Natomas Park Elementary School - Natomas Unified School District


Natomas Park Elementary School - Natomas Unified School District
Natomas Park Elementary School
Natomas Unified District
The District Governing Board
approved this revision of the School
Plan on: 12/10/2014
CDS Code:
Mrs. Kendra Shelton, Principal
Chris Evans
4700 Crest Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95835
(916) 928-5234
[email protected]
Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
Goals and Actions
Start Date
LCAP Priority 4 - Pupil Achievement
Structures to Improve Student Achievement (District Goal 1)
Response to Intervention: Tiered System of Interventions to Support
Student Achievement
Extended Day Program: Targeted Afterschool Interventions to Support
Instructional Technology
Early Learning Intervention Specialist
Full Day Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten
Aligned Instructional Schedule in ELA, Math and ELD
Kindergarten Transition Summer Camp
English Language Arts Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1)
ELA Differentiation & Intervention Materials, Including Software
Mathematics Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1)
Supplemental Math Instruction and Assessment Materials, Including
English Language Learner Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1)
English Language Development Instruction
Centralized Support for English Learners
Collaboration and Professional Development for Student Achievement in
Science Fair Culminating Event to Support Student Achievement in
3rd Grade College Field Trip
6th Grade College Field Trip
College and Career Week to Support Graduating College and Career
Positive Environment & Character Development (Bully Prevention)
Intervention Supports for Behavior to Access Instruction for Student
Science Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1)
LCAP Priority 5 - Pupil Engagement
Graduating College and Career Ready Students (District Goal 2)
LCAP Priority 6 - School Climate
School Climate & Culture of College Readiness (District Goal 4)
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
LCAP Priority 8 - Other Pupil Outcomes
Ongoing Professional Development (District Goal 1)
Ongoing Collaboration to Monitor and Respond to Student Achievement
Data Analysis and Goal Setting Professional Development
Professional Learning Community Collaboration Refinement
LCAP Priority 3 - Parent Involvement
School to Home Collaboration to Support Student Achievement (District Goal 3)
Family Support for Student Attendance to Support Student Academic
Family Literacy Education and Engagement Events to Support Student
Parent Engagement and Education
Common Core State Standards
Common Core State Standards Alignment
LCAP Priority 2 - Implementation of State Standards
Implementation of Common Core State Standards
Total Annual Expenditures for Current Site Plan: $108,750.00
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
LEA Goal:
Not Aligned
Goal Area : LCAP Priority 4 - Pupil Achievement
School Goal : Structures to Improve Student Achievement (District Goal 1)
Natomas Park Elementary School will implement Systems and Structures to support an aligned education system. These systems
and structures include collaboration meetings, guidance and documentation, aligned schedules, technology, and monitoring
processes to ensure optimal student learning, engagement and academic progress. Such structures and systems will support staff
to analyze data, development and implementation of a tiered intervention plan, monitor aligned instructional schedules and the
development of specific plans for use of technology to support goals.
Essential Program Components
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
Analysis of the NWEA adaptive assessment, CST Science for 5th grade, local common assessment data, including grade level
Common Formative Assessments, indicates that aligned systems are necessary to ensure that students are provided systematic,
direct and explicit instruction based on assessment data.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
The analysis of the data revealed that some systems have not been in place or aligned to ensure that all students are
demonstrating positive achievement growth. Growth continues to be inconsistent and stagnant. Teachers need additional training
and time to refine effective lesson planning, especially as it relates to Common Core State Standards. Teachers also need support
to systematically identify low performing students for intervention. It also indicated that best practices in instruction were not in
place in all classrooms, such as posting objectives, providing differentiated and culturally relevant instruction, and using
technology consistently and effectively to enhance instruction and provide remediation. Systems and structures need to be refined
to ensure that all students demonstrate academic achievement.
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
On a regular basis, grade level data will be collected and analyzed. Throughout the school year, NWEA District Assessments and
Common Formative Assessments will be analyzed in order to track progress towards goals. Ongoing monitoring throughout the
year is necessary in order to make adjustments to plans, structures and systems. The grade level collaborative teams, Site
Leadership Team, School Site Council and ELAC will monitor growth of student subgroups using the data listed above on a
trimester basis in order to make suggestions and changes in the structures and systems for the school.
Staff will meet regularly in team collaboration meetings, focused around timely data to monitor student progress, by student name,
by subject area of need. The school will follow the Natomas Unified School District plan for professional development as we
continue to implement the Common Core State Standards. Strategies around strategic instruction with differentiation to meet
student needs will be explicitly taught and implemented across the school.
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
Action Title: Response to Intervention: Tiered System of Interventions to Support Student
Means of Achievement: Increased educational opportunity
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
The Site Leadership Team will help guide the staff to develop a plan for intervention. Teachers and support staff will provide
intervention during the instructional school day during "WIN" which stands for "Whatever I Need." Students will be identified
through achievement data (NWEA data, district benchmark, common formative assessments, curriculum embedded assessments)
to enter and exit interventions. Students will receive additional instruction during WIN time in area of need based on key ELA
standards that students did not master during classroom instruction. Staff will also plan intervention to occur during extended day
(after school) for each grade level for students who are struggling. Students will be placed in the extended day interventions as
needed based on data in either ELA or math, whereas WIN time will be devoted to helping students master ELA standards.
Measures :
Teachers will use data collected from assessments such as NWEA, curriculum embedded, district benchmark and common
formative assessments, to evaluate student growth and the effectiveness of the interventions within each intervention tier.
People Assigned :
Teachers, Site Leadership Team, Principal, Assistant Principal.
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Action Title: Extended Day Program: Targeted Afterschool Interventions to Support Achievement
Means of Achievement: Extended learning time
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Students in 1st-6th grades will have a systematic intervention program to address academic needs. Using collaboration time,
grade levels will implement re-teaching and post assessment for referral to the Extended Day program. The Extended Day
Program will mirror the instructional cycle in each grade level, providing immediate intervention to students directly following
classroom re-teaching and data analysis.
