January 2014 PDF


January 2014 PDF
Winner of a Solomon Schecter Award for Excellence in Synagogue Bulletins
Tevet / Shevat / 5775
Volume 69, Number 3
Jan/Feb 2015
Sergeant Benjamin Anthony,
guest speaker at the
November 20th premier of
Beneath the Helmet
with over 350 people
in attendance.
The Rabbi Sidney Greenberg (z’l)
Scholar-in Residence
with comedian & author
Joel Chasnoff
Saturday, January 17
12:15pm Lunch & Learn
7:30pm Comedy Cabaret
see inside for details
Rabbi Adam
Those who enjoy teaching will tell you that one of the greatest things
about being a teacher is the opportunity to learn from your students.
A number of years ago, I was with a group of USYers who were taking part
in a weekend kinnus (conference). One of the USYers told the following
A high school teacher stood in front of his class, a Mason jar on the desk
before him. Into the jar he placed a number of large rocks until it appeared that the jar could hold no more.
Into the jar he placed a number of large rocks until it appeared that the jar could hold no more.
He then asked the class: “Is the jar full?”
“Yes,” replied the class.
“Not yet,” said the teacher, and he proceeded to drop into the jar several handfuls of small pebbles. The pebbles fell into the spaces between the larger rocks.
“Now is the jar full?” asked the teacher.
Again, the students replied in unison: “Yes.”
But no sooner had they answered, then the teacher produced a bowl filled with sand and effortlessly he
poured all of the sand into the jar.
“Now it is full,” said the teacher.
At that point, one intrepid student stepped forward with a water bottle. He turned the bottle over spilling its
contents into the jar. The water did not overflow the jar, but in fact settled in between the rocks, the pebbles
and the sand.
The USYer who relayed the story explained that the Mason jar represents a person’s life, and that each of the
objects which the teacher placed into the jar is symbolic of the many things which fill our lives: our responsibilities, our activities, our work and our leisure. According to the USYer, the water is Judaism which there is
always room for in life. No matter how busy we are, and what our list of priorities might be, we should always
recognize that there is room for Jewish study, Jewish observance, and Jewish connections.
I was impressed by this young man’s mature understanding of a story which lends itself to a host of interpretations. I thought it was terrific that a teenager would consider Judaism of such vital importance that it should
not be ignored for lack of time or space in our lives.
At the same time, I was somewhat troubled by the idea that Judaism would be introduced only after all of
the other elements had been dealt with and given priority. “If we are Jewish, then why shouldn’t Judaism be
the first thing that goes into our jar?” was the question I posed to the kids. “Shouldn’t our Judaism help us
determine what else there is room for, what other things we would want to give priority to, and not the other
way around?”
The most marvelous response came from a young woman who had been quiet.
“Just as water,” she said, “was certainly responsible for shaping the large rocks, the pebbles, and the sand,
Judaism - by virtue of what it teaches us and how its values influence our thoughts and actions - shapes the
other components of our lives.” What beautiful insight!
May we continue to place Jewish values, the mitzvot and Jewish tradition at the center of our lives, so that all
that we say and do will be fashioned in accordance with its highest virtues.
Cantor Stephen
I want to invite you to think back to a pivotal time in the history of American
music – the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, when the “pop” culture was really a “folk”
This was an era of many competing themes: anti-war/peace sentiments;
“free love;” distrust of the federal government; advocacy for minority populations; and more.
It was a time for songs which went to the heart of those issues that were in the forefront of American thought.
And it was a time which spawned some of the most beautiful, most evocative, most controversial and most
poignant songs ever written.
Being a product of that era, those songs are near and dear to my heart. I played and sang them as a teen (rather poorly at that time!) and they became a part of me, as I imagine they became a part of you.
For those of you who are younger and didn’t grow up with this music, you would be surprised at how much of
this music you’ve absorbed over the years, perhaps at summer camp, perhaps when listening to an “oldies”
radio station, perhaps through your parents.
We’re going to take a step back in time and revisit those years through this year’s Cantor’s Café – Folkfest!
You’ll hear the music of such artists as Peter, Paul and Mary; Judy Collins; Simon and Garfunkel; Woody Guthrie; John Denver, Carole King; The Weavers; Pete Seeger; James Taylor; and more.
And you’ll be able to sing along with favorites, such as “Blowin’ in the Wind;” “This Land Is Your Land;” “The
Sound of Silence;” “Where Have All the Flowers Gone;” “Kumbaya (why not?!?); “Both Sides Now;” “If I Had
a Hammer;” to name but a few.
The evening will be a trip down memory lane for many, to be sure, but I think you’ll be surprised at how many
of these songs are relevant in our tumultuous world of today.
Cantor’s Café – Folkfest! will be held on Saturday evening, February 21, 8:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Admission is a very reasonable $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Light refreshments will be served and wine will be
available for purchase. You can reserve online by clicking on the following link: https://www.chaverweb.net/
Feel free to wear your love beads, bell-bottom pants and peasant skirts, and help to create the atmosphere
of that memorable time!
Junior Choir performing during Hanukkah
“Can I have some more?” Oliver quietly asks Mr. Bumble while the orphans are eating their dinner of gruel
in the London workhouse of the 1830s. While this popular phrase marks the beginning of Oliver’s grand
adventure in London during the stage show, it also is the phrase the Temple Sinai Players family uses to
describe their love of all things theatrical—can I sing more, can I dance more, can I act more. The cast and
crew of Oliver! are hard at work creating the London of the 1830s and bringing more live theater to the
Temple Sinai community.
Oliver is a show for the whole family. It tells the story of a young orphan boy living in the London workhouse who is punished for wanting more. Oliver is taken out of the workhouse and sold. Unafraid and
wanting better, he soon escapes, and finds friendship and adventure on the streets of London with Fagin,
his gang of pickpockets led by the Artful Dodger, and Nancy, the woman who helps him find his true family.
With a talented and committed directing team, production team, cast and crew, more is definitely on its
way. If you walk down the halls of our synagogue you can hear the Players singing the catchy melodies of
Consider Yourself and Who Will Buy. If you look in the auditorium, you can see the more agile members of
our group attempting to twirl on the tables, dance on the chairs and turn cartwheels on the floor in Food
Glorious Food and Oom-Pah-Pah.
Please join us for more quality family entertainment as the Temple Sinai Players proudly present Oliver!
Show dates are March 11-15, 2015. Tickets go on sale on January 19, 2015. All seats are reserved so order
early for best seating. To order tickets please call the Temple Sinai office at 215-643-6510 or visit www.
We looking forward to having you join us and serving you more of the best theater Temple Sinai has to
Oliver will be presented March 11-15, 2015.
Just a few shots from our first day of rehearsal
The Adult Education Committee invites you to
The Rabbi Sidney Greenberg
Scholar-in-Residence Laugh & Learn Shabbat
with Joel Chasnoff
Author and Comedian
Saturday, January 17, 2015 / 26 Tevet 5775
12:15pm Lunch & Learn
The experience of a skinny Jewish kid from Chicago
fighting Hezbollah in the IDF
7:30pm Havdalah, Book Signing and Comedy Cabaret
Not your grandfather's Jewish comedian!
Join us for an evening of drinks, desserts and comedy.
Comedy Cabaret: $36 per person in advance / $40 at the door
a portion of each ticket will be donated to the Lone Soldier Center, which provides s
upport for the Lone Soldiers serving in the Israeli Defense Forces.
For information or to get involved
please contact:
Elana Rivel / [email protected]
A portion of all proceeds from Joel’s book and stand-up
performances is donated to Joel’s charitable foundation,
Project Elijah, which distributes funds to organizations
promoting humanitarian causes.
For more information: joelchasnoff.com
Director of
It’s hard to believe that it is already January. It has been an amazing first
half of the year! The students continue to be engaged in their classes
and learning while having FUN! It is truly a pleasure being around the
students every Sunday and Tuesday.
A parent in the religious school recently approached me to share how
much her son was enjoying his experience, particularly the content being taught in his Jewish studies class.
