Metallography of Platinum and Platinum Alloys
Metallography of Platinum and Platinum Alloys
Metallography of Platinum and Platinum Alloys Introduction Optical metallography is an investigation technique typical of material science and aimed at describing the microstructure of a metal alloy both qualitatively and quantitatively. Here the term ‘microstructure’ refers to the internal structure of the alloy as a result of its composing atomic elements and their three-dimensional arrangement over distances ranging from one micron, that is one thousandth of a millimeter, to one millimeter. Many alloy properties depend on the microstructure (e.g., mechanical strength, hardness, corrosion resistance), not to mention aesthetical aspects such as color and surface finishing. The surface of an alloy containing some kinds of microstructural defects will never be particularly bright nor will it appear polished, even after the proper final polishing steps. Metallography is then a fundamental tool supporting research and failure analysis.1,2 This holds in all industrial fields where alloys are dealt with and particularly in the goldsmith’s world, where special procedures for specimen preparation are needed due to the peculiarity of the materials involved. A great deal of literature is available to whoever wants to study in detail the typical methods of optical metallography.3,4,5 Optical metallography is both craft and science. It is beyond doubt that an essential prerequisite for a correct analysis is to have specimens free of artificial features created by the preparation procedures. As a consequence, good experience is required to be able to recognize any alterations that may lead to an incorrect interpretation of results and, therefore, wrong conclusions. As regards gold and silver-based precious metals, a lot of useful information is available,6,7,8,9 whereas for platinum and its alloys the related scientific literature is not so broad. This work aims to give some basic information for a successful metallographic analysis of platinum alloys, especially micro-sections obtained from jewels or semi-finished goldsmith objects. Some examples of platinum alloy microstructures will be provided. In dealing with this topic, it is taken for granted that the reader is familiar with the concept of crystal structure of metal alloys.10 May 2010 27 Battaini Paolo Battaini 8853 SpA Pero (MI), Italy Battaini Materials and Methods It is well known that many kinds of platinum alloys are used in the goldsmith’s field11,12,13,14,15,16 and in the industry.9,17,18,19 Since different goldsmiths’ markets acknowledge different standards, some specific alloys are used in some countries only. However, the industrial platinum alloys turn out to be a valuable tool for the setting up of specimen preparation procedures and data interpretation of goldsmith alloys. In this work the procedures for metallographic analysis, which apply to most platinum alloys belonging to the goldsmith’s art, are described. As one of the most critical steps is the metallographic etching, which is intended to reveal the microstructure, the simplest and most general methods are suggested. In so doing, preference is given to those chemical agents that turn out to be the least dangerous from the point of view of safety. The alloys whose microstructures are discussed here are listed in Table 1. These do not represent all the alloys available on the market but can exemplify the obtainable results. Some of the alloys in Table 1 are not used in the jewelry field. The related Vickers micro hardness of the material, measured on the metallographic specimen with a load of 200gf, is given for each microstructure. The preparation of the metallographic specimens consists of the following steps: 1. Sectioning 2. Sample embedding in resin 3. Polishing of the metallographic section 4. Sample etching for microstructure detection The detailed description of these steps will not be given here, as they are well known and already discussed in other works.3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Particularly recommended is the reading of the paper by Dieter Ott7 because, despite being specific for gold-based alloys, it gives instructions regarding specimen preparation, which can be applied to platinum alloys as well. Here additional advice is provided and only the most important aspects relevant to platinum alloys are highlighted. If the metallographic analysis is aimed at comparing the microstructure of different alloys in their as-cast condition, the initial samples must have the same size and shape. In fact, it is widely recognized that the investment casting process can produce various microstructures with different grain size and shape just by changing the size and shape of the wax patterns. Therefore, when possible, the comparison was performed between specimens obtained under conditions that were as similar as possible, the casting process included. These specimens were obtained by arc melting and pressure-cast in argon atmosphere with the shape as in Figure 1. A ‘Yasui Platinum Investment’ was adopted with a flask final pre-heating temperature of 650°C (1202ºF). The captions of the micrographies specify whether the original specimen is of the type described above. 