October 22,2015 - Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Church


October 22,2015 - Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Church
Saint Rose of Lima
Catholic School
2072 N. Hamline Avenue
Roseville, MN 55113
Fax: 651.647.6437
Upcoming Events
Friday, 10/23
Sunday, 10/25
Friday, 10/30
8th Grade Pancake Breakfast, 9 AM-12PM in the cafeteria
Free Dress Day in colors orange and black (Free dress is optional; if
students prefer, they may wear their school uniforms.)
Saturday, 10/31
Happy Halloween! Be safe!
Sunday, 11/1
Daylight Savings Time Ends (Fall back!)
Tuesday, 11/3
Davanni’s Night from 4 PM to 7 PM
Wednesday, 11/4 All School Mass, 8 AM, Gr. 8 Preparing
Sunday, 11/8
Turkey Bingo Sponsored by the H&S
Wednesday, 11/11 Spirit Partners Activities
Thursday, 11/12
Give to the Max Day; School Picture Retakes; H&S Meeting, 7 PM
Tuesday, 11/17
Open House, 9AM; SAC Meeting, 7PM
Wednesday, 11/18 All School Mass, 8 AM, Gr. 3 Preparing
Friday, 11/19
Open House, 1 PM and 6:30 PM
Tuesday, 11/24
Grades K-2 to The Children’s Theatre
Wednesday, 11/25 NO SCHOOL
Thursday, 11/26
Friday, 11/27
From the Principal’s Desk ~ Mr. Blomgren
As we end the month of October, I want to say thanks again to all who helped make the
75th School Anniversary and the Marathon such huge financial successes. Our marathon
goal was $36,000, and through your efforts and generosity, we received over $38,000.
The 75th Jubilee Fund has netted over $56,000. As a result, we are in the process of
ordering classroom computers for students as well as faculty laptops, and are studying
new materials to enhance our English/Language Arts program. We will see some of
these results this school year, and others as we begin the 2016-2017 academic year.
On October 29, Mrs. Gorman and I will attend the Northwest Evaluation Association
(NWEA) in-service. Saint Rose is joining a large group of Catholic Schools that will be
using NWEA testing services for our students. We are planning on piloting it this year by
testing our students in math by the end of 2015 and again at the end of the school year in
order to assess student progress.
On Friday November 6, principals will be attending the Minnesota Nonpublic School
Accreditation Association (MNSAA) meeting. MNSAA is recognized as an official
Accreditation body by the State of Minnesota. Saint Rose has been an accredited school
since 1990. Criteria for continued accreditation and school strategic plans will be
discussed at the session.
Finally, I want to applaud all of you for the commitment you made to attend our
Parent-Teacher conferences this week. There is no doubt that when parents and schools
work together, students will achieve their greatest success. We thank you for entrusting
us with the education of your children.
Mr. B
P.S. If you haven’t done so already, go like us on Facebook! We have a lot of news to share!
School News
This year’s Marathon has been a phenomenal success
thanks to our students, families, faculty, alumni, and
friends! We topped our goal and raised a whopping
Saint Rose of Lima is proud to be a recent
recipient of a generous Tuition Assistance Grant from
the Catholic Community Foundation (CCF). This
grant was made possible by the Foundation’s many
donors who have, over the past two decades,
invested in the future of our Catholic schools by
supporting permanent Endowments at the
Foundation. These endowments grow over time,
while providing an annual distribution to our
Catholic schools to make Catholic education
accessible to more and more students.
The top three student pledge earners were recipients
of Target gift cards:
1) Eli Sundsmo
2) Gabe Reindl
3) Michael Kennedy
Thanks to Bob and Sue Stanke, we were able to
award two fabulous Timberwolves prizes to two
lucky Saint Rose families. The Seebeck
Family won four tickets (awesome seats!) to a
Timberwolves game, and the Sullivan Family won a
Timberwolves basketball signed by Ricky Rubio.
The Catholic Community Foundation, located in St.
Paul, is the largest Catholic community
Foundation in the nation, and is committed to
supporting the spiritual, educational, and social
needs of our community.
