viking views - Missouri Valley College


viking views - Missouri Valley College
Vik ing Views
2007 Homecoming • Pages 6 - 9
MVC Alumni Association Golf Tournament • Page 22
Campus News Briefs • Pages 26 - 27
For the Love of Fred
A 1965 MVC alumnus is remembered each
year as Staten Island takes on Queens
Pages 10 - 12
n ca
l du
calendar of events
• We need your
stories! MVC
has produced
hundreds of
educators all
over the world.
It’s time to
share the
highlights of
your career.
5 • President’s Society Gala
11 • Chicago area social
3 • Baccalaureate/Commencement
28 • MVC Social at Kauffman Stadium
Royals v. Cardinals • Stay tuned for details!
• What awards have you
• What special recognition have
you received?
• What are some highlights from
your teaching career?
• Where has teaching taken you?
24-25 • Homecoming
Vist for updates on
upcoming events!
We want to know!
Send your stories to MVC,
500 E. College, Marshall, MO
65340 ATTN: Alumni Office
Check the MVC Athletics Web page for
the latest Viking sports schedules!
Deadline is March 20, 2008!
Viking Views
Chad Jaecques
Marketing and Media Relations Coordinator
Eric Sappington • Jodi White
Megan Wellborn
Institutional Advancement
Tom Sandwith
Sports Information Director
Page 2
President’s Message
ear Friends,
As we have just ended a very successful semester and are beginning what is hopefully another,
my message for this issue is very simple—GO
VIKINGS! Although it is a simple phrase, it is
a very powerful one and I hear it all of the time
from my granddaughter. As many of you know, I
have a beautiful little granddaughter, Macie Paige
Hunolt, and like all grandmas, I think she is a little
princess. In the summer, Macie loves to sit in the
big double swing behind Baity Hall. She loves to use
the sidewalks on campus as her private superhighways on late summer evenings. But Macie’s greatest
fun is cheering on her daddy, a former MVC basketball player, in the annual alumni basketball game and
cheering for her uncle, a current MVC wide receiver,
on football Saturdays. She wears her Valley t-shirt and
cheers “GO VIKINGS!” and all is right with her world.
As I watch her joy, I think about how MVC renews itself every year with
new freshman coming to campus to replace the graduating seniors. The
alumni return to campus at Homecoming to mingle with the new graduates
and the freshman and the cycle continues. My husband and I and our family have seen this cycle first hand, and we all have been positively impacted
because of Missouri Valley. We have also made many new friends through
our alumni work. The impact this institution has had on the lives of thousands of successful people is amazing, and at times, a little overwhelming.
When Miss Macie throws her arms in the air and cheers “GO VIKINGS!,” it
occurs to me MVC has Vikings of all ages making imprints in the world—
young adults finding their careers; established adults in the prime of their
lives; and aging adults resting after a lifetime of contribution. This college
has had and continues to have a huge, positive impact on the future of our
country and our world.
So, GO VIKINGS! Make your mark!
Do you
great story
• Share your ideas for feature stories and alumni
news updates.
and click the “Story Suggestion Form” link.
Page 3
MVC Alumni Association
with you?
Have you moved? Changed jobs? Been promoted? Said “I Do”? Had a baby? Let us
know! Help us and other alumni keep up-to-date on your accomplishments. Please
fill out as much information below as possible. Photos are welcome but will only
be used on a space available basis. Notes will be edited for content. Photos must be
prints or high quality jpeg. Please, no reproductions or photos from other publications.
MAIL TO: MVC Alumni Office, 500 E. College Street, Marshall, MO 65340; FAX: (660)
831-4167; [email protected]
Name (Last, First, Maiden)
Class Year
Check box if you would like your e-mail posted on the MVC Web site.
Job Title
Business Address
City State
Spouse’s Name (include maiden name)
Is your spouse an MVC graduate?
Dear Valley Family,
Greetings to all MVC alumni and
friends from the Alumni Association Board of Directors! Since the
last issue of Viking Views, there
has been a great deal of activity on
The start of the school year was
exciting with the largest freshman
class in MVC history. The freshmen were officially welcomed to the College during our annual
Convocation activities.
Despite heavy rains, MVC hosted an extremely successful Homecoming. Homecoming provided an opportunity to recognize this
year’s anniversary classes. We honored two alumni with notable
achievements in their chosen fields. They embody what makes
MVC a College in which we can take great pride.
Each year we recognize an outstanding alumnus and a young
alumnus who have distinguished themselves in their career. The
alumni board seeks your input with these awards. If you are aware
of an alumni deserving of this recognition, please contact the
alumni office or visit the MVC Web site to place your nomination.
We continue to host many local and regional events to provide
opportunities to stay in touch with friends from the College. I
encourage you to frequently visit the College’s Web site to stay
up-to-date on the activities associated with the College. One such
activity new to the College this year was tailgating at each home
football game. The tailgate parties proved to be a success and a
great gathering place for friends and alumni.
The Board of Directors voted to increase its membership from
twelve to fifteen members. We will welcome these new members
during our January meeting.
Your continued support of MVC is a very important part of making all of this happen and we thank you for all that you do. Please
stay connected, and contact us if there is something we can do to
build on your relationship with MVC.
Valley Will Roll,
Spencer Fricke
Alumni Association President
Page 4
Visit for alumni news and event updates.
on Morris, ’87, wanted
to give back. After
visiting campus and
talking with Professor
Diana Malan, he saw firsthand how the theatre, music
and dance department was
in need of some new equipment. So he gave MVC
something to sing about.
Givingthe gift of
Why did you give this equipment
to the Missouri Valley College
theatre, music, and dance department?
I wanted to give back to Valley in a way that you could
immediately see the benefits for the students. I had been
involved in the vocal music program when I was a student at
Missouri Valley and know it was an area that was in desperate need of updated equipment. I had always wanted to
give back to the college, but as embarrassing as it is to say,
I had neglected doing that for many years. I always had the
thought “what would a small donation by me do for the
college.” Now I am in a position to be able to help in a more
substantial way, but I still regret not making the small donations when I had the chance years earlier. If all alumni think
this way, then there will never be “the right time” to donate.
A small amount by several alumni adds up and helps so
Describe the equipment that you donated.
The Roland® KR105 Digital Intelligent Piano seemed to be
a great fit for Professor Malan and the students. The added
features that this particular piano has are very cool. Just to
name a few, it offers top-quality piano sounds, a touchscreen
interface, DigiScore, a Visual Music Assistant, and much
more. It’s a great learning tool for the students and this will
hopefully allow them to only get better and try some new
You’ve been back to campus and have actually seen the
professors and students using the equipment—how does
that make you feel?
It really reinvigorates the sense of “Valley Pride.” I had that
when I was a student and probably had it a few years after
graduating, but then I lost it. It is a great feeling. It is also
very rewarding to see something benefit the people who
From left: Jon Morris, Professor Diana Malan and MVC senior
Genie Banner experiment with Jon’s gift, a digital intelligent
need it. You can donate to many charities, MS Society, Breast
Cancer, etc. Those are fantastic causes, but you can see
directly the benefit of your help to a smaller institution such
as Valley.
Tell more about your involvement in the theatre, music,
and dance department during your time at MVC?
I was involved in theatre and more involved with the music
program. It was really the beginning of Diana Malan’s choirs.
The funny part is I only joined because a friend was auditioning and didn’t want to sing alone so I went along and
next thing you know I am a part of the choir. It has come so
far since then. Diana truly puts on state of the art productions in a fantastic environment now.
If an alumni/friend can’t necessarily donate financially
to MVC, what advice do you have for one who would be
interested in an “in-kind” gift?
There is so much that can benefit Valley. A college with a
budget and needs such as ours is always needing services
and products—electrical, mechanical, construction, etc. I
would encourage anyone in those types of services to contact
Eric Sappington and let him match their talents with the
campus needs.
Why would you encourage others to give to MVC?
In closing, I would just add that truly no donation is too
small. Believe me I have seen how far a dollar can stretch on
campus. If alumni can only give $50 or $100, it really does
add up and goes directly to benefit future Vikings!
Page 5
2 007
Page 6
Cory Petersen
1. 1967 graduates: (from left) Gordon
Zion, Velma (Baker) Bacon, John Swenson, Sharon (Koppitz) Dyer, Robert Dyer,
Wallace Grant, and Wes Stevens.
2. Walt Hicklin ‘61 served as master of
ceremonies for the 2007 Athletic Hall of
Fame banquet.
3. Linzie Leimkuehler (left), MVC senior
and recipient of the 2007 Athletic Hall of
Fame Scholarship, and her father, Chuck
Leimkuehler ‘78.
4. Sigma Nu alumni reunited Homecoming weekend to plant a tree in memory
of Mr. Reed Kepner. (From left) Karl
Kreuscher ’96, Clark Deisseroth ’00,
Derek Lark ’97, Larry Taylor ’90, and
Armondo Garza.
5. 1957 graduates: (Front row from left)
Betty (Pember) Phillippo, Marianne
(Hubeli) Jones, Bonita (Whipple) Tooley,
Barbara (Grady) Montalto, and Tom
Wilson. (Back row from left) Ron Phillippo, Richard Muzzy, Nancy (Bradshaw)
Continued on next page.
Muzzy, Donald Oster, Dean Tooley, and William “Bill” Rhoades.
6. Outstanding Young Alumni Award winner
Bobby Lashley ’99 (left) and Outstanding
Alumni Award winner Keith Maxey ’70.
7. MVC Alumni Association President Spencer Fricke ’66 (right) presents MVC freshman
Breinne Clemens with the Legacy Scholarship.
8. MVC Polynesian Club member, Mao
Mao Pali Pali, performs at the Homecoming
9. 1987 graduates: Gwen (Buck) Clemens
(left) and Tim Clemens with their daughter,
Breinne, the 2007.
Keith Maxey
Blue Springs South High School
Keith Maxey found his way to Missouri Valley College
in 1966 from Westport High School in Kansas City,
Missouri. After graduating in 1970, he worked as a
computer draftsman for the Missouri Department of
Transportation for two years. Keith taught and coached
(basketball and football) for 13 years at the former Blue
Springs Junior High. In 1985 he was hired as an administrator, serving in various positions as the district was
growing and reconfiguring. He currently is serving his
tenth year as the principal of Blue Springs South High
Bobby Lashley
World Wrestling Entertainment
Raw Superstar
His picture is used on countless games, books, stickers, and more; he has his own action figure; he was Donald
Trump’s favorite; he has been in hundreds of magazines, papers and television shows; and Bobby Lashley is
proud to be a graduate of Missouri Valley College.
Keith earned his master’s degree in Education and Education Specialist from University of Central Missouri.
He continued with doctoral work at the University of
Missouri at Columbia and is currently ABD (all but dissertation). In 2002, he was the Missouri Association of
Secondary School Principal’s selection for the Missouri
High School Principal of the Year. This honor included
a trip to Washington D.C. with his wife to meet and conference with the 49 other state principals, complete with
black tie award dinner with national dignitaries (sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School
Principals and MetLife).
He has played a part in bringing the “Smaller Learning
Communities” concept to the secondary level in Blue
Springs. In 2002-03 Keith represented the Blue Springs
District by attending multiple sessions of the Missouri
Partnership for Educational Renewal with DESE. Keith
has also been a part of a high school task force working
with Joan Soloman and DESE on ways to improve Missouri high schools by focusing on state assessment.
Hard-hitting and soft-spoken, Lashley has made his mark on the entertainment industry as one of the most
recognizable superstars of the WWE. Lashley attended Missouri Valley College, where he won three national
amateur wrestling championships between 1996 and 1998, placing fourth in 1995. Throughout 1997 and 1998
he was the NAIA National Wrestling Champion, competing at the weight of 177 pounds. After graduating
from MVC in 1999, Lashley joined the United States Army, where he continued to wrestle. In November
2003, Lashley moved to professional wrestling and signed a developmental contract with World Wrestling
Entertainment. He was assigned to its farm federation, Ohio Valley Wrestling, where he was known as Blaster
Lashley and was a member of the Bolin Services stable along with Mike Mondo and Ken Doane. In mid-2005
Lashley appeared at four live events, wrestling in dark matches for both the RAW and SmackDown! brands.
On September 23, 2005, Lashley made his televised WWE debut on SmackDown! under the name Bobby
Lashley. Lashley was introduced as a three-time National NAIA Wrestling Champion, four-time All-American,
a two-time Armed Forces Champion, and a 2002 Silver Medalist at the Military World Championship. In his
first match he beat Simon Dean then, in his pay-per-view debut at No Mercy 2005, defeated Dean once again.
Lashley went on to conquer numerous superstars both on Velocity and SmackDown!
Along these same lines, Keith in 2005-2006 attended
multiple sessions as a member of a committee with the
Department of Education in Washington D.C. to determine methods to get better participation in the use of
the NAEP (National Assessment of Education) exam.
This led to a pilot program at Blue Springs South High
School. This also provided tremendous exposure to the
diversity of problems principals face in the different regions of the United States. Keith has also been a part of
a grass roots movement in the work of “Stand Up Blue
Springs”. This group meets to explore and determine
community issues and discuss solutions that would better promote what is good in the community.
Lashley graduated in 1999 from MVC with a bachelor’s degree in human service agency management and
recreation administration. He has a daughter, Kyra, 2, and resides in Colorado Springs, Colo., where he owns a health
smoothie shop.