28 Metallography of Platinum and Platinum Alloys Battaini Figure 1 General aspect of specimens prepared by investment casting. The microstructures of different alloys obtained by investment casting can be compared provided that the specimens have the same size and shape. The dashed line shows the position of the metallographic sections examined here. Table 1 Chemical composition of some platinum alloys. Alloys 2-6 are among the most common in the goldsmith’s field. Some melting ranges are not yet known. The microhardness value refers to the microstructure in the corresponding figure. Micro-hardness Alloy No. Composition Melting range ºC (ºF) 1 100Pt 1769 (3216.2) 58 (Figure 45) HV100 2 95Pt5Cu 1725 - 1745 (3137 - 3173) 130 (Figure 6) 3 95Pt5Co 1750 - 1765 (3182 - 3209) 130 (Figure 8) 4 95Pt5Au 1705 - 1740 (3101 - 3164) 127 (Figure 12) 5 95Pt5Ir 1780 - 1790 (3236 - 3254) 95 (Figure 10) 6 95Pt4CuCo (non magnetic) - 169 (Figure 14) 7 95Pt5InGaZr - 350 (Figure 29) 8 95Pt3Au2Rh - 120 (Figure 28) 9 90Pt10Rh Solidus T. 1840 (3344) 95 (Figure 27) 10 70Pt29.8Ir 1870 -1910 (3398 - 3470) 330 (Figure 25) 11 70Pt30Rh Solidus T. 1910 (3470) 127 (Figure 26) 12 73Au27Pt 1210 - 1415 (2210 - 2579) 95 (Figure 49) 156 (Figure 50) May 2010 (HV200) 29 Battaini 1. Sectioning In general, the available samples have rather small sizes so they must be handled carefully. If the material is deformed during sampling, what is observed afterwards is not representative of its original condition and, as a consequence, the conclusions may be biased. At the same time, the sample must be representative of both the material and the problem to be studied. The orientation of the metallographic section is crucial as well. Different orientations can correspond to different microstructures. An example is offered by the longitudinal and transversal sections of a drawn wire. In this case it is necessary to analyze both sections in order to have more complete information about the material. 2. Sample Embedding in Resin The embedding must be made with cold-curing resin, and special precaution must be taken when embedding specific kinds of specimens. Furthermore, as shown at section 4 below, it will be necessary to establish an electrical contact with the specimen as its microstructure is revealed by electrolytic etching. To do this, two solutions are possible. The first involves using a platinum wire contacting the specimen surface (Figure 2). Figure 2 The electrode consisting of a platinum wire is put on the surface of the specimen dipped in the electrochemical solution in order to have electrical contact. The sample and the solution are dipped into a platinum crucible. In this way the platinum crucible acts as a counter-electrode. This is the typical set-up for a DC electrolytic etching. 30 Metallography of Platinum and Platinum Alloys Figure 3 The electrical contact can be obtained by soldering the sample to a copper wire. If the specimen is too small, it is better to solder the sample to a copper support first – see the photo above, left. Then the specimen is put into the rubber mold with the copper wire appropriately bent as in the photo above, right. May 2010 31 Battaini However, this is not the optimal solution because the specimen surface is damaged at the contact point. Furthermore, the electrolytic etching is not homogenous on the exposed surface as the electrical field changes significantly with the distance from the platinum wire. Finally, with small specimens, the platinum wire electrode and the specimen may have comparable sizes, making the whole process unfeasible. A better alternative is to solder the specimen to a copper holder and continue as shown in Figure 3. Battaini Regarding wires, it is possible to proceed as in Figure 4. In this way the electrolytic etching will be homogeneous over all the exposed section of the material. Figure 4 The wire to be examined (diameter 0.5mm) is wrapped around a U-shaped copper support to which the electrical cable is soldered (photo 1). The cross section to be obtained is indicated by the dashed line A – A. The frame is put into the rubber mold where the cold-curing resin is cast (photo 2). After grinding and polishing down to the plane A-A, the emerging copper support is covered with nail varnish (photo 3). When the varnish has dried the specimen is ready for electrolytic etching (photo 4), providing different transversal sections to be examined (see the arrows). 