Appointments - Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Appointments - Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Mid July 06.qxd 7/7/06 12:05 pm Page 1 July ïï ïï ïï ï ï ï ïïïïï ï ï 2006 ï ïï ï ï Appointments CONTENTS 2 Quick Look Dates 3 News 4 Courses 5 Appointments Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists 2 White Hart Yard, London SE1 1NX telephone: 020 7378 1200 email: [email protected] website: Disclaimer: The bulletin supplement is the bi-monthly magazine of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists.The views expressed in the bulletin supplement are not necessarily the views of the College. Publication does not imply endorsement. Publication of advertisements in the bulletin supplement is not an endorsement of the advertiser or of the products and services advertised. New guideline aims to improve Parkinson's disease care The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions launched a new Parkinson's disease guideline on 28 June Parkinson's Disease: National clinical guideline for diagnosis and management in primary and secondary care is based on a thorough search for best evidence and reflects the major role of nonpharmacological aspects of care in this disabling chronic condition. In particular, the guideline recommends that healthcare professionals be aware, throughout the course of the disease, of the potential benefits of referral for specialist treatment, such as speech and language, physiotherapy or occupational therapy. Julia Johnson, RCSLT adviser and member of the Guideline Development Group, welcomed the new guideline. “This is a very important document for SLTs working with an adult caseload including progressive neurological disorders,” Julia said. “Our intervention is highlighted in the key interventions for people with Parkinson's disease and as a key research area. The main recommendations for us are that speech and language therapy should be available for people with Parkinson's disease. “The guideline says particular consideration should be given to: Improvement of vocal loudness and pitch range, including speech therapy programmes such as Lee Silverman Voice Treatment. Teaching strategies to optimise speech intelligibility. Ensuring an effective means of communication is maintained throughout the course of the disease, including the use of assistive technologies. Review and management to support safety and efficiency of swallowing and to minimise the risk of aspiration. “This is a very thorough guideline, which is fully supportive of the valuable role played by SLTs and other allied health professionals in the management of this disease along with the importance of continuity of care.” Visit: The new Parkinson's disease guideline recommendations include: People with suspected Parkinson's disease should be referred quickly and untreated to a specialist with expertise in the differential diagnosis of the condition. The diagnosis of Parkinson's disease should be reviewed regularly and reconsidered if atypical clinical features develop. Physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy should be made available to people with Parkinson's disease. People with Parkinson's disease should have access to specialist nursing care, which may be provided by a Parkinson's disease nurse specialist. July 2006 bulletin mid-month supplement 1 Mid July 06.qxd 7/7/06 12:05 pm Page 2 Q u i c k Lo o k D ate s Do you have deaf clients? Cued Speech gives complete access to spoken language for deaf babies, children and adults. The Cued Speech Association UK offers tuition and free information. Find out more. Visit:, email: [email protected] or tel: 01803 832784. 22 September Downs Ed training Speech and language development for children with Down syndrome. Presented by Prof Sue Buckley OBE, including the latest research and therapy approaches. Venue: Gujerati Centre, Preston, Lancs. Cost: £85. Contact Sally Butler, tel: 01772 401455, email: [email protected] 11-12 October Communication and feeding difficulties in children with cleft and other complex craniofacial conditions A multidisciplinary course, highlighting recent clinical advances. Led by specialists from ICH/Great Ormond Street. Visit:, email: [email protected] or tel: 020 7813 8394 16 October Paediatric dysphagia course Four days of paediatric dysphagia training Birmingham. This is one of a series of dysphagia courses offered by Quest Training. Email: [email protected], visit: or tel: 0121 6282813 for more information 27 October (repeated 17 Nov) Reflective practice: creating effective involvement through supervision Discover how to establish a successful supervision group that contributes to CPD and supports personal development within your professional framework. Contact Diane Gibson and