He has been married to his wife Lona, a 1970 MVC
alumnus, for 36 years. The couple has one daughter,
Page 7
Tom Sandwith
Sam Kornhauser
From left: Wilds, Lamura, Kornhauser, Schuchardt, and Roskelly.
Shortly after starting college Sam Kornhauser’s teammates quickly nicknamed him “The Ramblin’ Wreck from Brooklyn Tech.”
Sam was a member of the MVC wrestling and football teams. He was twice selected as an All-Conference offensive tackle and
was named an NAIA District 16 All-Star. Apparently, Sam also had a sense of style – one of the HOF board members mentioned
that Sam was the first person he ever saw wearing bell bottoms! After graduating in 1971 he returned to his alma mater, Brooklyn
Tech, and coached football for five seasons. He spent two years in Nome, Alaska as a basketball coach. Sam was the defensive
coordinator at Norwich University in Vermont for five years before moving to Stony Brook, N.Y. where he started the Division III
football program. Over the course of 21 seasons, Sam has presided over the Stony Brook football program that began at the Division III level and has since moved up to the Division I ranks. Sam is a four-time Stony Brook Men’s Athletics Coach of the Year selection. In May
2004 the All-American Football Foundation presented him with the Johnny Vaught Award for his outstanding performance in football. He was
also honored in 1995 by the Metropolitan Chapter of the Eastern Association of Intercollegiate Football officials with its Metro Award for undying efforts to the game of college football. In addition to his B.S. degree from Missouri Valley College, Sam has also earned a Master of Science in
Exercise Physiology from Southern Illinois and a C.A.S. degree from the University of Vermont. Sam currently resides in East Setauket with his
wife, Pam. He has two daughters, Sarah and Rachel.
Jim Roskelly
Jim Roskelly came to Missouri Valley College in 1968 and lettered in football and track all four years. In 1970 he received honorable mention NAIA all district sixteen honors. The Vikings were conference champions that year and ranked tenth in the nation. In
1971 Jim led district 16 in receiving and scoring, and was selected first team all conference, first team NAIA all district 16, and NAIA
honorable mention All-American. Valley was ranked 8th in the nation at the time and were also conference champs. In 1972 Jim
was selected first team Heart of America Athletic Conference and first team NAIA all district 16. In the four years he played football
at Missouri Valley, Jim scored 35 touchdowns.
Jim graduated in 1972 and went on to earn a master’s degree from Brigham Young University. Jim worked in education for several years in Chicago, managed a supper club for 11 years in Palos Park, Ill., and is currently farming the family farm and managing his hunting club.
Jim lists Reed Kepner and Ken Gibler as the two most influential people in his life at Valley. Jim would not have played football had it not been
for Reed Kepner and Coach Gibler gave him a chance as a walk on.
Bill Schuchardt
Bill Schuchardt was a 1972 honors graduate of Missouri Valley College. During his undergraduate years he was a 4-year starter for Coach
Ken Gibler. He played offensive guard during his first two years and moved to the defensive side of the ball during his last two years. He
was selected as All MCAU, All HAAC and All District linebacker. Bill was named Outstanding Defensive Back in the 1970 and 1971
football seasons, sharing that honor with teammate and Hall of Famer Phil Willard. In the 1971 Mineral Water Bowl, Bill was recognized
as the Outstanding Tackler of the game. Bill’s class had the distinction of winning the last MCAU championship and the first HAAC
championship. While at Valley, he was a member of V-Club and Sigma Nu social fraternity. After Valley, Bill earned a master’s degree
from Indiana State University.
Bill’s coaching career started at St. Mary’s High School in St. Louis where he was the defensive coordinator in football and the head track coach. Since
1981 he has been the head football coach and athletic director at Salem High School where he has amassed a record of 218-66. This 26-year span has
earned the Salem Tigers 14 SCA Championships, 11 district championships, five Final Four appearances and 2 trips to the Show Me Bowl. Bill has
received many honors over the past 26 years: SCA coach of the year, Southwest Missouri Coach of the year, and Southeast Region Coach of the year.
In 2002 he was named to the Missouri Football Coaches Hall of Fame. Coach Schuchardt has served on the MSHSAA Football and Coaches Advisory
Boards. Bill has been married for 29 years to his wife, Karen, and they have two sons, Jeff and Joe, who both coach football.
Page 8
2007 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees
Ron Wilds
Ron Wilds came to Missouri Valley College in 1970 from Pennsylvania. During his time at Valley he was a valued member of the
football and track programs. It was reported to the Hall of Fame committee that Ron never lost any of the track events he was
in with Bruce Jenner. Ron graduated from MVC in 1973 earning his bachelor’s degree in business administration. He went on
to Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City and earned his DC degree in 1977, at which point he opened a solo practice of
chiropractic in Blue Springs, Mo., which he still operates today. Since 1977 Ron has worked on numerous committees for the City
of Blue Springs, he served as president of the Missouri State Board of Chiropractic Examiners for four years, an active member of
the Blue Springs Rotary Club since 1982, and was selected Outstanding Blue Springs Rotarian in 1995. He was selected Blue Springs Chamber of
Commerce outstanding citizen of the year in 1996. He has served the Missouri Special Olympics in many capacities for 29 years. Ron is a member of the Cleveland Chiropractic Alumni Association and served the Blue Springs R-IV School District Board of Education for four years. This
is just a sampling of Ron’s service and accomplishments, and Ron states that the biggest accomplishment in his life is his two daughters, Ryann
and Ashley.
Al LaMura
Al LaMura was one of the most prolific quarterbacks the Heart of America Athletic Conference has ever seen. Al was a complete leader in that he epitomized the Valley spirit in every way. His record as a starter of 25-5 is only eclipsed by his persona as
a leader, competitor, and teammate, who constantly exemplified tenacity and sportsmanship. Al earned All-Conference honors
in his second season in 1976, and threw for a school record 18 touchdowns. In his senior year Al was co-captain leading his
team to the NAIA Division II playoffs. In his three years he was 25-5-1. After graduating Al signed as a free agent with the
Dallas Cowboys. Al taught and coached high school for a few years before becoming an independent agent for Lawson Product where he has been for the last 26 years. During this time he has coached youth sports in his community, and for the past 6
years, he bas been coaching quarterbacks at Brick Township High School in Bricktown, N.J. In 2006 he was elected into Marlboro High School’s
Hall of Fame. Al resides in Bricktown with his wife, Jean, and they have four children: Christopher, Kate, Holly and Andre.
Teammate E.J. Narcise says, “Although I’m confident that his individual achievements speak for themselves, Al LaMura never cared about individual awards; all he truly cared about was winning the right way. Al should be recognized as one of the most outstanding athletic leaders, Valley
has ever known.”
1997 National Championship Wrestling Team
The 1997 Missouri Valley College men’s wrestling team was one of most dominant teams in NAIA wrestling history. This team distinguished
itself in Missouri Valley College wrestling history as the first team to receive the #1 National ranking in pre-season. They went on to hold that
ranking throughout the season and set the national team point scoring record and won back-to-back NAIA National Championships. During the
season this team also won the first ever NAIA Coaches Association National Dual Meet Championships held in Las Vegas, Nev.
This team produced 8 All-Americans with six reaching the finals and 2 earning individual National titlists and as a result of this championship
MVC was again invited to participate the following year in the National Wrestling Coaches Association’s National Dual Championship as the
NAIA representative competing against the NCAA Division I, II, III National Champions, and 12 other top NCAA Division I teams.
Tom Sandwith
Of the 12 members of the 1997 team, nine earned All-American honors, seven became national finalist and five earned individual national championships during their careers, and one became a World Military silver medalist representing the United Stated Army.
1. Members of the 1997 Men’s Wrestling Team at the 2007 Hall of Fame banquet: (bottom row from left) Derek Lark, assistant coach;
Joe Parisi, assistant coach; and Mike Machholz, head coach. (Top row from left) Bobby Lashley; Jon White; James Morgan; Chad Hopkins; and Matt Whitney, assistant coach.
2. The 1997 Men’s Wrestling Team were the NAIA National Wrestling Champions.
Page 9
For the love
of Fred.
By Chad Jaecques
Page 10
t was 47 to 24—Staten Island over
Queens. And it was the 28th year to
memorialize a Viking.
> Opposite top right: Fugazzi (left)
and Joe Avena in 1962 at MVC.
> Opposite top left: Staten Island (in
white) versus Queens at the 2007
Fugazzi Bowl.
> Opposite bottom left: #36 Fugazzi
in 1963.
Nearly 100 of New York City’s
finest high school seniors are suiting up. Two teams—Staten Island
and Queens—are made up of young
men from over 20 different high
schools. They are mentally preparing
themselves to stand on the sidelines
next to some of their biggest rivals.
Their helmets range from purple to
black to orange. But today all of their
jerseys are the same—they are all
proudly wearing the title “Fugazzi
Bowl” across their chests.
In his high school years at New
Dorp High School in Staten Island,
N.Y., Fred Fugazzi was making a
name for himself. A football standout, he gained over 2,000 yards,
averaging over 100 yards per game,
and five yards per carry—stats that
would eventually take him hundreds
of miles from his New York roots—
smack dab in the middle of Missouri.
In the fall of 1961, Fred began his
freshman year at Missouri Valley
College. His outstanding high school
record had provided him with not
only the opportunity to get a college
education, but also the chance to
continue to play the game he loved
so dearly.
The Viking football program had
become one of the most respected
ones in the country, and Fred would
represent the program very well.
Fred helped lead the Vikings to an
undefeated season his sophomore
year, and the team finished sixth in
the nation in scoring and 18th in
rushing. Fred was a team co-captain his senior year while earning
All-Conference, All-Missouri, and
NAIA Little All-American honors.
Fred rushed for over 2,500 yards and
capped his collegiate career by being
drafted by the Boston Patriots.
Opting against professional
football, Fred joined the Marines
and played football for the Quantico
(VA) base team.
Fred didn’t limit his college experience to just football. He was very
active on campus and made several
close friends along the way. According to Joe Avena ’64, his high school
teammate who had also made the
journey to the Midwest, Fred was
grateful for his experience at Valley.
“He absolutely loved the Midwest
and his time at Missouri Valley,” Avena said. “He made amazing friends
that he was in contact with for years
after he left. Fred created a loyalty
and a strong friendship to all people
who knew him. If you were a friend
of Fred’s, you were his friend for life.”
On his wedding day, Avena witnessed Fred’s loyalty to their friendship.
“I opened up the card and Fred
had given me $80.36,” Avena explained. “I thought long and hard
about why he would give that
amount of money until it finally hit
me. My football number was 80 and
Page 11
his was 36. It was the most special amount of money I
had ever received.”
After graduating in 1965, Fred headed back to the
East Coast. He and Avena continued their love for football and coached for a number of years in Staten Island.
“Fred always loved working with the tougher kids,”
Avena said. “He had a knack with them both on and
off the field I think because he could relate to them. It’s
comforting to know how many of those kids’ lives that
he changed.”
Fred would eventually get a job with the New York
City Fire Department. According to Avena, this was a
perfect fit for Fred.
“If someone was in need, he was there for them,”
Avena said. “He was so strong physically and mentally
Joe Avena and Paul Troth visit with Staten island
All-Stars. Troth discussed the MVC football program,
MVC admission requirements, and scholarship information. Avena told students about his decision to
attend MVC and the great experience that he had.
that you knew he was around when he was. He had one
of the most charismatic and magnetic personalities that
I have ever seen.”
Fred would be honored for bravery on two separate
occasions during his career with the FDNY, and his
benevolent instincts would ultimately be the reason we
today memorialize him. While off duty in New York on
Nov. 5, 1977, Fred came upon a complete stranger who
was being beaten. He was determined to help, but unfortunately, he couldn’t. Fred was murdered while trying to
break up the fight. He was 36 years old.
At Fred’s wake, Avena and other friends decided Fred
Page 12
needed to be remembered. Those who knew him best
knew that the best way to do this was with his favorite
pastime—football. And so the Fred Fugazzi Memorial
Award Dinner and Fugazzi Bowl was born.
“Football did a lot for him and it gave him many
opportunities in his life,” Avena said. “He loved helping
kids and so this was the best combination of what he
The Fugazzi Award is regarded as the “Heisman”
Award of Staten Island high school football. Each year,
the Fugazzi family donates a $2,000 scholarship to the
Award winner.
After learning about the Bowl and the scholarship,
MVC President Bonnie Humphrey thought it would be
great to make Fred’s alma mater a part of the Fugazzi
“I think it’s incredibly important for Missouri
Valley College to recognize the significance of its
past, and we haven’t always done a good job at
that,” Humphrey said. “My goal is to reconnect
with as many people who share the passion and
traditions of Missouri Valley. The story of Fred
Fugazzi and this group of friends who have kept
his legend alive is absolutely amazing and I think
it needs to be told and retold within the Valley
For those Fugazzi Bowl players who want to
follow in the footsteps of Fugazzi, Avena, and others and venture to the Midwest, Missouri Valley
College makes available a $5,000 scholarship to
them, providing they meet the school’s admission
The Fugazzi Memorial Award Committee, which has
now become a little family of its own, will continue to
put on this event.
“This is one of the oldest established sports traditions on Staten Island,” said Rita Barchitta, committee
president and a friend of Fred’s since grammar school.
“We have sons of the men who played in the game, and
it is an honor for these kids to get chosen to play in this
This year the Staten Island team came out on top. Another year of photos, rosters, and newspaper clippings
to fill the scrapbooks. Through his friends and family on
the committe, the players, the coaches, and the parents
and fans, Fred Fugazzi lives on.