Measures :
District and curriculum embedded assessments, common formative assessments by each grade level, and pre and post data
collected by classroom teachers and the tutoring instructors.
People Assigned :
Classroom Teachers, Principal, Assistant Principal, Early Intervention Specialist, School Leadership Team and Collaborative
Grade Level Teams.
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula
Teacher Extra Duty Hours
Local Control Funding Formula
Supplies & Instructional Materials
Local Control Funding Formula-EL
Teacher Extra Duty Hours for ELD Extended Day
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Estimated Cost
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
Action Title: Instructional Technology
Means of Achievement: Improvement of instruction strategies and materials
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Instructional technology upgrades and professional development began in the 2013-2014 and will continue in the 2014-15 school
year. Professional development will continue to include the use of technology to enhance the use of CCSS alignment and
benchmarks. Professional development will also target pilot projects, including the flipped classroom, classroom sets of
Chromebooks and collaboration methods. Teachers will learn to use Macbook laptops to aide in collaboration and instruction.
IPADS and Apple TV’s will play an integral role in the use and delivery of instruction. All classrooms will be upgraded to include
Apple Tv’s to allow collaboration ease in all classrooms in the district.
To further support teacher professional development, two teachers have been selected to be "Tech Lead Learners." These two
teachers will help analyze the technology professional development needs of teachers and will provide mini-workshop type lessons
on related topics to help enhance teacher access and ability to use instructional technology. With the support of the Technology
Department of NUSD, the Tech Lead Learners will be paid to provide "office hours" and tutorials to support quality instruction. All
extra hours for this role is paid for by the District Technology Department.
In addition, Natomas Park Elementary will develop a school technology plan in order to purchase additional technology to support
additional access and resources for students and staff. Technology hardware purchases will not exceed 10% of the categorical
budget and the purchases will be made according to the plan and timeline. Such purchases may include an additional
Chromebook Cart, iPads for small group instruction, eBooks for the library to distribute, projectors and/or Apple TVs for common
spaces in order to increase access to these tools more equitably across the school for students and staff.
Measures :
Walkthroughs to measure technology use in classrooms, reports from administrative portals of software programs, teacher
discussions and lesson plans
People Assigned :
School Leadership Team, Principal, Assistant Principal, Technology Committee and District Support Staff.
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula
Technology Equipment, Hardware and Tools
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Estimated Cost
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
Action Title: Early Learning Intervention Specialist
Means of Achievement: Increased educational opportunity
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Strategically use an Early Learning Intervention Specialist to lead Response to Intervention work in conjunction with the site
Principal and with collaborative teams. Early Intervention Specialists work collaboratively with teachers, parents, the grade level
collaborative teams, and administrators in a school-wide effort to improve academic performance. The Early Learning Intervention
Specialist will lead push in intervention efforts at 1st-3rd grades.
The Early Learning Intervention Specialist will lead push in intervention efforts at 1st-3rd grades. This work includes guiding the
common assessments, re-teaching, and reassessment process prior to referral to targeted intervention. Once placed in targeted
interventions, the specialist will work on strategic, skill-based instruction in order to ensure students meet proficiency in identified
areas of need. The specialist will also lead teachers in Extended Day Program (After School Strategic Tutoring).
Measures :
Curriculum and common assessments, NWEA data, Intervention Specialist schedule and tracking documentation
People Assigned :
Principal, Assistant Principal, Intervention Specialist, Teachers and Leadership Team.
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula
Employee Salary and Benefits
Estimated Cost
Action Title: Full Day Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten
Means of Achievement: Increased educational opportunity
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Full Day Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten: All NUSD Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten classes are currently
full day classes. Each Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten class is supported by a 3.5 hour Instructional assistant. Class
size ratio targets for Kindergarten are 24:1. The addition of nearly 2.5 hours per day is the equivalent of adding 3 and one-half
months to the school year for students in comparison to the previous half-day model.
Measures :
Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten will reflect similar schedules, instructional minutes and assessment benchmarks as 1st
through 6th grade.
People Assigned :
Principal, Teachers and Classified Staff.
Start Date :
Completion Date :
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
Action Title: Aligned Instructional Schedule in ELA, Math and ELD
Means of Achievement: Improvement of instruction strategies and materials
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
The School Leadership Team will guide grade level teams to align their daily schedules and instructional time. All staff will
implement specific identified instructional strategies to maximize instructional time. In addition to adhering to recommended
minutes for ELA and math instruction, focus will include common assessment dates, common re-teaching blocks, and grade level
WIN time. Learning Center and other specialists will work closely with the School Leadership Team and teaching staff to protect
core instruction time for students. An aligned schedule provides opportunities for students to be regrouped for enrichment,
practice, re-teaching and intervention.
Measures :
Walkthroughs will provide evidence of adherence to aligned schedule at each grade level. Student results on common
assessments will indicate effectiveness of reteaching and intervention strategies.
People Assigned :
Principal, Assistant Principal and Teacher Leaders
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Action Title: Kindergarten Transition Summer Camp
Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
NUSD is committed to preparing students for a successful entry to Kindergarten by providing a 3-hour daily camp that runs for 4
weeks. The camp is designed for students without preschool experience. The purpose of the camp is for students to become
familiar with the Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten classroom, routines, basic skills and social skills. The program is
prioritized for students who have not attended preschool and who will be entering Kindergarten in August of 2015. The program
will take place at one school site; however, students enrolled at any school in the District who have not attended preschool are
eligible to attend.
Measures :
Kindergarten Summer Camp enrollment, end of session assessment results
People Assigned :
Administrators and teachers
Start Date :
Completion Date :
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
LEA Goal:
Not Aligned
Goal Area : LCAP Priority 4 - Pupil Achievement
School Goal : English Language Arts Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1)
The overall school goal is to increase proficiency in English Language Arts. In the absence of current state assessment data,
analysis of local assessments illustrate a need to increase proficiency in English Language Arts so that students will be on track to
graduate college and career ready.
