outboarder - Tacoma Outboard Association
outboarder - Tacoma Outboard Association
OUTBOARDER A Publication of the Tacoma Outboard Association 620 Hidden Beach Road, Tacoma, WA 98465 www.tacomaoutboardassociation.com November 2015 Issue Number Thirty-Five Commodore’s Report……………….Joann Mills Commodore Joann Mills Vice Commodore Corinna Daniels Rear Commodore Dave McKeen Recording Secretary Roberta Dolhar Corresponding Secretary Jesse Mitchell Treasurer Cindy McKeen Membership Larry Olsen Social Sherri Olsen House and Grounds Don Winnett Trustees Larry Martin Lana Winnett James Goodrich Jr. Past Commodore Rick Axlen Hello TOA! First of all, thank you to the phone commi ee for ge ng the word out about the cancelled events and the sep c issue we are dealing with. It worked, no-one showed up for the Oct 15th mee ng! We are working on a resolu on to the sep c system issue as fast as we can. We appreciate all the offers for help! We will be in touch if and when you are needed. Currently the water is turned off to the property. We brought in honey buckets for our use un l a er the Nov 5th mee ng. We will look at the usage a er that mee ng and determine if we need to keep them un l the repairs can be accomplished. Don't forget the Nov 5th mee ng, we need you to come out and vote in your new board for next year. The club needs a board to be able to conduct business as well as part of our lease requirements. We s ll need a few posi ons, but probably the most cri cal is the Rear Commodore and Recording Secretary. Please think about one of these two posi ons and let myself, your Vice Commodore - Corinna "Sam" Daniels or PC Dave Hoover know if you are interested. We NEED your help to keep the club running. The board is ge ng some es mates for the repairs to our sep c system and as soon as we have them in we will put together a proposal to present to you, our membership, for approval. This will most likely happen at the Nov 5th mee ng, unless we need to move faster and have to call a special general mee ng next week. Stay tuned for more informa on on that. We have suspended mailing the Outboarder via the postal service right now. We are spending about $300 a month just in postage costs. The board decided we needed to ghten the expense belt un l we get a handle on the costs for the repairs. The Outboarder will s ll be sent out electronically through our email group. If you are not on the mail group list, please either go to our website's home page "Tacomaoutboardassocia on.com" and click on the link to be added to the mail group or send a message with your request to be added to "[email protected]." We will also be sending out the club updates through the group email. If you don't have access to email, we will also post the updates on our website. The November and December Outboarder assembly dates are cancelled. Remember your dues are not late un l 3/31/16. A dues no ce is posted on our website. You can submit your dues any me between now and 3/31/16. Don't forget the mee ng on Nov 5th, come down and elect your board for next year and get some Halloween candy! Your Commodore Joann Mills [email protected] 253-778-6139 Vice Commodore’s Report………Corinna Daniels The 2015 cruising season is coming to a close, I am looking forward to star ng a new adventure in the 2016 season. We will be holding elec ons at the November 5th mee ng star ng at 7:30 pm. We are s ll looking to fill the Rear Commodore posi on and the Recording Secretary Posi ons. It is important that we have these posions filled on the board. We will be facing many challenges in the coming year, and will need to have a full board to help make those decisions which will affect the opera ons of TOA. If you are interested in a board posi on or volunteering for any nonelected posi ons like kitchen and hospitality or if you have any ques ons please contact any of the board members or me we would be glad to answer any ques on you might have. Thank You , Corinna Daniels [email protected] Calendar of Events November 2015 5th - Membership Mee ng, Elec ons, 7:30 14th - Potluck/Bunco, —CANCELLED 17th - Board Mee ng, 7:00 December 2015 3rd - Membership Mee ng, 7:30 5th - Santa Parade/Sumner & Puyallup 12th - Children’s Christmas Party 13th - Cheers Party, 2:00 to 5:00PM 15th - TOA Joint Board mee ng & Potluck 6:30 Rear Commodore’s Report……….