The parish will be conducting an Adult Education
seminar open to all parishioners titled, “Planning
Ahead: Estate/End-of-Life/Funeral” in the Saint
Rose of Lima Parish Center on Monday October 26,
2015, from 2-4 PM and from 7-9 PM . Attendees will
learn about various issues related to end-of-life
planning. The seminar includes funeral planning
(music, readings, viewings, remembrances, luncheons, and funeral home and cemetery arrangements)
and estate planning (wills, trusts, medical directives,
and planned gift options). If you haven’t already, I
encourage you to register for either the afternoon or
evening sessions by emailing
[email protected], or calling the Parish
Center at 651-645-9389. Besides providing useful
information for you and your loved ones, attending
this seminar will show your support for the efforts of
the Legacy Committee.
Thank you,
Fr. Jim Devorak
Parochial Administrator
Spirit Partners have been
assigned for the 2015-16 school
year. This is a fun partnership and
long standing tradition at Saint
Rose of Lima. Older students are paired with younger
students, and the children come
together throughout the year for seasonal
Spirit Partners is a wonderful opportunity for the older students to participate in a mentoring role, and for
the younger students to interact with the "big kids."
In addition to activities/games/crafts revolving
around fall/Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas,
Valentine's Day, and making and delivering May Day
baskets, Spirit Partners worship together at our
All School Masses.
Student Council News
On Wednesday, October 14th, the Student
Council sponsored a middle school dodgeball
tournament to raise awareness and funds in
support of Breast Cancer, Down Syndrome, and
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.
All of the money raised was donated to each
Team Pink (Ms. Twohy’s Study Hall) played in
support of Breast Cancer Awareness; Team
Yellow (Mrs. Rossini’s Study Hall) supported
Down Syndrome Awareness, and Team Blue
(Mrs. Ray’s Study Hall) supported Pregnancy
and Infant Loss awareness. Their efforts are
now the stuff of legend.
The contestants arrived on the court clad in a
rainbow of colorful support.
Accessorizing was definitely the name of the
game; no two players looked quite the same.
They came wearing tutus, hats, knee socks and
more… mouse ears, neck scarves, and sparkles
The teams had support from their fans in the
stands, and word of the contest soon spread over
the land.
Dodgeball Tournament
By the end of the first round, it was anyone’s game; pink, blue,
and yellow had all scored the same. As the contest pressed on
there were losses on the side; there was no where to run, there
was no where to hide….
And so, as it is with stories of old, only one team could emerge
to capture the gold. The BLUE team pressed on to sweet
victory, their defeat that day was not meant to be. The three
teams played well; Christian spirit was high. They gave their
best for their causes, and cheers were in full supply!
Congratulations and thanks to all of our middle school
students for a stellar effort!
A HUGE Redhawk THANK YOU to the Student Council Pink
Team not only for their hard work in organizing the dodgeball
tournament, but for their spirit, inspiration, and motivation! They
were successful in motivating 100% middle school participation!
That's LEADERSHIP and CHRISTIAN SPIRIT right there!!
School News
Hot, fluffy, buttery goodness?
Yeah, we’ve got that!
through the generous support of the
Knights of Columbus
9-12 AM
Join us in the school cafeteria before or
after Mass for a hot, delicious
All proceeds help defray retreat and
graduation costs.
Join us for a fun afternoon at school
playing bingo!
3 - 5 PM
Enjoy complimentary popcorn or
purchase other yummy snacks &
beverages at the concession stand.
You will even have the chance to win a
turkey for your Thanksgiving
feast! Bring your family, friends, and
neighbors! This is a great way to
showcase St. Rose to our community!
Saint Rose is in REAL NEED of volunteers for the
Health Office!
*No medical experience necessary
*Training and support available until you feel comfortable
Please contact the school office if you can help.
651-646-3832 / [email protected]
School News
Art Class
From the feathered, furry, and funny to the
far out and fantastical, our sixth grade artists
went off their gourd with creativity on this
A Note from Ms. Tysk
Dear Saint Rose Families,
I will be doing a unit on natural dyes and will
be in need of dry, red onion skins, as well as
marigold flower heads. Would you please save
yours and send them in to school?
Thank you!
Calling all Cooks!! Save Those Labels!
The Labels for Education program allows us to
earn points and redeem them for free educational merchandise for our teachers. Last year, we
were able to purchase classroom and playground
supplies, DVDs, and even a laptop for the
teachers. Simply clips and save the UPC label
from products such as Campbell’s, V-8, Pop
Secret, Glad, Danimals and Prego. Click here to
see a full list of participating products. For your
convenience, the labels can be sent in to the
school office. Thank you for your participation in
this great program!