Fay Young, tel: 01264 396 319 or visit: 2 13-14 November Elklan total training package for 11-16s Enables SLTs to provide accredited training to staff working in secondary school settings. RCSLT London. Therapist £395; teacher £295; Elklan tutor and co-tutor £200. Tel: 01208 841450, email: [email protected], visit: 16-17 November Elklan total training package for under-fives Enables SLTs to provide accredited training to staff working in under-fives settings. Teacher-therapist teams welcome. RCSLT London. Therapists £395; £295 teachers. Tel: 01208 841450, email: [email protected], visit: 1-3 November 2006 and 7-8 March 2007 Five-day facial oral tract therapy course Comprehensive MDT course providing theory and supervised practical work in assessment and treatment of swallowing and communication disabilities in adults and children with neurological impairment. Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability, London. Contact Sarah Haynes, tel: 0208 780 4500 x5230, email: [email protected] 7-8 February 2007 Working with complex acquired neuro-disability Two-day course on assessment and management of patients with profound neurological disabilities. Topics include assessment and management of patients in VS/MCS/emerging and LIS. Presenters: SLT/ medical/dental and physiotherapy Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability, London. Contact: Sarah Haynes/Philippa Williams, tel: 0208 780 4500 x5230, email: [email protected] and [email protected] 3 November Trophic electrical stimulation Oro-facial rehab in adult neuro July 2006 bulletin mid-month supplement featuring Diana Farragher. Theoretical and practical applications of TES for the treatment of acquired dysphagia and dysarthria. Regional Rehab Unit, Northwick Park Hospital. Cost £140 includes handbook. Email: [email protected] or tel: 0208 869 2808 Book your date email: [email protected] 10-11 November Dyspraxia Foundation 'Genes into Jeans - Growing up with dyspraxia' Two-day conference for professionals. West Midlands. Featuring health/educational programmes and choice of workshops. For further details contact: The Dyspraxia Foundation, tel: 01462 455016, email: admin@dyspraxia or visit: Connect Training 8 September Meeting the challenges of severe aphasia Gain encouragement and inspiration to work creatively and positively with this client group. Obtain an insight into the everyday life and experience of people with aphasia. Explore a practical framework for goal setting. 12 September Develop your communication skills and make a difference For non-SLT colleagues, assistants and newly-qualified SLTs. Gain practical skills and techniques for improving interactions, involvement and really getting to know the person behind the aphasia. 19 September The good goal-setting guide Learn how to make choices and goals in stroke care more patient-centred, by gaining new techniques for listening and delivering what patients really want to achieve. Great for teams. 27 September Including people with aphasia in stroke research For all stroke researchers. Learn techniques for making project information, documentation and consent forms accessible for people with aphasia. Increase confidence in interviewing both face-to-face and over the phone. Make your research truly inclusive. 5 October (follow up 12 December) New ways of managing stroke disability: dare to be different Who's in control of therapy - you or your client? Learn how to develop equal partnerships. Break down the barriers during stroke recovery. Transform your service and how you work. 11 October Making information accessible Accessible, relevant information is vital in supporting the recovery journey. This course gives you the practical skills to make your information clear, flexible and appropriate. Focuses on stroke care but relevant to all clients. For all of the above contact Maria McDonnell, Connect, 16-18 Marshalsea Road, London, tel: 020 7367 0866, email: [email protected], visit: Mid July 06.qxd 7/7/06 12:05 pm Page 3 VSO N ew s Footballers' Wives star has lesson in African therapy Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) SLT Francesca Braschi had a brush with celebrity in June when she met Footballers' Wives star Zoe Lucker in Zambia. Thirty years after her parents volunteered with VSO, Zoe visited Zambia for the first time with the international development charity to see the work of VSO volunteers. She met Francesca, who is working Bauleni Community School, just outside Lusaka, and was able to see her in action and meet some of the children from the school. Francesca, originally from London, is the only SLT in Zambia. Her placement enables her to train teachers at Bauleni Community school, and pupils at a local teacher training college, to carry out communications