PDF Version - Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa


PDF Version - Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa
Since 1951, the Elizabeth Fry Society of
Ottawa has been providing confidential
programs to women and young women
who are, or may become, criminalized.
We are a community-based, not-for-profit
agency helping women and their families
make changes…
Elizabeth Fry was a British Quaker who worked to improve conditions for women
incarcerated in poorhouses in England in the early 1800s. Early in 1813,
Elizabeth Fry visited the women’s section of Newgate Prison in London for the
first time, and was shocked by the appalling conditions in which the female
prisoners and their children were kept.
Fry’s first innovation was the establishment of a school for the children of
the prisoners. She and her lady-collaborators then introduced a system of
…one step at a time.
classification of the prisoners, prison dress, constant supervision by a matron
and monitors (chosen from among the prisoners), religious and elementary
education, and paid employment. The result was a remarkable transformation of the daily life, the outward appearance, and
the conduct of the prisoners.
To give the work a more permanent basis, in April 1817 the Ladies’ Association for the Reformation of the Female Prisoners
in Newgate was founded, which extended in 1821 into the British Ladies’ Society for Promoting the Reformation of Female
Prisoners. This appears to have been the first nationwide women’s organization in Britain.
Inspired by her efforts, and encouraged by the Archambault Report which stressed the benefits of visiting people in prison,
in 1951, five volunteers from the University Women’s Club of Ottawa began to visit women incarcerated in the Ottawa Jail.
From these early beginnings, the Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa has grown, with the continuing assistance of funds from
individuals and the United Way, as well as federal, provincial, and regional governments.
> Transitional housing for women at J.F. Norwood House
> Support, advocacy, court accompaniment and information to
women during the court process, including domestic violence
cases and assistance for those unexpectedly released from court
> Support for criminalized mothers and their children
> The diversionary-based Direct Accountability Program for
eligible adults charged with minor offences
> Advocacy initiatives with provincial and national
Elizabeth Fry Societies
> Individual and group counselling
> Crisis intervention
> Volunteer-based programs, including court support and
prison visitation
> Anger programming for women and youth
> Peer Support Counselling
> Theft prevention programming for women, men and youth
> Health Promotion Programming
> Addiction and relapse prevention programming
> Family reintegration support
> Housing search, stabilization and eviction prevention
> Aboriginal specific support services
> Community reintegration planning and programs at the
Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre
> Prison in-reach and support services to provincially and
federally incarcerated women
> Outreach support, group programs and referrals for sex workers
> Programs and services for at-risk young women and
their families
> Public education and research
Cat Baron
Maryse Lepage
Angela Peterson
Tracy Engelking
Diana Majury – CAEFS/CEFSO Liaison
Yolande Raymond
Lisa Gregoire
Theresa Kiefer
Nadira Mangray-Gupta
Guy Bahati
Takayi Chibanda
The Board of Directors is
comprised of community
members who volunteer their
time and bring their expertise
to assist in guiding the
direction of the Society. Their
time is an immeasurable gift,
greatly appreciated by all who
touch, or who are touched by,
the Elizabeth Fry Society
of Ottawa.
Operations and Programs
Baker, Anjulee
Baxter, Bryonie
Buda, Giovanna
Carscadden, Bob
Collins, Sophie
Delic, Svjetlana
Doucet, Denise
Dubien, Lynn
Easton, Debs
Fox, Andrea
Golden, Jessic
Hasbani, Tania
Jackson-Brown, Michelle
Kaulback, Deborah
LeBlanc, Nicole
Linteris, Melissa
Maillet, Mia
Marion, Marie-Josée
Martinez, Yoshie
Orlando, Elise
Sugden, Elysia
Surgeson, Chantal
Tang, Julie
Youth Reintegration Worker (Parental Leave February 2012)
Executive Director
Addictions/Relapse Prevention Counsellor
Youth Counsellor/L’Orignal Community Justice Worker
Theft Prevention Program Facilitator/Community Counsellor
Court Support Counsellor/Volunteer Coordinator*
Executive Assistant
Aboriginal Liaison/Peer Support Worker* (contract ended)
Manager of Adult and Youth Services*
Community Liaison Worker
Community Justice Worker
(Returned from Parental Leave September 2012)
Housing Support Worker*
Manager of Youth Services*
Volunteer Coordinator
Manager of Adult and Youth Services
Theft Prevention Program Facilitator*
Housing Support Worker
Anger Program Counsellor/
Substance Abuse Diversion Facilitator
Interim Community Justice Worker* (contract ended)
Office Administrator*
Director of Operations
Office Administrator
President Cat Baron and CEFSO/CAEFS
Representative and Board Member Diana
Majury receive 2013 Ontario Government
Volunteer Service Awards on June 6, 2013.
Cat has been volunteering with the agency
as a Board member since November 2007
and Diana has been volunteering with the
agency as a Board member since 2005.
J.F. Norwood House
Alarie, Danielle
Allenby, Kim
Ashford, Sarah
Ayoub, Jessica
Biancardi, Nina
Bissonnette, April
Callaghan, Michaela
Erturk, Sibel
Finch, Emily
George, Terri Lynn
Guido, Jennifer
Hawkes-Frost, Caitlin
Hazlewalsh, Erin
Hepworth, Ashley
Howat, Kyrsten
Jelly, Carmen
Lavigne, Debra
Leslie, Janice
Peterkin, Leanne
Rice, Samantha
Simon, Melissa
Surgeson, Stefanie
Teoli, Stephanie
Triol, Brynn
Welch, Elisha
*Left During 2012/13
Manager of Residential Services*
Assistant Manager of Residential Services
Manager of Residential Services
Manager of Residential Services*
Anglican Church of Canada
Accurate Design & Communication Inc.
Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa
Brighter Tomorrow Future’s Fund
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa
City of Ottawa
Community Foundation of Ottawa
Correctional Services Canada
GE Foundation
General Mills
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
Law Foundation of Ontario
MetLife Alumni Association
Ministry of the Attorney General
Ministry of Children and Youth Services
Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Ottawa Food Bank
The Government of Ontario
The Home Depot Canada Foundation
The Properties Group
United Way/Centraide Ottawa
United Way of Greater Simcoe County
…and special thanks to all others who have generously
supported the Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa throughout the
years, including Suzanne Edwards, Brad Babineau, Ian
Roberts, Julia Wagg, Jennifer Evans, Jennifer Lynch, Angela
Murphy, Mary Theresa Cummings, Sybil Brake, Peter Beach
and Charles Robb.
