french pavilion
french pavilion
FRENCH PAVILION COSMOPROF asia 13-15 november 2013 – Hong Kong HALL 1E STAND F3 G UBIFRANCE 77 boulevard Saint-Jacques - 75014 Paris - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 40 73 31 11 - Fax: +33 (0)1 40 73 31 04 Contacts EXPANDING FRENCH BUSINESS ABROAD UBIFRANCE IN FRANCE Marie-Christine THUMEREL Tel : +33 (0)1 40 73 31 11 [email protected] Under supervision of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry, UBIFRANCE, the French Agency for international business development, is a key force in the public program for export support. In connection with the economic departments of the French embassies abroad, UBIFRANCE offers French firms a complete range of products and services to support them in their development on foreign markets: The French agency for international business development UBIFRANCE IN Hong Kong [email protected] UBIFRANCE in Japan [email protected] •2Information products, consulting, market supervision to work out their strategy of development on the international level, UBIFRANCE in Shanghai [email protected] •2Actions of promotion to favour partnerships with foreign companies. UBIFRANCE in Taïwan [email protected] 2 Status: Public institution with industrial and business nature UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 french buzz FRENCH BUZZ At the French pavilion: come and visit the French BUZZ zone 1 E F3G Reflecting the French industry vitality, The French Pavilion is delighted to announce the presence of a "French BUZZ Zone" on a 60 sqm surface. This hightly visible showcase will promote 10 companies, exhibiting at the COSMOPROF ASIA Show. Buyers will then benefit from new opportunities of business matching. 1- Tulecos - Booth F3Fa 7- Néomist - Booth F3Fg 2- Biostase - Booth F3Fb 8- Indemne - Booth F3Fk 3- Delta Partners - Booth F3Fc 4- ABC Texture - Booth F3Fd 9- Boudoir Films - Booth F3Fh 10- Famille Mary - booth F3Fj 5– Sens & Spirit - Booth F3Fe 6– Laboratoire Ariland - Booth F3Ff UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 3 IFSCC IFSCC 2014 c/o COLLOQUIUM 13-15 rue de Nancy 75010 Paris - france Tel : +33 (0)1 44 64 15 15 - Fax : +33 (0)1 44 64 14 90 Contacts Sylvie MUNDLER Key Account Manager Tel : +33 (0)1 44 64 14 69 [email protected] Alexandra SCHALLER Key Account Manager Mob.: +33 (0)1 44 64 14 87 [email protected] 6 The 28th IFSCC Congress will take place in the Palais des Congrès in Paris from October 27th to 30th 2014. The Organizing Committee wishes to make this congress a memorable event in the ‘City of lights’. France, the second European cosmetic market is organizing this event for the fourth time. The chosen theme «Cosmetic innovation and performance for beauty and well-being» summarizes the important trends in the cosmetology of the future. The quality of the conferences and the reputation of the international speakers will assure a high standard of scientific information and lead to many fruitful exchanges. The exhibition will take place simultaneously and will allow all the delegates to discover the latest developments of cosmetic ingredients suppliers and innovations in evaluation methods and equipment. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 CONTENTS page hall 1 : produits finis page Booth Booth CREASCENTS ������������������������ 36 F1G Creme Simon ���������������������� 37 F5Db ABELLIE �������������������������������� 14 F3Fj ALPOL COSMETIQUE ������������ 15 F1K CYPREOS France EPONGES ������������������������������ 38 F2K ALVEND LABORATOIRE �������� 16 F5B DELTA PARTNER’S����������������� 39 F3Fc ANNY JEAN ��������������������������� 17 F6Fb Detaille 1905 ���������������������� 40 F1Cb ARGANDIA ����������������������������� 18 F4Bb ESPA sa �������������������������������� 41 F5E ARKOPHARMA ���������������������� 19 F3E EFB beaute ������������������������� 42 F3H ASEPTA ���������������������������������� 20 F4H EVOLUDERM ������������������������� 43 F4E BIO AROMES ������������������������� 21 F5F FINESSENCE ������������������������� 44 F4Ba Laboratoire BIO-EC ���������� 22 F4G FOUCAUD Paris ������������������� 45 F7 Bio-Logical ������������������������� 23 F7A HAIRGUM/K POUR KARITE ��� 46 F3Ff BIOCYTE �������������������������������� 24 F4A INDEMNE ������������������������������ 47 F3FK BIOSTASE ������������������������������ 25 F3Fb LABORATOIRES INELDEA ����� 48 F1E Boudoir Films ������������������� 26 F3Fh INSTITUT KARITé PARIS ������� 49 F6Fc BRETAGNE COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL ������������������� 27 Intertek ����������������������������� 50 F6DA F3A IPRA FRAGRANCES �������������� 51 F6G BRETAGNE COSMETIQUES MARINS ��������������������������������� 28 F3a Laboratoires BEA ������������� 52 F4Jb CEGEDIS �������������������������������� 29 F6Cb Laboratoires BIOPHA ������� 53 F5J Centifolia �������������������������� 30 F3B Lab. DERMA - SARL Cabinet CONTINENTAL ���������������������� 54 F3D CFFC �������������������������������������� 31 F5A LABORATOIRE GRAVIER ������� 55 F2A CORSICA ESSENCES ������������ 32 F2H COSMED �������������������������������� 33 F4Ca Laboratoires NUTRISANTé ������������������������ 56 F4F COSMETIC VALLEY ���������������� 34 F5Hb LABORATOIRE PYC ��������������� 57 F1A COVERPLA ���������������������������� 35 F2F Laboratoire Rosier Davenne ���������������� 58 F2C UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 7 CONTENTS page Booth LANGé paris ������������������������ 59 F5L SENS ET SPIRIT �������������������� 81 F3Fe LE PETIT OLIVIER ����������������� 60 F2B SOLYVIA ��������������������������������� 82 F2G LESSONIA ������������������������������ 61 F1D TECHNATURE ����������������������� 83 F6E LMC ��������������������������������������� 62 F4Ja TOOFRUIT PARIS ������������������� 84 F5HA LV Cosmetic’s �������������������� 63 F5Da TULÉCOS ������������������������������� 85 F3Fa LOVEA Nature ��������������������� 64 F4Kb UNHYCOS ������������������������������ 86 F1H LYON SKIN CARE ������������������ 65 F2J VTA France ������������������������� 87 F6B M MICALLEF ������������������������� 66 F1B Woman Essentials ����������� 88 F5Gb Manufacture française de bougies �������������������������� 67 F6Fa hall 3E : instituts, spas MARIANNE ROSE ������������������ 68 F2D Mediatic Labs �������������������� 69 F3C NEOMIST® ����������������������������� 70 F3Fg OMOYé ����������������������������������� 71 F6SB PARFUMS DE PARIS INTERNATIONAL ������������������� 72 8 page Booth F4Cb BIOLOGIE PIERRE BOUTIGNY ��������������� 90 D1F BIOLOGIQUE RECHERCHE ��� 91 D1A CHARME D’ORIENT �������������� 92 D1D GROUPE BATTEUR INTERNATIONAL ������������������� 93 D1C PHYTOCéANE ������������������������ 94 D1E D1B PAYAN BERTRAND GENERAL AROMATICS ���������� 73 F6J SOLAROMA ��������������������������� 95 Parfum de France ����������� 74 F6A hall 5G : PHYDERMA PARIS ���������������� 75 F1F Phytocosma international ������������������� 76 F6K PIER AUGÉ ���������������������������� 77 F5Ga PLISSON �������������������������������� 78 F1Ca RAMPAL LATOUR ������������������ 79 F4Ka SCDLAB ��������������������������������� 80 F6Ca raw materials, private label FRENCH COSMETIC WORKSHOP ��������������������������� 98 F2Dc FRENCH COSMETIC WORKSHOP CHINA ��������������� 99 F2Da strand cosmetics europe ������������������������������ 100 F2Db UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 Floor Map hall UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 1 9 Floor Map hall 10 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 1 Floor Map UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 hall 3 hall 5 11 hall 1 : produits finis page 12 Booth page Booth ABELLIE �������������������������������� 14 F3Fj CREASCENTS ������������������������ 36 F1G ALPOL COSMETIQUE ������������ 15 F1K Creme Simon ���������������������� 37 F5Db ALVEND LABORATOIRE �������� 16 F5B ANNY JEAN ��������������������������� 17 F6Fb CYPREOS France EPONGES ������������������������������ 38 F2K ARGANDIA ����������������������������� 18 F4Bb DELTA PARTNER’S����������������� 39 F3Fc ARKOPHARMA ���������������������� 19 F3E Detaille 1905 ���������������������� 40 F1Cb ASEPTA ���������������������������������� 20 F4H ESPA sa �������������������������������� 41 F5E BIO AROMES ������������������������� 21 F5F EFB beaute ������������������������� 42 F3H Laboratoire BIO-EC ���������� 22 F4G EVOLUDERM ������������������������� 43 F4E Bio-Logical ������������������������� 23 F7A FINESSENCE ������������������������� 44 F4Ba BIOCYTE �������������������������������� 24 F4A FOUCAUD Paris ������������������� 45 F7 BIOSTASE ������������������������������ 25 F3Fb HAIRGUM/K POUR KARITE ��� 46 F3Ff Boudoir Films ������������������� 26 F3Fh INDEMNE ������������������������������ 47 F3FK LABORATOIRES INELDEA ����� 48 F1E INSTITUT KARITé PARIS ������� 49 F6Fc Intertek ����������������������������� 50 F6DA IPRA FRAGRANCES �������������� 51 F6G Laboratoires BEA ������������� 52 F4Jb Laboratoires BIOPHA ������� 53 F5J BRETAGNE COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL ������������������� 27 F3A BRETAGNE COSMETIQUES MARINS ��������������������������������� 28 F3A CEGEDIS �������������������������������� 29 F6Cb Centifolia �������������������������� 30 F3B CFFC �������������������������������������� 31 F5A CORSICA ESSENCES ������������ 32 F2H Lab. DERMA - SARL Cabinet CONTINENTAL ���������������������� 54 F3D COSMED �������������������������������� 33 F4Ca LABORATOIRE GRAVIER ������� 55 F2A COSMETIC VALLEY ���������������� 34 F5Hb COVERPLA ���������������������������� 35 F2F Laboratoires NUTRISANTé ������������������������ 56 F4F UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 page Booth LABORATOIRE PYC ��������������� 57 F1A Laboratoire Rosier Davenne ���������������� 58 F2C LANGé paris ������������������������ 59 F5L LE PETIT OLIVIER ����������������� 60 F2B LESSONIA ������������������������������ 61 F1D LMC ��������������������������������������� 62 F4Ja LV Cosmetic’s �������������������� 63 F5Da LOVEA Nature ��������������������� 64 F4Kb LYON SKIN CARE ������������������ 65 F2J PARFUMS M MICALLEF �������� 66 F6J Manufacture française de bougies �������������������������� 67 F6Fa MARIANNE ROSE ������������������ 68 F2D Mediatic Labs �������������������� 69 F3C NEOMIST ����������������������������� 70 F3Fg OMOYé ����������������������������������� 71 F6SB PARFUMS DE PARIS INTERNATIONAL ������������������� 72 F4Cb ® PAYAN BERTRAND GENERAL AROMATICS ���������� 73 F1B Parfum de France ����������� 74 F6A PHYDERMA PARIS ���������������� 75 F1F Phytocosma international ������������������� 76 F6K page Booth PIER AUGÉ ���������������������������� 77 F5Ga PLISSON �������������������������������� 78 F1Ca RAMPAL LATOUR ������������������ 79 F4Ka SCDLAB ��������������������������������� 80 F6Ca SENS ET SPIRIT �������������������� 81 F3Fe SOLYVIA ��������������������������������� 82 F2G TECHNATURE ����������������������� 83 F6E TOOFRUIT PARIS ������������������� 84 F5HA TULÉCOS ������������������������������� 85 F3Fa UNHYCOS ������������������������������ 86 F1H VTA France ������������������������� 87 F6B Woman Essentials ����������� 88 F5Gb UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 13 HALL 1E STAND F3Fj organic, honey, royal jelly, propolis, beehive ABELLIE ABELLIE BEAU RIVAGE - 49450 SAINT-ANDRE DE LA MARCHE - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)2 41 55 35 79 - Fax: +33 (0)2 41 55 73 51 Contacts Thomas FILLAUDEAU Responsable Export Mob.: +33 (0)6 86 24 01 64 [email protected] Benoît MARY - PDG Mob.: +33 (0)6 12 41 80 71 [email protected] Abellie is the creation of Famille Mary, the honey and beehive products French specialist. Since 1921, Famille Mary is dedicated to the world of bees to benefit of its treasures. Today, with our cosmetics brand "Abellie", we propose innovative, efficient and eco-friendly cares. These cosmetics associate honey, for its softness, and royal jelly, for its revitalizing effects, with plants & flowers. We have created organic cares for the face, the body and the hair in a complete range of products composed of day & night cream, serum, lift, milk or lotion for example. Thanks to our experience, these products fill with consumer’s requirements that are looking for organic, efficient, responsible and pleasant products. We invite you to discover this unique beauty’s elixir that bees and nature created for us. 14 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F1K SKIN-CARE, FORMULATION, MANUFACTURING, FILLING, DERMOCOSMETICS ALPOL COSMETIQUE ALPOL COSMETIQUE 140 RUE PASTEUR ZA - 01500 CHATEAU GAILLARD Tel: +33 (0)4 74 38 51 00 - Fax: +33 (0)4 74 34 51 65 Contacts Florian CREST Export Sales Manager Mob.: +33 (0)6 24 60 75 39 [email protected] Philippe FAURE Plant Director Mob.: +33 (0)6 13 55 11 23 [email protected] Jérome SIX Managing Director Mob.: +33 (0)6 08 31 24 55 [email protected] For more than 65 years Alpol Cosmétique has been the reliable partner of the leading cosmetic and dermocosmetic brands in France and abroad. Our R&D department develops and offers "taylor made" skin care formulations but can also suggest standard and tested formulations issued from our catalog. Alpol Cosmetique facility is GMP iso 22716 certified, ecocert certified for organic products and approved for the production of HALLAL products. We also provide marketing and registration support as well as full service. We will be delighted to welcome you on our booth to introduce our different product ranges: sun protection (SPF tested), natural & organic, antiaging, dermocosmetic, spa, beauty salons… UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 15 HALL 1E STAND F5B Manufacturer of organic certified personal care and skin care products (including a Premium range of anti-ageing skincare) ALVEND LABORATOIRE ALVEND LABORATOIRE (NATURE & STRATEGIE GROUP) Z.A LES DOUETS JAUNES - 49360 SOMLOIRE - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)2 41 55 66 65 - Fax: +33 (0)2 41 55 66 57 - Contacts Marina YOU Coordinatrice Export Mob.: +33 (0)6 74 83 47 29 [email protected] Marjorie BOUDAUD Commerciale Export [email protected] French laboratory specialized in the manufacturing of organic and eco-friendly cosmetics and personal care products. Various brands offer and Private Label Manufacturer (OEM) for French & international customers. Other Products/activity: Ecological household cleaning products and natural hygiene for pets (own brands and OEM projects) Labels/Certifications : COSMEBIO label (compliant with European COSMOS standards), ECOCERT Certification. 