Photos from Entraide budgétaire Ottawa


Photos from Entraide budgétaire Ottawa
Photos from Entraide budgétaire Ottawa
35th Anniversary Celebration
held at Jean Pigott Place in Ottawa, Ontario
November 21st, 2014
Entraide Budgétaire Ottawa publicly changed its name. From now on, the organization will be known in English
as EBO Financial Education Centre
Left to right:
Matthew Beutel, (United Way Ottawa), Joanne Lefebvre, CEO of
Regroupement des gens d’affaires de la capital nationale (National
Capital business association) and Chair of the Community Services
Cabinet at United Way Ottawa, Hélène Ménard, Gérald Cossette and
Martha Butler, Director and Vice-Chair of Entraide budgétaire
Ottawa’s Board of Directors, respectively
Front: Joanne Lefebvre
Back (left to right): Martha Butler and Gérald Cossette, co-facilitators
of the celebration
Left to right:
Left to right:
Ronald Caza, Honourary President of the 35th anniversary
celebration, Joanne Lefebvre, Hélène Ménard, Gérald Cossette and
Martha Butler
Joanne Lefebvre, Hélène Ménard and Ronald Caza
Left to right:
Left to right:
Isabelle Laviolette, Mr. Pierre Benoît, Desjardins and René
Coignaux, new Executive Director at ACEF de l’Outaouais
Émilie René from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
(FCAC), delivers a speech on behalf of Jane Rooney, 1st Financial
Literacy Leader in Canada
Left to right:
Left to right:
Émilie René from FCAC, our co-facilitators with EBO’s new
Margot Arseneau, member, Richard Monette, founding member,
Diane Martin, member and Pierrette Dessaint, also a founding
member. Richard told the history behind the name Entraide
budgétaire Ottawa
Laura, client of the budget counseling service, refers to her budget
counsellor as her angel.
Laura, Diane Vachon, Chair of Entraide budgétaire Ottawa’s Board
of Directors, and Janet Onyango, 2011-2012 recipient of the Joseph
Assabgui Volunteer of the Year Award
New branding for Entraide budgétaire Ottawa, now known as
EBO Financial Education Centre/Centre d’education financière
Entraide budgétaire Ottawa would like to thank its sponsors for
their support of the 35th anniversary celebrations.
Comptabilité Mderay
Jacques Trudel, comptable agréé