The Elizabeth Fry Society of
Ottawa places a high value on our
relationship with you, our donors.
Without your support we would not be
able to achieve our mission, which is
as follows.
“The Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa
is devoted to working with women
and young women who have been
criminalized as well as those who
may become criminalized.”
We thank you for your commitment
to us.
We believe that transparency and
accountability are essential to our
success. With this in mind, in the
2012–2013 year we were members
of Imagine Canada’s Ethical
Code Program.
The Ethical Fundraising and
Financial Accountability Code lays
out a set of standards for charitable
organizations to manage and report
their financial affairs responsibly. By
adhering to these standards, we are
complying with generally accepted
practices for soliciting and managing
donor dollars. This is important
because you, our supporters, are
entitled to transparency and the
greatest impact possible for your
investment in us.
If you have any questions about
our adherence to the Ethical Code,
please feel free to contact us, visit
our website, or download/request
a copy of our financial statements.
You can also download the
Ethical Code itself by going to
Adel Chemli
Adele Bradley
Adriana Sirskyj
Airesse MacPhee
Akada James
Alanna Bingham
Alanna Myles
Albertine Koko-Mpaka
Aleksandra Czyzonska
Alexandera Gaysek
Alexandra Fottinger
Alison Doherty
Allison Burton
Allison Conway
Allison Medjuck
Allyson Slate
Alynn Rush
Alyssa Cousineau
Amal Duale
Amanda Bettencourt
Amanda Boyce
Amanda Braithwaite
Amanda Dam
Amanda Rotondo
Amanda Saulnier
Amanda Swant
Amber Chouinard
Amber McDermid
Amelie Chapedelaine
Amélie Doyon
Ami Charlebois
Amie Afihene
Amy Campbell
Amy Roesner
Angela Lynn Severson
Angela Taylor
Angela Ziebarth
Angelina Filip
Angelina Ngandu
Angelina Ngandu Mbuyi
Angie Yakub
Anik Lamothe
Anisa Ahmed
Anita Grace
Anita Grace
Ann Flindall
Anna Nyiri
Anna Principato
Anne Gall
Anne Girard
Anne Harris
Anne-Christine Asselin
Ansha Thirumeny
Anushka Rankothge
April Young
Aranka Golphy
Arielle Stockdale
Arshia Bhatti
Arshina Kassam
Ashlee Barber
Ashley Eager
Ashley Edwards
Ashley Gladwish
Ashley Harrison
Ashley Hepworth
Ashley McConnell
Ashley McCullough
Ashley Steele
Ashlin Kelly
Baillie Koletar
Beant Sidhu
Beatrize Contreras
Beatrize Elena Garcia
Bethany Trudeau
Beverly Orser
Blair Anne Cooper
Boutbaa Fatiha
Brittney Whaley
Caitlin Downing
Caitlin Maxwell
Caitlin Radmore
Carolina Florez
Caroline Cyr
Caroline Gerbac
Caroline Horsburgh
Caroline Ostrom
Caroline Vincent
Carolyn Gerbac
Caryn Zeesman
Cassandra Khatchikian
Catherine Albert
Catherine Berus
Catherine Denis
Catherine Giguere
Catherine Maslowiec
Catina Noble
Cecile Boisvert
Cecily Copola
Celine Beaudoin
Celine Courchesne
Chandler Thomas
Chantal Chaput
Chantal Curry
Chantel Spade
Charmaine Atrooshi
Chelsea Sutcliffe
Chloe Perrault
ChrisAnn Alvarez
Chrissy Payne
Christie Holden
Christina Roy
Christina Sanders
Christina Wright
Christine Harrison
Cindy Lefebrve
Claire Bodelet
Claire Francone
Clara Mejia
Clare McKennirey
Claudette Kohut
Claudia Bezold
Colantha Welker
Colleen McGlade
Courtney Ostapiuk
Courtney Schlattman
Courtney Studiman
Courtney West
Cristina Martinez
Crystal Dorion
Cynthia Watson
Dahlia Seligman
Dalyce Cloes
Damaris Ponce Perez
Daniella Jones
Danielle Bartlett
Danielle Lepine
Danielle McKeen
Daphne Braniek
Dawn Jones
Dawn Potter
Dayna Cross
Debbie Cole
Debbie Levesque
Deborah Lempogo
Deborah MacAskill
Denise Resnick
Diana Rank
Diane Cross
Diane Dooley
Diane Jung
Dida Seminari
Disha Phillip
Diva Bortolussi
Dominique Ponce
Donna Richardson
Donna Stainthorpe
Dorota Salvail
Dorothy Rogers
Eileen Hawkins
Elena Cote
Elissa Leng
Elizabeth Anderson
Elizabeth Jones
Elizabeth Lay
Elizabeth Ludlow
Ella Heyder
Ellie McFarlane
Elyse Lasalle
Emanuelle Bourbonnais
Emily Hostland
Emily Keilty
Emily McGuire
Emily Racine
Emily Tibbits-Lamirande
Emma Leroux
Emmanuel Otchere
Emmanuel Otchere
Emmanuelle Marchand
Erica Myers
Erika Randall
Erin McRae
Erin Saucier
Fatemah Ahmadpour
Fatiha Boutba
Fatima Asimi
Fatima Daham
Felicia Tse
Fidelite Nininahazwe
Fiona Wilkes
Francine Hong
Gabrielle Beaulieu
Gabrielle Harris
Gaelle Jean-Louis
Gayane Panosian
Gladys Munoz
Grace Hummel
Gracia Ngandu
Gwen Nimeroski
Hafsa Aden
Hannah Shaikh
Hazel Gashoka
Hazel Moore
Heather Bell
Heather Gray
Heather Hughes
Heather L McBurney
Heather Michel
Heather Wherry
Heidi Smith
Heidi Winters
Helena Bandayrel
Hiba Yusuf
Hilary McIntosh
Hishama Mohammed Fadil
Houda Gasmi
Irina Romanenko
Isabell MacKay
Jacqueline Benoit
Jade McMurray
Jana McCracken
Janet Richardson
Janet Webster
Janie Papineau
Janine Kiefer
jannik Cormier
Jasmine Pickel
Jeanelle Dundas
Jeff Fisher
Jemile Amador
Jen Asselstine
Jen Garley
Jenn Kuntz
Jenna Boje
Jenna Pilon
Jennah Lewandoski
Jennah-Lee Milks
Jennifer Benedict
Jennifer Boyczuk
Jennifer Farquharson
Jennifer Macioca
Jennifer Nolan
Jenny Hanson
Jerene Sutherland
Jessi Casebeer
Jessica Abi Abdallah
Jessica Allen
Jessica Barthelemy