16 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F6Fb Private Label, Contract Manufacturer, OEM ANNY JEAN ANNY JEAN LABORATORIES ZI du Grand Mussuguet - 45 avenue Gay Lussac 13470 CARNOUX-EN-PROVENCE - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 42 73 68 00 - Fax: +33 (0)4 42 73 68 49 Contacts Thomas NANTILLÉ Marketing Manager Tel: +33 (0)4 42 73 68 00 [email protected] Jean NANTILLÉ General Manager Tel: +33 (0))4 42 73 68 00 [email protected] You wish to launch your range of Cosmetics or Perfumes at your brand image? ANNY JEAN LABORATORIES are your solution! Established in 1948 in the heart of Provence French Riviera, Anny Jean has an experience of more than 65 years in the Perfume and Cosmetic field - Specialized in Contract Manufacturing, OEM Private Label and Full Service offers. Thanks to our numerous partnerships with many dedicated companies, we are able to develop your full range of cosmetics and perfumes "à la carte", from the design to the packaging, including Formulation, Research & Development, as well as Production. We also have a wide catalog of Standard Formulas, already tested and ready to sell. Certified by Ecocert ®, we can develop Organic and Natural products, as well as traditional ones. Our 2000 square meter facilities, with fully integrated laboratories, especially created for any type of development, include a Microbiological Tests department In conformity with the Cosmetics Good Manufacturing Practices. Our Internal Quality System as well as our powerful Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) include reliable and efficient procedures. All our manufacturing steps are followed by ERP (batch production from a few kilograms to several tons). Anny Jean has a powerful, performing and cutting edge producing and filling lines machinery regularly updated, to meet all your specific requests. We assist you during all along the development of your projects, throughout the various stages of technical and legal aspects before entering the market (we also help you in drawing up all the requested regulatory files). UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 17 HALL 1E STAND F4Bb Fair-trade and organic cosmetics ARGANDIA ARGANDIA ZA LE CAMP BERNARD - 84110 SABLET - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 90 12 35 85 - Fax: +33 (0)4 90 12 35 86 Contacts Thierry RECOUVROT Gérant Mob.: +33 (0)6 77 78 95 54 [email protected] Christian GABEZ Responsable Export Mob.: +33 (0)6 73 73 08 91 [email protected] Beautiful, human, organic and socially responsible, ARGANDIA is the result of an encounter and a sharing with the women of some Moroccan cooperatives. The secret of these Berber women’s glowing beauty lies at the heart of the Argan tree and the Barbary fig tree. This is where they find two miraculous oils, with thousands of virtues, handed down from mother to daughter for generations. To keep intact the oils’ exceptional properties, the extraction and formulation processes follow the Ecocert organic cosmetic specification. Argandia has set up an Argan fair-trade sector controlled by Ecocert. The goal is to ensure that these women’s secret and know-how in cultivating and producing Argan oil can be developed and that they will fairly benefit from this development. Argandia guarantees an argan oil of exceptional and unique quality, in a spirit of fairness and sharing. 18 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F3E COSMETICS, FOOD SUPPLEMENTS ARKOPHARMA Laboratoires ARKOPHARMA - PLANTE SYTEM Lid de Carros Le Broc - BP 28 - 06511 CARROS CEDEX - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 93 29 11 28 - Fax: +33 (0)4 93 29 11 62 Contact Pierre Lafitte Responsable Marketing International Mob.: +33 (0)6 26 16 38 19 [email protected] Arkopharma Laboratories are the leaders in food supplements in France and in phytotherapy in Europe. Successful for their skills, their expertise and their leadership, Arkopharma Laboratories markets a natural cosmetics range with plants extracts: PLANTE SYSTEM. This made in France range is made of "Les Soins Experts" and "Les Soins BIO", 100% organic certified. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 19 HALL 1E STAND F4H AKILEINE, ECRINAL, COUP D’ECLAT, VITA CITRAL, HELIABRINE ASEPTA Laboratoires ASEPTA 1-3 avenue Albert 2 - 98000 MONACO Tel: +377 9205 5695 - Fax: +377 9205 3394 Contacts François MAS Directeur Export Mob.: +33 (0)6 78 63 53 89 [email protected] Brice FROMION Assistant [email protected] Founded in 1943 in the Principality of Monaco, Asepta is among the key players in dermo pharmacy in France and several other European countries. Akileine is the leading brand in France for footcare products. Ecrinal is also number 1 in nail treatments. A hair line with exclusive active ingredients is also available under Ecrinal. It is popular in many foreign countries. Vita Citral is co leader in the handcare market, and Coup d’Eclat, the inventor of Lifting Beauty Ampoules, will feature its renovated line for the first time at Cosmoprof 2013. 20 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F5F BIO AROMES BIO AROMES ZA des Boisselieres - 28340 LAMBLORE - FRANCE tel: +33 (0)2 37 37 69 10 Contact Stéphane FETIS [email protected] UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 21 HALL 1E STAND F5J Tests d’objectivation, tests d’efficacité Laboratoire BIO-EC Laboratoire BIO-EC 1 chemin de Saulxier - 91160 Longjumeau - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 69 41 42 21 - Fax: +33 (0)1 69 41 61 65 Contacts Elian LATI Directeur Mob.: +33 (0)6 84 49 57 47 [email protected] Pauline MEUNIER Technico-commercial Tel: +33 (0)1 69 41 47 63 [email protected] Laboratoire BIO-EC is a research center specialized in effectiveness test on cosmetic products (raw material or finish products), dermaceuticals, or nutritional food supplements. Its activities are organized around several sectors: • Ex vivo studies, on human skin living explant coupled with histological study. This model permits to evaluate several claims and all types of products (liquid, solid…). • In vivo studies, with biometrological tools, on specific volunteers panels (like Asian persons). • Transcutaneous penetration evaluation (Franz cells). • RAMAN studies. • Partnership for DNA microarray. 22 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F7A Organic skin and body care Bio-Logical BIO-Logical Cosmetiques 71 rue Etienne Dolet - 94140 Alfortville - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)9 54 24 36 77 Contacts Jean-Marc Hayat CEO Tel: +33 (0)9 54 24 36 77 [email protected] Solen Blanchet Brand Manager Tel: +33 (0)9 54 24 36 77 [email protected] With the increased worldwide consumer demand for natural and organic skin care items, Bio-Logical Cosmétiques, a France based marketer of natural beauty products, announced the launch of their brand, Bio-Logical. The company encourages modern consumers to embrace cruelty-free, more natural skin care routines by providing a four range line that is customizable, effective, fun and easy to use. Bio-Logical was created on behalf of the wives and daughters of the brand founders to provide safe, natural beauty solutions which did not contain harmful chemicals that could possibly accumulate in the body over time or degrade the environment. As food enthusiasts and organic wine traders, Bio-Logical’s founders Jean Marc and Frederic knew that nature supplies great gifts to nourish the body from the inside, and believed an opportunity existed to create a line of natural and organic skincare products which used those same gifts to nourish the skin from the outside. Guided by the basic principle that the simplest ideas are generally the most effective, both were committed to producing real skincare solutions with simple, naturally derived and organic ingredients; uncomplicated usage directions; and minimal packaging. As Parisians, both understood that skincare is a lifelong commitment so it was critical that the products be effective, easy and fun to encourage incorporation into a regular, daily skincare routine. Formulated to be gentle and non-irritating yet very efficient, these treatments challenge misconceptions about the efficacy of natural products. And, deviating from the traditional use of apothecary or natureinspired packaging and graphics, Bio-Logical’s natural formulas are presented in modern, sleek containers with updated delivery systems and bold, trendy, colorful graphics. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 23 HALL 1E STAND F4A BIOCYTE IPV BIOCYTE 1555 Avenue de la Plaine - 06250 Mougins - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 93 61 20 65- Fax: +33 (0)4 93 61 19 30 Contacts Frédéric LEVY Managing Director Mob.: +33 (0)6 98 91 07 68 [email protected] Philippe BRUNEAU Managing Director Mob.: +33 (0)6 62 92 97 63 [email protected] 24 Biocyte Laboratory, Expert in Nutricosmetics, has built a reputation as the new international marketleading reference of dietary supplements. The brand’s full knowledge, energy and permanent innovation are put to work to provide a highend range of products boasting beauty and anti-aging benefits. Biocyte benefits from incomparable experience in developing the new nutrients of the future. As a result, Biocyte has naturally found its ace on the market with a new unique nutricosmetic and anti-aging offer. The Laboratory combines age defence with a special goal: to preserve your beauty, the beauty of your skin and the beauty of your body for longer. With formulas based on effective active ingredients, Biocyte is successfully sustaining and expanding its growth. Consumers are loyal and attached to a brand they consider to be effective. Another plus for Biocyte: our innovative hightech image helps further strengthen our success among consumers UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 FRENCH BUZZ HALL 1E STAND F3Fb luxury skin care, SPA, anti-age, whitening, natural, precious gemstones BIOSTASE BIOSTASE 66, RUE MIROMESNIL - 75008 PARIS - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)2 38 39 85 19 - Fax: +33 (0)2 38 39 86 92 Contacts Frédéric NOBLOT Export Manager Mob.: +33 (0)6 07 39 08 29 [email protected] Nadia ABULIGESEI Export Sales and Training Manager Mob.: +33 (0)6 88 96 71 99 [email protected] My name is Frederic Noblot and I have spent the last 25 years travelling the world discovering nature’s properties and how they can benefit the skin. I have brought these discoveries of flavors, fragrances and textures into the laboratory and using my innovative and original techniques I have created new formulas for our exclusive and luxurious ranges. We all deserve Luxury in our life as it makes us feel loved and special. As someone who pays attention to details in life I undestand that need. This is why I have made it my mission to peruse excellence in cosmetic architecture. I have pushed the boundaries with new textures, smells and sensations and I have added revolutionary biological properties to create products that work and have now earned Biostase its quiet and prestigious reputation. Enjoy and live with luxury! Frédéric Noblot - Architect of Modern Cosmetics. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 25 FRENCH BUZZ HALL 1E STAND F3Fh Creation and Production of Stills and Movies for Beauty Boudoir Films Boudoir Films 21 rue Faidherbe - 75011 Paris - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 49 09 69 09 - Fax: +33 (0)1 55 31 27 36 Contacts Virginie Dinh Producteur executif Mob.: +33 (0)6 12 57 83 79 [email protected] Laurent Seroussi Photographe Réalisateur Graphiste Mob.: +33 (0)6 32 39 11 35 [email protected] Boudoir film is a French production company and represents directors specialized in beauty, put their talents at the service of cosmetics brands for the creation and production of advertising films, promotes the knowledge of French technical teams for filming in France, a symbol of luxury and refinement in the world, and ensures the creation of the film delivered, the manufacturing process in close artistic collaboration with its customers. Boudoir’s clients: La parisienne YSL, La nuit de l’homme YSL, Kenzo Amour,Flower by Kenzo, Versus Versace, Biotherm, Inoa. 26 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F3A BRETAGNE COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL BRETAGNE COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL PARC EOLYS - 16C RUE JOUANET - CS 20834 35708 RENNES CEDEX 7 - france Tel: +33 (0)2 99 25 04 04 - Fax: +33 (0)2 99 25 04 00 Contacts Annie BERTHELOT Chargée d’affaires Santé et Environnement Mob.: +33 (0)6 74 83 47 29 [email protected] Adrienne GENTIL Chargée de projet Actions Collectives [email protected] Bretagne Commerce International is a non-profit association of private companies located in Western France. We are entrusted by the Regional Government of Bretagne and the regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry to internationalize the Breton economy through: •A customized support to Breton and foreigncompanies: export, sourcing, partnership, creation of a subsidiary… •Collective initiatives: trade fairs, exploratory business trips, international public, end to end business initiatives. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 27 HALL 1E STAND F3A THALION PROFESSIONAL COSMETIC RANGE BRETAGNE COSMETIQUES MARINS THALION PRAT MENAN - 29880 PLOUGUERNEAU - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)2 98 04 59 69 - Fax: +33 (0)2 98 04 55 15 Contacts Rodolphe GAGNEPAIN International Export Manager Mob.: +33 (0)6 16 40 40 88 [email protected] Noël GUELENNOC International Export Manager Mob.: +33 (0)6 13 16 50 95 [email protected] Our family-owned company, based in the heart of the Iroise Sea (Brittany - France), benefits from a unique know-how in the workmanship of the seaweed industry - from the harvesting process to the production of finished products. Thanks to all the richness of the marine environment, our laboratories develop and deliver effective cosmetic treatments and products, highly concentrated in active ingredients, with one of the most competitive prices in the market. THALION, our flagship label distributed in 45 countries worldwide, is a professional beauty skincare brand offering a full range (women & men) of cabine and retail products. The THALION’s 37 professional treatments, reflecting the marine brand’s know-how, combine exclusive gestures with unique formulas. These treatments invite us to discover a universe of beauty and well-being. 28 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F6Cb CEGEDIS CEGEDIS 11 avenue Louis Pasteur - 28630 GELLAINVILLE - FRANCE tel: +33 (0)2 37 91 54 50 Contact Michel BARBAISE [email protected] UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 29 HALL 1E STAND F3B Certified organic cosmetics Ecocert, hygiene, anti ageing, baby range Centifolia SAS CENTIFOLIA 18 PA de l’estuaire - 56190 ARZAL - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)5 49 65 66 18 - Fax: +33 (0)5 49 65 49 57 Contacts Amy WONG Responsable Export Mob.: +33 (0)6 72 07 77 15 [email protected] Olivier GUILBAUD Président [email protected] Our products are formulated and produced at the CENTIFOLIA laboratory (located in Brittany, France), which has vast savoir-faire developed by working with organic cosmetics for nearly 30 years. We offer a wide range of cosmetics from shower gels and shampoos to vegetable/essential oils, new anti-ageing range and make your own cosmetics. Our new Ecocert certified baby range all contains a minimum of 98% natural ingredients and 65% Ecocert certified organic ingredients. One of the highest certified organic baby ranges on the market! The whole range has been dermatologically tested and is free from essential oils and alcohol. Gentle formulas, soft textures and a light scent for intimate and tender moments with your baby! 30 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F5A Perfumes, Fragrances, Cosmetics CFFC - conservatoire français des fragrances & cosmétiques Château de Versailles, Jardins de Versailles 12-14 Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées 75008 Paris - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 53 53 16 31 - Fax: +33 (0)1 53 53 14 00 Contact Patrice MICHEL Directeur Général - Gérant Mob.: +33 (0)6 22 20 60 44 [email protected] CFFC-Conservatoire Français des Fragrances et Cosmétiques is a French company which has been officially appointed by the "Etablissement Public du Château, Musée et du Domaine National de Versailles" for the design, creation, development and for the worldwide distribution of the "Château de Versailles" perfumes. In 2013, in addition to the existing lines (7 SKUs), new fragrances directly inspired by the utmost expression of luxury and refinement "à la Française" will be again introduced to the visitors of the Hong Kong Cosmoprof-Asia. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 31 HALL 1E STAND F2H DERMOCOSMETIC - FRAGRANCE - PRIVATE LABEL CREATION CORSICA ESSENCES CORSICA ESSENCES - FLEURS DE MAQUIS - SHADELINE A MARINASCA GIOVICACCE - 20134 SAMPOLO - CORSICA - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 95 23 45 81 - Fax: +33 (0)4 95 23 45 88 Contact Patrick PAQUET C.E.O. Mob.: +33 (0)6 73 61 17 29 [email protected] 32 Nestled in a chestnut tree grove, in the heart of the island’s mountains and on the highly protected territory of the Natural Park of Corsica, Corsica Essences company, through its Fleurs de Maquis trademark, offers to the most demanding devotee of well-being, a line of healthy products respectful of the human body as well as the environment. Our R&D activity and our experience with natural raw materials allow for the creation of exceptional cosmetic products and perfumes. Françoise and Patrick Paquet offer an original line of products inspired by the aromatic diversity of the island. A highly specialized expertise, combining a perfume artist’s irreplaceable international experience with the most sophisticated technologies enables Corsica Essences to offer a full range of products: a line of stimulating perfumes; protective anti-aging moisturizers derived from everlasting and samphire flowers; and a line of soap and shower gels for the most sensitive skins. Dermocosmetic and medical devices development and manufacture, GMP-ISO22716 certified. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F4Ca Representation and support for SMEs cosmetics COSMED COSMED LA CITÉ DE LA COSMÉTIQUE - 2 RUE ODETTE JASSE 13015 MARSEILLE - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 91 90 62 89 - Fax: +33 (0)4 91 91 98 33 Contacts Stéphanie PETITJEAN MIRATON Congress & Events Manager Mob.: +33 (0)6 25 68 27 36 [email protected] Jean-Marc GIROUX Président [email protected] COSMED, the association of SMEs in the cosmetics industry, accompanies more 630 companies throughout France, what represents 18 000 jobs and a turnover of more than 3.7 billion euro. COSMED represents its members to the European Commission and to the French institutions. COSMED supports companies in their compliance with the regulations, issue certificates of free sale for export, organizes training and specialized in the cosmetics industry events. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 33 HALL 1E STAND F5Hb World’s Leading Perfumery Cosmetics Network COSMETIC VALLEY COSMETIC VALLEY 1 Place de la Cathédrale - 28000 CHARTRES - France Tel: +33 (0)2 37 21 12 11 - Fax: +33 (0)2 37 20 03 81 Contacts Franckie VENET Export & Communication Manager Mob.: +33 (0)6 32 10 35 57 [email protected] Jean-Luc ANSEL General Manager Mob.: +33 (0)6 09 40 63 29 [email protected] Cosmetic Valley is the leading worldwide resources centre in perfumes and cosmetics, from raw materials to testing through to the finished products and packaging. This cluster joins together 800 companies including Dior, L’Oréal, Guerlain, Hermès, Coty, Paco Rabanne, Shiseido, Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel…& 78% SMEs, 7 universities, CNRS, INRA, 136 training institutes, 226 research laboratories which are working in partnership with firms to develop innovative, competitive and sustainable projects for the beauty of tomorrow. 34 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F2F primary packaging components for fragrances COVERPLA COVERPLA 301 Bld de l’observatoire - 06300 Nice - France Tel: +33 (0)4 93 76 78 10 - Fax: +33 (0)4 93 76 62 16 Contacts Jacques Jourlait DG [email protected] Bruno Diepois Président Mob.: +33 (0)6 04 52 41 65 [email protected] For over 65 years, Coverpla has been manufacturing and distributing primary packaging components for Perfumery and Cosmetics. With hundred of different instock bottles and caps, in combination with our injection molding, pump assembly and decorating facilities, we provide a full service and bring unique packages to market. Coverpla, one company, endless possibilities. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 35 HALL 1E STAND F1G PERFUME DESIGNER CREASCENTS Daniel HARLANT 22 BIS BD DU GAL LECLERC - 92200 NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 47 98 90 53 - Fax: +33 (0)1 47 99 89 39 Contacts Alexandre HARLANT Gérant Mob.: +33 (0)6 98 85 35 10 [email protected] Guillaume MANTEL Responsable des Ventes [email protected] 36 Creascents has built its expertise around an intimate knowledge of raw materials. We use rare essential oils and subtle bouquets to produce creative and original compositions. A true perfume is born of this perfect balance between know-how and natural talent. At the heart of our business ethics is a dedication to delivering high quality service. Creascents analyses its clients’ needs and designs custom perfumes for all types of perfumed products. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F5Db Climate-customized natural skincare for Asian skin Creme Simon CrEme Simon Pte Ltd 30A Kandahar Street - SINGAPORE 198890 Tel: +65 94 75 97 88 - Fax: +65 62 97 97 46 Contacts Felicia Soh Managing Director Mob.: + 65 94 75 97 88 [email protected] Celia Rohmer Director Mob.: +65 85 71 74 17 [email protected] At CREME SIMON, we understand that women’s skin is defined by where they live. Our range of sheerweight formulas is climate-customized and specifically designed for Asian skin. Today we pursue the legacy of founder Joseph Simon, formulating pure natural skincare. At the heart of our products is our Activ-Fleur Complex, a powerful combination of 7 flower and plant extracts, that has proven its efficacy among generations of women. Developed in France under international management, CREME SIMON addresses the needs of modern women, wherever they live or travel to. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 37 HALL 1E STAND F2K IMPORT-EXPORT EPONGES NATURELLES DE MER CYPREOS France EPONGES CYPREOS France EPONGES 192 RUE CARNOT - ZI LA POINTE 94120 FONTENAY SOUS BOIS - France Tel: +33 (0)1 48 73 98 46 - Fax: +33 (0)1 43 94 25 21 Contact Catherine CYPREOS Gérante Mob.: +33 (0)6 07 16 10 08 [email protected] CYPREOS France EPONGES is a worldwide company specialized in the natural sea sponges. 100% natural and biodegradable, also soft and hypoallergenic, the Natural Sea Sponge is the ideal product for bath, cosmetic, care, hygiene and comfort of all skin types, even, for the most sensitive skins, such as that of babies. 