmful practice of the migration of the industrial plant. It is licit to suppose that to obtain a final product that costs a little more because of the techniques used in its fabrication, it can be passed to the consumer price. However, at the internal market, differently of what happens in the external, the public opinion is not conveniently clarified yet about the reality and finishes for adopting the lower price logic. Because of that the forestry entrepreneur that applies self-sustainable techniques is forced to compete in the internal market with entrepreneurs 78 demonetized, totally involved in illegal practices, that after inverted all their savings in the assembly of the sawmills find themselves in the unpleasant condition of not having cash-flow to run their plants, therefore forced to “ saw on the freight” 15. Nesse caso, o empresário cede sua indústria a um atravessador, que apenas traz para o Estado o capital de algumas cargas de madeira. Assim, esses atravessadores tomam muitas de nossas indústrias de assalto, comprando as toras à vista, “batidas” no pátio das serrarias, pagando-as pelo serviço da serragem por metro cúbico, “esquentando-as” com notas frias, resultando portanto numa completa trama de ilegalidade que ocasiona elevados índices de sonegação fiscal e exploração predatória dos maciços florestais disponíveis. In this situation, the entrepreneur ends for giving his industry to an profiteer that only brings to the State the money of some cargoes of wood. This way the profiteers appropriate of many of our industries buying logs already in the stocking places of the sawmills, paying for the service of sawing them per cubic meter, laundering the wood with false fiscal documents, therefore resulting in a complete conspiracy that causes high levels of tax evasion and predatory exploitation in the available forestry reservations A curious fact in this whole situation is that even after making high investments to run their industries, a great part of medium and small entrepreneurs go into this harmful situation. – TRANSPORTATION ISSUE The widely used fluvial transportation in the region for the rubber extractor to transport the rubber through the rivers of Amazonia has presently been reused in the same magnitude in the soy exportation for the Maggi Group through the Madeira-Amazonas “waterway”. This lesson becomes an excellent example of how to better use the regional potentialities to reduce costs and become more efficient in a ever globalized market. In front of these circumstances the dynamics is of high agility, where at every moment there is the advent of more competitive products because of the high creativity of the agents of production, that optimize its advantages with a reduction of the final costs, at the time they abolish the correspondent disadvantages in an endless search for alternatives and immediate substitution of everything that can become a factor of 15 – Expression used in the wood industry sector to designate the location of the sawmill to a log buyer that remunerates the owner of the sawmill per sawn cubic meter. 79 increasing of costs and market. precursor element of its obsolescence in the In this sense two factors weight negatively to obtain a better status of capacity of competition for the local products, specially those of forestry origin: ü The transportation by roads with bad conservation for distances over three thousand kilometers until the great consumer centers and to harbors of Santos and Paranaguá; ü The transportation of “green” wood (woods with a high level of humidity), practice in large scale in the region that, also, contributes to highly increase the final prices. Just for example it is possible to use the “caixeta”, wood that, “green” weighs 800 Kg/m3, dried, its weight is reduced to 420 Kg/m3 implicating in an economy of 47% in the freight, equivalent to R$ 56,40/m3 in a trip distance of 3000 km The modality of road transportation, predominantly used, charges hardly the final price of the products of Rondônia, making prohibitive in many cases. To exemplify: for many years the white wood destined to the civil construction was not exploited in Rondônia, because of the existence of alternative products in other States (Mato Grosso, Para, Maranhao) which the final price was much more attractive in the great consumer centers, only due to the price of transportation. However, there are big operational difficulties to the implementation of the mentioned modality. Among various obstacles to the effective consolidation of the multimodal via of transportation the following can be mentioned: ü The lack of infrastructure in the harbors, notably of Porto Velho in relation to what would be necessary to the adequate operation in a low usage regime. For example the hooks for loading and unloading (hooks of 20 tons). The harbor needs some constructions, there are no customhouse in the necessary quantity, among other problems; ü A strong corporate structure in the companies of maritime-fluvial transportation that impose exorbitant prices, out of the reality of the international market of cargo. For example: In spite of the economy of almost 3000 maritime miles to the harbor of Rotterdam, the cost of transportation of a container of 30 m3 of wood using the modality fluvial-maritime can be R$ 3000,00 more expensive than from Paranagua via road-maritime modality. 80 ü The low frequency of ships in the harbor of Manaus, when the option maritime-fluvial is taken, causing a long lasting for the arrival of the transported products to their final destination, as well as the increasing of stocking costs 2.3.3 - INTERNAL MIGRATION OF THE FORESTRY-BASED INDUSTRIES The history of the forestry-based exploitation has repeated a model that has been shown to be unsustainable, reflecting itself in a continuous process of internal migration of the industries in search for more proximity of the raw material. The truth is that the great pressure on the Forest has been exercised, since ever, for the expansion of the agrarian frontier. This way, the rural producers in the seeking of increasing their possessions have historically participated of a true inward crusade for the traditional agriculture. The feasibility for this process came with a great waste of wood material, once everything occurred without adequate planning, that has to come before any activity of forestry exploitation. So, the social demands for land have always been bigger than the valorization of the forestry resources. The internationalization of the agriculture was accompanied for the industries that had migrated from south and southeast to the Center-west and after to the Brazilian Amazonia. In Rondônia the situation was not different. Analyzing the present context, there is the curious situation in which the municipalities that in the decade of the 80´s were the main forestry poles of the State, today they represent very few for the wood production, for example: Colorado D´Oeste, Pimenta Bueno and Rolim de Moura now are substituted in that condition for Machadinho D´Oeste, Buritis, ariquemes and Sao Francisco do Guapore. In fact, the wood industry never could follow the speed of the deforestation. In the very beginning there were no industries, but the waste of forestry products and sub-products was already disseminated. Nowadays, the industry no only exists as it has been an object of a great evolution in the last fifty years. However, this evolution was not able to stop the march of the anthropic process and the waste, doing, at its best, to reduce it. The agrarian occupation of Rondônia until de present moment has only repeated the history, reproducing a little sustainable model at a medium and long terms and determining, through a primordial conditioning factor, an eminently migratory character to the forestry industry. 81 In the other hand, the forestry science has evolved and pointed alternative models for this predatory practice. These models are based on the premise of the high value of the forests, their strategic condition, their potential of aggregation of value and, mainly, their capacity of self-sustainable production of forestry products an sub-products, empowered with the incomparable advantage edaphicclimatic of the Amazonian region that maximizes the vegetal growth and the possible amplitude of the species to be exploited with the use of a minimum of technology It is important to mention that this new model has only started to be taken into consideration since it was possible to demonstrate that the economic potential of the forest alive is far more bigger that the forest “ laid down” , fundamental and basic assertive to provoke the revision of the models, changing in the behavior, alteration of the industrial profile for the companies and sedentarization of the industrial parks. 82 2.3.4 - EVOLUTION OF THE RULLING OF THE FORESTRY ACTIVITY The ruling of the forestry activity in Brazil, strongly established through the advent of the Brazilian Forestry Code (federal Law nr. 4.771 of 12/15/1965) appeared because of the necessity of discipline the chaotic and irrational exploitation made , until then, in the Atlantic Forest and for the specificity of the Amazonian forests, at that tima under an incipient exploitation. Nevertheless, even some sectors of the Federal Government, some years later, disrespected their own law, stimulating the occupation, without any kind of planing for the adequate utilization of the available natural resources in the Amazonian region. All this through an intense migratory flux promoted under the justification of the Policy of Colonization and Agrarian Reform. This fact, that assumed great notoriety ,resulted in the well known environmental impacts observed in the decades of the 70´s and 80´s. specially in the State of Rondônia Already in the decade of the 70´s, the first wood companies were installed in Rondônia, with the main objective of basic processing of the available noble woods. Because of that, in the final of the referred decade the first Fiscalization and Control Station (POCOF) of the IBDF, in the, at that time, Federal Territory of Rondônia, with the objective of control the incipient wood exploitation. Even though, the control was smooth and did not forced the capitulation of the companies to the applicable legislation In April of 1980, the IBDF releases the Normative Instruction nr. 001/80. This NI ruled the forestry policy for the legal Amazonia In 1982, with the installation of the State of Rondônia, the State Representative of IBDF. Sequentially, were implanted the POCOF´s of Vilhena, Pimenta Bueno, JiParana, Costa Marques Ariquemes, Guajará- Mirim and Rolim, de Moura . In this decade the wood industry starts a formidable cicle of growing, objecting the exploitation of the noble species that came, in its majority from the deforestation executed every year. At this time the origin control appeared, based on the Forestry Paper, emitted based on the deforestation authorizations, this measure forced the wood sector to its first adaptation to the ruling norms. In 1986, compelled for the surprising dynamics that was based on the deforestation authorization and the Forestry Paper as the only instruments of control of the origins an transportation of forestry products, IBDF suspended temporally the expedition of these documents. This forced the utilization of management plans with sustainable profits These measures were already made to control the deforestation and to ordain the delivering of logs to the industries, as well as to establish better mechanisms of control of origin and disciplining of a planned exploitation. 83 In 1989, the Federal Government concerned with the excessive pressure on the forests and the impotence and lack of effectiveness of IBDF and other similar Institutions decided to close them creating in their positions the Brazilian Institute of The Environment and the Renewable Resources – IBAMA, with the scope of executing the National Policy of Environment and the government directives in the area. Soon after its creation, IBAMA applied a hard hit in the Forestry-based industry canceling 70% of the more than one thousand fifty forestry management plans required to the Superintendence of Rondônia, which had been released without authorization. With this operation that organism executed summarily the forestry reposition relative to the volume of extracted wood from the management areas. By the way, this practice had been done, with voracity since the times of the IBDF (Normative Instruction nr. 001/80) characterized for the deposit in the account “ Special Resources to Apply/Choose to Forestry Reposition – “Fundao” was responsible for the unilateral transference of huge amounts of money to the Union reserves, going against the finality of its creation, that was made to revert the money to reforestation programs in the State of origin. Only at 19 of October of 1994, almost twenty years latter, the Federal Government ruled the art. 15 to 21 of the Forestry Code, related to the Amazonian forestry exploitation, privileging the technical conduction of the forests, preferentially through forestry management, besides the implantation of planted forests. An so, the art. Nr. 44 of the same Code was also altered for the Provisory Measure nr. 1511/97 and lately for the Provisory Measure 1956/00, this time limiting more yet the percentage destined to conversion of the forest to agriculture and cattle raising in the properties in the Amazonia. In this same line it was edited the Ministry Resolution nr. 48/95 of 19, July of 1995 disciplining the exploitation of the primitive forests of the Amazonian Basin, through forestry management. It is evident that there was an abrupt changing, with the recrudescence of the tension in the relation IBAMA/user, producing great impasses as a direct result of the severity of the ruling for the activity since that moment on. Because of these conflicts, there were some requisitions for specific cases that came from the agrarian structure peculiar of each region in Amazonia, forcing adjustments and the publication of new normative instruments. In 1996 appeared the Resolution nr. 114/96 and in its sequence the Normative Instruction nr 001/96, that fixed the rules for the forestry reposition. In 1997, for initiative of the Office of Rondônia appeared the normative instruction nr. 001/97 that instituted the simplified management, a more adequate to the colonization regime of Rondônia because of the predominance of the small rural properties in the State. In 84 1998, there was an innovation represented by the community management, supported with the publication of the Presidential Decree nr. 1.282 that created the figure of Company Management eliding the exigency of presenting the Environmental Impact Study (EIA-RIMA) to the management of huge areas, besides consolidating the thesis of the simplified management. This group of measures in so short period of time, indicates a new action line for IBAMA, under the motivation of a strong pressure of international organizations, materialized in a wide divulgation in the press and massive adhesion of the international and national public opinion. By the way, it was all motivated for the systematic divulgation of the monitoring of the actions of deforestation and burning in Amazonia, done by the National Institute of Space Researches – INPE of what the data permitted to identify that the deforestation done annually are greater in number to those authorized, exposing the fragility an inefficacy for the control over the concession of these authorizations. 2.3.5 – NEW CONCEPTION IN THE FORESTRY EXPLOITATION If , in fact, the tradition of the forestry exploitation I Brazil has been ruled for the use of little sustainable practices, many conditionings and contingencies to which the forestry-based industry has been submitted, have constituted an strong factor of convincing of the entrepreneurs about the necessity of a changing of behavior, under the penalty of staying out of the market. Among these factors, it has been felt a strong protectionism in the international consumer markets that, under the pretext of the exigency of certification, have created a series of barriers not tax dependents to the exportation of the products and sub products of the Amazonian forest. Presently, the great discussions are no more restrict to the issue of the volumes of production an the quality of the products. Today the question of the origin of the wood receives special attention in at any negotiation table at international level. This time who really is holding the cards in the game is the final consumer that demands of the seller a proof that the product is from forests that have adopted forestry management practices or reforestation. At his high level of exigency, it is expected to have a correspondent compensation in the issue of the final price of the products, considering that those consumers, theoretically, have the disposition of paying a little more for products ecologically corrects. This fact has not been proved in the practice. 85 As a result of these actions, the forestry industry has reacted positively slowing increasing its forestry management and reforestation areas and, only needing to improve them technically and operationally. This has been shown necessary because, although the simple adoption of an integrated program forest-industry constitute, by itself, in a considerable advance, more important is its complete execution, that demands of all structure of the industry a drastic changing in its most diverse production components, as well as requires activities of improvement of manpower and neoprofessionalization The necessity of changing, sometimes radical ones, faces, because of that great resistance of the workers in the diverse “fronts” of production, including in the companies management. To exemplify this assertive: It is expected that a tree cutter, that has been doing his job managing the sense of falling of the tree in a way that gives him the best operational gain, to be reeducated to direct the sense to the best protection for the natural regeneration of a forestry management project, will offer resistance in the proportion that this new orientation will result in a loss of salary, based on the thesis that to have this particular care his operational revenue will be decreased. Another great obstacle for the implementation of a self-sustainable model in the forestry exploitation consists in the fact that the problem not to be faced in its totality, but only in a discontinuous way and under punctual action. It becomes clear, therefore, that the implementation of the new conception of the forestry exploitation was never considerate in its true dimension for importance, making fragile the wide and real possibilities it has. In spite of the obtained advances in relation to the adoption of a model of more sustainable forestry exploitation in the State, what can be measured for the vertiginous Increase in the number of projects of forestry management approved by the IBAMA and reforestation in execution, a fact becomes an obstacle to a greater increment in the behavioral changing of the wood sector – it is the slowness of IBAMA to analyze, visit and approval of the projects. This situation, resulting of the lost of structure of that organism makes difficult the legalization of the forestry-based segment. It is opportune to say that, normally, not approving those projects at a proper time makes not viable the whole exploitation, considering that great part of the companies do not have alternative stocks, what ends forcing them to use the only areas the have, even before the official authorization, negatively compromising the consecution and the good execution of those projects. In this line, superposes a new difficulty that starts from the first moment the projects of forestry management are approved, because of the inability of the personal used in the industries to a correct and timed use of the 86 silvicultural techniques. This problem becomes worst at the moment that the entrepreneur does not have a perfect comprehension of the management project and is not convinced of his competition advantage and the relation cost/benefit highly favorable that it has when compared wit the traditional model of forestry exploitation. When analyzing the alternative models of forestry exploitation, it becomes clear the impression that a forestry policy for the State is missing. A policy with emphasis on the forestry management, in order to increment the stimulus to its adoption for the entrepreneurs The changing in the behavior towards the self-sustainability of the industries has struggled against a huge problem. In spite of the speeches, neither the Federal nor the State government have not been done practically nothing to with the collaboration of the forestry-based industry, to work out the problem of eliminating from the “modus operandi” old fashioned and long established practices of forestry exploitation, technology and wood processing. On the contrary, they have preferred to focus the small financial resources they have in huge campaigns of fiscalization, as a way of give the public opinion – specially the international one - a satisfaction, instead of effectively to contribute to the self-sustainable wood production, the conservation for the existing wood stocks and the better use of the supplies, presently in utilization. This action of the government paradoxically acts against its own interests, once this is public its intention of spreading its exportations, improving this way the commercial balance performance, while the parcel of the segment dedicated to the exportations responds positively for being in