She said that her son shared how his class (Kitah Hey) is always engaged in lively discussion and that they
are talking about subjects that connect to their lives. While this is one of our overarching goals for all students in the religious school, I was particularly happy to hear about this student’s feedback since his class
is using materials that were recently added to enhance the class’s existing curriculum. The book this class is
using, “Be a Good Friend”, was published in 2013 and contains stories, Jewish texts, photos, and discussion
topics relevant to the lives of a typical fifth grader. Topics in this book include Dan L’Chaf Zechut (Judging
Favorably), Reyut (Friendship), Koach Hadibur (The Power of Speech), and Ometz Lev (courage). By connecting Jewish values to their everyday life the teacher has empowered the students to see and ultimately live
their lives, both inside and outside of Temple Sinai, through a Jewish lens.
Our religious school mission statement states that children in the school “will feel a sense of pride and
understand what it means to be a Jew”. I am confident that by teaching important Jewish values, in an age
appropriate and engaging way, we are fostering that pride and understanding. We are also training these
students to incorporate Jewish values into how they live their lives. The students in Kitah Daled are exploring ways to become a mensch using their “Mensch handbook” and the students in Kitah Vav recently
watched a clip from the movie “My Girl” and related it to quotes from Pirke Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) as
part of their friendship unit. Each of these books and curricular resources were newly added this year and
have been positive additions to Kitah Daled (4th), Hey (5th), and Vav (6th).
I hope you will all join us for a Knesset Mishpacha on January 17th in conjunction with the Scholar in residence weekend. We will have a special “kids only” lunch following the service so that all of the parents can
experience a lunch and learn with the very funny Joel Chasnoff. I’ve known Joel for a number of years and
this will be a “can’t miss” program. On January 31st you have another opportunity to experience Shabbat
(and earn more points for the Road to 18) by participating in Jr. Congregation. Come as you are and bring a
friend with you!
Thank you all for your continued support and dedication to providing an amazing Jewish education to your
Shira Weissbach
Winter may be here but if you are looking to stay snug as temperatures drop look no further than the Ann Newman Preschool.
Nothing warms your heart like the smile of a baby. Our NEW Temple Tots program begins on 1/7/15. This interactive adult/child proTracey
gram is appropriate for newborns through 2 years of age. It is facilPerchick
itated by Susan Span L.S.W, M.S.W. Activities include songs,
baking, games and much more. Please call the Preschool office (215) 643-6513 for more information.
Celebrating Havdallah can warm your spirit. On Saturday evening 1/10 the “STARS” will be out at Temple
Sinai as the Preschool celebrates a very starry Havdallah. Don’t miss this fun night that will make you forget
that winter is upon us.
Our Preschoolers are going to burn up some calories when they participate in Trike-a-thon fundraiser that
benefits our preschool. This is always a popular morning at our school and the children outdo themselves
every year. This event will take place on January 14th.
Our PTO will spend the winter months planning for our very HOT Ladies Night Out Fundraiser. This year’s
event is going sizzle. Keep an eye out for more details in the near future.
I look forward to seeing you around the Preschool this winter.
Hugs and snuggles!
I would like to begin by wishing all of you a happy and healthy 2015.
Our Hazak programs so far have been both educational and entertaining and we will continue to bring you more interesting, creative
and entertaining programs in 2015.
As of December Hazak has counted 135 members. We hope our
“Youth Group for the Knowledgeable and Wise” will continue to
grow. If you are 55 and over and are not yet a member, why not?
Our November 2nd Veterans Brunch was very successful. Everyone enjoyed the flowers and the colorful décor.
Dr. Mittelman discussed the efforts of the military to improve health care and we heard war stories told by our
own members. Beth Chernoff of Temple Sinai produced a wonderful Veterans Day Booklet for all attendees
to take home as a keepsake. I would like to thank her for her help with the program and Temple Sinai for its
generous support.
On November 12th we had Hot Dog and Movie night. The film introduced by famed movie critic, Steven Rea,
of The Philadelphia Inquirer was Every Time We Say Goodbye. This film which starred a very young Tom Hanks
is the story of a non-Jewish soldier who falls in love with a Jewish Israeli. He faces obstacles in being accepted
by the woman’s religious family. When the review of the film was done, a very interesting discussion ensued
led by Tobey Grand. Hazak members spoke about situations faced in their own families and among their
friends when spouses or significant others were chosen from different religions and how they were or were
not accepted and the resulting consequences.
Ben Marino is a distributor for 3D Systems which is headed by Abraham (Avi) Reichental who was born in Israel and now heads this America based company. On the table are multiple items which were made on a 3D
printer which layers its “ink” to make objects rather than print on a flat surface. “Ink” may be liquid plastic or
metal or biologics, etc. A printer called the Cube is on the stage to Ben’s left printing a case for an I-phone.
Every industry is being revolutionized by this technology from consumer goods to industrial products and
medical devices. The growth of 3D printers will require the need for more hardware and software engineers
in the future.
Ben Marino of Solid State Technology wowed the group
with his presentation on 3D printing on December 7th
Dr. Michael Mittelman, former Deputy Surgeon General
of the Navy and Rear Admiral and current CEO of Salus
University spoke at our Veterans Day Brunch
Jan. 15: AARP Driver Training
Feb. 8th: Stu Weitz
March 22: “Hurricane” Schwartz
I need to make a confession to the readers of this Men’s Club article...
Men’s Club
I really was not in the mood to write this month’s article. I struggle
to find topics to write about, let alone find the time to actually write
and occasionally panic when I get email reminders of article submisDavid
sion due dates. In fact, I was fully prepared to forgo our submission
if I couldn’t identify a volunteer guest writer this month. However, I
reconsidered writing it myself after a recent trip to my gym, LA Fitness.
I’ve belonged to the LA Fitness in Fort Washington since it opened, not long after we moved to the area. Over
the years, as my personal network expanded, I’ve eventually run into friends and colleagues during my visits
to the gym. It seems that as more of our circles overlap, the more I identify with them AND, the greater sense
of community I feel. I especially get a kick out of seeing fellow Temple Sinai congregants at LA Fitness, typically on Sunday mornings, immediately following religious school dropoff. Catching up with Temple Sinai friends
by striking up a conversation between sets is way more relaxed and engaging than hushed small-talk during
the silent Amidah, or a rushed conversation during a torah procession.
The truth is, the number of Temple Sinai congregants at LA Fitness on a Sunday morning is likely greater than
that attending minyan at almost the same time. The same could be said of the track at Mondauk Park during
warm weather months. I’ve been known to go for a run and rejoice when I see a fellow Men’s Club member
walking ahead or even in the opposite direction, coming towards me. I love having an excuse to stop running!
And catching up with friends during a walk is totally a win-win. One can’t help but wonder about all the ways
we can strengthen the Temple Sinai community by marrying synagogue events with other activities outside
the walls of our shul. Could we develop a service within the context of an exercise circuit at LA Fitness or at
Mondauk Park? Should we concede to holding an Oneg not in Bay 3, but in the deli waiting area at George’s
Shop N Bag? After all, that’s where so many of us go on a Sunday morning, often after we spend our time at
LA Fitness. In fact, I run into so many Upper Dublin Jews at Shop N Bag that we might regard it as an extension
or satellite campus to Temple Sinai itself.
I’ve really come to enjoy a great sense of community at Temple Sinai, both within its walls and in the community at large. L’chaim (and have a good workout)
Rock Climbing with Dad at the
Doylestown Rock Gym
Sisterhood members enjoyed a wonderful evening on December 10th
with music, food and wine. We were treated to delicious food from
Six Points Catering (Citron & Rose) while a quartet, including Margery
Hesney, provided beautiful background music. We finished off the
evening with a tasting of kosher wines. Thanks to the great group of
women who helped organized and plan this fun event.
