In issue - Temple Sinai


In issue - Temple Sinai
Winner of a Solomon Schechter Award for Excellence in Synagogue Bulletins
Elul-Tishrei 5772
Volume 66, Number 1
High Holidays
“The Challenge of the Exception: Rescuers During The Holocaust”
Yom Kippur Martyrology
Saturday, October 8, 2011
4:15 P.M.
Guest Speaker: Dr. Carol Rittner RSM
Distinguished Professor of Holocaust and
Genocide Studies at The Richard Stockton
College of New Jersey
From the Rabbi’s Study
Cantor’s Corner
President’s Message
From The Director’s Desk
Simchat Torah Honorees
Sisterhood HH Greetings
Upcoming Holiday Info
Men’s Club
Center for Cong. Learning
Temple Sinai Players
Sign up for Break The Fast
B’nai Mitvah
From The Mailbox
Boy Scouts
September/October calendar
Tot Shabbat Information
Adult Ed Book Club
Want to see the Temple Sinai News
in color? Please visit
the Holocaust,‖ will examine some of those
Dr. Rittner is the recipient of The Richard
Stockton College's Ida E. King Medallion
(1996) for outstanding scholarship and
international service to the human community.
In November 2000, she was honored by
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge and
awarded the ―Distinguished Daughter of
Pennsylvania‖ medal. In May 1987, Elie
Wiesel invited Dr. Rittner to be the first
Director of The Elie Wiesel Foundation for
Humanity, and she remained in that post until
the end of 1990.
Dr. Rittner has written extensively on the
Shoah. She is the editor or co-editor of a
number of books including Courage to Care:
Rescuers During the Holocaust; Different
Voices: Women and the Holocaust; and Elie
Wiesel: Between Memory and Hope.
―Whoever saves a
single life,‖ says the
Talmud, ―is as one
who has saved an
entire world.‖ This is
the category of those
who refused to stand
by as their neighbors
were being hauled
away to the killing
sites during the
Holocaust. They were willing to see, to judge,
to decide. Who were these people who could
not remain bystanders when others‘ lives were
We are honored to have Dr. Rittner with us
more endangered than their own, who would
Yom Kippur and we hope that you will join
not say, ―Hey, that‘s not my problem‖? ―The
for a remarkable and memorable
Challenge of the Exception: Rescuers During
Adam Wohlberg
As much as we may think of ourselves as
forward-looking and future-thinking, we do
a lot of looking back. Who doesn‘t like
looking at old pictures and remembering
what things were like when we were
Who isn‘t fond of getting
together with an old friend and recalling the
good times that you shared? Remembering
what we were like years ago and the stages
through which we have progressed can be
illuminating and, often, fun.
I have been doing a lot of reminiscing as
of late. In advance of my daughter Tamar
becoming a bat mitzvah, I have been
thinking about my own bar mitzvah service
32 years ago. And as Shira and I have
looked through old photographs of Tamar, I
have enjoyed remembering the various
stages of her young life.
I have also been thinking about
something far less pleasant. I have been
remembering a moment 10 years ago this
month when the Pentagon was attacked and
the World Trade Centers came crashing
down. Today, newspapers, magazines and
the television are filled with images of 9/11
prodding us to remember the tragic events
of that awful day. As though any of us
could ever forget. That day has left our
nation with a terrible scar. Thousands of
families continue to mourn for loved ones
who perished in those attacks. Our sense of
being safe from terrorism has been
diminished, while our fear and concern
have grown. During the recent East Coast
earth quake, how many people felt the
ground they were standing on move or the
building they were in sway and
immediately feared we were under attack
again? Prior to 9/11, many of us were
naïve about security in this country. We
didn‘t consider or often think about the
lengths to which people would go to harm
us. That, of course, is no longer the case. I
know that I am more anxious when I am in
public places and always hoping that the
additional security measures that most
venues have adopted will be enough.
truthfulness, about our doing what is right,
or of our using our talents to bring about a
better world? We are asked to see our lives
as not only a celebration of freedom but
also an acceptance of responsibility.
My memories of 9/11 are intense, but
they pale in comparison, I am sure, to the
memories of those who were in Manhattan
that morning and to those personally
connected to someone whose life ended on
that fateful day.
To direct our lives, the High Holy Days
liturgy asks that we contemplate two things.
We are asked to examine ourselves, to
make a checklist of what we have done
right and what we have done wrong. We
may not remember each incident – just one
or two may stand out. But we can
determine the direction of our lives: our
jealousies, our self-indulgence, our
passivity, our fears of acting at our best. If
we do not examine our lives, we will
remain morally stagnant, and a year from
now we will yet again feel less than proud
of our behavior.
Whether our memories are of tragic
events or of happy occasions, of times of
sorrow or of times of joy, what we choose
to remember - those occasions that we
choose to commemorate or celebrate – say
a great deal about us and about our attitude
towards life.
There is a section in the Rosh Hashanah
service which focuses our attention on
remembering. It is the Zichronot section of
the Musaf Amidah. The Biblical verses
found in Zichronot (the word means
―Remembrances‖) recall times when God
remembered the Jewish People and
displayed favor towards us. But when we
arrive at this portion of the service, I like to
spend a few moments with my own
memories. I reflect upon the past year,
remembering both the good and the bad,
considering what I might have done
differently at times and how I can improve
in the future.
In the Conservative Movement‘s new
High Holy Day prayerbook – Mahzor Lev
Shalem – a thoughtful commentary
accompanies Zichronot. That reading ,
which appears below, is intended to get us
thinking about which memories we ought
to preserve and revisit. It also encourages
us to find inspiration in our memories,
inspiration that will impel us to act in
positive and , perhaps, noble ways.
What ought we to try to remember?
Jewish tradition asks us to hold on to those
memories that will guide us in the future,
those that have the power to give direction
to our lives. What have we done, or heard,
that might instruct us? Which memories of
events in our lives, which behavior of ours
has something to teach us: about the care
with which we relate to others, about our
The liturgy also asks us – and God - to
remember the covenant. The world was not
created to be a place of destruction, but
rather as a realm in which each of us can
hear a “yes” resounding in our being: an
affirmation that existence has meaning,
that God’s love can overcome the coldness
and indifference we sometimes experience.
We can enter into the world with a sense of
gratitude and responsibility that God may
bless the work of our hands.
When we remember that life is given to
us as a blessing and that we can be a
blessing, our lives can be transformed.
Regretful memories can inspire us to
change. Recollections of love and holiness
in our lives can nourish and renew us.
Remembering the covenant can help us find
our place in this world.
As we prepare to begin a new year, I
pray that you memories of the year just past
will be uplifting, a source of nourishment
and renewal. May you remember the
kindnesses that you have shown others, as
well as the kindnesses that others have
shown you. And may we all be blessed to
have memories, to share memories and to
create memories that will give us hope for
the future.
Shira, Tamar, Hana and I wish you a
Shanah Tovah U’Metukah - a good year
and a sweet year!
Dear Temple Sinai Family:
We are seeking volunteers to greet and usher during the High
Holy Days. If you can offer a couple of hours of your time during
Rosh Hashannah day one or two, Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur,
please contact High Holy Days Ushering Co-Chairs Janet Lynn or
Samuel Domsky.
Thank you.
Janet Lynn - [email protected]
Samuel Domsky - [email protected]
Cantor Stephen
―And the seasons they go round and
round…‖ These words, penned by
songwriter Joni Mitchell some forty years
ago, mirror the sentiments of Ecclesiastes
who wrote, ―To everything there is a
season.‖ The seasons do come and go, and
we‘re left to wonder, how did they pass so
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are our
opportunity to, not stop the passage of time,
but perhaps to slow it down a bit. It‘s a time
to step back and assess the year just past, not
just in terms of success and failure, but in
terms of personal growth and development.
It‘s not about ―did I do better this year?‖ rather, it‘s more about ―am I a better person
this year?‖
Andrea Rosenthal
What has the beauty of summer, the long
days, rainbows in the sky, butterflies,
walks on the beach, allowed you to be
grateful for? In just a few weeks the
summer flowers will be fading and the
leaves will begin to fall off the trees; which
means the High Holidays are upon us once
again. When you think back on the past
year at Temple Sinai, what was it that was
meaningful for you and your family? Was
it a life cycle event? Or did you learn from
a d’var torah? Did you get pleasure from
a special Shabbat program with the
children? Did you enjoy a performance of
ANNIE from the Temple Sinai players, or
the beautiful weekend in honor of Cantor
Later in the song, Joni Mitchell
continues, ―…we can‘t return, we can only
look behind from where we came.‖ Not only
is she correct, but she‘s espousing a very
Jewish idea: there is no going back and
changing what already was; there is,
however, the ability to look back and to
reflect on our lives, to try our best not to
make the same mistakes and to do even
better in the year ahead. There are no
guarantees, no matter how sincerely we may
pray or how fervently we want to make
those changes. Ultimately, it‘s the process
that matters.
As Rabbi Alvin Fine put it in his poem of
the same name, ―Life Is a Journey.‖ He
describes life as a ―sacred pilgrimage.‖ We
bring sacredness into our lives when we
walk a path that is Godly, a path in which
we do the best we can and realize that, like
God, we are imperfect and prone to
mistakes. (―What,‖ you say, ―God isn‘t
perfect? That‘s blasphemous!‖ Well, let‘s
not forget Who destroyed the world once
because it wasn‘t perfect. Hint: The same
One who created it.) If we were indeed
created b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of
God, then ours must be a God Who
encompasses everything, including
In our daily prayer we pray for peaceful
co-existence in the United States, and our
Holy Land, Israel. In this New Year, we
cannot merely pray to G-d to be a better
person, or live in a more harmonious
world. Instead we pray for the strength,
determination and willpower to do our
part. Let‘s each make the commitment to
do just a little more…perhaps study a little
more, or arrive at services a little earlier,
maybe attend minyan a few more times. In
taking any of these steps we will re-affirm
our faith in G-d and our belief that there is
a power, which is stronger than the minor
forces of all mankind. We can each
spiritually grow and enhance our
commitment to Judaism in the New Year.
Simultaneously we will be supporting
Temple Sinai in programming, providing
for our community, educating our children
and ourselves.
In this coming month you will hear me
speak and you will read about the
importance of supporting our Annual
Appeal. As we enter the year 5772,
Temple Sinai is a vibrant, stable
Yes, we should hold ourselves to high
standards, but no, we can‘t excuse our
shortcomings and blame it on God. All we
can do is the best we are able to. God
expects no less, and God expects no more.
At this time when we look ahead to a
New Year of goodness, of blessing and of
renewal, I give particular thanks to God for
the singular blessing of Randi, my basherte,
as we anticipate a 5772 filled with all good
things for us and our families. From Dana,
Adina, Adam and Melanie, and on behalf of
Randi and her children Adam, Marti, Josh
and Abbe, I wish each of you a Shana Tova
Um’tukah, a year made sweeter by all that
you do to make it so.
programming, outstanding professional
staff, a beautiful building but one, which is
aging and needs ongoing attention. We
have many congregants who are in need of
acco mmod atio ns, 20%, and an
appreciation to continue to keep a balanced
budget. I ask that you remember all that
Temple Sinai has meant to you in the past,
as well, as what you want it to be moving
forward. Please be generous in your
As we pray to G-d that years be added
to our lives, let us recognize our part in
adding life to our own years. May the New
Year find us enhancing our lives and our
community in ways we never imagined.
On behalf of the Executive Committee
and Board of Directors, I would like to
wish all of our families a healthy and
prosperous New Year. I thank you in
advance for your support and I look
forward to spending time with you in Shul
and seeing you in the months to come.
From the
Edwin Altman
The summer months are traditionally quieter
times at synagogues. There are no bar or bat
mitzvahs, there is no Preschool or Religious
School in session, kids are in camp, many
congregants are away on vacation, Shabbat
services are held in the Chapel. However,
for myself, as well as for the administrative
and custodial staff, it has been an
enormously busy season, focusing largely on
building maintenance and improvement.
We launched a major cleanup and
reorganization of our auditorium storage
areas. Years of accumulated items were
hauled down from the upper level behind the
stage, filling an entire auditorium bay. In an
attempt to locate rightful owners, everything
had to be sorted and organized. Three
weeks later we had a good handle on what
was to be given away, kept, or discarded.
Over 100 boxes of confidential materials
were shredded substantially opening-up the
floor space. Next we had custom shelving
designed and constructed for the upper tier
(30 feet across and 10 feet high) to
accommodate all that required storage while
also allowing ample room for future needs.
For the first time in many years we now
have space where everything is labeled
according to owner with improved access
and use. I want to thank our entire custodial
staff for the extraordinary amount of time
and energy they devoted to getting all this
done, frequently in hot and uncomfortable
In July we power washed the entire
exterior of our building removing years of
built up grime and staining. To help reduce
the penetration of the sun and heat-gain in
the library and conference rooms, anti-glare
tinting was affixed to the windows. Shortly
thereafter, we learned that in three separate
areas above the auditorium ceiling, large
sections of the air conditioning ductwork
had collapsed. All repair work was done by
our custodial staff saving thousands of
As you may remember, last year, through
aggressive monitoring and planning for
building space utilization, we were
successful in reducing our energy
consumption by 18%. As another step
toward expense reduction, I‘m pleased to
report that after considerable research, we
recently penned a contract with an
alternative energy supplier for electricity.