3. Polishing of the Metallographic Sections The preparation of metallographic sections of platinum alloys requires the same care as gold alloys. If the metallographic specimen shows porosity along the section, it will be difficult to obtain a perfectly polished surface due to residues, which can accumulate in pores and come out during subsequent steps. In this case, ultrasonic cleaning in alcohol between one polishing step and the following one is required. For a better finishing condition it is advisable to polish the specimen with finer and finer diamond pastes down to 1µm and then with a non-crystallizing colloidal silica polishing suspension. 32 Metallography of Platinum and Platinum Alloys 4. Sample Etching for Microstructure Detection Table 2 Electrolytic and chemical etchings of general use for platinum alloys. The list contains the etchant whose handling is the simplest. Only the Etchant No. 3 is chemical so the specimen is just dipped into the solution and no power supply is required. However, it is dangerous for both the operator and the environment as it contains hexavalent chromium. It must be handled with care. Etchant No. 1 100cm3 HCl (37% conc.) + 10g NaCl , Electrolytic 3-6 V AC 2 10cm3 HCl + 90 cm3 H2O + 1g FeCl3 Electrolytic 3-6 V AC 3 100cm3 HCl (37% conc.) + 3-6g CrO3 The electrolytic etching can be considered as a “forced corrosion” where the previously polished specimen surface corrodes inhomogeneously, revealing the different microstructural features that vary from area to area. The surface corrodes selectively as a consequence of different grain orientations, crystal defects such as dislocations and grain boundaries, cold-worked regions, and second phases. The electrolytic etching is usually carried out by means of a DC power supply where the specimen works as the anode. However, for platinum alloys and the NaCl/HCl saturated solution, the best results are obtained with an AC power supply. The degree of electrolytic etching depends on the applied voltage and the etching time. The counter-electrode can be graphite and the platinum crucible can be replaced by one made of quartz. One of the advantages of electrolytic etching is that the process can be stopped whenever necessary to check the results and taken up again to reach the optimal result gradually, a practice that is not always feasible with chemical reagents. Figure 5 shows the equipment needed for this phase. May 2010 33 Battaini The most convenient way to reveal the microstructure of platinum alloys is electrolytic etching.3,4,5,6,8,9 The most widely used electrolytic solution is a saturated solution of sodium chloride in 37% concentrated hydrochloric acid. Other solutions are possible as well (see Table 2). Battaini Figure 5 The photo shows the AC power supply connected to the metallographic specimen and to the graphite counter-electrode by its electrodes. The power supply must allow the regulation of voltage in alternate current. Better results are obtained if the scale can be varied from 0.1 to 10 volts and the power supply can provide a current of 10 ampere at least. The specimen dipped in the solution must be kept under a fume hood. In order to carry out metallographic analyses properly, a laboratory must necessarily be equipped with a grinding and polishing machine that allows the use of grinding papers and polishing cloths, an AC power supply, and a metallographic optical microscope complete with a digital image acquisition system. A precision saw with diamond wafering blade can be very useful to prepare small specimens. Of course, there exist many possibilities of equipping a suitable laboratory, even coming to automatic systems for specimen preparation and sophisticated optical microscopes. The costs can then vary. However, the minimum cost is about $20,000 US. Microstructures of Different Alloys In this section of the paper the microstructures of some platinum alloys in different metallurgical conditions are presented. As already stated, this is just an exemplifying and not complete set of the alloys that are currently on the market. If not otherwise specified, the microstructure was revealed by the electrolytic etching (No.1 in Table 2). 