A Note to Our New School Volunteers
Thank you for offering to volunteer at Saint Rose
of Lima Catholic School! The Archdiocese of Saint
Paul and Minneapolis has enacted policies that
ensure our children are kept safe. All adults who
come into contact with minors in a Catholic
school need to have completed the following
before they can volunteer:
 Attend a three-hour VIRTUS class on the
protection of children and youth.
 Pass a background screening. Forms are
available at school.
 Sign a Volunteer Code of Conduct form, also
available at school.
VIRTUS classes are offered regularly in the
Archdiocese throughout the year. Online
registration for the VIRTUS classes can be found
at www.virtus.org. Advance registration is
required. Please designate Saint Rose of Lima as
the parish in which you are volunteering. Thank
School News
Nominate your favorite
Saint Rose teacher!
Everyone remembers a favorite teacher, someone
who motivates and inspires students for a lifetime. Minnesotans have the opportunity again
this fall to nominate that unique educator for
Minnesota Teacher of the Year.
Nominations opened Oct. 1 and remain open
through Nov. 15. Nominations can be submitted
online by accessing a simple nomination form
on www.educationminnesota.org. The 2016
Teacher of the Year will be named at a
ceremony May 15, 2016 at the Radisson Blu Mall
of America. The Minnesota Teacher of the Year
also becomes Minnesota's candidate for National
Teacher of the Year.
Eligible nominees must meet these criteria:
• Teach in a public or nonpublic Pre-K through
12th-grade school, working at least 50 percent of
the time directly with students.
• Hold a bachelor’s degree and a Minnesota
teaching license.
“Here’s looking at you, kid.”
Do you have pictures or videos of students, parents, or
staff participating in school activities?
It doesn't matter if the pictures were taken
during school or after, or are candid or posed. If they
capture the spirit of Saint Rose, we want to see them!
The Redhawk reporter is accepting pictures to post on
our school website, Facebook page, and in the week-
ly edition of The Redhawk.
The Season is almost upon us!
Make your list and check it twice; shopping at the
BOOK FAIR is oh, so nice!
YOU can help support student reading at
Saint Rose by joining us at the HarMar Barnes and
Noble for our Book Fair on Saturday,
December 5, from 11:00 4:00pm.
We look forward to seeing you there — so SAVE THE
• Have completed three years of teaching by the
nomination deadline.
• Intend to teach during the 2016-17 school year.
Anyone may nominate a teacher. Selfnominations are also accepted.
The state program has been highly successful nationally — Minnesota ranks second behind California with four National Teachers of the Year.
For more information or to receive a nomination
form, call Kieren Steinhoff at:
651-292-4865 or 800-652-9073.
Play Date?
If your student is going home with a friend, please
send a note or email to the teacher
informing them of this. Students will often tell the
teacher about these plans, but we need an
actual note/email from home before we can authorize
someone else picking your child up or your child riding the bus with another student.
PLEASE NOTE: Roseville Busing requires each student to have a note from their parent if they are
riding the bus home with a friend or bringing a
friend home on the bus.
Thank you for your cooperation!
School News
75th commemorative men’s and women’s
shirts with either Redhawk logo or
Saint Rose logo ($45) (see p. 8)
75th anniversary t-shirts ($15 adult/$12
75th commemorative CamelBak water
bottles ($20)
* awesome stocking stuffer or gift for the
SRLCS alum, student, athlete, or commuter
in your life
reusable Saint Rose tote bags ($10)
*These make great “token” gifts!
Thank you for your school spirit—and
remember: WE ARE SAINT ROSE!
We will fill orders from our remaining
inventory—we will NOT be reordering new
stock. Please contact Tammy Thompson at
[email protected] to place your order.
Orders will be filled on a first come, first
served basis. Order soon for the best selection
of sizes.
cotton hooded sweatshirts ($40 adult/$35
color block hooded fleece ($45)
Sport-Tek full zipper fleece ($35 adult &
baseball cap ($15)
Spirit wear makes a terrific Christmas present
for the Redhawk in your life!
Thanks for supporting
Saint Rose Booster Club!
The Booster Club has some inventory ready to
cash/check and carry, but if you prefer to
place an order for Redhawk Spirit wear,
please complete the order form provided in
this edition of the Redhawk and send it, along
with payment included, in to school.
When placing an order for the holidays, please
allow 3-4 weeks
for your order to be completed.
Spirit Wear Order Form
Home & School Association News
Next Home and School Meeting
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 12th from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the
teachers’ lounge, directly across from the school office on the main floor of the school.