The summer months also provided us
with a window of opportunity for repair and
maintenance work throughout the building.
―Fix it‖ work has gone on everywhere: most
of the wooden doors were repaired &
shellacked, the floors polished, rooms
painted, windows repaired, ballasts and
outlets replaced, our shed and broken steps
patched and much more. As with most
buildings, roofs need constant attention and
ours is no different. To position us more
proactively, we engaged a roofing specialist
to assess our short and longer term needs
which we will use for future maintenance
On the administrative front, things were
equally busy. Planning and finalizing the
Synagogue‘s calendar of events is always a
major undertaking, requiring input from, and
coordination with, all areas of the
synagogue. The on-going publication of
Temple Sinai News, Shabbat bulletins,
weekly emails and event notices all continued without a hitch. Finally, an enormous
amount of behind the scenes work was
accomplished in the Accounting
Department. Our accounting system was
updated with our new budget and rate
structure, statements were generated,
thousands of transactions processed, bills
paid, payrolls entered, cash flow managed,
questions answered, issues resolved.
And of course, our High Holiday
planning which began some time ago, has
now moved into high gear. Our ―to-do‖ lists
reflect the hundreds of items that require
attention prior to the first congregant
arriving on erev Rosh HaShanah.
All of these accomplishments reflect the
extraordinary team that I am fortunate to
work with. My sincere thanks go to Edy,
Suzanne, Marcy, Carol, Leonard, Ron,
Stennett, Ruby, Spencer and Armando for
their amazing dedication and quality of
As we begin this New Year, I wish each
of you, and your extended families, a year of
health and happiness, a year that brings
peace of mind and much contentment.
Shana Tova U’Metuka,
Auditorium Bay 1 overflowing with items brought
out of storage
Construction of new storage units by Armondo Rojas and assistant Pete Teleha
Simchat Torah Honorees
Barbara & Stephen London and Joan & Bobby Parkin
On Simchat Torah, as we conclude the year
-long reading of the Torah once again and
begin anew, there is a tradition that says
everyone in the synagogue be called up to
the Torah for an aliyah. On this occasion,
there are two special honors. The couple
who is called up for the final reading in the
Book of Deuteronomy are referred to as the
Chattan and Kallat Torah (the bridegroom
and bride of the Torah), while the couple
who is invited to have the aliyah which
accompanies the reading of the first section
of the Book of Genesis are referred to as the
Chattan and Kallat Breishit (the bridegroom
and bride of Genesis).
This year our honorees will be Barbara &
Stephen London and Joan & Bobby Parkin.
Barbara & Stephen are beginning their
32nd year as members of Temple Sinai.
Although, in truth, Barbara has been a
member for even longer, as her family
joined the synagogue when she was 12 years
old and she grew up at Temple Sinai in West
Oak Lane. In those years, girls did not
celebrate becoming a bat mitzvah, but
Barbara did have the opportunity to
celebrate, later on, as a member of one of
the first adult bat mitzvah classes offered at
the synagogue.
Barbara, who until her retirement
worked as a teacher for 35 years in the
Wissahickon school district, has long been
involved with education at Temple Sinai.
She has served as a member of, and then
chair of, the school committee, as well as, a
member of, and chair of, the adult education
committee. She has been active in
Sisterhood and HAZAK, and has served on
Temple Sinai‘s Board of Directors. Outside
of the synagogue, Barbara has continued her
own studies in the Florence Melton program
over the course of 7 years. And she has
been part of an interfaith group with other
Stephen & Barbara London
members of Temple Sinai, Jarrettown UMC,
and St. Alphonsus since its inception 12
years ago. Barbara also volunteers in the
Sisterhood Gift Shop and at the Abramson
work in the Jewish community, he has been
honored by Israel Bonds, was Bnai Brith‘s
Outstanding Jewish Citizen of Philadelphia
by the Union League.
Stephen has worked as a HS guidance
counselor in Philadelphia and in Abington
for 33 years, and is currently a teacher at the
Community College of Philadelphia, now in
his 38th year there. A member of the
Temple Sinai Men‘s Club and the Upper
Dublin B‘nai Brith chapter, Stephen also
volunteers at Independence Hall and the
Constitution Center. He and Barbara have
served as chairs of Bux-Mont Community
Day and as co-chairs of Super Sunday in the
Bux-Mont region.
Joan‘s service to and involvement in
Temple Sinai has been equally noteworthy.
Upon joining Temple Sinai, she became a
member of Sisterhood, and held a number of
positions within Sisterhood before eventually becoming our chapter‘s president in
1980. Over the years, Joan has served on
the synagogue‘s building committee and
interiors committee. She chaired Rabbi
Greenberg‘s 40th anniversary weekend. She
has also chaired the hospitality committee
and the catering committee, and has served
as the synagogue historian. In this role, she
authored a book which presents the history
of Temple Sinai. Joan says that her Jewish
education began at Temple Sinai, where she
was a member of the first Adult Bat Mitzvah
class in 1976. She has continued to learn in
the synagogue as a member of Faith Rubin‘s
weekly adult education class. In addition to
all of her many positions of leadership in the
synagogue, Joan is a also a life member of
the Board of Directors.
Barbara and Stephen are also members of a
chavurah that was created more than 25
years ago at the synagogue.
They are the proud parents of Michael &
Liz, Jennifer & Eric, Stephanie & Steve, and
Scott (soon to be married to Brooke
Davidson) and the proud grandparents of
Matthew, Jacob and Joshua.
Joan & Bobby have been members of
Temple Sinai for 43 years. In addition to
being a past president of Temple Sinai and a
life member of the Board of Directors,
Bobby has been an active participant in our
morning minyan since 1970. In 1971,
Bobby chaired the first addition to Temple
Sinai‘s school building in Dresher, and from
1976-1978, he served as chair of the building committee. During those years, and
until the building was dedicated in 1979,
Bobby was at the synagogue every day
overseeing the construction that resulted in
the beautiful synagogue that we enjoy today.
Bobby has also been very active in the
Men‘s Club. He is a past president of
Temple Sinai‘s chapter, as well as a past
president of our FJMC region. And for his
Joan & Bobby are the proud parents of
Mitchell & Candice, Lee & Johanna and
Hope, and the proud grandparents of Jeremy
& Brynn.
We invite the congregation to join us on
Simchat Torah morning when we will honor
these four remarkable people for their many
contributions to Temple Sinai and to the
greater Jewish community.
Simchat Torah Honorees
Barbara & Stephen London and
Joan & Bobby Parkin
Friday, October 21, 2011 9:30 AM
Joan & Bobby Parkin
Shana Tovah from our
Herma & Lester Abramson
Bonnie, Michael, Stephanie & Matthew Adelman
Toby & Martin Adler and Family
Flossie & Bernie Albert
Myrna & Larry Allen
Ed & Ann Altman
Helen Barufkin & Family
Diane & Howard Becker and Family
The Bilsky Family
Ilene, Arthur & Marcia Blatman
Roselyn (Judy) Blumberg
Marilyn & Jody Borgman and Family
Brandywine Assisted Living at Dresher Estates
Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg and Families
Meredith & Mark Breuer
Joyce Brodsky and Family
Leonard Brown & Family
Amy & Ken Brown and Family
Susan, Alan, Heather & Traci Budman
Nadine, Neil, Brian & Jessica Canter
Judy & Jerry Caplan
Gloria & Morton Ceaser and Family
Cantor Nathan and Beverly Chaitovsky
Amy & Bob Charles and Family
Beth Ellen Chernoff
Ethel Chernow
Marcia, Steve, Brian & Lauren Cherry
Carol & Ed Cohen and Family
Audrey & Howard Cohen and Family
Robin & Ori Cohen and Family
Robyn & Adam Cohen and Family
Joanne DiNovo
Andrea, Samuel, Alex, Sara & Aaron Domsky
Debra, Barry & Joshua Drossner
Vicki & Howard Edelman, Randi and Allison
Beth, Jimmie, Samantha & Lauren Edelman
The Endres Family
Carol & Bob Erb
Diane & Don Factor and Family
The Fagan Family
Debbie & Dan Fein and Family
The Eric Felt Family
Renata & Mel Fisher
Ilene & Stu Fredd
Cantor Stephen Freedman & Randi Dembowitz and Families
The Gabbay Family
Gilda & Jonathan Gispan
Lauren & Jeff Gladstone and Family
Barbara & Barry Glaser
Marcy & Mark Gohen and Family
Linda, Alan, Lauren & Ross Goldberg
Nancy, Jeff, Matthew & Rachel Gordon
Hilda Greenberg & Family
Sheila & Neil Gross
Phyllis Haas
Terry & Gene Heller and Family
Batami & Bart Hertzbach
Herzberg/Kurland Family
Beth & Dan Heyman and Family
Perle & Charles Hoffman
Aileen & Irwin Hollander
Cindy, David, Jason & Brian Horowitz
Janet, Larry & Ali Isaacman
Edy & Scott Israel
The Izes Family
Becky & Roy Jackel and Family
Beth & David Joseph and Family
Gail & Alan Josselson and Family
Staci & Richard Julie, Dahlia and Laura
The Kalman Family
Marlene & Myron Kaplan and Family
Sheila & Alan Katz
The Kepniss Six
Sylvia Kivitz & Family
Eleanor Smolen Klieman
Joyce & Peter Klugherz
The Kramer Family
Debbie & Alan Krochtengel
Temple Sinai family 5772
Debra & Stan Lacks and Family
Erica, David, Hannah & Jared Lamberg
Faye Laveson
Ellen & Ralph Levin
Harriet Levine
Betsy & Franklin Lewinson
The Libove Family
Lenore & Cliff Lipkin
Marge Listman
Nadine & Neil Lubarsky and Family
Janet & Eric Lynn and Family
The Jerry Schatz Family
Marjorie & Len Schwartz and Family
Jackie, Michael, Morgan & Melanie Schwartz
Monna & Barry Schwartz and Family
Sara Segal & Family
Ruth & Steven Segal and Family
Mindy & Jules Shamberg and Family
Liz & Aby Shamir and Family
Helen & Louis Shankroff
Donna & Carl Shelow and Family
Ina, Alan, Beth, Adam & David Shore
Shelly & Howard Shotel and Family
Merle, Mark & Sara Silverman
Dottie & Rich Singer
Gertrude Solkov and Family
Ellen & Garry Spear
Meryl & Larry Stern and Family
Marilyn & Heshy Stock
Maxine & Asher Stutman
Charla & Mark Sussman and Family
Karen & Michael Mann and Family
Audrey & George Marcus
Benne & Bill Marmer and Family
Laurie & David Matez and Family
Gladys & David Menaker
Sylvia & Bernie Menin
Soroosh & Mike Michaels
David Monblatt
Andrea & Robert Moskovitz and Family
The Teleha Family
Berna & Lawrence Pauker and Family
Pam & Marty Pearlmutter and Family
Freda Pepper, Howard Bernstein, Jesse, Aaron & Ben
Karen & Bill Petkun
Stacy & Rob Pressman and Family
Mary & Nathan Relles
Roz, Frank, Sara & Adam Romanoski
Betty & Bernie Roseman
Barbara & John Rosenau and Family
Andrea & Scott Rosenthal and Family
Nancy & Rob Rosenthal and Family
Sally & Ed Rosenthol
Sally & Joel Rosenwasser and Family
Meryl & Howard Roth and Ariel
Faith Rubin
Ruth & Leon Visnov and Family
Ellen & Buzzy Walters
Cindy, Adam, Sami, Amanda & Lily Warkow
Harriet & Phil Weinstein and Family
Marci & Stu Weitz and Family
The Wenger Family
Harriet Winokur and Family
Joan & Manny Winokur
Rabbi Adam & Shira Wohlberg and Family
Rhonda & Michael Yanoff and Family
Jeri & Len Zimmerman and Family
Men’s Club
Howard Cohen,
Summer Fun
The love affair between Jews and baseball
is well documented and was celebrated by
Men‘s Club this summer. The Lehigh
Valley Iron Pigs are the Phillies‘ minor
league affiliate where fans can watch the
Phillies‘ stars of tomorrow. In June we
took a group of Temple Sinai‘s stars of
tomorrow to an Iron Pigs game at Coca
Cola stadium in Allentown. Before the
game, we enjoyed a sumptuous kosher
tailgate party, catered by Men In The
Kitchen, in the stadium parking lot. We
were entertained by an exciting game – an
Iron Pigs‘ come-from-behind victory and by
the mascots‘ between-innings shenanigans.
In August we joined the Jewish community
of greater Philadelphia for Jewish Heritage
night at the Phillies. It was a fun evening;
despite the two hour rain delay and was
capped by another win for our leagueleading Phillies. Look for pictures from
both games on the Men‘s Club web site. I
would be remiss if I did not include an
update on the TSMC softball team. We
completed the regular season with a 10-7
record and won our first playoff game in
eight years. The TS3 team also completed
the regular season.
In July, I joined a group of Men‘s Club
past-presidents Samuel Domsky, Paul Bratt,
Bruce Fagan and Alan Budman
(Mid-Atlantic regional president) for the
FJMC International Convention in beautiful
southern California. It was an opportunity
to learn about new FJMC programs and
initiatives and enjoy the camaraderie of
Men‘s Club leaders from around the world.