38 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 FRENCH BUZZ HALL 1E STAND F3Fc MANUFACTURE SLIMMING AND BEAUTY CONCEPT DELTA PARTNER’S DELTA PARTNER’S - ORESCIENCE 4 RUE MILNE EDWARDS - 75017 PARIS - France Tel: +33 (0)1 40 55 26 26 - Fax: +33 (0)1 40 68 05 05 Contact David BROCHERIOU Président Mob.: +33 (0)6 64 85 01 01 [email protected] Cosmetic innovation for the well-being of all. Since 1988, Delta partner’s has advanced its knowhow in the daily service of Beauty, health and well-being. The key to these results is the recognized diversity and effectiveness of its products, as well as its constant attention to clients. Delta Partner’s goal is to respond to each one’s specific requirements and guide the needs of all through our extensive range of products. Enter the universe of Delta Partner’s… Discover the benefits of Orescience and make them your own! UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 39 HALL 1E STAND F1Cb Perfume, Cosmetics, Candles, Loose powders Detaille 1905 Detaille S.A 10, rue Saint-Lazare - 75009 Paris - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)6 12 13 57 24 - Fax: +33 (0)1 40 16 97 18 Contacts Louis Pallier Administrateur Mob.: +33 (0)6 12 13 57 24 [email protected] Christine Pallier CEO Mob.: +33 (0)6 89 77 60 96 [email protected] A famous little store» could have been the description of the store opened by the Countess de Presle, in 1905. The Countess de Presle having bought one of the first cars in the early years of the XXth century felt the skin dehydration caused by high speed and the lack of a windshield on her car. She discussed the matter with one of her friends, the chemist Marcellin Berthelot, who created a hydrating lotion, which she called Baume Automobile. That was the starting point of a range of high quality body care products, the Préparations de Beauté, which appealed to the Countess’ friends and acquaintances, and were then sold in all of Europe’s courts. Thus was established Maison Detaille in 1905, named after the Countess’ husband, the brother of the painter Édouard Detaille. After that, loose powders and toilet waters were added to the Préparations de Beauté. The names in the order book of the Saint-Lazare street store in Paris included the Queen of Bulgaria, the Queen of Belgium, several maharajahs, countesses, princesses and various personalities in the show business, arts, industry and politics. 40 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F5E COSMETIC SALES ESPA sa MATRISKIN 5 rue Jean de Guerlins - 31100 TOULOUSE - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)5 62 87 52 93 - Fax: +33 (0)5 62 87 58 03 ESPA ASIA Contacts FRANCE Florian VON TEPPNER Administrateur Mob.: +33 (0)6 38 14 53 83 [email protected] 1 Scotts Road - 19-07 Shaw Center - 228208 SINGAPORE Tel: +65 91 85 80 54 Jean-François HUERTAS Administrateur Mob.: +33 (0)6 47 23 03 96 [email protected] SINGAPORE Michel BEAUGIER Tel : +65 9185 8054 We are a research & development company based in France, with over thirty years of expertise in science & product achievements. We formulate, develop, manufacture & bring to market: Advanced skin care, dermocosmetics, innovative food supplements, for our own trademarks and for private label. Due to our know-how, we developed our own brand cosmetic MATRISKIN, internationally recognized in terms of innovations, new approaches, new concepts... UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 41 HALL 1E STAND F3H Commercialization of Intense Pulsed Light for hair removal and skin rejuvenation EFB beaute ELEDIS INNOVATION - Groupe EUROFEEDBACK 1 rue du Maconnais - ZI de la petite montagne sud CE1724 - 91017 EVRY cedex - FRANCE Tel : +33 (0)1 60 86 26 26 - Fax : +33 (0)1 60 86 22 40 Contacts Alain BERTAUD Président Mob.: +33 (0)6 08 86 55 20 [email protected] Christophe SANCHEZ Manager Export Mob.: +33 (0)6 70 45 77 93 [email protected] EFB BeautE Intense Pulsed Light systems are designed and manufactured in France by EuroFeedBack, ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certified. The company, created in 1989 is expert in pulsed light since 2001. Our medical and aesthetic Intense Pulsed Light systems enable the treatment of acne, vascular and pigmentary lesions, photo-toning and anti-ageing treatments as well as long-lasting photo-epilation on black, blond and also white hair. We do hold 17 European patents. The worldwide patented technology for white hair removal allows the devices to be the only one in the world to be able to get rid of white hair. ELEDIS INNOVATION, as the sole commercial subsidiary of EuroFeedBack Company, commercializes to distributor around the world these well known, efficient, secure and innovative devices under the trademark EFB BeautE. 42 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F4E Gamme capillaire, soins du visage, soins du corps, gamme ethnique, gamme bébé EVOLUDERM C2J 7 rue Olympe de Gouges - 92230 GENNEVILLIERS - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 47 90 78 78 - Fax: +33 (0)1 47 90 47 36 Contact Gabriel AIACH Manager Director [email protected] EVOLUDERM is a French brand of cosmetics and hygiene which aims is to design, manufacture and distribute quality products "Made in France" and sold it at attractive prices. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 43 HALL 1E STAND F4Ba Organic Essential Oils, Aromatherapy Products, Organic cosmetics FINESSENCE Laboratoire FINESSENCE ZA Le Camp Bernard - 84110 SABLET - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 90 12 35 87 - Fax: +33 (0)4 90 12 35 86 Contact David LORENZI [email protected] For 40 years we have been developing organic aromatherapy products, which are concentrates of active plant ingredients, hence their efficiency. To guarantee a perfect quality we keep on selecting the best organic essential oils from all over the world. 44 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F7 French made cosmetics, aromatherapy FOUCAUD Paris LABORATOIRE MERLE 21 rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine - bâtiment C 75011 PARIS - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 97 15 24 10 - Fax: +33 (0)4 92 94 29 33 Contact Philippe ARCHÉ Responsable Export Mob.: +33 (0)6 74 04 44 93 [email protected] The history of the FOUCAUD brand started more than 65 years ago, with a legendary product: the Friction de Foucaud. It was created in 1946 by Mrs Lucienne Merle, who had lived several years in South East Asia, as a response to fatigue and heat rashes due to hot and damp climate. The efficiency of this natural body lotion, that is said to "banish tiredness", lies in an exclusive concentrate of essential oils: lemon, orange, thyme, rosemary, blended with camphor and menthol. Today as in the past, we wish to keep this priceless legacy. It’s the reason why the formula of the Friction de Foucaud is still the same since 1946. More than ever we focus on keeping in the centre of our manufacturing process the French knowhow and skilled craftsmanship we acquired over the past decades. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 45 FRENCH BUZZ HALL 1E STAND F3Ff fabricant produits coSmétiques capillaires HAIRGUM/K POUR KARITE LABORATOIRE ARILAND Z.I DU DOLMEN - 42380 LURIECQ - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 77 50 82 78 - Fax: +33 (0)4 77 50 06 19 Contacts Servane FRENEAT Export Manager Mob.: +33 (0)6 79 94 67 12 [email protected] Gauthier SAURON Directeur financier [email protected] First manufacturer to bring hair wax back on the French market in 1989, our boldness is what made us successful. Our product range rapidly grew as we added more and more original plant-based products, rich in active ingredients. At Laboratoire Ariland, we are focused on using natural textures and fragrances while bringing professionals the efficiency and the results they expect. On a very competitive market, Ariland has chosen to innovate with high-quality original products. In this prospect, we rely on strong values and put human skills at the heart of the elaboration process of each product. This approach is a cornerstone of our philosophy and it is what has made Laboratoire Ariland a hotbed of innovative ideas to match hair professionals' expectations. Laboratoire Ariland has developed 2 brands: HAIRGUM and K POUR KARITE. With your brand: manufacturing with the formula and the packaging design or full service. 46 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F3FK "Made in france" natural skin care products composed of pure essential and vegetable oils ready-to-use for dermatological treatment of very sensitive, irritated and atopic skins. INDEMNE Ma Peau Chérie group 16 rue du Pont-Neuf - 75001 Paris - France Contacts Christine Simon Chief Executive Officer Founder Mob.: +33 (0)6 62 34 94 97 [email protected] Stéphanie Kry Communication manager and aera sales manager for Asia Tel : +33 (0)77 510 651 [email protected] Information: Ma Peau Chérie group is developing, designing, manufacturing and marketing a range of "natural" products made in France for the most sensitive skins. Help! Your skin feels tight, tingles, blushes, becomes ulcerated! After decades of feeling painful skin, years of research and passion, Indemne was born. Indemne reinvents ready-to-use essential oils skincare. Activities: Natural skin care products exclusively composed of pure, high quality essential and vegetable oils for dermatological treatment of very sensitive, irritated and atopic skins. Skin care products for facial, scalp and body for adults, teens and children. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 47 HALL 1E STAND F1E PEDIAKID, STC NUTRITION, INS, EFFIDERM LABORATOIRES INELDEA STC NUTRITION / PEDIAKID / INS / EFFIDERM / SEXUALITY / OLIOSEPTIL ZI CARROS LE BROC - 4e AVENUE, 10e RUE - 06510 CARROS - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 97 02 24 70 - Fax: +33 (0)4 97 02 09 28 Contacts Audrey RENAUD TORNESI Responsable Export Mob.: +33 (0)6 21 62 37 65 [email protected] Nicolas CAPPELAERE PDG •Founded in 2003 in France. •Our Philosophy: Science inspired by nature. •Company’s Fundamentals: Ethical, Adapted and efficient formulas, Respect of the Environment. •INELDEA Laboratories develops, manufactures and distributes innovating natural products, based on scientific principles: food supplements, natural cosmetics, organic products. •Products are manufactured under quality insurance: 90% in France and remaining part in Europe - optimal traceability. •INELDEA Laboratories offer a global and preventive new therapeutic approach with adapted nutritional solution to preserve people health in their modern lifestyle. •French leader in nutrition with trusted brands and a multichannels expertise (pharmacy, parapharmacy, specialized and dietetic shops, physiotherapists, well-being and beauty centers, spas, mail order, e-commerce). •A great capacity to produce products in "private labeling", with small batch sizes. •Certifications: ISO 9001 V2008 - ECOCERT - COSMEBIO. 48 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F6Fc FRENCH COSMETIC BRAND INSTITUT KARITé PARIS SARL SARYA PARIS 420 RUE SAINT-HONORE - 75008 PARIS - FRANCE Tel : +33 (0)1 40 07 95 32 - Fax : +33 (0)1 44 51 96 52 Contacts Amir AL CHAYAH CEO [email protected] Ariane DUBROCA Directrice Générale Adjointe Mob.: +33 (0)6 47 00 39 43 [email protected] Institut Karité Paris® is a French cosmetic brand created in 2004 who has developed a very original cosmetic skincare line based on the exclusive Shea, a natural ingredient which comes from an African tree. The cosmetic features of Shea are based on rich and exceptional vitamins that provide the skin’s essential needs. The full range offers specific cares: the Must Have, Face care, Body care, Hair care, and Men care. Institut Karité Paris® products are made in France. Institut Karité Paris® products are distributed in market selective channels such as department stores, perfumeries, beauty centers, duty free shops and airlines companies. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 49 HALL 1E STAND F6DA testing, certification, inspection, auditing, quality assurance Intertek Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd 5/F M-Space Bldg A - Industrial 3rd Rd Shekou Nanshan District - Shenzhen - China Tel: +86 400 886 9926 Contacts Celeste Teng Healthcare and Beauty Product Manager Mob.: +86 21 6091 7507 [email protected] Estee Wen Marketing Executive Mob.: +86 755 2602 0887 [email protected] [email protected] 50 As a leading provider of quality and safety solutions, Intertek is committed to serving a wide range of industries around the world. Intertek has the experience, expertise, resources and global reach to support its customers through its extensive network of 1 000 laboratories and offices and over 35 000 people in more than 100 countries around the world. Intertek's experienced Healthcare and Beauty Product experts have developed a comprehensive set of services including product testing, toxicological risk assessments, factory audit and certification, training and consultancy, etc. Intertek people are dedicated to adding value to customers, products and processes, supporting their success in the global market place. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F6G Produits aromatiques & compositions IPRA FRAGRANCES IPRA FRAGRANCES PARC D'ACTIVITES DE L'ARGILE VOIE C - N°39 06370 MOUANS-SARTOUX - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 92 28 22 53 - Fax: +33 (0)4 92 92 29 33 Contacts Jean-Pierre GIUGLARIS Mob.: +33 (0)6 14 29 36 89 [email protected] Marjorie BOUDAUD Commerciale Export [email protected] Fine fragrance company with over 30 years of experience in Grasse, exporting over 40 countries worldwide as well as Europe. We specialize in fine fragrances, body care (white cosmetics, liquid cosmetics, soaps etc...) as well as detergents and home scents. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 51 HALL 1E STAND F4Jb Private Label manufacturer, Cosmetics, face and body care - soaps, natural and bio products, home scents Laboratoires BEA Laboratoires BEA ZAE Les Chalus - 04300 FORCALQUIER Tel: +33 (0)4 92 75 37 69 - Fax: +33 (0)4 92 75 37 11 Contact Patrick Richaud Directeur Commercial [email protected] Laboratoires BEA are specialized in developing and manufacturing private label cosmetics, soaps and home scents. Located at the heart of Provence, in France, the factory certified ISO 9001, is strongly committed to environmental protection and regulatory evolutions. It offers a wide array of ECOCERT and NOP certified products such as: soaps (solid and liquid), hygiene, bath and relaxation products, perfumes, home scents, skin, body or hair care, men and baby ranges, etc. Laboratoires BEA will display some of its high tech range products manufactured for its French customers. 52 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F4G Cosmetic, Natural, Organic, Certified, Ecocert Laboratoires BIOPHA BIOPHA Organic Parc Activité Sud Loire 1 - 85600 MONTAIGU - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)2 51 09 08 00 - Fax: +33 (0)2 51 09 08 03 Contact Nicolas GRAVET Export Director Mob.: +33 (0)6 75 69 67 88 [email protected] Biopha organic, a brand of finished products offering organic skincare and organic personal care, A leading company in organic cosmetics which makes a commitment via its charter: •A brand 100% dedicated to organic products. •All products certified by ecocert and with cosmébio label respecting the requirements of ecological and organic cosmetics. •The dermo-cosmetics guarantee of biopha laboratories with more than 35 years of experience. •The pleasure of products that are both effective and safe. •Latest generation of organic formulation. •Made in france in our manufacturing unit/gmp certified. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 53 HALL 1E STAND F3D Brightening, Lightening, Fairness Lab. DERMA - sarl Cabinet CONTINENTAL Lab. DERMA - SARL Cabinet CONTINENTAL F&W Délys - FAIR & WHITE Paris Rue des Maraîchers - 33260 LA TESTE - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)5 57 52 66 66 - Fax: +33 (0)5 57 52 69 69 Contacts Marie-Hélène GIRARD Gérante Mob.: +33 (0)6 26 45 36 19 [email protected] Daniel VONACHEN [email protected] FAIR&WHITE Beauté Distribution 15/F Honest Motors Building N° 9-11 Leighton Road - Causeway Bay - HONG KONG Tel: (852) 2893 7369 - Fax: (852) 2893 7369 [email protected] FAIR&WHITE is an emblematic French brand of skin care products and make-up with over 20 years of experience worldwide. One of the world leaders in brightening and fairness products for all skin tones, thanks to its in-house laboratory. Already distributed in over 90 countries and 3 continents worldwide, FAIR&WHITE have established themselves in Hong Kong, adapted their product for an Asian market. F&W Délys is specially designed for Asian skin, combining beauty, glamour and sophistication. This elegant line consists of essential daily care with products designed for the purity of the skin light complexion, the radiance and youthfulness of the face. Discover a range of finesse, with its packaging and elegance made in France, the delicate textures and effective formulations enriched with extracts of Lily. 54 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F2A Manufacturer of Organic products.Ranges: Cosmo Naturel, Dermatherm, Reve-de-Provence, Bebe Bio, Lerutan, Harmonie Verte , L’artisan Savonnier LABORATOIRE GRAVIER LABORATOIRE GRAVIER ZAE du Grand LUSSAN - 30580 LUSSAN - France Tel: +33 (0)4 66 57 44 52 - Fax: +33 (0)4 66 57 09 78 - - Contact Patrice Raison Export Manager Mob.: +33 (0)6 11 19 09 80 [email protected] French company created 35 years ago (1975) from the emergence of organic agriculture in France, Laboratoire Gravier has specialised in ecological and organic products since its origin. As a pioneer company, if offers various ranges of cosmetics (under the brand Cosmo Naturel), essential oils, soaps and cleaning products, all certified by the different specifications for organic cosmetics and ecoproducts. Through its 35 years of experience in organic and ecological cosmeticformulation, Laboratoire Gravier has designed its ranges to meet everyone’s demands for body hygiene and facial care on a daily basis. Combining its experience in the selection of ingredients (ingredients exclusively of natural origin) and its know-how in organic and ecological cosmetic formulation, Laboratoire Gravier is offering products in its ranges that are highly accomplished in terms of ecology and consumer safety. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 55 HALL 1E STAND F4F In-take Supplements, Beauty, Health, GMP Quality, Made in France Laboratoires NUTRISANTé Laboratoires NUTRISANTé Parc Activité Sud Loire 1 - 85600 MONTAIGU - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)2 51 09 08 00 - Fax: +33 (0)2 51 09 08 03 Contact Nicolas GRAVET Export Director Mob.: +33 (0)6 75 69 67 88 [email protected] Established in 1992, NUTRISANTÉ LABORATORIES have had a single objective: to offer high quality in-take supplements affordable to the greatest possible number of people. NUTRISANTÉ quality means: •Priority given to natural active ingredients and the rigorous selection of all ingredients, •All formulas developed internally in partnership with doctors and pharmacists •Manufacture and control according to GMP standard, made in France in NUTRISANTÉ plant. •Products without side effects or contra-indications. NUTRISANTÉ LABORATORIES are pleased to introduce their most up-dated ranges of in-take supplements in all beauty segments. A new-generation laboratory, Nutrisanté proves each day that this new path towards health helps you to live better and longer. NUTRISANTE… Strenghten your organism. 56 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F1A Weight-management products and Nutricosmetics dietary supplements LABORATOIRE PYC LABORATOIRE PYC 320 avenue d’Archimède - Les Pléiades 3 Bât.B 13857 Aix-en-Provence cedex 3 - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 88 78 58 00 - Fax: +33 (0)4 88 78 58 01 Contact Aurélie DE SCHUYTENEER Responsable Marketing Mob.: +33 (0)4 88 78 58 02 [email protected] Laboratoire PYC is a French firm specialized in the production of dietetic products and nutritional supplements. The company develops, produces and packages tailor-made products to your brand. Laboratoire PYC offers instant powdered drinks in stick-packs to rehydrate, for weight-management and nutricosmetics applications. Among its last new products: •Celluless® peach drink, acting on cellulite. Its efficiency is proven with clinical results and its ingredients are natural. •Pearl My Skin® apple drink, acting on skin-lightening and uniformity. Its formula has been clinically tested and approved by consumers. The food supplement is in stick-pack. Laboratoire PYC will also present its 5-day slimming pack, a turn-key solution based on high protein products. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 57 HALL 1E STAND F2C Essential oils, natural fragrances, fragrances with biological activities, organic perfum Laboratoire Rosier Davenne Laboratoire Rosier Davenne 789 avenue sainte-catherine 84140 AVIGNON-MONTFAVET - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 90 22 22 22 - Fax: +33 (0)4 90 22 22 24 Contact Henry Rosier Président Mob.: +33 (0)6 73 99 63 70 [email protected] Located in Avignon, in Provence, South-East of France, we supply essential oils to cosmetic, pharmaceutical and veterinary industries and also retail pharmacies. We achieve blend of essential oils that can combine established biological activities (slimness, soothing, moisturizing…) and attractive odours. On your request, we can carry out specific compositions (without allergens, ECOCERT certified,…) from small to huge quantities (1 kg to 1 ton). We have a dependable and modern analytical equipment (gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, automatic titrator of peroxide index …). It enables us to select the best qualities and to meet your requirements. In 2011, the laboratory was certified by ANSM according to the good manufacturing practice (GMP) of active substances. This certification includes control, repackaging and distribution of essential oils. Ecocert is also our organic certificator for many essential oils and blends. 58 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F5L Production of Luxury Skin Care LANGé paris LANGE SAS 4 place de la defense 92974 Paris-la Defense Cedex - France Tel: +33 (0)1 42 66 44 26 Contacts Éric FUSTIER Président Mob.: +33 (0)6 67 80 26 55 [email protected] Pascal BONNISSEAU Directeur Chine Mob.: +86-13802551592 [email protected] Botanical Beauty Products with Results LANGÉ SAS is a nature-based, luxury skin care product manufacturer. Made in the French Cosmetic Valley. Our core brand is LANGÉ-Paris. We produce a complete line of 65 luxury products for Face and Body care. Formulas combine the best of French Botanicals and Marine Ingredients, with the latest technology. Luxury Packaging. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 59 HALL 1E STAND F2B produits hygiène et soins à base d’ingrédients naturels LE PETIT OLIVIER LA PHOCEENNE DE COSMETIQUE 44 PLACE LOUIS BLANC - 13300 SALON DE PROVENCE - france Tel: +33 (0)4 90 56 68 31 - Fax: +33 (0)4 90 56 91 70 Contacts In 1996, Eric Renard & Xavier Padovani decided to create their company La Phocéenne de Cosmétique Magalie Lanoë Responsable de Zone Export after several years of experience in both cosmetics and retail sectors. Mob.: +33 (0)6 70 32 95 28 [email protected] Le Petit Olivier offers body and facial skincare Karin MARTINSEN products made with natural ingredients. Directrice Export Le Petit Olivier has chosen Olive oil, Argan oil, Shea Mob.: +33 (0)6 70 32 94 80 butter and green clay to develop a range of Quality [email protected] cosmetics: body and hand care, facial care, shower creams, hair care and soaps. Le Petit Olivier is an iconic brand, valued for its genuineness, cosmetic properties, skills for innovation and respect for human being and environment. The company holds its own Olive oil mill based in St Bonnet du Gard (Southern France) in order to produce the oil for its cosmetics. Moreover, it has a logistic platform in the city of Epône, near Paris. The brand is commercialized in main retail chains in France and worldwide in 33 countries, directly to drugstores or through wholesalers. Our foreign customers are mainly based in Europe and Asia; however, we have a gradual development in Latin America and Middle East. In 2012, our turnover reached 14 million € of which 15% concern export. 60 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F1D OEM, private label, Spa, Cosmetic LESSONIA LESSONIA croas Ar Neizic - 29800 Saint-Thonan - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)2 98 07 23 65 - Fax: +33 (0)2 98 07 23 66 Contact S. GUILLOTIN Mob.: +33 (0)6 95 70 12 25 [email protected] Lessonia is a private label company for spa & Cosmetic products. We can offer a large range of scrub, body wrap, peel off mask, rinse off mask, cream, serum, lotion, oils, herbal balls, bathing salt, etc... We can take in charge your project from A to Z: formulation, cosmetic files, bulk and packs. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 61 HALL 1E STAND F4Ja Range of cosmetics for face and body care, perfumes LMCS THALAC 166 rue Charles Nungesser - 34135 MAUGUIO - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 67 15 33 34 - Fax: +33 (0)4 67 15 19 83 Contact Cécile Badel Responsable des marques Mob.: +33 (0)6 60 94 68 28 [email protected] Discover THALAC products: a range combining nature and performance, using active ingredients of Mediterranean origin (plants, algae, oyster shells, sea salt). Along with highly performing products, THALAC has developed efficient and original treatment methods, ensuring beauticians with reliable and lasting results. Products and their application techniques have earned their reputation on the international beauty scene. THALAC is looking for local distributors worldwide. 