“It takes a lot of work to put on this event, but it’s
obvious how much Fred was loved,” Barchitta said. “Year
after year, his family and friends make sure this happens.
And we do it all for the love of Fred.”
Photos by Tom Sandwith
Anthony Flores, SR, Ft.
Worth, TX qualified and
competed at the NAIA National
Championship finishing 64 out
of 258
Elisa Melly, FR, Elboret, Kenya
qualified and competed at the
NAIA National Championship
finishing 134 out of 258
Anthony Flores was named
NAIA All-Region in Region V
Elias Melly was named NAIA
All-Region in Region V
Sheena Simpson was
named NAIA All-Region
in Region V
Men’s team finished 5th at
the Region V meet
Men’s team finished 3rd at
the HAAC meet
Women’s team finished
10th at the Region V meet
Women’s team finished
6th at the HAAC meet
Men’s sOCCER
Finished with a 5-11 record
Andrea Schaben, FR, Defender,
Fenton, MO—HAAC Second
Team All-Conference
Finished with an 8-8-2 record
Ian Sheridan, FR, Midfielder,
Birkenhead, England—HAAC
Second Team All-Conference
Miroslav Petrovic, FR, Forward,
Leposavic, Serbia—HAAC
Second Team All-Conference
Radoslav Lazarov, SR, Defender,
Sofia, Bulgaria—HAAC Third
Team All-Conference
Ashley Karle, JR, MH,
California, MO—HAAC
Honorable Mention
Tara Youngblood, FR, OH,
Strafford, MO—HAAC
Honorable Mention
Standings as of November 16, 2007 in
the Ozark Region
Jessica Yach, FR, Forward/
Midfielder, Nixa, MO—HAAC
Third Team All-Conference
Finished with a 9-27 record
Ali Schrader, FR, MH, St.
Ann’s, MO – HAAC Honorable
Men’s Team
1. Missouri Valley College
3,555.00 points
2. University of Tennessee-Martin
3,405.00 points
3. University of ArkansasMonticello
2,445.00 points
4. Troy University
2,120.00 points
Page 13
Bareback Riding
Murray State University
1,520.00 points
Southern Arkansas University
1,195.00 points
University of West Alabama
345.00 points
North Arkansas College
230.00 points
Northwest Mississippi
Community College
130.00 points
10. Arkansas State University
110.00 points
11. Missouri State University
100.00 points
12. Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
70.00 points
3. Jake Alan Shaw
800.00 points
Women’s Team
Saddle Bronc Riding
1. University of ArkansasMonticello
1,855.00 points
2. Missouri Valley College
945.00 points
3. Troy University
895.00 points
4. University of West Alabama
795.00 points
Southern Arkansas University
770.00 points
University of Tennessee-Martin
690.00 points
Murray State University
375.00 points
Arkansas State University
110.00 points
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural
30.00 points
10. Northwest Mississippi
Community College
20.00 points
Men’s All-around
2. Adam James Gilchrist
505.0 points
3. James William Smith
450.0 points
5. Kirk Adam Nelson
280.0 points
7. Rylie James Hoffman
220.0 points
Kyle Alan Brennecke
700.0 points
David Michael Clapp
350.0 points
Brian Scott Garner
290.0 points
Chase James Waters
110.0 points
Derek Kyle McCubbin
50.0 points
Bull Riding
2. Cooper Alan Link
320.0 points
5. David Michael Clapp
190.0 points
12. John Christopher Barnes
50.0 points
Tie Down
5. Jake
Alan Shaw
210.0 points
6. Codey
Evan Payne
205.0 points
Steer Wrestling
1. Jake Alan Shaw
460.0 points
14. Chris Daniel Coulter
60.0 points
14. Kirk Adam Nelson
60.0 points
Team Roping Header
6. Jared Mark Kempker
160.0 points
9. Jake Alan Shaw
130.0 points
11. Michael Chance Weldon
100.0 points
Page 14
Team Roping Heeler
6. Brady Matthew Wilson
160.0 points
8. Adam James Gilchrist
130.0 points
10. Chris Daniel Coulter
100.0 points
Barrel Racing
5. Kallie Jo Agre
230.0 points
6. Sasha Kirsten Sankey
205.0 points
12. Amy Jo Adametz
75.0 points
14. Katie Marie Kimble
65.0 points
2. Casey Renee Chapman
275.00 points
Breakaway Roping
3. Keeley Kay Christensen
220.0 points
13. Cobie Leann Ward
85.0 points
Goat Tying
4. Jill Nicole Adametz
250.0 points
Finished 1st, 2nd, and 5th at
the Missouri Valley Fall Home
Finished 2nd, 4th, 6th, and
11th at the Graceland Fall Men’s
Invitational Tournament
Finished 1st at the William
Woods Fall Fling
Finished 3rd at the William
Jewell Fall Invite
Women’s Golf
Finished 6th at the MVC
Women’s Fall Invitational
Finished 6th at the Evangel/
Avila Tournament
MVC’s Sheena Simpson will not be stopped
By Travis Watts/MVC Senior
Sheena Simpson, a sophomore at Missouri Valley
College, had a life changing experience when she
entered a crosswalk on Oct. 5, 2006. Simpson was
on her way to cross-country practice when she was
struck by a car and thrown 30 feet.
Miraculously, she came away from the accident
without any serious injuries and was released
from the hospital later that night. Despite her early
release, prospects for Simpson running again did
not look good. Simpson had a fractured wrist, four
severely bruised bones in her right knee, and several
other deep muscle bruises.
Simpson had a unique reason to start running
competitively in high school.
“The high school coach said he didn’t think I
could handle distance running, so I wanted to prove
him wrong,” Simpson said.
Not only could she handle it, but she became one
of the top high school runners in the state of Texas.
She placed fourth at the state cross-country meet
her sophomore year, and also won several district
and regional titles while in high school.
In her first three races at Missouri Valley, she
established herself as the team’s top runner. In the
final race before her accident, Simpson ran a 20:22
in only her second career 5K race, but she wasn’t
dominating the competition like she had in the
“When I was in high school I won most of my
races, but in college I have a lot more competition,”
Simpson said.
After three months of physical therapy to heal
her injuries, Simpson made her return for outdoor
track—but she was not the same.
After months of inactivity, Simpson felt like an
entirely different runner than the one that had led
the team during cross country. She was 20 seconds
off her usual mile time and more than a minute
slow on her two mile.
“Once I started running again, I felt so far behind
that I kind of gave up during track season,” Simpson
After a disappointing track season, Simpson
was determined to reach her previous form. She
spent the summer putting in mileage and anxiously
awaiting the start of cross country.
The hard work paid off more than even Simpson
could have anticipated. She improved more than a
minute from the previous cross country season, running the 5K in 19:19. Simpson also finished the year
earning All-Conference and All-Region honors.
Even after such a successful return, Simpson still
has more
goals she
would like to
“I want
to break 19
in cross
country, and
for outdoor
track I’d
like to run
the 1,500
in 4:50,”
Valley sophomore Sheena SimpSimpson
son (middle) came back from a
accident to become one of the
Simpson HAAC’s top competitors.
has not
only come back stronger after the accident, she has
found a new appreciation for running.
“The time off made me realize how much
running means to me and how I had taken it for
granted in the past,” Simpson said. “I was afraid
that I’d never be able to run around with my kids.
It wasn’t just about the competition; it was about
my life.”
Page 15
2007 Season Highlights
Finished with a 10-3 record.
2nd in the Heart of American Athletic
Coach Paul Troth – Named American Football
Coaches Association (AFCA) Region III Coach
of the Year (Repeated)
Reggie Singletary – Named HAAC Defensive
Player of the Week
Reggie Singletary – Named American Football
Coaches Association (AFCA) Region III AllAmerican Linebacker
Marquette Floyd– Named HAAC Defensive
Player of the Week twice
Robert Holmes – Named HAAC Offensive
Player of the Week
First Missouri Valley College team to play in
the NAIA National semi-finals back to back.
Reggie Singletary was presented with the Ted
Chittwood Award following the Homecoming
football game
Chris White was named Offensive Player of the
Game in two playoff games (Friends & Ohio
Marquette Floyd was named Defensive Player
of the Game in the semi-final game vs. Sioux
Merlin Benefield was named Defensive Player
of the Game vs. Ohio Dominican
MVC Athletic Director Tom Fifer presents Reggie Singletary with
the Ted Chittwood Award. The award is given to the most valuable
player at the Homecoming game.
HAAC All-Conference Honors
HAAC Defensive Player-of-theYear 2007
# 24 Reggie Singletary, LB, 6-0,
243 lb., SR, Kansas City, MO
HAAC Football First Team
Offense 2007
# 20 Robert Holmes, RB, 6-0,
200 lb., JR, Kansas City, MO
# 76 Kris Vasquez, OL, 6-1, 305
lb., SR, Ventura, CA
# 71 Nick Peker, OL, 6-3, 277 lb.,
JR, Eureka, MO
HAAC Football First Team
Defense 2007
# 92 Larry Wentzel, DL, 6-2, 240
lb., JR, St. Louis, MO
# 24 Reggie Singletary, LB, 6-0,
243 lb. SR, Kansas City, MO
# 7 Marquette Floyd, LB, 6-2,
213 lb., SR, Tampa, FL
# 21 Aubrey Smith, DB, 6-0, 201
lb., SR, Plano, TX
Photos by Tom Sandwith
Page 16
HAAC Football Second Team
Offense 2007
#74 Jermaine Solomon, OL,
6-4, 295 lb., JR, Ft. Pierce, FL
HAAC Football Third Team
Offense 2007
# 63 Sean Clark, OL, 6-2, 280 lb.,
SR, Fort Worth,TX
# 82 Jon Brinley, TE, 6-2, 260
lb., SR, Oroville, CA
# 8 Eric Brown, WR, 6-0, 185
lb., SR, Monterey, CA
HAAC Football Third Team
Defense 2007
# 25 Emmanuel Robinson, DB,
5-9, 170 lb., SR, Houston, TX
# 97 Merlin Benefield, DL, 6-0,
285 lb., SO, New Orleans, LA
HAAC Football Third Team
Special Teams 2007
# 84 Javion Jones, PR, 5-8, 170
lb., JR, Dallas, TX
HAAC Football Honorable
Mention 2007
# 31 David Allen, RB, 6-2, 240
lb., SO, Moberly, MO
# 57 Larry Boone, OL, 6-0, 270
lb., SR, Tulsa, OK
# 55 Rich Beltram, LB, 6-0, 220
lb., SR, Antioch, CA
# 6 Tevita Williams, S, 6-3, 203
lb., JR, Kalihi, HI
Coach Paul Troth (center in black) was named the American Football Coaches Association Region III Coach of the Year for the second year in a row.
NAIA Standings
Fans bundle up for bitter cold
temperatures in Sioux Falls, SD. (Photo
submitted by Hugh Dunn ’48)
NAIA Football Leaders - Team Rankings
Number 1 in Division I in Rushing
Defense per Game (42.500)
Number 2 in Division I in Opp 4th Down
Conv. (18.500)
Number 2 in Division I in Sacks By (3.200)
Number 3 in Division I in Total Defense
per Game (195.800)
Number 5 in Division I in Total Offense
Yds per Game (414.200)
Number 5 in Division I in Pass Efficiency
Number 8 in Division I in Pass Offense
per Game (246.800)
Number 10 in Division I in Punt Returns
Yds per Att (12.100)
Number 10 in Division I in Scoring
Defense per Game (12.200)
Number 10 in Division I in First Downs
per Game (19.800)
Number 11 in Division I in Punt Yds per
Att (38.700)
Number 12 in Division I in Field Goals
Number 13 in Division I in Scoring
Offense per Game (30.000)
Number 14 in Division I in Pass Def
Effiency (93.700)
Number 14 in Division I in 3rd Down
Conv. (39.900)
Number 14 in Division I in Penalty Yds
per Game (74.100)
Number 16 in Division I in Opp 3rd Down
Conv. (29.100)
Number 22 in Division I in Sacks Against
Number 22 in Division I in Rushing
Offense per Game (167.500)
Number 31 in Division I in Pass Defense
per Game (153.200)
Number 32 in Division I in Turnover
Margin per Game (0.200)
Number 33 in Division I in 4th Down
Conv. (46.900)
Number 41 in Division I in Opponent
First Downs (167)
Number 42 in Division I in Pat Kicking
NAIA Football Leaders - Individual
Robert Holmes Ranks Number 13 in
Division I in Rushing Yds. per Game
Robert Holmes Ranks Number 15 in
Division I in Scoring (TDs) per Game
Robert Holmes Ranks Number 15 in
Division I in Scoring per Game (8.300)
Robert Holmes Ranks Number 34 in
Division I in All Purpose per Game
Chris White Ranks Number 27 in Division
I in Pass Efficiency (122.900)
Chris White Ranks Number 33 in Division
I in Passing Yds per Game (172.900)
Chris White Ranks Number 9 in Division I
in Total Offense Yds per Game (174.700)
Javion Jones Ranks Number 39 in
Division I in Punt Return Yds per Att
Marquette Floyd Ranks Number 16 in
Division I in Tackles For Loss per Game
Aubrey Smith Ranks Number 20 in
Division I in Interceptions per Game
Marquette Floyd Ranks Number 19 in
Division I in Sacks per Game (0.700)
Larry Wentzel Ranks Number 31 in
Division I in Sacks per Game (0.600)
Reggie Singletary Ranks Number 31 in
Division I in Tackles For Loss per Game
David Allen Ranks Number 38 in Division
I in Rushing Yds per Game (74.200)
Larry Wentzel Ranks Number 50 in
Division I in Tackles For Loss per Game
Page 17
Dave Roberts
issouri Valley College
celebrated Convocation
the week of Sept. 3 and
formally welcomed the
Class of 2011 to campus.