Temple Sinai Sisterhood invites you to Sisterhood/Torah Fund Shabbat on Saturday, January 31st. Please
join us as we celebrate the women of Temple Sinai Sisterhood through prayer and learning and recognize
our commitment of support to Torah Fund. The Torah Fund campaign is the vehicle by which Sisterhood
participate in preserving, promoting and perpetuating Conservative Judaism through active giving in support of The Jewish Theological Seminary, The Zeigler School of Rabbinic studies and the Schechter Institute
of Jewish Studies. Our guest speaker will be Lisa B. Green, a Cantorial student from the Jewish Theological
Seminary. If you would like to participate, please contact Farrah Barrow ([email protected]) or Amy
Brody ([email protected]). A Kiddush luncheon hosted by Sisterhood will follow services. Please join
us, Sisterhood is excited to share this special event with the whole congregation.
Sisterhood’s December paid-up wine tasting event was a treat for all the senses, with mouthwatering
aromas and the sounds of violin music wafting through the elegant room. The evening also touched the
heart, with many of you bringing in items to benefit the JFCS Thrift Boutique in northeast Philadelphia.
The following day I delivered over 20 bags of donated items to the thrift store in
Morrell Park – and it was packed with shoppers!
If you would like a document letter for your tax records, please email me at [email protected], for
a donation letter via email attachment. Please also email me if you have a project that you would like
Sisterhood to support during May’s drive.
Please remember that your discarded bicycles - any condition - can go to Neighborhood Bike Works,
where students take home the bicycle they rehabbed. Used ipads - which can be purchased online for
$10.00 - can support Alzheimer’s patients through the Music and Memory project. The Free Library of
Philadelphia is requesting specific, popular children’s book titles, which you can see listed in our
synagogue library. Please email with any questions you may have about these ongoing projects.
Lastly, please choose to buy Israeli products whenever possible, such as Medjoul dates, Ahava cosmetics,
SodaStream drink machines, Eden Springs bottled water & wine from Golan Heights and Carmel wineries.
Sisterhood Jewish Living
by Joan Winokur
Exodus 31:16-17 reminds us that keeping the Shabbat is an everlasting covenant with G-d for all generations
of the people of Israel because the Lord ceased from work and rested on the seventh day. That is powerful.
Next to the fact that there is but one G-d, observing a day of rest must have been a mind-boggling concept.
You know there are still people in this world who have never heard of a six day work week.
Having given the Shabbat to the world, I marvel that we do not enjoy it more ourselves. What do you do to
set the Shabbat apart, to rest, to once again share the rites, rituals, and activities with our people throughout the world. I get goose bumpy realizing that for 24 hours around the world, Jews usher in the Shabbat.
It’s the beginning of Shabbat for someone each hour. Is that a wow?
What one activity can you add or subtract to make Shabbat more special for you and and your family? Enjoy!
Enjoy! Shabbat is a holiday that comes every week. Each gives us a chance to do better. See you in shul?
Sisterhood Call of Action
Contributions: Thank You For Your Support
Florence H. Albert Preschool Activities
In Honor of
Robin & Daniel Fierstein on the birth of their son Jordan
Barbara & Jeffrey Fierstein
Jenna Berenbaum becoming a Bat Mitzvah ..........................
...................................... Joanne Black and Janice Inselberg
In Memory of
Helen Lerner ................. Joanne Black and Janice Inselberg
Les Abramson .................. Cindy & David Horowitz & Family
Ida G. Budman ................................. Debbie & Marc Brecher
Hyman Poplow ............................................ Gertrude Solkov
Boy Scout
In Memory of
Mark Field ........................................................Gregory Field
Risé Bressler Chesed
In Honor of
Birth of Jordan Ross Fierstein ...............................................
Birth of Aedan Spencer Hall ..................................................
.............Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families
Noah Milrod becoming a Bar Mitzvah ....................................
.............Betty Gross Eisenberg & Barry Bressler & Families
Birth of Aedan Spencer Hall ......... Ina Weiner & Alan Shore
Engagement of Rachel Eisenberg to Stuart Greene .............
...................................................... Maxine & Asher Stutman
Birth of Sherry & Ira Tackel's twin granddaughters ...............
................................................................ Sandi & Ellis Miller
In Memory of
Lester Abramson ....Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
Ben‑Zion Gross .....................................................................
. Betty Gross Eisenberg & Barry Bressler, Rachel and Josh
Esther Eilberg..................................... Ellen & Larry Bressler
Hilda Goldstein .......................................................................
Beverly G. Levinson ................Ellen & Ralph Levin & Family
Edward J. Ross ......................................................................
Gertrude Levine ................................................ Helene Ross
Esther Eilberg............... Joanne & Richard Greene & Family
Annette Silberman ...................................... Maxine Stutman
Max Perlin .......................................................... Ralph Levin
Franklin Glatter.......................................................................
Manny Marcus.................................. Sheri & Rubin Hoffman
Helen Lerner ............................. The Picker & Karp Families
Cantor’s Charity
In Honor of
Engagement of Rachel Eisenberg to Stuart Greene .............
........................................................... Lena & Oleg Fishman
Terry Heller ............................................................................
Gene Heller ................................... Maxine & Asher Stutman
Engagement of Marti Dembowitz to Jordan Soffer................
........................................................ Diane & Howard Becker
............................................................... Meryl & Larry Stern
Birth of Jordan Ross Fierstein ......... Vicki & Howie Edelman
Engagement of Marti Dembowitz to Jordan Soffer................
Cantor Stephen Freedman ..........Nancy & Stuart Goldsmith
................................................................... Sherrie Diamond
.............................. The Cautin, Feldman & Jacobs Families
………… .................... The Goodman & Fliegelman Families
In Memory of
Charlotte Freedman ................... Cantor Stephen Freedman
Les Abramson ................................. Diane & Howard Becker
Hazzan Saul Z. Hammerman ................................................
................................................Ellen & Ralph Levin & Family
Max J. Wais....................................................Ethel Chernow
Abe Raivy ............................................ Hazzan Arlyne Unger
Les Abramson ................... Laurie & Larry Wernick & Family
Perez Rosenthal..........Margery & Michael Hesney & Family
Dr. Owen Belmont ..................................... Maxine Weinstein
Martin N. Berman ..................................... Stanton Weinstein
Robert Rose ....................................................Vicki Edelman
Chernoff Interfaith Activities
In Memory of
Marty Ersner............................................ Krendelle Nosheny
Albert Nosheny........................................... Stanley Nosheny
Harris Twer.............................................................................
Betty Twer ............................................................. Alan Twer
Cook For A Friend
In Honor of
Jenna Berenbaum becoming a Bat Mitzvah ..........................
Hailey Roffman becoming a Bat Mitzvah..... Mindy Wolinsky
Speedy recovery for Irv Segal ........ Randi & Joshua Grimes
In Memory of
Irv Fliegelman....................................... The Kempner Family
Herman Altman ................................................ David Altman
Jesse Kohen ................................................ Francine Kohen
Marcia Glick Markham .................................... Ilene Blatman
Les Abramson .......................Neil & Linda Heller and Family
Franklin Glatter................................ Randi & Joshua Grimes
Isidore Lieblein .......................................................................
Miriam Becker ..................................................... Sheila Katz
Lester Abramson ..................................Susan & Steve Teich
Lilly Dubin Children’s Garden
In Honor of
Birth of Jordan Ross Fierstein ...............................................
........................................... Susan & Alan Budman & Family
In Memory of
Perez Rosenthal........................................ The Florin Family
Alan Schonberg........................................ Jeffrey Schonberg
Cecilia E. Weger .............................................. Rochelle Leis
Florence & Rubin Dworkin Scholarship
In Memory of
Jonathan Seligsohn ...............................................................
Shirley Seligsohn ....................................... Jackie Silverman
Herbert L. Goldfine Scholarship
In Honor of
Birth of Tito Tuckman ................ Marilyn Keesal & Mel Yudis
In Memory of
Bess Birk ................................................................................
Rabbi Arnold Shuman ............... Marilyn Keesal & Mel Yudis
Morris Smith ..................................................... Merrill Hakim
Martin S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan
In Honor of
Birth of Lev Benjamin Berman ... Lester & Herma Abramson
Speedy recovery for Toby Adler ............................................