As chapter president, I had the honor of
accepting the Quality Club award, which
we‘ve earned every year since its inception
and made a fashion statement in the
The Men In The Kitchen had a
productive summer in preparation for the
upcoming year. We expanded our offerings
and created a new brochure to showcase
them. Join us for the Break-the-Fast to see
our team of talented volunteers strut their
stuff. MITK also completed the purchase of
a new storage shed just in time to
accommodate a generous donation of paper
goods from John and Barbara Rosenau. We
look forward to catering your upcoming
One sure sign that we‘ve reached the
waning days of summer is an email from
Cantor Freedman reminding me that I need
to start practicing my davvening for the
High Holidays Shacharit service. Having
survived an earthquake, the hurricane of the
century and Carmageddon in California, I
look forward to the change of seasons and a
full slate of Men‘s Club events. Come out
and meet our new members at the first Pub
Night in September or at Scotch & Steak in
the Sukkah in October.
Our Keruv program returns to provide
information and a discussion forum for
intermarried couples and their families. The
sessions are lead by certified Keruv
consultants Bruce & Nancy Fagan and Alan
Budman, Eight monthly sessions are
scheduled on Monday evenings. The first
session, ―Relating to Your Child's
Non-Jewish Partner‖ is Oct. 17th.
A new program, Sinai Sunday Cyclists,
also starts on Sept. 11th. Monthly group
rides are scheduled on Sunday mornings in
Sept., Oct., Nov., April & May. We‘ll
depart the synagogue parking lot at 9:45
AM and return two hours later in time to
pick up your children from Religious
School. A variety of routes are planned to
challenge beginners and advanced riders
alike. The October 16th ride will feature a
challenging route for adults in the morning
and the family friendly Tour du‘ Sukkot in
the afternoon.
Be sure to say hello to our members, led
by Samuel Domsky, who will serve as
ushers during the High Holiday services.
Please, let us know if there‘s anything we
can do to help make your experiences at
Temple Sinai more meaningful, fulfilling
and relevant. L’shana Tova Tikatevu.
Events for Sep/Oct.
Sinai Sunday Cyclists
Board Meeting
(Visitors are welcome)
Coffee & Bagels for dads dropping
off Religious School students.
Beer Tasting @Prism Brew pub
Sinai Sunday Cyclists: Tour
du’ Sukkot
Scotch & Steak in the Sukkah
Keruv: Relating To Your Child's
Non-Jewish Partner
Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting
Texas Hold ‘em Tournament
Candidates Forum
The Sunday Shave &
Board meeting
Howard Cohen
[email protected]
Jewish Family Living
Sara Wenger,
Summer is gone. If all went well you are rested, renewed and rarin' to go
into 5772! Many of my friends are telling me their challahs, soup and
kneidlach and kigels are already in the freezer along with apple and honey
There is no better way to connect with great women than
by joining Temple Sinai Sisterhood. Whether you are
single, married, bar/mat mitzvah moms, empty nesters or
bubbies, Sisterhood is the place to find friendship,
enrichment and good times. Think wine tastings, movie
and game nights, cultural trips to NYC, women leading
Shabbat services and inspiring lectures. The beauty of
Sisterhood is that we are women of ALL generations
learning, praying and even doing zumba together.
I with my tiny top-of-the-frig freezer and once again, with respect for my
mom and baba, am making my lists. I've done it before, I can do it again.
Are you a freezer friend, a list compiler, or a guest-to-be? Whatever your
plans, there's electricity in the air. Yom Tov is coming!
I am honored to assume the role of President of our
Sisterhood. Since our May installation, every committee
has been busy meeting, discussing, and planning our
calendar. From our younger Zahava sisters to our veteran
mentors, we‘re already experiencing the satisfactions that
come from seeing ideas materialize into events. Join us!
Share an idea! Share a passion! It can all happen with
your help.
May 5772 bring you peace in your heart in a world striving for peace.
Our calendar kicks off with our opening event on
October 17th. Come hear Jane Golden, the driving force
behind the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, discuss her
work which earned Philadelphia international recognition
as the ―City of Murals‖. Sign up for Sisterhood‘s our own
5-star Jewish mural arts guided trolley tour on November
6 where we can see, for ourselves, Jane Golden‘s
transformative effect on our city. But, more immediately,
are you getting ready for the holidays and preparing your
home for the New Year? Consider gathering the clothes
and toys your children have outgrown or books and games
sitting on your shelves for our Royal Rummage Sale on
October 30-31. I have already filled 10 large bags with
clothes, linens and household items. Let me tell you, it
feels great to make space in my closets and drawers and
know that someone else might make better use of things
my family no longer uses or needs. To reward yourself
for all that cleaning and organizing, mark December 5 th on
your calendar for our Paid-Up Membership dinner, a
much deserved social night of eating and entertainment!
Jumping ahead, a highlight on this year‘s winter calendar
will be our combined Sisterhood Shabbat/Torah Fund
event when sisterhood both leads our morning service and
honors some of Temple Sinai‘s own graduates of the
Jewish Theological Seminary.
Do you need a new Tallit for the holidays? Beautiful designer tallitot have
just arrived from Israel!
In schul the whole month of Elul is full of anticipation. Psalm 27 is read,
and the shofer is blown. The Jewish calendar is barreling toward the Days
of Awe. In preparation for the Al Hets in schul may I be among the first to
ask that you forgive me for anything that I have said or done willingly or
unwillingly that offended, distressed, or disturbed you in the past year.
Joan Winokur
Temple Sinai Sisterhood Gift Shop
Visit our Gift Shop for a large selection of holiday items...
* Apple & Honey dishes * Wine * Candlesticks * Kiddush cups * Shofars
Fall Hours:
Sunday: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Monday – Friday: 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Tuesday: 4 – 6 PM
So, why join Sisterhood? As you can see from this
glimpse of 2011-12, our Sisterhood has so much to offer.
It can be your place within Temple Sinai to hang out and
make a statement! As your new President, I welcome all
Temple Sinai ‗sistahs‘ to join Sisterhood and make us
even stronger and more vibrant with your unique voice,
talent and pizzazz! Happy, Healthy New Year to all.
Reach out if you
[email protected]
Women’s Leadership Group that Temple Sinai hosted in July
David Monblatt,
Sunday, September 18th will mark the
beginning of a new era for our Religious
School. For the last two years, the Center
for Congregational Learning has been hard
at work behind-the-scenes, to create the first
all objectives-based synagogue school in the
Objectives-based learning is not a new
idea. Based on the work of educational
psychologist, Benjamin Bloom,
objectives-based learning is used in secular
schools throughout the country. It is simply
a way to offer proof that learning is taking
place. Temple Sinai is about to become the
first congregation that not only can say that
we have a good Religious School, we will
also be able to prove it.
There is a difference between telling a
parent that their child learned about
Passover in school today, and telling them
that their child can recite the four questions.
There is a difference between telling a
parent that their child learned about Israel
and telling them that their child can locate
Jerusalem on a map. By setting out a
curriculum-based framework of specific,
measurable objectives, we hold ourselves
accountable for what we set out to
accomplish, and, ensure that our school is
doing everything it can to transmit Judaism
to future generations.
took turns playing the title character. Prospaces to accommodate this new
grams like ―Hopes an Dreams,‖ our formal
curriculum; implemented new and exciting
introduction to Holocaust Studies for our 4 th
and has regularly offered tours
David Monblatt,
graders, in which students began to recogandDirector
meetingsoffor prospective new families.
nize the enormity of what was lost a rela- Congregational
When it Learning
comes to informal learning,
tively short time ago.
Temple Sinai has an array of offerings for
To make these programs a success, we have
restructured our PTO into an organization
called PLAN, the Parent Leadership and
Assistance Network, led by PLAN President
Nancy Rosenthal. PLAN provides the
logistical support to realize these great
programs and produces exciting fundraising
events to support them as well.
This past year, PLAN produced the
Purim Carnival, a massive undertaking, as
the primary fundraiser for our Religious
School. And next year, PLAN will begin
working to produce an array of experiential
educational programs like the Hebrew
Olympics, Spacestation Sinai, and Revolt of
the Maccabees (BYOT - bring your own
There‘s also a terrific lineup of field trips
next year for our students, including a 7th
grade trip to the United States Holocaust
Museum in Washington D.C.
None of these programs would be
possible without the tremendous support of
you, our congregants, who have stepped up
to help lead these efforts. Congregants like
Lauren Gladstone and David Weiss have
ably led our Religious School Committee
this year and have been instrumental in
pushing the new program forward. Marla
Kepniss and Deb Fisher have reached out to
Preschool families, recruiting them for
enrollment in the Religious School.
It is for that reason that Temple Sinai has
set out on a path to prioritize Jewish
education. And I am pleased to share with
you our latest results, as well as what lies
ahead for Temple Sinai‘s Religious School.
As for the Ann Newman Preschool, we
have been so fortunate to have our new
Early Childhood Education Director,
Stephanie Endres join the Temple Sinai
This past year, our Religious School
produced a handful of educational programs
for students and families that illustrated the
type of programs that will become the
standard in this year‘s objectives-based curriculum. Programs like ―Who Wants to Be
Noah,‖ where the story of Noah was produced on stage by our faculty and students
Stephanie has already instituted many
positive and exciting changes in the
Preschool. In just a short time, Stephanie
has brought a new curriculum to our
Preschool, called the Creative Curriculum;
worked with teachers to explore this new
program and restructure our classroom
Just hanging out at Camp Maccabee
the kids. Our Makor and Kadima programs,
led by Shelly Shotel, continue to be a hit.
The Sinai Sleepover was bigger than ever
this year, with over 100 students spending
the night here with their Jewish friends and
building their sense of Jewish identity. Edy
Israel continues to develop our USY
program, and then there‘s our most
successful Rosh Hodesh program. Rosh
Hodesh is a youth group for girls between
6th and 12th grade to meet, discuss issues
relevant to their lives from a Jewish
perspective, and further enhance their
identity as young Jewish women. Temple
Sinai has the largest Rosh Hodesh program
in America. Moving Traditions, the
organization that began Rosh Hodesh, has
now developed a counterpart to the program
for young men called, the Brotherhood.
And, I am pleased to announce, that
beginning this year, Temple Sinai will be
one of just a handful of synagogues in the
country selected to pilot this new youth
Adult Education at Temple Sinai is
exceptionally strong, thanks to the hardwork
and dedication of our Adult Ed Committee
and its leaders Karen Petkun and Renee
Greenberg. For the past three years, Karen
and Renee have led our community in
producing outstanding events, developing
new programs, speaking engagements, and
classes for our lifelong Jewish learners.
After three years of tremendous service,
Karen and Renee will be stepping down
from their posts, and I believe that we owe
them our sincere gratitude. Taking the
reigns will be, Alan Josselson, who is
already hard at work planning for future
Temple Sinai is on the path to excellence
in all areas of Jewish education, setting the
standard for the field and continuing to
develop a model of congregational learning
that we hope will take root in our
community and beyond.
Ann Newman
Stephanie Endres,
Director of Early
Childhood Education
When my daughter was in kindergarten, her
class invited us to a Mother‘s Day Tea. Each
of the students drew a picture of their mother
and created a biography to present to their
mother during the tea. The biography
included a physical description of each
mother, as well as details about her personal
interests. Veronica listed ―Olivia‖ as my
favorite television show. Olivia is a
precocious and outspoken young pig in a
series of children‘s books by Ian Falconer.
The teacher gently suggested to Veronica
that ―Olivia‖ may be her favorite show, but
what was her mother‘s favorite show.
Youth Activities
Shelly Shotel,
Director of Youth
Programming and
Congregational Learning
This summer I had the pleasure of
participating in the Women‘s League
Leadership Institute. The institute was
inspiring and thought provoking with in a
framework of speakers, group sessions and
social interaction with women throughout or
country. I participated in one specific
fascinating activity which was to create a life
map. On a sheet of paper, we were asked to
map out the places and times in our lives that
we have exhibited leadership qualities and/or
took on leadership roles. As I did my life
map, I was surprised to realize how many of
the social, informal activities and
involvements which I participated in
throughout my elementary and middle
school years which have inspired and guided
me to take on leadership roles in many
aspects of my life. For me, the skills I picked
up were useful in BBG, USY, Hillel,
Sorority life, and beyond my college years.
Our children are at the beginning of learning
to explore who they are and stand ripe to
gain the knowledge and understanding to
define their own sense of self.
Temple Sinai Youth programs provide an
environment where children feel safe to be
involved, bring out their strengths, and may
even challenge their fears which all aid in
the process of self-discovery. Ask yourself
and your child, what do you want your
child‘s life map to look like? Here at Temple
Veronica stood firm, and was correct. I loved
the show! I am enamored with many books,
toys, and experiences created for children.
Childhood is a magical time of life, full of
exploration, discovery, and joy. I believe I
pursued a career in education so that I could
support children as they explored the many
wonders of childhood. I am excited to share
this school year with a group of professionals
who also recognize the importance of this
magical time of life. Our dedicated teachers
provide a nurturing and creative program
rooted in Judaism for your children to
flourish in.
During June, July, and August, the
synagogue hallways were full of laughing
children enjoying camp. Our camp director,
assistant director, and talented counselors
created dynamic weekly themes with
exciting, interactive entertainment. The
summer included lifeguarded swimming and
intimate weekly Shabbat observances. The
Sinai we have three wonderful youth groups,
Makor, Kadima and Rosh Hodesh: It's a
Girl's Thing! all of which would look great
on their life map!