Students, faculty, and staff participated in various activities throughout the week.
One goal of Convocation is to help freshman students
feel at home at Missouri Valley.
“Freshmen were given the opportunity to get a lot of
good advice from people who know first hand about Valley,” said Ashley Grindstaff, student body president.
Many speakers shared advice with freshmen and gave
advice on how to be successful in college.
Grindstaff explained what might cause
students to get off track and offered advice
on how to stay focused.
“I was trying to get across a lot of things
I wish someone would have told me when
I was their age,” Grindstaff said.
Grindstaff also gave freshmen the
opportunity to hear from a peer what to
expect with college life.
“It’s different hearing advice from a student than from a teacher,” Grindstaff said.
“The most important thing I wanted to relay to the freshmen is to get involved and
find something that caught their interests
because it forces them to be responsible.”
Larry Stockman, professor of business
and recipient of the 2007 John McCallum
Excellence in Teaching Award, was the
keynote speaker. He stressed to students
that Missouri Valley is a family and how
families are there for each other.
“We share the experiences, however,
you will create your own traditions,”
Page 18
Stockman said.
Other speakers included: President Bonnie Humphrey;
Dr. Earl Wellborn, MVC chief academic officer; Heath
Morgan, dean of students; Sharon Hoeflicker, President’s
Staff Excellence Award winner; Wayne Crawford, on behalf
of the MVC Board of Trustees; Connie Latimer, City of
Marshall mayor; Dr. Marilyn Belwood, MVC Faculty Senate president; and Spencer Fricke, MVC Alumni Association president.
(Top left) Members of the MVC Rodeo
Team introduce themselves to Dr. Humphrey. (Top right) Dr. Marilyn Belwood,
Faculty Senate president, was host of the
Convocation dinner. (Bottom left) Wayne
Crawford welcomes the Class of 2011 on
behalf of the Board of Trustees.
Elizabeth (Reading) McCune, ’34,
passed away on March 21 at the age 96.
According to her son, Tapley, she was
always proud to be a Missouri Valley
Norwood “Speedy” Read, ’40, of
Kerrville, Texas is still going strong at
89 years young. Norwood is retired
from the U.S. Army and from General
Motors. Norwood holds the honor
of being the first MVC graduate with
both parents being MVC grads—Cecil
(Gray), ’17, and Norwood “Dick” Read,
Betty (Carter) Thompson, ’40, passed
away on Sept. 14. She was a retired
Robert John Matheson, ’49, passed
away on June 27. “Coach Bob” was
a physical education teacher and
head football coach at MacArthur
High School, where Matheson Field
was named in his honor. He was
at MacArthur High School from
1957 until 1983. He was principal of
Lakeview High School, retiring when
the school closed. He also worked for
the Decatur Park District and was a
golf coach.
William R. (Bill) Gerhard, ’50,
passed away on October 20, 2006. He
is survived by: his wife, Carolyn; four
children; four grandchildren; a brother,
Ralph, ’54; two sisters, including
Marjorie Coleman, ’57; and a niece. He
was retired from Wheeling-Pittsburgh
Steel Corporation as plant manager in
Grand Junction, Colo.
Ralph Wienke,
’50/’51, was
to occupy
the Buck O’Neil “Legacy Seat” at the
August 13 Kansas City Royals game
at Kauffman Stadium. Recognition
was given incident to involvement in
various charitable organizations in the
Kansas City area. Ralph says his wife,
Georgia (Jacobson), ’51, caught him
at the Sadie Hawkins dance in the fall
of 1950. They reside in Independence,
Walker “Butch” Fletcher, ’51, MVC
Trustee, was the inaugural recipient
of the
Agribusiness Association
Fellow of
MO-AG members honored Fletcher
for all he has given to the agribusiness community. Fletcher took over
Fletcher Grain Company in January
1954 from his father, who started it in
1913. He and his wife, Marge, have
four children, 14 grandchildren, and
6 great-grandchildren. They reside in
Marshall, Mo. and Sun City, Fla.
David Dautenhahn, ’53, passed away
June 28. Professor Dautenhahn taught
at MVC for many years in the math/
science department before retring. He
is survived by: his wife, Willie Ann; his
children Cathy Davis, David ’78, Ruth
Johnston ’80, and Dean ’92; 14 grandchildren; one great-granddaughter; six
brothers including Timothy ’54, and
Thomas ’56; five sisters; and numerous
nieces and nephews.
Nancy L. (Barnes) Hill, ’56, passed
away on May 31.
Walter Hicklin, ’61, of
Gravois Mills, was appointed to the University
of Central Missouri Board
Page 19
of Governors. He is retired after 45
years in secondary and higher education. Hicklin received a bachelor’s
degree in mathematics from MVC and
a master’s degree in mathematics and
an educational specialist degree from
UCM (formerly Central Missouri State
Mary Katherine Leighton, ’61, of
Omaha, Neb. died October 4. She was
originally from Mexico, Mo.
Diana (Vail) Kelley, ’61, of Colorado
Springs, Colo., has been named to the
Inaugural Hall of
Fame at Ponderosa
High School of
Douglas County
in Colorado where
she has taught for
25 years of her 45year teaching career. As chairman
of the math department for 15 years,
Diana was cited for having spearheaded
its establishment as among the finest
in the state and for her influence in the
learning of thousands by her work with
Saxon Publishers as teacher/advisor/
author for math textbooks. Diana and
her husband, Robert, married in 2003
and have an extended family of seven
children, several grandchildren and
great grandchildren.
Vickie (Laber) Brown, ’65, of Macomb, Ill. is retiring after 33 years
of teaching in four states. She most
recently taught Title I Reading at V.I.T.
schools in Table Grove, Ill. Vickie and
her husband, William, a Presbyterian
pastor of 38 years, will reside in the
Eagle River, Wis. area.
Bob, ’66, and Ann (Duncan) Ogle,
’66, have recently moved to Kerrville,
Texas. Bob is the president/owner of
BAMR, Inc. in Kerrville.
Wayne H. Hilgeman, ’66, of St. Louis,
Mo., is retiring after operating his own
accounting practice for 30 years.
Page 20
Sally (Pryor) Gant, ’67, retired after
37 years of teaching elementary school
in Columbus, Ind. Her husband, Gary,
retired after 37 years working at Cummins Engine Company.
J.W. Ballinger, ’68, of Moberly, Mo.,
retired as Chamber Executive Director of the Moberly Area Chamber of
Commerce. He is active in his church,
a member of the Moberly Community
Betterment, the Randolph County
Historical Society, Railroad Museum,
President of Friends of the Park, and
Chairman of the Transportation Advisory Council. He has begun a small
business consulting corporation, B-3,
Dr. John Ashford, ’71, has been appointed to the Board of Governors
of Grantham University, an online
University specializing in educating
working adults. Ashford received his
bachelor’s degree from MVC, where
he served on the board for nearly 20
years and from which he received an
honorary Doctor of Letters degree. He
earned his master’s degree in public
administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
University. He is chairman and CEO of
the Hawthorn Group, an international
public affairs firm and resides in Alexandria, Va.
Dr. Kerry A. (Stites) Skidmore, ’75,
has released her book, “Get Ready…for
Christmas!”. Skidmore is a retired
ordained pastor in the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church. She
completed her Master of Divinity in 1989
at St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, Mo. She earned her Doctor of
Ministry in 2001. In 1997 she received the
Harry Denman Evangelism Award from
the Missouri West Conference for her
work in church growth and evangelism.
She is a Bible teacher, writer, and seminar
speaker. Copies of Skidmore’s book can be
obtained through Ingram Book Company
and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors.
Russell Tarr, ’84, was appointed assistant police chief of the Moberly (MO)
Police Department. Tarr is a graduate
of the MO Highway Patrol Academy
in 1986 and the FBI National Academy
Class of 223 in December 2005. He and
his wife, Amy, live in Moberly.
Karen (Sullivan) Campbell, ’89, and
her husband, Gene, are pleased to announce the birth of their
first child, a daughter,
Rylee Paige. Rylee was
born on April 1 at St.
Johns Hospital in Springfield, Mo. Karen is a third
grade teacher at Mt. Vernon Elementary School in
Mt. Vernon, Mo.
Erin (Hennessy) Passmonick, ’92, and
her husband, Andy, were married in
May 2006. They reside in Mesa, Ariz.,
and are expecting their first child in
Joby J. Raines, ’96, has accepted the
job of assistant prosecuting attorney
for Saline County, Mo. Joby received a
bachelor’s degree in secondary education from MVC and a Juris Doctor
degree in 2003 from the University of
Missouri-Columbia School of Law. He
also joins the civil law office of Donald
G. Stouffer in Marshall, Mo.
Chris Terry, ’96, has been named head
coach of the Culver-Stockton Wildcat baseball team. Terry comes to C-S after having
served since 2001 as the head baseball and
physical education teacher at Sheldon High
School in Sacramento, Calif. He earned
a bachelor’s degree in
physical education from
MVC and a master’s
degree in kinesiology
from California State
in 2006.
Cathy (Romain) Ferris, ’98, and her
husband, Jeff, of Evansville, Ind., have
two boys, Cole and Conner. Cathy
received her master’s degree in high
school counseling in December 2006.
She currently teaches physical education and coaches girls track and field at
Bosse Page High School in Evansville,
Brian Winkler, ’98, of Cairo, Mo., led
the Cairo Lady Bearcat softball team to
the Missouri Class I Final Four. Head
Coach Winkler and the Lady Bearcats
took home the first place trophy for
the first time in the school’s history.
Winkler is also assistant girls basketball
coach, and the Lady Bearcat basketball
team also went to the Missouri Class
I Final Four to receive fourth place
Michelle (Stellwagen) Crim, ’99, married Gary Crim on May 26 in Monett,
Mo. Michelle is a general ledger analyst
for Jack Henry & Associates.
Hollie R. Birkholz, ’00, of Clayton,
Mo. has joined the law firm of Gallop, Johnson & Newman, one of the
ten largest law firms in St. Louis, Mo.
Birkholz is an associate in the firm’s
litigation department. She earned a J.D.
degree from University of MissouriColumbia School of Law, and a bachelor’s degree in sociology and criminal
justice from MVC.
Chad Hopkins, ’02, is the new head
coach at
Kearney High
School in Kearney, Mo.
Jeremy Mollins, ’04, is the Crane High
School girls basketball coach in Crane,
Jarrod Schwartz, ’04, has been promoted to production department
manager of KRCG-TV in Jefferson
City, Mo. He will supervise six associates, assigning their duties that include
producing commercials. Schwartz will
also work with the technical directors
of the station’s newscasts.
Robert Guerin, ’04, is the Crane High
School boys basketball coach in Crane,
Mollie Keith, ’04, a special education teacher at Bueker Middle School
in Marshall, Mo., recently took command of the Missouri National Guard’s
1175th Military Police Company. Keith
previously served as a platoon leader
for the 1139th Military Police Company in
led the
in support of Hurricane Katrina relief
efforts. Now, as the commander the
1175th Military Police Company, she
will lead the unit during its deployment
in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom
next spring, according to a National
Guard news release.
John R. Bohl, ’04, graduated from The
University of Queensland in Brisbane,
Australia from the School of Arts and
Humanities on July 20. He received a
master’s degree in coursework with an
emphasis in history. While attending
the University of Queensland, John
was involved in numerous extracurricular activities within the Brisbane
and university community. John was
a member of the Queensland University Athletic club, and coached under
former NCAA Champion and Austra-
Laura (Rutherford) Bolt, ’96, and her
husband, Jon, gave birth to their first
daughter, Kaitlyn Austin on October
24, 2006. Laura is an engineer/conductor with Kaw River Railroad. The Bolt’s
reside in Parkville, Mo.
lian Olympic Coach Pat Clohessy. As a
member of QUA team John competed
at the Queensland State Athletic Games
at Queen Elizabeth II stadium in
March, finishing 5th in the 800m race.
Ashley McKay, ’05, received two Walt
Disney Wonder Awards. She was
co-winner of Best
Mainstage Performer award, but
proudest of winning the Friendliest Crew Member
MVC Friends
Vern Nester passed away August 22 in
Columbia, Mo. Nester was employed
at Missouri Valley College as an associate professor of art from September
1961 until his retirement in May 1997.
Margaret Hackler-Hill celebrated her
100th birthday with about 75 family and friends on September 30. The
MVC American Humanics Student
Association was honored to join in the
celebration. Mrs. Hill’s late husband,
Dr. Hobart Hill, was instrumental in
helping H. Roe Bartle in developing
the American Humanics Program at
MVC in 1948. Dr. Hill served as the
MVC American Humanics campus
director from 1950-1967.
Rick Urdiales, associate professor of
mass communication from 1996-1999,
passed away on October 14 in Kansas
Page 21
Tee off
the cause.
The MVC Alumni Association Golf
Tournament was held August 6 at Stone
Hedge Golf Club in Marshall. All proceeds
from the tournament are used for the
Alumni Legacy Scholarship.
1. Brad Pistel, Phil Perkins, Don Julene, and Ed
2. Kevin Hart ’76, Tom Hayob ’79, Tony Willis, and
Richard Johns.