Birth of Jordan Ross Fierstein ...... Maxine & Asher Stutman
Tammy Hertzbach...................................... Monna Schwartz
Birth of Ilean & Richard Molish's new grandchild ..................
............................................................................. Rose Beck
Stu Weitz ................... The Goodman & Fliegelman Families
In Memory of
Les Abramson ...............................Barbara & John Rosenau
................................................................ Bob & Joan Parkin
.......................................................... Bonnie & Bill Kanefsky
........................................................... Brian & Barbara Miller
..................................................... Carolyn & Martin Savitzky
………................................................ Colette & JR Raebiger
………............................................ Dan & Sondra Schneider
……….......................................................... Debbie Brunetto
.............................................. Elaine, Vic & Sheree Richman
…………. ..............................................Ellen & Michael Matz
…………. ...........................................Evelyn & Marty Snyder
…………………………………………Faith and Sharon Silver
……………. ..................................................... Faye Laveson
........................................ Frank & Roz Romanoski & Family
…………………….. .................................. Frederick Goldfine
.........................................................................Gail Wolfberg
................................................................Gail & Marty Weiss
……….............................................. Germaine & Carl Polsky
………............................... Hannah Milstein and Heidi Simon
……………. .............................................Harold & Gail Stein
…………. ......................................... Harriet & Phil Weinstein
………………… ............................. Helen & Sidney Feinberg
.......................................................... Ilean & Richard Molish
……………………. ..................... Ilene & Robert Pereszlenyi
………………………….. ..................... Ilene & Steve Berman
……………………….............................. Janice & Jerry Dunn
………………….. ................................ Joan & Herb Diamond
………………………................................Joe & Marilyn Carp
............................................................... Joe & Mary Morgan
………………… ................................. Joyce & Frank Podietz
Martin S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan
In Memory of
Les Abramson……………….. ........ Joyce & Sheldon Eveloff
…………... ........................................................... June Ruder
………………………..............................................Lisa Pistilli
………………………....................... Louis & Helen Shankroff
……………. .................................Marc & Frances Kattelman
.......................................................... Margarita & Peter Kind
.......................................................................Marge Listman
…….Marlyn & Gene Friedberg and Alanna & Rob Goldstein
……….. ....................................... Marsha & Michael Frankel
…………. ...................................................... Martin Wilensky
........................................................... Mary & Nathan Relles
…………. ....................................... Maxine & Asher Stutman
............................................ Michelle & David Berk & Family
…………. ..........................................Nadine & Neil Lubarsky
....................................................................... Neil Kugelman
............................................... PA Lodge #76 Brith Abraham
…………….. ............................................ Phyllis Pearlmutter
…………………. ..................... Rabbi Gregory & Laurie Marx
………………........................ Ray & Beverly Leven & Family
………… .......................................................... Renata Fisher
..................................................... Rhonda & Michael Yanoff
………… ....................................................... Richard Nassau
…………….. ......................... Roberta & Al Tillinger & Family
………………........................................................ Rose Beck
.............................................................. Ruth & Leon Visnov
………………… ................................ Sharon & Ed Masarsky
………………........................................... Shei;a & Alan Katz
………. .......................................... Sheila & Neil Gendelman
............................................................ Steve & Janet Rosen
………………................................................... Terri DiFilippo
………………………................................. The Busch Family
………………………..................... The Katz & Blum Families
………………… .......................................... The Lavin Family
………………………......................................... Tobey Grand
……………. .... Tribe 12 & The Members of Tribe Commons
.......................................................... Al & Margie Adelmann
Hyman Holzman .........................Lester & Herma Abramson
Rose Steinberg ......................................................................
Ida G. Budman ............. Andrea & Samuel Domsky & Family
Ida G. Budman .............................. Maxine & Asher Stutman
................................................ Meryl & Larry Stern & Family
Norman B. Cooperman ............... Barbara & Barry Goldstein
Irving Polsky ........................................................ Carl Polsky
Sally Hoffman .........................................................................
Anne Rosedale ......................................Diane & Don Factor
Bertha Ida Factor ...................................Don & Diane Factor
Helen Greebel Gushinsky ......................................................
Max Greebel............................................Gail & Marty Weiss
Clara Strauss .........................................................................
Mary Strauss ..................................................... Marcie Cohn
Meyer Esterkin Stern ............................. Larry & Meryl Stern
Louis Franco ..........................................................................
Hyman Brown.........................................................................
Sylvia Golden ......................................... Meryl & Larry Stern
Rose Cutsman .......................................................................
Anna Smith.............................................Neilson Gendelman
Jonathan Gispan .................................................. Rose Beck
Charles Buckman........................................ Maxine Stutman
Frank Ephraim Elster ................... Rhonda & Michael Yanoff
Jacob Polonsky ........................................Sheila Gendelman
Rabbi Greenberg Scholar-in-Residence
In Honor of
Birth of Judah Aron Glassman ........................ Faye Laveson
In Memory of
Frank Silverstein ....................................................................
Barbara Silverman .................................................................
Solomon Matusow .................................................................
Sophie Laveson .....................................................................
Anna Silverstein .....................................................................
Jonathan Gispan ............................................. Faye Laveson
Shira Greenberg Ruskay .................................Flossie Albert
Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas
In Honor of
Marriage of Stephanie Rosenau & Martyn Swift ...................
....................................... Howard Bernstein & Freda Pepper
Debbie Albert & Glen Feinberg........ Nadine & Neil Lubarsky
Debbie & Glen Feinberg hosting Shabbat dinner..................
............................................................. Susan & Steve Teich
In Memory of
Leonard S. Rosenthal ................... Daniel & Amy Rosenberg
Helen Lerner ..........................................................................
Les Abramson...................... Debbie Albert & Glen Feinberg
Jonathan Gispan....................................................................
Les Abramson.................................................. Flossie Albert
........................................ Lauren & Jeff Gladstone & Family
Lindy Kay ..........................Nadine & Neil Lubarsky & Family
Samuel Gripman Memorial
In Memory of
Samuel Gripman ............................................. Alice Gripman
Handicap Accessibility
In Memory of
Jonathan Gispan.................................Carol & Jules Einhorn
..............................................................Nancy & Joel Cohen
Kitty Flacker ................................... Diane & Henry Goldberg
Dorothy Bratt.......................................................... Paul Bratt
Ursula Bernstein ..................................... Susan & Paul Bratt
Richard Harris Memorial
In Honor of
Marriage of Daniel & Stephanie Zelac...................................
............................................Jerry Leventhal & Marilyn Sclan
In Memory of
William Leventhal...................................... Jerome Leventhal
Irv Fliegelman ........................................................................
Janet Schwartzman ...................................... Jerry Leventhal
Les Abramson..................................... Larry & Bonnie Solish
Dr. Richard Sackey ........................................ Renee Sackey
David Hertzberg Scholarship
In Memory of
William Ehrlich ................................................. Flossie Albert
Holocaust Education
In Honor of
Birth of Jordan Ross Fierstein ...............................................
........................................ Frank & Roz Romanoski & Family
Engagement of Jillian Lubarsky to Evan Rosenthal ..............
...................................................... Audrey & George Marcus
Herma Abramson and Marty Pearlmutter..............................
...................................................... George & Audrey Marcus
In Memory of
Murray C. Goldman ................. The Axler & Canter Families
Martin Nossbaum................. Anneliese Nossbaum & Family
Isaac Shafer............................................... Flora Fine Shafer
Jonathan Gispan........................... George & Audrey Marcus
Adolph Marku ........................................................ Jay Marku
Samuel R. Jorovsky .......................................... Judith Marku
Ida Toland ................................................... Marilyn Adelman
Sheldon Laiwint ......................................... Marilyn Borgman
Philip Essner ................................................. Phyllis Gardner
Herta Jackel ......................................................... Roy Jackel
A. Nathan Ferman .............................................. Susan Paul
Cele Hyman Sukkah
In Memory of
Robert Savage ............................................ Howard Savage
Imagine 613
In Honor of
Engagement of Gregory Brody to Jillian Kessler ..................