The Makor youth group is for children in
grades 3-5. The Hebrew word Makor means,
―source.‖ We refer to the children in third,
fourth and fifth grades as being at ―the
source‖ or the beginning of developing their
own Jewish identity. Makor is the springboard in which children can explore their
place within the Jewish community in a
social setting infused with Jewish culture,
ritual and informal education. Temple
Sinai‘s Makor youth group participated in
many social events last year, with each event
averaging 25-35 kids attending! WOW! This
year much is planned including our
―ACCLAIMED‖ sleepover night scheduled
again for Martin Luther King Weekend
2012, Sunday-Monday! I look forward to our
opening event on Sept 18, 2011.
The Kadima youth group is organized for
children in grades 6 and 7. The Hebrew word
Kadima means, ―forward.‖ We refer to these
children as moving ―forward‖ with their
purpose, behaviors, beliefs and actions using
a Jewish lens in social informal gatherings.
This group is helping children move forward
into Jewish adulthood by building additional
positive Jewish experiences and activities.
This is the age where pre-and post-bar/bat
mitzvah teens get to hang with their friends
outside of the confines of the classroom, and
even have opportunities to make friends with
other young teens from other area
synagogues. Kadima kids become engaged
hallways and classrooms were also filled
with the sounds of hardworking teachers and
staff. We thoroughly inventoried each
learning space, cleaned, and organized the
materials and toys to reflect the philosophy
and theories of our new curriculum.
We are excited to share that we have new
portable sinks with warm running water in
the classrooms and beautiful new cubbies.
We extend our appreciation and thanks to our
executive director and our PTO for these
exciting additions. Our program this year
includes extended hours and exciting new
afterschool activities such as dance and
karate. Please mark your calendars for Backto-School Night on September 26th and our
first Shabbat Happening is the evening of
September 16th.
We warmly welcome our returning
families and eagerly await the arrival of our
new families to the Ann Newman Preschool.
in fun-filled games and activities, and
participate in mitzvah projects that help
people in our Temple Sinai and surrounding
community. Temple Sinai‘s Kadima youth
group participated in several social events
last year, with each event averaging 12-16
kids attending! IMPRESSIVE! There is quite
a lot already planned for this year, including
our ―ACCLAIMED‖ sleepover night
planned again for Martin Luther King
Weekend 2012, Sunday-Monday! I look
forward to our opening event on Sept 25,
Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing!
The Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing! is a
youth group that engages teen girls, grades 6
–12, in discussions and activities they care
most about. Topics covered include body
image, popularity, friendship, romantic
relationships and decision-making. Rosh
Hodesh leaders help girls stay connected to
their bodies as a source of health, wisdom,
and youthful creativity. The program helps
girls learn about themselves by exploring
religious belief and ethical Jewish culture
with other women. This relaxed forum
allows each girl the time to share, laugh,
differ, question, consider, create and
experience joy!
We are currently forming our new groups
of sixth grade girls and space is limited per
group. *If your daughter and/or her Jewish
girlfriends affiliated or not with a synagogue
are interested in participating in our new
groups or would like to see if there is space
in our already formed older groups, please
feel free to contact Shelly Shotel. Shelly,
Director of Youth Groups and Temple
Sinai‘s Congregational Learning Specialist,
is reachable via email at [email protected].
Betsy Lewinson,
What a pleasure it is for me to extend 5772
New Year‘s greetings to our entire
congregation family.
By way of this introductory article, I will
attempt to bring you up to date on the
―state‖ of our chapter.
In response to popular demand for the
return of Joan Cohen, this esteemed opera
expert inaugurated our season
with a
multi- media presentation about the life and
music of the beloved Beverly Sills. The
HAZAK committee along with Program
Chair, Tobey Grand, has designed a variety
of programs for 2011-2012 which will
challenge, entertain, inform, and delight.
These offerings attempt to satisfy the
appetite of all our members—musical,
cultural, religious, and social. The entire
schedule is available in the new HAZAK
brochure. I would like to mention, however,
that the next meeting is one of our
―specials‖, the annual Succoth celebration
and catered Friday night dinner to be held on
October 14th. Look for the details and a
reservation form on line or in the mail.
Besides our monthly meetings and
programs, there are two other HAZAK initiatives that I would like to tell you about.
The first began last season when we decided
to fund the after-school snacks for our
Religious School students. It gives us great
joy to know how this effort has helped to
create a smoother transition from the secular
school day to the late afternoon Religious
School sessions.
The other initiative is just beginning with
this new season. Along with Sisterhood and
the Men‘s Club, HAZAK will now present a
gift to each Bar and Bat Mitzvah. After
much deliberation, the HAZAK committee
decided that the selection of a Tzedakah box
would convey a significant lifetime message
to our youngsters at this milestone in their
In both cases, our major efforts have involved the youth of our synagogue, a
―grandparently‖ point of view. In addition,
these efforts enable us to become more
tightly woven into the fabric of congregation
NEWS FOR LAST!!! I have received
notice from the Solomon Schechter Awards
Committee of the United Synagogue of
Conservative Judaism that the 2010-2011
application that I submitted for Temple Sinai
HAZAK has received a BRONZE award.
When we consider how many HAZAK
chapters there are throughout the country,
coming in third is a recognition of which
Temple Sinai should be proud. The award
will be presented at the USCJ Biennial
Convention to be held December 1-4 in San
Diego, CA.
go from strength to
strength, as we build from year to year, and
may we all be blessed with a new year of
shalom, good health, and the joy of
Life Cycle Events
Life Cycle Events
Shane Max Karp, great-grandson of Sheila & Gil Newman
Aaron Yehuda Coffman, grandson of Karen & José Castel
David Marmer, son of Benne & Bill Marmer, to Nicole Gelman
Chelsea Zimmerman, daughter of Jeri & Len Zimmerman,
granddaughter of Herma & Les Abramson,
niece of Pam & Marty Pearlmutter, to Elliot Busch
Barbara Newman, daughter of Robin Newman, to Chris Merrion
Irving Fischer, on the death of his wife, Leona Fischer
Stuart Guber, on the death of his wife, Diana Guber
Marjie (Stuart) Richman, on the death of her sister, Diana Guber
Lois (Stephen) Kendall, on the death of her mother, Ellen Berman
Ron Sanders, on the death of his brother, Michael Sanders
Drew (Sharyn) Matusow, on the death of his mother, Myrna Matusow
Alison (Karl) Rudl, on the death of her grandmother, Myrna Matusow
Esteemed congregant, Lillian Josephs
Cindy (Adam) Warkow, on the death of her aunt, Beatrice S. Stern
Sheryl (Alan) Stern, on the death of her mother, Joyce Flacker
Rose (Stan) Steinberg, on the death of her brother, Harry L. Gellman
Jackie (Alex) Raginsky, on the death of her uncle, Harry L. Gellman
Edith (Yosef) Sabach, on the death of her uncle, Harry L. Gellman
Refuah Sh’lemah
Marilyn Carp
Mel Fisher
Alan Galter
Bonnie Kanefsky
Carly Stern
Manny Winokur
Matthew Zeitlin
Sylvia Zeitlin
Marge Listman
Mildred Adelman
Temple Sinai Players Take The Gold
This year the Temple Sinai Players were
awarded the Solomon Schechter Award for
Excellence in the Performing Arts for their
production of Annie. Every two years,
United Synagogues for Conservative
Judaism solicits applications from
synagogues in the United States and
Canada in a series of categories for
outstanding programming.
understandably proud of this year‘s theater
production, not only for its creative success,
but having broken all synagogue records for
money raised, attendance, and number of
individuals involved, the Players decided to
submit an application to showcase the talent
and dedication of the Temple Sinai
Community to the theater arts.
understand from those who reviewed the
submissions that they had a record number
of applications this year. The Players
received the ―gold,‖ the highest level of
recognition in the performing arts category.
Below is the summary page from the
productions, founding Rabbi Sidney
Greenberg wrote: ―There can be no
flames of sacrifice unless they are fed by
the fuel of great devotion.‖ He referred
to the dedication of those who invested
extraordinary time, talent and effort into
the show motivated by a devotion and
respect for our synagogue in the life of
the community.
these 100+ individuals is evident in the
fine performances that graced our stage
and entertained our community. Annie
was our most successful venture to date.
It is a fine addition to our illustrious
theatrical archive and we proudly apply
for the Solomon Schechter Awards for
Synagogue Excellence in the Performing
Happily this tradition continues. This
year Temple Sinai staged a production of
Annie, a show about an orphan girl with a
big heart and boundless optimism. The
show broke all synagogue records: the
highest attendance total of any show in
the 50-year history of Temple Sinai
theater (1700); the largest attendance totals per night for each night of the show;
the largest amount of advertising
procured for our ad book; the most
money raised for Temple Sinai in a
theatrical production (more than
$12,000); and the most community
marketing and involvement.
For all of you who were involved, a
hearty mazel tov and thank you for all of
your efforts. Our show could not have been
such a resounding success without you.
For more than 50 years Temple Sinai has
been an enthusiastic and committed
provider of quality theatrical arts to the
Jewish community. Each year, more than
100 congregational and community
members volunteer their time, energy and
talents to bring musical theater to
Dresher, PA, whether under the footlights
or behind the scenes. In 1958, in the
playbill of one of the synagogue‘s earliest
Annie was chosen as the 2011 production
during the summer, 2010. A sustained,
year-long effort followed, involving the
entire Temple Sinai family -- the
synago gue‘s professio nal staff,
administrative staff, educational staff,
sisterhood, men‘s club, and all of the individual creative, energetic and
fun-loving members and friends of the
synagogue. The dedication and talent of
This year, the Players hope to continue
the long tradition of Temple Sinai‘s
excellence in theater with their production
of Seussical the Musical, a story based on
the beloved books of Dr. Seuss. It is the
story of Horton the elephant and his quest
to help tiny JoJo and the Who‘s who face
an uncertain future floating through life on
a dust speck. It is a show full of song,
dance, humor and charm. ―Oh the thinks
you can think if you‘re willing to try…‖ if
you just use your imagination. The Players
sincerely hope that you will join us,
whether under the footlights or behind the
scenes, in our show this year. Auditions are
November 30th and callbacks are December
4th. See you then and Happy New Year.
Temple Sinai's 3rd Annual Break the Fast!!
No waiting! No Driving!
No clean-up!
October 8, 2011
Right after the Shofar is blown
$18 per adult
$9 per child 4 - 12
No Charge for
Children ages 4 and under
Catered by: Temple Sinai’s Men in the Kitchen
All payments must be received by Monday October 3, 2011
We cannot accommodate any reservations or payments made after the deadline.
Name___________________________________________ Phone # _____________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
$18 per person)
# of Adults _______ x
= ________
total price
$9 per child ages 4 to 12
# of Children ______ x
$ 9.00
= ________
There is NO CHARGE for children through age 4.
Children aged 4 and younger.
# of Children 4 & under_________ Complimentary
Cash $____________
Check $____________ (Please Make Payable to "Temple Sinai")
Credit Card # ($25.00 minimum) ________________________________
Charge $ ________
Name on Card ______________________________ Exp. Date ______ ID Code_______
_______ Please check here if you can help with food preparation on Friday Oct. 7 8:00am.
Or email Audrey Marcus at [email protected]
Tickets to this event will only be issued to those who have paid in full in advance.
Temple Sinai
Mail completed forms to:
1401 N. Limekiln Pike, Dresher, Pennsylvania 19025
**Please list names of people you would like to sit with on the back of this form. Limit 12 per table.**
Mitzvah Dance a Huge Success
First-ever DaddyB’nai
Ben Haklay,
Son of
Kathy Sarlson &
Gonan Haklay
Evan Madden,
Son of
Abby & Daryl Madden
Noah Carver,
Son of
Debbie & Michael
September 3, 2011
September 10, 2011
September 17, 2011
Ben Haklay is celebrating his Bar
Mitzvah on September 3rd, 2011. He is
an eighth grader at Sandy Run Middle
Ben received his Jewish
education at Perelman Jewish Day
School. He enjoys playing basketball
and baseball with the Upper Dublin
intramural leagues and soccer with the
travel league. He has attended Camp
Galil for the last three summers.
For his mitzvah project, Ben is
collecting gently used sports equipment
for ―Pitch in for Baseball‖. Donated
equipment will be sent to underserved
community groups in the United States
and around the world. Ben is proud to
help this group that brings the game of
baseball to children in need of
Ben will be celebrating his Bar Mitzvah
with his parents, his sister Lily, his
brother Aaron, his grandparents, aunts,
uncles, cousins and friends.
B’nai Mitzvah
September 3
Benjamin Haklay
September 10
Evan Madden
September 17
Noah Carver
Bari Waxman
September 24
Alex Gertel
October 15
Scott Gelman
October 16
Zachary Fischer
Evan has been a member of the Temple Sinai
community since his family moved to Upper
Dublin when he was four years old. It seems
like yesterday that he was walking into the
Ann Newman preschool as a student, and
now he is walking into the synagogue as a
Bar Mitzvah.
Evan enjoys life….loves spending time with
his friends, family, playing his guitar and
video games, reading, playing basketball and
running track. . He is currently an eighth
grade student at Sandy Run Middle School.