Jessica Lacroix
Jessica Radford
Jessica Smith
Jillian Osborne
Jimena Bordes
Joanie Roy
Joanne Blackburn
Jocelyn Kartes
Jodie-Lee Primeau
Joel Routliff
Joelle Drouin
Jordan Alexander
Josee Lalande
Josée Lalonde
Josiane Jobin
Joyce Cynthia Pierre
Judy Williams
Julia Halverson
Julia Li
Julia Mazani
Julia Tousaw
Julianna Cronk
Julianne Hiledie
Julie Emond
Julie Lalonde
Julie Nguyen
June Cummings
Justine Villeneuve
Kadene Massop
Kainat Bashir
Kaitlin Johnston
Kaitlin Melendy
Kaitlyn Webster
Kaleigh Barnes
Kari Parkhouse
Karine Levesque
Kate Duplessis
Kate Grantham
Katerine Parisien
Katherine BrodieDinsdale
Katherine Cassidy
Katherine Currie
Katherine Lovett
Katherine Manicom
Katherine Quinn
Kathleen Selkirk
Kathryn Bliss
Kathryn Pereira
Katie Johnson
Katie Lafleche
Katrina Goed
Katrina O’brien
Kayla Lavoie
Kayla Resnick
Kayla Shabsove
Keisha Morant
Kelli Henessey
Kelly Wilson
Kelsey Burrow
Kelsey Lockman
Keri Davis
Keshia Alleyne
Keshia Huggins
Khadije Joubaili
Kim Cyr
Kim Hunt
Kimberle Husbands
Kimberley Veitch
Kimberlin Mackey
Kimberly Holness
Kimberly O’Donnell
Kimberly Sanders
Kourtney Hall
Kourtney Hall
Krista Thomas
Kristal Harrison
Kristen Gandza
Kristen Knapp
Kristen Knapp
Kristin Booker
Kristina Pille
Kyla Douthwaite
Kyla Marcoux
Kyla Rafuse
Kyrstan Howat
Laura Aylsworth
Laura Cunningham
Laura Luketa
Laura Moffat
Laura Monette
Laura Webb
Lauren Edwards
Lauren Guest
Lauren Hanley
Leah Weiler
Leila Rami
Lesley Ann Tarasoff
Lesley-Ann Reed
Lianne Slaughter
Lindsay Hinch
Lindsay Jones
Lindsey Quennell
Lisa Bianco
Lisa Cyr
Lisa Gallant
Lisa Holmes
Lisa Kelly
Lisa Scott
Lisa Scott
Lisa Somerset
Lise-Anne Bielak
Lois Kerr
Lori Brooks
Lowhut Rahella Bella
Lucie Tremblay
Lyndra Griffith
Lynn Forest
Maggie Embury
Maggie Rafferty
Maha Mashhadi
Mallory Lavin
Mallory Reid
Maloup Esnault
Mandy Plassay-West
Marci Beitner
Maria Leocruz
Marie Ange Pauline- Umutoni
Marie-Josee Frenette
Marissa Gallan
Marlene Moreau
Marnie McGlade
Marta Albinowski
Marta Kozolowska
Mary Anne Carter
Mary Anne Causyn
Maryse Lepage
Mathew Harding
Meagan Pereira
Meaghan Landry
Megan Gareau
Megan Grossett
Megan Nesland
Meghan Boulanger
Melanie Brown
Melanie Cleroux
Melinda Westgarth
Melissa Dupuis St-Pierre
Melissa Fawcett
Melissa Goncalves
Melissa Ibrahim
Melissa Supersad
Melissa Thornton
Melissa Villemaire
Merveilles Kipuni Muaka
Merveilles Kipuni-Muaka
Mia Omara
Michaela Alexis
Micheline Mutoba
Michelle Brown
Michelle Hennessey
Michelle Lafreniere
Michelle Segger
Michelle Somarriba
Mindy Menard
Mireille Etheir
Mitra Thompson
Mojdeh Ferdosian
Moli Reoch
Monika Hajzer
Myriam Ansoada
Nabiha Khan
Nadine Johnson
Nadine Johnson
Nadya Stewart
Naketa Marshall
Nancy Jolicoeur
Nancy Mpoy
Naomi Baptiste
Narmeen Hashim
Natalie Hiller
Natalie Sache
Natalina Dinardo
Natascha Ramos
Natasha Grewel
Natasha Jaffer
Natasha Lorincz
Nathifa Regis
Nazgol Namazi
Nesrin Terk
Nicole Leuis
Nikhat Firdous
Nujhat Bashir
Olivia Reid
Oliwia Wisniewska
Patricia Graca
Patricia Wallinger
Paula Hirshmann
Paulette Ward
Penka Trendafi lova
Persha Baisden
Rachel Herz-Fischler
Rachel Meulmeester
Rachelle La Salle
Rahel Abajobir
Rami Leila
Ramissa Hirji
Randa Rihani
Rebecca Comeau
Rebecca Langille
Rebecca Nicklin
Reema Chawla
Regina Behnk
Ria Vaghani
Rickie-Lee Doyle
Rita Kiapway
Robin Brown
Robyn Harrison
Rosa Ondo
Rosalie Hiscock
Rosanne Wall
Roshi Golrasan
Roxana Delimon
Rufi ne Mbog
Ruth Gauthier
Ryan Watson
Sabrina Ottoni
Salma Ali
Samantha MacKenzie
Samantha Manning
Samantha Srigley
Samantha Styczynsky
Samantha Toffolo
Samantha Turner
Samantha Young
Sandra Allen
Sandra Leclair
Sandra McLaughlin
Sangeeta Sukumaran
Santana Coyle
Sara MacNaull
Sara Pedroso
Sarah Detre
Sarah Deveau
Sarah Fiander
Sarah Galarneau
Sarah Hennick
Sarah Jeong
Sarah Logan
Sarah Mack
Sarah MacLean
Sarah Marchilon-White
Sarah Mullen
Sarah Murray
Sarah Nourishad
Sarah Peek
Sarah Robus
Sarah Sanders
Sarah Wiggins-Galarneau
Sarah Wilson
Sekyen Gang
Selina Basudde
Shallon Varrin
Shana Hickey
Shanick Beaupierre
Shannise Kleuskens
Shannon Corkery
Shannon Watson
Sharron Burnett
Shawana Shah
Sheila Steeves
Shelly Chawla
Sherese Hill
Sherri Montone
Siobhen Corrigan
Skye Sullivan
Sonia Canelon
Sophia Sahota
Sophie Cousineau
Sophie Somana Zunamu
Stacy Illman
Steacy Donaldson
Steph Cheppire
Steph Rilette
Steph Roberts
Stephanie Fasaneau
Stephanie Fortunato
Stephanie Fradette
Stephanie Lecuyer
Stephanie McCintosh
Stephanie Plummer
Stephanie Rilett
Stephanie Zak
Sue Johnson
Suzan Dorling
Suzanne Waddington
Suzie Kwasniok
Sydney White
Sylvia Collins
Sylvia Smith
Tahmar Baptiste
Taly Salyn
Tamara Rowe
Tania Rozarian
Tania Seguin
Taylor Macloid
Teodora Dinu
Tessa Bell
Theresa Ratneiya
Tiana Iacobani
Tiffany Dagenais
Tiffany Hong
Tiffany Smith
Tracey Dow
Tracy Lay
Uchennah Samuel
Urge Ibrahim
Urszula Karwowska
Valentina Abril
Valentina Politis
Vanessa Abban
Vanessa Reshitnyk
Vani Govindarajan
Vanya Predovic
Vaughn Charlton
Veronique Dagenais
Veronique Paradis
Veronique Sanscartier
Victoria Dorey
Victoria Mansour
Virginia Dolinska
Wendy Lee