Everyone is welcome!
We are so appreciative of all our volunteers—
Saint Rose could not run without you!
Volunteer Opportunities
Saint Rose is in REAL need of volunteers for the
following positions:
2015-2016 Home & School Committee
Members/Parent Volunteers
Mary Caulfield, Co-President
([email protected])
Linda Duerr, Co-President
([email protected])
∙ Health Office Volunteers (especially on Fridays
from 9-11 & 11-2)
∙ Office Copiers (Wednesdays would be ideal for 1-2
hours; this is a TREMENDOUS help to the
teachers !)
For more information on the opportunities, please contact Amy Michel from the Home & School board at
[email protected] To sign up to help, please
click on this link to get started:
Amy Michel - Vice President
([email protected])
Jessica Miller – Secretary
([email protected])
Jill Caspers – Treasurer
([email protected])
Members at Large
Britta Gale ([email protected])
Kate Reindl ([email protected]
Karen Wheaton ([email protected])
Community News
Hello, Saint Rose!
I would like to invite you to
“Nightmare on Belmont, 2015!”
My neighborhood will be putting on a haunted
house for the community. The cost of admission
is a non-perishable item which we will donate to
the food shelf. There will be different “scare”
levels and our haunted house is pretty scary, but
we have even focused on the younger children
who might not want to be scared.
Come enjoy the haunted house, a bonfire,
refreshments, and a bake sale (all proceeds to
benefit the food shelf)!
Friday, October 30
6:30 to 8:00 PM
1440 Belmont Lane West
We hope to see you there for a
frighteningly good time!
- Megan Boxrud
Saint Rose of Lima,
Class of 2012
All Saint Rose and Corpus Christi Parish and
Saint Rose School moms are invited to join in
a circle of warm friendship and warm drinks!
We are at-home moms and moms who work
outside our homes, and moms with children from
babies to grown. We’ll share meals and practical
support when you have a new child or
a family emergency. We generally meet once a month
for an evening out or for morning coffee. Event notices are emailed on a monthly basis, but a general
schedule for the year is provided below.
This year we will meet in the Roseville Public
Library Kids’ Room for Morning Out Fridays.
Moms’ Night Out locations may change, so keep an
eye out for details. We’re happy to see you whenever
you can make it!
Our first gathering will be upstairs at Como Dockside
TONIGHT at 7:30 PM. Contact Jessica Miller
at [email protected] or 651-492-9091 if you
can attend. We look forward to seeing you!
For information and to be put on our email list, please
Jenny Martineau, [email protected]; 651-470-1083
Jessica Miller, [email protected]; 651-492-9091
Amy Lamb, [email protected]; 612-325-2671
2015-2016 DATES
11/13, 12/11, 1/8, 2/12, 4/8, 5/13
12/3, 1/28, 3/31, 5/19
Booster Club News
Notes from the GM
(AKA Mr. S):
Volunteers Needed
The Booster Club supports the athletic programs
at Saint Rose school, through fundraising and
other support directly to the school’s Athletic
Director, Mr. Sullwold. We are always looking for
volunteers to help with our activities, which
range from coaching sports to working the
We’re looking for 5th & 6th grade girls
for our basketball team!
See Mr. S for registration forms ASAP!
We are in need of volunteers for the Saint
Rose Basketball Tournament, which is held in
If you are interested in learning more about Saint
Rose sports, the Booster Club, or volunteering to
help, please contact Mr. Sullwold (651.357.1234)
or [email protected], or Booster Club
President Eric Figgins (651.645.6607).
Swimming registration will begin around
School Advisory Committee News
Join the School Advisory Committee
Would you like to help shape the future of Saint Rose School? Join us at our next School Advisory Committee on
November 17, at 7PM in the Faculty Lounge on the first floor of the school. All members of our school
community are welcome to attend meetings, join the Committee, or volunteer on our various
subcommittees. Email our Chairperson, Connie Hiber, at [email protected] for more information.
News You Can Use
Reporting Absences
When your child will be absent or late, please
report this to the school office before 7:45 AM.
You can call the office at 651.646.3832 at any time
to leave a message. Please provide your child’s
name, teacher, and reason for the absence. It is
important that we know why your child will be
absent, as it helps us track contagious illnesses
and notify other parents when necessary.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Visitation School Open House
Visitation School, located at 2455 Visitation
Drive in Mendota Heights, will host an Open
House for prospective Upper School
(grades 9-12) families on Tuesday, October 28,
at 7:00 PM.