Since one of his passions is reading, Evan
chose to help Philadelphia Reads as his bar
mitzvah project. This organization supplies
gently used books, and school supplies to
teachers of under funded Philadelphia public
schools and day care centers. Evan collected
and sorted well over 1500 books, as well as
school supplies and donations for the
Philadelphia Reads book bank located at
Martin Luther King High School. He, along
with his family made books on tape for the
teachers as well. Spending time at the book
bank was a humbling, and eye opening
Evan will be celebrating his bar mitzvah
along with his parents Abbey and Daryl,
brother Alec, and many dear friends, aunts,
uncles and cousins. We look forward to this
day with much anticipation and pride for all
that our son has accomplished.
Noah Carver is an 8th grade student at
Sandy Run Middle School, where his
favorite subjects are math and science. This
summer, he was one of only 50 students
accepted into the Exxon-Mobil Bernard
Harris Summer Science Camp where he
spent two weeks hiking and doing field
research, running lab experiments, and
learning about engineering design and the
natural sciences from Temple University
For his age, Noah is already a
knowledgeable Torah reader, having spent
two years studying with Cantor Freedman
in the Yad Squad. When Noah reads Torah
on his Bar Mitzvah, this will actually be the
third time he has read for our congregation.
We are extremely proud that Noah has
made this commitment to becoming a
lifelong Torah reader.
Noah has participated in several community
-based Mitzvah projects including Project
Hope, March for Israel, and Worldwide
Wrap. Noah‘s Bar Mitzvah Project is a
family walk coming up at Mondauk
Common Park on 9-11-11, the 10th
anniversary of 9-11. The walk benefits the
Wounded Warrior Project to support men
and women who have been injured while
serving our country.
Noah is also an accomplished musician. He
plays the trumpet in the Sandy Run Concert
and Jazz Bands and will march this year
with the Upper Dublin High School
marching band. As part of Noah‘s Mitzvah
Project to honor veterans, he performed in
an Echo Taps Ceremony at the Indiantown
Gap National Cemetery with Bugles Across
Noah is looking forward to sharing his Bar
Mitzvah with his proud parents, Michael
and Deborah, his brothers, Seth and Jonah,
his grandparents, Michael and Judy Hirsch,
and his aunts, uncles and cousins.
October 22
Georgia Miller
October 29
Michael Naim
B’nai Mitzvah
Bari Waxman,
Daughter of
Stacey Waxman &
Jon Waxman
Alex Gertel,
Son of
Mali & Eitan Gertel
Zachary Fischer,
Son of
Pamela & Charles
September 17, 2011
September 24, 2011
October 16, 2011
Bari is a 7th grader at Wissahickon
Middle School. She began her Jewish
Education at the Temple Sinai Ann
Newman Preschool and also attended
Camp Macabee. She furthered her
Jewish education by attending Perelman
Jewish Day School. Bari has spent the
last 5 summers at overnight camp, 4
years at Camp Green Lane and this past
summer at Camp Nockamixon.
In her spare time, Bari enjoys dancing,
singing, playing field hockey and
basketball. She also loves to be with her
friends and her cousins.
For Bari's Bat mitzvah project she raised
over $1000 for the Make a Wish
Foundation, which helps children with
life threatening medical
conditions. These monies will provide
many wish experiences for these
Bari shares her simcha with her proud
parents, Stacey and Jon, her brother
Josh, grandparents, aunts, uncles,
cousins and friends. She will be missing
her grand father, Barr y Berger,
who passed away and from whom she
recieved her name.. She will have the
honor of wearing his Talis at her Bat
Alex Nadav Gertel, was born in a sunny
summer day on August 1st 1998. Alex is
currently an 8th grader in Germantown
Academy. He went to Montessori school for
Preschool and then attended Twin Spring
Farm for pre first, first and second grade.
Alex is a proud student at Temple Sinai
Religious School.
Alex is very busy in sports activities at
school, has played football, and currently is
playing basketball and tennis. He is very
interested in motor and aircraft design and
loves going to car races, loves to travel and
loves to visit his family in Israel. He visited
Israel at least 16 times in his life, went to all
the holy sites and loves Jerusalem and Tel
Aviv the most. He loves computer science
and high-tech, and he went to Ecamp
summer camp in Israel last summer.
Alex 's Mitzvah Project is to help Israeli
children explore and learn computer skills
through a special program called Ofanim that
supplies special training to children throughout Israel.
Alex will be sharing this special Saturday
service with his brother Josh, sister Gabby ,
Mom , Dad , aunts, cousins and extended
Family and friends.
Unfortunately his
grandfather Ya'akov will not attend the
service due to his recent passing on August
5th. Grandmother Ofra will be coming from
Israel to share his milestone with him.
Grandparent Gita and Gavriel Barda Z"l will
be with him in spirit.
Zachary is an 8th grade distinguished honor
roll student at Wissahickon Middle School.
He is an avid sports fan, and his favorite
sport is baseball. He plays for his school
team, township travel teams, as well as for
Team Philadelphia in the Maccabi Games.
Zachary likes to spend his free time with his
friends. He enjoys spending his summers at
baseball camp and attending Sesame
Rockwood. For his Mitzvah project, he
participated in JRA, and volunteered at the
older Maccabi Games helping domestic and
international athletes navigate their way and
feel comfortable in their new surroundings.
Zachary also has a love for dogs and
volunteers at our local veteranian's office.
Zachary is looking forward to celebrating
his Simcha with his parents, Pamela and
Charles, his brother Jacob, and his dog
B’nai Mitzvah
Georgia Miller,
Daughter of
Ivy & Robert
Michael Naim,
Son of
Karen & Gideon
October 22, 2011
October 29, 2011
Georgia is a 7th grade student at Sandy Run
Middle School. She began her Jewish
education at the Ann Newman Preschool
and has enjoyed being at Camp Harlam for
the past 2 summers. She looks forward to
camp all year long!
Georgia‘s interests are hip hop and jazz
dancing. She enjoys participating in the
annual dance recital at I.D.A. She has been
playing softball for the Upper Dublin
Township for 7 years. She brings team
spirit and loves her teamates whom she
plays with yearly. She has made great
friends in softball. Georgia loves shopping,
dancing, laughing and being with her
For Georgia's Bat Mitzvah project, she is
collecting used cell phones for an
organization named Cell Phones for
Soldiers. Donated phones are recycled and
the proceeds are used to purchase calling
cards for deployed soldiers to call home to
their loved ones.
Georgia will be celebrating her Bat Mitzvah
with her parents, Ivy and Robert
Miller. Also, celebrating this joyous day
will be her grandparents Irv and Janet
Miller and Bonnie Cohen. We all are so
proud of Georgia and how dedicated she
has been with her Hebrew studies.
Michael is an honor roll student, currently
an 8th grader at Saligman Middle School.
He began his Jewish education at the age of
three, having attended preschool at Tiferet
Bet Israel and the Adath Jeshurun Hebrew
Immersion Program, followed by Perelman
Jewish Day School for the duration of his
elementary education.
Michael is an accomplished electric
guitarist and athlete, who enjoys playing
soccer, basketball, and baseball. He has
been a member of all 3 teams at Saligman,
and currently plays travel soccer for the
Warrington Venom. Michael is a kind and
considerate teammate and friend, who
demonstrates great concern for others and
for the world around him.
Michael has performed a number of acts of
mitzvot. Together with his family, he has
often packed and delivered food for the
Jewish Relief Agency. As a special mitzvah
project in conjunction with his becoming a
bar mitzvah, Michael organized two events
to benefit special programs of the US
Soccer Foundation. The first was a soccer
shootout to raise money for the
Foundation‘s ―Soccer for Success‖
program, which provides free afterschool
youth soccer programs in underserved
communities; the second was a collection of
gently used soccer gear for the ―Passback
Program‖, which redistributes these items
to kids in need.
Michael shares this special day with his
parents, Karen and Gideon; his sister, Lili,
and brother, Jordan; his grandparents, Fran
and Fred Platt and Hilda and Asher Naim;
as well as his aunts, uncles, cousins, and
From The
The Fischer Family would like to
thank all of our friends
for their warm wishes of
May Leona‘s memory continue to be
a blessing to all of us.
With much kindness,
Irv Fischer & Family
Eitan and I would like to thank you
all for your kindness and warm
words of support and caring.
Loosing Eitan's Dad, Ya'akov Gertel
on August 5th, was sudden and
heartbreaking and you all helped us
get through this hard time. Ya'akov
had a heart full of love and kindness,
he helped all in need. He had an
honorable funeral in Israel with
thousands of people attending.
People came from all over Israel to
walk him to heaven. I am very
thankful for Rabbi Wohlberg,
Andrea and Candy for their support
and being there for me when Eitan
was many miles away in Israel. I
want to thank all those congregants
who supported us through donations,
flowers, and sympathy cards. G-d
bless and may you never see sorrow.
Mali, Eitan,
Josh, Gabby and Alex Gertel
Cycle Events
First-ever Daddy
Dance a Huge Success
Boy Scouts Troop 665
―Joining Boy Scouts is one of the best things
my son has done. He has matured, is proud
of his accomplishments, participated in
activities he could not have done otherwise,
and is having lots of fun along the way. The
other boys in the troop are the type of kids I
want my son to be friends with. Joining a
scout troop based at a synagogue is the icing
on the cake.‖ Quote from a proud parent of
a Troop 665 scout.
Scouting gives boys 11-17 years of age
unique opportunities to adventure in the
outdoors, explore their strengths and develop new ones, take on leadership positions, and have their accomplishments recognized by other boys, adult leaders and
their families. Families from over five area
synagogues have found that Troop 665 –
sponsored by Temple Sinai - meets their
sons' needs for adventure, leadership, camaraderie...and fun!
Local activities are held at parks and scout
camps in Montgomery and Bucks Counties.
Other trips take scouts farther afield – deep
sea fishing at the Jersey shore, exploring
Gettysburg and New York City, and
backpacking along the Appalachian Trail
among others. Scouts from Troop 665 have
participated in wilderness adventures at the
Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, and
the national Scout Jamboree in Virginia.
Community service is an important part of
the scouting experience. In fact, it is one of
the requirements for advancement in the
scout ranks. Projects have ranged from
improving the Temple Sinai playground to
helping residents at the Abramson Senior
Center to many others.
Troop 665 takes special pride in the
opportunities it provides for building self
confidence and leadership skills. Scouts can
grow and mature by taking on increased
responsibilities and positions of responsibility in the troop. They are encouraged and
assisted in these by older boys and adult
leaders who want the boys to feel good
about themselves and succeed.
Most meetings take place on Sunday
afternoons at Temple Sinai, from 4:30 to
6:30. Guided by a seasoned team of adult
scoutmasters, the boys prepare for trips and
develop their skills, with time for fun and
games. Parents meet on several Sunday
evenings during the year to learn about and
review activities and schedules. Parent
involvement is another feature which bonds
Troop 665 families in a unique and positive
Boy Scouts is open to all boys ages 11-17.
In recognition of Temple Sinai's sponsorship, Troop 665 observes kosher on its trips
and activities. To learn more about this
wonderful program, contact Parents Committee Chair Renee Gottlieb (215 491-3546,
[email protected]), Randi Zeitzer (215
646-8684, [email protected]) or Scoutmaster
[email protected]) for more information.
Come try us out!
Workouts With Wendy
Temple Sinai
Monday and Wednesday 6-7:30pm
January 4th, 2012 - February 8th 2012
*note.....classes on Jan 18th and 30th downstairs in
youth lounge.
The program is ideal for:
body shaping, toning, strengthening and flexibility.
Please fill out the application available in the
Temple Sinai Main Office by November 1st, 2011
Make Checks (Non- Refundable)
payable to Temple Sinai and mail to
Wendy Friedman
102 Tyler Court
Ambler, Pa. 19002
Please direct any questions to
Wendy Friedman at : 215-646-3399
Email: [email protected]
Web sites:
Contributions: Thank You For Your Support
Florence H. Albert Preschool Activities
In Honor of
Birth of Shane Max Karp ........................ Doris & Simon Izes
.................................... Sondra & Mitchell Levinson & Family
In Memory of
Myrna Matusow ................Cindy & David Horowitz & Family
Boy Scout
In Honor of
Engagement of Zachary Krochtengel to Jessica Isaacs .......
Engagement of David Marmer to Nicole Gelman .................
............................................................. Nadine & Neil Canter
Engagement of Chelsea Zimmerman to Elliot Busch ...........
.............................................. Nadine & Neil Canter & Family
Birth of Shane Max Karp .......................... Natalie & Ray Kail
In Memory of
Ya’akov Gertel ...................... Nadine & Neil Canter & Family
Rochelle Carlton ............................................. Arlene Carlton
Lea Field ................................................................... Ed Field
Frieda Licht ....................................................... Ellen Tepper
Risé Bressler Chesed
In Honor of
Birth of Aaron Yehuda Coffman ............................................
Marriage of Jennifer Stern & Jeffrey Lavenberg ...................
Engagement of David Marmer to Nicole Gelman .................
............. Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families
Birth of Alex Steven Grand and Noah Matthew Grand .........
............................... Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
......................................................................... Gail Wolfberg
Birth of Joshua Chase Werner ..............................................