Whitney Cousins
Yatyin Cheng
Yolanda Campos
Yulia Samokish
Zahra Hosseini
• Total number of active volunteers in 2012–2013 was
158 for a total of 2,281 hours.
Four years ago, in September of 2009, I humbly accepted the nomination to be
the President of the Board of Directors for the Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa. As I
reflect on how fast those four years have gone, I can’t help but feel overwhelmingly
proud of the agency and the Board with which I have worked all these years.
I am also struck by the number…4…it has always been a significant number for
me. Here are some quick examples from my personal life. There are 4 people in
my family, each with a birthday in one of the 4 seasons, each born under one of
the 4 elements (fire, earth, water, air), and both of my children were born on the
4th day of the month. I was married on the 7th day of the 7th month in the 7th year
of the new millennium, on our 7th anniversary together (four 7s). Indeed, the
number 4 is personally significant.
And now, having spent 4 years as your President, it seems that the number is
professionally significant too. I feel confident in saying that these have been
productive years for the Board and for the agency. One only needs to read the
Executive Director’s report, review the descriptions of and reports from the agency’s
programs, compare financial reports year-to-year, or examine the client service
statistics to become aware of just how much this agency has accomplished in the
last few years. But since this is my last President’s report, I want to look ahead...
not back.
When I stepped into the role 4 years ago, it was my personal goal to step down at a time when there was forward momentum,
where the Board and agency were positioned and stable, where they were poised to continue growing, evolving and building on
the solid foundation established by the good people with whom I have been fortunate enough to serve.
Last spring, we had a Board Strategic Planning retreat, where we developed new strategic goals to guide our work. Our areas of
focus are: relocation, governance, board engagement, fundraising, public relations and celebration. Let’s take a look at each of
these areas.
The Board’s focus since 2009, my first year as the President, has been to support the agency in working toward the relocation
of our community residential facility, J.F. Norwood House. To be honest, I was hoping that we would have a new house before my
term as President ended, but at least we have made some very significant strides forward, and there is continued work on this
exciting prospect.
Our secondary focus in my first year as President was to continue to move away from being operationally-centred to becoming a
governance Board. With a solid base of policies and procedures, renewed strategic goals, a dynamic and competent management
team, and healthy financial resources, I believe that we have accomplished this transition. The Board’s focus in this area now is
to ensure our by-laws comply with changes in legislation, to build a viable and credible succession plan for the Board and the
agency, and to define the Board’s decision-making framework and committee structure.
It is essential to maintain a healthy and involved Board, so we are continuing to develop our ability to monitor and maintain the
engagement of members around the table. We are also focused on identifying and leveraging the skill-set of Board members to
the benefit of the agency, and providing opportunities for professional development.
Funding is always a priority for non-profit world, so one of the Board’s priorities is to better establish our abilities and efforts in
fundraising for the agency. Our plan over the next couple of years is to develop a bequest program, to explore corporate donation,
and to establish a communications framework through which to better share the agency’s story (with a purpose of impacting
funders and donors as they are made aware of the realities faced by the women who rely on our programs and services).
The Board is determined to define how our Directors can be best leveraged to support the agency’s community partnerships and
engagement, and the community’s awareness of issues affecting our work and our clients.
In 2016, the Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa will mark its 65th year as an agency. The original Elizabeth Fry, the British Quaker
who dedicated much of her life advocating for prisoners, died at the age of 65. It is our goal to observe this unique milestone,
and we will begin identifying and assessing the options for this celebration soon after our 2013 AGM.
I believe that my “forward momentum” goal has been realized. The Board and agency are well positioned to move forward with
their essential services, and I feel proud too have been part of the growth and development of both entities.
It has been an absolute pleasure to serve you, and I am so grateful for all I have gained through my service to the Elizabeth Fry
Society of Ottawa.
