Read Latest Prayer Letter
Read Latest Prayer Letter
Serving the Lord in BRAZIL Dear Friends, We are reminded at this Easter me, of the final days that the Lord Jesus Christ spent on earth. We consider His great welcome through the streets of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the disappointment, frustra on and anger at the deceit of the money changers and religious leaders, His betrayal and abandonment by close friends, and ul mately, the false accusa on which led to Him being put to death for a crime He did not commit. It is incredible to think that so many events which would echo throughout eternity, happened in just the space of one week. Even though to the world, there were so many unknowns and everything seemed lost, God was able to declare through the angels in Ma 25:5‐6 “Fear not ye… He is not here: for He is risen”. It is a great comfort to know that even though we don’t always see a clear path through difficult and o en overwhelming situa ons, the Lord is guiding and direc ng our every step, as the verse below suggests: Mat 9:36 “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.” Contact Details: 18 Highgrove Drive Ballyclare Co. Antrim N. Ireland BT39 9XH Worldwide UK Tel: 01413565373 Email: [email protected] “When dark clouds obscure my vision, And the way I cannot see, I will trust Him in the darkness, For I know He pilots me.“ An excerpt from ‘In the Centre of the Circle’, by Be y Sco Stam At the start of February we returned to Brazil with many unknowns, and the ques on many people were asking was, ‘What next???’ We contacted various missionaries who had already invited us to visit their work, and this resulted in a voyage that would take us from boat journeys up Amazon river tributaries, to the narrow maze of streets inside the favelas of Brazil’s largest ci es, and back; covering a distance of over 4000 miles, without even leaving the country. Our first stop was NTM’s boarding school for missionary kids, based about 40 miles from Manaus, on an island where the river Puraquequara (PQQ) meets the mighty Amazon. There are about 30 students ranging from 8‐18 years old, most of whom live in dormitories. There are dorm‐parents who are responsible for caring for these young people while their parents are working in remote tribal communi‐ es all over Brazil, for up to 9 months of the year. We were able to sit in on lessons, spend me talking to the students about their experiences and we also had the opportunity to speak to the support staff. The kids have a busy schedule during the week with lessons, homework, dorm chores and extra curricular ac vi es; but also enjoy rest and relaxa on at the weekends, Skyping with distant friends and rela ves, swimming, camping and exploring the 400 acre property. With a busy school and a vast expanse of remote jungle to maintain, there are many opportuni es to serve the Lord in very prac cal ways e.g. teaching, dorm‐ paren ng, maintenance, facili es management and day‐to‐day administra on to name but a few, both on a long and short‐term basis. We also got to catch up with a fellow Northern Irish man Ruben, who is volunteering there for 6 months, a er deferring from university for a year. He seems to be enjoying every minute of this invaluable experience, as he serves the Lord in a small, but beau ful corner of the world. Our next stop was a li le interior town called Cândido Sales to visit a girl called Holly, who works with teenage girls along Brazil’s ‘exploita on’ highway. These young girls aged between 10 and 21, are ‘working’ or at risk of ‘working’ on the streets. Some are there to feed addic ons, some to escape family situa ons, others because they are forced or even trafficked by their own families. It was heart‐breaking to hear the sta s cs that 250,000, or approximately 100 young people per mile of Brazil’s 2800 mile coastline, are living in such condi ons. Upon mee ng some of these girls and their families, they appear just like any other, but we’ll never know or understand what they’ve been through. Holly’s organisa on is called Meninadanca, which seeks to reach the girls through educa on and the arts, showing that God’s love reaches into even the most desperate situa ons and can give each girl a life of meaning, love and purpose. Our third stop was to Belo Horizonte, 200 miles north of Rio de Janeiro. JOCUM—Or Youth With A Mission (YWAM), has numerous works across this vast city of almost 6 million people; rescuing, restoring and discipling young people and families in ‘at risk’ situa ons. One of the ministries involves visi ng a young offenders centre for teenage boys, where about 30 guys between the ages of 13‐18 gather in to the facility day room to hear from God’s Word. The day we went it was 2 Samuel 11, and one of the team shared how each of David’s bad decisions led to grave consequences. We were then able to spend me talking to the boys individually about their circumstances and how David’s situa on related to them. One 14 year old showed me the scars where he had been shot twice during an inter‐gang skirmish near his home and talked about the difficul es he faces day‐to‐day. Even when they try hard to stay out of trouble, trouble has a way of finding them. Another had 8 months le of his sentence, and his girlfriend was 4 months pregnant. Without the help and support of the team, these boys are at risk of not comple ng their parole or reoffending, and the next stop will most likely be an adult prison, which is much more serious. Another 16 year old boy we met in the favelas named Aldo (not his real name), had spent his early teenage years addicted to drugs, stealing and living on the streets. Due to his run‐ins with the law, his mother had kicked him out of the house. The team has spent much me with him on the streets, during his me in deten on centres and now working through his parole to get his life back on track again. He’s now living with his brother in a small shared room. When asked if he had a million dollars what he would do with it, he responded by saying “I’d buy a car and a modest house somewhere in this community”. We shared with him that he is