For more information, visit their website at
www.visitation.net or call 651-638-1700.
If you are not a parishioner at Saint Rose of Lima
Church, or were not able to join us for Mass
last weekend, please use this link to view a copy
of the Sunday bulletin for October 17 and 18.
You can also sign up to be notified each week
when a new bulletin is available.
Hot Lunch
If you have any questions regarding your child’s
lunch account balance, please call Nutrition
Services Manager, Stacey Gaetz, between the
hours of 9:00 AM-12:30 PM at 651.357.1232 , or
you can email her at [email protected].
Saint Rose of Lima School contracts with
Roseville Area Schools to provide a K-8 hot lunch
program. Monthly menus are sent home in
advance and available on the school website, and
MAIN or ALTERNATE meals are available each
day. The cost for a hot lunch is $2.80 for K-8. Hot
lunch includes milk. If milk is purchased
separately, the cost is $0.50 a carton.
Checks for hot lunch should be made payable
to Roseville Area Schools or RAS.
Free and Reduced Lunch Program
Roseville Area Schools Child Nutrition Program
participates in the Federal Free and Reduced
Lunch Program. This program serves not only to
provide all children in our country a nutritious
lunch and/or breakfast, but also is the basis for
most federal funding we receive as a school, most
importantly our Title One program. The more
families who qualify for free and reduced lunch,
the more money we receive from the federal
government for our educational programs. Even if
your child brings a lunch from home, we strongly
encourage you to apply if you meet the income
guidelines, as our school benefits in many ways
from students who qualify for funding. Please
click here to see if your family meets the guidelines to apply. If you do meet the financial guidelines, please complete the application on as soon
as possible. Please note: All families receiving
Tuition Assistance from Saint Rose of Lima
must apply for Free and Reduced Lunch if they
meet the income guidelines. Thank you.
DeLaSalle High School Hosts October 26 Open House
For Prospective Students and Families
On Monday, October 26, from 7:00-9:00 p.m., the staff and students of DeLaSalle High School
host an Open House for prospective students and their families. Easily the fastest-growing
Catholic high school in the Upper Midwest, DeLaSalle is at cur r ent building capacity of
760 total students in grades 9-12. This year, DeLaSalle welcomed its largest overall
enrollment in 44 years, up 27 percent in the past five years alone.
DeLaSalle received more than 400 applications for 200 spaces in the ninth grade last year, and
the school looks to fill 175-200 spaces in the Class of 2020. Currently, DeLaSalle draws
students from over 120 Twin Cities grade schools, fr om up to 30 miles away in all
directions. DeLaSalle has been centrally located on historic Nicollet Island since
1900. School busing is available from most areas of the Twin Cities.
Budgets are balanced and the school is in strong financial condition. By fall 2016, DeLaSalle
will open a new $8.8 million addition and the new Center for Innovative Learning with
over 8000 square feet of new and enhanced classrooms, the fourth multi-million dollar facility
expansion at DeLaSalle since 2000. This project is funded entirely as part of a $17 million
capital campaign; in the first 14 months alone of the five-year campaign, DeLaSalle has
already raised $10.38 million in gifts and pledges.
The Open House features presentations about DeLaSalle’s Catholic and Lasallian heritage;
college prep curriculum and Guidance program sending 98-100 percent of grads off to
colleges in 36 states; 1:1 iPad technology initiative, now in its fifth year ;
extra-curricular activities, $2.85 million program of financial aid grants and academic
scholarships, unique Global Advantage Program, connecting students to international academic
travel; and so much more…. DeLaSalle staff and many current students
will be present to welcome guests and answer questions.
For more information, please visit www.delasalle.com or
contact Patrick Felicetta at 612-676-7605 or [email protected]
or Mike O’Keefe at 612-676-7679 or [email protected].
SPONSORED BY: Cretin-Derham Hall Girls Basketball Program
Saturday, November 7th, Grades 5 – 8, 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Sunday, December 6th, Grades 1 – 4, 1:00 -2:15 P.M.
Cretin-Derham Hall Field House
What: Offensive and defensive fundamentals.
Registration: To reserve a spot at the clinic, please register at
Complete form below and send to [email protected] or bring the form to the clinic.
Free for individuals and teams
Questions: Coach Joe Lynch at [email protected] 651-216-2321