free expansion, specially for products of more aggregate value (PMVA) 2.3.6 – THE SUSTAINABLE EXPLOITATION AND THE DIRECTIVES OF THE “AGENDAS ÚMIDAS AND 21” In 1998 there was in the State of Rondônia a wide and plural participating process through which the most diverse segments of the society were called to join, exposing their different points of view, in the search of, at the end, to construct common ideas about their expectations, the directives and the priorities that have to guide, form that point on the ecological development of the State. Along all this process were listened more than a thousand and two hundred people, in the different steps of its construction In the first step, were elaborate, based on documents and secondary sources of data, sectorial and thematic diagnostics. The preliminary versions of the mentioned texts were submitted to consulting and interaction with the social actors involved with the subjects in each diagnostic. For that, the methodology anticipated, aside the document 87 research and the interviews with experts, reunions with technical personnel, politicians and representatives of non-governmental organizations. In the second phase were produced two documents: The Tendency Scenarios of the Development of Rondônia and The Desired Scenario of the Development of Rondônia. In the first case, with an eminently technical character, were made projections relative to the possible vectors of the future for the State, using as a paradigm similar study made by the Strategic Affairs Secretary of Presidency of The Republic. In this essay were formulated three alternative ways of future, each one implicating very different directions to Rondônia – a synthesis was made, through one wide range of social consults and because of that a great number of social actors had the opportunity to express their expectations in relation to a desired future for the State From the diagnostics and the scenario obtained in the study and keeping in mind the facts with a future feasibility in Rondônia, once they are constituting element of agendas of political decisions, the third volume of the Úmidas was elaborated. I this volume, in its first chapter, are presented the ethical value principles that are the fundaments of the proposed agenda. They are: The concept of sustainability of the development and the amendment with the Agenda 21. In the second chapter, a group o ten macro-conditionings that surely will mark the development of Rondônia, if this group were implemented in sustainable bases in the next two decades. To clarify them, they are written ahead: ü The institutional strengthening ü The recuperation Government; of the capacity of investments of the ü The universality of the availability of basic life conditions for the population of the State: Housing, food, public health and sanitation. ü Cultural Strengthening and scientific illustration of the population of the State ü The economic prosperity and the generation of job opportunities and revenue, based with priority on the agrarian industrialization and the ecological tourism and the tertiary sector. ü The reconfiguration of the pattern of territorial occupation focused on the development and conservation axes (according to the directives of the 2nd Approach of the Social Economical Ecological Zoning) 88 ü The integration of Rondônia to the national and international dynamic axes of transformation; ü The availability spatially equanimous of infrastructure resources and logistics; ü The defense of the territorial sovereignty in areas of vulnerable geostrategically border. In the third chapter ten strategic actions proposed for the future of Rondônia are presented. In him, they are delineated the great vectors that should guide the public decisions in the State. The ten strategic actions of the healthy State: ü Reforms of the State; ü Change in the energy head office; ü Agrarian reforms; ü Valorization of the waterway of the Madeira and terrestrial exit to Pacific; ü Agroindustrialization as vector of the vertical integration of the productive chain; ü Promotion of the ecological tourism in the axis conservationist of the State; ü Implementation of effective practices of environmental administration, in particular in the ambit of the Units of Conservation; ü Improvement in the life quality; ü Promotion of a politics of cultural settlement and scientific and technical illustration; ü Consolidation of the full democracy 2.3.7 - FEDERATIVE PACT Seen as key-directive in the strategic lines of action for the sustainable development of Rondônia, the Federative Pact translates itself in the instrument adapted for the decentralization of the environmental administration and elimination of the overlap of actions among the Federal and State environmental organs. 89 Of other side placed as irremovable will of the Minister of the environment, consonant the determinations of the own President of the Republic, that it intends to move forward in the administrative decentralization in its government, especially in what it plays to the it reviews of the constitutional prerogatives to States, in obedience to the desire to heal the overlap of actions and competence conflicts, as well as founded in the interest in reducing the size of the federal machine, it becomes incomprehensible, to the light of a superficial analysis, list some reason for the which the Federative Pact has not still happened in Rondônia. The reality is that IBAMA, in not very more than ten years of existence, became one of the Federal Government's most powerful structures, concentrating on the practice, more projection and power that the own Ministry of the Environment to which it is linked. In reason of that, the Autarchy has been getting to stay in the front of the forestry politics in Amazônia, unlike other areas of the Country where those activities were already reviewed for States, through Federative Pact, according to preconize the Federal Government's guideline. The great subject that imposes is the operational difficulties of IBAMA to do front the width of the exploitation "front ", that demands an infrastructure and much larger technical body from the organ than it disposes. In consequence, nevertheless the effort of some, happens an inadequacy in the attendance to the population hindering the whole dynamics of environmental regularization, bureaucratizing the procedures excessively, in the great majority of the times for physical impossibility of assisting a much larger demand than the attendance capacity. Although the subject of Federative Pact effective implementation is placed as inevitable, being sent its materialization to a mere temporary subject, in the practice it has been prevailing the allegation that that is not possible in reason of the institutional fragilities of the State, in very worsened by the process of collective dismissal undertaken by the government from Rondônia in February of 2000. Now, actually, same weak, the state environmental organ still bill with a capillarity many times superior the one of IBAMA. Without considering the technical body that congregates more than thirty five professionals of superior level, most of them Forestry Engineers, Agricultural Engineers, Biologists, capable therefore to act in the environmental fiscalization and in the authorization of forestry exploitation, of deforestation and burned, constituting in contingent a lot of times superior to the equivalent professionals of the functional picture of IBAMA in the State. Be increased that that could be used the competition of the Company of Technical Attendance and Rural Extension - EMATER, whose Agricultural engineers, 90 once recycled, they could exercise important paper in the attendance to the public, in the environmental education and in the forestry extension. As if those arguments were not enough, in addition the state organ of environment finds much closer of the user, being consequently best tuned in with the great social demands and the imperious environmental subjects. Nevertheless, now the system of administration environmental reckon with precious instruments as the Law 9.605, of December 21, (Law of Environmental Crimes), whose content was object of recent regulation by means of the Ordinance no. 3.179, of September 21, 1999, besides the always vigilant action of the Public Ministry, either state or federal. Besides, in the mentioned discussion process that fomented the participative construction of the Agendas Úmidas, there was consent as the need to renegotiate bases of the Federative Pact with fulcrum in the enormous "social environmental debt " that the Union caught to Rondônia, in reason of having sponsored such disordered process of occupation of its territory, to the cost of the interest of its people and in only favor of the needs of appeasement of the social conflicts in the south of the country, effective to the time of the beginning of the colonization of the State. 2.4 - ASSIMILATION OF SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES In the same proportion that increased the regulation of the forest exploitation in the State of Rondônia there was also an evolution of the sustainable practices on the part of the industry of forestry-based. That adaptation process has been slow and gradual, acting a lot in response to the growing conditioning to the one that the industry timber-furnishing has been exposed. The historical roots of the forest exploitation in Brazil contributed to formation of that profile of our industry, strongly marked by the extractive and migratory character. Those characteristics identified it for a long time, being transmitted from generation to generation. Such circumstances explain the adaptation to the difficulties evidenced by the industry of forestry-base, in time of such drastic changes in the arrangement of the exploitation in effect. Although absolutely necessary, the sustainable practices mentioned delayed to be indeed incorporated in the day-to-day of the companies, that their operationality held a lot of less than it would be possible. Therefore a clear evolution is evidenced in the transformation of the profile of the companies, bringing along a process of modification of behaviors, motivated by the following factors: 91 ü the excessive valorization of the environmental active more and more scarce in the world context; ü the pressures put on the part of the final consumers that started to demand generated products of lines of production ecologically correct; ü the awakening for the need of adapting the conditions of growing demandability of the markets, especially the international ones, under feather of not getting to maintain in activity; ü the verification of the practability of the use of the forestry handling and of the reforestation, through the example of demonstrative units; ü the growth of the activities of the control and of the fiscalization about the forestry production; ü the need to adopt a posture more and more vertical of the production, to satisfy a market trend that stimulates the production of goods of larger value attaché. Notwithstanding the exposed, in reason of the progresses obtained to the present moment, is important best to describe the evolution of some of the practices adopted by the local industry. 2.4.1 - FORESTRY HANDLING The definition of forestry handling meets in the own ordinance that regulates the exploitation of the forests of the Amazon Basin (Law .º 1282,de 19.10.97). The term sustainable forestry handling is defined as forestry administration for the obtaining of economic and social benefits, being respected the mechanisms of support of the ecosystem. The objective of a plan of forestry handling, a priori, cannot just be to assist the forestry legislation, but yes to define clearly what to produce of raw material to provision the industry holder of the project indefinitely. Subsidiarily, a well-handled forest is to contribute to maintain the quality of the water, of the air, as well as to preserve the biodiversity, and to generate socioeconômic benefits. The disordered occupation of the area favored the dynamics of the nonhandled exploitation of the forestry resources, because in the areas of agricultural border after the invasion of the unoccupied areas, as a rule, the first providence of the invader is to try to capitalize through the sale of the wood, to with its product to accomplish improvements, that facilitate to manage the obtaining of the ownership of the land and ulterior domain. 92 Thus, on another side, when exploring the wood the loggers leave the wagon trails, the bridges and the sewers that allow those farmers the access to their invasions. The exercise of that dynamics was demonstrated perverse for the maintainability of the forestry exploitation, once in the desire to assure its ownerships, felled wood are literally burned. It is worth reminding that even the remaining forests, as they have great part of its explored wood, hinder the attainment of a plan of forestry handling of high revenue. It is worth emphasizing that already in 1986 the Plan of Sustained Forestry Handling was instituted, as a way of to contain the deforestion and to discipline the extraction of wood in Amazônia. It happens that, instituted abruptly, it caused a strong impact in the timber section, having at the time the imperious need of the section to adapt the new reality. However, at the time the lumber dealers of the forestry industry didn't obtain of the responsible organ the due information as the execution of those plans, at the time in that the autonomous engineers, without the due domain of the knowledge, and in the absence of any normative act that defined approaches and technical norms to apply, they incurred in dispatterning of the projects and in the loss of its larger purpose, that was to turn the timber industry self-sustainable , instead of simply to assist legal demands. Due to the exposed, starting from 1987 it happened an avalanche of projects protocoled in IBDF, requesting through them forest guides to guarantee the covering of wood in logs and sawed. Those projects in its majority, sinned in its own essence once they were only founded in mere "Forest Inventories", and they didn't contain key stages of any plan of forestry handling, such as: Exploitation Program, silviculturals practices and profit/cost relation. IBDF was not prepared to assist that demand. Its technical body was insufficient, there was not appropriate vehicles and the excessive bureaucracy of the organ hindered the accomplishment of the inspections, besides not possessing internally any evaluation routine and technical analysis of those enterprises. By virtue of those assertive ones, in 1989, 70% of the Plans of Handlings were canceled. Perhaps it can be credited to those events the stigma that was created around the plan of forestry handling in the State of Rondônia, obstacle that delayed a lot to be overcome. The Directive no. 48/95, of July 10, 1995, substituted the Directive no. 449/87-P and the Normative Instruction no. 080, of September 24, 1991, that were incomplete as the regulation of the forestry handling plans. That Directive came to discipline the forestry exploitation in the Amazon Basin, 93 bringing principles and foundations technical and juridical for presentation of the mentioned plans, in a clearer and efficient way, being in force even to present dates. Now, exist in circulation and execution in IBAMA 176 Plans of Handling, totalizing an area of 272.000 hectares. Those data are heartening in the measure in that they demonstrate a great progress obtained against the established stigma that distanced the lumber dealer of the forestry handling plans, as well as they signal for a larger vertical integration of the industry in the sense of looking for its own self-sustainable . As the practicability of the handling is to lack a larger domain of the preand pos- exploratory activities inherent to its field execution, which reason many of them after brilliant conception and exploitation beginning, end for getting lost in the subsequent stages, abandoning this way its main objective - the selfsustained wood production. There are forecasts that next five years every national exported wood has origin of areas under Sustainable Handling or of reforestation. Besides, it is worth reminding that Brazil is signatory of the international agreement of tropical wood, being committed with the goals of the International Organization of Tropical Wood - IOTW. In December of 1998, a Group of Work of FSC was created - Brazil, where it was elaborated the patterns of Certification of this organism for forestry Handling in Terra Firma in Amazônia Brazilian consubstantiated in nine Principles and Approaches that covered of larger consistency the Plans of Forestry Handling. Now, just eight producers of the Amazon Area are in advanced process of certification. 16. 2.4.2 - REFORESTATION IBDF, already in 1980, expedited the Normative Instruction no. 001/80, first normative act to regulate the Forestry Policy in Amazônia. In the body of that Instruction it represented an article being about the Forestry Replacement. Thus, the any individual or juridical entity that came to consume products or byproducts of forest origin, turned, from that opportunity on, to make the forestry replacement obligatorily. Furthermore, that normative instrument allowed the consumer to opt for one of the following replacement modalities: 16 - STERN, Bruno. 3rd Congress of Plywood and Tropical Woods, Belém - 1999. 94 ü to make the reforestation in proper areas or of third, by means of technical projects, referring to the consumption of raw material; ü to buy quotas of reforesting companies, properly accredited by IBDF; ü to opt for the payment of trees, through the Bill Special Resources to Apply - Optants of Forestry Replacement, commonly well-known as "Fundão", to a rate of 7,2 trees each cubic meter of wood in logs, or of 4 trees each cubic meter of sawed wood. The first company to make sales of quotas in the State was Reforesting Rondônia, far in 1980, being headquartered in Porto Velho, with its reforestation projects installed in the left margin of Rio Branco in the District of Jacy-Paraná and in the county of Guajará Mirim (IATA Project). The Second reforesting company was Forestry Technique of Rondônia that developed two well-known projects as Madeira I and Madeira II, both located in the Low Madeira River. Those reforestation areas flooded periodically at the time of the inundation. The transaction of the reforestation quotas happened like this: the timber sector lumber dealer paid a certain quantity regarding the amount of trees that needed to be planted and the Reforesting Company turned responsible for the plantation of the trees, being assigned of presenting the reports to IBDF, that accomplished the technical analyses and inspections. That system, although initially well conceived, unfortunately didn't work properly because nor the lumber dealers, nor IBDF, worried about inspecting the projects to make sure the effective plantation, to do the necessary technical recommendations and direct corrections as the conduction and the handling of those settlements. Besides, it lacked a larger commitment of the timber companies with the reforestation projects, just as it happened in similar projects in the areas of the South and Southeast of Brazil. Some timber companies opted for doing its own reforestation projects, to example of Madeireira Urupá, that executed, in 1983, a pioneer project with the species bandarra, in own area of 60 hectares, in the county of JiParaná. Later on the company LAMMY Ltda, far in of 84 and 85, repeated the experience, planting that species with the purpose of producing raw material for laminate production. In 1993 the company SULMAP Ltda, in Pimenta Bueno, implanted its reforestation project with the species TEAK (Tectona grandis) and from 1994 on, the Association of Obligatory Forestry Replacement of Espigão D'Oeste (ARFOE), also with teak, developed reforestation projects in the area. In the sequence, appeared more two reforestation associations in the 95 State, everything in response to a national politics of incentive to the forest associativism. That mentioned public policy was developed, from the pilot experience well succeeded carried out for the Flora Tietê (first forestry association of Brazil), that from now on had the experience diffused by the New Borders Project for the Sustainable Development - PNFC of the Ministry of the Agriculture, with the support of IBAMA and technical support of the Program of the United Nations for the Development - PNUD. The forestry associativism was founded in the conception of to congregate and to commit the consumers raw material forest around the common objective of making the formation of massive forest to assure the future supplies of raw material. The practice of the forestry associativism, translated, nevertheless the lack of official support verified in the State, in a happy initiative that, between mistakes and successes, object of the enterprising spirit of some, in a lot contributed to enlarge the modality of forest plantations in Rondônia. Most of the timber companies , for a long time, opted for the so-called Fundão, because considered of smaller risk than the reforestation. To that time, in full validity of a marvelous deforestation process in the State, the origin of the scanty amounts of wood destined to provision the patios of the sawmills was almost exclusively done with ballast in the authorizations of deforest, that had its volume covered by the forest guides complemented by Fundão. Most of the timber companies , for a long time, opted for the so-called Fundão, because considered of smaller risk than the reforestation. To that time, in full validity of a marvelous deforestation process in the State, the origin of the scanty amounts of wood destined to provision the patios of the sawmills was almost exclusively done with ballast in the authorizations of deforest, that had its volume covered by the forest guides complemented by Fundão. Now, in spite of the obsolescence of the research institutions that, completely separate of the real needs of the segment, produced very a few results as the generation of technologies adapted to the silviculture of production in the amazon area, thanks to pioneer private initiative, broke the vicious circle of Fundão. This way, Rondônia today, in spite of the countless interposed obstacles, stitches in the vanguard of the sustained production of wood through reforestation, in the amazon area. Important to relate the difficulties they be she found by those that want to implant a forest settlement in the State of Rondônia: 96 ü the deforestation prohibition for the implantation of the discharge projects and concentrated wood production with species of fast growth. Detail: the prohibition doesn't exist for pasture implantion; ü the unavailability of great extensions of areas in the zone of agricultural consolidation of Rondônia (axis of BR 364 and proximity) for the simple fact of they have advanced the permissible limit of 50% of deforestation in small and medium rural properties. That means, in case of option for the reforestation in those areas, in the not concession of forestry credits for the planted trees; ü the lack of incentive politics to the reforestation, such as: the concession of credits for the recomposition of forestry legal reservations and areas of permanent preservation (steep acclivities and margins of rivers and creeks); ü the lack of compatible bank credit with the extensive periods of final rotation of the forestry cultures. Therefore inadequate to its peculiar conditions of lack and need of subsidized interests, face the strategic importance of the formation of massive forest, indispensable condition for the obtaining of additional stocks to the supply and selfsustainability of the segment of forestry-based; ü the lack of institutional support on the part of the Public Power, that thwarting the own agricultural law, nevertheless to the isolated attempts of PNFC, didn't provide appropriately of infrastructure the reforestation associations, consonant that it determined the legislation and preconized that public policies in its origin. Notedly in relation not to the institutional invigoration of those associations, especially concerning to the financing of multi-user vivariums, technological contribution and structure of collection and storage of forest seeds; ü the lack of training and capacitation of the rural extension (EMATER), concerning to the techniques of forestry extension and diffusion of technologies adapted to the local reality; ü the lack of training and capacitation of the rural extension (EMATER), concerning to the techniques of forestry extension and diffusion of technologies adapted to the local reality. 