Thank you, merci, meegwetch, nia:wen (4 ways to express my gratitude)!
Cat Baron
President of the Board of Directors
Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa
This has been another busy, but fruitful year for the Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa.
In spite of all of the challenges we have faced in this tough economic and political
climate, we continue to do what we do best—serve our clients with integrity,
commitment and resolve—with a clear vision and high hopes for the future. We
serve between 9,000 and 11,000 clients every year and provide a wrap-around
service from first appearance at court to many months or even years post release.
So what does wrap-around service really look like to our clients? Our volunteers
meet with women in first appearance court and those released from court will
receive assistance right at the Ottawa court house. Here we also manage the Justice
On Target Diversion program to divert eligible people away from custodial sentences.
This Diversion program is now also offered by us in the L’Orignal court house.
If the client is remanded into custody before trial, our Community Liaison Worker assists
clients throughout their period of remand at the Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre. If
sentenced to a custodial sentence, our staff provide monthly in-reach to the two federal
prisons for women (GVI in Ontario and Joliette in Montreal) and to the provincial jail for
women (Vanier Centre for Women in Milton) during their entire incarceration.
Post-sentence clients can receive support from us, free of charge, for as long as
they determine they require it either while in the community or during residency at
our transition house—JF Norwood House. Our residence now offers 10 beds for women reintegrating following a federal sentence,
3 beds for women reintegrating following a provincial sentence and two community beds which are usually filled by women coming
through drug treatment court or bail. Reintegration programs include theft and fraud prevention, anger programming, trauma
and abuse counselling, relationship/family reintegration counselling, addiction counselling and relapse prevention programming,
housing stabilization and housing search assistance.
Starting in the 2011–2012 fiscal year and now continuing for the third year, we are providing a rural homeless prevention
program. This service is now added to our Housing Support program already offered in the Ottawa area through funding from
the City of Ottawa. Serving the rural communities surrounding the Ottawa area, we now offer housing loss prevention/housing
retention and housing search assistance to rural women and their families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. We are
grateful to federal government funds administered through the United Way of Simcoe County for the continuation of funding to
continue this important work. Each year we helped over 40 women with this service.
We also offer programming for youth and in-reach to youth who are sentenced to open or closed custody facilities. Reintegration
supports for youth include anger programming, theft prevention, family counselling, self-esteem groups such as the popular Love
yourself, Love Life group for teen girls, general reintegration assistance and general counselling. January 2012 saw the start of a
new program funded by General Mills of Canada for one year which ended January 2013. Through this program, we were able to
offer a counselling/health promotion group for children of incarcerated parents. In addition, over the past year, we have also been
invited into schools where we have delivered sexting presentations to educate over 900 youth as to what sexting is, the legal,
social and emotional risks, and how to prevent victimization.
These are tough times for our clients. The global financial crisis has been having an impact locally and documentation of the
results of that impact is starting to be released now. The number of families living in Ottawa Emergency Shelters went up almost
32% between 2004 and 2011, with the number of single people living in these shelters increasing by 26% in the same period.
(Alliance to End Homelessness Backgrounder, May 25, 2012). The average bachelor apartment in Ottawa now rents for $727 a
month or $8,724 annually, whereas a single individual on Ontario Works will receive only $7,188 annually. This means that the
average rent for even a bachelor apartment takes up the entire income of a single individual on Ontario Works, leaving them short
over $1,500 annually, and that doesn’t account for food or heating or bills or any other expenses. For a single parent with one child
on the Ontario Disability Support Program, the annual income is $19,940 and yet the average cost of a 2 bedroom apartment in
Ottawa is $1,086 per month or $13,032 per year. Breaking this down into real numbers, this would leave a single mom on ODSP
with just over $6,000 a year or $575 per month to feed and clothe herself and her child, not to mention pay for heat, a phone and
all of the other bills accrued in the life of a typical family. Since we know that poverty is a major risk factor for the criminalization
of women and girls, these numbers are of serious concern to us.
Sadly, funding for the Aboriginal Liaison/Peer Support Worker, which had allowed us to hire for two years an Aboriginal woman
with lived experience to assist clients, ended in March 2013. We are grateful to the Law Foundation of Ontario for the funding
to run this program for the past two years. We are always looking for ways to improve service delivery to Aboriginal clients given
that we have the highest number of Aboriginal clients reintegrating post incarceration in the province of Ontario. To this end, we
continually look for sources of funding to better support our First Nation, Métis and Inuit clients.
Thanks to some terrific research undertaken by the Native Women’s Association of Canada, we now better understand the terrible
links between the impact of residential schools not only on survivors, but on their descendants. We also better understand the
correlation of this impact on increased criminalization of Aboriginal women and girls. In order to improve our agency’s level of
service to Aboriginal women and girls, in April 2013 we contracted with two local Aboriginal woman to develop and run Healing
Circles for criminalized and at-risk Inuit, First Nations’ and Metis women and girls who are intergenerational survivors of Residential
schools. We are grateful for funding from the Anglican Church to be able to run these Healing Circles during this current fiscal year
for one year only, and are very lucky to have recruited two extraordinary women, Geraldine King who is a First Nations woman and
Darlene Gear-White who is an Innu woman, to develop and deliver the program.
The Elizabeth fry Society of Ottawa also continues to be a major player in the Ottawa social services sector and takes an active
role on a number of justice-related committees in Ottawa including the Adult and Youth Mental Health Court Stakeholders Committees,
the Community Adult Justice Network, the Human Services and Justice
Coordinating Committees of Ottawa, Pembroke and Cornwall, the Ontario
Half Way House Association and many more. This year, in our efforts
to better support youth at risk of criminalization, we also began
participating in the Advisory Committee on Equity of the Ottawa Carleton
District School Board. I also participated in 17 media interviews during
the year on stories related to our mandate.
As part of the Province’s Ten Year Mental Health strategy, representatives
from the youth justice, mental health, addiction, education, Francophone
and Aboriginal service sectors were invited to participate in the provincial
Systems Improvement through Service Collaboratives (SISC) initiative. I
also now sit on this Collaborative as the Executive Director of the Elizabeth
Fry Society of Ottawa with the goal of improving access to mental health
services and improving justice outcomes for criminalized
and at-risk youth with mental health issues.