strategies for individual pupils and introduce the therapy into mainstream education. VSO currently has a strong demand for SLTs and is recruiting new volunteers for placements, like Francesca's, across the developing world. Zoe's parents volunteered with VSO in the early 1970s, working as home economics and mechanical skills teachers. Taking the opportunity to visit Zambia allowed her to see first hand how much VSO has changed over the years. Get involved in practicebased commissioning The Department of Health is keen to involve allied health professionals (AHPs) in new local improvement teams to support the roll out of practice-based commissioning (PBC) You could play a major role in developing new commissioning processes, and redesigning scheduled and unscheduled care services, to facilitate the roll-out of PBC. A PBC support programme, run by the Improvement Foundation (IF), formerly the National Primary Care Development Team, is encouraging local clinicians to take part in the process. The programme comprises a parallel learning process, enabling any NHS organisation to take part in webcasts and learning exchanges; a preparatory period to ensure PCTs and practices have their data and finance structure and functions in place; an assessment point to help determine PCTs' and practices' readiness to progress to PBC; and a collaborative process for engaging local clinicians as a way of delivering improved services. A local improvement team will support each participating PCT or practice. The first wave started in January, and 11 regional IF centres have recruited for the second wave, which started in June. The third wave starts in September, visit: for more information. The Department of Health's Health Professions Advisor, Karen Middleton, is interested to hear examples of AHPs' involvement in PBC locally: Have you been involved? What difference has it made? Have you tried to get involved but been unsuccessful? What were the barriers? Please email: [email protected] Francesca Braschi (left) with Zoe Lucker Head of Media Relations at VSO, Neera Dhingra says, “Zoe's trip illustrates how VSO has changed since her parents volunteered with us in the 1970s. Back then most of our placements were around classroom teaching, mechanical skills and agriculture. “Today you're much more likely to find a VSO volunteer training teachers or working with the government to improve the quality of education and health services." For more information about volunteering with VSO, visit: Call for language and literacy papers I CAN is calling for submissions for presentations or posters for its conference on Linking Language and Literacy on 29 November 2006 at the Business Design Centre, London. The event will The conference will consider the consider the interface interface between language and literacy between language and literacy development and difficulties, and is in response to recent interest and discussion around the teaching of early reading, focusing on the central role of speech, language and communication. Aimed at all practitioners working with children's language and literacy, the day will concentrate on early years and primary education, but may also be relevant to practitioners working with older students with additional language and literacy needs. I CAN welcomes submissions that cover: The crucial role speech and language play in literacy development Intervention projects and programmes that support the development of language as a foundation to literacy teaching Interventions for children with communication disability and literacy difficulties Submissions should be made by 11 Aug 2006 to the I CAN website, visit: July 2006 bulletin mid-month supplement 3 Mid July 06.qxd 7/7/06 12:05 pm Page 4 Co u r s e s New Horizons for Allied Health Professionals! The Royal Marsden School of Cancer Nursing and Rehabilitation is recognised worldwide for the excellence of its specialist cancer education programmes. We provide an exceptional learning environment where academics and clinicians work hand in hand to deliver clinically focussed cancer education. Attached to the internationally renowned cancer hospital, the School's programmes benefit from the knowledge and skills of key individuals working in cancer care today. PG Diploma in Cancer Care for Allied Health Professionals with the opportunity to register for an MSc in Advancing Practice in Health and Social Science. This course provides an opportunity to explore clinical, leadership and research issues in cancer care relevant to today's Allied Health Professional. This is a modular programme, and practitioners have the opportunity to access all the following Masters level modules on a stand-alone basis. • • • • • The Science of Cancer; Supporting the Cancer Patient; Caring for