Essential Program Components
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
Local common assessments, NWEA adaptive assessments; Accelerated Reader/STAR results; MobyMax and other tools.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
As we transition to California Common Core State standards, local assessment data show that many of our students are not
currently proficient in English Language Arts.
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
Throughout the year, grade level teams, the leadership team and the staff will analyze current data from District and curriculum
embedded assessments to monitor student progress. The teams will also use the NWEA assessment results three times a year to
monitor reading progress for all students and to specifically monitor students at risk. The School Site Council and English
Language Advisory Committee will also view site and District assessment data to help guide and reflect on the effectiveness of the
instruction and intervention strategies being used.
Ongoing monitoring of student progress through collaborative teams and the use virtual data walls on "google docs" will assist in
monitoring student progress, by student name, by subject area of need. The school will follow the Natomas Unified School District
plan for professional development as we continue to implement California Common Core State Standards. Strategies around
strategic instruction with differentiation to meet student needs will be explicitly taught and implemented across the school.
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
Action Title: ELA Differentiation & Intervention Materials, Including Software
Means of Achievement: Improvement of instruction strategies and materials
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Through analysis of student data during collaboration meetings, staff will determine materials needed for supplementary instruction
and differentiation. Staff will purchase materials for use during class or during Whatever I Need (WIN) Intervention time during the
school day. Staff will improve instructional practice and increase frequency of student reading with the continued use of web-based
tools, such as (but not limited to) Renaissance Place, which includes STAR Reading and Accelerated Reader. STAR Reading is an
assessment tool that will help teachers and administrators quickly assess students’ reading levels, providing an additional reliable
monitoring tool. Accelerated Reader is a reading comprehension tool that can be used to help provide immediate feedback for
comprehension and also help with student motivation. Other tools, such as Read Naturally or Moby Max, just to name a few
possibilities, may be considered. These tools will be used as a supplement to the core curriculum to improve reading, writing,
grammar and all areas of English Language Arts instruction.
In addition, funds will be used to continue support for all teachers to access tools that help make technology accessible. These
tools will also be available and accessed during Extended Day (Strategic After School Academic Tutoring).
Measures :
Student data from WIN time will be analyzed and monitored in collaboration meetings. Accelerated Reader and STAR Reading will
help provide tools to monitor student reading levels and to track student time spent reading outside of the core curriculum. All 2nd
through 6th grade classrooms will use the monitoring tool in STAR Reading three times a year (or more), with reading 1st graders
using it as become appropriate throughout the year. Improvement in reading levels should be seen across the school. Successful
use of Accelerated Reader will be measured through an increased number of books being read at all grade levels.
People Assigned :
Leadership Team, Lead Tech Learners principal, assistant principal.
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula
Supplemental Materials and Software to Enhance
ELA Instruction
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Estimated Cost
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
LEA Goal:
Not Aligned
Goal Area : LCAP Priority 4 - Pupil Achievement
School Goal : Mathematics Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1)
The overall school goal is to increase proficiency in mathematics. In the absence of current state assessment data, analysis of local
assessments illustrate a need to increase proficiency in mathematics so that students will be on track to graduate college and career
Essential Program Components
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
Local common assessments, NWEA adaptive assessments; MobyMax and other tools.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
As we transition to California Common Core State standards, local assessment data show that many of our students are not
currently proficient in mathematics.
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
Throughout the year, grade level teams, the leadership team and the staff will analyze current data from District and curriculum
embedded assessments to monitor student progress. The teams will also use the NWEA assessment results three times a year to
monitor mathematics progress for all students and to specifically monitor students at risk. The School Site Council and English
Language Advisory Committee will also view site and District assessment data to help guide and reflect on the effectiveness of the
instruction and intervention strategies being used.
Ongoing monitoring of student progress through collaborative teams and the use virtual data walls on "google docs" will assist in
monitoring student progress, by student name, by subject area of need. The school will follow the Natomas Unified School District
plan for professional development as we continue to implement California Common Core State Standards. Strategies around
strategic instruction with differentiation to meet student needs will be explicitly taught and implemented across the school.
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
Action Title: Supplemental Math Instruction and Assessment Materials, Including Software
Means of Achievement: Improvement of instruction strategies and materials
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Improve instructional practice with the addition of supplemental instructional materials, including software intervention materials.
The Site Leadership Team and grade level collaboration teams will select software that will help both identify student levels and
specific areas of instructional needs in mathematics. Staff will create a timeline and determine appropriate products, needed
training and provide implementation guidelines to staff providing intervention. Such software will help provide additional student
achievement monitoring tools.
Measures :
Site leadership team agendas and notes; students using the software during extended learning times will, over time, demonstrate
academic growth.
People Assigned :
Site Leadership Team, Collaboration teams, Teachers, Principal, and Assistant Principal, Lead Tech Learners.
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula
Supplemental Materials and Software to Enhance
Math Instruction
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Estimated Cost
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
LEA Goal:
Not Aligned
Goal Area : LCAP Priority 4 - Pupil Achievement
School Goal : English Language Learner Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1)
All English Learners students will advance one English proficiency level of growth by May 2015 as evidenced by CELDT.
Essential Program Components
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
The California English Language Development Test data is used to form this goal.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
Many students made more than one year's growth on the CELDT, yet some students continued at the same language proficiency
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
CELDT scores and WIN Intervention teacher formative assessments from ELD Instruction will be used to monitor and evaluate
student progress.
Staff will meet regularly in collaboration meetings around timely data to monitor student progress, by student name, by subject area
of need. The school will follow the Natomas Unified School District plan for professional development as we begin to implement the
Common Core State Standards. Strategies around strategic instruction with differentiation to meet student needs will be explicitly
taught and implemented across the school.