2.4.3 - FORESTRY FOMENTATION One of the effective alternatives, besides the option of the consuming company of forest raw material of accomplishing the own reforestation, is the possibility of the forestry fomentation. That modality consists of the happiest initiative engendered at local level, consonant the perfect 97 attainment of the obligatory forestry replacement in the State of Rondônia. Its operation gives through the partnership between farmers and consuming companies of forest raw material by means of the intervention of the reforestation associations and or reforesting companies. Of this done, the promoting ones produce the mute persons and they supply them to the farmers. These, for its time, make the plantation in degraded areas or deforested being responsible for the maintenance of the trees, still being able to, later on, sell them to the timberman, when they reach the minimum diameter of cut of 45 cm. All those stages they happen under the technical supervision of the forestry associations or of the fomenting ones. This way the timber lumber dealer not only executes the forestry replacement, as well as exercises important role when distributing socioeconomic benefits directly for all rural community involved in the program, under the protection of the institute of the partnership. In the State many entities adopted the system. In the quality of example, quote: ARFOE (Association of Obligatory Forestry Replacement of Espigão d`Oeste) and AMARÉ (Regional Association of Obligatory Forestry Replacement of the Valley of the Mamoré Wood), among others. On the whole the institutions of the gender constitute nine entities that promote the forestry fomentation, presenting the following current situation: 3.469 hectares of area, with 3 million cuttings planted and 480 protocoled projects, that occasion the plantation of about 34 million cuttings, in an area of 16 thousand hectares. Through the forestry fomentation, the reforestation in Rondônia is not merely bounded to the obligatory replacement. On the contrary the sector generates employment, contributes to legalize the timber activity and participates in the revenue of the state. From the spread of the reforestation activity in Rondônia, countless difficulties appeared as the attainment of the plantations in own areas, object of wide discussion in the previous topic, reason which the coming of the Fomentation appeared and consolidated as promising activity. Truly, the Forestry Fomentation is based on the democratization of the socioeconomic and environmental benefits of the implantation of silvicultural projects by means of the competition of small and medium rural producers that, fomented by the Associations of Reforestation, start to adopt the implantation of forest cultures of high revenue systematically, besides the practice of consortia agroforest or silvihusbandry. The farmers are benefited then with the cuttings, the technical attendance and the result of the final product (that is, the wood ready to cut). In compensation they compete with its hand labor to plant and to care for of the trees to its final rotation. On another side the Associations of 98 Reforestation that take advantage of the cuttings and the technical attendance, receive in exchange the warranty of the effective plantation and maintenance of the trees, without however having to spend voluminous sums when compared to own investments. IBAMA, the state and municipal environmental organs, benefit when giving outlet to the longings of the society, in its desire to do the consumed forest effective replacement of the massive ones, assuring like this the opportunity of the selfsustained wood production. Besides, in that partnership comes out profiting the own society, because the forestry fomentation is an activity highly lucrative, possessing odd singularity concerning to provide the distribution of the wealth, generated like this, in a powdered way for the whole mass of followers of the Programs. That activity has been demonstrating to be of great viability, adapting perfectly to the landing conditions of the State of Rondônia, that antagonistically in other States of Brazilian Amazônia, had its colonization regime and it Reforms Agrarian supported preponderantly in the small property. For that system were seated more than 100.000 families in Rondônia, that passed to exercise the family agriculture in the State. Complimentarily, researches of CEPLAC and EMBRAPA, have been checking the high technical viability of those systems, want in the economic, social and environmental aspects, notedly considering the agroforest consortia, including annual, perennial and forest cultures, having as main cultures: the cocoa, the coffee, the cupuaçú and the nut of the Bahia. These heterogeneous systems have been less likely to the attack of plagues and diseases in the main cultures, as well as contribute to form important mantle of vegetable protection to the excessive regime effective pluviometric in the area. By means of so much related advantages, become inexplicable the fact that the Public Power do not destine to the activity the attention that would be it of right. Having besides, in opposition to the all the expectations, reduced investments and efforts for its perpetuation. As example of those restrictive measures, quote: ü The emptying of the PNFC17; ü The lack of a Public Policy that motivates the forestry fomentation; ü The lack of support to the associations of Reforestation concerning to machines and agricultural equipment to prepare the area and 17 New Frontiers of Cooperation and Sustainable Developmente, Belonging to the Regional Secretary Development of the Ministry of Agriculture. 99 settlement maintenance, and implementation of multi-user vivariums. That especially relatively to the Associations of the Area North, much weaker, than those of the South and of the Southeast; The negative of the official Programs of the Ministry of the environment (PD/A, FNMA, PNMA) and of the Ministry of the Agriculture (implosion of the Project Community Nurseries), as well as of the Programs financed by the World Bank (POLONOROESTE is PLANAFLORO), of contributing resources and infrastructure to the Associations of Reforestation, due to a possible linking with stigmatized him segment of forestry-based. 2.4.4 - VERTICALIZATION OF THE PRODUCTION AS FAGENT OF REDUCTION OF THE PRESSURE ON THE FORESTS In response, so much to the increase of the regulation in the sector, that contributed to elevate the costs of the forest products, as well as the impositions of mercantilist stamp imposed by the consumers, appeared in a categorical way the need for the industries to make efforts and invest in modernization of their machines and equipment, revision of production lay-outs, adoption of new technologies, reduction of the waste, either in the industrialization phase, or in the extraction phase. In this line it is worth considering that the adoption of that new behavioral standard translates in a favorable variable environmental, whereas when obtaining a better index of conversion of the log in sawed wood (before, of 1,8 or 55% of revenue, today of 1,5 or of up to 70%), it reduces the pressure automatically on the native forests. In complement it can be said that whereas that gives a better use of the extracted wood, logically less is wasted and in consequence it has a better revenue and smaller environmental impact in the extraction. On the other hand it is worth asserting that in the same proportion of the increase of the investment in the modernization of the production process there is, besides the largest use of the wood, a reduction in the amount of handled area necessary to supply the same fabric unit, contributing substantively to the perpetuation of the Industrial Park and the compatibility of the cycle of forest production with the period of rotation of the forests in sustained handling. To exemplify the advantages of the verticalization, a demonstration will be made based on the adoption of a technology a lot in fashion now on the part of the forestry industries in the State. It is the drying in stoves of the wood unfolded in blades. This done, from the presupposition that a set of stoves with capacity for drying 200m3 of boards for batch costs R$ 150.000,00, at the rate of R$ 100 750,00/m3. Considering that, it is possible to review to the consumed R$ 50,00/m3 even due to the drying. As a result, either by the economy in the provided freight, or for the competitive advantage of the ready use of the wood when of its arrival in its final destiny. Based on the exercise above it becomes possible the forecast that, in view that a batch takes eight days to complete, just fifteen batches will be necessary or four months of operation to restore the investment, in addition, with the aid of the stove, the industrial can elevate in a lot the use of species that now are not explored, in spite of having great workability characteristics and beauty. In the face of the exposed it is worth stressing that, when practicing the verticalization of its production, the timber lumber dealer is automatically joining value to its final product, improving the relation profit/cost of its process, in way it can increase the viability of its activity and this way to elevate the possibility of perpetuation and the solidity of its enterprise, with direct reflexes in the production, in the economic growth, in the generation of employment and tributes. However, even though it is quite visible the evolution of the State Industrial Park, concerningly to the activities of improvement of crude wood, pre-cut, production of several artifacts, laminations and factories of panels, of doors, sashes, windows and likes, besides significant progresses in the furnishing industry, a lot of difficulties have been faced by the lumber dealers of the segment since they apply a larger verticalization index to its industries. Among many, cite the lack of specific training in shed activities and other general knowledge as: ü lamination of band saw; ü sawing, improvement, drying, and chemical techniques treatment and conservation of wood; ü painting techniques in wood, designer for furniture, production engineering, total quality applied to the industry of forestry-based; ü notions about Forestry Legislation; ü training in customs legislation, special regimes of export and external trade; training in forestry handling for the entrepreneur and employees. Besides, reside on that subject the traditional problems as: ü The liquidation of the entrepreneurs that limits its capacity of necessary investments; ü the untainability of its production that hinders the planning activities and of production in scale; ü the language differences, cubature methods and conference among lumber dealers and IBAMA that hinder the regularization of the stocks; 101 ü the lack of a politics of fiscal incentives to the verticalization, for example, the non differentiation of the tributary load for the product finish that discourage the lumber dealer to accomplish larger investments to change the profile of its production. In the segment, depending on the transformation that comes to be given to the wood in board, the gain for the State can still be larger. According to the database of FIERO cases exist, as the one of the industrialization of white "wood" reduced for the pencil production, where the increment in the value attaché arrives at six times. Additionally, concerning to the production of pieces of furniture, the attaché value gets to reach up to ten times the value of the unfolded wood, with corresponding increment in the collection of tributes. In a wider context, according to technical information of SUDAM, for each Real injected in the economy of the amazon area other R$ 2,5 in an indirect way are generated. 2.4.5 - REDUCTION IN THE RATES OF DEFORESTATION IN RONDÔNIA In the end of the decade of 60, when the Federal Government paid attention to the occupation of the North area of Brazil, more precisely from 1964, a new strategic vision appeared that intended to supply the productive activities of reasonable instruments to promote the development of the Amazonia. That's why several organs were created such as SUDAM, SUFRAMA, BASA, INCRA, as well as successively several projects of regional development as: PROTERRA, PRONAM, POLONOROESTE AND PIN. With this new concept of territorial occupation, as quoted previously it didn't consider the environmental variable, one of the states that was more benefited with actions and resources was Rondônia, becoming the stage of one of the largest rural settlement of the country. This way the State received a great migration in the decade of 70, generating the deforestation of great areas consequently to promote the agriculture and the husbandry. In the evolution of that process it was arrived, in the beginning of the decade of 70, to reach 420.000 deforested hectares (1,76% in relation to total area of the State). However it was in the decade of 80 that happened the great openings. These were monitored through the images of satellites, registering, in 1988, the level of 3.000.000 hectares, equalizing then to 12,57% of the total area of the State. This enormous jump in deforested area, called the attention of international organisms , generating an united action of the Government of the State of Rondônia and of the Federal Government, with the intention concluding measures to control that alarming expansion. One of those measures was the institution of the Socioeconomic and Ecological Zoning (First Approach), another was the celebration of the agreement with the military police for the creation of the 102 Forestry Platoon to reinforce the actions of IBDF. Due the strong pressures international refed and resonant for the media, they intensified fiscal operations that took the reduction in the rhythm of deforestation that was being observed. At that time, in the quality of explanation it is verified that in 1989 the total of accumulated deforestation in the State was of 13,32% of its total area, while in 1990 the same indicator reached 14,04%, reaching the following year the 14,50%. Therefore it is possible to verify that the area deforested accumulated in the State increased only 5% in the agricultural year of 89/90, having only increased 3% in the agricultural year of 90/91. From 1992 on there was an increment again in the rate of deforestation that reached 23,5% in the end of 1998, fact that can be attributed to the loosening of the operations of environmental fiscalization and the retaking of the process of agrarian reform on the part of INCRA. Greater details about the evolution of the rate of deforestation in the State and on the total area deforested accumulated can be inferred from the following table: Deforestation in Rondônia (1978 to 1997) Year Deforested Area (ha) % in relation to the State (*) Growth (ha) 1978 420.000 1,76 1988 3.000.000 12,57 234.545 1989 3.180.000 13,32 180.000 1990 3.350.000 14,04 170.000 1991 3.460.000 14,50 110.000 1992 3.686.500 15,45 226.500 1993 3.981.312 16,69 294.812 1994(**) 4.267.228 17,88 445.916 1995 4.873.143 20,42 445.916 1996 5.149.386 21,58 276.243 1997 5.352.581 22,43 203.194 1998(***) 5.611.294 23,52 258.713 Fonte: INPE (1992) e SEDAM (1993,1995,1996 e 1997) * The area of the State considerd was of 23.862.194,04 hectares (SGI/INPE/SEDAM) ** Estimative based on average between 1993 and 1995 - *** Estimativ based on average growth between 1988 and 1997. – 103 DEFORESTATION IN RONDÔNIA (1978 TO 1997) Área (ha) 6.000.000 5.000.000 4.000.000 Área (ha) Incremento 3.000.000 2.000.000 1.000.000 0 1978 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 (*) Ano Source:: INPE (1992) e SEDAM (1993,1995,1996 e 1997) The greatest growth in the rates of deforestations was in the years of 1994 and 1995, which numbers reached 445.916 ha18. Continuing the actions of the Socio-economic-ecologic Zoning there were the definition and creation of the Units of Conservation of Direct and Indirect Use, with the aim of assuring the maintenance of the integrity of a significant portion of the territory of the State. Although Units of Conservation were being created and demarcated, there was a need of evaluating the existent natural resources and of strengthening the presence of the State, in a way to discourage the invasions. That's why, between 1996 and 1997, with the support of the technical cooperation from PNUD to PLANAFLORO, the fast ecological evaluations were accomplished in the State Parks Little Guajará, Serra dos Reis and Ecological Station Mountain of Três Irmãos, the diagnoses of the State Forestry of Sustainable Revenues (FERS), the Plan of Handling of the Corumbiara State Park, the socioeconomic studies of the nearby areas and the installation of support bases in the State Parks and in the Ecological Station Mountain of Três Irmâos, besides the intensification of the fiscalization actions to protect the limits of the referred Units. Again, from that period a fall in the rates of deforestation of the State is verified, or rather, registered 270.243 hectares (1996) and 203.194 hectares (1997), as it is shown in the Evolution of the Deforestation in Rondônia Graph. In 1998 the deforested area on the total of the State reaches to 23,52%, with an increment of 258.713 hectares. From the coming of the fire that devastated the State of Roraima, became evident the Federal Government's concern in containing the evolution of the deforestation, resulting in the 18 – Estimative Based on the Average Between 93 and 95 Mentioned in “Deforestation in Rondônia, 1998”. 