........................................................... The Gubernick Family
Harriet Jacobs Education
In Memory of
Belle Paul ............................................. Ellen & Warren Katz,
............................ and Jamie, Harris, Jacob & Bailey Cohen
Jonathan Gispan............................Gladys & David Menaker
Martin Josephs Library
In Memory of
Miriam Shatzman ........................................ Aaron Shatzman
Robert Josselson .......................................... Alan Josselson
Muriel "Mimi" Field ........................................... Gregory Field
Murray Fingeroth ................................................. Ilene Fredd
Ruth Wenger .................................................Robert Wenger
In Memory of
Hal P. Blum ............................................................ Lee Blum
In Memory of
Rita Paul ............................................................. Rosine Paul
Anna Krinsky ................................................ Samuel Krinsky
Jonathan Gispan ................................... Sara & Bob Wenger
Murray C. Goldman ............................ The Gladstone Family
……………. .............................................. The Shotel Family
Celia Raphaelson ............................................ Fern Camann
Ruth Confeld ........................................................ Linda Roth
Ann Kay Adult Education
Louis & Hester Laver Youth Activities
In Honor of
Frank Romanoski's 70th birthday ..........................................
.................................................. Yonina & Jerry Schuchman
In Memory of
Jacquelyn Madvedoff ..............................................Ann Cole
Steve Laver ....................................................... Deena Laver
Cissy Plotnick Scholarship
In Honor of
Cory Ladov becoming a Bar Mitzvah ........ Rona & Bill Safier
Hailey Roffman becoming a Bat Mitzvah...............................
....................................... Stephanie & David Levin & Family
In Memory of
Esther Rachel Olim ...............................................Dave Olim
Irv Fliegelman.................................................. Harriet Levine
Fannie Gendelman ................................Neilson Gendelman
Evelyn Diamond ............................... The Gendelman Family
Prayer Book
In Honor of
Roz & Frank Romanoski's Simchat Torah honor ..................
..................................................................Judy & Jay Marku
In Memory of
Charles Cooper ................................................Berta Schoen
Ida Schriebstein ........................Carole & Steven Greenberg
Dr. Joseph Reider ....................................... Emanuel Reider
Ida G. Budman .............................. Linda & Leonard Abrams
Rabbi’s Charity
In Honor of
Engagement of Gregory Brody to Jillian Kessler ...................
Birth of Jordan Ross Fierstein ..........Jonathan & Linda Roth
Birth of Emma Winter Hesney .......... Sherrie & Nelson Klein
Susan & Stephen Teich .............. Andrea & Samuel Domsky
Birth of Jordan Ross Fierstein ............... Cheryl & Joe Baum
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg ...........................................................
.................................. The Goodman & Fliegelman Families
Sid Feinberg being honored as MAR Man of the Year..........
........................................................... Michelle & David Berk
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg .................Nancy & Stuart Goldsmith
………….. ................................................... Sherrie Diamond
………….. .............. The Cautin, Feldman & Jacobs Families
Engagement of Gregory Brody to Jillian Kessler ...................
………………….. ................. David & Michelle Berk & Family
In Memory of
Isador Schechter .............................................. Ada Fishman
Leonard S. Rosenthal ....... Amanda & Lily Warkow & Family
Irv Fliegelman................................... Cindy & Adam Warkow
................................................................ The Weiner Family
Doris Waxler........................................ Cindy & Stu Lamberg
Evelyn Diamond .............................................Doris & Si Izes
Lester Abramson ....................................................................
Perez Rosenthal................................Jonathan & Linda Roth
Les Abramson ....................................... Sara & Bob Wenger
........................................................ Shelly & Howard Shotel
.......................................................... Sherrie & Nelson Klein
Joseph Lamberg ................................. Stu & Cindy Lamberg
Helen Lerner ....... Alison Klugherz & Ken Kideckel & Family
Eva Kaplan ........................................................ Carol Cohen
Max Cohen .................................................... Edward Cohen
Arnold S. Cohen ............................... Esther Cohen & Family
Ronald Dubin .................................................. Harriett Dubin
Ida G. Budman .......................................................................
Alexander Angoff White .........................................................
Jonathan Gispan ..............................Joyce & Peter Klugherz
Irwin Frank .......................................... Judy & Jeff Wohlberg
Manfred Schoen .................................................Kurt Schoen
Frances Frank ........................................................................
Irwin Frank .......................................................... Larry Frank
Joseph Hahn ................................................ Lawrence Hahn
Bertram I. Berk .................... David & Michelle Berk & Family
Perez Rosenthal................................. Michelle & David Berk
Lawrence Joseph Kline .................................... Mitchell Kline
Sol Nirenberg ......................................... Nanette Schriftman
Bernard W. Cohen ..............................................Paul Cohen
Bernard Fisher ................................................ Renata Fisher
Rabbi’s Charity (continued)
Ruth & Budd Rockower Dues Assistance
In Memory of
Lester Abramson ............................. Judy & Matthew Schure
Robert Seskin .................................................. Lester Seskin
Albert & Rose Rubenstein Children’s Library
In Honor of
Speedy recovery for Harris Kaiser ........................................
.......................The Rubenstein, Haines & Hartstein Families
In Memory of
Louis Kazansky .......................................... Bonnie Kanefsky
Evelyn Diamond ..........................................Ilene & Eli David
Faith Rubin Scholarship
In Honor of
Birth of Emma Winter Hesney...............Jerry & Judy Caplan
Birth of Jordan Ross Fierstein ...............Judy & Jerry Caplan
Michael Zubrow passing the bar exam ...........Sylvia Zubrow
In Memory of
Les Abramson ...........................................Ben & Ilana Israel
Les Abramson ..................... Laurie & David Matez & Family
Les Abramson ....................Susan & Alan Budman & Family
Sarah Richter ............................................. Bonnie Kanefsky
Frimi Walters ................................... Cantor Bernard Walters
Sarah Moss ...........................................................................
Sylvia Hartenbaum .................................. David Hartenbaum
Judith Gould ..................................................Jerome Caplan
Bernard Dall ..........................................................................
Les Abramson .......................................................................
Ruth Raphaelson...................................Judy & Jerry Caplan
Rebecca Kessler ............................................... Marilyn Carp
Norman Samoiloff Memorial
In Honor of
Sid Feinberg being honored as MAR Man of the Year .........
............................................................... The Domsky Family
In Memory of
Perez Rosenthal ................................ Susan & Alan Budman
Brian Budman...................................................Alan Budman
Bennett Solomon Ramah Scholarship
In Memory of
Cheryl Cautin............................... Adam Gladstone & Family
Irv Fliegelman ............................................Jill & Brian Rosen
Les Abramson .....................Elaine & Neil Freemer & Family
......................................... Lauren & Jeff Gladstone & Family
......................................... Shira & Cobi Weissbach & Family
Marvin Ettinger ...................................................... Amy Field
Milton Shilling ........................................................................
Adeline Shilling ............................................ Barbara London
Ida Morrison ................................................. Denise Stredler
Israel Solomon ......................................................................
Rose Plavner .........................................................................
Bennett Solomon ...................................... Florence Solomon
Rose Koppelman ......................................... Howard Stredler
Morris Katz ....................................................... Linda Schatz
Milton Lacks ..........................................................................
Rose Plavner .........................................................................
Bennett Solomon ............................................ Stanton Lacks
Saul Weinstein ......................................... Stanton Weinstein
Mildred Abrams ............................................Stephen Kasloff
Hannah G. Sterner Memorial
In Memory of
Florence Levin .................................................. Sherrie Levin
Temple Sinai Floral
In Memory of
Hilda Kulman .................................. Hilary Kulman Slobotkin
Temple Sinai General
In Honor of
Michael Zubrow passing the bar & completing the NYC marathon
Temple Sinai General (continued)
In Honor of
Maxine & Asher Stutman................................ Brenda Simon
Marriage of Stephanie Rosenau & Martyn Swift ...................
............................................................... Gary & Linda Rubin
Sid Feinberg being honored as MAR Man of the Year .........
