2EM1R28 1:34 NfMS4 PP CAFELLEN F1/8 NQ711 +A523OE3430 1AMSA PP CAPELLEN NAMSA NATO MAINTENANCE AND SUPPLY AGENCY AGENCE OTAN D'ENTRETIEN ET DAPPROV1SONNEMENT PATRICK FESQIJET DIPECTOR 8F PROCURMEWT DIRECTEUR DES ACHATS ORIGrNAL: ANGLAIS LO-PP12008/PC/5HQ270I OIPBL80040 DESTINATAIRES LNFO 25 mars 2008 Ambassade de France en Belgique Mission économique Rue de la Loi, 38 B-1000 Bruxelles Fax Info to francine.Ieroy degravemissionecoorg French Delegation to NATO Fax; 003225123713 0032 2 727 7458 Attn Advisor for Infrastructure l3lvd Leopold III B-1110 BRUSSELS AVIS D'APPEL D'OFFRES PLATE-FORME ET ELEVATION A CISEAUX OBJET RÉFÉRENCES: Procédures d'appels d'offres internationaux pour les travaux d'infrastructure de l'OTAN, AC/4-D/226 I Edition 1996 de décisions AC/4DS20070025 du 5 novembre 2007. Relevé 2. I A. Description sommaire et estimation des coûts du présent avis B, Modèle de déclaration d'admissibilité C. Liste de fournisseurs potentiels 1. Le Comité de l'infrastructure de l'OTAN a désigné l'Agence OTAN d'entretien et d'approvisionnement NAMSA pays Lôte pour la mise en oeuvre du projet 5HQ27001 0, intitulé « Fourniture de matériel connexe» nécessaire pour le Groupe de forces interannées multinationales OHM", qui s'inscrit dans le cadre du paquet de capacités 5A0 156 "Équipements de quaiers généraux déployables de OFIM de l'OTAN". 26,MR08 1034 NMSR PP CPELLEN NQ711 +E23OE343oe P,2/B AMSAPP CAP ELLEI 2. L'appel d'offres internatjonal sera mené dans le respect de la procédure citée en réference 1, qui stipule que le pays hôte diffuse le plus tôt possible un avis d'appel d'offres aux representants diplomatiques des pays participants dans la capitale du pays hôte. Cette lettre est diffusée a la suite de l'approbation du projet par le Comité de l'infrastruçture, qui est consignée dans le document cite en référence 2. 3, La présente lettre constitue un avis d'appel d'offres, référence 5HQ27010-IW, portant sur l'achat de « Plate-forme et Elévation à Ciseaux » conformément à la description figurant à l'annexe A 4. En tarit que pays hôte de ce projet, la NAMSA vous invite par la présente: 4.1 à désigner des entreprises situées dans votre pays qui pourraient souhaiter participer à l'appel d'offres ; référence 5HQ270 10-1 W; 4.2 à fournir, pour chaque entreprise désignée, une "déclaratjon d'admissibilité" conforme au modale fourni à l'annexe B. 5. Outre les entreprises que vous choisirez de désigner, et conformément au document cité en référence 2, la NAMSA a été autorisée à proposer des sociétés figurant dans son fichier fournisseurs, Vous trouverez ci-joint, en annexe C, une liste des fournisseurs potentiels que l'Agence a identifiés dans votre pays ; nous vous invitons à. l'examiner et à nous communiquer vos modifications éventuelles. En l'absence d'objection, nous inviterons les sociétés figurant sur cette liste à participer à ce prochain appel d'offres. 6. Les informations demandées sont à adresser à: NAMSA Bureau de programme LO CPOAO1S6 L-8302 CAPELLEN 0.-D. de Luxembourg Adresse électronique : NAPPa,natot Télécopie : +352 3063 4300 - et doivent parvenir à la NAMSA le 20 avilI 2008 au plus tard. 7. Si vous avez besoin d'informations complémentaires, veuillez contacter: M. Pedro BFJAR LUQUE Responsable de marchés du bureau de prograimne LO Téléphone : +352.30.636525 Adresse électronique Directeur des Achats de la NAMSA Par ordre Torrnod SVEEN Responsible du contrôle de la qualité des contrats 26MRR28 1:34 NflMS PP CPELLEN +À231E343 F3/8 AMSA PP CAPELLE A EAL NAMSA is declared Host Nation for the acquisition and fo11owon support of CP 5A01 56 "NATO Deployable flQ Assets for Coinbined Joint Task Force CJTF" which is made of the following projects: deÏSOcontner inerizedFaciiiti QQ1 QQO b1ecISS'stemAutomationSuo e2commationBui1din uildin QQO Q9O QQ0L QQQ QO1 11arEuïpen Force Protection Matejial QO9 B t comonents I .1 Gencral. The contractor shaH furnish to NAMSA four rough terrain scissors lifts with platforrns in accordance with the requirements in this Statement of Work S 0W. These scissors lifts are intended to assist with camp construction ami operations in a rapidly deployable headquarters ofNATO military