104 edition of the Directive no. 16-N in February of 1999, besides the Normative Instruction 04 occurred in the month of March of that year, that suspended temporarily the concessions of Authorizations for Deforestations, as well as the execution of the deforestations based in authorizations already granted by IBAMA in States of the Legal Amazonian. The Directive no. 16-N and IN no. 04 were object of a lot of controversy in the year of 1999, once, besides the impact caused in the traditional agricultural, they resulted in damages for the section of forestry-based, because mistakenly IBAMA included the Authorizations of Forestry Exploitation, in the list of the documents whose emission was prohibited. In that aspect it is worth pointing out that the forestry industry have been damaged, since it does not compete with the deforestation, it just executes the extraction and the economical use of wood that, in case it was not taken advantage of, they would invariably be consumed by the fire. In that episode, through the mistake made not only by IBAMA but also for the Ministry of the Environment in the composition of the referred normative acts, tying the wood originated from the areas to be deforested with the Authorizations of Deforesting, became clear the mistaken perception that the selective exploitations are intimately tied to the deforestation. This does not translate the truth because, ever since the deforestation was made, in fact, almost in its totality without the advisable use of the woody residues. Only from then on, for IBAMA own initiative, it started to demand the previous selective forestry exploitation, previous to the concession of Authorization of Deforesting, as a way of imposing the use, in the purpose of deterring the waste. There is a straight relation proportional to deforestation and settlement in the State of Rondônia. The more intense the settlement made by INCRA, larger the deforestation rate. 2.4.6 - REDUCTION IN THE WASTE OF FORESTRY EXPLOITATION The forestry exploitation in Rondônia was always characterized by the great raw material waste. If only 2% of the total of available wood for the expansion of the agricultural border had economic profit, of that limited quantitative a lot get lost from the extraction to the final product. When locating the wood of economic interest in the forest, the worker places in a pike that serves as orientation for the feller, that invariably, without the proper cares for the maximum use begins the losses in the cut and in the outlining of the logs. 105 In the esplanades, it is very common, to verify logs stubs of 1 to 1,5 m result of the negligence and bad planning of the cut for a better use of the trees. That is almost always motivated by the need of, for example, in the case of a log of nine meters in length, to assist an urgent request of the sawmill for pieces of four meters. This induces the feller to produce two logs of four meters in length, losing a meter. It could well be in another way, to produce two logs, one of four meters and another of five, in a way not to lose anything. It is also quite common in the esplanades, the branches and of tortuous shafts loss, under the argument that its revenue in the sawing doesn't compensate the location expenses, cut, outlining, planing and transport. It happens that, with the sawyer's larger know-how, and with aid of more modern equipment, a better use of those tortuous logs that frequently are literally abandoned in the forest could be achieved. Besides, the abandonment of the logs that present minimum defects as small hollows and burned is common, that by means of the dexterity in the cut by the tracer, could a lot of times to have those small defects eliminated, transforming that right loss in profitable wood, besides the possibility of the uses for the handmade use. Add that the not adoption of silviculturals techniques and forestry handling result in significant losses caused by damages made by felled trees to the closest ones, in function of the non directioning of the fall. However, no other waste is so prominent as the sawing process in many of our industries, where the conversion index stays in 55%, that means, each two cubic meters of log a meter and ten sawed cubic centimeters is obtained. With relation to those industries that achieved some kind of evolution in this field, the indexes improved for 58% and, in some cases, for 62%, nevertheless considered low. When simply comparing an industry of the section of European forestrybased and of Rondônia the enormous technological distance that separates them is verified. While there the maximum efficient use of the residues is searched, being appealed the production of agglomerates, MDF and OSB, here grotesque losses are observed as the feeding of long continuance furnaces cost pieces of firewood, wood splinters, slabs, peels and branches. The most lamentable is that that technology type already exists quickly available in Brazil, but inexplicably it is not spread and adopted broadly by the industries, that are still guided by archaic practices and obsolete operational techniques. The result of all that could not be other except a picture of enormous waste of woody residues. That woody raw material is not even taken advantage of to generate thermal energy, or yet coal of 106 vegetable origin under the strong arguments that its revenue is not proper due to the low calorific power. Another waste consists of the reduced amount of species of the rich and diversified regional flora that has effective economic use. This because even having had considerable amplification of the range of explorable forestry species, they still make up a total of just 20% of the total existent. The persecution of that objective has been searched in the projects of Forestry Handling, being constituted in a clear evolution of the sustainable practice, even so, that still demands great improvements, that can be obtained by the aggregation of new technologies. 107 CHAPTER III - CONCLUSIONS 108 CHAPTER III - CONCLUSIONS 3.1 - GENERAL ASPECTS OF THE STATE The urban rural exodus, in spite of being a Brazilian reality, began very early in Rondônia. That fact reveals that should monitor that process with attention because that tendency thwarts the proposed colonization model, still being able to, in case of continuity, become agent of the failure of the landing adopted policies. Thus, that index can come to constitute an important indicator of the success of the landing policy in the State. Aided in study accomplished by Embrapa, it is ended that 80% of the total area of the State have soils with potential for silvicultural activities that understand the sustainable forestry handling and the reforestation. Therefore, it elapses from that characteristic its unequivocal forestry vocation. A conclusive analysis of PLANAFLORO verifies that there was a superficial attendance of important segments for the economy of the State, harming an entire project of implementation of an alternative model of development that incorporated the environmental variable definitively in the group of the economy. As example have the segment of the industry of forestry-based that could, if correctly fomented, to develop desirable environmental behaviors as: the increment of the forestry handling, the outcome of the reforestation, the reduction of the high waste not only in the forestry exploitation, but also in the industrialization, the availability of the units of conservation of direct use for the execution of the handling, the increase of the verticalization of the production. PLANAFLORO failed as the implementation of the self-sustainable model of forestry exploitation that it preconized in its origin, in reason of having ignored an important agent of the social tissue of the State - the segment of forestry-based. 3.2 - REFLEXES OF THE COLONIZATION IN FORESTRY EXPLOITATION The agrarian reform, although it is the fairest way of ordering the production socially, it should be done in a planned way to avoid similar misunderstandings to the already experienced in the State. It should check alternative mechanisms of maintenance of the Forestry Legal Reservations as instruments of conservation of stocks, susceptible of use for the supply of the industry of forestry-based via handling of the natural resources. The practice has been demonstrating the small rural producers are the ideal partners of the timber industry, concerning the execution of the programs of forestry fomentations. 101 A strong relation between the landing policy adopted in Rondônia and the enormous verified wastes as the use of the forestry resources still persists. The problem becomes worse due to the imminent shortage of the environmental assetses. To assure a process of frank development a better planning of the production die is requested, besides new strategies of attraction of investments that drive to a better level of use of the forestry resources. 3.3 - GDP AND THE VOCATION OF THE STATE FOR THE GROWING The data of State GDP demonstrate the unequivocal natural vocation of Rondônia for the development. Its performance is notable when compared to the data of other States of the Amazon area and of Brazil (kept, evidently, the due proportions). Rondônia has been persisting in the economic growth, even in a national picture of stagnation. The prevalency of the participation of the section of services in State GDP, although it is a generalized tendency at the Country, it should not be of such amount in the State. This fact should bring along a probable subuse of the industrial and agricultural sectors, notedly the segment of forestrybased. 3.4 - THE NEW PROFILE OF THE INDUSTRY OF FORESTRY-BASED The alteration of the industrial profile is a process in course, dictated by the strong effective conditioning. Before that a new arrangement is requested in the model of the system of the forestry exploitation in the area. It is up to the industries of forestry-based fit in the new production paradigms, under penalty of succumbency. New processes urge to be adopted: a larger base of forestry exploitation; the obtaining of products of larger value attaché; the certification of the production and self sustainable supply of the industries. The industry of forestry-based in Rondônia was submitted to a strong demonetization regime. That elapsed from the established great competitiveness, besides the uncertainties and planning difficulties coming from the continuous flotation of the government economic policies in the last fifteen years in the country. In that picture survived those companies that best adapted to the continuous changes, cutting unnecessary costs, aggregating values to its final product, adopting new technologies and enlarging its base of forestry exploitation. The industry of forestry-based possesses an important social function in the State, standing out in the face of the other industrial segments concerning to the employment. Analyses done allow to conclude that the 102 relation employment/industry noticed a reasonable increment, in spite of the reduction of the number of establishments, indicating there to be an increase in the degree of the verticalization of the production. The bad quality of the labor hand and its disproportionate distribution for area in the State constitute one of the main limiting factors to the obtaining of better levels of competitiveness turning difficult the "performance" of the companies. The timber industry is one of the industrial activities that most distributes income, because it is an activity that uses labor along all its production chain, distributing employment not only in the formal market, but also in the informal. This way, when compared to the other industry types as of the fabric or nutritious, the relevance of its social function is verified. For a better competitive insert of the forestry segment in the current scenery a qualitative improvement of labor hand use is requested, recycling and reprofessionalization is needed for tasks dictated by a new production paradigm - the self-sustainable model. The segment of forestry-based is intimately tied up to the performance of the economy of many municipal districts of the State. Any retraction in the forestry industry would have wide repercussion in the municipal revenues. The characteristics of the exploitation of the timber resources effective in the State do not assist the fullness of the expectations of the population in relation to the potential of internalization of the socioeconomic benefits. It is fundamental that there be a larger improvement degree at local level. A strong correlation exists between the informality of the process of forestry exploitation in course and the perpetuation of the practiced not very sustainable model. This practice bases on the tradition and in the misinformation as the advantages of the self-sustainable model. Without the several agents mutual commitment (fellers, planers, tracers, lumber dealers, workers) that operate in the process of forestry exploitation, it will never be obtained the sustainable production of wood. The production of the furnishing industry limits to the supply of a small portion of the local market, occasioning an enormous growth potential. In spite of all the intervening factors that impede a better acting of the furnishing industry, the segment presents positive tendencies to enlarge its participation in the regional economy, with potentiality of expanding its participation more and more in the market, since new variables technological are incorporated as the design and a better finishing. 103 The industry of forestry-based has an insignificant participation in the amount of incentives and specialized credits institutionally destined to the amazon area. The forestry segment participates preponderantly in the total of the exports of the State, contributing to the balance of the public bills of the Country. That participation tends to grow even more, whereas that vertical integration of the industry grows, what is still insufficient. About the lumber dealer of the forestry section the stigma rests of "devastating of the forest". That condition has been fruit of the passivity of the segment as the successive labeling made by the national and international media. That requests an energetic action of the segments involved to reverse that condition. Once being the wood a natural renewable resource, it is presumed that it is licit its appropriate use and its social destination for employment generation and income. That use can be optimized, if planned conveniently, for the incomparable capacity of existent natural growth in the amazon forests, via implement of the forestry handling with sustainable revenue and of the reforestation. The installed industrial park, is now subused due to an unfavorable conjuncture that restricts the activities of the segment, with prominence of the relative subjects to the restrictions of environmental nature and the demonetization of the companies. A clear future tendency exists for the prevalency of the industrial plants of great load in detriment of the ones of medium and small loads. That means that to maintain competitive they should assist specific requirements as a larger production scale. However, that does not make unfeasible the permanence of the companies of small load in the market, but it signals that to maintain viable, they will have to change its production form, heading to a larger productivity, a line of products of larger attaché value and the unification of companies in export consortia. The international market of tropical wood does not work with a scenery of high of prices, since the high competitiveness in producing centers and the intelligence of the consuming markets search alternative products. Therefore it is conclusive that to be competitive it is imperative to reduce costs. The current scenery opens wide possibilities of elevation of the Brazilian participation in the world offer of wood, according to desire of the Brazilian Government that intends to double the amount of the export up to 2002. Concerning to the behavior of the demand at level of internal market, the perspectives are that this should continue growing satisfactorily just for products of high quality. This implies in the need of continuous 104 investments, given the speed of the technological evolution and the high selectivity of the market. In that aspect, to face, either at the level of exigibility imposed for the national and international markets, or to provision a profusion of new industrial applications the use of sustainable practices become imperative, among which: the Forestry Handling, the reforestation, the recycling, among many others. Factors that are conditioning to the amplification of the exploitation base, once the largest flexibility imposed by a larger offer of forest products. The internal migration of the industries of forestry-based hinders the consolidation of a Industrial Park in the State. That difficulty elapses of the non applicability of the self-sustainable forest model, in function of the ignorance of its competitive advantages and relative operational easiness, that if taken to effect it would assure the raw material supply in the proximities of the industrial facilities. 3.5 - THE TENDENCIES OF THE MARKET AND THE POSSIBILITIES OF EXPORT To increase the participation of the State in the Brazilian exports, becomes indispensable a larger deepening in the knowledge of the customs legislation, in the operational dynamics that it involves the exports, besides the study of the characteristics of the consuming markets. Furthermore an appropriate training of its labor contingent is requested, besides the modernization of the production structure and facilitation of the access to specific credit lines. In the future a growing hindrance to the increase of the exports will be the lack of the certification, letting to reveal that the market will close gradually to the Brazilian products that do not have green stamp. The complex subject of the export must be faced in a more including way, through a public policies, constituted of conjoined form for the federal government, state govern and lumber dealers, in order to make viable the means, as of the instruments of the forestry handling, reforestation, improvement of the quality of the products, reach of better conditions of competitiveness, so at the end to reach the end, that is, to elevate the Rondônian participation in the Brazilian exports. 3.6 - ALTERNATIVE MODEL OF FORESTRY EXPLORATION The alternative model of forestry exploration founded in the forestry handling will not be right while the lumber dealer himself is not convicted 105 of its technical, social and above all economic viability. That will only happen from the mathematical demonstration that the relationship profit/cost of the handling is highly favorable, when compared with the traditional model. In fact those resulted are already available for the forestry science, just being left to diffuse them. In complement to the disposed, it is up to the effective success of the forestry handling the cooperation of the public power that should be obligedly committed with the process and with a true forestry policy for the area. That is justified fully for the strategic importance of the industry of forestry-based for Rondônia, since then, the Government itself has just been quibbled the subject in its great Programs of Development (POLONOROESTE, PLANAFLORO), being this way discriminatory, because in spite of the important role that exercises in the social arrangement of the State, the segment was not still portioned with any effective action of these Programs. In relation to the strategic reservations that can make possible the use of the forestry handling, a conclusion can be made: With relation to the Extractivist Reserves, with the improvement of its use system, it is fundamental that there be the cooperation of the several social agents possible in that task, among them: the public power (through regulation of the partnership), the community of the rubber-gatherer (for the execution of the inherent activities to the execution of the forestry handlings), the segment of the forestry-based (by means of its direct action as buyer and who improve the forestry raw material). The State Forests of Sustained Revenue were not availed so far to the industry of forestry-based for the use of the massive available forests. Therefore, it is no use conceiving the Public Policies if, parallelly, there not be a convincing of the government cupula concerning to its utility, motivating a political effort compatible to its implementation on time. The State Forests of Sustained Revenue, the Extrativists Reserves and the National Forests constitute an important stock of resources available to the society for the effective implementation of a larger project, with fulcrum in the warranty of perpetuation of the industry of forestry-based of the State, that is covered of notable economic and social relevance. The full adhesion of the workers of the industries to the model based on sustainable practices along all the production chain, will only become more viable in the exact proportion that there be some incentive modality, for now functional, but mainly monetary, for the adoption of those practices. It is known that to achieve success in the challenge of the new, it is indispensable to offer advantages in replacement of the traditional, fact that certainly will become possible in face of the competitive advantages 106 that the industry will reach when incorporating such measures. The adoption of those measures would facilitate the reduction of the waste, not only in the exploration, but also in the transformation of the raw material. The disloyal competition exercised by illegal sawmills damages those industries that have been searching to adapt to the new logic of forestry exploration. Fiscalization should be intensified, at the same time of the incentive the legalization through mechanisms of attraction (fiscal incentives, opportune credits). Commenting the insertion of the sustainable forestry exploration in the bulge of the contending Calendars of political decisions, reveals that the new proposed model of forestry exploration is perfectly compatible with some items of the list of the ten macroconditionings that, according to the Humid Calendar should mark the development of Rondônia the next two decades. Thus, it is noticed that the model that foresees the adoption of the handling, the participation in forestry fomentation, the verticalization of the production and the expansion of the exploration base coadunate with macroconditionings as: "the economic prosperity and generation of employment opportunities and income" and "the configuration of the territorial occupation pattern according to the guidelines of the 2nd Approach of the Zoning Ecological Social Economic". That way it is noticed that, in reason of the forecast of the forestry handling as activity to be prioritized in the zones 1 and 2 of the 2nd Approach of the Zoning and also for the fact of the industry of forestry-based to possess a great potential of generation of employment and income, a clear syntony of the alternative model of forestry exploration exists with the guidelines of the calendars of political decisions for the area. Complimentarily, the same pattern inserts itself in four of the ten strategic actions proposed for the sustainable development of the State in that calendar, as follows: ü the revision of the system of used transport is requested, due to the high costs taxes for the great distances of highway transport concerning to the products and forest by-products, soon such action is compatible with the strategic that foresees the "valorization of the waterway of the Wood and terrestrial exit to Pacific"; ü in the same way is evidenced a clear tendency to verticalization of the production in the forestry industry that, being about an industry of transformation of primary products, fit broad in a sense in the mentioned action that is about the "agroindustrialization as vector of the vertical integration of the productive chain"; ü in the same line, when proposing the effective use of the State Forests 107 of Sustained Revenue, of the National Forests and of the Extractivists Reserves there is a compatibility with the action of: "implementation of effective practices of environmental administration, in particular in the ambit of the Units of Conservation"; ü finally, in being the industry of forestry-based the activity of the secondary section that most generates employment and income, distributing them along all its productive chain, coadunate perfectly with the action of: "improvement in the life quality". As it is clear, the guidelines of the sustainable development are not limited to the field of the impositions mercantilist, neither the need of idling the industrial parks for a better diffuse and settle the coming socioeconomic benefits from this kind of activity, but above all they are going much beyond, they constitute a consent among the technicians and express a real desire of the society that seems to have become aware it is not more possible to undertake a model of appropriation of the natural resources without any concern with the environment and without promoting some way of compensation of the negative relation profit/cost originated in the process. As a result, it composes the main slope of the great development programs proposed for Amazônia of the century XXI. Facing that reality, the industry of forestry-based cannot intend to survive any more, without incorporating the environmental variable in its "modus operandi", under penalty of succumbing in the process of evolution of the situation in course. 