.......................................................... Joyce & Fred Kempner
........................................The Schneit and Bressler Families
Birth of Madeline Sophia Grant ................. Kathi & Bill Grant
In Memory of
Belle Paul........................................... Jamie & Harris Cohen
Helen Lerner ..........................................................................
Manny Marcus .................. Alan Woronoff & Shira Goodman
Perez Rosenthal ........................... Barbara & John Rosenau
Irv Fliegelman ............................... Daniel & Amy Rosenberg
Les Abramson ...........................................Ed Field & Family
.......................................................Gilda & Jonathan Gispan
............................................................... Karen & Bill Kramer
.......................................................Mindy & Jules Shamberg
Jonathan Gispan ...................................... Alvin & Jodi Stern
..................................................................... Arlene Schecter
................................................................ Doris & Paul Schor
.................................Fran, Bevy, Sandy & Eileen & Families
................................................... Helene & Stanley Curzman
........................................................................ Renata Fisher
............................................................ Richard & Laura Shur
............................................................................. Sara Segal
…………….................... Ernest Riesenfeld & Helene Glazier
Ida G. Budman .....................Co‑workers of Susan Budman
................................................... Debbie & Alan Krochtengel
.......................................................Donna & John McColgan
....................................................................... Joy Zelikovsky
................................................................... Morris Zelikovsky
............................................................. Shelley & Alan Bilsky
................................................... The Kaplan Stahler Agency
Louise Altman .................................................. David Altman
Hyman Cohen.................................................... Diane Sovel
Nathan Norin ..................................................Evelyn Snyder
Cheryl Cautin ..................................... Hope Perera & Family
Frank Glatter............................ Janine & Howard Vigderman
Bunny Osser .............................................. Nancy Goldsmith
Bernard Segal........................................................................
Pearl Belfer ............................................................................
Abe Hamburger ................................................... Sara Segal
Pearl & Ted Weitz Scholarship
In Honor of
Ryan Goodman becoming a Bar Mitzvah .............................
Brooke Shapiro becoming a Bat Mitzvah ..............................
.................................................................. Marci & Stu Weitz
Hailey Roffman becoming a Bat Mitzvah ..............................
Cory Ladov becoming a Bar Mitzvah ....................................
................................................... Marci & Stu Weitz & Family
In Memory of
Dorothy Kempner ....................................... Fredric Kempner
Rose Axelrod ............................................... Herman Axelrod
Reba Feldman ............................................. Howard Stredler
Ida G. Budman .......................... Marci & Stu Weitz & Family
Floss Davis ............................................... Stu & Marci Weitz
Samuel Gluck ........................................................................
Theodore Weitz ........... Stu & Marci Weitz and Arleen Weitz
Bruce Winokur Memorial
In Memory of
Franklin Glatter ......................................................................
Emanuel "Manny" Winokur........................... Harriet Winokur
Lester Abramson ...................................................................
Sam Gelman..........................................................................
Alice Winokur Malove ............................................................
Jonathan Gispan ...................................................................
Benjamin Gelman ..................................................................
Emanuel "Manny" Winokur.............................. Joan Winokur
Annette Vitt ............................................................................
Les Abramson .................................. Marilyn & Heshy Stock
Dr. Joseph Michaels ....................................... Mike Michaels
William Corbett ...............................................Pamela Barrer
Lillian Barrer ....................................................Steven Barrer
Emanuel "Manny" Winokur.......................... Steven Winokur
Bernice Cooke .......................................................................
Ida Heller ......................................................... David Altman
In Memory of
Rose Fishman ................................................. Jack Fishman
Morris Blatman .............................................. Arthur Blatman
Samuel Glaser................................................... Barry Glaser
Jesse Finkelstein ........................................... Benne Marmer
Harrison "Sonny" Taffer ................. Beth & Jimmie Edelman
Jack Meltzer ..........................................................................
Larry Meltzer ................................................... Bruce Meltzer
Betty Kurtzweig ................................................ Diane Dehart
Ida Scheinholtz ...................................................... Doris Izes
Nettie Stern ....................................................... Eleanor Liss
Abraham Brodsky ............................................... Ellen Spear
Frank T. Romanoski .................................. Frank Romanoski
Muriel Newman .....................................................................
Joseph Newman.......................................... Gilbert Newman
Alvin Schwartz .......................................................................
Murray C. Goldman ......................................Harvey Krevolin
Sarah Goldstein Cooper.................................... Janet Rosen
Virginia Tanur ...................................................... Janis Dunn
Sadie Levy.................................................. Lallie Greenberg
Ida Bloomberg ................................................ Lois Steinberg
Eleanor Smolen Klieman........Marcy Lyons Gohen & Family
Bonnie Gohen ................................................... Mark Gohen
Morris Friedman ............................................ Mary Friedman
Les Abramson ............................... Monna & Barry Schwartz
Garry Sherman ........................................... Monna Schwartz
Jack Brenner .........................................................................
Lillian Brenner Friedman .................................. Paul Brenner
Rev. Louis Rosenthal ............................................................
Eli Fisher............................................................. Ruth Fisher
Mildred Goldstein ............................................ Ruth Murland
Sarah Zilberfarb..............................................Saul Zilberfarb
David Schultz .................................................. Shelley Bilsky
Evelyn Diamond ....................................................................
Lena Brauner.............................................. Sherrie Diamond
David Steinberg .....................................................................
Kathryn Haberman ................................................................
Dorothy Lubline .........................................Stanley Steinberg
Meriam Rosen ................................................ Steven Rosen
Louis Katz............................................................ Stuart Katz
Yetta Toplin ...........................................................................
Sara Blumberg .............................................. Judy Blumberg
Irene Wilk...........................................................Sanford Wilk
Register by January 31st and save $100
Contact the Main Office / 215.643.6510
Deposit is refundable
In your hectic life, how can you fit in another “to do”?
You may not even need it (God willing) for a long
time. Why not put off thinking about it for now?
Why not? Because no one knows when the need will arise.
When it does, many tasks must
be handled and decisions made in a limited amount of time.
Contacting loved ones
Selecting and purchasing a gravesite
Making funeral arrangements
Handling the affairs of the deceased
Now is the time to lessen the burden placed on your family by
purchasing a gravesite for that
inevitable need. Having one less decision to research and make
during that difficult time is
one of the greates gifts you could give them, along with the peace
of mind of knowing that
everything has been arranged exactly the way you wanted.
Temple Sinai has available gravesites at nearby King David
Memorial Park in Bensalem, PA at reasonable costs for its
members and their families.
For more information, please call the
Temple Sinai office at 215.643.6510 or
email [email protected].
www.Boscovsalacartecatering.com & Event Planning - Dave [email protected]
Join us in our
“Shabbat dinner pyramid scheme!”
Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas® encourages congregants to host others for Shabbat dinners and then, in
subsequent months, if they are able, the guests “pay it forward” and host other congregants. Specific dates
are designated, but you are welcome to host any Friday night that works for you!
We provide a challah and a brochure with a recipe and lots of information to make it easy on you. The brochure also has the three main brachot (blessings) for Shabbat – in English, Hebrew, and transliteration and
we also send them on audio file.
All you have to do is invite other congregants and make dinner – or make it pot luck! No stress; dinner can
be anything from pizza to your Bubbie’s roasted chicken.
It’s not about the food; it’s about strengthening our Temple Sinai family one Shabbat dinner at a time.
To sign up to host, click here.
Official dates are (but feel free to choose any date and us know):
January 9, 2015 • February 6 • March 13 • May 1
Questions? Call Debbie Albert at 215-643-0564 or reach out via email at [email protected]
I sincerely thank the Temple Sinai
Men’s Club for making me their
man of the year 2014-2015.
I will always cherish this high honor.
Thank you,
Sid Feinberg
Just a quick game of dreidel before they head home!
Do not prop doors open
Ask strangers if you can be of help to them
Be careful of people “piggy backing” to enter the building
Do not lend your key fob to others
Let the office know if you have lost your key fob
Be aware of people or cars loitering in the parking lot
Always lock your car
Do not leave valuables on display in your car
If you see something suspicious, immediately alert the office or custodial staff
If you feel threatened call 911
Safety is everyone’s job!!
