Pay Per View Traffic Secrets
Pay Per View Traffic Secrets
Pay Per View Traffic Secrets Social Media Ebook 8 Presented by: Cynthia Cavoto Social Media Strategist PPV Marketing What is PPV Marketing? Pay Per View (PPV) marketing, also known as Cost Per View (CPV), is a form of online advertising where advertisers pay every time their landing page is viewed. PPV marketing typically involves dedicated networks (more on that later) who show the ads to people who have downloaded and installed a special piece of software known as adware. Adware, per se, is not spyware or a sort of worm/virus that invade on people's privacy, although there are people/organizations who create spyware and make them appear and seem to behave like adware. Simply put, an adware is basically an ad-‐supported software—it could be a game, an instant messaging software, a downloader, a media player, or a browser toolbar. It could be anything. Some examples of well known adware programs (or programs distributed with adware) are the AOL instant Messenger, the toolbar, Daemon Tools, DivX, Kazaa, and Yahoo Messenger. Notice the ad at the lower left corner of the screenshot of Kazaa above. That ad, when clicked on, will invoke a Web browser window which will automatically go to and display the advertiser's website. This is just one example of how an adware works. Another popular behavior of adware that is typical of search toolbars is that when a user performs a search, an additional window (pop-‐up) appears and displays the advertisers landing page. Yet another very popular behavior of adware is that it installs a plugin on the user's Web browser which executes a pop-‐up window each time the user tries to go to a website. To illustrate... Let's say you're the user and you've got the adware installed on your computer. You fire up your browser and type in The moment you press enter or click on the “Go” button, in addition to the main browser window displaying Google's homepage, a pop-‐up window appears showing the landing page of an advertiser. What's good about PPV from the marketers' standpoint is that it is not subject to Google's strict advertising rules. As such, landing pages/sites involved in PPV campaigns are not subject to Google's ranking factors and the dreaded “Google slap”. Just in case you didn't know, “Google Slap” is a term used by AdWords advertisers to refer to the punitive action taken by Google against advertisers who submit poor quality landing pages. Additionally, keyword and keyword phrase bid prices in PPV campaigns are cheaper than in AdWords campaigns. What's not so nice about PPV ads is that, since they are displayed via pop-‐up windows, they can get quite annoying. How can marketers promote with PPV campaigns? PPV marketing works very much the same way as CPC marketing. Just like in doing CPC campaigns, marketers need to sign up with an adware network to be able to do PPV campaigns. And, just like in CPC campaigns, marketers go to these dedicated networks and bid on keywords. What's different is that, adware networks allow marketers to bid on URLs, too, so that when someone visits the website that a marketer has bid on, that marketer's ad will pop up on the user's screen. To illustrate, here's how it works... Let's say you are running a dating site and you have an offer. You go to the adware network and bid on keywords that have something to do with. In addition, you also bid on the URLs of popular dating/romance sites, let's say,,, and Going back to our previous example, when someone (who has the adware installed) tries to go to any of those sites (,,, and, a pop-‐up window will automatically appear on that user's monitor and display your landing page. Same thing happens if the user does a search on any of the keywords you've bid on. That's basically what PPV marketing is. How much money to get started? The cost per view ranges from as little as a cent ($0.01) to as high as $0.14, which is really cheap. However, some of the adware networks requires you to pay a deposit upon signing up with them., for instance, requires you to pay a $1,000 deposit to get started. Not all networks require such a high deposit, though. Most networks ask for a $200 deposit and there are some that ask for even lower than that. Clicksor, for example, asks for only $20. Benefits of PPV Marketing over Others The biggest benefit of PPV marketing is that it lets marketers get impressions at a cheaper rate, usually a cent per view. There also exist some networks that charge under a cent per view, but the major players typically charge one cent on up. What's more, most networks allow marketers to increase their bids in increments of a 10th of a penny. As the name suggests, PPV ads are charged on a per view basis. So, as an advertiser, you are only charged your bid price when your ad pops up on someone's computer. There are no quality score to deal with with PPV Marketing. This is a breath of fresh air for marketers who use traditional PPC medium such as Adwords. The only things you need to be careful about in PPV marketing are the networks' rules and terms of service. Most networks don't allow those self-‐starting videos where a little person walks across the screen and starts talking to you, or those that launch a pre-‐recorded video. Exit popups like when a person is about to close the screen and a little operator would popup offering a last chance (BUT WAIT!) one time offer—that's also NOT allowed in most networks. Additionally, most networks don't allow ads/landing pages to contain any adult-‐oriented materials and/or drug-‐ related offers. Other than that, you can pretty much do anything with your landing page without having to worry about quality score issues and/or your account getting banned or suspended. They're not going to look at your ad copy for relevancy. You