.....................................Barbara & Jeffrey Fierstein & Family
Marriage of Adam Hesney & Sarah Haimes .........................
.................................................... Barbara & Jeffrey Fierstein
...................................................................... Helen Marimow
Birth of Ella Ivy Levitt .................. Barbara & Jeffrey Fierstein
Engagement of David Marmer to Nicole Gelman .................
...............................................................Sandra & Ellis Miller
............................................................Mary & Nathan Relles
........................................................ Gail & Dennis Shusman
In Memory of
Leona Fischer ........ Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
Myrna Matusow .... Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg,
................................................. Michelle Bressler & Families
Jerome J. Shestack, Esq.......................................................
............................... Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
Joan Baback ................................................... Barry Bressler
Fredda Weinfeld ......................... Michelle Bressler & Family
Jay Marimow ...............Barbara & Jeffrey Fierstein & Family
Samuel Levin ......................................... Ralph & Ellen Levin
Fannie Levin ........................... Ralph & Ellen Levin & Family
Irene Cohen .................................................... Gail Shusman
Rebecca Tiger .......................................Ira & Ann Mae Tiger
Cantor’s Charity
In Honor of
Engagement of Zachary Krochtengel to Jessica Isaacs .......
.......................................... Vicki & Howie Edelman & Family
.......................................................Helen & Sidney Feinberg
Birth of Aaron Yehuda Coffman ............. Doris & Simon Izes
Cantor Stephen Freedman .............. Joyce & Peter Klugherz
.................................... Wendi & Kevin Kooperman & Family
............................................................... Sara & Bob Wenger
Engagement of Chelsea Zimmerman to Elliot Busch ...........
..............................................................Sally Mitlas & Family
In Memory of
Leona Fischer ..................................................... José Castel
......................................................... Alison & Jeff Markowitz
...............................................................Randi & Ken Zeitzer
Joyce Flacker .................... Ilene & Eliahu David and Natalie
Manlio Goetzl........................................ Renata & Mel Fisher
Ya’akov Gertel .................................... Lena & Oleg Fishman
Elaine Rosenthal ........................................ Margery Hesney
Ida Manin ............................................. Marlene Mailshanker
Dina Pinkenson ........................................... Lana Pinkenson
Dr. Arnold H. Raphaelson ......................... Ruth Raphaelson
Herman Frank Goldstein ...................................Janet Rosen
Morris Rosen .................................................. Steven Rosen
Minnie Korman .............................................. Ivor Simmonds
Nathan Stredler ........................................... Howard Stredler
Chernoff Interfaith Activities
In Memory of
Aaron Chernoff ......................................................................
Arlene Chernoff .....................................................................
Harvey Alan Chernoff ............................................................
Joseph Chernoff ....................................................................
Bella Chernoff ........................................................................
William Slugman ....................................................................
Sara Slugman ..................................................Beth Chernoff
Cook For A Friend
In Memory of
Diana Guber ........................... Ruth & Allen Heffler & Family
Leona Fischer ........................................ Neil Heller & Family
Sarah Zarit .......................................................... Terry Heller
Marc Reich.............................................................................
Milton Reich .........................................................Sheila Katz
Rifka Braun ..................................... Lorrie & Kurt Lichtenfeld
Abby Cooper Religious School Scholarship
In Honor of
Birth of Jenna Goldie Feldman ..............................................
..................................................Jill & Jeff Hampton & Family
Lilly Dubin Children’s Garden
In Honor of
Speedy recovery for Marcie Shapiro .....................................
......................................................... Janice & Alan Inselberg
Julia Metz’s 1st birthday ...Janice & Alan Inselberg & Family
Birth of Shane Max Karp .......................................................
.................................... Sondra & Mitchell Levinson & Family
In Memory of
Ya’akov Gertel ......................... Candy & Gil Beyda & Family
Shelley Weiner-Scott ......................................... Sandra Katz
Harry Marx ........................................................... Philip Marx
Leona Fischer ........................................... Marci & Stu Weitz
Florence & Rubin Dworkin Scholarship
In Honor of
Birth of Jenna Goldie Feldman ..............................................
.................................................. Dina & Hal Rovner & Family
In Memory of
Rubin Dworkin .......................... Dina & Hal Rovner & Family
Linda Shapiro ........................... Hal & Dina Rovner & Family
Sidney Silverman...................................... Stanley Silverman
Herbert L. Goldfine Scholarship
In Memory of
Jennie Shambelan Smith ................................. Merrill Hakim
Hyman Goldfine .....................................................................
Rose Goldfine ................................................ Marilyn Keesal
Jerry Cabin ............................................................................
Shirley Meyers ........................... Marilyn Keesal & Mel Yudis
Martyn S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan
In Honor of
Engagement of Chelsea Zimmerman to Elliot Busch ...........
........................................................ Herma & Les Abramson
................................................................Sheila & Neil Gross
........................................................................ Faye Laveson
....................................................... Maxine & Asher Stutman
...................................................... Rhonda & Michael Yanoff
Birth of Alex Steven Grand and Noah Matthew Grand .........
........................................................ Herma & Les Abramson
..............................................................................Rose Beck
....................................................................... Marge Listman
Speedy recovery for Norman & Phyllis Goldberg .................
Speedy recovery for Glen Soss ............................................
Speedy recovery for Ruth Katz ...... Herma & Les Abramson
Larry Allen’s second Bar Mitzvah .........................Rose Beck
.......................................................... Flossie & Bernie Albert
................................................................Sheila & Neil Gross
....................................................... Marsha & Chester Heller
.............................. Sherri, Mitch, Jennifer and Sydney Allen
........................................................... Jules & Suzanne Olita
........................................... Steve, Chellie and Lisa Davidoff
.............................................................. Roy & Heather Allen
............................................................................ Rose Rubin
................................................ Randee Allen & Don Jackson
............................................................... Anita & Arthur Allen
............................................................ Bonnie & Larry Solish
Martyn S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan cont.
In Honor of
Larry Allen’s second Bar Mitzvah...Maxine & Asher Stutman
............................................................... Ruth & Leon Visnov
...................................................... Rhonda & Michael Yanoff
Marriage of Jennifer Stern & Jeffrey Lavenberg ...................
............................................................... Diane & Don Factor
......................................... Beth & Jimmie Edelman & Family
................................................................Sheila & Neil Gross
....................................................................... Marge Listman
Birth of Aaron Yehuda Coffman ............................................
................................................ Diane & Don Factor & Family
Speedy recovery for Diane Factor ....... Ada & Jack Fishman
Engagement of Robin Hertzbach to Daniel Fierstein............
................................................................Sheila & Neil Gross
Marge Listman’s new home ........................... Faye Laveson
In Memory of
Leona Fischer ................................. Herma & Les Abramson
............................................................... Myrna & Larry Allen
..............................................................................Rose Beck
............................................................... Diane & Don Factor
.............................................................. Ada & Jack Fishman
...................................................... Sheila & Neil Gendelman
............................................................... Terry & Gene Heller
................................................................. Sheila & Alan Katz
........................................................................ Faye Laveson
....................................................................... Marge Listman
.......................................................... Heidi & Charles Geffen
.................................................... Temple Sinai Daily Minyan
............................................................... Ruth & Leon Visnov
...................................................... Rhonda & Michael Yanoff
Morris Beck............................................................................
Rose Beck .............................................................................
Florence Mahon....................................................Rose Beck
Israel Richman...................................................Marcie Cohn
Samuel Rubin ........................................................................
Robert Rosedale.................................... Diane & Don Factor
Sarah Cooperstein ................................................................
Joel Goldstein ............................................... Barry Goldstein
Jack Krevitz ................................................... Marlene Graub
Karl Katz .................................................................Alan Katz
George M. Cohen .........................................Sheila Newman
Seymour Silverman ...................................... Mark Silverman
Abraham Pollock ...................................................................
Pearl Cahan................................................. Merle Silverman
Judith Stern ...........................................................................
Jean Esterkin Stern ...............................................................
Fred Goldstein ........................................ Larry & Meryl Stern
Abood Franco ........................................................................
Bertha Brown .......................................... Meryl & Larry Stern
Rabbi Greenberg Scholar-in-Residence
In Honor of
Engagement of Zachary Krochtengel to Jessica Isaacs .......
.......................................................... Flossie & Bernie Albert
Birth of Jacob Ian Cohen ................ Evelyn & Marvin Snyder
In Memory of
Eric J. Wiener .................. Beth & Jimmie Edelman & Family
.........................................................Meredith & Mark Breuer
Jacob Sietz ............................................................................
Seymour Kivitz.................................................... Sylvia Kivitz
Nathan Silberstein .................................................................
H. Joseph Matusow ...............................................................
Harry Silverstein ....................................................................
Charles H. Laveson ........................................ Faye Laveson
Handicap Accessibility
In Memory of
Louis Glick .............................................. Ilene Glick Blatman
Sydney Smolen ............................. Eleanor Smolen Klieman
Richard Harris Memorial
In Memory of
Solomon Lubin.......................................................................
Leona Fischer ..................................... Bonnie & Larry Solish
David Hertzberg Scholarship
In Memory of
Jacob Hertzberg ............................... Flossie & Bernie Albert
(Continued on page 23)
Contributions: Thank You For Your Support
Holocaust Education
Cissy Plotnick Scholarship cont.
In Honor of
Marge Listman’s new home.......... Audrey & George Marcus
In Memory of
Myrna Matusow ............................. Marilyn & Jody Borgman
Mordechai (Motel) Knopf .......................................................
................................ Michael & Pamela Goldfinger & Family
William Goodman ....................................... Jerald Goodman
Rose Lipkin ...................................................... Clifford Lipkin
Joyce Flacker .........................................................................
Ellen Berman ................................ Audrey & George Marcus
Lotte K. Marcus............................. George & Audrey Marcus
Sheeya Grunberger ............................................Edith Milner
Leona Fischer ................. Roz & Frank Romanoski & Family
Israel Mandel ................................ Erica & Evan Rubenstein
Joseph Birchman ...............................................Judy Schure
In Memory of
Myrna Matusow ................. Vicki & Howie Edelman & Family
....................................... The Edelman and Breuer Families
........................................................ Janice & Alan Inselberg
............................................................. Harriet & Len Levine
David Paul ............................................ Ellen & Warren Katz,
................................Jamie, Harris, Jacob and Bailey Cohen
Paul Inselberg ............................... Harriet & Leonard Levine
....................................................... Frannie & Doug Listman
Sissy Lax ....................................Judy & Ken Silver & Family
Leona Fischer .......................................Susan & Craig Span
Louis Taffer ................................................... Harrison Taffer
Harriet Jacobs Education
In Memory of
Anna Ostroff ....................Marlene & Myron Kaplan & Family
Abraham Citrin ...............................Gladys & David Menaker
Martin Josephs Library
In Honor of
Speedy recovery for Betsy Lewinson ..........................Hazak
In Memory of
Lillian Josephs ................................. Bobbi & Harry Adelman
.......................................................... Flossie & Bernie Albert
....................................................................... Helen Barufkin
............. Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families
....................................................................... Ethel Chernow
........................................................................ Faye Laveson
............................................................................. Sara Segal
Ronald Field ..................................................... Gregory Field
Myrna Matusow ....................... Linda & Jerry Roth & Family
Abraham Z. Shanzer...................................... Bruce Shanzer
Ann Kay Adult Education
In Honor of
Noah Richard Carver becoming a Bar Mitzvah .....................
....................................................... Betty & Bernie Roseman
In Memory of
Leonard Altschul .............................................. Karen Petkun
Kiddush & Oneg Shabbat
In Honor of
Birth of Aaron Yehuda Coffman...... Joyce Brodsky & Family
Engagement of Zachary Krochtengel to Jessica Isaacs .......
................................................................ Jill & Jeff Hampton
In Memory of
Max Levy..................................................... Lallie Greenberg
Louis & Hester Laver Youth Activities
In Honor of
Birth of Aaron Yehuda Coffman...........Sally & Ed Rosenthol
In Memory of
Dennis Simmonds..................................................................
Claire S. Kauffmann.............................Sally & Ed Rosenthol
Florence Rosenthol.......................................... Ed Rosenthol
Joyce Flacker ................... Shelly & Howard Shotel & Family
Petluck Memorial
In Memory of
Bessie Abrams......... Judith Nothmann and Stephen Kasloff
Cissy Plotnick Scholarship
In Honor of
Birth of Pryce Appelstein .......................................................
Birth of Joshua Chase Werner ..............................................
Birth of Sloan Avery Rachild ..................................................
Birth of Zachary Lewis Rubenstein........................................
Birth of Sophie Madeline Thomas .........................................
Birth of Ariel Simone Kooperman ..........................................
Birth of Alex Steven Grand and Noah Matthew Grand .........
.................................................................. Stephanie Endres
Josh Inselberg’s new job .................Janice & Alan Inselberg
Speedy recovery for Marilyn Carp Harriet & Leonard Levine
Birth of Jenna Goldie Feldman .......... Mary & Nathan Relles
In Memory of
Sonia Wais ..................................................... Ethel Chernow
Prayer Book
In Honor of
Larry Allen’s second Bar Mitzvah ..........................................