3. Alan Criswell ’70, Karl “Bub” Caldwell, Mike
Wilhite ’73, and Rob Ravenhill ’72.
4. Chris Damron ’89, Eric Sappington ’95, Todd
Johnson ’89, and Gary Ford ’71.
5. Mariano Sebrie ’06, Doug Smith, Stu Dunlap,
and Mark Percosky ’06.
6. David Diehm, Derek Barr, Gerald Stone, and
Mike Griffin ’03.
7. Rex Smarr, Dan Thornton, Chad Lance ’98, and
Wayne Crawford ’72.
8. Josh Miller, Chris Shotwell, Troy Scott ’96, and
Curtis Siversten.
9. Chad Maupin, Troy Maupin ’94, Steve Tuck ’78,
and George Porter.
10. Barry Randolph ’79, Don Snell ’68, George
Brown ’73, and Billy Hutchinson ’91.
11. Spencer Fricke ’66, Jim Seigfreid, Robert Smith,
and Richard Berry ’06.
Page 22
12. Chuck Voltmer, Ralph Pfremmer, Brian Dittmer, and Russell Hunt.
In October 2007, four MVC alumni celebrated 50 years of
friendship since meeting on campus in 1957 and then becoming fraternity brothers at MVC. Even though they live
miles apart, they get together at least two times per year. For
the last 40 years, they have all attended the Indianapolis
500 together in May. To celebrate their 60th birthdays, the
four guys rode the 180-mile Katy Trail on bicycles from St.
Charles to Sedalia, MO. In 1997 they began an annual fall
gathering for their families, which later became known as the
Fall Rendezvous. Pictured above are (seated from left) Toni
Thornton, Judy Parkhurst, and Richard Parkhurst. (Standing from left) Kenna Rickenbrode, Linda Roos, John Thornton, Gary Rickenbrode, and John Roos.
MVC alumni and friends gathered in Wichita, Kan. Pictured (from left) are: Tom
Fifer, MVC athletic director; President Bonnie Humphrey; Dennis Humphrey; Sandra Elliott; Ed Elliott; Nancy White; Tom White; Eric Sappington ’95, director of
institutional advancement; Debra Harmon; Gene Harmon; Mickey McClellan ’62;
and Ann McClellan.
Kansas City Area Christmas Social
(Front L to R) Elizabeth Harvey ’04, Kathy Hoff ’96, President Bonnie Humphrey, Lona
(Brotherton) Maxey ’70, and
Toni Thornton. (Back L to R)
Gene Harmon, Dennis Demarea ’75, Kathy Demarea,
Kathy Sims, Ron Wilds ’73,
Chuck Nichols ’60, Keith
Maxey ’70, Don Kalthoff ’61,
Tod Heermann ’84, Mandy
Sappington, Scott Sappington
’98, Jon Heermann ’79, Jane
Fry ’69, Dick Fry ’71, John
Thornton ’60, and Paul McCoy ’80.
Adams Pointe Golf Club • December 4, 2007
New York
Area Social
(Front L to R) Mickey Burns
’69, Joe Spallina ’77, Heather
Troth, Paul Troth, Nancy Venice, and Linda Avena. (Middle
L to R) Stanley Giammalvo ’71,
Denise Helm, Michael Helm
’67, Tracy Richard, Rich Valanzola ’72, Louis Estok ’66, Gary
Preston ’68, Barry Miller ’71,
Tom Venice ’67, Bill Chambers
’64, and Joe Avena ’64. (Back
L to R) Paul Barchitta, Rita
Barchitta, Rich Van Noord ’87,
Andrea Preston, Gail (Baur)
Miller ’67, and Dr. Bonnie
Staten Island Hotel • December 7, 2007
Page 23
By Chad Jaecques
ssouri Valley College
and the city of Maastricht, Netherlands
held the second annual
Maastricht Institute of
Entrepreneurship Sept.
25-27, 2007 on the
MVC campus.
The Institute featured guest speakers and
entrepreneurs from the United States and Europe, and
represented foundations, politics, the financial industry, and education.
The Maastricht Institute is named after the city of
Maastricht, Netherlands and is an outgrowth of experiences and friendships among residents of Maastricht
and several cities in the United States.
The goal of the Maastricht Institute of Entrepreneurship is to foster an atmosphere of receptiveness
and creativity toward comparative entrepreneurial
processes. The Institute compares and contrasts the entrepreneurial business environment within the United
States with that of the other countries highlighting
domestic and international philosophies. It also examines different practices and fields to create a climate of
creativity relative to entrepreneurial projects.
Page 24
Dr. Benoit Wesly, chairman and CEO of the Xelat
Group in Maastricht, Netherlands and noted Dutch
international business entrepreneur, delivered the
keynote address. Other speakers and moderators included: Ratana Tshibanda, fashion event producer, RT
Productions; Dr. Jan Cobbenhagen, CEO, Maastricht
University Holding; Dr. Brian Dabson, associate director, Rural Policy Research Institute Research Professor,
Truman School of Public Affairs; Jason R. Henderson,
assistant vice president and Omaha Branch Executive, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City: Drs. Edgar
Janssens, vice president, ABN AMRO Bank; Mickey
Burns, ’69, founder and president, Quest Media; Jim
Mathewson, former District 21 Missouri senator;
Michael Clause, vice president/COO, RCR Business
Group, president/CEO, MRC Services, Inc.& MAC
Automotive Services, Inc.
1. (From left) City of Marshall Mayor Connie Latimer, Dr. Bonnie Humprhey, Dr. Benoit
Wesly, and MO House Representative Joe Aull at the opening ceremony of the Institute.
2. International guests from Maastricht, Netherlands pictured with Dr. Bonnie Humphrey
were Dr. Jan Cobbenhagen (left) and Drs. Edgar Janssens.
3. Dr. Bonnie Humphrey with Ratana Tshibanda.
4. Dr. Bonnie Humphrey with former MO Senator Jim Mathewson.
5. Jason Hendersen (left) and Dr. Earl Wellborn, MVC Chief Academic Officer.
6. Mickey Burns ’69 and Dr. Humphrey.
7. Mike Clause ’87 presented on the topic of “Entrepreneurship and the family.”
Senior Day
Employment Symposium
O ctober 2 6 , 2 0 0 7
Speakers for MVC’s Senior Day were: Bill Manion ’65, government relations consultant; E.J. Narcise ’81, co-founder
and partner of Team Services, LLC; President Bonnie Humphrey; Joe Spallina ’77, solution director of global accounts for UPS; Roger Gardner, president and COO of Learfield Communications; and Bruce Beyer ’77, technical
director for Gravure Association of America.
Page 25
MVC senior chosen for prestigious internship
Brandy Welch, MVC senior, is one of only two hundred applicants from forty colleges and universities to be accepted into
the NextGen Leader program at American Humanics. Brandy’s
application was selected following a panel review composed of
national nonprofit leaders. Brandy will receive a financial scholarship of $4,500 to assist her living expenses during her 600 hour
internship. NextGen is funded by a $5 million, multi-year grant
from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and requires the student to
complete the American Humanics Certification process. Brandy’s
selection as a NextGen Leader is a nationally recognized honor,
for not only Brandy, but also for Missouri Valley College and the
American Humanics program.
not only about helping people, but also gaining an understanding
about each other and a sense of human compassion,” said Tammy
Harrelson, MVC American Humanics campus director. “I am
extremely proud of my students and their dedication to fostering
the lives around them.”
MVC ROTC student honored by ROTC
Britney Sevy, MVC senior, was selected by Cadet Command as a
Distinguished Military Graduate, an honor bestowed to only the
top 20% of all ROTC cadets in the nation. In addition, that title
carries with her throughout her entire military career.
MVC friend celebrates 100 years
Mayfield (right) with
Connie Holmes, vice
president of student
lending at Security
Bank. Holmes nominated Mayfield for
MASFAP’s Berger
Charles “Buddy” Mayfield ’04, MVC director of financial aid, was awarded the Missouri Association of Financial Aid Personnel
(MASFAP) Bob Berger Newcomer Award
in December 2007. The award is intended to
recognize the outstanding contributions of
individuals new to the financial aid profession. Criteria for the award includes: having made outstanding contributions at the
institutional, regional, state, and/or national
levels; strive to keep students’ interest a first
priority; being dedicated to providing professional development to others and for themselves to better assist students; having given
back to the financial aid community; and having demonstrated leadership by participating
in and supporting student aid related activities
and programs. Mayfield has served as MVC’s
financial aid director since May 2005.
MVC American Humanics Student Association
Honored by community organization
The Missouri Valley College American Humanics Student Association was honored at the Optimist Club of Marshall’s 43rd Annual Installation Banquet and Awards Ceremony on September
27, 2007. The students received a certificate of appreciation for
their devoted and unselfish service to the welfare of the community and nation and for the support and cooperation so generously given to further Optimist purpose. “Community service is
Page 26
Cory Petersen
MVC financial aid director
named Newcomer of the Year
Margaret Hackler Hill
at her 100th birthday
The American Humanics Student Association joined in the 100th birthday
celebration of Margaret Hackler Hill.
Margaret Hackler Hill’s late husband Dr.
Hobart Hill was very instrumental in
helping H. Roe Bartle found the American Humanics Program at Missouri
Valley College in 1948. Dr. Hill served
as the American Humanics Campus
Director from 1950-1967 at Missouri
Valley College.
MVC student selected as Missouri S-MSTA officer
At the Missouri State Teachers Association (MSTA) State Convention in St. Louis on Friday, November 16th, Lance Weinhardt,
MVC sophomore, was elected to the state office of historian during the Student-Missouri State Teachers Association (S-MSTA)
delegates meeting. Lance currently serves as historian for the
MVC chapter of S-MSTA. Lance is the first Missouri Valley College S-MSTA member to serve on the State Executive Board for
MVC community cares for soldiers
The MVC and Marshall communities have been attempting to
make soldiers in Iraq feel a bit more at home with the Moval Cares
Project for Soldiers. Members from the MVC and Marshall communities donate funds and items for care packages that are then
sent overseas to soldiers. Some of the items that have been sent
include homemade cookies, magazines and books, lip balm, baby
wipes, beef jerky, socks, crackers, drink mixes, candy, crossword
puzzle books, artwork, gum, and much more. Notes are also
included that explain the project and the people behind it. Several
soldiers have written thank you letters and sent pictures. Dr.
Tamara King, MVC assistant professor of history, heads up the
MVC soccer field dedicated to former professor
MVC added a new student organization to its list—the MVC
Drumline. The key parts that make up the Drumline are the
snare, tenor,
and bass
drum. Gary
Anders, adjunct instructor of music,
is the director
of the newly
program. The
started with
only two,
but has since
grown to a
group of 12
drummers. The Drumline performs at home sporting events and
hopes to perform at other special events such as Homecoming
and commencement.
Cory Petersen
The MVC soccer field was dedicated as the “Reed Kepner Memorial Field” at a ceremony in September 2007. From 1962 until his
death in September 2006, Reed was a professor at MVC. He had
also served as a coach and was a member of the MVC Athletic
Hall of Fame.
MVC Drumline added to the list of student
MVC’s SIFE presents local business with award
Faculty from the division of math and science attended the Reed
Kepner Memorial Field dedication. (From left) Dr. Allan Wilson, Ed
Leslie ’61, Dr. Marilyn Belwood, Dr. Mark Mills, and Michelle (Renschin) Reinke ’97 with her daughter, Savannah.
Missouri Valley College Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)
organization and the Marshall Chamber of Commerce presented
Diehm’s Tire Service of Marshall with the fifth annual Ethics in
Action Award. The award was presented to Mike Diehm and Karen (Diehm) Maupin ’88 at Square Corner on the Marshall square
following the Chamber’s Christmas Parade Dec. 7. Bill Grace,
faculty adviser for SIFE, said the award is intended to recognize
local business that exemplify service and integrity.
MVC Alumni and friends gather pre-game
MVC alumni and friends
enjoyed reuniting with others at the newly established
tailgate area. For more
information on reserving
spots for next season, contact [email protected]
or (660) 831-4006.
1. The tailgate area is located in
the grass area south of GreggMitchell Field and west of
Burns Athletic Complex.
2. Alumni and friends enjoy the
Alumni Association barbecue
at the season opener.
3. (From left) Billy Hutchinson
’91, Troy Maupin ’94, Steve
Tuck ’78, and John Giger.
Photos by Carla Fricke
Page 27
President’s Society
Distinguished Member:
$100,000 and Above
MVC recognizes the
thousands of donors
who make everything
from scholarships to
theatre performances
to athletics possible.
This special section
the enormous
impact of giving to
Missouri Valley College.
Thank you for your support.
For information on how you
can make a difference through
a gift today or through estate
planning, visit the MVC Web
site or contact the Office of
Institutional Advancement
at (660) 831-4168 or
[email protected].