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
Action Title: English Language Development Instruction
Means of Achievement: Improvement of instruction strategies and materials
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Teachers will be trained in best practice instructional strategies for ELs, including TREASURES ELD or SIOP. All ELs will receive
appropriate ELD or ELA support for a minimum of 30 minutes a day. The EL Lead Teacher and EL Coordinator will work with site
leadership, Ed Center TOSA, and classroom teachers to coordinate services for ELs. Every English Language Learner will be
assessed and monitored to measure his/her English Language acquisition using CELDT and local assessments. All ELD teachers
will receive district provided training specifically designed to assist and support them with the implementation of the program as
well as to deepen their understanding of research-based strategies specifically designed to enhance the learning of English
Learners. The ELAC committee (English Learner Advisory Committee) will advise on the implementation of ELD services within
this plan.
Measures :
ELD WIN/ELD/SDAIE Lesson plans, classroom observation, daily schedules, PD sign in sheets, increased EL acheivement
People Assigned :
Classroom teachers, grade level ELD teacher, Site EL Lead Teacher, District Teacher on Special Assignment, Principal and
Assistant Principal.
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Estimated Cost
Local Control Funding Formula-EL
Instructional Materials
Local Control Funding Formula-EL
Teacher Professional Development/Substitute
Release Time or Extra Hour Pay
Action Title: Centralized Support for English Learners
Means of Achievement: Auxiliary services for students and parents
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
The following services for English Learners are facilitated at the District Level: CELDT testing; EL Lead Teacher/ EL Coordinator
compensation; oral and written translation services; parent notification and communication; curriculum support and planning;
compliance reporting; professional development; parent support through DELAC meetings; support for assessment materials, and
data management; record keeping.
Measures :
CELDT; Translation requests, Professional Development sign ins, EL TOSA tracking documents
People Assigned :
EL coordinator, Administrators
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula-EL
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Estimated Cost
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
LEA Goal:
Not Aligned
Goal Area : LCAP Priority 4 - Pupil Achievement
School Goal : Science Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1)
In 2014, 53% of our 5th grade students performed proficient or above on the CST for Science on the CAASSP. This is an increase
of 3% overall. Although this shows a small increase, more attention is needed in this area to prepare students academically in the
important subject area of science. Staff will work in their collaborative teams to plan science instruction in a cross-curricular manner,
integrating science, math and English language arts together in meaningful ways using Common Core instructional strategies.
Essential Program Components
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
CST Science data from 2013-2014.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
Our scores traditionally have plateaued in this area. The increased focus on new English Language Arts curriculum and on math
may be a factor for the decreased scores and attention to science. In addition, we have concerns that a large achievement gap is
evidenced between our subgroups, in science as well as the other academic areas.
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
5th grade teachers will use formative assessments and curriculum-based measures.
Staff will meet regularly in collaborative team meetings around timely data to monitor student progress, by student name, by subject
area of need. The school will follow the Natomas Unified School District plan for professional development as we begin to
implement the Common Core State Standards. Strategies around strategic instruction with differentiation to meet student needs will
be explicitly taught and implemented across the school.
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
Action Title: Collaboration and Professional Development for Student Achievement in Science
Means of Achievement: Staff development and professional collaboration
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
4th, 5th & 6th grade teachers will collaborate to improve instructional strategies and to align curriculum with State standards,
integrating Science standards with Common Core State Standards. Materials will be provided to support Science instruction. 4th,
5th and 6th grade teachers will meet at least one time a year to collaborate on vertical alignment of instruction in science. Staff will
evaluate materials and instructional tools currently available to do a needs assessment.
Measures :
CAASSP/CST Science Data, meeting notes, informal and formal assessments
People Assigned :
5th grade teachers, 4th and 6th grade teachers, Principal, Assistant Principal and Site Leadership Team
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula
Substitute Teachers and/or Teacher Extra
Local Control Funding Formula
Supplies & Instructional Materials
Estimated Cost
Action Title: Science Fair Culminating Event to Support Student Achievement in Science
Means of Achievement: Increased educational opportunity
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Staff will plan and implement a Science Fair after school and during the school day for intermediate grades, 4th through 6th grade.
Support for successful implementation will occur during Science instruction in classrooms.
Measures :
Science fair and student science projects
People Assigned :
Intermediate teachers, principal, assistant princpal
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula
Extra hour pay for staff
Local Control Funding Formula
Materials and Supplies
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Estimated Cost
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
LEA Goal:
Not Aligned
Goal Area : LCAP Priority 5 - Pupil Engagement
School Goal : Graduating College and Career Ready Students (District Goal 2)
Support all students by establishing plans and protocols to support college and career readiness.
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
Students who are exposed to college and career preparation programs at an early age are more aware of options and the process
to success and more likely to succeed in school. This goal is in alignment with our LEA Plan.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
We will monitor student participation and provide surveys to evaluate student knowledge of college and university requirements
before and after their exposure.
Action Title: 3rd Grade College Field Trip
Means of Achievement: Increased educational opportunity
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
All third grade classes will participate in a college field trip during the 2014-2015 school year. This trip is part of a district wide
effort to increase college and career readiness. Exposure to academic opportunities and college readiness starts in the earliest
years of development and this experience will provide much needed exposure to options available for all students and their
Measures :
Roster of participants
People Assigned :
Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers
Start Date :
Completion Date :
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
Action Title: 6th Grade College Field Trip
Means of Achievement: Increased educational opportunity
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
All sixth grade classes will participate in college field trip during the 2014-2015 school year. This trip is part of a district wide effort
to increase college and career readiness. Exposure to academic opportunities and college readiness starts in the earliest years of
development and this experience will provide much needed exposure to options available for all students and their families.
Measures :
Roster of participants
People Assigned :
Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Action Title: College and Career Week to Support Graduating College and Career Ready
Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Staff will work closely with parents to plan a College and Career focused week of events in March. Parents and community
members will visit classrooms and present information about the paths, steps and successful plans that led them to their various
careers and/or colleges. Throughout the week, various activities and strategies will increase student awareness and focus on the
steps necessary to reach college and career goals.
Measures :
Events, sign in sheets from volunteers, pictures and student written plans/outcomes.
People Assigned :
Teachers, assistant principal, principal, PTA members, parents and community volunteers.