........................................... Susan & Alan Budman & Family
.............................................. Michael Eisman & Joan Silver
In Memory of
Leona Fischer ......................................... Joan & Bob Parkin
Sophie Dion..................................................... Sylvia Richter
Naomi Cooper ..................................................Berta Schoen
Rabbi’s Charity
In Honor of
Engagement of Chelsea Zimmerman to Elliot Busch ............
................................................. Rachel & Andrew Demchick
......................................................................Joanne DiNovo
..................................... Andrea & Scott Rosenthal & Family
Birth of Aaron Yehuda Coffman ....................Joanne DiNovo
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg .................... Beth & Jimmie Edelman
....................................Wendi & Kevin Kooperman & Family
...................................................................... Stan Steinberg
.............................................................. Sara & Bob Wenger
Birth of Jacob Ian Cohen ...................... Laura & Alan Libove
Birth of Alex Steven Grand and Noah Matthew Grand..........
........................................................... Mary & Nathan Relles
Engagement of Zachary Krochtengel to Jessica Isaacs .......
..........................................................Linda & Jonathan Roth
Marriage of Leah Wenger & Seth Millrood ............................
........................................................ Evelyn & Marvin Snyder
Birth of Shane Max Karp ............... Maxine & Asher Stutman
In Memory of
Steven Altman ............................................... Pamela Altman
William Cohen ................................................. Gilbert Cohen
Sara Gitlin ................................................ Zena Gitlin Cohen
William Feldman.......................................... Gerald Feldman
Leona Fischer ......................................... Reda & David First
........................................................................ Doug Listman
.................................................................. Rita & Bob Siegle
......................................................... Alison & Jeff Markowitz
Herman Frank Goldstein .............................Melvin Goldstein
Joseph Meyer Silverman ............................ Sheila Goldstein
Charles Cohen .......................................................................
Israel Cohen ...........................................................................
Anna Cohen ..................................................... Tobey Grand
Selma Hahn ........................................ Larry & Shelley Hahn
George Hertzbach......................................... Bart Hertzbach
Ya’akov Gertel.................. Cindy & David Horowitz & Family
......................................................... Heider Ereifej & Family
......................................................................... Hoo Kok Wai
.............................................................. Edith & Dale Bynum
................................................... Giri Chodavarapu & Family
..................................... Paul Voors, CEO and Clariphy, Inc.
.................................................................. Michele McNichol
................................................. Michael & Susanna Maguire
............................................................. Mark & Leslie Colyar
........................................................................ Mike Andrews
....................................................... Joseph & Sandra Young
................... Christopher Crespi & Cynthia Carlsmith-Crespi
......................................................... Tom & Debbie Williams
............................................... Thomas & Leatrice Gochberg
............................................ Lisa & Robert Daniels & Family
..........................................................Yakubu Miles & Family
.....................................................Andrea & Scott Rosenthal
Aaron Brodsky................................................. Enid Horowitz
Harold K. Goldberg ............................................... Ellyn Karp
Zelda Levin......................................................... Lester Levin
Rabbi’s Charity cont.
In Memory of
Aaron Milner .............................................................Iz Milner
Beatrice Stern............................... Barbara & Phil Grossman
...................................... Andrea & Scott Rosenthal & Family
Dina Pinkenson ........................................... Lana Pinkenson
Joseph Coopersmith .................................... Sheila Richman
Jeff Hauser .................................... Erica & Evan Rubenstein
Lionel Plon....................................... Eleanor Korsen Shapiro
Diana Guber .................................... Shelly & Howard Shotel
Rifka Braun.................................... Maxine & Asher Stutman
Fannie Stutman .....................................................................
Perry Stutman ............................................... Asher Stutman
Harry Stutman ............................... Asher & Maxine Stutman
Ruth & Budd Rockower Dues Assistance
In Memory of
Martin Shaer ................................................... Andrew Shaer
Albert & Rose Rubenstein Children’s Library
In Honor of
Carol Phillips’ retirement ...................... Ilene David & Family
Birth of Aaron Yehuda Coffman ............................................
.................................................. Lucille Rubenstein & Family
In Memory of
Myrna Rubenstein .................... Lucille Rubenstein & Family
Abraham Z. Shanzer ..................................... Bruce Shanzer
Faith Rubin Scholarship
In Honor of
Birth of Alex Steven Grand and Noah Matthew Grand .........
Birth of Jacob Ian Cohen.......................Judy & Jerry Caplan
Faith Rubin ...................................... Joyce & Peter Klugherz
Marriage of Leah Wenger & Seth Millrood............................
................................................................ Karen & Bill Petkun
Stan Nosheny’s retirement ................. Mary & Nathan Relles
Speedy recovery for Betsy Lewinson....................................
....................................... Barbara & John Rosenau & Family
Marriage of Andrew Gundling & Amanda Shimkin ...............
......................................................... Marlene & Alan Zubrow
In Memory of
Hannah T. Grossman ............................................................
Tillie Tarnoff....................................................... Judy Caplan
Nathan M. Carp .......................................................Joe Carp
Samuel Moss........................................... David Hartenbaum
Ya’akov Gertel ........................................ Karen & Bill Petkun
Steven, Daniel and Douglas Altman .....................................
....................................... Barbara & John Rosenau & Family
Norman Samoiloff Memorial
In Honor of
Larry Allen’s second Bar Mitzvah......... Ada & Jack Fishman
Bennett Solomon Ramah Scholarship
In Honor of
Birth of Alex Steven Grand and Noah Matthew Grand .........
......................................... Lauren & Jeff Gladstone & Family
Engagement of Zachary Krochtengel to Jessica Isaacs.......
Julie & Alan Gubernick’s 25th anniversary ...........................
............................................................... Marci & Bob Hackel
Birth of Jacob Ian Cohen.................... Mary & Nathan Relles
...............................................................Dottie & Rich Singer
In Memory of
Stephen Burak................................................ Richard Burak
Sidney Greenberg ...................................... Mildred Feldman
Ya’akov Gertel .......................................................................
Harry Gelman .................. Lauren & Jeff Gladstone & Family
Benjamin Haas ......................................................................
Sylvia Weissman ............................................... Phyllis Haas
Eric J. Wiener ....................... Debbie & Stan Lacks & Family
Max M. Lacks ........................................................................
Ruth Lacks .......................................................... Stan Lacks
Mildred Byer ..................................................... Carol Meltzer
Ervin Chudnow ................................................... Mary Relles
Rabbi Mayer Relles ...............................................................
Ida Relles ........................................................Nathan Relles
Alvin Solomon .......................................................................
Ruth Lacks ............................................... Florence Solomon
Eric J. Wiener ............................... Rhonda & Michael Yanoff
(Continued on page 24)
Contributions: Thank You For Your Support
Hannah G. Sterner Memorial
In Memory of
Sarah Essner .........................................................................
Nancy Teitelman........................................... Phyllis Gardner
Temple Sinai Building
In Honor of
Engagement of David Marmer to Nicole Gelman .................
........................................... Susan & Alan Budman & Family
Birth of Jacob Ian Cohen .............. Tammy & Bart Hertzbach
Engagement of Zachary Krochtengel to Jessica Isaacs .......
...................................................... Tammy & Bart Hertzbach
............................................................Mary & Nathan Relles
In Memory of
Ya’akov Gertel ...................... Pam & Phillip Kofsky & Family
....................................................................... Andrew Bartos
Leona Fischer ........................................................................
........... Honorable Sheldon C. Jelin & Andrea Hoffman Jelin
Aaron Golkow .........................Susan & Alan Smith & Family
Temple Sinai Floral
In Honor of
Engagement of Zachary Krochtengel to Jessica Isaacs .......
.........................................................................Beth Chernoff
In Memory of
Joan Adams...........................................................................
Abraham Chatzkel ........................................ Lynda Chatzkel
Temple Sinai Maintenance
In Honor of
Larry Allen’s second Bar Mitzvah ........ Gloria & Mort Ceaser
Engagement of Zachary Krochtengel to Jessica Isaacs .......
............................................................... Ellen & Ralph Levin
Birth of Aaron Yehuda Coffman ....Phyllis & Steve Warshaw
Birth of Alex Steven Grand and Noah Matthew Grand .........
...................................................... Barbara & John Rosenau
Leonard Brown and the entire maintenance staff .................
............................................................... Sara & Bob Wenger
Diane & Don Factor .................... Randi & Jonathan Brodsky
In Memory of
Louis Grossman ............................................ Helen Barufkin
Ya’akov Gertel ......................... Candy & Gil Beyda & Family
Beatrice Stern .................................... Sally & Len Grossman
Michael Sanders .................................... Terry & Gene Heller
Leona Fischer .........................................Bryna & Andy Scott
....................................................................... Margot Salidor
...............................................................Birgitta & Bill Wilson
................................................................ Rita & Robert Auritt
...................................................... Charlotte & Dave Spector
.......................................................Sydell & Arthur Sussman
....................................................................... Arlene Halpern
................................................... Rachelle & Ron Kaiserman
............................................................ Janet & Howard Pack
.........................................................................Claire Hardon
.... Marlene Olshan and the staff of Big Brothers Big Sisters SEPA
............................................................... Eileen & Samuel Poon
...................................................Juliann & William Hoffmann
....................................................... Meryl & Barry Freedman
.................................................. Janice & Thomas Dresbach
............................................ Suzanne & Lawrence Goldstein
................................................................... Bill & Beth Simon
...................................................... Frances & Alvin Ginsberg
...................................................... Barbara & John Rosenau
........................................................ Helen & Louis Shankroff
....................................................... Maxine & Asher Stutman
Morton Richman .............................. Linda & Joel Weissman
Bud Brodsky ............................... Randi & Jonathan Brodsky
Molly Hamburger ...................................................................
Bessie Erdos .........................................................................
Hyman Hamburger .............................................. Sara Segal
Michael Sanders .............................. Shelly & Howard Shotel
Solomon Sovel ......................................................................
Dora Cohen ....................................................... Diane Sovel
Pearl & Ted Weitz Scholarship
In Honor of
Stu Weitz .................................................... Camp Maccabee
In Memory of
Herman Schwartz..........................................Susan Budman
Esther Paris............................................................................
Ann Warshewsky ....................................... Amelia P. Gisser
Pearl Weitz ................... Stu & Marci Weitz and Arleen Weitz
Bruce Winokur Memorial
In Honor of
Speedy recovery for Manny Winokur.............Ethel Chernow
................................................................ The La Kier Family
Marriage of Leah Wenger & Seth Millrood ............................
Daniel Warszawski becoming a Bar Mitzvah.........................
Speedy recovery for Mark Gohen ..........................................
Birth of Alex Steven Grand and Noah Matthew Grand..........
Birth of Jacob Ian Cohen .......................................................
Engagement of Chelsea Zimmerman to Elliot Busch ............
......................................................... Joan & Manny Winokur
In Memory of
Lillian Josephs........................................................................
Leona Fischer ........................................................................
Dennis Simmonds ............................ Joan & Manny Winokur
Bruce Winokur.................................. Joan & Manny Winokur
..................................................................... Harriet Winokur
..................................................................... Steven Winokur
In Memory of
Jack Shapiro ............................................... Bonnie Adelman
Bernard S. Brodsky ......................... Joyce Brodsky & Family
Fannie Duritz ..........................................................................
Morris Duritz ...........................................................................
Lillian Duritz....................................................... Elaine Duritz
Max First ................................................................................
Miriam Weitzman ...................................................................
Israel I. First ......................................................... David First
Phyllis Fredd ..................................................... Stuart Fredd
Florence Anko ............................................... Mary Friedman
Rebecca Meyerowitz..............................................................
Gussie Ginsburg ....................................................................
George J. Ginsburg................................................................
Morris Ginsburg..............................................Mary Ginsburg
Harry Cohen ......................................................Gilda Gispan
Frederick Gohen ................................................Mark Gohen
Charles Scheinholtz ......................................Dorris Ann Izes
Molley E. Barnett...........................................Joyce Klugherz
Larry Goldmeier ........................................... Marsha Krinsky
Rudy Leis ......................................................... Rochelle Leis
Marc J. Ludwig ................................................ Lynne Ludwig
Charles A. Kahaner.......................................... Melvyn Miller
Abraham Dembowski .................................... Rebecca Miller
Elsie Dorman.................................................... Ruth Murland
Rose Blum.......................................................... Joan Parkin
Alvin Seymour Seltzer............................................................
Bella Seltzer ................................................. Roz Romanoski
Philip Rosenau ............................................... John Rosenau
Pearl Sherman ........................................... Monna Schwartz
Ida Gelman................................................... Rose Steinberg
Rita Weiner .......................................................... Ina Weiner
Jean Weiss..............................................Marty & Gail Weiss
Cissy Plotnick
Preschool Scholarship
The Cissy Plotnick Preschool
Scholarship Fund was established as a
tribute to Cissy Plotnick‘s years of
service in the Ann Newman Preschool
of Temple Sinai. The
Scholarship funds, which will be
available beginning in the 2011-2012
school year, will help offset preschool
tuition costs for families who
demonstrate a significant financial need
and would like to send their children to
Temple Sinai‘s Preschool. Applications
are welcome from both Temple Sinai
members and nonmembers.
All donations to the Scholarship Fund,
small or large, are appreciated.
Donations to the fund will be accepted
at any time. To donate to the
Scholarship Fund to help others, simply
go online at under the
Contributions tab, check the Cissy
Plotnick Scholarship Fund and fill in
your donation amount.