Lloyd & Iris Brown
William & Geneva Malcolm
Mack & Mary Helen Porter
President’s Society Viking
Level: $25,000 — $99,999
Hospitality Services
Kamehameha Schools
Estate of Charlotte Ann Metzger
The Sunderland Foundation
President’s Society
Honored Level:
$15,000 — $24,999
Foltz Foundation
William & Ann Kleine
President’s Society
Sustaining Level:
$10,000 — $14,999
Gault Trust
Robert Harmon
Jon & Dawnna Morris
Guy Schupp
Southern Ute Indian Tribe
Wood & Huston Bank
President’s Society Patron
Level: $5,000 — $9,999
Cynthia Claycomb
Coca-Cola Bottling Mid-America
ExxonMobil Foundation
Gary & Christina Ford
Jerry & Katherine Icenogle
Kids First Education Foundation of
Bedford & Kathryn Knipschild
Lyford Cay Foundation
MFA Foundation
James B Mitchell, Jr
Pohnpei State Government
Ron & Mary Lou Porter
Fern Rogers
Shelter Insurance Found
Oscar & Ratana Tshibanda
Viking Athletic Goods, Inc
Washington Education Foundation
President’s Society
Inner Circle Level:
$2,000 — $4,999
Gerardo & Sally Acay
Act Afas
Arlington Rotary Foundation
John Ashford
Bahamas Supermarkets Foundation
Albert & Audrey Bartlett
Page 28
John & Mary Camp
Clinton High School
Conagra Frozen Foods Scholarship
Dickinson Financial Corp
Rose Diestler
Albert Eckilson,Jr
Ehlers Memorial Student Fund
Estate Of Reed Kepner
Walker & Marjorie Fletcher
John & Shirley Gault
Robert & Debra Harmon
Nucor-Yamato Steel Company
Hartke Selma Community Foundation
Helen F Huss Scholarship
James & Sandra Hermerding
Hilton Waikoloa Village
Horatio Alger Association
Alfred & Virginia Hupp
Joe L. Mann, Jr Memorial Fund
Linda Kanagawa
Kennett School District No.39
Douglas & Connie Kiburz
Kiwanis Club Of Kennett
Lake Of The Ozarks Elks Lodge #2517
Marshall Dairy Queen
Thomas Moore
National High School Rodeo Foundation
Stephen Patton
Alonzo & Kate Pearson Scholarship
Port Group Limited
Virginia Ransburg-Pearson Scholarship
Earl & Bette Reeves
David & Jane Ross
Scholarship America
Shell Oil Co Foundation
Caroline Simmons
William J Smith
Tom & Janet Taylor
Us Smokeless Tobacco Brands, Inc.
William T King Scholarship Trust Fund
Carol Windsor
President’s Society
Member Level:
$1,000 — $1,999
Alcan Corporation
American Humanics Inc
American Quarter Horse School
Animal Fitness Ctr Dr Ava Frick 75
Darlene Arnett
Jonathan & Amber Ballenger
Bcsd Employees’ Scholarship
Bentonville School District No. 6
Glenn A Berry
Birbeck Charitable Trust
John & Gloria Blackburn
Tom & Kathy Blumhorst
Boone County Sheriff’s Department
Boys/Girls Clubs Of Greater Dallas
Bruce & Linda Brock
Karla Bruntzel
John & Sally Campbell
Carl E. Finley Trust Scholarship
Central Christian Church Disciples Of Christ
Central Missouri Agri Service
Bessie Chittwood
Choctaw Nation Okla
City Of Marshall, Missouri
George & Betty Clemens
Climax Springs Alumni Association
Ruth Coffman
Community Bank Of Marshall
Co-Mo Cares Trust,Inc
Charles & Pat Cooper
Coreslab Structures, Inc
Wayne & Marilyn Crawford
Crystal City School District
De Soto Football Club
John C & Joan Dods
Jon & Stephanie Duke
Thomas & Anna Dyer
Ed & Sandra Elliott
Esther A & Bruce S Gibbs Charitable Trust
Evans Equipment
Dan & Niki Fahnestock
Tom & Marsha Fifer
Finley Charitable Foundation, Inc
Spencer & Carla Fricke
Thomas & Masomeh Fritz
Bill Grace
Greater Kc Community Foundation
Loren Gruber
Harry & Libby Heinemann
Walter & Lynn Hicklin
Arthur & Gladys Himori
Don Huff
Dennis & Bonnie Humphrey
John & Donna Huston
Matt & Charla Huston
Iowa Tribe Of Kansas And Nebraska
John & Beverly Jarchow
Joe W Ingram Trust B Committee
Todd A & Kristie Johnson
Patricia Kean
Whitney & Day Kerr
Kiwanis Club Of Marshall
Lake Of the Ozarks Employment Services, Inc
Marsha Lashley
Charles Leimkuehler
Ed & Wendy Leslie
Earl & Margot Lubensky
Masonic Grand Lodge Of Missouri
Keith & Lona Maxey
Ed & Vicki McCloud
John & Ginger McGraw
Michael & Ann McLellan
Robert F Meinholtz
John & Mabel Minor
Missouri Women’s Golf Education
James & Renee Mitchell
Missouri Cheerleading Coaches Association
Coraden Naylor
Odd Fellows Home Assoc., Inc.
Paseo Academy Of Fine & Performing Arts
Peo Sisterhood-Chapter Ep
Craig & Katee Porter
Kent & Linda Porter
Presidential Freedom Scholarship
Tim & Pam Reeder
Jason & Charlene Roseland
Fred M Rosenberger
Rotary Club Of Clinton
Mary Russell
San Diego Co Deputy Sheriffs Foundation
Luke & Gwendolyn Scavuzzo
Scholarship Foundation Of Santa Barbara
Scholarship Program Admin, Inc.
Sedalia Area Community Foundation, Inc.
Shook, Hardy & Bacon Llp
Greg & Gena Silvey
Roger & Eugenia Sobin
George L & Dessie Stafford
Stephen Bufton Memorial Educational Fund
Larry Stockman
The Lightfoot Foundation
Time Warner Cable
Barclay Van Dyke
White River Valley Electric Coop
W.B. Young Co, Inc
Louis & Lou Wollenberg
Roberta Wood
Dale & Virginia Zank
Associate: $500 — $999
Foster’s Wine Estates Americas
Aetna Foundation, Inc
American Business Womens Assoc
Carolyn Atkins
Ava R-1 School District
Boyna Bear
Harlan & Ann Beckemeyer
Bkd, Cpa & Consulting Services
Blue Springs Ministerial Alliance
Cameron Elks Lodge #2615
City Of Providence
Alan & Kelly Clark
Community Foundation of the Ozarks
Dan Crabtree
De Soto Public School District #73
Mark W Dreith
Educational Foundation For Clinton
Farm Credit Services Of Illinois
Edward Finch, Jr
First Presbyterian Church
Fitzgibbon Hospital
Lucy Fletcher
Happy Homemakers
Mary Ann Harris
Hillsboro Community Civic Club
Nick & Leslie Huston
Chad & Soraya Jackley
Jefferson City School District
Johnny Londoff Foundation
Reed Kepner
Kohala Hawaiian Civic Club
Lamar Independent Foundation For Education
Lois J Newman Youth Fund
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church
William & Elaine Manion
Maplewood-Richmond School District
Mark Edward Fuller Memorial Scholarship
Gene & Susan Marksbury
Marshall Area Chamber Of Commerce
Troy & Karen Maupin
Mexico Jaycees
Mhc Employee School Fund
Modern Woodmen Of America
Karen Mott
National Bank Of Daingerfield
James & Kathryn Nelson
Paradise High School
Peckham Wright Architects Inc
Shirley Perryman
Porters Of Kearney
Prince Of Peace Scholarship Fund
Quinlan Isd Activity Fund
Barry R & Brenda Randolph
Remax Truman Lake
Rodeo Scholarships, Inc
Amanda Schoonmaker
Dale & Karen Schulte
Harold & Marjorie Scott
Sedalia School District Foundation Inc
Shawn Toliver Home Improvement
Sisters Alumni Of The South Pacific
Southwest Research Institute
The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day
Harvey & Irene Thomas
Tom & Marie Tompkins
Steve & Christy Tuck
Valley Women
Joseph & Linda Venezian
Vintage High School Scholarship Fund
Virginia L Thomas Trust
West Central Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Willard Tigers Booster Club
Mary Wood
Wps Resources Foundation Inc
Robert & Barbara Zahn
Sponsor: $250 — $499
American Legion Post #208
American Legion Post#223
Ashland Optimist Club
Astech Machine & Tool Co., Inc
Audrain Health Care, Inc
John W Ballinger, III
Bank Midwest
Bank Of Iberia
Lawrence & Alice Breeze
Central Mo Title, Inc
Edwin Chapline
Clinton Booster Club
William & Carol Copeland
Daingerfield-Lone Star
Patricia Eppenauer
Laura J Falcon
Family Worship Center
Ferguson-Florissant School District R-2
George Washington Carver Scholarship
Grain Valley R-5 School District
Kile & Sandi Guthrey
Page 29
Tim & Terrie Hall
Carrie Harmon
Higginsville Little League Wrestling Club
Hsbc Miss City Cntre
Hustler’s Sports Bar & Grill
Iberia Christian Youth Center
John Rector Motors, Inc
Tami Jones
La Porte Independent School District
Lafayette Co. C-1 School District
Alterta Lichte
Life Care Planning Consultants, Inc.
Carolyn Lyon
Mike & Janine Machholz
Mexico Education Association
Missouri Union Presbytery
Monroe City R-1 School District
Don & Marie Munce
Nap-Well Homemakers
Nevada State Hs Rodeo Association
Polo Booster Club
Progress Electric
Red Cross Pharmacy, Inc
David & Michelle Reinke
Evelyn I Rentchler
James & Pamela Roberts
Saline County Title Co
Sappington School Fund Scholarship
Jerald & Doris Schoonmaker
Sentinel Industries Inc
Serrone & Co
Sholarships, Inc.
Dorothy Simonsen
Dennis & Nancy Stephans
Larry Dwayne Taylor
Todd & Associates, Llc
Brad & Karen Vollmar
Daniel Weber
Warren & Linda Wenner
Phil & Debra Willard
David & Shirley Zavala
Centurion: $100 —$249
Heather Adams
Agnew Mallinckrodt Scholarship Fund
Agri-Services Of Brunswick Llc
Julie Akullian
Darrell & Brenda Anderson
Kenneth & Connie Asbury
Joseph & Linda Avena
B&J Interiors Llc
Alva & Lois Baker
Robert Baker
Stephen & Sharon Balka
Michael & Polly Barlow
Ruth E Barrett
Charles & Gearldean Battiest
Judith & Lloyd Beaudry
Thomas G Becker
Stephen & Donna Bell
Madison D Belt
Marilyn Belwood
Edith Blodgett
Bozich Construction, Inc
Page 30
Darrell Brandow
Carol Brown
Robert & Jackie Browning
Jean Brumback
Michael & Margaret Bryant
Scott & Joyce Budke
Nathan & Ophelia Burkholder
Richard & Ellie Butterfield
Carole S Smith
Anthony & Patrice Catullo
Quincy Choy Foo, Jr
Patrick & Susan Cienciwa
Roy & Joyce Clause
Comfort Inn
Cook Enterprises Llc
Martin Corso
Cypress Cattle Co Ltd
Louis & Jody D’assalenaux
Richard K Davis
Daymon Family Living Trust
Billy & Clara Dennis
Depoister Trucking Inc
Curtis Wayne Des Combes
Stephen & Caroline Dew
David & Carolyn Diehm
Glenn D & Myrna Dolence
Don Ford, Inc
Don’s Industrial Tire Unlimited, Inc.
Doug Johnston Automotive
Everett & Liz Draper
Lyle And Brenda Du Pont
Frank Edwards
Terry & Alicia Elam
David & Kathryn Eley
Equine Vet Assoc, Pc
Scott & Susan Erichsrud
Mildred Ernst
Louis G Estok
Farmers Elevator Co Of Manteno,Ill
Edward J. Fields
Dennis & Patricia Flynn
Herve Derek Fortin
Richard B. & Susan B. Francis
Bryon Frost
Marla K Frost
Bertha Funke
Thomas E Garvey
William & Carol Gillmor
Dorothea Glitzke
Daniel M Goerner
L. Wayne & Cheryl Goodin
Elaine Gordon
David & Laura Gray
David & Rosemary Gray
Jerald & Donna Grimes
Donald Gross
Paul A Grossman
Valeta Guthrey
Harvey & Doris Guthrie
Elizabeth Guymon
Lois E. Hachtmeyer
Arthur & Lisa Hains
Ron & Jayne Hall
Delores Hanner
Edward & Kara Hardesty
James & Karen Hargrave
Denton Harris
Rebecca Harrold
Leigh Ann Hartman
Steve Hartwig
James B & Carolyn Hatley
M.E. & Sue Haupt
Harold & Catherine Hayob
Jack & Jean Hearn
Dale & Rhonda Helling
Wayne Henry
Dr Henry Hoffman
Kenneth D Hotaling
Kent Houck
Wayne & Candice Howell
Rick & Joy Hummel
Iman Enterprises, Inc
Joyce Inomoto
Ginny L Irminger
Donna & Robert Jackobson
Jfm Services
Jerome & Janet Jones
John & Lisa Jones
Donald & Mary Kalthoff
Raymond Kalthoff
Tamara Kaluau
Mikio & Joyce Kamimura
Nancy Kaneshiro
Constance D Kelly
Steven & Wanda Kennedy
Bernard & Martha Ketcherside
David & Dorothy King
Joe King
Kent D Knee
Robert & Julia Landreth
Elias Lastimosa
Homer & Betty Leech
Lincoln Hubbard Reunion Comm, Inc.
James & Mary Lipscomb
Litchfield Community Unit School District
Lock Truck Line
Archie Logan
Dave & Carol Lyon
Peter Macnichols
Macon Elks Lodge
Keith Magee
Magness Construction Inc.