worth infinitely more than a million dollars to God, and that through what Christ has done at Calvary, God’s gi to the world is worth so much more than anything we could ever imagine. We also shared the great truth that when we become believers, we are part of God’s family, as recorded in John 1:12. This boy dreams of having a normal family life, something many of us take for granted, but without the right structure and help, this is unachievable for him. We’ve really seen the importance of working with the individuals and their family; not just to transform one life, but en re families and communi es. One such example is a favela called Vila Ponta Porã. When we arrived, within minutes it became apparent that there was something very different about this place. It had a real sense of unity and peace that we hadn’t experienced before in the city. We were introduced to the president of the favela; an older, but industrious lady, who also turned out to be a Chris an. Her efforts and influence within the community over more than 30 years had greatly impacted the local area, and the fruits of her labour were certainly evident. What a difference one life can make to those around them, in the extension of Christ’s Kingdom. Our fourth and final des na on involved travelling back to Manaus, a 15 minute stop at our apartment to repack and then a 2 hour car journey to a town called Manacapuru. From there we took a short journey by boat to an island creek to visit the Murfi family, who are working with UFM and Grace Bap st Mission amongst the river people. They have been working with the local kids in the area for many years now and their group has grown so large, that they actually had to start another session for the younger ones. On the Friday evening just a er dark, the first teenagers started to arrive, followed shortly a er by literally a boat load more, picked up along the banks of the river. It was exci ng to see how eager these teenagers were to come to the mee ng. A ‘collec on’ was li ed at the start, as many of the young people handed over their mobile phones to prevent any unnecessary distrac ons. It is incredible to realise, that even in these poor areas, technology and the internet has reached so far and wide with such a huge impact in a remote river community. The previous lesson was recapped and the teenagers recalled all that they could remember. It was great to see that not only is the Bible being well taught, but also being ins lled in the minds of these young lives. They are always curious about new visitors and certainly enjoyed asking us many ques ons. Early the next morning, the boat brought more eager kids to the Saturday Club. Many li le kids had go en up early, fed and dressed themselves before making their way to the river bank for the 7:30am pick‐up. Some of the older teenagers also volunteered to come back, not only because they enjoy every opportuni‐ ty to meet together, but also to help out with the younger children. It’s easy to see how important the work amongst young people is when you look around and see the poten al for a church plant and a good founda on for the local community, in order that they might be impacted for Christ. The faces of those 30 young people could soon become the face of the local church, in just a few short years. We have been asked by people who have heard it said that Brazil has been reached with the Gospel, if this is in fact the case. From what we have seen first‐hand and in hearing directly from many of the missionar‐ ies on the ground, outwardly the name of Jesus can be seen and heard far and wide. Sadly, the fact is that very few know anything of the life‐changing transforma on that knowing and accep ng Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour can bring to their lives. In one of the loca ons we visited, we were told that the town has a popula on of approximately 40,000 people with 125 churches, of which only 4 preach anything resem‐ bling the Gospel. Yet of these 4, only one of those has sound Biblical teaching. Although we have had to return to the UK again due to the visa requirements needed, we con nue to be very conscious of the great need and the call of God on our lives to work in Brazil. We hope to start our new visa applica on in the coming months and return to Brazil as soon as possible. Our desire is to have the opportunity to work directly with young people on the streets, whilst a ending language study, which is so vital to the ministry. Meanwhile amongst all the paperwork and admin, we are con nuing our language study classes here at home, as well as catching up with family, friends and supporters. Please know again how thankful we are for all that you do for us, by way of cards, support, taking an interest in our lives and sharing words of encouragement that mean so much. We trust that you have a very Happy Easter and know the joy and blessing of those words in Ma 25:5‐6 “Fear not ye… He is not here: for He is risen”. God bless you all, Tim & Lynsey Johnston Points for praise: Points for prayer: The Lord’s faithfulness, provision and opening doors of opportunity. For the chance to experience firsthand some of the work among young people on the streets of Brazil. For your continued support, prayer and love towards us on our journey. Commencement of our visa applications, so that we may return to Brazil asap. For the lives of the young people of this country to be transformed into lives of hope and purpose. For God to continue to be glorified in all that we seek to do for Him. Please do not reproduce or publish online any part of this prayer le er without permission © A. Welcome to Puraquequara B. The school on the banks of the Amazon River C. Ruben teaching the kids bible lessons D. The kids doing PE outside E. Project housing in Cândido Sales F. Visi ng homes G. Mee ng the girls at risk H. Favela streets of Belo Horizonte I. The JOCUM team with Aldo J. Favela Vila Ponta Porã K. Mee ng the President of the favela L. The boys in the deten on centre M. The river community near Manacapuru O. Friday night mee ng N. Saturday Morning Club P. Learning some English choruses