1. As-cast Microstructures - Metallography of Crystallization Some examples of as-cast microstructures are shown in Figures 6-29. It can be seen that the size and shape of the crystal grains vary from alloy to alloy. However, a noticeable dendritic grain structure is quite common. The largest grain size was found in Pt-Cu (Figures 6 and 7) and Pt-Au (Figures 12 and 13) alloys. The core of the dendritic grains showed a higher concentration of the element whose melting temperature is the highest. In both alloys the electrolytic etching tended to operate a preferential dissolution of the interdendritic copper- or gold-rich 34 Metallography of Platinum and Platinum Alloys The melting range of the alloy and the flask pre-heating temperature affect the size and shape of crystal grains significantly. In order to decrease the dendritic size and obtain a more homogeneous microstructure, the temperature of the material containing the solidifying alloy is lowered as much as possible; however, the effectiveness of such an operation is limited by the width of the melting range and by the chemical composition of the alloy. An example of this is given in Figures 18 and 19, which refer to Pt-Au and Pt-Ir alloys poured into a flask with a final pre-heating temperature of 890°C (1634ºF). The two microstructures are to be compared with those in Figures 12 and 10 respectively, whose final pre-heating temperature was 650°C (1202ºF). While the Pt-Ir alloy grains are significantly smaller when using a pre-heating temperature of 650°C, in the Pt-Au alloy the difference is not nearly as clear. Furthermore, increasing the flask pre-heating temperature for the Pt-Au alloy can give rise to a higher surface roughness (Figures 20 and 21). However, if the Pt-Au alloy is poured into a copper mold, where heat removal from the solidifying metal is much faster, the crystal grain size decreases considerably and an equi-axic grain structure is established (compare Figures 22 and 13). The effect of homogenizing thermal treatments results in a microstructural change. The comparison between Figures 23 and 24 highlights a reduction in microsegregation in the Pt-Cu alloy as a consequence of a homogenization treatment performed at 1000°C (1832ºF) for 21 hours. Figures 25 to 29 show how the alloy microstructure changes as a function of the alloy chemical composition and the casting methods. May 2010 35 Battaini regions, respectively. This behavior, known as ‘microsegregation,’ has been widely described.10,20,21 In the Pt-Ir alloy (Figures 10 and 11), since the iridium melting temperature is equal to 2454°C (4449°F), i.e., higher than that of platinum, which is 1769°C (3216°F), the dendritic crystals are enriched in iridium in the first cooling stage. The Pt-Cu-Co alloy (Figures 14 and 15) is characterized by a smaller grain than Alloys 2, 3, 4 and 5 and it is biphasic. Here, ‘phase’ stands for a portion of the alloy whose properties and composition are homogeneous and that is physically distinct from other parts of the alloy. It is important to point out that the higher or lower visibility of microsegregation within the dendrites is not directly related to the chemical inhomogeneity but to the effectiveness of the electrolytical etching in revealing it. For example, the microsegregation in the Pt-Co alloy No. 3 in Table 1 is hardly visible in Figures 8 and 9, despite being easily measurable by other techniques.21 On the other hand, when observing the same specimen by Differential Interference Contrast Illumination (DIC), the effect of microsegregation appeared clearly (compare Figures 8-9 with Figure 17). It is worthwhile remembering that metallographic preparation reveals only a few microstructural features. By changing the preparation or the observation technique, some microstructural details may appear or become more clearly defined, whereas others may not be visible. Battaini Figure 6 Etchant No. 1. Sample shape in Figure 1, 95Pt5Cu. Dendritic grains with copper microsegregation, flask temperature 650°C (1202 °F). 130 ± 4HV200 Figure 7 Detail of Figure 6 showing the copper microsegregation alongthe dendritic arms Figure 8 Etchant No. 1. Sample shape in Figure 1, 95Pt5Co. Flask temperature 650°C (1202°F). 130 ± 6HV200 Figure 9 Detail of Figure 8. The cobalt microsegregation is not clearly visible in this image but is present (see Figure 17). Figure 10 Etchant No. 1. Sample shape in Figure 1, 95Pt5Ir. Flask temperature 650°C (1202°F). 95 ± 2HV200 Figure 11 Detail of Figure 10 showing the iridium microsegregation along the dendritic arms 36 Metallography of Platinum and Platinum Alloys Battaini Figure 12 Etchant No. 1. Sample shape in Figure 1, 95Pt5Au. Flask temperature 650°C (1202°F). 