Guy & Peggy Molone
Donald Manning
Marathon Oil Co Foundation
Alan Markowitz
James Marquez
Casaudra Martin
Betty Martin
Frank Massaro
John & Barbara Masters
Thomas Maxwell
Rhonda M McArdle
Gerald ‘Jerry’ McCaslin
Janet McCrae
Linda McDonald
Richard & Ruth McDonough
Douglas & Ana McGlynn
Joe & Carol McHaley
Terry Miller
Robert & Bobbie Mitchell
James & Lou Ann Mohrman
Florence & Marion Molchen
Money Matters Inc
Florence Moore
Gerald & Jean Morrison
Joseph Nakoa
Donald Nascimben
Don Nelson
Carl Niewoehner
Neil & Christine Norgaard
Joseph Obucina
Ogallala High School
Cecil Orear
John Osborn
Parints Infertility Mgmt, Llc
Gene Peacock
M Burt & R Pepito
James & Opal Phillips
Richard & Deborah Ploeger
Glen & Nila Polinder
F. Ivy & Alberta Powers
John & Colleen Powers
Presbyterian Church Of Green Ridge Mo
Purcell Tire Co
Jacquelyn Putnam
R & G Steel, Inc
Virgil & Nancy Rabe
Rabius-Raulie Memorial Fund
Stan & Pamela Ratliff
Richard & Carol Raynor
Ray’s Lock & Key Service, Inc.
Rick & Anne Reagan
Joyce Ronquilio
Joe Sadewhite
Santa Fe R-10 Foundation, Inc
Herman & Willamae Schulte
Betty Schweigerdt
John & Robin Shaffer
Clyde & Coralie Simmons
Sisters Of Most Precious Blood
Grimes Slaughter
Smith Cotton High School Football Boosters
Michele & Brad Smith
J. Marvin & Virginia Sprigg
State Farm Companies Found
Lynelle Stewart
Edward Street
Sturhahn Jewelers
Norma Sugg
H. Lee & Marguerite Svenson
Gordon & Delta Tamasaka
Leslie & Sandratamasaka
Robert Taylor
Temple Baptist Church
John & Antonette Thornton
Tmf, Inc
Ginger Tobin
Darryle Todd
Dean & Bonita Tooley
Carma F. Toronto
Paul & Heather Troth
David & Marlene Van Horn
Joseph & Shauna Vasquez
Thomas James Venice
James & Dorothy Vester
Bruce & Glenna Vonbank
Jerry & Karen Walter
Nelson & Jane Weber
Ronald & Cynthia Weldon
David Wharff
Doris Whitlock
Ralph & Georgia Wienke
James & Susan Wild
Sister Katherine Wildt
Marty Willadsen
Willard R-II School District
Robert & Cathy Williams
Allan Wilson
Roger & Barbara Woods
Carole Yonamine
John ‘Bud’ & Beth Youle
William & Virginia Young
Mary Younger
Chester & Lenora Yowell
Martha Zumbrunnen
Friend: $1 — $99
A-1 Insulation & Drywall Co
Charles & Brenda Adams
Cheryl Adams
Advanced Family Chiropractic
Marvin & Grace Agre
Agrivision Llc
Felix & Benilda Agustin
Daryl & Lorine Akiyoshi
James & Tammy Aldridge
Martha Alexander
Lee Alleman
James & Betty Allen
Alan & Afton Amy
Lori Andersen
Andersin Trailer Court
Donald & Lela Anderson
Helen Anderson
Wesley & Amy Antill
Ada Appleby
David & Tina Atkinson
Shirley & Graddy Autry
B & J Oil Company
Larry & Kathy Bagby
Mark & Joan Baisch
Michael & Lynne Baisch
Ronnie & Becky Baker
Balcom Implement
Alfred & Joyce Barbagallo
Benny & Paulina Barcinas
Antonio & Maria Bardenas
Rex & Brenda Barker
Roger & Cindy Barker
Julia Barnes
Kenneth & Sandra Barry
Barry’s Elevator Llc
Dorothy Bartelson
Jennifer S & Bryan D Bartelson
Scott Bartelson
Jane Bartlett
Norma Barton
Darrren & Jane Bates
Dane & Kathleen Battiest
Barry Baugh
Tim & Valerie Baumann
Moses & Elizabeth Bautista
Lowell & Gayle Beaudry
Martina Beaudry
Kathy Becker
Sally Begay
Robert & Susan Behal
Deloris Bell
Octavia Bell
Richard & Norma Bell
Millicent Belt
Phyllis Belt
Drew & Rebecca Belt
Wilson & Patricia Belt
Dustin Berens
Leroy & Berniece Berens
Stephanie & Keith Berger
Donald Berhow
Robert & Linda Berhow
Christine Besher
Emilio Bianchi
Peter Bigford
Gary Bittle
Joyce Blackwell
Richard And Carol Blase
Harold Bliss
Carol Bohl
Deaundre & Karyn Booker
Boonesboro Country Store Llc
Jan & Kenneth Bowman
Patrick & Mary Boyle
Ethel Brack
Janet & James Brand
Randall & Janet Brandt
Richard & Bonnie Braun
Eric Bredehoeft
Jason & Falyn Bredehoeft
Michael Brelick
Allan Brennecke
William Brennecke
Cynthia Brown
Faye Brown
Alan Brown
Mona Brown
Dava Brummitt
J.T. & Laura Bryant
Ken & Virginia Bryant
Steven & Mary Bryant
Wm Neal & Margaret Bryant
Kenneth & Linda Buchmann
Jerald Budke
Steve & Alicia Buehne
Travis & Ramona Bullington
Randy & Mary Bultmann
Burgher Haus, Inc
Richard & Dorothy Burkhardt
Lowell & Kay Burns
Dorothy Burton
Vickie Burton
Martha Bush
Rev Brian Butler
Sarah Caldwell
Caridad Calibuso
Elvin & Loreli Calibuso
Freddy & Elsa Camacho
Michael & Frances Carey
Sharon Carlin
Harvey & Judee Carr
J.C. & Betty Carroll
Scott & Laura Carter
Mary Belle Case
Shirley & Terry Cassell
Eugene & Judith Castello
Enrique & Karina Castro
Bartholomew & Maria Caterino
Harry & Mary Cathey
Larry & Cassandra Cathey
Gilbert Cattoor
Cedar Creek Antiques
Laura & Adam Chamberlain
Christina & Patrick Chambers
Dallas & Lorene Chambers
Galen & Joyce Chambers
Beth Chase
Joseph & Paulette Chaves
Dorothy Cheever
Chevron Usa Inc
Jason & Shanna Chiado
Curtis & Brenda Chick
William Chinn
Velda Chong
Howard And Earlene Christ
Agnes Christensen
Carl Christensen
Christmas Creek Farm Service
Alice Christopher
Eric & Collettechung
Charles & Betty Church
Margaret Chvatal
Circle 4-B
Peter & Tracee Claas
Sherry Clampitt
Paul Clancy
William & Connie Clancy
William & Donna Clark
Ronnie & C. June Clark
Gretchen & Scott Clelland
Clemens Pool & Spa
Richard & Nellie Clemens
Martha Clemmer
Alpha & Anna Cody
Charles Coleman
John & Angela Collins
Mark & Lisa Collins
Alpha Comer
Joyce & Joy Confer
Robert & Lisa Conger
Debra Conklin
Deborah Sallee Cook
Debra Cook
Donald & Marsha Cook
Velma Cook
Cooper Lumber Co of Ava Inc
David & Sandy Copeland
Clarence & Donna Copping
Desiree Corbin
Bruce & Lyn Corey
John R Correll
Page 32
Corrie Martin
David & Kimberly Coslet
Becky Coulter
Edie Coulter
Georgia Cowan
Dora Craven
James & Valdina Creasy
David & Joan Creer
Randall & Vicki Crenshaw
Chester & Ardis Crook
F. Edward & Donna Crook
Charles & Louise Crowder
Joe & Gail Crum
Russell & Shasta Culbreth
Francis G. Cunningham, Jr.
Joseph & Agnes Daleo
William & Agatha Danenhauer
Donald Darrough
Barbara Davies
Ellen Davis
Donald & Lucille Daymon
David & Kelda De Barr
Tamara & Russell Dean
William & Wilma Dean
Lynn Defries
Bernard & Carol Deghelder
Mr. & Mrs. Steven & Lori Denes
Steve & Susie Denney
Bob Dennis
Robert J Derlato, Jr
Linda & Leon Dewey
Diamondback Steel Co, Inc
Doris Diel
Larry & Beverly Dittmer
Dk Environmental, Llc
Michael & April Dodd
Gordon Dolinar
David & Donna Doll
Steven & Sarah Donovan
Wayne & Kay Doolin
Doris Special & Deborah Malick
Sara Drummond
Ronald & Myrtle Dunigan
A. Dean & Sophina Dunn
Lawrence & Catherine Dutcher
Robert & Linda Duvall
Jimmie & Tina Dvorak
Mike & Jana Dye
Robert & Sharon Dyer
Tom & Mary Dykstra
James & Constance Eacret
Scott & Lisa Eacret
P.C. Earl
Bettye & Thomas Echert
John & Phyllis Eck
Susan Edwards
Becky & Terence Ehlers
Shirley Eisenreich
Peter Eising
Clarence & Juanita Elam
Teresa Elam
Bernice Eley
Margaret & Harold Eley
Kris & William Elkins
Michael & Linda Elliott
Robbie & Ginger Ellis
Linnie Elmore
Ruth Embree
C.S. & Jean Endecott
Ronald Engel
Shaun Erichsrud
Alfred & Moana Espinda
Derek Fallen
Jeffrey & Catherine Faucher
Leo & Beverly Faulkner
Agnes Fennewald
Donald Ferreira, Sr
Rose Fischer
Bryan & Diana Fitzpatrick
Marlene Fleeman
Johnny & Antoinette Flores
Paul & Hazel Foote
R. E. Foote
Russell & Andrea Foote
Charlie & Hilde Foreman
Shirley Forney
Forrest Chevrolet - Oldsmobile
Earlene Fosnow
Marie & David Fowler
Alvis & Connie Francis
Jerald & Beverly Frank
Donald Lee & Charlotte Franke
Franko’s Floor Cleaning
James & Pam Freeman
Robert & Gayle French
Burdetta Fricke
Matthew Fricke
Wayne Fricke
David & Darlene Friel
Jean Frost
Patrick & Stephanie Frost
Richard & Jane Fry
Jean Fuemmeler
Dixi Gaines-Clapper
Aimee Gallion
Christopher & Lanalle Gantala
Harold & Jessie Garber
Sam & Martha Garner
Melvin & Arletta Garrett
Carl Gass
Travis & Kim Geltmeier
Judith German
Donna & Thomas Giampaolo
Karen Gibler
Paul & Janet Gilbreath
Stanley & Janice Gill
Jeffrey Gillam
Sterling & Virginia Glaser
John & Judith Glass
Mary Glover
Oscar Gonzalez
Gordon Building Center, Inc.
Linda Gordon
John & Sharon Graham
Grant Park Coop Grain Co
Brooke & Sally Grant
Eleanor Grant
Robert & Carole Graves
Green & Sons Ltd Farm & Construction
Bel Greenfield
Michael & Pam Grieshaber
Alice Griffith
Carolyn Grimes
Forrest Grimes
Duane & Glenna Grisham
Rodney & Martha Grisham
Orlyn & Rachel Groeper
Mal Grogan
William & Margaret Grogan
Laura Gross
Christine Grudzinski
Ed & Pam Grzonka
Maximo & Leonila Guitang
Alan & Miriam Gustaf
Charles & Jackie Guthrey
Gary & Cathy Gutjahr
J Scott & Lori Hagely
Lenora Hains
Hale Locker
Jon & Cathy Hall
Paula Hall
Rochelle Hall
James & Jolene Hallam
Matthew & Eileen Halonen
Dena Hamilton
Edward & Lamoine Hamilton
Dan & Michelle Hancock
Daryl & Sherris Hane
Richard & Julie Haney
Daniel & Valerie Hannah
R.W. & Marolyn Hardy
Jim & Marla Hargadine
J.B. & D.F. Harrison
Steven & Pamela Harshner
Harvey Construction
Barbara Harwood
Darin & Sarah Haug
Robert & Elizabeth Hausam
Jared & Holly Hauskins
Theresa Hauskins
Derek & Abby Havens
Terry & Judy Hawley
B.R. Haymes
Thomas Hayob
Michael & Angelika Heaton
Adolf & Shirley Hebenstreit
Frank & Ruth Heinzler
John & Alice Held
Huston & Marie Helmig
John & Shirley Helton
David & Anne Henderson
Richard & Betty Henry
Denise Herrera
Jason & Megan Heussner
Eddie & Joyce Hewitson
Helen Hickam
Don & Kathy Higginbotham
Wayne & Mary Hilgeman
Delice Hill
Colin & Wendy Himori
Roy Hinton
Carol & Jerry Hjorten
Darell & Shirley Hodges
Sharon Hoeflicker
Stephanie Hoff
Linda & Lee Holdman
Tara Holloway
Gene & Connie Holt
Richard & Betty Holt
Emy & Scott Holtwick
Hopson Lumber Co
Thomas Hostetler
Phyllis Houghton
Virginia Howard
Sara Howes
James Howlett
Glenroy & Anita Hoyt
Donald & Marie Hrabe
Michael Huey
George & Jane Huff
Tom & Jane Hughes
Jean Hume
Claramae Humprey
John & Madgie Hunt
Anthony & Carol Hurtado
Mike & Mary Huston
John & Tambra Ibaviosa
Herbert & Angela Iles
Josephine Iman
J (M) Barklage Drywall, Inc.