108 3.7 - THE FEDERATIVE PACT With relation to the Federative Pact a clear inadequacy exists in the attendance to the population caused by the disproportion between the need and personnel's contingent and available infrastructure in IBAMA. That is one of the largest hindrance to the regularity of the industry of forestrybased and it needs urgent resolution, under penalty of frustrating an entire effort undertaken by a portion of the industries that wants the legality. The time has been being good to demonstrate that the environmental administration should be exercised more and more by instances decentralized of power. Great effort in that sense has been undertaken through the Ministry of the environment, through the implementation of several projects with this purpose, among which: the Project of Decentralized Execution (PED/PNMA), The Sub-program of Policies of Natural Resources (SPRN/PPG-7), among others. The great socio-environmental debt contracted for the Union to the State of Rondônia for occasion of the agricultural colonization turned its State creditor with relation to a differentiated treatment, culminating with the need of a larger investment of resources for the promotion of the sustainable development. That initiative should be defended by occasion of the voting of the text of the tributary reform in the National Congress, as well as in the discussion and implementation of the Federative Pact, besides the supply of full conditions of operationalization of the Environmental State Policy, as well as of the institutional support in the formulation and proposition of a modern environmental legislation. 3.8 - ASSIMILATION OF SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES To motivate even more the assimilation of sustainable practices on the part of the forestry industry makes necessary a larger effort, understood in the ambit of an including forestry politics, promoted by the Public Power and made a pact with the productive sections and with the consuming market. To turn it effective it is needed a mandatory modification in the model of forestry exploration of Amazônia, in way to adapt it to the new world order that preconize an intelligent use of the renewable natural resources. In the ambit of that use is indispensable that the several sections of the industry of forestry-based, the technical body of the institutions and the staff of the autonomous professionals receive training and capacitation in the concerning activities to the forestry handling. That need permeates the several sub-tasks of the handling project, from the stages of the forestry inventory, planning of the exploration, silvicultural pre and post treatments exploratory, monitoring of the continuous forestry increment of the handled 109 areas, perfect identification of the ideal point of the rotation of the forest, among others. The previous allusions demonstrate with clarity that, from the strategic point of view, the mandatory adoption of the handling techniques is requested, not only for the need of maintaining the supplies of raw material, but also for a subject of assuring competitiveness in the international markets. Therefore, the intensification of those activities consists of any list of discussions, shift of negotiations and calendar of formulation of politics public tending to adapt our industries to the new effective reality in the world market of tropical wood, besides contributing to turn effective and trivial the practice of the certification of the products of forest origin. Allusively to the Forestry Fomentation, is ended that is peaceful to cover in a great experience to face the problems edaphic-climatic experienced in the amazon production systems. Complimentarily, the system potentializes the desirable institute of the partnership, in the measure that congregates the different poles of the same relation around the reach of a common objective. This way, farmers, reforestation associations, forestry raw material consumers, IBAMA and society participate mutually of the process, exercising each one complemental role without overlap of activities, converging everybody to the same objective. For all this, be for the undeniable advantages of the System of Forestry Fomentation, be for the incommensurable socio-economic-environmental benefits that the it brings in the bulge, it becomes fundamental a complete revision of procedures and remodelling of Policy in the sense of springing the Programs of Fomentation and the Associations of Reforestation, as well as stimulating its dispersion for the other states of the Federation. 3.9 - VERTICAL INTEGRATION OF THE PRODUCTION Even having had evolution concerning the verticalization of the production in the State, it is undeniable that the same happened a lot of less than it would be necessary, being insufficient to avoid great wealth losses, incomes and tributes for its economy. Such damage elapses from the current model whose main characteristic is the commercialization "in natura" or with small value attaché of the products. That assertive is covered of larger significance when it is noticed the incommensurable arsenal of advantages, especially the one of economic and social character that can bring from an agreement of a more intense process of verticalization. In that sense it is necessary that the hindrance that impede the process is removed as soon as possible or at least minimized. For the vertical integration of the forestry industry had as urgent for the invigoration of the economy of the State, the modification of the productive 110 chain is requested, incorporating the activities of verticalization of the production. It is known that that goal to be reached needs the creation of political instruments and of an accurate planning of medium and long periods. Before the expressive growth potential in the generation of wealth due to the verticalization of the production, it is allowed to imagine how it would be profitable for the State of Rondônia the adoption of a wide and horizontal program of vertical integration, incorporating subsidiary instruments, since there was a multiplication of generation of benefits, base on the information of the database of FIERO. 3.10 - THE SUBJECT OF THE TRANSPORT With relation to the subject of the transport, seen as burdensome factor of the cost of production of the forest products and therefore checker of smaller competitive character to those products, is had that, one of the largest hindrance to the obtaining of a better status of competitiveness on the part of the products of the industry of forestry-based, refers to the highway transport, making prohibitive the exploration of many forest species of great potential. The exporter still prefers to use the most traditional (highway-maritime, through Santos or Paranaguá), that is also more operational and believe it or not seems more economic. Yet on the subject of the transport, although there is the option of the multimodel transport (highway, fluvial and maritime), enormous difficulties exist to its effective implantation, implying in the need of an effort of State in its correction. The operational difficulties for the full use of the waterway MadeiraAmazonas, besides the corporativism of the companies of fluvial transport reflects the unusual preference of the exporters of lumber products in opting for the use of the system of highway-maritime transport, through ports of Santos and Paranaguá. In that in case the apparent competitive advantage is not confirmed in the practice. 3.11 - TECHNOLOGY The use of technological contributions already available in the market should be incorporated to the production processes, having in sight the possibility of reversion of the competitive disadvantages. In that interim the use of dryers to reduce the medium time of drying and eliminating the sale of green unfolded wood once and for all in Rondônia is of great pertinence. 111 It is also important the use of techniques that propitiate a larger degree of use of residues, that are already available in the market, among which we mention MDF and OSB, that privilege the production of foils from the reordering and pressing of the fibers of the wood. It is opportune to study yet the possibility of biomass use for ends of generation of electric energy, notedly to compose subsidiarily the energetic dies of the State, potentializing in the points of the transmission lines. In that way, a better efficiency of the system, as well as a desirable use of the residues could be propitiated. 3.12 - THE ISSUE OF THE WASTE On the controversial subject of the relation between the use of the authorized woody residues originating in those felled areas and the Authorizations of Deforestations, it is worth concluding the following: ü The Forestry Legislation forces the previous use of the woody residues of the areas to be felled, condition placed as indispensable in the concession of the Authorization of Burning; what does not happen in its fullness due to the excessive bureaucracy and moroseness in the analysis and approval of the forest projects on the part of the environmental organs in the practice. ü in spite of the precept of the legislation, for a long time, was observed in the State a true civil disobedience in relation to this matter. This can be easily checked for the confrontation between the monitoring of the deforestation accomplished by INPE and the consolidated reports of deforestation authorized, done year to year for IBAMA. From this confrontation what is seen is that there was very more desforestation than it was authorized indeed; ü Therefore, if the federal environmental organ did not at least get to authorize and to maintain under control the deforestations accomplished in the State, having that fact generated an enormous amount of burned wood, nothing there is to speak or to interpret that the forestry exploration is at the service of the deforestaion. On the contrary, the forestry exploration is constituted of previous and indispensable stage to the use of the woody residues of the deforestation, as form not only of executing the forestry legislation, but mainly to give an economic and social destination to those products. This way, it is conclusive that along the whole deforestation process the burn of forestry resources likely to be used for the industry constituted a strong competitive factor, that contributed excessively to determine the retraction of the forestry segment and to harm its performance in the group 112 of the economy of the State. Therefore, it interests directly the forestry sector the reduction of the deforestation rates, that even for a logical subject it increases the opportunity of raw material exploration, favoring the perpetuation of the Industries. In reason of the exposed, that subject should be discussed better and the truth of the disclosed facts so that it does not hover on the forestry section more that blemish, position that is identified by the whole society as a stigma that does not deserve, that is, the one of devastating of forests. In relation to dynamics of the waste in the forestry exploration, a low rate of wood conversion still reigns in logs to sawed wood. In spite of the obtained progresses, what persists it is the relation 1,8, or rather, of the whole volume in sawed logs, there just is advantage of 55%. Relatively to the losses verified in the field of the extraction, the interposed obstacles are of technological and operational order. These happen partly due to weak knowledge of the physical and anatomical properties of the species, or due to insufficient domain of the appropriate technologies, besides the lack of a larger popularization of the available species in the consuming markets. Many of the verified losses have cause in the operation of the forestry extraction. This is constituted in an indicative that good part of them they could be avoided by the recycling of the operator, that should receive a new training type, turned to the maximum forestry use and for the practices of the handling. The great challenge placed summarizes the identification of the maximum point of extraction that the forest can support, without damage to its capacity of natural regeneration. Once executed that condition, let know the available wood species better, in a way of making possible its extraction and commercial exploration. All this in reason that an extraction front has practically the same costs, in case it explores 20 or 40 m³/ha. The intensification of the forestry exploration to its permissible maximum limit would assure a better viability of the referred exploration, that should be conjugated with new techniques that facilitated the maximum use of the forestry residues during the exploration. 113 CHAPTER IV PROPOSALS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR REVITALIZATION OF THE SECTOR OF FORESTRY-BASED INDUSTRY 114 CHAPTER IV - PROPOSAL AND SUGGESTIONS FOR REVITALIZATION OF THE SECTOR OF FORESTRY-BASED INDUSTRY 4.1 - THE SOCIOECONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL ZONING OF RONDÔNIA As the proposals of the 2nd Approach of the Socioeconomic and Ecological Zoning of Rondônia are had to consider what is followed for each identifier zone, that consists of the Complemental Law 233 of June 06, 2000. In the Sub-zone 1.1 preconize that 20% of the total of area of the property are destined to the Forestry Legal Reservation, and 80% to the deforestation with ends of alternative use of the soil. In the sub-zone 1.2 it was projected that 40% of the total of area of the properties are destined to the Forestry Legal Reservation, and 60% to the deforestation with ends of alternative use of the soil. In the sub-zone 1.3 intended that 70% of the total of area of the properties are destined to the Forestry Legal Reservation, and 30% to the deforestation with ends of alternative use of the soil. In the sub-zone 1.4 suggested that 80% of the total of area of the properties are destined to the Forestry Legal Reservation, and 20% to the deforestation with ends of alternative use of the soil, being emphasized that you/they should be prioritized perennial cultivation and/or reforestation projects that allow a larger protection of the soils in those 20%. In the sub-zone 2.1 he/she intended that there is government incentive to the following activities: forestry handling in the areas with potential for such; extensive farming in the natural fields with appropriate handling; use of the potential ecotourstic properly based on an adapted planning of the capacity of support of the ranch; activities of intensive creation of fish in the habitats, natural by means of the use of the technique in tanks net, involving the riverine population. In the sub-zone 3.1 preconize its incorporation to the productive system of the State, consonant the constant guidelines of the handling plans and of use of each type of Unit of Conservation, facilitating of its conservation form, at the same time of its economic use and the social destination of its products. In the sub-zone 3.2 it suggests to develop activities of use of its potential ecotouristic, educational, scientific and cultural, the use of restrictions determined by the categories of Units of Conservation being observed according to each case, nevertheless contributing to the socioeconomic and cultural dissemination of benefits to the population. The State should foment the use of that enormous potential by means of specific Public 115 Policy for such end, although for such it has to accomplish partnerships, not only at national but also international level. 