62 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F5Da Fabricant Français d’Eau de parfum et de bougies parfummées LV Cosmetic’s Collection Privée Paris 83 RUE LAMARCK - 75018 PARIS - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 42 52 79 73 - Fax: +33 (0)1 42 52 92 42 Contacts Virginie Smadja Président CEO Mob.: +33 (0)6 07 80 70 92 [email protected] [email protected] Manufacturer d’eau de parfum for Collection Privée© Paris brand. Four universe with four imaginary planets, each of which is recognizable by its fragrance signatures. A person may forget a detail about you, but the aroma - unique reference of your body remains in his memory forever. Phyllis Lu Sales Manager UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 63 HALL 1E STAND F4Kb NATURAL SUN CARE, NATURAL HAIR & BODY CARE LOVEA Nature Laboratoires BIOCOS 8 av. Paul Sabatier - BP99 - 31250 REVEL - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)5 62 18 01 43 - Fax: +33 (0)5 62 57 85 29 Contacts Christophe MELLIES Responsable Export Mob.: +33 (0)6 29 11 24 95 [email protected] Fabrice BURGER Agent commercial Asie Mob.: +33 (0)6 32 12 31 04 [email protected] 64 Laboratoires Biocos offers a wide range of organic certified sun care & beauty care products that are effective, pleasant to use, natural and affordable, because we know that our nowadays consumers are no longer satisfied with compromise. In 2013, to complete our catalogue with an alternative offer we introduced a range of Natural cosmetics. With LOVEA reveal your natural beauty… UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F2J OEM French manufacturer LYON SKIN CARE LYON SKIN CARE 15 rue Gustave NADAUD - 69007 LYON - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)6 34 02 33 70 – Contacts Gilles ROBERT General Manager [email protected] Gerard ROBERT Technical Manager [email protected] Lyon Skin Care is an OEM French factory for skin care products, with 25 years’ expérience in the research and development of innovative skin care formulation. We manufacture your range in Private Label, for beauty salon or retail using according to the French market trends. So you can customize as a tailor your products. Our laboratory has a creative assistance for the development or your own idea. Since 2011 we set up 3 offices in Asia as Singapore, Korea and Guangzhou to help and give a marketing support to our local clients. Let’s discover our products and visit us. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 65 HALL 1E STAND F1B parfums artistiques, artisanat français, made in Grasse PARFUMS M MICALLEF PARFUMS M MICALLEF 133 CHEMIN Saint-MARC - 06130 GRASSE - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 93 60 48 27 - Fax: +33 (0)4 93 60 19 63 Contacts Laurence Laplanche Responsable Commerciale Tel : +33 (0)4 93 60 48 27 [email protected] Geoffrey Nejman Gérant Mob.: +33 (0)6 07 62 64 32 [email protected] The House of M. Micallef, creators of exceptional perfumes, was established 15 years ago. Conceived under the sun of the French Riviera in the foothills of Grasse, the centre of the world’s perfume industry, the brand has gone from strength to strength. It is now established as a prestigious reference in the international ranks of the high-end, luxurious category of perfumes, otherwise known as "niche fragrances", by producing perfumes of the highest quality presented in unique hand decorated flacons. The company was conceived after a chance encounter between Geoffrey Nejman, a man with a nose for business and fragrances, and Martine Micallef, a health and beauty specialist and an ardent and passionate artist. Now with almost 750 retail locations in more than 40 countries this family business is a proven success. Driven by their individual talents, Geoffrey in conjunction with Jean-Claude Astier, a renowned "nose" from the Grasse area, developed the fragrances using only the very best and most expensive natural products, whilst Martine with her artistic flair developed a range of beautifully decorated bottles and together produced perfumes that were eagerly collected in Asia, Russia, Germany and in particular in the Middle East where the name M. Micallef has become synonymous as a French Luxury product. 66 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F6Fa scented candle Manufacture française de bougies Manufacture française de bougies 6 Avenue Fresnel - ZI Mussuguet 13470 Carnoux-en-provence - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)9 74 53 42 09 - Fax: +33 (0)4 42 82 33 21 Contact Vilayphone ROUSSEAU Gérante Mob.: +33 (0)6 14 03 36 41 [email protected] The Manufacture Française de Bougies designs and manufactures state of the art scented candles for demanding customers. Our chemists and perfumers work closely together according to your marketing and technical specifications sheet to offer you an exclusive product. You take advantage of our unique knowledge in the following domains. •Fine selection of mineral and vegetal waxes, quality cotton wicks, exclusive fragances, wide choice of glass container and packaging. •Respect of the perfume notes. •Manufacturing of giants multi wicks candles. •Wide range of quality waxes (soft to hard, minéral, vegetal, blend). Welcome in a place where audacity and tradition join forces to establish new standards. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 67 HALL 1E STAND F2D MARIANNE ROSE LABORATOIRE MARIANNE ROSE Marianne Rose Holding Ltd Room 203A - 2/F, Hing Wah Center 82-84 Tokwawan Road - Tokwawan - Kowloon - Hong Kong Tel: +852 8123 2318 Contacts Marianne GRAY Managing Director Tel: +86 137 6166 4166 (China) +852 6474 9111(HK) [email protected] Yannick Cartailler Director Tel: +852 6928 1601 [email protected] Mark Tam [email protected] 68 Marianne Rose A legacy Laboratoire Marianne Rose, creator of unique Natural Anti-aging Skin Care Cosmetics A recognised pioneer in the beauty world, Marianne Rose has created a unique collection of luxury skincare products. Laboratoires Marianne Rose is renowned for their avant-garde flair and everyone who works with Marianne Rose was dedicated to respecting traditional values. All of which means consumers enjoy pure quality, pure ingredients and pure skincare magic! UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F3C Développement et commercialisation des gammes de soins de beauté L’ACTION PARIS et TERRACTIVE Mediatic Labs L’ACTION PARIS - TERRACTIVE 18 rue Saint-Lazare 75009 Paris - france Tel: +33 (0)1 48 74 77 00 - Fax: +33 (0)1 48 74 77 11 - Contacts Benoît AUBRY Président Tel: +33 (0)1 48 74 77 00 [email protected] Laura LAVIGNAC Sales and Marketing Manager Tel: +33 (0)1 48 74 77 00 [email protected] L'Action by "Mediatic Labs" offers a range of onthe-go cosmetic treatment products. In addition to their high quality and fast results, the products are small, effective, and easy to carry and use at any time, day or night. The light, modern design of "L'Action" packaging clearly displays each product's function, allowing the client to understand it in a few split seconds. Terractive range (Facial scrubs, Face masks and Day creams) with its highly active properties and smooth textures, will transport the consumer to the heart of these magnificent regions. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 69 FRENCH BUZZ HALL 1E STAND F3Fg CREAM-SERUM niche cosmetic technology wpe® global anti-ageing unique NEOMIST® SCM Cosmétiques Contact Parc Technologique Batiment Carnot 20-22 avenue Edouard Herriot 92350 Le-Plessis-Robinson - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 45 37 32 68 - Fax: +33 (0)1 47 38 04 21 Marc Bonnevay Directeur associé Directeur commercial Mob.: +33 (0)6 58 29 43 99 [email protected] 70 neomist® Face Formula is a global anti-ageing with an exceptional formula. Classified as a niche cosmetic, neomist® Face Formula is developed and manufactured in FRANCE. After over 10 years of research and development, a new unprecedented cosmetic delivery form was created: the first cream-serum on the market! A serum, thanks to its fluid, liquid and aqueous texture that instantly penetrates down to the heart of the epidermis. And also a cream, as neomist® contains around fifty 100% natural active ingredients that work like an ointment to treat the skin. With no other equivalent on the cosmetic market, neomist® Face Formula is an exceptional product and genuine cosmetic revolution. This new generation cosmetic product offers exceptional global anti-aging action. "The Mother of Skin®" continues to provide the astonishing effectiveness of neomist®. More than a cream and more than a serum, neomist® "The Mother of Skin®" supplies the skin with everything it needs to repair, regenerate and protect itself, while visibly preventing premature signs of skin aging. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F6DB cosmétiques soins visage et corps OMOYé EMMANUEL JUSTIN 29 Jalan Laksamana Bali - 80361 Denpasar - Indonesia Tel: +62 812 374 917 00 (Indonesia)- Tel: +65 84 32 86 29 (Singapoure) Contact Emmanuel Justin Tel Indonesia: +62 812 374 917 00 Tel Singapoure: +65 84 32 86 29 [email protected] OMOYÉ was born out of an extraordinary story of the founder who discovered an ancestral plant secret. This brand is based on an unique concept, an exclusive patented formula with 25 plants "ActiPlants 25". The formula is adapted to the needs of each skin. Our products are formulated from this plant complex. OMOYÉ is based on the alliance of 2 cultures: the ancestral knowledge of the power of plants (the shamanism) and the expertise of a laboratory (Made in France) specialised in active plants ingredients. These anti-aging, high-range, bio and natural skin care products are very concentrated in active plants ingredients (leafs, flowers, barks, buds, roots, seeds, fruits,…). OMOYÉ associates the plant’s efficiency and pleasure. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 71 HALL 1E STAND F4Cb Perfumes & cosmetics manufacturer PARFUMS DE PARIS INTERNATIONAL LAURA BACI 5 RUE CAMBON - 75001 PARIS - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 40 20 07 58 - Fax: +33 (0)1 40 20 07 59 Contacts Aïcha BENMOUFFOK Président Mob.: +33 (0)6 03 75 43 08 [email protected] Sarah SAI Directrice Export [email protected] Since 2003, the company Parfums de Paris International has the experience and know-how of its founder. Located in the heart of Paris, the company creates its own perfumes in the purest French tradition and markets both in France and abroad. The rich and original creations range sparks the growing interest of the distributors around the world. 72 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F6J Natural Aromatic Ingredients & Fragrances PAYAN BERTRAND GENERAL AROMATICS PAYAN BERTRAND S.A. 28 AVENUE JEAN XXIII - 06130 Grasse - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 93 40 14 14 - Fax: +33 (0)4 93 40 10 30 Contacts Jean-Claude DEBIEVE Perfumery Director Mob.: +33 (0)6 25 02 44 61 [email protected] Marie-Eugenie BOUGE Marketing Manager Mob.: +33 (0)6 03 25 61 01 [email protected] Since 1854, Payan Bertrand has been passionately exploring the very best of nature in order to offer essential oils, aromatic extracts, natural molecules and innovative fragrance compounds. As a family and independent company exporting its products to more than sixty countries, Payan Bertrand has a modern and efficient industrial equipment. The creativity and technicity of our fragrances are based on the quality and exclusivity of our natural ingredients as well as a thorough knowledge of the markets we work with. Through an active policy of innovation, combined with an ethical and responsible sourcing approach, Payan Bertrand elaborates the products of tomorrow, in full compliance with the environmental and international guidelines that rule our industry (IFRA, Cosmetic Europe, Reach, FDA, Ecocert, etc…) UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 73 HALL 1E STAND F6A Private label perfumes Made in France Parfum de France PERFRANCE 4 allée des Terres Rouges 95830 Cormeilles-en-Vexin - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 83 62 33 78 Contacts Matthieu REUMAUX Directeur Mob.: +33 (0)6 23 30 62 21 [email protected] Nicolas HERISSON Designer [email protected] Lysiane COTTE Assistante de direction [email protected] You need a creative perfume for your brand and you expect a full qualitative Made in France service: personalized fragrance, standard or exclusive bottles and caps, packaging, coordination and assembling. Visit our website and make your first choice: 74 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F1F Cosmetics- Fragrances- Food Supplements PHYDERMA PARIS NATURA COSMETIC 1198 AVENUE DU DOCTEUR MAURICE DONAT LE NATURA 3 - 06250 MOUGINS - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 89 06 58 00 - Fax: +33 (0)4 89 06 58 36 - Contacts FRANCE Jérôme GUILLAUD Responsable Tel : +33 (0)4 89 06 58 07 [email protected] Cécile STOKES Responsable Developpement Produits Tel : +33 (0)4 89 06 58 14 [email protected] [email protected] CHINE Michael EVESQUE Tel : +60 (0)1 6995 7919 [email protected] Phyderma Paris is a cosmetics brand. It offers a range of cosmetics made from natural active ingredients, food supplements and fragrances. Our key values are: Innovation, Quality, Efficiency. Our range is developed using high quality natural ingredients and according to Good Manufacturing Practices, in order to offer quality products that meet rigorous standards at every stage of production. Our products are developed by pharmacists and chemists using only the best active ingredients at efficient doses. Our team is based on the French Riviera and bases their decisions on scientific and regulatory studies. Phyderma Paris is the perfect union of nature and beauty expertise. Most of our cosmetic products are paraben and allergen-free, particularly suitable for mature skins and formulated with clinically tested active ingredients. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 75 HALL 1E STAND F6K Façonnage, cosmétique, soin visage, sérum, ampoules Phytocosma international Follement bio, Florylis 18 rue des Frères Lumière - 69680 Chassieu - FRANCE Tel : +33 (0)4 72 04 48 04 - Fax : +33 (0)4 72 04 37 66 Contacts Patrice Blandin Président Tel: +33 (0)4 72 04 48 04 [email protected] Bruno Schafter Responsable export Tel: +33 (0)4 72 04 48 04 [email protected] Since 1982, Phytocosma has been developing for private label skin and body care cosmetics as well as days and night creams, masks, serums in ampoules, body lotions, and more based on organic products. So our signature stands for genuineness and quality. Our research and development laboratory facilitate production reactivity. We control the entire process from design to packaging. Since 2010, our laboratory has been ECOCERT-certified, to be your competent private label partner in design and development of organic and natural cosmetics. Our know-how is interdisciplinary oriented and relies on professional expertise and customer service. 76 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F5Ga BEAUTY PRODUCTS, 100% MADE IN FRANCE, RETAIL AND PROFESSIONAL TREATMENTS, ALL SKIN TYPES PIER AUGÉ Pier Augé, Piera By Pier Augé 31 boulevard d’Anvaux - 36000 CHÂTEAUROUX - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)2 54 60 66 - Fax: +33 (0)2 54 22 85 18 Contact Christine VALLIN Président Directeur Général Tel: +33 (0)2 54 60 66 66 [email protected] UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 77 HALL 1E STAND F1Ca FABRICATION DISTRIBUTION BLAIREAUX BARBE RASOIRS PLISSON VIKIM-DIFFUSION SAS 49 rue Hélène Boucher - 22190 PLERIN - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)2 96 63 34 50 - Fax: +33 (0)2 96 63 37 50 Contact Henri Bullier Mob.: +33 (0)6 23 18 07 65 [email protected] Founded in 1808 by Georges Plisson, the manufacture of shaving brushes quickly gains good reputation. Plisson becomes the official supplier for Napoléon’s court. Since the beginning, Plisson shaving brushes are made and assembled by hand, in the great tradition of the artisans of luxury objects. In our workshops, each shaving brush is true treasure of "savoir-faire, our know-how, a concentrate of passion. Beside of that, a manufacturing of hand razors with blades is achieving the offer with the aim of giving an assorted range. 78 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F4Ka Organic and natural perfumed soaps, Marseille soaps, Shampoos, Shower gels and Household products RAMPAL LATOUR RAMPAL LATOUR 71 RUE FELIX PYAT - 13300 Salon-de-Provence - france Tel: +33 (0)4 90 56 07 28 - Fax: +33 (0)4 90 56 52 18 Contacts Mario PONTAROLLO Responsable Export Mob.: +33 (0)7 86 54 03 79 [email protected] Jean-Louis PLOT Gérant Mob.: +33 (0)6 80 30 72 34 [email protected] Soap masters since 1828, located in the heart of Provence, RAMPAL LATOUR, manufactures with passion and respect authentic high-quality product lines for body care and house. Fully aware of the need to respect your skin and our environment, we are devoted to the manufacture of natural products. Certified by Ecocert, Cosmebio labelized, RAMPALLATOUR maintains the tradition of a unique expertise but continues to innovate in new products. Classic, refined, organic, extra pure like our Marseille soap or essential as our household products: the universe of the soap factory RAMPAL LATOUR is purity and natural. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 79 HALL 1E STAND F6Ca Formulation - Cosmetic - Distribution Logistic SCDLAB SCD 19/21 RUE HELENE BOUCHER - ZI CHARTRES GELLAINVILLE 28630 GELLAINVILLE - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)2 37 84 15 30 - Fax: +33 (0)2 37 21 54 02 Contact Virginie GROSNOM HUE Manager Mob.: +33 (0)6 82 43 98 57 [email protected] 80 We create cosmetic formulation for all types of galenics for our customers in France and abroad, in compliance with their specifications and regulatory requirements. We take over some or all stages in the implementation of their projetcs, with the Cosmetic Valley network at our disposal for any subcontracting partnerships we might have need of. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 FRENCH BUZZ HALL 1E STAND F3Fe Anti-ageing, spa treatments for face and body SENS ET SPIRIT SENS ET SPIRIT 10 place Vendôme - 75001 PARIS - france Tel: +33 (0)1 60 60 39 40 - Fax: +33 (0)1 60 60 30 98 Contact Tiphaine LAMARRE Directrice Marketing France & Export Tel: +33 (0)1 60 60 28 50 [email protected] SENS & SPIRIT in the service of beauty: this French brand was created in 2006 and dedicated to French and international markets. SENS & SPIRIT offers original formulas developed in France and enriched with natural ingredients. Our face and body treatments with their delicious textures and enchanting perfumes will take you on a harmonious voyage in the search for new sensations. SENS & SPIRIT’s new gem: the Global Anti-Ageing treatment ritual is a new facial treatment specially designed to act on signs of ageing, to boost radiance, to encourage cell renewal and improve firmness. Because your skin deserves the best, this skincare treatment is based on natural active ingredients and a combination of precious minerals (such as Pearl, Polynesian Nacre, Tourmaline). Sens & Spirit is a “Made in France” professional brand. Ever since its creation in 2006, the brand has remained very discrete, only available for professional use in the many partner establishments in France and abroad. Sens & Spirit is now available for retail and is currently developing exclusive treatments such as the anti-wrinkle range: 5 long-awaited face treatments rich in fine mineral extracts such as Tourmaline, Pearl, Polynesian Nacre, and highly concentrated in natural active ingredients. Free from paraben, mineral oil and silicon, and more than 90% natural ingredients. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 81 HALL 1E STAND F2G Perfumery, Cosmetics, Ecocert, Organic, Aromatherapy SOLYVIA Solyvia S.A.S BP 54 - DOMAINE DE PINIA - 20240 GHISONACCIA - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 95 38 35 91 - Fax: +33 (0)4 95 56 20 18 - Contacts Christophe FOUILLERON P.D.G Mob.: +33 (0)6 84 88 73 40 [email protected] Jean FERNANDEZ C.S.O Mob.: +33 (0)6 88 95 09 64 [email protected] 82 Solyvia captures the beauty of the island to place it in a Box! Once is not custom ! Solyvia offers you a walk along the magnificent coastline of Corsica... Take a small ochre earth track, overlooking the sea at sunset, to discover the hidden benefits of Mediterranean plants. This is the way Solyvia is inspired and creates the best of aromatherapy, anti-ageing cosmetic and perfumery products. Come to visit us to discover our fantastic organic products certified Ecocert: our aromatherapy roll-on line very effective on all our daily hassles, our New Fragrances Roll-on, our new cosmetic line based on our new and unique anti-aging complex HMC3 with essential oil of "immortelle" from Corsica, and finally you will discover our professional line and concept made especially for institutes and SPA… Solyvia So Alive! UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F6E • Private Laber Manufacturer • Masques peel-off & poudre TECHNATURE TECHNATURE ZA de Lannuzel - 29460 DIRINON - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)2 98 07 17 69 - Fax: +33 (0)2 98 07 19 96 Contacts Patrick OBERLE Responsable Commercial [email protected] Laure ROSSIGNOL Chargée d’Affaires [email protected] Global leading manufacturer of peel-off beauty masks, TECHNATURE is an OEM company delivering full services MADE IN FRANCE to great beauty, spa brands and retails. Created in 1996, the company differentiates itself thanks to a great know-how on the alginate gelling process; this expertise has propelled the company to a leadership position on the peel-off beauty masks market. The lab performs in the creation of new galenic forms, working hard on the skincare formulas and Spa products. Its equipment permit to TECHNATURE to provide a full service: formulation, R&D, manufacturing & packaging. Technature is also certified by Ecocert and Qualité France and can supply organic certified products. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 83 HALL 1E STAND F5HA Manufacturing distribution dermatological french organic skincare hygiene TOOFRUIT PARIS LABORATOIRE ALLISTERE 3 RUE DE LA BRISE - 92370 CHAVILLE - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 47 50 22 88 - Fax: +33 (0)9 74 44 60 08 Contacts Katell PERROT Co Fondatrice Dirigeante Tel: +33 (0)1 47 50 22 88 [email protected] StéphaneLAFOND Co Fondateur Dirigeant Tel: +33 (0)1 47 50 22 88 [email protected] 84 Thanks to a collaboration with Professor Humbert of the dermatology department, TOOFRUIT conducted in the University Hospital of Besançon, France, the first exploratory study on the skin of 60 children aged 6 to 12. TOOFRUIT found that, unlike adults, children have a very inefficient hydrolipidic film: its lipidic index is at least 10 times lower than that of adults. TOOFRUIT has thus developed a 100% vegetal Filmo-Protect Complex that mimics the composition of sebum, and acts as a protective shield. TOOFRUIT is the first dermatological organic hygiene and care brand dedicated to kids aged 6 to 12. The natural and organic formulas made with fruits are the perfect way to get kids in the habit of caring for their skin before puberty hits. Outstanding results for the first time directly measured on kids’ skin! TOOFRUIT is distributed in 10 countries (USA, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Qatar, Bahrein, Kuwait, Russia, Thailand…). UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 FRENCH BUZZ HALL 1E STAND F3Fa • Cosmetic • Organic • Natural • Beauty • Well-being TULÉCOS TULÉCOS 239 avenue d’Argenteuil 92270 Bois Colombes - FRANCE - Tel: +33 (0)1 74 70 23 75 Contacts Fanny HOUL Directrice de la Communication Mob.: +33 (0)6 49 95 33 05 [email protected] Wanpin TU Directrice Générale Mob.: +33 (0)6 64 16 37 34 [email protected] For your beauty and well-being, TULÉCOS conceives modern and natural specific skincare using "Health, Beauty and Responsibility'" principles. Our ranges of products are labelled Cosmebio and certified by ECOCERT Greenlife. All products are manufactured in France with guaranteed full traceability of all ingredients and a tightly controlled quality. We prefer quality organic ingredients which provide real benefit to your skin. Our Anti-ageing and Moisturizing care are from the most recent scientific researches. The very high quality range of anti-stress massage provides maximum benefit while respecting the environment. Your natural beauty is our priority. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 85 HALL 1E STAND F1H • Cosmetics • Hygiene • Hair styling • Perfumery UNHYCOS UNHYCOS - OE, OE Men, OE Baby, MP3, Palma 325 Chemin du parc - ZI Les marcots 95480 Pierrelaye - france Tel: +33 (0)1 34 11 40 40 - Fax: +33 (0)1 34 11 30 15 Contact Pauline Galliot Responsable Marketing Tel: +33 (0)1 34 11 40 46 [email protected] French cosmetic company developing hygiene and beauty products made in France for women, men and babies. Mainly distributed in North Africa, Sub-saharan Africa and Middle East. 86 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 1E STAND F6B • Verrerie • Transformation du verre étiré VTA France VTA France 136 rue du Marais - 10400 Montpothier - France Tel: +33 (0)3 25 39 58 13 - Fax: +33 (0)3 25 21 35 34 Contacts Jean Louis Delore P.D.G Mob.: +33 (0)6 88 04 93 32 [email protected] ou [email protected] Laetitia Blin Assistante Commercial Tel: +33 (0)3 25 39 58 13 [email protected] Our company owns 2 factories located in France, and is specialized in producing a large range of vials for the Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals Industries. The specific products from 0.6ml to 100ml are: • Vials for sampling, • Screw or crimp neck bottle, • Perfume Testers, • Roll’ On, • Droppers, • Plugs, Pumps and caps. for small and larger quantities. We can provide you with a finished product. All bottles can be decorated with ceramic or organic silk screening and can be filled with your perfume in our warehouses. We also propose bottles and corking with frosting, lacquering, and metallization in all sorts of colours. Thanks to our long experience, we can help you to define the feasibility of your packaging and draw up an estimate of costs and production time. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 87 HALL 1E STAND F5Gb INTIMATE COSMETICS: SKINCARE, HYGIENE, WELLBEING Woman Essentials Remedials Laboratoire 23 rue Antigna - 45000 Orléans - FRANCE 91 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré - 75008 Paris - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)9 70 44 70 36 - Fax: +33 (0)9 81 38 99 39 Contact Madina KARSYBAYEVA Président Mob.: +33 (0)6 77 96 53 13 [email protected] [email protected] WOMAN ESSENTIALS is a French new luxury niche skincare brand, targeting the personal care & intimate well-being of women. The 1st cosmetic brand with a global approach to women’s intimate life in all its dimensions and a cutting edge cosmetic expertise applied to gynaecology, in collaboration with French National Centre for Scientific Research. Designed to meet all women's daily needs, with hygiene, beauty and pleasure essentials. •Innovative and qualitative global beauty approach on a fast growing market of intimate grooming products. •Luxury image while accessible prices: sensual textures, exclusive ingredients and extremely high standards for the 1st French intimate beauty brand. Tested by gynaecologists. Approved by women. •A true growth & differentiation driver whatever the distribution channel (pharmacy, beauty salons, clinics...). 88 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 hall 3E: instituts, spas page Booth BIOLOGIE PIERRE BOUTIGNY �����������������������������������������������������������������������90 D1F BIOLOGIQUE RECHERCHE ���������������������������������������������������������������������������91 D1A CHARME D’ORIENT ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������92 D1D GROUPE BATTEUR INTERNATIONAL �����������������������������������������������������������93 D1C PHYTOCéANE ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������94 D1E SOLAROMA ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������95 D1B UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 89 HALL 3E STAND D1F Distribution of skin care for beauty salons BIOLOGIE PIERRE BOUTIGNY COSMOLAB SARL ZI Sainte-Anne - 56350 Allaire - France Tel: +33 (0)2 99 71 84 41 - Fax: +33 (0)2 99 71 83 85 Contact Pierre BOUTIGNY Suppléant du Gérant BIOLOGIE PIERRE BOUTIGNY offers great solutions for entire beauty regimen with 27 professional ranges and over 200 retail and salon products, caring face and body wellness, expands around the world distribute via "Beauty Salon, Spa, Cosmetics Shop and etc.." Latest novelty of BIOLOGIE PIERRE BOUTIGNY launched Youth Cells Range (Oceanic stem cells - Anti-age treatment), Vital Radiance Range (Post care for Laser & RF Treatment) and Aroma-essence Range with high efficacy, which are popular among European, Middle East, Asia Pacific, Canada markets and etc... BIOLOGIE PIERRE BOUTIGNY offers Professional Training Support, comprehensive Marketing Support with POS materials, free gift, advertisement, trade show, Road Show to help our business partner for market exposure enhancement. 90 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 3E STAND D1A Creation, fabrication, distribution de produits cosmétiques professionels haut de gamme BIOLOGIQUE RECHERCHE BR SAS 32 AVENUE DES CHAMPS ELYSEES - 75008 PARIS - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 41 18 96 84 - Fax: +33 (0)1 41 18 96 85 Contacts Rupert Schmid Président Raphaelle Faure Commerciale Export Mob.: +33 (0)7 77 80 04 61 [email protected] The Biologique Recherche Methodology has a reputation for astounding effectiveness based on a clinical approach to beauty care using intentionally pure concentrated ingredients, as well as innovative and meticulous protocols and procedures. Biologique Recherche is a premium priced international Brand for professionals (Beauty Institutes, Spas, Medi-Spas...) available in more than 50 countries. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 91 HALL 3E STAND D1D SPA AND HAMMAM PRODUCTS AND TREATMENTS CHARME D’ORIENT CHARME D’ORIENT 10, AVENUE CHRISTIAN DOPPLER - PARC D’ENTREPRISES PARIS VAL D’EUROPE - 77700 SERRIS - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 60 37 84 67 - Fax: +33 (0)1 60 37 81 68 Contact Sofiane DJADRI Directeur Mob.: +33 (0)6 10 81 28 07 [email protected] Founded in 1998 and based in Paris, Charme d’Orient is specialized in Spa & Hammam cosmetics and treatments. Charme d’Orient is marketed in Spas, hotels and department stores in France and abroad. Since 1998, Charme d’Orient has continued to develop specific treatments inspired from customs of oriental women. More than just methods of treatment, Charme d’Orient wished to pass on genuine beauty rituals. The brand also offers a complete range of cosmetic products perfectly suited to the modern woman from honey paste to massage oils, hygiene products and specific face and body care products. Our references: Kempinski Emirated Palace, Kempinski Malta, Kempinski Jordania, Jumeirah Abu Dhabi, Jumeirah Baku, JW Marriott Baku, Radisson Blu Spa, etc… 92 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 3E STAND D1C HEALTH & BEAUTY, COSMETIC, NATURAL, EFFICIENT, FAMILY HYGENE GROUPE BATTEUR INTERNATIONAL ALGOTHERM, LAINO, LCB Avenue de Dubna - 14200 HEROUVILLE SAINT-CLAIR - france Tel: +33 (0)2 31 43 05 87 Contacts Johanna Baillet Directrice Export Mob.: +33 (0)6 07 57 91 77 [email protected] Celine HEULS Asia-Pacific Export Manager Mob.: +852 6444 7175 [email protected] Created in 1904, GROUPE BATTEUR manufactures and distributes a range of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. All our brands are distributed in various distribution channels such as pharmacies, perfumeries, Department Stores, Drugstores, Beauty Institutes and Spas. We exhibit 3 cosmetic brands this year in our booth 3E-D1C: •ALGOTHERM: The Algotherapy specialist •LAINO: Genuine by nature, simply effective •Le Comptoir du Bain (LCB): Natural Liquids and solid soap for all the family - Leading liquid soaps in pharmacies. GROUPE BATTEUR also operates full service private label for soaps, bath and cosmetic products. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 93 HALL 3E STAND D1E Distinctive Marine brand, face and body PHYTOCéANE CHINASHOW limited RM 2101 21/F Remington Center - n° 23 Hung To Road KWUN TONG - KLN - HONG KONG Tel:+ 852 2116 4521 - Fax: + 852 2116 0197 Contacts Kate CHAN Marketing Manager Mob.: + 852 5186 6418 [email protected] Sharon CHAN Managing Director Mob.: + 852 5186 6419 [email protected] [email protected] Phytocéane is a distinctive marine brand thanks to the scientific innovations of a cutting-edge laboratory. Unique in the world, ingredients are developed with avant-garde cultivation process: Gems of the sea. A professional brand with treatment protocols that enhances the expertise of the beautician: the Oceathermie method. 94 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 LAROM Creation, fabrication, distribution de produits cosmétiques biologique professionels haut de gamme SOLAROMA A SO HALL 3E STAND D1B SARL Laboratoire d’Aromatologie Appliquée de pui 5 s 19 7 DOMAINE DE CASTILLOU Tel: +33 (0)4 68 74 20 65 - Fax: +33 (0)4 68 74 15 67 Contacts Pierre Louis Delapalme Gérant Prt: +33 (0)6 84 83 46 77 [email protected] Lorrie Hargis Directrice Prt: +33 (0)6 12 64 26 68 [email protected] SOLAROMA, a pioneer in Organic Essential Oils was founded over 38 years ago in the heart of Cathar country in the South of France. Today, SOLAROMA has unique know-how in growing, distilling, and combining the best Organic essential oils on the market. Composed of more than 60 essential oils and 70 products for face, body and well-being, the SOLAROMA range combines its products with original diagnosis and treatment methods to offer a total care approach, bringing energy and enhancing day-to-day well-being. SOLAROMA is intended for wellness practitioners searching for excellence in holistic treatment method. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 95 notes 96 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 hall 5G: raw materials, private label page Booth FRENCH COSMETIC WORKSHOP �����������������������������������������������������������������98 F2Dc FRENCH COSMETIC WORKSHOP CHINA �����������������������������������������������������99 F2Da strand cosmetics europe �������������������������������������������������������������������100 F2Db UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 97 HALL 5G STAND F2Dc Private label, OEM, Makeup, Skincare Fragrance FRENCH COSMETIC WORKSHOP FRENCH COSMETIC WORKSHOP 62 rue Ferdinand Buisson - 69003 Lyon - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 72 34 52 34 - Fax: +33 (0)4 72 34 53 83 FRENCH COSMETIC WORKSHOP CHINA 27G Chung Kiu Building - 76 Xianliezhong Road Guangzhou - China 510095 Tel: + 86 20 87 32 69 92 - Fax: + 86 20 87 32 66 92 Contacts Yannick Vermorel CEO Mob.: +33 (0)6 80 85 70 97 [email protected] Ophélie XIE Commerciale Export [email protected] Since 1991, we’re the leading group in France for tailormade cosmetics, including make-up, skin care, and perfume. The FCW provides you the best price as we’re not a trading. You work in direct with 7 french factories. You get the best quality as well by working with the suppliers of the international big brands. And finaly, we provide you the best service with dedicated staff to answer your request, and our office in Guangzhou. 98 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 HALL 5G STAND F2Da In vitro test, sensory analysis, clinical safety, consumer test FRENCH COSMETIC WORKSHOP CHINA Institut d’Expertise Clinique 88 boulevard des Belges - 69006 Lyon - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 72 69 89 60 - Fax: +33 (0)4 72 69 89 67 FRENCH COSMETIC WORKSHOP CHINA Contacts Yannick Vermorel CEO Mob.: +33 (0)6 80 85 70 97 [email protected] 27G Chung Kiu Building - 76 Xianliezhong Road Guangzhou - China 510095 Tel: + 86 20 87 32 69 92 - Fax: + 86 20 87 32 66 92 www. Ophélie XIE Commerciale Export [email protected] Setup in the 1990, IEC carries out safety and efficacy studies, in vitro tests, sensory analysis studies, and consumer tests for products of dermatological and ophtalmologic use in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and chemical areas. The safety of your products and proof of their effectiveness are the objectives we propose to undertake jointly with you, in order to assist you in promoting and highlighting your creative capacities. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 99 HALL 5G STAND F2Db Contract manufacturing, Private label, OEM, Makeup, Skincare strand cosmetics europe STRAND COSMETICS EUROPE 124 route du Charpenay - 69210 Lentilly - France Tel: +33 (0)4 74 01 92 92 - Fax: +33 (0)4 74 01 92 90 FRENCH COSMETIC WORKSHOP CHINA Contacts STRAND COSMETICS EUROPE Yannick Vermorel CEO Mob.: +33 (0)6 80 85 70 97 [email protected] FRENCH COSMETIC WORKSHOP CHINA Ophélie XIE [email protected] 27G Chung Kiu Building -76 Xianliezhong Road Guangzhou -China 510095 Tel: +86 20 87 32 69 92 - Fax: +86 20 87 32 66 92 www. From the formulation, the preparation of specifications, protocols, and regulatory documents, to industrial production, Strand Cosmetics Europe is your ideal partner in every development process for your cosmetics, Skincare and Makeup. Reliability, quality, flexibility, and innovation are the key words in our core marketing policy. Our teams of specialists are dedicated to satisfying your needs in the smallest details, and enjoy applying their know-how and in-depth familiarity with every aspects of the beauty business for your success. Our highly flexible and responsiveness of our structure will allow you to produce bulk, semi-finished, or products already packed. 100 UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 notes .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. UBIFRANCE: COSMOPROF HONG-KONG 2013 101 Cosmoprof Asia 2O13 Hong Kong The French participation is organized by UBIFRANCE The French agency for international business development Hall 1E - Stand F3G UBIFRANCE 77, boulevard Saint-Jacques 75014 - PARIS - France Tél: +33 (0)1 40 73 31 11 Fax : +33 (0)1 40 73 31 04 contact Marie-Christine THUMEREL Tel : +33 (0)1 40 73 31 11 Email: [email protected] UBIFRANCE in Hong Kong Email: [email protected] UBIFRANCE in Shanghai Email: [email protected] UBIFRANCE in Japan Email: [email protected] UBIFRANCE in Taïwan Email: [email protected] website