…Dave McKeen Hello TOA As you are all aware by now, we do have a sewer leak at TOA and we have needed to turn off the water and cancel our October events. I want to personally take a moment and say Thank You to all of our members for their pa ence and understanding throughout this mishap. The board did have a phone tree and we all took names and called our membership. Everyone I spoke with and I feel the general consensus of those who made the calls, all members understood and several gave great advice, Thank You again! I have go en one (1) bid and soon to have another. Once we can review the bids and get approval from the health department we can get the system repaired and TOA back running again. Please watch for Commodore Joann’s email blasts as she will keep you aware of all progress. At this me, November and December events are on hold. I am disappointed we have had to cancel the Children’s Halloween party BUT we s ll have candy. Please join us at the November mee ng on November 5th for Elec on night as my Halloween commi ee will have “treat bags” for all children (and grown up kids!). We are all hoping to have the December events as I am looking forward to the Cheers Party! Again, keep watch for the email updates from our Commodore. Be Safe on the Water! Dave McKeen Rear Commodore Membership………Larry Olsen HELLO TOA! We had no new members in October. Remember, every one of us can bring new members to TOA by talking about what the benefits to membership are. If you have lost count….our to date membership is at 388 families, including our past commodores at 40. Please take the challenge find one person to tell about all the wonderful advantages we have here, and remember that helping to recruit new members is every TOA member’s responsibility. See you at the next TOA func on or mee ng. Respec ully Submi ed, Larry Olsen Membership Chairperson 253-377-5001, [email protected] Rental Coordinator …………….………Scott Douglas For informa on on TOA Clubhouse rental contact Sco Douglas at 253.752-8726 or email tosco [email protected]. Please note that rentals are posted on the TOA website calendar for quick reference. Scott Douglas Sco Douglas Social……..…Sherri Olsen Gree ngs TOA Members… We had a murder at TOA on October 3rd. Mitch Maverick (AKA Dave McKeen) was shot by Montgomery Money (AKA Ali). Fun, great food and murder were had by all. Thank you again to everyone who a ended and everyone who helped make this a successful evening. The kids Halloween Party has been cancelled for October 24th. Please stay tuned for updates for November Bunco night. The November event has been cancelled and we will be no fying you if Bunco is rescheduled a er the first of the year.. Helping on a commi ee for a social event is a FUN and EASY way to meet new people and get involved. If you have ques ons about what is involved with volunteering for one of these events, just ask me. I can be reached @ 253-377-5000 or [email protected] Respec ully Submi ed, Sherri Olsen House and Grounds………Don Winnett Hello TOA, I don't have a lot to report as we are working on ge ng the sep c tank system back up and running for the club house. We will be removing two docks the middle of November and possibly a third one depending on the weather, we will keep everyone posted. If you s ll need to exchange your keys you can do that at A&E automo ve with JPC Rick Axlin and Lisa from 8:00am5:00pm Monday thru Friday. PC Don Winnett House and Grounds, PC 2011 don-winne @hotmail.com Sunshine………Donna Hoover Hello TOA, If you hear of any TOA members that gets sick, hurt, has a loss of a family member, or has a new addi on to the family, please let me know either by email, text or phone call so that I can get a card out to them. I can be contacted at [email protected] or my cell phone number is (253)686-1870. You can either call me or text me. If I missed anyone for this last month I do apologize. Thanks and hope to have a GOOD next month, Donna Hoover Kitchen …………….………HaileAnne McKeen Hi TOA from the Kitchen! No water, what….Honeybuckets – No way !! I am sorry to hear about the water at TOA and hope to have the kitchen open soon. Stay tuned for updates. November 5th – Audrey Passarino December 3rd – Cancelled at this me Thank You for volunteering and don’t forget to say hi as you walk by and Feed the Ki y! HaileAnne HaileAnne McKeen CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Upcoming Events See Inside for More Details NOV 15 5th - Membership Mee ng, Elec ons, 7:30 14th - Potluck/Bunco, —CANCELLED 17th - Board Mee ng, 7:00
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