forces that may be deployed over a wide range of geographic environments and clirnatie conditions. Accordingly, NATO expects flic equipment to be robust and of high quality, agile yet heavy duty, and highly capable of performing under difficuit climate and terrain conditions, The scissors lifts will be diesel powered, rough terrain models that will be capable of working from compacted sub grades whlle lifting operators to work safely 10 metres above, Platforzn, The work platform shah be securely railed with a gated opening sud ho I 2. equipped with a "slip resistanf' fiQor. The platfonn will allow extension beyond the vehicle dimensions sud will provide secure anchor points for worker safety. The platform will allow operator contrai of the vehicle in die extended position but wihl ho equipped with s tilt alarrn ta prevont die operator entering unsafa attitudes, The platform viIl ho fitted with an electrical outiet sud an air hase corinection, 2EMR2OO8 10:34 NRMSR PF CFELLEN NQ711 +Â5230E34300 P4/8 NAMSA PP CAPELLE 13 Autoxnoti've. The scissors lift will be diesel powered with 4 wheeled 4rive and a cross country speed in the order of 3 km per hour, The vehieJe chassis wjll be fitted with four independent outriggers for additional stability. I4 Shipping and Storage Container. Two scissors lifts and e set of spare parts will be mounted for shipping and storage in e standard 6.058 in sea container, provided by the contractor and niodified to allow repeated use for both sh.ipping and on site storage This container/storage arrangement will be dedîcated to the scissors lifts for the life ofthe equipment. 2. QticandGeorahicalCondjfions 2.1 Climatie anci Geographic Conditions are based on STANAG 2895 for the range ef Al to Cl Climatic Zones, The equiprnent deseribed in this 50W shah be capable of remaining functional under these environmental conditions. The proposai shail specify how the proposed produet meats these conditions by providng evjdence that the proposed scissors lifts have been successfully tested or used in the extreme environmental and climatic conditions that apply to the zones specifïed. The proposai shah also provide specific procedures on how 10 deal with the following environmental conditions. 2.2 The scissors lifts may be used at altitudes up to 3000 in above sea leveL Ail proposcd equipment shah be deigned 10 ensure operations et ail environinerital 2.3 conditions with ambient peak temperature and relative humidity values as defined in STANAG 2895 for zones Al Extreme Hot Dry, 132 Wet Hot, and Cl Intermediate Cold. The equipment must be capable of sustaining effective operations in ambient temperatures ranging between 30°C a.nd +50°C 33°C te +71 C for storage and transport. - - - The equipment shail be designed to remain waterproof, operationai, and safe under 2.4 freezing rein fahls, snow or hail of 3 lmmlmin et sea level during I min and at an average 1.9 ram/min during 12 hours. The equipment shah be designed te not require heavy maintenance actions caused 2.5 wind carrying U 10 1 .Og/m3 of dust and sand. 2.6 1cc accumulation and snow loads shah! no damage or prevent the equipment from funetioning. 3 bi1i 3,1 The scissors lifts shah be secured for shipment sueh that they eau be readied for operational conditions in tha least turne possible. Two scissors lifts shah ha seeured for transport in a single 6.058 in x 2.438 in x 2.438 in sea container that rneets ISO 668 standards so that 2 sea containers in total are provided. The gross weight of eaeh sea container, including ail contents and dunnaging shah? be iess than 14,000 kg. AI! shipping preparations must inelude the need to secure the scissors lifts againsi enviromnental damage during shipping3 such as wind, hall, ice, or sea spray, against damage caused by vandaliam or by theft, and against damage caused by movernent and handhing during shipment. Note tire limitation in height when compared to the normal 2.591 in high standard shipping container. - 26MR28 1034 NMS FP CPELLEN +À236343O NQ711 P5/8 AMSA PP CAPELLEN 12 Ail shipping containers are subject to off road rnovement by the military Deployable Rapid Operations Platforrn System DROPS for container handiing. It is important that the internai fittmgs, packaging, and durinaging withstand such conditions, in particular the steep angle ofloading and unloading. 