Annie Jackson
Christine Jackson
Jeff & Brenda Jamerson
Craig & Jennifer James
Clara Janek
Curtis & Julie Jasper
Clayton & Rochelle Javillo
Donald & Marilyn Jay
Mark & Karel Jeffries
Kenny & Joann Jenkins
Samuel & Mary Lou Jenkins
Mel & Beverly Jennings
Darrell & Karen Jensen
Darrell & Reda Jensen
Kimberley & Marilyn Jensen
Shirley Jett
Ernest & Jane Ann Johnmeyer
Richard & Laura Johns
Gerald & Patricia Johnson
Navita Johnson
Robert & Linda Johnson
Lloyd & Susan Jones
Ronald & Kitty Jones
David & Sharon Jordan
John & Shirley Juriss
Stuart Karlin
John & Hope Keawe
Nancy Keene
Samuel & Barbara Keith
Kelly & Scott Kellerstrass
Cindy Kellum
Jerry Kelly
Kelly & Elaine Kelly
Kelly’s Crown & Bridge Dental Lab
Kathy & Anthony Kendrick
Randi Kent
Jessica Kerrigan
Carolyn King
J. D. & Dianne King
Jamie & Julie King
Linda King
Shirley Kitzmiller
Armin & Norma Klemme
Claude & Julie Koenig
Shawn & Megan Kornburst
James & Sheila Kramer
Krause Seeds Inc
Chad & Lindsay Krause
Marin & Pamela Krebs
Kevin & Linda Krentz
Pearl Krueger
Dennis & Nancy Kueker
Esther Kumpf
Joanne Kumpf
La Crosse Lumber Co
James & Brenda Lamb
Roger & Linda Lambright
William & Aurelie Lamkin
John & Robin Landers
John Lapp
Larkin Family Trust
Janet & Owen Larkin
Anna Larson
David & Billie Ruth Larson
Julene & Greg Larson
Rodney Larson
Timothy Larson
Roy & Audrey Larue
Robert Latimer
Percy Laughead
Fredrick & Mary Leduc
Jennifer Leeth
Tommie Legge
Edwin & Mary Lou Lenort
Gary & Carol Leslie
Mary Lewey
Bessie & Gregory Lewis
Eric & Deanna Lewis
Gwen Lewis
Jim & Julie Lewis
Jane Lewis
Marilyn Light
Ronald & Ruth Lincoln
Brian Lindsey
Sherry Mae Llewellyn
W.E. & H. Lockhart
Henrietta Locquiao
Imogene Logan
Charles & Betty Long
Michael & Jeanette Long
Russell & Bennie Long
William & Patsy Lorimer
Brenda Lueck
Allen Lundsberg
Daniel & Jane Lynch
Jim & Billie Mabry
Rich & Sandy Machholz
Misty Mackiewicz
Arthur & Joyce Maclean
Michael & Diane Magness
Sheila Mailes
Jan Maki
Gerald Mansfield
Jimmy Maples
Page 33
Michael & Susan Marcum
Michael & Rita Maria
Gary & Carole Marriott
Alvin & Arlene Marschel
Larry & Carol Marschel
Lynn & Lisa Marschel
Alice Marsh
Thomas ‘Jerry’ & Karen Marshall
Lee & Mary Marten
Cleo Martin
Joe & Michelle Martinez
Kyle Mason
Donald & Marjorie Mattson
John & Dorothy Maulsby
Jack & Phyllis Mayfield
Bernice McBride
John & Susanne McCarthy
Susan & Kerry McCarty
Gregory & Gena McCluskey
Douglas & Christine McConnell
Carol McCoy
Mike & Ann McCoy
Frank & Beverly McCracken
Christa McCulloch
Carl & Fredna McCutcheon
Gregory & Sheila McDonald
Naomi McGinn
William & Judith McKeand
B.D. & Julie McKenzie
Robert McKenzie
Michael & Crystal McKinley
James McKitterick
Donovan McLane
Lori McLane
Scott & B.K. McLane
Patricia McManus
John Melchior
Ryan & Cherie Melchior
Stephen Melies
Matthew & Clair Mellenthin
Harold & Juanita Menzies
Frank & Marjorie Meyer
Teresa Meyer
Mark & Rebecca Meyers
Richard & Debra Milham
Daniel & Lynee Miller
Edward & Kathleen Miller
William & Corlyn Miller
Claudia Milstead & Arnold Sprague
Clara Milster
Geraldine Minder
Leslie & Edward Mitsuda
Stephen & Lorna Miyamoto
Paul Moll
Steve & Pamela Moore
Daniel Morgan
Kenneth & Tracy Morgan
Donald & Melanie Morris
William & Phyllis Morris
Lisa Ann Morrise
Louis Moss
Donald & Susan Moxley
Mueller Electric, Inc
Robert Mueller
Thomas & Mary Mueller
Page 34
Mules And More, Inc
Steve & Julie Mull
Linnea Muller
Glen & Norma Myers
Nahlik Farms
Rodney & Sherri Napier
Greg Nelp
Lucille Nelson
Mary Jane Nelson
Shawn & Janell Nelson
Mary & Robert Nestor
Eddie & Alice Neufeld
Nick’s Pawn
No Te Business Services
Oley & Martha Noah
Thelma Noble
Nola Leach, Inc
Northeast Presbyterian Church
Gerry & Sharon Null
Russell & Denise Ochsner
Maureen Oday
Clyde Ogden
Ronald & Helen Ogle
On Site Sanitation Inc
Doris O’neal
Debra Joe O’neill
Daniel & Diane O’neill
Steve & Lisa Orf
Mary Orr
Omar & Elsa Ortega
Reinaldo & Maria Ortega
Orthopedic Associates Meadville, Pc
Oscar & Dora Ortiz
James & Mary Orvis
Osl, Inc
Carmen Ostroski
Greg & Lori Oswald
James & Gloria Overton
Ron& Carolpardeck
Brandy & Joseph Parker
Leanne K. Patrick
Robert & Cynthia Pavlu
Ameya Pawar
James & Brenda Pense
Peo Chapter Gm
Performance Tool, Llc
Bob & Sharon Perry
Tamara Perry
Mark & Judith Petzoldt
Cathy & Scott Phillips
Mildred Phillips
Susan Piatt
Denise & David Picarella
Douglas & Linda Pierce
Caroline Pinney
George & Ruth Pirch
Gynn & Lela Plumlee
Pogolino’s Of Festus, Inc
Mary Pogson
Benjamin & Leann Polen
Ravyn Poliahu
Stewart & Jennie Pope
Glenda & Terry Potts
Willis & Vickie L. Pretzer
John & Margaret Preus
Philip E. & Stephanie Prewitt
Cheryl Price
Robert Pritchard
Pro Design Screenprinting
Pro-Type Inc
Gerald Purcelli
Deborah Rasche
Elaine Rasmussen
Michael & Elizabeth Rasso
Chris & Floernce Ray
Herman Ray
Francis & Florence Reed
Curt & Debbie Reif
Ruth Ann & William Reimer
Cindy Reinhardt
Kenneth & Janice Renno
Rachel Repking
Kenneth & Frances Rewers
Christine Richards
Sam & Diane Richardson
Kevin & Pam Riggs
Theresa Ripley
Raymond & Geraldine Ritchey
G.M. & L. A. Rivera
J.W. & T.C. Roberson
David Roberts
R.F. Roberts
Christopher & Kimberly Robertson
Wintson & Pamela Robinette
Manuel & Patricia Rodriguez
Rod’s Western Palace
Dorothy Rogers
John & Patricia Roper
Randy & Pam Ross
Wesley & Judy Rowden
Allen Ruhe
Katie Ruhe
Kathy Russell
S & S Equipment
Robert & Lee Ann Samsel
Richard & Sandra Sand
Angie Sanders
Gladys Sanders
Melinda Sanders
Glenn & Diane Saunders
Rex & Sara Sawyer
Gerald & Roberta Sayers
Edna Saylor
Karen & Kim Schaberg
Leo & Felice Schanz
Jeff & Catherine Schnakenberg
M. & J. Schoeneman
Aaron Schoonmaker
Nancy Schott
Paul & Ramona Schrum
Charles Schuette
Florence Schuette
Barbara Schulze
Michael & Debbie Scully
Irene Sczepanski
Raymond & Etta Sczepanski
Ray Seitz
Jorge Senises
Servopro Of Marshall, Inc
James & Marilyn Seymour
James Shackelford
Cathy Shaffer
Fredie Ray Shaffer
John & Nancy Shalter
Kimberly Shaw
Valerie Shaw
Delores & Eric Shepherd
Charla Shobe
Lawanda Shobe
Joan & Robert Shropshire
Richard Sieg
William & Patricia Sinclair
Sioux City Insulation Inc
Henry & Marlene Sisbarro
Michael & Tami Skersick
Jason & Sara Slatter
Virginia Slightom
Thomas & Sharon Slonecker
Jess & Michelle Smalley
Walter Smallwood
Melinda & David Smart
Betty & Michele Smith
Ester Smith
Mary & Russell Smith
Randolph Smith
Stephen Smith
Timothy Smith
William Smith
Donald & Mary Snider
Ronald & Shirley Snyder
Joseph & Jean Solis
Clell & Marilyn Solomon
Ronna Solomon
Wayne & Deborah Somero
Ira & Vickie Sparkman
Donald & Lisa Spurgeon
St. Clair County Sheriffs Charities
Patricia Stacy
Richard & Lisa Stagner
Banski Stanislaw
Michael & Judy Staples
Randall & Mary Joanne Starkey
Craig & Rita Starnes
Arlo & Lois Starnes
State Wide Plumbing
Kathleen M. Stein
Ryan & Shanna Steitz
Leonard & Edith Stephens
James & Dixie Stevens
Roy Stevens
Khristie Stoecklein
Mark & Christine Stokes
Dale & Cynthia Stone
Sms Timothy Storms
Maryland Stoudt
Don & Pam Stouffer
Mark & Susie Strasser
Alan & Kathleen Stringer
Paul & Deborah Student
Vonda Sulliban
Edward & Peggy Sullivan
Lynn Sullivan
Yvonne Sullivan
John & Pamela Summers
Margaret & Thomas Summers
Michael Summers
Thomas & Debra Summers
James & Diane Sutton
Thomas Synnott
Mitsuko Tamasaka
Calvin & Leta Taylor
H.W. & June Taylor
James & Judith Teufel
Robin & Gina Fay Thieman
Robert Thompson
Troy & Kristy Thurman
Freda Tilling
Louise Tone
Anton & Delores Troglia
Michael & Sharon Trotta
Nellie Truelove
Edward & Amy Tucker
Dennis & Lorna Tulang
Mrs Samuel Tuthill
Colleen Tworek
Kenneth & Gladys Tygart
Gerald & Jeane Tyner
Kevin & Rebecca Uhlich
Jack & Micki Uhrig
James Unger
Samuel & Deborah Untiedt
Victor & Evangelina Uresti
Kenneth & Pamela Urtz
Margaret Valle
Francis & Verna Van Hee
Catherine Van Voorn
Charles & Tammy Vandiver
Armando & Norma Vazquez
Rebecca & Jonathan Vereb
Harvey & Lorraine Vice
Tara Vogelsmeier
Marjorie Vogt
Robert & Leslie Votaw
Guy & Darlene Wages
David & Christine Walker
Michael Walker
Gregory & Sharon Wallace
Dan & Utonda Waltz
Aaron & Lynette Ward
Lee & Linda Warford
Bruce & Ruth Watson
Lori Watson
William Watson
James & Ashley Weaver
Laura Webster
Diane Weinreich
Weith Leadership For The Future
Mike & Marie Weldon
Peter & Helen Weldon
William & Roxanne Weldon
Earl & Kathy Wellborn
Marilyn Wenzel
Merrill & Beatrice Westhoff
Gentry Whitaker
Russ & Donna Whyte
Eldred & Ruth Wieland
Eddie & Paula Wiemholt
Jeffrey & Sheila Wilke
Anita Wilkinson
Lou Wilkinson
James & Penelope Will
Scott & Nancy Willett
Jon & Melany Williams
James & Amanda Willis
Adelbert & Marjorie Wilson
Julie Wilson
Marjorie Wilson
Sandra Wilson
Sonya Wilson
Raymond & Shirley Wimsatt
Claudia Wines
Ellen Winkler
Glennon & Louise Winston
Kirk & Pamela Wissman
Christopher & Heather Woelich
Riley Woldt
Brent & Rachelle Wood
Irma & Donald Wood
Sylvia & Geraldine Wood
Dori Woods
James D & Erlene M Wright
Peggy Wright
William Wright
Martha Wyman
Philip & Luann Wymore
Lori Yamamoto
Dennis & Kathleen Yokeley
Jeanne Young
Joe & Christine Zavala
Robert R & Norma Zavala
Howard & Nancy Ziegenhorn
Mark Zielinski
Chris & Ann Zumbrunnen
John Zumbrunnen
Page 35
2008 MVC Outstanding Alumni award
2008 outstanding young alumni award
2009 MVC Athletic Hall of fame
Nomination forms available at
click the alumni link to
submit nomination forms online
contact alumni office at [email protected] or 660/831-4006
to request a nomination form
2008 OUtstanding Alumni/Young Alumni award nominations must be received by
July 10, 2008
2009 athletic hall of fame nominations must be received by january 31, 2009
Viking Views
Missouri Valley College
500 East College Street
Marshall, MO 65340