can serve anything to anybody. Another great thing about PPV is that you can direct link to an offer. There is no need for you to have your own landing page. But, you have to pay close attention to the page you are linking to, particularly the page's dimensions/size. Most networks impose a size constraint to pop-‐up windows, so make sure that your offer page's dimensions are within the network's allowed figures. If your offer page size is larger than what is allowed, you could create a temporary bridge landing page that will resize the browser before proceeding to the link. This works with Traffic Vance, though other networks don't allow you to do this. So, again, read and understand your network's rules and terms of service. PPV Networks LOVE affiliate marketers. They don't treat you poorly as Google Adwords. If you've used Adwords then you've most probably heard of stories of affiliate marketers who have lost their businesses overnight just because Google has changed its rules or algorithm. PPV is a heaven sent to PPC marketers who want something new. By not having to worry about Google's rules and Google's mood swings, PPV Marketers can focus more on their campaigns and marketing. And, most of the time, they don't have to deal with the middleman (networks). If you're doing PPC or SEO, you need to seriously consider incorporating PPV in your marketing arsenal to diversity and protect your bottom line. PPV networks are friendly and are very much willing to work with you. Most networks have live people support whom marketers can personally talk to in case of trouble. Most importantly, PPV networks can give you the amount of traffic that you need and allows for a quick (and possibly multiple) ROI. This makes PPV a VERY good marketing strategy. The PPV Networks Traffic Vance Traffic Vance gets its traffic from Gamevance software ( It's a website for people who are interested in games. GameVance's software lets users play games and compete in online tournaments in which they can win real money. In exchange for that, the user must agree to installing a small piece of adware that's going to display no more than 4 ads a day. That's the tradeoff for playing free games on GameVance. Users agree to get served 4 ads each day. Though, the ads only appear when the user is browing the Internet, not while he/she is playing their games. As mentioned earlier, pop-‐ups can get quite annoying so, as a marketer, you need to place something really eye-‐catching on your landing page which will grab people's attention. The best way to do this is to stay relevant to the keywords and URLs that you have bid for. Anyway, Traffic Vance gets a lot of traffic, mostly US based traffic and only from Gamevance. They will eventually move into more international markets. Traffic Vance is an exclusive network and may pose a hurdle to get in. They require a $1,000 minimum deposit and a referral from their network that's doing decent buying over a span of time. So that can be a challenge for some. They are the most expensive. Others do not ask for as high a price. So don't let the amount put you off. Media Traffic Media Traffic comes in second after Traffic Vance. They get their traffic from screensavers like those from Vomba. They have a bit of an international audience. Media Traffic requires that you pay a $200 minimum deposit before you can start acvertising with them. Its not as hard to get into Media Traffic as compared to Traffic Vance and they don't have any referral requirements. They are a really good place to run offers and perhaps a very good place to start from. Adon Network Adon Network is an older network that gets its traffic from the Mygeek shopping toolbar. They require a $50 minimum deposit. They also buy traffic from live messengers and other places online. Its very easy to get accepted in Adon. it's definitely something you need to try out when testing your offers. What is the potential of PPV? PPV is not really new but a lot of people are hearing it for the first time and might be wondering what's possible with it. The basic and perhaps first thing most people would use PPV for is sending traffic to CPA offers or other affiliate offers. Its a great, easy way to make a lot of money. But there are a lot more you can do with it. One of them is building a massive email list. Sending traffic to offers is great, you make money doing that. But that's just for that one time. Once a person buys from you, that's it. On the other hand, if you build a list, you're building a business and intend to make money over and over again. You can get thousands and thousands of opt-‐ins to your email list for as low as one cent per optin. PPV, without a doubt, can give you a ton of traffic so, while the earning potential is great, you might want to put a cap on your budget early on. Set it low so you don't blow your deposit all in an instant. PPV can surely get thousands of visitors to your offers in such very short time, but it can also break your bank. PPV is presently an untapped territory. Most are still busy tinkering with their Adwords campaigns. The affiliate marketing community are still focused on many other methods such as ppc, seo, free traffic. There is no better time to take advantage of low competition traffic source than now. Its kind of like in the early days of PPC when you can pretty much put up anything and still convert. There's not a lot of rules and you can get away with many things like putting almost anything up there. Any type of ad, any content, you don't need a full site built out, no need for an “about” page, “contact us” page, none of that. Now is the right time to get into PPV and make money before the masses figure it out and jump on the bandwagon. The ROI potential is really HUGE because you can set up your spending as low as one cent per