Life Cycle Events
Emma Winter Hesney, daughter of Daniel & Molly Hesney, granddaughter of Margery & Michael Hesney
Aedan Spencer Hall, son of Drs. Kevin & Laura Bressler Hall, grandson of Ellen & Larry Bressler
Judah Aron Glassman son of Devora Greenberg Glassman & Scott Glassman, granddaughter of Renee Greenberg
HaMakom Menachem (May God Comfort)
Murray C. Goldman, father of Amy Goldman, grandfather of Matthew Pohubka
Irv Fliegelman, father of Jodi (Matthew) Goodman, grandfather of Blake & Ryan Goodman
Evelyn Diamond, mother of Sherrie Diamond & Chuck Diamond
, mother-in-law of Irma Diamond-Price
Manuel “Manny” Marcus, father of David (Kim) Marcus, grandfather of Hailey, Jake & Dylan Marcus, husband of Ilene
Helen Lerner, grandmother of Amy (Dan) Rosenberg, great-grandmother of Hannah, Jacob & Samuel Rosenberg
Bobbie Friedman, aunt of Ellyn Caplan (Robert) Klein
Bernard Dall, grandfather of Michael (Debbie) Dall
Perez Rosenthal, father of Margery (Michael) Hesney, grandfather of Daniel (Molly) Hesney, Adam (Sarah) Hesney &
Joshua Hesney, great-grandfather of Emma & Leah Hesney
Jonathan Gispan, husband of Gilda Gispan
Engagements & Weddings
Engagement of Gregory Brody, son of Amy & Joshua Brody to Jillian Kessler
Refuah Shelemah
Rich Egosi
Joe Carp
Nadine Lubarsky
Gene Heller
B’nai Mitzvah
Jordan Naim
Son of
Karen & Gideon
January 24
Jordan is a 7th grader at Jack Barrack
Hebrew Academy. He has a strong
connection with Israel, and in
October 2014, he had the pleasure
and honor of celebrating his bar
mitzvah in Jerusalem with his family
What Jordan most likes to do, is
spend time with his friends playing
soccer. In addition to playing soccer,
Jordan likes to snow board and loves
hanging with his school friends,
many of whom he has known since
gan. He loves to be entertaining,
especially with humor, and is expert
at doing impressions of some of his
favorite characters from movies and
t.v. – including Borat, South Park, and
Dictator to name a few. In school,
Jordan is an excellent student, who
brings both a liveliness and strong
work ethic to the classroom; his
favorite subjects are math and P.E.
For his bar mitzvah project, Jordan
has embarked on an ongoing
commitment to volunteer for food
prep at Face to Face in Germantown,
an organization with the goal of
meeting basic human needs like
feeding the hungry. He chose this
project because he likes helping
people in need and it warms his
heart to see the smile on people’s
faces when we give them food.
Jordan is very excited about
becoming a Bar Mitzvah and sharing
his Simcha with family and friends.
Jake Marcus
Son of
Gwen Hoffman
Daughter of
Sheri Hoffman &
Rubin Weiner
February 7
February 14
Kimberly & David
Jake is a seventh grade student at
Sandy Run middle school. He began
his Jewish education at Temple Sinai
preschool, and continued in the
religious school.
Jake enjoys spending time with his
family and friends. Jake plays baseball
and basketball for Upper Dublin
township, he also likes bike riding,
inline and ice skating and many other
outdoor activities. In his spare time
he enjoys playing video games and
creating and building projects. During
the summer, Jake has enjoyed going
to X Zone camp.
Gwendolyn is a seventh grade
student at Sandy Run Middle School.
She currently attends Temple Sinai
religious school, after spending
her younger years at Ann Newman
preschool. She is also an alumna of
the Junior Choir, the Yad Squad and
the Temple Sinai Players, as well as
a keychain-carrying member of the
daily minyan.
Gwendolyn plays saxophone in the
band and the jazz band. She plays
basketball, softball, soccer and enjoys
acting, skiing and traveling. For her
mitzvah project, she is baking with a
friend to provide treats to emergency
For his Mitzvah project, Jake has been personnel working on the holidays.
helping his sister, Hailey, with the
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, as Gwen spends her summers at Sesame
she is running for student of the year. Rockwood Day Camp in Blue Bell. She
He is helping with fundraising and has volunteered at Project Hope and
planning many events to support this JRA.
great cause.
Gwendolyn is looking forward to
Jake will be sharing his special day sharing her Bat Mitzvah with her
with his parents, Kimberly and David, mom and dad, her brothers, her
his sister, Hailey, his brother, Dylan, as grandparents and her Temple Sinai
well as his nana Ellen Richman, and family.
many aunts, uncles and cousins from
near and far.
B’nai Mitzvah
Taylor Avery
Daughter of
Stayci & Todd
February 21
Taylor is currently a seventh grader
at Sandy Run Middle School. She
began her Jewish education at the
age of 2, attending the Ann Newman
Preschool, where she began long
lasting friendships with some of her
closest friends.
Taylor has many interests. Her love
for sports being at the top of that list.
Taylor plays first base for her travel
softball team, was on the school 7th
grade Volleyball team, and plays
intramural basketball. She also loves
spending time at the beach or pool
and hanging out with her family and
friends. Taylor has spent the last
10 summers at Sesame/Rockwood
Daycamp and Rockwood Adventures
Teen Travel program.
For her mitzvah project, Taylor has
been collecting shoes from everyone
she knows, and even some that she
doesn’t, in order to provide for those
in need through the World Wear
Project. The proceeds that she has
collected through this program are
being sent directly to the American
Diabetes Association in honor of her
late grandfather, Steven Gallant.
Taylor is excited to share this special
day with her parents, Stayci and
Todd Avery, her sister Sydni, her
grandparents, Gloria and Fred Katz,
Honey and Denis Diehl, as well as
her many aunts, uncles, cousins and
Sunday, January 11, 2015
10:00 - 11:30 am
Authors Lee Bender and Jerome Verlin
will have an open discussion
concerning bias in the media
against Israel.
Learn the facts to help defend against
arguments hostile to Israel and gain
greater insight on a topic that is
shaping how the world views Israel.
Free program includes Bagel Brunch
An easy way YOU can help
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Temple Sinai Sisterhood Gift Shop
1401 N. Limekiln Pike / Dresher, PA 19025
All sales support Temple Sinai
Sunday: 10:30am - 12:30pm
Monday thru Friday: 10:30am - 1:30pm
Tuesdays: 4pm-6pm
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products & services are not offered through TFA. Wealth Development
Group, LLC is not affiliated with TFA
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Let us make every event a
special one
Larry Drossner
Steven Hellinger
Ian Drossner
Celebrate Purim
by Sending Shalach Manot to Family and Friends!
Packages ordered for synagogue members will be delivered, if possible, by Sisterhood volunteers living
in the same neighborhoods. If delivery cannot be arranged, you will be called. Packages ordered for
non-synagogue members cannot be delivered, but can be picked up at Temple Sinai.
1st ten packages
2nd ten packages
Additional packages
Teacher & Staff packages
$10.00 each
$8.00 each
$6.00 each
$6.00 each
Baskets to non-Temple Sinai members and non-pre-school families are $12.00
(to defray the actual cost of a single basket).
Introducing Online Ordering at tsinai.happypurim.com!
Temple Sinai Sisterhood has joined with a professional Purim
fundraiser software company (happypurim.com) to provide you with a convenient and secure way to place
your orders online by credit card or by check.
In a short while you will receive an initial email explaining the new website option and asking you to reply to
the email if you would like to use this option.
If you choose to participate in online ordering, you will then
receive an email with your personalized code and simple to follow instructions on how to place your order.
We are excited about our new ordering process and we think you will find it to be an easy and convenient
way to send your family and friends Shalach Manot baskets.
Your Name__________________________________
Your Phone__________________________________
Please include a list of the Shalach Manot recipients and
indicate whether they are Temple Sinai members.