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa has had, as you can see, a very full and eventful
year and, given the current financial outlook and recent legislative changes, we
have every reason to anticipate the year ahead will be continue to see an increase
in demand for our services. We are grateful to our funders and our community
partners for ongoing support, collaboration and education around how to provide
better services to our clients and look forward to continuing to serve our clients
and our community in the year ahead.
We are also ever grateful to our many volunteers ranging from our indefatigable
Board of Directors and or valiant and flexible troupe of volunteers who offer services
at the Court House, at the Detention Centre and at our residence and counselling
offices in order to better support our clients. In addition, none of this would be
possible without the dedication of our fabulous and very committed staff who go
above and beyond each and every day in the service of our clients.
Finally, we are grateful and want to offer a shout out to our clients, who every day
teach us what the words resilience, optimism, courage and fortitude really mean.
AND SERVICES 2012/2013
Funded by United Way/Centraide Ottawa and the City
of Ottawa.
Our Community Counselling Program provides assistance to women and young women
in the form of counselling, support groups, legal and justice service information,
advocacy, life skills, and referrals. There are three structured programs offered to
women in conflict with the law: Anger Program (10 weeks), Theft Prevention Program
(10 weeks), and Relapse Prevention Program (10 weeks). In addition, we provide oneon-one support as needed, including trauma and abuse counselling and relationship
counselling. Referrals to our services are made by the criminal justice system, social
workers, social assistance workers, lawyers, medical professionals, as well as self and
community referrals. We continue to use an integrated case-management approach in
all of our services.
Our Public Education Program informs the community about unique gender-specific
issues and realities regarding women’s criminal behavior and involvement with the
criminal justice system. We promote this program through participation in community
information events, college and university information seminars, and public speaking
engagements, as requested.
Between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013, 443 individuals participated in this
program. This number breaks down as follows: 116 participated in Theft Prevention
programming; 73 participated in Relapse Prevention programming; 195 participated
in Anger programming; and 59 participated in Community Counselling, of whom 49
received relationship counselling.
Funded by the Law Foundation of Ontario.
The Aboriginal Liaison/Peer Support Program completed on March 31, 2013 after two
years of providing support to Aboriginal women. The Program offered individual and
group peer support for Aboriginal women engaged with the criminal justice system.
The Aboriginal Liaison provided significant practical support and advocacy to women
around crisis and support resources. She further worked to educate women around
their Gladue rights, and proactively provided the Gladue booklet to defence lawyers.
The Aboriginal Liaison/Peer Support Program further consisted of two weekly support
groups. One was an open group for all criminalized women, and the second was
specifically for Aboriginal women involved in the criminal justice system. These groups
were held in the community to help reduce barriers to accessing services. At the
close of the program, the groups were located at Sandy Hill Community Centre and
Shepherds of Good Hope. She also provided outreach services at the Courthouse office,
and in-reach services at the Grand Valley Institution for Women.
While program funding ended as scheduled in March of this year, the many participants expressed how much they appreciated and
would miss the regular peer support that was provided. In preparation of the end of services, participants were offered services with
alternate Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa programs and counsellors.
Between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013, 121 individuals participated in this program. There were 53 Aboriginal and/or Inuit
women who participated in the Aboriginal Peer Support Program. An additional 67 women were reached through in-reach efforts at
the courthouse and/or federal and provincial institutions.
Funded by United Way/Centraide Ottawa.
Hooked Up is a support program delivered by the Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa that offers non-judgmental support to adult
women and transgendered individuals who are, or who have been, involved in the sex trade. Hooked Up services include one-on-one
counselling and support, weekly educational groups (Gateway), court support and advocacy, and life skills coaching.
Gateway is a follow-up program to the Salvation Army’s three-day Sex-Trade Education Program (STEP) and is also open to
women who have not participated in the STEP program. Gateway is both a community support group and court diversion option.
The program is delivered in a safe, supportive environment, and includes light meals, guest speakers, and resource sharing.
Participants have access to groceries, bus tickets and personal hygiene products. Group topics include street safety, healthy
relationships, sexual health, addictions, self-esteem and self-care, anger, and communication.
Between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013, 32 individuals participated in this program with a total of 145 visits.
Funded by Ministry of the Attorney General,
Province of Ontario
Ottawa Provincial Courthouse and L’Orignal Courthouse.
The Direct Accountability Program is an alternative to prosecution for
individuals who have been charged with minor criminal offences. The
program is offered at both the Ottawa Provincial Courthouse and the L’Orignal
Courthouse serving clients in the Prescott-Russell area. Eligible adults, over
the age of 18, are referred to the Community Justice Worker who completes
an assessment and assigns community-based sanctions. These sanctions
may include: attending a program or seminar, restitution, an apology letter,
community service or charitable donation. Using community-based sanctions
is an effective way of holding individuals accountable for minor offences. By
successfully completing their sanction(s), individuals have their charge(s)
withdrawn by the Court.
Between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013, 882 individuals participated in
this program.
Funded by United Way of Greater Simcoe County.
The Rural and Remote Homelessness Partnering Strategy program has been in operation since August of 2011 and was developed
to assist women with housing issues who have their base in Leeds Grenville, Brockville, Renfrew County, Pembroke & Cornwall. Our
mandate is to provide housing support to women who are homeless or at risk of being homeless in these areas. This includes women
who are living on the streets, living in a shelter, at risk of being evicted, in process of being evicted, couch-surfing, or temporarily
staying with family or friends but with no fixed address.
Housing Outreach workers successfully supported 28 individuals throughout the past year. The program has provided assistance
by sourcing suitable apartments, accompanying and providing transportation to view potential residences, providing advocacy in
dealing with landlords/tribunals, and offering education on tenant rights and responsibilities. Alongside these tasks, rural Housing
workers have provided emotional support to clients who often felt trapped in a difficult transitional period in their lives.
In its second year, the HPS program continues to be extremely successful in providing housing support, as well as expanding the
Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa’s outreach to criminalized women in rural areas. It continues to be successful in shedding light on
the often overlooked social issue of rural homelessness. Many of our clients have expressed feeling marginalized and isolated from
their communities before coming into contact with our staff members. Once clients have accessed housing assistance through HPS,
they have been more inclined to access other Elizabeth Fry services and connect with our long term counselling services. Clients who
have done this have expressed this as being very positive in their lives.