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula
Extra hour pay for staff
Local Control Funding Formula
Materials and Supplies
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Estimated Cost
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Natomas Park Elementary 2014-15
Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
LEA Goal:
Not Aligned
Goal Area : LCAP Priority 6 - School Climate
School Goal : School Climate & Culture of College Readiness (District Goal 4)
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
Action Title: Positive Environment & Character Development (Bully Prevention)
Means of Achievement: Involvement of staff, parents and community
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Staff will collaborate to develop a school-wide character development program. The program will include assemblies for the
school, in class activities and student recognition for demonstration of good character. Staff will invite parent participation and
involvement in the development of the character program. Outside agencies may be contracted to provide educational assemblies
and lessons. In addition, staff, both classified and certificated, will receive periodic professional development on restorative justice
strategies, behavior management and positive discipline strategies.
Measures :
Improved student behavior and morale, lowered student referrals, lowered students complaints, lowered reports of bullying, and
increased student and staff attendance.
People Assigned :
Principal, assistant principal, teachers, parents, classified support staff.
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula
Materials and/or Assembly Costs
Local Control Funding Formula
Extra hour pay for staff
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Estimated Cost
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Action Title: Intervention Supports for Behavior to Access Instruction for Student Achievement
Means of Achievement: Increased educational opportunity
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Students with high behavioral needs often need additional support, either with different materials and supplies, or with additional
staff. Students identified through the Response to Intervention system of interventions for behavior and academics, may have staff
supports assigned as interventions are attempted and provided. Temporary staff, substitutes or current staff may be assigned to
implement behavioral or academic interventions on short-term trial bases to determine what interventions may be effective. Data
will be collected by teachers and staff to determine next steps of support so that students have access to curriculum and
Measures :
Behavioral Data Forms, anecdotal notes, Student Study Team notes and plans, draft Behavior Intervention Plans
People Assigned :
Teachers, Behavioral Specialist, Collaborative Teams of Teachers, Assistant Principal, Principal
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula
Extra hour pay, substitute and temporary staff
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LEA Goal:
Not Aligned
Goal Area : LCAP Priority 8 - Other Pupil Outcomes
School Goal : Ongoing Professional Development (District Goal 1)
Staff at Natomas Park Elementary will receive professional development in areas to directly support the transition to the Common
Core State Standards of instruction and assessment in alignment with LEA Plan.
Essential Program Components
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
New Common Core State Standards adoption make this goal a priority. Implementation plans are in alignment with the LEA Plan.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
Staff participation and utilization of the professional development will be monitored by administration through sign in sheets and by
walkthroughs in classrooms.
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Action Title: Ongoing Collaboration to Monitor and Respond to Student Achievement Data
Means of Achievement: Staff development and professional collaboration
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Regular timely monitoring of student data is essential to ensuring student success. Teachers will meet in their grade level/content
area collaboration team and with the principal (and support specialists) to analyze student achievement data and interventions for
students that are not meeting standards and students that are exceeding standards. Plans will be made to address student needs
through interventions, enrichment, planning, and staff development. Longer in-depth meetings will be held during the school day at
the beginning of the year after initial diagnostic assessments, during the middle of the year and in the spring, which will require
substitute release days for staff.
Ongoing grade level collaboration meetings will be held after the school day on a regular basis to analyze data from common
formative assessments, district benchmark assessments, and curriculum embedded assessments. Teachers will create, implement
and analyze Common Formative Assessments in order to help students reach mastery of essential standards across each grade
level. Support will be provided for substitutes, extra hours and consultants or TOSAs (Teachers on Special Assignment) from the
District as needed to provide teachers with staff development for collaboration and understanding Common Core Standards.
In addition, data from intervention and supplemental tools will also be used to help inform staff of student progress and needs. The
collection and analysis of such data will inform and support interventions provided to students through classroom and grade level
re-teaching, WIN time and after school extended learning opportunities. Staff will identify students to be involved in Tier I and Tier
II interventions, identifying who will enter and who will exit the interventions based on specific achievement criteria. Results will be
shared with the School Site Council, English Language Advisory Committee, Site Leadership Team and staff regularly.
Lastly, teachers who have been trained and selected to instruct students who qualify as Gifted under the Gifted and Talented
Education Program, will meet a few times during the year to collaborate, share best practices and refine the strategies they use to
differentiate instruction for students in the GATE Cluster classes. Such information will also be shared with the rest of the staff after
their meetings. In addition, they will prepare information that can be shared with families about the strategies used to address the
needs of GATE learners.
Measures :
District Assessments, Curriculum Embedded Assessment, Common Formative Assessments, Intervention Curriculum
Assessments and Observations
People Assigned :
Principal, Classroom teachers and Special Ed teachers, SST members as needed.
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula
Substitute Teachers or Extra Hours
Local Control Funding Formula
Supplies & Instructional Materials
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Action Title: Data Analysis and Goal Setting Professional Development
Means of Achievement: Staff development and professional collaboration
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
All elementary and secondary staff will continue to receive professional development in data analysis, goal and target setting
during the 2014-2015 school year. The trainings will take place at various times throughout the year, including use of NWEA data,
local and state assessment data to plan, act, monitor and adjust instruction. NUSD Ed Center staff, site administration, teacher
leaders will facilitate the trainings.
Measures :
Increased use of assessment results to plan and adjust instruction by staff. Grade level or content area teams will engage in the
process of target setting during collaboration time throughout the year
People Assigned :
District Ed Center staff, site administration, teacher leaders and teachers
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Action Title: Professional Learning Community Collaboration Refinement
Means of Achievement: Staff development and professional collaboration
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Elementary and secondary instructional leaders will continue to further develop and refine the collaborative models at sites and
their data analysis practices leading to differentiated instruction practices, refinement in instructional practices and additional
supports for struggling students.
Measures :
Principal and Site Leadership will continue to facilitate a collaborative model. Use of student data and progress measures following
implementation of supports.