Or contact the accounting office at
215-643-6510 x121.
To apply for Scholarship Funds, please
contact the Temple Sinai accounting
office at 215-643-6510 x121.
Temple Sinai has invested in two sections
at King David Memorial Park in Bensalem,
PA for its synagogue members and their
families. The objective of the investment
is to provide an opportunity to our
membership to prearrange for a funeral
gravesite before the inevitable, while in a
state of calm and lucid understanding. The
pre-purchase of a gravesite can provide
you and your family with greater peace of
mind. Lots are currently available for our
members and their immediate families at a
substantial discount. Following your
purchase, the deed is sent directly to you.
For additional information, please call the
synagogue office.
215-643-6510 or
[email protected]
Mommy and Me Playgroups
Mondays & Wednesdays: 9:30 AM
At Temple Sinai
Contact Linda Goldberg
or email
[email protected]
For additional Congregant to Congregant
support opportunities, please feel free to
confidentially contact Howard Becker at
215-327-1111 or [email protected]
610-660-9696 610-660-0614
610-660-0612 610-660-0615
610-660-0152 FAX
Please Patronize our Advertisers
1:30p Creative Crafting
with Faith
8:00p Sisterhood
Board Meeting
7p Preschool Back To
School Night
27 Elul
14 Elul 14
22 Elul 22
2 Tishrei
Second Day
Rosh Hashanah
No Preschool
TS Offices closed
8:30a - Shacharit w/ choir
10:30a - Pre K Childcare
11:30a - Family Service
4:30p - Family Service
6:30p - Mincha/Ma’ariv
1 Tishrei 30
6:00p - Minyan Same’ach
25 Elul
Parashat Ki Tavo
9:30a - Shabbat Services with
Adult Choir
Bar Mitzvah of
Alex Gertel
10a - Jr. Congregation
Kick Off
1:00p - Choir Rehearsal
9:15p - Havdalah &
Selichot Programming
24 Elul 24
18 Elul
Parashat Ki Tavo
9:30a - Shabbat Services
Bar Mitzvah of
Noah Carver
6:45p - Mincha/Ma’ariv
Bat Mitzvah of
Bari Waxman
17 Elul 17
6:00p - Minyan Same’ach
7:00p Preschool
Shabbat Happening
23 Elul 23
16 Elul
6:00p - Minyan Same’ach
11 Elul
8:12p - Havdalah
Parashat Ki Teitzei
USY Leadership
Training - Off Site
9:30a - Shabbat Services
Bar Mitzvah of
Evan Madden
8:04p - Havdalah
10 Elul 10
4 Elul
Parashat Shoftim
9:30a - Shabbat Services
Bar Mitzvah of
Ben Haklay
3 Elul 3
6:00p - Minyan Same’ach
9 Elul 9
First Day Rosh Hashanah
No Preschool
TS Offices closed
8:30a - Shacharit w/ choir
10:30a - Pre K Childcare
10:30a - K-7 Programming
1:20p - Tashlich
7:00p - Mincha/Ma’ariv
29 Elul 29
2 Elul 2
7:00a - Cook For
A Friend
15 Elul 15
Erev Rosh Hashanah
12p - Preschool
12p - TS offices close
6:00 - Family Mincha &
Ma’ariv Service
28 Elul 28
4:30p - Religious
8:00p - Adult Choir
8 Elul 8
8:00p - Board Meeting
21 Elul 21
4:30p - Religious
6:45p - JCHS/Gratz
8:00p - Adult Choir
20 Elul 20
1:30p Creative Crafting
with Faith
8:00p Sisterhood
Board Meeting
8:00p Keruv:
Understanding Intermarriage
26 Elul 26
8:45a Jr. Choir
9:30a Religious School
1:00p Choir Rehearsal
7 Elul
6:45p - JCHS/Gratz
8:00p - Adult Choir
13 Elul 13
1:30p Creative Crafting
with Faith
6:00p Men’s Club Board
7:00p Religious School
Parent Orientation
19 Elul 19
9:30a Religious School
10:30a Adult Ed Book Club
2:00p Cantor’s Israel Trip
4:00p USY Good Clean Fun
4:30p Boy Scouts
9:30a Hazak Brunch
4:00p Preschool
Cookie Social
4:30p Boy Scouts/
Girl Scouts
USY Leadership Training Off site
12 Elul 12
6 Elul 6
Labor Day
9:00a - Preschool 9:00a - Preschool Begins
9:15a - Preschool PTO
8:45a - Morning
Welcome Coffee
Meet & Greet
7:00p - Executive
Temple Sinai Offices 8:00p - Adult Choir
Committee Meeting
5 Elul
September 2011
4 Tishrei
11 Tishrei
25 Tishrei
2 Cheshvan
Sisterhood Rummage Sale
8:45a Jr. Choir Rehearsal
9:30a Religious School
10a Men’s Club The Sunday Shave
12p Yad Squad
6p One Book, One
Community—off site
8:45a Jr. Choir Rehearsal
9:30a Religious School
10:30a Adult Ed Book Club
12p Kadima Scavenger Hunt
12p Yad Squad
12p Adult Ed Theatre Trip
4:30p Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts
6pm Men’s Club Texas Hold’em
*Rummage Sale Collection*
Hol Hamoed Sukkot
8:15a Shacharit
8:45a Jr. Choir
9:30a Religious School
10:15a Bar Mitzvah of
Zachary Fischer
12p Makor/Kadima
12p Yad Squad
1:00p Sukkah Hop
6:00p Men’s Club Scotch & Steak
18 Tishrei
8:45a Jr. Choir Rehearsal
9:30a Religious School
12p Men’s Club/Religious School
12p Makor/Kadima Trip (tent.)
12:30p Religious School
Faculty Meeting
4:30p Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts
Tzom Gedaliah
8:45a Jr. Choir
9:30a Religious School
11:15 a SOAR Mitzvah Project
4:30p Boy Scouts
7:00p Choir Rehearsal
3 Cheshvan
Sisterhood Rummage Sale
1:30p Creative Crafting
with Faith
8:00p Learn To Chant
Megillat Esther
*Rummage Sale Collection*
4:30p - Religious
8:00p - Adult Choir
*Rummage Sale Collection*
10:30a - Faith’s
Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
7a Morning Minyan
9:30a Pray Like You Mean It
6p Minyan Same’ach
*Rummage Sale
24 Tishrei
*Rummage Sale Collection*
Parashat Noach
Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
9:30a - Shabbat Services
Bar Mitzvah of Michael Naim
6:47p - Havdalah
1 Cheshvan
Parashat Bereshit
9:30a - Shabbat Services with
Adult Choir
Bat Mitzvah of Georgia Miller
10:30a - Junior Congregation
6:56p - Havdalah
USY Havdalah & Corn
Maze Night - off site
30 Tishrei 29
17 Tishrei
Shabbat Hol Hamoed Sukkot
9:30a - Shabbat Services with
Adult Choir
Bar Mitzvah of
Scott Gellman
10:30a - Junior Congregation
11:00a - Tot Shabbat
7:07p - Havdalah
23 Tishrei 22
Simchat Torah
No Preschool
TS Offices Closed
6p Minyan Same’ach with
Junior Choir
29 Tishrei 28
*Rummage Sale Collection*
28 Tishrei 27
9:30a Rabbi’s Class
7:00p - Movie Night
with Faith
8:00p - Board Meeting
27 Tishrei 26
Sukkot Chol Hamoed
26 Tishrei 25
1:30p Creative Crafting
with Faith
7:00p Sisterhood
Opening Event
8:00p Meet The Candidates
8:00p Learn To Chant
Megillat Esther
*Rummage Sale Collection*
6:45a Shacharit
12p Preschool Early
7:30p Ma’ariv & Yizkor
Yom Kippur 10 Tishrei
3 Tishrei
Parashat Ha’Azinu
Shabbat Shuva
9:30a - Shabbat Services
10:30a - Junior Congregation
7:29p - Havdalah
9:15am Shacharit
10:30am Ed. Programs (K-7) & Child care
11:30am Musaf
2pm Yizkor
3:00pm Mincha
4:15pm Martyrology
5:30pm Neilah
6:50pm Maariv & Havdalah
7:18pm Shofar is blown/Break The Fast
16 Tishrei 15
No Preschool
TS Offices Closed
9:30a Shacharit
6p Minyan Same’ach
7p Hazak Shabbat
22 Tishrei 21
Shemini Atzeret
9:30a Shacharit & Yizkor
No Preschool
TS Offices closed
6p Simchat Torah Happening
for Preschoolers & families
6:45p Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00p Hakafot
21 Tishrei 20
Hoshana Raba
Erev Shmini Atzeret
9 Tishrei 8
Kol Nidre
No preschool
12p TS Offices close
6p (prompt) Kol Nidre (please note
that Tallit is worn at this service
and no Pre K child care
during this service)
6p K-7 Ed.Programming
15 Tishrei 14
No Preschool
TS Offices closed
9:30a Shacharit
6:15p Mincha/Ma’ariv
14 Tishrei 13
Erev Sukkot
12p Preschool Early
12p TS Offices close
5:45p Mincha/Ma’ariv
20 Tishrei 19
Sukkot Chol Hamoed
7:00a Shacharit
4:30p - Religious School
7:30p Mincha/Ma’ariv
8:00p - Adult Choir
19 Tishrei 18
Sukkot Chol Hamoed
7:00a Shacharit
1:30p Creative Crafting
with Faith
7:00p Sisterhood
Opening Event
7:30p Mincha/Ma’ariv
8:00p Keruv:
Understanding Intermarriage
Broadway Trip
8 Tishrei 7
7:00a - Cook For
A Friend
7 Tishrei 6
7:00p - Executive
Committee Meeting
13 Tishrei 12
4:30p - Religious
8:00p - Adult Choir
12 Tishrei 11
1:30p Creative Crafting
with Faith
6 Tishrei 5
October 2011
4:30p - Religious
5 Tishrei 4
Preschool Resumes
1:30p Creative Crafting
with Faith
8:00p Men’s Club Executive
Committee Meeting
September 17, 2011
October 15, 2011
November 19, 2011
December 17, 2011
January 21, 2012
February 25, 2012
March 17, 2012
April 21, 2012
May 19, 2012
June 2, 2012
Tot Shabbat is our monthly Shabbat experience for toddlers, preschoolers and their families from
11:00am - Noon in the Conference Room guided by Shelly Shotel.
We offer a special sing-a-long service designed for preschool-age children and their parents,
followed by a craft, game, dance, or some other fun activity.
Our goal is to help share with our children the joy of Shabbat and other festivals of the Jewish year.
Each Tot Shabbat, we will reunite with old friends and welcome new faces into our Tot Shabbat family.
We encourage all to participate in Tot Shabbat.
Feel free to bring a friend or two!
If you know in advance that you will be joining the service, kindly email Shelly at [email protected]
Adult Education
Temple Sinai Book Club Calendar 2011-2012
We meet on the following Sundays in the Bride‘s Room from 10:30am - 12:00pm
September 18 – Peony by Pearl S. Buck
October 23 – Great House by Nicole Krauss
November 20 – The Eichmann Trial by Deborah Lipstadt
December 18 - The List by Martin Fletcher
January 22 – The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
February 26 – Jerusalem, Jerusalem by James Carroll
March 18 – Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese
April 29 – The Garden of Ruth by Eva Etzioni-Halevy
May 20 – The Invisible Bridge – Julie Orringer
June 10 – The Tenth Song by Naomi Ragen
Temple Sinai
1401 North Limekiln Pike
Dresher, PA 19025-1005
E-mail ........................ [email protected]
Main Office ............................... 215-643-6510
Edy Israel, Executive assistant .......... x100
Suzanne Teleha, Rabbi’s assistant ..... x103
Marcy Lyons Gohen, Accounting ....... x121
Carol Erb, Accounting ........................ x122
Fax ............................................. 215-643-9441
Religious School........................ 215-643-7626
Ann Newman Preschool ........... 215-643-6513
Gift Shop ................................... 215-643-5605
Professional Staff
Adam Wohlberg (x106) ............................. Rabbi
Dr. Sidney Greenberg
....... Founding Rabbi
Stephen Freedman (x108) ........................ Cantor
Nathan L. Chaitovsky............. Cantor Emeritus
Edwin Altman (x105) ........... Executive Director
David Monblatt (x112)………….…..Director of
Congregational Learning
Faith B. Rubin (x117)………………Coordinator of
Enhanced Education
Stephanie Endres (x113) ........... Early Childhood
..............................................Program Director
Marjorie Schwartz (x107) ............. B’nai Mitzvah
Shelly Shotel ……….Youth Activities Advisor
Edy Israel ....................................USY Advisor
Temple Sinai Officers
Andrea Rosenthal .............................. President
William Kramer ....... Executive Vice President
Meryl Stern ............................... Vice President
Tobey Grand ............................. Vice President
Jeffrey Hampton ........................ Vice President
Janet Isaacman .................................. Secretary
Sally Rosenwasser ............................. Secretary
Cindy Warkow .................................. Treasurer
Jeffrey Gordon ................................. Controller
Alan Katz ................. Immediate Past President
Andy Meyer ............. Immediate Past President
Barbara Rosenau ........................ Past President
Sara Wenger ..................... Sisterhood President
Howard Cohen ............... Men‘s Club President
Betsy Lewinson ...................... Hazak President