127 ± 9HV200 Figure 13 Detail of Figure 12 showing the gold microsegregation along the dendritic arms Figure 14 Etchant No. 1. Sample shape in Figure 1, 95Pt4CuCo. Flask temperature 650°C (1202°F). 169 ± 10HV200 Figure 15 Detail of Figure 14 showing a secondary phase along the dendritic arms (see a detail in Figure 16) Figure 16 Detail of Figure 15 showing a secondary phase along the dendritic arms Figure 17 Etchant No. 1. Sample shape in Figure 1, 95Pt5Co. Detail of the sample seen in Figure 8, obtained by Differential Interference Contrast Illumination (DIC), better showing the cobalt micro-segregaion along the dendritic arms. May 2010 37 Battaini Figure 18 Etchant No. 1. Sample shape in Figure 1, 95Pt5Au. Flask temperature 890°C (1634 °F). 150 ± 9HV200 Figure 19 Etchant No. 1. Sample shape in Figure 1, 95Pt5Ir. Flask temperature 890°C (1634°F). 105 ± 2HV200 Figure 20 95Pt5Au. Detail of Figure 18. Flask temperature 890°C (1634°F). The sample surface is rough because of the high flask temperature. Figure 21 95Pt5Au. Detail of Figure 12. Flask temperature 650°C (1202°F). The sample surface is smooth. Compare with Figure 20. Figure 22 Etchant No. 1, 95Pt5Au. Alloy poured into a copper mold at 25°C (77°F). Compare with Figure 13. The crystal grains are smaller and equi-axed though their dendritic nature and the microsegregation are still visible. 100 ± 3HV200 38 Figure 23 Etchant No. 1, 95Pt5Cu. Dendritic grains with copper micro-segregation. Compare with Figure 24. 130 ± 4HV200 Metallography of Platinum and Platinum Alloys Battaini Figure 24 Etchant No. 1, 95Pt5Cu. Microstructure after thermal treatment at 1000°C (1832°F) for 21 hours. The micro-segregation of copper is reduced. Compare with Figure 23. 120 ± 4HV200 Figure 25 Etchant No. 1, 70Pt29.8Ir. From an ingot transversal section. A high iridium content contributes to grain refinement. 330 ± 4HV200 Figure 26 Etchant No. 1, 70Pt30Rh. From the transversal section of an ingot. A high rhodium content enhances the grain refinement. 127 ± 9HV200 Figure 27 Etchant No. 1, 90Pt10Rh. From the transversal section of an ingot. Sample with gas porosity. 95 ± 5HV200 Figure 28 Etchant No. 1, 95Pt3Au2Rh. From the transversal section of an ingot. 120 ± 10HV200 Figure 29 Etchant No. 1, 95Pt5InGaZr. Flask temperature 650°C (1202°F). Large dendritic grains with second phases along the dendritic arms. 350 ± 8HV200 May 2010 39 Battaini 2. Work-Hardened and Annealed Microstructures - Metallography of Deformation and Recrystallization Various microstructures obtained after work hardening and recrystallization thermal treatments are discussed here (see Figures 33-52). In some cases the corresponding alloy underwent several work hardening and annealing cycles. Optical metallography allows the drawing of recrystallization diagrams like the one in Figure 30, therefore being a valuable aid in setting up the working cycles. Microstructure changes significantly with respect to the as-cast condition. Particularly, dendrites are no longer visible. See, for example, Figures 34 and 7, which refer to the same Pt-Au alloy in the two conditions. The recrystallization structure resulting from the thermal treatments carried out after work hardening is well revealed in most Pt alloys by means of the electrolytic etching No.1. This observation is fundamental in setting up the working cycles in order to control the grain size. Figure 30 Recrystallization diagram of a platinum-rhodium alloy annealed at tan (°C) for a given time after a deformation of e% (adapted from Reference 9). By increasing the annealing temperature, the grain size increases. After annealing, the grain size also increases if the deformation is reduced. Even though the wire is very thin, as in Figures 44-47, the analyses can be easily performed by using the precautions described in Figure 4. Alloy 12 is 40 Metallography of Platinum and Platinum Alloys It is worthwhile pointing out that some binary Pt alloys have a miscibility gap at low temperatures, as shown by their phase diagrams.17,18,22 Examples of this are given in Figures 31 and 32. Similar behavior is observed for Pt-Co, Pt-Cu, and Pt-Rh alloys. Figure 31 Pt-Ir phase diagram showing a miscibility gap at low temperatures.18 Figure 32 Pt-Au phase diagram showing a miscibility gap at low temperature.22 As a consequence, a biphasic structure is expected of each of them. However, this may not occur for different reasons. The phase diagrams refer to equilibrium conditions, which hardly ever correspond to the as-cast conditions. One of the two phases is sometimes present but in