4.2 - THE STRATEGIC RESERVATIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE USE In what concerns to the Extractivist Reserves, being considered the matured proposal with relation to the best possible use of its resources in the autochthonous communities' benefit, becomes imperative to propose that the forestry handling of multiple use is implemented with the objective of diversifying the products of the forest, inverting like this the unfavorable relation profit/cost, that was being imposed by a conservative model of exploration in what the practiced vegetable extractivism limited the few products as: the rubber, the gumtree and the chestnut of the pará, even worsened by the low effective prices in the market, besides the presence of countless profiteers along the productive chain. In those terms, he/she understands each other modernly that the forestry handling in the Extractivist Reserves has to move forward for timber and non timber products, besides the incentive to alternative activities as: the exploration of the biotechnology and the use of ecotourism. Concerning to forestry handling, for the desired success of the activity is requested the compulsory cooperation of several agents in the production chain. Thus, the rubber-gatherer community would be in charge of the activities inherent to the execution of the forestry handling, while to the public power the duty would be the motivation, by means of specific public policies, besides regulating the matter and the conditions of the partnership, on the other hand the sector of Forestry-based would act as buyer and processor of the forestry raw material, that in this way, would have origin and would be produced in a sustainable way. The desirable will of different agents would take to a convergent situation of mutual cooperation, where the partners would act in a complemental way, eliminating shading and unnecessary competitions. Hence this proposal would close a cycle of perfect integration forestry-industry-society In relation to the State Forests of Sustained Revenue, in reason of the slowness of the State in implementing the actions foreseen in PLANAFLORO, that has been resulting in gradual and apprehensive discharacterization of many of the areas destined for that aim, becomes imperative that the Public Power, in partnership with the private initiative, bring to an end providences that allow the ready availability of those areas so that companies of the sector of forestry-based, according to established approaches, can execute forestry handling plans immediately, ordering the exploration of its natural resources. Concerning to the National Forests it is necessary that there is a larger administration of the State Government and of the representative entities of the industry of forestry-based close to IBAMA, in the sense that a larger 116 speed in the availability of those strategic areas happen. That becomes extremely opportune once it is evident the slowness of that organ as the operacionalization of this process, fact approved by the impotence of the Public Power in maintaining the surveillance and the integrity of the mentioned National Forests face the great anthropic pressure exercised. That has been representing serious risk to the commitment of the quality of the existent forestry stocks, yet being taken into account, its importance for the implementation of an alternative model of sustainable forestry exploration in the State. Relatively to the Units of Conservation of Indirect Use, it is recommended that the State Parks, the National Parks, the Ecological Stations and the Areas of Environmental Protection, until who knows in the future, the indigenous areas, can be availed for the controlled public visitation and the ecotourism. Those activities become possible since conceived in a planned way with the intention of being integrated in a great component destined to promote the ecodevelopment of the State. This would propitiate conditions of economic and social return to the local population, by means of the identification of the potentialities ethno-cultural and the valorization of its identity. Only this way it could integrate the autochthonous community in the several rendering of services that involve the ecotouristic activity. For that it becomes fundamental a study of the tourist potential of each Unit of Conservation, as well as the identification of the attractiveness and of the communities' aptitude, always taking in consideration the individual maximum capacity of support. When of the analysis of the current situation of anthropic pressure in the Valley of the Guaporé-Mamoré, it becomes indispensable an effective action of the Government of the State, so that to protect the mentioned area and the wealth that it contains from the uncontrolled pressure of the anthropism and to provide them with the appropriate use planning, with fulcrum in the promotion and use of its potentialities, such as: the fishing tourism, the hunt tourism, the indigenous tourism, etc. 4.3 - THE ISSUE OF THE COMPETITIVENESS Consonant the need to print larger competitive character to the local products, face the difficulties presented in relation to the products of another closer areas to the big cities, it urges to promote a wide training program and capacitation to reach products of better quality. In the same line it is necessary to reduce the costs of the component freight that has been making unfeasible the exploration of many amazon products, especially several species of wood that, if taken advantage of, would print new condition, much more favorable, of viability for the execution of plans of forestry handling in the area. Therefore, concerning to low competitiveness of the products, in that it is 117 affected by the high transport costs, we suggest the following: ü The use of the waterway Madeira - Amazonas to export of forestry products and by-products; ü The improvement of the port system of Porto Velho and Itacoatiara, adapting them to the load needs, winches of high tonnage, customs, warehouses, customhouse and other essential items for its good operation; ü the drying of the forestry products, that in some cases provide a reduction of almost 50% in its weight, being reflected in the cheapening of the cost of the transport, condition that would print an enormous competitive advantage, to the products of another areas of the country and of the world. Another essential guideline to the competitiveness of the products of the industry of forestry-based of Rondônia, is the need of an incentive policy to the verticalization of the production. It is noticed that an incentive strategy to the verticalization of the production is tending to alter the industrial profile of the State, in the sense of turning it bearer of greater power of transformation of raw material and this way to endow it of better aggregation of value to the production, unlike the current situation. To do so, it is indispensable supply it with all the additional instruments of incentive that can stimulate the alteration of the productive chains, with the intention of decreasing, or in some cases, even avoiding the escape of wealth, such common fact in our economy. This negative process represents unrecoverable losses and therefore need an energetic action of the government to stagnate it. In reason of importance provedly strategic of that segment for the economy of the State, it turned indispensable that the Government and kindred entities institute mechanisms of incentive to those industries, facilitating means to the fast modification of its production structure. In that sense among others is recommended: ü creation of regular courses of training at horizontal and vertical level of the industry (cupula, leaderships and workers in general), besides training in the technological area, mechanics, mercantilist, silvicultural and etc; ü creation of opportune and enough credit lines, for the activities and of forestry costing, working capital, and fixed investment, with compatible interest rates to the long chronogram of forestry activities; ü effective implementation of fiscal incentives foreseen in the legislation; 118 ü government incentive to the best popularization and propaganda of the products of the industry of forestry-based out of the State, not only in Brazil but also abroad. Larger participation in workshops, fairs, congresses, besides the creation of an annual fair of forestry products in the State of Rondônia. Concerning to the relative aspects the labor hand that it affect the acting of the companies of the segment wood-timber-furniture we suggest: ü the exertion through advertisement campaigns, lectures, etc, to become aware, not only the employees, but also the entrepreneurs, its respective class entities and the organs linked to the educational area, with relation to the need of taking measures that elevate the school degree of by force of work in the industries. Consonant the reprofessionalization, suggests hat a great program of professional qualification is created to be executed by SENAI/SEBRAE, with views the improve the level of the workers' technical formation, especially of the industry of forestry-based, with emphasis in the improvement of the performance of the companies and in the use of sustainable practices in the whole production chain. For a better adaptation the structure of professional formation to the new demands of the market, it is made opportune to suggest the elaboration of a market study that analyzes the current characteristics of the production lines in operation, confronting them with the imposed needs, in way to allow the proposition of a group of corrective measures in the programming content of the courses to form a professional better identified with the new production paradigms and with the new industry pattern, more and more verticalized and returned to the self-sustainability. 4.4 - FORESTRY POLITICS FOR THE STATE Being considered the discussions about the suggested planning difficulties, that has as a result in such flotation in the market in the last years, to the point of promoting the demonetization and closing of a considerable portion of the industrial park of Rondônia, notably the micro and small companies, are up to suggest the outlining of a forestry policy of long period, ruled in a forestry legislation carefully conceived and studied under the analysis of the mercantilistic tendencies, especially of the external market, in order to allow a better planning of medium and long period. It is opportune to suggest the accomplishment of a market study in order to identify the desirable professional's profile in the several activities of the branches wood-timber-furniture. This measure becomes important when 119 aligned to the best need to qualify its employees so that to assist the high qualification degree that the regime of competitiveness now requests. An effort of all the agents should be undertaken, in the public and private areas, to reestablish a new developmental pulse capable to assist the socioeconomic demands of the State, especially turned to the segment of forestry-based, since it is working clearly less than its installed capacity. The existence of a great contingent of illegal sawmills, requests the proposal of a wide and consistent understanding program, demonstration and attraction of those companies for the legality. This can be made using creativity, offering the companies a series of benefits and fiscal incentives, financing offer, training and capacitation as well as alerting for the high risks in they incur when staying in the illegality face the current rigidity of the new legislation, not only environmental, but also tributary. Concerning to the restrictive factors and impeding related by hierarchical level of importance, it is worth saying that for surpassing of obstacles to the revitalization of the industry of forestry-based we suggest her among other measures: ü The administration close to the responsible financial institutions for the promotion of the regional development in the sense that avail resources for financing working capital to the industries; ü The ready availability of the Units of Conservation of Direct Use for the implementation of plans of forestry handling with views to regularize the stocks and raw material supplies to the industries; ü The creation of alternative mechanisms of financing the programs of forestry fomentation and reforestation projects implanted in the State, aiming the warranty of future supply; ü The incentive to the execution of programs of forestry fomentation in the projects of establishment of INCRA. The administration close to the responsible financial institutions for the promotion of the regional development in the sense that avail resources for financing working capital to the industries; The ready availability of the Units of Conservation of Direct Use for the implementation of plans of forestry handling with views to regularize the stocks and raw material supplies to the industries; The creation of alternative mechanisms of financing the programs of forestry fomentation and reforestation projects implanted in the State, aiming the warranty of future supply; 120 The incentive to the execution of programs of forestry fomentation in the projects of establishment of INCRA. 4.5 – THE EXPORTATION AND THE MERCADOLOGIC DEMANDS In relation to the objectives of the Brazilian Government in doubling the exportations until 2002, focusing the discussion in the forestry-based sector, it is important to create a public policy consistent, that favors the adoption of practices that are basic exigencies to achieve new market niches, even more competitive prices. Among the practices viable to be adopted, it can be mentioned a severe control of the origins of the forestry products, specially those from the natural forests and a System of Certification of those products, according to the norms and patterns worldwide accepted. Complimentarily, it is necessary to give a high a priority to the furniture industry to produce products of a greater aggregated value and of more use of technology (wood panels, wood artifacts, etc.) In relation to the issue of the imperative necessity to adapt the existing structures of production to the patterns of eligibility of the productive scale of the external market, the capacity of production of the companies could be maximized, through the formation of cooperatives or exportation consortium. To the enlargement of the participation of the industries of wood panels, in the special market of exportations, the most important measure to be taken is the execution of massive investments in the modernization of the lay-outs, in the mood to adapt them to the rules and impositions of the international market. This leads to the necessity of instituting financing lines compatible to the characteristics and to the capacity of payment of the companies, making them opportune and in the right size to change the industrial profile. In relation to the obstacles found, that has interrupted the evolution of the Rondonian exportations, it is necessary to propose the organization of missions of local entrepreneurs to business trips abroad, with the objective not only of stimulating the immediate contact with the consumers, but, beyond all, to obtain a better knowledge of the operational dynamics of the exportations, legislation and the intrinsic characteristics of the consumer markets. This is fundamental because these markets evolve constantly and demand, frequently, new patterns of products that need to be known and followed by the local industry. Besides, this knowledge make feasible the utilization of the competitive advantages exclusive of region. For instance, it can be mentioned the case of the furniture industry, 121 the high attractiveness and the fascination done by the conjugation of the variety of colors of the Amazonian woods, associated to designers of high creativity, aggregating value to the unique characteristics of the local species To permit that the suggested measures come to be effective, it is fundamental the following steps: ü To stimulate the associativism among various producers to supply the demands of the scale economy; ü To enforce the establishment of patterns for the products according to the exigencies of the international market; ü To study and implement a system of fluvial transportation, using the hydroway of Madeira-Amazonas, with pass-through to Belém, to the improvement of the competition of the local products for exportation; ü Specific training about legislation and special regimes of exportation. Concerning to the adjustment of the sector of forestry-based to the growing demandability of the international market for products ecologically correct, becomes fundamental a great effort for adaptation of the several intervening institutes in the process as: the public power, the representative entities of the sector and the entrepreneurs, in the sense of promoting the diffusion of techniques and sustainable sub-tasks in all the hierarchical levels of the companies, involving directly since the workers and especially the employees involved in the forestry exploration, in a way to internalize new concepts of self-sustainable production. 122 4.6 - MODELO SELF-SUSTAINABLE VIABILITY Yet on the alternative models of forestry exploration, it is suggested, with the intention of facilitating its implementation, the creation of a package for the forestry handling, in order to increase the incentive to its adoption on the part of the lumber dealer, demonstration of its economic viability, technique and social, of its competitive advantage in relation to other exploration models and of the relative operational easiness of implementation. To turn effective the approved forestry handling plans, it is indispensable to conceive of a plural and participative way an appropriate public policy, endowed with all the useful and necessary ingredients to the correct and timely application of the preconized silviculturals techniques, as well as the training of personnel's contingent for the referred performance in the projects, so that it can carry out with dexterity all the demanded abilities, in the several phases of the process, such as: field surveys, exploration of low environmental impact and forestry inventory, forestry planning, pre and post exploratory treatments, continuous forestry inventory, among others. Besides, it is necessary that in that forestry policy of Rondônia, the forecast of incentive mechanisms is made to the manager for definitive adoption of the self-sustainable model in its industrial operational routine. The selfsustainable model that could contribute for those activities should contemplate: ü The institution of specific lines of credits for the Bank of Amazônia or Agency of Development that can come to happen, to finance the elaboration and execution of forestry handling plans, and reforestation projects with liberation of resources in time and appropriate amount, endowed with the necessary time and with period of compatible amortization to the activity; ü The credit concession for the financing of another sustainable activities (implantation and maintenance of reforestation, acquisition of machines and equipment that reduce the waste in the extraction and sawing, etc.); ü The establishment of a group of fiscal incentives to those industries that adopt the forestry handling, among which: differentiated aliquots of ICMS, exemption of federal tributes, etc; ü Incentive to the use of by-products of the extracted wood, as well as in the sense of enlarging the range of species explored commercially, for so it is recommended: financing of compatible machines for forestry exploration of low environmental impact, financing of machines and 123 equipment for drying and improvement of wood including the ones excessively hard; ü Incentive to the training and designers development that potencialize the formidable natural diversity of the species of amazon wood, especially in what refers to the forestry craft in way to work with the use of remains of the forestry exploration, that usually get lost almost in its totality (roots, bifurcations, shaft defects, tortuosities); ü Promotion of international fairs, workshops and events that can disclose the products of forest origin produced under the form of sustainable handling in Amazônia, as well as to approach the effective commercial agents to the entrepreneurs in the international market; ü the adaptation of the environmental legislation to the local reality; ü the concession of a gradual system of fiscal incentives to the companies that increase the degree of verticalization of the production; ü the implementation of the certification of the forestry products in the State; ü the decentralization of the environmental administration, so that it becomes executed at least at level of State. With relation to the vertical training of the industries concerning the adoption of sustainable practices, it is suggested to stimulate internal Programs of incentives to incorporate the sustainable practices, with punctuation system that allows to the employees to improve its revenues, whereas that proceed. Referring to the effects of the disloyal competition on the adoption in mass of the proposed alternative model, consider that to alter models is imperative that the public power also does its part, creating an intelligent fiscalization driven to eliminate the noxious effects of that competition to the companies that embrace the self-sustainable model. With relation to the forestry fomentation, in reason of its vital importance for self-sustainable of the forestry section in Rondônia, suggest the complete revision of the procedures adopted with the intention of revitalizing the reforestation associations, endowing them with appropriate infrastructure of cuttings production, machines and equipment in bulge of a program of institutional invigoration specifically turned to such end. For so it urges to prioritize in the ambit of the forestry policy of the State the activity of the forestry fomentation. Besides, the referred activity should have its range of performance enlarged, absorbing other activities of great social- environmental significance as for example: 124 ü the programs of recovery of the margins of the rivers and creeks; ü the creation of a great program with views to the implantation of energy forests in the State. Consonant the subject of the reforestation, considered in its whole, the following suggestions fit: ü the permission of the implantation of high and concentrated wood production projects with species of fast growth in recently deforested areas; ü the availability of the areas in the zone of agricultural consolidation of Rondônia (axis of BR 364 and proximity) for the cash execution of the obligatory forestry replacement, mainly in the areas that advanced the permissible limit of 50% of deforestation, in small and medium rural properties. For so in the quality of incentive it is suggested the concession of credits of forestry replacement for the trees planted in those areas; ü the proposal of policy of incentive to the reforestation, such as: the concession of credits for the recomposition of forest legal reservations and areas of permanent preservation (steep hills and margins of rivers and creeks); ü the concession of compatible forest credit with the extensive periods of final rotation of the forest cultures. Adapting them therefore to its peculiar conditions of time and need of subsidized interests, face the strategic importance of the formation of massive forest, indispensable condition for the obtaining of additional stocks to the supply of solemnity maintainability of the segment of forestry-based; ü the creation of an incentive politics to the implantation of energy forests in the state of Rondônia, as form of allowing the firming potency in the points of the lines of transmission of existent electric energy in the State. It urges for that to make possible the effective destination of the resources of the bill of credits of compensation of fuel (CCC) as middle of subsidizing the implantation of that activity; ü the creation of a program for incentive to the reforestation, supplying it of coming resources of the: Constitutional Fund of the North (FNO), Fund of Investment of Amazônia (FINAM), Superintendence of the Zona Franca of Manaus (SUFRAMA) and PPG-7, including as it consists of the Law Complemental no. 233, of June 6, 2000. Consonant the modernization of the production, seen as form of turning 125 the Industry of more sustainable and economically profitable Forestrybased, the following is suggested: ü specific training of work hand in wagon activities as: laminating of ribbons, sawing technique, improvement, drying, chemical treatment and conservation of wood; ü specific training in techniques of such furnishing as: painting in wood, lacquering, designer, production engineering, total quality applied to the case, among others; ü training in Forestry Legislation, with emphasis in the new Law of Environmental Crimes; ü training in Customs Duties, Special of Export Regime and External Trade; ü training in Forestry Handling so much for the entrepreneur as for the employees. ü working capital financing for the companies; ü fiscal incentives to the verticalization of the production. Consonant the reduction of the deforestation rates in the State, suggests that the Public Power intensifies the fiscalization and the environmental control, as well as it implements measures that already facilitate the small and medium farmer a better use of its anthropic areas, so that cannot benefit better revenues and life level, working with the same fractions of areas without however having to move forward to new areas of forests, or at least to minimize this progress. In what it concerns the assimilation of sustainable practices on the part of the industry of forestry-based, in spite of the verified progresses, it is suggested a more contusing action of the State, by means of the implementation of a public policy for the diffusion of those actions also composed the inclusion of mechanisms of dismystification of sustainable activities that, for ignorance, are seen with distrust by a portion of the entrepreneur, as it is the case of the forestry handling and of the reforestation. 