view. You can shoot for 100% ROI in a very short amount of time. So much so that some even shoot for 1000%. This is all possible because the traffic is so cheap. You can spend a couple of cents and convert a $30 offer. Its not always going to be like that but the potential is there. PPV Automatic Niche Research You can do so many more things with PPV. You can build massive lists with it. You can incentivise offers with it. You can direct link, send traffic to any page, and you can do micro comparison type sites with it. You can even do “Automatic Niche Research” with it. The idea is, you get a ton of spam email in your inbox every single day. The reason why you get these emails is because its a numbers game for spammers. They blast out a million emails on certain niches and it converts. They're going to keep hitting those niches that are converting for them or they'll start a new one in another niche. You start to notice a theme when you collect these emails on what they're constantly pushing over various niches, various websites. Put together a spreadsheet. Get the URL that the Spam emails are promoting. Put these URLs in a spreadsheet according to their own category. (Jewelry, Dating, Mortgage) These sites are already getting traffic because these guys are sending traffic to them. Find matching offers to these sites or categories. There are always matching offers on the CPA networks. Get your affiliate links. Direct link to them or create a landing page. You can also take the URLs and bid on them on the PPV networks. Again, traffic already flows to these sites so it makes sense to bid on them. If you find other marketers bidding on the same keywords, you can outbid them or provide a better matching offer. Rotate different offers to find the good converting ones. Pick An Offer And Get An Affiliate Link The first thing you need to do is pick your niche and then your offer. You can do that at EWA Network and QuikMedia. The two above are a good place to start. You can use other CPA networks. You'll need your links for the PPV networks. Tip: Email your affiliate manager and ask them what is converting with PPV traffic and links for those offers. If they don't know or if you want to start testing, choose at least 3 offers in the same niche. What's the difference between PPC and PPV? With Pay Per Click traffic you're actually paying every time someone clicks on your ad. With Pay Per View traffic you pay when someone views your ad. Its more like interruption marketing in that regard. Your ad gets displayed in front of the Internet user without them actively searching for that information or product. Another difference is with the amount of competition you have. The competition you have in PPV is nowhere near the amount of competition in PPC. There's also a world of difference in the cost of running campaigns. You know how PPC can cost ridiculous amount to run. It can suck your budget dry even before actually testing your marketing efforts. On the other hand, you pay a fraction of a fraction of the amount you pay Adwords with PPV. How is PPV different from the content network on Google? With the content network, your ad is on the web page. You have to actually get someone to click on those ads. With Pay Per View, you are showing your ad over the website. Your ad is going to be seen by interrupting the viewer from his or her regular surfing activity. You dont have to worry about your ad getting buried on the webpage. Your ad will be shown to the viewers while they're surfing. They can't miss it. Again, there's also a difference with the competition and cost. More marketers use content network by Google than PPV and it also cost a lot more than running PPV campaigns. Are the old concerns about PPV still valid? Few years back, adwares were being installed in people's machine without their consent. But all that is in the past. The market have matured and PPV is now a legitimate traffic source. For one thing, it is now easy for the Internet user to uninstall adwares just as easy it is to uninstall GameVance software. Uninstallation is the same as any other softwares installed in the computer. User can go to Add/Remove Software and uninstall the adware. Today, people are really agreeing to be served ads. Can you geotarget your ads? For example, Canadian offers to Canadian web users? Yes you can geotarget offers. Networks with the exception of Traffic Vance have international traffic so you can definitely geotarget offers. PPV Networks even allow you to choose the countries where you want your ad to appear. What is the opportunity for International market? Opportunities are greater when doing PPC outside the US market. This is an untapped territory and, therefore, there are very few competition. Do some offers work better than others? Are there offers that are just not going to convert with PPV? Different niches and different offers will have different results in different traffic source. An offer that converts well on Traffic Vance might not convert well on other PPV networks. For example, Netflix, dating, auto insurance, and other lead based offers convert well in PPV. Cost per sale programs might work a little bit differently with this kind of traffic. Aren't Most People Today Using Popup Blockers? The way the ads are served is that popup blockers don't stop these ads. Consider too that web users agreed to be served ads when they download the software on their machines. Ads definitely get around the popup blockers. Its not a concern for PPV marketers. What do you need to learn to master PPV marketing? Some of the things you need to learn include Niche & Offer Selection Targets & Demographics Landing Pages Tracking & Testing Building an email list Dynamic landing pages Incentivising Case Studies
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