low volumetric fraction due to the chemical composition of the alloy, in which one of the two elements has a low concentration. Furthermore, the thermal treatments may have homogenized the alloy. Finally, the metallographic preparation may not be able to reveal such biphasic structures. Therefore, it is necessary to use other analytical techniques to detect the kind and the concentration of the alloy phases. The biphasic structure can be revealed only in specific cases. Figures 48 and 50 are an example of this. May 2010 41 Battaini actually a gold alloy as the platinum concentration is only 27%. Its microstructure is typically biphasic, as revealed by the electrochemical etchant No. 2. In this case the electrolytic etching with etchant No. 1 is not appropriate since it is too strong for such an alloy whose Pt content is low. A homogenizing thermal treatment makes Alloy 12 monophasic (Figure 49). This treatment gave rise to cavities, which probably grew by atomic diffusion, nucleating on small bi-dimensional defects. Such cavities are likely to correspond to pre-existent gas porosity pressed by cold rolling and not visible in Figure 48, even if they are present. A further thermal treatment returned the alloy microstructure into biphasic (Figure 50), very different from the original one, though. Battaini The metallographic etchant No. 3 can be used only with some of the Pt alloys considered here and is not effective with pure Pt. Like all the chemical etchings, it requires skill when using it. In addition to this, the quality of the revealed microstructure is slightly lower than that attained with electrochemical etchant No. 1 (compare Figures 51 with 52). Moreover, given its toxicity, it is advisable to replace it with electrochemical etching. Figure 33 Etchant No. 1, 9Pt5Cu. From the transversal section of a work-annealed ingot, then reduced 40% in thickness. 211 ± 10 HV200 Figure 34 Detail of Figure 33 showing the crystal grains deformed along the rolling direction. Figure 35 Etchant No. 1, 95Pt5Au. Transversal section of a drawn cold worked wire. 190 ± 4 HV200 Figure 36 Etchant No. 1. Detail of Figure 35 showing the deformation of the crystal grains. 42 Metallography of Platinum and Platinum Alloys Battaini Figure 37 Etchant No. 1, 95Pt5Au. Longitudinal section of the wire seen in Figure 35. 190 ± 4 HV200 Figure 38 Detail of Figure 37 showing the crystal grains deformed along the rolling direction. Figure 39 Etchant No. 1, 95Pt5Au. Transversal section of the wire seen in Figure 35, after oxygen-propane flame annealing. 104 ± 6 HV200 Figure 40 Detail of Figure 39 showing the recrystallized grain Figure 41 Etchant No. 1 70Pt30Rh. Transversal section of a work hardened wire after various stages of oxygenpropane flame annealing and drawing. 255 ± 6 HV200 Figure 42 Detail of Figure 41 showing the deformed crystal grain. May 2010 43 Battaini Figure 43 Etchant No. 1. Longitudinal section of the wire seen in Figure 42. The crystal grains are deformed along the rolling direction. Compare with Figure 42. Figure 44 Etchant No. 1, pure Pt wire. Transversal section of the wire after various stages of drawing and annealing. 65 ± 3 HV100 Figure 45 Etchant No. 1, pure Pt wire. Transversal section of the wire after various stages of drawing and annealing. The recrystallization is more advanced than in the sample of Figure 44. 58 ± 2 HV100 Figure 46 Etchant No. 1, 90Pt10Rh wire. Transversal section of the wire after various stages of drawing and annealing. 92 ± 4 HV100 Figure 47 Etchant No. 1, 70Pt30Rh wire. Transversal section of the wire after various stages of drawing and annealing. 146 ± 2 HV100 Figure 48 As polished sample, 73Au27Pt. Work-hardened alloy seen on the rolling plane (reduction 78%). Biphasic alloy with a phase richer in gold. 172 ± 6 HV200 44 Metallography of Platinum and Platinum Alloys Battaini Figure 49 Etchant No. 2, 73Au27Pt. Alloy of Figure 48 after annealing at 1070°C (1958°F) for 75 minutes. Recrystallization and appearance of round cavities. 95 ± 5 HV200 Figure 50 Etchant No. 2, 73Au27Pt. Alloy of Figure 49 after thermal treatment at 550°C (1022°F) for 18 hours. Growth of a new phase along the grain boundaries. 156 ± 50 HV200 (large S.D.) Figure 51 Etchant No. 3, 95Pt5Cu. Same sample as Figure 52. Transversal section of a work-hardened ring after various stages of annealing and rolling. 131 ± 13 HV200 Figure 52 Etchant No. 1, 95Pt5Cu. Same sample as Figure 51. The electrolytic etching No. 1 is more efficient in revealing grain boundaries. 