4.7 - POLICY OF FISCAL INCENTIVES AND CREDITWORTHY Besides the readiness of the credit, other incentive mechanisms need to be incorporated in the context of the referred forestry Policy with the objective 126 of turning it viable. Among many, it could be implemented some instruments as the discriminated below: ü a differentiation of aliquots of the federal tributes and state incidents on the wood originating from of handling and reforestation, turning this way its implementation even more advantageous for the manager; ü Incentive to the adoption of techniques of forestry exploration of low environmental impact, among them a great program of recycling of the workers in extraction, with views to decrease the gross waste that begins in felling of the tree and tracing of the logs; ü Investments in modern machinery that allow a better use in the sawing of the wood, reducing like this the waste observed in the patios of the sawmills; ü Investments in modernization of the industries, as in the financing of dryers to increase the competitiveness of the forest products; ü Investments in the verticalization of the production, fundamental condition for a better use of the raw material forest in all its stages, joining value to the final product in the State of Rondônia; ü Incentive to the adoption of new technologies, especially for the production of wood panels (compensated, agglomerates, MDF and OSB), in consonance with the effective tendencies of demand growth in the international market; ü Increase of the fiscalization addressed for those companies that adopt not actions in the search of the self-sustainability (companies that do not possess plan of handling, that do not participate in programs of forestry fomentation, etc); ü Creditworthy incentives to small farmers that implant consortia agroforesty and participate in forestry fomentation programs; Consonant the inaccessibility of the local industries to the instruments creditworthy and of fiscal incentives, in face to the estrangement between the conceding institutions and the local entrepreneur, it is worth promoting an effort of approach between both. For so, the accomplishment of seminars of popularization of the existent instruments is proposed, besides the training and local technicians capacitation in the elaboration of projects. It would be useful that there was the unification of the federal congressmen of the State to accomplish the political negotiation of minimum quotas of participation in the available budgetary resources. To guide the improvement of the participation of the local industry in the 127 use of fiscal incentives, it is suggested the following measures: ü Facilitate the access to the benefit of the fiscal incentive that treats the Law no. 231 of April 25, 2000. Remind that such benefit is applied just to new investments or amplifications, not constituting in obligation or collection loss for the State. ü Study the implantation of mechanisms of attraction of capitals of national or foreign origin, especially of the called Pension Fund. ü Promote the use of the mechanism of "postponement" of ICMS, enlarging the benefits to other sectors not reached today. ü Facilitate the exchange of lands for relocation of companies. ü Promote the effective donation of areas and industrial lots, to depend of the nature of the enterprise and capacity of labor absorption. It is rule already foreseen in the Law no. 61/92, but that is not really verified. ü Promote the simplification of the process of registration of companies. ü Adapt the bidding procedure, facilitating the access to the small form companies the one that happens in the practice. ü Implement program of technical attendance in the elaboration of projects. ü Implement a support program to the industrial poles of the State, that contemplate fiscal and financial incentives, besides technical, managerial attendance and of labor qualification. For such ends, search the partnership with bank institutions, SENAI, SEBRAE and another. ü Elaborate studies of opportunities of industrial investments, in particular those linked to the use of residues and that promote a greater degree of improvement of the wood. ü government Support in the landing regularization of the industrial lots, in the urban and rural areas of the state, in order to facilitate its use as bank warranty in financing to the industry. In what it refers to the subject of the informality of the industries of forestry-based, a great effort should be undertaken to bring that contingent to the formality, creating for that incentive mechanisms, orientation, fiscal benefits for micro and small companies of the activity, among other, some times qualifying, other times financing activities of the gender and, even inspecting and punishing the transgressors. 128 4.8 - THE FEDERATIVE PACT With base on the verification of the enormous social-environmental debt that the Union has to the State of Rondônia, it is proposed measures that seek to correct, the enormous distortions mentioned above, as follows: ü the revision of the approach of calculation of the Participation Fund of the State, incorporating in its form of analytic composition compensatory instrument, founded in the percentile of protected areas; ü the institution of green ICMS; ü the creation of an additional tribute on the products of the Zona Franca of Manaus, as form of generate surpluses for compensatory investments in States of Western Amazônia; ü the habilitation for emission of green bonus for reception of coming resources of the countries polluter for emission of carbon, in the terms of the Convention of Kyoto. In relation to subject of the Federative Pact, it is suggested its immediate implementation, being reviewed the attributions of environmental fiscalization, of the authorizations of forestry exploration, of the deforestation and of the burnings for the state environmental organ. Complimentarily it is intended that the attendance actions to the public in distant municipal districts, environmental education and forestry extension, be reviewed for the Company of Technical Attendance and Rural Extension of Rondônia - EMATER. Instrumentalism of the Federative Pact, conceived initially to strengthen the environmental state organ, should foresee mechanisms of medium period to answer this experience in the sense of deepening the decentralization process heading for municipal environmental administration. For so, efforts should be made to stimulate the creation of environmental municipal organs, besides the competent juridical ordering that aided them, as well as the institutional invigoration, the training and the agents capacitation, besides instigating the integrated environmental municipal administration, with wide participation of the civil society. The training policy and capacitation, although of vital importance, it cannot be implemented alone. It should be accomplished simultaneously with other mechanisms of incentives that facilitate its potentiality. 4.9 - THE ISSUE OF MARKETING 129 Allusively to the stigma imputed to the segment of forestry-based, urges to make opportune a great marketing campaign, seeking a better enlightenment not only in the media but also in the public opinion for the reality of the facts, once in reason of the great existent misinformation, formed an alliance with the mistaken interpretation of a reality not very known in the South Center and in the exterior, it has been having an stigmatization of this important segment, in spite of its social economic great importance and of its enormous potential for the self-sustainable production of natural resources. To minimize these impacts, suggest: ü Implant a permanent program of training in schools, several community associations with views to illuminate and to guide on the importance of the segment of forestry-based for the economy of the State; ü Promote promotional campaign of the sector communication vehicles (radio, newspaper, TV); close to the ü Implement a system of direct mail for folders distribution and posters in the whole country, driven to the government and not government organizations. As the relationship of the industry of forestry-based with the stigma of "devastating the forest" that is it attributed, it is worth suggesting a more aggressive posture of the segment to what it refers its self-defense. That is said having in mind that the resources used by the sector represent almost nothing in relation to whom were indeed burned, for occasion of the process of colonization of the area, being considered that being a renewable natural resource, the wood should be used. However, it should be inserted inside a program of forestry handling that assures its perpetuation. There is, opportunely, the need of a better enlightenment not only in the media but also of the public opinion for the reality of the facts, that for misinformation, insist on stigmatizing the section. 4.10 - THE ISSUE OF THE WASTE In what it concerns to the great waste of the forestry exploration observed in the State of Rondônia, we propose the creation of a great program of quality control to be especially returned to the segment wood-timberfurniture. This program could be developed by SEBRAE-RO, yet counting with the partnership of FIERO. The main objectives of such a program would be: ü Reduction of the wastes observed in all the stages of the forestry exploration and of the industrial processing; 130 ü to Improve the quality of the products and forest by-products adapting them the new wave of occurring demandability in the world market of tropical wood; ü to Study new alternative products that can emanate of the enormous volumes of residues produced now by the timber industry. 131 CHAPTER V STRATEGIC PLAN OF ACTION 131 CHAPTER V - STRATEGIC PLAN OF ACTION 5.1 - POLICY FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE FORESTRY SECTION In reason of the nomadic character assumed by the wood industry until the present moment, the State of Rondônia did not consolidate its forestrybased industrial park, in need therefore, of political actions that allow the attainment of this goal. The recent institution of the Second Approach of the Social Ecological Economical Zoning is translated in a tool of great importance for the establishment of that public policy. Therefore, to alter the current view it is indispensable to accomplish and to make accomplish what preconizes the Complemental Law no. 233 of June 6, 2000, besides what is suggested: ü Implement in the areas of inclusion of the sub-zones 1.3 and 1.4 of ZEE incentive actions to the forest fomentation associated with perennial cultures, especially the coffee and the cocoa, besides the recovery of the areas of permanent preservation using resources of the State Program of Reforestation and Recovery of Ciliary Forests, as well as of other sources to be negotiated: PPG-7, SUFRAMA, FNO, SUDAM; ü Implement in the areas of inclusion of the sub-zones 2.1 and 2.2 of ZEE incentive actions to the forestry handling, using resources to be negotiated: PPG-7, SUFRAMA, FNO, SUDAM; ü Institute the compulsory planting of a tree for cubic meter consumed by the forestry companies whose origin is of areas of forestry handling; ü Define a government strategy, with the support of the kindred institutions, for the reception of resources close to pollutant companies, in the terms of the convention of Kyoto, for application in programs of forestry fomentation and maintenance of protected areas; ü Administrate close to IBAMA and SEDAM to differentiate the rites of analysis and approval of projects of forestry handling and deforestation. Simplifying the analysis and approval of the first ones in detriment of the seconds; ü Create a state program of incentive to the formation of energetic forests; ü Strengthen SEDAM - Clerkship of State Development and ultimate the Federative Pact; of Environmental 133 ü Promote a complete revision in the state environmental legislation, giving support the action of the State through Federative Pact. 5.2 - POLICY OF COMPETITIVENESS The wood-furnishing production of the State has been destined basically to the internal market due to the bass pattern technological employee in the production, except for rare exceptions. An united effort should be undertaken so much by the representative entities of the referred segment as for the Government of the State for the diffusion of new processes and for the scientific and technological development of the products. The current agility of the national and international trade, especially with the coming of the globalization it requests of the companies continuous investments in machines, equipment, personnel's training and market studies. With the intention of checking larger status of competitiveness to the segment wood-furnishing of the State he/she intends that is proceeded: ü Promote the articulation of institutions to systematize the scientific research and the technological development in the State; ü Diffuse techniques and specific technologies for the best use of the forest species, of the mechanical processing, aiming to reduce the waste along every productive chain of the wood (to example of the drying technology, of MDF, of OSB, of the wood boards, etc.); ü Instrument centers of scientific and technological excellence in the State, making possible the Technical Wood Furniture Center CEMOTEMA (SENAI/SEBRAE), using resources of PPD/PPG-7; ü Diffuse technology treatment and chemical preservation of the wood checking resistance to the attack of microorganisms; ü Articulate and promote, with resources of the Program of Support to the Vocational Teaching - PROEP, a wide training program for entrepreneurs and workers of the several phases of the production, involving the kindred institutions: SEBRAE for the training in managerial administration and customs legislation; SENAI for the training in technologies of processes (drying, finish, design, lamination, industrial lay-out, production of dense foils); SENAC for the training in commercial techniques and export regimes; SENAR for 134 the training in silviculturals practices for the reforestation and the forestry handling; ü Create a Fund of Development for the Competitiveness, provided with resources originating from of motivated ICMS (5%), besides resources of SUFRAMA, of SUDAM, of FNO, of PPG-7; ü Create the manager council of the Fund of Development for the Competitiveness, composed by representatives of the woodfurnishing segment, Federal and State Govern and of the research institutions; ü Motivate the consolidation of the furnishing poles, as of the Ariquemes, with provision of resources of SUFRAMA, SUDAM, FNO and of PPG-7; ü Motivate the trading formation and export consortia; ü Implant logistics infrastructure of distribution and mercantilist marketing to publish the applicability of use of forest species still not marketed; ü Improve the infrastructure of the port of Porto Velho and endeavor actions for the frequent use of the Madeira-Amazonas waterway for the exporters companies of the segment wood-furnishing; ü Implant service of certification of origin of the raw and industrialized wood; ü Implant service of wood classification seeking the international trade; ü Reduce in general in 50% the rates of environmental licensing and services collected by SEDAM and IBAMA. 5.3 - POLICY OF FISCAL INCENTIVES AND CREDITWORTHY The wood-furnishing segment, in spite of its strategic importance in the social-economical context in the State of Rondônia, it is not receiving a compatible treatment on the part of the Public Power not only at state level, but also at federal level. As a prove of that is that in the recent promulgation of the Law of fiscal incentives of the State of Rondônia (Complemental Law no. 231 of April 25, 2000), the segment practically was excluded of the benefits. This segment, in spite of its pioneering character in the economical consolidation of the State, is now in clear cooling tendency. One of the 135 greatest indications of that assertive is the fact that the segment is operating with only 50% of its installed capacity. Therefore, it is treated of an activity of great potential employment generator and income and that is ready for, with small inversions, to enlarge its production considerably. Urges to be undertaken an united effort of government and para-state entities in the intention of creating conditions of the re-establishment of the segment to the condition of full employment. ü To do so the principal measures are suggested, to be implemented, as follows: ü Administrate close to the fomentation organisms for the creation of financing sources and specific lines of credit for the forest section; ü Institute a policy of fiscal incentives in the sense of granting conceited credit of ICMS in up to 95%, for certain period conditioned to specific criteria, as proposed enclosed; Promote, through ITERON, a program of landing regularization of industrial areas with views to turn them capable the giving in warranty of financing. 5.4 - MARKETING PLAN* 5.4.1 - STRATEGIC PLANNING The communication actions for the strengthening of the wood industries discard all and any communication that induces to the passivity. The interactivity is the most promising road for an effective communication. We understood that among the necessary actions are the adoption of a communication based on the opening and feeding of permanent channels of dialogue with the public opinion. It is necessary to illuminate and to inform, the only way to dismystify the prejudice. That is not a task that is solved only with advertising campaigns. It is necessary to conjugate advertising efforts (to inform the public better), with press actions (list suggestions and support to accomplish them, individual meetings with opinion formers etc.), public relations for approach and segmented public convincing (owners of communication vehicles, parliamentary of green parties, environmentalists etc.), endomarketing "and " direct marketing ". It is intended an including, systematic and durable communication, that could not be diluted in punctual actions that are ineffective and they disappear in the time. Thus, it is intended a strategic planning, under the brim of the " marketing ", that will be accomplished in stages, seeking to inform and to make the 136 public opinion aware of the activities of the wood sector, simultaneously to the work of recovery of the self-esteem of the entrepreneur of the sector, affected by the prejudice. They should be prepared and secure, transmitting through actions, words, attitudes and mobilization the wood sector socio-economic importance and its enormous potential for the selfsustained production of natural resources of the country. 