People Assigned :
Principal, Leadership Team Teachers from each grade level collaboration team
Start Date :
Completion Date :
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LEA Goal:
Not Aligned
Goal Area : LCAP Priority 3 - Parent Involvement
School Goal : School to Home Collaboration to Support Student Achievement (District Goal 3)
Natomas Park Elementary will increase student achievement through increased family involvement and improved student
attendance, as measured through parent event sign in sheets and student weekly and monthly attendance records. The percentage
of parent engagement opportunities will increase this year by approximately 25%, as evidenced through photographs and sign in
sheets at events and activities.
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
Parent participation sign in sheets and photos from previous years.
Attendance data from Powerschool and from Dashboard Data shared by our Research and Data Department. We have typically 45
to 60 students who tardy in excess of 15 to 30 minutes each day.
Students who are tardy have been found (through our data) to often be the same students who are struggling academically in
English Language Arts and mathematics. Increasing parent participation may improve on time attendance and student academics.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
Natomas Park Elementary has positive community visibility, but needs higher involvement from all families. There is a high
correlation between parent participation and student achievement.
In addition, students who miss school a lot were often found to have correlating data to poor performance in school. If we increase
on time attendance, we may also increase student achievement. If we increase parent involvement, we will also see improvement
in student participation and on time attendance.
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
Sign in sheets and photography evidence will be collected. Teachers and staff will count families in attendance at various events.
We will monitor daily attendance. We will print reports regarding poor attendance, follow up with School Attendance Review Team
meetings, document improvements and efforts in attendance for each child. We will also track parent attendance for parent
conferences, for family literacy events and at School Site Council and ELAC meetings.
We will reach out to invite and involve families to participate in a variety of events through different methods, such as Blackboard
Connect, email, phone calls, flyers, posters and word of mouth.
During the WIN Intervention time, teachers will more accurately account for attendance. Using Powerschool, the school secretary
will calculate perfect attendance rates for each class in the school. In addition, the Health Assistant will print reports from
Powerschool of students with the worst attendance in the school and assist with phone calls and letters home. We will conduct
School Attendance Review Team meetings a few times a trimester. We will also review the data with the School Site Council and
English Language Advisory Committees.
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Action Title: Family Support for Student Attendance to Support Student Academic Achievement
Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
In order to support academic growth, staff will closely monitor attendance and provide supports for attendance improvement
through meetings with families. In addition, staff will create plans to support attendance, organizational skills and study skills.
Measures :
School, grade level and student weekly and monthly attendance records; notes from attendance meetings.
People Assigned :
Principal, classroom teachers, office staff, health assistant, assistant principal, parents.
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula
Substitute Teachers for Meetings with Parents
Estimated Cost
Action Title: Family Literacy Education and Engagement Events to Support Student Achievement
Means of Achievement: Involvement of staff, parents and community
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
With support of active parents in the Parent Teacher Association, staff will organize one or two nights a year that may include
workshops and presentations around topics related to the following: reading strategies, math strategies, study skills, positive
discipline strategies, clarifying grade level standards and expectations, and possibly other topics. Such events will be in addition to
Back-to-School and Open House events and will be tied to school-wide areas of needed improvement as evidenced through site
and local data. In addition, parents will be invited to attend School Site Council and ELAC meetings, which will be supported with
child care and translation services to increase ability for parents to be able to participate.
Measures :
Attendance of events, photos, agendas, calendars, invitations to evening events.
People Assigned :
Site Leadership Team, teacher teams, principal and assistant principal.
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula
Extra Assignment Pay for Teachers/Staff
Local Control Funding Formula
Supplies & Instructional Materials
Local Control Funding Formula
Child Care/Increase Opportunity for Parents to
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Action Title: Parent Engagement and Education
Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Parent CORES provides opportunities for schools and parents to engage as educational partners for an outcome of students
success. In addition to supporting schools with connecting parents to resources and information to increase parent engagement,
Parent CORES will also facilitate 1) CABE’s Project2 Inspire program, 2) Strengthening Families program and parent events
throughout the year to inform and engage parents around college and career readiness, A-G information and resources, and other
activities aligned with NUSD District Goals, District initiatives and identified needs, as well as NUSD Steps to Success.
In addition, parents who need support in order to participate in the classroom as a volunteer due to expense for fingerprinting
clearance may apply to have fingerprinting costs reimbursed, until funds are no longer available.
Measures :
Parent enrollment and attendance records, parent survey, evidence of resources at school sites.
People Assigned :
Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers, Parent CORES Staff
Start Date :
Completion Date :
Funding Resources
Related Expenditures
Local Control Funding Formula
Fingerprinting and TB Test Reimbursement
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Estimated Cost
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Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
LEA Goal:
Not Aligned
Goal Area : LCAP Priority 2 - Implementation of State Standards
School Goal : Implementation of Common Core State Standards
All staff will become highly trained in implementation and instruction of the California Common Core State Standards through
ongoing collaboration and District-supported professional development.
Essential Program Components
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
Common Core State Standards are still new to most staff. In order to achieve alignment of instructional expectations for staff,
ongoing support and professional development is needed.
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
Common Core State Standards are still new to most staff. In order to achieve alignment of instructional expectations for staff,
ongoing support and professional development is needed.
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
Walkthroughs, observations, collaboration agendas and meetings.
Action Title: Common Core State Standards
Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
All elementary and secondary staff will receive professional development in Common Core State Standards during the 2014-2015
school year. The trainings will take place at various times throughout the year including use of district wide staff development days,
release days, and paid extra hours. NUSD Ed Center staff, site administration will facilitate the trainings.
Measures :
Increased use of Common Core State Standards aligned lessons, walkthrough and observation data
People Assigned :
Ed Center Leaders and Staff, administration and teachers
Start Date :
Completion Date :
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Action Title: Common Core State Standards Alignment
Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards
Action Type :
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance.
Tasks :
Align ELA and Math curriculum with Common Core State Standards. Work will include the creation of scope and sequence and
curricular resources. Leaders from each site collaboratively work to align Common Core State Standards with existing curricular
resources as well as identified supplemental resources. Teachers will utilize the scope and sequence and recommended
resources to support the delivery of Common Core State Standard based instruction in the classroom. All teachers will receive
professional development in the use and administration of Common Core State Standards.