131 ± 13 HV200 3. Further Investigation Optical metallography is only the first indispensable step towards the study of the microstructure of an alloy. The present work is not meant to enter the details of the wide variety of analytical techniques that allow a far more complete knowledge of the microstructure.1 It is only worth remembering that one of the most widely used techniques, among many, is the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). By means of SEM, important aspects otherwise left unsolved can be clarified. For example, it is possible to observe the grain boundary phase of the alloy in Figure 50 at a higher magnification (Figure 53). In addition to this, X-ray energy dispersive microanalysis allows to find out the relative concentration of the contained chemical elements. Further studies can be performed by X-ray diffraction, which reveals the different crystal phases present in the alloy. Regarding Pt alloys, only very small specimens are usually available so it might be necessary to turn to more recent techniques to study them. One of these is May 2010 45 Battaini the FIB (Focused Ion Beam), which can produce micro-sections of a specimen (Figure 54). The micro-sections are then analyzed by other techniques. It is also possible to obtain thin films from the material (Figure 55) to be analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In this case the details of microstructure can be detected due to the high spatial resolution and the crystal structure of phases, and its second phases can be studied by electron diffraction. Figure 53 Etchant No. 2, 73Au27Pt. Alloy of Figure 50. Detail of the phase formed along the grain boundaries. 156 ± 50 HV200 Figure 54 95Pt5Cu. FIB section of the sample seen in Figure 33. The section allows the study of the internal microstructure without etching and alterations due to the sample preparation. Another interesting technique is the nano-indentation, which uses very small indenters (Figure 56) to perform hardness measurements along sections previously obtained by FIB, even very close to the material surface. In this case, the spatial resolution is far better than that obtained with the ordinary micro-indenters. Also, a proper elaboration of these data leads to the measurement of fundamental mechanical properties of the alloy such as the elastic modulus (Young modulus). 46 Metallography of Platinum and Platinum Alloys Battaini Figure 55 95Pt5Cu. A thin plate of the alloy (arrow) is obtained by FIB and removed from the sample to be analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Figure 56 95Pt 5Cu. Micro-indentation - a method to study the material hardness with a high spatial resolution and to measure the Young modulus of the alloy. Conclusions The metallographic analysis of platinum alloys can be profitably carried out by using a specimen preparation methodology based on the techniques used for gold-based alloys. However, electrochemical etching is required in order to reveal the alloy microstructure, and this implies the adoption of some precautions in the preparation and embedding of the specimen. The saturated solution of NaCl in HCl can be successfully applied to a great many platinum alloys that are of interest to the goldsmith’s field. In this case the electrolytic etching is performed with alternating current and at voltages between 4 and 6V. Optical metallography is the first indispensable step to take in the study of the alloy microstructure, but it does not complete the task. Other techniques must be applied in order to achieve a more complete knowledge of the material, the effects of the working cycles on it, and to interpret and solve the possible problems. Aknowledgements I thank Eddie Bell and the Santa Fe Symposium® for inviting me to present this paper and my wife Angela for the translation of the paper from Italian into English. I am also grateful to my friend Attilio Bartolucci for manufacturing the AC power supply used for the metallographic etchings and Professor Edoardo Bemporad (University of Roma 3) for the FIB and nano-indentationrelated pictures. References 1. Stewart Grice, “Know Your Defects: The Benefits of Understanding Jewelry Manufacturing Problems,” The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing Technology 2007, ed. Eddie Bell (Albuquerque: Met-Chem Research, 2007). May 2010 47 Battaini 2. Paolo Battaini, “Metallography in Jewelry Fabrication: How to Avoid Problems and Improve Quality,” The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing Technology 2007, ed. Eddie Bell (Albuquerque: Met-Chem Research, 2007). 3. George F. Vander Voort, Metallography Principles and Practice, 1st ed., 3rd printing (October 2004). 4. 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