5.4.2 - STRATEGY OF ADVERTISING COMMUNICATION Strategic axis: to organize and to mobilize the own wood sector, working its self-esteem. Show the society that the wood sector is against the devastation of the forest, acting in the environmental education and in the preservation of the Amazon Forest. The word of order of that work stage is dismystify the prejudice. Show the social-economic importance of the sector and its enormous potential for the self-sustained production of the natural resources. Absolute priority: campaign of clarify of the public opinion. The strategy and the marketing " action that should be adopted will be gone back to the break of resistances, with the objective of creating the favorable atmosphere for the approach of the press. Public-objective: opinion formers and multipliers, environmentalists, ONGs, Executive Power, Legislative and Judiciary and society in general. Thematic Party: the strategy of communication advertising proposal is based on an involving, direct and objective thematic party: FOREST WHO DEPENDS On ME Does not Want My End ANCHORED IN: It IS NOT BECAUSE it is CUT THAT does not CARE MEANS OF COMMUNICATION - MEDIA: Television, radio, newspaper, magazines, outdoor ", " front light " (especially in airports). MEANS OF COMMUNICATION - INTERNAL PUBLIC: posters, pamphlets, folders, buttons, T-shirts, bonnets, flags, strips, media training, internal reports, seminars and workshops, researches, broadside with general information and reproduction of the pieces of the campaign. MEANS OF COMMUNICATION - EXTERNAL PUBLIC: posters, direct suitcase, 137 folders, web site, educational and of curiosities booklets, press-kits. CONSULTANTSHIP OF PRESS: It is fundamental to choose a speaker with credibility for the relation with the press, to illuminate and to inform about the wood sector. Direct contacts will be accomplished with journalists opinion formers in the printed and electronic media. The actions seek to open space for the manifestation of the sector. Distribution of notes for publication in columns of the great press - the most read sections of the newspapers - and releases on-line. ENDOMARKETING: That work seeks to work the managers' of the sector self-esteem and to mobilize them for the effort of informing the society better about its activity, creating conditions so that they are exposed. That exhibition demands the uniform of the speech and the strengthening of its arguments. It is intended an initial meeting with leaderships of the sector to illuminate the objectives of the communication. Other meetings are appointed so that it is obtained unit in the political action and communication. It is appointed, still, media training for the managers' preparation, seeking to the best communication in the electronic vehicles. Finally, the whole strategy of advertising communication is conceived in the need of clarifying of the public opinion about the wood sector's activities. The including way to reach in block the population of the country is, without a doubt, through the electronic media. And the best language to transmit what one wants is that that echoes instantly in the daily of the people. The communication actions will have beginning in Rondônia, captained by FIERO and for SEBRAE/RO. The expanding of the communication actions will be presented in a posterior stage. 5.4.3 - SAMPLES Announcement Newspaper TITLE: what WE WANT is to fell THE PREJUDICE. FORMAT: 4 COL (19.6CM) X 26 CM IMAGE: Sheet. TEXT: The wood-furniture industry is responsible for the creation and for the maintenance of 25 thousand direct jobs. It is one of the main sources of tributes of Rondônia. It contributes with 12% of the revenues of ICMS. It produces two thirds of the export revenues. It represents more than 60% of industrial GDP and almost a fifth of total GDP of the State. Those data confirm the economic and social importance of the sector. They 138 also demonstrate the why it is necessary to knock down the prejudice. For industry, it is a comprehensible the concern of the environmentalists and of the public opinion with the Amazon Forest, but it is necessary to distinguish what is legal and self-sustainable exploitation of the forest than ecologically predatory activity. The wood-furniture industry does not want the devastation of the forest and also does not agree with the felling of our trees illegally. It works, that is true, so that Brazil of the third millennium is a Nation committed with the sustainable development and with the life quality of each one of its citizens. SIGNATURES: Syndicates OF THE wood industry OF RONDÔNIA, FIERO and SEBRAE-RO SLOGAN: FOREST - WHO DEPENDS On ME does not WANT MY END Announcement Reviewed TITLE: It IS NOT BECAUSE it is CUT, THAT does not CARE. FORMAT: 4 COL (19.6CM) X 26 CM IMAGE: Hand holding cutting TEXT: The Amazon Forest is one of the largest patrimonies of our country. A pride for all the Brazilians. For the wood/furniture industry, besides a natural patrimony, the forest is also a survival reason: for the sector and the population that depends on our activity. We are responsible for the creation and maintenance of 25 thousand direct jobs. We do not want the devastation of the forest and also do not agree with the felling of our trees illegally. We worked, that is true, so that Brazil of the third millennium is a Nation committed with the sustainable development and with the life quality of each one of its citizens. SIGNATURES: SYNDICATES OF THE WOOD INDUSTRY OF RONDÔNIA, FIERO and SEBRAE-RO SLOGAN: FOREST - Who depends on me does not want my end Poster TITLE: FOREST. Who depends on me does not want my end. FORMAT: FORMAT 1 IMAGE: 139 Illustration/tree hand SIGNATURES: SYNDICATES OF THE WOOD INDUSTRY OF RONDÔNIA, FIERO and SEBRAE-RO SLOGAN: FOREST - Who depends on me does not want my end Flag TITLE: FOREST. Who depends on me does not want my end. IMAGE: Illustration marks of the campaign SIGNATURES: SYNDICATES OF THE WOOD INDUSTRY OF RONDÔNIA, FIERO and SEBRAE-RO SLOGAN: FOREST - Who depends on me does not want my end Button/T-shirt/Bonnet TITLE: FOREST. Who depends on me does not want my end. IMAGE: Illustration marks of the campaign SIGNATURES: SYNDICATES OF THE WOOD INDUSTRY OF RONDÔNIA, FIERO and SEBRAE-RO SLOGAN: FOREST - Who depends on me does not want my end Billboard TITLE: FOREST. Who depends on me does not want my end. IMAGE: Illustration marks of the campaign SIGNATURES: SYNDICATES OF THE INDÚSTRIAS MADEREIRAS OF RONDÔNIA, FIERO and SEBRAE-RO SLOGAN: FOREST - Who depends on me does not want my end Pamphlet TITLE: What we want is to fell the prejudice. FORMAT: 15 CM X 21 CM - WITH cutting KNIFE 140 IMAGE: Cover illustration: plant Internal photo: hand tree TEXT: The wood/furniture industry is responsible for the creation and for the maintenance of 25 thousand direct jobs. It is one of the main sources of tributes of Rondônia. It contributes with 12% of the revenues of ICMS. It produces two thirds of the export revenues. It represents more than 60% of industrial GDP and almost a fifth of total GDP of the State. Those data confirm the economic and social importance of the sector. They also demonstrate because it is necessary to knock down the prejudice. For industry, it is comprehensible the concern of the environmentalists and of the public opinion with the Amazon Forest, but it is necessary to distinguish what is legal and self-sustainable exploitation of the forest than it is activity predatory ecologically. The wood/furniture industry does not want the devastation of the forest and also non agree with the felling of our trees illegally. It works, that is true, so that Brazil of the third millennium is a Nation committed with the sustainable development and with the life quality of each one of its citizens. SIGNATURES: SYNDICATES OF THE WOOD INDUSTRY OF RONDÔNIA, FIERO and SEBRAE-RO SLOGAN: FOREST - Who depends on me does not want my end FILM TV Title: What we want is to fell the prejudice Duration: 30 " VIDEO: Condensation of the images captured for the documentary of 10 minutes. Forests, reforestation, industries. Lettering use, in case it is necessary. AUDIO: Soft soundtrack. TEXT SYNTHESIS: The wood/furniture industry is responsible for the creation and for the maintenance of 25 thousand direct jobs. It is one of the main sources of tributes of Rondônia. It contributes with 12% of the revenues of ICMS. It produces two thirds of the export revenues. It represents more than 60% of 141 industrial GDP and almost a fifth of total GDP of the State. Those data confirm the economic and social importance of the sector. They also demonstrate because it is necessary to knock down the prejudice. For industry, it is comprehensible the concern of the environmentalists and of the public opinion with the Amazon Forest, but it is necessary to distinguish what is legal and self-sustainable exploitation of the forest than it is activity predatory ecologically. The wood/furniture industry does not want the devastation of the forest and also non agree with the felling of our trees illegally. It works, that is true, so that Brazil of the third millennium is a Nation committed with the sustainable development and with the life quality of each one of its citizens. 142 ANNEX I - PROJECT OF FISCAL INCENTIVE FOR THE WOOD-FURNITURE INDUSTRY - 143 ANNEX I - PROJECT OF FISCAL INCENTIVE FOR THE WOOD-FURNITURE INDUSTRY - With the aim of subsidizing the government of the State in the implementation of a policy of tributary incentive for the wood-furniture sector, comes a MEMORANDUM of Law, as follow: COMPLEMENTAL LAW N. OF OF It institutes the Program of Fiscal Incentive for the industry of Forestrybased and it alters devices of the Complemental Laws Ns 061 of 21 of July of 1992 and 186, of July 21, 1997. The GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF RONDÔNIA, make know that the Legislative Assembly decrees and sanction the following Complemental Law: CHAPTER - I OF THE FISCAL BENEFIT Art. 1 - the Program of Fiscal Incentive, linked to the Secretary of State for Agriculture, Production and Social Economic Development - SEAPES, objectifying to guarantee the sustainability of the forest resources as form of maintaining the wood activity, to assure conditions of competitiveness, to motivate the verticalization and aggregation of values to the forestrybased product. 1 Art. 2 - to the wood industries that assist the pre conditions defined in the following article, it will be granted a fiscal credit corresponding of up to 85% (eighty five percent) of the value of the tax about relative Operation of Circulation of Goods and Installments of Services of Interestate and Interdistrict Transportation and of communication - ICMS, owed in referred operations of commercialization of the industrialized product. Unique paragraph. The determination in the “caput” is not applied when the raw material be acquired under the institute of the postponement, hypothesis in that the fiscal credit cannot be superior to the percentile shown below, obeyed the rules established in the interruption III of the following article: I - 26% (twenty-six percent) in the preliminary apprenticeship, 145 II - 66% (sixty six percent) in the intermediary apprenticeship, III - 71% (seventy and a percent) in the advanced apprenticeship, IV - 80% (eighty percent) in the use of wood residues. Art. 3 - the concession of the fiscal benefit shown in the previous article, applied in the formal of fiscal credit, it is conditioned: I - to the certificate of raw material use with origin checked the environmental organs close to; II – to the confirmation of fiscal regularity close to the state tax collection, in the one that concerns to the execution of the main and accessory obligations, besides the fiscal debits registered in active debts or guided to the competent organs for registration, close to the fiscalization organs and environmental control, III - to the expressed renouncement to the use of any other credits of ICMS, besides those relative entrance of input of the production and of the acquisition of goods of the immobilized assets. Art. 4 - the fiscal credit shown in the Article 2nd, will be in a progressive way, linked to the apprenticeship of aggregation of the value or of objective, observed the following percentile and the dispositions of its unique paragraph: I - preliminary apprenticeship, understanding the drying process or treatment and chemical conservation of the wood sawed raw - 40% (forty percent) of the value of the fiscal credit, II - intermediary apprenticeship, understanding the primary improvement (wainscot, linings, golf clubs, pre-cut, sashes), knifed and veneers, that are operated with modern technologies and that check the implantation of quality program and of administration - 90% (ninety percent) of the value of the fiscal credit; III - advanced apprenticeship - understanding the last stage of the process will industrialize wood (pieces of furniture in general, panels ornamental multiboards for floors and coatings, agglomerates, MDF Dense Wood of Fiber, and hard plates), and that check will implant quality program and administration - 95% (ninety five percent) of the value of the fiscal credit; IV - use of wood residues - understanding the establishment that check activities of use of residues industries of forest origin exclusively - 100% (a hundred percent) of the value of the fiscal credit. 146 Unique paragraph - The framed establishment in certain apprenticeship or objective will only can enjoy of the benefit in relation the operations with products classified in that same apprenticeship or objective. Art. 5 - the fiscal incentive that treats this Law will be granted until the period of 06 (six) years. Paragraph - Elapsed the period of three years of its concession, benefit will be reevaluated for the Council of Economic and industrial Development of the State with relation to its impact and attendance of the sustainability goals, competitiveness, aggregation of value and generation of jobs, it will emit the appreciation on the convenience of its continuity or not. Paragraph - The registration and the accreditation of the establishment for fruition of the benefit will be accomplished close to the Council of Industrial and Commercial Development of the State of Rondônia - CONSIT, in form to be defined in the regulation of this Law. Art. 7 - the Fund of Development of the Industry of Forestry-based is instituted, with base in the withdrawal of 5% on the value of the fiscal credit indeed used, have of this Law, that should be deposited in specific account of the referred FUND. Art. 8 - are, also, assured to the framed establishments in the interruptions III and IV of the article that come settling in the State, postponement of ICMS for the moment in that to happen the subsequent exit, relatively to the differential of due aliquots. I - such goods consist of machines, equipment and its structures, destined to integrate the operational project of the establishment; II - there is not similar of the same produced in the State of Rondônia. Unique paragraph. Benefit shown in this article will have period of validity of 06 (six) years, being applied, yet, in the hypotheses of amplification of projects. Art. 9 - the Executive Power will publish necessary complemental norms to the faithful execution of this Law. CHAPTER - II OF THE PENALTIES 147 Art. 10 - for the noncompliance of the devices of tributary nature shown in this Law, the penalties are applied fastened in the Law N. 231, of April 25, 1998, in what it fits. 148 CHAPTER - III OF THE TRANSITORY DISPOSITIONS Art. 11 - it is prohibited the accumulation of the benefit shown in this Law with any other one granted in State Legislation. Art. 12 - this Law goes into effect in the date of its publication. Art. 13 - the dispositions are revoked in contrary. Palace of the Government of the State of Rondônia, in of of GOVERNOR 149 VINDICATIVE It is of public recognition the socioeconomic importance of the woodfurniture sector, that comes exercising in the last 20 years fundamental paper in the consolidation of the State, by virtue of its pioneer character. The wood-furniture industrial park, that counts today with about 1300 companies, it generates 25.000 direct jobs and is responsible for 12% of all the collection of ICMS of the State, deserves a differentiated treatment, above all to be considered that operates with just 50% of its installed capacity. This means that is a sector that is capable to enlarge its production considerably without demanding greater investments. The state of Mato Grosso adopted an incentive program to the wood industry, especially granting presumed credit of ICMS in up to 95%, in the molds that it consists of the present bill proposal. The implementation of this Project must translate in new pulse developmental for the sector, tends as main consequence an accentuated increase in the employment generation and income, that can grow around 40%. 150 CONSULTED BIBLIOGRAPHY • Agendas Úmidas. Strategic guidelines for the Maintainable Development of Rondônia 2020, 1998. • FOREST CODE. Law no. 4774, of September 15, 1965. • LOGUS Planejamento. The Wood Sector of Rondônia. Study and Diagnosis, 1999. • GANNON, Rosemary. Railroad Madeira Mamoré, 1998. • FIERO/SEBRAE/IBAMA. Seminar: Products of Alternative Wood of Amazônia. Porto Velho, 1999. • FIERO - Federation of the Industries of the State of Rondônia. Proposal for Alternatives to the deforestation for the State of Rondônia. Porto Velho-RO, 1999. • FIERO - Federation of the Industries of the State of Rondônia. Proposal for selfsustainability of the sector of forest base. Porto Velho-RO, 1999. • RONDÔNIA/SEPLAN/PLANAFLORO/SEDAM/PNUD. Evaluation of the deforestation in Rondônia. Porto Velho-RO, 1998. • RONDÔNIA/Secretariat of State for Planning and General Coordination - SEPLAN. Term of Reference for the Development of Rondônia. Porto Velho-RO, 1991. • RONDÔNIA/SEPLAN/PLANAFLORO/SEAGRI/PNUD. Zoning, Porto Velho-RO, 1999. • WHISTLES, Of Christmas José Macedo. Forest handling; EMBRAPA/CPATUR. Brasília, 1996. • WHISTLES, Marlene Freitas of the. Vulgar of Amazon Plants name. Belém, 1977. • RONDÔNIA/SEPLAN/PLANAFLORO/PNUD. The Units of Conservation of Rondônia. Porto Velho, 1998. • SEPLAN/SEAGRI/ITERON. Diagnosis SEE of the State of Rondônia and Technical Attendance for formulation of the Second Approach of ZEE: Diagnosis Leaves 1, 1999. • would CARRY no. 48/95, of July 10, 1995 (MMA/IBAMA). • INSTRUCTION NORMATIVE no. 01/GAB/SUPES-RO, 30/04/1997 (MMA/IBAMA). • Clerkship of Strategic Issues - SAE/PR; Term of References for the execution of ZEE in Legal Amazônia at regional level. Brasília, 1991. • RONDÔNIA/SEPLAN. Term of Reference for the development of Rondônia. Porto Velho, 1991. • would CARRY no. 16-N, of February 17, 1999 (MMA/IBAMA). • Magazine Our Amazônia. Special edition - Janeiro/97. Ecological Socioeconômico 151 INDEX MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT OF FIERO MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE DELIBERATIVE ADVICE OF SEBRAE/RO PRESENTATION CHAPTER I - GENERAL ASPECTS OF THE STATE 1.1. Demographic Aspects 1.2. Historical Brief Of The Occupation Of Rondônia 1.3. Physical Aspects Of The State Of Rondônia 1.4. Vegetation 1.5. Economic-Ecological Social Zoning And Use Of The Soil 1.5.1 - Considerations On The Social-Economic-Ecological Zoning Of Rondônia 1.6. Units Of Conservation And Areas Of Preservation 1.6.1 - Categories Of Units Of Conservação Likely Of Use Para Forest Handling - Units Of Conservation Of Direct Use 1.6.2 - Units Of Conservation Of Indirect Use 1.7. Economic Aspects 1.7.1 - Contextualization 1.7.2 - Gross Domestic Product - Gdp CHAPTER II - DIAGNOSIS OF THE WOOD SECTOR 2.1. The Evolution Of The Forest Sector 2.2. Characterization Of The Industries 2.2.1 - Classification Of The Companies With Relation To The Load 2.2.2 - Social Function Of The Forestry-Based Industry 2.2.3 - Space Distribution Of The Forestry-Based Industries 2.2.4 - Informal Industries 2.2.5 - Furniture Industry 2.2.6 - Use Of Fiscal Incentives 2.2.7 - Wood/Furniture Sector Participation In The Exports - Main Exported Products 2.2.8 - The Stigma Of Devastating Of The Forest 2.2.9 - The Forestry-Based Industry In The Economy Of The State 2.2.10 – Expansion Of The Base Of Exploitation 2.3. Conditioning Factors To The Performance Of The Segment Of Forestry-Based 2.3.1 - Shortage Of Wood In The Competitive Areas 2.3.2 - Market And Competitiveness – Considerations On The Internal Market – Alternative Of The Export - The Tendencies Of Restructuring Of The Industrial Profile - Disloyal Competition - Issue Of The Transport 2.3.3 - Internal Migration Of Forestry-Based Industries 2.3.4 – Regulation Of The Forestry Activity 2.3.5 - New Conception Of The Forestry Exploitation In The Optics Of The Self-Sustainability 2.3.6 - The Maintainable Exploitation And The Guidelines Of The Agendas Úmidas And 21 2.3.7 - Federative Pact 2.4. Assimilation Of Sustainable Practices 2.4.1 - Forestry Handling 2.4.2 - Reforestation 2.4.3 - Foment Forestry 2.4.4 - Verticalization Of The Production As Factor Of Reduction Of The Pressure On The Forests 2.4.5 - Reduction In The Rates Of Deforestation In Rondônia 2.4.6 - Reduction In The Waste In The Forest Exploitation 15 17 18 19 22 30 30 31 31 36 37 37 38 43 44 47 48 50 50 51 54 54 55 56 57 60 61 61 62 63 65 72 73 74 75 77 79 81 83 84 85 87 90 92 94 97 153 CHAPTER III - CONCLUSIONS 3.1. General Aspects Of The State 3.2. Reflexes Of The Colonization In The Forest Exploitation 3.3. Gdp And Estado Para's Vocation The Growth 3.4. The New Profile Of The Industry Of Forest Base 3.5. The Tendencies Of The Market And The Possibilities Of Export 3.6. I Model Alternative Of Forest Exploitation 3.7. The Federative Pact 3.8. Assimilation Of Sustainable Practices 3.9. Vertical Integration Of The Production 3.10. The Issue Of The Transport 3.11. Technology 3.12. The Issue Of The Waste CHAPTER IV - PROPOSALS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR REVITALIZATION OF THE SECTOR OF FORESTRYBASED INDUSTRY 4.1. The Socioeconomic And Ecological Zoning Of Rondônia 4.2. The Strategic Reservations For Sustainable Use 4.3. The Issue Of The Competitiveness 4.4. Forest Policy For The State 4.5. The Export And Mercantilist Demandings 4.6. Self-Sustainable Model Viability 4.7. Policy Of Fiscal Incentives And Creditworthy 4.8. The Federative Pact 4.9. The Issue Of Marketing 4.10. The Issue Of The Waste CHAPTER V - ESTRATEGIC PLAN OF ACTION 5.1 - Policy For Sustainability Of The Forest Sector 5.2 - Policy Of Competitiveness 5.3 - Policy Of Fiscal Incentives And Creditworthy 5.4 - Plan Of Marketing 5.4.1 - Dismystifying The Stigma Of The Point Of View Of The Press 5.4.2 - The Moment Of Acting 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 2 10 5 10 5 10 8 10 8 10 9 11 0 11 0 11 1 11 5 11 6 11 7 11 9 12 1 12 4 12 6 12 7 12 8 13 1 13 2 13 3 13 4 13 4 13 4 154 5.4.3 - Strategy For Reversion ANNEXES Project Of Fiscal Incentive For The Wood-Furniture Industry Bibliographical References 4 13 6 14 3 14 9 155