the Cancer Patient with Advanced Disease; Using Research Tools and Methods to Advance Cancer Practice; Leading Cancer Care. This unique programme will support Allied Health Professionals in meeting the educational requirements of the NICE 'Supportive and Palliative Care Guidance'. All modules are linked to the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework. Laryngectomy: Rehabilitation and Surgical Voice Restoration [20 credit module at M level] This course will enable the student to gain the knowledge and advanced skills required to assess, diagnose, treat, manage and support patients who have undergone laryngectomy, due to cancer of the larynx. This is the only accreditated module of its type in the UK and builds on a highly successful programme of study days Other Specialist Courses The School has a wide range of courses for cancer care professionals to gain specialist knowledge in a particular area of practice. Please visit our website or contact the School for further details. Please contact Uma Thambiaya on 020 7808 2900 for further details or e-mail us on [email protected]. The Royal Marsden School of Cancer Nursing and Rehabilitation Fulham Road, London, SW3 6JJ. Nutrition Issues for Patients with Dysphagia Tuesday, 24th October 4 July 2006 bulletin mid-month supplement For SLTs and Dietitians who have a basic knowledge of swallowing and nutritional problems and wish to gain a more in depth knowledge. Speakers include Deirdre Cotter and Lucy Wright. Venue: Charing Cross Hospital, London. Cost: £100. Further information: contact Manjit Kanvar on 020 8383 3076 or [email protected] Closing date for application: 11th September. Places are limited to facilitate workshops. Mid July 06.qxd 7/7/06 12:05 pm Page 5 Appointments July 2006 bulletin mid-month supplement 5 Mid July 06.qxd 7/7/06 12:05 pm Page 6 Appointments The RCSLT Bulletin and Bulletin Supplement: available in print and online Visit: 6 July 2006 bulletin mid-month supplement Mid July 06.qxd 7/7/06 12:05 pm Page 7 Appointments Victoria Education Centre, 12 Lindsay Road, Branksome Park, Poole, Dorset BH13 6AS Required: Grade: Hours: Specialist Speech and Language Therapist Up to Band 7 (AFC) depending on experience/skills Full/Part time, term time only also available. The Victoria Education Centre caters for pupils aged 3-19 with physical and learning disabilities. We are seeking an enthusiastic, innovative therapist to join the friendly and supportive team in our lively and developing department. You will have a special interest in AAC and dysphagia and will be an important member of the multi-disciplinary team, developing total communication, providing training for staff and managing your own caseload. You will receive a comprehensive induction programme, access to training, regular supervision, excellent support from experienced SLT's and SLTA's, good administration support and a range of opportunities for CPD. There is also a staff final salary pension scheme. For a job description and application form, please apply to the school on 01202 758320. Informal enquiries and visits will be welcomed by Sarah Gilling, Head of Speech and Language Therapy on 01202 758338 or email [email protected]. Closing date for return of applications: Friday 4th August 2006 July 2006 bulletin mid-month supplement 7 Mid July 06.qxd 7/7/06 12:05 pm Page 8 Appointments All enquiries relating to classified advertising should be directed to: Sophie Duffin at TG Scott Healthcare, 9 Savoy Street, London Tel: 020 7878 2312 , Fax: 020 7379 7155 Email: [email protected] Speech and Language Therapist Centre Academy is an Independent Special Needs School, (currently with 70 students enrolled). We are looking to recruit a full-time Speech and Language Therapist commencing September 2006 or January 2007 who enjoys working as part of a team and is keen to develop a whole school approach in addressing the communications environment. Required at St Joseph's School for the Visually Impaired, Dublin You will have the opportunity to work alongside another Speech and Language Therapist, currently based part time at the school. Training will be provided as needed. Salary is negotiable depending on experience. Commencing 28th August 2006 Interviews early August Please send a copy of your CV to Ms. Hakim, Centre Academy London, 92 St John's Hill, Battersea, London, SW11 1SH, or telephone 020 7738 2344 should you have any queried regarding the position. 