Total packages for Temple Sinai Members, Sisterhood
Members and Pre-School Families.:
@ $10_____ $8_____$6_____
Non-Member/Non-Pre-school baskets @ $12.00_____
Check enclosed payable to Temple Sinai Sisterhood for
total of $______
Mail to: Marlene Zubrow
1431 Barton Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Volunteer to get involved in the fun!
Our Shalach Manot Assembly Day is
Sunday, February 22nd at 9:00 A.M.
For more info, please call:
Ruth Segal (215-628-8877)
Marlene Zubrow (215-641-9682) or
Amy Relles (215) 643-9335.
You can also reach us at [email protected]
Order forms are available
in the main office,
synagogue foyer and gift shop.
Invest in Israel Bonds · israelbonds.com
Development Corporation for Israel/Israel Bonds
888.764.2631 · [email protected]
*Available online only
1:30 Crafting with Faith
6pm Workouts with
8pm TSMC Board Mtg.
1:30 Crafting with Faith
6pm Workouts with
7pm Membership
Committee Mtg.
19 MLK DAY / Preschool
1:30 Crafting with Faith
6pm Workouts with
1:30 Crafting with Faith
6pm Workouts with
9:30am Religious School
10:30am Israel Action
1:30pm Girl Scouts Move
Up Ceremony
1:45 Boy Scouts
8:45am Junior Choir
9:30am Religious School
10:30am Adult Ed Book
11am Camp Fair
5pm Makor Kadima
9:30am Religious School
1:30 Girl Scouts
1:45 Boy Scouts
6pm TSMC Texas Hold’em
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Gratz JCHS
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Gratz JCHS
4:30pm Religious School
6pm Confirmation Class
6:45pm Gratz JCHS
4:30pm Religious School
6:45pm Gratz JCHS
10:30am Adult Ed with
Faith Rubin
1:00pm Hazak AARP
Driving Class
7am Cook for a Friend
10:30am Adult Ed with
Faith Rubin
9:30am Adult Ed with
Rabbi Wohlberg
6pm Workouts with
10:30am Adult Ed with
7am Morning Minyan Rosh 10:30am Adult Ed with
Chodesh Shevat
Faith Rubin
9:30am Adult Ed with
Rabbi Wohlberg
6pm Workouts with
8pm Board Mtg
9:30am Adult Ed with
Rabbi Wohlberg
6pm Workouts with
6:30pm TSMC Regional
9:30am Adult Ed with
Rabbi Wohlberg
6pm Workouts with
7pm Executive Committee
~ January 2015 ~
9:30am Shabbat Services
10am Knesset Mishpacha
12:15pm SIR Lunch &
7:30pm SIR Comedy
6pm Minyan Sameach
9:30am Torah Fund
Sisterhood Shabbat
10:30 Junior Congregation
24 Bar Mitzvah of Jordan
6pm Minyan Sameach with Naim
Junior Choir
9:30am Shabbat Services
12pm Sisterhood Rosh
6:00pm RS Havdallah
Parents Night Out
6pm Kitah Daled Hey
7pm Shabbat Service
9:30am Shabbat Services
6pm Preschool Havdallah
3 Bat Mitzvah of Maya
9:30am Shabbat Services
Sundays (@TBI)…7:00pm
9 Guess Who’s Coming to
6pm Minyan Sameach
6pm Minyan Sameach
Sundays ………..8:45am
Daily Minyan Times (unless otherwise indicated)
1:30pm Creative Crafting 4:30pm Religious School
with Faith Rubin
6pm Confirmation
6:45pm Gratz
16 Offices/School Closed 17
Presidents Day
4:30pm Religious School
Makor Trip-Offsite
6:45pm Gratz
7:30pm Sisterhood Board
1:30pm Creative Crafting 4:30pm Religious School
with Faith Rubin
6:45pm Gratz
15 No Religious School
1:45 Boy Scouts
8am Sisterhood Shalach
Manot Assembly
8:45am Junior Choir
9:30am Religious School
10:30am Adult Ed Book
1:30pm Girl Scouts
1:45pm Boy Scouts
4:30pm Religious School
5:00pm Sisterhood Tu
B’Shvat Seder
6:45pm Gratz
8:45am Junior Choir
9:30am Religious School
10am Hazak Brunch
12pm Kadima Event
1:30pm Girl Scouts
1:45pm Boy Scouts
8:45am Junior Choir
1:30pm Creative Crafting
9:30am Religious School with Faith Rubin
9:30am Men’s Club World
Wide Wrap
6:00pm Men’s Club
Mancave Superbowl
Party (Offsite)
9:30am Adult Ed with
Rabbi Wohlberg
9:30am Adult Ed with
Rabbi Wohlberg
8pm Board Mtg.
9:30am Adult Ed with
Rabbi Wohlberg
7pm Executive
Committee Mtg.
4 Tu B’shevat
9:30am Adult Ed with
Rabbi Wohlberg
10:30am Adult Ed with
Faith Rubin
10:30am Adult Ed with
Faith Rubin
10:30am Adult Ed with
Faith Rubin
7am Cook for a Friend
10:30am Adult Ed with
Faith Rubin
~ February 2015 ~
6pm Minyan Sameach
6:30pm Preschool
Shabbat Happening
6pm Minyan Sameach
7pm Men’s Club and
Scouts Shabbat/Dinner
6pm Minyan Sameach
with Junior Choir
6 Guess Who’s Coming to
6pm Kitah Vav & Zayin
7pm Shabbat Service
Sundays ………..8:45am
21 Bat Mitzvah of Taylor
9:30am Shabbat Services
10:30am Junior
12pm Sisterhood Rosh
7pm Cantor’s Cafe
28 Bar Mitzvah of Billy
9:30am Shabbat Services
10am Knesset Mishpacha
14 Bat Mitzvah of Gwen
Rosh Chodesh Adr
9:30am Shabbat Services
7 Bar Mitzvah of Jake
9:30am Shabbat Services
11am Tot Shabbat
6:30pm Men’s Club
Daddy Daughter Dance
Sundays (@TBI)…7:00pm
Daily Minyan Times (unless otherwise indicated)
Temple Sinai
1401 North Limekiln Pike
Dresher, PA 19025
E-mail: [email protected]
Main Office: 215.643.6510 / Fax: 215.643.9441
Jodie Levinson / Executive Directors Assistant
Suzanne Teleha / Rabbi’s Assistant
Marcy Lyons Gohen / Accounting
Ellen McGrother / Accounting
Religious School
Ann Newman Preschool
Gift Shop
Be sure to follow us on
Pinterest for great holiday
recipes and ideas!
Professional Staff
Founding Rabbi
Cantor Emeritus
Executive Director
Director of Education
Early Childhood
Coordinator of
Enhanced Education
B’nai Mitzvah
Director of
Family Engagement
USY Advisor
Adam Wohlberg
Dr. Sidney Greenberg
Stephen Freedman
Nathan Chaitovsky
Edwin Altman
Shira Weissbach
Tracey Perchick
Faith Rubin
Marjorie Schwartz
x 107
Temple Sinai Officers
Jeffrey Hampton
Executive Vice President
Jeffrey Gordon
Vice President/Education
Robert Milrod
Vice President/Fundraising
Larry Florin
Vice President/Membership
Janet Lynn
Robert Moskovitz
Erica Rubenstein
David Weiss
ComptrollerGary Klazmer
Immediate Past President
William Kramer
Stacy Pressman
David Kepniss
Steven Rosen
Shelly Shotel
Cari Cantor
Sisterhood President
Men’s Club President
Hazak President
Make All Contributions
Pay Your Bill
View Congregant Directory
Register & Pay for Events
You may log in to Chaverweb via our
website at www.tsinai.com.
On the top right corner, click the yellow link
that says Members Login
If you forgot your password, simply click
the link under the login to reset it. You will
receive a temporary password via email.
Copy and paste that when you go to log
back in. After that you can change the
password to something easier for you to
remember. All Passwords must contain at
least 7 characters and one must include
the Shift Key (ie: !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*).
If you have ANY questions, please don’t
hesitate to call the main office.