Funded by the Ministry of the Attorney General, Province of Ontario.
In an effort to offer community-based programming to the participants in the Direct Accountability Program, the Elizabeth Fry
Society of Ottawa received funding from the Ministry of the Attorney General to deliver the Community Justice Initiative Programs.
Specifically, we offer diversion programming in the areas of Anger Management for Women, Alcohol and Drug Awareness for Women
and Stop Shop Theft for Women and Men.
Between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013, 293 individuals participated in these programs. The breakdown is as follows: 6
participated in the Anger Programming; 10 participated in Alcohol and Drug Awareness; 139 participated in Stop Shop Theft for
Women and 138 in Stop Shop Theft for Men.
Direct Accountability Program participants from the L’Orignal Courthouse are offered programming in the area of Stop Shop Theft for
women and men referred to the program. The program is offered locally twice per month and delivered in both official languages.
Service delivered by volunteers.
The Court Release Program began in July 2009, operating out of the Ottawa Elizabeth Fry Society office located in the Ottawa
Provincial Courthouse. This is a non-funded program, carried out by volunteers of the Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa, and is
designed to help women and men upon their release from the Provincial Courthouse Cellblock. Every day, people are released from
the Courthouse Cellblock without money, identification, wallet, keys, winter coats, or outdoor footwear. Many are in a state of shock
and emotional crisis. The Court Release Program gives them the help they need, ranging from bus tickets and directions to the
Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre (OCDC), so they can collect their belongings, use of the phone, a cup of coffee, toiletries and
warm clothing. Volunteers also offer an empathic ear, crisis intervention and referrals to Elizabeth Fry Society programming,
Salvation Army programming, John Howard Society programming and other community resources. When individuals are released
unexpectedly, volunteers also help clients secure emergency shelter.
Between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013, 536 individuals participated in this program.
Service delivered by volunteers.
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa has continued to offer support to women in the criminal justice system through our Ottawa
Courthouse office. Over the past year, visibility at the courthouse has increased based on the monthly statistics of clients, lawyers,
social service providers and individuals seeking help. Volunteers have been consistently been present in first appearance court,
bail court and sentencing court to provide support to women facing criminal charges. Clients have expressed appreciation for these
services during a time of high stress, confusion and uncertainty. A hot cup of coffee, snacks, use of the phone, seasonal clothing,
access to community resources, general court information and having someone to talk to have proven to be very popular services
among clients with court matters.
Volunteers have also provided court accompaniments to women who wish to have someone by their side when their case is being
heard in court. This service has helped many women cope with the stress of court and has helped them navigate the intricacies of
the criminal justice system. It has proven to be particularly useful for women charged for the first time, who were largely unfamiliar
with court proceedings. Finally, volunteers have provided support to women temporarily detained in the Courthouse by visiting the
cellblock at least once a day. Through cellblock visitations, clients have been able to speak with someone about their concerns,
connect with other Elizabeth Fry services, access shelters and treatment centres, and connect with their lawyers as well as other
community resources.
In total, 1,633 clients received services from the Court Support Program between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013.
Adult Mental Health Court funded by United Way/Centraide Ottawa. Youth Mental Health Court
funded by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services.
Staff members participate in Adult and Youth Mental Health Court counsel pre-trials, whereby they advocate for clients, and provide
resources to both crown and defense attorneys in order to assist clients. Referrals are made to Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa
programs and services, as well as to external agencies. During pre-trial, staff members routinely assist in creating treatment
and community reintegration plans for clients and they also participate in the court proceedings for Youth Mental Health Court.
This includes court accompaniment, providing updates on client progress, advocacy, and promoting and facilitating access to our
programs and services. Crisis intervention and practical assistance such as bus tickets and assistance with emergency housing,
is also provided to clients at the courthouse following court appearances.
Between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013, 46 individuals were referred to Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa programs through adult
and youth mental health court and pre-trial, and many more were assisted in the courthouse by way of triage, case management,
and advocacy.
Funded by Correctional Service Canada & the Elizabeth Fry
Society of Ottawa.
The In-Reach Program has now been running for 4 years. The Elizabeth Fry Society of
Ottawa received funding from the Correctional Service of Canada to provide in-reach
services to women in custody at Grand Valley Institution for Women and Joliette
Institution for women, both of which are multi-level Federal prisons. The Manager
and Assistant Manager of Residential Services provided services to the women at
Grand Valley and Joliette. Services provided to the women include, but are not limited
to; information regarding counselling services available in Ottawa and through the
Society, housing support, J.F. Norwood House information and applications, and other
information about the Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa and other community reintegration
supports available in Ottawa.
Funded by the Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa, the Manager of Residential Services also
visits Vanier Institution on a regular basis. This institution is the Provincial women’s
detention centre for Ontario.
The In-Reach Program has continued to increase our visibility within the institutions
and is creating more fluid relationships with institutional staff, as well as an increase
in support and reintegration services to Ottawa area women.
Between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013, 98 women participated in this program.
Funded by the City of Ottawa, under the Homelessness
Partnership Initiative.
Housing support and advocacy is offered by the Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa to assist
clients who are homeless, couch surfing, inadequately housed, or who need to move
due to unaffordable housing or for safety reasons. In-reach services are also provided
to women at the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre, Grand Valley Institution for Women,
Vanier Institution for Women and Joliette Institution for Women in preparation for their
release into the community. Some of the services offered include: providing information
and resources to clients searching for affordable housing, assistance with landlord/
tenant disputes, support and advocacy, and assistance with housing retention.
Between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013, 531 individuals and a further 416
households were supported by this program.
Funded by the Ottawa Youth Diversion Program, the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa,
Boys and Girls Club, the Ministry of Children and Youth Services, General Mills Canada
Corporation, The Community Foundation, the City of Ottawa and Telus.