4.1 In order to minimize in-service support costs, NAMSA requires the contractor to conduet an Integrated Logisties Support programme as an integral part ofhis system design and devclopment. This integrated programme shah ensure that iogistics support matters such as equipment rehiabihity, maintenance, sparing, and training, are eonsidered in the deveiopment ofthe proposai and in the design and production ofthe equipment The Integrated Logistics Support requirement. is achieved through the identification of equipmerit failures, the identification of component reliability, and the development of an optimum sparing, maintenance, and training programme that minimizes hife cycle costs and achieves the expected operational availability as defined in the 50W. It is supported by documentation and data, ail of which are related through the NAMSA information management systemS The Integrated Logistics Support requirement remains applicable for both the COTS equipment and the purpose built equipment, although the tasks and analyses are expeeted to be 4.2 tailored to recognize the maturity ofthe equipment 4.3 A 30 day sparc parts package and a trainjng package shah be identified by une item and included in the firrn fixed price A critical 2 Year Operational Parts hist, additional sparc parts, contractor assisted maintenance, and depot level maintenance shah be priced as is noted further in the SOW and shah flot be included in the finri fixed price. Ail other Integrated Logistics Support items shah be included in the firm fixed price. ESTIMATEP VALUE FOR TRIS CONTRACT: 42 KEUR C IEIcTERMANDONDIIIONS b. PARTIAL BIDDrNG 26MRR2OOS 135 NMS PP CPELLEN +L$23OE343@O NQ711 6/8 AMSA PP CAPELLE eYASSUNCE Ta be provided at the time ofthe ICB. f QURITYLEVELREUIRED NATO UNCLASSIFIED g LAQ 1 "Cahier des Charges" and subsequent procurement contracts will be in English language. 2 Offers and any communication ta be made by the bidders, and any technical data or documentation ta be fumished by the contractors must be also in English. h. NIA at this stage. D JÇONSIDETIONS a. NAMSA intends b issue the Invitation for Bids to interested flrms at a date yet to be deterrnined, but not before 22 April 2008, The bidders will be ailowecl not less than 42 days to reply to the relevant ICB. b. The bids to be received in response to the NAMSA IFB's mentioned above will be valid for a period of 180 days. e. 11e envisioned bidcling method is the "One Step International Cornpetitive Bidding ICB Procedure". d. The information to be provided to the bidders will be upto NATO UNCLASSIPIRD. e. Please note that actual quantities to be ineluded in the Invitation for Bid may vary slightly from those specified in this NOL 26MR2O8 NflMS PF CPELLEN jj35 +À5236343O NQ711 ANNEX B PCLATIONQFJLQ1BJLJLY FROM: Originator TO NAMSA SUBJECT: Expression of interest in ICB for project Serial Number "5HQ270104W Provision of Scissors Lift & Platform" A. With reference to the above quoted ICB exercise, the following nationality of origin firms have expressed an interest in receiving the bidding documents: 8 "A" Co, Ltd Security Level: NATO Unclassified Address, Contact: Tel, Fax. * Emai1 lnterested: Contract XX Contract YY B"CoLtd Security Level: NATO Unclassified Address Contact: Tel, Fax. Ernail Interested: Contract ZZ Contract YY 13. 1 certify that these firrns have the necessary financia1 technical and professional eornpetence to ha adrnitted by the Governinent of country of origin as bidders were it responsible for awarding a contract of this nature. Ail the flrrns aboya are security eieared to the ivei required for this project 26MflR28 1:35 NRMS PP CflPELLEN -i-A523ø6343O NQ711 AMSA PP CAPELLEN ANNEX C for FR T I EGI 3 RUE DE LA WARENNE FR-08000 LES AYVELLES Tel: 0033324373136 Fax; 0033324377600 F1385 TLD EUROPE LE BOURG FR-79420 SAINT LIN Tel: 0033549957300 Fax: 0033549706137 9 2 J PINGUELY HAULOTTE ZA LA PERONMERE FR42152 L'HORME CEDEX Tel : 0033477292424 Fax: 0033477294395 F8/8