Measures :
CCSS Scope and Sequence developed for ELA and Math, walkthroughs/observation of CCSS based instruction in the classroom
People Assigned :
Ed Center Leadership Staff, Site Administration, Site Leadership Team, Classroom Teachers
Start Date :
Completion Date :
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Funding Programs Included in this Plan
Each state and federal categorical program in which the school participates.
Total Site Plan Budget :
Total Annual Expenditures for Current School Plan:
Funding Resource
Allocation /
Funding Source
Local Control Funding Formula-EL
Action: Centralized Support for English Learners
Action: English Language Development Instruction
Action: Extended Day Program: Targeted Afterschool Interventions to Support
Local Control Funding Formula
Action: Collaboration and Professional Development for Student Achievement in
Action: College and Career Week to Support Graduating College and Career Ready
Action: Early Learning Intervention Specialist
Action: ELA Differentiation & Intervention Materials, Including Software
Action: Extended Day Program: Targeted Afterschool Interventions to Support
Action: Family Literacy Education and Engagement Events to Support Student
Action: Family Support for Student Attendance to Support Student Academic
Action: Instructional Technology
Action: Intervention Supports for Behavior to Access Instruction for Student
Action: Ongoing Collaboration to Monitor and Respond to Student Achievement
Action: Parent Engagement and Education
Action: Positive Environment & Character Development (Bully Prevention)
Action: Science Fair Culminating Event to Support Student Achievement in Science
Action: Supplemental Math Instruction and Assessment Materials, Including
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School Site Council Membership
Education Code Section 64001(g) requires that the SPSA be reviewed and updated at least annually, including proposed
expenditures of funds allocated to the School through the Consolidated Application, by the school site council. The current
make-up of the school site council is as follows:
Contact Info
Reviewed Plan Date
Andrea Burnes
Classroom Teacher
Robert Burnes
Classroom Teacher
Donald Ward
Classroom Teacher
Gina Marcione
Parent or Community Member
Deanna Yee
Parent or Community Member
Kendra Shelton
Katie Keniston
Parent or Community Member
Michelle Marquez
Parent or Community Member
Deborah Hozempa
Parent or Community Member
Rosanna Kingston
Other School Staff
Total Number of Committee Members
Number of Members of each Category
Other School
Parent or
Recommendations and Assurances
The school site council (SSC) recommends this school plan and proposed expenditures to the district governing board for
approval and assures the board of the following:
The SSC is correctly constituted and was formed in accordance with district governing board policy and
state law.
The SSC reviewed its responsibilities under state law and district governing board policies, including those
board policies relating to material changes in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) requiring
board approval.
The SSC sought and considered all recommendations from the following groups or committees before
adopting this plan.
Authroized signatures
are attached at the end. Signature
English Learner Advisory Committee
The SSC reviewed the content requirements for school plans of programs included in this SPSA and
believes all such content requirements have been met, including those found in district governing board
policies and in the local educational agency plan.
This SPSA is based on a thorough analysis of student academic performance. The actions proposed here in
form a sound, comprehensive, coordinated plan to reach stated school goals to improve student academic
This SPSA was adopted by the SSC at a public meeting on:
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Single Plan For Student Achievement Report
Mrs. Kendra Shelton, Principal
Authroized signatures are attached at the end.
Typed name of School Principal
Signature of School Principal
Robert Burnes
Authroized signatures are attached at the end.
Typed name of SSC Chairperson
Signature of SSC Chairperson
Analysis of Current Educational Practice
1. Use of state and local assessments to modify instruction and improve student achievement (ESEA):
Teachers use site and district local assessments from teacher created Curriculum Alignment Guides (CAGs), the adopted
curriculum in English Language Arts (Treasures) and mathematics (EnVision) following a pacing and assessment guide created
with teachers and District leaders. In addition, they use NWEA assessments and normative data to modify instruction.
Collaborative grade level and subject teams meet in Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings weekly for professional
development, to review assessments and develop formative assessments that are used to design interventions and instruction,
and to respond to student needs based on collected data. Special attention is devoted to sub groups where local assessment and
NWEA scores have fallen behind the general population of students and behind other subgroups. Eliminating the Achievement
Gap is a top priority. Time is needed to plan instruction based on the results of these assessments.
2. Use of data to monitor student progress on curriculum-embedded assessments and modify instruction (EPC):
Data collected from common formative assessments and curriculum-embedded assessments are reviewed by individual teachers
and in grade level teams. Instruction is modified by the classroom teacher through reteaching in small group instruction, individual
support from the teacher, a teacher on special assignment (intervention specialist), an instructional aide or parent volunteers,
extended day instruction, or through regrouping strategies.
Grade level teams also meet to group students for instruction during a 30 to 45 minute rotation period, WIN (Whatever I Need) in
which students receive support from teachers at their grade level or adjoining grade level.
3. Status of meeting requirements for highly qualified staff (ESEA):
All teachers meet the requirement for highly qualified staff.
4.Principals' Assembly Bill (AB) 75 training on State Board of Education (SBE) adopted instructional materials (EPC):
Natomas Unified School District has adopted EnVision Math and Treasures English Language Arts for Kindergarten through 6th
grade. Training is provided for all and is ongoing. Transitional Kindergarten teachers use the adopted curriculum, Pearson O.W.L.
(Opening the World of Learning). AS NUSD transitions to Common Core, current curriculum resources are being aligned to support
Common Core State Standards based instruction.
5.Sufficiency of credentialed teachers and teacher professional development (e.g. access to AB 466 training on SBE-adopted
instructional materials) (EPC):
All teachers at Natomas Park Elementary are fully credentialed to meet the requirements of their positions. Training will be provided
in alignment with the 2014 LCAP Plan and as funding allows.