8 Speech & Language Therapy Manager July 2006 bulletin mid-month supplement Heading a small SLT Department providing SLT services to Preschool, through to young adults. Please send applications with Cv and Covering letter to: [email protected] For informal queries please contact Mary Leonard on 00353 868546744 For further information: Mid July 06.qxd 7/7/06 12:05 pm Page 9 Appointments Vacancy No: Position: Location: Grade & Salary: Hours Closing Date: 1065 Speech and Language Therapist Linkage College, Weelsby Campus, Grimsby Grade 12, from £27,841 per annum Full time, 36.25 hours per week (flexible) Monday 31st July 2006 Benefits include a minimum of 10 weeks holiday per year, meals provided whilst on duty and pension scheme (subject to eligibility). We are seeking to appoint a Speech and Language Therapist to join our specialist service providing residential further education, residential care and employment services for adults with learning difficulties. The post will focus primarily on the needs of our learners within our college campus at Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire. The successful applicant will join our established Clinical Services Team, which includes an experienced Speech and Language Therapist, Consultant Psychiatrist, Chartered Psychologist, nurses and specialist teachers. Linkage holds the Investor in People award and is committed to support staff in their continued professional development. We would particularly welcome applications from experienced Speech and Language Therapists, however newly qualified Speech and Language Therapists are also welcome to apply. We will be happy to discuss flexible working patterns, including job share, in order to attract quality applicants. For further information and / or discussion about the requirements of the post, please contact Rex Richardson on 01472 372355. For an application pack only please contact our Personnel Department on 01522 815032 or email [email protected] Coming soon RCSLT job adverts online Contact Sophie Duffin on: 020 7878 2312 July 2006 bulletin mid-month supplement 9 Mid July 06.qxd 7/7/06 12:05 pm Page 10 Appointments Over 4000 members now signed up! Complete your CPD online: 10 July 2006 bulletin mid-month supplement Mid July 06.qxd 7/7/06 12:05 pm Page 11 Appointments It's an exciting time to join the RCSLT Council We are seeking applications for the following highly prestigious RCSLT Council posts, as the present post holders are coming to end of their terms of office. RCSLT Deputy Honorary Treasurer Do you have skills in budget setting, financial analysis and reporting? Would you like to improve your experience of taking an important role in the governance and financial management of your professional body? We are looking for a member to support the Honorary Treasurer and the Finance and Organisational Resource Board (FORB). You will work closely with the Head of Performance and Contracts on financial matters relating to RCSLT business. RCSLT Councillor for Service Management Are you an experienced manager who can help the RCSLT lead members through changes in commissioning and service management? We are looking for a member to work closely with UK managers and RCSLT officers, defining a clear vision for the future of management within the profession and providing oversight for the development of RCSLT policies relating to service management issues. You will chair the RCSLT Management Board. RCSLT Councillor for the Membership and Communications Board Can you help the RCSLT to communicate more effectively with its members? Would you like to learn more about public and customer relations? We are looking for an SLT who can help the RCSLT develop services and products for members and other customers and help define an RCSLT communications strategy. You will chair the Membership and Communications Board. RCSLT Councillor for Policy and Partnerships Can you help the RCSLT develop policies and positions that will help SLTs in their work? Would you like to learn more about policy and partnership development? We are looking for a member who has an enthusiasm for building positive relationships and networks, with a view to influencing others to the benefit of SLTs. You will also chair the Policy and Partnerships Board. All posts are two-year positions, starting in September 2006. As Deputy Honorary Treasurer you will serve on the FORB, for two years, followed by two years as Honorary Treasurer and member of the RCSLT Council. The deadline for receipt of nominations is 31 July 2006. Contact Bridget Ramsay for an application pack or more information. Tel: 0207 378 3001 or email: [email protected]. Visit: Paperless direct debit arrives You no longer have to complete a mandate if you wish to pay your RCSLT subscription by direct debit (DD). Just contact RCSLT Membership Manager Sharon Silvera, tel: 0207 378 3011 or email: [email protected], if you want to set up a DD, change your details or cancel your DD. July 2006 bulletin mid-month supplement 11 Mid July 06.qxd 7/7/06 12:05 pm Appointments Page 12
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