Meopham Community Academy
Meopham Community Academy
em y d a c A y it n u m m o C Meopham ‘The Windmill’ Newsletter Thursday 27 September 2012 Term 1, Issue 2 mation t Infor Contac On Wednesday 26 September, Year 6 were treated to a visit f r o m ' J o h n Lennon' (aka Mark from the Freshwater Theatre Company!). The children learned about John's early life, including his childhood and school experiences. They then heard about his rise to fame as a member of the Quarrymen and latterly the B eatles; his marriage to Yoko Ono; his time as a stay-athome dad and his untimely death in 1980. A huge thank you goes to the FMCA for funding the workshop which brought the history topic to life in a really exciting way. In preparation for Road Safety Week, we are taking part in 'design a road safety banner' competition. If your child is lucky enough to win the competition it will be printed onto a full size outdoor banner and displayed outside our school. Your child will bring home a design sheet for their home learning during week beginning 1st October. In order to enter the competition all designs will need to be returned by Friday 12th October. Good luck to you all. Meopham Community Academy Longfield Road Meopham Kent DA13 0JW Telephone: 01474 812259 Fax: 01474 813078 Email: [email protected] Inside ue this iss John Lennon Road Safety Week Harvest On Wednesday 3 October 2012 we will be celebrating Harvest. We would very much appreciate any donations of the following gifts, for The Lions Hospice to use in any way they may wish - toiletries – e.g. soap, talc, shaving cream, aftershave, deodorants. Tea, coffee, sugar, tinned fruit, tinned vegetables biscuits - sweet or savoury, sweets/chocolates - boxed or packets only. These donations can be brought into school from Monday 1 October 2012. This year, we are also able to make a collection of fresh produce, but ask that this is brought into school on Wednesday 3 October. Thank you for your help and co-operation. Morrisons Scooters Monster Mash Disco Pupil Council Holidays Free School Meals Munchy Crunchy Late Items Snacks Barrier Volunteer Readers Band Club Coats Collecting Children Lost Property Forthcoming Events demy a c A y it n u m m o C m Meopha Page 2 We are now collecting Morrisons Let’s Grow vouchers. The vouchers will be exchanged for a variety of resources f r o m seeds to storage containers. The more vouchers we receive, the more equipment we can order so please get collecting! Our Year 5 and 6 children are invited to a Monster Mash Disco on Friday 26 October 2012 at 6:30-8:30pm. The theme for the disco is ‘Scary’. We hope to see as many scary costumes as possible! Congratulations to the following children who have been elected to represent their class on this year’s Pupil Council. Chairperson – Evie Howard Secretary – Aran McKendry Seals – Ben Wilson and Charlotte Merry Polar Bears – Jake Penney and Erin Mills Tigers – Thomas Noctor and Paige Granger Giraffes – Rudy Bodkin and Freya Gilson Penguins – James Palmer and Honey Freeman Hippos – Oscar Miller-Hanna and Elise Davenport We would like to remind Giant Tortoises – Samuel Watkins and Maddie Holden parents that children are Zebras – Jack Palmer and Sophie Menasse not permitted to Koalas – Ioan Evans and Georgia Dowling Pandas – Harry Pickering and Mia Jenkins ride any form of Meerkats – Samuel Seex and Chloe Wilson bikes/scooters on Geckos – Lukey Hunt and Shelley-Ann Peach the Academy grounds. Thank you. Children from Starfish and Seahorses will be elected in January. Any absence from school, whether authorised or unauthorised, has a detrimental effect on a child’s education. It is up to the Academy whether to authorise absence, not the parents. If you take your child out of school for a holiday you will need to complete a Application for Leave of Absence form. These are available from the office and must be completed and retuned to the office no later than two weeks before the proposed period of absence. Each case will be looked at individually, depending on your child’s current and previous attendance, the absence may or may not be authorised. If you take your child out of school during term time your child’s class teacher will not provide catch up work that has been missed. demy a c A y it n u m m o C m Meopha Page 3 If you are in receipt of one of the following benefits We would like to remind parents that your child/children are entitled to free school meals. children's snacks must only be fruit -Income Support -Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance -Income-related Employment and Support Allowance support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 -The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit -Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190 -Working Tax Credit 'run-on' - the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit. Even if your child does not want a school lunch, we would encourage you to apply as you may be entitled to other financial support. To apply for free school meals, please contact the office for the appropriate application form. All requests are dealt with confidentially. or vegetable with nothing added please check the label carefully if providing anything other than plain fruit or vegetable. Children should not have cereal bars, biscuits or crisps. Years R-2 are provided with free fruit or vegetables daily. However, there may be times when we do not receive a delivery, where possible we will notify parents of this in advance. Please be aware that the car park barrier is for vehicle access only. If you have been allowed access to the car park please wait until the barrier At the end of the last school year, pupils voted to has been raised before entering. Do rename the serving area in the Academy hall, not tailgate other cars as the barrier 'The Munchy Crunchy will not detect your vehicle, and may Restaurant'. Children were come down whilst you are then invited to enter a driving through. Pedestrians competition to design a logo should not walk under the and we would like barrier as it will not detect to congratulate Charlotte people or pushchairs, the Lucy in Penguins class for her force of the arm returning winning design. to the resting position could cause serious injury. For pedestrian access Please can parents encourage children to school or Playpen Pre-School, to remember all items needed for the please use the entrances on Longfield day. Bringing items in late causes Road or Wrotham Road. Children unnecessary interruption to the whole should not be in the car park unless class. Please consider how necessary the accompanied by an adult. item is when bringing it into school late. demy a c A y it n u m m o C m Meopha Page 4 We are in need of volunteers to read on a 1-1 basis with KS2 children . If you are able to come in and read from 8:45-9:10am, and can commit to the same day/days each week, please contact Mrs Kelly via the office. Thank you. Our KS2 Band club still has places available, if your child is interested in attending please contact Miss Nicholson. If we do not have enough children the club will not go ahead. All children need a waterproof jacket in school everyday, in case of rain. The children will still go out at playtime and lunchtime if it is drizzling. If your child is being collected by another adult please inform your child’s class teacher via the contact book. If you have several adults that collect your child on a regular basis, please put a note in the back of the contact book listing these adults. If your arrangements change during the day please inform the office by 12:30pm where possible. Going home messages may not be passed to the class teacher in time if you call at home time. We have already accumulated a lot of lost property. If you are missing any items, you are welcome to check through the lost property boxes at the beginning and end of the day. To ensure uniform is returned to the rightful owner please make sure all items are named. ing Forthcom Events 3 October Harvest Assembly 4 October YR Full Time 24 October Y6 Tate Modern Trip 24 October WOW Challenge Day 26 October Y5 & 6 Monster Mash Disco 26 October End of Term 1 5 November Staff Development Day 6 November Start of Term 2 8 November School Nurse Drop In 19 November Individual Photos 19-25 November Road Safety Week 11 December Salvation Army Gift Service 20 December Dick Whittington Panto 21 December End or Term 2 7 January Start of Term 3 23 January Y4 Architectural Workshop 30 January Choir Young Voices 5 February Safer Internet Day 8 February Day for Change– Marys Meals 13 February WOW Challenge Day 25 February Staff Development Day 7 March World Book Day 15 March Comic Relief 18-22 March Science Week 7-10 May Y4 Swattenden Residential Trip 17-21 June Y6 Hindhead Residential Trip