6.Alignment of staff development to content standards, assessed student performance, and professional needs (ESEA):
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Collaborative team work in relation to implementation of the Common Core State Standards, including new shifts in instructional
practices, are a strong focus of our professional development as a school and district. Different grade level teams are at various
levels of implementation of the Common Core State Standard and next steps have been discussed with the Site Council, Site
Leadership Team, and with the entire staff. Grade level teams plan for assessment, develop interventions and seek staff
development necessary to meet students' learning needs. Grade level teams also identify "essential standards" based on CCSS, a
review of CAASSP Blueprints, and by analyzing deconstructed standards. Staff development opportunities offered within the District
include support the process of creating and developing Curriculum Alignment Guides to implement the California Common Core
State Standards.
7.Ongoing instructional assistance and support for teachers (e.g., use of content experts and instructional coaches) (EPC):
Instructional assistance and support through collaborative grade level meetings will occur weekly. In addition, an early intervention
specialist will work closely with teachers on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade teams to support students who are struggling to meet grade
level benchmarks. District Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSAs) will also be connected with teachers to support instruction for
students who are English Learners. The principal and assistant principal also provide coaching and feedback based on regular walkthroughs and visits to the classroom, engaging staff in conversations and reflection on instructional practices.
8.Teacher collaboration by grade level (K-8) and department (9-12) (EPC):
Collaborative grade level and specialists teams have been established and meet regularly to review student progress and design
interventions to meet student needs.
9.Alignment of curriculum, instruction, and materials to content and performance standards (ESEA):
Through support of the NUSD Curriculum Department, teachers continue to develop and refine the Curriculum Alignment Guides,
which assist in aligning the Common Core State Standards with adopted curriculum, such as Treasures for English Language Arts
and EnVision for Math. Through collaborative grade level meetings, teachers align instruction across the grade level, discussing
needs, pacing, and progress towards year end goals. Transitional Kindergarten staff work closely with kindergarten teachers to
prepare students for kindergarten.
10.Adherence to recommended instructional minutes for reading/language arts and mathematics (K-8) (EPC):
Adherence to recommended instructional minutes in these key subjects is maintained at all grade levels. Additional time (thirty
minutes or more) is provided for interventions during the school day, which is critical to reaching students who are under performing.
The grade level teams regroup students in flexible groups based on their English Language Arts, mathematics or English Language
Development needs to receive instruction in their "WIN"(Whatever I Need) groups. These groups are assessed and reassigned
approximately every six weeks.
11.Lesson pacing schedule (K-8) and master schedule flexibility for sufficient numbers of intervention courses (EPC):
The lesson pacing schedule allows for intervention during the course of the day. This includes small group time that is included in
the Language Arts curriculum. Additionally we are regrouping students during a thirty minute "WIN" period to meet individual needs
in Language Arts and Math. An early intervention specialist works with the grade level teams in 1st through 3rd grade to push in
support for students who need the most support. The instructional schedule allows the intervention specialist to plan time targeting
students outside of initial core instruction. Teachers use collaboration time to discuss and plan interventions.
12.Availability of standards-based instructional materials appropriate to all student groups (ESEA):
Teachers use curriculum alignment guides to create units of instruction that are founded in the Common Core State Standards. All
teachers have appropriate resources to use to align with the CCSS, such as Treasures and EnVision.
13.Use of SBE-adopted and standards-aligned instructional materials, including intervention materials, and for high school
students, access to standards-aligned core courses (EPC):
State Board of Education adopted materials form the core curriculum in all subject areas. Intervention strategies for students that are
having difficulty meeting standards relies heavily on use of these core materials. Treasures and EnVision both have resources and
supports for students who need review or are performing behind their peers.
Intervention programs also include, but are not limited to, Read Naturally, MobyMax, REWARDs and SIPPS. Meeting the needs of
subgroups and students that perform either above or below grade level is noted at all grade levels.
14.Services provided by the regular program that enable underperforming students to meet standards (ESEA):
We put our efforts into building effective grade level teams who identify students who have not learned the standards. Then staff
provide additional instruction to enable them to do so. Additional time (thirty minutes or more) is provided for interventions during the
school day, which is critical to reaching students who are under performing. The grade level teams regroup students in flexible
groups based on their English Language Arts or English Language Development needs to receive instruction in their "WIN" groups.
These groups are assessed and reassigned approximately every six weeks with time focused analyzing the needs of lower
performing sub groups.
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15.Research-based educational practices to raise student achievement at this school (ESEA):
The staff at Natomas Park Elementary is committed to developing practices that follow Professional Learning Communities as
outlined by DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, and Many. Additional research that will help guide our grade level teams is the work of Marzano
and others on classroom practices that are research proven.
16.Resources available from family, school, district, and community to assist under-achieving students (ESEA):
Additional supports are needed for students that are not meeting standards. In order to support our highly diverse population, we
actively seek parent and community support through multiple strategies such as through providing workshops, literacy nights, group
and individual contact through e-mail, the school web pages, and Connect Ed, a phone contact system. Currently, students who are
under-achieving are offered extended day and "WIN" intervention supports. During "WIN," some students in the first grade are
receiving additional small group support with an intervention specialist (teacher on special assignment) and/or trained parent
17.Involvement of parents, community representatives, classroom teachers, other school personnel, and students in secondary
schools, in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of consolidated application programs. (5 CCR 3932):
Our Site Council includes members from our community, teachers and other personnel. This team evaluates the current programs
and interventions and allocates resources to support these efforts. Additional involvement comes from a high level of community
volunteerism in classrooms and other programs. Parent members of the English Language Advisory Committee also provide input
and feedback for the school plan for student achievement.
18.Services provided by categorical funds that enable underperforming students to meet standards (ESEA) :
Support for English Learners is offered with instruction specifically designed for the language learner. This is being done through
instructional techniques provided by Treasures, the Language Arts adoption, regrouping and rotating to other classes as mentioned
above, homework club and tutoring. We develop new strategies through collaboration in our grade level teams and through
Professional Learning Community meetings. We hold academic conferences between teachers, the school psychologist, other
support staff and the principal to discuss under-performing students and their needs.
19.Fiscal support (EPC):
Support for programs comes from LCFF funds.
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