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa helps young women, between the ages of 12 and 18, reduce the risk of conflict with the law
through programming that is holistic, gender specific and client-centered. Youth counsellors work with young women to develop
individualized plans that target short and long term goals. Once referred, youth can access a wide array of services including
individual counselling, anger management programs, the theft prevention programs (male and female), family counselling,
community outreach programs, addiction and relapse prevention counselling, and groups designed to increase resiliency. A Youth
Reintegration Worker offers support to young women who are reintegrating into the Ottawa community from correctional facilities,
who are involved in Youth Mental Health Court, or who are otherwise involved in the Youth Justice System.
One time funding through Telus allowed for the development and delivery of workshops focusing on the risk associated with sexting
in schools across Ottawa. The workshops elaborated on the legal, social and emotional risks to sexting, and further explained how
to limit victimization. The program was an overwhelming success with 28 presentations made at 11 schools to 985 students. Youth
identified that as a result of the workshop, they were better able to make safer, informed personal decisions regarding sexting, and
that they were also better equipped to deal with related peer pressure.
One time funding from the General Mills Champions Grant Program provided the opportunity to further support children and youth
of criminalized women by involving them in a 10 week education and support group. Mothers attended separate and complementary
programming while their children attended an art/play therapy group. Children and youth were exposed to education about healthy
foods and eating with Canada’s Food Guide; physical activity that was non-competitive, fun, and inclusive and art that provided
them to share their feelings and personal experiences. A key component of the group was children sharing with other children their
experiences of being in a family with a criminalized mother, the outcomes of which lessened isolation and helped to reduce shame.
There were 48 parents, siblings and children (ages 5–14) who attended the program. The team collaboration with community
professionals strongly contributed to the success of the project.
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa contributed to improved community services for youth by participating in the Youth Mental Health
Court, Youth Trends and Issues Committee, and the Ontario Youth Justice Services Network.
Accessibility and continuity of service is emphasized with programs being delivered on-site at the Bronson Centre, Talitha House,
Sundance Correctional Centre, and other community locations.
Between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013, 192 parents and youth engaged in counselling Youth Services at the Elizabeth Fry
Society of Ottawa.
Funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
There were 155 active volunteers who provided services to clients at the Ottawa Courthouse, the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre,
J.F. Norwood House, in our housing support program as well as group co-facilitation. Some volunteers also assisted in the areas
of research, administrative work and fundraising. This year, a key component of the volunteer program was to provide increased
psychosocial training to volunteers working closely with our client base. New volunteers to the agency were given ten (10) hours of
additional training, including non-judgmental active listening training and crisis intervention skills, helping interview techniques
and training on the criminal justice system. A total of 110 volunteers participated in these trainings, which were deemed a success
by the individuals who attended. Volunteers reported that this hands-on training greatly contributed to their learning experience,
their skill set, their confidence and their ability to address clients’ needs effectively.
The Volunteer Program is continually striving to improve its programming to ensure a win-win partnership between the Elizabeth Fry
Society of Ottawa, its clients and the volunteers. As more experienced volunteers are leaving to pursue their careers, new volunteers
are recruited to fill the gap, as well as to provide assistance to the ever growing need of the community.
Funded by Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.
The Community Liaison Worker offers advocacy, support, crises counselling, and housing support to women incarcerated at the
Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre (O.C.D.C.). Clients can meet one-on-one with a worker while they are on remand, to create a
release plan that addresses their individual needs, while liaising with appropriate community supports to facilitate successful
community re-integration. The agency’s Addictions/Relapse Prevention Counsellor also attends O.C.D.C. weekly to provide substance
use assessment for clients wishing to attend a residential treatment program. The Counsellor then refers the client to appropriate
treatment facilities throughout Ontario and Quebec. The Counsellor also offers a weekly Relapse Prevention group. Funded solely
by donations to the Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa, our agency is able to provide some women with the funds necessary to complete
high school credits while they are incarcerated at the detention centre, as well as provide them with reading glasses. The Community
Liaison Worker also assists in release planning by accompanying some out-of-town women to the bus station and others to court
appearances, community appointments, J.F. Norwood House and other agencies in Ottawa and the surrounding areas.
Between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013, 315 individuals participated in this program.
Funded by Correctional Service Canada, Ministry of
Community Safety and
Correctional Services, Ottawa Hospital—Mobile Crisis
Team, and Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services—
Adult Drug Treatment Court Program.
J.F. Norwood House is a transitional housing program offering a supportive living
environment for women. The purpose of the program is to help facilitate successful
reintegration into the community by offering a safe and encouraging environment
where women can focus on education and employment, and have access to other
Elizabeth Fry services and wider community supports. Our beds are available to
women who have been released from an institution on parole or
probation, clients of Drug Treatment Court, a program
offered by Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services,
and clients from the Ottawa Hospital, who are referred
by the Mobile Crisis Team. The Mobile Crisis Team beds
discontinued in the first quarter of 2012.
As the J.F. Norwood House is staffed 24-hours per day, women can access well-trained and caring staff members for support at
any time. Providing resources, acting as advocates and helping women through their challenges, while simultaneously empowering
clients to achieve their goals, are all part of the role of staff.
The In-Reach program is now in its second year. The Manager and Assistant Manager of Residential Services regularly visits Grand
Valley Institution for Women and Vanier Centre for Women as well as Joliette Institution for Women. We are continuing to see an
increase in women applying for residency at J.F. Norwood House, as well as an increase of women following up with community
programs once released from custody. By being able to meet with women in custody, we are able to develop relationships prior to
their release and have the opportunity to get to know each woman personally. Clients have reported that, by being able to develop a
relationship with Elizabeth Fry/J.F. Norwood House staff prior to their release,
they feel that the reintegration process is less stressful, as they have
community support. Women have also reported that they feel a lot more
comfortable going from an institutional setting into the transitional home
setting, as they are able to ask questions and discuss their residency with
the staff during the institutional visits.
J.F. Norwood House’s waiting list continues to grow by the day. On any given
day, the waiting list can range from 40–60 women. We are the only women’s
Community Residential Facility between Montreal and Kingston.
We will continue to work toward the goal of having a larger residence in the
future, where we can provide more services to women at risk.
Our thanks go out to the Food Bank for its immense assistance to the
J.F. Norwood House with their weekly provision of food, which is divided
equally among the women.
J.F. Norwood House would not be as successful without the help of our
amazing staff, volunteers, students and our funders.
Between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013, 64 individuals participated
in this program.